volume calculations in nm3

February, 2012 Volume & Area Calculations in NaviModel3 EIVA POST-PROCESSING SUITE

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February, 2012

Volume & Area Calculations in NaviModel3 EIVA POST-PROCESSING SUITE

Page 2: Volume Calculations in NM3

Volume & Area Calculations in NaviModel3

EIVA NaviSuite Software Page 2 of 19 Rev. no. 0, 2012-02-06

Revision History

0 First Edition Lars Dall Various 06/02/2012

Revision Description By Checked Approved Date

Keywords: Hydrographic Survey, Post-processing, Volume & Area Calculations






Within NaviModel3, volume & area calculations can be initiated, from the ‘Project Tree’, in a

variety of ways:

directly from a survey object

directly from a displayline object

indirectly by generating a difference model and subsequently using one of the two direct

methods above

by using the end area volume calculation method

Volumes can thus be generated either on the basis of a single DTM-model or on the basis of

two models. In the latter case, the difference model between the two models can be made to

ease the calculations and the associated visualisations. Alternatively, NM3 is capable of

automatically generating a difference volume report on the basis of two different models.

When the volume calculations are performed relative to a displayline object (*.dis), the volume

calculation functionalities, can utilize the methods used in NM3 to include/exclude sub-areas in

the volume- and area determination. Note that when doing this, the actual model itself will

remain undisturbed by the volume calculation.


The function is initiated by a right-click on the survey object. The menu below will appear, that

allows the choice of either the ‘Calculate Volume’ or the ‘Calculate Volume Report’.

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Choosing the first option will make NM3 calculation the volume of the entire model, with the

resolution/cell size selected when generating the model, relative to another model residing in

NM3 as shown below.

The output of the difference calculation is given in a simple information window (Figure 1,

left) as well as in the ‘Log’ window as shown below in Figure 1, right.

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Figure 1 Volume Results

A much more comprehensive calculation is performed when selecting the ‘Calculate Volume

Report’ option. This will invoke the ‘Volume Report Generator’ that is described in the


2.1 The Volume Report Generator

When the volume reporting is activated by right-clicking on a survey object, the user is first

prompted to choose which models to compare as well as the boundary (displayline) to use for

this. For the boundary, one of the models can be used. In that case the outline of that particular

model will be generated and used as part of the volume calculation.

All required are defined via the dialogue shown below. Observe that it is possible to choose the

0-level as Model 2.

The actual dialogue/window associated with the volume reporting is divided into three tabs:

The General Tab: in here general items are identified. At the same time the user must

specify which part of the volume calculation result that should be included

The Standard Report Tab: contains items associated with input for the volume calculation

The Enhanced Report Tab: selection between various enhanced items (geodesy,

maximum/minimum values etc.) is facilitated

If the standard report and/or the enhanced reports have not been specified in the general tab,

they are marked with a red bubble. Otherwise the selected tabs are indicated with a green

bubble. The principle is identical to what is used in connection with the ‘Export’ functionalities

in NM3.

2.1.1 The General Tab

An example of the ‘General’ tab is given below in Figure 2.

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Figure 2 The General tab

Here the following must be defined:

Report file-name & -path. The reports are always generated as pdf-files

Definition of image file to include (Company Logo or similar)

Additional report types to include (Standard and Enhanced reports)

Header information, including: Project Name, Project ID, Client, Company etc.

Details regarding what to include in the volume result, such as: Cut volume, Fill volume


Resolution of results

2.1.2 The Standard Report Tab

An example of the ‘Standard Report’ tab is given below in Figure 3.

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Figure 3 The Standard Report tab

Here the user must identify what to include among the following items:

For the models (1 and 2):

o Model type, Model Name Model characteristics, Acquisition characteristics

(manual input)

For the boundary:

o Boundary type, Boundary Name, Boundary characteristics

2.1.3 The Enhanced Report Tab

An example of a filled out ‘Enhanced Report’ tab is given below in Figure 4.

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Figure 4 The Enhanced Report tab

Under this tab, identification of what to include among the following enhanced items, is


Source file(s)

Correction of volume for average horizontal scale (optional)

Vertical reference information (can be typed in manually)

Maximum/minimum values for Easting, Northing and Height

Geodesy Information

Screen Dump showing a graphical presentation of two models

2.1.4 The Report

Once the settings are acceptable in all tabs and the ‘OK’ button is pressed, the calculations and

the subsequent reporting will commence. Upon completion, associated information is given as

shown below.

The three pages of the report look as shown below in Figure 5 and in Figure 6.

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Figure 5 Volume Report, pages 1 and 2

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Figure 6 Volume Report, page 3


To activate the volume calculation from a displayline object, right-click in the displayline

object under the ‘Toppings’ entry and choose menu-item ‘Calculate Volume' as shown below

in Figure 7. The function will calculate volumes, areas and average height relative to the 0-level

for all surveys residing in the project. Observe that the results are related to the modeltype

presently selected for each survey. The result can be seen in the ‘Log’ window as shown below

in Figure 8. Note that the example is related to a project with 8 different surveys (models).

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Figure 7 Calculate volume from displayline object

Figure 8 Volumes relative to displayline object


The indirect volume calculation method requires that a difference model is generated as step

number one. This is done by right-clicking on the Survey entry in the ‘Project Tree’ window

and choosing the menu-item ‘Create Difference model…’ as shown below in Figure 9, left.

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Figure 9 Create Difference model (left) and selection of input Model Types (right)

The window to the right in Figure 9 facilitates selection of input model types as well as of

cell size for the target difference model. Observe that all model types for each of the models

residing in the project are available for selection. When pressing the ‘OK’ button, the user is

prompted for location and file name for the new model. When this is established, the

generation of the new model will commence. Upon completion, the new model will be loaded

into the project as can be seen below in Figure 10, left. Note that the new model is called

Diff.db. By right-clicking on the survey and choosing the menu-item 'Info Window', the

information window, that contains information about maximum/minimum Easting, Northing

and Depth coordinates is opened. This is shown in Figure 10, right.

Figure 10 Difference model, left and information window associated with the difference model, right

The difference model can now be treated as any other survey and volumes can be generated

relative to the 0-level either directly from a survey object or from a displayline object. The

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results given below are originating from a volume calculation associated with a displayline


Figure 11 Volume and Area calculations, including difference volume


The extended volume calculation method is a function specially suited for channels, trenches

or gravel dump. It provides facilities to calculate volumes by comparing theoretical models

with Models generated either on the basis of multi- or of single-beam data.

Figure 12 Two models and a runline loaded for End Area Volume calculation

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The functionality requires in other words two DTMs to be loaded, one of those preferably to

be a design/theoretical model. In addition, a runline must be loaded. This is visualized in

Figure 12 above.

In order to invoke the routine, right-click on the runline object under Toppings in the ‘Project

Tree’ window and choose the menu-item 'Calculate Crossprofile volume...' as shown below

in Figure 13, left.

Figure 13 Calculate Crossprofile volume menu item (left) and ‘Create Crossprofile Voles’ dialogue (right)

The dialogue to the right in Figure 13 will now appear. In here the following must be


Survey DTM and Reference DTM

Start KP and End KP

Profile distance: Distance between profiles in the calculation can be inserted here

Profile width: the width of each profile can be inserted here. This value is usually the

same as the width of the theoretical channel

The Tolerance: here the requirements to dredging tolerance (or alternatively to survey

accuracy). If the tolerance is set to .2 m as in the example, the program will calculate

volumes for a depth values of 0.2 m above the survey as well as for 0.2 m below the

survey in addition to the volume calculation related to the survey itself

When pressing the ‘OK’ button in the dialogue, NM3 will perform a calculation and generate

the results. These will be visualized as a new entry under toppings in the ‘Project Tree’

window as shown below in Figure 14.

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Figure 14 Volume has been generated

Observe the red circle that shows the new entry that is named ‘CalculateXPVolume’. Also

note that each of the cross profiles are visualised in the DTM window as a blue lines. The

cross profiles are furthermore generated and shown relative to both models used in the

calculation (see Figure 15 below).

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Figure 15 Cross profiles for both DTMs

In order to save the volume calculation, right-click on the ‘CalculateXPVolume’ entry and

choose menu item ‘Export (vol.)’ (see below). Choose an appropriate name and note that the

file extension will be vol. This means that such a file will be associated with the ‘Display

Profile’ program, provided NaviModel2 has been installed. To visualize the results of the

volume calculation, it is therefore enough to double-click on the file from Windows Explorer.

The window below in Figure 16 will appear, showing an overview of the profiles and

calculation at the bottom half and all theoretical profiles at the top half of the view.

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Figure 16 Simultaneous visualisation of all theoretical profiles

By pressing the ‘Go to Last KP or Survey’ button in the icon bar, the view will change so

that all survey profiles will be visualised. This is shown in Figure 18 below.

Figure 17 Simultaneous visualisation of all surveyed profiles

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By pressing the ‘KP step mode’ button in the icon bar, the view will change to show

individual profiles together with the associated volume calculations, as shown below in

Figure 18.

Figure 18 Visualisation in KP step mode

In the example it appears that the program has calculated 95 profiles (see upper part of Figure

16 and Figure 18) with a width of 300 m equally spaced around the runline.

It is furthermore evident that first profile is calculated at KP 0.025, so the first calculation is

performed between KP 0.000 (KP 0.025 – ½ * Profile Distance) and KP 0.100 (KP 0.025 + ½

* Profile Distance). The profile shown above in Figure 18 is consequently the third profile,

since there are 50 meters between the profiles. The second profile is thus at KP 0.075.

To step through the profiles, the icons in the Play Bar can be used with the

options one-by-one, play, play fast, backwards and forwards.

Figure 19 End Area Volume Results

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With reference to Figure 19 above, the following comprise the results of an End Area

Volume Calculation:

1. KP: is the kp of the present calculation/profile

2. Interval size: is the size of each interval/section

3. Tolerance: expresses the requirements to dredging tolerance (or alternatively to

survey accuracy)

4. The x-value for the cross profile intervals that are calculated and shown for QC

purposes. By default the interval is 2.5m and since the corridor was 300 m the DX

value will be: -150.0 -147.5 -145.0. However, as can be seen, only entries with valid

values will be listed

5. The depth from the theoretical model is shown for each cross profile interval

6. The depth from the surveyed model is shown for each cross profile interval

7. Header for the Cut Calculations

8. The area calculations, related to cut profiles, from left to right:

a. Area for present profile

b. Area for present profile + tolerance

c. Area for present profile – tolerance

d. Sum of area

e. Sum of area + tolerance

f. Sum of area - tolerance

9. The volume interval calculations, related to cut profiles, from left to right:

a. Volume for present profile

b. Volume for present profile + tolerance

c. Volume for present profile – tolerance

d. Sum of volume

e. Sum of volume + tolerance

f. Sum of volume - tolerance

10. The conventional volume calculations, related to cut profiles, from left to right:

a. Conventional volume for present profile

b. Conventional volume for present profile + tolerance

c. Conventional volume for present profile – tolerance

d. Sum of conventional volume

e. Sum of conventional volume + tolerance

f. Sum of conventional volume - tolerance

11. Header for the Fill Calculations

12. The area calculations, related to fill profiles, from left to right:

a. Area for present profile

b. Area for present profile + tolerance

c. Area for present profile – tolerance

d. Sum of area

e. Sum of area + tolerance

f. Sum of area - tolerance

13. The volume interval calculations, related to fill profiles, from left to right:

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a. Volume for present profile

b. Volume for present profile + tolerance

c. Volume for present profile – tolerance

d. Sum of volume

e. Sum of volume + tolerance

f. Sum of volume - tolerance

14. The conventional volume calculations, related to fill profiles, from left to right:

a. Conventional volume for present profile

b. Conventional volume for present profile + tolerance

c. Conventional volume for present profile – tolerance

d. Sum of conventional volume

e. Sum of conventional volume + tolerance

f. Sum of conventional volume - tolerance