volume v. ilxjuiday, october 24, 1851. 12/corning ny journal/corning … · r*|t anvbrt'skm...

-.. VOLUME V. Corningtocckh3otnml. Vtlll.TsHKn OK FR1*ATS, BY A. w. MCDOWELL A CO. so 29J, MAUKET BTBfgy^ cgBptyirr TERMS: On Dmr. *u. ea*h in advance, or One Doflar aad Pi tv Genu If .mid within the year ; nt»! Twenty Kite CeiiU a idoJ where the paper in tell by the or- tier. :'a** No paper is discontinued until nil arrearage* are paid, unless at the option of the Puhliaher R ATKS l)TAnraTisiNo: 1 square t weak, 90 SO I I square one year, • * 00 I 1 4 " I 50 I i coluiun --" , 10 00 I » ' a months, 3 00 i I " " 1* 00 1 ' * 8 f " *V fW» | 1 " " 30 00 l^jril advertisint at Htatate prior*. nTRniaiKM CA'tnn, containine; Hve lines ot leas. i»d-rt*-l mi I'T iha anpropritto heud. at #4 00 per annnm. inrlndin* the paper. r*|T AnvBRT'SKM • >'s not areomuanied with wri' t«o i'litrui'tiniiav Will he Inserted mail otherwise order ai. and eharu ii iiornr'lin^ly. i L X J U I D A Y , OCTOBER 24, 1851. SB* NUMBER 23. TIIK FOliBST GRAVI. I don't know that the young man ever entered the house but Once afterwards, ex cept to seehis mother in the absence of the Colons!, and obtain the funds she used to spare for him out of her own allowance. ^*M*44Hw-a«©fetvfortMr-heartrwete ait,—'"' "" Mnrgnii wished To*jTO ahm-fo* t 3But"*"ta A.they laid him down to sleep. travel verv-extensively, inquired moie mo And many a sigh they £aye for the de " But thev hardly dared to weep 'Twaa a band of bold and hardy men. And they dug a lowly grave. Where, the trees were tall and the river dark, Where wild flowers love to wave. They laid him down in a quiet grave. Hut uo gentle form knelt there; The sod* were piled, hut no prayer was said, ' If u dirge roue on the air •'. •' L * '. -• They turned away with trembling hearts, And they tfuiayhtul hi* active land. W h Tea nn.thcr woulJ"we<*p for the forcsj dead, And lik'aialeaasgrlaifyiB slasvi They entered their rude tap wifd lonluu, And ll.ey gazgeMn las vacant of at " \\ ah teaile*-. eyes, and mfedgrriil tf noon neytban Mrs II. had at her command, and all be»effi>ns t» induce the Colonel to grant i;lMUltjljf»r|te> pnrpose were in virin. She might as well have asked the sea lo.deiiver up it* riches. Enraged at ihe ill snacesaof h«r application, Morgan d.-u-rmine/.* to see his falber himself, and by some means pro- cure live uniouiit Ike way desperately re. solved to have. , * * Laming,one day, that the Col. had re- eeai^ti.^1 Jaij.s*i#!vtp 4d* monev, f*om--t-he-aale BUSIVKSS CARDS A. W. McDOWEIT/ft CO., Are prepared to do nil kind" of BOOK I'I A N and- Otm»t\'Tu PKIS>.»O, mieh a* Pamphlets, triiitdbili*. ('Aril*. Oiirular». Visitinst <"»r.(« ]tn'l Tn tiet^ T.^b.!- HIHI.UM, Wm hilii. Bil)hend«. Hat tip». (Checks. Poster* Ac-., in u-otxi style and on reasomrMe tf rnih EMP0BUM OF FA8H ON. A.J HOWKLLaCo. P-SIII-IVABI. T* to «. w«f dealers in CUitli*. Vectinr* mid Trrtumitii.'*.—No 6. second story, Dyer Mkx:k Market street fornini?. A. J. Howg' i. J. K mivtu. ^i that sile»t Inn! tEej^sE>6Td inept T ic *t:ir« dhone dns\ n i»« ll*e forest grave. Tiio wdil Mind* *ot% wan »u.l and low. Eaci wuve ol die trew lad a dtrgelike moan, And the'river a muurului How. «lj!-<>frtp 1iu>d», Mor^iq limi'u'lit »' *.i{rtie«#p- ipununilv lo nihtie .Mhfrioetit on the pnli-rnal pttrrie, and-accQnlingly e.lUd on the • Id 4 g<mlcifia'n l.efoie ite had unte to us*e tlie like; tu«« breaking of irUss . Had itnmndwtely *fter, the cunain wa» moved aside by an in- visdde h'tinj. The Harkne«s. the loneline«8 of theehim- •>er, and tin? mvstery of the tone akadfta on !tigsas?fli!3^<rfi" ; <vit-sitaken tlw vmvm <»f any mm of !e.<s coolness and cotsmije than the Colonel., Determined to take the r<>hber, dead qr alive, ^LlyD^fe »aitwd for him to enter the rW»m. But presently, to Mb dismay, he heard footstep* cominif dntvn staihi, 8ome domestic, CM- out-door laborer had evidently heard the sounds and wa* datiinjr to Warn their origin. P.*rceivin-» Ihit this must frisrhten away the roblrer, the Colonel was revolving in hm mind what he should do to effect his ohj-et, when'the hand that moved the enrtrrin beeaine visible. It; Wivi groping .tlong the window.fmme l"r the spring. Rtpid as lightning, yet noiseless and unseen, th*» old broadsword fewept over the Colonel's bead, and struek dwepinto'the wo.>d-work of the window.— ind B. C. W30D. dVH HMITH—Paiarted Post—Will mhke n»,\ n t mh Ciuu» and Pi«ol* of nil desoription*, with neatlieaw and dinpatrh Term< inn lerute H. 82ELY. DR*1'(T'II3T -P.«in»fd P-wt IJ- liter in Drnjr«.'Medi ein'-s. Dye StoH'n Pnhan. '»i|n. Bru«lie<. wall taper fJTs»«. Mo'ik*. Strt inniTy. P;i«-nt Mi'dN-inen. Ac. , A good supply of Omeerie* alwayn on Imud. TTjy i l E aZ M ITSA?J>, . ATTOUNrlY? * rofN-»f.r.t.nflr» * T LAW Corniua". Hte«he» <'i»., if* Y WII.H*M lnvi«r. Jo.1.1 MAV-*(J?J^ THE OjttY 80Hf. DT HK.MKY 1KVIO I nioiev, or deposit it in lite bank , A doni»j»;ic in the family, who Hdmiited [THew was a stifled cry—a heavy Ml j M'»riran. relates, ihat the Col,.was in his stu- * d\, and ihM iheiv.w*s a bundle of hilw on his desk whi-n the wuny mm entered. J Tin- Col* >iteJ's eotmii nance n«*,ver changed «s he lo».iU.-tl nn and saw hi." son standing One fine summer nioilting, as I w«» ritKiinj belureinm j ny\4 wiw n he spoke, his words with allien.! u t. ugh a hitodsome village in :cnme forth; cold nr*3 hod; as if his throat Lite cent:, I part of Mew York, unit adtair- had been of Matble. ) f i.g lh.> itnud. a he pointed out TO n.F wltlt J "What is yonr busin »s iJ ilr' a " asked his all the pride i.ud predion of the -.dde^t. \ falherV iiibabi HJI.." my utietttioti was attracted by j Morgan -returned his father's stern look an aged f-ituple, tlre»>ed in deep rta who weie w.-okiiig bowly down a^shaded avenue, in front of one of the moot beauit- lui rt-Mdetjees IM the plnve. 'J'he feehle .steps »>l the <i!d lad v. who h-atied heavilv upon the arm of |»«T coto- paniMii, and the exp eaamti of deep and the curtain swept back to its place. Rushitgtothe window, the Col. threw it open, and looked out He could »ee noth- ing, however, owing to the darkness, and .•dinning it again, he hastened to procure a light. Ai A s h e hurst into the trail. ' * ltdtftief Wf the harne of Jones, who slept in the house, appeared at the foot of the stairs with a lamp. ••• ' > ' • ? "Good God ! Colonel, is that yon f' cried Jon**. wh<» appi'Hred agitated with terror. '•What is the matter?" ' "Givome the li.dit," said the Coh ; ' "He extended hi* hand. As the light fHI upon it, J..nes, who must have heen let ribly fiyhtened, saw thai it was covered plied, "I eome to prefer a claim." At I lie word claim, the Col. sneered but said no hiiii". *I do ire to travel." pursued M.'Miaitn, as if he had la'-rt talking to an eqinl. "It sn be no ttdvan'igo to von in k- ej» an; wj h j « u u hlootl. S artiug back; he dropped ihe a.'.nig soi ow which |IIOM »M-d her thin and ; in >\ti>\i ( ,( your d »o-. which k s hut against i lamp, which wassvhiohen to pieces on I be t , lirl 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. i,.„f . _ 1 I . 4 . B A * 1 i" . aV" ' '•• 1 ' a l * D. F. BBt WN, .%" 'WlfHAfC-r.LOIl AT ATTO.IVKY Jn»lir«» nt't'ie Pcaei*. Ofrlc»- ?'imrert Hallj 9d floor. CWnin?. StiruVni ceaittv. .N T-«S-..C*M .','' * K I i t C \Ui. u »a« \ rf i «.•*, t e a t h e r Ud Find leg*. Ac. J^j ffTEWATT & BTTRT. S. % S T r T W A t t r — TJi a l c r t n teather and find inps and mamilaeturer of lino's and 8lioe* B I) B U - I T --H «•••«'» and Tru-.k maker—Saddles anJVaiie^n. It-pairine done on short notice. Painted Post, opposite the r*nnndry. ~^trV4lrUffi r ^0TH lTCrT*^ AT. I. VABlETIKS.oftfiHMl .ptaBty. and City S t y l e - sold cheap, at ttobinnon"* Repaiator Store. •s. A >.B.0BAVES..H.D.r PHYSICIAN' &. et'tfGK »N*. and D-aler in Dm** and Mudii-ines Paints and Oils Books and Station ery Coming, 3l,-Yi V7 * •/ ' . DB. E. E. HYPE. HOMCEOPATHIC PlfYSiriAN'' Caaea of M*>di- cine kept on liaml M.;ihanir»l and Soradeal Den- Ust. Office ovwr I. •# "t iH»d"« Store. (Aiming Corning. September 18.M. F. M. LUCAS, HARRIER A HAflt I)'lKSSF.lt. Market »l. keeps ooeataatly on hand Tahiltait'i) Italian (.'osmetic -*hnv lag '"ream. Bear's Oil. • "ologne. Ac iiHin SJ' U, V'^' : :" m - v V'^' " I, v\V. and !-i':.iT.r Mi wli-iits —the mo* pi did leaut:e,-<, eon.tasted wi h a the firm j tii ad, and steta, M.leinn aspect of the Old man, awoke my ctniostty, and I inq ij.ed if lie ie w.t» no! s>«me doinestic lns'o \ of fa- lereai conaee'ed w».h too venerable eotiple. ••There i», i. ! .4*ed." rfeplied my fnentl I— V<-u neail U» inv ruimi OCM* i«f lite nntst >sl startling (ra- ged), in short—which our goodJ^vdlage ev.-r uutiesM d. \.l,A .i'-'i., .'-of Thai o| 1, and sonow .-t.ickeii rmiple-," puiMieil my frwitd, "may. be Men,' lw.weW three limes a weetc-^-oHner> : when trie wen- iher is n'ia—waHtnrg doWft the avenue in jasi such a nrnncr—never any faster, never anv slower. * Vou see ihem now getting into theear- r'hige, which has ju.-t rolled up to the gaYe. They will ndt; a mde, when the carriage will stop, and I hey will walk tloongh aitu- ther gate, which "is of won, having between posts ol ifoti, irlfblacft »s e'b'ohy. They will enter a green Held, where lire bird* ring sweetly the>e fine surhmer Mornings.; a lonely field, however, where there ate no dwellings above oround, yet wheie there^rjL eveivihe voong 7nnn turned upou his heel, a great many inhabitants —the rich and ' . . . |»oor intermingled, and resting on the same L. TODD. HOfJSit. sioy. ft CARRIVOIE PAINTF.B. M»rSI«r. ilr»i'n!r.'f*,-tnerTfi«n!rer. fTlaaier. A c , No. 47. Market ^tr»;et. !«p'maSr*,| Corrrirte:. N. . ¥ AHiraBTCAN HOUSE. BY A f POTT hilt. Tkc/a^Theta <t>. Pa. Former^ Iv "i-I'IInie.l by H. 9t«(rra. " C\M?JISLLI0WN mfBL~7^ BY K n,*¥.'i»*»r'\lMri' »w»i ; aeeommwflations n»»y he found. fHwe Mwi aF flat! and b*. eoavin- e#d , ' ~B%ftJU>AD" HYTEr, BY DAVlD.L.\NB^nhoqtao rwis Fast of the De pet, on the dWWrtb^ sbt* wf die Hail Hnnd. • arnlnir, rJia.ibi-u C o Good Stabling bv the day. week or T««r. W. TEBBELL, PHYSICIAN k RFRnKON, and Healer in Dnurs Medicines, Books and St-iiionery, ('oriiins, X. Y. - W^ D. TEBBETX, M^ ©T PIIT^IOI \ V ft flt;B«RON - OIBe.. over Dr Win ! TWPL$W* IftQi and Btatiooery fVure O.W. FBATT, M. D.. PHV«TCT.\Jf ft SfTRfJF.OV - R.^tdenee oo r>ri- Ayate, east end O.Hi'«, on Market •tovt T>'vr Dr. TerMSt's I»r-e- storft third fhmr, north room n-- - - —"•••£> level, about four feel beneath me sod "This aged couple are going to visit the grave of their <only child. "Ii was a son. I will tell you his history if you will listen. ••This old man was once the most enter- piising, the boldest and most renduta mail in ihe vainiiv. His name is Col.' H — — A , me, and within the oihir rit your gardena flmir, and wch.inls, whieh I &innoi eiijoy. Y/»H The Coloiel cursed his weak nerves and will not refuse, then I hope, to suoply nie h istened up stairs for ihe "litmp m his cliam- with futnls. that wdl ena'Je me to see so tie- J lier. Mrs. II , hearitig strange sounds, 'hingof the world, and to esdahhsh myself a d alajined by <he protracted absence' ol abjoad.". f., , <pf ... . j her husl and, hail already arisen and struck "Ulhis,,M all your bu^a.-s-." said lli« » h^ht. ' lk« flidi ilaMhiiiifcBiai lin h in I. Colonel in a dittrper tone, "the sooner you [she saw the blood on his inn and uttered a go the better," and taking the bundle of bills j cry ol horror. he locked it up in his desk with a firm "It is nothing," said i he Col. "A robber hand. "I thought yot had more judgment j was climbing in at the window, and I have ihtuj. t > come to me on such a fool's errand, j scratched him." S", what tea knew it WHS imiwjs«uble fo ob- Fie enteted the study, followed hv Jones, tajn by pleading, yon "hoped'in draw from | whoshudduied at the scene winch met h|s me by JJtO impiidence if a'e.laiin, ; G*i\ I i eyes. , . j ^Vretrns blood on the curtain, on the. window, tat the Clone!'* chair, whicn stood near it, and.on the cering. Across ihe desk, where the Col. had placed it, lay the broad- sword, stained with bliiod. •Something on the carpet, under the win- dow, attmeted the eye of Jones, lie stooped to pick it up, and started hack with a suppre.-sed cry It was a human' hand ! Tie Col. picked it up, and held it bv the tifelesH—fingers Itr w a s strH WiTrrnTiimf the report of a pisol, aounded within the room. Then some heavy laaly fell to the floor. The Col. staggered agninst the hani t «r ; and the waiter who was ivatcing from lie hrw.TaiT up^, irytng ntllidt'f, thinking he was shot., "Hush!" said the C ol. in a calm voice, S!ayeviingef«fet. pale as death.: helore the waiter. "Go for ah ax*, ov a bar. The door must be broken open." " « In 4 few mo nents the lock was forced, and the Col, followed by the landlord and others, rushed into the room. There was a human bo fr »«xiended ou the floor, which wa* eovered with blood. ' "Horror.!'• ej.eulated the waiter. "Hf Has cut otf his right hand !" "Ar.d blown out his brains!" added the hndlord. The Colonel looked at the ghastly, dis- terted face. It was that Of hiaonly son.— He was a cOrppe 1 "This is the story I promised vou," con- tinued mv friend. "There,is still more to saw Evervhodv thought the calamity would j kr)> Mrs. H ~ — feeble, tsorrow-siliken woman, wlvo never A X B b E C T I O . V E K R I S S CK)I. One of the of the gieatest electioneerista of the age is Mr. D. R. Russel, a candi- date fo^ulitorjiLilisaissippr. H is mode of electioneering is to deal with"i the'sq\ereigns' with the most bf.int fianknogs, dtscirding ' 9 *f% particle of blarnying humbug. The following sketch of a> htte speech delivee I by him must h*»« poailed his opponeot to repl> t o ; ; Liditsand gentlemeR,«-1 rise—but (Tiere ii no us« of telling you Uutt ; you know | am up as well as 1 do. I am a modestmaa- ^_ very—but I have never lost a picayune by it in my life. Being a scarce commodity among candidates I thought 1 would men- tion it, for fear if I did'nt you itever would hear of it. Candidates are generally considered as nuisances, but they are not ; they are the politest men in the world.shake you by th e hand, ask you how's your family, what is the prospect for crops, dec. and I am the politest man there is in the state. Dave Crockett says the politest man he ever saw when In* asked a man to drink, turned his .but yon see her now, a [ hack so that ho might drink as much as he pleased. I beat -that all hollow ; I give a man a chance to drink twice if he wishes, for I not. only turn around,but shut my eyes. I am not only the politest m<tn, but the best-electioneerer.' You ought to see me shaking hands with the variations - the pump-handle and pendulum—the crosscut and wiggle-waggle. I understand' the sci- ence perfectly, and if any of the country candidates wish instructions, they must eall • on me. Fellow.citizens ; I was born—if I hadn't betn I wouldn't been a candidate; but I am going to tell you where, 'twas not in Mi?s leaves her own room, except lo visit the grave of the suicide. A . "The Col. isTa different man. Since The tragedy he has n»'\er been seen to smile.— He stand* like » withered oak, dry und stiff, yet strong in his decay. We rode to the hurting ground.. We would have entered, antl looked at the tomb stone of the erring youth, but I shrank from disturbing the contemplation of the mourners. Mrs. 11 was hending over the tiar. Ie slab, and shedding tears, whieh ran sav. boyXhot a dollar of my money shall passi imo your hands, until you hive su" - mitteiJ to my authority, which you have so lately de>nised." Morgan s eves fl-ished fi'e The doftiW* tic, who watched him from the door, de- clared she, thought, from the grinding, of his Ieeth, and the clenching of hi.s fi*ts, that he was going*t<» strike his father. Without giving way to his passion, how- ; passfd out of the door, and never stopping t dripping with blood. It had been cut off to speak to liis d?stre*»ed mother, mounted at the wrist. his horse, and rode off to the hotel. Suddenly ihe Col. turned pile. Wrap- Vou hnve heard of him,for he distinguished himself in the last War. Penpbf say he was made of tron. YeV he has one triumph! When he cotrKs lo me with an of the most upright, generous heart9*tn the air of independence, which is insupportable, world. ' j am I to bend and beg?" "The old lady I remember as a lady of I "No! no!" sobbed the wretched woman, great beauty, no ymort; Chan iwentf rears ! ''not that. But sneak to him kindlv. Use ago. when trtsv was about forty 1 . Besides, ' persuasion— g>nttencsi-*i' he was quite as celebrated for her gentld-; "With a *on! nersuasion ! Y"tt ness and benevolence, as was the Cof f ( >r W\*i had a wdii, aftVciionate Mrs. H. flew to her husband, and clasp- ping the member in his handkerchief, he ing her hanos in agony, prayed that he | reized the light and rushed upstairs, would rail the young man back, speak to "For heaven's sake," he ciied. withsU him no longer in a stein and chilling tone, but kindlr nod fatherly, and effect a recon cihhtton **My God f" murmured the Colonel, pas- sionately, «^m I to \m tramphjd upon by range agitation, "tell me if you know this! It is noj.bTU*. to s;and upon ceremony, L«>olr|- Aird totally regodless of the effect fhe horrid sight might have on his wife, the Colonel in his agitation, tltrew aside ihe he to | folds of bis liandkerchxef, and pyealed the hand. Mm. H - ~ wrong With a ?.on! persuasion! my pa'tence," exclaimed the Colonel, in a hnskv voice g b( en espelir/I bom rolh-ge for stri- ~r3L HEERTTOTOir, M. D., ^ V ^ l ^ ! * * ^™ % ^^ P I I V S I C I A V ft H I ; R « R O V - O « e . end f**Mmm V U,n ' ll ^ h * ™*** s .HW- M trie Avaaae..»ppoaiteMVTabemafdr>. Mofgrtn in his ehlldhiod, bad Iwen indtll- U. D» H^OT) I -* H ' * U1 '' *w , ****n 1 hv bw fond rrot h r , und HM»V.3 J A TRHNK M XKKR—Saddles and i bv his fit her treat-d w:<h HB'bie severilv, VajHaeaWymliand. Hepatrtetf dmw with neetn-ae T|„. ( .,», . n e M . e e d »I #. l o - hilt he lsdl» ved * '-----H~tffi. 1? MarH«rt street. Comiinr.N Y. I ... . _ ..^ . .. . .. , . . •rz-^.r-i^fcLi jdn tbt> re-cHiBHtv of di-ctphne, lo euib his LEW'S T, FULLER, |rws»inn«, wiile Mrs. H., wiping over her fnther*!. •« . in ••!• innent of her dailir.g, en- BOOT. flHOK. ft 'iR THRU STOHK Market d%t„ C o m i n g . <'ash paid for Hides and Skins. ETOBY ft ROWTEYr OR. ICRrtlF.S ft PIKI VI-t ION'S Fmil onfeelion sries and Yankee Notions, at No. 10. Market-si. D\W?.:itl,T7PSL TArm?f BY rlK»LlOI!T. at tlw st'an of the London (Hftery. •eeon I »for» n f R fsoll's Bloek, Market street. '**#rilhW. Perftwt -mi<t»rin.n mven. or no ettsr^e. Tak«i la ehrany. a* well K , r \,<»r wmeher. Plata* eall and #*»m»ne ppnefmene, He.lth tee" ranee O'Btse . also, hhlio^raprni f«r ssl.- iWBT.L H0U1B.~ tr MtVm tOVK-hL. fi.rmeriv nf rhe M a n ^ o tf-trfar", R mirs.—Iv has leased th»' hotme fer a term aft^eSra, and refarntahf^d i>f same thmatrhrmt |fe aMM he naapy w reeriee s four*' o f the pwhWe |»».t reo«TC — Painted Post. Stenhea C«. *f. Y o W U a II It AH D W A R F . STOVF.R A >TV WAtR. Mssonir flail Bnildma neat fanrto O W. O s s r t HhK-k Tin were el WlmleseW. OaaMlean H,«. - his irtai will, She had a wd*t, HftVclionate ' husky voiced "I*eavp m e . ' hearl, which shone Itemfii-entlv on all. un-- No more word* passed blween ihe pa- tif iiH win mill was conceiitirtted Mm onlj* i r^ttts of the unhappy youth, j i»ut dining child". (the remainder of the (lay, the mother wag keenly distressed, mid the stern fetherhtm- self was ill at ease. The'i-Mtcr pissed a sle.pless night, fle iwced Yl.e floor'unlil late, with his brow con- tr;ictci! arid h's rips compressed, then retii- M. nmj laf for two Imurs,' rnediuitirig orr fomn stfbtett which exetM'ft hiilb'ain.— M»*. H , who was In^wt^ a#j|wr tNfW* wa> well what thai subject wa*! 1 ^ Considerabb pist mhlitight^the Colonel an>«e. "Is tbete flnvihiugtbe matler^lttlted his wne. *'( don't know." replied the Colonel. "I thontdv I hear ! a sound in the N##f part of the lirtu«*,Jn the olrjNnkm of the study. It m«y he only H cat that ha* got in there; bui 1 will go an I see." "I heard sranetblng mrself/'said Mrs. H. "Bui I thought it was outside," The Colonel hnd hea-d more, or «ndef^ SIOIMJ better, than hi* wife At all efenis. fie as a wihl. handsome, pr,g*innnt,e Imr, genehnts '(•times, but oft per t-. r.;nsr*:il and wiHul. We wtsre school mates, anil we t\U vvays iha-pil towpfher until h*» was senthway l o rrn r»»-rulertir. when our ihtirparv CPMSed. 1 l«»* Inm raiidv afterwards, until he went j away m ^n urademy, when rwr iiniToacvi ceased, I snw him nir«dy sifteruafrls, until havuif f». T. SPmCRR, ATTORNRY, COIMsp.M.OH ft PflT.TClTOR, (Vwamisehsaer w tah«rpram* m* eehnnwtedtrments •f Heade. •ipS«eian»ia ft^., as h» ased in Penna Coeniea. rliearHen Caaaay, N. T. OasW in Cone en .YMdOhsss Wars..!,* . deavorod in make up for it in indulg^ne*.— Thti" the bov rrew up to fear his father, and tit feel a contempt for the authoti'F of his mother. ^ fhe liad no«ispifirmof cats—hlsalhfsion to W. || on Mntgrm*. rPMim from fiohVge in them having hwn mstle m»*rely to avoid disgr^!**, he ww m^changed vou wrnjU alirming\n»r. H* rer>u»*bwi»d 4»Wl there h'»rdlv have known him, not **> mieh in per- j wm % Mim ,»f mmtt in his dak, and pr-dki sonnl iippeari nee, for he was ati'I handsome, f hly suspected a niblierv. Going noi««eles>ly down stairs, and open bui in h»s manner*. All I need sav is. he hwt Parrrpd the reputation of lieing |l e most w-fhless t*n£ disdpaled fellow in college Col. 1!^—— fras teTfilly.en-aged st ingthedmr of the *iud»' with « *,ieady hand, he heard the same noi.stt much loydet than before. He stepped cuitl>uly into ihe (bsgime hi- mid son had Ino-ight upon the room It was a starlight iui,h», an«l ItKning his eyes lo the window from which the nome appeired to p-ooeed, he there (lis eovfred a dim ihadow moving in the cur- twin At tha» moment the rioi-e ceased. The eolonel si nod motionless in the corner of the room*, until the noi«e re commence I, when reaching a heavy sword, which hung agiinst the wall, he rfowly dt«w it Irom its scabbard. started back J im*erf and rawtly, H** treated hmt with g»e.iter sereHty *h«n ever, Mtwtng to grati- fy hisJnTenlpIerprifTf., bj|ifffftttsMnfKill with I'utxJ,, und - u l j-etiiig him to lite moat * i g d »»«*^pBw» The wull WHS. father and m h«d • lerrib> ^« .rrd, in which »hw lat- ler, l**6\v W n r thetbander* of the Col *» wrm'b, proved him^eh* to hnve ^imitated h» imn f*lH, if not Ids noil,-,,*** of cbaraeter. Thats'efy day Morgan left his father's house, and nsjk up his residence at the h>». | The Colon* I then stationed him«elf near tel, to the great diatres* of Mm. H., nho ho window, but no sooner had be d-ne vi, (mm that time never saw a happy r"ay.— than the grating noise ceased again. After t t "* " wterr^tw«lT.wetw«fa. U etort sikma, he beavd aoqtber toood, At that moaam, • .h*rp ooacassioo. like But in an ihsiant, tarning deadly pale, she bent eageily forward, gaped a moment at the hand, and with a shriek, fell lifeless ttt the floor, TheC .1. rushed out, and met Jones on the atai/s,, , __ ,.___. "Raise no alarm," he said, in a husky, rapid voice. 'Go and saddle mv hoise.and bring him to the diwir. Quick !'' As swHjn «a Jones had disappeared, the Col weni out, to sec 7 If he cTTuTd d"h«cover t r e e s of the robber. There was nothing left but blotnj, which had gushed out in«the grass like r«in. The roldter was gone, r Mounting his horse, and again charging Jones to alirm no one, ih« Col. rode lo the hotel. After thundering at the door some min- utes, he succeeded in bringing a waiter, who admitted him, staring in stupid wonder, to see young Morgan's father'arrive at such a time, and with so ghastly a face. "Is Morgm II within !" demanded Ihe Col. ( "I think he is. I wiw l«m here in the evening," was thar^ply, "Sltatl I g o up •eef" "Show me to his room.^said the Colonel, stiirtiiig hito the hall. The waiter preceed«-d him up stairs.— Hearing a suppressed groan, he looked around. The Colonel's hand was * pressed upon his brow, and IN* rye. was fixed upon a •lark apot on the floor It was r drop of blood! ' "What is i hat V naked th»* waiter, "Go on! go on V muttered the Col. in*o savage and lujsky a voice, thai it had abou; tlie same effect as a sharp l.ayoaei, in send- tligth** waiter forward. - They reached ihe H**H*of Morgan*- room *ftd the Cot wrung the knob with hi* iron h nl, but tbl tai»h did not yield, "Rien eilh ht^ fi*l he thundered on the panel. No sound came from within. **He is not In," suggested the waiter. With a rapid movement, the 0<rt\ held the limp to the levhrde, " The pxrint of the kev was, visible, The d » * was locked from he inside. "Leave me," commanded tbe Col. turn* lag 10 the waiter, "^ Then placing It is moii-h near the door, he said, "Morgan. I alone!—let me in. It is your father that speaks !" down her thin face like rain. T e Colonel J jssippi, but 'tw.s on the right side of the negro fine ; vet tint's no c>»mpltmenr,as the negroes are mostly b »rn on the'"salBe : --side. I started in the world as poor as a church mouse, yet I came honestly by my poverty, for I inherited it; and if I did start ptwr.no man can say but that I have held my own -" " ----- stutid near bv, ereel ; his orm* folded on his (best, and lis cold. t> ev eyes fixed on tin grave wit ii a look of speechless g ief. Wt led them alone writ t\w de.nl. Knowledge is p eve y young man may obtain. These spa-e noments accumulate into hours evrv dav and the fun her aggregate makes days and weeks each year.days and weeks that might !>e devoted io «n mrmH and successful im- tdiovemerrt o f 4 h e mind. We iTtfaTSduce, with thr>¥e feHv worda, 3 the following whieh ' we take fromanexehinge :— 'i A lean, awkward Iwir, cim* one morning to llcdis>r of the principal of a celebrated school and asked to se« him. The s-rvant '.veil his mean clothes, and thinking he (poked like a be^gaf than anythiag tlse,! told him t » g o around to the kitchen.- The boy did a" he was kid, and soon appeared at- the back do »r, 'I should liko to sec Mr. R.. he. •_ "Von want* a breakfast, more like," said ihe servant girl, and 1 can give you that without troubling him." "Thank you," said the bov, "I should have no objeelions to a bit of bread, but I should like to see Mr. •-••' .if he can see me. "Some old elnthe.a. maybe you want' re- marked the servant, agarn eyeing rhe boy's pat clad trousers. "I^gitess he has none to •spare, lie gives sway a stght, and without mind ing i»lnr hoy's reque>t, shw werrtro her wore. IIV tel vou, if tou tbmlr P »gain asked the ••Can I *ep Mr l>oy, after hediad Bntshed e.rtlng his bread and buircr. " *W#tf h>isin the"IHwRfy'f n* he mast be disturbed, he must, but he does like to be atone soroet i mes, sahL t he girj io a neev4*b}, tone. She aeemrd to- think k very foolish, to admit such an ill-looking fellow into Ifer master.s presence. However, she wiped her hands and, and bade him follow. Opening the library door, * Condidales general they are q'u dified, &i. Now I dont ask your thoughts ; I ask youi votes. Whv, there's nothing to think of, except to watch and see thit 8-van's name is not ne your ticket. If so think to scratch it off and to put mine on. I am certain that I am com* petenl, foe who h «d ought lo know better thanl-do? Nobo.lv! I will allow that Swan is the best Auditor in the state—that is, tii] I am elected; then perhaps it'snot proper for me to s-.y anything more. Yet as an honest man, I am bound to say that I believe it's a /r.xiiu* sirt.ro hide anything fr^rn my fellow-etti*ens* therefore I say it's my private opinion'pnblkly espreased, thai I'll make the b.-st Au*!itor, in the UnUed States. •Tis not for hrnor.I wish to be Auditor, for in my own county 1 was offered an office that was all honor —Coroner--wWch I most respectfully detditied. The Auditor's office, is worth some 4)5,01 )0 a year, and lam io f«rr it like a thousand of buck. To show my go<*!ness of heart I1i_make this off-«r to my competitor. I *m sure of being elect- ed, and lie will lese something by the, nan-— vass; therefore I am willing todiv de equal- ly with him, and make these two offers; I'll take the salary and he may have the honor, or, if it would suit him belter, he may take the honor, and I'll be contented with ihe salary, —In the" way of honors. I have received enough to satisfy me for life. I went out to Mexico, eat pork and beans, stent in t»*» rain and mud, and swallowed everything, except live Mexicans. If ordered to "go." I went. "Charge," I charged ; "break for The chappaiel," you had better helievel beat a quarter mig all hollow in doing mv m * ° * 9 er dutv. "Here.'s si-mehody sir, who is dreadful anxious to sec you and so I had to show him in. I don't know how the boy introduced himself, or how he opened his business, but I know that nfier talking awhihvtbrT prin- cipal put aside theftduroe which he was studying, and lotdftip some greek book- and began to examine the hew comer. The ex smination lasted'some time. Every ques- twai which the principal asked, the boy an swered as readily as c« uld be. "Upim my wort!! exclanm d the principal, where did you team all this. **Tn my spare memento exelarmed the boy. In that answer how much was included. Few become ei her learned or eminent, who do not makes profitable it vestment of their spare moments ; for if these are wnsted in self indulgence, they enervate the mind.ren dering it less efficient in it* ia<sks whendu- ty reijuiies it to net. It is generally believ- ed that the mud fainssiivngth.after severe lalwrv by seanotM of entire inactivity. There is we think, an error hi this. More real strength, we aresur" will be accented hy the empl-yed- of ^new f c lljes while tbosO lleeiltng repo,p ;} <• | . ' Jili' I C. I t0 IV't, ** largery, dkl «a'e' |milf" \< a* Mio^r tf.e hot W thd loo d m v ; so I IO<»k "No, mtrm.fcj th« diunee tmW*' ** Wet!, m »k • hasl*. dear, and get dft«. with it, for vou fcr»ov 'he ho-ipler* have 'set* their hearra«»h* *te» tod^y, stai the; mu^havei?." My competitor, Swan, hj\ bird of golden plumage, who has been stemming for the last four years, in ihe Auditor's pond, at •5,000 a year, I am for rotation. I want to rotate myself in. There's plenty of room for him to swim outside of that pond.t here- fore pop'm your votes for me; I'll j»rjp him out and pup myself in. I am for a division of labor. Swan says he has to work all the time, with his no"*e 1 down to the public grindstone. Four yeaia ' must have ground it to a pint. Poor fellow, the public ought not to insist on having the handle of his mug ground clean off, I have a large, full-grown, and well-blown nose red us a ln?oi antl tough as sole teftirier,*»» I rush to the post of duty. I offer it up as sacrifice. I clap i> on the grindstone,-* Fellow citizens, grind away—grind till l*W« iff ennff, and tlmt will be some time first, tor I shall hang, like grim death t o * dead African, Time's most out Well. I Idt* to forgot to t«U you my name. Its Dan—for short, Daniel. Not a handsome name, for my pa- rents were poor people, w ho Jived where l! e quality nppropiiated all the nice name*; M.d they had to take what was |flt, aid dividu eiound among «* ; bui it is as handsome . \ lam—!«'. Russell. Rememberthai ha not Swan. Iain sure to bee'ected ; ffi om 1 and nil. great ami snail, here it is among von, .• n I when yon come down to Ja< kson, after i i e e!ee.iwn,-iiop at i hv Auditor's offire; tie latch string aKvavs hung* out; enter aiih- o^kflwking: take off tour things end make yrttmeKat home. Dan prawti lied oui of the stand. b»hhtrHC h h h e a l I l e a M•< up, amid the eheeis for, '«!}nn,""AD.m Russei,"snd young Davy Croekeit," 3 3 "I will have ordt-s f ahouled th*' rapfii of a down east scb«valei to his telri to • rook.. "If vou won*i cook thedinne* I'I do t m••<*#!'-—I swear. I will hav« order c this Tessel." It was Dr. Johnston who coesnared '• mud and de indiol in an action «f law •o two men due king their head* in a buclet, ' aid daring each ot j«r lo remain the lotgeai under water. Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Page 1: VOLUME V. iLXJUIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1851. 12/Corning NY Journal/Corning … · r*|T AnvBRT'SKM • >'s not areomuanied with wri' t«o i'litrui'tiniiav Will he Inserted mail otherwise



Corning tocckh 3otnml. Vtll l .TsHKn OK FR1*ATS,

B Y A. w . M C D O W E L L A C O .

so 29J, MAUKET BTBfgy cgBptyirr

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:'a** N o paper is discontinued until nil arrearage* are paid, unless at the option of the Puhliaher

R ATKS l)TAnraTisiNo: 1 square t weak, 90 SO I I square one year, • * 00 I 1 4 " I 50 I i coluiun - - " , 10 00 I » ' a months, 3 00 i I " " 1* 00 1 ' * • 8 f " *V fW» | 1 " " 30 00

l^jr i l advertisint at Htatate prior*. n T R n i a i K M CA'tnn, containine; Hve lines ot leas.

i»d-rt*-l mi I'T iha anpropritto heud. at #4 00 per annnm. inrlndin* the paper.

r*|T AnvBRT'SKM • > ' s not areomuanied with wri' t«o i'litrui'tiniiav Will he Inserted mail otherwise order ai. and eharu i i iiornr'lin^ly.

i L X J U I D A Y , OCTOBER 24, 1851. S B *

NUMBER 23. T I I K F O l i B S T G R A V I .

I don't know that the young man ever entered the house but Once afterwards, ex cept to seehis mother in the absence of the Colons!, and obtain the funds she used to spare for him out of her own allowance.

^*M*44Hw-a«©fetvfortMr-heartrwete ait,—'"' "" Mnrgnii wished To*jTO ahm-fo*t3But"*"ta A.they laid him down to sleep. travel verv-extensively, inquired moie mo

And many a sigh they £aye for the de "

But thev hardly dared to w e e p

'Twaa a band of bold and hardy men. And they dug a lowly grave.

Where , the trees were tall and the river dark,

W h e r e wild flowers love to w a v e .

They laid him down in a quiet grave. Hut uo gentle form knelt there;

T h e sod* were piled, hut no prayer w a s said, ' If u dirge roue on the air •'. •'L* '. -•

T h e y turned away with trembling hearts,

And they tfuiayhtul hi* ac t ive land.

W h T e a nn.thcr woulJ"we<*p for the forcsj dead,

And lik'aialeaasgrlaifyiB slasvi

They entered their rude tap wifd lonluu, And ll.ey gazgeMn las vacant of at "

\ \ ah teaile*-. eyes, and mfedgrriil tf noon

neytban Mrs II. had at her command, and all be»effi>ns t» induce the Colonel to grant • i;lMUltjljf»r|te> pnrpose were in virin. She might as well have asked the sea lo.deiiver up it* riches. Enraged at ihe ill snacesaof h«r application, Morgan d.-u-rmine/.* to see his falber himself, and by some means pro­cure live uniouiit Ike way desperately re. solved to have. , * *

L a m i n g , o n e day, that the Col. had re-eeai^ti.^1 Jaij.s*i#!vtp 4d* monev, f*om--t-he-aale


Are prepared to do nil kind" of BOOK I'I A N and- O t m » t \ ' T u P K I S > . » O , mieh a* Pamphlets, triiitdbili*. ('Aril*. Oiirular». Visitinst <"»r.(« ]tn'l Tn tiet^ T.^b.!- HIHI.UM, W m hilii. Bil)hend«. Hat tip». (Checks. Poster* Ac-., in u-otxi style and on reasomrMe tf rnih

EMP0BUM OF FA8H ON. A . J H O W K L L a C o . P - S I I I - I V A B I . T * t o «. w«f

dealers in CUitli*. Vectinr* mid Trrtumitii.'*.—No 6. second story, Dyer Mkx:k Market street fornini?. A. J. Howg' i. J. K m i v t u .

^i that sile»t Inn! tEej^sE>6Td inept

T ic *t:ir« dhone dns\ n i»« ll*e forest grave.

Tiio wdil Mind* *ot% wan »u.l and low.

E a c i wuve ol die t rew l a d a d t r g e l i k e moan, And the'river a muurului How.

«lj!-<>frtp 1iu>d», Mor^iq limi'u'lit »' *.i{rtie«#p-ipununi lv lo nihtie .Mhfrioetit on the pnli-rnal

pttrrie, and-accQnlingly e. lUd on the • Id 4 g<mlcifia'n l.efoie ite had unte to us*e tlie

like; tu«« breaking of irUss . Had itnmndwtely *fter, the cunain wa» moved aside by an in-visdde h'tinj.

The Harkne«s. the loneline«8 of theehim-•>er, and tin? mvstery of the tone akadfta on

!t igsas?fl i !3^<rfi" ;<vit-s i taken tlw vmvm <»f any m m of !e.<s coolness and cotsmije than the Colonel., Determined to take the r<>hber, dead qr alive, ^ L l y D ^ f e »aitwd for him to enter the rW»m. But presently, to Mb dismay, he heard footstep* cominif dntvn staihi, 8ome domestic, CM- out-door laborer had evidently heard the sounds and wa* datiinjr to Warn their origin. P.*rceivin-» Ihit this must frisrhten away the roblrer, the Colonel was revolving in hm mind what he should do to effect his ohj-et, when'the hand that moved the enrtrrin beeaine visible. It; Wivi groping .tlong the window.fmme l"r the spring. Rtpid as lightning, yet noiseless and unseen, th*» old broadsword fewept over the Colonel's bead, and struek dwepinto'the wo.>d-work of the window.—


B. C. W 3 0 D . dVH HMITH—Paiarted Post—Will mhke n»,\ ntmh

Ciuu» and Pi«ol* of nil desoription*, with neatlieaw and dinpatrh Term< inn lerute

H. 82ELY. D R * 1 ' ( T ' I I 3 T -P.«in»fd P-wt IJ- liter in Drnjr«.'Medi

ein'-s. Dye StoH'n Pnhan. '»i|n. Bru«lie<. wall taper fJTs»«. Mo'ik*. Strt inniTy. P;i«-nt Mi'dN-inen. Ac.

, A good supply of Omeerie* alwayn on Imud.

TTjy i l E aZ M ITSA?J>, . A T T O U N r l Y ? * r o f N - » f . r . t . n f l r » * T L A W

Corniua". Hte«he» <'i»., if* Y W I I . H * M l n v i « r . Jo.1.1 M A V - * ( J ? J ^

THE OjttY 80Hf. DT H K . M K Y 1 K V I O

I nioiev, or deposit it in lite bank , A doni»j»;ic in the family, who Hdmiited [THew was a stifled cry—a heavy Ml

j M'»riran. relates, ihat the Col,.was in his stu- * d \ , and ihM iheiv.w*s a bundle of hilw on his desk whi-n the w u n y m m entered.

J Tin- Col* >iteJ's eotmii nance n«*,ver changed «s he lo».iU.-tl nn and saw hi." son standing

One fine summer nioilting, as I w«» ritKiinj belureinm j ny\4 wiw n he spoke, his words with al l ien.! u t. ugh a hitodsome village in :cnme forth; cold nr*3 h o d ; as if his throat Lite cent:, I part of Mew York, unit adtair- had been of Matble. )f

i . g lh.> i tnud. a he pointed ou t TO n.F wltltJ "What is yonr busin »siJilr'a" asked his all the pride i.ud pred ion of the -.dde^t. \ falherV iiibabi HJI.." my utietttioti was attracted by j Morgan -returned his father's stern look an aged f-ituple, tlre»>ed in deep rta who weie w.-okiiig bowly down a^shaded avenue, in front of one of the moot beauit-lui rt-Mdetjees IM the plnve.

'J'he feehle .steps »>l the <i!d lad v. who h-atied heavilv upon the arm of |»«T coto-paniMii, and the exp eaamti of deep and

the curtain swept back to its place. R u s h i t g t o t h e window, the Col. threw it

open, and looked out He could »ee noth­ing, however, owing to the darkness, and .•dinning it again, he hastened to procure a light. A i

A s h e hurst into the trail. ' * ltdtftief Wf the harne of Jones, who slept in the house, appeared at the foot of the stairs with a lamp. ••• • ' > ' • ?

"Good God ! Colonel, is that yon f' cried Jon**. wh<» appi'Hred agitated with terror. '•What is the matter?" '

"Givome the li.dit," said the Coh ; ' "He extended hi* hand. As the light

fHI upon it, J..nes, who must have heen let ribly f iyhtened, saw thai it was covered

plied, "I eome to prefer a claim." At I lie word claim, the Col. sneered but

said no hiiii". *I do ire to travel." pursued M.'Miaitn, as

if he had la'-rt talking to an eqinl. "It sn be no ttdvan'igo to von in k- ej» an; wj h j « u u hlootl. S artiug back; he dropped ihe

a.'.nig soi ow which |IIOM »M-d her thin and ; in >\ti>\i (,( your d »o-. which k shut against i lamp, which wassvhiohen to pieces on I be t , l i r l 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i , . „ f . _ 1 I . 4 . B A * 1 i " . aV" • ' '•• 1 ' a l *

D. F. BBt WN, .%" 'Wl fHAfC-r .LOI l AT A T T O . I V K Y

Jn»lir«» nt't'ie Pcaei*. Ofrlc»- ?'imrert Hallj 9d floor. CWnin?. StiruVni ceaittv. .N T-«S-..C*M .',''

* K I i t C \Ui. u »a« \ rf i «.•*, t e a t h e r Ud Find leg*. Ac. J^j

ffTEWATT & BTTRT. S . % S T r T W A t t r — TJi a lcrtn t e a t h e r and find inps and mamilaeturer of l ino's and 8lioe* B I) B U - I T --H «•••«'» and Tru-.k maker—Saddles anJVaiie^n. It-pairine done on short notice. Painted Post, opposite the r*nnndry.

~^trV4lrUffir^0TH lTCrT* AT. I. VABlETIKS.oftf iHMl .ptaBty. and City S t y l e -

sold cheap, at ttobinnon"* Repaiator Store. •s.

A>.B.0BAVES..H.D.r PHYSICIAN' &. e t ' t f G K »N*. and D-aler in Dm**

and Mudii-ines Paints and Oils Books and Station ery Coming, 3l,-Yi V 7 * •/ ' .

DB. E. E. HYPE. HOMCEOPATHIC P l f Y S i r i A N ' ' Caaea of M*>di-

cine kept on liaml M.;ihanir»l and Soradeal Den-Ust. Office ovwr I . •# "t iH»d"« Store. (Aiming

Corning. September 18.M.

F. M. LUCAS, HARRIER A H A f l t I ) ' l K S S F . l t . Market » l . keeps

ooeataatly on hand Tahiltait'i) Italian (.'osmetic -*hnv lag '"ream. Bear's Oil. • "ologne. Ac

• iiHin S J ' U , V ' ^ ' : :" m-v V'^' " I, v \ V . and ! - i ' : . i T . r Mi wli-iits — t h e m o *

pi did leaut:e,-<, eon.tasted wi h a t h e firm j tii ad, and steta, M.leinn aspect of the Old

man, awoke my ctniostty, and I inq ij.ed if lie ie w.t» no! s>«me doinestic lns'o \ of fa-lereai conaee'ed w».h too venerable eotiple.

••There i», i.!.4*ed." rfeplied my fnentl I— V<-u neail U» inv ruimi OCM* i«f lite nntst

>sl startling (ra­g e d ) , in short—which our goodJ^vdlage ev.-r uutiesM d. \.l,A .i'-'i., .'-of

• Thai o| 1, and sonow .-t.ickeii rmiple-," puiMieil my frwitd, "may. be Men,' lw.weW three limes a weetc-^-oHner>: when trie wen-iher is n'ia—waHtnrg doWft the avenue in jasi such a nrnncr—never any faster, never anv slower.

* Vou see ihem now gett ing into theear-r'hige, which has ju.-t rolled up to the gaYe. They will ndt; a mde, when the carriage will stop, and I hey will walk tloongh aitu-ther gate, which "is of won, having between posts ol ifoti, irlfblacft »s e'b'ohy. They will enter a green Held, where lire bird* ring sweetly the>e fine surhmer Mornings.; a lonely field, however, where there ate no

dwellings above oround, yet wheie there^rjL eve iv ihe voong 7nnn turned upou his heel, a great many inhabitants —the rich and ' . . . |»oor intermingled, and resting on the same

L. TODD. HOfJSit . s i o y . ft C A R R I V O I E P A I N T F . B .

M»rSI«r. ilr»i'n!r.'f*,-tnerTfi«n!rer. fTlaaier. A c , No. 47. Market ^tr»;et. !«p'maSr*,| Corrrirte:. N. . ¥

AHiraBTCAN HOUSE. BY A f POTT hilt. Tkc/a^Theta <t>. Pa. Former^

Iv "i-I'IInie.l by H. 9t«(rra.

" C\M?JISLLI0WN mfBL~7^ BY K n , * ¥ . ' i » * » r ' \ l M r i ' »w»i ; aeeommwflations

n»»y he found. fHwe Mwi aF flat! and b*. eoavin-e#d , '

~B%ftJU>AD" HYTEr, BY D A V l D . L . \ N B ^ n h o q t a o rwis Fast of the De

pet, on the dWWrtb sbt* wf d i e Hail Hnnd. • arnlnir, rJia.ibi-u Co Good Stabling bv the day. w e e k or T««r.

W. TEBBELL, P H Y S I C I A N k R F R n K O N , and Healer in Dnurs

Medicines, Books and St-iiionery, ('oriiins, X. Y.

- W^ D. TEBBETX, M^ ©T PIIT^IOI \ V ft flt;B«RON - OIBe.. over Dr Win !

TWPL$W* IftQi and Btatiooery fVure

O.W. FBATT, M. D.. PHV«TCT.\Jf ft SfTRfJF.OV - R.^tdenee oo r>ri-

A y a t e , east end O.Hi'«, on Market • t o v t T>'vr Dr. TerMSt's I»r-e- storft third fhmr, north room

n-- - - —"•••£>

level, about four feel beneath m e sod "This aged couple are going to visit the

grave of their <only child. "Ii was a son. I will tell you his history

if you will listen. ••This old man was once the most enter-

piising, the boldest and most renduta mail in ihe vainiiv. His name is Col.' H — — A ,

me, and within the oihir rit your gardena flmir, and wch.inls, whieh I &innoi eiijoy. Y/»H The Coloiel cursed his weak nerves and will not refuse, then I hope, to suoply nie h istened up stairs for ihe "litmp m his cliam-with futnls. that wdl ena'Je me to see so tie- J lier. Mrs. II , hearitig strange sounds, 'hingof the world, and to esdahhsh myself a d alajined by <he protracted absence' ol abjoad.". f., , <pf ... . j her husl and, hail already arisen and struck

"Ulh i s , ,M all your bu^a.-s-." said lli« » h^ht. ' lk« flidi ilaMhiiiifcBiai lin h in I. Colonel in a dittrper tone, "the sooner you [she saw the blood on his i n n and uttered a go the better," and taking the bundle of bills j cry ol horror. he locked it up in his desk with a firm "It is nothing," said i he Col. "A robber hand. "I thought yot had more judgment j was climbing in at the window, and I have ihtuj. t > come to me on such a fool's errand, j scratched him." S", what t e a knew it WHS imiwjs«uble fo ob- Fie enteted the study, followed hv Jones, tajn by pleading, yon "hoped'in draw from | whoshudduied at the scene winch met h|s me by JJtO impiidence i f a'e.laiin, ; G*i\ I i eyes. , . j

^ V r e t r n s blood on the curtain, on the. window, tat the Clone! '* chair, whicn stood near it, and.on the cering. Across ihe desk, where the Col. had placed it, lay the broad­sword, stained with bliiod.

•Something on the carpet, under the win­dow, attmeted the eye of Jones, l i e stooped to pick it up, and started hack with a suppre.-sed cry It was a human' hand !

T i e Col. picked it up, and held it bv the tifelesH—fingers Itr w a s strH WiTrrnTiimf

the report of a p i so l , aounded within the room. Then some heavy laaly fell to the floor.

The Col. staggered agninst the hani t «r ; and the waiter who was ivatcing from lie hrw.TaiT up , i ry tng ntllidt'f, thinking he was shot . ,

"Hush!" said the C ol. in a calm voice, S!ayeviingef«fet. pale as death.: helore the waiter. "Go for ah ax*, ov a bar. The door must be broken open." " «

In 4 few mo nents the lock was forced, and the Col, followed by the landlord and others, rushed into the room. There was a human bo fr »«xiended ou the floor, which wa* eovered with blood. '

"Horror.!'• ej.eulated the waiter. "Hf Has cut otf his right hand !"

"Ar.d blown out his brains!" added the hndlord.

The Colonel looked at the ghastly, dis-terted face. It was that Of hiaonly son.— He was a cOrppe 1

"This is the story I promised vou," con­tinued mv friend. "There, is still more to saw Evervhodv thought the calamity would j kr)> Mrs. H ~ — feeble, tsorrow-siliken woman, wlvo never

AX B b E C T I O . V E K R I S S C K ) I .

One of the of the gieatest electioneerista of the age is Mr. D. R. Russel, a candi­date fo^ulitorjiLil isaissippr. H is mode of electioneering is to deal with"i the'sq\ereigns' with the most bf.int fianknogs, dtscirding ' 9*f% particle of blarnying humbug. The following sketch of a> htte speech de l i vee I by him must h*»« poailed his opponeot to repl> t o ; ;

Lidi tsand gentlemeR,«-1 rise—but (Tiere ii no us« of telling you Uutt ; you know | am up as well as 1 do. I am a modestmaa-

^ _

very—but I have never lost a picayune by it in my life. Being a scarce commodity among candidates I thought 1 would men­tion it, for fear if I did'nt you itever would hear of it.

Candidates are generally considered as nuisances, but they are not ; they are the politest men in the world.shake you by th e hand, ask you how's your family, what is the prospect for crops, dec. and I am the politest man there is in the state. Dave Crockett says the politest man he ever saw when In* asked a man to drink, turned his

.but yon see her now, a [ hack so that ho might drink as much as he

pleased. I beat -that all hollow ; I give a man a chance to drink twice if he wishes, for I not. only turn around,but shut my e y e s . I am not only the politest m<tn, but the best-electioneerer.' You ought to see me shaking hands with the variations - the pump-handle and pendulum—the crosscut and wiggle-waggle. I understand' the sci­ence perfectly, and if any of the country candidates wish instructions, they must eall • on me.

Fellow.citizens ; I was born—if I hadn't betn I wouldn't been a candidate; but I am going to tell you where, 'twas not in Mi?s

leaves her own room, except lo visit the grave of the suicide. A .

"The Col. isTa different man. Since The tragedy he has n»'\er been seen to smile.— He stand* like » withered oak, dry und stiff, yet strong in his decay.

W e rode to the hurt ing ground.. W e would have entered, antl looked at the tomb stone of the erring youth, but I shrank from disturbing the contemplation of the mourners.

Mrs. 11 was hending over the tiar. Ie slab, and shedding tears, whieh ran

sav. boyXhot a dollar of my money shall passi imo your hands, until you hive su" -mitteiJ to my authority, which you have so lately de>nised."

Morgan s eves fl-ished fi'e The doftiW* tic, who watched him from the door, de­clared she, thought, from the grinding, of his Ieeth, and the clenching of hi.s fi*ts, that he was going*t<» strike his father.

Without giving way to his passion, how- ;

passfd out of the door, and never stopping t dripping with blood. It had been cut off to speak to liis d?stre*»ed mother, mounted at the wrist. his horse, and rode off to the hotel. Suddenly ihe Col. turned pile . Wrap-

Vou hnve heard of him,for he distinguished himself in the last War. Penpbf say he was made of tron. YeV he has one tr iumph! When he cotrKs l o me with an of the most upright, generous heart9*tn the air of independence, which is insupportable, world. ' j am I to bend and b e g ? "

"The old lady I remember as a lady of I " N o ! no!" sobbed the wretched woman, great beauty, no ymort; Chan iwentf rears ! ' 'not that. But sneak to him kindlv. Use ago. when trtsv was about forty1. Besides, ' persuasion— g>nttencsi-*i' • he was quite as celebrated for her gentld-; "With a *on! nersuasion ! Y"tt ness and benevolence, as was the Cof f(>r

W\*i had a wdii, aftVciionate

Mrs. H. flew to her husband, and clasp- ping the member in his handkerchief, he ing her hanos in agony, prayed that he | reized the light and rushed upstairs, would rail the young man back, speak to "For heaven's sake," he ciied. withsU him no longer in a stein and chilling tone, but kindlr nod fatherly, and effect a recon c i h h t t o n

**My God f" murmured the Colonel, pas­sionately, «^m I t o \m tramphjd upon by

range agitation, "tell me if you know th i s ! It is noj.bTU*. to s;and upon ceremony, L«>olr|-

Aird totally regodless of the effect fhe horrid sight might have on his wife, the Colonel in his agitation, tltrew aside ihe

he to | folds of bis liandkerchxef, and pyealed the hand.

Mm. H - ~

wrong With a ?.on! persuasion! my pa'tence," exclaimed the Colonel, in a hnskv voice

g b( en espelir/I bom rolh-ge for stri-

~r3L HEERTTOTOir, M. D., ^ V ^ l ^ ! * * ^™% ^^ P I I V S I C I A V ft H I ; R « R O V - O « e . end f**Mmm V U , n ' l l ^ h* ™*** s . H W -

M t r i e Avaaae..»ppoaiteMVTabemafdr>. M o f g r t n in h i s e h l l d h i o d , b a d I w e n indt l l -

U. D» H^OT) I -*H' *U1'' *w,****n1 hv bw fond rrot hr, und H M » V . 3 J A T R H N K M X K K R — S a d d l e s and i b v h i s f i t h e r t r e a t - d w:<h H B ' b i e s e v e r i l v ,

V a j H a e a W y m l i a n d . Hepatrtetf dmw with neetn-ae T | „ . ( .,», . n e M . e e d »I #. l o - h i l t h e lsdl» v e d — * ' - - - - - H ~ t f f i . 1? MarH«rt street. Comiinr.N Y. I . . . . _ . . ^ . . . . . . , . .

•rz-^.r-i^fcLi jdn tbt> re-cHiBHtv of di-ctphne, lo euib his LEW'S T, FULLER, |rws»inn«, wiile Mrs. H., wiping over her

fnther*!. •« . in ••!• innent of her dailir.g, en-B O O T . flHOK. ft 'iR T H R U S T O H K Market d%t„ Coming. <'ash paid for Hides and Skins.

ETOBY ft ROWTEYr OR. ICRrtlF.S ft PIKI VI-t ION'S Fmi l onfeelion

sries and Yankee Notions, at No. 10. Market-si.

D \ W ? . : i t l , T 7 P S L TArm?f BY rlK»LlOI!T. at tlw st'an of the London

(Hftery. •eeon I »for» n f R fsoll's Bloek, Market street. '**#rilhW. Perftwt -mi<t»rin.n mven. or no ettsr^e. Tak« i la ehrany. a* we l l K, r\,<»r wmeher. Plata* eall and #*»m»ne ppnefmene, He.lth tee" ranee O'Btse . also, hhlio^raprni f«r ssl.-

iWBT.L H0U1B.~ t r M t V m t O V K - h L . fi.rmeriv nf rhe M a n ^ o

tf-trfar", R mirs.—Iv has leased th»' hotme fer a term aft^eSra, and refarntahf^d i>f same thmatrhrmt | f e a M M he naapy w reeriee s four*' o f the pwhWe |»».t reo«TC — Painted Post. Stenhea C«. *f. Y

o W U a I I It AH D W A R F . STOVF.R A >TV W A t R . Mssonir flail Bni ldma neat fanrto O W . O s s r t HhK-k Tin w e r e el WlmleseW. OaaMlean H,«. -

his irtai will, She had a wd*t, HftVclionate ' husky voiced "I*eavp m e . ' hearl, which shone Itemfii-entlv on all. un-- N o more word* passed b l w e e n ihe pa-tif iiH win mill was conceiitirtted Mm onlj* i r^ttts of the unhappy youth, j i»ut dining child". ( the remainder of the (lay, the mother wag

keenly distressed, mid the stern fetherhtm-self was ill at ease.

The'i-Mtcr pissed a s le .pless night, fle iwced Yl.e floor'unlil late, with his brow con-tr;ictci! arid h's rips compressed, then retii-M. nmj laf for two Imurs,' rnediuitirig orr fomn stfbtett which exetM'ft hii lb'ain.— M»*. H , who was In^wt^ a# j |wr tNfW* wa> well what thai subject wa*! 1 ^

Considerabb pist mhlitight^the Colonel an>«e.

"Is tbete flnvihiugtbe mat ler^l t t l ted his wne.

*'( don't know." replied the Colonel. "I thontdv I hear ! a sound in the N##f part of the lirtu«*,Jn the olrjNnkm of the study. It m«y he only H cat that ha* got in there; bui 1 will go an I see."

"I heard sranetblng mrsel f / ' sa id Mrs. H. "Bui I thought it was outside,"

The Colonel hnd hea-d more, or «ndef^ SIOIMJ better, than hi* wife At all efenis .

f i e as a wihl. handsome, pr,g*innnt,e Imr, genehnts '(•times, but oft per t-. r.;nsr*:il and wiHul. We wtsre school mates, anil we t\U vvays iha-pil towpfher until h*» was senthway lo rrn r»»-rulertir. when our ihtirparv CPMSed. 1 l«»* Inm raiidv afterwards, until he went j away m ^n urademy, when rwr iiniToacvi ceased, I snw him nir«dy sifteruafrls, until h a v u i f


(Vwamisehsaer w tah«rpram* m* eehnnwtedtrments •f Heade. •ipS«eian»ia ft^., as h» ased in Penna Coeniea. rliearHen Caaaay, N. T. OasW in Cone en

. Y M d O h s s s Wars..!,* .

deavorod in make up for it in indulg^ne*.— Thti" the bov rrew up to fear his father, and tit feel a contempt for the authoti'F of

his mother. ^ fhe liad no«ispif irmof cats—hlsalhfsion to W. || on Mntgrm*. rPMim from fiohVge in them having hwn mstle m»*rely to avoid

disgr !**, he ww m^changed vou wrnjU alirming\n»r. H* rer>u»*bwi»d 4»Wl there h'»rdlv have known him, not **> mieh in per- j wm % M i m ,»f mmtt in his dak, and pr-dki sonnl iippeari nee, for he was ati'I handsome, f hly suspected a niblierv.

Going noi««eles>ly down stairs, and open bui in h»s manner*. All I need sav is. he hwt Parrrpd the reputation of lieing |l e most w-fhless t*n£ disdpaled fellow in college

Col. 1!^—— fras teTfilly.en-aged st

i n g t h e d m r of the *iud»' with « *,ieady hand, he heard the same noi.stt much loydet than before. He stepped cu i t l>u ly into

ihe (bsgime hi- mid son had Ino-ight upon the room It was a starlight iui,h», an«l ItKning his eyes lo the window from which the nome appeired to p-ooeed, he there (lis eovfred a dim ihadow moving in the cur-twin

At tha» moment the rioi-e ceased. The eolonel si nod motionless in the corner of the room*, until the noi«e re commence I, when reaching a heavy sword, which hung agiinst the wall, he rfowly dt«w it Irom its scabbard.

started back

J im*erf and rawtly, H** treated hmt with g»e.iter sereHty *h«n ever, Mtwtng to grati­fy hisJnTenlpIerprifTf., bj|ifffftttsMnfKill with I'utxJ,, und - u l j-etiiig him to lite moat * igd »»«*^pBw» The w u l l WHS. father and m h«d • lerrib> ^« .rrd, in which »hw lat-

ler, l**6\v W n r thetbander* of the Col *» wrm'b, proved him^eh* to hnve ^imitated h» imn f*lH, if not Ids noil,-,,*** of cbaraeter.

Thats'efy day Morgan left his father's house, and nsjk up his residence at the h>». | The Colon* I then stationed him«elf near tel, to the great diatres* of Mm. H., nho • ho window, but no sooner had be d-ne vi,

(mm that time never saw a happy r"ay.— than the grating noise ceased again. After t t

"* " wterr^tw«lT.wetw«fa. U etort sikma, he beavd aoqtber toood, At that moaam, • .h*rp ooacassioo. like

But in an ihsiant, tarning deadly pale, she bent eageily forward, gaped a moment at the hand, and with a shriek, fell lifeless ttt the floor,

T h e C .1. rushed out, and met Jones on the atai/s,, , __ , . _ _ _ .

"Raise no alarm," he said, in a husky, rapid voice. ' G o and saddle mv hoise.and bring him to the diwir. Quick !''

A s swHjn «a Jones had disappeared, the Col weni out, to sec7If he cTTuTd d"h«cover t r e e s of the robber. There was nothing left but blotnj, which had gushed out in«the grass like r«in. The roldter was gone, r

Mounting his horse, and again charging Jones to alirm no one, ih« Col. rode lo the hotel.

After thundering at the door some min­utes, he succeeded in bringing a waiter, who admitted him, staring in stupid wonder, to see young Morgan's father'arrive at such a time, and with so ghastly a face.

"Is Morgm II within !" demanded Ihe Col. (

"I think he is. I wiw l«m here in the evening," was thar^ply, "Sltatl I g o up • e e f "

"Show me to his room.^said the Colonel, stiirtiiig hito the hall.

T h e waiter preceed«-d him up stairs.— Hearing a suppressed groan, he looked around. The Colonel's hand was * pressed upon his brow, and IN* rye. was fixed upon a •lark apot on the floor It was r drop of blood! '

"What is i hat V naked th»* waiter, "Go on! go on V muttered the Col. in*o

savage and lujsky a voice, thai it had abou; tlie same effect as a sharp l.ayoaei, in send-tligth** waiter forward. -

They reached ihe H**H*of Morgan*- room *ftd the C o t wrung the knob with hi* iron h n l , but t b l tai»h did not yield, "Rien e i lh ht^ fi*l he thundered on the panel.

No sound came from within. **He is not In," suggested the waiter. With a rapid movement, the 0<rt\ held

the l imp to the levhrde, " The pxrint of the kev was, visible, The d » * was locked from • he inside.

"Leave me," commanded tbe Col. turn* lag 10 the waiter, "^

Then placing It is moii-h near the door, he said, "Morgan. I alone!—let me in. It is your father that speaks !"

down her thin face like rain. T e Colonel J jssippi, but ' tw.s on the right side of the negro fine ; vet t int's no c>»mpltmenr,as the negroes are mostly b »rn on the'"salBe:--side. I started in the world as poor as a church mouse, yet I came honestly by my poverty, for I inherited i t ; and if I did start ptwr.no man can say but that I have held my own

- " " - - - - -

stutid near bv, ereel ; his orm* folded on his (best, and l i s cold. t> ev eyes fixed on tin grave wit ii a look of speechless g ief. Wt led them alone writ t\w de.nl.

Knowledge is p

eve y young man may obtain. These spa-e

noments accumulate into hours e v r v dav

and the fun her aggregate makes days and

weeks each year.days and weeks that might

!>e devoted io «n mrmH and successful im-

tdiovemerrt o f 4 h e mind. We iTtfaTSduce,

with thr>¥e feHv worda,3 the following whieh '

we take fromanexehinge :— 'i

A lean, awkward Iwir, cim* one morning to l lcdis>r of the principal of a celebrated school and asked to se« him. The s-rvant '.veil his mean clothes, and thinking he (poked like a be^gaf than anythiag tlse,! told him t » g o around to the kitchen.- The boy did a" he was kid, and soon appeared at- the back do »r,

' I should liko to sec Mr. R.. h e . •_

"Von want* a breakfast, more like," said ihe servant girl, and 1 can give you that without troubling him."

"Thank you," said the bov, "I should have no objeelions to a bit of bread, but I should like to see Mr. •-••' .if he can see me.

"Some old elnthe.a. maybe you want' re­marked the servant, agarn eyeing rhe boy's pat c lad trousers. "I^gitess he has none to •spare, lie gives sway a s tght , and without mind ing i»lnr hoy's reque>t, shw werrtro her wore.

IIV tel vou, if tou tbmlr

P »gain asked the ••Can I *ep Mr l>oy, after hediad Bntshed e.rtlng his bread and buircr. "

*W#tf h > i s i n the"IHwRfy'f n* he mast be disturbed, he must, but he does like to be atone soroet i mes, sahL t he girj io a neev4*b}, tone. She aeemrd to- think k very foolish, to admit such an ill-looking fellow into Ifer master.s presence. However, she wiped her hands and, and bade him follow. Opening the library door, *

Condidales general they are q'u dified, & i . Now I dont ask your thoughts ; I ask youi votes. Whv, there's nothing to think of, except to watch and see thit 8-van's name is not ne your ticket. If so think to scratch it off and to put mine on. I am certain that I am com* petenl, foe who h «d ought lo know better t h a n l - d o ? Nobo. lv! I will allow that Swan is the best Auditor in the state—that is, tii] I am elected; then perhaps it'snot proper for me to s-.y anything more. Y e t as an honest man, I am bound to say that I believe it's a /r .x i iu* sirt.ro hide anything fr^rn my fellow-etti*ens* therefore I say it's my private opinion'pnblkly espreased, t h a i I'll make the b.-st Au*!itor, in the UnUed States.

•Tis not for hrnor.I wish to be Auditor, for in my own county 1 was offered an office that was all honor —Coroner--wWch I most respectfully detditied. The Auditor's office, is worth some 4)5,01 )0 a year, and l a m io f«rr it like a thousand of buck. To show my go<*!ness of heart I1i_make this off-«r to my competitor. I *m sure of being elect­ed, and lie will lese something by the, nan-— vass; therefore I am willing todiv de equal­ly with him, and make these two offers; I'll take the salary and he may have the honor, or, if it would suit him belter, he may take the honor, and I'll be contented with ihe salary, — I n the" way of honors. I have received enough to satisfy me for life. I went out to Mexico, eat pork and beans, stent in t»*» rain and mud, and swallowed everything, except live Mexicans. If ordered to " g o . " I went. "Charge," I charged ; "break for

The chappaiel," you had better hel ievel beat a quarter mig all hollow in doing mv m * ° * 9 er


"Here.'s si-mehody sir, who is dreadful anxious to sec you and so I had to show him in.

I don't know how the boy introduced himself, or how he opened his business, but I know that nfier talking awhihvtbrT prin­cipal put aside thef tduroe which he was studying, and lotdftip some greek book- and began to examine the hew comer. The ex smination lasted'some time. Every ques-twai which the principal asked, the boy an swered as readily as c« uld be.

"Upim my wort!! exclanm d the principal, where did you team all this.

**Tn my spare memento exelarmed the boy.

In that answer how much was included.

Few become ei her learned or eminent, who

do not makes profitable it vestment of their

spare moments ; for if these are wnsted in

self indulgence, they enervate the mind.ren

dering it less efficient in it* ia<sks whendu-

ty reijuiies it to net. It is generally believ­

ed that the m u d fainssi ivngth.after severe

lalwrv by seanotM of entire inactivity.

There is we think, an error hi this. More

real strength, we aresur" will be accented

hy the empl-yed- of ^new f c lljes while

t b o s O l l e e i l t n g r e p o , p ;} <• | . ' Jili' I C. I t 0 I V ' t ,

** largery, dkl «a'e' |milf"

\< a* Mio^r tf.e hot W thd

loo d m v ; so I IO<»k " N o , mtrm.fcj th« diunee tmW*'

** Wet!, m »k • hasl*. dear, and get dft«. with it, for vou fcr»ov 'he ho-ipler* have 'set* their hearra«»h* * t e » t o d ^ y , stai the; mu^havei?."

My competitor, Swan, hj\ bird of golden plumage, who has been stemming for the last four years, in ihe Auditor's pond, at • 5 , 0 0 0 a year, I am for rotation. I want to rotate myself in. There's plenty of room for him to swim outside of that pond.t here-fore pop'm your votes for m e ; I'll j»rjp him out and pup myself in.

I am for a division of labor. Swan says he has to work all the time, with his no"*e

1 down to the public grindstone. Four yeaia ' must have ground it to a pint. Poor fellow,

the public ought not to insist on having the handle of his mug ground clean off, I have a large, full-grown, and well-blown nose red us a ln?oi antl tough as sole teftirier,*»» I rush to the post of duty. I offer it up as • sacrifice. I clap i> on the grindstone,-* Fellow citizens, grind away—grind till l*W« iff ennff, and tlmt will be some time first, tor I shall hang, like grim death t o * dead African,

Time's most out Well. I Idt* to forgot to t«U you my name. Its Dan—for short, Daniel. Not a handsome name, for my pa­rents were poor people, w ho Jived where l! e quality nppropiiated all the nice name*; M.d they had to take what was | f l t , a i d dividu eiound among «* ; bui it is as handsome . \ l a m — ! « ' . Russell. Rememberthai h a not Swan.

Ia in sure to bee 'ec ted ; ffi om1 and nil. great ami sna i l , here it is among von, .• n I when yon come down to Ja< kson, after i i e e!ee.iwn,-iiop at i hv Auditor's offire; t i e latch string aKvavs hung* o u t ; enter ai ih-o ^ k f l w k i n g : take off tour things end make yrttmeKat home.

Dan prawti lied oui of the stand. b»hhtrHC h h h e a l I l e a M•< up, amid the eheeis for, '«!}nn,""AD.m Russe i ,"snd young Davy Croekeit,"


• 3

"I will have ordt-s f ahouled th*' rapfii of a down east scb«valei to his telri to • rook. . "If vou won*i cook thedinne* I'I do t m••<*#!'-—I swear. I will hav« order c this Tessel."

It was Dr. Johnston who coesnared '• m u d and de ind io l in an action «f law

•o two men due king their head* in a buclet, ' aid daring each ot j«r lo remain the lotgeai under water.

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