volume 3 - fall 2009 - grouassets00.grou.ps/0f2e3c/wysiwyg_files/filesmodule/a2mm/...volume 3 - fall...

AN ANN ARBOR MARATHI MANDAL PUBLICATION VOLUME 3 - FALL 2009 INSIDE THIS ISSUE President’s Message........................3 Ganeshotsav Vruttant .................5 Ek Parichay: Ruta Sharangpani..............8 Raanatali Vaat ............................ 9 Recipes ........................................... 11 Bhadyane anali Sasu ................. 12 Dhaganchi Bale ......................... 17 Nat ..................................................19 Rahul Deshpande Vruttant ..... 23 Mazi Aaji ...................................... 25 Youth Katta Happy Diwali ..................... 31 My Hero................................ 32 Remembering Salvador...... 33 Illusion .................................. 35 Birbal Catches a Thief .......36

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An Ann Arbor MArAthi MAndAl PublicAtion

VOLUME 3 - FALL 2009

InsIde ThIs Issue

President’s Message........................3Ganeshotsav Vruttant .................5Ek Parichay: Ruta Sharangpani..............8Raanatali Vaat ............................ 9Recipes ........................................... 11Bhadyane anali Sasu ................. 12Dhaganchi Bale ......................... 17Nat ..................................................19Rahul Deshpande Vruttant ..... 23Mazi Aaji ...................................... 25Youth Katta

Happy Diwali ..................... 31My Hero................................ 32Remembering Salvador...... 33Illusion .................................. 35Birbal Catches a Thief .......36

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PresidentPrashant Javkar

Vice-PresidentMadhuri Deshpande

treasurer, secreteryAnand Kulkarni

Website ManageMentYogesh Chavarkar Gopal Kamat Swarup Sathe

neWsPaPer editorMakarand Nalgirkar

entertainMent PlanningPallavi Sapre Sailly Sawant Trupti Kulkarni Saroj Javkar

Editor: Makarand Nalgirkar Design Team: Gopal Kamat , Jyotsna Phadke Youth Katta Editors:NoelDeshpande, Samhita Chaubal Photography: Sachin Sawant Illustrations: Jyotsna PhadkeProofs: Neelam Kulkarni, Jyotsna Phadke

Copyright: All articles provided in this newslet-ter are copy-rights of their respective authors. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution of the material without appropriate acknowl-edgement or reference is prohibited and considered an infringement of the copyrights holders.




Contact Bhushan Kulkarni ([email protected])


Diamond - $1001 Platinum - $501 Gold - $251 Silver - $101

For more information, see page 15 or visit the A2MM website.


Basic Student/Single - $20/Yr Family - $40/Yr

Deluxe Student/Single - $50/Yr Family - $100/Yr

Life Single - $250 Family - $500

(See Membership form on page 22).

youth coMMittee

PresidentSharon Deshpande

Vice-PresidentAditi Kulkarni

eVent coordinatorRachna Chaubal

lead McsAakash Sapre Tanay Kulkarni

WebsiteKedar Desai

neWsletter editorsNoel Deshpande Samhita Chaubal

a2MM coMMittee MeMbers

What is a2MM? AnnArborMarathiMandal(A2MM)isanonprofitcom-munity organization serving Michigan since April 2006. A2MM is organized exclusively for cultural, educational and charitable pur-poses, including promoting festivals, musical performances and dramas related to culture, traditions and theatrical events related to traditional Maharashtrian culture including Makar Sankrant, Gudhi Padwa, Maharashtra Day, Ganesh Chaturthi, Kojagiri and Diwali. We also have other activities like Sahal (Picnic), Marathi Natak, Karaoke club & Cinema, to add to the fun. Our aim is to promote, preserve, cherish and perpetuate the socio-cultural values of Ma-harashtrian culture as well as our history and traditions amongst all Maharashtrians in USA. In doing so we hope to pass the Marathi traditions to the next generation. Hence we also emphasize partici-pation by younger generation in each of our programs.

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Saroj, Neelam, Samhita and Noel have indeed added another artistic dimension to A2MM’s member communications. Thanks to everyone who contributed to all the newsletters published so far.

This was also the first year that we formalized the sponsorship process with the intention of making it a win-win situation for both, members and sponsors. Thanks to all the members who brought in various sponsors, and special thanks to Bhushan and Shekhar for managing the sponsorship process. In an effort to build a long-term two-way relationship, I sincerely hope that all members understand the various products and services that our sponsors offer, and make full use of the same.

As recently as two weeks back, we added the capability of accepting online payments. So in the future, members will be able to pay online, for events, etc. This is an example of how the team has embraced new technology, in an effort to provide better functionality for our members.

Just to remind everyone, here is a quick recap of all the events and activities that we did in 2009:

Cultural Events: 1) Makar Sankrant - 2/8/09 2) Maharashtra Day - 5/2/09 3) Ganesh Festival - 8/29/09 4) Diwali Festival - 11/7/09 Other A2MM Member Activities:1) Karaoke Club - from June 09 2) GeetRamayan Fundraiser (Natak+Music) Program - 4/19/09

Namaskar mandali - Greetings to all,

It is with mixed emotions that I announce our Diwali celebration on Nov. 7th to have been one of the last events presented by this year’s committee. Thanks to constant encouragement from all friends, especially Bhushan, Swatee and Madhuri, I embarked upon this Presidential journey back in December of 2008. But I have to say that ever since I took charge of the A2MM activities it has been an awesome ride for me. It is hard to believe that it is already time to pass on the torch to the next president and the next committee. Time does go by fast, when you are having fun. I have been indeed lucky, to have been blessed with some awesome team members/friends who made this journey worthwhile.

I want to start off by saying that, for all the decisions that my committee and I took for A2MM this year, we all had only one motive, and that is the betterment of A2MM and improvement of the quality of the member-experience.

I am proud to say that in 2009, we were able to launch quite a few new initiatives and present a wide variety of events which were very well attended and well appreciated. To begin with, we launched our social networking website www.a2mm.org which has been appreciated by one and everyone. The credit goes to Gopal Kamat for suggesting and launching this website, and I had a lot of fun managing the site. As most of you know, our website serves as a great space for sharing event information/announcements, sponsor advertisements, music, photos, videos, blogs and forums, etc.

From June of 2009, we also started the Karaoke Club, mainly to encourage aspiring singers and music lovers. The main intention here was to get together on a monthly basis and have fun, without being judgmental of anyone’s skills. Thanks to efforts by Makarand, Madhuri and Sailly, this initiative has been a great success, and I am sure that this group will grow even more in 2010.

In an effort to promote communications and info-sharing amongst all members, the 2009 team also started our e-newsletter “Sanvad” under the watchful eye of our Chief Editor, Makarand Nalgirkar. His newsletter team: Gopal, Sachin, Aditi, Jyotsna,

www.a2mm.org / Volume 3 Fall 2009 / Sanvaad / Page 3

President’s Farewell Messageby Prashant Javkar .

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3) A2MM Financial Seminar - 6/20/09 4) Picnic - 7/18/09 5) Camping - 8/14 - 8/16 6) Bhagavad Gita Lecture - 10/11/09 7) Rahul Deshpande Concert - 10/18/09 Other Local Events advertised thru A2MM:1) Anand Bhate Concert - 4/26/09 2) CRY-Detroit Fundraiser - 5/16/2009 3) GEETRAMAYAN Dance Musical - 6/21/09 4) Black & White musical - 8/2/09 5) Marathi Musical Program on Mrs. Shanta Shelke - 8/4/09 6) CRY-Lansing Fundraiser - 9/12/09

Your presence during the above events and your feedback/appreciation after every event encouraged us to do better for the next event. My job was made even simpler by the Steering Committee who helped me plan all the events: Sharon, Amruta, Madhuri, Bhushan, Swatee, Anand, Neelam, Shekhar, Sanju, Kishor, Pallavi, Sachin, Sailly, Mandar, Trupti, Uday, Yogesh, Gopal, Makarand, Mona, Vishal, Janhavi, Swarup, Ashwini and last but not the least, my wife Saroj. Needless to say, without Saroj’s support and encouragement, the experience wouldn’t have been the same for me.

The entire team worked really hard for each of the events we organized over the past year. Thanks to my Executive committee, Madhuri and Anand. Madhuri was always available for discussion and valuable insight, and Anand as usual, did an impeccable job

handling financial matters. Special thanks to all event managers – Neelam, Sailly, Vishal, Shekhar, Swatee, Mandar and Trupti. Some of us will not be serving on the committee next year, but all of us will continue to be there for the 2010 A2MM team. It is exciting to report that in 2009, A2MM membership reached an all-time high of 50 paid member families, and we have almost 200 online members. I am also happy to report that in 2009 A2MM has achieved considerable financial stability through membership, events and sponsorships. This should serve as a good starting point for the 2010 committee in its efforts to continue to present quality events in the upcoming year. I would also like to thank all the donors who provided financial support in addition to their annual memberships.

So on behalf of my wife, Saroj, my two angels - Richa and Mihir; and my Executive Committee - Madhuri Deshpande and Anand Kulkarni, I would like to thank all the members, sponsors and guests for making 2009 a truly memorable year for us. Thank you for letting us serve you.

Have a safe and healthy holiday season.


Prashant Javkar

A2MM President - 2009

Teachings from Bhagavad Gita - Marathi Pravachan by Asha Bhide

Page 4 / Sanvaad / Volume 3 Fall 2009 / www.a2mm.org

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Art by Mihir Javkar


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www.a2mm.org / Volume 3 Fall 2009 / Sanvaad / Page 5

गणेशो&सव वृ*ांत


II गजानना %ी गणराया आधी वंद ूतुज मोरया....II

गणपती बा6पा मोरया....

महारा8ाच ेआरा;य दवैत =हणज े"%ीगजानन". २९ ऑगAट रोजी Garden City येथील Maple Wood Eा

कायाGलयात A2MM मंडळान े सन २००९ चा गणेशोMसव मोNा उMसाहान ेआिण आनंदान ेसाजरा केला.

कायGकारी मंडळी दपुारी दोन वाजQयापासूनच सभागृहात जमायला लागली. "%ीगजाननाTया"आगमनासाठी

आतूर असलेQया A2MM Tया कायGकारी सिमतीन े कंबर कसली होती. सौ.जाXहवी चौबळ पाYZयांTया Aवागतासाठी

रेिजA[ेशन क\ावर स] होMया.

%ी.आनंद कुळकण^ , %ी. िवशाल चौबळ , सौ.मेनका व %ी.उदय दसेाई Mयाच`माणे कु. अaदती दसेाई यांनी

मखर, सजावट कcन “%e” Tया आगमनाची जhयत तयारी केली. कु.रचना व कु.संिहता चौबळ यांनी डकेोरेशन कcन

कायाGलय सुशोिभत केल.े

छोjा बाळ-गोपाळासंमवेत, “%e”ची िमरवणूक वाजत गाजत आली. %ी.भूषण कुळकण^ यांनी पूजा सांिगतली.

पूजा करZयाचा मान सौ.सरोज व %ी.`शाXत जावकर यांना िमळाला. %ीगजाननाची `ाण`ितmा केQयानंतर सौ. Aवाती

कुळकण^ यांनी सगnया लहान मुलांना पूजेच े महMव थोडoयात समजावून सांिगतल.े गणपती बा6पाची पूजा कशी

करायची, याची मािहती pविAथतपणे मुलांTया भाषेत, अगदी qसत-खेळत समजवली. सगnया लहान मुलांना Aवतंr

पूजेची थाळी दऊेन, MयांTया हAत ेपूजा करZयात आली. Eा छोjा मंडळeTया मनात घर कcन बसलेQया अAसंuय

`vांची उwरे िमळवून दZेयाTया हतेून ेकेलेला हा ंउपxम अितशय यशAवीरीMया पार पडला.

पूजेनंतर आरती झाली व सौ.संजीवनी पालेकर यांनी आणलेला `साद वाटZयात आला. सवG मंडळeनी,

सौ.Aमृित लोकरे यांनी केलेल े खमंग vegetable cutlets, सौ. नीलम कुळकण^ यांनी केलेला गोड िशरा, chips व

गरमागरम चहाचा आAवाद घेतला.

लहान मुलांTया िविवध करमणुकzTया कायGxमाची सुcवात

कु.अनु%ी जकातेन े=हटलेQया "गणेश-वंदना" {ोकान े झाली आिण

Mयानंतर कु. अंजली जोशी ने "`साद मज |ावा दवेा" ह े

गणेश-भजन सादर केल.े नंतर युवा कलाकारांनी, सौ. Aवाती

कुळकण^ }ारा aद~द�शत "िहरकणी" ही लघुनाÄटका सादर

केली. Eा नाटकाची सूrधार मी होत े व %ी. मकरंद नळगीरकर

यांनी नाटकाTया soundtrack ची जबाबदारी सांभाळली.

सरोज जावकर

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www.a2mm.org / Volume 3 Fall 2009 / Sanvaad / Page 7

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Name: Ruta SharangpaniHometown: Holland, Michigan

Medical Epidemiologist at Michigan Department of Com-munity Health

SPH Degree: M.P.H., Epidemiol-ogy from University of Michigan, Preventive Medicine Residency June 2009Previous Degrees: B.S., Biology and Psychology, Michigan State University; M.D., Wayne State UniversitySpecialty: Internal Medicine

You're legally blind, and yet you completed medical school and did a residency in internal medicine. It's an incredible story.There were a lot of obstacles, obviously—I call myself the "optimistic realist." I wasn't able to do procedures like stitches, that kind of stuff. But I think I found acceptance with my patients, partly because I was very honest about my disability. I wouldn't say it helped me, but in some cases it gave me an inroad to create some sort of rapport—some-times when I didn't have any other way. There are a lot of things in medicine that can't be done with vision. What's the nature of your disability?I'm actually technically legally blind. They have to draw a line somewhere, and so I'm within that. But I have a lot of vision. I can't drive, but I can see most things. I can read regular print, although it's slow and cumbersome sometimes. The things I know I miss are subtleties and expressions, things like that.

You're now enrolled in the SPH Preventive Medicine Residency program. What led you into public health?I had worked in the hospital, I had worked in the clinic, and both places were good—I liked what I was doing. But I couldn't imagine myself working in either setting for a long time.

Why?I think I felt like I would get in a rut, basically. That's what appealed to me about epidemiology—there's a little bit of everything. Also, working in clinics, I felt like I was running on a treadmill trying to change people's behavior. I was think-ing they've got to figure out a better way of getting people to do things more healthily than just telling them every time, "You've got to do this." Because people don't like to be told—I don't like to be told! I have learned from this program that there are other ways.

Such as?You still do need to tell people one on one, because hearing it from a physician is useful—as some of the smoking studies have shown—but there are other things I didn't understand until I got here. Things like how programs work or don't work, and things way outside medicine, like the fact that there are very few grocery stores in Detroit. It didn't occur to me as a resident in internal medicine how you would go about changing that.

What do you see yourself doing after you finish the Preventive Medicine Residency?I see myself doing a couple of things. I see myself doing field work—not necessarily lab work, be-cause I don't think I've ever been patient enough to do real lab work—and then I see myself doing policy. It would be fun to do both.

Photo by Peter Smith

ek Parichay : ruta sharangPani

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Reprinted by permission of Findings magazine, University of Michigan School of Public Health

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रानातली वाट

रानातून जाणारी ती एकमेव वाट

स1र वषा3पुव6च नाहीशी झाली

उन पावसा<या िन?या<या खेळात आिण,

झाडाझुडपां<या गद6त, ती कुठेशी हरवली

आता कधी तुIही ितथ ेगेलात

तर तुIहाला कळणारही नाही

Kक स1र वषा3पुव6 या रानातून

एक छानशी वाट जात अस े

आता ितथ ेआहते, फO पाखरांची घरटी

आिण मंुQयांची िविचR आकाराची वाSळं

नाही Iहणायला, खारी, सस ेखेळतात Kदवसभर

वा ऐकू येत ेकुणा सुतारपVाची अखंड टकटक

आिण तरी सुWा, एखाXा संYयाकाळी

जेZहा अंधार सगळीकड ेदाटत असतो

आिण गार वार अंगाला झ\बत असतो,

जर का तुIही ?या रानात एकटे गेलात

तर तुIहाला ऐकू येईल, घो_ां<या टापांचा

मंद आिण एकलयी आवाज

आिण Kदसेल कुठेतरी अधून मधून,

धु`यात फडफडणारे त ेaेत वb

जस ेकाही कुणीतरी एकटंच दौडतय

संथ गतीन,े ?या धूसर एकांतात

?या पावलांनाही ती एकमेव वाट

अनोळखी नाही, पdरिचत आह े

पण रानातून जाणारी ती वाट तर

स1र वषा3पुव6च नाहीशी झाली!

(मुळ किवता Rudyard Kipling यांची – 'The Way Through The Woods')

www.a2mm.org / Volume 3 Fall 2009 / Sanvaad / Page 9

स"र$% &ा(र रा#ा$%& वा(

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Page 10 / Sanvaad / Volume 3 Fall 2009 / www.a2mm.org

यंदा%या कॅ()पगची गो/ आह.े 3रवाजा7माणे रा:ी शेकोटी भोवती मंडळी गोळा झाली

आिण अंताEरीला सुHवात झाली. मधेच शेखर पालेकर या िम:ान े 'अरे गाणी

पुरे झाली, आता भुता%या गो/ी सांगा' अशी मागणी केली. (हदी-मराठी

गाMयां%या सुलभ आिण ओळखी%या वाटेवर रमलेOया सवाPना मा: िह

भूताटकRची वाट Hचली नसावी, )हणून या मागणीला फारसा दजुोरा

िमळाला नाही. Tकवा 'भुता%या गो/ी सांगायला लहान का आहोत' असा

िवचार आला असेल कदािचत मनात.

असो. आपल ेह ेअसेच होत.े Uया गो/ीबWल एका वयात कुतूहल, गूढ, भीती वगैरे

वाटत ेत ेसारे पुढे मा: नाहीस ेहोत.े आपण 'mature' होतो Tक आपOया भावनांचा

कोवळेपणा जाऊन िनबरपणा येतो दवे जाणे. मा\या मनात मा: याव]न दोन गो/ी

आठवOया. एक )हणज े Rudyard Kipling ची िह कॉलेज मधील किवता व _याच ेमी केलेल ेमराठी Hपांतर आिण

आम%या लहानपणाची '(नबाची अळी '.

लहानपणी आ)ही पुMयाला Fergusson र`_यावर राहायचो _या चाळी%या माग%या बाजूला एक छोटीशी अHंद गOली

होती. भरभर चाललो तर ५-७ िमिनटात अंतर कापता येईल एवढी. दोeही बाजूला झाडांनी fापलेली, फg काही

घरांची मागची बाज ूओझरती Tदस.े रीतसर नाविह नiहत ेितला. पण दोन तीन कडू(लबाची झाड ेहोती )हणून Tक काय

ितच ेनाव ' (नबाची अळी' असे पडल ेहोत.े मुळ रहदारीचा र`ता नसOयामुळे भर Tदवसा आ)ही मुले खुशाल सायकल

चालवणे, चोर पोलीस, लंगडी अस े खेळ ितथ े खेळत अस.ू संkयाकाळ झाली आिण अंधा]न यायला लागल े Tक मा:

आमचा ितथ ेवावर नस.े

उeहाmया%या सुnीत हनुमान टेकडी, कमला नेह] पाकo अशा 3ठकाणी संkयाकाळी आ)हा पोरांची टोळी Tफरायला,

खेळायला जायची. परत येताना मा: '(नबा%या अळी' चा shortcut चुकवत जरा लांबचा वळसा घालून आ)ही घरी येत

अस.ू एकही Tदवा नसलेली, झाडांमुळे अिधकच अंधार गुडूप अशी, रात-राणी, जाई जुई, चाफा यां%या वासान े

घमघमलेली ती अHंद वाट, आ)हाला अगदी भयावह वाटे. _यात अ`सल चाळीचा गुणधमo _यामुळे येवpाच ेतेवढे होऊन

भुताखेता%या बरयाच कथा _या गOलीशी जुळOया हो_या. पांढरी साडी घालून फुल े वेचणारी बाई, दोन मजली असा

उंचच उंच माणूस, सायकल चालवणारी उलqा पायाची पोरे अशा एक ना दहा कथा. कदािचत मुलांनी संkयाकाळी

मुकाट घरी येऊन अrयास करावा )हणून मोsांनीच भीती घातली असेल!

यामुळेच कR काय कदािचत कॉलेज मkय ेअसताना ही किवता वाचली तेiहा मनात घर क]न बसली. आपली मराठी

भाषा किवतेत समृv आह,े िवषयही वेगवेगळे. पण अशी एखादी किवता वाचOयाच े मला आठवत नाही. मुळ%या

कोकणातल ेwी. ना. पxडस,े गोनीदा, आरती 7भ ूयां%या कथा कादबंरीत अशा गूढ भुताखेता%या गो/ी आढळतात. पण

किवतेत मा: अगदी नाहीच )हणा ना. असो नyR कारण आठवत नाही पण मी या किवतेच ेHपांतर केल े _याला ७०

नसली तरी १७ वष+ न,-च झाली असतील. 2पांतर हा श7द मु;ाम वापरला कारण ह े श7दशः भाषांतर नाहीय.े

उदाहरणाथD वातावरण िनFमतीकरता Kipling Gया रानातल े otter, badger, ring-dove ह ेजाऊन ितथ े मंुJयांची

वा2ळं, खारी, सुतारपMी आले. काही Oठकाणी माQ मूळ किवला आदSन आह ेत ेश7द जसेGया तस ेआणल े (Misty

Solitudes - धूसर एकांत).

इंटरनेटवर पुXहा ही किवता शोधताना अनेकांनी केलेल े रसZहण वाचायला िमळाल.े कुणाला [यातल े गूढ वातावरण

आवडल,े तर काह_Gया मत े७० वषाDचा काळ हा साधारण माणसाचा जीवनकाल, aहणून ती वाट aहणज ेआपला

हरवलेला आयुbयकाल आह,े वगैरे, वगैरे. मला माQ या हरवलेdया वाटेसारखी माeया लहानपणची ती 'fनबाची अळी'

आठवत.े आता ती चाळिह गेली आिण ती अ2ंद गdलीही. आह ेफi एक भली मोठी office complex ची ईमारत,

माणसांनी गजबजलेली. राQी सुkा tubelight Gया lकाशात लखलखणारी. कुणाला शोधूनिह mदसणार नाही ती

fनबाची झाड,ं ती वाट. Kipling Gया हरवलेdया वाटेवर दौडणाoयाD [या अनोळखी pवरासारqया, माeया आठवणी माQ

[या अंधारलेdया 'fनबाGया अळीत' कधीकधी mफSन येतात. रातराणी आिण चाrयाचा घमघमाट येतो. डोळे घt िमटल े

जातात. Mणभर अंगावर काटा येतो, आिण िनघून जातो.……

सुरेश नायर (Sept – 09)

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वा#ळं, खारी, सुतारप-ी आल.े काही 3ठकाणी मा7 मूळ किवला आद;न आह ेत ेश>द जसे@या तस ेआणल े(Misty

Solitudes - धूसर एकांत).

इंटरनेटवर पुFहा िह किवता शोधताना अनेकांनी केलेल ेरसIहण वाचायला िमळाल.े कुणाला Kयातल ेगूढ वातावरण

आवडल,े तर काहO@या मत े७० वषाSचा काळ हा साधारण माणसाचा जीवनकाल, Tहणून ती वाट Tहणज ेआपला

हरवलेला आयुUयकाल आह,े वगैरे, वगैरे. मला मा7 या हरवलेWया वाटेसारखी माXया लहानपणची ती 'Yनबाची अळी'

आठवत.े आता ती चाळिह गेली आिण ती अ#ंद गWलीही. आह ेफ\ एक भली मोठी office complex ची ईमारत,

माणसांनी गजबजलेली. रा7ी सु_ा tubelight @या `काशात लखलखणारी. कुणाला शोधूनिह aदसणार नाही ती

Yनबाची झाड,ं ती वाट. Kipling @या हरवलेWया वाटेवर दौडणाdयाS Kया अनोळखी eवरासारfया, माXया आठवणी मा7

Kया अंधारलेWया 'Yनबा@या अळीत' कधीकधी aफ;न येतात. रातराणी आिण चाgयाचा घमघमाट येतो. डोळे घi िमटले

जातात. -णभर अंगावर काटा येतो, आिण िनघून जातो.……

सुरेश नायर (Sept – 09)


For mIxture:1 cup besan3 cups water mixed with 2 tsps of yogurt2 chopped chilliespinch of turmericsalt to taste

For seasonIng:mustard seeds, curry leaves, green chillies, 2-3 tsp oil

Microwave surnalichi vadi (also known as khandvi)


1. Mix all the ingredients well.2. Take mixture in microwave-able bowl and microwave it for 5 mins3. Take out of microwave and mix well. 4. Microwave again for about 3 minutes and stir. Again, microwave for 2 minutes and stir. You will find the mixture slowly starting to thicken up. 5. Set a layer of aluminium foil on a flat surface (kitchen countertop is best!). Spread the mixture over the foil so that it is not more than a few millimeters thick. 6. Set another layer of aluminium foil on top of the mixture, and flatten by rolling a rolling pin (i.e. laatney) on top. Roll gently until the rolled mixture is no more than a couple of millimeters thick. 7. Give it about ten to fifteen minutes to cool down. In the meantime, prepare seasoning (tadka) by heating oil in another small vessel and adding mustard seeds, curry leaves and green chillies to it. Heat until mustards start spluttering. 8. Remove top aluminium foil cover and pour seasoning evenly over the flat mixture layer. Cut into rectangular shapes of roughly four-by-six inches wide, then roll into a surnali!!9. Garnish with chopped cilantro. Serves 3-4 people

by Minal Kamat

www.a2mm.org / Volume 3 Fall 2009 / Sanvaad / Page 11

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Page 12 / Sanvaad / Volume 3 Fall 2009 / www.a2mm.org

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!+$96त स?ावास?श6 %<=ा सवाn7ा %W9!वoास p/Gp/G वाqG AागAा! Fस ंFस ं:ा&ांत? :rं =ोN AागA%ं

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IेतAेAा 7=ा! +ा1>ा+ंत? 96 Fेj=ा Fेवणासा&6 ^06 =ोत ेतेj=ा ZG: Fण <=णाA े>R >ा$ =ो 2Gगा}Kा~' gवq सग/

ZाN+ तG<=6 :?त Fेवणा?' 4सो!

%ता yा +ा1>ातJ$ा VW$े>R>5*+ 9Aा >ा=6त?6 7ांगA !श>ा$Aा !9/ाAं %!ण W$ा7ा ^JAेZ 96 %वF*}+

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>G/>णe %!ण सY!सा$A6 सावंत! वा7+ा76 4W$ंत %व5 4सAेJ$ा Oवात6>5*+ 2ां5i$ा :ा&ांत?ा7ा VW$$ %Aा त?

सरोज जावकर

!ा#ा$% &'() सास+ " ,क स./0 $ा1ा$.!व!

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www.a2mm.org / Volume 3 Fall 2009 / Sanvaad / Page 13

!व#$! %&व'ात*+ ,#- वे/ा 0े1*+ 2ो+$4567 तास !+$!9त:णे %<=6 +ा1>ा7ा स?ाव >@ AागAो! संD$ा>ा/6

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Mावत :/त $ेN AागAो! 9Fा$9O>?6 >?त >?त >M6 2=ा वाFा$7 ेत े>/ा$77े +ा=6!

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सा?m$ा +F?े+ े:=ा$Aा AागAा! 4सो!

!+$96त स?ावास?श6 %<=ा सवाn7ा %W9!वoास p/Gp/G वाqG AागAा! Fस ंFस ं:ा&ांत? :rं =ोN AागA%ं

तसतश6 4!0+$ा76 गो56 व 9=Wव >/G AागA!े %sा:$nत :े:?ात% 16!j=6 व? 9ो&9ोtा >Aवांत>5*+ 0*!9>ेत

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zो{ा$9ोtा गो|6% :JAव6 >5G+ !श>ा$Aा !9/ाJ$ा% W$ाKXA 96 !त76 Z*: %0ा?6 %=!े 4सो!

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!=?वा 7G5ा% %!ण 4ंगाव? 4संm$ ^स+ े 2ा!ग+ े4सा =ा g>ं2?6त W$ां7ा ZाÄ$ा! yा +ा1>ात 9Aा त6+$7ा?

!9!+1ात सा56 K2A*+ $ाव6 Aागत 4स!े 96 सा56 K2A*+ %A े>R सगE$ां7ा F6व 0ां'ात :5 े%!ण W$ाAा >ा?णे

=6 तश67 =ोत6! yा +Nवा?6 सा56+ े9ा_6 7ांगA67 29zा> >ेA6! >M6 +ा567 %त Fा$76 त? >M6 yा +,-$

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&2Gगा}Kा~& 7ांगA67 Zा2ा5 4सJ$ा+%े 9ा_6 7ांगA67 शा!w2> 7ंग/ =ोत 4स!े :G5ाP$ा व'ा% Kेस+ा7 े

Aा5*% साF*> तG:ातAा !श?ा% K1ा1ेव5%े >े/6% 2ाणे% !K!O>1े% Aोण6 AावAेAा :ाव% 2GM व Å2वसात*+ 4संm$ वे/ा

IेतAेAा 7=ा! +ा1>ा+ंत? 96 Fेj=ा Fेवणासा&6 ^06 =ोत ेतेj=ा ZG: Fण <=णाA े>R >ा$ =ो 2Gगा}Kा~' gवq सग/

ZाN+ तG<=6 :?त Fेवणा?' 4सो!

%ता yा +ा1>ातJ$ा VW$े>R>5*+ 9Aा >ा=6त?6 7ांगA !श>ा$Aा !9/ाAं %!ण W$ा7ा ^JAेZ 96 %वF*}+

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%:A6 >ा9!ग?6 7ोZ KFावA6! yा +ा1>ात6A V9GZ :ाaे $ शG0ांग6 ग5K5 े%!ण वसGMा Iो1ा/े $$ सY!Oवात6

>G/>णe %!ण सY!सा$A6 सावंत! वा7+ा76 4W$ंत %व5 4सAेJ$ा Oवात6>5*+ 2ां5i$ा :ा&ांत?ा7ा VW$$ %Aा त?

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Page 14 / Sanvaad / Volume 3 Fall 2009 / www.a2mm.org

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रा#ल दशेपांड ेमै-फल

स0या पु3या-मंुबईत -दवाळी िनिम< पहाटे शा?ीय संगीताAया मै-फली करायचा Dघात पडला आह.े मंगल -दवसाची

सुGवात कानावर मंगल HवरांAया वषाJवान ेKहावी ह ेयोMयच. आपNयाला इथ ेमाQ असा योग Sिचतच घेता येतो. TU

VWटोबर रोजी अँन आबJर मराठी मंडळाAया सौज\यान ेरिसकांना यावेळी माQ अ]या अनुभवाचा योग आला, तो _हणज े

रा#ल दशेपांड ेयांAया गायनाAया कायJaमान.े

%e'r)orn येथील ,enr- .ord bंथालयात झालेNया या कायJaमात रा#लन ेएक वेगळाच दीपोeसव घडवून आणला.

तो _हणज े िहgदHुतानी शा?ीय संगीतातNया दोन अखंड तेवeया नंदादीपांAया गायनDितभेची झलक, आपNया कंठातून

रिसकांपयiत पोचवून. पंिडत कुमार गंधवJ व डॉ. वसंतराव दशेपांड.े दोन िभl गायनशैmलचा हा मधुर अिवnकार

कायJaमाAया दोन भागात oोeयांनी अगदी पुरेपुर आनंदान ेघेतला.

कुमारmजची गायनशैली रा#लला िवशेष िDय. eयांच ेपुQ मुकुल िशवपुQ यांAयाकडून रा#ल गायनाच ेिशpण घेत आह.े

_हणुन सुGवातीलाच 0पूवाJधाJत माqया आविडच ेगातो0 अस ेसांगुन कुमारmजची पुrरया धनoी या रागातली 0बल गयी

sयोत0 ही िवलंिबत तालातली चीज व eयाच रागातली एक tतु चीu सुनावली. eयानंतर Hवतः कुमारmजनी रचलेNया

0oी-कNयाण 0 रागातली 0दखेो रे Gत0 ही उeकृy बं-दश सादर केली. eयानंतरची 0भीमपलासी0 मधली बं-दश zकताना

जेKहा सहज 0धानी0 वर आधाrरत, अिभषेक{ यांनी संगीतब| केलेल,े 0घेई छgद मकरंद0 ह ेना~गीत सुG झाल,े तेKहा

आपण वसंतरावांAया Dांतात कधी आलो ह े रिसकांना कळलेच नाही.

म0यांतरात चहा, कॉफ{ अिण अNपोपहाराचा अHवाद घेतNयानंतर oोत ेपुgहा एकदा कान सरसावून मै-फलीत जमल.े

उ<राधाJत काही ना~गीत,े भावगीत े व उपशा?ीय चीजा सादर केNया, sया Dामु�यान े वसंतरावांAया होeया. 0या

भावनाितल गीत पुराणे0, 0वाटे वर काटे वेचीत चाललो0, 0बगळयांची माळ खुल0े, 0जय शंकरा गंगाधरा0, 0दवेाघरच ेÄात

कुणाला0 अशा एकामागून एक सरस रचना सवाiना मोिहत कÅन गेNया. कायJaमाचा शेवट किबराAया 0झीनी झीनी

चदrरया0 या िनगुJणी भजनान ेझाली.

रा#लला संवा-दिनवर फारच उ<म साथ -दली Dिस| कलाकार 0आ-दeय Vक0 यांनी. या िशवाय त ेएक उ<म 01ound

3ngineer0 आहते याचा Deयय कायJaमाAया आधीAया eयांAया मागJदशJनान ेझाला. तबNयावर %etroit चेच हमंेत

बाबटीवाले यांनी, कुठलीही कसर न ठेवता, आपली करामत दाखवली. मंदार फडके यांनी सुGवातीला कलाकारांची

Vळख कGन -दली तर A2MM च ेअ0यp Dशांत जावकर यांनी शेवटी सवJ संयोजकांच ेआभार मानल.े कायJaमाच े

संयोजन माधुरी दशेपांड,े सरोज जावकर, सिचन सावंत, गोपाळ कामत व मकरंद नळगीरकर यांनी केल.े अथाJत

मंडळाAया इतर कायJकeयाJनी व काही चाहeयांनी सु|ा eयांना मदतीचा हातभार लावला. या सवाiAया पrरoमान ेहा

कायJaम फारच उ<मrरeया पार पडला. eयाबÇल अ0यp Dशांत जावकर व मंडळ eया सवाiच ेआभारी आह.े

सरेुश नायर   

स"र$% &ा(र !"#$ %&'(")*& +,-.$

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Page 24 / Sanvaad / Volume 3 Fall 2009 / www.a2mm.org

रा#ल दशेपांड ेमै-फल

स0या पु3या-मंुबईत -दवाळी िनिम< पहाटे शा?ीय संगीताAया मै-फली करायचा Dघात पडला आह.े मंगल -दवसाची

सुGवात कानावर मंगल HवरांAया वषाJवान ेKहावी ह ेयोMयच. आपNयाला इथ ेमाQ असा योग Sिचतच घेता येतो. TU

VWटोबर रोजी अँन आबJर मराठी मंडळाAया सौज\यान ेरिसकांना यावेळी माQ अ]या अनुभवाचा योग आला, तो _हणज े

रा#ल दशेपांड ेयांAया गायनाAया कायJaमान.े

%e'r)orn येथील ,enr- .ord bंथालयात झालेNया या कायJaमात रा#लन ेएक वेगळाच दीपोeसव घडवून आणला.

तो _हणज े िहgदHुतानी शा?ीय संगीतातNया दोन अखंड तेवeया नंदादीपांAया गायनDितभेची झलक, आपNया कंठातून

रिसकांपयiत पोचवून. पंिडत कुमार गंधवJ व डॉ. वसंतराव दशेपांड.े दोन िभl गायनशैmलचा हा मधुर अिवnकार

कायJaमाAया दोन भागात oोeयांनी अगदी पुरेपुर आनंदान ेघेतला.

कुमारmजची गायनशैली रा#लला िवशेष िDय. eयांच ेपुQ मुकुल िशवपुQ यांAयाकडून रा#ल गायनाच ेिशpण घेत आह.े

_हणुन सुGवातीलाच 0पूवाJधाJत माqया आविडच ेगातो0 अस ेसांगुन कुमारmजची पुrरया धनoी या रागातली 0बल गयी

sयोत0 ही िवलंिबत तालातली चीज व eयाच रागातली एक tतु चीu सुनावली. eयानंतर Hवतः कुमारmजनी रचलेNया

0oी-कNयाण 0 रागातली 0दखेो रे Gत0 ही उeकृy बं-दश सादर केली. eयानंतरची 0भीमपलासी0 मधली बं-दश zकताना

जेKहा सहज 0धानी0 वर आधाrरत, अिभषेक{ यांनी संगीतब| केलेल,े 0घेई छgद मकरंद0 ह ेना~गीत सुG झाल,े तेKहा

आपण वसंतरावांAया Dांतात कधी आलो हे रिसकांना कळलेच नाही.

म0यांतरात चहा, कॉफ{ अिण अNपोपहाराचा अHवाद घेतNयानंतर oोत ेपुgहा एकदा कान सरसावून मै-फलीत जमल.े

उ<राधाJत काही ना~गीत,े भावगीत े व उपशा?ीय चीजा सादर केNया, sया Dामु�यान े वसंतरावांAया होeया. 0या

भावनाितल गीत पुराणे0, 0वाटे वर काटे वेचीत चाललो0, 0बगळयांची माळ खुल0े, 0जय शंकरा गंगाधरा0, 0दवेाघरच ेÄात

कुणाला0 अशा एकामागून एक सरस रचना सवाiना मोिहत कÅन गेNया. कायJaमाचा शेवट किबराAया 0झीनी झीनी

चदrरया0 या िनगुJणी भजनान ेझाली.

रा#लला संवा-दिनवर फारच उ<म साथ -दली Dिस| कलाकार 0आ-दeय Vक0 यांनी. या िशवाय त ेएक उ<म 01ound

3ngineer0 आहते याचा Deयय कायJaमाAया आधीAया eयांAया मागJदशJनान ेझाला. तबNयावर %etroit चेच हमंेत

बाबटीवाले यांनी, कुठलीही कसर न ठेवता, आपली करामत दाखवली. मंदार फडके यांनी सुGवातीला कलाकारांची

Vळख कGन -दली तर A2MM च ेअ0यp Dशांत जावकर यांनी शेवटी सवJ संयोजकांच ेआभार मानल.े कायJaमाच े

संयोजन माधुरी दशेपांड,े सरोज जावकर, सिचन सावंत, गोपाळ कामत व मकरंद नळगीरकर यांनी केल.े अथाJत

मंडळाAया इतर कायJकeयाJनी व काही चाहeयांनी सु|ा eयांना मदतीचा हातभार लावला. या सवाiAया पrरoमान ेहा

कायJaम फारच उ<मrरeया पार पडला. eयाबÇल अ0यp Dशांत जावकर व मंडळ eया सवाiच ेआभारी आह.े

सरेुश नायर   

! ! ! " # $ % % " & ' ( / )& * + % , - . $ - / - 0 + % % , ' - $ . . 1 - / S a n v a d / P a g e 1 1

sible  fraud,  they  will 

inform  the  other  two 

for  you.  The  credit 

bureaus  will  each 

mail  you  the  notice 

of  your  rights  as  an 

identity  theft  victim. 

Once you receive the 

necessary paperwork 

contact  the  bureaus 

for  two  things  ­  a 

credit  report  and  an 

!"#!$%&'$(')( #*!(+,!-#(

to seven years.  Plac­

ing  the  fraud  alert 

.!+$%( #*+#( /'0-( 1,!(

2&,,( 3!( 4+55!6( +$6(

creditors are required 

#'( 7+,,( /'0(3!)'-!( !"#!$6&$5(7-!6&#8(9'$%&6!-( 0%&$5(+( 7!,,( :*'$!(

number. You can cancel the fraud alert at any time.

If debt collectors  try  to get you  to pay  the  fraudulent charges on 

your accounts, get the contact details of the person calling and the 

name of the collection company. Tell them that you are an identity 

theft victim and are not responsible for the debt. Ask if they need 


Ask from them in writing that you do not owe them any debt and the 

account is closed.



In summary, although there is no reason to get paranoid about iden­

tity theft, it is important to be aware of it. The above basic precau­

tions,  performing  regular  checks,  knowing  the  signs  of  possible 

)-+06>( +$6( 0$6!-%#+$6&$5( /'0-( -&5*#%( +$6( $!"#( %#!:%( &$( 7+%!( ')(

breach will go a long way in protecting your identity.

Contact info for the Credit Bureaus



dress above.



and write to address above.





Identity Theft Victims Guide  (June 2009) Privacy Rights Clear­

ing house. Retrieved June 7’ 2009 from http://www.privacyrights.


Identity Theft (2009) US Department Of Justice. Retrieved June 

7’  2009  from  http://www.usdoj.gov/criminal/fraud/websites/


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Youth Katta

Happy Diwali

It's the "Festival of Lights" today,It's again the day of Diwali,It's time to dress up folks,It's time to adorn the thali.

It's the occasion to throng the temples,Pray to the Gods and give them offer-ings,It's an opportunity to entreat the deities,To bless us all and rid us of sufferings.

It's the day to light the diyas,Ignite the rockets and burst crackers,But it's also the time to be safe,From the fireworks and all the sparklers.

It's the season to pay a visit,To all our friends and relations,To hand them over sweets and presents,Diwali is our splendid chance.

But while you spend a time of joy,Don't think it's merriment all the way,Out there wait many of those,For whom it's no time to be gay.

Denied of laughter and smiles for days,They know not what it is to enjoy,Can you not share something you have,Can you not bring them a little joy?

When you can make someone else smileWhen you can be someone's allyThat's when you can yourself be gladThat's when you'll have a HAPPY DI-WALI!

Poem from the holidayspot.com

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Greg Mortenson was a mountaineer. He loved to climb tall mountains.

One day, he had an idea to climb “K2”, the tallest peak in the Himalayas. The Himalayas is the tallest mountain in the world. Suddenly, it was time to do it for real! Greg was sent with eleven men on a mission. When he was dropped off at the Himalayas, he could see tall mountains in front of him.

On the third day, there was an avalanche. This separated the team. Greg got lost in Pakistan. Soon he met some people in Pakistan. They told him how to get to his home. Then he said to them, ”What can I do for you?”. They said, “Please build schools for girls in Pakistan”.

My Hero by sujay KulKarnI

Page 30 / Sanvaad / Volume 3 Fall 2009 / www.a2mm.org

So Greg went back home to collect the money. Then in a couple of months he went back to Pakistan. Greg built a school just as he had promised. Since then, Greg has built hundreds of schools for girls in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

I was very happy to meet Greg at Huron High school last year. I think we should help each other to make the world a better place.Greg Mortenson is my Hero!!

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Splash! The pool was very deep, though narrow and small. I jumped into its icy cold, light blue waters with my dad and my little brother Su-jay. Normally, that temperature of water would have been cold enough to freeze my skin off. At that moment, I was too excited to scream, let alone feel any pain. I was about to meet a very special dolphin.

It was a scorching December afternoon on Blue La-goon Island, Bahamas. You may have never heard of this particular island; this is because it is a private chunk of land. It belonged to a big dolphin research and marine biology center. We were at their main base in one of the dolphin interaction pools. We stood on a wide, rectangular platform that cradled us a safe distance from the murky depths below. There were other families beside us, standing there and chatting with one another, but all I was really focused on was the gorgeous dolphins gliding gracefully in the pool.

Now, these were trained dolphins, and they probably have been perfecting their tricks for quite some time. So naturally, they wanted to do what they do best. That, of course, was to show off. They seemed powerful yet gentle, flick-ing their tails with such ease. These dolphins weren't just swimming; they were doing a grace-ful, perfect ballet on water. It was almost like syn-chronized swimming, but much more beautiful.

Looking at the 3 or 4 dolphins swimming before us, I could see that every movement in the water reflected and depended on the dolphins’ personality. I could also tell that their graceful steps were pure and natu-ral, without a fault. Some people dance for a living, whereas some dance for pleasure. These dolphins danced without knowing what they were doing, which was the best of them all. Snapping back into reality, I waded over to catch up with my family, who were already ahead, watching trainers feed the dolphins. After watching feeding time, we gazed at the sleek creatures swimming around. I wondered, “What hap-pened to the rule, ‘No swimming after lunch’?” This didn’t seem to bother the dolphins. They sped off, racing around in circles until both of us were dizzy!

For as long as I can remember, dolphins have been a favorite animal of mine. For me, this was like a dream come true. I can still remember what it felt

like then, touching and hugging and kissing Pan-dora (as the dolphin was called). It made a dif-ference now because at that time, I was only two years old, at the Dolphin Research Center in Flor-ida. Back then, my father held me in his arms be-cause I would have drowned if he'd put me down.

As I gazed around, I saw one, two, dolphins skim-ming the water in front of us. It was nice and deep for them, so they could catch our eye, and suddenly dive down underneath the water. The majestic mammals left us scratching our heads, wondering, "Where did they go?". All of the dolphins were mischievous lit-tle things. After a good amount of laughing and play, one of the dolphins drew my attention. It leaped above the surface of the water, spraying splashes of salt water everywhere. With an easy, graceful turn, it dove down with perfect precision, cutting smoothly through the water with the speed of a torpedo. La-zily, it floated on its back like an otter, then got bored with observing the strangers above the water (other-wise known as yours truly) and swam away. Little did I know that I would see this dolphin very shortly.

When I watched all the dolphins swim closer and closer, I noticed that there was a gap between the interaction pool and the rest of the island's wa-ters. This meant the dolphins could come and go whenever they liked. The unique design increased my respect for the center even more. The opening showed that here, the dolphins had more freedom than most other facilities had given their guests.

Suddenly, a cheery, plump trainer waded into the pool, and as we all turned around, he began speaking, "Hi guys, my name's Mark and I'm one of the train-ers on this dolphin encounter. “This here is Salvador,

Remembering Salvador... by sanIKa KulKarnI

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my little buddy," he said fondly as a rosy, enthusi-astic dolphin popped up from the water just in time. Mark had us line up in a row. "Wave hi to your new audience, Salvador," said Mark, and obediently, Sal-vador turned on his side and excitedly splashed us with salt water as he moved from one end of the row to the other, moving his pectoral fin up and down. I laughed and giggled along with the little girl stand-ing next to me. Like a sixth sense, my arms flew to my face to protect myself from the water that was flying up in the air. I looked around through the slits that I had made in between my arms and saw that everyone had done the same thing. By the time Sal-vador was done, everyone had a good drenching!

Mark started off by telling us about the research center, with its beautiful setup and the animals in it. They had divided up the dolphins according to their age and gender. There were separate sections for adult males, young males, and females nursing babies. In addition to all of that, they had some very special new additions to the research center. They were sea lions, and they also had their own sepa-rate section. Mark also told us about how some of their accomplished, well-trained dolphins had been recruited to go to Hollywood and be stars of a Dis-ney original movie, Flipper. Then, he helped us through a couple of different amazing performances conducted by Salvador (I would call them tricks but that would be insulting my new friends). Then came one of my favorites; feeling Salvador's skin.

The gorgeous mammal glided by with an easy flick of his tail, swimming on his side. We were in-structed to only touch the upper half of his body, and leave his tail area, pectoral and dorsal fins, as well as his mouth and face alone, as this might ag-gravate him. At every family, he stopped and just floated, bobbing up and down ever so slightly. It

surprised me, how someone twice my weight and size could float on water without doing anything. He waited patiently, without flinching when people bent down and touched his skin. After what seemed like ages, it was my family's turn. My little brother was a little nervous; it was his first time with a live dol-phin. But I was anxious, and could hardly keep still as Salvador glided and halted right in front of us.

I cautiously, gently, laid my hand on Salvador's side, being careful to make my hand stay within the specif-ic boundaries that were set as a precaution. His skin felt smooth, but much to my surprise, it was anything but slippery. As my hand stroked his side, it offered some resistance. Then, Salvador turned over so we could feel the upper part of his belly. It was a pale, but rosy pink, about the same color as his cheeks and it felt even smoother. It seemed to me that there was less resistance. In fact, it was even a little slippery.

As I stroked his belly for the last time, he turned his big, dark eyes and looked straight into mine. I gasped softly as he trapped my attention with his hopeful eyes. I searched for something meaningful in his gaze. I sensed a strong connection between both of us. I saw everyone reflected in his eyes, one big family. I could feel Salvador's eyes searching for signs on my face too. Suddenly, it felt like we were the last two living beings on Earth, that the world around us had frozen.

I heard myself breathing and the steadiness of my heartbeat thundering and echoing in my ears. A myr-iad of thoughts came rushing into my head, exchang-ing, and colliding with each other until nothing made sense. It was as if a traffic jam full of noisy, honk-ing cars was forming in my brain. My head started to feel heavier and heavier by the second, but I did not look away from Salvador's eyes. There was so much filling up his trapped, anxious brain, and there

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were so many mysteries yet to solve. Standing there, in the pool full of water, absorbing all this informa-tion through a dolphin, I felt lost. I couldn't take it anymore. The look in this gentle mammal's eyes had turned too strong, too fast. I couldn't hold the stare any longer, and broke away from Salvador's gaze.

We both shuddered faintly, and that was all it took to break the few seconds of contact that we had shared. My head still felt light, and at the same time, I was calm and quiet. I felt really weird in-side. But all the same, a slow grin spread across my face. For once in my life, I felt...blissful.

Later on, after changing from my wet swimsuit, I looked back at the carefree dolphin community. Smiling, I went to explore the rest of the site. Later on, we heard a distant horn of a boat and the deep rumble of an engine, and we knew it was time to say goodbye. We hurried over to the souvenir shop. We purchased something that we knew would re-mind us of our unforgettable moments here. I stood in line alongside the employees, waiting to board the already packed boat that would take us back to the mainland. I looked back for one last time. I saw one lone dolphin surging forward and leaping in the air, as desperate as me for one last "farewell". I smiled, feeling really, truly happy for the first time in a long time. I whispered softly, “Bye-bye Salvador”. Straining and listening hard, I thought I heard a faint reply. Right then and there, as I put one foot on the vibrating boat, I knew that this was go-ing to be one day that I would never, ever forget!



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Birbal was one of the nine gems in the court of emperor Akbar. He was respected for his intel-ligence and wit. Whenever Akbar was in difficulty, he called Birbal for help.

Akbar was very fond of jewellery. He had many rings of gold, pearls and diamonds. His fa-vorite ring was the one with a large diamond at the centre and pearls around.

At the emperor’s palace, there were eight servants who looked after his clothes and jewellery. They also helped him get ready to go to the court. No one else was allowed to enter his room.

One day, the Emperor wanted to wear his favorite ring. But it was missing. Akbar ordered a search for the ring. But no one could find it.Akbar then asked his men to call Birbal. When

Birbal catches a thief...

Birbal came, he told him about the robbery and asked for help. Birbal called all the eight servants who were in charge of the Emperor’s room.He gave each of them a stick of the same size and asked them to come back with it the next day. He told them that the stick of the person who had stolen the ring would become longer by one inch that night. The next morning, the eight servants stood in a line with their sticks. Birbal caught hold of one of them and took him to Akbar.The man fell at Akbar’s feet and admitted that he had stolen the ring.

The king was surprised. He asked Birbal how he found out the culprit. Birbal said the thief had cut his stick by an inch fearing that it would grow.


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