volume 14, issue 4 april 2016 - clear hills county · interested applicants may submit their resume...

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Council Minutes 2 Peace Valley Snow Riders 12 Worsley Public Health 13 Request for Tenders 14 PhoneTree System 15 Seasonal Employment 16 Rise & Dine 17 Classroom Agricultural Program 18 Agroforestry & Woodlot Extension 19 Health Survey 23 Development Permits 24 Income Tax Program 25 Rental Equipment 26 Blast from the Past 28 Think Local Market 29 ASB Weed Inspections 30 National Day of Mourn- ing 31 Small business Week 32 Shelterbelt Program 33 Agricultural Trade Show 34 Worsley Health Centre Calendar 35 Farm Safety 36 Community Bulletin Board 37 Community Contacts 38 Community Calendar 39 County Info. 40 C L E A R L Y A N A R E A O F O P P O R T U N I T Y April 2016 Volume 14, Issue 4

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Page 1: Volume 14, Issue 4 April 2016 - Clear Hills County · Interested applicants may submit their resume along with current driver’s abstract to Public Works Department, Clear Hills


I S S U E :

Council Minutes 2

Peace Valley Snow

Riders 12

Worsley Public Health 13

Request for Tenders 14

PhoneTree System 15

Seasonal Employment 16

Rise & Dine 17

Classroom Agricultural

Program 18

Agroforestry & Woodlot

Extension 19

Health Survey 23

Development Permits 24

Income Tax Program 25

Rental Equipment 26

Blast from the Past 28

Think Local Market 29

ASB Weed Inspections 30

National Day of Mourn-

ing 31

Small business Week 32

Shelterbelt Program 33

Agricultural Trade Show 34

Worsley Health Centre

Calendar 35

Farm Safety 36

Community Bulletin

Board 37

Community Contacts 38

Community Calendar 39

County Info. 40


April 2016 Volume 14, Issue 4

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Daffodil Month, held every April, is a

national fundraising campaign of

Canadian Cancer Society. During the

month, volunteers are involved in

numerous activities to raise vital funds

for the fight against cancer.

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Clear Hills County is seeking tenders for motor grader road maintenance on the Cleardale, Eureka River, Hines Creek, Sulphur Lake

and Whitelaw Grader Beats in the Clear Hills County.

Tenders 2016-16 (Cleardale), 2016-07 (Eureka River), 2016-08 (Hines Creek), 2016-09 (Sulphur Lake), 2016-10 (Whitelaw) may be

obtained at the Clear Hills County office, 313 Alberta Avenue, Worsley, Alberta, during regular business hours, Monday-Friday, 8:00

a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. tender packages will be available for pick up on Thursday, March 24, 2016.

Submit your sealed tenders 2016-06 (Cleardale), 2016-07 (Eureka River), 2016-08 (Hines Creek), 2016-09 (Sulphur Lake), 2016-10

(Whitelaw) to: Clear Hills County, Box 240, Worsley, Alberta, T0H 3W0 or delivered to Clear Hills County office 313 Alberta Avenue,

Worsley, Alberta. Tenders will be received at the County office no later than 4:00 p.m. Friday, April 8, 2016. Faxed or emailed Tenders

will not accepted. Clear Hills County does not recommend sending tenders by Courier due to limited Courier Services. Please ensure

each tender package is in a separate sealed envelope and that it is clearly marked with:






Public Tender Opening is scheduled to commence at 9:45 a.m. Tuesday, April 12, 2016

*Note these are 5 separate tenders and when submitted each bid must be clearly marked in separate sealed envelopes.

on the highway. Signs are

available at the County.

Be sure to contact Public

Works Department prior to

burning to ensure signs

are available.

Attention landowners: If

you are planning to burn

within 1 mile of a primary

or secondary highway,


signage at each end of the

potential smoke corridor

Thank you for

making our

highways safer!

Clear Hills County is offering dust control for interested

residents this season. To qualify for the service, resi-

dents will be required to complete an application form

and make payment prior to application of dust control

product. For more information regarding dust control

contact Clear Hills County office @ (780) 685-3925.

Deadline to submit applications 4:30 p.m., Monday

May 2, 2016.

R e q u e s t F o r T e n d e r s

P u b l i c S a f e t y A n n o u n c e m e n t

P a g e 1 4 C l e a r H i l l s C o u n t y

2 0 1 6 D u s t

C o n t r o l

S u m m e r D r i v e w a y

Clear Hills County provides Summer Driveway Grading for

Senior Citizens, once per season, during the summer months.

To sign up, you must be 65 years of age, sign a waiver and

provide proof of age. For more information or to request a

form please contact the Public Works Department at Clear

Hills County office at 780-685-3925.

Did you know…

Alberta and British Columbia produce 50% of

Canada’s honey. More than 75% of this honey is

produced in the Peace. Bees are the only insect

that produces food for humans.

Page 15: Volume 14, Issue 4 April 2016 - Clear Hills County · Interested applicants may submit their resume along with current driver’s abstract to Public Works Department, Clear Hills

The PhoneTree software has the ca-

pacity to phone out messages to all

residents in one day. Should it be a

police emergency or local disaster an

RCMP officer can send out a message

to PhoneTree from their car by cell

phone to the PhoneTree computer in

the Municipal office. If the message

has to get out immediately a phone

call to the Call centre in Winston Sa-

lem North Caroline U.S.A. and for a

small fee PhoneTree can send out the

message to all rural residents almost

simultaneously. By bringing on part-

ners to operate and send out messag-

es on behalf of the detachment the

partners believe this time the program

will be successful.

The Fairview-Clear Hills Rural Crime

Watch received a Solicitor General

Community Crime Prevent Grant that

was used to purchase the three Pho-

neTree software programs, provide

training to staff.

Crime Prevention is everyone’s busi-

ness: Report Suspicious Activity to the


The PhoneTree system provides FREE quick, accurate emergency information over the phone lines in the event of:

Natural Disaster


Disaster Recovery

Rural Crime Watch alerts

Municipal Emergencies such as water advisory’s etc.

If you reside within the County and have not been receiving the Rural Crime Watch alert phone calls and want to be added to the

contact list, or if you receive calls and want to be removed from the contact list please contact the County office at 780-685-3925.

T h e E y e s a n d E a r s o f R u r a l

A l b e r t a

P h o n e T r e e S y s t e m

P a g e 1 5 V o l u m e 1 4 , I s s u e 4

After becoming inactive in 1996 for

lack of interest and volunteers, inter-

est was again revived in Rural Crime

watch in Fairview, Hines Creek and

Worsley areas in 2007 and the Fair-

view-Clear Hills Rural Crime Watch

was formed. The partnership of the

three municipalities, M.D. of Fairview,

Village of Hines Creek and Clear Hills

County, creates a unique crime watch

community profile in the province. The

three municipalities operate the

phone tree fan-out systems out of the

municipal offices eliminating the need

for volunteers to maintain and operate

the system as well as allowing access

to use the fan-out system for daily

business or as part of their emergency

management plans.

Are you aware of the V.S.I (Veterinarian Services Incorporated) Pro-


Aids in the development of livestock expansion with long term goals

of producer and veterinarian services sustainability.

The V.S.I Program supplies cost-share support to livestock producers,

whereby the Clear Hills County covers 50% of cost eligible veterinary


Membership is $31.50 (GST included) for a five year term

Call Aaron at the County office for more information.

D o y o u h a v e L i v e s t o c k ?

Page 16: Volume 14, Issue 4 April 2016 - Clear Hills County · Interested applicants may submit their resume along with current driver’s abstract to Public Works Department, Clear Hills


The successful applicants will work under the direction of the Public Works Manager or designate in conducting Public Works

programs and related duties. Duties may include road maintenance, construction, signage, drainage, brush control, grass

trimming and other related duties. The ability to operate necessary equipment would be an asset.


The successful applicants will work under the direction of the Public Works Manager or designate in conducting Public Works

mowing and brushing programs. Duties include operating equipment with necessary attachments as well as other related


Preference will be given to candidates with the following requirements and qualifications:

Experience in operating of tractors and/or road construction equipment

Valid driver’s license and approved driver’s abstract

Ability to work independently as well as in a team setting

Physically capable of meeting job demands

Preference will be given to applicants who are willing to continue employment for the duration of the seasonal pro-


Interested applicants may submit their resume along with current driver’s abstract to Public Works Department, Clear Hills

County, Box 240, Worsley, AB, T0H 3W0

In person

Fax: (780) 685-3925

E-mail: [email protected]

We thank all applicants for their interest but only those invited for an interview will be contacted.

S e a s o n a l E m p l o y m e n t O p p o r t u n i t i e s

I n s i d e S t o r y H e a d l i n e

P a g e 1 6 C l e a r H i l l s C o u n t y

Page 17: Volume 14, Issue 4 April 2016 - Clear Hills County · Interested applicants may submit their resume along with current driver’s abstract to Public Works Department, Clear Hills

The County is requesting the assistance of anyone planning a con-

trolled burn in areas that DO NOT require fire permits.

Please notify the County office if you are planning to burn. This in-

formation will be forwarded to the Fire chief to assist in determining

the level of response required if a fire callout is received.

For more information, please contact Audrey at 780-685-3925.

B u r n i n g i n N o n - P e r m i t

A r e a s

P a g e 1 7 V o l u m e 1 4 , I s s u e 4

Saturday (April 9) morning at

the Dave Shaw Memorial


It all starts at 8:00 a.m. and runs until

10:00 a.m. The cost is a toonie. Come

and enjoy a great breakfast before vis-

iting the Clear Hills County Annual Agri-

cultural Trade Show.

Don’t Forget your



The County has residential and commer-

cial lots for sale in the hamlet of Worsley

and Cleardale.

For more information contact the Coun-

ty office at 780-685-3925.

C e m e t e r y G r a n t

Does your organization look after a cemetery in the County?

Have you applied for your 2016 grant? The County offers a

$500 annual unconditional grant for cemetery maintenance

and improvements. If you

haven't applied for your grant

yet contact the County office

for an application form. There

is NO application deadline.

Contact the County office for more information.

Page 18: Volume 14, Issue 4 April 2016 - Clear Hills County · Interested applicants may submit their resume along with current driver’s abstract to Public Works Department, Clear Hills

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When asked “where does food come from?”, too many kids say the grocery store. The classroom Agricul-

ture Program (CAP) is trying to change that. CAP has been around since 1985 during that 30 years, more

than 600,000 grade four students have participated in the program. These students have learned where

their food really comes from and why agriculture is important to Alberta.

The Vision of CAP is: “To provide students with quality, comprehensive agriculture learning experiences

that lead to a greater understanding of and support for the agriculture industry in Alberta”. We do this

through a volunteer base of about 300 people who work in the agriculture industry. Our volunteers are

the real strength of CAP. A class may have presentations from a veterinarian, someone who works on a

chicken farm, someone who owns a grain farm, works in a soil lab, or runs a country grain elevator. As you

can see the variety of professions in agriculture is large and varied. In addition to the volunteer presenta-

tion each student also receives an “Activity Booklet”. The booklet is full of puzzles and games. Each of our

commodity members has a page in the booklet. Our members are Alberta Barley, Alberta Beef, Alberta

Canola, Alberta Chicken, Alberta Institute of Agrologists, Alberta Irrigation Projects, Alberta Milk, Alberta

Pork, Alberta Pulse Growers, Alberta Veterinary Medical Association, Alberta Wheat, Eastern Irrigation

District, and the Egg Farmers of Alberta, and our partner is Agriculture For Life.

CAP is endorsed by the Minister of Education and the

Minister of Agriculture and Forestry. This year, we are

honoured to be chosen as the winner for the 2015

Friends of Education Award, given out by the Alberta

School Boards Association.

If you would like to become a part of CAP, either as a volunteer, member, or partner, or if you would like more information, please contact Don George, General Manager of CAP by phone at 587-877-2544 or email [email protected]

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C l e a r H i l l s C o u n t y A g r i c u l t u r a l

T r a d e S h o w

P a g e 2 8

On Wednesday, April 19, 1995 the newly named Municipal District of Clear Hills No. 21 held its first Agricultural Trade Fair.

Council members Leslie Davis, Telly Burrell, Dennis McLarty, Ernie Bass, Ron Lundgard and Mike Ratzick directed administration

staff to organize the first annual Trade Fair and Farmer Appreciation in Hines Creek. Agricultural Service Board members at the

time were Ernie Bass as Chairman, Leslie Davis as Advisory Councillor, Linde Schwerdt as a member-at-large and Charles Layher

as a member-at-large. Being the first Agricultural Trade Fair, the Agricultural Services staff would have had more than a few

obstacles to overcome. Agricultural Fieldman of the day was Barry Kolenosky, he with his staff Doug Richardson, Marilyn Ray,

Council secretary Karen Basnett and the rest of the MD of Clear Hills staff organized a great fair. Over 300 people attended the

supper (at $4 per plate) and 600-700 went through the fair.

Now 22 years later several changes have been made. The pancake breakfast was added, as was the evening dance, the dance is

now organized by the Hines Creek & District Agricultural Society. The venue expanded into the curling rink of the Dave Shaw

Memorial Complex, which had a dirt floor for the first few years. The first trade fair was held on a Wednesday from 1:00 p.m.—

9:00 p.m. and included educational sessions on trees, minimum tillage and drying herbs. At some point the show was moved to

Friday & Saturday and eventually it stayed on the Saturday as a one day show. In 2006, Clear Hills became a County and the MD

of Clear Hills No. 21 Ag Trade Fair is now become the Clear Hills County Agricultural Trade Show. From 52 exhibitors in 1995, we

now had over 80 booths in 2016.

Despite the many changes over the years the Trade Show has seen some things remain the same. The community support has

been outstanding. Many exhibitors keep coming back year after year, here are a few from 1995 (many have changed names): 4-

H District Council (Montagneuse 4-H Multi-Club), Farm Credit Corporation (Farm Credit Canada), Agriculture Financial Services

Corporation (AFSC), Treasury Branch of Alberta (ATB), Ram Motors (Campbell Chrysler), Fivestar Equipment (Prairie Coast

Equipment), UFA, Fairview & District Credit Union (Servus Credit Union), Hines Creek & District Agricultural Society and Houlder

Farm Supply (Rocky Mountain Equipment).

Just like in 1995, admission to the show is free. It’s still in the same place—Dave Shaw Memorial Complex in Hines Creek. The

date is Saturday, April 9, 2016. Breakfast starts at 8:00 a.m. and the Trade Show opens at 10:00 a.m.

Join us at the 22nd Annual Clear Hills County Agricultural Trade Show Saturday, April 9, 2016.

C l e a r H i l l s C o u n t y

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adopt healthy lifestyles, improve

quality of life and build the capac-

ity to prevent or deal with crisis

situation should they arise. For

more information contact Audrey

at 780-685-3925.

The Family and Community Support

Services Grant is intended to pro-

vide funding support for community

organizations and individuals that

deliver social programs that are pre-

ventable in nature to promote and

enhance well being among individu-

als, families and communities.

These programs help individuals to

F C S S G r a n t — D e a d l i n e J u n e 1 5 t h

I n s i d e S t o r y H e a d l i n e

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Transfer Station Changes

As of May 1st the Transfer Station

hours will change back to summer


Please see page 32 for more

C l e a r H i l l s C o u n t y

Page 31: Volume 14, Issue 4 April 2016 - Clear Hills County · Interested applicants may submit their resume along with current driver’s abstract to Public Works Department, Clear Hills

around the world.

The numbers tell the story.

In 2013, 902 workplace

deaths were recorded in

Canada. While it’s lowest

total since 2000 when 882

fatalities were recorded, this

number still represents 2.47

deaths every single day.

The Canadian flag on Parlia-

ment Hill will fly half-mast.

Workers will light candles,

don ribbons and black arm-

bands and observe mo-

ments of silence.

N a t i o n a l D a y o f M o u r n i n g —

A p r i l 2 8

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The National Day of Mourn-

ing, held annually on April

28, was officially recognized

by the federal government in

1991, eight years after the

day of remembrance was

launched by the Canadian

Labour Congress. The Day of

Mourning has since spread

to about 80 countries


Should people attend your residence asking for directions or claiming to be lost, please:

1. Take note of their physical description—approximate age, height, weight, gender,

ethnicity, facial features like glasses, beards, tattoos, scars, etc. and any names used

along with;

2. Noting the vehicle description such as: make, model, color and, only if safe to di so, the license plate


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C l e a r H i l l s C o u n t y


Parent’s Name: _______________________________________

Phone: ______________________________________________

Mailing Address:

Category: __Preschool __K-1st grade __2nd-3rd grade __4th-5th grade __6th grade & over

Color the farm safety poster and mail to the Clear Hills County office by April15th.

Winner of the February

contest was

Mathew Driedger


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Worsley Pioneer

Club is seeking new


Ideas for new activities are wel-


Questions please contact

Ann Kozack 780-685-2264

Teddy Baldry 780-685-3957

Many Islands Campground

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Many Islands Campground is seeking qualified individuals for our campground Caretaker Posi-tion.

Applicants who will be considered for our seasonal position must be willing to work on weekends and all peak holidays from May 1st to October 16th, 2016. Must own a pick-up or vehicle with trail-er and must live on-site from Friday to Sunday and all holiday Mondays.

If you are interested in working at Many Islands Campground please send resumes by email to [email protected] or mail to Many Islands Recreational Development Society, Box 152, Worsley, AB., T0H3W0.

Annual General Meeting

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

@ 7:30 p.m. at the Fire Hall in Worsley, Alberta

New members welcomed

Summer Students

Grounds Keeper and Museum Yard Attendant

Apply in writing by June 1st to:

Worsley Historical & Cultural Association

Box 333, Worsley, AB T0H 3W0

For more information call 685-2403

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C l e a r H i l l s C o u n t y

Worsley & District Library

780-685-3842 www.worsleylibrary.ab.ca.

Worsley & District Library, housed in Worsley

Central School, offers library services to the

public the following days:

Tuesdays & Fridays-8:00 am to 4:00 pm

The library is also opened before school and at noon hour on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please call ahead to confirm that

the library is open.

As this is a school, we ask that patrons check in at the school office prior to coming into the


Your opinion matters to us. If you have read a book that you found particularly interesting and would like to promote it, why not drop us a line [email protected] and tell us the

book title, author, and what you found enjoya-ble about the book. Your comments will be included on our library webpage at the ad-dress as well as on our Facebook page at


We gratefully accept donations of gently used

books and magazines.

Worsley Pioneer Club

The Worsley Pioneer Club hosts

a Seniors Social every Wednes-

day afternoon from 1-4 pm.

Activities include: card

games, floor curling, and more.

Join us for coffee and conver-


Hines Creek Arts & Craft

Meeting Room

To book the room call Gail at

780-494-3290 or 780-772-1155

Church Services

Worsley Baptist Church

Sunday School - 10:00 am

Sunday Services -11:00 am & 7:00


Wednesday Night Service - 7:00


Worsley United Church

No Regular Services

Contact: Delores Hudak 780-685-


Cleardale Gospel Chapel

Sunday Service - 11:00 am

Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish

Catholic Church

Sunday Service 1:00 pm

All Saints Ukrainian

Catholic Church

every second Sunday 2:30 pm

Lighthouse Fellowship

Sunday Service 11:00 am

Pastor Daryl King

Mighty Peace Cowboy


Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday Service

7:00 p.m

At the Eureka River Hall

Pastor Gary Henderson

Hines Creek Senior’s

Drop in Rental

For bookings call: 780-835-1397

or 780-494-2333

Hines Creek Municipal


Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday

10:00 am—6:00 pm

Located in the Village of Hines

Creek office building.


Hines Creek Golf

& Country Club

9 Hole Green Grass

Rental Carts/ Full Kitchen/

Mini Pro Shop

Private Campsites & Public


Open Tee Times Every day

from May to September

Book Tee Times for Private

Functions: Company staff

parties, family reunions,


Clubhouse: 780-494-2217

Email: [email protected]

Bear Point Community

Library Hours

Monday through Thursday

10:00 am—3:00 pm

Menno Simons Community

Library Hours

Monday Closed

Tuesday 1:00 pm—4:00 pm;

7:00 p.m.—9:00 p.m.

Wednesday to be announced

Thursday 1:00 p.m.—4:00 p.m.

Friday 8:30 a.m.—4:00 p.m.

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Page 40: Volume 14, Issue 4 April 2016 - Clear Hills County · Interested applicants may submit their resume along with current driver’s abstract to Public Works Department, Clear Hills

Box 240

Worsley, AB T0H 3W0

Phone: 780-685-3925

Fax: 780-685-3960

Email: [email protected]

Allan Rowe

Chief Administrative Officer

Lori Jobson

Corporate Services Manager

Ron Jensen

Public Works Manager

Audrey Bjorklund

Community Development Manager

We’re on the web




[email protected]

Division #1— Miron Croy

Box 1315, Fairview, AB T0H 1L0

Phone: 780-596-2187

Division #2—Peter Frixel

Box 552, Hines Creek, AB T0H 2A0

Phone: 780-494-2467

Division #3—Lee Svederus

Box 37, Eureka River, AB T0H 1K0


Division #4—Jason Ruecker, Deputy Reeve

Box 205 Worsley, AB T0H 3W0

Phone: 780-685-2144

Division #5—Jake Klassen, Reeve

Box 67, Cleardale, AB T0H 3Y0

Phone: 780-685-2584

Fax: 780-685-2705

Division #6—Dan Fletcher

Box 53, Cleardale, AB T0H 3Y0

Phone: 780-835-0658

Division #7—Charles Johnson

Box 22, Cherry Point, AB T0H 0T0

Phone: 780-595-2294

Agricultural Service Board


Brian Harcourt—Chairperson


Baldur Ruecker – Deputy Chair


Stan Logan—Member at Large


Jake Klassen—Councilor


Leslie Davis—Member at Large


MacKay Ross—Member at Large


Fire Trailer Locations

Bear Canyon—Water Plant

NW 22 83 12 W6M

Cleardale—Water Plant

SW 11 85 10 W6M


Clear Prairie—Jim Evans

SW 34 87 10 W6M


Deerhill—Ken Knoepfli

NW 9 84 2 W6M


Eureka River—Lee Franklin

NE 24 86 6 W6M


Royce—Melvin Worobetz

SE 16 83 6 W6M


Whitelaw—Bill Wald

SW 28 83 1 W6M


Montagneuse Valley

Percy Stephenson yard

SE 36 85 5 W6M

Jim 780-494-2458

County Transfer Site Hours—May 1st to September 30th All Transfer Sites are closed on Sunday

Transfer Site Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Bear Canyon 12:00 pm

8:00 pm

closed closed closed closed closed

Clear Prairie closed closed closed 4:00 pm

8:00 pm

closed closed

Cleardale closed 11:00 am

3:00 pm

closed closed closed 12:00 pm

8:00 pm



closed closed closed closed 12:00 pm

8:00 pm


Eureka River closed closed 12:00 pm

8:00 pm

closed closed closed

Hines Creek closed closed closed closed closed 8:00 am

5:00 pm

Royce closed closed closed 12:00 pm

8:00 pm

closed closed

Whitelaw closed closed closed closed closed 12:00 pm

8:00 pm

Worsley closed 4:00 pm

8:00 pm

closed closed 12:00 pm

8:00 pm
