vpc implementation in openstack heat

OpenStack Heat Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Resources

Upload: saju-madhavan

Post on 17-Jul-2015




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Page 1: VPC Implementation In OpenStack Heat

OpenStack Heat

Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Resources

Page 2: VPC Implementation In OpenStack Heat

1) List of VPC APIs implemented in Heat

a) CreateVPC == Create Virtual Network

b) CreateSubnet == Create Subnet in Virtual Network(VPC)

c) CreateInternetGateway == Get external network defined in the Project

d) AttachInternetGateway == Connect external network to routers in the Virtual Network(VPC)

e) CreateRouteTable == Create a router and attach to Virtual Network(VPC)

f) AssociateRouteTable == Attach subnet to router

g) CreateEIP == Attach floating ip to instance

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2) Resourceheat/heat/engine/resource.py

class Resource(object):

@scheduler.wrappertask def create(self): ''' Create the resource. Subclasses should provide a handle_create() method to customise creation. '''

@scheduler.wrappertask def update(self, after, before=None, prev_resource=None): ''' update the resource. Subclasses should provide a handle_update() method to customise update, the base-class handle_update will fail by default. ''' def resource_id_set(self, inst): self.resource_id = inst

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Continue ... def action_handler_task(self, action, args=[], action_prefix=None): ''' A task to call the Resource subclass's handler methods for an action. Calls the handle_<ACTION>() method for the given action and then calls the check_<ACTION>_complete() method with the result in a loop until it returns True. If the methods are not provided, the call is omitted.

Any args provided are passed to the handler. If a prefix is supplied, the handler method handle_<PREFIX>_<ACTION>() is called instead. '''

def physical_resource_name(self): name = '%s-%s-%s' % (self.stack.name, self.name, short_id.get_id(self.id)) return name

def neutron(self): return self.client('neutron')

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3) VPC Resourceheat/heat/engine/resources/vpc.py

class VPC(resource.Resource):

PROPERTIES = ( CIDR_BLOCK, INSTANCE_TENANCY, TAGS, ) = ( 'CidrBlock', 'InstanceTenancy', 'Tags', )

properties_schema = { .... }

def handle_create(self): client = self.neutron() # The VPC's net and router are associated by having identical names. net_props = {'name': self.physical_resource_name()} router_props = {'name': self.physical_resource_name()} net = client.create_network({'network': net_props})['network'] self.resource_id_set(net['id']) client.create_router({'router': router_props})['router']

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def check_create_complete(self, *args): .... def handle_delete(self): .... def resource_mapping(): return { 'AWS::EC2::VPC': VPC, }

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4) Subnet Resource heat/heat/engine/resources/subnet.py

class Subnet(resource.Resource):

PROPERTIES = ( AVAILABILITY_ZONE, CIDR_BLOCK, VPC_ID, TAGS, ) = ( 'AvailabilityZone', 'CidrBlock', 'VpcId', 'Tags', )

properties_schema = { .... } def handle_delete(self): .... def resource_mapping(): return { 'AWS::EC2::Subnet': Subnet, }

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def handle_create(self): client = self.neutron() # TODO(sbaker) Verify that this CidrBlock is within the vpc CidrBlock network_id = self.properties.get(self.VPC_ID) props = { 'network_id': network_id, 'cidr': self.properties.get(self.CIDR_BLOCK), 'name': self.physical_resource_name(), 'ip_version': 4 } subnet = client.create_subnet({'subnet': props})['subnet'] self.resource_id_set(subnet['id']) router = vpc.VPC.router_for_vpc(self.neutron(), network_id) if router: client.add_interface_router( router['id'], {'subnet_id': subnet['id']})

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5) RouteTable Resource heat/heat/engine/resources/route_table.py

class RouteTable(resource.Resource):

PROPERTIES = ( VPC_ID, TAGS, ) = ( 'VpcId', 'Tags', )

properties_schema = { .... }

def handle_create(self): client = self.client() props = {'name': self.physical_resource_name()} router = client.create_router({'router': props})['router'] self.resource_id_set(router['id'])

def resource_mapping(): return { 'AWS::EC2::RouteTable': RouteTable }

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6) SubnetRouteTableAssociation Resource heat/heat/engine/resources/route_table.py

class SubnetRouteTableAssociation(resource.Resource):

PROPERTIES = (ROUTE_TABLE_ID, SUBNET_ID,) = ( 'RouteTableId', 'SubnetId',)

properties_schema = { .... }

def handle_create(self): client = self.client() subnet_id = self.properties.get(self.SUBNET_ID) router_id = self.properties.get(self.ROUTE_TABLE_ID) #remove the default router association for this subnet. try: previous_router = self._router_for_subnet(subnet_id) if previous_router: client.remove_interface_router( previous_router['id'], {'subnet_id': subnet_id}) except Exception as ex: self.client_plugin().ignore_not_found(ex) client.add_interface_router( router_id, {'subnet_id': subnet_id})

def resource_mapping(): return { 'AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation': SubnetRouteTableAssociation, }

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7) InternetGateway Resourceheat/heat/engine/resources/internet_gateway.py

class InternetGateway(resource.Resource): PROPERTIES = (TAGS,) = ('Tags',) properties_schema = { .... }

def handle_create(self): self.resource_id_set(self.physical_resource_name())

@staticmethod def get_external_network_id(client): ext_filter = {'router:external': True} ext_nets = client.list_networks(**ext_filter)['networks'] if len(ext_nets) != 1: raise exception.Error( _('Expected 1 external network, found %d') % len(ext_nets)) external_network_id = ext_nets[0]['id'] return external_network_id

def resource_mapping(): return { 'AWS::EC2::InternetGateway': InternetGateway, }

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8) VPCGatewayAttachment Resourceheat/heat/engine/resources/internet_gateway.py

class VPCGatewayAttachment(resource.Resource):

PROPERTIES = ( VPC_ID, INTERNET_GATEWAY_ID, VPN_GATEWAY_ID, ) = ( 'VpcId', 'InternetGatewayId', 'VpnGatewayId',)

properties_schema = { .... }

def handle_create(self): client = self.neutron() external_network_id = InternetGateway.get_external_network_id(client) for router in self._vpc_route_tables(): client.add_gateway_router(router.resource_id, { 'network_id': external_network_id})

def resource_mapping(): return { 'AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment': VPCGatewayAttachment, }

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9) ElasticIp Resourceheat/heat/engine/resources/eip.py

class ElasticIp(resource.Resource):

PROPERTIES = (DOMAIN, INSTANCE_ID,) = ('Domain', 'InstanceId', ) properties_schema = { .... }

def handle_create(self): """Allocate a floating IP for the current tenant.""" ips = None if self.properties[self.DOMAIN]: from heat.engine.resources import internet_gateway ext_net = internet_gateway.InternetGateway.get_external_network_id(self.neutron()) props = {'floating_network_id': ext_net} ips = self.neutron().create_floatingip({ 'floatingip': props})['floatingip'] self.ipaddress = ips['floating_ip_address'] self.resource_id_set(ips['id']) instance_id = self.properties[self.INSTANCE_ID] if instance_id: server = self.nova().servers.get(instance_id) server.add_floating_ip(self._ipaddress())

def resource_mapping(): return { 'AWS::EC2::EIP': ElasticIp, }

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10) ElasticIpAssociation Resourceheat/heat/engine/resources/eip.py

class ElasticIpAssociation(resource.Resource): PROPERTIES = ( INSTANCE_ID, EIP, ALLOCATION_ID, NETWORK_INTERFACE_ID, ) = ( 'InstanceId', 'EIP', 'AllocationId', 'NetworkInterfaceId', )

properties_schema = { .... }

def handle_create(self): """Add a floating IP address to a server.""" if self.properties[self.EIP]: server = self.nova().servers.get(self.properties[self.INSTANCE_ID]) server.add_floating_ip(self.properties[self.EIP]) self.resource_id_set(self.properties[self.EIP])

def resource_mapping(): return { 'AWS::EC2::EIPAssociation': ElasticIpAssociation, }

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11) VPC UnitTestheat/heat/tests/test_vpc.py

class VPCTestBase(common.HeatTestCase):

class VPCTest(VPCTestBase):

class SubnetTest(VPCTestBase):

class NetworkInterfaceTest(VPCTestBase):

class InternetGatewayTest(VPCTestBase):

class RouteTableTest(VPCTestBase):

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12) ElasticIp UnitTestheat/heat/tests/test_eip.py

class EIPTest(common.HeatTestCase):

class AllocTest(common.HeatTestCase):

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