volume harbor grace, newfoundland, dec;ember 2,...

VOL UME HARBOR GRACE, NEWF OUNDLAND, DEC;EMBER 2, 1882 , Adve rtisemen ts. THOMPSON'S Insura,ncaCompany Medical HaJI. ES T- ABLISHED 18. 55. CAPITAL-£2,000, 060 . Sterling. --- ' , QUEEN INSURANCE BUILT.ING, LIVEROOL, .Tuit m:ci•cd I tbe Spring'• Stock oJ NEW GOODS I -A..'ID- QUEEN INSURd.NOEDUILDJNGS, 60 GRACECHUROH t:iT.REET, · LONDON. REPORT fhe Reports anJ lor tho year 1878, presont.ed to lbo Sfiareholdol'll at tho Annual :Ueeting, on Tucsday,27th M ay, 1579, at whi.:h Bemanl Hall,F.sq., presided, .ebowoJ, in tbe Dividel'd IUla at tho rato togcthnr of 10 por co nt. declared, _ £14,035 being car- nuJ forward. FIR,E BRANCH, That P remiums for 1S7S, ()educting !\mounted to .£-t.56,2H, bei ag on inci'Cllllo oi £5,391 O\'Or thu ro rnium lllcorn e of 1877; nnJ tho Losses to h ri n:; .55. 16 por ceoL. on tho Prenaiumll ol the Yoar. THE LIF E DEA.R'P'M£NT. . __.. Tlmt Polici011 had beon issuoo tor ; aud tha t. Lho Li fo lo'und, by tho udJition' mado t.o it as tho r esul t ol the year'• operations now reprcaor.ts Gi .9 pe r eo ut. of tho enti re net PrerniWDs on every oicy in for ce. T he s ur plu, ht\l.mco in t ho F iro Ac- ..... to l>o .£I vi .599, o uL ol "' l11.:h .£:!0,000 .., . ,s "Pl' r opri,. .teJ to \ ccuunt, rni aing tbat A ccount to £ l4 U,OOU tnul with th o H <> s ..r.-o Fun,! n•l carried fon\ 'ttn! £:!1. 000. f!iir. Always on band-s f ull llupplf of MEDIOINJ:.S, DRUGS, TOILET ARTICL&J, &c. CQTParLicular 1\t!Aontion paid to PR&. SO.lUPTlONS. ngent for J ob[\S(on'll Fluid boef. . . Tho fallowing aro some of principal itcma Eno's Fruit Salt, Quinino Wino Keating's I nsect Powdura Tboml\&a Electtio Oil &J Rum, Denxino, RisingSun Blaoklead Nix eJ"a Dlacklead, Ohamoia Skina Bronze, Leuf, Brunswick Block Lear's Eln.stic Indi nltubbor V urniah for Harness, Braaa Polish Ciothos Dru.shcs, H and Bruehea N :1il do. TO'>th ' do. Shaving do. Broaat Rolie ,vel'll Castor Oil per g&llon, do. r inbolUea Court PltlBtcr, Cold Cream .,... Cod Lh ·er Oil per gnllon do. in Dress.. Combs, Fino Comhs, Cannry Seod Conce ntrated Lye, Dottle Corka Cream ofTnrt.ar, Euemaa Glycerine Fnrnitur oPolillh,Olue,Oumarabic, Uoney Jnfant.a F.:eding Bottles, Breast Olaases B11unetOlue,Kay's Congulino, Lom. Peel Limo J uice, Liquoric11, Machine Oil M uci111gP, Nipploa for Feediug Bottlca X!'atafoot Oil, Red and Ycllo1w Ochrca Dry Paints-all abudea, Pipe Clay Pull Boxes and Puffs, Pink R oot FI . :'\DS. Pumice Stouo, R osin. Sal. PuVlclla C" pit.,l 1' .. 11 up ........... . ... .£1 M,O:Jf> Sal 11 d Oil per ga ll lo u, do. in I ; ••. _. .. I c ... J •• ••• •.• I 70,liOU :Snlts of Lemon, Saltpetre, &i, Jiitz P owder aru . JilJ fur uu carceJ l're uuuwa H (I,I)(J\1 Gum Shellac, Snuo· Boaruo, Cutilo S oap II J .uc..- c trrletl furw..rl .. . II,U:Ir, J.u ,. \ ,·cnutulaliuu FutHl... ... :JUU, 1: Thomp80r la )bllow Soop .\ tw ull) ... ... .. ... ll ,a:J:I 13ro,..n \ Vindsor do. Glycorino do. - C.orbonatc o f :Sod1 , W llshinl{ C rystal : )pirits of Turpentino, Spaldiugs Gino Table & It, Mather's Plaatel'll Alc:ock'l Porous Pluter, Acid F..&aenco of Lemon , T ooth Po wdor& Pasto Co pal V Rrnia!J, Coperus l•:xLn\l:t of Logwood, Uround do. 1\dt\ms· r nditmSuh ·co, W at.son'e Scboledion :l{ ra. Allen's H ai r Rll8torcr Agen t for NOd St·n- Ao •. sr s: ! A. T. DllYSI>.\LJo:, . II arbor (; ra.co. ' I R. & t;o., "'{ · S\.. l'ierre. Ay cr'a Ch orr J Pectorul, d.yer's Saran pa Rad,..ay'a Resolvent, British Oil Lillo N 0 rth e n J o. R t>11dy Reliof, Oecboua r Brown'eBronc!JiaiTrochcs,Florida \Voter : A ssurance Company. Brown's C hlo rodine, Ayer'" Hair V igor, 1-·0il Children'aT eeLbing :J:'R.El L:J:P.E H enrys Cr.lcinO'l M agnosia '\ F- c;i:) 1:1, llo way'a Oint ment, Hollo'way'e Pill11 CAl'lTAu-£3,000,000 Stg. o, __ _ FIRE PRE:IfiUMS ...... . ........... £403,( 00 Ltn ; <to . ........ .. ... . ... 1!>7,t00 fJ::ltt..::i'f ......... ... ...... ...... ... 101, 00<. 0 HEAD OFFTCES: LoliDO:a-1 .lloorgate Street ADtaDtts-3 King Street. Cocklo'e Pills._ HuM's do. Norton's do. Pa1'110n'11 do tiyor'a do M orrison's do Radway'a d 'Vil a:>n'a do J ohn11on'a noclyne Liiment do KeMin ou .gh Loungca do 0 1111 ' fablcta, Mustang Liniment Wood l'a Worm Lozeogea M cLeaA'11 Vormi!ogo, Medicumontam lllorehcad'a llagnetic Plaater In, uranceelfectedon tn New. Poor :nan'i Friend, R oth'a Rat Poison t ouot lland at 01ll'rentR.atea of Pre. Satvo, Spirit Fl11k11 oium. Sheri•lan'a Condit ion t>owder Prospecaaes.- Forml! of Applieatioll Rimmel'a Limo J nice and Olyoerino for Firo and Lif e Insuranee and al1 A large assor tme nt o( Rimm(!l'a perf a me other J nf.lruutton can bo obtained at Si ogleton11 Golden Eye Ointment t he Offieo of WilMna Cherry Ball&lll, Yiolot Powdor A. 0 . flA;JW A.RD do Soothing SJrnp, , St. for Nfld Winlllowa d o. 7 Smokinl{ Tobacco, Pipes, Ponltnives Guardian Paper Envelopca Pens, P e o ci.ta Writing and Marking Inks FIRE & LfFE Tobaooo Ponebee, Camel Hair P oncila A .,. c ' Sea.ling Wu, Cigars Om p ny Amiline Dyca in 6d. pa _ okaae- OP LONDON. URO CERIES : .. .ESTABL18B.ED 1821. .. Su.scttllt> OAPJTAt. ......... £ 2,000,000 Btc TOTAL IDRiftD _FoliOS OP• Y.tJ.DJ or .. ......... . ........ . 2,700,000 " 01' 860,000 11 Tbe "UUARDIAN" being a flnt-el&ll Eaglilb .IMIU'Aee Cnmpu7, off en all tboee adnAtapiiDOIB deairabJe to iDiliiWI, 'fb.., udoabted at&bili&y, fuorable t.enDI and prompt ..We-ata of claillll for !"- The ,acleniped ••Ying been NewfouadJ&a<\ 18 prepe.Hd &o •· eae PolicUiapluil«* by r..,., . JUUS a. WINTER, s•. Jo1ut'1. JOBBPII OIJDDD, 1 Sab-Aaea' Hr . Once, Green Peat (oaaned),· Sweet Corn, O liTee (bot1led), Oipra, Comecl Beef-2 and 4lb. tina. Oround Cotroe, Sago ArrowtOOt, :foul Barley Candied ChronPoel, lflaYouriDg Eaenoea do. Lemoa,. do. , do . Orange do. Bottled Fruita Jue,l.W.,Marmalias,CazlDed Ojatera Coadenaed Milk, Prelened Bed Preeerved )tlaUOD, , Soup .and 8onilll Po&tejl TOOJUe,PQtted Corn lllour, Pepper. Spice. ObuwDOil 8Mcl, ao,-. .P'ICIII1., S.aoea 'Corrie Powder, 8ep, PMUiy Vl8-• .. M ..... Advertisements. iMEOt B · BEUMATISM, leuralgfa, Sci atica, Lum6ago, Badaclte,- 'S o reneu of tile 6out, QuiMJ, SoiVI Throat, S well- ing• and Sprain1, Burn1 aJid $cald 1, 6eneral Bodily Paint, Tooth, Efll" and Head ache, FI'O$fed Feet and Efll'l, and all othef' P ain1 and Jro ,.,.,.tloa outto eqalo e.. s• ..,. ... ..q,, ... ............... _, l:ai...W ... o4J . A .,.. .tan. boll dae _ , ....tlnl• VUIIDc -0.1 of 60 C. ... u4 .,.,., .,... 0116oril>1 wllh .-&a..,. \a&Tt .-p u4 poolllu .,.wt of Ill .,_ JH...-.Ia :a-a IOlJ) BY .lLL n.OG&l8T8 .uD DE.ii.tllS nr KEDiatn:. A. VOGEI.ER & CO •• K urrah f or the Great American and Europcnn Short Line Route I CLOTHING HALL. W HEREAS th o Sab8cribor finds il im· poaaible to cootiuue bueioru under tho pr eaent credit ayat.em, ho ia lober efore compelled to adopt a Strict Cash :Business CLOTH ES mado and trimmed to order at tho following pricea: OVER- COA rs ..... .... . ...... ...... 1 6.60 f 'ioe J.o'IWCK COATS ... ... ......... 6.00 TW EEO SK lRT COAl'S ......... 6.110 SAC COATS ....................... .. 4 .po PANTS $1.W, VJ::STSt1.60 ... ... S AC COAT, PANTS& \'EST ... i .OO W Rill• .e ot with •ll C lo thoa. .8 r:;p-Satialactloo guaranteed or the moooy nfWided . C. BUDDON. April 8. B argatns. -AT- Par s ons•s Furnitur ts Store The8obccriborethaolcfo1 for put rnoure bog to i ntimat e to the public gen era lly that they now offer for aalo- 1 06 BEDSTEADS 1t 12/eod apwarda. 3 doz. at 27/6 and upwards. doz. Toilet TABLB6at 7/and upwarda 4 dot \V ASIJSTANDSat 1J and upward 12 doz. CBAlRS-C.&ne aad Commoa 1 Walnut Parlor SOI1', Onl, Ronnd and Kitcbeo TABLES. Chamber Suit.l, Whataot.l. WIn dow Poles and Coraicoa. And a l ot of CRROllOS and P1C"IURES. RUSTIC Frames, Picture liouldiog, &o. mad• to order. · A. & E. PARSONS. No'f. SO. 1 PROFESSJONAL. M. ;t HISHOlM, fl' . D., C.M. (l&oGill U nlfttiiRy, Mootnal.) Burreoo and Accoo.che1u BA"i ROBERTSand POR" r.DE-GRA VE Sept. u I ia tbe oaao geocrall1 ia Newfoundland. Io a nrong broue upon the when the . _...,.. _ _ mercury Ia not tlo. -.n to tOro, l bave found Miscellaneo us. (From t1t NtiD Yor.l: Forut (llld & ream.) Lhe cold more thlln 1 hii\'O onr felt RAXBI.M TRRO'IJG llliBW.POtnfD- it in t:anada, wi th tho mercury teo below tOro and a aLf'Ong breeze blowing. LAliD. . "l'hl1 i1 owing, 1 abould auppoe, to tht larjter qnanuty of tnoiaturo Ia lobe air adjs ce nt Lo tho eu. Dut, io t.bo face of th o breeu, we Dllldo our way ouL onr the bleak llllll'llhu aud beadlAtJda tbroe or f oot miles.' aaJ from tbl) " Nalced Abu," a bold, bald ft:llc, o'ferlookiag tho bfty, we 11w tbo naac • " brig!'utino, mor11 than a hair a milo o ff t bo lRud, and lloiug dri'feo to- wArd Ll1e rook a through th6 loose ico rapid· ly. BY J. E. COLLL'CI, TOIO!CTO. ( Cowliu nt.) At tho dawn 1 W&l awalteoed by 000 or tho aooa, for were tl.ree, who asked mo if 1 would like to go and rot a ahot at eome dnclcl. I was deHgbted, apraog ont of bed, The du• n hRd now joa& btgua to breftk, a. od tho 1 aoruiog Wt\1 !Jitter eold. P iloted by my guide, 1 fum· bled my way down amoos; the bleek roclce that alti rted tho water. lt was " low t iJo:• ho tohl me, and we conld tAlco 'l!!lelter for fully an hour be fore tido d\mo In again , behind any of them . Somet itne: io clamcrb- oYer t heto rod .s I woald alide upon tho alippery ootO. aod I h..J gone far 1 ftm auro I muat b 'fO hRd a acoro of bruisea upon my bod . '!'ben my guide, who bcforo had eldpped tho roc ks oim\..ly as a goat, hl.5 p:u:c, and aaked me to excuse him, \hal he had for- gotten that •·in t ho citlea the re is not t hia kind of )iQt WO IIYCDt1111lly reach ed the" or the build ings where in aummcr hituaelf and h la brolhoi'IJ Tnod- cd, apliL and a.\lltd their cod ; and hero ''II wal ted till it became bright enough to eee ua. ll o kept bia ryes fl xcd upon a l11nd loclced buia ln from the and aft er ho had gazed thoro lor eomo timo uid, "Swilea." Now, by tho word awil es 1 k new he mP. fto t seals. and thought t bero must bo aome in tho baain ; but be fore 1 bat! long to reuon, bo w).Lopered "Load for ewllea," which I d idt lf6t otir.g carlridgt, bnt mm- roing homo Dearly ai Jt flnjOtera, part of which "'"'a henvy doac of aeal that. Th en wo cre pt nround by & be ahtltH of tho roeka till within gunshot ; wbtn looking through t'lto cro••icea we aaw a,.., or aix rou nd black heada bobbin!{ ll(l and d ?wn without m11king nn)' lplllllh or conunotion. ' Fbey were leiaurely "'fer to tho •·cry r ock wbcre we w .e n, and I Wl\l trem- bling impatience t.a fire. • l1•1t my rotnpaaton gruped roy &no and wbi1pored, "Len 'eru come, and bunch up." So ou tl er t h1a reat111oio L I lay watc!1iog the bloclc h Cl\. tb drawing .tlearer and ... >:.- ,,,. ,. would ain lc from eigt1t, and I would feel vued, aod " Are they not jiODil ?' ' but uot 11 \Yard couiJ I (.:tl uf Duy. Ue sio1ply l:cpL a firw clu tch upon my arm. Meanwhile tbo tido wu Mttiog atroogl7 northward, Lhllt ia runainr into tbo bay, 1od th o wu three or four mi lta from tl.o thao the point IlL which we st ood, Lh6 covemcn concluded ahe wonhl llrilco oear abo .at Lbe poiut oo the L op of which we were a\anding. I ahud- dc red, "' I llll<J t ho vuael borne along to- '"'rd l uo gTiodiog rock a, for &be fa t.e of . tho cn:w, but my wero of tbu opinio11 t hat Uto crow wu n ot in t ho abiv ; t hat if t bey wore Lhty would bobL uil 1\od try to kucp oul from tho ahoro And L kea Lbey told me ahipwrock a nd drowning ""' not 11 raro to the111; th ai tho wint er before two 'feaolt hai been wrecked uvoo th o point atrotohing be fo ro u1 ; that of ooo of crewa enry mao wu drowned, tho crew or the o the r, u- crptiog ono man, W ero thoro " ere ,.. in tbo ahip now dri ft ing oawarda, they told mo Lhero was little chl\oco of tb eir aaCcty ; and uow their •·u LbaL aile would atriko io eueh a po3ition aoo1c of tbe cargo miiht oe ••· But th o veaael dragged along, ud, to diappoloL lbo upectatiooa of all, cleared tho point and •• · ung inward where the wiod could preas her clouly toward tbeland,aarl where t ho c11pu did not run 10 fu . 'l'irod of our wat.ebiog 11nd bouutabod wilob cold we r etu rned ,to the oove, and ia che ovcoiag a\Arted ar onnd Li to wihl cli!"a for the next aettlemunl, P at ric'k'a Co\•c. Wo found tho mh..bitl\nl.a of thia auUlomcnl with expectation of tho etrildag of thJ! priu; but atilt abo 1kimmed along by tho cliffs and ju tt iaj:.rocl:• p11n thia aetllemeot t oo, ud onward lu tho bay. .A, l wl\l bound in the ebora to the bot· tom of tho b:ay I followed th., party ia . AWU&. Wt..--t.l J" · •wlul.•• •uU ·h ip'a COYCII, wo lay behind the f'Oclta, I M hinrinl{ aod my dogs whining ; for tho wiad baJ increMed in ' 'fioleaco, and wu 11ow preaalug the \'euel aheer io upon the In the clear whoa tho atorm cl9Jldl pMScd Wll could .eo tbe ahip plainly ; nut! to our astouiahmeoL aho now ebowed aome of beremallercaavM. W beo luL wll had hor abo Boated along e•itlcntly without anybody on board, for her poles *ere bare . We crept. on th o rocka, tho tldo out, 11 abo wu puah- e tl io, aod t bougb t.bcro wu much beavy icu ia patobea a long tho abore, the wues r oiU'Cd agaioat the roclca, and lb.rew their. bigh upon the clifTa. (To be co11timud .) e:::: __ y BANXAND J1ISHERIES Tho Neoeuity ot a Fiahery Bureau. .. Now," ho in mr, car, " got rotttly and wait t i' l ( take 11im. ' ' J11eu l 13w tho whole buocb Of tl\j:Pther 1\Utl 11110 aaw Uuy'a gun g? up. (.luicl: 111 ligbtoin!: mine went up too, and I fired riJ!ht in the bunch. navy·· gun hmd golle ofT aitnul- llueoualy whb mine. · nar eo he;\da wit h aomo body IILt<.ched ll\y Oo:ltiog t\1 t he ruull of our ahol.a ; the rt:at had dia- appe3red and we did aot.:et a of them I.J.-nio. Tho jumped out nnd hAlf pu•bed, half towed Lhe ashore, whioh preY ed to bo threo 6oe aoimala. My com· panioa lorormed mo ll at tbe1o c:uao ofT leo floe " 'fcry likely,'' and were diffoNnt I rom t he scala fouod ia tbe b:ly. 1 W'8 of 11,diO'ereoL c.piuioa, !!Dd am ati ll, tbcm 111 tho or aboro 4eal, 1101! aot Lbo /Jh. or I: up Mal, "'h ich St. John'•· Njld., Ftb. 27th 1882. tho hu11tera find upOn th o ioo fl oe during Honorable E. D. SOilA 1 tho apring . Lcl\viog ov •eala l4,be Colonial- .<i«rttary. ed to afterwarti. we CI'OIIed t he point t.a Sir,- L.ut March •1 bad the h?aor of ad- look for a flock o[ "pmbirdL" A go.AI drenlasr yo o a report on tho Bank aad deal or tramping among tbe alippery f'Oclca Shore Fiaheriet of t.hla country, wbioh coo- ahowed ua a vair extremely shy of t be taiocd maUor of in my op!wou, to land, but O 'feolual!y coming 111mr eooogh. our population. Wo took one a-piece, wbieh our dogs lla&Yo now to a few remarlce fetcbed, tboogh t hei r going out wu now "\ncbing tho aamo aubjecL, which aro lo- ri alcy, as a s trong ia-breue bad sprang up t.eoded to ahow t be a eea.rity or buiai, and L ue 14-'ft waa hea'fy. Oo Lhe way baolt what weahould han bad maoyycal'll llince, to tho hon.e from the rook a for broaldas& [ a FiAbory Bureau. ln my report abo 'fa al- uw the other brotben enpged with tho lndcd to, aa well 111 io thia borao aad a aorL or c:atL upon the atr11nd . 1 think it aoceuarytoaytbat I b&'fo no iu- Duriag tbe · winter, wbeuner tbe wind c.eot ion wbt\tevor io the lighte n manner of blowa oiJ tbe land, ia:uneaat qaaotitlea of dictating to the GonrameoL. kelp or aea weed are cut upon th o beach Up to tho ye:ar 1836, tho Otberfcs or thla by tho undertow. Amollll Lhia kelr ia f ouod codnt.ry were cond ucted not alone t bt dulce ..,bleb teo for ule io t he Britith Jaw, but a1ao Ia wrLh little grocer1 1torea. gll,t.eol ag witb Lbe 11ea certa in usages wore adopted from 11lt. But the Newfooed laodan a&Ya oooo time to time, and wbicb gTew with.tile trade, of tho dulce. I saw l eM \wo brolbei'IJ aad wore found to ita well- work- now with manor• for lca loadiDJ the k elp logo .' Oae of th- rules wu, & be curre ol into a cnt o, ot " l tiab" as they call it.. aod f oroilbed the plauter with all re- tb. cq drawing th ia ap beyond lbe reach of qu1remont.1 oeoeaaary for th e proaeoutioo tho tid t 1 wbere 1& was chrowo ioto a hugo of th e yoyage, viz., u eta. linea, proYialooa, pile. T\ioy told me th ey aeoded three or four &c. ; io the 111pplior got tho entire hundred of thil, thlt alt.lr being piled 'fOyart, largt or utGll, at aorreat ratea, oo iL rotted, and that they uaed it receipt of which be paid all lho w&fel, bai" to manure their potato and ngotable 6olcb boat-hire, fnlab'- ud pn the plantar a and their meadowa. Tho manure h 111ppTy for the winter, eno ll be ia Yery 'atrona-, and 1 aalileqoeoll7 uoer- bfod no work, whldl be poerally bad to talaed . tba' I\ lmponriabes rua ! altta -'" bim. · where It Ia llllld a (ew yaare Ill • qcotllioo, In tht marcbaD ... fOT the !rwt time, lea ring uolblog behlnd it bat &growLb of P.AY tha ..,... falllag baok oa 01011. Britilb !rl and d18eard1Df the 1111181 or Then the hrteM _.,. Into half,. .,.led tbe 6abery; the pluter bolo!( Ill d eb ' after r •. w !> .. - dauommtr ; tbla .... tbe Ualn tdp or the a be&'fJ aea apoo Lb.e laou, ao Lba& dirided from Cbat day to tbla the "eap1., \be baou of hlp away. Aa t.be .. pplt. ..a aapplied-Lbe plaDcer, uaablt Ilona i.Doreued Duy \91d me &holy weN &o depeecl oo t.ba lllppller u fon:Derly for REDUCTION t R:mfUJCTION II plog DpoD tbe el .. to watch & -t Jail wfaa.r IDpply, W&l clriftll, ud Jau •ltlcl& bad boeo CUifb' lo U.e loe fcrr IDIDJ hl 1 th llnl cia,., ud bad bteo drifted 'With tba :1'•• driYU anr llaet, eo COIIIQ ' t cantata Ill tbt t.tl&lld out apiD, work log l•l' of oature, .elf- praaerntioa-•d bard aeartr t.be lbore etCh d&J. 11 Hie wind to 'Wame blm 1 . ia U.e r- ol a lena wiot.er. OOllti.Ducl to blow Ia u 1• DOW did tbey Tlli ,...,..oo.beieJIICDredto tb .. enut• ' -- For O ne Konth Only t llld lbe wooJd N dtiYU .... . .. e.be I'OCU tbey cLtolJoed ter'f!DJ &Ita plua.re a'- ... .. .. or oa abon 1 UY flaMfy Mlftrtd ID ooue- J'eb. T. S. .w ma and wrecked. I weo' 'lri... u.m. Ye - - qoeaet. t.btre wnr oo abomoeo eo oare IDI our P• aec\ lite. dOCS up throop &he WI a. M1ormer ly. Womeo WIN call ed woods. ibeltared bJ tile billa, '' WM M Ia wbo plolt:ltcl u.. Alb, prod ... u In· nq oold, and - loaad •'- •"1W of fulor ariiale wllicla nlaed tiM e1aan1cter of naal-. oullla Ia fonlp ..n1 ta. .U' w• t.bao =- ..::' ............. .... ",..._. "wiM•-= 1M ' ...ad UaM tw.o1a and Ita raloou eoueq,a,aDCIII ooa allow _ ..... • . for poaa4 "- :r' -:=:"Jt: 1:.": aboodq. J 414 IIOl tUt eo .. •aeb. ::' .. .. ..._ beltlWa-eviar ._ ...... , MM el ., .oahl lrJ Ia 1M wdrld, wldcla rap..... ,_ wellad ..... udl ..... , · .. a -* ....... L aw Mel W1aUe n ..,. ..,t.. 111ok, l'nlloe, t.bt u- ... ...... .. ..._., ..,, ..... .............. .............. =-=::::::- .. -:-.::,a:.-:4 ... - .... -- .. -- ........... .._., ... ,, aa. ••••• ., .... ad .,.. ... ...... 'IIIIa .... .... , ... -of .... ._ .......... ....... 1 ..... f mention, ucept our mlnerala, whftt bue we dono to keep pace with oar riYal•? Norway hui u.f applied bei'IJCif to the ar' o.f ftahiug, baa now bcieome o ur moeL for- miJablo rhal, tboag'l oel7 flabb1 throe or four moot.hl of Llle year. Ia 1847 tbe7 employed at the Leffoden Ia tandt, thei r oiaM Jbtbinst alaUoo ,· eiltean tbouaa od l!abenoco, aod took fourt een milliooa of cod-llab: In 1879 tb cy hl\d tweoly-Di oo fin huodr.:d a ad lifly-aix mea, fonoiog tho cro•a of n \'e thou-.nd two buodnd aod eighty-two 'fhlela aqd flebiog ltoala, and tho c:&Loh w1u tweoty1!1E millil'al 6'fo buadred thooaaod codfiab-thla iocreast> Ia tbo Nor•ogian baing aotirely owioi to the proLoc:· hoo,eucouratomeat anti 111illtllooo gina by tho goye.romcol Tllu iml«d &I a /.wo11 f ur UL Ollr borrinst flabery, H atteodod to as io Norway110d Scotland, would bo an i ouuooae ao11rco of wealth. Tbe berriug lilbery alone or Scotland aupporta one huedred tbouaaod pel'tlooa. hePides uilora eogaged in the export of lobia fiab to trio•. T oo , twenty, 11ad as big ifl!J pouoda hl\ re been JWd in Ge D.1 for oao b:lrrel of number ono Scotob ct· ring. Tho 6ahoriu of Norway auppoljftour bn odrod thoasao1l peraooa. I Wo have tho fiooat herring in tho world. at tho Labrndor and &y of Ialaods, aod 110 borriag Caught in Scotland, at Wiele or Loeb Fyao, CAD excel our winter lo'ortuoo Bay herring, if we bad a Bareao to teach our peoplo how to core them. We havo ooly one boodred and eighty of a popul11tion, and we are told the tlahories a re ao" blo to aupport t hem. If o ur fiaboriea "ore atu uded to, they would eoppo rt do•lbk the present population In comfort, bauiab abla · bodied r:nperiam ; aod tho country be10g g eaeraly well oiJ, ,ri'f.IIU charity would, as it always did bo· fore no•, relie•e if not tho whole, ccrloin- ly the greatoat parl of oor penoueat poor cbarie. A Dureao would •Hood to oor salmon 6ehery, now no crediL to ua, alao introduce an oyetor filhery whleb we could with eMO Rod la l'lr• rro6t cultlvllloJ· it won ld 1\180 ruro ilh tho Go'fer nmoot an · Lbe trad., with re liable iof orml\tioo on all lisbcr' mattere which they want I rom time to time and cannot procuro. 'l'ho Dominion ?f CAnada fer 10me time hl\l paid great attention to her 6Jhla)t io- toreata. bas a Mi niater of Ptbrine a nd Fishoriet with a of anon thouMad d c.llai'IJ pe r aon nm, aad p11ys in ll:llariea at OLLOwa in addition, to Deputy Comnlia:eioo- 01'11 and Clerks, Lwooly-flve thouaaod f our h undred 11nd thirty dollars per annum. She bM 11180 employed aovoral ateamora in bcr 6&heriea. 'fh o u: porl of cod61h fr om tho Dominion in 1879 was :- l'ho Pro'fioce or Qaebeo ...... S91,866 q tls. New Brunswick ... 63,87:.! qtls· Nou Sco tia .... ... .. 676.' JO I:qtla. P. E.lala nd ......... 86,<&69 q t la. 1,067,297 qtls Newfoaodland uporta much moro filb ; wbi\L doea her Government, like Nor way or Canadtl, do to protect, encour- age, aod assist her 61benu? She gives not 11 atoamer, ooL ao oOicQT, nor acarcely a aioglo mao. No wonder abe i•faat falling behia<t, io t hat commerce abo to lead tho world iu aod for wb[oh abo bas ample nllta ral reaourcea. Now for a word abonL bad voyagu. No 10ch a & bing u a bad voyage can eYer oe- our lu Ne'IO'fouodlaod II t he weather is aot etormy; tbcro ia uo IIC:arcity of fillh ir tho peoplo hAve proper boaUI to go to aea, wi tb suitable outfi t io tho way or trapa, aeioes, nota, &:c. One boodred quiotala will do 11 mao for the eummer, and tbllt is ·whhio bi.t reach ai a eteea aummera oul of lwooty if be ia lndu1triou1 and p ro)?Crly equipped J apeak no' from theory bat from pmctic.t expcrieac:o of many yeai'IJ io the 61he ry with all kinda of appliances. To malco t bo 'fOY· age cort.Alo to the Oahermen there abould bo ao lco-ho111e in every harbor to preaern b&IL (caplio f or i a11.anoe) till tb e tquida ap- pear, from the tquida tlll the berriug co me. No ahonld O"l'er l1o for WI\Ol of bait, aod at t bo.e llmea fia b is alway• abund- an t ; on no part of our cout ia tho lou from this want of bail leas tbao fi\'e qaia- t.als per ml\n, 1\Dd in tbe e:rteoai"l'o bar- of 1'tepusrJ, St. Mary'a and Placooliaat nnor l ou than firteoo q ui utala per man. Ja" thiolt of that., our r ulen1, aud Oguro It ap! Wo aanJ our rupected Poetmut.er Goa- en.! 11nd oar Governor of the Pco•Lentiary abroad to acquira ltaowledge for t ho be tt er cooduotlag or thei r dopartmeoll, Why not aeod a commiesioner to the co wing Fiehery Exhibition in Eoglaod, at.o tn viwil tbe lbh-breedior eatablltlament.l In nrio111 part.l of , tbt Dominion and tho United Sl.atca, aed inLrodac:o the !e i.Dto our country where required? Tile or oar Jbori• fomlah work for our rallroad.a, wblcb, in coojunction witb tbo prodoco of oor miner- al and lud a, wiU make tham a pal:'- feet 111o oesa- .ad they win require all. Tho Uonmmeot, I wUI not fail t.o '" tblllmportuoa of u... romarlrl, &Dd tbt ad'fan&ajre of «i'ffog them lmwtdiat e wa ibnuld than be able to eapport " populal.loo of a balr a IDtllioa, wbera Nor- way ia able t.o aoppori ope &Dd a baU mil- tiona. ... I i, llo-' ntpeoUull1 nbmltfed, PATRICK HOGAN. - .A. GIAlr'.r K OB O !'OLY. lifo Xcmt P'...U Flab w bePuabueilla -pt Uw Ol•aae Ho..uee . or BJ:oban .. M \he llero7 of' a 1110,000 JD. ureatiq l"aok· era. ! _ .. , Tbe formation of a freab 8eb exchange &L Commercial wharf, Boa&on,baa beooloea ·&.sed facL If it ia ttat.ed Ia tbt ptaco thaL !.his Ia oau of t ho moat alpatio ud meoopollct onr alt.e1Dpted Ia thu fish buriaosa, lt.t truo.oluuacter .;ll be understood, and It wiU ooly remain to allow Ja. Tbe apiril which baa foatered It came toto birt h aomoyura tnd it.t oat-croppiogs hue appeared in 'fllrioua forma oe11rl}' enry year H ia tho outgrowth of tho aame 1p1rit propoSild not lonll h abut out GOO veddlera and thouaada of poer people who coagregate almQit daily oa Commercial wharf-abut lhum oat with ptea 10 they could approach the captain• of 'ftascls Oab to . .ell, . thua forcing tho poor to buy e ve ry poaod of freah 6ab on tho other aido of the wharf, and make th ow p•Y dealerw' profll.a. 'l'be aamo spirit, wben tt wu fouod that this would aoL be dooo by tho owoen1 of the wharf, aft.er broodi oa OYer Ita Jrrie,aaca for aema time, to aecedu from the wharf Ia o body-tbal 11, iooladlng a aumbor of the larger to South Boat.oa. Thla t brcat wu oncr carriod out, bowc •e r, bat tbo dtli re for a monopoly baa rewltcd in the combination jnet complet ed. The fono of tbe combi na- t ion ia L hil : H ia atyled the American Fish Exchange. ll h 111 a Clpiw atock of 8160 0011, all of whlch ia report.ed 1.0 bo or aabtoribod. 1'bere are '. "o branches of tho exchange-or cleanog hoaae as eomd of tbo trade tenD in th is oi'tyaad tho other in Now, York, half of t he capital at ock bolong;og In CfaCb ciLy. 'fbo pno cipal objed of the exchange ap· pearl to be the buying of fretb l1.lh. Heace IL hll A COIEF Btrnlt 1 in tho fHll'llOD or Mr. L euey, of the firm of l3ro• n & Lenl'y, 11nd for anbordioato l lners :llr . Beoj11mi n P billipe. Mr. L.. a.rd. Mr. (Jbarlea Jlodgkiu and Mr. II. l'rior. 1'bo rnoral rnanager and of the 11xcbaogo ia Mr . Auguetae W1odaor. Not al)ound o( 6 ah Ia to bl'_ by tbe New York wing of c xc:naugo north of !);ewport, R. r ., CJtOOpt it comoe through the Boatoa branch, and tha!Joaloo wbole- aalo freah IUb dea!el'll, almoal to a man, hB'fo mom bora of tbo ucbange, aud bound tbemaeh •ea uot to bu.y U.b OX06J!t t hrough the Tho O "rcb&age 11 to clmrgo por 1 00 lba. and 25o. por 100 coaot on herring and waclterol for all fiah it wbicb 2So. Ia to go into the funda of Lba exchange bo diYided . aa di• idoods from Lime to t1mo Atllong 1ta atockbolderw. Suppotioe lbe Boatoo frcab fl4b b114ioeu to oqual &hat of onr SO,OOO,OOO Jbt., If the monopoly works, the oxcba,lgo will hue O&l'llOd 176,000 a&. tho end ot oaa year from tbo 80,000,000 lbt. of fi 1b handled. l3ut lhe aum will be for a large abaro or the 6ab are bcniar aod mackerel, which will ooma Ia by co110t at per l liO, or far more tbao 25o. per 100 Jbt. But wberi Ia all thla llllll to oome from? It ia plain tha&. Ule ooaaame.ra of t ho fiab muet pay il, or n Ia t.o be out of the liabermeo. The regalatiooa of the excbaogo are, furthe r, &bat the boyan of tho ox cbaogo the captain• of t he Y euala and Air&e to pay them 11 bat lbe ch11ogo haa decided it c:ao paJ the oigbL beforehand. Tho captain will reooJ,.o 11 cert.i6cate eatltllDg bim to &Itt Jl4'1 eo rn:aoy pounda of Oah, wbiob cer1lfic&1e be t&kea up 1.o the ucbaoge for hia pay. What cbaaoe d oea the poor captain hue? Tho fi rma to wbom be bas fonoerly told hil fi.Jh are all btadod lO!fttber, &Dd their l(ati 'fo boye.r ia all the mao who wtll 1180 bl111. Tbe rulea uf tho exchanRO Jl"''fide tho captaioa aball be 11 we_ ll u posaible. b ot, barring out all 11Woog bu.ycrw, where aball the c:aptai!l loolt f or red roaa? 1-'urLbor, t ho r ul1111 of lilt> u- chaogo lll'e peealiar. ' fb ey pro'fidt tbat no fiah ahall bo told, exoepl tho 26e. per lb. 01:· chaol(e feea be charged ; buida, lobo d ealeria to charge hi a r egular prollt.l on tbo fi.Jb. lf aay dealet brcakl any of tbt rolet of tho cxcbftago bo ia to be ignored by every other dealer tD 'alt bueio- traDIIICtioaL Wbero i• the cotnpolltion whi ch bu heretofore protoct.ed tbo bu1er of flah Ia. the Boa&oo marlcot? Oao dealer will aell kisa .no cheaper titan another, and only at ucbanre pricea Bud oa t he prerio111 day. Tho of the ucbaoge Ia a tJo comoe down town J•ta io -no 6ab are to be purcbued before 6 a.111., nor than 6 p..m.-ta\:• tho lhua of the flab to which his lh•re• of atook io Lbt es.obaDge eot.ltla bl111. and Qt7IITI.T FOR OIDUS from N ew York up to tba el(teot of 40 per oeoL of bla Bah, to wbloh tbe uobange lo tba& elty ia ealll1ed. Tben be walta fc. hla oaa&omere for WI remalolog eo per cent. All ooeapel.ll.loa lut an and. Tbe old at· lllf lba& Ia tbe Uft of trade ia oa lt.tDif.· 8oatoa frelh 8.ab dealm !lave foood a btta.r. 'ff&1• Thtl )'01l11f el_, lo the vade , whlcla 11&1 beaa lu &lie b&hlt ol pttiog "Pearly Ia tbe tnomiDf , boardlaa ., ...... I&IIC1 buylat all die lab before tht aealor membore ol tht tnde -re a walt. .. baa all a&. 1M\ beta broupt lafO &lie iloc. ' l'b ... old obape who ban mad• moaay lA &Itt snde foreer\r 'Will be koobled b7 the boya no looaar. 'Mo lib an &o '- ed befora e o eloek. tloiDe of the JOGapr lr.e lo lbe kllde Mid oat for .,... dlllat, banee &lie dalaf• llle1D0aopol71 ba' U.-ala tbnalaaD4 laft u 1ut ell.bteo wna•la. TMn II , ............ ., .. " ..... ..... " 1 bacl bMD lick ud : m-..ble 10 loac aodhad oaoatcl1D7 baebaad 10 •uia Vou• ble aed ao ooa -liNd to bow wba& ailed -. *' 1 , ftl --.IMI11' cU. haarteoed ud d ......... -. hi ..,. ,._, of mlad I pt a botde of BlUetS liD4I utd u.- aataowa fanllt. 1 eooe ._ . &o lnproYe aad pill44 • , ... •1 taaa.P' it Mnap .- .............. , ..... , ............. lle4 .. 11114 -. ebe7Wil •• BuM few Hop I daap'o8l el..U' to dae.,.. ... , .. ., oC ... uoltasp &oo '1:, ••• lalt-n el m...-IJo-.... , u..r ........... 4 - ' ....... .. - .,. l •• '

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Page 1: VOLUME HARBOR GRACE, NEWFOUNDLAND, DEC;EMBER 2, 1882,collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18821202.pdf · VOLUME HARBOR GRACE, NEWFOUNDLAND, SA.~DA:Y, DEC;EMBER 2,


~,~ve~me~. Advertisements.


Insura,ncaCompany Medical HaJI. EST-ABLISHED 18.55. CAPITAL-£2,000, 060. Sterling. --- ' ,


.Tuit m:ci•cd I tbe Spring'• Stock oJ NEW GOODS I





fhe Reports anJ Accouu~· lor tho year 1878, presont.ed to lbo Sfiareholdol'll at tho Annual :Ueeting, on Tucsday,27th M ay, 1579, at whi.:h Bemanl Hall,F.sq., presided, .ebowoJ, in tbe Dividel'd IUla

~ Bonus at tho rato togcthnr of 10 por co nt. wr~s declared,_ £14,035 being car­nuJ forward.

FIR,E BRANCH, That ~he P remiums for 1S7S, an~r

()educting Ro· insun~.nces, !\mounted to .£-t.56,2H, beiag on inci'Cllllo oi £5,391 O\'Or thu rornium lllcorn e of 1877; nnJ tho Losses to £2~1,661, hri n:; .55. 16 por ceoL. on tho Prenaiumll ol the Yoar.

I~ T H E LIFE DEA.R'P'M£NT. . __.. Tlmt ~ew P olici011 had beon issuoo

tor £:!2~,l85 ; aud tha t. Lho Lifo lo'und, by tho udJition' mado t.o it as tho result ol the year'• operations now reprcaor.ts Gi .9 pe r eout. of tho entire net PrerniWDs n:c~h·oo on every oicy in force.

T he surplu, ht\l.mco in t ho F iro Ac­~·~~~~~~ ..... ~ ~l,.lwn to l>o .£I v i .599, ouL ol "' l11.:h .£:!0,000 ..,.,s "Pl'ropri,..teJ to Su"t,.u<~<: \ ccuunt, rniaing tbat Account to £ l4 U,OOU tnul tu~tking with tho H <> s .. r.-o Fun,! n•l B~l"occ carried fon\'ttn! £:!1. 000.

f!iir. Always on band-s full llupplf of MEDIOINJ:.S, DRUGS, TOILET ARTICL&J, &c.

CQTParLicular 1\t!Aontion paid to PR&. SO.lUPTlONS.

Wbol~lo ngent for J ob[\S(on'll Fluid boef. . .

Tho fallowing aro some of ~bo principal itcma •

Eno's Fruit Salt, Quinino Wino Keating's I nsect Powdura Tboml\&a Electtio Oil &J Rum, Denxino, RisingSun Blaoklead NixeJ"a Dlacklead, Ohamoia Skina Bronze, ~ld Leuf, Brunswick Block Lear's Eln.stic Indinltubbor V urniah for Harness, Braaa Polish Ciothos Dru.shcs, H and Bruehea N :1il do. TO'>th ' do. Shaving do. Broaat Rolie,vel'll Castor Oil per g&llon, do.r inbolUea Court PltlBtcr, Cold Cream .,... Cod Lh·er Oil per gnllon do. in b:~~tles Dress.. Combs, Fino Comhs, Cannry Seod Concentrated Lye, Dottle Corka Cream ofTnrt.ar, Euemaa Glycerine FnrnituroPolillh,Olue,Oumarabic,Uoney Jnfant.a F.:eding Bottles, Breast Olaases B11unetOlue,Kay's Congulino, Lom. Peel Limo J uice, Liquoric11, Machine Oil M uci111gP, Nipploa for Feediug Bottlca X!'atafoot Oil, Red and Ycllo1w Ochrca Dry Paints-all abudea, Pipe Clay Pull Boxes and Puffs, Pink R oot

FI. :'\DS. Pumice Stouo, R osin. Sal. PuVlclla C"pit., l 1' .. 11 up ............ ... .£1 M,O:Jf> Sal11d Oil per gall lou, do. in botLI~ I ; ••. _. .. I 1:~'~" c r~ ... J ••• ••• •.• I 70,liOU :Snltsof Lemon, Saltpetre,&i,Jiitz P owder 1· aru ~ .JilJ fur uu carceJ l'reuuuwa H (I,I)(J\1 Gum Shellac, Snuo· Boaruo, Cutilo Soap II J .uc..- c trrletl furw..rl ... II,U:Ir, J.u ,. \ ,·cnutulaliuu FutHl... ... :JUU, 1:• T homp80rla )bllow Soop .\ tw ull) f~uJ.. . ... ... .. ... ll ,a:J:I 13ro,..n \ Vindsor do. Glycorino do.

- C.orbonatc of :Sod1, W llshinl{ C rystal £~ 1G,-t :?ll :)pirits of Turpentino, Spaldiugs Gino

pon~rs, Table & It, Mather's Plaatel'll Alc:ock'l Porous Pluter, T:~rt.uric A cid F..&aenco of Lemon, T ooth P o wdor& Pasto Co pal V Rrnia!J, Vincg~tr, Coperus l•:xLn\l:t of Logwood, Uround do. 1\dt\ms· r nditmSuh·co, W at.son'e Scboledion :l{ra. Allen's H ai r Rll8torcr

Sl:\10~ DO~O\'AN . Geo~rlll Agent for NOd

St·n- Ao •. srs: ! A . T. DllYSI>.\LJo:,

. II arbor (; ra.co. ' I R. u·sut,:J::I!A~ & t;o., "'{ · S\.. l'ierre. 1~9 . Aycr'a C horrJ Pectorul, d.yer's Saran par·

Rad,..ay'a Resolvent, British Oil Lillo

N 0 rth e n J o. R t>11dy Reliof, Oecboua r Brown'eBronc!JiaiTrochcs,Florida \Voter : Assurance Company. Brown's C hlorodine, Ayer'" Hair V igor,

1-·0il Children'aT eeLbing ~in~,EaPoppermj.1lt :J:'R.El L:J:P.E H enrys C r.lcinO'l M agnosia '\

F- c;i:) 1:1, lloway'a Ointment, Hollo'way'e Pill11

CAl'lTAu-£3,000,000 Stg. o, __ _

FIRE PRE:IfiUMS ...... . ........... £403,(00 Ltn; <to . ........ .. .... ... 1!>7,t00 L~ fJ::ltt..::i'f ......... ... ...... ...... ... 101,00<.

0 HEAD OFFTCES: LoliDO:a-1 .lloorgate Street ADtaDtts-3 King Street.

Cocklo'e Pills._ HuM's do. Norton's do. Pa1'110n'11 do tiyor'a do M orrison's do Radway'a d 'Vila:>n'a do J ohn11on'a n oclyne Liiment do KeMin ou.gh Loungca

do 0 1111 'fablcta, Mustang Liniment Wood l'a Worm Lozeogea McLeaA'11 Vormi!ogo, Medicumontam lllorehcad'a llagnetic Plaater

In,uranceelfectedon Propt~rtr tn New. Poor :nan'i Friend, R oth'a Rat Poison t ouotlland at 01ll'rentR.atea of Pre. Ruui~ Satvo, Spirit Fl11k11 oium. Sheri•lan'a Condit ion t>owder

Prospecaaes.-Forml! o f Applieatioll Rimmel'a Limo J nice and Olyoerino for Firo and Life Insuranee and al1 A large assortment o( Rimm(!l'a perf a me other J nf.lruutton can bo obtained at Siogleton11 Golden Eye Ointment t he Offieo of • WilMna Cherry Ball&lll, Yiolot Powdor

A. 0 . flA;JW A.RD do Soothing SJrnp,, St. .Joloa'•~ for Nfld Winlllowa d o.

7 Smokinl{ Tobacco, Pipes, Ponltnives Guardian Paper Envelopca Pens, P eoci.ta Writing and Marking Inks

FIRE & LfFE T obaooo Ponebee, Camel Hair P oncila

A .,. c ' Sea.ling Wu, Cigars ~S'\ll'aJlCG Om p ny Amiline Dyca in 6d. pa_okaae-


Su.scttllt> OAPJTAt. ......... £ 2,000,000 Btc TOTAL IDRiftD _FoliOS OP•

Y.tJ.DJ or .. .......... ......... 2,700,000 " tNULDllcCOlf~P~ 01' 860,000 11

Tbe "UUARDIAN" being a flnt-el&ll Eaglilb .IMIU'Aee Cnmpu7, off en all tboee adnAtapiiDOIB deairabJe to iDiliiWI, 'fb.., udoabted at&bili&y, fuorable t.enDI and prompt ..We-ata of claillll for !"-

The ,acleniped ••Ying been ~ppqloted ~·fer NewfouadJ&a<\ 18 prepe.Hd &o •· eae PolicUiapluil«* by r..,.,.

JUUS a. WINTER, s•. Jo1ut'1.


Sab-Aaea' Hr. Once,

Green Peat (oaaned),·Sweet Corn, O liTee (bot1led), Oipra, .Cigarette~ Comecl Beef-2 and 4lb. tina. Bea~ Oround Cotroe, Sago ArrowtOOt, :foul Barley ~ Candied ChronPoel, lflaYouriDg Eaenoea

do. Lemoa,. do. , do. Orange do. Bottled Fruita

Jue,l.W.,Marmalias,CazlDed Ojatera Coadenaed Milk, Prelened Bed Preeerved )tlaUOD, ,Soup .and 8onilll Po&tejl TOOJUe,PQtted H~P~ Corn lllour, Pepper. Spice. ObuwDOil c.rro~r 8Mcl, ao,-. .P'ICIII1., S.aoea 'Corrie Powder, 8ep, PMUiy

Vl8-• .. M .....



leuralgfa, Sciatica, Lum6ago, Badaclte,-'Soreneu of tile Che~t,

6out, QuiMJ, SoiVI Throat, Swell­ing• and Sprain1, Burn1 aJid

$cald1, 6eneral Bodily Paint,

Tooth, Efll" and Headache, FI'O$fed Feet and Efll'l, and all othef'

Pain1 and Ache~. Jro ,.,.,.tloa • outto eqalo e.. s • ..,. Ot~

... ..q,, ... ~ ............... _, l:ai...W

... o4J. A .,.. .tan. boll dae _ ,....tlnl• VUIIDc -0.1 of 60 C. ... u4 .,.,., .,... 0116oril>1 wllh .-&a..,. \a&Tt .-p u4 poolllu .,.wt of Ill .,_

JH...-.Ia :a-a ~.a.-IOlJ) BY .lLL n.OG&l8T8 .uD DE.ii.tllS

nr KEDiatn:. A. VOGEI.ER & CO ••


K urrah for the Great American and Europcnn

Short Line Route I


CLOTHING HALL. WHEREAS tho Sab8cribor finds il im·

poaaible to cootiuue bueioru under tho preaent credit ayat.em, ho ia loberefore compelled to adopt a

Strict Cash :Business CLOTHES mado and trimmed to order

at tho following pricea: OVER-COA rs ...................... 1 6.60 f 'ioe J.o'IWCK COATS ... ... ......... 6.00 TW EEO SK lRT COAl'S ......... 6.110 SAC COATS ......................... 4.po PANTS $1.W, VJ::STSt1.60 ... ... ~0 SAC COAT, PANTS& \'EST ... i .OO W Rill• .eot with •ll C lothoa. .8

r:;p-Satialactloo guaranteed or the moooy nfWided.

C. BUDDON. April 8.

B argatns. Bar~tns -AT-

Parsons•s Furniturts Store The8obccriborethaolcfo1 for put rnoure

bog to intimate to the public generally that they now offer for aalo-106 BEDSTEADS 1t 12/eod apwarda.

3 doz. LOU~GES at 27/6 and upwards. • doz. Toilet TABLB6at 7/and upwarda 4 dot \V ASIJSTANDSat 1J and upward

12 doz. CBAlRS-C.&ne ~~eat aad Commoa 1 Walnut Parlor SOI1',

Onl, Ronnd and Kitcbeo TABLES. Chamber Suit.l, Whataot.l. WIn dow Poles and Coraicoa.

And a lot of CRROllOS and P1C"IURES. RUSTIC

Frames, Picture liouldiog, &o. ~~tAMES mad• to order. ·

A. & E. PARSONS. No'f. SO. 1


M.;tHISHOlM, fl'.D., C.M. (l&oGill U nlfttiiRy, Mootnal.)

l'h~. Burreoo and Accoo.che1u


I ia tbe oaao geocrall1 ia Newfoundland. Io a nrong broue upon the COM~ when the

._...,.. _ _ ......,...._~----- mercury Ia not tlo.-.n to tOro, l bave found


(From t1t NtiD Yor.l: Forut (llld & ream.) Lhe cold more pio~rcing thlln 1 hii\'O onr felt R AXBI.M TRRO'IJGllliBW.POtnfD- it in t:anada, with tho mercury teo degn~et

below tOro and a aLf'Ong breeze b lowing. LAliD. . "l'hl1 i1 owing, 1 abould auppoe, to tht

larjter qnanuty of tnoiaturo Ia lobe air adjs cent Lo tho eu. Dut, io t.bo face of tho breeu, we Dllldo our way o uL onr the bleak llllll'llhu aud beadlAtJda tbroe or foot miles.'aaJ from tbl) " Nalced Abu," a bold, bald ft:llc, o'ferlookiag tho bfty, we 11w tbo naac • " brig!'utino, no~ mor11 than a hair a milo o ff t bo lRud, and lloiug dri'feo to­wArd Ll1e rook a through th6 loose ico rapid· ly.


( Cowliu nt.) At tho dawn 1 W&l awalteoed by 000 or

tho aooa, for th~ro were t l.ree, who asked mo if 1 would like to go and rot a ahot at eome dnclcl. I was deHgbted, apraog ont of bed, aad~dreaaed. The du•n hRd now joa& btgua to breftk, a.od tho 1aoruiog Wt\1

!Jitter eold. P iloted by my guide, 1 fum· bled my way down amoos; the bleek roclce that altirted tho water. lt was " low t iJo:• ho tohl me, and we conld tAlco 'l!!lelter for fully an hour before th~ tido d\mo In again, behind any of them .. Sometitne: io clamcrb­in~: oYer theto rod.s I woald alide upon tho alippery ootO. aod ~oro I h..J gone far 1 ftm auro I muat b 'fO hRd a acoro of bruisea upon my bod . '!'ben my guide, who bcforo had eldpped alon~: tho rocks oim\..ly as a goat, al~el:caud hl.5 p:u:c, and aaked me to excuse him, \hal he had for­gotten that •·in t ho citlea there is not thia kind of lriYCllio~.u )iQt WO IIYCDt1111lly reached the" 8111~ra" or the buildings where in aummcr hituaelf and h la brolhoi'IJ Tnod­cd, apliL and a.\lltd their cod ; and hero ''II wal ted till it became bright enough to eee ~~round ua. llo kept bia ryes fl xcd upon a l11nd loclced buia ln from the aLa~~:~ and after ho had gazed thoro lor eomo timo uid, "Swilea."

Now, by tho word awiles 1 k new he mP.ftot seals. and thought tbero must bo aome in tho baain ; but before 1 bat! long to reuon, bo w).Lopered "Load for ewllea," which I didt lf6t otir.g carlridgt, bnt mm­roing homo Dearly aiJt flnjOtera, part of which "'"'a henvy doac of aeal that. Then wo crept nround by &be ahtltH of tho roeka till ~ro 811~ within gunshot ; wbtn looking through t'lto cro••icea we aaw a,.., or aix rou nd black heada bobbin!{ ll(l and d ?wn without m11king nn)' lplllllh or conunotion. 'Fbey were a~rimmia)l leiaurely "'fer to tho •·cry rock wbcre we w.en, and I Wl\l trem­bling wl~h impatience t.a fire. • l1•1t my rotnpaaton gruped roy &no and wbi1pored, "Len 'eru come, and bunch up." So outler th1a reat111oioL I lay watc!1iog the bloclc hCl\.tb drawing .tlearer and .,~~-... ~. >:.- ,,,.,. would ainlc from eigt1t, and I would feel vued, aod ~&y, " Are they not jiODil ?'' but uot 11 \Ya rd couiJ I (.:tl ou~ uf Duy. Ue sio1ply l:cpL a firw clutch upon my arm.

Meanwhile tbo tido wu Mttiog atroogl7 northward, Lhllt ia runainr into tbo bay, 1od thou~;h tho n~uer wu three or four milta furt!J~r from tl.o COM~ t hao the point IlL which we stood, Lh6 covemcn concluded ahe wonhl llrilco oear abo.a t Lbe poiut oo the Lop of which we were a\anding. I ahud­dcred, "' I llll<J t ho vuael borne along to­'"'rd l uo gTiodiog rock a, for &be fat.e of . tho luckl~u cn:w, but my comp~~nioos wero of tbu opinio11 that Uto crow wu not in tho abiv ; that if t bey wore Lhty would bobL uil 1\od try to kucp oul from tho ahoro And Lkea Lbey told me tha~ ahipwrock a nd drowning ""' not 11 raro ai~hL to the111; thai tho winter before two 'feaolt hai been wrecked uvoo tho point atrotohing be foro u1 ; that of ooo of lh~M crewa enry mao wu drowned, tho crew or the other, u­crptiog ono man, C!110Apin~r. W ero thoro " ere,.. in tbo ahip now drifting oawarda, they told mo Lhero was little chl\oco of tbeir aaCcty ; and uow their an:a~ •·u LbaL aile would atriko io eueh a po3ition tha~ aoo1c of tbe cargo miiht oe ••· But tho veaael dragged along, ud, to diappoloL lbo upectatiooa of all, cleared tho point and ••·ung inward where the wiod could oo~ preas her clouly toward tbeland,aarl where tho c11pu did not run oa~ 10 fu. 'l'irod of our wat.ebiog 11nd bouutabod wilob cold we returned ,to the oove, and ia che ovcoiag a\Arted aronnd Lito wihl cli!"a for the next aettlemunl, Patric'k'a Co\•c. Wo found tho mh .. bitl\nl.a of thia auUlomcnl ea~or with expectation of tho etrildag of thJ! priu; but atilt abo 1kimmed along by tho cliffs and juttiaj:.rocl:• p11n thia aetllemeot too, ud onward lu tho bay.

.A, l wl\l bound in the ebora to the bot· tom of tho b:ay I followed th., party ia. AWU&. ._:~wJ.st..tJ, Wt..--t.l J"·•wlul.•• •uU ·hip'a COYCII, wo lay behind the f'Oclta, I

Mhinrinl{ aod my dogs whining ; for tho wiad baJ increMed in ' 'fioleaco, and wu 11ow preaalug the \'euel aheer io upon the l~tocl. In the clear .moooligh~ whoa tho atorm cl9Jldl pMScd Wll could .eo tbe ahip plainly ; nut! to our astouiahmeoL aho now ebowed aome of beremallercaavM. W beo luL wll had ae~a hor abo Boated along e•itlcntly without anybody on board, for her poles *ere bare. We crept. ou~ on tho rocka, tho tldo beio~r out, 11 abo wu puah­e tl io, aod tbougb t.bcro wu much beavy icu ia patobea along tho abore, the wues roiU'Cd agaioat the roclca, and lb.rew their. fo~~.m bigh upon the clifTa.

(To be co11timud.) e:::: __


Tho Neoeuity ot a Fiahery Bureau.

.. Now," ho ~&id in mr, car, " got rotttly and wait ti' l ( take 11im. ' 'J11eu l 13w tho whole buocb Of be>~cll tl\j:Pther 1\Utl 11110 aaw Uuy'a gun g? up. (.luicl: 111 ligbtoin!: mine went up too, and I fired riJ!ht in the bunch. navy·· gun hmd golle ofT aitnul­llueoualy whb mine. ·nareo he;\da with aomo body IILt<.ched ll\y Oo:ltiog motionl~aa t\1 the ruull of our ahol.a ; the rt:at had dia­appe3red and we did aot.:et a ei!fh~ of them I.J.-nio. Tho do~o,-s jumped out nnd hAlf pu•bed, half towed Lhe w~t.mo ashore, whioh preYed to bo threo 6oe aoimala. My com· panioa lorormed mo ll at tbe1o c:uao ofT th~ leo floe " 'fcry likely,'' and were diffoNnt I rom the scala fouod ia tbe b:ly. 1 W'8 of 11,diO'ereoL c.piuioa, !!Dd am ati ll, reganlin~ tbcm 111 tho ~irca or aboro 4eal, 1101! aot Lbo /Jh. grmi'Taft~J¥!a or I: up Mal, "'hich St. John'•· Njld. , Ftb. 27th 1882. tho hu11tera find upOn tho ioo floe during Honorable E. D. SOilA1

tho apring. Lcl\viog ov •eala l4,be att~ocl- Colonial- .<i«rttary. ed to afterwarti. we CI'OIIed the point t.a Sir,- L.ut March •1 bad the h?aor of ad-look for a flock o[ "pmbirdL" A go.AI drenlasr yo o a report on tho Bank aad deal or tramping among tbe alippery f'Oclca Shore Fiaheriet of t.hla country, wbioh coo­ahowed ua a vair extremely shy of t be taiocd maUor of io~rcat, in my op!wou, to land, but O'feolual!y coming 111mr eooogh. our population. Wo took one a-piece, wbieh our dogs lla&Yo now to add~•yoo a few remarlce fetcbed, tboogh their going out wu now "\ncbing tho aamo aubjecL, which aro lo­rialcy, as a strong ia-breue bad sprang up t.eoded to ahow tbe a eea.rity or buiai, and Lue 14-'ft waa hea'fy. Oo Lhe way baolt what weahould han bad maoyycal'll llince, to tho hon.e from the rook a for broaldas& [ a FiAbory Bureau. ln my report abo 'fa a l­uw the other brotben enpged with tho lndcd to, aa well 111 io thia cott~maoicalloa, borao aad a aorL or c:atL upon the atr11nd. 1 think it aoceuarytoaytbat I b&'fo no iu­Duriag tbe · winter, wbeuner tbe wind c.eotion wbt\tevor io the • lighten manner of blowa oiJ tbe land, ia:uneaat qaaotitlea of dictating to the GonrameoL. kelp or aea weed are cut upon tho beach Up to tho ye:ar 1836, tho Otberfcs or thla by tho undertow. Amollll Lhia kelr ia fouod codnt.ry were conducted not alone uo~er tbt dulce ..,bleb yo~~, teo for ule io the Britith Jaw, but a1ao Ia ~eeordaoco wrLh little grocer1 1torea. gll,t.eolag witb Lbe 11ea certain usages ~bleb wore adopted from 11lt. But the Newfooedlaodan a&Ya oooo time to time, and wbicb gTew with. tile trade, of tho dulce. I saw l eM \wo brolbei'IJ aad wore found o~ry to ita well -work­now with manor• forlca loadiDJ the kelp logo.' Oae of th- rules wu, &be curreol into a cnto, ot " ltiab" as they call it.. aod ao~plier foroilbed the plauter with all re­tb.cq drawing thia ap beyond lbe reach of qu1remont.1 oeoeaaary for the proaeoutioo tho tidt

1 wbere 1& was chrowo ioto a hugo of the yoyage, viz., u eta. linea, proYialooa,

pile. T\ioy told me they aeoded three or four &c. ; io ~tul'll the 111pplior got tho entire hundred ~ of thil, thlt alt.lr being piled 'fOyart, largt or utGll, at aorreat ratea, oo iL rotted, and that they inn~l7 uaed it receipt of which be paid all lho w&fel, bai" to manure their potato and ngotable 6olcb boat-hire, fnlab'- ud pn the plantar a and their meadowa. Tho manure h make~ modera~ 111ppTy for the winter, eno ll be ia Yery'atrona-, and 1 aalileqoeoll7 uoer- bfod no work, whldl be poerally bad to talaed .tba' I\ lmponriabes rua ! altta -'" bim. · where It Ia llllld a (ew yaare Ill • qcotllioo, In 18S~ tht marcbaD ... fOT the !rwt time, lea ring uolblog behlnd it bat & growLb of rtf~ P.AY tha ..,... falllag baok oa 01011. Britilb !rl and d18eard1Df the 1111181 or

Then the hrteM _.,. Into half,. .,.led tbe 6abery; the pluter bolo!( Ill d eb' after r • . w !> .. - dauommtr ; tbla .... tbe Ualn tdp or the

~a~ a be&'fJ aea apoo Lb.e laou, ao ~ Lba& dirided from Cbat day to tbla the "eap1., \be baou of hlp away. Aa t.be .. pplt. ..a aapplied-Lbe plaDcer, uaablt Ilona i.Doreued Duy \91d me &holy weN &o depeecl oo t.ba lllppller u fon:Derly for


plog Oil~ DpoD tbe el .. to watch & -t Jail wfaa.r IDpply, W&l clriftll, ud Jau •ltlcl& bad boeo CUifb' lo U.e loe fcrr IDIDJ hl 1 th llnl cia,., ud bad bteo drifted 'With tba :1'•• driYU anr llaet, eo COIIIQ ' • t cantata Ill tbt t.tl&lld out apiD, work log l•l' of oature, .elf-praaerntioa-•d bard aeartr t.be lbore etCh d&J. 11 Hie wind to 'Wame blm1. ia U.e r- ol a lena wiot.er. OOllti.Ducl to blow Ia u 1• DOW did tbey Tlli ,...,..oo.beieJIICDredto tb .. enut• ' --For One K onth Only t


~~·,siNGER llld lbe wooJd N dtiYU ....... e.be I'OCU tbey cLtolJoed ter'f!DJ &Ita plua.re a'-

... . . .. or oa abon1 UY flaMfy Mlftrtd ID ooue-

J'eb. T. Wo9diill'•~lrfDil'~~d-.~ ~~Ho!~J S..wma naJ~IBES

and wrecked. I weo' 'lri ... u.m. Ye - - qoeaet. t.btre wnr oo abomoeo eo oare IDI our P• aec\ lite. dOCS up throop &he WI a. M1ormerly. Womeo WIN called woods. ibeltared bJ tile billa, '' WM M Ia wbo plolt:ltcl u.. Alb, prod ... u In· nq oold, and - loaad •'- •"1W of fulor ariiale wllicla nlaed tiM e1aan1cter of boda.Ulowf:'::~ naal-. •oullla Ia fonlp ..n1ta. .U' w• t.bao =- ..::' ~~= ............. -~_ .... ",..._. "wiM•-= 1M ~ ' ...ad UaM tw.o1a and Ita raloou eoueq,a,aDCIII ooa allow ~. _..... • . for poaa4 "-:r' ~ ~ ~ -:=:"Jt: 1:.": aboodq. J 414 IIOl tUt eo .. •aeb. ::' .. ~· .. ..._ beltlWa-eviar e&M~a· ._......, MM el ., eo•~- .oahl lrJ Ia 1M wdrld, wldcla rap.....,_ wellad --~ ..... .._~._~ udl....., · .. • a -* ....... L ~ aw Mel W1aUe n ..,. ..,t.. 111ok, l'nlloe, t.bt :Z::~dd!M:,~.:'::.."'.: u-... ...... B~, .. ..._., ..,, ..... ~ .............. ~~ .............. =-=::::::-.. -:-.::,a:.-:4 ... -.... --.. -- -.~'!!::_. ........... .._., ... ,, aa. ••••• ., ....ad .,.. ...

f::r=Siil~i ~~ ...... 'IIIIa .... ...., ... -of ~·~ .... ._ .......... ....... ~ 1 ..... Wfwlloftlllli'.llm~--.....,~


mention, ucept our mlnerala, whftt bue we dono to keep pace with oar riYal•?

Norway huiu.f applied bei'IJCif to the ar' o.f ftahiug, baa now bcieome our moeL for­miJablo rhal, tboag'l oel7 flabb1 throe or four moot.hl of Llle year. •

Ia 1847 tbe7 employed at the Leffoden Iatandt, their oiaM Jbtbinst alaUoo ,· eiltean tbouaaod l!abenoco, aod took four teen milliooa of cod-llab: In 1879 tbcy hl\d tweoly-Dioo thoa~a~~d fin huodr.:d aad lifly-aix mea, fonoiog tho cro•a of n \'e thou-.nd two buodnd aod eighty-two 'fhlela aqd flebiog ltoala, and tho c:&Loh w1u tweoty1!1E millil'al 6'fo buadred thooaaod codfiab-thla iocreast> Ia tbo Nor•ogian ~hery baing aotirely owioi to the proLoc:· hoo,eucouratomeat anti 111illtllooo gina by tho goye.romcol Tllu iml«d &I a /.wo11 f ur UL

Ollr borrinst flabery, H atteodod to as io Norway110d Scotland, would bo an iouuooae ao11rco of wealth. Tbe berriug lilbery alone or Scotland aupporta one huedred tbouaaod pel'tlooa. hePides uilora eogaged in the export of lobia fiab to forci~cooo-trio•. T oo , twenty, 11ad as big ifl!J pouoda a~rliog hl\re been JWd in Ge D.1 for oao b:lrrel of number ono Scotob ct· ri ng. Tho 6ahoriu of Norway auppoljftour bnodrod thoasao1l peraooa. I

Wo have tho fiooat herring in tho world. at tho Labrndor and &y of Ialaods, aod 110 borriag Caught in Scotland, a t Wiele or Loeb Fyao, CAD excel our winter lo'ortuoo Bay herring, if we bad a Bareao to teach our peoplo how to core them.

W e havo ooly one boodred and eighty ~ho1111od of a popul11tion, and we are told the tlahories are ao" blo to aupport them. If our fiaboriea "ore atuuded to, they would eopport do•lbk the present population In comfor t, bauiab abla·bodied r:nperiam ; aod tho country be10g geaeraly well oiJ, ,ri'f.IIU charity would, as it always did bo· fore no•, relie•e if not tho whole, ccrloin­ly the greatoat parl of oor penoueat poor cbarie.

A Dureao would •Hood to oor salmon 6ehery, now no crediL to ua, alao introduce an oyetor filhery whleb we could with eMO Rod lal'lr• rro6t cultlvllloJ· it wonld 1\180 ruroilh tho Go'fernmoot an · Lbe trad., with reliable ioforml\tioo on all lisbcr' mattere which they want I rom time to time and cannot procuro.

'l'ho Dominion ?f CAnada fer 10me time hl\l paid great attention to her 6Jhla)t io­toreata. ~lio bas a Miniater of Ptbrine and Fishoriet with a aalt~ty of anon thouMad d c.llai'IJ per aonnm, aad p11ys in ll:llariea at OLLOwa in addition, to Deputy Comnlia:eioo-01'11 and Clerks, Lwooly-flve thouaaod four hundred 11nd thirty dollars per annum. She bM 11180 employed aovoral ateamora in bcr 6&heriea.

'fho u:porl of cod61h from tho Dominion in 1879 was :-

l'ho Pro'fioce or Qaebeo ...... S91,866 qtls. New Brunswick ... 63,87:.! qtls· Nou Scotia ......... 676.'JO I:qtla. P. E.laland ......... 86,<&69 q t la.

1,067,297 qtls

Newfoaodland uporta much moro cod~ filb ; wbi\L doea her Government, like Nor way or Canadtl, do to protect, encour­age, aod assist her 61benu? She gives not 11 atoamer, ooL ao oOicQT, nor acarcely a aioglo mao. No wonder abe i•faat falling behia<t, io that commerce abo ough~ to lead tho world iu aod for wb[oh abo bas ample nllta ral reaourcea.

Now for a word abonL bad voyagu. No 10ch a &bing u a bad voyage can eYer oe­our lu Ne'IO'fouodlaod II the weather is aot etormy; tbcro ia uo IIC:arcity of fillh ir tho peoplo hAve proper boaUI to go to aea, witb suitable outfit io tho way or trapa, aeioes, nota, &:c. One boodred quiotala will do 11 mao for the eummer, and tbllt is ·whhio bi.t reach aiaeteea aummera oul of lwooty if be ia lndu1triou1 and pro)?Crly equipped

J apeak no' from theory bat from pmctic.t expcrieac:o of many yeai'IJ io the 61hery with all kinda of appliances. To malco tbo 'fOY· age cort.Alo to the Oahermen there abould bo ao lco-ho111e in every harbor to preaern b&IL (caplio for ia11.anoe) till tbe tquida ap­pear, from the tquida tlll the berriug come. No ru~a ahonld O"l'er l1o ~~ebore for WI\Ol of bait, aod attbo.e llmea fiab is alway• abund­ant ; on no part of our cout ia tho lou from this want of bail leas t bao fi\'e qaia­t.als per ml\n, 1\Dd in tbe e:rteoai"l'o bar- of 1'tepusrJ, St. Mary'a and Placooliaat nnor lou than firteoo q uiutala per man. Ja" thiolt of that., our r ulen1, aud Oguro It ap!

Wo aanJ our rupected Poetmut.er Goa­en.! 11nd oar Governor of the Pco•Lentiary abroad to acquira ltaowledge for tho better cooduotlag or their dopartmeoll, Why not aeod a commiesioner to the cowing Fiehery Exhibition in Eoglaod, at.o tn viwil tbe lbh-breedior eatablltlament.l In nrio111 part.l of ,tbt Dominion and tho United Sl.atca, aed inLrodac:o the !e i.Dto our country where required?

Tile dnelopmeo~ or oar Jbori• ~till fomlah work for our rallroad.a, wblcb, in coo junction witb tbo prodoco of oor miner­al and o~her luda, wiU make tham a pal:'­feet 111ooesa-.ad they win require all.

Tho Uonmmeot, I tn~~l, wUI not fail t.o '" tblllmportuoa of u... romarlrl, &Dd tbt ad'fan&ajre of «i'ffog them lmwtdiate ~tleot, wa ibnuld than be able to eapport " populal.loo of a balr a IDtllioa, wbera Nor­way ia able t.o aoppori ope &Dd a baU mil-tiona. ... I

i, llo-' ntpeoUull1 nbmltfed, PATRICK HOGAN. -

.A. GIAlr'.r K OB O!'OLY.

lifo Xcmt P'...U Flab w bePuabueilla Boet.o~a, -pt 'l'hroaa~ Uw Ol•aae Ho..uee .or BJ:oban .. ~ M \he llero7 of' a 1110,000 ~ JD. ureatiq t.o~ l"aok· era. ! _ .. ,

Tbe formation of a freab 8eb exchange &L Commercial wharf, Boa&on,baa beooloea

·&.sed facL If it ia ttat.ed Ia tbt !rw~ ptaco thaL !.his Ia oau of tho moat alpatio ud d:aa~roaa meoopollct onr alt.e1Dpted Ia thu fish buria osa, lt.t truo.oluuacter .;ll be understood, and It wiU ooly remain to allow Ja. workin~ Tbe apiril which baa foatered It came toto birth aomoyura ~. tnd it.t oat-croppiogs hue appeared in 'fllrioua forma oe11rl}' enry year ~nee.1 , H ia tho outgrowth of tho aame 1p1rit wine~ propoSild not lonll a~;o h abut out GOO veddlera and thouaada of poer people who coagregate almQit daily oa Commercial wharf-abut lhum oat with ptea 10 tha~ t hey could uo~ approach the captain• of 'ftascls wi~h Oab to . .ell, . thua forcing tho poor to buy every poaod of freah 6ab on tho other aido of the wharf, and make thow p•Y dealerw' profll.a. 'l'be aamo spirit, wben tt wu fouod that this would aoL be dooo by tho owoen1 of the wharf, aft.er broodioa OYer Ita Jrrie,aaca for aema time, pro~d to aecedu from the wharf Ia o body-tbal 11,

iooladlng a aumbor of the larger dealt~ to South Boat.oa. Thla tbrcat wu oncr carriod out, bowc•er, bat tbo dtlire for a monopoly baa rewltcd in the combination jnet completed. The fono of tbe combina­tion ia Lhil : H ia atyled the American Fish E xchange. ll h111 a Clpiw atock of 8160 0011, all of whlch ia report.ed 1.0 bo gaa~oteed or aabtoribod. 1'bere are ' ."o branches of tho exchange-or cleanog hoaae as eomd of tbo trade tenD l~oo in this oi'tyaad tho other in Now, York, half of the capital atock bolong;og In CfaCb ciLy. 'fbo pnocipal objed of the exchange ap· pearl to be the buying of fretb l1.lh. Heace IL hll

A COIEF Btrnlt 1

in tho fHll'llOD or Mr. Leuey, of the firm of l3ro• n & Lenl'y, 11nd for anbordioato llny· ers :llr. Beoj11min P billipe. Mr. L.. Ula~ch· a.rd. Mr. (Jbarlea Jlodgkiu and Mr. ~ . II. l'rior. 1'bo rnoral rnanager and pr~ardeut of the 11xcbaogo ia Mr. Auguetae W1odaor. Not al)ound o( 6ah Ia to bl'_ ~urcbwd by tbe New York wing of cxc:naugo north of !);ewport, R. r., CJtOOpt it comoe through the Boatoa branch, and tha!Joaloo wbole­aalo freah IUb dea!el'll, almoal to a man, hB'fo becom~> mom bora of tbo ucbange, aud bound tbemaeh•ea uot to bu.y U.b OX06J!t t hrough the excbau~ro. Tho O"rcb&age 11 to clmrgo 2~ por 100 lba. and 25o. por 100 coaot on herring and waclterol for all fiah it purch~~~ea, wbicb 2So. Ia to go into the funda of Lba exchange an~ bo diYided .aa di• idoods from Lime to t1mo Atllong 1ta atockbolderw. Suppotioe lbe Boatoo frcab fl4b b114ioeu to oqual &hat of laatye~~r, onr SO,OOO,OOO Jbt., If the monopoly works, the oxcba,lgo will hue O&l'llOd 176,000 a&. tho end ot oaa year from tbo 80,000,000 lbt. of fi1b handled. l3ut lhe aum will be ~er, for a large abaro or the 6ab are bcniar aod mackerel, which will ooma Ia by co110t at ~ per l liO, or far more tbao 25o. per 100 Jbt. But wberi Ia all thla llllll to oome from? It ia plain tha&. Ule ooaaame.ra of tho fiab muet pay il, or n Ia t.o be 10~wed out of the liabermeo. The regalatiooa of the excbaogo are, further, &bat the boyan of tho oxcbaogo meo~ the captain• of the Yeuala and Air&e to pay them 11bat lbe n· ch11ogo haa decided it c:ao allo~ ~ paJ the oigbL beforehand. Tho captain will reooJ,.o 11 cert.i6cate eatltllDg bim to &Itt Jl4'1 fo~ eo rn:aoy pounda of Oah, wbiob cer1lfic&1e be t&kea up 1.o the ucbaoge for hia pay. What cbaaoe doea the poor captain hue? Tho fi rma to wbom be bas fonoerly told hil fi.Jh are all btadod lO!fttber, &Dd their re~reaeo­l(ati 'fo boye.r ia all the mao who wtll 1180 bl111. Tbe rulea uf tho exchanRO Jl"''fide tha~ tho captaioa a ball be trt~~Led 11 we_ll u posaible. bot, barring out all com~ttllo11 11Woog bu.ycrw, where aball the c:aptai!l loolt for redroaa? 1-'urLbor, t ho rul1111 of lilt> u­chaogo lll'e peealiar. 'fbey pro'fidt tbat no fiah ahall bo told, exoepl tho 26e. per lb. 01:· chaol(e feea be charged ; buida, lobo dealeria to charge hi a regular prollt.l on tbo fi.Jb. lf aay dealet brcakl any of tbt rolet of tho cxcbftago bo ia to be ignored by every other dealer tD 'alt bueio- traDIIICtioaL Wbero i• the cotnpolltion which bu heretofore protoct.ed tbo bu1er of flah Ia. the Boa&oo marlcot? Oao dealer will aell kisa .no cheaper t itan another, and only at ucbanre pricea Bud oa the prerio111 day. Tho mem~r of the ucbaoge Ia a ~agent. tJo comoe down town J•ta io ~rniag -no 6ab are to be purcbued before 6 a.111., nor la~r than 6 p..m.-ta\:• tho lhua of the flab to which his lh•re• of atook io Lbt es.obaDge eot.ltla bl111. and


from New York up to tba el(teot of 40 per oeoL of bla Bah, to wbloh tbe uobange lo tba& elty ia ealll1ed. Tben be walta fc. hla oaa&omere for WI remalolog eo per cent. All ooeapel.ll.loa lut an and. Tbe old at· lllf lba& ~tloo Ia tbe Uft of trade ia oa lt.tDif.· 8oatoa frelh 8.ab dealm !lave foood a btta.r. 'ff&1• Thtl )'01l11f el_, • lo the vade, whlcla 11&1 beaa lu &lie b&hlt ol pttiog "Pearly Ia tbe tnomiDf, boardlaa .,...... I&IIC1 buylat all die lab before tht aealor membore ol tht tnde -re a walt. .. baa all a&. 1M\ beta broupt lafO &lie iloc. 'l'b ... old obape who ban mad• moaay lA &Itt snde foreer\r 'Will be koobled b7 the boya no looaar. 'Mo lib an &o '-p~ ed befora e o eloek. tloiDe of the JOGapr lr.e lo lbe kllde Mid oat for .,... dlllat, banee &lie dalaf• ~ldq llle1D0aopol71

ba' U.-ala tbnalaaD4 ~=r laft u 1ut ell.bteo wna•la. TMn II , ............ ., .. " ..... .....

" 1 bacl bMD lick ud: m-..ble 10 loac aodhad oaoatcl1D7 baebaad 10 •uia Vou• ble aed u~ ao ooa -liNd to bow wba& ailed -. *' 1 ,ftl --.IMI11' cU. haarteoed ud d.........-. hi ..,. ,._, of mlad I pt a botde of ~ BlUetS liD4I utd u.- aataowa eo~ fanllt. 1 eooe ._ .&o lnproYe aad pill44 • , ... t~ •1 laaa~-aaclfalail1 taaa.P' it Mnap .-.............. , ..... , ............. lle4 .. 11114 -. ebe7Wil •• BuM few Hop

I daap'o8l el..U' to dae.,.. ... ~ , .. ., oC ... uoltasp &oo --~--'1:, ••• lalt-n el

m...-IJo-...., ~~0:., u..r ........... 4 .·-

' ....... .. • - .,. .~. l •• '

Page 2: VOLUME HARBOR GRACE, NEWFOUNDLAND, DEC;EMBER 2, 1882,collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18821202.pdf · VOLUME HARBOR GRACE, NEWFOUNDLAND, SA.~DA:Y, DEC;EMBER 2,

. ,, :odent 1 \be Qe-nae? ' II ow woo ill It Jlt Olaela• u4 ·~ ula do for a fp chelen ~ a~H at ~oU. Boa- - t ~~~ u• t~ wharf o(llirdltbe Ulooopoly ~ New. 10-U. Gi-. U.. Bo~ r-:d to ~e tot N .. lPIIt 'be naqo11- ~.aaa11~11,r of ·Jorelca al'aiJt, afte~· .• ebfM\ poly Ia for•lld, wuuld it a10' be well 'Cor It att.y l>act&io, b~ ao1fe to 'Vant& for tbe to move to Suuth ll.Mton t.t. one.: 'f Uut, purpoee of oooferrifl¥ whb P~ Oiaaoarcl. 110 ; tb11 \faJe J. .. ra uot. l,ayu Cona a! tar which he "ill Jl•OOHCJ to Vl,Doa aod 'Wbt.tf. 'l'hero ano · tOO many youo~r oon- confer with Coool KAioolty. l\ Ia Mlitttcl e~~a ua only too an:lll~na w atep iu &DJ 1!11 tbat M. (tien Ia au.eauptlng to form a 00611· tll• plaodl.-~" .Uu41J. tiou lu opi)Oilllou ,to tho Eualiah Eu&en

8co\Ohmeu Ul War.

, . A Sn.ttch Tory" write• In the LiYI'rpool Ccuu~r to n\lli:.t&in that 11llhou~th •· Scot­l•o•l hu Olllv "oue•teutb of IIJO population or the Uull4d ~IDl(JOm. ah~ baa niau:-t<~Uth• of tlae Jllory." At Tcl-•1-~ciJir tbu •· Ill!! It• laud IJrisrLle bore thu l•rnut of tho actioo," ae tb• aubjulued llauroa ahow :

Kill..!. "Jtwlt Walcb. --.. ·--y-11

WonndCKI· 4'! 4.}

(kllio.r and ap«it.lly lo re!creneo~ to \lie t:vptiiUl qo.-atiou.


: ltft'.il. .. llict.r P•rrr ~'Ia' tbe tc&Dedy I 'hr ;a•w for Dyepepeia,"

& ~or D•le•are the t>ecnocnata elected "''!lit eutire tlcteL 'l'b01. l:l9oat Ia eolfJJy Democratic. &ad tbeStoatu bu lo '' oaly 0111 Bep11bllaao wbo bolde oYer, hla term DO& ~ op. Be will ban a bard ti.too of it.

Peter' Kltftr, Bulalo • ...,. : .. 1 waa 'bad11 blUeo by a bono a law daJa ap aad wy l.odoc.S by a frlfad wbo wi.-ellld lbe oocorredoo. to try Or. '.l."bomu' Eclaotrio Oil. Jt relitfed the pt.iu t.lwoat iaowedl-

aod in four .lay• \lao w6uuJ wu com­pletely healed. Nothioa cao be bitter for fresh wouod.a,


"'« ............... SA'fURUq, DEC'EMBiflt2, 188~.

AAdn .. • w-.2:,,1:::~~~ lliDIIIIIn,aocla

W -- doD,-. ._ dollua Ia lldnaoe ol Jue ploymut alDOe CIIDI llocM. .._ J'U".a, ca!t':.!t tHMo a lfeai booa, u4 -Y• poor ID&O Oa W ~~Us• M.,u., wu 'will be able to proftde eoele&laior r~n bia Wd .. ....... Jftlidod - by K. famU1 daring &be wlater who oilaarwlae 8. Uaaa. Eaq. who IIi a Ilion bot Ulor­woold be ao,.l,)-~ U Ia to be ouflli11DiaeloGarJ ~ p•• tha key· hoped &ba' we ahalr hue the Ball way oott to &Ia•~ •M&lof, whlOla wu nrJlarae· o~ratlena ha our more lmmedia&e aelab· !7 a&teaded. • bprbood b.tlore thla time oen year. Of Tbe 8.epcm wu ~ by \be ~·· llr. 0111 thior wo are at l&Ul certain~ YIJ.., tbU Boyd, whloh 11ao...a &be iDOOme ol lila U •e do oo,, it will ool be lor the wan' of &ciety for t.be paa' Y•E to be 161UJ9 eoergetic penl'fenaooe towarda thU objoc& dollara, belq ao IDOriMI oftr &be prarioiUI OD tho pan or the wor\by IIDIJemao whocn ,...... of 2,,400 dollara. or \laia_JIDC)JIDI we..-.• allo11a •· ou np-tatiYrfor "61:10 doll&~~-were -coatiniia&ecr fa- New-the enaulor faar ,...... . louocllaod aod ~ dollara ia . Harbor

PROGRESS. Grace. '.l."ba SooiotJ_Ja~.~...-cy ol

------ «l, aodallllllabveldl>..oa Jliilliaa awioot of M.i97. Letter of A.oknowtedemlllt from Capt.

.Tor4ao, of tU Brid.ah Bripllt.iu HuoLtmOif, No. 1-.MO'fed by Rn. J . 8. 3

GurdiJII IJI!It.t.oolen ......... --thuta.ri&Dd Uf;'lli&Ddllt'L ••••••••• 11 a

c ... ~.,.., o~~c~.---r-'' S...f•"" OIJ;hl•,..kM- ....... ~ .. l Ul.thl..W l.l.:~t l ofowarr .• .,.... d

A dea,.,.teh fntm Londoo 11\,YI: The bor· rioJ d epArture of ~[. Hien1 from St. PettA• buf): altll hii •i~t w P rince Biawarck Ia N: ~~~rd~J na aigniflc:Ant. Tbe ltlleNcot pu!J. ll~bcJ tu·tlfty that h11 will"n the oo~\Ualod of hla trip to \'aniu l'rot~d to Vienna and cour~r wath th11 A uetrian ulini•ter of foreig11 alf.,lnt ·witla 11 •ie" of f!lrU\iiU: · &P alllaoeo luitnic.•l to l!:n!(l .. ud"a cnatern polio,Y ia ro-1:1\rdud q foreshadowing an early tute~or­l'DCO on tho ~~~yptiau queatlou by aoano or tho powcra who huo hitltorto been aileo& wltn~ll or Uriliah ftCCilpMioo or the South

of the lllcdi~eraani:rW. LoiiDON, l'o•'· -l!:l-Th~ NtK'I Vienna

apeci, ntho viai t uf l)e~;icra &O Uiamarck. Ia 001 l'\ld hunt u a auanulloe or ~ace.

Jtm:llHATIOl!AL Rm.R SJtOOTt~o.-L<icu­ltr, 'E~!I-· Noo. lG.-A bauque~ waa glvoo tan night to Sir Henry Jlnlford. captaio or tho riDe t.:lltO whicll Yitit.ed America reoeutly. Sir lleory Halford lAid tbt.~ tho ~ut riOe conteu brouj!bt toaothor t"o anulcaanJ mt\llo them tril"nda. He pro­po.eJ tbe health of the National Guard or A.werica which wu draLk cordially.

D•alhl of pUMagen fi'Om Cll<l.._ ~od thf'tr o""' OOD!rnl 85 1' 100010. Jour~era tal:"" (ezdul .. ol ._,H b->ld-

Plt.rUJao from ahopkeepora ia per­ha.- no more oommon bore tbao i~ la ita other_ pla~ ; bu~, it .ia aevor:t.a,.& ... a laD~•l&udbig avlt wh•eli ia iotireeaUia if\ our mi<iu. .E~ery U.9pk~ Ill towQ., who it q11rll&io&aod , '!11 &llo 1Ub:fec'. would atlmit that. parhcmlarly in the buey aeuon they frequeotlr miaa ar~icloe Croat tbo doo~, ooortter, o'r-aliOTr;iliil t.bey 1\ru Cully oom•ioced that they do not know bat! tbuy loao in ~hi• yo.r. In 101110 inatancoa, bamtlt'Of flout" bl\vo been etolen from ncar tho doon, 1\nd rolla of b1coo from tho top or ~hreo tiol1 of bArrol11.

Th'- thing hu been allo"od to go on wiLh impunity. Casea oflon ooaur in which p110ph1 a~ detecW in tho '"e'J' act o( "Pttroprio.ting o)r mill\ppropriati.nJt a pair of boola or tome othflr article, a.od y11t we eeldom hear of tho lhievea beios_ pro.ocnted. 'fhis arites partly frOm a f~&lao Cooling of 'delica ~1 on the part or tho ahntakeepol'll in taking legal proc:cod· inga a'-'l\iJUit peraona oC~n of poot·me~a; putly froo1 dread o( tho opprobrium which they fa ncr their oc1ion a~igbt caat upon thetllltllvea; anti partly (J:om Lhe tact tbd lheao de:tected iuitancea of thievin& takiug plaee in th11 bu4i~ eeuon of tho year, t>ro.eecution of tho porpetra­cora would iovolvo 1\ lou of tim llDd cuatona that they cannot w~l it1ford., · Tbt~a it boppeu. that whether de~t.ed or no~, the diahonoet man or woman lliUa.lly gota oil' without any o~her pun• isbmont tluao. tbllt which a &uilty cooacioooo inflieta, and • p abont 11mougst hia fellow-moo cruboltloneJ to n:oew hia oll'ence, it may bo 'on a latgl!lr ac:ale, at Lho nry 6nrt opportuni.­ty, and prepared to ll'.ako diaciplas of olbera iu t!Je aamo unholy cal[~. (I) Whereu, were OYer1 cue of diaoo,•ered t•ilfc:ring visited wit.b puniahmen£ at tho st.ern hu.ud of d1o law, tho pn~otioo would Ue> confined within 1ouch amallor bouuda thaD at proeent, by which a copltullnity would Uo freed from .. featcring moral sort, rmd tho ilbopmen would bo gainers in pocket nntl in cue o_f m iod. . • -

-··~~''- ·-- Peacb. :P.reeidald, -.decl by•S... Geo. Vawr,-Tiaa~ alae larp amou.o&ol 'f)iritoal

rTO Ta& J.Drro. or nR .r.umuo.) a.od Boaooial protp4!rit,r l"tu to ouCborola Sta~- • •· - .... · taa ,w.r Ia _..... ·ofldeYOAt &bazWiirior

•rot•':'~·"""'"""""""'""""": ... iO 170 Kltl4 Wouoaed.

'l'wo 'Eb~~:ll•la res;l....,u ......... 'o '8 'l'h""' GDAnla rol>fmtula......... __.. l! t

l'Ail • No•. 22- Tho Parliauum~ aud Ttolpe re~ard the via.it of De;lera as a foro­shadow Of rOYiYI\l Of the &JfloOCO between Germany, Auatria and ltouia. · . 'l'vo lrU.t. realw•u'--,.. ........... 6~4!1

lltrlftjliLw···-·-"•" ·•~ .hr'\lllery............................... 10

• 1Jldi&D C>UALIDI. .. ol..-..... - ...... 1 6

Tot.ala .... ............ , ........... 14 1 G6

Thiala only .u u•ul\l. During lbo lu~ European war-tbe :Sapoleouic camJlaiioa would moru thau j111tify 111e-1hia ia bow Caledouit. atood.with ber liwi.&ed populatiou for tho dufooco of "Our <luceu, our coon-

I.OliOOll, Nov. :t2-Tiae 2 tlllfl nnliu d.!a­patcb c.ya: Dejliera wiU luvo bero oo W odoeadav. lloth bo and ltuaaian Ambu­aador obeern tho attiotea~ raticonce io ro­gud to U.eir vlait to V ani11.

A ~ aod 011r ~k." :

EDIIIIII~ l ii.W. ..................... - ........ »•n 1~ ~ ........ ···--·-·--·--·'"J .'J86 lii.)G -······-··-···--···-~,;tti-1

Scoca. 1~ 1 .............................. ll.il!l J l!t>$ . .............................. 8,llll8 ld.j6 ......... - .................. i~UI /

Anngo per )lllllon.

037 1348 1,;!10

A~oroppu lUWoo.

l,llll l!,a?~


A-r•nge por ' I ri•h. liiiUoo.

JA.lt. ••• ... ... ••• ;,, G,ti tll 1 009 Jlll>li _ . ••• ••• ••• ...u .t"n 1,!4G 1d.j6 •.• ... - - -12,2"!! l ,bl;.)

Uut tho ,::onen~l commaodin~t Ia l::gypt baa ltudioualr relr&lntd !row auakiog Aoy meotioo in bia ckapatcber of tho S.:ota or tbeir j!eoeral. 'f' .. e lli.Jblllntlcra mij:hL hue beeo do(ng ~J'TUoo d~ty in llong Kong oo t.he 13th of"SepwaubQr for all the alluaioo mode to the~n. He b-' gifon Atlthoir glory La their bretb"'n, tho hub, who undoubt­edly dcaenu their owo ahnro; bn' iL ia ou t of all proportion in compari1on w~ t hat of tho Sco~ fiYo r~aoentt of whoo lOlL fifty meo, wbilo two of.lri1h loat o,ly •e I 'l'b~ three moat iuteoaely nat!.!!n~ of H iahlt.od ~gimenta "ere oot ocar J!:i&p~-t.h• ~v­enty-eianth Old A1ockendo ll iiJblt.odort, t he Nanety·lleCOn'd Old Gordoo aud tbe .Nioety-tblrd Old liutherlaud llighlaodere. 'J'bero wore, however, 'Plenty tbero ~ cou­'fioco Ul ~bat Q of old an bsttlo-,

Wkr• S.OU..nd"a ro,...l &1&Q J,or.l ruoa Arou11d flt<>IIJ on I !.Ieoda au.! ,u.,. Our Ctlodonlao l'ri~e.

Let the pt.lm, ~eN(oro, bo to Lito ~oriu i"


Lo~ lllta;ror' a BanquoL-I!poechoa by lltinieton.

Lo~OON, No•. \0.-l..ord O..-,. .. illo, Lord Selborno, Lord Nort.bbroolte, ~J.rl Kimber­ley, Mr. Gladatone, ~lr. Chiltlers l\nd ~lr. F11wcett 11tt.1nded th11 Lord Mayor"<~ baa­quat oo Tburad4y lllllht..

1\lr. Chlltl~u. returning !banks for the loi\St to t.he army. compAred tbe C01ptu ro of 'ful-ei-K,.bir wiab the takiu~ or Queb~o by the llritisb. llo pointed out thAL Ens:b.n.J Jud DOl W&gfd WAr wjth UD'farylng BIICCCSS.

aotl 11iJ perhapt t.he mon oonsplcuou~ dil!­aate re abe o•or ruel wioh wore in the wor with bera:ericao aubjcc'--

Mr. Cfl oe, replying to tbc t011s t tu the Ministc 11\id, when be apolto at tho Lord M~qr'a bl\u!luot io 1881 tbe question wu wbe* the fabrio of 100iety io l,l:olaoJ wu to re io on ita aiOC!ienL 1o~mdation or bo brokeu p.. Tho Go•eromeM bt.d not ac.rupled t.o uae tb11 po"'ore ontrw11od to them with ~igor and deterooioation; 1\1

lllDlO time t.heyreliold moM aoa10den1ty on .ceuurot of ju•lico. lie oonld now rooorrl 'ble eon•icti~o tba& a now tone of eentimont

. wu dt.wuiog among llae I rilh to le\!k tbe amelioration of lt.w by puooful eft'ort.a. lie

. nntu.rsd to l:ly that tho fouDtlationa or ao­ciety in Ireland were now but in little ~n­tre'· Tbe moothl1 rnu•n ol aararian out­ngn wu now 111, compared with Sit io October, 1881. 'l'bere mi~rhL be in Ireland extrangaot opiniona aod doalr .. tbat ronld newer be fnl&lled, bot, if lhalriab • •oJh) be \lOll tent to walk io the waya of lefll'loty, t he

topire wuatrong and froo eooo~tb to en­tertain io a friendly, kiadl1 apirlt eoy de­mand made rGI' fr'lllll diaouuion and petfect publicity in ~QJttarw rehling to ita lr~h JYlhcy. Hritiah inat.itutiooa wonld buo

· llronjttb eDG!IJih, be wu 6nnly coovinoed, to elfoch aaulomenL or eYery politi~ con­v onray b7 briojrlog it to a completely ..U.Cactory, vat laui a fair and tolerable. i-. Mr. 01adat.ooe hij!bly praiaed tlto ooodnct of tloQ Jlriaiab for0011 '- tile £np­tit.n campaip. w hlcla bo believed would be memorable in lliato.,. Tbe lin~emmeot 111u.t ob~ be &oQ_ ooarlid~ot o &lt,B future. Tb" Yutextentol the ~pir xpoaed them to e~l'-rucurri., ansiol et be ~""Hah­od the hope lha• Eoalwd woold eter be able to pro)n bu po•er lll-..oci&Uon with liberty.

Tbe Camp~ TN~A.,-~


l!AIIIJ, No•. 2G-Le Solril oowapaper dJI­clpea Boglaud"a luteroeta wilt compel her to a.oou Syrit. t.od tho Eut'bra~ Valle7.

Lord Graorill" ht.1 deoliued to enter ioto detail• re~t~rdior tbo Gov~romeut'a Egyp­tit.o polioy. Lord Du lfcrin, he N.id, hl\d not jlOno to EnpL to eatAbliall 11ny uodue or lllcl!itimalt inOuenoc, but to co-o~rato with Sir Edward :U•IeL, whoso lo{;&l k oow­llldro aod frre&L t.bility wore ionluable fn~ trae mainteoao041 or peaco. order t.Dd good go•eromeQ~ io E~L io the future.

'lno/ Ntllll' Berhn cornapo11dent telo­grapba tbot Ru•ian diplomacy ia mt.kin11 .,rre11t ourtiooa to inftuouc:o Franco to 11oite witb ltu:Wa In a ptlioy 4!Uciendly to t;ug­laud.

RliSSl.\lf lt.'TIIIOUES. . A deapatcb from lirankfort to the Stall­

dard uya important daplomatio oegolit.tiont uo prOjlTCI&IUif betwoc:n Rutsia and Fnnc:e. U Frucc aCQedea tu ltuuia'a wiabu in ra­foreoco to tho propoaocl extraditioo treaty agd liiJiitl protectaou to be extended to politlc:al refu~teea, ltuaaia ..,m aupport tbo oolire ~ortb Africa.o policy of 1-'ruce, 1\lld wore particularly he r policy reprdiog quoa'tioua pendiog in Egypt and Tullia.

Vutl\SA, Nov. 17.-A apeedl Dlllde by Dorr rleocr, a pro~~tino~t CllOmber ol ~eicb­atag, at aiLting ol Au.atrlau del.egauon at Peath, to-daJ, bas creatoo a gl'98t ~entation. Haa apotch wu a long exhortation .to dt" Go•ernmcot to avoid f,oythiulf caloulated to briDf oo " war. H Ia oviuuut that Herr l'lenllr poiiiCascs weighty iuformatioo In

"regt.rtl to tho rel•uooe of Allltri4 with RQ.II~

DtBLIS, Nov. 21-Ten thooa:uJ<l pcraooa ftUcudod thu flleotiug of tbu Iriah National League in Tullagh on ':iuoday. Amoo~r tho apet.kol"'l were a! cure. Sullino Md O"Kelly, u>Ctoberw of .!'uliaruclll. 'fbo laatl4r referr­ed to •!.A• ~o ""lie.! tit" cau•to uC II\•. Dnitl to apliltho lri1h pArty, ao4 lllid t laey were taDI.AUiount to atabbioa lr&la.od iu tho back. R o thre3teoed to rui.~tu ltia eer t if lb~ oounty wncrod iu allea-ianqc to Mr. Pouuoll. llo 11dvi•od farmora to take ad­''antl\l!O olllall Arrcan or lteotAct.. Votu of oooftdence io tbe apukers were carried.

L~tdy Floaonco Uisie writes that af t be Land League dot'S not distribute the eur­phu fmtAl.of £8:!.000, for tho relic! or the dill re~ ln lrtlruad, they will be guilty of m~ppropriatiQA and reapooaible for buu­dreda of de~\bL

Delaney, wll.:~ attempted to l\S3l\alnllto .Juclgc La"''oo on Mo11day, was coaqaoitted for t rial. Tho pri. oner wu gur.rded to and from the pj!lico 1talion by " a~roog eeeort or DlOUntod Iiolice with aabroa.

I 0 the c:uo or Potrick J OJCO, fuuod guilty of murdering the J oyce f&l'l\iiY aod aeoteoc· cd to bo hanaod Ol\ December 16th, Judge Uorry'a chlln:o to tho jury \fU pointedly 1\dverao to tloe priaoner. Tho jury ooly do­libel"'ltcd eight wif\ola before ~riog their verdict . J oyce beard tlio •e'?dict calmly. W hen ull,ed i£ be h.,d an.rlbiog to IAl., be es~med, "I 1\0\ n.ot guilty" He wall be la~og~ io Galway gnol. After Joyce waa ••bt.c.oced tba trial of Casey wu cewmtocod an~ a o.ew t ry wu empanellod. Cuoy, who fa 11 1\c loolting naan, 'IJU i udiot.Od for mu.rd · g Dridget J oyce, 'l1ao Attor­ney-~\et~, l 1'-~ t.be ca10 fo.r tho \>ro•e­cution, phaaiiing tbe faet that the pnaooer ·wu o.o of tb,o tbree who. broke iota kyco'a hooae, ed with a. abo tel baodlo with t.U iron n .n auacbw.

1\ i• u.o ratood tbat Tuke'a Committee hu raaol•e.ll to. prom.ote the emigration of 7.000 or S.OOO. peraooa from the poorcat dutridl of .{rata~. at a probable expeoao or £25.000

'llll Prttman'• J011malu,-: -Mr. Glad­alene oever yc~ declared ao 'clearly bla npinion u to t.ho II ~Cfllity of Home Rule In I rela.nc\ u be did In the Colllmooa oo Wedtt~ oight. '.fbo wllole kingdom will recognlce tbd H o01a ltulo bu. bMo di•uoOtl~noed by hla apeeoh,

The · 11'J .lovnraJ ¥Cntea Str Qar-n.e\ Wolaele,J ·wllh t.niog exprnsell to. the Uonroment a ak-oag dealre to be aiven control of all military mattea, 10 far u t.beyrt I 1te La the condition of },.land, wltb a •lew to the complete 1111ppre•ioo of dle· order In tha' ooaol{y.

ero) 1 8!11.478,24' Jouuera perdiiiUI , U ,OOO,OOO

The City of Glugo"w Baok failed fottr yura ~ aod Jiquidalloo bu juat beeu 110-

compliihed. Every· peony of tho Bank'• vut debt bu ben paid t.ad the remaioiog uaeta hue been baodod onr to o compAny for the beoe6i\of the1lillaolvoot •harehold­era. The li<pldatora paid off 155,000,000 of which uearly balf camo ont of tho poeketa of tho ahaceholdora. . ---

Tuc RUSON Of IT.-\Vb" ia the m&tter with the money market? Wba~ Ia lito cauae of tho lioaocW aq.re iu Aloutr~t.l ? Too much epeculalioo, our-hnportatioo, the alow moYomont of wheat, aod the W.)YO

or dopreujoo tlat &lwaya rollon. wuo of proaperit1. · 'lllere it bo gnat d\a_Jger ,if retreucb111eoL aod eoonomy are prt.etlsed 1u buaiocaa and doDleatio affalra.-Sl. T /wlfi(U Journal.

It Ia related tliat the ptoaidont of 11 bank In the Guonlaoo regioo had OCCMioo to visit Deonr, aod oo bia r1!tUro bo me~ tho porur of tho baok of the dep<lt aod uked : • Well, Jarun, hu the caabier ablcooded ?' ~.No air.' • Durglara broken io ?' • No air.' • Uooklteeper been charged with embez:zle,.­meot ?' ·~o air.' • Ucou t. roo oo tbe bank?' ' No air.' • Th.eo enrytbina- ia &II right, eh '/' • Yoa air, o:re!ep~ a rurnour arouud towo tbat you bad robllod the bAuk of t~,OOO aod sailed lo>r t!u~pe.'

Coiro, Ntlll. 11-Lord Oulrorin made M

ercelleot illlpreuion oo tbe EVpliau Mio­ia~pm. Ue told them be bad oot como here to .Uo 'tw direction or alfaira out of -the bao'dt'<"O! • Sir' Kdwaard MaletL but to work wltlt 'be lt.tt~r oo terma of perfootequallty. M&lett yeatorday diteoiHd with Sir Aoek­laod Cahiu the anbjoot or diYiiiOO or the work: io OODDtoLivq with Lord Dnfferln'a 'IDiaioo. 'J'be h•tioeu of tbe roiuioa coDl­DleDOOII illllll4ldlately, u Lord Dutrerin baa reoeind inalroctiona froo1 tbo 8ritiah Cab­loot by tho mill which baa j11aL arrived.

-WJ Btuaey bu O?otn~ct.ed lo r tbe building of a lllliog altip that will aund witllout a rival f11r curiona ahapo amoo~r t ho ahipa of our Urnes. It Ia to bo 'i1 feet I on a-, t.nd lo ban t.ho linea of a oertein vikl.ast •b.ip roccolly beoowo knowu, t.od of which • taodol ...... " --· •'- .... .._ • ..s.c\ln.tvu l..chl oot loag 1110 io Rog:laod. During the A o11u11 • week at Cowta Roada nut 1.et.r lAdy llrauay ln\enda to row Mid t.11l in tbi• rOIDt.r!table DI'U Two. or iu felltUret will be moro modoro tban i1.3lioea. h will t.o lugger-rigged, aud will have o alidiLg keel.

A I..ondoo correapondeot IIJI : A repre­aeotatlvo of the workingmen of Bug1and declt.red at Uao recent meeting of tho Loog­(ollow lllemorial Coaoroitt.ee that Loogfel· lo" waa more 'lfidely read aod more bigbl1 pri&od by the worlillg elaaea bore tbao any otber modern p~t. It 1bould be aaid the ~ople rito objeet t.o ha\'iog a butt placed In the Abbey are alroogiy io faYGI' of tot· ling up a Mtat.ue io aome or tho public tborougbft.ri'S of ~ou,· tbu duire to pay respect tOLongfcllow Dein~ria reality uoinr­ui. Moro tlu.o enoogn 111ooe1 bu already buen auW.ribed "aao i1J oeeded to put up either tho boat or the a tatoo, aod ten Limea u much could be bad "itbout tLo aliabJ.ea~ dtJiicolty. -(

I . --'-HoLLOWAY'S PILLS.-l:Jalo CooaUtuU...,... -Wboo the human frame bu t.eoolll* dG­bilit.ated from \be efrecU of expoaure, u­oe~~~e~, or oeglecL, tben th.U l'illa. will work wonden. If they bo \akeu anco cbog to tho lucid directions wrapped ronod .. cb lto:r, Uolloway'8 Pit ill exet\ tbo moa& exem­plary tonic qoalilioe lo &II llloee CMM qf oeryoua depre11loo in which the vital pow­era hue become ., weakened tbat lhe cir­calat.ioo bu beeo rendered laoroid antl unateady. '.l'bef lnapron t.be appetite, atrengt.hen the digeatioo, ~gnlate &helitet, aod adi. u aeotle aperient.~: Tbe Pitla are ruited to &II ages and all habits. A p~~tieot writoe ~-.. Yoar Pilla, to be valued, re· qainl ooly to be lloown. J)nring maoy yeara 1 eougbt a remedy in vaio, wu dallt boool8log wetilteq wheo .rour l'illa aoon re­Ub~ t:QD."

Iocludiog IOUOO·tiek~t holdera, It mt.y tbue be aid tht.L tbo tb&ooe. are 12,000 000 to 1 ~oat aoy aioall puaeoger beinlf killed io railway Ll&~elli~ • h le probably a afo coocloaion that oo arraogemeote cao be de­Tiled, tho world"' of which moat depend on baiiWI aod fallible meau (whether di­reclly by tho operation of aiao or Indirectly through auto111atio apparatus dnieed by hiw), which YiU wholly prevent accideote oo \be railn,- or tho world. Lt ie ooo or \Qe coulroYfraioe of the ,.,e wb.:ther it Ia bcll.ar ttl troaL to meob~IC&l or to maoual DfC(ttiArdl. aud auother qoeatho for dia­cuwou II whether railway compaoieaabould be loft 10 their owo l'elpooaibility or dareot.­ed ~ tegial.t.tion in U.e detailed mao~e­moot of their buaiuea. Tbore aro oat waotillg W%itera and a.pe.t.kora wbo nom t.o look up\lo nirway dinsctora aod managen u wholly deYoid of tho moat ordioory fuel. inp of humanity. and u practialog uoaalo couraea becaote it ia cheaper to p:\1 tbi coat or ao accldoot oow auci thou tlau to loc11r the expeoa~ ooccaaary to ooauro do workiog. Such pe~ are ailoply repro­duciu~t wnat SJdoey mith, io Ilia ft.woua "locking io" lott~ra, role when railwt.y maoageroeut wu iu iu iofancy. "There wlU," writes tbo opponent& of locked car­riage doora, "be, n 11ry tbroo or fonr ycare, aorue dreadful Ullfi&Cro-whole t rains will be borlod dowo a precipice, aod :.'00 or 300 peraoos will be lffiled on tho apot. There will be every now and then a sreat coanbu•· tiOD of buliiAU boCiiN, aa t here J~a& beeo lit Parle ; thOD all !.be DCWipj'pera up in anna - tbouaand r~golatio111 forgotten liS aoou u tho direetora dare-loud acreama of tile nloc:ity wbiaUt-GI!JDOpoly l~.:b ood bolts u before."

Nunaburleu adticet "haYC beeu wucd to \bo public Cor the afoWaoee of r.•il ""1 accideots eo fu u tbeae depend upoo I be paueoger'biml9lt. Aa regnrda tbo1e nccl­oent.a wbieb ~ beyood tbt cootrol of the puaeoger, il bu been wittily remarked. t.bat .. a'bleoce or bod;" ia to be preferred to" preeeo~ of aaiod'' in a oollilion. Still, mocb ma1. be doo6 to ltaaeo tbe efrect.a or t. cal11mity ~hen It don occur, bytbe preaer­nlioo Of a OOOJ bead ; t.Dd tbe followin:t rulea ol Or. Lardoer, "PPiiClblo to 11ccident.a or both kioda, lrf worthy or be!Dg ca. dully kept io miod :- ·

Rule l . Nuer al~mpt to JICI into or oat or a railway Curtlli" wloia .. h iamo.iog, oo aoauer Dow alowl}'. ·

R ule lT. ~ev'er "' iiS fOJ u.ouau~ pbce or poaturo.

Role IlL It ia an uce\leot general maxim Ia nilw•y tranlling, to remain iu your ~ace, without goioK out 111 all un til you arrin at J4Ur tlelt.illatioD. When t hi• caonot be douo, ro out u aeldow u poaai­ble.

ltulo lV. No•er ~et out e,t the wroog aida or. n.il""' carriage.

Rulo V'. Nonr p.ua rrom ono side of the railway t.o .the oll\or except when it ie indispensably noc6asaryto do 10, and then oot without tbe 'tllmott prec:autioo,

Uul.! \ AL Bsprus tra.ioa ue &ttended with mora daos:er tban onlioary trai011. Tboao who detlre tbe greatest degree or ~ly al\.oald ue the01 ooly wbeo gTe&t apeed ia inditpeoublo.

Rule VH. Seecial tl'llhU, excnraion b:alo1, and all other e-cceptiooal Lraint, aN to be a•olded. ~~~~~~ mol'\1· onaale tbau tlto ordinary ud nqratA.f tra,ioa.

Rulo VlU. rt the trala lo whicb yoq­~Yel moe~· a · e bf wblob it Ia Uop-ped iU a .o & • 01'~ a time wbere nch a atop"" ~gult.r, It ia more ad~lrabla to qlll\ the earti~ thao to au;r loU: ~u~ lo qlll*tiol, ia, \oeolealber R~lu I., IV. , and V. -

Role I~ Iient. 9f yielding to l~ audlhD lmpobe•to aprfog fTOm tho carriaj~e to noo.,ler yonr ltai which ba,a blown off, or a ~el dropl)ed. · .

Jhle X. Wbeo you .Wt on Jotlr tonr­aey, eelecl If j~ Clul a Cll~:Je a•. or u our • • poaible 10, the <"entre o1 the tnin.

Rulo X(. Uo'oot att.empl to baod on artlc!l•loto. a ttaiD bt' motion:

Role X:IL U yoo· true! with your pri­fllte carriage, do oo~ ait In it. oo the rail­way, 'f•ko yoar pl11ce, by preforeoco, in ouo of the ~gulll f"ihray c:arri~a.

Rule XI~(. l owaro of proc:ee.Jing on a coach ~ct 101011 a railway a~ a lne>l­ofoeaf'oJt. Neter'"do ao "wi~bou~ the expreu

Aulf.l;ian Slltoemeo are p~ictiog a war aanetloo.oloth& gatekeeper. betweea.Auatria and Ra-IL When a par· Role X.IV. Wbeo you can chooee JOUr liluneot.5ry committat opnl.r refera 14 111ch time, true! by day n-'ter t.ha!l by Di~bt ; " probabi~ IL would appear tbac war 1a • il ool ai'J(eotly pNIIOd, do no• travel either 11ot tar ott Ot W.wt ttliiG I w .o~illlile~"ia ~ -u..r, - "' • oh111ee oJ U Ulu a little hlowioc OM t. dolled. jn wilboal daocer. lLIDIIa hu ~eo py.lly ~alurllll' bar fqreM oo tho Otota~ao,~ AIUbiaw lrq11tlera nt~sntiY ro, the psa~ or .Airi.og her Yoloe In tbe.QilJI,IIcila of ~aropo 011 &M Eutaro qttttl.ida.e FraboeiiUr'aaid· to .bne a large poruon of ber &naT pthered oo Getmap ~-~ ~Cia{l~ ahllla peacefuUy ln­eUucl to a a&,,._, • ., aepvk Dllabt

Tbe Pope hai addreeeed sereral h!ttora to eenral Earilpeao aovorelioa• llrging lhem to o.olte lo tho defence ot' Coneen'a­.~ .. prlncip\ea aJ.,.iOil fta.iicallam and the ~- of rt!lialo• ao~ aocioty. . ~~ b ·~led \la•t th&- Pope1 ,'!til olb•r. da~ ·~~La t.wo Ina!\ Btatr'P' lilt honor 'at. We lro­qooo' crimea aod ootrapa In l"'la.od. . . .

M> tile God of Alilwiou. • Will yoo ltlodl7 allow me lp&ee In yoa "--""~·t.onow, Mo. 1-llond bT lt.eY. J.

w¥1·read jooroal, to Lender my hearty G ·ao~ aeooa~ Ill a.~, A. Boea, aod tluiulta to' "Mr. Eaward Pano111, cabinet- aupponed by J . Beoaiatef; "-! .. -1'~ abe maker, or\hia \'lwo? On tbo~.22ad lnat.., ,.porta fro. Japu the laHIII..-.doo ioto 1 accid:nlally , lolL a anm ' of II!ODey, lhe North Wea&, ;;;1 t.lae dOYefoponoca io wl1feh wu &114rifa'rda fo'und' of' tho above ·oor own land, .,. loud ealla by \be Splrit geotloDl&U, aod a.Jnrtiaed In 1be bubllo and P':Orideoeo~ of G(\11 &o aaiiala ,.ad ex-'pl'~ t I Alii" tbe adYert.ileiDnt lo &ua- ... d "--'--day a ~AN'b,uU> ; ' and Alr. ' Par10o1, oil u-· ... ~ oat..........., -- • cestaio.lo1,tha\ "I wu tbe 'lbtlo1 owner of RC:SOLtmOlf No. 1-liDYod by ~~ Rn. be ,, L. d . Mr. Do""• eoooodod by Rn. Mr. !Adaer,

1 mou 1• pro111p .. y ... n 11 onr to mo. ......_: '-·ti · .. L Cb b · I oow ,.ladly ' ani I I of lllha opportuohy to -u•aL""' 0 ' 181 u •o ;...,o t .. o urc te

• called t.o work lot and WlJb bor L<>nl in Upr1!• to him my deop iodo~todoOII aod •the ,a)va,tioo. of the world, wo reeolvu W

Wo 1\rC, tborcforo, much pleased lo ob· aono toat one o( the lust ~~~oned clll.SI h11s had t!Jo courKgo and goocfloiUio t.o make an exam;>lo of ll pcraoa who wu det.ecl.t'd ale.~liog a peir of boo't. from his shop-door. W o tntli that, tbe whoiMOrue aoverit1 (if yo\.t can call it aovl!rity) of tbe poniahmenb u1eted aut t.o t<ao ofl'cudcr will. dolor- oUacra from 1 Ito commi{tsioo of like oiTuoees. Du~ p~vention of an e'il is bettor

th:m cute, a.od we C&Mot exonPnlt.A tho ahopmen themselves from 1\ 11hare of bJa01e. '!'hey aru blomo,•orthy not on· ly Cor not ha\'ing tl\'or fUd always done ~bcir t•l•in duty in l.rit:ging culprits to jwttic., bn~ in not tekiug mora paine to place their W'llros out of tho wuy or ligbt-fiugered l:l!lllry. IC it iii n~ry that articles 1hourd bo exposod to ''iflw --4nd it 1c1 ncx:~llry--let tbem be ao liOCnrool t.hllt their rulll\lval will be a work or more tliilicultr tbrua It iJ aL present. ,.


(rnox OUR ow!l coaru:srOl<"DI:NT.]" \ ··-- .. -

Drigou, N o11. W, 1882. Some weeki bno el•pted ainc11 J laat ror­

ward~d you 11o comaouoie~~otion from tbia an­cien& 11ud loyal uulement, and since tboo we, like yourael•ea, t.od all olher ciialricu lo the lalaod, h&Ye paued through t ho tur­moil nd t.nsioly attendiuj; a cooteated e lectio.o. 'l"o ontur ioto a detailed t.ccount

political canapa'i~ aa carried out lo tlittrict would be auperftuooa and uo­

otoroatin~t at thia. ro11:10to ~riod. Hq& we may turely boa\ that to DO . di.tlt.ricL in the lrlrurd did the akctora more unanimoualy proclalm thein~odhel'flo'co to the Party of l'rogreu IUIQ tho enlijlhtaned \•iowa ol our p ... aen~ rur.i"', th,\n dtd the people ot tbia diattl!:t. Nor ~d ant other' alat.riot io tho.. utaod ofl:er aoob a (a r ebanoe to \he oppo· 1itioo party to rel.uro a candiaate II aocb a. t hing were aL all p<*ible, \'"o bad t.brtl Governme~t caorl idatu in thq ftelcJ ; add nolwitbataoding thla artat di'fiaioo io tlae liovemmeot ... oka, the Oppoeido.o caodj... daLe wu defet.tcd b1 a ,ut roajoriu: •l,owlng, u wu ofteo aaid to JOU ·Ua ~ !etten previooa to tlae ~tioo, &be' oo ano iu oppoall,lop to tile Go•vnment bad any ebabce wba~YCJ: here. l:bia r111u(t hu a10ply proftd my alatameota, neu more oonclDtiYely than I bt.d hoped. A 111oat pleating lea tore In llie ttlult of ooc Eted­tion iJ lbJ fact tllat DOL a ~cJe of itfr wil~ or unfriendly' feeling remaiDA in the boeoma or an1 of our peoflo ; oor wu tbero tho anJ~hten n idonee o ~y exhlbil­ed duriog tbll whole aauu aod ooot~ ' rho di!ereot par\lea p4?lltlcallt o~ me& oe• lAo moe• frieiidly t41'111a, talkeCi ~~tera over aerio01ly w 'joooeel7, .. t¥ - may 'bo-aoll ye& raroaio oo &he -.mp ueif!bborly Ierma .. before the' El~olj. Tbtt ia a moe~ pl-'•1 atate of atralra, and. caonot bU eoouw 8IDIIt la'J)rably wlt.b tho ruolta of prnio01 aleetfoo oootealla. lb thla dlttricL, w.bo~11 aoct-,llad f.t41\:D8j_8 ol&AA 1'1~ fO( Y~ ~~~ta~· \W&. · All'othel"thla,r. •• Ia& Yo to OOII(I'IliU·

h...Uolt acknowlcd~rmoot. ' do all we cao, by prayer, gift, aod elfur&, t.o Yollrl lroly, ~riOjf io t.ho ~r dal glory.

' \VILLlAM JOI\DAN. Tho collection wbaeb wu msJe Wlll in C'11pt. oftM. Anni~ Ham·,, f!.f1Jrut.JI, Eng. excoa of luL yoer'a, about twenty dol lara.

llarbot: Graee, Nlld., Nof. 27tb 188:!. Each nigh' we wore fa'fOred whh floe c- • • weather., aod the eatbuaiunl •otl liaaoeisl

( FOil Til& UAnlWR OMC£ Sr.LNDAUD.)


Oo Saturday, 261b November, died at tho Prelltotadoo CooYcnt, Ha.rbor Grace, Mother ~l .. ry Xt.Yerioa t.Jncb, io -tire 70th year of her ~~~ and lbe Wlh ol her rellg\ol\a profUalon. Mo~ber ~.ari1111 wu. daolrli­ter oltbe lato Dr. Lyocb of l)ublin.laod 'be youngest of a family o( fin chilj.lreo," all of wholll ootered reli~tion-tho tat; Sit­le r Mar_y Stanialaua ol the l'rcaentt.Lioo Collnut, Gtlwt.}• tho late Jotepb L1oeb, Uu61io, tho Very Ro>Y. Gregory C11noo Lynch, pariah prieat of Jllauchard1town, t.nd tho preeoot Coadjutor Jllabop of Kil­dare aod Leiahiic, tho Moat llud. Dr. JI\IACI Lyoch. A\ lbe early age or 17 ytjira abe eotef1!d tho l'reaeotaUon Content, Gal­way, where aho proJ)oooced 4or aolemu vow•; lllb J uly 18113.. Seldorn wq 110 oct of dedication more perf~cl or tUde with le• iuer;'fe. h moan~ much : it enct.ed ilc{~ic ucrifice, and tbo good youog o"lo readiiJ made the acrilice, Four dtly• late'r, tbo 1\iaht Rov. Dr. Flemiuz, Biaho:f. Of NowfouoJiaod, WhO WM then in Jrolao , addi'IIIICd a letter to tho Re~ Mother at G&l"ay, of •lliob tho follo"iog ia ao ex­lract:

"'l'be aa- •«>* tb..t QI'Omlmo ll~elatiiH to reoc:ae lilaodnKia ot ~ JWM~ ~ will awak•u maoy a haJ\ lu tbelr '""""· Wboo Uao .-r r-rl• ol tbal ooooll'y. •bo b ow ootll!op; ol ooo• bot I. be n.&ae. wiU h.a•• ao oppoor&.anhr of l•ralng bf tho!r own obecrntlou lbe odrLDI<~j;u of rell~tl"o to ...._..ety, l<l tbonuol~""• 10 Ood, to all, In the lblrodll<>doD of. r.n.,-lous rof'eQ)Unllr oruoort Utem: "Ita" U.e.r -tbeaowdaol du­tllute l em31• chlldreu, ~ l rocn crlruo aod rolurJ, llr abe bnef\11 ol" l't"lf;:lou, .. l~t<atloo, could abfy ...-malo lt~~~eoalbl.lo abe goo•luo~ of G.od, or rr!UH oo •J\ItDot enry aid ,.flhla lht lr f"'W~f ao foalrrood o~courar;e aod prolo« eo holy aud •u•rflorlouo au uodert.tkln&l"

'lUi• appeAl or the good blahop wu milo• oo tlao 17th of July : It touche8 Sister XneritlS' b011t~ t.od lho 2flth of Anstoat fullowiog, .. w bor bid a Jut ft.rewoll to oouot,ry. 11ud relations, and, to what .w~ dearer to her. to th11 quieL lifo and aeclu­aioo of her Cooreo\ home. Accoropaniod by otber ~liltlbrui of her community, el}ua1Jy de~ob!d)lhe a:~iled -onder cbe p~o· uctioo of Dr.l .FI-iog, for Ne•foundlood. 'fbi.a band-four iD oomber, ooo ooly or who01 oow aunlv-wu tbe fi.ra' oolooy of those devoted ):rUb ouoa, who laodod oo our aborei, aod h wbom Terra Non haa aioeo bMn,iodobted io oo amall degree for tbe coltore and piety wllicb dlatlngoiab m:any or •(te ft.lr daughter&. ., &. JobD'I wu aiater Kncrilla' 6ra~ b:lluloo. '.l."bere for 6igbtteu YI!IIA abe labored amoilpt the ebildreD of all ciUIU, of ~e rich and of t:.o po"or, with 111 de.rotednell which well ltJigbL ba\oo &laddened the lorfng beart of the Jll)Od Nano N~)o fler.elt lD .1861, the laC. - -laaat nted • Uubop Mollock .eot her with a few oo1npaniona La (ouod tho Pre­,oo~\iop, Qo.oveo} of •Uarbor Grace ~ and here qnletly and unobtroal•elr abo labored and p,.;,_ed for thlrt1·0oey .. ra.io aU \fbich llna_e, tnt withio a, ... woc:b or ber dcmiae, abo wu ou,er ooco abaeot from ber place in tbe cl!ciir 01 aobool-roobl. Aod tbua bea li .. ~· 'J'M .. were maoy minw . .. ~ of reJi«ioa DIOfO OODipicuODI IJuao hera, but fo" io which a. lllj)re pelion' or b.oli,tr lj.)lti~ dwelt, aod oooe to which tho tr.eanreqoital~ · of o~tt ~oplo more ~adily 10 rortb lo gt'ro'ltilde.. i:fer Jut illn- the bote ,Ptll roljtllllt.ion,, aod, cOtiiOltd with all tb• thea or t&o Gboroll ~. Joyed 10 well aod •rftd ., laitblull)\ abe calmly guo up her wul ioto Ula haada ot the Utneni7,:Spo~10. Altar "'e ,Rilfh Maa aucl Odlcli, oo Monfta1, w wbiob lbe Right Rn. DilhPI> wu ce&.braoL, \h.e Very Rn. Fa&bn \Yiaet, high prieat, and RoYdL J~· Brown &ud G~ Bahooek, daa­ooo>a.o<h•b..cl~eo'o, oepH\iYety, (be 1110~ tallai .. of Nar)''.X.vlH\ l"11t& were to-ter I~ tbe oeroelaryrwiJbla •tbe <A!event eo ~ lo &be ~ow el ~o .U.r t.l wblob ill Ute abe 10 olfJ\1\·.~ '~f~Yea&ly worahlpped. ·~,her l.,._fo~J

:nr t U •• • t I .- I

rotlltDI of eac'b lae"ice abundantly pro>vo our people'a faith In God'a p ro'wit.la, aod ldethodiam'a MaMion.

Wo bope -r frienda op tbe Ray a ta<l on tbe Nor\11 Shoro will be ~u\lly euccoiS&!uJ nostweok.

Tri11ii!J &IJ, Nor:~. !H, 18SZ. (TO Till! IDITt>ll 01' TU.: STAND4RD.)

Su:,-Tiu• din of tbo electnn~l oonteoR hn..ins:

anbeidad, wo lind onriiCIYea once moru ~<e t­tin;t out oo wbat, lt Ia b9wd, will bo aloog periud or tiOii~iCI\l progreu.

'l'bo ~:reat 111loo..'ll obtai ned by the pre­aeot Administration it not, howe•or, with­out. oouourrent reapo01ibUi~os; aud uo1v thAt tho murky atDlOtpbere of t!ao c lm­paigo lou bceo diaptllert by tho lut tt\! nf n ~ictory uupreeedeotod lo ·the llllnnh or tl>o country, it becomes the prlYiltfjto ur our legii!Atol'll to ahuw 11oo appnoiatiOn of tbu great coo6d~JICt repoacd in tbetn.

" \\'bt> now 1 b• -.oat whOoo to lalcD Oob .. tou by lhll h.n~, aaot m'lke

'fllo bncta<U ol frMCI.oa~ v}Jor ft\.. •. Doubtless it will be found th.,t' thor" vo

ltftral ID!\tWI'I capable of it»proYU:ocnt. wbihat aomo aaeaaures of great utility ••ill bo diaoiUISOd for t ho llrat tirne-amonl(1t t.be Iauer, r aoppose t ber8 u aot ooo upvu which tho opioaooa of All poli;ical 1ection~ will cODYerg.:, io 11 moro ansrked tlc~cc, tban the t'lU!llllioo or Ule B1'11M.

Witb m:\cbinery. 10 1imple, Cot tbe atlop­tion ol100ob em admitte..llf beucGci..J mu"­nro, it otrtlioly apptnN eioi>'\llar tba~ wo abould hue beon content to rem'lu fol' auch alonz time lo a posirion au dl~ h·.,n­ta~reou~ compaA(I with t h!\t ol Olhcr e.~~n. trioe 011\1" aod diat.ant, wbero volin:: by 11ny other means tha.u t he wll\lt·box wouiJ oow be cooaidered t.n Machroni•m.

It c:aooot bo derued th4t mrioua well­known eirconMtllb't!el peculiAr to :New­fouodlond, atO t ho CIUIO of toUCh (lr1!UUN allbe polling-booth ; thAt tbia ia ahogethor wroog tber6 can be oo po iblo doubt ; a. Dllll'l vote is 1 aolewo t rust, t.od ahould bo f,.., · aUko !roan coercion oo tlw ouo baud, aod bribery 00 tlae otber, and wberu the means do nM ellial roc- aocb no eurclao of tbe lraoclaiae u woulcl render tbesa can.­tiogeocies inoperatin, It reRccL, mncb di.acredit apoo th.e counlry lhltl will Co)!~ r­ate audb a diautrooalt:lte o( tbincts.

h UJ&1 be· oflied tbat· the preteuee Of 1i l­

litarlt01 would have 1tho etroet of us tan~ ~ m1111b power in tbe ham.l.t -of· the llc- ·

-tnruln,r Ol!oer ; bat-a m:>meDI'I conaidera­tioo will abow that auch an objection is qu:lto Ll'a.DtpUeot. tba otlicl&lt aro ~eotle· men apecially aelec!ed for their prob1tyt.ml boooc-; IIDfl it ruust nol be forgotten tba~ the work of tbe ~~elioolonuwr 1a ollendinl ; mr,rDQ\'Or tile U cne clemenlll of IPtM"I'CM dlffioul(y' "laav·e · ~:r~Ao zitod tbem~elvea in otbor pll\U.1 ud tl\YO been fouud CISJ or aolutipo.

It b to be hoped tb•t the electora will oot ft.lt to aee thaHbe limo hna n6 w l\rriv­ed when " cbau11o for tbe bette r Ill ,t~tir­able ; that aoythlng oontribut.in; In tho aliS~llt.au degree to1the aobnraloo or fl"i!o 11ctloo abouiJ bo promptly Aupel'ileded ; whllli'IL ia to be hoped _tha~ our lllltim,bte Premler, ,rith bla colleagaes. will f"el thellleelorse lo a potition to Wto up tho­miner, 'aod •ao pull down that midtflv wall ol partition which aept.ratU tbit No!wfoon,J­t..a(l of oara from thoae prhile~:ra a • Inn~ aDd bappllf eojoyod by our kiuJua~u auo.l oela-hbol'll.

,1. am, Sir, yoor obedieat aornat,_X.

' -W~ W . ' McLellao, Lira, N.S, write• : " I

waa a&icted 'whla t.buO.alialu. •od had ~-~-aU t.opelof• eore. Hy otaaeoe:I faw Dt:"'Tb01a~· Eleetrio Oilrecommeoded. [ imwodlatc)y aent (ltfty mllea) and pnr. chllld fc,ru boUle" aoli r.lth otlY two ap­pllcatioM I wu •~Jle ~get aroaod, ~d al­f.hoaa'l ~ llafe oot. olecl ooe boad-e... L aaa Doarf1 wall. Tlio othet: lbree bottha.l gue ~nd I(} my oel,bbora, and 1 baft bad It> m&llf calli tol' '&aore; ~a\ 1 ~eel boaod 1o rellofl the &llliotod ()1. wrhlna to 10Q for a

On Month1 lu' rulll(llra were atlp~ tbat )lr R •hert Campbell bad eloted hia tan­Jiery and aino all hia PI'Ofl4ri1 Oter to bia cretlitora. ·n.o. new• t~tu rt~e~i•ed wlth io­eredulity, bul bjlbe followinJC day all doubt wu remo'"ed. 'Ilte j!Telteat -aofactorio,r oRibllahroeDI io t.be OODDLJ WU ciCIIed, lllld Ita proprietor owed abp111t ~()IA).I)O with

DuaLt!f, No•. 24-f• hu been officially reported f,o lba "Go'fe!'DIDenl tlaat IJide-· aprea<). ~reaa Ia reared ln Ireland tbia wh1tar. 'J'ho dlalricu moat eeriooalyalfec~ ed, t.bro.ogh waot o1 eraploymeo\ oo Canna ud faitore of -potato orop, · are Slig6, DaJ. tina, Striofo.rd LDI\ \lla greater portloo ol a.Jny~ '!'bare Ia .we~ denltuUon . Ia Vf tl( Clllrt aod Counaaab\ Qwi!'IJ to COP,. t.luuoaely baf1Ctnawlag bpon lt1AJ~meo ia AtDt1b t.o aappol\ ihe LMd r.n.o., lh$!re bu,.._o a ootlelderabll6 deoreaee.l~ rtllllt­,_ to ttnlfl'ltlioflr .. u .. 'Iii ltulaod. Tlala baa redHOd maoy aadYee to the-­dkloe ot belnf •Dable t.o f~ DW

II ladle a rree• ..t -.del• !atne ba the oocn· bne&ihl.t liltaledal wflleta lllw...,_ eliat.a Ia.

late.~"' ola 1e, aiW && iudldate -~ Early Ia the prae ... y ... a 1DU oarned,, ,.,, ,_,_ ,_~b ~b"~Uoa..1!~1 l!1!'•

.Laalard, · whi,. walltla. bet.-.n OleuU cr u itioh wu rupeoteG, Ploa TB& JUIIIOit-'~Cit ~:::;~ 1 t'\!~ - , J 'I , ', ___,; I • '

1Up~·1·" • ;; '1 •t "•"

, ~jiU IIIIOQotJ'* to ool1 a ..... tl&rti ~ diW..._.t.:na. A ordllalor blow bad fa' lea OD ._ D o( Pletou. Aa t.be ltorJ of die diaMte le .. • 011~ It i4 diaooYored cbat eenral ei~ ol .Pictoa a,. "'1 bea.,. loeerw, lllld Usn .... dire~~t J.-. of aow...- .... ...,. ,.,. •aoo.oou. w. ,.,_ "'· t.o --.... ilL u.. ... r. ...., •. ~ .,.~ ....... ly OOI1'H&o ap-fiJJbe~

S.nrel 8~ Ia • II..,_,, Bolton, 8t • JoP'a aocl llalll8. 1oet au.. -••ta. ... all ..... .,... ................... 1114

~ ..... ·~· ... ... llr» ............ ., •• .. ~..:-::::

told. •

• F.ruo.. 1& ia DOt-p~)e, Cblnldre, &laM B...,. will allow a roat wac to be ,..;. apUaaoed.IIDI-IHi ia .ca.a~ lhAL" 11 a:. •liAble. aod ..... <iHnou7 collld Do& be beU4f,......... ·~ I o

aod Fllalllllt.lo &he Alpe. auade a.falea ac.p, and. OJ.. ~. ,eople Cl~ &h1t, f.U,do~ra tile proaiP'Oe-utl wu kllltcl. A trfi:l~ aod lo'' .ODMqD._.. of w-.n - .,. ereo&ecl CHI tho wa,..ld'- e!!litloal riewa we ooqJd DOl &in hi• Ua Oot.. 'a ,..u .... nameil DlbolJel ua coo!Weoco, ' '' ~.,. ,Ia ao mutla *"" ralarelor bf u..-e toad. -•puled dilttl-' bal will •:a 'llr: ~w bJ a-a .,._..... ~WJaeo .u, riiiM!bed coedoetod himtelf" • bla.J:Dna bl.lbe • --.ell ...,... -·~ ai &be plact. Ill .. ,_,DDJUt• ..... ~~ cuaao\ 1111111.e..-....s wb..t J..AQard .,. dq· lillil..,w•• deterYlor o(. 'oar o&aaon A,. c. 1 .. bla foodar bere."lalciM. ·B'- aod - be~ ·&laal ~ 'I aod laow he ... d laatie ... ... aot .. dlla

oo&a& die foot

-~11:1-oneq..JraMmp-: •"· ~ .

-~·~~~WI ot ' \Ia• Porelp J Of tho Method· ~Oii ..... of CaMda, kay• ~· beld dar­

week, a~. CariODear, Gill-. .

Page 3: VOLUME HARBOR GRACE, NEWFOUNDLAND, DEC;EMBER 2, 1882,collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18821202.pdf · VOLUME HARBOR GRACE, NEWFOUNDLAND, SA.~DA:Y, DEC;EMBER 2,

J' 't

DlLIFU, No,. ~fbe Ill\ two Pro- j:_.. ~ . i' ' 1'' ' oeduro Rule~ haM \eeo carried. Yorle t:.utOt'.F&a.-The Fac11 Fatr Ia COD•

\ ~ 1 ~: By-r:J;-elegraJ!~o,.. :.1

l! . . . • I •

lfew A.dverttaementa. ., ·• le, 1 t j;

~QAL$. cpAt.:S. ., • ' • ....._....,, .. ' i t

129--~ ltjreeh129

·ST. JOBN;S. mond u adjouna~c"nt to d ilcu11 \he Kil- n on wUh Obi" CbiUOh (&<ln rtlud to ma lrabam ·.:1'~"· ' QJa4atooo.. deniod Ule be btld o lll Tolilay ne1\,) w~l ke e1itteni!!l' 'Of tbe Tte&17. ao~ t6d' motio~· I~ o.._,UI., 010111~ ~ ~~o4~' aud waa .eptfnd. , · , . Dai,•60l tfcl fiJ&~t.-~ ',

':rlilnw;· baM ro~ Sl De n nit Cathe·· '1

"' • .... 1 •· i , 1

Fi iiT ~ ' tllmurtLT ~ • Cap.­'l,'b~ .,. .. IUOiiill." -.ecta of · qne of tlae11101$ ·~~~-popular .,.ecii• iD tbe Doml!¥otp, Norillrop & L~'e Yep­table ~iaOove,y .&lid 1>/lpe~~o Care, wblo!l reforlna'u '"'rolar condition or Lbe bOw­eta and ~iv6r, iatlJrora&et the atoiii&Ch; a:o· oewa' d lrciauou. an-a ch~lliu \he onm~~~t ol the blood ,(rom a ~oJ!pll alia tuclliC: luto a pure, iaP.I~ .'!l~rediliailla•~

Joat reoetnd, •aM •11o'rtaa""'• from 1 •· D~h1~- ~ •I -,_ I ---.,, ,, ..,LIL

I 1 oJ of.---:/ ~{~ ..., "'· • • • l!

dral, Pan.: ~·t•o preciou• n~li~ •• ~ .. il·lh~ Bede tlorlit F~ert bave l..eeo atolea. . , .. "'UUw drawror apr i'ti' tC!l'min-tiou. Tbo'ral~y:W41t' i~ro.lby Englaod Serricea hue .been betel tneral tim01 each

fell.liDI'DB~~iwOa...-''{ ' · '· ~~\he Cub~l, d~ri~ tlla...paa.' W1 'l' l(a' beillt:b.l ~ 'Cblldera;J Secretary of -z--r•'• wbiob rrrJataely, a"foded.

War,• it bt~eo-Gori. ~ . ~~ It ill reported tb'•' the Eayptlan recruit. -Loa or .I Vasc~.-r-"ne b~U.O Ptl.

ftfute to proceed to, -Soudan· except under be~Ol!&lJr 'io M'~ J . IJ G. Smith or tbe comtDUd of Arabt · Bnpt, waa''Wroelltd nea r Cow' Bay~ape

'l'be ro Ia widoepread di.atrea 1.n tho Breton, a w~ or ,ao . a,qo. Capt. Wilcor W eat of Ireland. • a nd the crow were broogM to St. J obu'a br

'fbe atoamer City of D Mr 111, wheat- tho ..ale~ Kila. ""' ladoo, from Netr York '.to oglaod, pu' :n to, HaUfu 1n diatrea and d~~ C&l'JIO. - •

Nov. 27.-Feniana abot Deteo ., Col· U. Dubl.i.n ; tho mllldtru ba1 beeo t-ed. . • Gladatone intimated \bat tbo oe1 aeuion

" of Parl.i&m011t will be a11mmonall i Janu-ary. . • '-...: . ' T be Montoocgriu Q outlon h&; been 1cttlod b.\ltween tho P orto'"'iiiai\'lll riL ·

'.rho Duke of Ecllnbllfib w eo ooaly Ul.

By a oolllaion on tho l nteroolonlalllai.l­way three peraooa were killed.

'Tho Cmr hu Tiail.ed SL. P clcrtlburg, Ex· traordinary precautions were take n to enauro hit a fo ty, p?lieemeo ,being poat,ed o"l!ry ail yuda. 'l'beru il ao alarminr ino,_ of d iphc.horiL

Nov. 28.- no Soudan rebels ue dereat­cd, aod tho Falae Propbe~ Ollpturod.

l .nrly S t ratfo rd do Redehlfe .ia dead. Theatcan•er Cla~ttlo11 mn into 1bo Polynu·

ian at t he wbar r yeaterchy, b rea k log he or he r rlates, one of 1 wbich waa onder bor water line. ~he will undergo t emporary r evl\il'll here, and ~ill sail on l'huradl\y.

Aa)'na ]'uch& au'~ds Said I'11Jcthit. M

Miniatcr for Foroigu Atraira In 'l'ul'i r y. N 0\1• 29.-1'be firat I OYCI aud tho Ju t

thrl'c P rocedure R ulell o f .. P :ulianfeot &re atAUtling ordera. Tbo I rub troubles a re be· i og d U.Cuaaed ."

C.nodcu Hall, lltl\r Driatol, bna been burut; UIO libra:y " "' partic ularly T&IU· able . . ·

T he t l'l!.io fell through the Foyo Bridge. A berdeen. F.ivC" pM~eogora we re killeJ and many iojnred.l ·

The Go•ornmen t hM refUl!Cd a commia­aioo to iuquiril into tbo troubles of t.l1u lalu o f S kyo (.;rolLers.

Glu~ll·>••o ~~~tea lhat the e xr eoae or 1ho E;,!ypu~o W 11r 18 tbrco (lnd " h.Uf milliooi . 'l'bll CI~DIO incurred ;'\fte r t bc !at or OciO­ber fall11, io •hole or in p.vt, ,o~gypt..

A Uublin mob Ill tacked t he fni•pit41 where 1Jolao, wbo bo~ t he policeuuo, il coolin ­eel.

O r ooi1 ~iold , of J)11blin. a m ember of tbo Jury who conde mned llynes, wM mel by " CAr cotr t.o~in in:: t wo &sOM• ins wt o ' t"l•b· ~d biu1 six limes. Field i• still J"·iog. }'iye thonMnd poundft hue beeu offcreJ for t he d iN'o•·ery of lh~ .&JIUll&ius.

The l~l t.e. thu ll~in, t l:c ~ccbr. the r. lo•dl~ and th" Hbino 1m•o tloodcJ tholf tcs~\!Cti \"O r~;.rionk, aud IU~uy \'i llagt""l r.uo submer~.teof. lt..ihuy tr .. IUc i3 t.:u liruly 8UIJ'COdcd.

Uufle rin rtrommen1h lhe F.z r p lian r; o,·­c m mont I.Ot to rrocN••l agalltst A l'l'bi fu r hurniu4: A lcxaodria uor for tho J une W!UI ·


::\o\' . ~0,-Gnmbelln is rccon~ing froEU " serio u3 illur,.

The Ge1 mon floods ue anbaid inl(, . l >cl>iol ullon of t h.: ;\lnnitoh'\ L• .:isiAtu ro

,...,11 t.1ke p l,.ce on tho :!:lnl Dccenl lxor. T he I ir\l lotl ~tALe$ ruvcuuo ucecda I be

expeodiloro by 40 ) million dDIIar». 1>1 c. I -The 1te.~mer f t lnr f ;,.,,r, . from

I o •don fu ~1.. .John oocl l lnhf:u . at ruclc: on l ht· l c<l!!~• o tT (fmnbcr r v hiRn<t. ol!ll r t.:no­•••. 1\t :l n'clo<jl.: on 'J11Urad•y morning. Thr~e 1><>~!, dnr~iui ns;: I ~ pc1110na lAnded at ( ',.nco, y~•tbnl•y. ul neleen pera~o~ nro p rob ohl~ 1,~ ' I he Ate• mcr WJ" of ~ trtn l liUrdcn Thi6 ..-:u h er second r oyago Aer J'\8 I he At l tic, ,

·~uc Archbi&hop of Cunlcrbory Ia dyiug.

t-Lord D IITcr.u is h~J i•lly r ioin~ in p ublip u tim:u.iou. Hoi~ now tAl ked ol 118 t~o De l L .lc3der o r Lbc Libcrll party in Gr~t IJ':'l31o. Uo bas many and high quahf!cauon11 for lbo poat,and tberi\ i• 11 0

doubt that ho would wako a brill ian t Primo Miuialcr.

,\. AR 8 1:TWt J:.'f , 8RAZIL 4ND Tflr. Anor.~­Ttllll lhtPUDLIC l :ctVtTULt.-WrvAi"glim N oo. 2L-I~porla reAcb hero tb"L w11r be: l • e o IJnuil and tbe A ~"~ten tine lt .. publ ~c ia

rded aa ioeYitAhlo, and likely to ~zi u •~ry 1100o . Tho trouble oritea from tLe. bouudary d i1pu to. · .

L EFT TO Pu .un o:~ AN Ten Ft.Or~-Ra" Pf'(J)r~, Nov. ! G.-Capt. Loszan pf 1h~ wbal~r Rtsi•botc: and h it m rllt, 'Pa trick Compo, hl\~O bet a bailed in -.I.GGO e•cb for a.baudon~ng a 1111.ilo r ou an icc floe in tbe

~ "'- Arctic. 'l'bo crew a llege- that wbile ohu ioar a wbalo the aecond mato'e boat ran npon a Boo and atoYo a. bole ln~the·bc-r. ' l'he ~n ua..d foY ehootlo(l whalea wont off and J::d. ward ~ waa allot. fo1tea::!.f helpi11g t lte noao, who, the7 belin o, w allYl!, the

: men nnde r lobe aecood mabl' rdor lef~ bihl

t on tho lloe. W hen the boat ~blmed to t he ahip tho third oftloer •olont.eered to go

_j . f or Lee, 6oL waa not ~low~,!-0· • · . ..

- A WJIO£ Fo~& WAmio 7QJL. O ru: W)l(:~~·iTar-,b illiDfeUi-ttlftlloe is waidag .fin a'~L Ia W I a: - 'Jll.e per· aoo entitled to tt lt a mao named William

,. ·MCICutby, p l'l!enrul!IJ ,an lrillll~b.,· wbo tailed from Lit.erpool for Callada aboo\ fohy yean ~· Hothina w ~ p-t

•kn9wn of lhia lodiridtl&l, and &fJ,.nite· · &~~eola ban bll® ioae~d in ~· papere i•

¥oRland and. \hil ooqqt.,. . .l.'otllibly he may ban aoeoeed~ In rer.llsiaa a fortctne

,. W~ b7 h own ¥ dlliWf I JIOI'Ibly hed:r &e ID dl~ dellito tlon ; poaibly he.i.l Wha~Yer bu become of bim ·&\It fa.~\ re-aalna that bit uoel.e, tlon.._Wflliam Freder·

' ic:k lfcC.nby1 b-. reeen111 d ied io ~ .; ~ ,111 t.J. will lei' him. all bw prosJen:r, ~· aA~o!Ui\l.nl to oYer a mUiioo of r:upeea. .. . -t •• · Tbe wWer Erik.. Capl. Walker,' arriyed

a• Daadee oa tlte fornooa ol tile Stb lu.L, ,,_»."-'Strait~, wHia llft1l ftlb wbicll

·Win ,..,a about • &abe., o11 &~~ct'tJ toot of wWe.-.1 Th B rihrauapPd,dle ,... .. ....... DM-11' 8tnlta. n. oa&-..,..,. ~ - lllanV ... .,., ....... ... ~-=· . .=. . ........... ,_, ..... .,

- toss ' OF ttl& SciiOONEitl 11 }'LTrKO ... -We (Tr~} u11dontaud that

~dwin Ouder, .Kaq., hal reoeiYed . iolel­llsrenoe '~f htm of tho lott of the achoooet g M ill, wilh ~11 be r cargo , nlued at Uilog like £900. Tbe nil· ae)., iL -ma. belonged to Mr. ,J 01iah Manuel, of Exploit.a_ Slim\ Jalaod, and was on h or way from Ulia"·'pon to Q..eeo B ay when the diaaater occurred. Tho Cll~o wy io1nrod ~ud the ~hr. oo ered b1 .!660 Ia die' Sr. Jobo'• !.luhal· ' ' '

~ ' , . V &NNon's W u TR£B FOR D tCIIIBtR.­

F irat w~~.-Entry of month fairfj cold, witb lig ht mowfall1 ; tpood lly giving place to mild~r wptbe r, with:raloJi.

SecoPd Woek.-Co1der , with aeat u red anow-lall1 in Northern a reu and r.Uua South and \V eaL-M.lld again wwuds oloao of weak. · · 1 •

Tbirq Week.-Oenerally mild weat.her: with ralaa .. -Aitoge\het nry opon weather for tlme of year. • •

Fourth W eek.-Mild and o pen weather, with.raioa and ro~ up 10 'cloao of year.;­Ve ry little aoow i.nywhere.-Ioe forming in aome Nortbenueetiooa.

/ ----Tlrz: Lost>ON F&Su.uu:s Exmamos.-lt

is fcarod that, aa compared •itb tho Uoitoa Statoa diaplay, Canada will rol\ko but a poor 1how a t the Io tero&tiooal Fiaberica Exhibition, which opona io Loudon next year . T be G oYeromeu' were too Jato in "'"'toning to tbe lmpor~.ooe of the subjec!. Nolbiog could · be dono unlit funds wero YOtcd at t be Ju t I CW 8D of l' HiiaJOt n t, whe reaa the Aroorieaoa hu e ·bcen for ~el\l11 making prep&r&tiona. Co~~gre• 'fOted sw.-000 Cor tho p urpoae" wbile our liovecnrueot provided a niggardly 'AlO,OOO. Tho work or collec \lug' aod ciUsil,iug thn c xhibil3 ia unde r tho char~:e or UJII lnspOCtOII of;Fil h · eriea In tbe dift'ereot ProYioces, Mr. Samuel· Wilmot ba•iog cbar~eo of t ile O ntario aec­liou io cvl<li;ion to tbo fisb cultur~ d9part-lnOuL.-ToronlO 0 /./We. ,,...-

' Vork on tho railway line belwee11 tbia 1111d CarbooeAr waa discontinued on '1 nee­day last; tbo road I• now graded, ready fo r tho layiol( or tbe aleepon .

All bough the con1men~ment of rail way work here this seuou boro' t be 110mblabco o f An election-kit~ ; ye t sceiu~: t hat tbero ,,..._. like ly to bo 1\ grut de&l o r diatreu 1\moo~t " aeotioo of tho pooplo or this Uia­t~ct the comin~t winte~, i~ wi!l be p rod uc­u.·c o ( good by tbo dUitrlbuiiOD of many UlUCh ·needed do lll\ra. W o hopo t ha\ th o •· l imo" of 1be l3boo renl will bo made up witn a ll proruptit11de s ud t.be amoua~ d uo each pAid without detar.. W e do noL fear !>ut lbat Lh~:y "'II ali bo p>iJ LJ tht t•t;ry C'CIII. W lrat wo. desire is that tho~ wbo ba•·o oMnod their wagea • hou l<i hnve it Rt the Yc ry carlieat d!l lO possit.lo, w t bal ·tboy may be ion po11tioo to t.uy lbo llore• thoy oced u quickly u CIUl

bo a nd 1•ay those wbo m"y h1w 0 mlldo ad­~l\DCCA tO .ibCID1 Or gave tbCID bO:Ud lUlU lodg1ng.

-O!IJT.-l n our obit uary colamn to .day i~ cbronieleil tho dOilth of l\ Yortby mftn , Copt . ChMiel Furey of lluhor l\l ftio. M r. Fo ruy repreae uted tbat d istrict in l ho Local Legislat ure for a pan of two aeasiooa- froUl 18~9 to 1861 and rrom 1864· to 1867. In 1ho eJeclion of l869 be wu dofealcd, and did not n~in offer himself u11til tho pr01eot yur, wbco he wu alao noaq~uful. .Mr. Furey held Lho poeitioo of J Ul lico of tho Peace fo r 16 yeara. H ia rath r auddeo dcee&~~e ia much reg rotted, more upeci~y by tho poor o f tbe .neighborhood iD whlch h~ livod, who alway• Jou11d io h im a rudy hcl~r and warm • rmpat.hit er with them in thei~ t rooblea and diatrouoL Ycaterday ~he 1'\:cnaioa o f tbe doeeued geot.leman were in terred at liar r Maiu.

O ur obitnary lumn to-~1 alao conta'ioa a nolico or II deocaao o r Mila lltAJWlrOt llierlihy, eialer ( wo uoderalaod) of Mr. G. w. ~lierlihy of B~U-ltobllrll. W e obse" e t at her will il antbliltblltH~ tbe ll"lifu roniclr. From • tt~ .tt ,..r{..,tice • 1\moog.o U•e equeata. o tle of II,OCrO to be i brol~o· o~o~o n. f!ierllby, ahfJI~~ciJe suro·••o her. I ' r' 1 •1

· ' Dc~uedqirepta t he a le of bor on lvid· ed iotereat iD zaaJ ~.in N e•fou od laod 10 be aold fo r parro11ot of legacict i. alao d ir eota ule of bll' hedrdom r f~tore a nd d l&eribotion o r clo thing .. at the d!lcretion of o~:ecuwr. T be will to be proyod a t St. J oha 'a, Nlld ., aa deoeued Bad ao prop'crly In Non Sootla requiring probPo." '

t .. '·

· Mn. I.Jm>ano's' Ncw Ens:aPnJSa.-We obaerve whh' eat~actioo tha~ our en~r­prili~g town11nan llr. J.olln Lindberar • 18 extebding .hla )int~t or l oda.u., Into new ftelda. He baa lat"-1 ~lUred ~e proP,Ot· tr. oo t he lOuth tide of Dac~wortb 'S,., joe~ eut of Cooliral!e ' IS&. · where b'o' lt .1bo'Dt to etlabllab' & l!epol f•~ 1the aaJe Of DOO·into'xi­O&tlta. In ooonectinn wiib the l'Cifreabmeoc depahmeoL thoro will ali o bo facililiea fu r eujoyeblo recreation. 1uCb aa ultUea, & c. B11t Uln it no' all:· Tbe proprietor baa :Wo lo Yiow atifaetJoaaloog ltnowo in American cities which will cater to tho beat taatu of &be' mlll&itode. Thuo will oooiiat .1o em­belliahillg the principal apartment willi t reb and fto"e~ in ~ta, ,iiYing it the pleujng a~pearanee o( a ' garden, whtle the barmonloe of a pianoforte and Yiollo will a tWy tbe popular demand for mtUic. In faot it fa thought that there will be a quat· tette .,,, lnatrumeuta ahoald eireomataocea warrant.. The• prdeo ' will bo proYided with aeparate ~bls, ao that each alttiog .m be lodependea$ or the others •. 'Tho boil!ling on ll&rab Hill .' b OW Died Ill a bowling alley, Mr. Lindberg int.coda to coo­ver~ ' into a akatiog Rink. 1'bere arc h•IU· dreda wbo do oot eire to make akating the buainow ~ <>r •a whole ovebiog ; bot ' would llko to' rnake a r hn I nto .aQt:b a i!on · • cnleut plaoo ; aud · ..:djualiog oae'a Ab\ooa ming le amoog the lhtbt-h•artad,gay throng for a n hour o r- ao. 'l'o sueh' Mr. Lindberg '• rink "i' l prof e a real acooiumodr.tloo.­M frcury.

. BIRTR. ·~~~"""!"---....------~-· Al 81. •JobD'I, oo o 241h NoY., Lho wHo ol

llr. Jolau II. No.>tlall of IOD,


Oa l,loodar night lui, al 81. P oul'l Obure4. IIJ tho a.~. N. Lc.llolut, lfr. Wult Pille, to lllu Loulaa Coo rage, boch of lbla lown.

Oa 'the 18th Nov., li tho rN ldoce<> of lbo bride'• lolht r. bj lbt n .... .Wr. Lumadn, A. R. Rlorliby E.q., Deputy S bHilr, Bay Roberco, lo Wlu Wary Jauo, oecopd tltltsl d•DKbl<!r of Mr. U. J . Coop01 of Inglewood\ Random Ar..,, Trla!ly l'oj .

Al &lin lllo 01> l:iunct.y lut, b.)' tho fie,.. L'. V..rokor, llr, Edwotd \Yboloa of Sp&Dionl't Uoy to loll•• f:lleu f llzpaYr!elc, of Oollo h ie. '

At Sl. J oba'1, Oil NoY. U , by lho Ito,.. T . 11 . Jo01os. Mr. AIIJert Uhalo, of l'tUJ llorbor, to .WI10 Ella• ADD A nry, of Orol.ul Oovo.

At SL. J obno, oa Nov. lbtb. by lbo • •a••· llr, Alfrod,Uud.aou • . 10 ll lu Cbu louo l 'ool o! U..ota Uubor. •

At Bt r.robo•e, oD I be 20th No• ., by tbo lln. W. W . Porcl•al.'~r. Wm. Wblt•, of CrteprllOJII loLll lu Wary aao• Bta'u lleld, of tho IIDIO p)oco.

•Oo tho ltiod Novil a1 tho hrldo'l re&Jdooco Torra Nou IJou•~t 8 Joho'• • bj lbe Ro.;, 1:. IJ. JamP, ll'r . F.d .... ra ltloorot, of T rlo lt7 10 llln Mar7 ADD Lamtt, o( SL Joba'l. '


Oo 8unllo.rlu~ Ina '!lllh a ll, ah er • long •11 • ~oful lllaeao, borue with Cbrle&Un r .. lgnalion' to lho OIYioo Will, Morgoret ll 'holon o~od ~~ 7ear• . •bird dan~;blu of lbo lale Bdmo:1d l ' belao uf thle w.ro.-(J.IoltOu aod .N tw YodC · I"'IJ4U IJIOUOCUJ'Y· .

Oo T •••doy ouolng lu t,'' ai£,Uorbor"llalo, Copl Oborlu . Furoy, J .l'., oguc.l ll(f"yu r• , foraler­IJ ~ .H.A . llo wo1 good, ldnd·heu1o.l aod el1orltallla w hie fello\Y· I'Cioo. '

AL Cochraoo S~rMt, ~~. J ob.D11, oo tile 2~1b NaY., IVUIIaoo lhltho'f }Ioory. eldut 1 0 11 of ll11 Hon. J ohn H . Wor roo, • tttd 87 n•ra. DC'Otll ll)o.l Wll n r1 DIDch r~, t Dd u la t'&rly tltnoi.lo Ill r~grouocl by .. u who ltad ILo plo:Uoarc of Ills oc­quoln141nc:o.

.At SL. Job1>'1, on I be' 2;tb X o,. .. •!lor a ahorl lllaeu l 'bom., Caruoll, •a~'\1 2G yaue. I[At Glouceoler, lhu. oa lho i 1h ult. , Chari.,. accood aoo or 1be lole'l!r. lome• llcnlc)'. of ou: boneor, aged S6 J rA"· Dcccued Iean a a willow oad ii!Ye a moll cltlhlreo.

At lloal,....l. oo the ~lh)all. at l•i• lolo real. don<'*, 27, l leOlll llroe.C:. and•t•nly. of por• lr ell of ILo brain, Ur. Joho U.. K•ighl, "3td 73 j t),.. forDIOrly of Sl. Jobn•o, N~wluuudland, ' ·

AI Son lit Bo41on, nn lOclt uh ., Mra. ll. Kolly. eocoad daashlor of cbe lace llr. Joho lle,..,haat aud rolicl of !WI lalo Wr. lJ, Wl\lab oil of 111' Jobo·e, NOd, · • ' ·

Al North Sydce.r, oa !<o• . \I. Jobn Downie. • aatlu of Ne .. rouodland,oged !8 ycau .- ll.l .l'.

Al llalflaxLoa tho tllth NoY., alter a ebort 111-bt'N, Wlo .rurgarol Jl ierllh7, only eunlvinJI( daughter ol I be !ole Coplaln Joha Ulcrllhy.

8 uoldoaly ,at Ullll!n ., qo tb~ Utlo IIIL, llr.'An-drew Jl ilhuu , -gitd lill f Unl. ~~ ·

' At Ihlllax, oo NaY. l~th , a!te"' el>MI Ill• a llfd>ard P! Ford,'oged 67 yea,.., a 111tho of ~ J_oba•o, NOd. .

·•Bor•'Ntd ... ,--....,.... . POBtr Oi' IRAJUIO:&l GB.tp.B.

' .. • • En i!IUIO. • • f.

NoY.IJ!l-Wfllllp, <),nt., 8y.U.e7, .C..B.,~f llooo .t n.. . l.i ll, •.t 1 • • ,. J . ·'

&tllllo' L...:r,"rrolf'D~d 1 cr.' ..:: n: r 0 ~' •·• ' •I I t ;-;-1 l' : C~~i~, ,N r • ~ , 1 ,

Nov. 2-S~o·nt'l\ \!arria, J~nlin, L'o'oC!~/l~1ac -1. NUlla"' CoF •' • I • • • ~ ' rctk,


C ~ ·8~ A~ 1.11 Jllli!.' "'' -~ ,,• ·.· A.~ t:oi•• I

' • vl ~ . "' A cARQO raou . l ,,

Reserve Min.es, » - ,1 ..;1_ - '

OX;zwUllt ~. ,, •

Will bo 10ld cbeap while neaelt IU'O. dit­obaralllf.

'I ·D. J. GREEN.

])eo. t. l

D ec. ! .Gi.

. ' ,. 4 LL P,E RSOl'(S fitaebted to tb~ S ub­

..t:.1. 1aribe r will coo~ -a' fuotlt br calling and aettling tht!lr Bilij. ·· · "· ·· •

C~DEs _B~DDON. No-f. ~5. ~T . ~

1882 VOt.tJMES l l.ol • • J.

Of tbe follorinr&riea arorooeln d , Yiz.:-•. , 'I • 11 •••••• '"'

T he Boy4' O~o Paper, The Girla' Own P..aper. T he Quinr, '!'be Daily., The Union Jac'i, YolllllJ Et~~laod. Little Folu, Ob terbox, Little Wide A waite, Family Friend, 'l:ho llrize, 'l"ht Cbild.'t Co.opanloo, Child· reo) Frio& d. Child 'I o~o Wagar.iuo, S uoday at Home, Uriti&h Workmu, Band of llopo ll.efltw, Cottageraod Artiaao, &o. • .

· J . F. CHISHOLM! St: Job~'•, Nn.,.

" I '

Revlsio~ .. of, ·.VI~t~r !. ~ates; • I 0. 1882.· I • ~·

• rl.. "' •.::,_,;.!!'_ . I ,. •

~UBLtfi:N.O,TICE . N C

' J.. ' - },l ...

I A CpuDANC~ ~with J ibe uarbor Graco Water Company'a Ioeorpora~ioo

Apt, anq Ac t in amendment tbereof, tth e

Bo~ks l of·A:'J>P.rais®lent of u id .Cnmpaoy' Will be opto tO the euro . ioatioo of all partlea intereated 1 therein a t the COOU1' HOOS E, H arbor Greco, '

On JION.DAY,~~e saoUi 1daT o/ NOT.,

until1he npiration of' fo11rtoen day& I • • ·:It · w. '1'RA:PNE.LL. , • Cltrl: of tM Pea«.

'Police M ce, lJarbor Crace,}' ' 17th N o• .•• t~. : '

1 ",

J • :ZOe Dir~tora, therefo re: thron,gb ita G eneral Mllosgcr , her~by take t hla 0 r-lu.ncty of setting forlb t ho elcums o( tho "CiLinn Jnanrance Company" t lh ppol o f ~h.rbor Graco, • ,ilhout flamjo!Z adYertleemonta or oUier s upertluot;s and f~e u:nf{0Sc~ luiiYII ebecl3, kno"lnt: f.ht\t 1he Cowpany will commend ltaelf bpoo ·,~. 11 •,.

9 .Y 1 r ' bl' ' If "' b ' " d • • "' I CM.., lOanllltC • I{CC!Do pu 10 ; .t , •u c a"!lc..:r au luUgnty or maoy or illl promol~r· being well L t tho ~9J?IO of ~!fa Jod.h(y. ..nown o

J II . • • • • •I A. T. DRYSDALE.



' I TJI&

S. S. ~tad:Y. ~loVer . r .

"--,'~ILL CONNECT WJ'l'H •

RAILWAY(I.Al HOllftpOD · ....:oN-

W~!';~+y Fare to or from St. Johu'l trj' Blll •and

Stc:~ruer : 104. a od 6a. f_ . . · O. M~SON.

Oct.~ • I

. . Trap and· Seine· Netting. For Sale to· the Trade. 100,000 lb8. C otton Seioo and T rap Nett­. log, nil h igh gndo, Americao Cotlon, p:l•

tout laid . 10,000 the. Colton Seine and T rep Nett~

ing. for light cod~~ei ne~~ to uae iD •troug c urrenu , pntcnt laid. 70 lbs. 'Cot ton l\ ctting makes U.e 8AillO

aize Ne~ M 100 Jha. bemp--it illlllhler. A.MEitlC ..U'j 1-II:.'T & 'J WINE Co.

Doe too . Oct. 28.Sw. ••• 1 ' ..

Agomt f or H~~or Gria, N~ j Oct. 7.2m- Tirnn Si.

'. ~o't1oe.

[11 tlct matte- of the Eltate of W. fl. E~nLE, late nf Spa11lar'd'6 flay, dttca~ed. . ' .

ALL PERSO~S INDE HTED TO T H E • above t>atate &Ttl requHted to mo.tb payroeot to Mra. EArtLE; .-ldow, Spaniard's Bay, or to the uoderaig .. ed . ,'-..._

No'll. 4.lm

S. A. EARLE, l.tldminiltrator, SL Pierre, :Miq 11olon.

l, f I

1 • 1

:F"J:S~ ... y..,...,..R.:J:EB• ! SPECIAL NOTICE. • • - ,j•. J


WE ARE P R El'.ARIN G- best qoali•.y no li!Y inteodiog ·l::lllibltora 1ba~ tuo W bilo ~n<l Barked Cotton Scino a nd

Trap 1'wino, " 'ilb a ll ollrerltioda for the local Exht'bl'tl•on 1\owfouqdJ:lnd Fitbermon,prooured th ro ugh

. tbo 01erclJao~ jwportera. 6th conupooa. to Bridport 12 ' \ b. H emp 9th .. . .. · 1~&18 .. 1 2th .. " 24 lb. lJi tb .. .. •. so l b. ..

will be·· held between tbe h t aud l Ola dn}"'!of AI arch, . 1883.

IODDLS.GF CB4f'r 18th • " " SG lb. II

E 1cept for Salroon Gill Ne18, not o sin- The d11to of r ecep tion o r Model• is e x· &:lo lb. of he mp Ia used by thb A1nerican tended to any U!iiC befor\) tliu 201h Febru­flJbor me n. It i1 'ciCllrl .Y rstnbliabcd t het ary next..

Messrs. JILLARD BROS. Cou on it t bo moat durable. easiest 10 b \ N E ....r ~,. ~,. rft tr::::t. beg t o c::1ll the attcMioo or their unmeroos and b&nd lo, t\Dd Ia bting e1tensh·cly need ~ ..&;;&. ..L ~ .&. -~ ~

, by tbo fishing nalioaa of t ho world lri~oc}.s ao.d cM iomera tci t heir }argo AMEIUCAN ~~· & T WINE Co.

.tnd vo~ried Stock of · 1 llostoo •

Ne'* ~ ·aoe).ds-~~0"-:-· 4:-1210

,· -:-:---=--~-:-­·.t~t, rece1·~d. ; "ii~~io~ b~e~'bodgbt ,~ol!t 'NOW rs· YOUR llt.lE i ' ~'llq~oou.aly our' Jl&troa, ~~~ , N iy o* • ... " _. _ " • ~~i::'!.values1.9 a1Uhe departmcnu wit b tow Splendid 'Investnient

S'tal:>l.e G-oodS · of e_l~~r(& .

Caliooea, Shirting.,• Flaooela, Blanket ing Blanke!&, .Wioeey•··plaiu a nd fl\Jley . Sbeetinr, F~ey & pttaa, Clotlr, 'l'wee<IA.

&o. . &c. &c. t TRY OUit

Ariti Rliellllia.tic El.a.n.ll;el · in Scarlel and \V hi to. ·

' ( . 'I - - • A BAZAAR will bo hold at L itlle Brly, Xmu WO('lc, to a ill i n com

pleting Lhe R 0 . Cboreb, nnd nlso tl1" Dwc.lting-Houso of lito Pri!l3t, of l h llt ~lace. .


S~1111ll c:m t rlbu tiona'will be th~okrull1 ~tv~, and la rger onea in p roportion by t ho following . • '

MRB.•W. PHORAN, Mu. JAS. WALSH, llrv. S. FLYNN, ~.P.

All &mplea, Specimem and Jll n8ela to be odd re111e<i to Mr. Jon:~ P.l.\lm!\, and 10 Le forward.,J to t ll,e E xhibition II all; 011 t ho pr~•oiaell of ll~:~nr ST.\ 11111 Eaq., up t i~ !!oth F ebruary. ~

W.M. WBEALF:Y, · Stcrrrory.

St. J oho'a, Sept. 2~ .. s o.Sm.


·, AU ~l~d;:;;d11tylee of

C~G-ES mado to ordn and~wii!'Tanted.

Re}?~g· and Painting ~ul\nnteed to gl Yo utlafacliou. B eat o r STOC K alwa1• on hand. •

Second-Hand Carriag~s

Page 4: VOLUME HARBOR GRACE, NEWFOUNDLAND, DEC;EMBER 2, 1882,collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18821202.pdf · VOLUME HARBOR GRACE, NEWFOUNDLAND, SA.~DA:Y, DEC;EMBER 2,

" I

~ell~_n_y_. __ _ Tim GIBLS.

Rear tbelauptor oltb. _.,..._ PrtUJ glrla.

What a fond ol111Mrinolllt ..cb n~hJIIP nfvle ! Dow 111~1 d "'lt.ar. c:bolltr. t'hollllt,

l o the balmJolr of ul~btl Whllo lbfl olon !bat olrer op&lln All tho beanoa heu llHrlr c:latt.tr1

h a eon oDd mll<l dfllght ; To tho Uutluuabulalloo, U..l, uo-•lor, enr,

purlo, • From lbo @trle, (lrle, Jirla. rJrle,

OlriJ. gitlll( glriL l'nalbe wild, eapri.-Joo, u u.-,, iouuly clrle.

tl,.. lbe ftlrtlnJr o:>f tbC> RJrlo, Radlaot l[lrle l ·

Bow tho loYor .. ..,n.,~ bnln wiiJIJ •hl~ll 1'hrougb tbe mnn of the bOll, Up oad tlowa tho etotol1 lall1 llvw bo oklpt to a.ud fro

~ .,A ad J>t~plrro : Woald that we ·eould •.U tbe Idiot an we lmow

Of the lltw 1 DID wblch the fal .. ooe haria

E.acb now wlolm-- tho flame- bow It ew!rla I How It carlo I Uowlt cu~el n.u .... far fbot tboJ .... t hurle. ..

~·ru.o foil • lcthue to \Jie o, ' •ro tho pralllo '""' tho rat or lbej~lrla. glrla. glrlo.

Of tbe airto. girla. glrle, glrla , Olrla. l(irto, ¢ria­

To tho aacldog aad bel.rl·r..cklatt gltl ! \ -:FROa A OmLD'S ALB

• Toaclo blm ae'er 10 lightly. lnlo ;;;;us-lla-tn~;:; &ug 110 qulcll-r-pliYe ;-uot oao f""th~l'-~-.1 . Not ooe Oowor-duot fell, but alr&lgbt lt.a fall

llWO\:e VilalhLlog Ylrtoe ; ooog would aooF ou-...1 !;odo.lco .u .pollla~a.a-provo a poe1-o~ol !"


Rl>dt'e tbo 110og....,l~ nth~r, eurfa.ce hsro.l aJ>d l>oro;

Sua ood d~w their mlldo ... , atorm MC froat th.-lrraS",

Valol7 bl>tb ~•l""'d.-ftow•re few owoltoa tbtro; Qol•t In l too d .lt bnl<!d•-,.b,t 111" alltr·•~:o J{ uowo aud Wllfte.t II VfD.y o natJ..a .. ll<rilAI:O.

T hus I wrote In l.ondoa_ mulng on my bellera, ) ' <>oil do .... J andifOU"; antlJo,th~ cntleoo trfod " 0•11 '"' aut b a I~GUI !" -aa if 1 drearuud that

f,•t h•r" ~inlliUI: Doole. bind up -mo: ... u lrUO vndo \\'.,.., out at.., hutDbl.,! /

Fo I omll...t ood elj:hl'd .A o f 01>«lyoor book Ia Vau!co tht. Lrlght mora·

tng, S w- • ••• lrino.l of mloo ! and f•lt tho cloJ or

out! - Wha"""''•r my soil bo,-Lrtall: fur pralao or


Out '" grotolul faod ... -weoode, but w&ed1 U · pond

/. lmo.t loll> fto .. er•-b~IJ IJy oucl1 • ltlo•lly haud! 1·~. Oct. H , 11100: llouauT lluow:uso.

- Cu•lwry JlGgo;i.AL


,.,. ,,tho palnlol a~ut np In lam• . .A n•l !•"' the l..,t lhAt clambctr In tho htfahl ; .A rublttOu• tbroag• vr~ • ..-~ c rb~ Olti~U'tatt••• RM• e J-~llod •lib tiM loT• of ~lory ; a•ni- fbo I'"'" ' 'l•h•l •b•oe. .t.o,-~ tbetu iu t hu morning h gbt s-ue boauUful, oor .UIScu lt to""''"·

n .. t fat1bor <m. a IIIII• hl~hor or. 'l' ho ,..., olot"' grow• br~koo. •n•l 10 ot...,p

~ 'J'IIAt f"Art'lletl• fert &JIJJ bark and "'• o 1Loi r J•otd, .A n11•11t.:y br'\i..,l rerrl dowuwanlautt are ln.,l: A nd thn~· "'bo pre.u on to t it<· p•u- tng IJI•c:o, A httle lilghl"f', ar-.nd ~1111 "tter1 lunb• .A n~l et. bsn..; htaru juat onr t-uo ugtJ to b~ar 'J' hu .. nM"T• and h iu ,.. o f Utt'l NowJ belt•W-"I'he at1~ry t"rowd ttut ranoot C"h mb a t •II, Or , llavloc> clhabod, loa. fall~ t.ck • .,.,.Ia.

l lall·-yth•y ot.aod upon tloe mouulalo.oll•. Wbt,. colJ wlu<Lo lllo>w ood '"""" rucko crumble

down, llod &IUIII!O hlrda beat tb•ta whb tbolr wtdo,

wild wln1-... N<' 1on~oror of tho hm·n ·lnJ: throne be-Math NolyctC\( thAt llnmo;t .. J f ftw •hovo • lluw Jo.,..IJII.IId a U aloue are •L•) ' '

11;<' D~l ofr.Jd, 0 t nl!en up thr h•lj::hl! 'l hfll gocb are '""1 CNr , tl,ou~h uu t n f ~p:Lt · 'l'~•.Y , .. .,.. out helpful l>au~o uJ ••)' M ~.


.AJJ CIU'Dtfl aoUio Ill Oil cJi.J> If 1 ~•,1' urlrr 1:u..a \\ uuua.

Land o' the Leal. '


I~ Rte an open charcb.door tltrou11h which "aew. mado man &nd wtfc' 1\bou~ to laue find their. progreu atey•·d by a wo· mAn, wbo•e uplifted a rro b.ua tla.ei r P••th.

The al titude d i'Playa he r .upcrb ahafe to f nlle1t .WvaoiAge, t he Bnow. wbitu o th8 j!VInent abe "'~"' eu baneea tbe rioh lo1'o· lin- of her LiDIA, tho apleodor of her dark t)'M, Sbo aeem1 to bue drawn t he color warmth, M<l l i~tht of tbtJ day in her blood' makin~r of all the human allapea about her' ...,ve( one, fadt:d drab·c:olored abadowa j~ ~the brtetb of lire ia no t. '

T he alighteat, pal t at, moat ioaignificant of the110 ahadowa ia o n the britl~,:rroom'e arm, I be bridej:tl'oom who alone of all pre­Mitt rla rH challenge a oomp~liaoo in por­aon&l ~auty with the woman ~fore him

H ilt lti&DCC Jeayee her. and return• ·to .Ann. Jle lmilee, drawing ber band clotoely whblo bill~· and u he d0011 t10, Zillah

rope at lltvr feet tbe ollerin~ra with which he r b~nd ic tiDed, and wllich are i11 t ·e eyea of the oo-lookert, aafficieot roa:._,o for tfJil t o u tall'e ~llod ann.

Spriga of rue, box, rOifmary I Witll the blotliiiOm of the purple oig~J.tefr.:de In bo. t wt>eo,ahe dropt them one by oo~mblem. of mitery and deAth, all ·

So, on the threehold of hia married life the war of oont.rut ~tween t bo woman h~ ruigbt huo tpUried, and t.be tlODllll ho halt, begi Dl.

So the Ortt ftowltW cra.tled beneath the tftttd of haabaod aad wile are the Gowen~ of de.th.

Jo eplte of the bride"• high apirit, and the .toot ~rt within her, abc flTO'Itl rate aad oold" lhe r- on her way and .. itb m orltidly-qaieJr,eoed ear catcbea tbe faint whiapen t hat follo w bor.

• E b I Bo& 'Cia 1111 ill match they mako. Like ro lilt-lbat'tA.v notion of a ptllr.'

• Hlm and Zill8ii1•ad ~·e made a rare «ml'. Why dlclo'' ... marrj bor? JJe lik­t'd ber bee&.'

• Antf ~ed t'other. A• Joyer'e qau. rei btliko. Twill be all Aoo'e worlt to h l'p hlm.'

Are ltiebard Soow'e eua 11 keen " .Ann'a Uta&. ta. •ilea 8piv, a~~d lilt.inlf the httle pltda .,_..,., blllld 10 hi• llpt klaee. it with M pf!(oand a ruueoce M Lbouab lhl' were a qat:ti 1 •

Zllleb\ eyei, lhu u...- e..ect ftm oa lllcha.rd'• f-. lhtll 011 Atln'l, '" tba& .,. l ent car-. aed 0e too ...n-.

'1'111 COIIf"d1lladoM art few &Jtc! faint.. The l'illa,. etaatt. aJoot, ud loob ooldly on the -.map, wWelrt ._ Clba tft'7 0 .. by110rpr1M, ud ~ 1;u. to led bla or hr .... ,, .. fnlt, or-to be Ndaeecl to tta. ...... ttl., II I ... ..co. .......

'llte fti!Qe b... IMI'e lip lt1111lecl tlat zmu ucJ .RkMrcl ... a pro,. pe~r, ... t ... tt.tai to ellare.fa W11 ON ~~~a· &II., ..,. LoniMI to treed .1001111' or ~ to·


bad a lour lo her me ti!l Richard Snow took il iuto bic bt&d to ph~)' u belttr lD lou with ber. aod aetua)l)'-lb&rry her ! it ia witcb·crah; aod lb., mutter amonr tbf mMIY• of the .. n eya, ud of bo w • bt11t.11d atolan from aaother woiiWI it ~ore likely to be a cune to bu wbo ateala

J m \haD a bleain!:__

SCE~E IV. J ha'fll ~o t elliow yoa tbe atory ol ADo

Sao• ia U.e &bird periOD ; let roe ooafeaa that I 11111 Au a So ow bertelf,ud tell It you iu the firtl,

Cvtoe with me oo tbit M"1 mo111iog eome 1noo\ha after iny marritlge, and wallr abroad wh h me, Ia a world tha& ooYer acemed lfO()d or fair to mo till iJlamiood b1 thf aunabioe and joy 11f a ton ill which there' bill been uo abadow 'or-tu111iog, aluce the dal wbao Rlchud'a at111og band c loaed oo mtut' ... wa atood together b1 the ~ebool-bouae window.

'l'berc haa been no frittering away of our treuure in a ceaaeleu ln«ing a od finding. Our loYe ia a.\ whole, aa Yit11l, M strong u A~ the b<-~tinuinJ:, even defying that releot.­leu tracker of tnoal profo11ad IUid puaioo· atu loYelll-jeAlouay.

For if (.;obgt"&•e apeak truly. that beauty ia the "I loYer'a gift, and 'til bo alono wbo Cn!& and beatowa it, thea ban 1 no Cl\llltl to eoyy any otbor v;oma~~, bat am doubly a~~ured by ln•o and beauty, while iu my huaba.od'a faithful eyee Zillah'•. fair­neu linda no plaoo.

At enry t orn aho erouea our 'Path, bot aoelting ne ither to letoor hiudcr it, we grow otod to her at lut at oue may to tbe pre· eeoce of a thing ooco dr.ugoroua, bu~ now du•oid of power of evil. '

Twu bul yealerday bt .... d 'em.-.&e ~lth r ano acroea bit bol'll'l neclt, ·u • be a

lookio' down u' talltlo' to be~' looklo' - talkln' wi' zuau·. daaierolll wnfk for t.GJ IIWl. tnarri~r alDale. A en, ~ -ried blm al ber o•• rialr. but ·u. alloe • poor loolt-4al wbea a IIIIIIIOYe& ODe WOIIIIII a~~' marriee uotW.'"

• Be mlab& ha' married Jlllah if he'd llkod.-.ht wu wlllio' noup.'

• Sbe'd ha' beea h&id to 111111 • • u ' 'ad ha"ooat blm a liabt o' &rouble-he'll aewer biYo none with Ana. A 111111 liltee to haYI eotoebod1 to mind him at bome. aod if be can keep bi8 ewec~lhoarl'e loYI too, wh1 he uta bia calre, aa' baa It too.'

• I dou'& believe It,' 1111 Hepa.ibab, ob· a&Joat.ly.

• 'flte proof o' the poddio'alo lbe u.Uo' ,' retorted Raebet •I 'apoaeyou woo•& dooy t hat meetio' ber cooet&olo an• oenr Ieilia• Ann, aro•t eucltly the bebaYior o• an bo_oeat 111111 ?•

The wuberwomeo•e Yoicea gradually die away ; Ia it becaoae l boy ba•e departed from roe, or 1 f111m them?

Ia it I who walli aobarly on tbrouah the aunahi.oc a ad abadow or tbo narro•rth, or another wo111111 wboto from alar o I be· bold?

Bow loudl7 tho bi.rda are lioging-bolf abrilly lbe brook babble• aa It ruabea oYer tha atoo-"ow lotenao it tile color of tha wild Oowen lbal rear themaol'tee onl of tho bed~te, a~~d what a · bard bright dome of eolur uplifta itaelf far OYorbead ! I count thla day .. the laat apon which I heed an1 oao of oatD.re'e mooda. Hoacoforth my life b. of t be puaiODI alono, in tbc whirl­wind of wbieb I am tucked aad sported wit.b, aa a croatare withou~ voliuoa of 1111 own.

U eacefortb \he ofil Coree. of m1 nature eland in array ~oat the flOOd. aad the aLru~le that eodl to-da1 upon tho public aca1Jold, begioL

1 had not thought aho would le t Riebard go ao eaaily. H er wild YOWl of nojfett.nc:o uttered by,tho pool, ~h~ urneat of balrod gi~eol oo oar wedding moroiog b:t the poiaoo ftowerw dropped in oar path, theae had prepared me for I know not wbat deeds of doleot'O and ' in. SCENE V.

Now, howe,•er, if b ar mien may bo t111at.- .A sound of footaiAips, a e~~ll of • .Ann ed, the fever of tho ~erce gipty bloou bu a door fl ung open with a mao'a .,;gorod burnt ilsotr out, tmd abe Las aeeopteu tlte 1win~r, ant.! eo«'r Jtichr.rd. iue•itnblo wit h a prudence tha t 1 bad no t • W bf• Ann !' be cries, th•n atopt abort ezpccttd in he r. .Save th~t not a eyllablo 1\t tho atght of IM, 11Uh1g with emp~y b&ods e•er p!UIIu be tween Zill~h and Richard, or before my looking-a.lass. Zill:\h ~od tnt', abe ia otit hcr moro nor leu • Dleaa my little vanity!' lte .. ya, coming to oa tba!Yaoy olbt> r .>( tbe village Jtirl.. up bobind me, and put ling both arms round

So I I\IIUrc myaelf in tny d11ylight mo- m'! ueck ; • waa ahe ao t4kea up wit.b ad· menltt ; yo~ wby, when now and llgt\iD ·1 mtriog ben~ell, t hAt tlto couldn't give her awl\ken \Tith a grea~ dread and tenee of im· hut baad hia tr1oal kie and welcome i' pendin~r eYil, doos t hai dread inllinctiYcly Aa bo preMCI hia tips &l(llii'Uit ruioe, ia an ahapo iu elf inte tho fo rm or Zillah? embrace tbat I neither rcturir oor repel. I

Let mo put t hese tbougbltt from me aa 1 buo leiture to obac"o tho atartliog con­wander ou t on my aolitary walk, eohiAry tm&t presented by tho two f11ees before me. now that I am not ttrong enough to 1\C• • Do JOU aeo roucb to admire in mo ?' I company tny buabaDd io the far-reaeltiu11 My. u my cyea meot hit in tho 1!1•11&. walks or ritlc• tba~ ho t11lr.ea dAily round tho • :So,' he 1.'\)'l, • I can·~ .. y I do at the estate of whicb bo it steward. Let me rc- present w omeol'-'You look c•oM, Anu, gard witlt t he new ey~• giYeo by lo• c, t he aod to be croM oenr euitet.! vour look a : ft'l\lt that year by year ia prepared fo r thnuk- but if you will amilo aud be. your usual ru t and thank lea alike, tho r iaiug up of self, l'Ul prepm.red to awo:&r that you're be­earth from her loug aluruber to array her· witching.' self u fo r a lover io the frc1beat, falreet of ( db not reply, 1 am atadyinJC his faoo he r robea. epring. line byline, looking for t bo deceit and suilt

We acc~pt and renl in aammer's rut that..aboald be in it, aud fiudio~: noue. And eecurity: we admire and rej9~ in au · • W nat aile my Ann?' Ito aaya atToking tumu's llroDKtb and plenty ; ba~ fo r apriD' my hair fondly: • ltu she been moping a t do we not experience a tender grttlefulne81 homo all d11y Bod eo go~ ou~ of apiri t& '/ 1 that ia a r iddle o•·eo to our own heart.e? muat manage to get bomo earlier another

.For aprin~. como wucu ""a "ill , look for day and taka bor oat. • ber u wo will, ale&la alwtt.ya upon ua aa a , Will yon be glad when I am able t o fresh au rprio.:. Wo acem 1.0 have fo11:011eu talte my uauallong walu with you?' 1 say, her a:ooos, and to hail aa A diacovery Ute atill looktnl! at him. tiut.tt of be r cl.>uda aDd myriAd loa yea and • Ay 1· be .. 18, Yehement!y. • that aballll ftow<'rtl. With my guudian a~~gol by my aide, 1 - '

I h•tcn 1\1 I wander on, my band• filled be ceMCI abruptly, and 1 fio i b tho aco­wttL uog-vtol•IA, fo r the cuckoo'aaoog tha~ «'nco for him in my owo bel\rt. I h3ve not yc~ heAro, And it ia "'ith a eenao So ho requirea my J>e1'110nal inftoenco to of dis.sonMce t hlll I prcM"nlly bear on tbe c:onnte ract bert-·he ;1 anre or hinoaclf only o ther eit.!e or the bcdgt•row t ho waaber- eo long u 1 1 01 by hla aide-ball I exert women's vo•cco, eh rill aud Yol ublo,,.. they myaelf to exerciae tbe cbarm OYer him that rinae, and belli, And ewirl witb water t.beir 1 euppoae 1 wlllt !.an a~ one time postea-lioen in t he running brook. od?

Human ''otcu are apt to l'.ilenoe thoao of No. As once befo re I bAde bim cbooee nature; u ~aiult my will I bearlt:eo, and between me and the ltomanoy womAn, 10 beforo oveo I ea~b the drill of t beir re- will I leiiYO him to chooeo now, aod tbe DIArila, the ~tlantour of Cbo morning fadt'l, rtAult •hall proYe whether be be the Rich ­and 114 charm ts g,•oe. d 1 h h 1 h d · d b R '-L.--'

' Twoultl be botter it Ann and Zillah 'ud ar t oug t a marn~ • or I e l.......u 1 onet· feared bim to be.

ftpealt : ~eem• rooliah. tike their paaelog elleh Plain of feature, curt of 1 peech 111 I am, ot.ber wi'our it word . aa the7 d o.' he aft&tl find in mo none of tbo aweetneuea

. And ltJch .. 'td-he u~vcr speAks to her and doliubt.a of tbe oye that hue beguiled ei ther 1\fo re Ann ; but be malta up for i ~ hila in Zillah, and I will make t ho eboico a.a b\lhmd ber back.' ht\rd oa 1 caa.

• Ay-he'a to ul~mo i' that . rr 'lworo't Up to a moment ago, I had I W0111 to th:tt he's ao &ly about it, I 'd ewear tbero myaelf that 1 d id not. woald not. doubt wurc DO harm tn it, fo r be t.!o seem power· him, though tho mere fact of buin~: thut to lui food o f A no.' AA8urc my~~ell bad see mlod to mo almott aa

• .\b ! 'lis many 11 man is food of his wife horrible aa to k.oow that bo Will wrougiog wlult lakes bis sweetheart too. D'ye mind me. bow \\' ill £ 1liott never treated bia wife 10 But now, there it t hat in bia face, in bit well, or waa eo kind to her, aa wbrn ho soddenly anated apeecb, which teUa we were carrying oo "ilh tha t foolish thing, b · h 'd ' lb' f the llliller'a niec:c ? Bu~ when it all como o " I tog eome tog rom me.

,. H itherto, we hue bAd but oue thong out. ho were ju8t as man wi' tboe~~ loome, one heart, between ca i bow it tbo link 0 and beat And ill- uacd bia Wl(o ehaaleful. ' aympatby between ua anapped, lbd ho dots

•1 &llua though~ Ann 'ud have bard work th b 1 d to keep him from Zillah. Such a 1010 aa not aeem to uoto o c ange o me 11 o 1

in· him? Ito were for a Ouo abapc aod a ntat a oklo ; If bia lonr'a eye• bno gTOwo dim, thou and t!teo to go aod marry a little brown le t b(m auppoeo tbat eo huo mine, aad lltin ~t lilce Ann-dol but what I ab.all &IIUA tbat 1 am too little io harmony with hit think ber worth)Jlty of t'olher.' ruooda to heed him. I will not 1t.ep do~o

matldai the ell' to& produeed b1 that ean1c ualloeaa 00 QIOH aronad.

No one aeea ute u 1ttll\!i In the ab11dow of lbe t.ectt-, for tho no ia In the eyea of tbe workera ; bu& I cau ace lhe10 rlalnly eooagb. ud ll aeem• ~ me lhaL aa Z!llab approaohet tber all awa1 towarda her aa wlt1111oo fmpuiM. uchh61tlnt of that 1 ... P.alac !1 aurelr Rlebard who be~~da tbe01. l'be &lloagbt or EYaoaelioe io•t!llY crouea m1 mind II f gaze, yet yon woman il DO io­noee o' EYao,elloe, 11, alaal youdc:r Ia no Gabriel.

hbade my "11t'l with roy band to watch btr palling ~bwl1 alon{l tbe thlrwty nnlc, aemng lUobard, aa I bad known abo would l.lo, lut 1 t

There Ia a .ali(rm delay aa abo fllla h ill cup, their browa almost meet. and tbcy aeem to me~ be apeakio,:r,•while uen l\1 t bla diat&aoe I faoey I eee ~toi les aod ebruga ioterebaoged l:etwen tho ha.ytuakera.

A black miat awceps aero• my eyu, hlottiog oa~ lbo 6goree, the b..tdsc•pe, the 1k1 ; It Ia 11 one Wind tbat 1 tU111. aud grope m1 way back to my pnrlor.

Uow long wu It IIJCO tho~ 1 vowed 1 heeded t h.e gouipt' l.tlllr:. no whit, a.wc in· aamueh 11 h bad forced upon mo tbo do­gradatiou of uauriog myaelf thaL I did not doubt my hlllbaod ?

1'be 6rtt pbue of unbelief c:ommon to all who b•e 1a.Woed a11 irrtparablo 1oM. ia o• er. I hue even paued, tbo n!~ona of doubt., and am IJOl (ar· (rop! planting my feet on the finn groaod of Ci!rl&inty.

Of wbu Ia thia fatal conYiction tho out­como ? Havo I watched Richani'e ~;oiuga out and comioga Ia, or auc:eet~ded fa putting biUI off bia IIIIard, and eo read tbll hidd.:u rece&l!el of hie beart?

1 have dono neither. Thank G od, l nro DOt yctau&Jk ao low u to dog bia foot&tep•, while neither opentr nor aecretly llavc r eoaabt to IUrprlac bll t!oofk!eocc. I have aaltcd him eo queatiooa, for if a man have tbe ntr•o to dcceiYI a woman d11ily and boarly, to asaore her of bia u ncliYided love, yet a o ehlcwbere, then it ia hopele.u to ox· pect biw to aoawer you with lbb truth ; oue lie tuore or It'll ia nothing.

Aud I koow Ilia~ tbo won1a11 who mel\11· urea a toao'a ataadard <1f morality iu imple indeed. and that wbat appean 111 t ho li~:h~ of a crimo to ber ia but mere ltolidLf fool· ..,gwitb them. I will not rqroach hiou ; only aomo day be wiU c:otm~ bomo and find Ann j~Oae~a maybe b, will be eorry fo r 11wbile, bat come in tim~ t o thAnk rna fo r •paring him tho i~tnominy of a lifo wit b tbc woman wbo 10 profoaodly deapuea him.

Aod it ace rna to me lba~ eYery day 1 ace J.eu of bim, tha t bia dulles tAke him farther ttnd farther away : apd can I he lp but no· lico bow, ane when be ie at home, Z illllh ia uover aeen about the vlll'flil ?

Vofilyl made an experiment in marry­lug bim, and tho uperimeot ia turuiog out ill.

And yet-and yet-1 know that when I leave bun, I ltne aU but my body behind. 1 recogoil4 wilb tbe amaument t bat fm!ry proud woman mull oxperieooo who bu been miatalten in her lover or bnabl\nd, tb11t, d eepi8ing h1m 111 1 do,.lloYe him atill, love hirn with tho dOil$ed, faithful fond . oeaa of thu c:hild Jor 'hts broken, bAttoro-1 toy, of t ho mot411r for ber naughty, way­ward cluld, with tbo pe"ertle !oYc, in abort, that ner aioee tbe world be~t•n haa betn ianriably gino to thoae who deacrve i\ leut. ·

I call m1 o~d firm iodependeot apiri t to my a id , 11nd it eomt'l not ; It ia qaenclled iu tbo humbleness of a great loTe. I no long· e r poak'tl tha\ power of "'rt fptecb which formerly provoked and d~lightcd my hus · band· 1•m t9 him limply a ahrewiah, aick, .aJo:rt1ble woml\b, whoao health uou~c• ber whi011, aad drawa ffom him a patieuc:e thAt • a10 I aeo111aatbe cowardly oonac:ieuc:e· offering of a guilty mAA Lbu aomo dAy­IOIIIe dAy I tball - ito c.be Ugbt of the ooblut patieuco eYer 'mao wore.

lie eometimea loolra d•:ep in my eyes. and t here it a truth in hie that tt'ltl;enl me. D oea bo alte r all read my anapicion~. aud tc:oro to reply to tbem ? Aud if K be: 110, and bo be ino~ent, t beo ban 1wouod. ed him t.oyoot.! hope of enre.

I~ ,..., but yuterday tbal be d rew mo 0 11 to his knee, a a d laid :

' And eo your Joye for me is wesring out, ,\ nn ? llut, pl01110 God, i~ will comu back to me by and by.'

Somehow ho acemed to be mil• abon mo t.beo, •nd yet I wu cooviGced of hia guilt - 'Rlhile no\ long ago, wbea I \)eiieYcd in bim, r wu eoot.eot to alllld complaeaotiy enough on tbo podeet&l he- had raiaed for me.

Doee the burden of failure lie at my door , io thaU oould' oot ioftueQee him fo r good ; or at. bla, ~ In fPiiO of etrugglea after bia bette r -~ bb.a 'lo bint to-warda evil Ia too alroog be refiatod ?

h ia tbe old batde bet ee• tho Oeab and the apirit., bJ~tweeo the pueioo that 1111lcea a mao lottbl11D hie owe eyea. and the loYe that, haad In baud with hilt d eepea\ zcver . eoce, eouobloa him; and, ... aaual, tbe booelt YOIIIIII 10111, the bad 0111 triA&.

• (Tu ~ COIIIiAwd.) • I 'm none .;, aure o' that ; abe'• deep, frum tbe pedeatal upon wbicb be oaoe "aced

He~ibah, ari'a deep. There ener waa ono me, to pt., tht pa•t ol t.bfl jM!oaa, IIOtpi· to keep a abret. like Ann, aad Zillah, for eiout, onr-lo.ing wifo. Jealouay betoktoa all her bot temper , 'a n JCtrO to my mind. lo~e-if be be f&l110 to me, I deC1 biJD tn La ! bow lilClf abo Ia to what bet m other pro~• by word, look, or ace of willo thu I were l_.nty ~~ar ago, vbeo old Robert, lo•e bim. who'd buried his fintt tt-ife a matter o ' ten Suddenly be dnwa me down to hia kaet~ Ar~moa Watd, the prince of bomori•b, year agone (111 decent, GOO. feAring a and holda me there. • Ann 1 Ann 1• bo &aJI, poaltivei.J rtft lled in ~bat I thtok be "Ill woman aa eYer drew breath, wj th u neat a looking hard and deep into my eyea, • baYt the 6nt l o dab a "goak.." I remember h~od ala dairy o r • brew aa OYer you wiah · yon groWD t ired of your bad bargain al- b.te one o igbt io the fall or 1866 Artema~ e I to ICM'), broaj!bt bor home. Folka call- ready? Arc you beginning to repent of dur little J eff Prowao and 0:, bumble ed him a fool for hi• peina to ba' married a your experitoeo~ ?• aelf ware I.Ct alone in &be clubroom al 11om many woman, 'apecially •ben tbo !rirl A laa, for bumao na ture 1 that I look back AAbley'a. A.rt.em111 'pro~ed an adjourn. waa boro-•ben cowalipt wu ooddlo', at bim, then throw my arma about hit oock meot to &lie Albambn. Pro"" aad aelf 'at.ead of when roaea wu going out o' bloom; and kw him paatiooale ly. Io tbo warm joyfully aaeoted. ArtemtU liked Jell to bu t • b-abe ju t laughed a& tlie oeigbbort' 6eah and blood eootaet there can aurely be cba~ a cab. The nhicle eouo d rew up. long f~>c:ee, oeltbor aayio' good·morrow nor no deceit ; it ia only tho • oleo, the inter• It Will a dear uigbt, a~~d tba hotel and good-even to any ; ace min' to delight l o prater or tbe eoal, tbat lite. Oh, Jet me atreet b.mpt abed a bright JlgbL, wbich gave oothin' bot poking about the bedgee, wi' c lup my tl'elllare to me once while Ia oat- 111 a fu ll Yiew of the dri1'Dr'l face. H e lltiJo Zillah s trapped on htr back, look in' watd aeeming it it mine ; while u yet Tam w111 grue aocholid-lookiag, and evidently for hetba aod rnbbiah, tbat aome laid wu not ladlapu••bly auared that aaother wo- aclf-poaee~. ATIOUIUI aeemed to atudy poiaooa, an' wbicb ahe'd mtu about wi' at man b111 atoleo i& from me-one kiaa-ooo tbe mao'a feilnrN for a brief moment ; home o•er tbo fire, by the hour together.' and after-- t tt sr myaelf 011~ of bla Utili tbeo bo lotima~d to 'me In a wbiaper that

'Ay,' uya H epzibah, ' many'a tbe time in a fie~ e:rceu of Mlf·loatblog and aoorn. be WM going to hne a lark wi tb cabby. ru met the pt1ir o' them in t.be gloamio' • Ann,' aaya m1 htUband, riling with a Auumh1g a gran air, wbieb lilt eo ma"el· wi' their banda fall o' atraoge ftuwerw an~ nry weary, woublod loo\' oo bla baodeomo loat11 well on bill face, be addreuod t ht1 a c:b, wblle tbe child 'ad have a atnog o' f~. • what ic ia yoD.r mind? Wbat are mao in elow1 111eaaared aoceota. • My poiaoo-beniea round he r neck for a neck- you frettiog a boat to-oi(rht ?' friend,' be 111id, 'yoa lOok to me a IliaD of lace. An' they do ay,' tho adda, lowering 'I am not freUioa,' l •1· 'I am 0011 &bougM and eKpcrftoc:e, lo fact, tbe • cry ber \'Oleo, • tbat Zillah koowa u mach d lbioltloa wbat foola women 11'0, ud bow 011111 likely _, decide a molt Important and bet mother did, au' tha& if abe'd a mind to ...., '' Ia to love a mu, aod- to delpiao mott diJJloolt quc:alioa which hU uiaeo be· k.lll anybody wl'out beio' found oat, abe blm.• tweCJl me and m1 friend there, • poiolior to could; but Ia ! lhat c:ao't be kue, or lhe'd Jeff, who looked aliglttly puzxlod. • Do Ia' withered Aoo looa aao.' SCENE VI. you tile me? Will you be a rbi ter tJ..

• Sbe ,k>ok h very qore& when Ricbatd A abadow darken• tbe window of the tween tU ?• Cabb1 looked eo dobioua at married l"olbtr,' nya Rachel, abakiDg her parlor lo which llit.. It ia that of Zillah, fir.\ thaa I tboagbt he ,.. pug to •Y bead. • I na•er thought abe woald T 11 wb'\ ~ 00 her .,..1 to the hal_makere, "GamiDOII," or " aha& ap." or ~mething pb.io that aht meaoa to pa1 Ann oat by at.epplog ool bold and free .. ,_.7 ~pdao- of tbe eort. Howe""t .eo wondroaaly lo­maklo.r him ia Jon wl' ber api11, aad tbongh ftlnoe• beoea&b the plc.chtr of ale poiNd teat did Artt mtta loorr.; a~~d .0 eapemally 'tie a dao&eroua fooJiah plOt to p)ay, Mill OD her head. lfr&'N Will hla.-MP Ullt tbe maD'I IZIIpi· lhe'• lakin' ber rannge In a better war nor Tbe !DID will all take adrinlt (fOfll her cloaa Ceded awa1 from hilt f..:e aa aoow will If ahe'd atonned and eriod. Sbe'a woo bim ahapely band, Rlcbard amona &lie reel. uadu • bot 1u11. He p•e a hall grunt, awa1 from A on, u' made him aa mad wl' A auddeo reeoln .. 1 ... me; I tate thea aid briefly : ' Fire away1• IIUf'Dor; IOYe wl' her II .. cr.' bat and JO fortb io ber wake lll1 lat•1 ltoow Wal 'l all abO a'- '

There Ia. paaee in lbe ••lab, awfeh of ·It is a 114!CIPY June dar. nerela a bam _:Well,' TNpooded Arttmol, wllb alow tle water .,.Una& lbe Uoa. of myriad pat8 lo the air a faiM lOCO& of de~ltJ.rt~..., weJahloJ 4ivef7 won! ap·

'I clo•'' bellete I''.,. B.,.u.la, .__ dot--. uc1 tlae c1foao ~II of lrayve•· ~1·~Well, Jook' re bare, oow, 1111 ,..cDy: • U...'a a deal • ' eoaecl .na Ia made la ta.e "lQ!rt'e hie _ ... w yooder •• , · IWG e~a&~~ "'•'-poi•-'ag kieliaid, aa' be'• DOt oae co a. lac[ • .,.7 Tlae .._~ Jll ___ f._._ • fllal• to 1d Piawlt, •lao Dot kaowilll u -, ,.. • woeaa 111 ,.,... aa' ..,.... &o ... u uMI •o

1 • :r--- .._ to aotlr bow C\ar~ llll,all& ebooM 10 oom·

M...,.... Bla DCM ..... .,... .. talk... :::.. th ,o t:P ~: *'I pro ... .Jiflll'=: r'Wp ~·l•laa ..... ~~=r:::'.~.~--dw-11 tltetr~M:!·:~t«tolrb=. ·~~ .... :::'~ :"t:

· • Th• wily doa'l he t.ell An? Whr do ::::_ .. ~ tWr ~~ .:!:'i ~~,...::,:( ~~:f'~~~ liP llllt to 'ZII .. lletdlld bla wlle'l ~ u' ... oalr blot oa It, I - to ~ ... ... Ia t6f tat.ia~~--- o1 ._! P'• ller b)' wr .. t a word or a IOolr ,._ tW....., -.111•1 ..,. ~ drit -tdba, ........ &lit IDaltD4 btt-ri"ff!.·

whtn m.an to man tho world all o'er ahall brethren be· and a• tha&.. I l.roa~ yoa fol ­low me, myfriep\J ?•, ' J follow yo)l, JUif'· nor: lll\l away, • aalt:l Cllbby brieOy. wbo evl­denily waa no t qui4o eltar rel what il all could poaibly be abont.. • Now, 1011 ace, my good fe llow, • purtn.t rteuru., wh b lucrel\ted io.tcntoe• ofl face and graver ponderoaaoeq or maouer, 110rl d iction, ' I, on the other pArt, wert, ~~au to atldc to It tap, l o~ ~:aln1111y who may,•-witb a feroeioua look our way-• th:tt it ia con­trnriwisc and oppoait.•, tho eonn~nc:e of concurrent, concordant and coincidon~ opinions th~t m n1t inevitably in ita corol ­lAry .and c:oncomitnnt cou~~equentbl traiu of ItA out.comil!g' rcanltll le.W to d ivel'jteocet,' difficult.iu and d ilrcrencee·-raitiug hit • uice to a higher pitch, and frantically llnwinjl 11od beating tho ttir with hit out.­ttlrotehcd ri~:l•t nrm-' which will make one mno jutnr. • l anolltfr'a thro.'\t anti s trive to 1tran.le tim to •le11th !• Then he proceed­ed more anietly-· Now, tny friend, you Cl\11110~ uu~· ndtuit tltal J hno pll\ced tho CillO fairly bduro yon. Nqw pleuc give ua your t.!cc:iftion. • Cnbby, wbo bnd 11p· pnreh tly listened with much acrio11a nttent.ioo to thiS' r igmarolt>, bent bia head on one •ide, And witb one eyo abut, (:1\\'e ArteiDttl tho beuefit o r 1111 inimitAbly dr;ll lpolt. Tbeo he proceeded wilh ~tnuily of IIIJIDD10r equal to W •rd'a a nd atill moro pooderoua alo,.neaa of enuneiatioo, to de­lh·er bimtel r of tho following oracular de­cillion, wl•ic:b woulc;l huo rlono honor to great !lusby hitoaelf : • \Yoll, guY' nor, it is 11 knolly pin~ an~ a 'ard uul to crnck for the likea o• me ; ecein• na there i1 a areaL t.!CAI to oo A:tid o n hut h aidea ; and tlon·t yu think, now. l!n.v•nor. it•e mytlter a d ry queuion to ac ttiU'f \ ' ic:h I I<Uowed from tho lin~t yo \'OS a l!llD'IctiiAn, hnery iacb o ' you, $(UV'oor.' Jl rwin.~t .. iu which ho look­ed expPcthnt. • ~ld !• cried Artemus, lanl:hiu):. jumping into tho vehicle fo llow· ed by us. • You ~ltllll have yuur liquor, cabby. Vrh ·e on.'


. E<lelwcil!e l~co i• t ho mpu populnr a t prt•ent for trimlllillft dolicnte Rttic:l~l or linge rie, tu1d i1 CSJ•CCil\lly bnodaowe fur silk muslin aud Judia mull .

Ladil!ll are wuriug with all-whito toilet• aatiu tnet'\'t'illeox neck·ribl:ous o r mis:ooo­ette, lilloe·jrl'ten, willnw·f!ray, ~iolct , rai.s.in· color, l ot llll lllull nnt.! 1' crtiAu pink.

W hite cu!unerCJ, nnd c,·en wltito alp~~c:a~· a rc 1\mong- J'<•twlar m&lerimla for nutumu• the combinatio11 of " rich dMI: , . .,h·et) or of white brue.Wc with gold trnc:ery fi~:ure8, nuking aucb toile ll cxtrumely sho•y.

J..,diea nrc trying the embroidered CMh­m cres thnl on ulo t heir l'tJpcamoc:u ll\lt ewi11g, nod ahatlu of mooac c:olur, grny, lao, mastk. nud willO\Y·~tray are 11lready IICI\TCI'. I).,IAint's and the beat nilioga aro a lao in dem•orl, and nrc intended fo r fall dre_.a. to hu tiiAIIe up wi~h tbo i-'(cueh tafretn ailka rect•utly re~ivt'd.

'flt o eimplcst nnd narrowt'ftt frills of ple:\ted muali11 ur liaM with notched cd~orre tritn tlte ucck nuJ tu i&la of yonnK l~tdie.t' dreasea. l.iueu .: >1111"11 aro of the miliL~ry .,,.,,.lin)! sh:tpc, 1\QU o'l fT~ 1\rC little uaed, n fnll or IRCol t.uillr;: •• ...,r .. rrl'tl. For VAriety there aru jabot<~ notl fic:ht" or wull IIJ.Id Ill CO •

Worth is ~ntlins: to AmeriCI\ ve ry cle · ~nt toil,·t• of lowc.ulc<IJ•Iu~h in eih·.,r g•ay, c:o111biuiug tk11 f•httc wtlh t ho n ow O LIO· milD , ilk• iu ny .. l loluc, dMk gre,.n, and ruby. 'J he"' •lr~• "'" mrul, abor t. wit h nrtistir:: ·lrnj>Nle• u ( tl•~ Ottum·m Milk AI tho ~~~~1:. t lt&J pl ualt (nr~uing the fro111 of tho •k•rt 1\rrnn;;eol ill t ...... ·~ ... · nl•l rot.ls. conll llt•d !Jy c:lu~t~ra of luu1•a 1f the •ilk friugcu with tl ort~~~silk ball~ i" shn•IC<l uf ~my.

l·:vt ry lrt ly L""" " t it., tlitfic.,lty of aelecl· ins: fnno: l•n&rt•ce 011ly C'\11 111•ke 1111y oue 1\

COIIII.,.kllt jn•l::e of f'MCU ADol quality, for the re nre 1nch i11fi11ilu VAridie8 i11 t&ltuoat nil l:iud1 t ha!. i! i< llt'CI!Is:try 10 ~0 fno1iliar with lhc uo nl!( l .'lrJ.:~. lu:nvy muff~ 11ro no lou;:rr rA..-.hinn~ hlu. (.;u~ttu III Cfl 1'\fO UIII:\1Jy

1111\ICho·tl iu b rOC!ldcU •ilk Or .-d vc t, (roUt w!.ich muaa 1\rc m·ulo 1\ud trimu•c•l vo'i th rnr. 10 thnt " I~··Y or fMbiou nnwatlRylm~y poaa~M OIIC (Or CVt•ry ~Uil8ft~ Wear•. :)bout• tl ~r CAJ'c.< An: to be hA•I iu 01'e ry vRrioly, tcJ I "n' l bc.l\·er beiu;; tho most 110111:ht 10fter . Aa fo r price, it "" ries from a few doliau up to n r., ... h11udre•l. 1\tHI t hero ill no rcr" ou ,..hy any one aboulll eh ivc r fo r wAnt or fnr. 110 ru11ny c~ap kin•IR Are now to bo aeen Ill t ho ature" (;l.t il,lrcn•a clo3kl this winte r ~re to u.: gllll<!rrlly fur t r inuned, bnL u yot fur . lin.d garweut& uo cxclusiroly tnadc fot.A<Hi1t.tt.

Young ladlet will alao we11r polonlliae aui ts mndo iw tirdy of red hl\blt olo th io dark 1had01 such M 1:1'rno~, cbaudroo or terra collA. The akirt it bos: pleated fro m a yoko dewo, and tho new fancy ia to hne t.bc:ae box pltllll about foor iochea W.ide, DOd to Mliteh both edgea tJat from t he top down lo auout thn!C·ctghthl from tbe lower edge, wlton t he plet\1~ are left free a ft er being fft110d flatly ; the bottom of auch .. plcntinr ia tttroed liP lour inches, ami thia ia at.itehad fonr timea by mac:hioa. All auch ekirt.'l of French dreuea Gre made o ver 1\ al lk fu uudnioo alcirt. h il "lao quite youthful and Frcnohy to add a fichu and ueep c:da or llcello lace to t beall red dreuea. Strullar tbadoe of red in cub· mere D.nd in e&DU!I'a-hair are mado up for hellltl dreuca, with a 1-'rencb GIIJlfd !»squo and def11i· traioed akirt that bu ronn of o ttoman ailk of tbo :~~me abado ; lbo f111n\ of the c:&l!bmere baaque l.a laoed from tho tnp of tlte d an. to t..~e waitt h ao oYer a alripod brocaded • eat that ia l eciD above t h11 laeio~ u a p l .. troa and below it liko a veat.

SiDlple toile !I abow that l ho .Oft.-f&lliog ·wool goOO. a re eapeelally fttvoritea, and caabmero ia maeh u1ed for youthful COl·

t..mea, and may form tho entire drea, or !;,e combined witll oorouroy, • choteea, nln& 9r pluah, aad made gay without being lAw­dry by a lillie gold eooiAcbo pot on witll great cautio,. to brf~bt.o up tho collar, 'eulfa, Jl•d drapery. V elnt -rice ai'O, bowe~er, pl'dened by ut~~ay without the uao of oU..r~mmlop, aud the re are uo· pretending d §l'lteful frock• tba~ ba.,o the ottoma11 ptjbd allk In prtferenoe u a combination, tJ.cau,o i& makee ao little abow. Tbere u e oxc:ellen& opportuottlea for nryiojt toUtttea In an ecoaomical way, now that tbt fubloo oootiDaea of baYing lho

di!ereol from tht altirt. 1'be • ol-1 ao of plain dealp, aDd in profer-t plaia .,, J,et illldeljl of brocsd011, whe theoc_ colored o r black, may be worn witb nrioua ikitt. of ailk or aalln. 'The blaek vel ntb&actue will·look well Wllh any color­ed akirt eceepc browe, bill Ia particularly atylitb wltb ..a or with bleak •ldrta.. A bloc Yilna buq,ne ma1 be worn with blae, black or brown altlrte, bo& aoa wiU.•,..een. Green YDL..el baa;quea are baodeomu t wi&b gree'n or red altlru, and are ury atylitb with. brow a, wllile a rod baaqoe.._ ehber of •elnt « o1•, acoompu ... akilla ol al­•ott liD:' ooltr. For tdmple I'NuUof tofl­ll&et wltite M:&ia of mnall11; of- ot&omlll tUk, or or C¥ea onpe, ldl• 0.. "'-de, will be woaa wl&ll .a tiiON fMCilfqJ '-qat of colored •llo, YDlYDl or broeade, web • abrbDp plak~t!::· rotl, pale Nile I""D• or et. du4r ol rob)',~ M

, .....,, lfiiiCI!'V =not lOll of bfbt« .U ....... ..... "r lfllule btowe bodr !~!!a...._.,..,...._ AIMl 'Wilo W .,,., . ,.

"'.;,... .r .,_, ._,a.,....., ,.,..,-~.!"'""'- -·-·•u•-..,"::1 • ·• · ....._ bt'aWOfltiDI "the..._. ... lllflll&r, 1e aa...-w 1ft c\it...._. _, ..._PIOIIII. ... ....._ .-. ... ,,. to,...._,, ZUiala ~a• ~ ohtL of 1M 11oc11 fi ..a W ~nftr ... defoiiJJ·.....-a· t. 11 -etkoa

.-...lei~-.. ~ ....

• • I • • . ~


91-Water Street-91 ST. JOHN'S.

- AT-


Very -Low - FOR-

Prices Pills & Ointment. CASH, FISH OR OIL


lt. HARVEY'S. $200.00 Reward I

Will bo paid for lhe dcleotion and 110DYie­lioo of any pcraoo IICJiinr or dealing in any bo~rus. counte rfeJt or imit&lioa lloP DtT TtiiS, e1pccially Billerw or praparations with l bo word IJo l' o r 8 01'8 in their n&mc or con­nected lberewitb, that is illteodod to mil ­lead and cheat t he public, or ror any prepar-1\UOn put in any form, pretending to be the aawc 111 I lOP lJITTERS. Tbo genuine hue cluater of Glt£~11 llors (notice t hia) printed on tho white l t~bel, and aro thb purcn and bu t medicine on eartb, eapecially for Kid­ncyA, Ll\·er and l\cnoua Uieeaae .. lloware of all o then1. and of &II pre~~d6d formnlu ur rcceipea or H oP !JITTERS publi1bed in P.,J.>Cra ur fo r a.'llo, u they 11ro frauds unc. awtnclte.. W boeve r d eala in any but the ·sonuioo will bo proaccuted.

llo1• lJrnGtiS Mro. Co., Hoebuter, N. Y .

m.l :l.

-o--Purit,. of B lood z-tial to Health,

· StrenJ1.h, and Long Llle.


au~ all other M odicioa for Purifr~ iog the' Blood ; the1 are anilablo for all 1111 o d omestic and h ouseh old remedr for 1111 a U.Orriora or thu STOMACH, LIVI<:R, KlD.NRYS ant' BOWELS. In Cong"'ltintt and Obatructioua of every kind theyquickl1roruo•e the c;aueo,•and in cooslipat.ion oml cliaordered condition of t~e llowola, t hey ac~ aa a c:Jea.uaing IIJ>*rted ,

F or D ebilita ted C0tu1litotions and a ll Femnlo Complainte t hese Pill• arc or .. eurt>&MeJ-lbey eorrc-:~ aJilt reguluitiea nml \Vealcn0111C11 f1·om ~·batcn•er causo arising.

atnnds unrh•alled fo r the facility it dis­playa in rolie t•iog, healing, nod thor ., oughly cu r iug tho m011l i n Ye tent t e Soree ~d Ulcers, .. nd io cues of BAD LEGS.

--------=---.--- BAD BR~AS'ffi, OLD W OUNDS, Post Oftlce Notice. \ .Gout, . Uboumatiam, and all Skin dia-

___ . 1

-<lases, tL acta aa B charm.

Mails for Conception Bay Ma~.ucuct~~·ao;,:;u.~~i~~=r HoLLo• 5~3. O XFO RD STREI-.."1', LON D ON, and aolcl at h . 1 ~d. , 2~. !ld., 411. G., 1 h . , 22s., ttnd 33s, encb Box nod P ot., 11nd in Canadtl lit 30 cents, llO centa, 1111rl S l.fJO

will be despatched from lhia Ortlco


T 0 H OLY ROO D. Ct'nts, ttn1l tho la rge r 11iu.a in propor t ion. t?"O:A-UTION.-1 h ave uo .Age.nt in

the U111ted St.atea, n oraremyJfedici.Dce aold there. P urcba1ere anould thereJoro look to tho Lobel oo t.hePoUI andBoxoai If the oddrou ia not 638, OxfordStreet Loudon, they are apuriou.a. '

Tho Roolc of the a~amer Lad:t Gw«r will be ou W ~: n:-< t::SDA Y · -CarbooMr, HsrborGrace

Holyrood, linJ:Ua and U11y rtobcr ltt. Til U LlSDA Y -Uay Hobert&, Brig us, lloly·

rood, Car booear and llarbor Grace. M uuday, T utoadAy, Frit.lt\y nn<l :Saturday,

thll u&DAI route to 1\Dd from l'ortugnl Cove. .\l aila wtll c lose a~ !1.30 1\.m. tharp .

General ,l'011t Olllc:e, St. .I obo ·a, t .Sept. 2:.!, 1882.- .:!0. r

XMAS TREE. T il F; unolermcnt ioocd CO~fl\IITTE~: of

Ladil'fl ur lleML'e Conte nt intcorl hol tiin~: A XMAS TIU:E on the 2 tb of UI~C ~:MIIEit next, to aulst in r10i1ing funds townrda lhu complet ioo o r tl·~ H. (;. Chmc:h of th:\t plnct'. A II contribution• will uo thankfully rc« iYed by t he Com· mitten:-M n l'un•t•Ano, I ~ .... AU!!Tr~ .

'' (;oUl'Aitn, " \\'JLl.IAliS, :'Iff!!. W .\I.LACE.

lleArt'r Coote 11t , Sept. 16.

FISH ERY.-·1883. L J-:'11"f:R!< rellch us from t ... ,hmdot and

tho Jalaod, ioquiri og 1\bont

COD TRAPS FOR 1883. It ,..ill be agr tenble to ue, aed oot agaio' t tho iolerea~ of t he Fishermen, il tho appli· cntlona c:au bo made to tho home merchan~ fo r ""1 of our etAadarrl guodt; and w& be~: o rom:trk lbat wo aball keep our Wltre& up w tho hit:hesl gnde. and &Mare our friends tllat •wf 1l jrbrY n; r otto4 i1 ustd at ottr M ill lmt I~ "'' ' Amenccm gro.rtlt, and the pu t­ting togeth er of Net, ::ioi11e and Trap will be thorou~thly done,aud tho price no t above iltt r eal market •alue.


Ser t. 2.2111.


Pianos, Church and Parlor C>R.G-.A.N'B

P riou ol Organa fro!Q Sixty Dollan~(IGO) and upwarda I ldr'" IYorrallttdfor 1iz yta11.

'fheao lnal111meota woo a Diploma aad Medal at the Coateonial ~bitioo ( held at l'bila.telpbia in 187G) fo r power a~~d vuri~y uf tone.

CHURCH ORGANS a special ty. Estra indaccmeote otrercd to Cborebea, Teacben1 and Soclotl-.


Par1or <>raan. wilb S aelta Reodt, ll Stope, Grand Organ Koee·Swell, and with new tl.Jle -oow on band. Will be eold cbu.p by tbe Sob· acriber,

J . A. WRlT:\lAN, Watar St. W 08t. U Arbor G

.Agoll for Nfitt:fil'lln~flaa,d.

The T n ule M urk11 of my .said Mccli­cinl'!l arn rPgiate red i n O t t.nwa, a nd a lRo Bt \Vash ing!on.

Signed TI ! O MAS EJOLLO W A Y 533, Oxrord Str!'C't, Loudon. t

D ec. 1 , 1850. J


Hearing, nnd how to keep it ; by (;harln U. Burnett, ~I.D.

Long l. lle, An•l how to rencb it; by G. •. lt ic:ba rda,u, M.D.

The Summer and iltt JJiaeues ; by J amN C. Wilaou, M.IJ.

Eyuis:bt , aud.bow to curo it ; t>y Geors~ J. llnr iM, )1.0 .

Inc T hroat and Voice; by S. Solis Colum :'II.D

Tbo Winter ttntl ita Dl\ngcra; by Uawilloo O .igootl, :\I. D.

The i\louth and tho T ecllt ; by J. W . White M .l>., U.D.S. '

Braiuworlc ADu Overwork ; by II. B. \\'oo<11 M.D.

Our Clom~; by U enry flt\rtaborne. :'\(. P . Sea Air ami ::il'& lJatbio!i; b1 Jobu H .

l'~tckard , M.D. School and iuduslrial ll1geoo ; by D. F. '

Lincoln, M.D. Jndigeation-Wbat it ia, and what i t leAds

fo, aud 11 new method of tnatinl( it· by J ohn Jlcadnoll Gill, M.D., Mon;ber R oyal College Phyeiciaua, Edi obursb

H I STORY : Selection~ from I::n(lliah lli1tor1: IICleeled

and cdit..d by John Richard Greene, lii.A., LL.U.

H i-tory of England in the Eighteenth Cen­t ury i bf.William Ueory U &rtpole Lecky; 2nd edttion .

H istory of .Napol ooo Donaparto. f'flprioted from tbo l:' ttmlly L ibrar1, illuatrat;~d b1 Geo Crniktbaok.

Gibbota'a Home ; edited by 1\l illmAn. Picturtaque Europe; 6 Royal Quarto Vola.

Elegantly illuatratad. Nowfouudla.od to Alaoitoba; b1 W. Fl'tller

Rae, Thomaa Carlyle : 11 H iatory of tho flrtt

forty yean of bia life, l7!l6-18S5; by Jaa. A otbouy Fread, li.A., 2 Yola. in one • o l. Cloth ; cheap edition.

1'he Prince and the Panper ; by l\lark Twain. Cheap ed itiooa, Ia., Se. 1\Dd 61.

J. F. CHISH OL'I St. J obo'a, Joao 12 ..

Fisheries TH E D l14rr11m of a Cad-Trap In tht

STANDARD, 17th Sept., Ia n ry Jita\lar to tho kind moat appro•ed of b7 ~i­eoced tTapperein tb i.tt coao&ry. Fiabermeo by applying to their bome merchauta, ca~ procure from 111 diagrama of urioua lr:ioda of 1'.RAPS.

AM.£niCAN NET & TWINE Ca., Doatoo.

Sept. 28.

~~e 5ttt~ar p itanbtttb -.urn-


I s priot.ld\ad pobliabed e•II!T SAT\IIDAY mo111lng on behalf of the £.tate of t.be

b.~ AltoutaALD MosM by .T. F. AloKW at &ht " StAndard" Office, \Vater S treet, rear of Moura. Qulotio'a lhop, Uarbor Grace, Newround laqd. TIJU!Is-Twooty abUlloa- per &IIIIUIO~·

able balf·Jearl.J. Tbic paa,er la nn& lulled to avrnllteriber

for a 1- lenD thaa ala IIIODLha. Tnxa 1'0& AJ>nanu•o-Fint loeerUo•­

for three IIDN Onn.r lJPI) la., l or ... ry additional line fcL For -b CC!n· tiDIIallOO ODI•tllird o( \he -tn& cJtua't

17 Ad.,erUat.;_.,;;;;;j.,ed a& tM .a., ef ~bia p&PfT wiUio•' wrht.. ialatt...,va llaiti¢ liD ... of, t.eertfOIID (~DO" tlooa, ..alUidoti -~ dteeml•• tll8111111vea eaOIPIICI) will t. ..,_.lei nUl onlerecl fa wridac to lle-'111-.k· clrawa1