volumetric capacitance of compressed activated microwave...

journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/nanoenergy Available online at www.sciencedirect.com RAPID COMMUNICATION Volumetric capacitance of compressed activated microwave-expanded graphite oxide (a-MEGO) electrodes Shanthi Murali a , Neil Quarles a , Li Li Zhang a , Jeffrey R. Potts a , Ziqi Tan b , Yalin Lu b , Yanwu Zhu b,n , Rodney S. Ruoff a,n a Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Materials Science and Engineering Program, The University of Texas at Austin, One University Station C2200, Austin, TX 78712, United States b Department of Materials Science and Engineering and the CAS Key Laboratory of Materials for Energy Conversion, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China Received 24 October 2012; received in revised form 15 January 2013; accepted 15 January 2013 Available online 7 February 2013 KEYWORDS Graphene; Pore size; Supercapacitors; Volumetric capaci- tance; Organic electrolyte; Compression; a-MEGO Abstract Volumetric capacitance is an important parameter for device applications. By simply compres- sing activated microwave-expanded graphite oxide (a-MEGO)-based electrode material, a volumetric capacitance of up to 110 F/cm 3 (3.5 V maximum voltage) was achieved, when measured in a two-electrode cell supercapacitor configuration in an organic electrolyte. Nitrogen adsorption showed that the mesopores of a-MEGO (4 nm) collapsed due to the compression, and more micropores (1–2 nm) contributed to the energy storage in the compressed electrodes compared to uncompressed electrodes. This change in pore structure resulted in a higher effective series resistance and thus reduced power density in the compressed samples. & 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Introduction Supercapacitors (electrochemical double layer capacitors; EDLCs) store electrical charge because of the separation of opposite charges at the interface formed between an electrode and an electrolyte [1]. Compared to batteries, supercapacitors have faster charge/discharge rates but store less energy. In an effort to increase the energy storage density of supercapacitors while maintaining or even improv- ing their power output, carbon electrode materials such as activated carbons [2], carbon onions [3], carbide-derived carbons (CDCs) [4], carbon nanotubes [5], and recently graphene-based materials [6], have been intensively studied. In the literature, the electrode performance of super- capacitors-including the specific capacitance, energy, or power-is usually quoted on a gravimetric basis (i.e., per unit weight of the active materials). However, the volumetric 2211-2855/$ - see front matter & 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nanoen.2013.01.007 n Corresponding authors. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (Y. Zhu), [email protected] (R.S. Ruoff). Nano Energy (2013) 2, 764–768

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Volumetric capacitance of compressedactivated microwave-expanded graphiteoxide (a-MEGO) electrodes

Shanthi Muralia, Neil Quarlesa, Li Li Zhanga, Jeffrey R. Pottsa,Ziqi Tanb, Yalin Lub, Yanwu Zhub,n, Rodney S. Ruoffa,n

aDepartment of Mechanical Engineering and the Materials Science and Engineering Program,The University of Texas at Austin, One University Station C2200, Austin, TX 78712, United StatesbDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering and the CAS Key Laboratory of Materials for EnergyConversion, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China

Received 24 October 2012; received in revised form 15 January 2013; accepted 15 January 2013Available online 7 February 2013

KEYWORDSGraphene;Pore size;Supercapacitors;Volumetric capaci-tance;Organic electrolyte;Compression;a-MEGO

ont matter & 20130.1016/j.nanoen.2

thors.: [email protected] (R.S. Ruoff).

AbstractVolumetric capacitance is an important parameter for device applications. By simply compres-sing activated microwave-expanded graphite oxide (a-MEGO)-based electrode material, avolumetric capacitance of up to 110 F/cm3 (3.5 V maximum voltage) was achieved, whenmeasured in a two-electrode cell supercapacitor configuration in an organic electrolyte.Nitrogen adsorption showed that the mesopores of a-MEGO (�4 nm) collapsed due to thecompression, and more micropores (1–2 nm) contributed to the energy storage in thecompressed electrodes compared to uncompressed electrodes. This change in pore structureresulted in a higher effective series resistance and thus reduced power density in thecompressed samples.& 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Supercapacitors (electrochemical double layer capacitors;EDLCs) store electrical charge because of the separation ofopposite charges at the interface formed between anelectrode and an electrolyte [1]. Compared to batteries,

Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.013.01.007

edu.cn (Y. Zhu),

supercapacitors have faster charge/discharge rates but storeless energy. In an effort to increase the energy storagedensity of supercapacitors while maintaining or even improv-ing their power output, carbon electrode materials such asactivated carbons [2], carbon onions [3], carbide-derivedcarbons (CDCs) [4], carbon nanotubes [5], and recentlygraphene-based materials [6], have been intensively studied.In the literature, the electrode performance of super-capacitors-including the specific capacitance, energy, orpower-is usually quoted on a gravimetric basis (i.e., per unitweight of the active materials). However, the volumetric

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performance is important for applications such as electro-nics, transportation, and others where space is limited [7,8].

Many highly porous carbon materials have relatively lowbulk densities of less than 0.5 g/cm3 [8]. Typically, activatedcarbons have densities of about 0.5 g/cm3 and reportedvolumetric capacitances in the range of 50 to 80 F/cm3 [9].CDC films with a thickness of �50 mm were reported to havea volumetric capacitance of about 60 F/cm3, while values of�160 F/cm3 have been reported for CDC films with athickness of �2 mm [4].

Previously, our group reported the synthesis of a newcarbon material that was prepared by the activation ofmicrowave-exfoliated graphite oxide (‘MEGO’). ActivatedMEGO (‘a-MEGO’) was found to have a high electricalconductivity, a low O and H content, and a structurecomposed of nearly 100% sp2-bonded carbon [10]; it exhib-ited a Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) [11] specific surfacearea (SSA) of up to 3100 m2/g and a large pore volume withpore sizes ranging from less than 1 nm to �5 nm. Super-capacitors with a-MEGO electrodes demonstrated a highgravimetric capacitance of 166 F/g in ionic liquid electrolytessuch as 1-butyl-3-methyl-imidazolium tetrafluoroborate (BMIMBF4) in acetonitrile (AN) [11]. But a low volumetric capaci-tance of 60 F/cm3 was obtained due to the low density(�0.3 g/cm3) of the as-made a-MEGO electrode.

By simply compressing the as-made a-MEGO, a volumetriccapacitance as high as 110 F/cm3 was obtained in a BMIMBF4/AN electrolyte. This improved volumetric capacitanceis attributed to the higher density and smaller pore size ofthe a-MEGO electrodes after compression.


The synthesis of a-MEGO was described in our previousreport. [10] Briefly, MEGO was prepared from graphite oxide(GO) by microwave irradiation, [12] then activated withKOH at 800 1C in a tube furnace. Electrodes of a-MEGO wereprepared using best practice methods [13]. 5 wt% Polytetra-fluoroethylene (PTFE; 60 wt% dispersion in water) wasadded to the a-MEGO powder (SSA �2600 m2/g) as a binder.The mixture of a-MEGO and PTFE was ground up with mortarand pestle, rolled into 120 mm thick raw films and punchedinto 1.1 cm diameter electrodes. Electrodes with thick-nesses of 60 mm were made following the standard rolling

Figure 1 (a) High-resolution, low-pressure N2 (77.4 K) adsorpelectrodes, and (b) pore size distribution for N2 (calculated from t

method, yielding the ‘uncompressed sample’. To increasethe density, separate raw films were placed in a 13 mm KBrDie Set (International Crystal Laboratories) and compressedusing a hydraulic press. Two types of compressed sampleswere separately made using 10 t (compressed-10, 72 mmthick) and 25 t (compressed-25, 57 mm thick) of compressionforce.

The BET SSA and the pore size distribution (PSD) of theuncompressed and compressed electrodes were obtainedfrom N2 adsorption isotherms (Micromeritics ASAP 2020).The electrical conductivity of these samples was measuredusing a four probe setup. To measure the supercapacitorperformance, the electrodes were configured in a two-electrode test cell consisting of two current collectors, twoelectrodes, and a porous separator (Celgards 3501) sup-ported in a test fixture consisting of two stainless steel plates[13]. A conductive carbon-coated aluminum foil (Exopack


0.5 mm thick, 2-sided coating) was used with BMIM BF4/ANand tetraethylammonium tetrafluoroborate (TEA BF4) inacetonitrile (TEA BF4/AN) electrolytes, respectively.

Results and discussion

The density and specific surface area of the a-MEGOelectrodes before and after compression are shown inTable 1. The density of the uncompressed electrode wasdetermined to be 0.34 g/cm3. By applying a force of 10 t,the density of the compressed-10 sample was 0.61 g/cm3.A second sample was made by applying a force of 25 t,yielding a density of 0.75 g/cm3 (compressed-25). The BETSSA of the compressed-10 sample was 1560 m2/g, comparedto 1380 m2/g in the uncompressed sample. The adsorptiondata shown in Figure 1 suggest that this increase in SSA isdue to a larger contribution from micropores following thefirst compression. Further compression resulted in a sharpdecrease in the SSA to 710 m2/g. The BET SSA measure-ments and pore size estimates were obtained based on highresolution, low pressure adsorption/desorption experimentswith nitrogen (77.4 K) and non-local density functionaltheory (NLDFT) calculations. The uncompressed electrodeexhibited an isotherm similar to that of a-MEGO powder [10](shown in Figure S1). While the adsorption volume at lowerpressure of the compressed-10 electrodes increased, a sharpdecrease of the nitrogen uptake was observed for the

tion–desorption isotherms of uncompressed and compressedhe data using a slit/cylindrical NLDFT model).

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compressed-25 electrodes. The pore size distribution shownin Figure 1(b) suggests that the volume of the mesopores inthe as-made electrodes, with an average size of �4 nm, wasdecreased by compression and the peak of the mesoporesshifted closer to �2 nm. At the same time, the volume of�1 nm micropores showed a slight increase for the samplecompressed with 10 t, but reduced dramatically for thesample compressed with 25 t. The adsorption studies sug-gest that most of the mesopores either collapsed or werecompressed down to the size range of the micropores. (Thelow resolution isotherm and PSD of as-made a-MEGO powderwith BET SSA of 2600 cm2/g is shown in the SupportingInformation.) The DC conductivity varied with the compres-sion force, measuring 0.15 S/cm for the uncompressedsample, 2.13 S/cm for the compressed-10 sample, and1.74 S/cm for the compressed-25 sample. The increase inconductivity is likely due to void removal from compressionand increased interparticle contact area.

The electrochemical performance of both uncompressedand compressed electrodes was tested with cyclic voltam-metry (CV), constant current (CC) galvanostatic charge–discharge, and frequency response analysis (FRA). Thespecific capacitances from CC and those from CV at a scanrate of 100 mV/s (from 0 to 3.5 V) are shown in Table 1. Thegravimetric capacitance from CC remained almostunchanged for the sample compressed with 10 t, andslightly dropped to 147 F/g after compression with 25 t.Due to the density increase, the compressed-25 sample hada volumetric capacitance of 110 F/cm3 in BMIM BF4/ANelectrolyte. In TEA BF4/AN electrolyte, the volumetric capa-citance of the compressed-25 sample was 98 F/cm3.

Figure 2 Electrochemical testing in BMIM BF4/AN electrolyte: (a)electrodes, and (b) galvanostatic charge–discharge curves for the u

Table 1 Comparison of a-MEGO electrode performance metric

Sample Density(g/cm3)

BET SSA(m2/g)




Uncompressed 0.34 1382 159 @ 1.33 A/g 149Compressed-10 0.61 1556 158 @ 1.22 A/g 120Compressed-25 0.75 707 147 @ 1.24 A/g 110

This volumetric capacitance is to our knowledge higher thanall of the activated carbons in the literature (for IL or organicelectrolytes) and is comparable to that of the CDC coatingwith a thickness of 20 mm [4]. However, the gravimetriccapacitance calculated from the CV at 100 mV/s scan rate inFigure 2 strongly depends on the load used in the compression.CV studies (shown in Figure S3) on the gravimetric capacitanceof the compressed samples show it also decreased when thescan rate was increased. The gravimetric and volumetricenergy densities were calculated based on the capacitancevalues from the CC curves, and the results are providedin Table 1. A high volumetric energy density of 48 Wh/l(normalized to the volume of the two carbon electrodes)was obtained from the compressed-25 sample in the BMIMBF4/AN electrolyte.

Although the gravimetric capacitance from CC testingwas almost unchanged after compression, the supercapaci-tor performance was affected. As seen in Figure 2(a), the CVcurves (at 100 mV/s) of the compressed samples are not asrectangular as that of the uncompressed a-MEGO electro-des. Also, the CV curves (Figure S2) of the compressedsamples were slightly distorted (while the CV curves of theuncompressed sample were not) when the scan rate wasincreased from 20 mV/s to 100 mV/s, indicating a slowercharge propagation of the ions at the higher scan rates forthe compressed samples. In addition, the resistance drop atthe beginning of the discharge curve (Figure 2(b)) increasedfrom 3.4 O for the uncompressed electrode, to 10.2 O(compressed-10) electrode and to 13.4 O (compressed-25)electrode. As a result, the volumetric power densitydecreased from 79 kW/l for the uncompressed sample to

CV curves at 100 mV/s for the uncompressed and compressedncompressed and compressed electrodes.

s before and after compression.



Gravimetricenergy density(Wh/kg)

Volumetricenergy density(Wh/l)


54 68 2396 67 41

110 63 48

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Figure 3 (a) Nyquist plots from the frequency response analysis. Inset magnifies the data in the high frequency range, and (b)evolution of imaginary capacitance versus frequency for cells with uncompressed and compressed electrodes.

767Volumetric capacitance of compressed a-MEGO electrodes

17 kW/l for the compressed-25 sample. In TEA BF4/ANelectrolyte, the CV curves of both uncompressed andcompressed samples remained rather rectangular and theresistance drop at the beginning of the discharge curveshowed small variation between the electrodes (5 O for theuncompressed electrode to 4.3 O for the compressed-25electrode) (Figure S2). This indicated better charge propa-gation in TEA BF4/AN electrolyte. Therefore, the volumetricpower density, which is a function of voltage and resistance,increased with the density of the electrode from 31 kW/l forthe uncompressed sample to 37 kW/l for the compressed-25sample. The Ragone plot with volumetric energy and powerdensity values is provided in Figure S4.

The kinetics of ion transport in both uncompressed andcompressed electrodes in BMIM BF4/AN was further investi-gated using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)with a frequency range from 0.01 Hz to 1 MHz. The EISresults were analyzed using Nyquist plots, shown inFigure 3(a). The steep slopes of the curves in the lowfrequency region of all three electrodes suggest nearly idealcapacitive behavior of the cells. The mid-high frequency 451slope portion of the Nyquist plots, which is usually modeledby a de Levi transmission line, is due to the transport of ionsin cylindrical pores [14]. It should be noted that this 451slope portion is not a result of Warburg diffusion (unrest-ricted semi-infinite linear diffusion to a large planar elec-trode). The high frequency region for the uncompressedelectrode compared to that of the two compressed electro-des indicates a lower electrode resistivity. The totalequivalent series resistance (ESR) was estimated to be3.1, 8.3, and 9.4 O for the uncompressed, compressed-10,and compressed-25 electrodes, respectively. These valuesare similar to those obtained from CC testing. The increasedESR of the compressed electrodes is likely due to thecollapse of the large mesopores. Figure 3(b) presents theevolution of the imaginary part of the capacitance versusfrequency where the relaxation time constant t0 of the cellis the reciprocal of the frequency f0 at the peak. [15] Theresults indicate that the cell with the uncompressed elec-trode (t0=2.2 s) is able to deliver its stored energy fasterthan that of cells with the compressed electrodes (t0=10 s)[16]. We surmise this is due to the pore size distribution ofthe samples as large mesopores are more important for fastion diffusion in porous electrodes.


By applying a compressive force (10 t or 25 t) to as-madea-MEGO electrodes, the volumetric capacitance and volu-metric energy density of a-MEGO based supercapacitors wereincreased from 60 F/cm3 and 23 Wh/l to 110 F/cm3 and48 Wh/l, respectively. This is largely due to a higher densityof the compressed a-MEGO samples, which also predomi-nately contain micropores smaller than 2 nm. A fraction ofthe mesopores present in the uncompressed a-MEGO collapsefrom the compression, leading to a higher equivalent seriesresistance and thus a lower power density (on a gravimetricbasis) of the compressed versus the uncompressed electrodes(but the compressed samples have higher power density on avolumetric basis). Our study suggests that, as with activatedcarbons used as electrodes in supercapacitors, the micro-pores in a-MEGO are primarily responsible for charge storagewhile the mesopores provide fast ion transport channels forthe ionic liquid electrolyte (BMIM BF4/AN) or organic electro-lyte (TEA BF4/AN) used in the study here.


We appreciate funding support from the U.S. Department ofEnergy (DOE) under Award DE-SC0001951. Y. Lu and Y. Zhuappreciate support from the National Basic Research Pro-gram of China with Award no. 2012CB922001.

Appendix A. Supporting information

Supplementary information associated with this article canbe found in the online version at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nanoen.2013.01.007.


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Shanthi Murali received her Ph.D. in MaterialsScience and Engineering from The Universityof Texas at Austin in 2012, under the directionof Prof. Rodney S. Ruoff. Her Ph.D. thesisincluded investigation of reduction of exfo-liated graphite oxide, and energy storage insystems with graphene-based materials as theelectrodes. She received her M.S. in ChemicalEngineering from Auburn University in 2008where her thesis work involved liquid crystal-

line assembly of nanowires. During her Ph.D. studies, she worked as aresearch intern in Intel Labs. She currently works for iRunway Inc., atechnology consulting firm in Austin, Texas.

Neil Quarles received his B.S. in MechanicalEngineering from The University of Texas atAustin in December, 2012. As an undergraduateresearch assistant, he worked with Dr. ShanthiMurali and Dr. Meryl Stoller in Prof. Rodney S.Ruoff’s group. He has assisted primarily inresearch involving ultracapacitors and lithium-ion batteries, including the use of graphene-based materials as electrodes, as well as thedevelopment of testing techniques for cells.

Li Li Zhang received her B. Eng. in Chemicaland Biomolecular Engineering from theNational University of Singapore in 2004.After two years industrial experiences inMicron, she continued her Ph.D. study in thesame department at the National Universityof Singapore from 2006 and received herPh.D. degree in 2011. She worked as aresearch engineer from 2010 to 2011 atNUS. She now works in Professor Ruoff’s

group as a postdoctoral research fellow at The University of Texasat Austin. Her research interest is developing high-performanceenergy storage materials and systems.

Jeffrey R. Potts is a Scientist at Baker Hughesin Houston, Texas. He completed his PhD inMaterials Science & Engineering at the Uni-versity of Texas at Austin in 2012 under thedirection of Rodney S. Ruoff, and earned aB.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Okla-homa State University in 2008. During hisPhD studies, he worked as a research internat Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquer-que, New Mexico and collaborated closely

with Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company on elastomer nanocompositesresearch. To date, he has authored or co-authored 16 papers onpolymer nanocomposites and graphene-based materials.

Ziqi Tanreceived her B.S. in Materials Phy-sics from Hefei University of Technology inChina in 2011. She is currently a postgrad-uate supervised by Professor Yanwu Zhu andProfessor Yalin Lu in University of Scienceand Technology of China. Her research isfocused on the novel carbon electrodematerials for the application in supercapa-citors.

Yalin Lucurrently is the Executive Head ofMaterials Science and Engineering Departmentand the Director of CAS key Laboratory ofMaterials for Energy Conversionat University ofScience and Technology of China. He obtainedhis Ph.D in Solid State Physics from NanjingUniversity in China in 1991. His research groupworks on energy materials, THz technologyand metamaterials, nonlinear optics, electro-optics, and lasers, thin film growth and mate-

rials physics of complex oxides.

Yanwu Zhu joined University of Science andTechnology of China in 2011 as a professor. HisPh.D is in condensed matter physics fromNational University of Singapore (2007). Hewas working as a postdoctoral fellow in theNational University of Singapore Nanoscience& Nanotechnology Initiative (2007–08) and inthe Department of Mechanical Engineering atThe University of Texas at Austin (2008–2011).He has co-authored more than 90 peer-

reviewed papers. His current research includes carbon nanomaterialsfor efficient energy storage and conversion.

Rodney S. Ruoff joined The University of Texasat Austin as a Cockrell Family Regentsendowed chair in September, 2007. His Ph.D.is in Chemical Physics from the University ofIllinois-Urbana (1988) and he was a FulbrightFellow in 1988–89 at the Max Planck InstitutefuerStroemungsforschung in Germany. He wasthe John Evans Professor of Nanoengineeringat Northwestern University and director ofNU’s Biologically Inspired Materials Institute

from 2002–2007. He has co-authored 340 peer-reviewed publicationsdevoted to materials science, chemistry, physics, mechanics, engineer-ing, and biomedical science. He is a Fellow of the MRS, APS, and theAAAS.