volume ^|^r1ed1t0s jfiarln0331*, ^a,t …...ros't forsyth. j. k. iiorkixs. j. ii. forsythjr....

bnik '&**«&* *tt * Jt\Sii ur; .;« d&r ^ffsT 9 A aatyfiaBiJaa'fvi >**.*.9 1- i^|L 'c»jj*tti .ftjM n**« **&+*.*.<}¦. J u<b>-:.-»».jdtijujll <*fp& c4T_. v o^2 .-. -*.. .S-.'vi-r.A^v,. ,. N. r< wfV&li (4&7sj^w'£itef»Sf»s*j» .vi^oHiaAr^ . *<«¦ VOLUME -2. WHEELING VA. MONDAY M KtfUiOaij ., II. -Ill .1 iisvar "Mt iiWAiU . 5, 1854> fcSrSS? NUMBER 240 to Wheeling Sntcfflgcmtr, ,v THI WKEKI.Y ANUWKBlil,T,BY JfiARlN0331*, TAYLOR & CO. "°- * Tto*J, Hil^trroip'vli ^|^r1ed1T0S cmrS-Co'"^ cf Mai" and (3uincy Streets. ff^Tawi Qnincy-si. ^ M.* ?' *"i.'Tr'-)?JT"r «r annum. * .- ¦.*..;. ...5S,(yi '' artOceutsper we*.;; ) ^ \V(ekIr»PeraI,uum* ......3,00 ceklr -.-~r -~ .' k1tk« of AnreMMiWo. fQg ""itiKKSUiNtiU, i.ublisbers In at. of Wfcetli* i" view or iWjmMW JWtfWWS °I, .>d olher expenses, rw^atfl ;,t,\rrll»n heretofore, '¦STlor t-ivertiaiug. l,,J uo coo.. HZailuii II" iatej b«:ov»( ten ituesoc coejUtuUuga tquate: : t\ f . ooc square 1 iuueiUW». (*!? .. 2 41 J.M «« 3 " #.. l|2o i week2.0Q 2 44 ...... v- ..... *»av*<. .... ..'i'Jtt. «« I month. 6,00 " 2 *' ..«.»....-.»...........«« .# 3 " ....... ...... _t>,00 «. g " ........ 1 't'O . .. 12 " 15.«» rrPcr advertisements of ereater length, and less tlian urn inserted lora longtime than two months, L^ltor aoi.er cent ou the above will be made for ^jJjie far llie fil,t womb*, and 65 l>er cent. kaintss or professional cards. I square or less, ,, rum ................J...o,u0 Mfii et* °r P'Ofesaional cards, one squaie, per "S^iuM (outside)one year loglno ;j*" .. '.< '.".".".'.'.H'.ii.ii'.'r. -to',03 Iflperceiit on (lie above for inside. Jyfirtoinl communications charge*per Uiou r«Scial notices charged per square, per annum, if*i icuiie, and same rate ol discount Iheiaou for a TwuIIber Of aqnaies as under the general bead, and, .alii«lorrtngl«tliiseiHoiu advertisements, with monthly change, one ^TiuV WMkir c'liange ..*30.06 -xtolileabs insertedgialuiloualy, but rnnerai Mtkeclu'seil - itriige notice charged oO S«n», cbar-ed for each candidate for a sepa- .it*office inserted for 1 iminth oi les», in advance S,00 r.iM»unlices inserted for hair pi io^ ,10.1 notices ^ ^ .AKrLKS0Nt JOHN T. KVKSKI.L, SWKAKlNGBN, TAVlO» «rCo. CKO. O. I.1TT1.K & fo. business cards. LAWYERS. ANDREW B. KENNEDY, Attorney at Law, IVHKKLIfiXi. VA. 0-0FF1CK on Jlunroo aticet, S doors telovr Fouilh. ¦rlntr ¦¦. 1 (4 A . A 11 »*. KKN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. fEC'.'L attention given to collections irt Olilo,' Mar. shall. Hrooke and tlairfcock counties. Office South- icorner Main and Kiddle ats, CciUre Wheeling, mri; Charles Majrai11 .- b ATTORN KV AT «. A W . romni-sT., second d ior no*th or monroe, 1Fa_i, wiirKLiSG, VA. , MttBliAK NBIJMMf.v : Attorney and ('oiiundler at K.nw, Ollice So. 180, Fouilh street, itVncEuaa, vv Al.FI!KDt)AI,DWI!l.l., Iim-eynl l.n.v anil Solicitor In Chnncerr, OlHce No. £47, Main street, WliCTt.inn; V*. KIJMliLL Sa MMHIIUI1, Attorneys nnd CousmIIon utlauw, Office No. 69. Monroe Street., WtlEKUXQ. V>. "nnta l. rur. r' jambs r*ULi- FRY & *>A17I.I., ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Wiupractlceln the Conrtsof Ohiocoonty and ad}oinln» mIm r*. "josqih L Fry will practiceiir-the Court or Apreals at Letraburg, and District Appe'lalc courts at Fairmont and rwkeraburg. , OTOBceon Fourth atreet, near "^glgg^yA. J. G. BTCLELLAN Attorney nt I.nw. St. Locis, JBce on Pine street, north side, between Main and Sec ond, 2d floor, entrance Ko. 8. Pine atreet. firlicular attention given to collections in MissourTam «*. ^ ., an«l. m GIBSON L. CRANMER, Attorney nt I<nw. IV OTA BIT PUBLIC FOR THE CITr OF WlIKKI.IXG, CVAnd Commissioner for the Stale of Ohio, to take rbwwlcdgemciils of Deeds, Depositions and other writ-. «p. X-twa.: : *Ug26 0». J. n. PKJf DL1CTON. JACOB & PEfTDLBTOPf, AKorurfM nt I.nw, Office three doors north of the Court House, fWill attend regularly the Courts or Marshall, Oli'o, trooke, and Hancock counties, and the District Courts at fiirmout and Parkersburg, and soch other Courts In the tirinitr of Wheeling as may be necessary. JOHN L. NEW BY, Alderman 4th Ward; and Attorney nt Law, WILL attend to the taking of depositions, and writing or weds. Contracts, Leases, Ac. Persons desirous of his ser nets in taking Depositions, will please to have the notices, .onto take them at his office. lie will be found in his Iflkemostly during tlie day; from7 A. M. uutiPM*. M. OrncK.Uuiucy street, between Main and Market, south *it. augga r a. thaw r r. Tinmen, Jackson C. H., Va. Parkeisburg, Va. Thaw & Turner, ATTOKNEY8 AX LJ» W. riLLa'tend strictly to all business entrusted to them in the counties of Wood, Wiri, Jackson, Kitchie, Gihueraud Pleasants. Q-Particular attention given to collections. KKFKK TO. PHILADELPHIA.Hoi! George Sliarswood, Hon Joel Junes, llun. Chs. Gilpin, .Messrs. 1 ee«t Wslker. BALTI.Mi.RK-.Messrs. Sealed LuckeiI,Messrs. Penii & Mitchell. U HEELING..Messrs. Z. S. & J. J. Yarnall, Thomas Johnston, jr. oct20-iy PHYSICIANS. Dm EU1CAL. K. D c. CRAI-KAFT tenders his prolesslonal srr- ¦ncei to the citizens ol South Wheeling *ud vicinity OFFICE directly west or Keoetl's Hotel. mi3a3m ~56ctOR WATSON CARR & SON, [ LATE OF IIOROAJtTOWS, VA.J Ptactitioncra of nedicino, Obstetrics aad f*EJB<W JKB if e ^¦OVFiCEover Logan, l arrtft Co'sTobsccoStore. wiwdlyr , .f.¦. i..-- --s '* Dr. W. M. CutHbert, 0 11OMCBOPATHIST. FFICE oil Webster street, two doors bel. w Second nesbjterian church, Ufcl&-Cm. Centre Whccllwj* Dr. M. Campbell. (LiTK OF rAlltMODfT, vk.) iloore ^ou, tl1 St., adjoining the residence of Henry Wheeling, V n n- OB. A S. 'IOUU, IVi Office and Drug Store, corner. Quincy and Fifth streets, WmcKMKu, Va. OH. J. C. HUPP, WdSce" MSUn Sl,cet» oue d°°r ««"lhofJud«® Fry# WHKBL1NG VA. Alfa. Hughes, M- D. OFPKKS his professional seiyices to the comrauni y- "¦ce: At residence, un Centre street, between Filth Silts. niar-.'6-ty E. VARNEY MANUFACTURER OF 'O.TSK, TIN ft gnKBT lBOll WAKK No.tt. Alain st., uear the Creek lliidge. WwrKMWQ. Va. J. C. HARBOUR, . Wholesale nud Retail Dealer In CARPETS, RUGS, OH/ cloths, 0«5 !fis,iitAv^»i,«saa?!sisfv ... C*>-LAMBUIM. R.C. BONUlN. r. W. BABBK1 t lambdin, bonham, & CO "BGIIKIA, tVII JI-XINC AND PUOENIX PAPU.ti MILLS, WHKBLING, VA. Manufacture Printinr. -jJ Wrapping Pai-er, Candle Faoei, Cotton Yarn I .per, steam Hoat Paper, Honnet hoards. Pullers^ Hoards. H*f. Logan, Carr & Co., DKAuemx aukinosor TOBACCO, SNUFF 4- SEGARS, - 81 MAIN 8TRKET, Wheeling, Vn. LUJYD LOU AX, J- O. BAlSK W.C.M, II. If. fABK. 2, iBTOENESSit'A-EDS. ;* ¦ ir .'.i '. j ji" ]i DRyGGISl-S. ui»W wWt. ^a,T-.riu^.le»,^lJcrSr0tuie,, -ria-ly /nr>W|i»UKn, Va. .Foreign aQ&HpmoaUiylXry G-oods, iHin ; jT^HtHWlWISH 8TRKKT. i rffJ If* 77>ryqM"'l'V" . Produce and a 5t :v tli.xv&i COMMISSION MERCHANT, ^y»l«y. .." WhoeHn^Tn,^ WHOLESALE AND RETAfl,. oefl.lyd te.^afmt.cKStftis Wll HBtiXC, VA w«.i.uorro». MhWTO* a.MILTOH. Wnt. n. Iluntoii Ac Rlillou, (6'ttmvon to K. HM» <St HMon.y Commission & Forwarding Merchants NO. 66C, MAIN STIiKKT, .... ... , ,LOtf)SVlLLB,KY. Bpecl.; attention pjtlil to aelljnc Kloui and Wheeling man GoodV kr"e1®4* A'?of to, receiving and Forwarding KKFEH TO: Jm H. Forayth, ,Kiq. Huuler, Fleming* ^gj^^jnd Rbpita, «Ii Ogloby, and Hell & Harden, WILLIAM ROBERTSON, Grocer and dealer in ALL KIND8 OF l»BOV' 1. IOXM, ( l-OVKIt&TMlOi El VKEFFl NO. ITS, 8. EAST CORNER MARKXT AND CNIONJ t 'wmemiwn 'a. P. R. ARMSTRONG, AflKKT AND 1>R.\ I.Kit II* REAL ESTATE. OfBcc^orner.orMainund Union streets, -^OgST-lyd WHBBI4NG, VA. ?. D. WOOKROW, --BCii.nijAtBftlM SUO'iSXVOlH family groceries OF 1-.VI.BV UttCltirTION. fmportcd \Viucn, Liqnora, nnd Clisrars, VOBKIQN FIHJ;l*S,NUXKl&c. &.«., No. SAG Main street, Wlirpfuur, Va. M. J. KEATING, ForS^M-fflSlo'paiw, And PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, Corner or Main antfMoifrbcfctreeta, ". lVl>c«llitg, Vn. Jv N. ZIMMER'S No. 162 Market.it, a uw doors South*J the Market Haute*-' t* S r: Wlievliu^, Va. .¦u T"; ¦' 5* j3 -A SXrV&.l >> »'><»' .. He keeps constantly on hand enlarge Block or tlw follow¬ ing articles : Butter Crackers* Water Crackers, Koda do., Sugar, do.. Pilot Bread, and the celebrated Boston Crack¬ ers; oil of Wliicb. wjll lie sold ttLthe veryloiceeiprices. Wheeling, Aug. SU *«..3nul. EDW. L. PRATT, Fancy and Windsor Chairmaker, MAIN mint, rtkTWCKN CHIOS and MONltnK, WIIKKI.INO, VA. S. D. HARPER & SON, Wholesale and Retail dealer in, HATM,CAFH, STRAW COIIDS, MUFFS, FURK.AND OARPJJT HAG'S, No (SO Mailt St. corneV or Union, ' Wnaauwn. Va." a. a'cbai-utx, ». *'ui.aai.h?^ jr., i>. knox. M'CLALLENS &. KNOX, W'li.lnnlr nml Itclnll OrtilrrxIn nil hiualnaf Boots, Shoes, Leather, &.O., No. 19C, Main street, ^ WHKKUNn, Va. JOHN TOWELL, HKALF.R IN BOOTS, SHOES, &c., pro. ir-J, iiiniu st. WALNUT STREET HOUSE, Jl. W. 8WEKKV, Uropricloi-. Walnut atvcot, lietween Sixth and Seventh St1 ceta, tr Ciucinunti, O. T. SWEENEY &. SON, (8di:obsoRsto SWBKSKY!" & HEtt,) MANUFACTURES OF FLINT GLASSWARE, 1MPOKTKKS AND DEALERS IN Chiua, OnecuHwarc. Girandole*, VABliKCVTIiEKV. »Vc. Np. 6o, MAIN STREET, VViicbi.iko, Va. new QTJEENSWARE STORE. HOBBS, BARNES, & CO., iMMrtin, Wh.lr.iilr rtnil Ilrlnil Ucnlcnla tilUNA, UI,ASS,& t{BEKiM»WABK, HOt'SK an1> «TEAMOOAT FU11NISIIINU COODS. A'o. USt Monroe St., near Vie Povt Office,- WHKKI.lJiG, VA. -H. P. MORRIS, UKAL«RlN- ¦tABDIVABK A.HUCBTMIIIT No. It, .Slonroe Street, * WitKW.iHU, Va. JtOHtrND "°PB5» TIIOS*. L. TAYLOR* HOBB& & TAYLOR, .}* itlnn ixlnc-l ii vevw ol" STEAM ENGINES, AND fiENKBAL IIIA Dili NIMTM, CO UN UK MAIN & QU1NCY STS. mi ENGINES, TOBACCO AND HOISTING rcrkw* STKAMBOA? EKaiKKS, ORI8T AND KAW MILL WORK, FOUNAOK KNOlNns, KKMNK Iinil.Kn?, And all Iclndit of Itlncliincry ramie to order* oiiheaiwt rcn>'onnli|c tcrniK. Geo. W, Anderson; FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANT, -Wa-TKR STRkrr, WlIEKLTNO, Va, THE Baltimore and Ohio Kaitioail having op*»n5d for the reception or freight, he tcrd. rs bisect viccs to the public 1 His facilities for ro» ward ins: a»e unsurpassed, his warehouse bci> g on the track ofthe Road, and j.o^t to the seta111 boat landing. Having ami le storage roots, no civtrge will be made for >to race: when consigned Tor shipmouL G. W. A. febss MORANDI'S RESTAURANT, AND OYSTER SALOON, IVo. lOY Main Vtreet, [formerly Till "a'KU,"]. WHEELING, VA. (E7~Hot Coffee, Tea. Meats, etc. August IX 1853. HENRY K. LIST & CO. 'SticitKM6R8To Llrr, Howkll&.Co.j Wholesale Grocers and liiquor DI HRC'llAiMTM. No. 8S, Main Street* WlIKKLlNO A. THOS. POPE, ~~ A It C 11IT E V X ; HCLOUKON BU LUIKC8, MA IV STREET, M»H IX'HKKI.IKT}. VA. ROS'T FORSYTH. J. K. IIOrKIXS. J. II. FORSYTH JR. FORSYTHS & HOPKINS, (Succctsora to Forsyth and linker.) Fonvnrding nn<l Comniissio n ill crchan <8 PRODUCE AND FLOUR DEALERS, M Vn. rTAVIWG completed our arrangements Hast and West fl for the safe and speedy transit of Merchandize and Produce, we tender our services to the public, with the assurance that our facilities are unsurpassed; our House liaviiiga Kailrcad track running into it, a»A being very commodious and detached Horn other buildings, gives our frauds greater security lor iliel&Mnmft'ly. KySoU Agent* for the Baltimore and Ohio Trana- portal ion Line, through direct to Philadelphia. N. H Having cai acity »o store 20,000 tons, tio charge will be made forstoiage when consigned tor shipment. Jau2l '; .' F'S. &H. ' W Wilde & Brother BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS, HOI.KS.U.K ami Kelail dealers in niif.cellaneoiw, medical, theoU^ical and school books, stationery, wall paper and window blinds. Wholesale dealers, school committees, teachers, and others supplied at the. lowest rales at Hie Bookstoie, corner ol .Vain and Union streets. Wheeling, Va. ap8 ^ Gentlemen's Furnishing Store. M. H. GREGG Number GO, Monroe Street, near the Court.House. OBNTI.KillEN'8 CI.OTUING Made to or de»* in the latest styles. JOllN DONLOK. JAMK8 MA^WICLfc DONLON & MAXWELL, [SOCtKSftOR* TO rOLf.OCR & HON t.ok 3 Wholesale Grooers and Liquor Merchants, J Nlf.&iMimrre Strut, Wheeling, Va. «|igr-i r "" * WHOLESALE^AND RET^L l/ll IGOIST AV-"rUFr n,al""oa M7mm: BUSINESS CARDS. * ". M"T£. n«r,XH»» ^i.'^ ham'kacV.^kWs br WRAPPING PAPER, BONNET BOARDS, 1 I »!»**»! Grocers and Commission Merchants And I'roilncr Uenlers. No. 32 and 83 Watku St., Wiieei.ino, Va. CO%bl£i,r,TV ' .*" - #1?<!U,8W6*brt' COWSILL & M'SWORDS, '. j''Forvrnr(Uu|r iiml ':i bnt! COMMISSION MERCHANTS, General Produce Dealers, No. 59 Watkr StuWkt, Wiikklino, Va. 0^. Having arnpIeVdom fdrtrtofaacv'ttk^dharge will be made for stoiage, when cinsigncd torshfrinont. ,:...- ARTIFICIAL TEETH DR. 8. P. HUI.UHEN, DR. J. P. IIULLIHEN, OFFICE So: t.li. Fmirlli street, near tho I'veebytsritn clmvcli. purls ol setts, -made with artificial Gums. The Gum Is made in one conUiuiou*oc solid piece- tho cost is the* mio tor teeth with or withqutgyms., Full setts or teeth madtf r»*oh» S7oto*Sla) a f*et*t sn.nll sotts rromg3 to $3 per tooth ffcbt*lyr:d. MEXTON, MliAI. & SlVJ&AKKMiGN FANCY DRY GOODS W'tWLESALE. Ka. it) Month 4tn Htrwt, FUll.Al>KI,l>mA. I. W. Siitok, L. Seal, A. Van Su-karixoen. Wi F. PETERSON Fir Marine, nnil V<ffe I hsnraucc AND LAND AGENT; « r.-e, &i;Monroestreot, -Wheeling, Va. WE»*M5«nr-. -v.-. INSURANCE COMPANY or. WJUClU.iKff;: V*-» Continues (o taUo uil kind# or Fiie and Marir.crUks, Office Ko. 192, Alain st. M. NKLSON, PresIJciii. \vm. wcoy; *oc»y. ISLAND TANNERY. BEECiUR & II O FP MANN, -I. --'it! .-! **|»DFAtrrORWtK «.; Every description of Jjeather, And Denlei'M in Wool ntitl llitlen, Store Boom A'o. 170, Cornier oj -MarJut Alley and Main street, . Vf l. WnicnuKo, Va. tOTShoe Findings oratlkimli oh hand, and sold at very .moderate terms. LUMBER, LUMBER. L. S. Rootj's Lumfie'r Yard ash M.\rili1SK, Wtwrirn S' rit icirrj Cifirt^^'tiw u;<. n..nn..-..l *». U11 ..II .. r,... C U'UI ;! - J;., *-ti K'X' O Sma, House, 8igu, nml Oruatneniul Painter. 123, Alain, J-Viiglj tlralf, DCo"Signs, l-ftniiersaiwV PIfig*,' tv&rtsnnront, plain and; fancy, ext-culcd with uentqess und t)P PAtclb G raining Ac. febS3-Cm J. &, W. TA-YLOR, flVannraclurerh i\ud,|)Qnter»iUl nil kind* of TOBACCO, BJSFU^F & CIGARS, o\[uui5licld'w Miirkc't Alley, j s : a v,£:r:y , IV IIOIOHIIIO nliil Stctai 1 Hat ^ M^ufaeturer, Ki "* " "'tlX "wheeling, Va. iCVHas on itand the largestnmitJcsC assortment or llats and Capspf all qualities and/jiie\;'01£.QJ H janll K. CRANQL;*-. &, CO. v.: I -JWHOUKS'AX.H.'Clt^r.KKS,.' ,<<* Forwar ding'at»d«©osi«aission i nUUCMAN'i'l* Cfiriiar AlmuM «><a. 41.11 i^euitrcoU, \ f n.iwn.Vn H BrexiUmge-r & Atjnstxong, I' IC t«j: 15. B I»T I6 I S'A'8, AVE'just received at their medical stoi e, a fresh sup ply of the most Choice medicines, such as people may rely upon, in making theirselections, no regard is paid to prices, so the article ho or.the,l>est .quality co I'pjiur n . AjanilKuviiiUH wauk Manuiactoxy. THANKKUL for the libn>ol patrocago heretofore r bestowed uj'pn hi nr* rhespiiscnhnr w»u:d respectful lly inform hislYinhds and Hie puhlic oencmliy that lie 5continurK to manufacture Ihonbovo named articles in all their variety, or which tie ha»always on hand, a good c soilment for who'ecale atid rpiaiLat very low pricest He also keeps on haiul, cooking stoves of the roost ap proved patterns for coal and .wood. Job work.wlU.continue to receive hls paiticular attention and be executed with .promptness and-iu a style that will ^feasethe-- most rastidioua. auc94 K. V.VKNKY4110.8. Main st. DRUGS, MEDICINES, Chemicals, Perfumery, &.C., &c. J II. CJItlTHQ BSjl CiC?-jK wuuM umiounce to his . friends and the public, generally, ihnt having purclias ed the interest or i lie *enior. partner-ill the business lately conducted under the li mi or J. C rum hacker & Hon, lie will continue the same at the old etand, No. 17o, Main St., and would respectfully solicit* ami trusts to meritacontin uance of the patronage «o llberaily bestowed on the old lirm. He has just returned from the Eastern cities, and is now opening an extensive and well selected stock or Drugs ami Chemicals, Perfumery, Fancy a;tides,- Ac;, all or which were purchased Vlor strict personal inspection and with scrupulous regal d !o purity or quality, end ate now offered to the nubile on th? most reasonable terms. lvr» GEORGE MENDEL. No 154, Main Street, .' WEEELING VA. IS now recei ving ft LARGE LOT OF CARPETS, RUGS, MATS AN1J MALTING. Also, Table and Floor Oie Cloths ofall widths, and keeps constantly on hand a largl assortment or Furnature or every description. Gilt and Mahogany Framed Looking Glasses, Glass Plates, Venitiatt ect. all of which will l»c so!d at the lowest prices. aug*21 REMOVAL. D. RAYH \ have removed to.their new and spa- . clo s brick buildings, 1 n't Marl et Street, where they manufacture a ml, keep on hand, TIN A N U SU BE'T I RON WARE, And keep for sa e JapanAVarc and iiouehold Furnishiug Hardware. A so the latest styles or Cooking Stove-, alio' widen tuey will sell AVholc^ale and Retail at the the l<»t*ri»« market prices. Their oldcuslimersaml the public**, eiw a?ly are invited to call and examine their stock.. E rrrv description of a; tides in their -line.-Ttcivplly made toor- ey .. (foblOtly United Si:*ion 1-Iotlxsaia AVarclionae. Branch of the United Utotc*- Clothing Storey Ualtimorc. WIESENFELD <jr CO'S \V110I.K8AI.K ANP RKTAII. CLOTHING EMPORIUM, No. \33 fil(rin Sl., Wheeling. C CONSTANTLY on lunil, nil extensive assortment ol J Fashionable Clothing, and .Youth's and Cldldreu's Clothing, wh'nirwill be disposed orou reasonable terms. D3"A II orders promptly executed- je2-ly KX. 1 DEW.l To wT ROLAND EAGLE SASH FACTORY. DEW <$¦ 110 LAND, < iiA kdvacj:iji< run of Jloors, Mouldings, Sash and Vcnitiin Shutters, J 'ajc\o n Strk kt, CENTRE WHEELING, V.\. HAVING cbmpletcd our.extensive Factory, we now prepared to fill all orders'for Saali and Doors o every size. All extra sizesor Poors and Sashes, suitable to open fronts; &c~.,-made to o:dcr. 1>very-variety or mouldings, from a lourth bead fo'aS inijliogee'areronsiaiitlyon hand. EverjrVariety ot'Pi asters and .\ i chit raves, mjule to or ~der. Also, Venitian Vhulteis, either,,stationary or revol¬ ving slats. . The proprietors can assure their patron*} and llio public, that the above named articles Ave, manu'actuiedfrom the very be st materia! arid fatesl improved styles. All orders, will be attended to p'OinpUy, and good \. well packed for Shipping. mall Jolin K; ltiilier &, Uo. WEIaveon baud a: wdtlassoi^ctt Rlock or all kinds of mill feed, baled hay, corn and outs.also, choice brands of ext»a flour, which we deliver promptly to cus¬ tomers, and those who will-kindly- patronize us, free on . barge. *We bavea itew straw cutters and corn shelters jert, and interd to Oj en a lull assortment of agricultu al implements in the *> priirz. deal WM. KIHJfciJLJJ AJ-'-bMUK, 'WIIOLKS'XI.K AND RETAIL FURNITURE W>'RE ROOM, No. i-27 Iflniu ulrcoi. nji22 \\IIKE1.1KQ, VA. jt r 3,000 Cases building 11" .Main Jlicci. Tbev lic\e new iu uoreaml .-urico-i vin-il.ily: f VtajaLblMbKKiiueu buoist 160 " " bropu»»p:no ICO !,* boyaboot*i ¦< 60 " ." Iiios-ubj 60 '. yrvuthJl'hools; ,:«*><- " biOgUMf. «« V. . " Mipjeia; 60 .' mi sat B lac* booU; 6-i .' " ; Jemijr tlud'Si l-lLipinil tor tUe ie> >- liberU'mUoS* bereiotorc. e*- c\tei.ded lo tlx Montr, '.hey suicit a continuance of the *4Je" clianU on lUe. way cast a>c earnestly invited to call & KKOX. CITY BUSINESS. JOHN E. VOWELKihn,^1 UliAI.Iilt IN u Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, VrtMluOii, I'uteiUflledicluc., Perfumery Ac. WO. 24, UNION by;, WHmiNQ, VA, J. H. CRUM BACKER, 1Vb.lr.alr mid Retail »rai» ,vi i-«v DRUGGIST, No. 175,-Main Street, WnmiNQ, 'V*. .-.kwneeling ba OFintiK.No. ih j.biaWHWS6" ¦Wl Olflco open from 9 o'clock, a. in., until 3 p. m. Discount J. Cn 'Mua< kku, Alkx. Roosrs, Al.*x. Pa*toN, A.N, Johnson, Daniki. Si kknbod, Jas D Maumi, Adam Flea- an u U. K. L,rr_m»«*,». WM. McOOY, Treasurer. >u^l ".'HT^KErL&OO.'r''": Fanoy and staple Dry Goods, lorner or Market and Union atreeta, tince <loor» (loci Win. S. Wicklmm'B Auction Kooma. »ug3l- WlntilhifjlVq. a. oTMilium.Wis 11 iiBi -. a. w.aiwu R. O. Millftr & Bro. IIOPKBANUHION PAIKTI!IM,«I.A. mlei'M. urnlucn nod paper hangers. No. 203, MainSneet, Wheeling, V>. ten I W. M. BEIIRYHILL. Cheap PuxnisMnS^W^fBi-ooms. 151 MAIN sr.. WHEELING, VA. ALtMlfdaor Furniture, tneldUlttfcffAlRB^BOF 18, CLOCKS. LOOKING GLA8SKR, Ac., ol llKlunt styles and best qualitiea, kept constantly on hand, at re, diwcd prices. dlyr. Strobel &. Bloob, IVholeHnlo D«uilor>iu lVineaA; Mquoro, No. 1TJ Main SueeK i^i th^jldij^nrmtrly kiwm? a* ipel-ly W II EL moTW'. Calvin PAIN I'ER, GLAZIER, PAPER HANGER, ib.. Na. 132 Main Street, al.ln-ly WHEELING. W. D. MOTTE & BRO., Denier In nil .Vindsaf Foreign nud Uauieml: DRY GOODS, So. 1~C, MunrrRmm, Wbiii.iko, V., ~TTT M. REILLY, ~Trnr;: Wholesale Dealer in Groceries, Foreign anil Domestic Wines and Liquor*. ..iv _,S1 New Musio Store, "i"" ol ,"° ,ww ^Juounco to the cltlxens of vVheeling a jffjciiiity, that lie hoc just opened A new and Guitars, ViolinceTlos, Flagolets, Flutes, Files, Accorde' Otis, Ifenjos, arid Taniborines. Urasa Instruments tho fir&L aud best moke. rvi«Sii.^s}itv» v<'- Instruction books for all kinds of Instruments; and for singfiji . ** a. ,.4. .. t|i6 very best Ho man and Mus^c Tor the Pimm, Guitar, Flute and Violin, also, ..Bwest Songs, Duetts, etc., aud tho very best Konran a.... Italian, Violin ami Guitar Strings. ClaroneLs Kceds, Tuning Forks, also Violin and Guitar Screws, Viol.ft Finger and Tall Hoards. Hows for'VtolincellO'and 'Violin;* A. Kicker's Furniture Polish-, for renovating varnished KutilbKC, Pion?*, Cabinets, Steam Doato orany dcRcilpuppsOf Furniture. - Also for sale by the-A gent for'Kleber,. Pittsburg Pianos or the first and best manufacture in the Dili tod States, such msdVujiit* and Clark's grand and square Pianos, J. B. Dint* nystri.aaga'a/saaaa Accoi ileona. anil attlrind or mmlcatlnatrumenu repaired a'llqtqwgjitprices. t,. : ... tf. STEAM MARBLE WORKS. 00 MARKKT ST., WHKKL1XG, Va. Tub SlUJSCKlliKK having made extensive arrange, incuts in ^he.Kaat for the supply or Marble*,a*d con¬ templating the ercctlori of $teom works, he would invite tlie attention of Architects, T.uifders, and the imblic In ;'<.»- t.to tho inspection of his sioclr, consisting or italinn, eral Kgvtian, Sienna, American and otherMarbles of tho finest qualities, which can tje sold lower.than any otherestablish* ir.cnt1»Vthewe8t. Dealer* would find it to their advantage to inspect his rftock before purchasingelsewhere. His work is done, in the most elaborate style, and lie would invite tho attention of purchasers to examine his stockofStatilary and ftther carved work. Monuments, Con- otaph8, Tombs, Head arid foot stones, Ac.; and Grave yard work In every variety j being enabled by his superior faci 1- tiles to supply this work rit considerable lower pdcos than any other wilwblishmert in the country. w Please give me a call and examine my work. MICilAKL J. KOHAX, Mar ble M as on and Vaul i 1! u lde r. 0C9"Also Calcined Piaster, Hydraulic Cement, Plaster Casts and*Alodels, and Marietta Grind stones, warranted atthe lowest f-»de prices. 1 v. d. Saddles, Harness, Trunks, &o. JEE'll. 11. SHKFPARD would respectfo'ly In. form his friends and the public, that lie has- re- moved his establishment to No. 131, Main Street, <*.oriier of Unlon, where will be found constantly on hand, a large and well selected assortim nt or all aiticlca In hit line, consisting or -SmldCcu, UriillcH, llurncta, ¦ voit (I'Hiuc nud Wood box Trunk*, Talimeit, Carpet Bags, Xcotcli Upper nvJ llog Mliiu Collar**, SKiiuicm, IVIiipa, Arc. A.' or which ave manufactured by competent workmen, oi th*best materials, and will be sold CHEAP FOR CASH. Tho»c desiring to purchase are requested to call and ox amine for themselves at arl2-yrd. No. 181, Main St. Wheeling, Vs. CJMUKJJSNT UWN WORKS. Gill, Hardman <St Stephens, Manufacturers of Boiler, Sheet, & llailuwy Iron. WHKKL1N0, VA. TTAVE tlieir Works now in fall operation," ai:d are pie .JlL paied to.furnish to the trade, arth les Of flielr- tnanu'r^ 'ac:.ure c {ual in quality and finish to auy in the ma* ket. Warehouse on Kiddle between Main and Wate> «i .rets, howling.' *ep?2lf Tnomas Hugiies HAS ret jrned rrom the Eastern cities with the finest stock or CASSIMERES, CLOTHS, VE8TING8, and Ocutx Notion* generally, tliat has ever been exhibited in the city; be invites the public to give him a call, and in¬ spect his Goods. His assortment is r ulled from the choi¬ cest Of the New York and Philadelphia markets. Call, ir.OII. ly to see and admire.and call earlyI No 35, corner Monroe and Wafer sts. sepia^ Wheeling,.Va. DAGUERREOTYPE GALLERY. A. C5. PAKTUIDGEinvilCK attention to his Daguerean Rooms, ami Apparatus, now the result of years or experience and close application to tho art. Confident that he now combines in his establishment all or the improve - incuts which time and proper tests have proven valuable, he.can promise to produce Likenesses combining all the beauty and perfection which has yet been attaiued by the Dacuerrean process. tor the attractive and commodious style In which his rooms are fitted up, he iuvitea the public to call and exam¬ ine for themselves, (lis Cabinet of Specimens are always open for inspection. Likenesses taken in all kinds or weather, singly, or in groups; also, post mortem likenesses taken at short uoiice. DCS"a well selected stockofmatei1al8.Chemicals, plates, cases, lockets, «fcc., always on hand and for sale. ICooihm, IV©. :i(i Monroe xt., near the Post Onice no via Daguerreotypes. SKY AND SIDE LIGHT AKRANGEMENT, rlKKNKSSKS taken with all tho recent improvements, A withoui any unnatural whiteness or hair, or g»cy ap- peonii.ee 01; black dresses. Every styie of cases always on hand. Price rrom one dollar upwards. Kooms, No 5-3 Monroe street, noar the Court House ang:tO WM. COW 1)EN Daguerreotypes. Messrs. HKAMKR & TUKTON, having taken the Rooms formerly occupied by Mr L. Taibell as a Da- gucrrcaii Gal ery. corner of Main and Kiddle streets, Cen tie VN lieeiing, beg leave to solicit a shuie or patronage from his friends and tlm public at large. Thry make it a rule not lo let any pictures -go out but wmit are *alis'»ctm j, nud w. II executed. Gold and Silver plating executed neatly DC^Orders'lefl hereibr sign painting will bo attended to bv J. Tii'toi-de 1? rother. mr?l-3in HIGHLY IMPORTANT. rVTELSON'S PremiumCblneseXustral Washing Fluid, JlJI tbe greatest I improvement yet discovered, ror saving labor end expense in washing Clothing and House Clean* ing. Linens and Coltoiis washed by this Fluid will be whiter and solier r|ion than if bleached on the gross.. Waurani ed not to iujure tin fabric. Fvery lady may satisfy herself on that polut, by soaking a pie<e or i otton or Linen in the Fluid,fall strength, Tor 2-1 hours which will clearly show that it must bc puiely harmless, wten dilute < with 2 gallons of water to half a pint or fluid. -.TheChined washing Fluid is worth three times the single sixpence which will buy enough foV a large Tamily washing, which can be done in Sor 3 hours. Manufactured aud sold by the subsciiber, who has late ly put chased the light for Ohlo«-buuyt, Va. JA8. MELLOK, Aug* If o.3fi, Union St.. Wheeling. Va. A Card. TTAV'XG deposed of my (iToecry on Main street, No M 256, to Mr. Isaac D. -'ohuston of St. tlair ville, O. avail niyse'l of this oppoitunlty to return my siucere thanks to iho e or my patrons who have given me their custom; and 1 would bow ask, on behalf «>r .Mr Johnston, a continuance or 1 lie same, reeling confident that customers all denlot* wi'l be as well accommodated at his store as y in the city, in quality, price and variety. A:so,l would inrorra the citizens or Wbcalingand vicin* ity that 1 continueto keep one of the best Family Groce¬ ry's in the west;'at>N6'o WaSHbgtoh llall," Monroe strtfet, where 1 will be pleased to serve all-who may give me a call. SIMEON D. WOODROW, Feti. 10, 'C4-febl3 5 Waskingtou Hall, Monroe st. ANTED.A Geiman girl, lo cook ;nd do housework A|y»ly at t his office. nn 1. WHEELING. 21 iSiMlMrtfotioe. NEW ARRANGEMENT. >*ff..',/ji igy,---^ rjfrr.Fi; uQTI '¦5 f CLBVULAND AND ITTSBUItOH RAILROAD, In rontuclten icllh thefltnJid tidc-whctl itramert Winohester and Diurnal. The steamer WINCHEn. .'¦- mo ll.e steamer 1IIUNXAI,, Capt.TliOd. II. Col- httbrr^ Qn Tuesdays, Thursdays and NaturjUys,?*! >/):< a'i IWM&fetyyke'y. ai,tl «ach weiisviu®. m un* t<. Utpn.. Tr°1n of the Clcnland mi VituWrgh Railroad, for CUvelanA' '¦'-»¦ .M < ^ 1 jtlWa .AsHmV r»jthA. Vs !». -.s K ». >> 5! 'Wl®E|W«WS , .With thk. .... UNION 1INK OF STBAHlBBfl KltOM I.Ot'lBVILLK; A,|dt^?vT<^Hlar jrpia, j^e^-sii^ Parkersburg. Passengers arc ticketed through from Wheeling, Steu benvillc.and Intermediate landings between Wheeling and Wellsvlle, to 1'1-veland. '""'.j OTajf i.r.v-KLArtD, Coi.u>ibvs& Cincinnati Railroad, <aiA>tW»i-55^'-> v tri<. Toledo, NortraUc and CUveland Railroad. *"or.the South and West, with tt» L<vKEBUOKE KAILUOAD, you. THK KA8T. -:J, Piu senders for Cleveland, Columbus, Toledo, Detroit, Uhlcaso, liacinr, Milwaukie, or tie Crest Weft'j for Buff »lo, Niagara Falls, .) tbany or «osti>m fur Saw York, vis Uaturning. . Regular /connections, ate.,111*110; at Cleveland wi(h the .hove Kail roads, and at WcIL-ville with tlie above named KteaiflerA* -.* r-Vi* aoiijita 8. C. 1JAKKK CO.* Agents, W heeling. A 1«KX. 'D.0YLB, Age.it, Steubenville. 7**** ; 571)11 RAND. Superintend., t. febOa-'o-l O. A.- P. h. H.. Cleveland. P L U JUI^TaK D " GASSF°?r TER, 13 e»trt?that lie continues to carry oil the plumbing and gas fittinginall Its various branches, and respeclAdlysoli- SfiMlW'utBjHoi'rtJWMWV He has.constantly on hand, lead and Iron pines, com ihon and' l atent hydrants, cistern pumps, balh boilers, water closets, wa»h basins, cold water fountains for bb-; lel»"., watfVj coolers loir private. families, j hot and cold them c:i! apparatus, etc. Factories, etc. fitted up with dltnatch. U futii to \ I Also, cnandeliera, pendants, brackets, bellar lights, ^*Allordera left at the above placS ttW'W thankfully re ceivedand promptly Attended to. . S lj,.AU orders from the country wi 1 meet with nrnmpf attention. apG-flnad JOffN B. VO W ELL. 24 Union Street, W 11 KKLI^ti, V A ., DEALKtl IS DRUGS, MKDICINK8, TAINTS, OILS, DVK-STUFFS, rATENT MKDICINK8, out fear or any adulteration The Medicines ate puvcha ted ffom the be«teastern houses. -* ALSO.Manufacturer of a sjperlor article or I«mou Byrup. , 3>10.. NaiidJeweiry Store. [;? Room, A'tt. 4, Wathmglon Hull, Monre+Si., \V I1EEL1N Q j.jV1A1 rp IIK suhtcriher nwiKtu I the atieutiuu or the public U> X lift well, selected stjick or wslciie*. ciooku, jowcirr. silver wiie, and fancy goods, which he Is now o|>enliig . Ills stock Is composed in i>aiitor gold andsilve>- watches, J^rs, gffll-dhand.chaius, ^ p - Kvety .Uc^contioiiol goldiewelryj Gofii, silver, silVer ^lal^daiiVl commt>Vsi»ectacles; I'ure silvo! tabic, i«m, dessert, sugar, mustard and sail spoovs)nua uit^usi*solves; '. r-^nrrrvn-rno Plated and Gei mail siivei forks, spoons, butter knives, etc. etc." INm monnao% pockct cutlery,scissorsi P Vsnv riNKtaxors,sLro|TB, shavingeream, etc. 1 Per Hi me ry, combs, bi usJtosaud a great variety or fancy goods; Particular attention paid to repairing watches, clocks, and joweliy, aiid engraving handsomely done. A sluire of palionage Is respectfully.solicited. spo-dtr r C. P. 11KOW21 jPemberton House. WnierStieet; Uclovr Rienroei WIIKBLKNU^ VA. fP M. I'KM IlKKTor* announces to his old friends and JL . the public generally tliat he has located In thecom- uiodlou8 brck bulldir.*: louneily known as the ^St. Charles," and IhorougtVty repaired and refitted It, and Is piepa ed to enter tain travelers in good style at moderate prices. The Peuibortou House is situated Immediately on the Kteamlioat Landing, and near t be Depot or the Hal. tih.orc and Ohio Uaiiioad, a (Tor ding psssengers lor the cars or packet boats a con veil.cnl stopping place. The l»ro)»rieL>r ie«(i>ic Hully invites I he ntienlion or bis old rriends to his house, and solicits & shale or public patron- age ap20-tr i.UA.N L)1KS AiNL) WliSfcS. OA IIA LP pipes pure brandies; ~»\J. 10 barrels blackberry brandies; o * ginger o « cheny « 10 quarter casks Port wli.e; o * 4 Madeira wfueV 6 ' 4 Malaga . Just received and lor sale at dcltt ^ I ON LON «t{ M VjnvKT,T,»<i J /yiOA K.St UHi.V K.N 11. V_y 4000 Gilt cigars; 6000 Prinrados cisa's; 2000 Apollo do 1000 Kl Dorado do '3000 Washington «1 o nu ment cigars; 4000 Paneling .to 11000 Havana do 6000 Dela Cruz Principe do 8000 Kcgalla do 20 boxes »*» lb. lump Tobacco? 32 do b lb. do do Just rccci ved ai.d Tor sale by oct3t WM. LAUCHL1N. THE BEST A^D CHEAPEST STOCK OP Spring Goods in the city or W heeling may be round at J.«. Ucttly'*, JVo. 105 Slniu at. Inud ance oTmo&t ail the Dry Good stores 1». the city, be has selected, a lid is now opening, a choice and elegant as sortmcnt or Goods suitable lor the .spring, embracing eve ry style and qua ity ol staple,. fancy and substantial Tab- ric8, siutubie for"ladies** gen (emeu's or iu'ant's wear, all or which offeis at reduced prices. Determined to o ter as good a sto It as any house !.: the city, and to sell a little draper than the cheapest,..he respcccrully invites his friends and the public generally to call and examine *'be- fote purchasi. gclsowhcic " No trouble to show goods and less tD sell them Cull and see at J. G. I1KFTLY\S, Main st. feb28dtr corner-Alarket al'ey. SNUFF. UST received-2 hbls Snuff, small selected bladders, suitable lor retail hade. ap4 J W RHODES, agent. PIANO FOHTES AND MELODEONS. JU*T OPKNED, .7 flue Rosewood Piano Fortes, from ('bickering & Fob's manufactory, and Stodavt & Co*,. Sew ^ ork, including one flue liouscwood Piano, 01 octave all of which are offered at iactory prices*" Al>o.a large packago ol fashionable music, at 2G, Union utrtcu How [s the time if you want a bargain. m130 J. MKLLOK. ivE.AUY UN TuTti tfoit THIS bE.tOUiX 11 WD. AlOTl'k .* DRO'S. flrst stock of new .*. Spring Dry Cioadii a'c now being received at their store on Market street.. it. is unnecessary to specify the articles, but suffice it- to state that our assortment In now fuller than ever before, and thosi* wishing to buy can't do better than call at No. .HG Mai liet street. mi 14 1t\f\f\ lilts, wool Twines' r * r 1UUU 1000 lbs broom 4 100 dots, bed covtta and plough lines; 25 reels hemp and Manilla bed cord} 10 * coiton cio:lies lines; * 60 doz * trout Thes; 20 coils Hatter Rope; 100 pair Yawl aui Skiff Oars* 60 lioat' Poles. t£S"Tarpautins, dr&y covers, and awnings, on band and made to otderat the Cordage store, corner or Water and Union sUitats. mrlO CII.\S. 11. BKKUY. The Lute of Zion. A COLLECTION of.Sacred Music, designed for the meot the Mothodist Episcopal i'huicb; consisting ol a choLe collection of new tuues, with most or the old tunes in c mnioivtl-'e; toother with a courts* elementary course; sin plitied and adapted to tne capacities of begin¬ ners, etc. etc., by Woodbury, author of the Dulci¬ mer, etc , assisted by Rev. H. Mattlson, pastor of Saint Joim't Meth0i!i8t B.«"hurch, New York. Also, a supply of Mettiodi t hymn books, Cantfca Lau du-s Christian Minstrel, Hayden's Sacred Melodeon, ctc. received and Tor sa^te at tne lowest prices bj JOHN H. THOMPSON, flec30No 31 Monroe st. A JJL1U11 1' .MISTAKE IN -i UK I'UET!! "Zfaoll.'v vlu-n unadorned iiadorjud themotll" riMIA'l rwaajfer*jrrettfl, indeed, bui ne ate sure you 1 want believe it wbeli rmi go to W. D. nolle «e «ro"> aitdree (he ele?nnt Kliks, and every new style of DRK8S uolis, mantels, bonnets, shawls, Kir broideries, &c. wliicta they ate now d>lljr leceivinj at their store on War- ket street. --- .' w" FRENCH GOLD BAND CHINA. / lOJI HK1S1NG entile Dinner Rets, sod »rp ir*te pieces ink'iMonroe st.. near tl e i\st Ofllcc. OSS. vefl per steamboat Pers'g.aud Isit$8 JOHN K.NOTK. KEC.Iil.AR PACKETS. , . I 1854,'.^* bUl?I<ON*LINEP '* <1!RBAT THBOVOU LINE I ill to TI1B 1 WEST AND SOUTH! i mreling, Cincinnati, Louisville and St. loui, b The cb««P«l. qnlcke.* «»* moat dli 1 route bclwri n the above CUIca. TIliidlMWff- ai e n 1 now g ml Pi lmpt*>ved modern const rue- Ition having been cftrcfuIlyl*»«B« t fur il.ls route.. Tbey.a.e b, and all have tbe same un*mpasscd accommodations fSteSfltrVooms ami tables being Ortirpar with* the b;st bo JftlSSSSSr. «rSSlre UtWIowa.^ith tbefr rs of leaving Wheelings « .. > -v "day. J O t"«. . A.G.Robluson.Jr ITue«<dav FiLLi City. Roir. iSSbesday, TrfeiWlfft<lfr tifcj Thursday, C.immyiuaaLt***3}g».;McCl<m. Lt i O These boats wilUeave Wheeling regularly, on tbe arrl ' v«i ,ofthe <ar» from ttallin ore*' ;>?£<*>: For ficigut orpassage,apply to «p2a-ir j.Cm"h^ ','Afwnts. ||H£r tifa i U saEsJIts®®: ®!ig»«8SK«»Sfe mur i 5 t . y ,eav,ng VV1KMS1- to connect wltfr the Cleve- . tlekerta Hi Orif£^e^s iroIM MlhvauWe, Chicago, Buffalo and Duukirk.sold at the off)cr.<tf,p. Ot lUmew ^Co. Wiieeliug and Zauesville l*ine. THE fleet end fins new , .Itinera. of. tbU Une wl'lj. tl leave Wheeling as follow*: ."C»-Ali rrelght(! will be received Tree or charge it fi. C. l.aher <St Oo.'a wliarf boat. Shippers canship at auy time to the tTliarr.lio.it. ntr3 Wheeling & Parkersburg Packet. TIIB'Trwie N*W MAIL STEAMER COURIER, Capt JANUS if. ROBERTS, will leave: W UBKUfiU AND 1'AKK.EKSHUKU PAUKKT. The tttcanier Port Pit*, Capt. J. C. I Jrli.v, wlllleave Wheeling every Mon- _dij, Wednesday and Filday at lOo'clock A. M. Kelurning, will leave Paikers- burgevery Tuesday. Thursday,and {Saturday,atso'clock Por freight or passage apply on board.or to dctotf 'nA«K8 » C«i: For Sunfish. TIIK fuel running Steamer Stephen I Bnjrard, Booth Master, having been ,rc-paiuted ajid le decorated, will leave bo. ffiSSS P0«T .mur; and fTeif 'i .t through Line for the East. I^IIK Raiirriiore and Ohio Rail Koad from' Wheeling to Baltimore, and connecting With the Washiogtdtr n ranch Kail Koad at the Junction (lately called the Relay House,) P. miles Qpm Haiti more, and with the Philadel¬ phia, Wilmington and lialtimo. e Kail Koad to Philadelphia, Thopreuttaifnels Upon tiio liKe are now completed, and the whole road is in fine condition, presenting one or tbe most picturesque aud.romanllc route* ill the world. The .now and splendid steamers of the Union Liue from Louisville and Cincinnati connect willith's road at Wheel- Jug, and through tickets froiu these places'to Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia, dx.,-maybe liad or the agents, oron the boats.. 'r.heexpves«*ndil,tiainleavcs Wbeelingdaily,at 9 o'clock A. M.,(Wheeling time) and arrives at Cumberland (201 miles) at 7 P. M., and allowing two boars there, ar.ives in Baltimore(380 mile*,) at 5 A.M.r tbe. next morning. ma kin&tho passage through in about 'JO hours, including all stoppages. 03~Haggage checked through to any of the eastern points without charge. Passengers, ajid baggage are transferred to the cars Mr WashiKgton at the J«iuetTph. and for Philadelphia, at l^il- timore, wit hottt extra charge. Travelere are allowed am- pIS lime and opportunity at all pointstoobtaint>ieir meals. Through tickets rroui Wheeling to Baltimore, .(vviih privilege of lying over auy where on the route,) $8,60-^to Washington, S9.C0- to Philadelphia, StO.to J>e had on board the steamefs.or Hie Union Line on the Ohio,-aud of' the Kail Koad .Agentsat Wheeling (J B. Ford)«& Mounds- villa ^ mn7 W.M PVKKKK. «ei»M. «m»*t Adams Ol uo's iUxdres's 1854. 3,854. OPVI.li-incl.urr House. POR speedy and sale conveyance or meichandt-e, pick- 1 ages, parcels, hank notes, specie,' gold, in cba» ge of si*ec!al messengers, leave our office dally, for all parts or the East, Hut ope, California and Australia Also For Pittsburgh and all points « n Hie C-levetand and Wellsville Railroad, and Clovelaud and Toledo Kail toad, thtough to Chicago. For Zane-ville and all places on the National Road, through to Cincinnati, Louisville and fit. Louis. For i altimore and all points on t! e Baltimore and OhW Raili o d, and from thence conncct wi.li our Great East¬ ern Express to Philadelphia, New York.and Bostou. We collect notes, drafts, or accounts, Slid bills on de livery or parcels, and make prompt retm ns. Express lor East daily at 6 o'clock, a m. do lor west do 7 do a. *. do for Pitt* burg do 7 do a. m Our arrangements are now c«>iuplete for the delivery of packuges and monies to all poiuts. ADAMS & Co. N. Piom*w, A cent ap!7" 1U ftlkSiUiAiNS,' DttbUUloTS, OuJiittlfiilS 'TMlh undcrsigucd Is prepared to matiuractu'e to order. X Flint GlabS Springes, Vials, and all other sutall Flint UlasB 1 instruments! such as are used by Physicians, and in the Chemical laboratory He invites the 01 ders of tr.ose using or dealing in such a*, tides, aa he thinks he can fur i.isb as good an article on as favorable terms as can be ob tained elsewhere. WA1 MOHGAK, corner Sixth anil Zane streets, oct1'7dawir Knst Wh'**ellrg CO-PAKTNKKSH1F. ~ rilH K subscribers Have this day entered into partnership X lor I lie purpose oftran*acting a Coinm ssion and For¬ warding business, under the style of Doane & Cowgill, as successors to the fiirnf or Cowgill «fc McSwordsand A. S. Duai e& Co., and solicit a continuance of the business of the late firms. A. S DO AXE, J. COWGILL. March. 13|h, 1.S54 mi 14 REMOVAL. Messrs. cowgill & mcswokjs. and a. s. UjO/NB & Co , have removed Irom Water siieet to one of Mr. Pa<fon*s large new'warehouses on Main si reel, where they solicit the cominuance or the tavorx of their rrirnd*. > JanSO.v KtvMOVAL. pi ^ w ^ wher (hey will, us heretofore, ahvavs keep onbanda stock or the best Wines and Liquors, at the lowestprices. ap-5 d3m. FKAKZHE1M & LUTZ /.( W i bottle* of Louden's celebrated Family Medi- \J\t\J circs. The only agency in the city. These are the best Family mrdtctiies now In use. being perfectly sale, and will cure il used atcovdingjo the direc¬ tions. J. B. VOW ELL, wp28 21 Union street, agent. A LAKGB.ASSORTS EN V OP gents dross Hats, pearl and,black, Prussian,.1 ngra- haiu, Paris. Young America and Loudon Hats. mrH S. D. HAtfPKK «V SOW. REMOVAL. LOGAN, CAttR & Cc., have icmoved their stock or wholesale Tobacco, HrtulT, and h'egais from Wo. 81 Main street to the new block of brick bu ldings east side ¦M Maiu stieet, nearly opposite tlie Merchants <k Farmers Baiik, jatg8. AT WHOLESALE Oil RETAIL. JUST ireeived,.a large lot cf superior Bira turned Grindstones. Also.alt sixes very best Marietta sharp grit, for either wet or'iTry grinding, whicli will be bung If desiied on pa¬ tent friction rollers, at short notlceaiid at low rates, at dc50 ROHAN'S rnarble yard,06 Market «t COD FISH. OH CASKS Grand Bank Codfish, large and fat, just re- jVm .ld lur 8a,e bT m_kk!u;y_ rpHK highest market pi Ice glv»u for Hides anil Slieep inAf "*' b> RBRGBR <EHOPPMAW. VUKAOOO ! TUBAGOO!! | N STORK and Tor aale low.1 "* " lflO boxes No. 1 6 lb lumpt b lum- | * o6wmmm(m WBReiMm,8;or VXT. 1*0 Smith's m.r/f ..* Depot. ^Hur., Jenttn, <if C.J*>&9 ^ *& »<* Lrv^Hn^.Si"*' IwlUmoro ]ir.fi±L"nL*,,rorth*j arftl "/¦ WBRBHBiR-^-..-.Tc-,. o. Ja.b O. Hetm Mer«ser, f.aUlpolla, O. jz,pc Pdt"utler & io- r,Dcl°MU'0' Mtf"1'"' Khwiea toil bar~B Z9&ohZ&:- ' VCHifaMl)it>' 7 ?t-' <J r Rami. 8. Proton & Co. J jan?8.ly.l in. U. tl»X, nilk ' J. I>. COCHRAN, MICKEY & Co.. ..Aj.or.Krrg«M. *«o wm) ha *,. I CMBRKLf.a,, iiibbobb, Fait istn.,, -lAfMOWloai.- * «i TOOLS. * -fe» ^wasfiwiw/wiJV Planing Machines, Drills, and other QttolddUttCtdolM^1J' Tbi, establishment beius Immediately on. lbs Baltimore awl Ohio Kaihoatl Hack, we lay* lbs best facilitieslot iwaSgawwiiBwga^sagr mrW J».Pj(1 BN1Doem.XDO0i SA.LAMANDl.il FIRE AND THIKf F SAFgS. At l»a uigll ,t or vari. >tMo. i Ml.-. imiiUiKi nu. ca lfWKvacn, wlt- rantpu equal to any nwJeintbe nited States. Krnut 4b W«t- for past favors, ra¬ ti t a continuance of fiirl1 rS, couidbo*Jvetti£i^2iv to Shout ii** ,1 hj .$ 77w,"* 'ft& M iclirn?r-& On, 3o 19South Water «t.f 5 s Wate-r "d Ch"t,ut U S Arsenal, 0 Safes forvCaUfor<»i%* 3for Ph|lM Corporation or Hortnfern Liberties} Commissioners of Moyamcnslngi £*^p3^3r^3S&r"' ai*iau** «*. c -< state Treasurer or ^ Jersey, iujiJ.Trenton fiatilting Co. lt»i.TixoB^Jone 1^,fSio.' "r'' Utnn EtaniS Watson, l*hiladcli>lila.Oenlleinrn:. We have much pleasure In tecomniendiug your Hire Proof Chests to the nolite of the public.the one we purchased frdiu you having saved ouT^ota and contents effectually, slter undergoing & \ery severe neat during the fire which .destroyed, the entire block of buildings on Arch street w ;r .«Pl?-1»4XiC KUSKK.L & GUB0IN8 BRIDGE COHNER CONFECTIONERY, '¦8A- kept by T. M. Farker, and greatly enlarged and improved it, will keep constatlUy on hand all kinds of cakes ' -<? rn xtmw^tmpA' JtS teims. .vrtZt ~mxxpi>lj-'ivm3K ana OYSTKRS served tip In the best3style; at all hours, In (he Saloon, and furnished wholesale and retail by the* can and half can. r tt5TA n assortment or Christmas and New Year1's Toy s on hand. .. __ t novlOdtf L. H. ROSE & KRIfKST KRBLL Centre Wheeling IS turning out everything in the way of Dry Goods, bolli fancy and staple, at the very lowest prices. We are now prepared to show Uwns and bareges In all their variety; Silks, Satins, Tissues, striped and^Pitii,'" imer Shawls, dtc. ,^.<1-^4,, alloth* DC#"Ladies, Tavor us with a call. mr^9-. .Vij-v i Mi McNAIR de HBIIVRY. IV hLl/s Principles 01 Ueo.ogJ . a new and entirely re J vfsed edition, illuitr'd wr1 " cuts, 1 vol: 8vo. feb7 with maps, plates and wood- V7 WILUB^frBBO. DISSOLUTION. - THE partnership heretofore existing under the firm of Cow&ill <v McS words has been thlo day been dissolv¬ ed by nnuuaTconaent. J. COWG1LL, A. McS WORDS i* mrl' March 13th, 1S64. mr14 HATS ANU CAPS. T> wclTing daily* new ctyls ol hats and caps, which I li am selling cheaper tbau ever. »nrl6 J. W. RHODES^agent. A. Kl i)G ELY, produce aui commission merchant, baa on bai'd and Tor safe: 300 bu. Pot at ore, Pink Kyes and Blue AleshaKoesf 40 bushels Clover seed. Give hi rtra call. Tnr!8 ASSIGNEE S NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to Wheeler & Lakin, by book account or otherwise, a.e hereby notified that pay* ntent must be made to roe forthwith, they having assigned the same to me lor tbd»beuefit of their creditors. jwnlg J. H. PKNP' KTON.Trnslee Tobacco and Cigars! WM LAUCHL1N, No 132 Alain street, has among bis large assortment the following "article*. lCOo C'onsucllucigars: *000 La Kloica 1000 Prinsado 1000 Kl Salvadu 1000 fcl Dorado . 2000 LaProlercion cigars* 1000 Piiunclea « 1000 Flores llabbana * 6 Boxes I win h rothers tobacco)* 6 1 Virginia . «P8 {Removal. McCI.Af.LKNS & KNOX have removed tbeir WJhofc- **lc Stock of Boots and Shoe*, lo the liew four story orick building, Rs. 113, Mais Street, A few bulldii.gs North ol the Merchants' A Mechanics* bank, on the opposite side or the street, and 2 doors South or Wm T. Selby's dry good store. V Thankful for the patronage heretofore extended to the House, th*jy are confident that with thei» increased facili¬ ties tor dotuu business, they can offer to merchants »{Ul greater inducements Tor buying than heretofore. Uc>8 McCLALI.PN8 & KNOX Notice TI1B undersigned, having bought out the entire stock of i oods belonging to Messrs. Wheeler 4- Lakin, Mer- chant Tailors, would beg reave to inform the citizens of Wheeling and vicinity that he intends carrying on the Merchant Tailoring business in the same room formerly occupied by Messrs. Wheeler dc Lakin, add having ob¬ tained the services of .both of the former proprietois. be Is pre, aied to make up to 01 der every article in his line, in the latest style and best manner, at very abort notice, a lid very low for ca b. Having a large stock on hand now he is determined to sell very low, to reduce his stock and make room for the Spring Goods. Now is a rare chance to get good clothing cheap. He will warranto very article to be as 1 ecoromended, or nocale. Come one, come all, A nd «. ive us a call, At No. 2, Washington Hall. ... jaitl2 J. H. STALMfAy. DISSOLUTION. 'IIHR parlireraSip UeretoD.re existing under the firm of JL Gordon, V'lai ke & Co., Una tills day been dissolved by mutual couscuU h. S. GO I DON, CLARKE 4c THAW, Maich 1st, 1844. J. B. AHJKB. CO-PARTNERSHIP. rpHK subscribers have I Us day entered into partnership X for the purpose or transacting a Commission and For¬ warding business, under the style or Gordon, Matthews & Co., and solicit a continuance or the boaf ne» or the late firm. S. GOttOOS. JJO. M. (lAlTHEWg, JSO. U A6HBW. March t.t. IBM. nir> Holiday Presents at N*. <4 Waulagtea Uall. Masrae street. HAVING fet relumed"ivTm the «st«rn citiea, Iwrw offer tor sale a fine and complete auoitnwat ol Watches, Jewelry, Sliver ware and t-.ncj Goods. Persona desiring to purchase are invited to ca'lsnd ex¬ amine my Goods, which I am determined lo sell aa ckcaf "<&,W.I. goods warranted throve M^^ood as re- Monroe st. caps. EKCKIVKD this day, llie best sasortroontor Gents, youth's, and childreu's cloth caps, ever brasgSlw this city, having been selected with great "r«*ar«ara» style and quality. They comprise in partes tollowa- Genu cloth opera, black and nhitei gents®'°11b ff black, drab snd green riding, huntin, and ^^i?fj{lclei Also, the Egyptian Pyrennial cricket a r-waracic. 'ogttjr wlti every other «feoM- 70 ~ dcur- . .

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Page 1: VOLUME ^|^r1ed1T0S JfiARlN0331*, ^a,T …...ROS'T FORSYTH. J. K. IIOrKIXS. J. II. FORSYTHJR. FORSYTHS&HOPKINS, (Succctsora to Forsyth and linker.) Fonvnrdingnn

bnik'&**«&* *tt

* Jt\Siiur; .;«d&r ^ffsT9 A

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., II. -Ill .1iisvar "Mt iiWAiU T«


5, 1854>fcSrSS?

NUMBER 240to Wheeling Sntcfflgcmtr,


"°- * Tto*J, Hil^trroip'vli

^|^r1ed1T0ScmrS-Co'"^ cf Mai" and (3uincy Streets.ff^Tawi Qnincy-si. ^

M.* ?' *"i.'Tr'-)?JT"r«r annum. *.- ¦.*..;. ...5S,(yi

'' artOceutsper we*.;; ) ^\V(ekIr»PeraI,uum* ......3,00

ceklr -.-~r -~ .'k1tk« of AnreMMiWo.

fQg ""itiKKSUiNtiU, i.ublisbers Inat. of Wfcetli* i" view or iWjmMWJWtfWWS°I, .>d olher expenses, rw^atfl;,t,\rrll»n heretofore,'¦STlor t-ivertiaiug. l,,J uo coo..HZailuii II" iatej b«:ov»( ten ituesoccoejUtuUuga tquate: : t \

f . ooc square 1 iuueiUW».(*!? .. 2 41 J.M«« 3 "#.. l|2o

.« i week2.0Q<« 2 44

...... v- .....*»av*<. . . . . ..'i'Jtt.«« I month. 6,00" 2 *'

..«.»....-.»...........««.# 3 "

....... ...... _t>,00«. g "

........ 1 't'O. .. 12 " 15.«»rrPcr advertisements of ereater length, and less tlian

urn inserted lora longtime than two months,L^ltor aoi.er cent ou the above will be made for^jJjie far llie fil,t womb*, and 65 l>er cent.

kaintss or professional cards. I square or less,,, rum ................J...o,u0Mfii et* °r P'Ofesaional cards, one squaie, per

"S^iuM (outside)one year loglno; j*".. '.< '.".".".'.'.H'.ii.ii'.'r. -to',03Iflperceiit on (lie above for inside.Jyfirtoinl communicationscharge*per Uiou

r«Scial notices charged per square, per annum,if*i icuiie, and same rate ol discount Iheiaou for aTwuIIber Of aqnaies as under the general bead, and,

.alii«lorrtngl«tliiseiHoiuadvertisements, with monthly change, one

^TiuVWMkir c'liange ..*30.06-xtolileabs insertedgialuiloualy, but rnneraiMtkeclu'seil -9®itriige notice charged oOS«n», cbar-ed for each candidate for a sepa-.it*office inserted for 1 iminth oi les», in advance S,00r.iM»unlices inserted for hair pi io^,10.1 notices ^ ^ .AKrLKS0Nt


business cards.LAWYERS.

ANDREW B. KENNEDY,Attorney at Law,

IVHKKLIfiXi. VA.0-0FF1CK on Jlunroo aticet, S doors telovr Fouilh.

¦rlntr ¦¦.

1 (4 A . A 11 »*. KKN.ATTORNEY AT LAW.

fEC'.'L attention given to collections irt Olilo,' Mar.shall. Hrooke and tlairfcock counties. Office South-icorner Main and Kiddle ats, CciUre Wheeling, mri;

Charles Majrai11 .- bATTORN KV AT «. A W .

romni-sT., second d ior no*th or monroe,1Fa_i, wiirKLiSG, VA. ,

MttBliAK NBIJMMf.v :Attorney and ('oiiundler at K.nw,

Ollice So. 180, Fouilh street,itVncEuaa, vv

Al.FI!KDt)AI,DWI!l.l.,Iim-eynl l.n.v anil Solicitor In Chnncerr,

OlHce No. £47, Main street,WliCTt.inn; V*.

KIJMliLL Sa MMHIIUI1,Attorneys nnd CousmIIon utlauw,

Office No. 69. Monroe Street.,WtlEKUXQ. V>.

"nnta l. rur. r' jambs r*ULi-FRY & *>A17I.I.,

ATTORNEYS AT LAW.Wiupractlceln the Conrtsof Ohiocoonty and ad}oinln»mIm r*."josqih L Fry will practiceiir-the Court or Apreals atLetraburg, and District Appe'lalc courts at Fairmontandrwkeraburg. ,OTOBceon Fourth atreet, near "^glgg^yA.

J. G. BTCLELLANAttorney nt I.nw.

St. Locis,JBce on Pine street, north side, between Main and Sec

ond, 2d floor, entrance Ko. 8. Pine atreet.firlicular attentiongiven to collections in MissourTam

«*.^ ., an«l.


GIBSON L. CRANMER,Attorney nt I<nw.


CVAnd Commissioner for the Stale of Ohio, to takerbwwlcdgemciils of Deeds, Depositions and other writ-.

«p. X-twa.: : *Ug260». J. n. PKJf DL1CTON.

JACOB & PEfTDLBTOPf,AKorurfM nt I.nw,

Office three doors north of the Court House,

fWill attend regularly the Courts or Marshall, Oli'o,trooke, and Hancock counties, and the District Courts atfiirmout and Parkersburg, and soch other Courts In thetirinitr of Wheeling as may be necessary.

JOHN L. NEW BY,Alderman 4th Ward; and Attorney nt Law,WILL attend to the taking of depositions, and writing or

weds. Contracts, Leases, Ac. Persons desirous of his sernets in taking Depositions, will please to have the notices,.onto take them at his office. lie will be found in hisIflkemostly during tlie day; from7 A. M. uutiPM*. M.OrncK.Uuiucy street, between Main and Market, south

*it. auggar a. thaw r r. Tinmen,

Jackson C. H., Va. Parkeisburg, Va.Thaw & Turner,

ATTOKNEY8 AX LJ» W.riLLa'tend strictly to all business entrusted to them

in the counties of Wood, Wiri, Jackson, Kitchie,Gihueraud Pleasants.Q-Particular attention given to collections.

KKFKK TO.PHILADELPHIA.Hoi! George Sliarswood, Hon Joel

Junes, llun. Chs. Gilpin, .Messrs. 1 ee«t Wslker.BALTI.Mi.RK-.Messrs. Sealed LuckeiI,Messrs. Penii

& Mitchell.U HEELING..Messrs. Z. S. & J. J. Yarnall, Thomas

Johnston, jr. oct20-iy


Dm EU1CAL.K. D c. CRAI-KAFT tenders his prolesslonal srr-¦ncei to the citizens ol South Wheeling *ud vicinity

OFFICE directly west or Keoetl's Hotel. mi3a3m

~56ctOR WATSON CARR & SON,[ LATE OF IIOROAJtTOWS, VA.JPtactitioncra of nedicino, Obstetrics aad

f*EJB<WJKB if e

^¦OVFiCEover Logan, l arrtft Co'sTobsccoStore.wiwdlyr, .f.¦. i..-- --s '*

Dr. W. M. CutHbert,0

11OMCBOPATHIST.FFICE oil Webster street, two doors bel. w Secondnesbjterian church,Ufcl&-Cm. Centre Whccllwj*

Dr. M. Campbell.(LiTK OF rAlltMODfT, vk.)

iloore ^ou, tl1 St., adjoining the residence of HenryWheeling, V n

n- OB. A S. 'IOUU, IViOffice and Drug Store, corner. Quincy and Fifth streets,

WmcKMKu, Va.OH. J. C. HUPP,

WdSce" MSUn Sl,cet» oue d°°r ««"lhofJud«® Fry#WHKBL1NG VA.

Alfa. Hughes, M- D.OFPKKS his professional seiyices to the comrauni y-"¦ce: At residence, un Centre street, between Filth

.« Silts. niar-.'6-ty


'O.TSK, TIN ft gnKBT lBOll WAKKNo.tt. Alain st., uear the Creek lliidge.

WwrKMWQ. Va.

J. C. HARBOUR,. Wholesale nud Retail Dealer In

CARPETS, RUGS, OH/ cloths,0«5!fis,iitAv^»i,«saa?!sisfv





Manufacture Printinr. -jJ Wrapping Pai-er, Candle Faoei,Cotton Yarn I .per, steam Hoat Paper,

Honnet hoards. Pullers^ Hoards. H*f.

Logan, Carr & Co.,DKAuemx aukinosor



2, iBTOENESSit'A-EDS.;* ¦ ir .'.i '. j ji" ]iDRyGGISl-S.

ui»W wWt. ^a,T-.riu^.le»,^lJcrSr0tuie,,-ria-ly /nr>W|i»UKn, Va.

.Foreign aQ&HpmoaUiylXry G-oods,iHin ; jT^HtHWlWISH 8TRKKT.i rffJIf* 77>ryqM"'l'V" .

Produce and a5t :v tli.xv&iCOMMISSION MERCHANT,^y»l«y. .." WhoeHn^Tn,^

WHOLESALE AND RETAfl,.oefl.lyd te.^afmt.cKStftis Wll HBtiXC, VAw«.i.uorro». MhWTO* a.MILTOH.Wnt. n. Iluntoii Ac Rlillou,(6'ttmvon to K. HM» <St HMon.yCommission & Forwarding MerchantsNO. 66C, MAIN STIiKKT,

.... ... , ,LOtf)SVlLLB,KY.Bpecl.; attention pjtlil to aelljnc Kloui and Wheeling manGoodV kr"e1®4* A'?of to, receiving and ForwardingKKFEH TO: Jm H. Forayth, ,Kiq. Huuler, Fleming*^gj^^jnd Rbpita, «Ii Ogloby, and Hell & Harden,


'wmemiwn 'a.P. R. ARMSTRONG,AflKKT AND 1>R.\ I.Kit II*REAL ESTATE.OfBcc^orner.orMainund Union streets,-^OgST-lyd WHBBI4NG, VA.

?. D. WOOKROW,--BCii.nijAtBftlM SUO'iSXVOlHfamily groceries

OF 1-.VI.BV UttCltirTION.fmportcd \Viucn, Liqnora, nnd Clisrars,VOBKIQN FIHJ;l*S,NUXKl&c. &.«.,No. SAG Main street, Wlirpfuur, Va.

M. J. KEATING,ForS^M-fflSlo'paiw,

AndPLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES,Corner or Main antfMoifrbcfctreeta, ".

lVl>c«llitg, Vn.Jv N. ZIMMER'S

No. 162 Market.it, a uw doors South*J the MarketHaute*-'t* S r:Wlievliu^, Va.

.¦u T"; ¦' 5* j3 -A SXrV&.l >> »'><»' ..He keeps constantly on hand enlarge Block or tlw follow¬ing articles : Butter Crackers* Water Crackers, Koda do.,Sugar, do.. Pilot Bread, and the celebrated Boston Crack¬ers; oil of Wliicb.wjll lie sold ttLthe veryloiceeiprices.Wheeling, Aug. SU *«..3nul.

EDW. L. PRATT,Fancy and Windsor Chairmaker,



No (SO Mailt St. corneV or Union,' Wnaauwn. Va."

a. a'cbai-utx, ». *'ui.aai.h?^ jr., i>. knox.

M'CLALLENS &. KNOX,W'li.lnnlr nml Itclnll OrtilrrxIn nil hiualnaf

Boots, Shoes, Leather, &.O.,No. 19C, Main street,

^ WHKKUNn, Va.


BOOTS, SHOES, &c.,pro. ir-J, iiiniu st.

WALNUT STREET HOUSE,Jl. W. 8WEKKV, Uropricloi-.Walnut atvcot, lietween Sixth and Seventh St1 ceta,

tr Ciucinunti, O.T. SWEENEY &. SON,(8di:obsoRsto SWBKSKY!" & HEtt,)


1MPOKTKKS AND DEALERS INChiua, OnecuHwarc. Girandole*,VABliKCVTIiEKV. »Vc.

Np. 6o, MAIN STREET,VViicbi.iko, Va.


iMMrtin, Wh.lr.iilr rtnil Ilrlnil UcnlcnlatilUNA, UI,ASS,& t{BEKiM»WABK,HOt'SK an1> «TEAMOOAT FU11NISIIINU COODS.

A'o. USt Monroe St., near Vie Povt Office,-WHKKI.lJiG, VA.


No. It, .Slonroe Street,*-¦ WitKW.iHU, Va.


HOBB& & TAYLOR,.}* itlnn ixlnc-l ii vevw ol"STEAM ENGINES,


mi ENGINES, TOBACCO AND HOISTINGrcrkw*STKAMBOA? EKaiKKS, ORI8T AND KAW MILL WORK,FOUNAOK KNOlNns, KKMNK Iinil.Kn?,And all Iclndit of Itlncliincry ramie to order*

oiiheaiwt rcn>'onnli|c tcrniK.Geo. W, Anderson;


THE Baltimore and Ohio Kaitioail having op*»n5d forthe reception or freight, he tcrd. rs bisect viccs to the

public 1 His facilities for ro» ward ins: a»e unsurpassed, hiswarehouse bci> g on the track ofthe Road, and j.o^t to theseta111 boat landing.Having ami le storage roots, no civtrge will be made for

>torace: when consigned Tor shipmouL G.W. A.febssMORANDI'S RESTAURANT,


[formerly Till "a'KU,"].WHEELING, VA.

(E7~Hot Coffee, Tea. Meats, etc.August IX 1853.

HENRY K. LIST & CO.'SticitKM6R8To Llrr, Howkll&.Co.j

Wholesale Grocers and liiquorDI HRC'llAiMTM.

No. 8S, Main Street*WlIKKLlNO A.





(Succctsora to Forsyth and linker.)Fonvnrding nn<l

Comniissio n ill crchan <8PRODUCE AND FLOUR DEALERS,

M Vn.rTAVIWG completed our arrangements Hast and Westfl for the safe and speedy transit of Merchandize andProduce, we tender our services to the public, with theassurance that our facilities are unsurpassed; our Houseliaviiiga Kailrcad track running into it, a»A being verycommodious and detached Horn other buildings, gives ourfrauds greater security lor iliel&Mnmft'ly.KySoU Agent*for the Baltimoreand Ohio Trana-

portalion Line, through direct to Philadelphia.N. H Having cai acity »o store 20,000 tons, tio charge

will be made forstoiage when consigned tor shipment.Jau2l'; .' F'S. &H. '

WWilde & Brother

BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS,HOI.KS.U.K ami Kelail dealers in niif.cellaneoiw,medical, theoU^ical and school books, stationery,

wall paper and window blinds. Wholesale dealers, schoolcommittees, teachers, and others supplied at the. lowestrales at Hie Bookstoie, corner ol .Vain and Union streets.Wheeling, Va. ap8 ^

Gentlemen's Furnishing Store.M. H. GREGG

Number GO, Monroe Street, near the Court.House.OBNTI.KillEN'8 CI.OTUING

Made to or de»* in the latest styles.JOllN DONLOK. JAMK8 MA^WICLfc


Wholesale Grooers and LiquorMerchants,

J Nlf.&iMimrre Strut, Wheeling, Va.«|igr-i r

"" *

WHOLESALE^AND RET^L l/ll IGOISTAV-"rUFr n,al""oa M7mm:

BUSINESS CARDS.* ". M"T£. n«r,XH»»^i.'^ham'kacV.^kWs brWRAPPING PAPER, BONNET BOARDS,1 I»!»**»!

Grocers and Commission MerchantsAnd I'roilncr Uenlers.No. 32 and 83 Watku St., Wiieei.ino, Va.

CO%bl£i,r,TV ' .*" :¦ - #1?<!U,8W6*brt'COWSILL & M'SWORDS,

'. j''Forvrnr(Uu|r iiml ':i bnt!COMMISSION MERCHANTS,

General Produce Dealers,No. 59 Watkr StuWkt, Wiikklino, Va.0^.Having arnpIeVdom fdrtrtofaacv'ttk^dharge will bemade for stoiage, when cinsigncd torshfrinont. ,:...-

ARTIFICIAL TEETHDR. 8. P. HUI.UHEN, DR. J. P. IIULLIHEN,OFFICE So: t.li. Fmirlli street, near thoI'veebytsritn clmvcli.

purls ol setts, -made with artificial Gums. The Gum Ismade in one conUiuiou*oc solid piece- tho cost is the* miotor teeth with or withqutgyms.,Full setts or teeth madtf r»*oh» S7oto*Sla) a f*et*t sn.nllsotts rromg3 to $3 per tooth ffcbt*lyr:d.MEXTON, MliAI. & SlVJ&AKKMiGN


Ka. it) Month 4tn Htrwt,FUll.Al>KI,l>mA.I. W. Siitok, L. Seal, A. Van Su-karixoen.

Wi F. PETERSONFir Marine, nnil V<ffe Ihsnraucc

AND LAND AGENT; « r.-e,&i;Monroestreot, -Wheeling, Va.

WE»*M5«nr-. -v.-.

INSURANCE COMPANYor. WJUClU.iKff;:V*-»Continues (o taUo uil kind# or Fiie and Marir.crUks,Office Ko. 192, Alain st.

M. NKLSON, PresIJciii.\vm. wcoy; *oc»y.ISLAND TANNERY.

BEECiUR & II O FP MANN,-I. --'it! .-! **|»DFAtrrORWtK «.;

Every description of Jjeather,And Denlei'M in Wool ntitl llitlen,Store Boom A'o. 170, Cornier oj -MarJut Alley and Main street,. Vf l. WnicnuKo, Va.tOTShoe Findings oratlkimli oh hand, and sold at very.moderateterms.

LUMBER, LUMBER.L. S. Rootj's Lumfie'r Yard

ash M.\rili1SK,Wtwrirn S' rit icirrj Cifirt^^'tiwu;<. n..nn..-..l *». U11 ..II .. r,... C U'UI

;! - J;., *-ti K'X' O Sma,House, 8igu, nml Oruatneniul Painter.

123,Alain, J-Viiglj tlralf,DCo"Signs, l-ftniiersaiwV PIfig*,' tv&rtsnnront, plain and;

fancy, ext-culcd with uentqess und t)P PAtclb G raining Ac.febS3-Cm

J. &, W. TA-YLOR,flVannraclurerh i\ud,|)Qnter»iUl nil kind* ofTOBACCO, BJSFU^F & CIGARS,

o\[uui5licld'w Miirkc't Alley, js : a v,£:r:y ,

IV IIOIOHIIIO nliil Stctai 1Hat ^ M^ufaeturer,

Ki "* " "'tlX "wheeling, Va.iCVHas on itand the largestnmitJcsC assortment or llats

and Capspf all qualities and/jiie\;'01£.QJH janllK. CRANQL;*-. &, CO.

v.: I -JWHOUKS'AX.H.'Clt^r.KKS,.' ,<<*Forwarding'at»d«©osi«aission

i nUUCMAN'i'l*Cfiriiar AlmuM «><a. 41.11i^euitrcoU,\ f n.iwn.Vn

HBrexiUmge-r & Atjnstxong,I' IC t«j: 15. B I»T I6 I S'A'8,AVE'just received at their medical stoi e, a freshsupply of the most Choice medicines, such as people mayrely upon, in making theirselections, no regard is paid toprices, so the article ho or.the,l>est .quality

coI'pjiur n .AjanilKuviiiUH waukManuiactoxy.THANKKUL for the libn>ol patrocago heretofore

r bestowed uj'pn hi nr* rhespiiscnhnr w»u:d respectfullly inform hislYinhds and Hie puhlic oencmliy that lie5continurK to manufacture Ihonbovo named articles inall their variety, or which tie ha»always on hand, a good csoilment for who'ecale atid rpiaiLat very low pricestHe also keeps on haiul, cooking stoves of the roost approved patterns for coal and .wood.Job work.wlU.continue to receive hls paiticular attentionand be executed with .promptness and-iu a style that will^feasethe-- most rastidioua.

auc94 K. V.VKNKY4110.8. Main st.

DRUGS, MEDICINES,Chemicals, Perfumery, &.C., &c.J II. CJItlTHQ BSjl CiC?-jK wuuM umiounce to his

. friends and the public, generally, ihnt having purcliased the interest or i lie *enior. partner-ill the business latelyconducted under the limi or J. Crumhacker & Hon, liewill continue the same at the old etand, No. 17o, Main St.,and would respectfully solicit* ami trusts to meritacontinuance of the patronage «o llberaily bestowed on the old lirm.He hasjust returned from the Eastern cities, and is now

opening an extensive and well selected stock or Drugs amiChemicals, Perfumery, Fancy a;tides,- Ac;, all or whichwere purchased Vlor strict personal inspection and withscrupulous regal d !o purity or quality, end ate now offeredto the nubile on th? most reasonable terms. lvr»


IS now recei ving ft LARGE LOT OF CARPETS, RUGS,MATS AN1J MALTING. Also, Table and Floor OieCloths ofall widths, and keeps constantly on hand a larglassortment or Furnature or every description. Gilt andMahogany Framed Looking Glasses, Glass Plates, Venitiatt

ect. all ofwhich will l»c so!d at the lowest prices. aug*21REMOVAL.

D. RAYH \ have removed to.their new and spa-. clo s brick buildings, 1 n't Marl et Street, where theymanufacture a ml,keep on hand,

TIN AN U SU BE'T I RON WARE,And keep for sa e JapanAVarc and iiouehold FurnishiugHardware. A so the latest styles or Cooking Stove-, alio'widen tuey will sell AVholc^ale and Retail at the the l<»t*ri»«market prices. Their oldcuslimersaml the public**, eiwa?ly are invited to call and examine their stock.. E rrrvdescription of a; tides in their -line.-Ttcivplly made toor-ey .. (foblOtly

United Si:*ion 1-Iotlxsaia AVarclionae.Branch of the United Utotc*- Clothing Storey Ualtimorc.


CLOTHING EMPORIUM,No. \33 fil(rin Sl., Wheeling.CCONSTANTLY on lunil, nil extensive assortment olJ Fashionable Clothing, and .Youth's and Cldldreu's

Clothing, wh'nirwill be disposed orou reasonable terms.D3"A II orders promptly executed- je2-ly


< iiA kdvacj:iji<runofJloors, Mouldings, Sash and Vcnitiin Shutters,

J 'ajc\o n Strk kt,CENTRE WHEELING, V.\.

HAVING cbmpletcd our.extensive Factory, wenow prepared to fill all orders'for Saali and Doors o

every size.All extra sizesor Poors and Sashes, suitable to open

fronts; &c~.,-made to o:dcr. 1>very-variety or mouldings,from a lourth bead fo'aS inijliogee'areronsiaiitlyon hand.EverjrVariety ot'Pi asters and .\ i chit raves, mjule to or

~der. Also, Venitian Vhulteis, either,,stationary or revol¬ving slats. .

The proprietors can assure their patron*} and llio public,that the above named articles Ave, manu'actuiedfrom thevery be st materia! arid fatesl improved styles. All orders,will be attended to p'OinpUy, and good \. well packed forShipping. mall

Jolin K; ltiilier &, Uo.

WEIaveon baud a: wdtlassoi^ctt Rlock or all kinds ofmill feed, baled hay, corn and outs.also, choice

brands of ext»a flour, which we deliver promptly to cus¬tomers, and those who will-kindly- patronize us, free on. barge. *We bavea itew straw cutters and corn sheltersjert, and interd to Oj en a lull assortment of agricultu alimplements in the *>priirz. deal


FURNITURE W>'RE ROOM,No. i-27 Iflniu ulrcoi.nji22 \\IIKE1.1KQ, VA.

jt r 3,000 Cases

building 11" .Main Jlicci.Tbev lic\e new iu uoreaml .-urico-i vin-il.ily:"¦ f VtajaLblMbKKiiueu buoist

160 " " bropu»»p:noICO !,* boyaboot*i ¦<

60 " ." Iiios-ubj60 '. yrvuthJl'hools;

,:«*><- f« " biOgUMf.«« V..

" Mipjeia;60 .' misatB lac* booU;6-i .' " ; Jemijr tlud'Sil-lLipinil tor tUe ie> >- liberU'mUoS* bereiotorc. e*-

c\tei.ded lo tlx Montr, '.hey suicit a continuance of the

*4Je" clianU on lUe. way cast a>c earnestly invited to call



UliAI.Iilt IN u

Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils,VrtMluOii, I'uteiUflledicluc., Perfumery Ac.WO. 24, UNION by;, WHmiNQ, VA,

J. H. CRUM BACKER,1Vb.lr.alr mid Retail »rai» ,vi i-«v

DRUGGIST,No. 175,-Main Street, WnmiNQ, 'V*.

.-.kwneeling baOFintiK.No. ihj.biaWHWS6" ¦Wl

Olflco open from 9 o'clock, a. in., until 3 p. m. Discount

J. Cn 'Mua< kku, Alkx. Roosrs, Al.*x. Pa*toN, A.N,Johnson, Daniki. Si kknbod, Jas D Maumi, Adam Flea-.» an u U. K. L,rr_m»«*,».WM. McOOY, Treasurer. >u^l

".'HT^KErL&OO.'r''":Fanoy and staple Dry Goods,lorner or Market and Union atreeta, tince <loor» (loci

Win. S. Wicklmm'B Auction Kooma.»ug3l-WlntilhifjlVq.

a. oTMilium.Wis11 iiBi -. a. w.aiwuR. O. Millftr & Bro.

IIOPKBANUHION PAIKTI!IM,«I.A.mlei'M. urnlucn nod paper hangers.No. 203, MainSneet, Wheeling, V>. ten I

W. M. BEIIRYHILL.Cheap PuxnisMnS^W^fBi-ooms.

151 MAIN sr.. WHEELING, VA.ALtMlfdaor Furniture, tneldUlttfcffAlRB^BOF 18,CLOCKS. LOOKING GLA8SKR, Ac., ol llKluntstyles and best qualitiea, kept constantly on hand, at re,diwcd prices. dlyr.

Strobel &. Bloob,IVholeHnlo D«uilor>iu lVineaA; Mquoro,No. 1TJ Main SueeK i^i th^jldij^nrmtrlykiwm? a*

ipel-ly W II U°EL moTW'.Calvin

PAIN I'ER, GLAZIER, PAPER HANGER, ib..Na. 132 Main Street,

al.ln-ly WHEELING.W. D. MOTTE & BRO.,Denier In nil .Vindsaf Foreign nud Uauieml:

DRY GOODS,So. 1~C, MunrrRmm, Wbiii.iko, V.,

~TTT M. REILLY, ~Trnr;:Wholesale Dealer in Groceries,Foreign anil Domestic Wines and Liquor*...iv _,S1

New Musio Store,"i"" ol ,"° ,ww

^Juounco to the cltlxens of vVheeling a

jffjciiiity, that lie hoc just opened A new and

Guitars, ViolinceTlos, Flagolets, Flutes, Files, Accorde'Otis, Ifenjos, arid Taniborines. Urasa Instruments thofir&L aud bestmoke. rvi«Sii.^s}itv» v<'-

Instruction books for all kinds of Instruments; and forsingfiji .

**a. ,.4...

t|i6very best Homan and

Mus^c Tor the Pimm, Guitar, Flute and Violin, also,..Bwest Songs, Duetts, etc., aud tho very best Konran a....Italian, Violin ami Guitar Strings.ClaroneLs Kceds, Tuning Forks, also Violin and GuitarScrews, Viol.ft Finger and Tall Hoards.Hows for'VtolincellO'and 'Violin;*A. Kicker's Furniture Polish-, for renovating varnishedKutilbKC, Pion?*, Cabinets, Steam Doato oranydcRcilpuppsOf Furniture.

-Also for sale by the-A gent for'Kleber,. Pittsburg Pianosor the first and best manufacture in the Dili tod States, suchmsdVujiit* and Clark's grand and square Pianos, J. B. Dint*

nystri.aaga'a/saaaaAccoi ileona. anil attlrind or mmlcatlnatrumenu repaireda'llqtqwgjitprices. t,. : ... tf.STEAM MARBLE WORKS.

00 MARKKT ST., WHKKL1XG, Va.Tub SlUJSCKlliKK having made extensive arrange,incuts in ^he.Kaat for the supply or Marble*,a*d con¬templating the ercctlori of $teom works, he would invitetlie attention of Architects,T.uifders, and the imblic In ;'<.»-t.to tho inspection of his sioclr, consisting or italinn,eralKgvtian, Sienna, American and otherMarbles of tho finestqualities, which can tje sold lower.than any otherestablish*ir.cnt1»Vthewe8t.

Dealer* would find it to their advantage to inspect hisrftock before purchasingelsewhere.His work is done, in the most elaborate style, and liewould invite tho attention of purchasers to examine hisstockofStatilary and ftther carved work. Monuments, Con-

otaph8, Tombs, Head arid foot stones, Ac.; and Grave yardwork In every variety j being enabled by his superior faci 1-tiles to supply this work rit considerable lower pdcos thanany other wilwblishmert in the country. w

Please give me a call and examine my work.MICilAKL J. KOHAX,Marble M ason and Vaul i 1! u lde r.

0C9"Also Calcined Piaster, Hydraulic Cement, PlasterCasts and*Alodels, and Marietta Grind stones, warrantedatthe lowest f-»de prices. 1 v. d.

Saddles, Harness, Trunks, &o.JEE'll. 11. SHKFPARD would respectfo'ly In.form his friends and the public, that lie has- re-moved his establishment to No. 131, Main Street,<*.oriierofUnlon, where will be found constantly on hand,

a large and well selected assortim nt or all aiticlca In hitline, consisting or -SmldCcu, UriillcH, llurncta,¦ voit (I'Hiuc nud Wood box Trunk*, Talimeit,Carpet Bags, Xcotcli Upper nvJ llog MliiuCollar**, SKiiuicm, IVIiipa, Arc.A.' or which ave manufactured by competent workmen,oi th*best materials, and will be soldCHEAP FOR CASH.Tho»c desiring to purchase are requested to call and oxamine for themselves atarl2-yrd. No. 181, Main St. Wheeling, Vs.CJMUKJJSNTUWN WORKS.

Gill, Hardman <St Stephens,Manufacturers of Boiler, Sheet, & llailuwy Iron.WHKKL1N0, VA.

TTAVE tlieir Works now in fall operation," ai:d are pie.JlL paied to.furnish to the trade, arth les Of flielr- tnanu'r^'ac:.ure c {ual in quality and finish to auy in the ma* ket.Warehouse on Kiddle between Main and Wate> «i .rets,howling.' *ep?2lfTnomas HugiiesHAS retjrned rrom the Eastern cities with the fineststock or

CASSIMERES, CLOTHS, VE8TING8,and Ocutx Notion* generally, tliat has ever been exhibitedin the city; be invites the public to give him a call, and in¬spect his Goods. His assortment is r ulled from the choi¬cest Of the New Yorkand Philadelphia markets. Call, ir.OII.ly to see and admire.and call earlyI

No 35, corner Monroe and Wafersts.sepia^ Wheeling,.Va.DAGUERREOTYPE GALLERY.

A. C5. PAKTUIDGEinvilCKattention to his Daguerean Rooms, amiApparatus, now the result of years orexperience and close application to thoart. Confident that he now combinesin his establishment all orthe improve -

incuts which time and proper tests have proven valuable,he.can promise to produce Likenesses combining all thebeauty and perfection which has yet been attaiued by theDacuerrean process.tor the attractive and commodious style In which his

rooms are fitted up, he iuvitea the public to call and exam¬ine for themselves, (lis Cabinet of Specimens are alwaysopen for inspection.Likenesses taken in all kinds or weather, singly, or in

groups; also, post mortem likenesses taken at short uoiice.DCS"a well selected stockofmatei1al8.Chemicals, plates,cases, lockets, «fcc., always on hand and for sale.ICooihm, IV©. :i(i Monroe xt., near the Post Onicenovia

Daguerreotypes.SKY AND SIDE LIGHT AKRANGEMENT,rlKKNKSSKS taken with all tho recent improvements,A withoui any unnatural whiteness or hair, or g»cy ap-peonii.ee 01; black dresses. Every styie of cases alwayson hand. Price rrom one dollar upwards.Kooms, No 5-3 Monroe street, noar the Court Houseang:tOWM. COW 1)EN

Daguerreotypes.Messrs. HKAMKR & TUKTON, having taken theRooms formerly occupied by Mr L. Taibell as a Da-gucrrcaii Gal ery. corner of Main and Kiddle streets, Centie VN lieeiing, beg leave to solicit a shuie or patronagefrom his friends and tlm public at large.Thry make it a rule not lo let any pictures -go out butwmit are *alis'»ctm j, nud w. II executed.Gold and Silver plating executed neatlyDC^Orders'lefl hereibr sign painting will bo attended tobv J. Tii'toi-de 1? rother. mr?l-3in

HIGHLY IMPORTANT.rVTELSON'S PremiumCblneseXustral Washing Fluid,JlJI tbe greatest I improvement yet discovered, ror savinglabor end expense in washing Clothing and House Clean*ing. Linens and Coltoiis washed by this Fluid will bewhiter and solier r|ion than if bleached on the gross..Waurani ed not to iujure tin fabric. Fvery lady maysatisfy herself on that polut, by soaking a pie<e or i ottonor Linen in the Fluid,fall strength, Tor 2-1 hours whichwill clearly show that it must bc puiely harmless, wtendilute < with 2 gallons of water to halfa pint or fluid.-.TheChined washing Fluid is worth three times thesingle sixpence which will buy enough foV a large Tamilywashing, which can be done in Sor 3 hours.Manufactured aud sold by the subsciiber, who has lately putchased the light for Ohlo«-buuyt, Va.

JA8. MELLOK,Aug* If o.3fi, Union St.. Wheeling. Va.A Card.

TTAV'XG deposed of my (iToecry on Main street, NoM 256, to Mr. Isaac D. -'ohuston of St. tlair ville, O.avail niyse'l of this oppoitunlty to return my siucerethanks to iho e or my patrons who have given me theircustom; and 1 wouldbow ask, on behalf «>r .Mr Johnston,a continuance or 1 lie same, reeling confident that customersall denlot* wi'l be as well accommodated at his store asy in the city, in quality, price and variety.A:so,l would inrorra the citizens or Wbcalingand vicin*ity that 1 continueto keep one of the best Family Groce¬ry's in the west;'at>N6'o WaSHbgtoh llall," Monroe strtfet,where 1 will be pleased to serve all-who may give me acall. SIMEON D. WOODROW,Feti. 10, 'C4-febl3 5 Waskingtou Hall, Monroe st.ANTED.A Geiman girl, lo cook ;nd do houseworkA|y»ly at t his office. nn 1.


>*ff..',/ji igy,---^ rjfrr.Fi; uQTI

'¦5 f CLBVULAND AND ITTSBUItOH RAILROAD,In rontuclten icllh thefltnJid tidc-whctl itramertWinohester and Diurnal.

The steamer WINCHEn. .'¦-

mo ll.e steamer 1IIUNXAI,, Capt.TliOd. II. Col-httbrr^ Qn Tuesdays, Thursdays and NaturjUys,?*! >/):< a'iIWM&fetyyke'y. ai,tl «ach weiisviu®. m un* t<.

Utpn.. Tr°1n of the Clcnland mi VituWrghRailroad, for CUvelanA' '¦'-»¦ .M <^ 1 jtlWa .AsHmV r»jthA. Vs !». -.sK ». >>

5!'Wl®E|W«WS, .With thk. ....UNION 1INKOF STBAHlBBflKltOM I.Ot'lBVILLK;A,|dt^?vT<^Hlar jrpia,j^e^-sii^ Parkersburg.

Passengers arc ticketed through from Wheeling, Steubenvillc.and Intermediate landings between Wheeling andWellsvlle, to 1'1-veland.

'""'.jOTajfi.r.v-KLArtD, Coi.u>ibvs& Cincinnati Railroad,<aiA>tW»i-55^'-> v tri<.Toledo, NortraUc and CUveland Railroad.

*"or.the South and West, with tt»L<vKEBUOKE KAILUOAD,

you. THK KA8T. -:J,Piusenders for Cleveland, Columbus, Toledo, Detroit,Uhlcaso, liacinr, Milwaukie, or tie Crest Weft'j for Buff»lo, Niagara Falls, .)tbany or «osti>m fur Saw York, vis

Uaturning. .Regular /connections, ate.,111*110; at Cleveland wi(h the.hove Kail roads, and at WcIL-ville with tlie above namedKteaiflerA* -.* r-Vi* aoiijita8. C. 1JAKKK CO.* Agents, W heeling.A1«KX. 'D.0YLB, Age.it, Steubenville.7**** ; 571)11 RAND. Superintend., t.febOa-'o-l O. A.- P. h. H.. Cleveland.


13 e»trt?that lie continues to carry oil the plumbing andgas fittinginall Its various branches, and respeclAdlysoli-SfiMlW'utBjHoi'rtJWMWVHe has.constantly on hand, lead and Iron pines, comihon and' l atent hydrants, cistern pumps, balh boilers,water closets, wa»h basins, cold water fountains for bb-;lel»"., watfVj coolers loir private. families, j hot and cold

them c:i! apparatus, etc. Factories, etc. fitted up withdltnatch. U futii to \ IAlso, cnandeliera, pendants, brackets, bellar lights,

^*Allordera left at the above placS ttW'W thankfully receivedand promptly Attended to. .

S lj,.AU orders from the country wi 1 meet withnrnmpf attention. apG-flnadJOffN B. VOW ELL.

24 Union Street,W 11 KKLI^ti, VA .,


out fear or any adulteration The Medicines ate puvchated ffom the be«teastern houses. -*ALSO.Manufacturer of a sjperlor article or I«mou

Byrup. , 3>10..NaiidJeweiry Store.

[;? Room, A'tt. 4, Wathmglon Hull, Monre+Si.,\V I1EEL1N Q j.jV1A1

rp IIK suhtcriher nwiKtu I the atieutiuu or the public U>X lift well, selected stjick or wslciie*. ciooku, jowcirr.silver wiie, and fancy goods, which he Is now o|>enliig .Ills stock Is composed in i>aiitor gold andsilve>- watches,J^rs, gffll-dhand.chaius, ^p -

Kvety .Uc^contioiiol goldiewelryjGofii, silver, silVer ^lal^daiiVl commt>Vsi»ectacles;I'ure silvo! tabic, i«m, dessert, sugar, mustard and sailspoovs)nua uit^usi*solves; '. r-^nrrrvn-rnoPlated and Gei mail siivei forks, spoons, butter knives,etc. etc."INm monnao% pockct cutlery,scissorsi

P Vsnv riNKtaxors,sLro|TB, shavingeream, etc. 1Per Hime ry, combs, bi usJtosaud a great variety or fancygoods;Particular attention paid to repairing watches, clocks,and joweliy, aiid engraving handsomely done.A sluire of palionage Is respectfully.solicited.spo-dtr r

C. P. 11KOW21

jPemberton House.WnierStieet; Uclovr Rienroei

WIIKBLKNU^ VA.fP M. I'KM IlKKTor* announces to his old friendsandJL . the public generally tliat he has located In thecom-uiodlou8 brck bulldir.*: louneily known as the ^St.Charles," and IhorougtVty repaired and refitted It, and Ispiepa ed to entertain travelers in good style at moderateprices. The Peuibortou House is situated Immediatelyon the Kteamlioat Landing, and near t be Depot or the Hal.tih.orc and Ohio Uaiiioad, a (Tording psssengers lor thecars or packet boats a con veil.cnl stopping place. Thel»ro)»rieL>r ie«(i>icHully invites I he ntienlion or bis oldrriends to his house, and solicits & shale or public patron-

age ap20-tri.UA.N L)1KS AiNL) WliSfcS.

OA IIA LP pipes pure brandies;~»\J. 10 barrels blackberry brandies;o * gingero « cheny «

10 quarter casks Port wli.e;o * 4 Madeira wfueV6 ' 4 Malaga .

Just received and lor sale atdcltt ^ I ON LON «t{ M VjnvKT,T,»<i


/yiOA K.St UHi.V K.N11.V_y 4000 Gilt cigars;

6000 Prinrados cisa's;2000 Apollo do1000 Kl Dorado do'3000 Washington «1 onument cigars;4000 Paneling .to11000 Havana do6000 Dela Cruz Principe do8000 Kcgalla do20 boxes »*» lb. lump Tobacco?32 do b lb. do do

Just rccci ved ai.d Tor sale byoct3t WM. LAUCHL1N.THE BEST A^D CHEAPEST STOCK

OP Spring Goods in the city or W heeling may be roundat J.«. Ucttly'*, JVo. 105 Slniu at.Inud ance oTmo&t ail the Dry Good stores 1». the city, be

has selected, a lid is now opening, a choice and elegant assortmcnt or Goods suitable lor the .spring, embracing every style and qua ity ol staple,. fancy and substantial Tab-ric8, siutubie for"ladies** gen (emeu's or iu'ant's wear, allor which h» offeis at reduced prices. Determined to oter as good a sto It as any house !.: the city, and to sell alittle draper than the cheapest,..he respcccrully invites hisfriends and the public generally to call and examine *'be-fote purchasi. gclsowhcic " No trouble to show goodsand less tD sell them Cull and see at

J. G. I1KFTLY\S, Main st.feb28dtr corner-Alarket al'ey.

SNUFF.UST received-2 hbls Snuff, small selected bladders,suitable lor retail hade.ap4 J W RHODES, agent.PIANO FOHTES AND MELODEONS.

JU*T OPKNED, .7 flue Rosewood Piano Fortes, from('bickering & Fob's manufactory, and Stodavt & Co*,.Sew ^ ork, including one flue liouscwood Piano, 01 octaveall of which are offered at iactory prices*"Al>o.a large packago ol fashionable music, at 2G, Union

utrtcuHow [s the time if you want a bargain.m130 J. MKLLOK.ivE.AUY UN TuTti tfoit THIS bE.tOUiX 11

WD. AlOTl'k .* DRO'S. flrst stock of new.*. Spring Dry Cioadii

a'c now being received at their store on Market street..it. is unnecessary to specify the articles, but suffice it- tostate that our assortment In now fuller than ever before,and thosi* wishing to buy can't do better than call at No..HG Mai liet street. mi 141t\f\f\ lilts, wool Twines' r * r1UUU 1000 lbs broom 4

100 dots, bed covtta and plough lines;25 reels hemp and Manilla bed cord}10 * coiton cio:lies lines;*60 doz * trout Thes;20 coils Hatter Rope;100 pair Yawl aui Skiff Oars*60 lioat' Poles.

t£S"Tarpautins, dr&y covers, and awnings, on bandandmade to otderat the Cordage store, corner or Water andUnion sUitats.

mrlO CII.\S. 11. BKKUY.The Lute of Zion.

A COLLECTION of.Sacred Music, designed for themeot the Mothodist Episcopal i'huicb; consisting

ol a choLecollection of new tuues, with most or the oldtunes in c mnioivtl-'e; toother with a courts* elementarycourse; sin plitied and adapted to tne capacities of begin¬ners, etc. etc., by Woodbury, author of the Dulci¬mer, etc , assisted by Rev. H. Mattlson, pastor of SaintJoim't Meth0i!i8t B.«"hurch, New York.

Also, a supply of Mettiodi t hymn books, Cantfca Laudu-s Christian Minstrel, Hayden's Sacred Melodeon, ctc.received and Tor sa^te at tne lowest prices bj

JOHN H. THOMPSON,flec30No 31 Monroe st.


"Zfaoll.'v vlu-n unadorned iiadorjud themotll"riMIA'l rwaajfer*jrrettfl, indeed, bui ne atesure you1 want believe it wbeli rmi go to

W. D. nolle «e «ro">aitdree (he ele?nnt Kliks, and every new style of DRK8Suolis, mantels, bonnets, shawls, Kir broideries, &c.

wliicta they ate now d>lljr leceivinj at their store on War-ket street. '¦ --- .'w"

FRENCH GOLD BAND CHINA./ lOJI HK1S1NG entile Dinner Rets, sod »rp ir*te pieces

ink'iMonroe st.. near tl e i\st Ofllcc.OSS.vefl per steamboat Pers'g.aud


KEC.Iil.AR PACKETS. ,. I1854,'.^* bUl?I<ON*LINEP '*

<1!RBAT THBOVOU LINEI ill to TI1B1 WEST AND SOUTH! imreling, Cincinnati, Louisville and St. loui,b The cb««P«l. qnlcke.* «»* moat dli1

route bclwri n the above CUIca.TIliidlMWff-

ai e n 1 now g ml Pilmpt*>ved modernconstrue-Ition having been cftrcfuIlyl*»«B«

t fur il.ls route.. Tbey.a.eb, and all have tbe same un*mpasscd accommodationsfSteSfltrVooms ami tables being Ortirpar with* the b;st boJftlSSSSSr. «rSSlreUtWIowa.^ith tbefr

rs of leaving Wheelings «..

> -v"day. J O t"«. . A.G.Robluson.JrITue«<dav FiLLi City. Roir.iSSbesday, TrfeiWlfft<lfr tifcjThursday, C.immyiuaaLt***3}g».;McCl<m.Lt i O

These boats wilUeave Wheeling regularly, on tbe arrl 'v«i ,ofthe<ar» from ttallin ore*' ;>?£<*>:For ficigut orpassage,apply to

«p2a-ir j.Cm"h^ ','Afwnts.||H£rtifai U


i 5 t .y ,eav,ng VV1KMS1-

to connect wltfr the Cleve-

.tlekerta HiOrif£^e^siroIM MlhvauWe, Chicago, Buffalo and Duukirk.sold at theoff)cr.<tf,p. Ot lUmew ^Co.

Wiieeliug and Zauesville l*ine.THE fleet end fins new ,.Itinera. of. tbU Une wl'lj.tl leave Wheeling as follow*:

."C»-Ali rrelght(! will be received Tree or charge it fi. C.l.aher <St Oo.'a wliarf boat. Shippers canship at auy timeto the tTliarr.lio.it. ntr3

Wheeling & Parkersburg Packet.TIIB'Trwie N*W MAIL


W UBKUfiU AND 1'AKK.EKSHUKU PAUKKT.The tttcanier Port Pit*, Capt. J. C.

I Jrli.v, wlllleave Wheeling every Mon-_dij, Wednesday and Filday at lOo'clock

A. M. Kelurning, will leave Paikers-burgevery Tuesday. Thursday,and {Saturday,atso'clockPor freight or passage apply on board.or todctotf 'nA«K8 » C«i:

For Sunfish.TIIK fuel running Steamer Stephen

I Bnjrard, Booth Master, having been,rc-paiuted ajid le decorated, will leave

bo. ffiSSS P0«T

.mur;and fTeif 'i

.t through Line for the East.

I^IIK Raiirriiore and Ohio Rail Koad from' Wheeling toBaltimore, and connecting With the Washiogtdtrnranch Kail Koad at the Junction (lately called the RelayHouse,) P. miles Qpm Haitimore, and with the Philadel¬

phia, Wilmington and lialtimo. e Kail Koad to Philadelphia,Thopreuttaifnels Upon tiio liKe are now completed, andthe whole road is in fine condition, presenting one or tbemost picturesque aud.romanllc route* ill the world.The.now and splendid steamers of the Union Liue from

Louisville and Cincinnati connect willith's road at Wheel-Jug, and through tickets froiu these places'to Baltimore,Washington, Philadelphia, dx.,-maybe liad or the agents,oron the boats..'r.heexpves«*ndil,tiainleavcs Wbeelingdaily,at 9 o'clockA. M.,(Wheelingtime) and arrives at Cumberland (201miles) at 7 P. M., and allowing twoboars there, ar.ives inBaltimore(380 mile*,) at 5 A.M.r tbe.next morning. makin&tho passage through in about 'JO hours, including allstoppages.03~Haggage checkedthrough to anyof the eastern points

without charge.Passengers, ajid baggage are transferred to the cars Mr

WashiKgton at the J«iuetTph. and for Philadelphia, at l^il-timore, wit hottt extra charge. Travelere are allowed am-pIS lime and opportunity at all pointstoobtaint>ieir meals.Through tickets rroui Wheeling to Baltimore, .(vviih

privilege of lying over auywhere on the route,) $8,60-^toWashington, S9.C0- to Philadelphia, StO.to J>e had onboard the steamefs.or Hie Union Line on the Ohio,-aud of'the Kail Koad .Agentsat Wheeling (J B. Ford)«& Mounds-villa ^ mn7 W.M PVKKKK. «ei»M. «m»*t

Adams Ol uo's iUxdres's1854. 3,854.

OPVI.li-incl.urr House.POR speedy and sale conveyance or meichandt-e, pick-1 ages, parcels, hank notes, specie,' gold, in cba» ge ofsi*ec!al messengers, leave our office dally, for all parts orthe East, Hut ope, California and Australia AlsoFor Pittsburgh and all points « n Hie C-levetand and

Wellsville Railroad, and Clovelaud and Toledo Kail toad,thtough to Chicago.For Zane-ville and all places on the National Road,

through to Cincinnati, Louisville and fit. Louis.For i altimore and all points on t! e Baltimore and OhW

Raili o d, and from thence conncct wi.li our Great East¬ern Express to Philadelphia, New York.and Bostou.We collect notes, drafts, or accounts, Slid bills on de

livery or parcels, and make prompt retm ns.Express lor East daily at 6 o'clock, a m.do lor west do 7 do a. *.do for Pitt* burg do 7 do a. m

Our arrangements are now c«>iuplete for the delivery ofpackuges and monies to all poiuts.

ADAMS & Co.N. Piom*w, Acent ap!7"1U ftlkSiUiAiNS,' DttbUUloTS, OuJiittlfiilS'TMlh undcrsigucd Is prepared to matiuractu'e to order.X Flint GlabS Springes, Vials, and all other sutall FlintUlasB 1 instruments! such as are used by Physicians, and inthe Chemical laboratory He invites the 01 ders of tr.oseusing or dealing in such a*, tides, aa he thinks he can furi.isb as good an article on as favorable terms as can be obtained elsewhere. WA1 MOHGAK,

corner Sixth anil Zane streets,oct1'7dawir Knst Wh'**ellrg


rilH K subscribers Have this day entered into partnershipX lor I lie purpose oftran*acting a Coinm ssion and For¬warding business, under the style of Doane & Cowgill, assuccessors to the fiirnf or Cowgill «fc McSwordsand A.S. Duai e& Co., and solicit a continuance of the businessof the late firms. A. S DOAXE,

J. COWGILL.March. 13|h, 1.S54 mi 14


Messrs. cowgill & mcswokjs. and a. s.UjO/NB & Co , have removed Irom Water siieet

to one of Mr. Pa<fon*s large new'warehouses on Mainsi reel, where they solicit the cominuance or the tavorx oftheir rrirnd*. >JanSO.v


pi .» ^ w ^wher (hey will, us heretofore, ahvavs keep onbanda stockor the best Wines and Liquors, at the lowestprices.

ap-5 d3m. FKAKZHE1M & LUTZ/.( W i bottle* of Louden's celebrated Family Medi-\J\t\J circs. The only agency in the city.These are the best Family mrdtctiies now In use. being

perfectly sale, and will cure il used atcovdingjo the direc¬tions. J. B. VOW ELL,

wp28 21 Union street, agent.A LAKGB.ASSORTS EN V

OP gents dross Hats, pearl and,black, Prussian,.1ngra-haiu, Paris. Young America and Loudon Hats.mrH S. D. HAtfPKK «V SOW.


LOGAN, CAttR & Cc., have icmoved their stock orwholesale Tobacco, HrtulT, and h'egais from Wo. 81

Main street to the new block of brick bu ldings east side¦M Maiu stieet, nearly opposite tlie Merchants <k FarmersBaiik, jatg8.


JUST ireeived,.a large lot cf superior Bira turnedGrindstones.

Also.alt sixes very best Marietta sharp grit, for eitherwet or'iTry grinding, whicli will be bung If desiied on pa¬tent friction rollers, at short notlceaiid at low rates, atdc50 ROHAN'S rnarble yard,06 Market «t

COD FISH.OH CASKS Grand Bank Codfish, large and fat, just re-jVm .ld lur 8a,e bT

m_kk!u;y_rpHK highest market pi Ice glv»u for Hides anil Slieep


VUKAOOO ! TUBAGOO!!| N STORK and Tor aale low.1 "* "

lflO boxes No. 1 6 lb lumptb lum- |

* o6wmmm(m WBReiMm,8;orVXT.

1*0 Smith's m.r/f ..* Depot.

^Hur., Jenttn, <ifC.J*>&9^ *& »<*

Lrv^Hn^.Si"*' IwlUmoro]ir.fi±L"nL*,,rorth*jarftl "/¦

WBRBHBiR-^-..-.Tc-,. o.

Ja.bO.Hetm Mer«ser, f.aUlpolla, O.

jz,pc Pdt"utler & io- r,Dcl°MU'0'

Mtf"1'"'Khwiea toilbar~B

Z9&ohZ&:- ' VCHifaMl)it>'7 ?t-' <J r Rami. 8. Proton & Co. Jjan?8.ly.l

in. U. tl»X, nilk'J. I>. COCHRAN, MICKEY & Co....Aj.or.Krrg«M. *«o wm)

ha *,. ICMBRKLf.a,, iiibbobb, Fait istn.,, -lAfMOWloai.- * «i

;» TOOLS.* -fe» ^wasfiwiw/wiJV

Planing Machines, Drills, and other QttolddUttCtdolM^1J'Tbi, establishment beius Immediately on. lbs Baltimoreawl Ohio Kaihoatl Hack, we lay* lbs best facilitieslotiwaSgawwiiBwga^sagr mrW

J».Pj(1BN1Doem.XDO0iSA.LAMANDl.il FIRE AND THIKfF SAFgS. At l»a uigll

,t or vari.>tMo. i Ml.-.imiiUiKi nu. ca lfWKvacn, wlt-rantpu equal to any nwJeintbenited States. Krnut 4b W«t-

for past favors, ra¬ti t a continuance of

fiirl1 rS,

couidbo*Jvetti£i^2iv to Shout ii** ,1 hj.$77w,"*'ft&

M iclirn?r-& On, 3o 19South Water «t.f5 sWate-r"d Ch"t,utU S Arsenal, 0 Safes forvCaUfor<»i%* 3for Ph|lMCorporation or Hortnfern Liberties}Commissioners of Moyamcnslngi£*^p3^3r^3S&r"' ai*iau** «*. c -<

state Treasurer or ^ Jersey, iujiJ.Trenton fiatilting Co.

lt»i.TixoB^Jone 1^,fSio.' "r''Utnn EtaniS Watson, l*hiladcli>lila.Oenlleinrn:.We have much pleasure In tecomniendiug your Hire ProofChests to the nolite of the public.the one we purchasedfrdiu you having saved ouT^ota and contents effectually,slter undergoing & \ery severe neat during the fire which.destroyed, the entire block of buildings on Arch street


kept by T. M. Farker, and greatly enlarged and improvedit, will keep constatlUy on hand all kinds of cakes '

-<? rn xtmw^tmpA' JtSteims.


OYSTKRS served tip In the best3style; at all hours, In(he Saloon, and furnished wholesale and retailby the* canand half can. rtt5TAn assortment or Christmas and New Year1's Toysonhand. .. __ tnovlOdtf L. H. ROSE & KRIfKST KRBLLCentre WheelingIS turning out everything in the way of Dry Goods, bollifancy and staple, at the very lowest prices.We are now prepared to show Uwns and bareges In alltheir variety; Silks, Satins, Tissues, striped and^Pitii,'"

imer Shawls, dtc. ,^.<1-^4,,alloth*

DC#"Ladies, Tavor us with a call.mr^9-. .Vij-v i Mi McNAIR de HBIIVRY.

IV hLl/s Principles 01 Ueo.ogJ . a new and entirely reJ vfsed edition, illuitr'd wr1 "

cuts, 1 vol: 8vo. feb7with maps, plates and wood-V7 WILUB^frBBO.


THE partnership heretofore existing under the firm ofCow&ill <v McSwords has been thlo day been dissolv¬ed by nnuuaTconaent.J. COWG1LL,A. McSWORDS

i* mrl'March 13th, 1S64. mr14HATS ANU CAPS.

T> wclTing daily* new ctyls ol hats and caps, which Ili am selling cheaper tbau ever.

»nrl6 J. W. RHODES^agent.A. Kl i)G ELY, produce aui commission merchant, baa

on bai'd and Tor safe:300 bu. Pot at ore, Pink Kyes and Blue AleshaKoesf40 bushels Clover seed.

Give hi rtra call. Tnr!8

ASSIGNEE S NOTICE.ALL persons indebted to Wheeler & Lakin, by book

account or otherwise, a.e hereby notified that pay*ntent must be made to roe forthwith, they having assignedthe same to me lor tbd»beuefit of their creditors.jwnlg J. H. PKNP' KTON.Trnslee

Tobacco and Cigars!WM LAUCHL1N, No 132 Alain street, has among bis

large assortment the following "article*.lCOo C'onsucllucigars:*000 La Kloica1000 Prinsado1000 Kl Salvadu ;«1000 fcl Dorado .

2000 LaProlercion cigars*1000 Piiunclea «

1000 Flores llabbana *

6 Boxes I win h rothers tobacco)*6 1 Virginia .


McCI.Af.LKNS & KNOX have removed tbeir WJhofc-**lc Stock of Boots and Shoe*, lo the liew four storyorick building,

Rs. 113, Mais Street,A few bulldii.gs North ol the Merchants' A Mechanics*bank, on the opposite side or the street, and 2 doors Southor Wm T. Selby's dry good store. VThankful for the patronage heretofore extended to the

House, th*jy are confident that with thei» increased facili¬ties tor dotuu business, they can offer to merchants »{Ulgreater inducements Tor buying than heretofore.Uc>8 McCLALI.PN8 & KNOX

NoticeTI1B undersigned, having bought out the entire stock of

i oods belonging to Messrs. Wheeler 4- Lakin, Mer-chant Tailors, would beg reave to inform the citizens ofWheeling and vicinity that he intends carrying on theMerchant Tailoring business in the same room formerlyoccupied by Messrs. Wheeler dc Lakin, add having ob¬tained the services of .both of the former proprietois. beIs pre, aied to make up to 01 der every article in his line,in the latest style and best manner, at very abort notice,a lid very low for ca b. Having a large stockon hand nowhe is determined to sell very low, to reduce his stockandmake room for the Spring Goods. Now is a rare chanceto get good clothing cheap. He will warrantovery articleto be as 1 ecoromended, or nocale.

Come one, come all,A nd «. ive us a call,At No. 2, Washington Hall. ...


'IIHR parlireraSip UeretoD.re existing under the firm ofJL Gordon, V'lai ke & Co., Una tills day been dissolved bymutual couscuU h. S. GO I DON,

CLARKE 4c THAW,Maich 1st, 1844. J. B. AHJKB.

CO-PARTNERSHIP.rpHK subscribers have IUs day entered into partnershipX for the purpose or transacting a Commission and For¬warding business, under the style or Gordon, Matthews& Co., and solicit a continuance or the boafne» or the latefirm. S. GOttOOS.


March t.t. IBM. nir>

Holiday Presentsat N*. <4 Waulagtea Uall. Masrae street.

HAVING fet relumed"ivTm the «st«rn citiea, Iwrwoffer tor sale a fine and complete auoitnwat ol

Watches, Jewelry, Sliver ware and t-.ncj Goods.Persona desiring to purchase are invited to ca'lsnd ex¬

amine my Goods, which I am determined lo sell aa ckcaf

"<&,W.I. goods warranted throve M^^ood as re-

Monroe st.


EKCKIVKD this day, llie best sasortroontor Gents,youth's, and childreu's cloth caps, ever brasgSlw

this city, having been selected with great "r«*ar«ara»style and quality. They comprise in partes tollowa-Genu cloth opera, black and nhitei gents®'°11b ff

black, drab snd green riding, huntin, and ^^i?fj{lcleiAlso, the Egyptian Pyrennial cricket a r-waracic.

'ogttjr wlti every other «feoM-70 ~dcur- .
