volume dates to remember - brentwoodparkps.vic.edu.au...volume 25 issue 10 thursday 04 april 2019...

Volume 25 Issue 10 Thursday 04 April 2019 www.brentwoodparkps.vic.edu.au term dates 2019 term 1 30 jan - 05 apr term 2 23 apr - 28 jun term 3 15 jul - 20 sep term 4 07 oct - 20 dec 05 APRIL EASTER RAFFLE 05 APRIL TERM 1 ENDS 2.30 P.M. 23 APRIL YEAR 6 SHRINE EXCURSION 24 APRIL CANTEEN COMMENCES 25 APRIL ANZAC DAY 02 MAY YEAR 2 COAL CREEK EXCURSION jim bell, principal jenny reid, assistant principal jo-anne doran, assistant principal DATES TO REMEMBER S chool Council Elections 2019 This week, the newly elected school council for 2019 held its first meeting. However, prior to it beginning, an extraordinary meeting was conducted whereby acknowledgment and thanks were extended to retiring school councillors for their commitment and con- tributions over their respective terms. Two parents, Grant Lester and Annabel Reeves, retired after serving their two year term of office and Sanjeev Chauhan, retired after filling his one secondment to a vacated term of of- fice. At the extraordinary meeting, office bearers of the new school council were also elected. The new 2019 School Council membership and office bearers can now be pre- sented as follows – Executive Officer: Jim Bell, Principal Parent Representatives: Leonie Roberts, President Urooj Haider, Vice President Barb Scott, Secretary Donna Foster, Sandra Prvulj, Scott Beechey, Jessica Okirua, Bhaskar Gaur and Sadaf Qaiser. Community Representa- tives: Maggie Ma Urooj Haider Department of Education Representatives: Jenny Reid, Treasurer Trish Shaw, Minutes Secretary Judy Anderson and Marina Kesegic In addition to the regular reports—Principal, Finance, Buildings and Grounds, Fundraising, Canteen, Student Representative Council, and Policy and Curriculum, the meeting provided the opportunity for all in attendance to collectively meet architect Michael Williams, project director, of Williams Ravi Architects with regards to the floorplate design of the schools administration capital works project and its projected costs. The Annual Report to the School Community 2018 which is a legislative and regulatory requirement was also presented for endorsement by School Council. The Annual Report provides an opportunity to share the years achievement and progress with the school com- munity and to reflect on the schools performance and how improvement efforts have impacted student out- comes.

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Page 1: Volume DATES TO REMEMBER - brentwoodparkps.vic.edu.au...Volume 25 Issue 10 Thursday 04 April 2019 term dates 2019 term 1 30 jan -05 apr term 2 23 apr -28 jun term 3 15 jul -20 sep

Volume 25 Issue 10 Thursday 04 April 2019


term dates 2019 term 1 30 jan - 05 apr term 2 23 apr - 28 jun term 3 15 jul - 20 sep term 4 07 oct - 20 dec


05 APRIL TERM 1 ENDS 2.30 P.M.





jim bell, principal jenny reid, assistant principal jo-anne doran, assistant principal


S chool Council Elections 2019 This week, the newly elected school council for 2019 held its first meeting. However, prior to it

beginning, an extraordinary meeting was conducted whereby acknowledgment and thanks were extended to retiring school councillors for their commitment and con-tributions over their respective terms. Two parents, Grant Lester and Annabel Reeves, retired after serving their two year term of office and Sanjeev Chauhan, retired after filling his one secondment to a vacated term of of-fice. At the extraordinary meeting, office bearers of the new school council were also elected. The new 2019 School Council membership and office bearers can now be pre-sented as follows – Executive Officer: Jim Bell, Principal Parent Representatives: Leonie Roberts, President Urooj Haider, Vice President Barb Scott, Secretary Donna Foster, Sandra Prvulj, Scott Beechey, Jessica Okirua, Bhaskar Gaur and Sadaf Qaiser. Community Representa-tives: Maggie Ma Urooj Haider Department of Education Representatives: Jenny Reid, Treasurer Trish Shaw, Minutes Secretary Judy Anderson and Marina Kesegic

In addition to the regular reports—Principal, Finance, Buildings and Grounds, Fundraising, Canteen, Student Representative Council, and Policy and Curriculum, the meeting provided the opportunity for all in attendance to collectively meet architect Michael Williams, project director, of Williams Ravi Architects with regards to the floorplate design of the school’s administration capital works project and its projected costs.

The Annual Report to the School Community 2018 which is a legislative and regulatory requirement was also presented for endorsement by School Council. The Annual Report provides an opportunity to share the year’s achievement and progress with the school com-munity and to reflect on the school’s performance and how improvement efforts have impacted student out-comes.

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C hinese Language and Culture This year, our visit to our sister school, in Jiangsu, CHINA is

scheduled for 15—27 September. There has been great interest in this opportunity by families and following a well-attended and comprehensive information night, we now have twenty-four expressions of interest lodged! Although informed previously that the maximum number each school can take will be 16 students and 3 teachers, enquiries with JESIE, here in Australia, have confirmed that Brentwood Park Primary can take all who have lodged their interest. This is testimony to the positive experiences we and our sister school have had as a result of this program. The Victorian schools will travel together.

K ambrya College - Car park Upgrade Kambrya College is having a major car-park upgrade which started this week. It means that

the majority of their main car park will be out of action and staff, and the after hours gym users, will need to park on the streets for about six weeks. As a result, traffic and parking may be more congested than it is currently. On Kambrya College’s behalf, a letter with greater detail is included in this week’s newsletter for reference.

S chool Assemblies School assemblies are held in our gymnasium

each Friday at 2:40 p.m. They provide us with the opportunity to address the children collectively and to give recognition to student achievement through the presentation of student awards such as Stars of the Week and student performances. These performances are enjoyed equally, not only by parents and students in the audience, but also by the performers themselves! The students who learn keyboard through the Primary Music Institute [PMI], each gave a solo performance to demonstrate their developing musical abilities.

Rohan 4BM played “The Rakes of Mallow”

Sana 2AD played “Indian Dance”

Aarihee 2CV played “Jingle Bells”

Bailey and Reyan [duet] played “Crab Rave”

Henry 5EB played “Hot Cross Buns”

Shaun 5LF played “Fur Carnival”

Iliana 5LF played “Twinkle Twinkle”

Navya 5JG played “Nick Nack”

Chloe 5JG played “Largo”

Ashton 5JG played “Ode to Joy”

Timothy 4SM played “Greensleeves”

Lucas 3CH played “For He is a Jolly Good Fellow”

Sarah 6LM played “Greensleeves” David, their PMI music teacher, was present and justifiably proud of their efforts!

P arking Infringements City of Casey are receiving complaints from local households

in relation to vehicles continually partially parking across driveways at school pick up & drop off times making it difficult for residents to access or egress from their respective properties. They have asked for by-law officers to be in attendance and infringement notices to be issued. Please be aware that by-law officers will also be monitoring the 2 minute drop off zone directly in front of Brentwood Park Primary School. It is our understanding that a number of infringement notices were issued last week.

E aster Raffle At Brentwood Park we have a wonderful group

of parents on our fundraising team. One of the annual fundraisers is, of course, our Easter raffle and acknowledgement and thanks must be forwarded to Donna Foster, Sandra Pruvlj, Belinda Muller, John and Suzanne Leveque, Daniela Prvulovic and Nichole Wood for its organisation and the “making up” of the Easter Hampers!

B ellbrook Catering Would like to wish all students and families a

safe and happy holiday and Easter break. The last canteen day for Term 1 is Friday 5th April inclusive. The first canteen day for Term 2 is Friday 26th April. Happy holidays!

C onclusion of Term With the first ten weeks of the school

year now behind us, much has, once again, been achieved and I thank all concerned for their accomplishments and efforts. A very busy AND a very productive term! Enjoy the term break with family and friends and return revitalised for the first day of Term 2 on Monday 23 April. Jim Bell, principal

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Term 1 Week ending 29 March, 2019

0BC Pranav for showing resilience and determination during cross country. 0JF Sashenya for being such a great helper in the classroom. 0JH Ryan for always having a go and being so positive. 0LP Jacob for being a SUPERSTAR classroom helper. Well done Jacob! 0SM Archie for implementing various reading strategies while confidently reading. 0TL Kingston for showing great persistence when making his butterfly. 1AB Divjot for working hard to learn your Oxford words. Well done! 1HG Leila for working persistently to achieve your goal to read with expression. CONGRATULATIONS! 1KC Mikayla for always following instructions and her growing confidence in her learning! 1MK Yaganah for her excellent behaviour this week. 1NC Martin for giving challenging work a go! Amazing persistence. 1NG Aaliyah for putting a lot of effort into learning each weeks Oxford Words. Keep it up! 1TN Aarika for always working to the best of her ability and succeeding at a high level in Math. Well done! 2AD Emily for her amazing work using ‘arrays’ to solve multiplication equations. Well done! 2AK Sophie for your fantastic effort and impressive result in Cross Country. Well done! 2CM Emily for your fantastic singing on our multicultural day. Well done! 2CV Asini for completing a brilliant recount on the cultural performance. 2RG Egypt for sharing and reading her special book to the class. Well done! 2SY Shamith for outstanding fluency when reading. 3CH Ellina for creating a wonderfully detailed plan for your persuasive writing. Sam for showing empathy to another student during the cross country. 3DK Matthew for his improved focus and trying to work hard on his writing. Well done! 3MF Laurelle for showing resilience during cross country. 3MS Kayla for always showing kindness and compassion to her peers. Well done! 3SA Lankini for the fantastic exposition she wrote this week! Great job! 4BM Sophie for always being a positive and friendly member of the class. 4CP Sehajpal for his stunning performance on the harmonium. 4EC Lucas for being a true friend whilst competing in cross country. Well done!

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Term 1 Week ending 29 March, 2019

4SM Flynn for participating in the cross country; demonstrating excellent persistence 4VG n/a 5EB Angus for having a growth mindset while learning mental strategies in Maths! 5JG Finlay for his positive approach towards the Words Our Way group activity this week. 5LF Hayden for working so hard with your team on persuasive arguments. Well done! 5LM Tammy for making sure that her handwriting is neat and easy to read! 5SI Bailey for staying focused and putting 100% into a maths activity! Keep it up superstar! 6JA Ryan for being so proud of his efforts in cross country and putting in 110%. A real star! 6JP Matt for demonstrating excellent sportsmanship at Cross Country. Well done! 6LM Olivia for excellent writing on our solar system unit of work. Well done! 6MB Elina for achieving her goal of making it into the top 10 at Cross Country.

SPECIALIST CLASSES LOTE. Chunyan OJF for your engagement in learning Chinese “sit down please’ and “stand up please.” LOTE. Daisy 5SI your excellent participation in the characters writing competition! Well done! P. Arts. Linda 6JP for showing ‘persistence’ playing the basic rock beat on chairs and accompanying songs. P. Arts. Larissa 2RG for practising and performing the song ‘Just like me.’ P.E. Jim 3MF for outstanding teamwork and getting along skills in H&PE. P.E. Mel 4BM for their excellent teamwork when playing medic. V. Arts. Jessica FJH well done for working quietly to complete your line and pattern work! V. Arts. Bree 5EB for great work on your Georges Braque inspired extended drawings. D. Tech. Lisa 6LM for being organised and ready with your details to log onto 0365. You created your signature for all outgoing messages and began your digital solutions email assessment task to answer the question “What makes a good digital citizen.”

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Please hand money and permission slip in sealed envelopes to classroom teacher first thing in the morning. By following this process teachers are aware that your child will be attending the excursion and mark them off

their lists. Money is collected by office staff and processed each morning and a receipt given back to teachers along with permission slips. All money is tallied and banked daily – no money is left on the premises. If you wish to pay by credit card, a proforma is available from the office. This can be filled out with details and placed in a sealed envelope and handed to your classroom teacher

Please deliver cash in a sealed envelope with your child’s name and grade on the front by 9.30 a.m. If you have a number of children attending an excursion you can place all money and permission slips in the one envelope with children’s names and grades on the front and deliver to one of the children’s teachers. The office staff will be able to allocate money to the children’s particular items and distribute permission slips and receipts back to teachers. Enve-lopes are available at the office. If you have a large amount to be paid or need to process an EFTPOS transaction through a savings account you can make arrangements to pay at the office. We also have a new Qkr payment system on our Skoolbag app. If you download our Skoolbag app and Qkr payment app you can now pay for your child’s excursion on line.

All change will be delivered to the children in the afternoon. Re-imbursements will only be made under certain circumstances – they will be made by cheque (no cash transactions are made).

Notices are sent out with a final collection time – please adhere to this time. All money and permission slips are required to be sent back by this date – otherwise your child will not be able to attend. This enables us to confirm bookings and numbers with bus companies and organisations we are visiting. Also we need to send details to the De-partment of Education Emergency Management for all excursions, camps, etc. We also need to accommodate students who will not be attending.

We would appreciate it if parents could please follow these processes.