vpc barnabas gathering 2 ppt

THE BARNABAS LEADERSHIP GROUP © 20013 E. Stanley Ott Gathering 2

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Post on 31-Oct-2014




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  • 1. 20013 E. Stanley Ott Gathering 2

2. 2013 E. Stanley Ott Growth in leadership capacity Walking with Jesus 3. 20013 E. Stanley Ott Learning to lead is every bit as complex as learning to become a mature productive adult all over again. Larry Donnithorne 4. We must be the People of God before we do the work of the People of God 20013 E. Stanley Ott PrayerWord Share 5. 20013 E. Stanley Ott Our Leadership Growth Process: Grow as a disciple of Jesus. Luke 6:40 Read-Lead-Heed 6. 20013 E. Stanley Ott Read (learning) Readings in the Notebook Gumption emailings The Leadership Challenge Lead (leading) We learn to lead by leading! Our lives - our leadership lab. Heed (Reflecting) The Leadership Examen (becoming aware of our leadership moments) Triad/Quad Peer Coaching 7. 20013 E. Stanley Ott Contexts for leadership and leadership theories 8. 20013 E. Stanley Ott Dyadic Leadership 9. 20013 E. Stanley Ott Group Leadership 10. Leadership in the midst of complexity 11. leader follower vision Call to action team delegation development 12. The Circle of the Leader The Circle of Vision The Circle of the Call to Action The Circle of the Follower LEADERSHIP 13. A BUGS Life 14. 2013 E. Stanley Ott The Circle of the Leader 15. 2013 E. Stanley Ott The Circle of the Follower 16. 2013 E. Stanley Ott The Circle of Vision 17. 20013 E. Stanley Ott The Philosophy of the Circle: To lead you must see where you are going and have a plan to get there. The Practice of the Circle: Have vision. Plan action. 18. 20013 E. Stanley Ott Four Perspectives on Vision: 1. Vision Pairs Objective and Process Vision 2. PPT-Goals-Calendar Management 3. Our adaptive environment 4. The role of wisdom 19. 20013 E. Stanley Ott Vision Pairs Objective and Process Vision 20. Objective Vision the objective to be done Moses father-in-law said to him, What you are doing is not good Now listen to me. I will give you counsel Exodus 17:18-19 Then I (Nehemiah) said to them, You see the trouble we are in, how Jerusalem lies in ruins with its gates burned. Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, so that we may no longer suffer disgrace. Neh. 2:17 Follow me and I will make you fish for people. Mark 1:17 Process Vision the process clarifies what to do. But some believers who belonged to the sect of the Pharisees stood up and said, It is necessary for them to be circumcised and ordered to keep the law of Moses. The apostles and the elders met together to consider this matter. Acts 15:5-6 21. 20013 E. Stanley Ott PPT PPT = Protected Planning Time. An hour a week, offline, to clarify priorities for the coming week and your to-do list. See p 20 or 21 in the materials from November. Goals, to-dos and calendar Management PPT is a discipline that manages and shapes your to-do list which helps clarify your vision not just what you need to do but what you want to do with others with the implied leadership moments. 22. PPT = Protected Planning Time Do Lists + Your calendar 20013 E. Stanley Ott 23. 20013 E. Stanley Ott For helpful insights on the PPT check out: The Weekly Review McGhee Productivity Solutions http://www.mcgheepro.com/MPSWebsit e/media/Documents/PDF%20Docs/The- Weekly-Review.pdf 24. 20013 E. Stanley Ott Our adaptive and complex environment 25. The Cynevin Framework 26. Cynefin Video 27. 20013 E. Stanley Ott A Leaders Framework for Decision Making by David J. Snowden and Mary E. Boone Harvard Business Review November 1, 2007 28. 20013 E. Stanley Ott Link the Circle of Leader with the Circle of the Vision: What character qualities assist the navigation of adaptive challenges? 29. 20013 E. Stanley Ott Character qualities that assist the navigation of adaptive challenges 1. Humility 2. Inquiry (of the lord, of imagination) 3. Experimentation (probe) 4. Godly Gumption 5. Wisdom 30. 20013 E. Stanley Ott The role of wisdom Wisdom is a tool for decision- making in light of uncertainty. 31. 20013 E. Stanley Ott Sources of Wisdom: Scripture Prayer Wise Counsel 32. 20013 E. Stanley Ott Wisdom through Scripture: If any of you is lacking in wisdom, ask God, who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and it will be given you. I James 1:5 33. 20013 E. Stanley Ott Wisdom through Prayer: If any of you is lacking in wisdom, ask God, who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and it will be given you. I James 1:5 34. 20013 E. Stanley Ott Wisdom through Prayer We have not ceased praying that you may be filled with the knowledge of Gods will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you may lead lives worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, as you bear fruit in every good work and as you grow in the knowledge of God. I Corinthians 1:9-10 35. 20013 E. Stanley Ott Wisdom through Wise Counsel Without counsel, plans go wrong,but with many advisers they succeed. Proverbs 15:22 Plans are established by taking advice. Proverbs 20:18a 36. 20013 E. Stanley Ott Vision in uncertainty: Seek wisdom take courage We have the mind of Christ. I Cor 2:16b I will counsel you with my eye upon you. Do not be like a horse or a mule, without understanding, whose temper must be curbed with bit and bridle Psalm 32:8b-9 I hereby command you: Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9 Note also Acts 16 37. 20013 E. Stanley Ott What do you think about this: In our manic day with its heavy pressure of present demand, planning is a spiritual discipline? 38. 2013 E. Stanley Ott The Circle of the Call to Action 39. Resources: Leadership/persuasion videos on TED Talks, Vimeo and Youtube Daniel Pink: To Tell is Human: the surprising truth about moving others People skills: Deborah Fine: The Fine Art of Small Talk Dale Carnegie: How Win Friends and Influence People 40. 20013 E. Stanley Ott The 10/90 Rule Leadership is 10% technical and 90% tactical. 10% Technical What are we going to do? 90% Tactical How will we keep people with us? The goal of the 10/90 Rule is to lead people without losing them Whether the problem is simple, complicated or complex requiring a straight forward process of deciding what to do or complex adaptive process resulting in the decision to try a probe (experiment), wisdom uses the 10/90 Rule before implementing the decision. 41. 20013 E. Stanley Ott Link the Circle of the leader with the Circle of the Call-to-Action: Why is character so important when we call people to action? 42. The Circle of the Leader The Circle of Vision The Circle of the Call to Action The Circle of the Follower LEADERSHIP 43. 2013 E. Stanley Ott Think of an outstanding leader in your life and of a particular leadership moment in which you can identify the four circles of the leader, follower, vision, call-to-action 44. 20013 E. Stanley Ott Next Steps Readings Leadership Examen Journal (with an eye on Circles 1 & 2) Triads/Quads meet monthly Pray Daily for one another. See Ephesians 3:16-19 Trust God! Next Gathering: May 5 45. 20013 E. Stanley Ott Downloads: VitalChurchesInstitute.com User name: vpcbarnabas Password: vital