vote on rights law...arl^ imfsu the sjr 1 ;mlttee. w^. i kilction ‘ difqcull t...

Idaho to Vote on Anti-Oriental Suffrage Rights Law ■•■fcwihlp raUleatiM l>uUUSSd WeeUr Ex«pt U«t Week of Year PACIFIC CITIZEN us WeUer St.. Bodm W Utt Aacetn U. CaUt. MAdiiaa S-UTl VOL. 55 NO. 14 FRIDAY. OCTOBER 5. mj I' By K. Potrick Okuro Coim t TSreueh Idaho Omsba ftfty of the sueais found it necef- IT FIKST tMTCUDg aanisixneot ear? to be rested in tbe Coffee rov newly elecud president Shop ouukle the main dining room ■' -juIy a heetic one that I will The newr media •nea-apapen:. tele- 1 forget. vision, and radiowere very en- .. ery artSve Idaho Chapters thusiastic and inlereited in our arranged two Iisei Apprecla- campaign and a very worthwhile Dinners. The first in Idaho pre«« conference was held after < on Saturday night. Sept. 22 the Banquet. i tae second affair in Caldwell Ihe following da.v. we traveled &fflday nigM. Sept. 22. Since ^ car with Joe NuCtioka and i in these parts Romld Yokota acting as our guides ' ' i Boise. Idaho, a 275 ml>s. As we s of the Moon Na- .... ^ .. twuai «auuui>i<7>.v. we even bad time IW» our old fire horse. Mike to flop and enjoy the sights of this p in Idaho. I request^ that In Boise we met with George rtole his. flight b>- way of Sugai and his committee and then that we couki travel dashed to the town of Caldwell. I Aopredation Ban- held OD the College - h Junji Ya- ... the Boise i Valiev Chapter and Ike Wakasugi. ; president of_the Snake River Otap I ter. Uie tsW^jxinsaring Chapters o! second nffal ay nigbl. Sept. 22. Since ^ < ]in never bera in these parts Root UAo. I WM quite anxious to and chaperons e aft trip and make my debut di^nce of son . . Jim NaticMl Prealdem. paSied the Craters oi gher to Idate. Our pUns « ... ............ help outline itig campnign. However. »'s plane fMw into Omaha fi................... . .............. _ gtoo. D C., ibe airlines de- tbU Banquet, as well as ttaeir hard hat the eeiUng was too low working committees, should be to land. 90 the plane roe- congratulated for putting on such ■d on its wav to Denver, there- a fine affaik^in a short period of ly-pasalng Omaha completely, two weeks. My good friend. Joe ^ , , Saito. dkJ a masterful job as the mew' ttdl Toastmaster. Iile hid to be woritad out for again in CaldweU. the Din- arrive in Idaho Falls ui Room was pa«*ed and It was lor the Banquet Kbednled at necessary to set up extra faciliUes , nw alone *>Mhera in time ^ toe overflow. >e meeting arl^ the SJR 1 ;mlttee. W^. i difQcull t airteie^adaeduleavnito^ enthusiasm not onl.v led urf be rouUna mv flielit the members, .but also the guests irrlved in Uabo FaUa at toiee. quamtances aiid.B auccds^l c^- s aty. Denver, Salt Uke f^ ?»»« finallv to Idaho FWla- ^ *r>enia <dca an? Sugai. was amaaed nl toe beauty of chairmen for toe Committee for . YES cn SJR 1. and aU toeir re- __________ spective committees are domg a Ulking about yeoman job and if hard work and enthusiasm can be an criteria of 1 shall he Banquet Saturday night in victory. 10 Far ____ _____a huge success great Stale of Idaho to help eele- lUndlng mom only In iny brste after November 6th.________ Legislai&rs understood discriminatory bnguage of law barrinq Orientals suHrage righls, job now with voters Sen. James McClure First Order of Business. To toe Pactoc.CiUzen: guage denying to some citizens ceruin rights of citizandup ibnnot be defended by anyone. I was de termined tost s proposal for a Constitutional amendment abould ing tlM ture, 1 last........................ td I found unanimous sup port in committee and on toe floor of both toe Senate and the House. I am sure that the voters of Idaho will give it toe same unanimous support when they understand iu There are many fine citizens In Idaho who deserve notoing less than thU. VAMES A. MCCLimE ^te Senator Pgyettg County OAIMS NO-TAX BIU QEAfiED FOR WHITE HOUSE WASHDiCTON. - The tax revi sion bill containing toe no-Ux amendment to the Japanese Evacuation Claims An was aent to toe WhUe Houm Tuaaday. The Senate adopted the bill re ported by toe conference commit tee 56 to 22. Earlier, tlje Hsuse H.AW.U1A.S raiMARIES HONOU-'LU.-More than 205.000 voters are registered for the Ha waiian primanes On. 6. Thijt a record Hawaii. S«n. R. H. Young They Deserve the Right. GreeUngs: S.J.R. No. 1 deserves the "Yesvote of every Idaho citizen. We in Cangon County of the State df ldah» are proud of our American citizens of Japanese ancesuy. They are very deserving o^tbe right to vote, to serve as iufora and to bald civil office. I am urging toat my friends vole •Yes." R. H. .BILL) YOUNG Slate Senator Canyon County ailFORNIA PRAISED FOR ADVANCE IN FEP EFFORTS SACRAMENTO. - Califomig got high marks from a federaJ offi cial last week for its efforts to provide job opportunities for mi- raarity groups. However, much pemains t- Artour group t be doBe, he said. minority reury* of Labor, said California has made great strides since enactment of iu Fair Employ ment Practices Act in USB ILS. Chfi Kghn ( submln reeei W.^HISGTON. - The U.S, Civil Rights Commis.don this past week urged racial diserinUnation in housing be outlawed in the' Na- tion s capital Tbe recommet^- tion was CODUined In a report to toe Presideni and toe Cengress. Idaho SJR 1: Questions^Answers mils Fact Sheet was released this week by the Committee on Vot'e Yes for SJR 1. ««U. b*. .or «,o ;~rS 7S & both'tte Senau and toe barn in tbe United Sutes. toe right -............... tow ------- *' ............. htrid single objection Uo asks the Shall Sec- .............. .. of the Coo- tion Tuestoty. November 6. It tii».ttw%n of toe SUte of Idaho be identified because it was the amended to permit Chinese, and of toe jaM resolutions td be - ............. ue in toe mlature. tally, without to Hauses. ---------- ------ ------ answered affirmativelv. or LegUlaturfc was not able to cl i". It will extend equality to tbe propoul by describing Ewtoraliied citizens d Idaho u naturalized citizens as toe .. juries and hold dvil beneficiaries of this consUtutianal I regard to race or amendmenc to veto* . that Chi- •r Mongolians, iied States, whe :ens of. this vote, to serve as civil office?' tortunately. the statutory such -• - 2. WU Sn i aBaw Cldneae and eton- Mngattu abea SJR 1 does not change toe Constitution to provide nese and other Mong . barn to toe United States, who be- citizi Ihcattons for voting to-any way uuever, except for that based natural!^_________ .___ race. The quglifications limit- country according to the Federal voting, jury service and hold- .National) Nationality Law shall evil office to naUve-born and enjoy toe same rights as other uzlied cMtens. of at least a lawfujly nauiraltoed cltizen^to bin mialBMin age, with eerUto vote, serve «o juries, and hold uliied residence requiremenU, civil office. Itjdmjrty eliminates a other ^lecifie qualifications discrimlnatioa against certaai na- tw ihanged by SJR 1. turalized citizens because of their fR I merely amends toe State national origins. _ J. Wlto. ar what, la the anthorttr far toe abare exManaUen* he Attorney General of the wmoU delete that Part^af tor. hot Idaho. said aeeUon whlA prabWla na- hii official Stttement of Pur- tnraltoed OOneije cW^. art . as publicized according to atber eUtoent of MoogoMo de- by toe Seeretary of Stole, the aeenl. from voj^. « «»y General declares that: Jmora. or boldifts dvtl omee. this proposed amendment of Iboagh identlfytoz only Chbiese. Idaho Constitution is designed toe peopaoed amendment wa«iii ^ naturaUsed Chinese citi- alaa apM<f the Unitad Slates and other anoeatry. i ^ Mj;._ seu of ia the Ustbad States, toe right as atoled. woohl «>»*»»« to» to wto. to s^ as jurors, and vote, aerre as Jurors, m bold ovU JrtJ civil «Bce. Section 3 of office on the same basis as other Se ^'idabo Ooastitu- bow in iffEeet. dtoquaUfies supttoed) tutors, erb fl office such Idaho is toe State wtto I again-M any and to^ Idaho believ Since that reaches ii disqualification no Jonger exists, as 1 SJR 1 merely carries ou the ori- ....................rntMO of toe framer I Constitution that. < may - enjoy lilies a.t otoer naturalized I juries. United States, it would sppekr that and hold civil cffice. 5. Ua't toil dtoqnaUficatton aneewtltttioaair Yes. it is now. But. when ii was zen«. and not against others. nese. and others of Mongolian de- ^urallied Ip toe United Stetes. scent "not bom in toe UniM and subject to the jurisdicbon States" could not become natural- thereof, are citiseas of the United ■zed citizens of tob country inas- States and of toe Stole wbceeln much a.c they were of races "in they resMe. Na stale toall make eligible to naturalizauoo" under or enforce any tow wUeh toaR Federal Laws. Since 1SS2. when abrtdge the prieUern or Immmd- toe Congress enacted the Immigra- ties of cittoens of toe Utoted tion and Natkmality Act. no law- Stales, nor shall any State deprive fully admitted permanent resldeni any person of life, liberty, immigrant may be denied na- property without due proem turalizaboe on account of race, an- tow, nor deny ce.itry. or national ongin. nor deny to any persoc within jurisdiction toe equal protecUon Therefore, now. becouse the na- of toe tow, turalization laws of the country en- The 15th Amendment tj the Coo- able these Mongolians not born in sUtution of the United States guar- ihc United States to become na- antees that The right af eWms turalized citizens on the same ba If otoer aliens, we believe it be unconstiluUonal tor Idaho to United Stoles ar by any SUte an continue this racial discrimination aeeanit af race, ealai against certain naturalized eili- aandihoe of aerritodr' for naturalization by act of toe which prompted toe Idaho Coi«Tess of toe United States in Legislature to refer SJR 1 1 1952. \voters, in order toat j if i; were challenged in the VouM b 7. Are any natoraltoed chtoens eanae af tob eanadtutonal dtoqailU Yes. there are probably several i hundred. 1 be made unnecessary. I aratost toddy be- tbe most eoenbat disQuaUflad are nabuhlB^ dtizen. vrated. voters." _ Idaho Cbnstitu- According, to the "Proeendiags iventi*. during the adop- and Debates H«BI of the Idaho a Da peraoBS of Moo- i suffering casualties. of those discri- Others are nataraUzed Chinese minated against are recently na- whs. like the Japanese, have Ovad turalized cittoens of Japanese an- in toe State for more than a baU- e«lrv. most d, whom have been century. in Idaho for SO or more years, still others are the newL» na- good citizens to every- turalized Japanese. Oiinese, and name acxl qontriboUng Korean wives of American vet- toe development of toU „th*. Then, there are the Aaun Stole, mostly In agriculture Most oritoans aHapM by United SUtes d them had citizen sons who edizens. who may be naturaUted served with sudi gallantry in ^ citizens when they attain their World War II in both the. Euro- majority, and recent refugees from .................. Ut peraecatioo. such a> ■nbrtati. and Outer Mon- --------------------------J-- gelians. who arc among those be- RegbneBtal Oatnbat. pa mon d^ oaturaliied IflHlly..^ ------- ------------ the. fcoro- majori pean and Pacifle toeatere of opera- Comm non. Many tost sons with the now chin orated mflitaxy apfi to Untied t Stains bMory iif ttt ^ ^ lei«to of «a wd at tlw lOMOMaad ca Patt « dtiaeps-af O a Past ti) s'? if Rep. Orval Hansen Real Pleasure ... Pacific proud able to play a pan m obtoining appro\-al of SJR I by toe Idaho Legislature. A fewkiays before to* session of toe Idalx] Legisla- Joe Nishioka of Idaho Falli called ray-attenPoo to the provi- aton in toe Idaho CnnstiluUcai which prohibits peraons d Ohenul ancestry who are not bom in tbe United States fiten voting, serving as jurors or holding any civil office. He atked for my help spoo.soring and promoring toe pas sage of a Canstitutionil amend ment to remom •~*y provision. assured him toat I w this toe first order of t the ctar 0A Gov. Robert SnijHe Impressed with JAG.. >. . .Tb toe Pacific Ckizeo: It has ■■ with toe--------------- ----------- ^------- American Citizens League Airing toe time I was Attorney G«e«l and for the past sev«al years Gm-eroor of Idaho. 1 have the opportunity to asi in several of toe programs of toe JACL In each case I have alsraya been imprassad adth tbe torth- riitotneu and lateertty wHth wtdeb the members have addressed them selves to toe project tader con- siderstton. During the Idaho Legislature heartedly behind i: IDAHO JACLERS IN FMAl PHASE OF CAMPAIGN TO REPEAL OUTMODED LAW , BY J(» KMmOKA _____________ j IDAHO F.ALLS-The great chal- An enterprising newspaperman lenge facing Japaaeae j I Boise was thumbing through tor ' of toe Siato of Idaho * BT CEOBGE SUGAI Payette. Idsbu in Boise was thumbing through tor ' of toe Siate of Idaho n wt Idaho state ccnsUiution foe a story toe campaign to have toe i to his paper, the Ooeur dAkne on Nos'. 6 vole Yes ai SJR Mooeolian descent even toOJgh naturalised cStisens. bad no votwg rigliu. On Sept 21. 1«0. to* Coeor d' Alene Press poblisbed toe story. Several weeks later. It was head lined in our Pacific Citizen, much to toe furprise of all JACLert everywhere and especially in Ida- **^In cheeking with state legisla- was discovered in ____ . .. SJB I is icross toe startt aurriwtful < Four sreeks remain to eaglata why voters toodd ratify toe C«B- tfoo against <tolnea« in the United State*" from vobag. serving a< !««*:« « chril offiee. UnwiSt^, toe proWtotioe todav bars natum- ised citlsens <rf Oriental aneettry from vtoing ' Eves greater concern face* toe -Japaneee American in Idaho. He U w«U-aecepsed in toe commiaffy as a first class cUisen. Os Noe. 3 of Article VI. Idaho eonsUttitiob. did-include "Cbinete. or person* of MongaHan descent not bon in 6. he wiU know stoetber his pa^ toe United SUte*" could not vrte.ien.t*. now natarallsed citlaw serve ss jurors' or hold any ettrO squally as good, office. I Indian* Onae Barred Tbe section eoneem* disqualifl-1 _ It has I canons of ceruin persons from < Pacific Citizen renorted the tael voting, servile SI jurors or bald- that as asti4)rlental law was hi ing any civil offiee and lists such toe S>ste ConsUtutfon Durine tols classes as the unanc. traitor, poly- pertod. JACLers laid the | I prepared for inu_____ House of RepresenUttves. was serving as Bouse Leader, a joim resolubon srhicb proposed to strike from our stste Constitution this discriminatory language. A similar resotution was introduced at about the same time In. the Senate. When tbe Senate AvMhdkm was approved .by that body, we expedited its consider- It was my privilege to sponsor SJR 1 during floor debate in toe Rouse. It is noteworthy tliat SJR 1 was appnn-ed by a unanimous vote In both toe Senate and toe House and that it was toe first proposed Session of toe . I was whole- ______ _ ______ the Senau Jtdnt Resolution No. I and at every opportunity urged it< passage.. Of course, this Rerolutian wUl be on our ballot in tols next election to amend our GMistfhitioo. 1 am. of course. stlU \-eiy much in favor and am quhe of imfSure- d this amendment and am certain that ^ people of^ will remove toi* very Kilction from the Idaho Cwistitu. tion. Permit me to express my appre- clatiao tor the opportuni' - dress the members of 1 gamijt sad convicts. UawdMcd Opening Dnr When the IMI SUU Legislatura convened, s renohiuon was intro duced qn toe opening day to give equal privileges to gU naturaUsed diizeu d Idaho. State Senator James McCL-re from Payette County was instrumental in having SJR I Introduced through the SUU Affair* Cominnee. of which State Senator R.a. 'BOl) Young of Caa- yon Covoty is chaiRnaa. Joe mtokoKa^ Uabo Falls, toen Intonnowauia Diatriet Council riistrman, had alerted State Repn- -- iseM*- anti-OrienUl voting lity to nd- clause Iram toe State cooatiluUen. toe JAaL. - > Rep. Hansen'* meassgr to the 1 ^Pacific Ciuzen. printed elsewhere . this issue, racalls tbe actioe tContlttued on Page 2) psign noe . In the « . 11 was this writer's prtvileee to meet wttfa Cmgrammaa ' Waltae JuM of MinBeJOia. spansm «f JACL bins 13 extend nabwaliaa- tion pTfViiMe* to toe IsMt. wIk> Naegie ad State A.W <Tony Rep Orvn) Ifoi County. . And in toe come of c bon. Naeglc recalled tost toe ladiam wtto toe help Governor C.A. Robtns i Dept, of toe Interior had a peruon of toe same ' Section 3 the Idaho whi;to etatad: "Nor lodtohi CBatteMd OB Page t) x* Wiihlngton N«wil*tt*r. by MIk* M*i«ok» For Equality for Naturalized CHizeiie _____ Washington- D C. Idaho JACL Chapters i WHEN TEN vesr* ago, tor Con- lar. and t - Dtstrii - _ _ ___ Walter - McCarraaAct of 1«S2. * In generaL to make clear toat o t voter* d Idaho on toe for 'constituilonal T 6 CaBs barrier bi our Constitution and the need for iu removal, li is signifi cant that because -its purpose was clearly underrttod by members of toe Idaho'Legislature. SJR 1 re ceived their unwiimoui approval' Tbi* ancresu'tbat U seeking to win approval of this propoal tiM on tor 'ganeriKeleeUon bal lot in November, onr bUtest Job is to make certain tbal the vvtera and effect. - During recent months h has been a real privilege for me .to work with leaders in the JACL to public attentioa to tots proposed ConstMutional amendment and to Members of toe JACL are to be commatded for tbcir efforts to mote toe passage of SJR Idahoans are indebted to toe JACL for furnishing toe teadertoip in this 'mdeavor. Through their ajp- port of tois cause, members of the JACL are rendering a distinct (Continued on Page 4) stopro- L 1. AU uus purpose, unuer ipr eitevuTv, W'wi w>i>»m2 thev attained toeir citizenship, dedicatod, gad inapirad co-chaIr- Bahirabzad eitlfcns of Idaho. fl» would be able to enjoy all the* mantolp of Joe Niaidoka of Idaho Usk and retponaWties duOenr privileges and Immunitiei of FaU* and George Sugai of Payette, big the Idaho JACLm are fonw- Ameriean citiaenah^. an Jdate Committee for Yes on dable This presumption turned out to } be true 0 r IfwTmvi decade ex- *Pecifi« respoo*a>imies, respective- sou*. prahibitiwi against "Oiioese. ai)d persons of Mongolian descent, not born in tbe United States" TO RKAOI asM inform tte 2B2.- 704 legliteied voteir nf Idaho Ye- gaiding toe feet* of SIB 1 Is a ... .. na- ** consider, toat tame turalized .Americans of Japanese ^ Chapter* la ,ce«ry may not vote, serve on ??*'three_^-y Poeatelk., ' juries, or bold eivU office - - ^ -le uniate Altoeugh this section in toe Idaho ^ ,hi7 Tg-year-old three - Poeatelk., Idabc tto kind of .in^- f,iu. and Bexbuf* - to toe toe unmtenited vie- soutooaatero eoroer and t«i_ Boise Valley and Snake SUte Constitution clearly violate* ua-.l exclusioo These kick-off '.J sa„%fts;„?rS2s: uuans and with fxBortd and toeir native-born chil dren present but also with news- era corner. Tliere arc no QwpCars authorizes toe Congress to estob- Ush toe requiremenU for naturali- kation, this tution provides that SUtes shall determine toe qiuUfi- cations for toeir voters. rtor':sde;;^^^s;ssd *•' Valley to Scputo^Ientral I^ there an no Cbapcara rtwehM «< togt ex- s to attend- ' toe problems, aoai eesiry' » toe so-caUed Gem State SINCE nw, if any. even in are farmer*, many ...................................... »naturaUsed ' ' ' Nat'l JACL Council Resolution WHEREAS, voting, jury duty. ^ the most ires.sured of nghu. privUeges. and duties oi aU citizens, whether Mtive-born or naturalised, of toe United States and <d toe \-arious State* thereof; WTHEREAS. toe abridgement of toe free exercise of the same by reaikin of race or national origlD is a vBUtioe of the tradi- ttonal concepts of Amwican jus tice. and repugnant to toe guar antees of the 14to and 15th Amendments to toe Federal Cce- stiUdimi d ttw United Stetes; WHEREAS. Section 3. Amcie VI of toe ConstiUition of the State of Idaho ptwvMes toat ... nor toaU Oitoeae. or per sons of Mongolian daicent.-aot boro in toe United States, eitotf vote, serve at jurors, v hold any civil office ": WHESEA& man pmons to toe cUssilieaiion of "GhlncM. or persons d Mongohan drscem" now in Idaho are of Japanese anceetty and the proud parents d Aznerican eitiaens who aerved •tth each gaHaittZ7 and devottoo to World War n ami to Eorw. Fedivtf^ttsteaugtf Idaho SJR 1 Campaiffn cltizen.s oi the United Stetes, toe tend of toeu adoption; AND. WHEREAS, by unani- vote d both it* Senate and Mouse of Representatives in ' ten regular seasioo. toe Legisu- ture of tbe State of Idaho, in recognibon of the rlghU. priri- leges and duties extended by Act of Congress, endoraed ^ mded repeal of this d criminaUiry portion of said Sec- uon 3. Article Vi. bv enactittg SENATE JOINT RESOLUTKHf NO. ONE to be ptecod on toe balloi for general election to be beki oo^November 6. 1962. RESCa,VED that toe................ American Ottzen, League. In I7th Biennis) NstionaJ Com-en- tian assemblMl. from 29 chapters therecd in .32 of torse United tngfon. do berriiy eitisens and voters of toe Sute of Idaho to vote "Ye*'' on Sen ate Joint Resolutian No One on toe ballot at the general elec- ttons to be held on November filth, toerebj- declaring toe pito- hc policy of the aoveroign State pf Mabo and itt panpie to he scale baai*. T^"^t^w^rks^S ffag ■re national origin, treated eqtiaUy at least before toe than requited for the harvest, law. then, why the cooccro and buatest season cf tte year, toe^^^ign for toi, particufor . , The answer u. in reality, m aim- BTILL, OCT of respect and *%'hen toel.rtutetf^'^*___ ifibute to toeir laaei parratt. md^*. . lure of toe State lid of Idaho voted unanunously to mow who passed away before laU place this question before toe egr^okl dream of the (foneer laaci voters in the general election this could be realised, raeny under- ibrr 6. it framed the issue- neodatg Nisei and Sensei JACLct* Novembi as it bm ________ .guage of toe constitutional pritolb*- ancestry a.v ____ tion. "Shan Section 3 of Article TI urecioeV hour, aito dau in' tryteg of toe Conititutj* of toe Stele of the great AmerObn trafo- Idaho be amended to permit Chi- tk» of rampeigningetostate foe nese. and persons of MxxtgoUan de- oo toe truto end toe facts scent, not boro in the United ^ ttw meaning of SJR 1. Btetts. tbe right to vote, to serve To these Nisei end Sansei too e, iLTor*. end to hold civil office?" numerous to mantun by nsme. Bte Unfortunatriy. to most citizens, successfai emendment of toe con- toU phraseofogjmight well apply stttutional proMbtUoD h not only to aliens; and so. would give to s matter of pride and booor ton "QiineM nod persteu of Jiongo- -Qwittnuad on Page 2i ban ducent nortxiro in the United . Sutes" riffits azM. privileges that , are not accorded to other ahens ' 'who arc not d 32ongolian ancestry. In other words, convinely stated, this SJR 1 would confer on only aliens of Moogolten descent vottog end other otizenship benefris that arc denied to eH other non<itisi3U If only toe Legislature couM hare used the expUnaiory wotd 'naturalized" to deaerfoe toe *c^ beneficiaries of bus antetxintent to establito legal eqitelffy among Md for an MUrajised etttaenz Mate, wttoout regaid to rac* in. toe foak Hd of tbe 4JO. toll Chapters, which have snbtolt- ted articie* to tois week's Imm. are as foOowt:

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Page 1: Vote on Rights Law...arl^ imfSu the SJR 1 ;mlttee. W^. i Kilction ‘ difQcull t airteie^adaeduleavnito^ enthusiasm pemains not onl.v led urf be rouUna mv flielit the members, .but

Idaho to Vote on Anti-Oriental Suffrage Rights Law

■•■fcwihlp raUleatiMl>uUUSSd WeeUr Ex«pt U«t Week of Year PACIFIC CITIZEN us WeUer St.. Bodm W

Utt Aacetn U. CaUt. MAdiiaa S-UTl

VOL. 55 NO. 14 FRIDAY. OCTOBER 5. mj

I' By K. Potrick Okuro

Coimt TSreueh Idaho

Omsba ftfty of the sueais found it necef- IT FIKST tMTCUDg aanisixneot ear? to be rested in tbe Coffee rov newly elecud president Shop ouukle the main dining room ■' -juIy a heetic one that I will The newr media •nea-apapen:. tele-

1 forget. vision, and radio’ were very en-.. ery artSve Idaho Chapters thusiastic and inlereited in our arranged two Iisei Apprecla- campaign and a very worthwhileDinners. The first in Idaho pre«« conference was held after

< on Saturday night. Sept. 22 the Banquet. i tae second affair in Caldwell Ihe following da.v. we traveled &fflday nigM. Sept. 22. Since ^ car with Joe NuCtioka and

i in these parts Romld Yokota acting as our guides ' ' i Boise. Idaho, a

275 ml>s. As we s of the Moon Na-

.... ^ .. twuai «auuui>i<7>.v. we even bad timeIW» our old fire horse. Mike to flop and enjoy the sights of thisp in Idaho. I request^ that In Boise we met with George rtole his. flight b>- way of Sugai and his committee and then

that we couki travel dashed to the town of Caldwell.I Aopredation Ban- held OD the College - h Junji Ya-

... the Boisei Valiev Chapter and Ike Wakasugi. ; president of_the Snake River Otap I ter. Uie tsW^jxinsaring Chapters o!

second nffalay nigbl. Sept. 22. Since ^ <

]in never bera in these parts Root UAo. I WM quite anxious to and chaperons e aft trip and make my debut di^nce of son . . Jim NaticMl Prealdem. paSied the Craters oi

gher to Idate. Our pUns «... ............ help outlineitig campnign. However.»'s plane fMw into Omaha fi................... . .............. _gtoo. D C., ibe airlines de- tbU Banquet, as well as ttaeir hard hat the eeiUng was too low working committees, should be to land. 90 the plane roe- congratulated for putting on such

■d on its wav to Denver, there- a fine affaik^in a short period of ly-pasalng Omaha completely’, two weeks. My good friend. Joe

^ , , Saito. dkJ a masterful job as the‘ mew' ttdl •“ Toastmaster.Iile hid to be woritad out for again in CaldweU. the Din-arrive in Idaho Falls ui Room was pa«*ed and It was

lor the Banquet Kbednled at necessary to set up extra faciliUes , nw alone *>Mhera in time ^ toe overflow.>e meeting arl^ the SJR 1

;mlttee. W^. i ‘ difQcull tairteie^adaeduleavnito^ enthusiasm not onl.vled urf be rouUna mv flielit the members, .but also the guests

irrlved in Uabo FaUa at toiee. quamtances aiid.B auccds^l c^-s aty. Denver, Salt Uke f‘ ^ ?»»« finallv to Idaho FWla- ^ *r>enia

<dca an? Sugai.was amaaed nl toe beauty of chairmen for toe Committee for

‘ . YES cn SJR 1. and aU toeir re-__________ spective committees are domg aUlking about yeoman job and if hard work and

enthusiasm can be an criteria of 1 shallhe Banquet Saturday night in victory.

10 Far____ _____a huge success great Stale of Idaho to help eele-lUndlng mom only In iny brste after November 6th.________

Legislai&rs understood discriminatory bnguage of law barrinq Orientals suHrage righls, job now with voters

Sen. James McClure First Order of Business.To toe Pactoc.CiUzen:guage denying to some citizens ceruin rights of citizandup ibnnot be defended by anyone. I was de­termined tost s proposal for a Constitutional amendment aboulding tlM ture, 1 I found unanimous sup port in committee and on toe floor of both toe Senate and the House. I am sure that the voters of Idaho will give it toe same unanimous support when they understand iuThere are many fine citizens In

Idaho who deserve notoing less than thU.

VAMES A. MCCLimE ^te Senator Pgyettg County

OAIMS NO-TAX BIU QEAfiED FOR WHITE HOUSEWASHDiCTON. - The tax revi­sion bill containing toe no-Ux amendment to the Japanese Evacuation Claims An was aent to toe WhUe Houm Tuaaday.The Senate adopted the bill re­

ported by toe conference commit­tee 56 to 22. Earlier, tlje Hsuse

H.AW.U1A.S raiMARIESHONOU-'LU.-More than 205.000 voters are registered for the Ha­waiian primanes On. 6. Thijt a record Hawaii.

S«n. R. H. YoungThey Deserve the Right.GreeUngs:S.J.R. No. 1 deserves the "Yes”

vote of every Idaho citizen. We in Cangon County of the State df ldah» are proud of our American citizens of Japanese ancesuy. They are very deserving o^tbe right to vote, to serve as iufora and to bald civil office.I am urging toat my friends vole

•Yes."R. H. .BILL) YOUNG Slate Senator Canyon County

ailFORNIA PRAISED FOR ADVANCE IN FEP EFFORTSSACRAMENTO. - Califomig got high marks from a federaJ offi­cial last week for its efforts to provide job opportunities for mi- raarity groups. However, much pemains t- Artour

group tbe doBe, he said.


reury* of Labor, said California has made great strides since enactment of iu Fair Employ­ment Practices Act in USBILS. Chfi Kghn ( submln reeeiW.^HISGTON. - The U.S, Civil Rights Commis.don this past week urged racial diserinUnation in housing be outlawed in the' Na- tion s capital Tbe recommet^- tion was CODUined In a report to toe Presideni and toe Cengress.

Idaho SJR 1: Questions^Answersmils Fact Sheet was released this week by the Committee on Vot'e Yes for SJR 1.

««U. b*. .or «,o ;~rS 7S &both'tte Senau and toe barn in tbe United Sutes. toe right

-............... ■ tow ■ ------- ■ *'............. htrid

single objection Uo

asks the Shall Sec-

.............. .. of the Coo-tion Tuestoty. November 6. It tii».ttw%n of toe SUte of Idaho be identified because it was the amended to permit Chinese, and of toe jaM resolutionstd be - “.............ue in toe mlature. tally, withoutto Hauses. ---------- ------ ------answered affirmativelv. or LegUlaturfc was not able to cl i". It will extend equality to tbe propoul by describing Ewtoraliied citizens d Idaho u naturalized citizens as toe ..

juries and hold dvil beneficiaries of this consUtutianal I regard to race or amendmenc

to veto*. that Chi-

•r Mongolians, iied States, whe

:ens of. this

vote, to serve as civil office?’' tortunately. the statutory

such -• -

2. WU Sn i aBaw Cldneae and eton- Mngattu abeaSJR 1 does not change toe Constitution to provide

nese and other Mong . barn to toe United States, who be-

citiziIhcattons for voting to-any wayuuever, except for that based “natural!^_________ .___race. The quglifications limit- country according to the Federal voting, jury service and hold- .National) Nationality Law shall evil office to naUve-born and enjoy toe same rights as other uzlied cMtens. of at least a lawfujly nauiraltoed cltizen^to bin mialBMin age, with eerUto vote, serve «o juries, and hold uliied residence requiremenU, civil office. Itjdmjrty eliminates a other ^lecifie qualifications discrimlnatioa against certaai na- tw ihanged by SJR 1. turalized citizens because of theirfR I merely amends toe State national origins. _J. Wlto. ar what, la the anthorttr far toe abare exManaUen* he Attorney General of the wmoU delete that Part^af tor. hot Idaho. said aeeUon whlA prabWla na-hii ‘official Stttement of Pur- tnraltoed OOneije cW^. art . as publicized according to atber eUtoent of MoogoMo de- by toe Seeretary of Stole, the aeenl. from voj^. ««»y General declares that: Jmora. or boldifts dvtl omee. this proposed amendment of Iboagh identlfytoz only Chbiese. Idaho Constitution is designed toe peopaoed amendment wa«iii ^ naturaUsed Chinese citi- alaa apM’<f the Unitad Slates and other anoeatry. i

^ M—j;._ seu ofia the Ustbad States, toe right as atoled. woohl «>»*»»« to» to

‘wto. to s^ as jurors, and vote, aerre as Jurors, m bold ovU JrtJ civil «Bce. Section 3 of office on the same basis as otherSe ^'idabo Ooastitu-

bow in iffEeet. dtoquaUfies supttoed)tutors, erb fl office suchIdaho is toe State wtto

I again-M any and to^ Idaho


that reaches iidisqualification no Jonger exists, as 1

SJR 1 merely carries ou the ori-....................rntMO of toe framer

I Constitution that. <

may - enjoy lilies a.t otoer naturalized

I juries.United States, it would sppekr that and hold civil cffice.

5. Ua't toil dtoqnaUficatton aneewtltttioaairYes. it is now. But. when ii was zen«. and not against others.

nese. and others of Mongolian de- ^urallied Ip toe United Stetes. scent "not bom in toe UniM and subject to the jurisdicbon States" could not become natural- thereof, are citiseas of the United ■zed citizens of tob country inas- States and of toe Stole wbceeln much a.c they were of races "in they resMe. Na stale toall make eligible to naturalizauoo" under or enforce any tow wUeh toaR Federal Laws. Since 1SS2. when abrtdge the prieUern or Immmd- toe Congress enacted the Immigra- ties of cittoens of toe Utoted tion and Natkmality Act. no law- Stales, nor shall any State deprive fully admitted permanent resldeni any person of life, liberty, immigrant may be denied na- property without due proem turalizaboe on account of race, an- tow, nor deny ce.itry. or national ongin. nor deny to any persoc within

jurisdiction toe equal protecUon Therefore, now. becouse the na- of toe tow”,

turalization laws of the country en- The 15th Amendment tj the Coo- able these Mongolians not born in sUtution of the United States guar- ihc United States to become na- antees that ‘The right af eWms turalized citizens on the same ba If otoer aliens, we believe it be unconstiluUonal tor Idaho to United Stoles ar by any SUte an continue this racial discrimination aeeanit af race, ealai against certain naturalized eili- aandihoe of aerritodr'

for naturalization by act of toe which prompted toe Idaho Coi«Tess of toe United States in Legislature to refer SJR 1 1 1952. \voters, in order toat jif i; were challenged in the VouM b7. Are any natoraltoed chtoens

eanae af tob eanadtutonal dtoqailUYes. there are probably several i


1 be made unnecessary.I aratost toddy be-tbe most eoenbat

disQuaUflad are nabuhlB^ dtizen. vrated. voters."

_ Idaho Cbnstitu- According, to the "Proeendiags iventi*. during the adop- and Debates H«BI of the Idaho

a DaperaoBS of Moo- i

suffering casualties.

of those discri- Others are nataraUzed Chinese minated against are recently na- whs. like the Japanese, have Ovad turalized cittoens of Japanese an- in toe State for more than a baU- e«lrv. most d, whom have been Idaho for SO or more years, still others are the newL» na-

good citizens to every- turalized Japanese. Oiinese, and name acxl qontriboUng Korean wives of American vet- toe development of toU „th*. Then, there are the Aaun

Stole, mostly In agriculture Most oritoans aHapM by United SUtes d them had citizen sons who edizens. who may be naturaUted served with sudi gallantry in ^ citizens when they attain their World War II in both the. Euro- majority, and recent refugees from

■ .................. ■ Ut peraecatioo. such a>■nbrtati. and Outer Mon-

--------------------------—J-- gelians. who arc among those be-RegbneBtal Oatnbat. pa mon d^ oaturaliied IflHlly..^

------- ------------ the. fcoro- majoripean and Pacifle toeatere of opera- Comm non. Many tost sons with the now chinorated mflitaxy apfi to Untied t Stains bMory iif ttt ^ ^ lei«to of «a wd at tlw lOMOMaad ca Patt «

dtiaeps-af Oa Past ti)


Rep. Orval Hansen Real Pleasure ...

Pacific proud

able to play a pan m obtoining appro\-al of SJR I by toe Idaho Legislature. A fewkiays before to*

session of toe Idalx] Legisla- Joe Nishioka of Idaho Falli

called ray-attenPoo to the provi- aton in toe Idaho CnnstiluUcai which prohibits peraons d Ohenulancestry who are not bom in tbe United States fiten voting, serving as jurors or holding any civiloffice. He atked for my help spoo.soring and promoring toe pas­sage of a Canstitutionil amend­ment to remom •~*y provision.

assured him toat I w this toe first order of t the ctar

0AGov. Robert SnijHe

Impressed with JAG.. >. ..Tb toe Pacific Ckizeo:It has ■■

with toe--------------- ----------- ^-------American Citizens League Airing toe time I was Attorney G«e«l and for the past sev«al years Gm-eroor of Idaho.

1 have the opportunity to asi in several of toe programs of toe JACL In each case I have alsraya been imprassad adth tbe torth- riitotneu and lateertty wHth wtdeb the members have addressed them­selves to toe project tader con- siderstton.During the U«

Idaho Legislature heartedly behind i:


, BY J(» KMmOKA_____________ j IDAHO F.ALLS-The great chal-

An enterprising newspaperman lenge facing Japaaeae j I Boise was thumbing through tor ' of toe Siato of Idaho *


in Boise was thumbing through tor ' of toe Siate of Idaho n wt Idaho state ccnsUiution foe a story toe campaign to have toe i to his paper, the Ooeur d‘ Akne on Nos'. 6 vole Yes ai SJRMooeolian descent even toOJgh

naturalised cStisens. bad no votwg rigliu.On Sept 21. 1«0. to* Coeor d'

Alene Press poblisbed toe story. Several weeks later. It was head­lined in our Pacific Citizen, much to toe furprise of all JACLert everywhere and especially in Ida-**^In cheeking with state legisla-

was discovered in

____ . .. SJB I isicross toe startt aurriwtful <

Four sreeks remain to eaglata why voters toodd ratify toe C«B-

tfoo against ”<tolnea«in the United State*"

from vobag. serving a< !««*:« « chril offiee. UnwiSt^,

toe proWtotioe todav bars natum- ised citlsens <rf Oriental aneettry from vtoing' Eves greater concern face* toe -Japaneee American in Idaho. He U w«U-aecepsed in toe commiaffy as a first class cUisen. Os Noe.3 of Article VI. Idaho eonsUttitiob.

did-include "Cbinete. or person* of MongaHan descent not bon in 6. he wiU know stoetber his pa^ toe United SUte*" could not vrte.ien.t*. now natarallsed citlaw — serve ss jurors' or hold any ettrO squally as good, office. I Indian* Onae BarredTbe section eoneem* disqualifl-1 _ It has I

canons of ceruin persons from < Pacific Citizen renorted the tael voting, servile SI jurors or bald- that as asti4)rlental law was hi ing any civil offiee and lists such toe S>ste ConsUtutfon Durine tols classes as the unanc. traitor, poly- pertod. JACLers laid the |

I prepared for inu_____House of RepresenUttves. was serving as Bouse Leader, a joim resolubon srhicb proposed to strike from our stste Constitution this discriminatory language. A similar resotution was introduced at about the same time In. the Senate. When tbe Senate AvMhdkm was approved .by that body, we expedited its consider-It was my privilege to sponsor

SJR 1 during floor debate in toe Rouse. It is noteworthy tliat SJR 1 was appnn-ed by a unanimous vote In both toe Senate and toe House and that it was toe first proposed

Session of toe . I was whole-

______ _ ______ the Senau JtdntResolution No. I and at every opportunity urged it< passage.. Of course, this Rerolutian wUl be on our ballot in tols next election to amend our GMistfhitioo. 1 am. of course. stlU \-eiy much in favor

and am quhe ofimfSu’ re-

d this amendment and am certain that ^ people of^will remove toi* very Kilction from the Idaho Cwistitu. tion.Permit me to express my appre-

clatiao tor the opportuni' - dress the members of 1

gamijt sad convicts.UawdMcd Opening Dnr

When the IMI SUU Legislatura convened, s renohiuon was intro­duced qn toe opening day to give equal privileges to gU naturaUseddiizeu d Idaho. State Senator James McCL-re from Payette County was instrumental in having SJR I Introduced through the SUU Affair* Cominnee. of which State Senator R.a. 'BOl) Young of Caa- yon Covoty is chaiRnaa.Joe mtokoKa^ Uabo Falls, toen

Intonnowauia Diatriet Council riistrman, had alerted State Repn-

-- iseM*-■ anti-OrienUl voting

lity to nd- clause Iram toe State cooatiluUen. toe JAaL. - > Rep. Hansen'* meassgr to the 1 ^Pacific Ciuzen. printed elsewhere

. this issue, racalls tbe actioe tContlttued on Page 2)

psign noe . In the « .11 was this writer's prtvileee to meet wttfa Cmgrammaa ' Waltae JuM of MinBeJOia. spansm «f JACL bins 13 extend nabwaliaa- tion pTfViiMe* to toe IsMt. wIk>

Naegie ad StateA.W <Tony Rep Orvn) Ifoi County.. And in toe come of c bon. Naeglc recalled tost toe ladiam wtto toe help Governor C.A. Robtns i Dept, of toe Interior had a peruon of toe same ' Section 3 the Idaho whi;to etatad: "Nor lodtohi

• CBatteMd OB Page t)x* Wiihlngton N«wil*tt*r. by MIk* M*i«ok»For Equality for Naturalized CHizeiie

_____ Washington- D C. Idaho JACL Chapters iWHEN TEN vesr* ago, tor Con- lar. and t

- • Dtstrii -_ _ ___ Walter - McCarraa’Act of 1«S2. * In generaL to make clear toat o

t voter* d Idaho on toe for 'constituilonal

T 6 CaBs

barrier bi our Constitution and the need for iu removal, li is signifi­cant that because -its purpose was clearly underrttod by members of toe Idaho'Legislature. SJR 1 re­ceived their unwiimoui approval' Tbi* ancresu'tbat U seeking

to win approval of this propoal tiM on tor 'ganeriKeleeUon bal­lot in November, onr bUtest Job is to make certain tbal the vvteraand effect. -During recent months h has been

a real privilege for me .to work with leaders in the JACL to public attentioa to tots proposed ConstMutional amendment and to

Members of toe JACL are to be commatded for tbcir efforts to mote toe passage of SJR Idahoans are indebted to toe JACL for furnishing toe teadertoip in this 'mdeavor. Through their ajp- port of tois cause, members of the JACL are rendering a distinct

(Continued on Page 4)

stopro-L 1. AU

uus purpose, unuer ipr eitevuTv, W'wi w>i>»m2thev attained toeir citizenship, dedicatod, gad inapirad co-chaIr- Bahirabzad eitlfcns of Idaho. fl» would be able to enjoy all the* mantolp of Joe Niaidoka of Idaho Usk and retponaWties duOenr privileges and Immunitiei of FaU* and George Sugai of Payette, big the Idaho JACLm are fonw-Ameriean citiaenah^. an Jdate Committee for Yes on dable •This presumption turned out to } ’

be true 0 r IfwTmvi decade ex- *Pecifi« respoo*a>imies, respective-sou*.

prahibitiwi against "Oiioese. ai)d persons of Mongolian descent, not born in tbe United States"

TO RKAOI asM inform tte 2B2.- 704 legliteied voteir nf Idaho Ye- gaiding toe feet* of SIB 1 Is a

... .. na- ** consider, toat tameturalized .Americans of Japanese ^ Chapter* la,ce«ry may not vote, serve on ??*'“• three_^-y Poeatelk., '

juries, or bold eivU office - - ^ „ -le uniateAltoeugh this section in toe Idaho ^ ,hi7 Tg-year-old

three - Poeatelk., Idabc tto kind of .in^- f,iu. and Bexbuf* - to toe toe unmtenited vie- soutooaatero eoroer and t«i_

Boise Valley and SnakeSUte Constitution clearly violate* ua-.l exclusioo These kick-off '.J

sa„%fts;„?r‘S2s:uuans and

withfxBortd and toeir native-born chil­dren present but also with news-

era corner. Tliere arc no QwpCars

authorizes toe Congress to estob- Ush toe requiremenU for naturali- kation, this tution provides that SUtes shall determine toe qiuUfi- cations for toeir voters.

rtor':sde;;^“^““^s;ssd”*•' —• Valley to Scputo^Ientral I^

there an no Cbapcara rtwehM «< togt ex-

s to attend- ' toe problems, aoaieesiry' » toe so-caUed Gem State

SINCE nw, if any. even in are farmer*, many ......................................»naturaUsed ' ' ' “

Nat'l JACL Council Resolution

WHEREAS, voting, jury duty.^ the most ires.sured of

nghu. privUeges. and duties oi aU citizens, whether Mtive-born or naturalised, of toe United States and <d toe \-arious State* thereof;WTHEREAS. toe abridgement

of toe free exercise of the same by reaikin of race or national origlD is a vBUtioe of the tradi- ttonal concepts of Amwican jus­tice. and repugnant to toe guar­antees of the 14to and 15th Amendments to toe Federal Cce- stiUdimi d ttw United Stetes;WHEREAS. Section 3. Amcie

VI of toe ConstiUition of the State of Idaho ptwvMes toat ”... nor toaU Oitoeae. or per­sons of Mongolian daicent.-aot boro in toe United States, eitotf vote, serve at jurors, v hold any civil office ":WHESEA& man pmons to

toe cUssilieaiion of "GhlncM. or persons d Mongohan drscem" now in Idaho are of Japanese anceetty and the proud parents d Aznerican eitiaens who aerved •tth each gaHaittZ7 and devottoo to World War n ami to Eorw.


Idaho SJR 1 Campaiffncltizen.s oi the United Stetes, toe tend of toeu adoption;AND. WHEREAS, by unani-

vote d both it* Senate andMouse of Representatives in ' ten regular seasioo. toe Legisu- ture of tbe State of Idaho, in recognibon of the rlghU. priri- leges and duties extended by Act of Congress, endoraed ^

mded repeal of this dcriminaUiry portion of said Sec- uon 3. Article Vi. bv enactittg SENATE JOINT RESOLUTKHf NO. ONE to be ptecod on toe balloi for general election to be beki oo^ November 6. 1962.RESCa,VED that toe................American Ottzen, League. In I7th Biennis) NstionaJ Com-en- tian assemblMl. from 29 chapters therecd in .32 of torse Unitedtngfon. do berriiy eitisens and voters of toe Sute of Idaho to vote "Ye*'' on Sen­ate Joint Resolutian No One on toe ballot at the general elec- ttons to be held on November filth, toerebj- declaring toe pito- hc policy of the aoveroign State pf Mabo and itt panpie to he

scale baai*. T^"^t^w^rks^Sffag ■re •national origin,

“ treated eqtiaUy at least before toe than requited for the harvest, law. then, why the cooccro and buatest season cf tte year, toe^^^ign for toi, particufor . ,The answer u. in reality, m aim- BTILL, OCT of respect and

*%'hen toel.rtutetf^'^’*___ ifibute to toeir laaei parratt. md^*.. lure of toe State lidof Idaho voted unanunously to mow who passed away before laU place this question before toe egr^okl dream of the (foneer laaci voters in the general election this could be realised, raeny under-

ibrr 6. it framed the issue- neodatg Nisei and Sensei JACLct*Novembias it bm ________.guage of toe constitutional pritolb*- ancestry a.v ____tion. "Shan Section 3 of Article TI urecioeV hour, aito dau in' tryteg of toe Conititutj* of toe Stele of the great AmerObn trafo-Idaho be amended to permit Chi- tk» of rampeigning—etostate foe nese. and persons of MxxtgoUan de- oo toe truto end toe factsscent, not boro in the United ^ ttw meaning of SJR 1. Btetts. tbe right to vote, to serve To these Nisei end Sansei too e, iLTor*. end to hold civil office?" numerous to mantun by nsme. Bte Unfortunatriy. to most citizens, successfai emendment of toe con-

toU phraseofogj’ might well apply stttutional proMbtUoD h not only to aliens; and so. would give to s matter of pride and booor ton "QiineM nod persteu of Jiongo- -Qwittnuad on Page 2iban ducent nortxiro in the United .Sutes" riffits azM. privileges that , are not accorded to other ahens ''who arc not d 32ongolian ancestry.In other words, convinely stated, this SJR 1 would confer on only aliens of Moogolten descent vottog end other otizenship benefris that arc denied to eH other non<itisi3U If only toe Legislature couM

hare used the expUnaiory wotd ‘'naturalized" to deaerfoe toe *c^ beneficiaries of bus antetxintent to establito legal eqitelffy among Md for an MUrajised etttaenz Mate, wttoout regaid to rac*

in. toe foak Hd of tbe 4JO. toll

Chapters, which have snbtolt- ted articie* to tois week's Imm. are as foOowt:

Page 2: Vote on Rights Law...arl^ imfSu the SJR 1 ;mlttee. W^. i Kilction ‘ difQcull t airteie^adaeduleavnito^ enthusiasm pemains not onl.v led urf be rouUna mv flielit the members, .but

f 1

S—(>ACIPiC CITIZEN Friday, OdabM> 5, tMS

PACIFIC CITIZENm WeUw SL Bn. att. Lot AafeiM U. CaML. KA »4m JACL Headqoatn: ICM Po« 8L. 8m Frudacp U. Calll.

Otfioe: tU-18tt 8L BW. WMhin<W> •, D. C. bMPt Ku th* DtTMOTr't K^OTt. •»*■»«« tx>rMi«< IT

At M( aecMtwilr reOMt JACL ■ tor • re»i-i nbaertpttaa to FCJr yw. ranign: to per year n Po«t OUicc. Lot An«etea. Caltt.

T,^ 1

> J)mU}U 'Jicfo^'By Mosoo Satow^


Last »-eek television viewers saw a nationwide CBS Re­port drajoaticaUy picture the difficulties and frustrations encountered by Negroes in Mississippi in thdr attempts to register for voting becau^ of arbitrary roadblocks put up by duly elected officials according to their on-n whims and prejudices under the pretense of legal procedure.

One could not help but be impress^ with the deep con­victions and siDc|re expressions of those denied the right to register, that voting would give them a sense of being a part of this great Country ana would establish them as first-class dtizens. Emphasized was the 15th Amendment to the Consti­tution of Uie Uniied Sutes declaring the right to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by the States because of race, color, or national origin.

The national spotlight continues to focus upon this very serious situation in the deep South, and all of us share this threat to the established principles of tMs Country.

Similarly conccrnc^MiUth voting rights and busily doing something about the situation are our JACLers in Idaho, where the Idaho Slate Constitution prohibits Chinese and those of Mongolian descent, not bom in the United States, frpm voting, sening as jurors, or holding dvil office.

On first impression, the average voter might look upon the phrase “not born in the United States" as justification

• for denying the franchise, assuming that those denied are dljens. But this law includes Issci, not bom in the Unh^ States, but who are now naturalized citizens, from voUng>

t course.In 1€89 at the Idaho Constitutional Convention when

this provision was placed iq the Constitution, the Chairman of the Convention declared, “The greatest desire is to ex­dude Indians and Chinese and Mongolians from any partid- pation in the eleciive franchise until they become properly qualified under the law*.

Now that perspiu originally prohibited this section have become "prop^'qnalified uneler the law,” this prohi­bition Ihbuld deleted from the State Constitution.'

This practically little known section of the Idaho State Constitution was brought to light by an enterprising reporter of the Coeur d' Alene (Idaho) ^reas just before the 1960 Na­tional election, in digging up what he thought were some rarious uiiMstereMing voting reguUUom in the State. J)WX ^1000 Clubber Henry Vamaraoto. Coeur d' Alene restaun^eu^ descentmt bom ia thealertly senl the clipping to cousin Ed Yamamoto, 1000 Club is di««rtrfui m ii...lifer of Moses Lake, who relayed it on to National Head­quarters, from whence it went to PC with a covering memo.Its a^iearance in the PC stimulate then National 2nd Vice President George Sugai of Payette., Idaho, to urge his per­sonal acquaintanebs in jdaho State Legislature to act on the

As amatter. As a result, the first aetton of the State Legislature in Janaury 1961 was to repeal this section of the State Con­stitution by unanimous vote (Senate vote - 44 to 0. House vote • 5S to Oi and provide for -the measure^ to be referred to the general electorate in 1962.

Meantime, the Intermountain District Council under then Chairman Joe Nishioka of Idaho Falls ^nd George Sugai took^ the matter and laid plans for District Council and chapter action. Joe Nishioka continues to-give leadership by heading up the Idaho Committee for Yes on SJR 1.

The IDC and Idaho JACLers are to be commended for their efforts to inform the voders in spite of their present busy-ness with crops.

He experience of the 1960 Washington Alien Land Law- Repeal Campaign demonstrated conclusively thst the en­dorsement of high officials and many pleading organizations must be complemented with vigorous and extensive leg work to get the right information personally to the individual voter, who actually goes into the voting booth and marics the ballot, as the sine qua non of electorate approv-al.

Our thanks to the chapters outside of Idaho who have sent to the Idaho Committee f^\Yes on SJR 1 substantial expressions of their support and recording their interest and concern in upholding the establiidied principle of a citizen's right to vote in this Country.

4daho couM end up wift egg on her face after,NovemberTb« Msto Bute JMnia] gtUtl-

cal editor BUI RaD. fai tea -8cralelq>ad-- oUwnn »( 6<to- pieXa an toe oalcei ‘bopcs win Ibt utl- withOrlftar rtotec tew tnm Uab» OtowOtatlM. mt en itol "UMw eatod red «p wMk ecc «a tor (aee ttxrr Bw N»- i TOTBbcc aiecUM'' to (BBnTtoto 1 to to to wtotetoa,)

BY BOX BALL 11 we aren't careful. Idabo could

end up with cfx <» ber face after the Noveanber etecitea.There wfll be on tto bahot tots

time Utree ccestituUimal amend- mcfito. Tlie one In question would

or Orienul descent fto to vote yes.vole, hold oHice or serve on junes. e^t t^^p^iUc^

resent the only state opfaiaii ^ dlsenminatioo a*am»t Idaho

naturalized elUzens in iU ccosUUi- them. They imost I, tIUs

I. Voter* who knowwto ym en ibc nn

_______________j as SJ.B. No.not eould to prettr embarraasnf U we aow don't- —idato Stole JosnaJ

Preu Commentf:The JACL and SJR 1

. Blaekfoca. Idaho ber .nf the 442nd Coanbal le«r «w. « ll s an inspirinx expert- blinded in combai acCioa and . a

amend tto Walio ^ ^ meetins of the citizen of Susar CiV, erf the Jaih-Japanese American Citizens nes(-Amene»n creed-’-fm proud

^ ^ that 1 am an Ammane erf Jtpa-amce ana aerve on june*. ^ ,rttke up ne*i- n»ee*tr>- -—a creed that en-

our oountZT who have bad to nay abled Japaniese Americans to face high priae for toair cittoeMbip. a hostile oountry wltt tooulders

- — larad and beads held hiib.wators of the< evsitas

were Pat Okura. Omaha. Natha») Fresdent erf the JACU and Mike

It is uocQnsUa.'Uaba 0 do any (rf Utosa three tolnss low. Tbe law is larseJy i<norad.Tbe law is tersely isnerad. Hem^oiberins the price thev have aquarad i

the tent Wabo Lcs»lat« p4aj^^uaa„,^^*atlbelr Main x 1 unanimously to clean tto «s- -Belter' American* in a were Patvoted unanimously to Clean me ens-

Urteful mearure rff the books. Creator America.-' are not empty I don’t know erf anyope who isn’t a-wds as ttoy miebt be tor tooae Ma-eoka. iwvsente^ of the

in favor of dnini away with the of us wbnae rttizenship was eatab- JACL In Washmstoo. D.C.ptovvatao. but there is still the lished aeveml gceeratkvu hack.poisibOtty that it will not pass. it was my privilexe to attend rwmmtt smcsThe Orteatal votlns amendment, the meetins. of tto JACT. to Id^ .Comment report* on toe sub-

like so many other propoaed FaUs Bauirday evenins 'Sept B> ̂uice of Okura’s apee^. whichamendmenU on the ballot, laobs m which toe membert did bmi ̂ pubjirtsed In itt entirety on theions and duU on toe aamPte* 1 to tbe lasei. first feneration Jana- p4,*,_Ed..have aecn. Many voUsi wUl ahy ««»et^ In this eoaa^ ^ Maaaoka tottoduced as Mr.

tor tnm« mal dvil; richta for aH Jthe of tbe Americans

preposition on the baQoi ^c«s|t now Uvtnf in the Unitpd _______Genereily, vxiters cast their bal- ““S'*®- , Tham. bol^5S.SS'

would do. It Natl^u^ Act.i Oomhattbe

of 30 c_________ .and siBC* 1345 the

re of Nafa

‘Whose'son lies buried near mybatUe aetton.

Time to Ch^ It OutI

OTCardpb«ri^fer 2t waah.-,

3 Lines < minimum) .Up to fcij line K per 111-

3 Line* 11 mch' .............. ^Up to I8th line UM petS

o.. Srfi r.** lire p« «<10 pt ) t>-pt TOunu u Iwo^

uM easti)- be oeireteo. -. , ^ —..u <, „_.iKu ter the wnose

ory. that the vntor* of Idaho re- ^ ^cUlzens,

was nUo timed to pointWrelatton to poputetton leads aU.”’ Idabo." be aa

ritiusu of Japa___: buned in AzUnr-ae than i

Nishioka- Masaoka-ftom r™i P«t) IC«iaii«l urn rrmt P.,.1

-to tav. »i pl:

intermountain looks al« a. u»i;:t-iu.for victory at Idaho ballot box

!, voters of Idaho will be gi- a crtance to remove from tbe CcB-

f-the State ' “vole, sen- lie ofCre-

IW vben tbe Idaho Constitution Dr. Judd then turned t Naegle the shock that <sUtutton >-the State of Idaho a ^ wen ine luano v^«suti«^ naturaUzatlon of their parrsiV anddlscrtmtoitory clause <l6e so- Hansen artmg ^ to ^ m.ccstiy In Idahocalled anil-MoiiroUan Clause' 8“«« shameful ^ removed from tbe pu'oUemrf,u4< nenhfhUi naturalired elUzens do toe beaw work of ratHnad COO- craninatory tew agauisl -Orteaials____

Salt Uke Otr

which prehtbtts i ihe'hi ̂wwk'trf relp^ con- ytahi^toiy tew against-Ortenialsof the United States of M«f61ten ***' iui,birth from voting, serving « ♦ » . . _ .tang, « hoMW pjbta bOlr. „ - ^ ^

--—------------ - — 1961 legwiature. »en National JA-stet t*ctalata*e Aeta

perhaps selfishly, they a acutoiy aware that *uzh racial d criniinaiijo agamp’. th->.ie of Cu

that this clause should and voted to submit

,,,. ^ tors pe ur-vT-, V’'' alectian.

tWaads" Tbe twin objcctfver* of 'TOiies have been traveled bj- mem- ^ber< wbo tn many ca.«e« have had ^

irry of artlvltj' «-■ ■ _ Idaho and tl>e Int DisUlct Cooircil. Ream: have been written: >mace t

, j> the ot them 1

sens.dtecriminatton againtt a o4i now ccteti tn Idaho Japm the etete* was rdghU erf

I m a iwo- 1901 leauiawre. Ktvn ,-wuuu*, Moagolian CL Prtdden’. Frank Chuman had' .................. .

. . .. Ing. i_____bolding public Icrly ae>^ o! the Iniermounto„ naturalize a sreai deal with getluifi tbe baU ^

irred from vofing. roUins. He attended the first quar- *■ ■■ ■■ ae>*ton o! the Iniermouniato f

District Csuncil. m January . 1962. [

it of second-ctaAnd. «

____m aadUrt those of MMS .11 tt. n.i= b.. 6S.i btaM-to sou» K1.W v.l.

lu.™. 1.P«C1.,.. ijtag c. ta .,. “liS’Sis 'that in Idaho oLising the resolutm. Chumtn

citizen bore tn China, stated the provision in quesUm .. . openthe raciit? end -Ju- Uig-ts other era of hysteria and ps

thip in Idaho. A raelaliy di.ycnmiMtory and carsemwed to the BotmeviUe Hotel from exervteing fall prtvfleges d campaign since the disquali/ica- properties, dinina room came away from the clire-n.toTD “* *' * tioa w, aaainst U3. naUunal and ♦

zenship. their persons, and theircame away from toe cHre-n-torp _________ „______ .

hu meetinf convinced that something Xflect on the Issei living to hitemaiioDal policies, that it was tm. OMMrm for mainstay .wnn nia ^ «*.«,* u t*.w. i. .i... —> --------------- ^ u.w . *“ vaswu.m* jur.. ._ .. ____ jd eacdi

meat: Mike Mas^a. of cn't must be done about it. ya»t^ is tnai wnue umr naTurai- contrery

•oance ra wir«i^ a n i from toe Bteckfoot area iggi brothers and listers -living to and to? 15thcha f‘re are iScS^ toe te.. .» o- -n. *.paicn.

took pride that In toe stirring pr> Oregon. Vashingtan. Csiitomia grain some of the highlights were any other state can vote, thev

that toe Pacific Otizen ‘IL^? ^“sang toe JAi____ ______Bless Amertca’’. and by Mrs. T. of toe'w


At this meeting, the Cemnittee for Vole Yes on SJR 1 sres or-

Idaho. ganized adth George Sugai and Joe Legislature. Nuhi.yka as co-chairmen.

its repeal It can notling a s.

Uirtng the Idaho Reneil oreject only another todicat

srsk..' 10.■S^.cUvUt of rounie is Bte t**“- rcspaocted in Japanese voters of Idaho will vote to do so.luS -lS?"Ll^ SSSli ta '<*?' »'■"voting, holding otTlce. and serving

tto^ .□twMaogolten provision, ires selected as toe campfcign sto oewreti* tJ' erery JA<^' .................... every persca of goadwill tn l.-ia:

In the current camoaign fur equi ity for all imUiraiiztd citizens.S-““

il to thethem by toe JACL. ‘Hie problem is to get 'votersE>oecialfT stirring ares the reel- raattee that Sec. 3. Article 6 d_. ...... .... ,. .

tetioft by Tbmmy Miyazaki, mem- criminates against peoide a-ho aolictt their suppcui a: tbe p-li haue become NATURALIZED a- Various statewide and local

«r* to all JACLers to explain toe out- ^ 6 dll- moded tew to iheir fnends and

........................... c-U

Graatwr Anoelto ", liJ-B Wrikf (121, Ua 6-tob

C06WLETE ROOfliC YBtVn LicemeO 6 Inwree - M 4-47%

1 Finsndal Industritl Ftad, A Uotrfl fte Cc-D<ra^

Cteree j Itetei - Uita 1 no N Sat OMie <1?) W* utfmneem «w Any Ocsaim - m

Flower View Gardofiimm. ORuEs

STEPHEM H OktYAH* 900 E lu St <121 ■ U* 4.514,KireSHI 0. KASAWA Sr imewtoOccitetJI Lrfr InisrsAce Ci k C«

Smu 301. 3440 WilUv't Olrt U.I DO 5-32U, <reii EX 4-MM

ICW iAMHESE AHEWCU ■■BiiireMi DWz - Sseure Km pSS^ Efwtte SectNoi »Vi La.terui o*lte 94S E 2M $L 021 UA Mto

Ml fiOT H. BSHKAWASpKiallhai « Couad Ltwa

234 S Oifwfl (4) . DU 4-741Sacramenfe

" Boval Florista <Wte H’s ten »»ie b, toerei Wakano-Urxie _ SakiTiirt . Cte Sm7

Oeee It • 11 Cmrf Hm4W , 2217 . IDih S( — Cl 8-WJli Swnl«, Vtnh.r- Be Ouf Canti Dsrtiq W»re i FfrT nm OKIVE-te H8TB.■i. Jam W Ujuuoks A Atwenw^ X A Yete War BAie 2-43B

Imperial Laoese- 2101-22*4 Aw Se. CAs 9-2SSy. Kwt Omed 1- Fw4 T«ag. arf.0- -------- '--------------------------------

International Realty CaL Jamet H Uuuicks A Aswclalff^ 920 S JacZias lU 3-2303

Kloomoto Travel ServiceFrate V. KtfemeW

“ 521 »4** Si.. aU 2-lSarU TOMTS FLOWn SHfr}0 SteKie sre Tern Sirai-x

Orfen by Wire AesmW ^ 15W7 - Ut AW So C-f-1 3-H.:t llJ^AOU-iwKAWA A AS3«B«1. Cemsfumi

919'^“l8S^Su'*‘ii* (W.meager campiign treasury and

by wTiting. by inftwming frtexids and egben in Idaho to vote "Yes’- -- SJR 1.

1960 General For more is at stxke than those made. It Mongnlian ancestzY Idaho

' American citizen-

Attorney General's fiaieinent of PurposeOfflcihi Ff*«lMtwn EKpUMHen of SJR 1

iuron or holding civil office and among those dtequalified are ‘.*Chine$e or peraoos of h^- golian descent not bora in the United State* ’’7^ ameadrnent. if ap{>rored.

t. marka ore>*< X> in tbe scuare right of •'\'cs" or '•No •’ --ShaUSeetijttSor Article Yes( 1 V! «g toe ConaUiutian le BUI

tide '_________ D of

I Of Idaho be No'

or hdd'civil'offire’ -

_ _j gtffr satimatiaKi O.toeseeftizwqf toe Uaited Stotea and

e«Ra* Mongoltefi da-met bora to to* Unnad^ «■ rtm to «<to. to ertiHIHqI

w^d delete that portioa oL.Ue said •eetioB which protaibiu na­turalized Quacae cituens, and otoer citizen* of Uar.gol>an de- aevei. from voUng. serving at. jurors, or bolding irtvil office ILougb identifying ouly Oiinese.

*e«B{. which, a* aiat^ wowki enable them to vote, strvt a* jurors, or bold civlJ office ee toe same baab aa other aatoralbwd cititess.Idaho is toe cmiy State wfto

gtolaraliwd dtizni. aud toe. Rt-gdiiA tata» te

Sincerity of Purpose IH- ^S«nen<mns m uapaovre # r peotrfe Election summary wat made. U MoOgoUan amPayette, Idiho , wdio might never have taken- toe was es-umated 3S2.GS6 were eligible The iniefnty of .

ntrikliH *'!¥■ We as one who was privUegedVtrnuble ts became citizen* would to vote on to?, basis of the 1980 ahip through cto attend the banquet meeting of still be barred from voting. Idaho census Of that number. Americanism of

One of JACL * greatest aemm- u*e Japanese Americap Cilizen* ^ w w— *382,701 wtsre registered and SOe.ia bo. and the intentohment* was to obtain nature)- l«*uc at Ontario teat Saturday l'«4«rtaad voted, or a percentage a.......... ....................tzalxwi privtleges for our l«rt..It 27', cxscU not help but be voter to No«emh«-- owe of toe highest in toe _____wa, .toockwg .indeed to dlaeovw impressed with tbe sto^tj- of Since C pet.'of the votes came ------------------- ----------that even a naturalized Ia»e: could jrf members of that -or- ^«>m I! of to? 44 Jdaho eounut^. *nme o' the impUcatioos of—• •— - .. ganteation. *be Committee has conamtrated vote on November 6, not to men-

n Diatricl Coua- » « delighUul and reward- --v^" campaign In toe 11 M>«it>es but »>«> tbe acceptance of perscos of’w. “LT ssa' "S !--«■ «»«»•<==- »

• at 833— of the United Stale* i3'» regard to I Asian aoceitzy—these

• GEORGE L OUGAB • fttd Estot* invdjmMl

4I84 Ceattoela. LA.. EX \M

' have believed to problem of dtecrimlnatwi that e ■ activities of other ,,*inst them in our- countirhapten. could not help but .. „ ,-„u»a a wai

I this nampaigns are making arefully and cautiously.

1 concern i ' sr»s only by tbe grace of God re of '

for them.rily .

funds .we will have avalteMe. Wc ^ mud be realistic and confine —

i; Sugaiipaign is toe fact tbai tte torn ^Ueg pot thatinlaiixity 1* controUed by ^ country has become, there should

reqserted ptece tn ii for everyOOteUi

At the summer IDC„ quarterly teMA as—.* b..a> sestWR. June m4, « Caldwell (OoBtteuad tnm Fitst Pag*) Commiuee m« with Mike Ma-

^ aa^^. He. Boise Valley JACLwt t-... ._ ______all the national chapters.At toe National Cneveelion. it 'a* my pnnlege to acquaint the «^at we can coimt oneiegates with toe {aoblom* of toe tndividunl cootrtoutiiauIda^ca^ign and to ask ^ have^ receh-od. We an- grete-NanonaJ Co««l to paw an IDC h,, oaier* who would .............

I aU cup^ to lac to send check* may send them SJR 1.

Ibc. measure was ' pasa^: 42-0 to toe Senate. 3M) • tor^'Hosue.

Wtoiuuon •*kU4 au^rw to Hkc to send checks may send them SJR 1. since toe signal *‘****^ TTensurer. Governor Smyiie an toe i

„j.. George Sugai. conferred wn'to toe , ^ Sttie AltOTBey G«eral Prenk Ben­

son and Secretary of State ArnaM - WUliams the follcrwing day reg:

gd tog the offloal explanation ofIdaho The Comanittec was sacresyfv _

seeing that tbe Atiamey Cencrarrstgnatire by Statement of Purj«s« explain -na-

-------------- , V- SXUAI. .u-ic. sv«.e. w« a^iewu. voe NShkS.**^unanimouslv. Chairman erf the Ida- iitas,.., _ f-, simi n rri «laetjei Repeal Ways and Me« Com- took fdTrt«orv If this virte - SSSSen^mittee. Abe Saito, -was aelected to u not atUtoed Nov. t you •», committee’s ebief teak i. to

can coont on the IDC ttfctog up mhtoate and intern the voter. ol tenTkres^ the banie two years or even four Mabo that naturaliaod Americans food »b w«,7f»r* btoee. The IDC has a deep of Chinese or

contact all chapters.38orele^aatoH-

As of Sept B, eighteen of the coovietion te toe causes of the iuv* no voting ri^ts. teSSSiLpanded. Tb them JA^. This eonvictiaB mtobled the Tbe majortty of the peoiite in Ar^i^!

•tto a ]tew SB. securedtoe Amertcu.. __________

in'-ale George It^aki in toe Sept 17 PC Citian can help now by ^wnung tS•V express our thanka Tbese ran- IDC to oonZnbutt heavily ta toe tdsho are unaw-are such a Itew sn <e-ured ei tribu’jrai have given toe Idaho Re- Natiooal JACL durtog the war exists and are abottoed when tkild the Amcrtci * pea) Cdounittee a real booat in years as grecieoaly mcatiooad fay

George Inagaki in toe Sept 17 PCBormeville

“i?* ahotied wb« the American Lcgkm Dept rf^ rf ^ Pacrfic bo. compored rf K i^pic, toe1 toe editor rf toe local Sud MoretoteT^i-o

.. -.-.era. pointing out each an ~ - -•antigrated tew exist*. App^oxl- woraed ew Detnocret; duno*

What U at OT-w 1?*^ w* ,*«»* Tvma»* betea uieir ptettem raoi-entloe faere^—..---- ----- ------------- AA»»A.w»AA« eteettan. a»cee»slul Baonie Yoknta

luni^iteTsi'voTwoIn a lew ^ befieli of our omnimtkB. ■ sia. sc sMeraasuMvs teOo

George Su^.:pteazuag our finances, weeks, we will have ti

IT budget 1: is necessary to kttew May i take advanlage of- - - ____ _ - thisevrertuttity to pobfacly extad the OJAHO FALLS.-In toe rwrentLAW CtTH) AS OUTMODB)

_________ — IDC to c^-ery- study rf toe Idaho state coost-tu- lie and tom WflbMai 6._________CoknibiK Fonria flant one who ha* befaied in tots cam- boa by the League rf B'omen tnembar rf tbe Idaho AdvtevyLOfUmOOS ran» now n^x^i Board and Voter*, several outmoded aU- Cotnntttee <■ .Ovd Rights. BatDABTON. — Da.^ JACL win Staff; 38ihe Maaaoka: fite Iteho tote are cited iacladtakg the Hikida and Jaah Yenaatoto »e-

OoiTia toe Cofatmtane mMnbrfa-wbo bave devoted ao barring rf naturafaxed Chinese «r curwd file antei aamtut from toe’ —----------«Oet. BHuh tone \ toe paat two yean mraMU rf Mcagirfian descent Maho Beal Bnede Atoa.

1 tot BBHW ^ an L Sm NfaU^ ^ M I-* t Mteo Fiat PttatBetfrtwr votee a» powBdtliSwiiA

It a -toteiHnl dtoatofite- aadtoiM tow gt toM rfi. Tbeme win be *- )__________

M||»«b«aah. dMto> MMtete Item«

AagwH 24. 1312. as aaended by toe Act* rf Marefa 3. 1333. Jnly 2. t»46 and Jenr II. llto (74 SUL 2W < uMwlng to, awBFrtolp managemeni. and eirenlattea (rfPACIFIC CITIZEN

Publnher.'Sr.S^.*"''mi'icwis Ascisfeiirss’r

Ftertor Hsro K. BoWein-T s.. _2- TT-t owne. _Pr«.iu« K Psivrt Otum. *to« G-f- ■icT, ne. (xsans zi. Nao : I* VJ- l*n-« Enomou*. Iga* Uarltn PI.. '

S. Tile known boMUiob 1»#e»» and ether tecort■>T ol'-er serurRM are N<

Psrsgruih* X inC 1 u 1 where the studdMieer

AK^i tze>t** ■ sruns. aUo i:mrni


ofloan awuTT ssite730 E- Irt Si-. Leu »*•<» 0* Xatimliy 9 • m u h-30 F*Oew £w«.n4, Usete-Trte

Call HE 6-0724 Iw AKW-sOTdAtk for . . .'Cherry Braiid'

Hotaal SopplT Ca.I4M Sanssme 8t.Sao Francisco 11


AMUU KS. ACT. Aihifi-0«t»^ 114 S Sm ^t^n. MA 6-40*1A«S0iT.raiWBA.Itenal)6 312 £ XlL Itt 6-4343 AN 3-UPFUUKMHI ML ACT. Hastka-UasMate 216 S Sta HA 4h4279. HO 2-7406MHHATA ML ACT- 3M t UHA 8-1215 AT 7-8605HROTO MS. ACT. 31Bi. £ W H* 4.0T58 HD 1-0439■DUTE ML-A6T- HoMr—15029 SpiOTweca Aw . LX *-Sn«ItH T. rre. Patem* A69 DdSV 4-7189. MU 1-4411MMOIIU W iASATA. Memww *>* 1497 teS Kaw> AN 8-4554lATO MS ACT. 366 E to a- HA 9-142S NO 5-6797


Page 3: Vote on Rights Law...arl^ imfSu the SJR 1 ;mlttee. W^. i Kilction ‘ difQcull t airteie^adaeduleavnito^ enthusiasm pemains not onl.v led urf be rouUna mv flielit the members, .but


tie srtorj- of Chin* PoUj-. Her n»nic listed oo documents *s LalyV Denwr, Colo.

CSTY—Nearly 15 vears is listet ,t » time ,e*en 1 was w»n- Natbcy. which probaity _ i over tie far reaches ot roiigb nhooeoc renditioB of hw •nic Denver Post call* true name. She was bom to im- T MojmaiikFmpif*. 1 visttcd povensbed tmecU Mmewbere in eioatint olacbost town caUed South China, sold inio sUveiy. and f C:V trtyAbe mouRtnlns of braught to San rnBciseo in ISK

1 Idrfw. It was a turn- whth the wu an attractive gSriMir. a scboolbause. and the acse girls were sent on an 8Sti-

of a row td saloons mile hanaback trip to the mmirif roof* 1»S »acc had db- camp of Warren. Idaho, in whai red it now, the Payette City was reached by way where *o.-nc JJOO Chinese men precarious dirt rohd that were employed. The girts were in- j up and op and up. At one etaUed in a dince hall where their j5 bad yielded a lree*ure in company wa* made available to but wheb-'^ -txdivi gave anyone with the price, and there ^ the price of silver col- I-alu NaOioy eainad die name ol ij so did tba city. There « "

• r to iustam It. arcAind the rulo.^

gbori town. 1 came upon

triSty, OcM»r 5, miBy Bill Houkm

From the Frying Pan

Issei virtues extoled in Okura tributeFollowing u

Japanese HMorf Projed acknewMias $(,100 more; total passes^$t86JM«Nirii

! ]( took a iot of courage Sor • Issei parent* to leave home

. dto firat pUce. It took awre courage to esidure the SiardAips and fight te many prelodiees that confronted every Asiatic imrm- grant a half century ago. This

Id^ FaUsi thU evening far tiu* *•* wwolirieflost smnderfid oensidn As men- thiSWls

JACL President K. Patrick Ofcu- ra at both Idaho FalU'aad Cald- w«U oo Sept. 2243.

oaimncsnarabng the Wlh anniver-

rt else to it ^ By laao. the gold was peteringyrling around the rulo.t oi cut. most of the white* had left gtinri town. 1 came upon a Warren and only same ISO Chinese «iy. A eee remained. Ch^ PoDy. nwhtg 40.ns the biaylag ground*,ituW cili dad of

> sewing and eml------------------ _ _ ... ieamed to make trinkett from g^citizens of Silver Qty nuggets for a living She bad be- ' accident, gunshot come friendly over the vesrs with

p::**, or the diseases that one Charles A BemU, a gambler ■niEpant In fiutte days. The who lived next door to thd dance

a In Rianir of the com- himI- him

She Wcpi houM for him. mir^ to Illness, finally, manied

nf the^ocky Uountuin d.iy Ounese. somehow, jusiiing a* b-imdrjtncn. ci,.... ____rmers, ^ happily in a cabto he built in die

rt-.v . as mteers. Uf.'BUt Chi- conran of the Salmon RKer Whent-ufk farmers, and not iof the pease, at Warroi.

and Betnis livtd bin he built in die ilmon RKer, When 1922, friend* Urk he nearest town, was her first tnp cabm in 29 year*,

the sight of automobiU^ fright-

dice ■rhina Pally

ly in a '__________________at of the Salmon RKer, When 1 died ui

Cu;r own claims, but they poUy out i Inise abandoned p’aser.s o: Grange\-llle. and make cn.»gh to eet 1^ hard w<^ frugality ,nd the sigh------------

Juisense The Chinese were ened her. Polly hurried back to er.< of d» immunity, ond-ffir canyon bane, where she Ui-ed rr werwt t. -nicy were rcle- undl 1933 Then she became Ul

scceod class sUtus. Friend* put her on a horse and not Mrmitted to en- her to the War Eagle mine

Ihcr the prfvflegcs t» respon- »bere an ambulance from Grange- bt. of clU*en.*hip. AUe met toem, She died at Grange-

vilie. and ssas burM there after KtlMlKATION—It wa* in 82 eventful years.iuon dereribed above tb« ----------------------:• of Ida).iaba wrolc into iU

IhiUon provhkn* legalicing imMfion against "Chinese or I* of Mongolian descent." 's coortltui' the Unit

Local coifor Yes—SJR 1 rovoaM

utte. the Conrtitu- IDAHO F.ALLS —The Vote Ye*- _..itcd Stales notwiUi-iSJR I Commutee ha* its local,

ag. specific that such per-1 camiuigs manager* in the five u' nr>t horn in the United'J.ACL chaptors throughout It

By not vote, serve oo i and in the Twin PalU-Maglc bold esvll office even ley area. whv:e there u no JACL

B^^9iirtYto*be ’smeken^m ooEs. The Mg problem U to -.0 people of Id:ho soVfired >o.'t the inyutUcc and silllnesr * provisiao that theyi] go out -otc Us repeal next month

• t •INA FOIAT-Whae the Idaho

s RMitoi-BDd raw, it tendeness. as wit

po^SoT*** tdabo rails I'ttUSacti Mlk*..,,

“'.ifS-j;sir5.„i ■, aL"KMagic Vahry . . Bob Joo. Twin Fall.

ToOri Kuaans lluri«->k™-.A."bSAluas. Jeror Aisawa. Je wk Hirai. I

Reoew Your Hembersta^i[ W>KN U n SMART TO USEOBNIII '1. Whm yOM buy m^liag AM «■I Ibu <o>

F' X Whw< Hi* bciwdl e



CaWRliW Traval. AOvAery Isot St.. Us Angola 12 MA 04222

Aohmni Togr to lapon and Hoag KoagDapirting Saptwnbw 22Tow Cenchfcter — Kiyo Yhingto

YAMATO TRAVEL BUREAU312 Eaft l9t St., Suit* 204 Let Angola 12. Calif.Phono: MAdiaen 44021

citizens and aecnodly. but not any: less importanU wre are honoring our Iwei ptoneer* for their many and great comribu- Uon* over the years not only to us. their ebUdren. but also the comruuni}ies tn which they reside

to the State of Idaho and the natiM-Xn June of 1952. when Congress

enacted the Waher-McOrran Im- migrattoo and Nationalny Act. li enabled tor the first time sinceAmerica became a repubhe 1788. to eliminate race as a quali­fication (or naiuraUzaUoo We are all proud of Rie rale that the Japanese Amencan Citizens ' igue plaved in having this bin

irted. The re.-ord indicates ttat ale lea

r.^cse American Citizens igue in this camceign. we would

___1 have on our statute books theJapanese Exclusion Act of 1924.1 For tbose of Japanese ancestry.

H not only meani that the hnem- erant Japanese benine eligSile (or citizenship, but also the legal sanction by which 500 state and lorsl Ir.w'^ a:id ordinances became anknnatkany miB and vo4d. In- clucied 10 tins categcry were the rnfamous alien land Jaws Approxi­mately 30.000 of our parents have token advanUge of this legislatlan and have becom<«prnud citizhns of our United Slate*, the land of their adoption.The ImmigraUoii and Nationality ct or the Waltcr-McCarran Act also repealed the exclusion laws which absolutely fnhibited immi- ’irabon from eertain natiofw of .Asia, with annual immigratioo quotas based oo the 1924 naUonal

■ For the .origin* formula. 1 c JapaneMthis meant that the racist excluiioh Aft of 1924 m longer suggested thst o-jr parents were second cIms cifizen*.Non-quota opportunities wefc

Vovlded for file alien spouses and riMnor alien children of American ci'.toecis.{0r the fir«.^e since our country adopted restrictive itnmi- grabun laws.For the Japanese, though <*iy

eoiltled to a token quota of 185 snouaUy. thU humanitarian provi­sion meant that more tham ao sveiage of 5.000 imsugnnt Japa­nese have been admitted even «ear for perTnaneot Slav. This ha?ranent restS^ts tif this gidht roentiT of oJTs » the past 10 years .«ince the enactment of the Walter- McCarran Aet-In paying tribute to.oar I.?sei arenu and pioneers. ! cannot help thinking of the mistaken idea*, we 'wtertaiDod about our Hsei parents

become "Amerl-___________ ,,-e *0 intolerantwith our Issei parents Why did they have to be so backward, old laBhiimed.' sod so cosiservative? Why oouldnk our parenU apeak better Qiglish' It seemed they shamed us before our non-Japa­nese friends every time tbey opesed their mouUi Later, we learned that our friends' parents could not speak any better and ?ookc brokenly too, although with diflrrmt accent*

grew older nod matured. ' ‘ - a dltficuh lan-

__ . _ to tboge a*oborn to 11- and ho* tho-

rougbb it is butcherdd daily by :boie native Americans who know

other tongue Too many Nisei

parents n- dured the many hours of attending citiamhip classes in the Mligfat of their life to gam this precious right And *become rttiT^p« gf this country d oursOosely linked to courage i? .fer- erverence. The quality that your schoQ] teachers used to call "stlck- "stlito4tiveaess.'' A quality which is somewhat foreign to many of younger geocratioo The will

v^'tbe ~ki'»d<hang on enabled the laaei to build a nest egg and pnrvi of educatian and life tiiat so manyNor

try of tackled

pioneers.... . ever thevwith such industry that

It a foregone conclusion not know the menning

of faUureThis nation of ours was built by

industrious pe^le of all races. ” the Japanese pioneers ol

of a;ade possible the fabulous

oontiibution to a great American staple—the Idaho potato.The laaei w'ere not only success-

(ul tbemscive?. but they seemed to have transmitted this qualitytinued to carry

Lis state the great agrieuttnre that it u today.


mg this state « state that it u The dignity of «mrk

pride of aceomplishment which is fast beeoRung an unknoan factor m our present generatieo seem? to have been instilled and intoi into the make-up of the Nj

Lnve af<iiUt«B In my bumble oiwinn. the most

endearing quality that the Isaef possessed and which we have in- heritod. U the Issei Love for Chfidren The lasei did not expms tticir affeetbn .in the usual way as they are by nature undememstn- -tive. but that love (hanged Rieir entire outlook.When ttiey came to the United

Stales, the majority origmaHy ho^ to' accumulate a quick for­tune and then return to Japan to launch a txisiness or live in luxurl-

meni B osne by

they were drlldren—in most cases, mnny children TTiej- found these rhiklreo becoming .more Y'ankee than 1bo(ie who could trace thefr ancc.5try to Pb'mouth Colony.The losei soon abaodos>>d their

dreams of triumobant return to tfacfr homeland. The rearing and educaiinR of their families caqie first And as the Nisei sunk th^ roots deeper and deeper into.

. The rearing iAmerican son. U»e Issei knew they, too. were here to stay even though they were legally aliens. Only xioet the paasaar of the Walter-Mc- Camn Act in 1952. have the Uaei be«i aple to bcoome natnraUzed ciitzona. 1 am happy to inform this vroup that a large pereent of the frsei in thi.? community are citi­zens today.Most amazing is the fact

the Issei were able to provide thoir children with a happy, healthyIren with a happy, healthy___Long before psythologisU likemyself came on foe scene to blame for delinquency

gin* iixe ver£S»-.

discipline, and guidance, as well as kne and shelter in their fami- bes. It s a wuhder that the Issei. pressed as the?' were economically.I'ith both parents working just to .nakc ends meet m a large centagr of bous^olds.

quire, they ' wifo aU the English


jio»- let's examine and talk about

locks -^nds - faiveslmeiit SecuriliesL'tua slariue* v’ UdotK Setartlhl s' HMail ' JmaiMe Stodii AOR e. JMuse* OMar.tos* •

V Ucmiih PurttiM* Flam*tWRTS FRtE UWW RtQOEST ... pALL FOR


SHEARSON. HAMMILl £ CO mijyaAin Shd. L<» Snau« S, Callf.

DlMdriibSUS... c

tweks an4 Bm«* OaALL EXCaANGM

FredFunakoshitteporta «n0 StuCleaAvoiUble on BoqueM

Rutner, Jiekien * GrRyDrVkSTWSi' hANkkkt asawfrrt Paetne CooM

atacK EuAsaca-.MA 0-1080 —


• jtortfoUo reHewa'(all provided free of ehii»'

HARim.Up«/MfoC9 *

Fugeshi - Do(xutrxcnONXBT

U K. in 8L. Lea AagelM U

A ted Man to Eat • tea w MLEM'S CAFE

KAL CHINES DfSIOS :ttft E 111 SL. in Aigfoi Phorw Ortiwg Takm

JAPANESESECURITIES•d bv the ektentone m ansrcA fecnOes of tmt Ja- poozae aimrn* ffftko Sd> ewrUto* Oompeitf la iter boat EBtetec* <4 ACCURACY


tedafofa » iMniBi ■ laimFOR DCFORMATIOH MO OBUCATiagi


rUkte 14129

S.AN FRA.VCI9C0- — OmtribJtMS.

Coverng * two-ge^ pnaod. 9^ -MI .83 *crv . oc-lv-d to boost the total to S1M1.221J4.Seqiw.ii JACL’s^RCM pored foe

chapters reporting wifoto (he pas; two week? Reedier s-jbmlnal fl> inipat report' for 5785.

u Om-(s. TakeMii I

GOLD STAR MOTHER, CITIZEN. NEVER VOTEDMr. T Nagano, of Pingrce. Sutes The Gold4^ Mot-her hasIdaho. BnlHing a picture of her never voted..^'an Section tosou >'red. who was killed during - Idaho becauw of the anb-Moago- thc Llgdrtan campaign m Italy Uan Uw th*( part of the Idaho as a member of the 442nd Begt ConsUtoUon. ^Combat l^am to 1M5. s na-ttiraltzed dtlaen of foe United -Photo Courteey a Keckfeof News

te' Stote <d Item which dls- qualifies eertain penoni fron vot­ing. eervlac ka Jams or hoMinr office and among those diaqualificd are oar own natmltoed Isaed ger- c«ts. She aatne lesai parents we are hooortng here this evening. W.IO have- worked an hard for foe privilege of boeeminc e eftten; yr. are denied the man chehjtod and treasured of rights—(be right

homi.___A* we pay dor reepen* to our aturalized-toaci pfomers and ex­press our traUtiide for the ridi mod splendid eontrtbntxni to the growth aad awttare of the great aiBie Of Idaho, it U trome that thi? u foe only state to the unioo that stiU pnhibfH aad discrii.u- Mtes against any naturalized citi-

e i» Juriesne right to v hold oftii

end alltioaicl organizatAWis i newspaper*, magazina radio. moUon picture

media toregistratioD drive, fo that <-’jzen of this countiy can (tuaui.T vote. Our ST chapter* thraugb-

it the United State.': has Vigorous-

Falls are among those with <doi< hundred percent eligitoe

voters registered, yet many of out ho are cituesu will not

be able to vote this comisig No- i-ember 6lfa because of Section III.Article VI of for Cceistilutioo

M-g. HinAucrnee-M- a Mn. waim tee A'

Btorton Luei. Ur A Uie Kobo Taaa-


*y5t^Yexrye WoSauiwre. Mr* TVsQh—w to HRcet I—M far Om iMMfy* at SOTts AmL06 ANCEl-ES— Southern C«li fomia (nend* of Den Inouye »il’ have a te<imaBial luau this Sun­day at Rono Hawaii in Santa Ana suriuto at 4 pm wtth attorney FYaak Chuman a. omcec.The tnjorma! afUir is teag

Amertoan Ciitzess_____ appiaal to foe citmniand roters d the State d Uafao for eqwUity ftw gO it» ertizans naturalised or native^orn without reffrd to nee. color, creed, or ustioral urigULAll this aMt ifo to foe fart that

On. NiSii: are biased with a wnn- dnlul heritage-. TWay'. we Nitef in our new found maturity cannot gi\-e too much ggdh to our Usei parvnu. For their enunge. per- ueveranee. industry aad foeir love for their rtiildm and the woader-

beritage they have givet ...................................t to

Japanese J League. I i

ISIh annual Cheer camp^ to startLOS .ANGELES — The annual Christtnas Qieer drive surts Mon­day, now su.'ting lU 15th year to aswsi needy Japenese families aad fodividuals celebrate Christmas.The jBOJert. spooiaored by 1

Lw jCngeles JACL Cotmlmating Counni. will be bandied by foe Pasadena JACL this >«ar with Elko Mauui. prosHfenu a« chair­man with Teen Ito and foe .Re­gional Ofiice assisting.The goal mnaias for same

93.000 lAst year, Cbaer dwtributed 9 cash and 81.2n earth

4. '.V;

m ■CAUGHTSHORT?Whether it is to finance

a new auto, home furniture, or a vacation ask your friendly

Bank of Tokvo Representative \

TOKYO%ta FUmsC8 Hte PHce-M Soltw SL SM FWOIC8 fote own 8.iHt.»ikS«teSL- SAN jeSE—IJfo M Fim St. uaDOA—16401 S WWWI te.m mnux lao s. sm fate &

the papular resMurent, said . . wa,*ao etOertaiiY-r* w foe Soulb- iasxl are l*.fig i.iviled. Shirley Fl- Jtoaki. 1980 Alls. Cherry Bfoaaom will also perfami-IfoichMn roHy diokmenBUENA PARK -George Inagaki

' Tenry Kanegae are hetchevA- for Republ.rsn gubrrnaurlal iidatr'Rifoard Nixon at KwKt'B V Farm's Wagot- Camp

)c; 13 12:90 p.(n . ac­cording ic Mo Ma:-umo(-i. coordi­nator of N'isei for Nixcn.Berry 1

tewBV RvateWa at Tav ravoftte teeppteg Cadm

FUJIMOTO & CO.802-3M S. 4fo M eat

%at Lake (.for 4. nfo Pkane- EMrtre L8SI

T»'RMSi Tl

•F-tfr A Mr- ten H atete iH-air. A Wra. wn H» ■■ifawi.A Mr? <.U- Kline iti . Mr A Sfrsrtt r. Pw Mr * Mn Ja<« Nto-


-w.rd 1ran w

:ArH •


am tery aini*i, Or k - Mateo Taktena. MlcgJ Joel > Oaorfc laen Mr A Mn Tte 8te-

attu Dr a Mn KaM Mhbm tlA-Mr aad airt. Awn 8MN1.Un H.iro Kir*«

TMsl TH* kapte: tet

i?^Fi£tWhs^AderM Co.. Alte Kwt.

TWa< Wattehe, Ra^ Taanae

.... - •»l.a V.. -- .....

KnII IMiwoni 1WM«

A Katw^i^ Aokl. S SuakKkawMti »mj*

row TOKKRkJ-•nobiMn In?'. * tC FwP

Bank. U-1 MJt«b.M<l folanten Cat* . tOfotttued CM Page 8)

FULLERTONSavings A Loan Aa«


FuUartw), Calff. TR«ian 14244

Fukui Mortuarym tVMT St., tea Aagrtea

For JOBS t" ^ *M9ala«^JAMAXO


• rartoerCutearr

S Counselors-to Sore Y«l212 i. EM St.

U8 Aagtlte 12 MA 4401Deal with Coafidrnre-Hontety & anewitz to a


H71S'Sfo Waatefo Avfo, Gantote, CaW. DAvH 2-7S45, FAcuHy 14386; (Rato) DA MIO

Empire Printing Go.Ei^ltoh Japaseaa

COMMEPJ3AL and SOCIAL PBIRIWU lUWaWaf St.. Lte Angalt 12____________MAW90

When in Elko . . . ^Stop at the Friendly Stockmei's

CAFE - BAR - CASINOStockmex's, EUco, NevadU

Imperial Gardlet^sSukiyak! Rostourant

9225 Sisnag* BM., Hellr«md OL 4>1?B9 WBxam uAm — rm mat. mtm mmK mm

Page 4: Vote on Rights Law...arl^ imfSu the SJR 1 ;mlttee. W^. i Kilction ‘ difQcull t airteie^adaeduleavnito^ enthusiasm pemains not onl.v led urf be rouUna mv flielit the members, .but

• 4-J»ACIF!C CfTOEM ^ Friday, OeMUr S,iy Elfiwr Ogcws


Pinhing MR I in thn Panhindin

RtXMAe UaB» REiP PUSH SJR 1 CAMPAIGN JN EASTERN IDAHO,REXBURC. Idaho—uneney to socwrr an ovemljrtmin* Yes vote oa SJR 1 has becorr top priority of the Rexlairt as recent and upc<iciuaa evenU here will i •n»e enur

ported Uw....................- .SJR 1 campaifn funds cent. Tbe chapter

. say that the YamaiLake ie%'eals art responsibie for all thind^

Seattle Wth no phoiw wjr.entl*.A person-ftHierson

^famamoto at Moses------------------------^t he is "(alt of toan”—in Idaho that are t«n* “ to be specific about the tnforma- Aleae County but — tkn niven the operator *-hen the act«tj- is eneouragBi*. Tto Mifr call scat attempted. Istnnal Assoelatuxi passed a mo-• • It |ias to be expected Ed is tion to go ahead in support of_. ahead in support .

e on road-some- SJR 1 and u undertaking the dii Mbere. one more of thofi rare tribution of aocne 3.000 w^rs. dediented Indh-xluals. so Utuated Similar support is prosniaed by the Shat be can devote tnost of his Knights of Cdkunbus. Ust time, vakinc hours to JACL stoeIc. U be we beard, the bo>-. the rop Is not commJtin* to Seatt>. be is port of the Kjwants. Jff Chamtar, very apt to be doing some work and the Democratic and Repubh- JbeaedjTsat his "homr" Chapter, can committees. One'eg the three Spedtane' 12* miles away Or county eommisslooers had tadi- across tbe line'm Idaho, wotting cated lus support at the time—like-

» SJR 1,to> SJ■vil'

________ „i Idaho, wotting caled hu - - - -1, as we shall see. wUe 0»e f*ayor and seven c^^i Bd-s cousin. HewT H. men. Tbe first Monday in October >to. who, we hear, first dis- is set ns tbe day When supporting

W-ered the raitace of tbe Idaho oeWlons were to eowdinaie th«w Uw which exempted persons of eOorts so no wo^ M is already MmtgoUaD descent from the privi- off aixl away thu Sunday.^ of v^, hokUng offl« w Our boy shows an equal facil Star Ally "IJc P^v.* tor getting things done aroundIbetownalCouerd AJene iIS.OOO> home town Moses Uke in matters ^st across Ae bor^ Ir^ S^ concerning the introduction of Ja- Hne on Highway 10. broke the Unguage course in thewxy ^ makmg a com^te ^ ^ realized in theta^^of the disturb fall of 1K3. as reported in the P.C


cousins have been very close to Bditor Qiuck SAvders and reporl-

Q Welters of the press. So Adult evening classes Mitary Japanese have already

• Big Coro-'h is Do aurpnge to flodi that — ______________ ___ _— — away in these daya whan immity College—7:S0 to 0:U eachthere U ao muofa to be dcate to Monday and Wedneaday. and the tbe way of legislative reform to first class was held on September«beae two stales.,Lasl-mlnute apperi lor financial support Issued by Vole Yes on SJR 1 Committee

BY CHARLEY I«MI UR t CaasmlUee Treainfer

Idaho YalliVarious methods have bevo pur­

sued h> raise tIS.OCiO m Junds to .fampaiiD for Yes on SJK 1Cp—iHtss dMinotfi doi ■p OR dBtlM for sn 1

IDAHO FALLS—Key committees. '■-Jl to number, comprise the cam­paign staff tor Vote Yes on SJR 1. according to general co-ehair-

mtteA li dtairmcn

last January. Cpmnitaae follows:1.-MBW TSaXai

■CBUtamm'S Aan>\^-Bll] Yamaiic flev. CMreTifnntiai. C

satinFarm Bureau — Ceerfe Koyan


*Uaho'f^^^firtTle-'Kai Hikuta. Bu-Joe Nlabiolu. t«aho UalwMi with Biato

Ptoctrmo-BUI Yoden. Block-and PublK-.BeIatUm»^Ron-

nle Tokota. poraielioPTA and Teockera Awn-Xlyoahi

• »i5£au?'’SuSr*1arir“6s^

Warn and Me wSoen i Ora^£Xo *aS?^TV—SeirtU llayashKU

I»roloel-Pe>o Harwda,

— CCDC icoeUnf. JYaeway * X^laa-AnUtoir hath-~ c1lSal*S^

, .suS "V". I pen.w -Si K—cSSJSKJJ-s^i-a.v., c-

Dayiun—Stocuen maeuag. YSrCA. Ouraeo — Benetit mcirtoa. ClUcafe Buddhtoi Church. t.Se pm.

Oct- ZT <aal '•■^nrmajWaiuco-HaUowe-en parly. Cakuea.

of last week, there U stiU a shortage.The Vote Yes on SJR 1 Cant'

miOee. co-chatred by Joe Nlshioka and George Sugai. has recom­mended that each meotocr of tbe five Idaho JACL diaplers solieiti $1 memberships to tbe ‘ on SJR 1 CooMidttee to ing weeks.Tbe solicitatioo of

sroukl i)ot only raise as the campaign gains bat srould alM inform toe on the significance of SJRIn addttkin to contributions al­

ready received from Uin District Couhca the JACL movie project and S2 per capita assessment of aU JAT ' 'to' tbe IDC. an urgent p JACL chapters and members was made several weeks ago.Tbe corntmUee takes ihU means

to acknowledge tbe generous con- toibuhaos from NaUooal JACL and the toltowtng chapters and todivtd- uals:CBAPYBBS — Alamodk. BeikeWy.

Bolw VkUej . Conn. Oarton. Fi Uip-vs-sr.a,':''rSniSrsssAuxUlarj . Lcma Beach-HarPor DWnrt.IZaryto'lUr. MlIwaukMrOmaha. PoeotaUo. PorUand. Ruuurs.

St Louaa. Sallnai Valter. San FraAcu- --------INDIVtDL'ALS-^l U-

L^akl. tdke Maaauka. KThe i-..............................- .

wfdtout the faithful support from such an organization na JACL. there would be litUe hope of push­ing this campaign to a successful epnchision.

Hansen-tOonttoued from Front Page)

> Sute of Idaho ai Minir}’. Their ^toru wUI rake tbe language of the

and spin .To ftriki from our Comitnulioo

a pro%-isoh w-hich discriminates against a group of k>>at and dedi­cated American citizens u to re-, affirm our faith to the to'mciple of equality which is ao deejily

Declaration erf Inde- our fedefw^Oicistttu-

By worting to proixtote the pas­sage -of .this amendment memberf of the J.^CL are also calling pub­lic attentioo to the basic vahies on wtokh our nation has been built At a time when these values are being challenged their effarts will; brip Amenenns to gain a deeper ctoderstanding of toe true source <rf our natiooal strength aixl of responstoihties that come with blessings of ci \aad.IXirihg m,T entire kgislatiietrnce. covering six years. '. BO piece of legiatauon which I am tnore praito

d with -Advance Bus work until our jaml effmts ate crowned with success, as 1 am certain *toey wiU be. to

with tbe i a free

State Rep. ORVAL HANSES MajoriLv Leader gintzed Japanese FYieadihipIdaho House of Representative den Committee.


apportuned share also^V,.The lacarmemberdup gave^

support to the recent Issei Pioneer Testimonial at Idaho Falls aito tbe. . the ststesnde campaign com mittee to sirficit ctadoraamenu Contoct has been made nod replies

expected shortly tCLcrs who bekn e have token it

selves to inform their fellow mem­bers <rf SJR 1 In our efforu famibarize the public with the -un­

law. the favoratrfe imdcrstaad- gained has been mont heart­


Candidales Night lor Chicagoam slated

CHICAGO. — Incumbent Senator Dirksec and bU opponent Con-

sman Yates will appear a aho JACL Candidates f

planned for Wednesday. Oct. 17. 7 p m.. In tbe McCormick ‘ Y" Ubrary. Oak and DAart>o.-n Sts . aceondtog to chapter public rela-

: chairtnan Henry Tanabe. ngreasiooal candidates from

beavily Nisei-popiilated districts No. 2. 9 add 13 wlO aim appear to addition to candidatos f-w vari­ous state legislative trffices. ‘Riey— Dial.—Tlwmas Ward <Rl aoO

EOwaTO rtamgSB <Oi: Rev. AlvaTompkins, tac* Party: ihh D' John A KesinoOr ID) andter"iR?*a«d*Ba^ OMam^DT Bob Fujii, Chicago Shtmpo edi- will speak to the Isse: i-n the

..^icance erf toe election to the local- Japanese nomnsMtoy. Voiting machines will be demoBstrnted.At the same time, chapter pred-

dent Joe Sagami la reminding voters to be registerad. Those a«- sisttog Ttiiabe lor the ele year program are:Row Karano Pukl Ottanaka. taaw-SSrKI-riS-Yoahlzumi. Mas Punal. Tony Muranv ka. YoshUKibu Oda. Hsinji Nakant. Chlcato Kiwi Post tin Cotor «uardNo. San Diego JACL to honor pioneers

CARLSBAD. - Ifsei pioneers of North San Diego County- will be honored during the tostallatun of charter officers of - the newly- formed North San Diego County JACL at toe Chicken Inn here to-Dr. James Kawnbara. aftCT be-

acroUs of appreciaUon to local laseipioneers over the .........................Imolo of Vista w; half of the Issei Response to tbe iavitotxiDS b-

sued by the ebaptef bas been un- iistostlc. Turnout may

aneso Ameri- _ recent years.

....................including StateHugo Fisher. Assembly­

man ^ndan Hegiand. Oceanside Mayor Erwin Skelar and County Supervisor Bob Gnzzins. have ac­cepted toe tovitotton to witness tbe instoUatioD.

gional director, the chapter over 140 members signed. .Frank Chuman. immediate pa

naUooal JACL president, will I the pnnnpal speaker.

Chapter Call BoardSsn Josa JACL

Date Chaagtid: The San Jc otluck dinner has been rescht led from OcU 13 to Oct. 20.

ChicBRO JACLTwo SAflMiral Ridtizo'' and English sub-

.......................... - 1 under cpsponsorship of tbe chapter and Chicago .Nisei Past IIM. The Miow- mg for Satuiday. Oct 20. is at OHvet Community Cfcfiter: on Oct 21 at tot- Chicago Biatifaist Church. Storting times are 7:30 p.m.

Samval Aotfoa:

pGojMiamnffor ten low S>ar PaliSA.N J06E ol a aia-acre Japanese Fneaddup Garden m Kelly Park east of dow-ntown San Jose

'esentj...... —Ainrfriean conununttyJapanese

groups.Norman MmeU and Dr. Tbm Ta-

keto. both i^e JAd« aelected tary.

both i^e ed ask^nreiqiectjveiy.

_____and secte-of the newly .

> Ci


Bonded ComndedOB Herdusti^— WhokggJe Fruits 'ud VefeUb]« ^


PiMdaii Oanmiision IterchAnt*—FmlU A Vegetabla 774 S. Cgntral tnm. L. A_Wheie**ls T»m*id MmW

MA 2459$, MA 7-703*. MA S4SM ,

Waat: »ei ». St Raw; ims •

Jaha Ty BaRTtrRPiMfCASM t. Ul MM n


Idaho SJR 1; QnesHoiu & Aniwen **I0L**I!3^..(CoBtlnned from FYoBt Pagel m Aafg'also were not bom it

^ ^ Unitwf States and are of toe Mon-ada. laua Amenca, Europe, and „ce and have beccane. na-other lands who though not boro turalized Americans.

men! of Purpose regarding SJR 1. Idaho is toe only State to Uk Unxm that diwy ritiaefis no thecestry, and nai_____voting, jury duly. Rnd office.

basis of race, an- ongin front holding civil

Nalurahzed cituens of HongaUae race reading to neigbbonia Wato- :agWa. Oregon. Nevada. Utah. WyoRitog. and hfontona all cojoy the aame righto and privilMes witooui discrtminabaa as all other nMurahted crtiiens. No dtsttoc-. lim are made whaUoever

9. .b there aay epBaUfoa la toto ConNot that ivc know of. But. toere -tons a nd would simply

may be aame who miauaderstand equaHiy for all i■staiti cdttoli .1 without regard t"" uenal origin race or na-the meaning of this proposal

believe that SJR 1 will give •■<**- u wouW itt give any naturalized nese and pernoos of Mongolian do- ertizens any rights or privileges

• - by other naturabZadUattad not enjoyedthe dUmi. or by native boro rttizeni. tad It would not result to a mus ient movemern by naUiralized Astons

r not do S9. SJR l. of come, to Idalm because SJR 1 does not s not apply to aliens and oon- aff ̂the immlgratiod laws of our

fers no rights to them. ' coutftry and because naturalize^It u beheved that the major Mong<^tons in other SUtes of tbe

problem of toe nempnign is to in- Natton now enjoy the beneftto that form tbe voters of Idaho that SJB SJR 1 would extend to Those of applies only to naturalized ctO- .similar ancestry to Idaho J9. flow «m UR I be Menaasd eo the Mm. g haBrtt It Win be identiried as Sentie stihUtonal amendmento on ti

Joint Rewrfution No. One <UR li unecial ballot for November and It win be tbe Hnt of toe oon- 19C.

11. Bo* -may we fodleate npgrevBl ef (hit Onaest?

On the special. ofTical baOot'far a cross <X)—aJt ri^t’oif the'wokT^yS””

top of toe hgUoL12. Bm may I

• .?> heB iB tidf

Since the Japanese Am«ieaD carry on educational and toforma- CiUzem Uague U a volaniary or- tx»al campaigns on their ganizaUon. its funds for toe neces- sary educaUonal campaign very limited and most of it hgs

from iu own znemberBiJp...'ore. undcTYtandably. ftoan- ______

ctol afSistance will be greatly SJR 1 iated. a^ nseven more important, it it iii

critically urgent that Individual ci- i

f oa Senate Joint Res 1 One iUR 1> oa Nov.

friends. aeighbM ,̂ itoens to vote "Yes”

~ oluUon No.

tizens a^ organizations of gottiwiU whelmiftUr-D for eqBaUIr fer A n

The Japanese American Citizens tic eAfoavor. civil and human League <JACL> n openl}- and ac- nghto^Wdk mternatiaaal reUhons. Uvely in tbe leadership is ‘ this Iu are geoerol^ sum-campaign to secure equality for ati nArized^rts stogan: "For Better naUiralizad citizens. All members AmeriejCns In A Greater America'', of tbe League are American Citi- The lapaAeae American Citizens

atoe Uagnelis actively involved to tnis ly of eampaUn not only because the

'mhecs are veterans of mill- nftuialkcd citizens of Japanese diaenmtoated against

toeh dtizenship

iCon&ued from Page M«f TGajW. L

$]W-to«)ito Kltakaia nS_Dr JaniN Ikaimy*. IU. K«a- *n*_y™ ram a BrorySteNfcl. Dnu^U

Itof^nik Kalta, Caetge K»o-

The InleTTBoimUin Youth Dii- trict CouneU has been assisUM m_ » ,iti—from vrrfing. boldine civtl ^Sce ot swA'ing as ■Juror^■ m re- CC01 weeks Since the Jr J.ACLers were organized at a dutnci level Hus past year, this effewt to .make ^own the problem of their grand- paront^aa be ,** *eirfirst rSilessoo in politics and help them realize it's the people ttet count in toe aflalri of gov-

'Sffc5S''JE.Cmgc Ikcnln.

Mto iSSIi- A*'riu5a we. TM IwawkL Kantu r». HcrMel Maniyama. k-—- r. Malatehi Monkawa. S**^^*™'

n toan.______ ______MuamatB. 1glJ-.J-iS.Jir ™_-,

mmu. Mja^ gakam .̂

I Juatlroi^^KroeBa. enajW Iwaaati NoSAJRa Ito Fukaml Mortkawi

Majeda. Ptary Vyvmun

Htnrr Hoiaka.

American Fcrfk. UtahetUzen Though be suflers from partial deafness, a progressive optical cataract, and arthritis, whiefa makes every movement painful, be still works as he has since I can remember. He casts a weU considered ballot at every electioB. Hii int^ty has never

' and he is known and respected m the ctanmunity in which we live. ,Yet he can rementoN, vivid^ a

time when an Amcrioan of Japa­nese ancetiry was ^ -Yellow Peril": a time when

Gl^i. Kay tiu_______ .1. »wk Sasaki. KClaret TSull

. Shi- Kyo-

iu Kawa- T>k Ya-

d by . ...from serving as a juror, fraan

casting a baliol. from exercuing tbe privileges which maker Amen- iD cittzensfaip' menntogful. in tbe state-erf Idaho there still srsistS Buch a law.

aACRAHnrTo . aas* »a*att*S: fW

tlSS—Mta Tvki Sakai. Dr. J-pfiSIoSf <«ntnbuuons

________Ra|««: PNrfJSAKTA BARBARA


ito tnemk........................................ ............... .....Urybao’ice in World War II. Most -----—.------- - ^ ^denied ttebRW and major ri^iia. .obligaftioDs. but also became prmleges, and- inununiUes of cM- intognty and the dignity of zenship to the land erf toeir adop- citizeaship of even natfve-born ttoo. Tbe League has 99 diaplera Americans are involved, in S States. Idaho Chapters in- From the volunUry ccotrfiiutions elude tooae in. Pocatello. Idaho of its membership and of others

. Rexburg, Boise Velley. aiB of goodwiE. tod with the voluotary wtstern Snake River Valley Bffurti of.its leaderahip, the Com-

. -. though other associated cutteeJor Yes on SJR 1 was or-members reside to otbe pans of ganiMd and now directs toe cam- toe Stole. PBign for equality for naturalizedOrganized as a national ergani- citizecu.

zalioo more than 30 'years .ago O-Oiatraen for the Committee <JfB0> to Seattle. Wathingtoe. it ore Jw Nlahfoka. Route S. Box has been cited over the years by MS. Idaho Falls. Idaho, and Gusdgt. members of Congress and of toe RngaL IlM Center Ave . Payette. Governmrot. including.- several Mabo. Treasurer is Charles Hirai. Prestients of toe United States, for Route S. Box lU leadership to the field of pairio- Mho. Idaho Fails.Snt I eamptiga?Many state, oouoty. and local er-

ganizanons. representing abnofl everv aspect

nlity aisponsibility and activity in \the State of Msbo. as well ns Wls-

idshe rain XMrtnct s 1

ral CsRuiutU.SenatviU* Poet M. American Lecien Idaho Falk Jr. Chamlwr ef Cemmner

County R^ubbeas Cm-s to abnosi I

sphere of liuDiaD endeavor, have, have endorsed SJR 1 arc the tol- jQined to endorsing "YES'- <n> fowtng:SJR 1. fftovw Motft* t

_____^ —HwM that 'H# sanaloe Lam B ' ‘itove endorsed SJR lowing-, idate

N that 'VR Senator Lan B. Jardaar“'

Oaemton wnitc. Candidate tar VS^Droi « Idaho Vtomna'd -Farsign *7“^^!' Idaho SUto Bor Atooctetloa . ^Idaho Lohor OmiocII AFL^O

Aturory CencrilRteko Cnltego prvU-

ue—Mr A Mrs. 1 Fukasowi A Bor- Yama^lb^^^MrsJfoWto Ysnado

Total TbU Bopen: FIS AAN FBANCtaCO>1 H. Vaourda. Praoklio M. Mr A Mrs Yukio HayasiiBUI t%n B*Nn: tu

H A John T Enumow itfo R. Boho

Rjehare . ____

fcawoFlUlkaira. Dr K J

M Tsukuahl Dr H FV_________ __ ....C Yomada. Mr A Mrs W TakakL C M riutoka. Sam ifo. OonUileni Oka- t^'raitewc ^ Tton^ Nakouu. ShignaIST'^’SZK’&.WSSSX:Mr A Hn Kazuitobu B. Klgaki. Mr. A Mrs JoRteS N. Ida. Mr A Mrs SMtnars. M.

oehl. Mas Sara. J Imaktrr. tbu Mr A Mrs. Conroe Motstuli S Sallo. Mr. A Hra Uidrma

Ya^a Fred Obuebi. JackTotal Ykte Rypaet; SIAMTOlai nn Rapart: SU


t Shokichi lahlmsrtiiartiiKauNacai

StO-Thdao ONlma. Fraiik M. tna-: Brportr tlM

VRKICK - CVLVBR FreeteZsIy Rapntod. SZ4S

SlOO-Malauoii Kursers szs—Kiyosh: Kafawa. Ban A Batty

h a z m o r e)J.tudie!

of dress


Youth Spaakt: ^ ^Law Should Have Never Exisf^

oil lanuicaicv ugj—t*1 of racial disunr-

ctmstituUan of Idaho to nullify a Irfw which neror should have ex­isted.

fW SaMCf ThwgitolTbe IntCRnaunUin D i s t r i r 1 'auto CoiRicil is compoeed of San ei. A new geoeration of JapAnesc rtto American backgrounds. a.< any new generahon they must view problems witom the context of their own experience And the eocial and econumic prejudieer

tort of tor«>ectzal reel to young people i Uled that they have a


Brothm' "l5mk A tie—Kumajire Murakami S»~<fouroe ShiraeM. WtOiam ahi-

racbi MaaoD litiihara SI—Kaklchi -TSuda

Total TkU BepMt m jCorrvrtion Re WaUDnvllte prevtou

parenta through per^niTI^ nave laborously eleuNed C?' geny to a level of Nk.JJr»


howes-er. fneiallv __ tinctlon heelf is », loJ,,*. me»UUy one hair ati^ one of bNltage We atv di the aenae that we are ^ tradition of industry aid to,2. which began'with our laan^11 IS perbepi for'ttos

SJR-1 IS e newlecl tbe Jepmieae AmwicM ytel lends perspective hr th._^ drameuc relief toe'i enjoy today- against_____

breeched by the e^toe industry and _ our beritege That _ a-r may learn. etM'whe we owe our Usei That Ute Waho SJiR.-r

foundly aflecu toe ^'juatantot.v^^lioSiiaie of the crado of reNel but a rare eheoag 4r - rwu, some mrotoirc. hoBeaiT m;Cognizant of tbese-fscu ua

terroountoto District Joua r., pledges its wboleh«Br4c toe paioege of SJR-LClAESmiD uW per word pto t mj?



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