volume 41 summary

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  • 8/20/2019 Volume 41 Summary


    Volume 41 summary

    By iheartz

    Chapter 1: The Hero's brief anguish

    Chapter 2: The Descent of the Hero

    Chapter : Catastrophe !isingChapter 4: "rontal #ttac$

    Chapter %: &ee's (ong

    Chapter ): # &ar That &asn't *eant to Happen

    Chapter +: (,aying &ar

    Chapter -: The Crumbling .alace

    Chapter /: *isfortune of the Ha0en mpire

    Chapter 1: The Hero's brief anguish

    (tory starts out ,ith the the players in Hermes' army loo$ing at the #rpen Castle.alace3

    encouraging each other an raising their morale e5: tal$ing about ho, much loot they

    are going to get3 ho, the opponents are 6ust ne,bies3 etc787 Deura$a3 the commaner of 

    the the "irst 9orthern (ub6ugation #rmy ,ith his 0oice amplifie by (haman ,in

    magic8 eclares he ,ants to uel ,ith &ee7 Deura$a thin$s bac$ about the report ,hich

    the Hermes guil intelligence i0ision ga0e ,hich analyze all of &ee's s$ills an

    conclue that the chances of &ee ,inning are less than 2; although they are still

    unsure if &ee got anything from his time tra0eling

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    going aroun an en6oying life in the ,orl3 espite of &eeAs orers7 He ,atches the 1

    uels ,ith little interest in the past3 Hess has reache le0el -)/ ue to all of his

    a0entures8 an ,atches the t,o armies start fighting7 He has 6ust mae up his min to

    lea0e to istant places he ,ants to e5plore the ocean ,hich he hasnAt seen before?8 but

    then hears the cry of a little #rpen girl calling out for her a7 Because of the e0otion

    the #rpen sub6ects has for their @ing3 they ,illingly too$ up arms against the in0aers7Ho,e0er3 the place ,here the little girlAs a ,as staning he ,as an archer8 ,as

    e0astate by the Ha0en armyAs magical attac$s7 The Ha0en army immeiately follo,s

    up ,ith more attac$s3 completely $illing the people in the area ,ho sur0i0e the first

    stri$e7 This rouses HessA ,rath an regret3 his ,rath because the Ha0en army ,as

    targeting the fallen an the in6ure3 an his regret for not follo,ing &eeAs orers7 He

    rebu$es himself for oubting &ee an ecies to ta$e up arms3 summoning his s,or

    an armor7 9ormally3 the resurrection s$ill ,oulnAt be able to bring bac$ HessAs


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    gro,th7 #fter selling some

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    suen turn of fortune3 the #rpen users start their .orrige chant an begin their


    Bac$ to top

    Chapter : Catastrophe !ising

    The players from the #rpen army smashe into the Ha0en shiel ,all li$e a tie7

    #lthough they inAt actually inflict much amage3 it ,as a huge psychological blo, to

    many of the Hermes characters7 Ho,e0er3 their past ,ar e5periences has allo,e them

    to cool o,n an calmly eal ,ith the suen appearance of Hess Tiger7 They

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    the politicians say87 &ee ens his speech an there ,as a short silence3 ,here he ,as

    ,onering if they ha seen through his speech7 Ho,e0er3 the #0ian race immeiately

    burst into applause3 pleging that they ,oul follo, &ee an began ta$ing off in a

    humongous floc$7

    The #0ians reach the battle an start trying to i0ebomb the range units of the Ha0enarmy7 They are met by a large ,all of arro,s an ice magic3 an they start falling out of

    the s$y7 Hess Tiger then 6umps o,n from the palace3 summoning a .egasus because

    heAs a frien of the forest8 an rushes to,ars the Ha0en army7 He is immeiately

    notice because all of the blessings that the gos ha0e besto,e upon him has literally

    gi0en him a shining halo an the Ha0en commaners orer all range units to

    concentrate fire on Hess7 Deura$a as$s on the guil chat about the abilities of Hess Tiger3

    but he ,as tol that the information epartment inAt bother in0estigating Hess seeing

    as they thought there ,oul be no possibility of that information being useful87

    Thousans of spells fly at Hess Tiger3 the most noticeable being spears of ice more than

    meters long3 an a Hermes ,izar remar$s ho, thereAs no ,ay the .egasus can

    oge in time7 Hess pulls out his scimitar3 uses a s$ill ,hich en0elops the s,or in high

    temperature flames google trans: Deterioration of the Blae8 an s,ings it at the ice

    spears7 There is a large amount of steam an ice fragments3 an the Hermes ,izars

    confiently eclares that itAs o0er7 Ho,e0er3 he is shoc$e ,hen he suenly recei0es a

    message about ho, the bac$lash from the estruction of the ice spears has reuce his

    mana to only 27-; an causes a 14; reuction in his ,isom stat7 &atche by the

    shoc$e Ha0en army3 Hess shouts at the #rpen army to continue their attac$7

    (cene s,itches to the Ieomchi group ,ho are ,atching the battle7 They tal$ about ho,

    fun their pre0ious e5periences of guerilla ,arfare ,as an after some iscussion3 they

    charge in note: not e5actly sure ,hat else they tal$e about an =Am also not sure ,hythey ,aite that long before attac$ing7 *aybe they ,ere ,aiting for the o,npour of

    spells to en?87 They mi5 in ,ith the other players in the #rpen army an hit the Ha0en

    shiel ,all3 clea0ing through the shiels of the armoure infantry ,ith their s,or s$ill

    (,or that slashes through anything the one that they create at the en of their


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    the Citael the one ,here Bar @han use to control8 in orer to pre0ent the Grcs an

    other races from sening help ?87 &ee thin$s that the amount of personnel the Hermes

    guil eploye for the e5peition is riiculous but grugingly agrees that its necessary

    because they ,oul ha0e to police a huge amount of area if they ,on7 He consiers the

    Ha0en armies actions an conclues that if the .alace falls3 then the Ha0en armies ,ill

    be free to launch attac$s on multiple fronts an ,ill most li$ely control half of the 9orthin 1 to 2 ,ee$s ?87 This gi0es &ee a heaache similar to the one he got ,hile thin$ing

    about ho, the electrical an foo prices are rising up3 but he eclares that heAll smash

    the Ha0en army7 He finishes car0ing a statue of a turtle an as it to the other marineF

    animal statues in front of him7 There are statues of people getting eaten by piranhas3

    large spi$y roc$fish3 crocoiles3 loaches3 flouners3 etc7 He then uses the clou sculpting

    s$ill an rain starts to fall on the bac$ elements of the Ha0en army7 He continues using

    clou sculpting3 an soon3 a storm starts bre,ing abo0e the heas of the Ha0en army it

    ,as mentione that he ha car0e o0er 2 sculptures to cause this miniature storm87

    The rain

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    spee increasing magic to run a,ay from the #o magics that the Ha0en mages ha0e87

    (uenly3 many of the soliers on both sies start feeling col7 The Ha0en commaners

    simply e5plain it a,ay ,ith the logic that it is the 9orthern continent an a rainstorm so

    itAs natural to feel col7 The #rpen players ,oner if itAs a ne, magic that the Ha0en

    army has prepare7 The col increases to a se0ere chill ,hich has a significant 12;8

    ecrease in physical ability as ,ell as a 42; reuction in regeneration not sure ofhealth3 mana3 stamina3 or all three87 Gne #rpen player shouts that the Hermes guil are

    irty bastars3 seeing such a significant stat rain is lethal to the lo, le0ele players that

    are fighting right no,7 The #0ians are also affecte by the rain3 ,hich renches their

    ,ings an forces them to lan although some high le0el players manage to escape87

    The Ha0en army ,as also affecte3 although not as much7 The only trouble that the rain

    an the col cause for them ,as a ecrease in their range magic an arro, attac$s

    the soliers all possess cloa$s that can $eep the boy ,arm to some e5tent87 The

    temperature has no, reache the le0el ,here a personAs e5halation is foggy3 an ,here

    the col is sapping all boy heat a,ay7 Ho,e0er3 the temperature continues ropping7 =n

    the ne5t t,o minutes3 hail the size of ice cubes are crashing o,n onto the earth3 an

    arctic ,ins are battering the soliers7

    # Ha0en solier slips3 an bringso,n an entire 1 meter section of the army ,ith him3

    ,hich ,as hugely embarrassing for the Hermes guil7 Gne of the Hermes players as$s

    ho, mere ,ins coul cause such a fall3 an another notes that the entire battlefiel has

    been co0ere in ice7 # Ha0en commaner orers the troops to slo, their a0ance3 an to

    ,atch their footing7 The Hermes guilFchat is abuzz3 an they conclue that this ,as

    &ee causing a natural isaster7 # player remar$s ho, the col is 0irtually harmless 7

    #nother one points out that the col actually roppe the fighting ability of the soliers

    by a fairly large amount an this ,ill cause more soliers to ie7 The first player the one

    ,ho ientifie it as a isaster8 says that they must ,ary of &eeAs isasters an orersthe ,izars in the Ha0enAs (econ Corps to cast ,armth magic o0er the entire army7

    (cene s,itches to the #rpen army3 ,here a player is cautioning the others to a0oi the

    ice chun$s3 saying that itAs efinitely a isaster cause by @ing &ee7 =t mentions that all

    of the players are essentially brain,ashe by &ee so they ha0e no negati0e feelings

    to,ars &ee treating them as collateral amage thereAs a lot of people spouting their

    beliefs at &eeAs greatness but itAs har for me to unerstan ,hat theyAre saying87 The

    #rpen army continues to charge for,ar but more than half of the entire army thatAs

    hunres of thousans if not millions of people8 slip an fall7 Ho,e0er3 they onAt blame

    &ee but instea3 tell the ones that inAt fall to go for,ars7 The fallen players try to

    a0ance but some of them isco0ere that they ,ere frozen to the groun7

    The Hermes players laugh at the #rpen army3 saying ho, &ee scre,e up7 Because of

    the magic of the spellcasters3 they are mostly safe from the col ,hile the #rpen players

    are ma$ing a fool of themsel0es7 &hatAs more3 the col has iminishe Hess TigerAs fire

    abilities7 They start cheering 3 shouting out that the Ha0en mpire has ,on again3 ,hen

    suenly large tremors sha$e the frozen earth7 Gne player ,oners if itAs a large

    monster3 ,hile another player isagrees3 pointing out itAs more li$e an earth

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    Hermes players panics ?8 at the estruction that &ee has cause3 but another one tells

    him to calm o,n because &ee can only use Catastrophe (culpting once a ay7 The

    tsunami engulfs the soliers3 smashing apart the Ha0en formation7 # player tries to run

    from the tsunami but is s,ept up an sent tumbling for hunres of meters7 To his

    surprise he manages to sur0i0e3 than$s to his high le0el armor7 =t turns out that the

    tsunami has essentially ,ipe out about 2; of the Ha0en forces7 The Hermescommaners 6uge this to be an unfortunate but manageable problem3 seeing they still

    hel a po,er a0antage o0er the #rpen forces an they can also replenish the 9.C

    troops by increasing conscription from occupie territories7 Ho,e0er the full effects of

    the natural isaster inAt en there7 The ,ater soa$e sur0i0ors promptly starte to

    freeze in the col temperatures3 an the tsunami also scattere ebris e0ery,here on

    the battlefiel3 ma$ing it harer for the Ha0en army to get bac$ into formation7 Deura$a

    is irritate because o0er 3 or -38 troops ha0e been $ille7 Ho,e0er3 he

    ismisses it as an una0oiable misfortune3 an praises ?8 &ee for his tactical s$ills7 He

    orers the elite troops of the Ha0en army to ta$e this chance an target Hess Tiger half

    of the #rpen troops follo,ing Hess Tiger ha0e alreay been $ille or isable ue to the

    battle an tsunami87

    =n the bac$ line of the #rpen army3 *arfanAs large 0oice ,as booming out3 telling

    e0eryboy ho, he is ha0ing a huge sale on spi$e boots an og sles he claims that

    he is a conscientious merchant an ,oulnAt e0en earn a penny from the sales8 ,ith no

    refuns or returns7 He is immeiately floc$e by players ,ho ,ant the e

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    slightest signs of crumbling3 they ,ill attac$7

    (uenly3 a great singing 0oice boome out in the s$y7 The song tells of a storm ,ith

    gusty ,ins an col rain3 sha$ing the house7 Gne player shouts out This messe up

    pitch3 tempo3 lyricsL ThereAs only one personL77 an all the players loo$ up7 Descening

    ,ith the countless #0ians ,as one man staning on a ,y0ern yes3 = belie0e heAsstaning an not riing83 ,ith the !e (tar s,or in his han7 The song continues3

    tal$ing about ho, the storm causes the boy to sha$e3 so youAre heAs aressing the

    auience here8 going to ha0e to turn on the electric blan$et7 ThereAs also something

    about using the boiler3 gas 0s electricity costs3 an the young people toay not $no,ing

    the suffering that the others ,ent through7 The #0ians flying ,ith him try to figure out

    ,hat heAs tal$ing about an one of them suggests that &eeAs song is li$e the ancient

    >izarmen songs3 ,hich ha0e e5tremely comple5 rhythms7 #nother one or the same

    one8 mentions that it might be a poem ,hich inclues real life social conitions3 ,ith the

    main one being the physical pain an ,ellFbeing of the elerly something also about

    income inea0ias ,hich protects the user from fall

    amage7 &ee meets up ,ith Hess Tiger an his follo,ers3 an they procee to ,rea$

    ha0oc among the Ha0en lines7

    &ee gets se0eral rare 4 items a belt an a hammer8 from $illing Hermes players3

    an he notes that because of their high notoriety presumably from looting$illing83 their

    item rop rates ha0e increase7 @night players charge to,ars &ee3 eclaring that

    theyAll ta$e his nec$7 &ee chec$s their le0el an fin that they all range aroun le0el

    47 He blin$s in an casts fire e5plosion3 fire of e5tinction3 an something8 hell7 =t

    mentions ho, &ee is in the pea$ fighting conition right no,7 The ragon s,or !e

    (tar absorbs fire to strengthen its users an the characteristic of the Desert &arriors is

    to strengthen an control fire7 &hen &ee is fighting ,ith Hess Tiger3 his amage ealt

    is essentially ouble an all stats as a ,hole are increase by ; ,ith the largest

    boots in strength an agility87 He gets an increase in fencing le0el3 1 strength3 an a

    small reputation boost7 The player group follo,ing them cheers for &ee an Hess Tiger

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    = thin$ he says something about oing a ee ,orthy of staning besie &ee or

    something? 5tremely confusing sentence8

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    smiles3 sipping some ,ine7 Ho,e0er3 on his sie3 one of the Hermes leaers sco,le3

    ha0ing 6ust recei0e the report that Deura$a is ta$ing inepenent action7 #lthough

    irritate about his actions3 they ecie not to counterman Deura$aAs orers ?8 seeing

    as itAs almost guarantee that theyAll be able to ta$e the palace this ,ay although ,ith

    higher casualties87 The group sits bac$ an ,atches the battle unfol7

    The Corps charge to,ars the palace3 ,ith massi0e steelstone golems ?8 ma$ing up

    the 0anguar of each army7 There is a subtle competition bet,een the corps3 seeing as

    each one ,ante the glory of reaching the palace first7 The $nights are sent eploye out

    to clear a larger path3 an the Ha0en corps

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    that try to hiner them Hess is constantly emitting fire an magma3 an the boo$

    compares him to blazing 0olcano87 Ho,e0er3 they still arenAt going to be able to reach

    the palace before the Ha0en forces o an he calls out for the .hoeni57 (uenly3 a

    secon sun rose o0er the mountain horizon7 =t ,as the .hoeni53 one of the strongest

    li0ing sculptures in the ,orl ue to its un

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    He isco0ers he only has / emails3 an he reminisces about the ays ,here the Blac$

    >ion guil ,as e5tremely popular3 ,ith nearly 1 million players in the guil7 Ho,e0er3

    after their isastrous efeat at the hans of the Hermes guils3 all of this fame

    isappeare li$e ust in the ,in itorAs note: = belie0e the Blac$ >ionAs guil ,ere the

    one that controlle the mines ,hich &ee ,as mining sapphiregot $ille in7 They ,ere

    also one of the ma6or participants in the guil alliance against Hermes ,hich gotcrushe87 He loo$s o0er the mail3 ,ith most of them being generic things li$e ho, are

    you oing? an = foun a ne, hunting groun7 He suenly stops3 shoc$e3 ,hen he

    fin an email sent by &ee ,ith the content DonAt you ,ant some re0enge against the

    Ha0en mpire? He oubts the authenticity of the letter at first because &ee is one of

    the most common character names in !oyal !oa no,87 During that time3 his T7V7 is on

    in the bac$groun3 ,ith the 9orthern &ar an &eeAs fight8 being co0ere at that

    moment7 He mutters to himself that itAs efinitely a 6o$e3 but before he eletes the

    email3 he ecies to chec$ the authenticity of the sener7 *ail sent from a !oyal !oa

    account has the special function of allo,ing the sener to inclue an image of his a0atar

    as a signature of sorts7 Carlisle chec$s this signature is shoc$e to isco0er an image

    of &ee ,earing his signature3 an uni

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    Bac$ to top

    Chapter -: The Crumbling .alace

    &ee is fighting off the enemies3 constantly using Blin$ to retreat an attac$ ,ea$

    points7 He teleports a,ay from the fighting an uses the brea$ to glance at the rest ofthe battlefiel7 Hess Tiger has charge at the (i5th Hermes corp3 slaughtering the

    commaners an elite troops in his ,ay7 The eaths of so many commaners ha0e

    cause a isruption in the chain of comman an has allo,e the 9orthern efeners to

    stop the a0ance of the (i5th Corp7 The rest of the sculptures ,ere fighting the other

    corps Bingrong is loo$ing for the best moment to use his ice breath3 Hyra is gleefully

    eating the en,my soliers3 !o0er is tal$ing about ho, heAs going to become rib eye3

    etc787 The sculpture group3 along ,ith the Ieomchi ban are the t,o forces that are

    playing the biggest part in slo,ing o,n the Ha0en a0ance7 &ee thin$s o0er their

    assault a 0anguar of mounte $nights to

  • 8/20/2019 Volume 41 Summary


    other architects7 They are crying o0er ho, their beautiful ,or$s ha0e been estroye

    such as the #lcazar brige87 Iaston remembers a recent con0ersation ,ith &ee he ha

    an shuers7 =t ,ent something li$e this7

     &hat?7777Di=? Di = hear something ,rong? 


     Tell me again7  *a$e preparations to estroy the #rpen .alace please7 

     =f you inAt li$e the loo$ of a builing3 itAll be an easy fi57 Nou onAt ha0e to estroy the

    ,hole thing7 

     9o3 = ,ant you to completely estroy the palace7 

     NouAre $iing7 

     =tAll be a pretty e5pensi0e 6o$e if thatAs the case7 Curse google trans for not ma$ing

    this clearer7 The ,ors barley brea ,ere mentione here but = canAt ma$e any sense of

    ho, they ,oul fit into this sentence87

    Iaston then hears &eeAs plans of collapsing the palace on the army an he 6uges that

    itAll be possible to

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    pieces of the palace8 to roll o,n the slope7 &ee uses Blin$ to teleport on top of the

    phoeni5 an he 0ie,s the scene belo,7 (e0eral of the mountains that the .alace ,as

    situate on ha0e collapse an ,ere sliing o,n the slopes7 &ee mutters about ho, it

    ,as a ,aste of his money an compares it to the real estate bubble?87 ThereAs a fe,

    sentences about &ee seeing Deura$a an saying something here7 He says thatAs life3

    referring to ho, honor3 po,er an money are meaningless if you canAt en6oy it7 9ote: =thin$ heAs tal$ing about ho, Deura$a ha the position of commanerFinFchief of the


    Bac$ to top

    Chapter /: *isfortune of the Ha0en mpire

    # ,ino, pops up in front of e0ery player in #rpen3 informing them about the

    estruction of the palace7 =t also tells them the conse

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    they onAt ha0e enough resources to ta$e control of the massi0e 9orthern lans e0en if

    they i manage to efeat the #rpen army no, after the eaths of so many Ha0en

    soliers7 =n the en3 the Hermes guil ecies to simply strengthen their position in the

    9orth buil up some of the forts they establishe there3 etc78 an to embargo all trae

    ,ith the 9orth7 (uenly3 the china,are on the tables start sha$ing3 an after a short

    amount of time there is a notable sha$ing soun7 Gne of the leaers as$ if there is anearth

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    the rubble ue to the big i0iens of loot7 Ksers ,ho participate in the battle are

    besto,e special titles some of these being7

    9orthern berser$er3 Iuarian3 &ic$e hunter3 &ar mercenary le0el 27 These come ,ith

    passi0e boosts7 Huge le0el ups7 &ee at le0el %22 gaine aroun le0els incluing a

    boost to the follo,ing stats3 honor3 etermination3 grace3 charisma7

    &ee ta$es the opportunity to raise ta5es7 Ksers get run$ an tal$ in a,e of &ee ,ho,as able to fight in tanem ,ith Hess Tiger so effecti0ely7 = thin$ it says later on Hess

    tiger $ille 14 users7 The go on a 6ealous run$en tirae 6ealous of his ability to

    resurrect Hess Tiger7 The fe, remnants one soul sur0i0or?8 of the Hermes guil slin$

    bac$ to their empire7 Hess tiger goes to a bar to ha0e a rin$7 &ee gi0es one of his

    traemar$ speaches an tell the hores3

     Do not to celebrate since it is a natural result that they ,on the ,ar7 &ee ecies to

    hol himself bac$ from oing anything too e5treme7 (omething about if you ,ant to coo$

    a frog in hot ,ater you boil the ,ater slo,ly7 &ee sings a song7

    O9o, the ,ar is o0er3 but not the mpire Ha0en repressing the enless gree ,ill not

    abanon us7 Truly can be calle from no, on the fight7O

    &ee gi0es more heroic speeches about ho, the #rpen $ingom is a ne, $ingom mae

    up of a lot of smaller ones7 (eparately they are ,ea$ but collecti0ely they are strong7

    0en if your character is an engra0er3 architect3 painter etc7 #ll 6obs are important7

    &ee conclues an the cro, goes berser$7

    .eople learn about ho, the Hermes guil palace collapse an they are mae a laughing

    stoc$ since there is a ifference in the manner of each palaceAs estruction since the

    9ortherners intentionally estroye their o,n palace7

    &hen &ee hears this he is ecstatic saying he ,ill raise ta5es by ); an e0eryone

    laughs since they thin$ he is 6o$ing7 &ee gets a hol of himself an lo,ers ta5es7

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

    Ieomechi not sure ,hich one8 is groaning on the groun7(tamina is completely e5hauste7 Hungry7 The boy's immune system is not ,or$ing7

    (erious in6ury has occurre all o0er the boy7 !apily ecreasing 0itality eath imminent

    if not treate7

    Despite this he giggles to himself since he consiers it a miracle to be ali0e7 "lashbac$ to

    ho, certain Ieomechis ie7 #n ho, many people they $ille7 #,are title 'Battlefiel

    (uperman7A .lus a ,hole heap of o0erpo,ere passi0e effects an boosts7 Gne of these

    being health increase to 4% an heals at 4% H. a secon7 Therefore if health is at

    zero shoul heal bac$ to full health ,ithin a minute an a half7

    Title (truggle estroyer besto,e7 This is a title gi0en to only fi0e ,arriors in the

    0irtual ,orl7 Di0ine magic unloc$e s$ills 'lush resilience'3 'perfect ,eapon'3 'formiable

    fists' are learne7 Ieomechi gets a boost to all stats by 4%7 "aith stat raise by 127&ee is then sho,n meeting "ail an inspecting ,eapons she helpe ig up for him7

    Ksers of the Hermes empire are sho,n stunne at the estruction of their palace7 #ll

    po,er is concentrate in the center of the continent in the =mperial .alace7 >oss of li0e

    ,as minimal since it ,as on flat lan not a hill but this ,as the symbol that thousans of 

    cities loo$e up to7 There is finger pointing an &ee gets the blamecreit for the

    palace estruction7

    The Ha0en empire prestige is ecrease by 4/7 The central go0ernment has largely

    egenerate7 !ioting occurs in the occupie territories7 #rme groups ha0e a

    significantly higher chance of rebellion7 #rmy morale falls7 Decreases up to training an

    supplies ue to corruption7 Higher chance of soliers going #&G>7 Control of the military

    empire reuce epening on the istance from capital7 #rticles of honor an loyalty3

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    reuce7 >oyalty to the people of the mpire ,ill be reuce7 =n particular3 the

    inhabitants of the occupie territories of the mpire gre, to istrust oes not follo,

    instructions ,ell3 the normal rule is that you can se0ere bac$lash7 >ac$ of intelligence le

    to higher monsters attac$s that can attac$ to,ns7 *erchant transactions fallen7 #

    recession an the fall in consumption in the commercial economy occurs7 mpire is in a

    state of 42; confusion7 21- member countries e0iate from the empire of Ha0en7 There,ar for all

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    F&ee goes hunting ,ith (eoNoon = thin$877 this is also the first time ,e finally fin out

    her le0el instea of speculation 4+1 bt,877 ,hilst &ee at the time is 42+77 an also she

    is there ,hen he ma$es the secon magnum opus

    F>ast sculpture he ma$es at the en of the 0olume a massi0e nature sculpting of the

    continent or part of it877 He uses nature3 time an moonlight = belie0e77 unno if there

    are others77 Though at the en of this sculpture he get loas of stats77 an Time(culpting becomes intermeiate he can stop time accoring to the info877

    The *eaning of Time (culptingTime sculpting 6ust reache intermeiate7 =ntermeiate time sculpting ma$es it possible

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    to literally stop time7 &ee starts

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    floor7 &ee tells !o0er to escape if it gets too angerous7 !o0er than$s &ee for his

    concern but he 6ust tells him frozen meat isnAt ,orth as much7 He fins a 2 star magic

    ingreient7 This is ,ithin his e5pectations since the le0el of the ungeon is in the late

    4s7 He brings (eoyun along ,ith 2 priests of "reya7 He also brings some (culptures of

    >ife7 Bahamol3 Cerberus3 High lf ltin3 Iuernica3 (e0illa7 Iol *an complains ho, heAs

    going to ie from o0er,or$7 !o0er says the loa is too hea0y an he ,ants to go bac$ to*orata7 Bingryong is en6oying the col ,eather using .eerless Dragon an hunting the

    surrouning monsters7 Gf course he ,ent no,here near the ruler of the Harz *ountain

    region7 &ee yells at him to shut up7 &hile &ee complains3 Bingryong turns his hea

    else,here7 He sens Bingryong an the &y0erns to go scout aroun the mountains7 He

    tells them to report to him if they fin a secret place an offers them elicious foo as a


    &ith the monsters running a,ay from Bingryong an the &y0erns3 &ee an company

    hunt them o,n ,ith archery7 He yells an them to bring more monsters7 &ee as$s if

    the loa is hea0y for !o0er to carry7 He says no hoping to be able to return to *orata to

    ispose of them7 &ee says he ,as going to let him rest if it ,as too hea0y7 He instantly

    changes his min7 He pleas to (eoyun3 in the en he gets to unloa an rest7 &ee

    ma$es foo for !o0er7 Bahamol in the meantime is commaning the others to fight7 #fter

    !o0er finishes eating3 &ee calls one of the &y0erns to carry aroun !o0er7 His plan is to

    use !o0erAs scent after eating as bait7 &ee ac$no,leges Time (culpting as useful for

    sa0ing his (culptures of >ife7 !o0er is running aroun the mountain ,ith 6unior3

    intermeiate3 rare an the legenary 0ersion of Netis chasing him7 There ,as a blizzar

    ,ith a meter raius situate on the Neti ,hich became almost cripple ,ith all the

    arro,s7 &ee goes time is money an gets the &y0erns to launch a pincer attac$7

    Bingryong in the meantime i0es o,n an gi0es the Neti a hea butt before branishing

    his tail7 &ith a blac$ ,eapon blo,ing out flames3 Iol *an ,as shooting flaming arro,s

    to co0er &ee an (eoyun7 #roun the legenary Neti3 e5treme col occurs so it isifficult to use melee7 To use this ability it coulnAt ,ear armor3 so in a ,ay it also sho,

    its greatest ,ea$ness7 Than$s to the ,eing rings3 &ee an (eoyun coul assist each

    other by sharing health an combat s$ills7 #t this time3 the Neti uses a lightning attac$

    ealing 2/32 amage7 This freezes &eeAs boy3 temporarily paralyzing him an

    ecreasing his efensi0e ability by );3 uring this time if he gets attac$e he ,ill

    recei0e + times the amage7

    &ee yells that itAs much stronger than ,hat the information sai7 He sums up that it is

    probably ue to the Harz *ountain region that enhances ice properties7 &eeAs Helrium

    armor ,ith HestiaAs blessing remo0es the freezing effect7 Bingryong3 Iol *an an !o0er

    are all attac$ing the legenary Neti3 but itAs solely focuse on (eoyun7 &ee share some

    health but it ,asnAt much3 only +%4-7 (eoyun gets hit ,ith the freezing attac$ ,hich&ee analyze ,oul lea to her eath since there ,ere no .riests to alle0iate the

    e5treme col7 He uses (culpting of the *oment7 The sno,fla$es are really pretty but

    &ee 6ust ignores them since thereAs no time7 He uses *oonlight (culpting Blae an

    attac$s se0en times7 He critically hits but since he s,ung at unimaginable spees3 his

    s,or loses 4; urability7 The mysterious attac$ terrifies the Neti but in e5change3

    &ee loses 4+ nergy of the *oment an 21; stamina7 He gets stuc$ in a ,orn out

    state for 1) secons ,hich ecreases his strength an agility by );7 &ee realizes that

    he ,ill ha0e to thoroughly manage his stamina for the future as ,ell as use it ,ith

    Destruction (culpture7 The (culptures of >ife praise &ee but that 6ust pisses him off

    since he ha to use nergy of the *oment7 They finish hunting the legenary Neti gi0ing

    him some stat boosts7 &ee starte ta$ing a0antage of the terrain an his (culptures

    of >ife after that battle to easily hunt subse

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    ,ea$nesses an strengths an says ho, the information on the Dar$ Iamers Knion

    iffers from reality in that the Netis are at least 2 graes tougher7 (ince itAs mae by

    users3 &ee e5pecte there to be some le0el of error7 #s other users input their

    e5periences3 the information becomes more reliable7 &ee on the other han ecies

    continue his 0icious cycle an $eep the information all to himself7

    The group hunts a total of 1+ legenary Netis7 The uni

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    name (ophia7 (ince itAs a female3 they inAt as$

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    >atua3 a Dragon7 &ee has to go irectly to him an itAs impossible for him to chec$ the

    ife are

    bloc$e from coming along7 (eoyun tells him to be careful7 &ee tells her nothing ,ill

    happen3 6ust ,ait in a safe place an onAt ,orry about him7 (till ,orrie3 he continues

    saying they ,ill be together again an to trust him7 !o0er an Iol *an thin$ humans

    are strange7 #fter arri0ing3 a "airy gi0es him a *ystic Clo0er gi0ing him 2/ nergy of the

    *oment7 He rin$s irectly from their fountain3 gaining 1/- health3 )% mana3 12

    all stats3 1 $no,lege an ,isom3 %/ charm3 technical s$ill impro0e faster by ;

    an )1 nature affinity7 #fter his thirst is fille he gains %4 health for 1 ,ee$7 The"airies call rin$ing irectly from the ,ater irty7 &eeAs connection to the "airies sprea

    all o0er Versailles Continent7 The @ing of #hrupan ,as in the position of best a0enturer

    ,ith real po,er3 honor an glory7 Before lea0ing3 &ee some canteens ,ith ,ater7 He put

    a bunch of irt into a 6ar7 His relationship ,ith the "airies ta$es a negati0e turn at that

    point ,ith him being calle a isgrace to humanity7 (ince it ,as a,ay from "airy &orl

    the ,ater lost some of its effecti0eness7 =t ,as at about %4;7 He gi0es one to (eoyun

    ,ho gets 2 health an 1 all stats7 He then shoc$s her silent by saying goo thing

    itAs not harmful3 as if she ,as a clinical trial7 He then contacts *apan an sells the

    remaining ,ater7 Through the sprea rumors3 he ma$es o0er 2 million gol in less an

    hour7 &ee then ecies to hea to Central Continent7

    Day of the #ttac$&ee arri0e alone at "ort *oss3 formerly the territory of the Tulren @ingom7 "or the

    sa$e of ientifying the local atmosphere3 &ee ,ent ,ithout (eoyun an the (culptures

    of >ife7 He plans to analyze ,hat characteristics here ,oul be useful for #hrupan

    @ingom7 #s he approache the gate3 the Ha0en #rmy bloc$e his ,ay7 He ,as afrai

    that they recognize him as the @ing of #hrupan cause of his ignity7 #fter Braley3

    &ee ,as the ne5t most recognizable person7 He starte coming up ,ith some plan to

    escape7 The solier then tells him to pay the castle entrance fee3 2 gol per ,ee$7 =t

    seeme that ,ithout the Ioess #rmor or !e (tar3 people ,oulnAt recognize him7 =n

    the en3 his face ,as orinary7 #fter a moment in silence he as$s for a iscount7 He tries

    to play off his fame an to let him enter for 6ust one ay7 9o e5ceptions7 He grugingly

    pai the 2 gol an screame to himself that he ,oul $ill all of Hermes Iuil7

    &ee as$s aroun the to,n about their opinion of Ha0en mpire7 =tAs clear that e0eryone

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    is feeling rebellious7 He belie0es that Hermes Iuil is efinitely struggling ,ith rebellions7

    The broacasts an forums also confirme this to be true7 The situation of the empire is

    really unstable an the Tulren @ingom has a 0ery comple5 structure7 #fter the efeat of

    Blac$ >ions Iuil3 &eien Iuil too$ o0er7 Hermes Iuil ominates Tullen @ingom but

    &eien Iuil manages it7 They ta5e the place se0erely ,ith Hermes Iuil ta$ing a

    significant portion of the profits7 &ee realizes that Hermes Iuil hasnAt finishesconion Iuil

    numbering 3 are rebelling aroun some,here so thereAs only a fe, hunre people

    in the castle from Hermes Iuil7 &al$ing aroun3 &ee foun out the ientities of

    Hermes an &eien Iuil members7 Hermes Iuil users ,ere proficient in combat an

    scattere all o0er him7 Gn the other han3 the symbol of strong force ma$es the best

    foo source7 &ee arri0es at the Iol *ine Dungeon7

    There is a ,ritten sign at the entrance7 The ungeon is the best gol mine in the

    continent7 *iners are charge 1 gol a ay3 combat series are charge 2% gol a ay7

    Iroups of 12 or more or those staying longer than a ,ee$ ha0e to pay an e5tra 1;7

    >oot an gol obtaine ,orth o0er 1 are ta5e 2%; of the selling price7 &hen you

    lea0e you ha0e to pay half of the entrance fee7

    &ee oes some math for 1 people a ay7 2%3 gol per ay3 +3%3 a month3

    maybe e0en 1337 He ,as e5tremely en0ious an put into a ba moo cause of it7

    They accomplishe a lot ,hile he struggles to eat7 .ublic sentiment supporte #hrupan

    @ingom so he coulnAt o anything li$e that7 To ma$e matters ,orse3 he reache the

    front of the line7 # bunch of people ,ere a0ertising themsel0es to parties7 Because of

    the popularity3 people al,ays came7 *any parties simply forme at the ungeon

    entrance7 *erchants also set up stalls for people to buy supplies or sell loot7 Than$s to

    optimal party configuration3 people ,ere able to le0el an obtain loot in scary places li$ethe Iol *ine Dungeon7 The parties also sent a barrage of in0itations to,ar any .riests7

    =f the party ies3 the loss ,oul be e5tremely large so for 0iability an stability they

    ,ante multiple .riests7 Gccasionally3 guil members from Hermes or &eien entere

    the ungeon7 They ,ore the latest a0ance armor on horsebac$ ,ith the graneur of the


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    the health of frienlys by 27%57 .rotection s$ills of frienlys are enhance by steps7

    "ear of monsters is ignore7 nemy fighting spirit ecreases to less than half7 Damage

    increases by up /; health7 Bahamol ecimates the @nights7 # hunting party that came

    to the ungeon entrance coul only ,atch on ,ith gaping mouths7 This case ,oul not

    en simply ,ith an apology7 They are to challenge Hermes an &eien ,ho conife7 He as$s ,hy an &ee simply says theyAre going collecting7

    &ith that iea in min3 Bahamol an (eoyun ran to,ars the epth of the ungeon7 The

    la, of business is no laziness7 The party that ha 6ust arri0e at the ungeon coul only

    stan there frozen after ,itnessing such a shoc$ing sight7 (oon a ne, party arri0e

    as$ing about the @nights an ,hether or not this ,as the place for amission7

    The big incient in Iol *ine Dungeon7 =t starte from the entrance7 &eien users

    occupie a goo spot in the ungeon an ,ere hunting7 They ,ere attac$e an

    blinsie by people3 losing their li0es7 people sho,e up ,ithout e0en hiing their

    footsteps7 9aturally3 the &eien users ignore them7 =n Central Continent3 the un,ritten

    la, e0eryone aheres to is: o not interfere ,ith Hermes users hunt7 &eien users in

    Tullen @ingom recei0e the same $in of treatment7 Therefore3 they ha no interest e0en

    ,hen those people carrying ,eapons came close7 They ha great prie in belonging to

    &eien Iuil as ,ell as confience in their o,n s$ills7 Because other users feare

    retaliation3 practically nothing e0er happene7 But on this ay3 4 hunting parties from

    &eien an Hermes ,ere ,ipe out in 6ust o0er 1 minutes7 Gther users ,ho came to

    hunt in the ungeon an encountere Hermes Iuil 6ust ,atche astonishe7 &ee

    glance up an o,n at the users an instantly calculate the prices of the e

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    them $illing 1F2 people3 their strength ,as in another imension7 #fter this fight3 &ee

    realizes they $no, heAs there7 He summons (e0ille an Iuernica an has them follo,

    behin at a little istance as bac$up in the e0ent of an une5pecte emergency3 e0en

    though itAs been a oneFsie slaughter the ,hole time7

    Hermes Iuil

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    they coul not fully utilize their s$ills7 The presence of Bahamol ,as also a consierable

    isa0antage to Hermes Iuil7 He estroy them one by one in less than 1 secons an

    his boy bloc$s magic attac$s7 &ee praises the area again after obtaining o0er 2 million

    gol in half a ay7 He then isposes his loot through one of *apanAs pro5y traers7 &ee

    inAt try bargaining since *apanAs role ,as essential to traing the loot stolen from

    Central Continent7 Disposing of the hea0y stuff in Central Continent ,as 6ust as$ing to befoun7 #fter completing the transaction3 they registere each other as friens7 The

    *erchantAs name ,as Blac$ *oney7 *apanAs orinary gro,th ,as no more3 after meeting

    &ee3 his conscience ,as graually reuce an his gree enlessly increase7

    &ith the traing finishe3 Iuernica an (e0ille 6oin the party since they coulnAt use the

    same tric$ t,ice an heae to the ne5t place3 the hien secret of the royal family of

    Tullen7 Bac$ in the ay3 the nobility use blac$ magic to enhance their ,ealth7 Blac$

    magic guare these treasures7 This is such a popular place that the amission fee ,as

    1 gol7 &ee li$ens it to the golen hen that lays eggs7 By efault3 the Iol *ine

    Dungeon that e5iste unergroun ,as ar$7 Gnce the battle begins3 it becomes e0en

    more ifficult to see face outline an &ee ,as not ,earing his usual goess armor7

    &ith orinary intermeiate armor3 he ,as hiing his ientity7 He inAt use (hape (hifter

    (culpture since it ,asnAt 0ery meaningful on a battlefiel7 #n it ,as only a matter of

    time before Hermes Iuil o an image analysis of the battle an notice his ientity7 The

    4 Hermes users recei0ing amission ,ere air has been raie by the

    same intruers7 #lthough still unsure ,ho it is3 they ecie to charge in an hunt them

    o,n7 @nights sprinte ,ith their horses an &izars cast teleport7 =n a short perio of

    time3 4 parties in #talog ,ere efeate7 #fter eraicating the enemies3 they

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    colly smile calling them stupi about not $no,ing anything about magic7 They felt

    Bahamol ,as pathetic an that he ,oul be turne into a lump of charcoal ,hile his

    colleagues suffer formiable amage7 Hermes IuilAs @nights an &arriors ,ere reay to

    go out front running7 They inAt plan on gi0ing them an opportunity to escape uring

    the magical e5plosion7 Hermes unloae all their magic attac$s at Bahamol7 Ho,e0er3

    after the e5plosion3 Bahamol 6ust stoo there completely fine7 The &arriors an @nightsstarte blaming the &izars7 The &izars on the other han ,ere completely

    umbfoune7 The combine might of the magic that too$ 2 of their mana ,as

    completely nullifie7 Bahamol then starte attac$ing3 launching the frontline 1 meters

    a,ay7 (e0ille an Iuernica attac$e from the left an right7 Hermes users fell o,n but

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    certainly possible7 But after saying it out lou3 they are in isbelief7 !egarless of

    Braley3 the only one ,ho coul claim to be the Io of &ar ,as &ee7 Despite Hermes

    IuilAs prie an arrogance3 they suffere much efeat an frustration7 They tell the guy

    to stop 6o$ing an listen to ho, riiculous that souns7 He tries to continue spea$ing3 but

    e0eryone else 6ust says &ee is in the north an ,oulnAt appear here3 stop bullshitting

    an $eep mo0ing7 # "ighter suppresse the tal$ing an got them running3 but the name&ee i not lea0e their mins7 They thin$ about ,hat user can e5ert these capabilities7

    This metho of fighting i not occur in spacious Versailles Continent but ,ithin

    ungeons7 &ee is aapt at commaning strong suborinates an the Barbarian &arrior

    ha tremenous acti0ity in the last ,ar7 They $ept getting a foreboing feeling an

    ecie to chec$7 *obilizing their contacts3 they gathere all the $no,lege a0ailable

    an as$e the 0ictims of the raiers7 *aro *aster replie in 1F2 minutes that he alreay

    suspecte &ee7 They slo,e their pace an starte ,or$ing on their analysis of the

    raiers7 The more they thought about it3 the more sense it mae because of &eeAs

    proficiency an ruthlessness7 #lthough not totally con0ince3 they ,ere -; sure it ,as

    &ee7 They air ,ith their horses foaming at the mouth7

    #roun the entrance3 normal users ha all gathere aroun7 &ith rumors spreaing of

    the famous Hermes Iuil being attac$e3 all the nearby people came to ,atch7 They

    start tal$ing about ho, itAs &ee an that he alreay practically ,ipe out Hermes Iuil7

    #s e0ience3 they use the fact that heAs leaing aroun the e0il spirits to fight li$e ho,

    Io of &ar &ee i in Continent of *agic7 They ,ant to enter the De0il >air to see him3

    but Hermes Iuil stoo at the entrance bloc$ing them7 They temporarily close off the

    ungeon7 &ith the upcoming 0iolent battle3 it ,as a must for them to $eep out

    spectators7 =n aition3 this also pre0ente spectators from helping &ee or hinering

    them7 They entere in groups of 2 to $ill &ee7 *ore than 4 people ,ho gathere atthe entrance to De0il >air began planning out the fight7 &ee tric$e them in the past at

    >as .halan53 but this time there ,oul be no istractions7 They thre, out general users

    hunting in the De0il >air as they thoroughly out the search7

    &ee informs one of the e0il spirits that Tullen @ingom has collapse an the

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    tells her he trie to be goo but itAs the community thatAs rotten7 (he agrees ,ith a

    simple yes7

    =n 6ust barely a fe, hours3 the Iol *ine Dungeon an #talog De0il >air rai sprea all

    o0er the continent7 Hermes an &eien Iuils suffering genocie ,as a hot topic on

    0ie,er 0ieos an forums7 (omeone attac$e Hermes Iuil7 2F users lost their

    li0es7 The culprits isappeare into #talog De0il >air7 Broacasters con0eye brea$ingne,s as they introuce a 0ieo7 Through on e5pert etaile analysis3 &eeAs ientity as

    the raier became $no,n as fact7 They tal$ about ho, &eeAs getting re0enge for the

    estruction of the arth .alace an that the Io of &ar has mae his mo0e7

    He mae an appearance in Central Continent an blitze Hermes Iuil7 Despite their

    progress searching through #talog3 &ee an his companions ,ere not foun7 This topic

    ,as big enough that all users in the continent ,ere bustling o0er it7 # ay passe7 #s

    !oyal !oa an the internet got turne upsie o,n3 &ee finishe hunting in the !otten

    "oam (,amp7 (ince he got so much stuff from the Iol *ine Dungeon3 he ecies to

    in0ae the Citael ne5t7 The Citael souns menacing3 but it ,as basically ruins7 =t ,as a

    place ta$en o0er by Thie0es7 =t ,as large scale group li0ing in the Citael ,ith a basic

    le0el of /7 =t ha a mi5 of #rchers3 &izars3 #ssassins3 runa,ay mercenaries7 Gnce

    they too$ resience3 it became a angerous area in Versailles Continent7 They fre

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    ifferent from the people hunting &ee7 &ith Iol *an3 !o0er3 Bahamol3 Iuernica3

    (e0ille3 =ne53 High lf ltin an &hite Tiger3 he approache the users7 &hile 6o$ing the

    &ee ,oul ne0er come to the Citael3 they are ambushe an $ille7 &ee summons

    his lemental (pirits Heul$un arth83 H,alyi "ire8 an Ring Ring &in8 an they

    praise him as soon as they appear7

    >ooting the items3 he instincti0ely feels epresse since Hermes Iuil probably $no,sabout his presence no,7 He psyches himself up to get his hea out of the gutter7 He

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    an Val$yrieAs (ecret Base3 &ee e5terminate all users from Hermes Iuil7 =n a perio

    of 6ust ays3 4+ users eaL =n the aftermath3 Hermes users out of fear ran a,ay

    from the hunting grouns7 0en so3 &ee still en6oye this as many famous ungeons

    became empty because of this7 He use (hape (hifter (culpture to isguise himself an

    pai the amission to hunt in ungeons li$e normal users7 &ith Destruction (culpture3 he

    cleare all sorts of ungeons7 He also got benefits from bringing along (eoyun an the(culptures of >ife7 #s a result3 he achie0e 1%F2% achie0ements in each ungeon7 &ith

    his popularity3 ,hen general users approache for his autograph3 he instea sol them

    sculptures7 (ome users criticize ho, it ,as mae of 6un$ material an that gol ,as

    too e5pensi0e7 0en ,ith &eeAs s$ill3 it still feels li$e a rip off7 This ga0e &ee a ba

    moo but he still grugingly haggle to 2 gol3 using the e5cuse he ,ants people to see

    his sculptures7 He oes this since he can earn nergy of the *oment this ,ay ,hen

    people become happy7 *ore important than money ,as his s$ill proficiency7

    !aiing Ha0en mpire

    = sort of stoppe caring at this point7

    &ith his acti0ity in Central Continent become ,iely $no,n3 resients tal$e aily about

    him $illing @nights an &izars from Hermes Iuil aily ,hile sol0ing ots of other (culptors also came to ,or$ on the pro6ect since

    unli$e other places3 they ,erenAt persecute in *orata7The (,ors ,ere hunting o,n ghosts7 =rene ,as there healing the (,ors e0en though

    they al,ays refuse to run from angerous battles7 To them3 no other .riests they met

    coul compare to her7 They then starte igging for treasure ,hile =rene purifie the

    place7 They tal$e about their problems ,ith ,omen7 The men ,ho inAt ha0e

    girlfriens yet thought they ha to be stronger to get one7 #fter fining the burie

    treasure they return to *orata an learn of &eeAs a0enture in Central Continent7 The

    (,ors got pisse at &ee because ,hile they ,ere igging he ,as off ha0ing epic

    battles7 Then they see graffiti on the ,alls that ,as basically ,omen offering themsel0es

    to &ee7 The (,ors became e5tremely angry an ecie on in0aing Ha0en mpire7

    #lthough .ale an his party ,ere planning on follo,ing them since they ha nothing else

    to o3 he still as$e about the information on the enemy that they ,ere lac$ing7 The(,ors come up ,ith the ignorant solution of for no, 6ust attac$7

    The Blac$ @nightAs "ate

    &ee has been hunting for about 1 ays because thereAs only 2 ays left for his (il0er

    Dragon ($eleton *irror ife7 He

    ,ants a .riest he can al,ays call to his sie for himself an (eoyun7 He ecies on the

    >ou enomination since it is ,iesprea an po,erful an he can get #l0eron from

    "reya7 &hile creating it3 he starts thin$ing about traffic$ing (culptures of >ife for money7

    He ma$es a 0ery beautiful female >ou .riest sculpture7 Gnce he ga0e her life3 he ha to

    set a name7 *ost of &eeAs (culptures of >ife ,ere masculine an the female ones li$e

    ltin3 (e0ille an Iuernica ha official names since they ,ere mae by another (culptor7

    He ecie on unF(oo$7 Iol *an says ho, she ,ill no, be his ,ife7 (he re6ects him

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    saying as a .riest3 she belongs to go7 This shoo$ not only Iol *an but &ee as ,ell

    ,ho ,as planning on a golen chic$en farm7

    &eeAs bounty is officially place7 (et to + million gol3 a lot of bounty hunters3 e0en

    though they ha nothing against him set off to hunt him7 #s he left a ungeon3 people

    ientifie him by his orinary outfit an some special boots7 They all starte thin$ing

    they ,ante those boots for themsel0es7 They ,oul ha0e o0er,helme &ee ,ith theirnumbers so he starte $illing them ,hich in turn increase his notoriety7 He got a bunch

    of loot from them an re0ele in the thrilling challenge of being attac$e from all sies

    li$e bac$ in Continent of *agic7 "eeling the tension an concentration in his spine that he

    hanAt felt for a long time3 he says ho, it ,ill be more fun from no, on7

    Braley gets a

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    playing the 0illain role3 gain more e5perience to le0el up an other npc an users being

    grateful for $illing them as they ha0e murerer sign7 most importantly ,ee is able to

    gain more 6aptem item8 from $illing them7 he continue mo0ing from ungeon an

    hunting area aroun hea0en's empire territory7 he tal$s to broacasting station for

    contracts3 but he is annoye that too many people recognizing him an getting in his

    ,ay from hunting7 also there is huge bounty on his hea7also3 he gets to leare0olutionary army or resistance group3 to create problem for hea0en's empire7

    later he ecies to in0ae a strong fort3 but contact the blac$ lion guil7 so ,hile the

    blac$ lion is occupying hea0en's guil3 ,ee snea$s in $ill the leaer *ueller3 ,ho's a

    $night ,ith thuner spear3 an e5traorinary items from $allom $ingom7 i thin$ that's

    the $ingom ,here 0an ha,$ is from3 an ,here he got pisse from seeing his $ingom

    burial groun getting loote7 any,ay3 ,hat ,ee i ,as sculpture transformation to

    giant bir3 as *ueller has a $night brigae of giant bir7 can't remember the ,or3 but

    it's li$e gryffin7 because ,ee loo$s li$e alpha male3 female bir ,ants to mate ,ith him

    li$e ,hen he ,as orc $arichi7 &ee scre,s *ueller as he gets on ,ee to train this bir3

    ,hich ,as ,ee3 to fight agains the blac$ lion guil7 ,ee fuc$s aroun ,ith him by

    scarring him an ,hile fighting against blac$ lion guil but at the en bac$ stab *ueller7

    he gets items an becomes ultra happy3 especially because of the lancespear7 blac$

    lion guil ,ins the battle but cannot stay an efen the ac

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    bunch of ne, counts in the northern territory from hea0en's guil7 ha0ing trouble to

    gro, to,n an compete against *G!#T# an ,e empire ,ee built7 hea0en's guil is

    trying to out compete ,ith ,ee's empire by spening a lot of money e0eloping culture3

    economics etc but most counts on't gi0e a shit an ta$e hea0y ta5es an foos a,ays

    from citizen7

    bar ray continues on his blac$ $night

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     6oining7 ,ith that3 they ecie to fight bac$ against hea0en's guil because they realize

    it's ine0itable that t,o empire ,ill clash7 so first thing they o is to complete north

    territory of aphan3 ,ee's empire7

    i ,ill finish 4% later epening on my moo

    !ea more: http:royalroa7boars7netthrea2-0olumeF44Si5zzoIs+fQz.

    so pretty much the secon half of the chapter 4% is ,ar at some strong fortifie city that

    belongs to hea0en's guil in the north7 so the grass soup cult an an bunch of orcs ,ith

    bir race from floating islan8 unites to attac$ that city to unify north alphan empire7

    hea0en's guil member3 necromancer an the guy ,ho got fuc$e by ,ee mueller

    comes as ,ell ,ith his army of griffin7 pretty much they fight3 an ,ee uses his shape

    shifting s$ill7

    things i forgot to mention: author tal$s about ifference bet,een ,ee's empire an

    hea0en's empire people7 in the north3 people ,ish to be a0enturous an create a namefor themsel0es3 an en6oy their freeom7 so they on't care if they ie for the better

    goo a lot of ,onering $nights 6oins ,ee as he is emperor ,ith 6ustice7 also3 eceent

    uring the ,ar perio from the statue he create3 $night an esert ,arrior comes to

    alphan empire to plege loyalty7

    in hea0en's empire3 there is po,er struggle ,ith bet,een bar ray an some other guy

    ,ho's name starts ,ith l7 > guy is charge of operating the empire ,hile bar ray is

    fighter7 not only that3 since the territory is so large3 too many ne, counts ,ho oesn't

    e0elop to,nscity7 so a lot of artistic users li$e sculpture an architects are lea0ing7 so

    it's har for them to e0elope those s$ills but they focus on military ,hich ,ee's empire

    lac$s7 bt, bar ray is oing blac$ $night

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    from his a0enture7

    i thin$ that is all that i can remember7 i fin it annoying to rea it as the author 6umps

    aroun here an there to ma$e it confusing to unerstan ,hen reaing7 an he uses

    shit ton of foo analogy7 an you nee to be $orean to unerstan7so gi0e the translator

    a brea$ as they i a pretty a,esome 6ob earlier7 if you are going to ,hine3 let's see ifyou can o a better 6ob