vol, xxi hq z ceii1v sjate gains by riparian rent ......fiorci) tho inluliuuiu prdinlum was usu-ally...

VOL, XXI HQ 28 \? CRANFORD, N. J.. THURSDAY, SBPTfcMBgR 5, 1018 THRBB CENTS "Z CEII1V Liberty Loan Anticipation Deoemljer « Tho Banks have been called upon by tho Oovemment to purchase Certificates of Indebtedness , | n anticipation of tbo Fonrth Liberty Loan Thu bank, believing it to be ita patri6tic duty to respond to thu call, will take its full quota of these Certificates from time to time as the I • • jmftlansj FSJl inArtS) WPIBWBI • • S m i g l l •lmpiflii ! • S m i i m n I I I>| I I -x»?»H»r»i !•««••• iuwmiiiilniia i • i To the people of this community, who have responded so loyally •n purchasing past issues of Liberty Bond*, and whu expect to take bonds of the .Fourth Loan, uml jn threa wl,,. i... H^i™ » . w. .; m . Uovernment investment, we rocotnmond tlm purchase o/Uliow Certifi- cates, which wo will supply in denominations of |£00, 11,000 and upward!!, without profit' to this bank. CRANFORD TRUST COMPANY PHONE pNE-THREE OSTEOPATHY DR. I v & 1NGERS0LL, SJATE GAINS BY RIPARIAN RENTS TSiSwnidT^ntKMu^iTtyiuwSawT "Howard AVoW. tenant'; 'Mrs. Anna Fwy, Arthur Frey, tenant; those of the MbJ«e» JM9& and Chnttie Clihe. During Six Months Department 6f Commerce and Navigation Approves 32 Leases. GRANTS IN FEE STOPPED. Station—Oovemment NotlfleaOwn- ers of 1,700 Acre* Near SUwarts- —vW» to VacaU-by- Sept. 16. Tn-nton.—Under , tho new ''state rlpnrlan policy whereby riparian land* an- n-iitod for limited periods Instead »>f given uwuy 08 Jjrpntg In fee Now Ji'rwy U IICIIIR enriched at tho rate.of, nbout JHOOO a )i-w. During the past xlx months the state department of eomnu'rep and navigation Ima annrov- «l 82 louses,.nml at their expiration In GO jearo the slute will havd received more. tjMii. linlf a million dollars In rrntiils. •-••- -' ~. The'' old .riparian^ gmnts s|n fejedld. not "tuba liifo consldfratTon'iiie'lin- nicnSr..Milne of riparian lands, so tho of last' yenr,following a s i IIIM iiiOB8n«u. paSiHHi.n permis- sive, act providing Mr a. !PUBO .system under which al! -ylparian^^rtporty. would remain an stole propflrtyitd're^ vert to tho state at.ttie expiration of i ni'oro than-CO years, and at tht end of >20, 80, "40 and SO year periods of the lenses the state Is In a position, to step In and rovnluo tb6-prV>perty : -kna r - : ln- crensc tho rentals on a capital sum to represent the value of the property leased. The rental price ts T per cent. of every ]C } earache ..stale will re- col\e the capital or. sale price In ren- talRjnd' still rrtaln Htlo to the rlpa- rlnn land; j^r.' - . The S2_iensos now In effect repre- sent miles of riparian frontage, and JACOB KLEIN Potter Building—-^--- MEATS and PROVISIONS , - AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES. • - * ALL KINDS OF SEA FOOD. * . J. Telephone orders will receive prompt attention. Te!.-83 'accumulation of rentals will swell the total tncomo ijro.m the. present 82 le&CB to more than a; million dollara In 09 Veara | • ' . I •••..''" ••*•'- DlBcujuilnR tbo new rental system, (Jovuruor-UdKi!. said;' •-. '• GRASSIVIAN & KRiEM \, ERNEST L MEYER, Incorporated Estabhiliort 1.850 ~ '(SUCCESSORS TC*f*©WARD MOSHERI _„ j Masonic Building, Cranford, N. J. Offices j anyroad atreati Elizabeth, N. J. that the three.j:hlet_B<!h. these: First, the state,'by rwoluatlon In tlie 20, 80, 40-and 60- year periods, shares In the advance' In values of shoro front properties during'the llfo of the lease ;«econd,_thoBtato obtains a return of 7 por cent.* per unnuin oh the capital'sum during the life of- tho IPIISU, and, third, at tho'end-ofBO years nil of tho lund leased, with tho Im- provements thereon, reverts to the state." . . .•-.• : --<- • •--• L %' • : Jeraay Aerta) Station., Owners of so\'crol farms In a group of 14 io tho Stewartsyllle section of Warren county have heen notlfled/by tho government that their land JB.to he taken over for uao aaftlarge/naval ptorago andaerial station. It hi the In- tention to build n number of store- houses, each 200 by .000'feet, and. to Juue,. 2,000 j Anna Clltie, Winner Datrymjite, ten- ant: NlttKlemug Warne," K. a Brill. Grant Shoemaker, Charles Apgur, John Inscho, tenant; Fred Miuubcr, H Frank Cllne^ StewaVt Wolf, tenant; .' Mllltl* for Horn*' Daftnn." In ordor not to disrupt tho present state mllltlii, wlilt'h forms the HrM defense of New- Jerwy. "dovernor Edge has suggested to (he war depart- LJ lhat V flcatloii under tho new enrollmeut act. The Koyurnor pointed out that the i ^ ' . for th« innln- uf a ummiuil guunl In iliuii of peace has been accentuated by thu war. ,•' .-••""'- : " .-. . _--.' . Although not seeking any specinl oomvBalom for tho mmiliers of the state rnllltia, or. for New Jtrrspy, <lciy» ernor Kdjjo remarked Mint uuusuul ro- Hponnlbiltty now rests upon tlie gov- ernors of all slates, ono oi thfNo. ui'liij; the protection of lives and property, through' the ninlnt.oimnn? of"dt'fuuxn organisations. As vlowivl by the gov- ernor, the operation of tho nowB<>lfi'- tlve service Bet *wcmld niitoniatlciilly disrupt the stuto nillliln Which him ^eetrfoWuetl "to iiikQ^tKiT'p'iXSe Of''tlic' old: natlonul guard. _ '. ' $ Ooveruor Bilgq tnhdo It plnln thnt ho would not niiiko nny. nmiKi'stUuiR which' wouldr result In alfordlhit tocllOn to -uttckora,' with whom ho dt> clarod- N»w JorMuy haB no sympathy. ~ -~ bSVIStS "aWsaf-li: pohBlblllfy tin" suggested doferrrd claiislflratlon mlnlil =bff•WvJiTti>"iHeflr IB Tiiid^HITsTSa III the fltnte militia prior to a diito to be fixed bythe War Diipartraont. Thin courtto Is similar to that pursufid _ln the CasR of the old nulloiml gunfd, the brganlaitlon of which was pro- tected until the various ufilta had. been fedenllted. : '• . ' jzlng tho itato mllltla wan jt by the governor In olfurlns the sugges- tlon that many units of the state inlllUa might bo Available, for fedeml Service In their entirety. : He-drd not- prtsg. this Suggestion, assuming thnt th« war department would work oat a general plan applicable' to such or- eanlwtlor,s In New Je_mey tirnl othet '»ffr'Thi"lblt¥¥n5irre J TK: J irreeKer ndr's apt>efti was that opportunity should Iw vtn'B tho «taUfe>.r»coup Its liifwes frdiir the stato nilllila'-by iissssia^juliflaiUsaieiuiificfc gnulratlop. .and r^mnfl (h» formation Of an entirely pow ono. ' . » ^ jf^rpflteerlnp In Walnut ,'•* of 'the' New Jfmoy of Conservation and IV- vetopmt'irt hiiirtM.vir cnll«l to Uio fact (lint many ouja-rs of black—walnut uro asking prk-oH f»p their trees Much higher Uian thoso Hied by tho Wur Industries-Board. _ * for firms holding government con- tracts, who buy tho walnut direct. , prii»ou p^r tt"")^nni| board feet toft good walnut logs eight .feet and up lif loiiuth on board mllroiid ciirs ar» given bolow. Tha rViwrtinwit of ObuwrvHtlon and Dovetopiiii'nt Has nothing* to do with prlron pr Hales.: Dluuiotor. I'Hco. ,' •f 12 to 'H In"..... : .MS )i) »M . in to 10 In ..... - . . Wi/to US 17 to 11) In ........ (IO 7!5 , ' 10 to 20 In ....... 73 to 85 - 21 to i2 lii.. R.1 to 115 . Z\ to24' I if ...... '. (into10,1 ' .,,. 2iS to L'll In, r."..'. .10,'i to 115 . . - 27 to 28 In. 1 ..... .115 tV -. ' 20 tnTHTTrir;r,Tr'.T : 5!rni ill lin'lioH mid up. ,.13!5 to.lfiO Jersey Employers Favored. A Htiitoiui'iit «( Hit work tor tin- yi'iir pro^IJtHjf-i,^,!!—!^,,^ i,j. ihi);Ci>iiii>eiisiillon KittIMK" mttl lnfi|iut'tluii lliiii'iiu uf Hie •.WlliU' .ihjiuii'liiient^of hilmr -twrvllig un- der thu '\Viiikineii"M Vumpi'iiNiilliin. lii'-' ctiitli'B of imtjiiiliHiiiiig nilrt. sliiuiiiirdH tlio roitort MiiyH "thu iiiliilnmiii prenil- Uum uh*(fctlvo In thlH Htnlv 'nra.niore fnvorulile taf.tho v'liiployer tliiin' those gunelully (>ITcCUvu-uIstiwlier(.v" I'nrt of the. .work of the. bureau conr. '«Utud in revlewliiR mid tiling 70,(KST wurklucn'B CTiiutienmitliin IKOICICB mid plants or working places In Ilio Htuto for .tho purpoMu of nicrlt rating or clas- Bltli'iltlnll, Ingi.Qiitr Vf\\j\ (| of 2.1100 intrlt ' of 2.100 intrlt nitcH. ; .. . Tlio uueBtloirof mlnlinum mlcB huro h l i i (.Illllcult, Uiu stutuineiii ««ys, ' ' V " uocatuo therequirement sztends «vea to thoeiuployer of only one person for ' iia vmploycr naturally fads Uwt he abuuld ba-ablo to geUibl ptotsctloa *t. tho prtco which the larger t i d Is nenrly us great ft#-for the' rlik, whllo In tho first case this inltlu'. eipenw! of plnclng the business <$n Uie books, Is not spread over a largo premium, as It Is In the seconds" lleforo conipensulloa. laws were In fiorci) tho inluliuuiu prDinlum was Usu- ally $23,.except fpr a contracting risk, fur which thu premium was custom- ^ C B O J U . Jior^t. io 120. This was advanced under thu 1U17 mnnuiil mid suhtivqiicntly rtSt iil, t'Xtvpt thnt no premluni WIIH re- beluiw >TO ~ Tlie NIIIIOHHI, encu Ouuiuilttee: on Workmen's Com- I>enfiutlnn ltntes then rucuiiuueiulod Ilio fiirinula, "mliilmum premium equulB |8 1>1UM ten tltiion inanuul rule." Thin, nc- cording'to the re|k.rt, Is equtvi^loltt to n .chiirgi) of $8 io cuter the cxpenso of piiichig irptillc) ilium tlm bookH In ad- dition to a premium chnrgo ui»onthe" pny roll of .J1,000. Aniodltled form WUH iiniihived In tlilH stnto, und It la thin which 1Mili'diired "to K'VO Now Jerwy ciiiplojei-H the udvantiico. . The Btiiti'ini'iit foneludeM by Buying: It IHbelieved l|ml tho llxed dllllcilltleii In Bocurlng iiiiiipcnnutlon rco\(>rngo luivc'iiiiv^lieeii removed pnrtly thnmuli tho lueiUuui of tho "Auxocliiteil dnu- puiiU'H," nil iirKiintziitlou nuiBlMtliig of tt'ii xloek I'limiuKy coiupiiiileB, ICurly In the yeni- 101S thlH UHMOCIIIIIOII nn- iiitiiii'iHl that IIH imtinhont wero In u puHl'tlun tl> IICfl>pt tllONO ClllKHt'H Of rlsk» which hlthertii Imd hwn deRlg- imted ns-on tho "prohibited Us!" not only In N<nv Jiirney,, but elHuwhero throughout tho UnltiH] Blutcs. Tha Janitors Wont Kick. "I am afnUd of this daylight sav- ing plan." ."Bocnuso Uioy won't stop with net- Ung tho clocks ahoad; Umy will bo monkeying, with—tho—Ihwinomutera iioit What will we do It they put 70 degrees down to 00 degrees la the winter Umor—The Lamb. - J WINDOW SHADES PICTURE FRAHES i - - BIRTHDAY CARDS , TALLY CARDS LINOLEUM T - • - GRAY_BURIAL & CREMATION CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND <MBAtMERS WII.UAM N. QUAY, PresMtnf FUEDEHICK H.(HtAyrS«r»Ui7TreMirer ' Cn.nfonl.N.J, Tlephoneft! . W.^tlltli/N t. Telephone Nominate a Successful American Business Man for Congress •. i • * a man whose loyalt; ^~a^candidale-whd has faithfully served the ptablic. FOR a widely traveled observer of business in nearly 100 countries. Loyalty Business Ability Legislative Experience ERNEST R.ACKERMAN of l'Ulnflt-lil, K^ r H»ali|liDui.Caii'itirtntr f«r Nam .•. 4EM^R~HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES from. !>>«• hiflh < nn«Tr«.l..ii»i Ill««r1rt »f Hfw . . for (be trrni lirtcimilua; Mareh 4. IN THE PRIMARIES, TUESDAY, SEPT.^24^1918, 12j30 TO 9 P. IvL Expert Furniture and Piano Movers Packer! and Shippers W^tfield L the surveys for whlcHhave beensi od. ..." - :,..-•: ^: .... S ' - For eomo tlrao^thero-hftvo-beo.iirh^ roors-abnut the uso.to. which land In this jtoctlon was to be put, butriotun- til last week, when an ensign served nottce on the farmers thai'their land would bo taken ttnd thut they. mu»t va- cate by September 10, was'It known definitely Just what.was contemplated. HicjitaOoD. Is to be taioWn ^ as the Phllllpsburg Naval IuieryeTipa Aerial Station, »nd It was'Bto'ted by the en-- Mm that the blUproyldtng.the appro- The land to be taken, comprising about 1,700 ncres, .will not b* bought by the government,- but; will be" ased" on n rental and damage basis, with an Warehouses 17 and 19-Prospect St. and __ft8 and 440 North Ave. t.\VBSTFIBLp, r N.J. FURNITURE: BQUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED option to continue' the,uso untl^ year Qfter the war ts over. Tho-lmpresslon, "was given by the ensign that'the con- stnictlon of Jthis station .and the new: building work thb^fovernment contem-: plnt<y^_for -I^IUIpshurg would double 1 the population of Phllllpsburg In-two yeor».-«The government. Is planning -tt " i S e T O P B n g houfips In 8tewartBvllle,-as wctl main Phllllpsburg. ••"'•' " : V The site was chosen because of Its Inland location and because of the rail connDCtlons t h t l b t e T n I r An "American (^f theearl let slock. 'His ancestors came to this country. long before the Re*** Jultonary War and took a prominent part in; ih: activiticsiof-ihc: country. - .•"•'•?•• Educated In the publfc.schoors of Pliiinllcld. > .-. : ; , •.*'• ' ' [ ^fl..y "GracJuited from Plalrificld HiKh Schbol[ tmf/ . / . .: MEMBER OF —President U*r<ncc Portland Cement Cpjrfpnny. ' ,., Enfrineorn 1 Club. -A. Member Phllnfjeld Common Council; ••/ ". ,. ' Onton I^>»KUO CTub. - t •; "i •,-••», c. T ' i? irin^TTTM -~ V "Y Scout Council. Plalnnrtd. -v Member of the NeWJersey State ^Senate;—JBQE»TS12.-i2:.r. r-—. ^ - - •'•'* _ ^President offoeSenatcr-1911,"when His lixdcircucy," ' ^'i^n'iUn M»ch»nlml : : foodrow Wilson, wai Govcrnof,-: . \ ' ; finWJU 4 ch. m b.r .f Cn,: 1 -.-' Appointed delegate Iq Republican 'Natlonnl': Convention '.-.••• ymhrCT. vvuBhinirton^D. a_ "' - JB12. and elected deieBa'tc"io^Republic»n convention,., . "irfi, ; ,rirtant Anntn|ttp« . Mer- , iffloV ••-"-.'••'. ••—..- •* r ......... 'ehmita' AiiiijOclntliin, Nuw York, 7^ Served tifAcllng^Covirhor of ^fty^Je^8f•V. ~ ;. for W»r Bavinis* Blamimnnd s T«^pSf^«^Io7er?ftte D ^^ -•;• Father of Civil Service law In NewJersey. . A»»ociiitlon vt 1 "* ^ s\ _ ua«.<laMi'ii«Ad A*t«a> |(I»JIA dtMArnuitp . nf IJI As manuficturer andj large employer of labor h«a hnd ^ ; i very; successful xp-operatfonVof;hls employees for a quarter of a century.: • C ^ . Asiocidtlon vt r.id, A«iocl»to:Am«r^ Bgd«t»_ «t ;fi?: - ;v;r,..' QBE Who ati^serving theiaiors abroad and at hojnc'mnst have thi beat 6f care from Congress•;,Thjs way toJosur^tiKir wel- -fare;W.comfort while th^wiB'in flervic^ as well as afier the dme of th'e war.'fa-by notninatirig arid electing those who have always shown a^eep, lively and ?ympath5|c1u^%t'towai3 tfwn. Stewartsvllle, with the Lehlgh Valley and Central roads near Alpha and with_ the Pennflylvnnla-and UwrEehigh and Hudson at PhlUlpsburij,"?" v i ::. Farmers whose property Is affected havo been told no|J^to;a^j(;law» -c^rops nod to make'w^at.'tlOgress cap toward har*eflttng r those, ncc the ground before:S«(&t«n>-^ *"•'• farms to be taken* allot,j Qreenwich TowBihlfcV*' ^ l U T Y T O CONGRESS ^ 0

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  • VOL, XXI HQ 28\?


    "Z CEII1V

    Liberty Loan Anticipation

    Deoemljer «

    Tho Banks have been called upon by tho Oovemment to purchaseCertificates of Indebtedness , |n anticipation of tbo Fonrth Liberty LoanThu bank, believing it to be ita patri6tic duty to respond to thu call,will take its full quota of these Certificates from time to time as the

    I • • jmftlansj FSJl inArtS) WPIBWBI • • S m i g l l •lmpiflii ! • S m i i m n I • I I>| I I -x»?»H»r»i ! •««• • • iuwmiiiilniia i • • i

    To the people of this community, who have responded so loyally•n purchasing past issues of Liberty Bond*, and whu expect to takebonds of the .Fourth Loan, uml jn threa wl,,. i . . . H^i™ » . w . . ; m .

    Uovernment investment, we rocotnmond tlm purchase o/Uliow Certifi-cates, which wo will supply in denominations of |£00, 11,000 andupward!!, without profit' to this bank.





    TSiSwnidT^ntKMu^iTtyiuwSawT"Howard AVoW. tenant'; 'Mrs. AnnaFwy, Arthur Frey, tenant; those ofthe MbJ«e» JM9& and Chnttie Clihe.

    During Six Months Department 6f

    Commerce and Navigation

    Approves 32 Leases.


    Station—Oovemment Notlflea Own-ers of 1,700 Acre* Near SUwarts-

    — v W » to VacaU-by- Sept. 16.

    Tn-nton.—Under , tho new ''staterlpnrlan policy whereby riparian land*an- n-iitod for limited periods Instead»>f given uwuy 08 Jjrpntg In fee NowJi'rwy U IICIIIR enriched at tho rate.of,nbout JHOOO a )i-w. During the pastxlx months the state department ofeomnu'rep and navigation Ima annrov-«l 82 louses,.nml at their expiration InGO jearo the slute will havd receivedmore. tjMii. linlf a million dollars Inrrntiils. •-••- - ' ~.

    The'' old .riparian^ gmnts s|n fejedld.not "tuba liifo consldfratTon'iiie'lin-nicnSr..Milne of riparian lands, so tho

    of last' yenr,following a

    s i IIIM iiiOB8n«u. paSiHHi.n permis-sive, act providing Mr a. !PUBO .systemunder which al! -ylparian^^rtporty.would remain an stole propflrtyitd're^vert to tho state at.ttie expiration of

    ini'oro than-CO years, and at tht end of

    >20, 80, "40 and SO year periods of thelenses the state Is In a position, to stepIn and rovnluo tb6-prV>perty:-knar-:ln-crensc tho rentals on a capital sum torepresent the value of the propertyleased. The rental price ts T per cent.

    of every ]C } earache ..stale will re-col\e the capital or. sale price In ren-talRjnd' still rrtaln Htlo to the rlpa-rlnn land; j^r.' - •. The S2_iensos now In effect repre-sent miles of riparian frontage, and

    JACOB KLEINPotter Building—-^---


    ALL KINDS OF SEA FOOD. * . J.Telephone orders will receive prompt attention. Te!.-83

    'accumulation of rentals will swell thetotal tncomo ijro.m the. present 82le&CB to more than a; million dollaraIn 09 V e a r a | • ' . I •••. . ' '" ••*•'-

    DlBcujuilnR tbo n e w r e n t a l s y s t e m ,(Jovuruor-UdKi!. s a i d ; ' •-. '•

    GRASSIVIAN & KRiEM\ , ERNEST L MEYER, Incorporated

    Estabhiliort 1.850


    _ „ j Masonic Building, Cranford, N. J.Offices j anyroad a t r e a t i Elizabeth, N. J.

    that the three.j:hlet_B

    these: First, the state,'by rwoluatlonIn tlie 20, 80, 40-and 60- year periods,shares In the advance' In values ofshoro front properties during'the llfoof the lease ;«econd,_thoBtato obtainsa return of 7 por cent.* per unnuin ohthe capital'sum during the life of- thoIPIISU, and, third, at tho'end-ofBO yearsnil of tho lund leased, with tho Im-provements thereon, reverts to thestate." . . .•-.•:--iiii>eiisiillon

    KittIMK" mttl lnfi|iut'tluii lliiii'iiu uf Hie•.WlliU' .ihjiuii'liiient^of hilmr -twrvllig un-der thu '\Viiikineii"M Vumpi'iiNiilliin. lii'-'

    ctiitli'B of imtjiiiliHiiiiig nilrt. sliiuiiiirdHtlio roitort MiiyH "thu iiiliilnmiii prenil-Uum uh*(fctlvo In thlH Htnlv 'nra.niorefnvorulile taf.tho v'liiployer tliiin' thosegunelully (>ITcCUvu-uIstiwlier(.v"

    I'nrt of the. .work of the. bureau conr.'«Utud in revlewliiR mid tiling 70,(KSTwurklucn'B CTiiutienmitliin IKOICICB mid

    plants or working places In Ilio Htutofor .tho purpoMu of nicrlt rating or clas-Bltli'iltlnll, Ingi.Qiitr Vf\\j\ (|of 2.1100 intrlt 'of 2.100 intrlt nitcH. ; . .

    . Tlio uueBtloirof mlnlinum mlcB huroh l i i (.Illllcult, Uiu stutuineiii ««ys,

    ' ' V "

    uocatuo the requirement sztends «veato tho eiuployer of only one person for '

    iia vmploycr naturally fads Uwt heabuuld ba-ablo to geUibl ptotsctloa * t .tho prtco which the larger

    t i dIs nenrly us great ft#-for the'rlik, whllo In tho first case thisinltlu'. eipenw! of plnclng the business1UM ten tltiion inanuul rule." Thin, nc-cording'to the re|k.rt, Is equtvi^loltt ton .chiirgi) of $8 io cuter the cxpenso ofpiiichig irptillc) ilium tlm bookH In ad-dition to a premium chnrgo ui»on the"pny roll o f .J 1,000. A niodltled formWUH iiniihived In tlilH stnto, und It lathin which 1M ili'diired "to K'VO NowJerwy ciiiplojei-H the udvantiico.. The Btiiti'ini'iit foneludeM by Buying:It IH believed l|ml tho llxed dllllcilltleiiIn Bocurlng iiiiiipcnnutlon rco\(>rngoluivc'iiiiv^lieeii removed pnrtly thnmulitho lueiUuui of tho "Auxocliiteil dnu-puiiU'H," nil iirKiintziitlou nuiBlMtliig oftt'ii xloek I'limiuKy coiupiiiileB, ICurlyIn the yeni- 101S thlH UHMOCIIIIIOII nn-iiitiiii'iHl that IIH imtinhont wero In u

    puHl'tlun tl> IICfl>pt tllONO ClllKHt'H Ofrlsk» which hlthertii Imd hwn deRlg-imted ns-on tho "prohibited Us!" notonly In N .-.: ; , •.*'• ' '[^fl..y "GracJuited from Plalrificld HiKh Schbol[ tmf/ . / . .: • M E M B E R O F

    —President U*r»KUO CTub. - t

    • ; " i • , -••» , • • • c. T ' i? irin^TTTM -~ V"Y Scout Council. Plalnnrtd.- v Member of the NeW Jersey State ^Senate;—JBQE»TS12.-i2:.r. r-—. ̂ - -

    •'•'* _ ^President of foe Senatcr-1911,"when His lixdcircucy," ' ̂ 'i^n'iUn M»ch»nlml: : foodrow Wilson, wai Govcrnof,-: . \ ' ; finWJU4 ch.mb.r .f Cn,:

    1 -.-' Appointed delegate Iq Republican 'Natlonnl': Convention '.-.••• ymhrCT. vvuBhinirton^D. a _"' - JB12. and elected deieBa'tc"io^Republic»n convention,., . "irfi,;,rirtant Anntn|ttp« . Mer-

    • , i f f l o V • • - " - . ' • • ' . ••—..- •* r . . . . . . . . . 'ehmita' AiiiijOclntliin, Nuw York,7^ Served tifAcllng^Covirhor of f̂ty^Jê 8f•V. ~ ;. for W»r Bavinis* Blamim nndsT«^pSf^«^Io7er?ftteD^^- • ; • Father of Civil Service law In New Jersey. . A»»ociiitlon vt

    1 "* ^ s\ _ ua«.

  • r


    Finds Million Are ConsumptiveNation*)TuboeukwU Awomtk* A i b for Pirns for

    Che-pet Hosntal BuOdmgi

    ITeed for increase of hospital facilities to accommodate tuberculouspNfflt, said to number more than a million in the United States, isasserted in a statement issued \>f the National Tuberculosis association.The statement says in part:t-i "It -%» recently" reported that the capital issues committee wouldprriba&lj net approve anytb.ingJv«weept the most inexpensive temporary

    Signs Forbidding Peasants --From Taking Potatoes, Plan ,

    To Induce Eating of Tubers

    duration of the war of any increase fn hospital acconunodatiops._ _ _ "Something more than a million persona are now^tiffering from thisdisease in tlie.United States, and the previous-shortage in accommodationshas been rendered more acute by the problem of providing proper carefor men rejected in the draftI " "We have gone into the question with the capital issues committeeand find that tho attitude of its members is one of open-mtndedncss. Theeommitt-a .ttoesjjiot ̂ tasj

    "61f"!)oii3s7or"frfef« which' eajfrexceeding $100,000. Permanent structureg/jniy.be approved if tlie differ-tucc in -coat iA--_tJx>oJargcu-..

    Although potatoes were early Intro-duced into Europe by the Spaniards,they did not come In quantity for manyyears. The English found them In Vir-ginia, but It l» believed that the Span-lards brought them to that colony fromfurther s^uth. • • - >

    The first attempt to lutrodnce theminto France was due to a well-knownscientific authority named ParuivutleivThis was in the seventeenth century,says Popular Science Monthly.. He Im-ported some of the plants, set tbem-out

    eld near Paris, mi by inetinsjif" pft_£hteis--Bd- tetk-wtat-t-a

    people tried to have the new vegetablebrought Into cultivation and the mar-ket. .

    But Itywas all In vain. Potatoes didnot prove attractive, and when theplanted ones matured It seemed thatthey would rot in the ground on'ac-count of the prejudice against them.

    Then some wise man who knew hu-

    jLiimiStartling Facts Revealed

    Treasury Department


    PrafltMring by Producers of CommonBad Enbugh In 1»1«T

    coal H n Pit* Up W«»lth.The PeoBsylvanla and West Ylr-

    glnlaaoft coal mralngeompanle* madeenormous excess profit* .In 1017, ac-cording to the report. The large com-panies all made proSta io t»10 rangingfrom 25 to 150 per cent

    la 1017 all of the larg» oltumtnouaoperator*, the report shows, maa« «n-usual profit*.- One-mine madt- UC28per cent on Its capital In 18J8 and 4^37per cent 10^4017. Another made 1^72per cent In 1810 and G£83 per* cent in

    T1017. "' ' " - w """Profits of the miacoptlpent bitumi-

    nous oporatora were smaller, averag-ing GO per cent.

    ln Mo«t InsUncei.

    "Plans and estimates as to the most economical types of permanentbuildings and of practicable temporary structures have been requested,to submit to the capital issues committee.


    Jim Vaughn Has a VariedAssortment of Curves and

    _ Is Puzzling Hard Hitters

    "Is Vaughn on great a pitcher a*Alexander?" IIMl.Klllcfer, who oughttn know a lireut deal about it, MIJSuY«s." Bill was fiio bnttary .mnte of.Alor the Great. Ho aUo liiji* olllcluted•xhlnil tlie plate donning tin- matte andtpniiRli'S when Hippo Is on tli{> hill.

    Bhtimon would ra4her »HPP utmostajlyonn oil the firing line tliun Vaughn.


    ____j, Aug. 17,—Amazing prof-Its In almost every browh of Ameri-can Industry were brought U>- lightwhen the treasury department com-pleted Its long-awalled report on prof-iteering. ^

    The report covers 31,500 corporn-" are

    peasants conld not be made to trypotatoes by persuasion, but might be

    defl to eat them. •Bis Idea was adopted. Many signs

    wens painted and erected In ptriln sight-,forbidding under severe penalties any-one from taking .any potatoes fromthe field.

    The peasants nt once began to raidthe hills, nnd before long most of thorlpa tubers were stolen and eaten withrelish. - —'

    For.sho ,must bol!.And miw mint broil.Ami dho mint toll,

    And for" Ihe (.ike 0C4I10

    Automatic Soldier MadeOf Steel Shoots 400 Shots

    the IJornh resort-Ion, pddpte* by thesenate after President Wllson.-w Ms

    «Uminwmua nd p27. declared that there was1 "abundantfuel foe tye Jljtht" In the treasury de-partment with regard to pioflteerlnK

    The treasury department takes thposition that It nouid be a Eolationof T>i|Ht1tig lâ V to make public tinnames of corporations and their earn-ings. The senate resolution ls_not nuf-flclent to sufspend tlio law; t't MOUIIrequire a Joint resolution, the treasur.departmeti'f holds.

    The mosf extraordinary proflteerlnfrevealed by the report was -In food

    I RtulTs. I'roducers of nearly nil th


    The big oil producing companies of

    vanla. Oh,io, Kentucky, Tennessee, andWest Virginia made from 28 to 896per cent In 1010 and enofmou8_exc.e«»proTTts lu 1917. The Texas, Okhihomaand 'Kanmis 611 companies snowedKlmllnr profits for both, years.

    All 'of the garment; manufacturersmade" gigantic proflta in 1016. thos« torthe larger companies ranging from 25to 75 per cent thut year. They showed

    The day had startedAlan, but that was bettre the dreambegan. He Iwigo-e- fe his nwahout.to make the nfcnal pretense of medicalvisits, for-AWn's well-eped o«ee»showeda* jrey no mark of usage.

    Icular morning of thedjaitstzona Iiuto_ jrfde. he was"|ng"f~-How he was" going UTf.rerft money together." When, at theknottiest point of his problem, th«car was held in a deep rnt pf the coun-_jry__road. then without further warn-ing ^p*1-8*1

    on a mossy bnak.

    per centSmall dealers In flour and grain,

    of from $1,000 to

    Favorita Dishes, - ^cannot nil like these, dishes

    equally uweil; but" no "doubt wo miiyllnd one of which we may approve.


    - In AnyJQesirejUDicfictiflnlcomtnQnjie£easiji£8.pfM* Agreshowj^to ha\e mnde enormously Increased- - A> u !_ . 4A1>V . . . . H t a l A i f l 1,1 i l l Alt *rfl I 1\ It I 1*. . * * * d * * * A A . V

    ^An nntomntlc soldier" Is one of thelitest developments In weapons of war."ifcTgpitsli engineer hasjrcccntly taken''

    out a patent for nn apparatus to whichT

    Flank Steak.Tnke oncjind a quarter ponnds_of

    l k f rflnnk Hteak, slush vltli a filiurpon bofh ^Idi-s, sprliikibjWlth flour, n

    of curry iioiwler, saltnnd pepper to taste, 1'onnd tliese sen-

    -well-Into the mroFahd thenhn n K wput Into n lioj,fc\\lns pan with n tn-

    01.'spoonful of swi'ct fat. 'Add twoat wnter.-.CQVpr »n-

    The report also shows thnt (hrsmalldealers In furniture and mother house-hold goods made enormous profits ln»tjenr, with exceis profits as high ns450per cent. /

    —Ketull dealers Iri, tobacco mode enor-mous profits off the smoken of thecodntry, the highest being 3.170 percent.' and the averagei/pproxlinntelyhO per cent In 1010/ These pruttuwere doubled durlnjrion.

    Auto Builders Wax Fat_ M o s t of tlw.automobile companieslilt"highTnurwJ lu euruTngs'lnrWW'tfuT"tliey went still higher In lUHy'Tbolargest Iliftetf, boWtvr, uid not showuuy e^miordinaryJTuct'easo l n profitsu\cr those tit 101u\_Une company with£H,O00,000 capital In HnO""euiued $17.-OlK.UOO, tlTcnTioosied Its capital slockto ?O0,0OO,OUO and then earned $23,-000,000'. A $ 10,000,000 concern widthearned $4,003,000 In 1010 made $5,_">8,-

    In 1V17. A $10,000,000 companymnde J4.713.O0O In 1017, ugalnst $4,"100,000 In 1010.

    A tlu"plule mill wltlv $49,OOO,O0O-cap-HnJ made 951,000,000 net profit In 1017,against ¥10,000,000 In 1010, or an In


    This was the last he remembered,the next development was his wonder-ful dreamt With a realizing con-sciousness of pain, heiendeavored toturn his bandaged head and discoveredthat he was lying W a great curtain- -draped bed of a fashion of na centuryago. Through the golden brocade of-the- .draper— '" " ""

    l i t l a l v V i r H " ! " " " 1 " " «.•••—• - . . ---_•»-•• — — - — -~

    wainscoting reminding him of stags• • of an historic play.

    ^ „„ younff fllScTOT wrtafcwa nttbrows In nftplexity, then smiled. Itwas aUjm .Illusion of course. __' Wffen he tried to stir the"paln wa»Intense, IJP he contented'himself ^Ithreaching1 over the_ satin coverlet tutouch something tangible. Inadver-tently his finger pressed a button onthe~tnahognny, and around ihe canopyo\er his head flashed a row of eleo rtrie lights. It was not the blow of .the accident, he decided which causedhim to eee these strange things, butsome dope" a doctor had probably ad-ministered. When the effect wore offhe~would Bnd himself 1n "the usual Ironbed of a hospital.

    But now ns the dream contlnflffdj; *•resting comfortably ln his gold-drapedbed, he saw before hlnuacfipoerbf tha


    One of -the first photsuccessfully stopped, defceau, In civilian attire, nrtlie remains of tho ann.lh

    company with $000,000 capital made5100.000 i n 1017, agalnat $25,000 theyenr before. The sinnll \dn|rjmeninarte the largest percentages" of In-.croased" profits. One little enncernwith a capital of $'i,400 marie $11,001),

    Jim V^ujjhn.

    The brawny (southpaw of MltchelVsataff 1ms mernged about the strikeouts

    wonderful pttchcr,"-sHni "KillC. "So is Viuigliii. 1'VP hnndledthem both liny, tnke It from me, there's

    .little to chiirtse between, the pair.,)Vnuglm'ls trie equal of Alexander, nil

    tilings cons/dered, but their stiles nredifferent... ^lcx Is II side arm pitcher.

    n varied assortment ofCur\es nnd ho has a great hook that\% puizllne to batsmen." «-""

    Tories. 6f Napoleon's HeroesPaid Homage by French Poilus

    An Interestlnc ceremony was held re-cently nt ltlvoli, In the~pro\ Inco of Ve-rona, Itnly. --Thcru, on January 14,1707, Bonaparte' won a great victorylargely through trie skillful use of hisartillery. So it was only natural Unit

    In Itnly shoultl choose tho Imttlellelof Ittvoll for Its nrtillery traluli)gschool, i AVhcn the ground wns''beltti{

    _ prepared for this pun>osc ihe boucs of'' eight soldier* of Uonnpnrtp|s nnny

    were discovcrod'aud Ideutlfied by theirbuttons ns prenndlers of the guard.—Jielr rcnlnlns were stflpiiinly Interredat the fqvt of. the monument of thebattle of Rlvoll, a , Jdetnchnieut oCFrench pollus rendering the last homnge^tu their "predecessors of 121 yearsAgo."


    > IAXIJ

    I_ - I

    I !II


    iiI :'II ••III '

    Around the WorldNew Hampshire will teach

    - only English ln public'schools,"fuctortesf nro

    ^ employ crippled soldiers.~"l*crurhas-300,000 residents of,'Josanese and Chinese holf-blood.

    Pennsylvania reports serious 'shortage of teachers for ruralschools, I

    j r "An anarchist "organization InSaratov, Ilussln, haS passed a dc-ci«.c making nil \C6men from Bev;,enteen to thirty-two years of agecommunity "prbp"ferty." * '

    SHc* flno two_mcdlUm sited onions, I defend_njjosltlon against Infantry irt-lenn hnm and n,clove of garlic. T r y j force mliy be.- TlieyAlaio'awny theirfive mlnntcsrifnd thvn nddiinlf-a enn of [-400 stiotarwttrfotnrfltnqlfTnff;tomatbi's. fwo fmy leines. four cloves i retrent. In order to overcome the "au-andi ""Ight nllsplcp. Let come to tb,e

    liing point, thicken slightly Xvlt!cnrnstnrrli, cook until Riuooth, nflil ndnsh of reeeL fat and pepper

    Vinikri sntfJ"1rilxJwreirnn"a bake-In a but-tered/baking dish 20 minutes.

    ^tJTnlttaytloot'ourtor'nnmoier One."remarked the egotistical mart. ~

    "Friend," replied Hr. Chugglns. titmtt'8 the only number you look out

    for In these days of, trafilc confusionyou're liable to get run o\er and neverknow who dhl It"

    ' ~ V«rv Necessary.A~rotund gentleman with n perennial

    smile had to have his'dally Jake a'&Jbemeandered~tnloTi1rcI«br-p — ~ ^ ^

    "J hu\el)ere the mo«\valuable~mo-~Wr«8C_access_ry ever Invented," he

    btock.Trunspbrtntlon, public utilities, nnd

    light nnd power comnanles, with veryfew e\eeptloiis,fnred Exceedingly wellduring 101U and 10H." Their profit*In 1810 ge.uernll> rnnged from 0 to JjO

    walnscot(tBg^sllde nslde, "while1 In Itsopening-KBpeafed a-bcauflftn1-radiant-"-;." ••»•creature—*. girl who seemed to befrom that same past period of theluxurious room.

    Alan canght his breath ns the livingpicture ino\ed toward him. Theu ashis eyes still gazed Into tho girl's dorkones, Bhe lifted u small hea\lly-rlngedhand to smooth hls-halr. ^

    "\Vhy," softly nturmured tne girl, •

    gg1O10, although-tney"

    per ctjnt.Steam nnd electric railroads tn 1010

    mnde from 17 to SOT̂ pcr cent profits,while In 1017 they,} made profits inesceys of 1010.thnt ranged between 15nnd* 20 per cent, nccorflIng~to"th"e"~reT

    Sto000-ln_1010r- Ice cream wns nnespecially big money maker.

    Of more thnn BOO flnun—feed anil

    show Inrgely Increnseil profits. One$2.SO0,000 concern "mnde $7.12.000 In'19W nnd $1,200,000 In 1917.

    tTlicre was a genenil upward Vise Inmost pafklng companies'-prrtfltw. The

    llstftl had a cnpitnl of$100.000000, upon^hlch It enrncd$49.-000000*1 1017", against f30.«00.00d In101ft % "v Startling ProflU In Leather.

    Leather mnnnfncturers. including thpdealers in hides, and mnkers of bootsnrid_8hoea_ nnd tronHslTuwLi-nJlaeA.made profits In 1010 and 1017 that nrestartling. One shoe manufacturingcqn«ern.-w4th $1,000.000-capitaI, made813 per cent In 1010. but no ctccss In1017..

    1.033 concerns" listed In the reporthowever, only « dozen shnw profits ofless thnn 20 per cent on their, cnpltalstock in 1010. the yeAr before the Unit-ed Stiltes entered tin* war, nnd theprofits «if some .concerns flint'' yearwore n« high as 1.313 per cent. Mostofjjn> grocers, both lamp- nnd-smnll

    s, tho'report shnwji. mnde nv-profitsJn 1010 of from 50_vtpt2O0

    per cent. "° ."" ,*'' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    \ L/ondcfn Police Quick to Act.T.ondon_rjgllcf_

    tlii " d l t l T

    'IT.. - » _ ± s _ _Scores^of boot and nhoe mnnufno

    Jusflesvc out the w'brd 'not."1

    Such U Covet"Too'bad "about Jack ,and UiegCT

    he's engaged to.^ .Neither of .them Isgood enough for the other."

    ,-Where did yon get thatldear-

    turlng concerns, whose rnpltnt wnsfrom -SlOO.OOO-tn $1,000,000.- mnilo-nHtho way fronr20»to more thnn 1.000per c*nt In 191d. i • >~

    fs cflimnpnte'd finf nn nttcmnteil snlcldTloo bridge. "The Bridge of Sighs." Amnn Jumped nn the pnrnppt. leaped In-to the nlr. mnde n enuple of loops ana1

    xplnsIiPfHnto tljp fhnmes.- InsldpTjfTTminute the police-bnd picked htm upwith n motorbnat ami dispatched nnnfflcer to;recover hls'hnt snd stickfrom the brldge.-'fle was dulv chargednext niornlng nnd remanded for anInquiry as to his sanity.

    "You nre carefully housed ln theold Judge Weller estate," the doctorreplied.

    "Then It was not all an Illusion?"Alan eagerly questioned. Tie smiled."I fancied^lhttt a loUy ln trailing bro-ca.de come' walking through the. wall."

    The phjslclnn laughed. Touil haveno more such fancies,! he fluid.Injury Is really slight Judge Welter'swidow, died recently, und th^'pqlyones nit present in charge arv family"servants. They awnlt_the settling of ,_the estate by the Judge's crnrter who Is abroad.' The placeWeller fortune are now .hers.", WhojTthe doctor "bad"" gone, Alangazed Intently at the wa,l| opposite.And as he watched, the panel swungngnltu and_thc"~_r smurffgr"time, us Bhe n

    "How do^yotfdo?" she asked. "Doc-tor tells me you nre yourself at lost."He nthlscs that we move you out t o i \the balcony for,a. little fresh air.? / :

    Frpra the doorway the-elderly'Won*-on cuine forward. "Jake says," sheannounccdr "that he won't carry no-body out to the balcony tonight." -

    The girlish rose-colored vision, -'whlrleil'nbqut sharply.

    "Tell Jake," she, said positively,"that I am mistress here.* It-ivns-bevclMcring. ̂ _ _ _ - - . _ . _ « _ - - w-~

    Light fame suddenly to Alan. This -wns~thT~grmiddauchter; of course, re-turned unexpectedly^ from_ abroad.

    Alan's mending wo* slower "Hinh theJociflLiiallJMmeU. jmiLAluajwas jda"

    rpse-cisdBhe nflvnnceil townrri

    Worth-th»-Woney.-7_-Corpojral Frank Bni'nson of Omnhn.Neh.. ii_member nf_thp_24th bnllonncnmpanv stationed nt Camp Morrison.Vn., 1.000 miles awav, wAiitetl tô seehlse—new -dnughtprf who—nSiu—jmst—nr--

    ' tjpholsttrlng deportgirls are putting on the

    Duys of enchantment, like those spentupon the balcony-came but once In alifetime; his hostess was .kind. Theolden time frocks ^ad glVen place tothose pf newer and simpler fashion.

    Back to Al>m's henrt came the gloom,of that first disastrous morning. Lov~e'had found him, aqd he must'go away"wiUrirburlcinn'hls. bosom. 'Jt"penriKless physician may-not ask the hand . )and heart of an heiress. l-^__ _"

    •Tell me," he asked, "how you enmeto me dressed In brocndes^hrouglitS"

    3 rLwere. thfe lnflnicttons ha hnd Jo followon the wayhomftiJiVVlro headquartersn( e\ery stop" Urunsnn said It wns

    he pronts ot, th,e nrcwors"ranged"from 25,10 178 per cent tn 1016, rtnd

    • thelr-«5ccc(is proflts-jn 1017 wwe frouC57to 50 p*er cent, most of"^h^ large

    making an'average profit ofI 1910 ffij42 to'50 per cent In 1010. uffij nn ex-

    'cess*profit of 10 percent In 1017.,'IHTfte distillers of, whiskies nnd splr-•Its-made•profits In J010 tHnt ranged

    It to see "dnddj's hftby glrk*

    J6hh Made an grrory Looks Like. '"They nlso serve who only stand anil


    'Aiia gin lnuglied.-1 "The'pnnei ts .merely a dooti" fhe said. "Old Mrs."Weller left her rings and gowns to

  • • i. '-''. .-V5:— v , •" r- •


    Finds , Million Are ConsumptiveHstiooal Tuberculosis Association Ask* (or Plana for"

    ; Cbeapet'Hospital Building*

    I Signs Forbidding "Peasants——| From Taking Potatoes, Plan

    Tojnduce Eating of Tubers

    •> ITeed fan increase of hospital facilities to accommodate tuberculipervffli, ttdd/to number more than a million in the United State*; isasserted in tj statement' issued by flie National Tuberculosis association.


    ent'siyjr inl

    >._that the capital issues committee would

    pfdbibljr bat approve anything except the most inexpensive tem|oraryfeared it might mean the holms.upjo^ the

    duration of the war of any increase in hospital accommodations.- "Somethlug more than a million-persoHs are ribw suffering from this

    disease in the United States, and -tbo^&riouB shortage in accommodation!1

    baa oeen' Vendercd more^acute by the problem of/providing proper carefor men' rejected in

    i ih' thi capital issues committeej

    4 . "We have gone into the question with' tand find ihat the attitude of its members is

    uof open-mindCdness.



    :h potatoes were early Intro-Europe by the Spaniard*,

    did nut come In quantity for manyj . The EngHih found them In Vir-

    ginia, but It is lielleved that the Spsn-lan]si>roughVtfae& to-tbat colony fro'infarther south..,. v

    The firs^ attempt t o Introduce themInto France was due to a well-known

    &)&*L ftuthorttjr named^PmrmeiiUer.This waa In the seventeenth century,j a y s Popular Science Uootlily, He im-ported'some of the plants, set them outIn B field near Paris, and by means .ofl d h l l \ t i L r t t h 4 i

    proBt* last Tear were trim 12 tn

    people tried to have the new vegetablebrought Into cultivation and the mar-ker.

    But It waa all In vain. Potatoes didnot prove attractive, and when theplanted ones .matured It seemed thatthey would rot In the ground on Re-count of the prejudice against then!.'

    Then some wise man who knew hu-

    Startling Fact* RevealedTreasury Department


    ProfltMring by Producer* of Common1 NtcMsltltk, Bad Enough Hi 1910,

    Olf pereenfTCoal Man Pll* Up WAItkv

    The Pennsylvania and West VI*dnia.sott coal miniog ctynpanles madeenormous excess profits In 1917, ac-,cording to the report. The large com-panies all made profits In WMTfiinglngfrom 25 to 150 per. cent~ In 191T all of the lafgk-DltimitDona

    operator*, the report shows, mate un-usual profits. One mIne,madV 1,826per cent on Us capital In 191ft and 4337per ce"nt In 181T. Another made 13T2per cent In 1010 and 4.083 per cent inW 1 3 V

    exceeding $100,000. Permanent structures may be approved if the diffcr-riju tout iff-nut" too-Juige. -r"Plans and estimates as to tire most economical types of permanent

    luiWtngs and of .practicable, temporary structures have been-requested,to submit to the capital issues/cotmnittce. ,

    Jim Vaughn Has a VariedAssortment of Curves and

    Is Puzzling Hard Hitters"Is Vnuplin a» creat a pitcher as

    Alexander?" IHIl Klllefer, who iniiOitto know a ((rent denl -almut it. wijs"Vrs." -Bfl^-WflS-fhP'rmttory-mwt** ofAlrr the Great, l i e al has oluclnteil

    -twhlnd tnc plate donning the mask nnd•pnngli'S when Hippy Is on the hill.

    Uatsmen would rather Ken almostifban on the flrlni: Hui> than Vaughn.


    peasants, could nut be" > made to trypotatoes by persuasion, but might bete d H f U fbld

    y padopt Hmurlf Uisy wetu fuibld-

    den.to.cat them.Hlfl idea was adopted. Many j sighs

    were painted anil erected In plain sight,forbidding under severe penalties any-one' from taking any potatoes* fromthe Ileld.

    The peasants nt once began to raidthe Wife, and before long most of thoripe tuliors werejitolen and eaten withrelish.

    In Most Instances.

    Washington. Aug. 17j—Amazing profIU In slintfft •very'branru of Araerl-can Industry were brought to lightwhen the treasury depsrtment com-pleted Its long-awaited report on prof-iteering.

    The report covers 31,500 corpora-th<

    rroflts of the mldcontinent bitumi-nous operators were smaller, averng-.Ing BO per cent '.' * '.'-

    The big oil producing companies of1 fltttrots;J Indians, j

    vanlaTOhio, Kentucky Tennessee,West Virginia rasde from 28 to BUDper cent In 1010 and enormous excessprofits In 1917. The Texas. Oklahomaand Kansas oil companies showedKtmllnr profits for both

    All of the garment

    eaazKe. and

    The day bad started gloomily fpr"AJan, but that waa before the dreambegan. He bad gone In his runabout,to make the" usual pretense of medicalvisits, for Alan'» -well-efluTpped offlce,snowed as yet no mark of uaa«e.

    Upon this particular morning of th« _disastrous auto ride, he waa wonder- *

    tottJ4lrent money together." When, at theknottiest point of-hto-problem. the. , ,car wasTieia" tnVdeep Wt qf the conn- r-try road, then without'further wam-

    upward on • mossy bank. • -This was the last be remembered,

    the next development was bis wonder-f u l dream I With a renlixing con-sciousness of pain, he endeavored toturn his bandaged head and discovered

    lying In a great curtain-

    ^ c p B f c SMM -r^\

    I turn bis


    -For pho must boi".And fctie imi«Jtrt>rofl,

    .-. And khe inuiL toll,And for the luke of the hums.

    Favorite Dishes.We cannot nil like these dishes

    cqunlly-welJfr.Uut no doubt wo mnyliud one""of which wo-may approve.

    th« Rornh renoloilon, adopted by thesenate after President Wllsdri, m til'srevenue address tu cougress on->t»y~27, declared that there was "abundantfuel foe t i e .light"' In the treasury de-partment with regard to profiteering.

    The treasury department takes theposition that It would he a \lolatlnnot 'existing l a ^ to make public, Hiemimes of corporations nnd1 their; earn*Ings. The senate, resolution Is not suf-ficient to suspend tho Inw; ft wouldrequire a Joint resolution, the treasurydepartment holds.

    The most extraordinary profiteeringrevealed by the report >vns-ln food-stuffs Producers of nearly ntf the

    per centSmall dealers'In flour and grain,

    iml ntnrk of from tl.000 to

    Automatic Soldier Made01 Steel Shoots 400 Shots

    - -—In Any Desired-Direction -common necessitioa-ot iiro -̂vrejfhowji_ - ^ to have mnde_enonnou«ly Increased

    "An nntomatlc soldier1* Is one of the profits In 1017 over 1910, although theirlatest developments In weapons of war. earnings In 1016 were In numerous

    A Danish engineer has recently taken cases far above the 1U0 per cent murk.out a patent for an apimratus to whlclP SWAT-wackcrs1 profits were

    y»-»* - -« i« i f»— * — " • • • • — - " • — T • i

    $3,000. made excess profits that rangedas hl«h as 519 per cent.

    The report also shows that the smalldealers-In furnlttjre and other house-hold gdals made enormous profits lastyear, with excess profits as high us 350per cent. ,

    Hetall dealers In tobacco mnde enor-mous profits off. the smqkers of thecountry; the hlfih«>t belng-3,170 perCent,' and the uvcrUBe upproxlmatelj80 t In 1010 T""se profitk

    Bgo. Through the golden brocade of

    ^rlflieir-iaiiporntmTOft^^mwainscoting reminding him of stagescenery of an historic play,

    TBe—youBg—tlDTtor wtlnlcled—Msbrows In perplexity, then smiled. I t -was ull an Illusion,of course.

    When he tried to\t lr the pain wonIntense, so he contented himself withreaching over the satin coverlet tutouch something tangible. Inadver-tently hfe finger pressed a\ button on

    !*̂ K %Zi%'^\ *• i

    : ^ ^ f -»>>.1

    80 per cent In 1010.were doubted during 1017.

    Auto Builders Wax F a t

    to have made enonnou«ly Increased lilt high muiks lu uurulngs in iMMfcum_ . ... . .. t l i e y n e l U 8 t l l | tiiBher In 1017. i n n


    TnfcoFlank Stesk.hnit a aL">Xft>JCJ?n1lnQth Jtlde?! sprlnkle_ vrlth flour, aI f d "np_l>Qth Jlde?! s p r l _Iiairtrnipoonfiil of curry powder,"anTthnd pepper to taste. Found, thefie sen

    lie has clvon this name. It connlsts J>"ff stCertyiiancyiiormtflly Tffihintr-lnrc-er cylinder, the whole being sunk intothegrouud \erHcuITy.~TJy means oTnmechanism operated by wireless, tho

    "fiiner*cyllnder rlsusVto * height of 13Inches from tho ground, and slmulUine-

    n"cll Into the moot und flicn Uus'ynn automatic rlHejraotintcd on theW t j I l i d flriOO h t Iput Into a Jiot

    of sweetpfat.

    y jn tu- j Inner cylinders flrcsriOO shots In

    Add two gl\ea direction. \ , •

    iner Blouly for .an hour, adding more 1 trolled from n central position, some"water as nwded»_ If.cooked nt n low four.br five miles behind ^he line oftempt'raturu tin- meat \\ III be tender defense, nccordlng to the Inventor.Hlill Juicy wtthrn-rlcli hrow-ii-grnvy.—A-dollclous sauce to » w w with lhls IscrOOlG snucc.

    Creole Sauce.Sllcrf flnq-two medium Biased onions,

    Jim Vaughn."

    y clinppeiir~'HimliroonTs will Improtostaff bas averaged about five Rtrlkeuuta

    " wonderful"ci-ntly. "So la Vaughn.. I'veN|iandledthem both and, take It from im\ there'slittle to choose between, tho pulr.VatiKlin'ls the equal'nt Alexander, alltilings considered, hut their stjles liredifferent. Alex is 4 Sldp unit pitcher.Vaughn has a varied assortment ofcurves nnd lio luis n greut hoolc that\% puzzling to batsmen."

    I /

    Bones of Napoleon's HeroesPaid Homage by French Poilusin Interesting ceremony was held re-ntly nt lllvoll, InUlic province of Vc-

    'ronn, Italy.- (Thcru, on_January 14.1707, Bonaparte' won' n grcat'vlctorylargely through the skillful use of hisartillery. So it Was only natural thatttOBlftIn Italy should-choose the battlellchlof Itfvoli for its artillery training

    ' school. When the ijtound was beliijjprepared for (h's purpose the holies of!eight soldiers of -.bonapartc^s armywere discovered and identified'by theirbuttons as "prenadlers of. the guard.Shelr remains yero solemnly Interredkt the tfjot ot the monument of thebattle of lllvoll, a detaelinient_ otFrench pbllus rendering-the last botn-nge \o tbnlr predecessors of 121 years

    Around the WorldNew; Hampshire will teach

    -Only English lit-puhllr sellonlahrePhiladelphia ; factories

    ready to employ crippled soldlers. r —' '' Peru has 300,000 residents of ', \Japanese and Chinese hnlfbloml. ' <

    p--. Vennsylviinln—ttporls scrfuus; {shortage of teaebcra for rurul ; Jschools. V —* , " ."?

    fill unarclils'irorpntilzattnn "iSaratov," Ilussln, hns passed adc-

    making all women from sev.- ', {f to thirtytwo ycars~of ageto thirty-two ycars~of age

    nlty prBptrtyt **' " ""

    lean ham "nirjr n .clove o f garlic." FryflveniiiuiTKM RTiiTIIieii"nit!riinm!*Kilrortonmtoest two bay leiives, four clovesnnd "Isht nlHplco. Let come to thebolhng point, thicken sllRhtly withcoriiMtarcli, conk .until Rinuoth, ndd a


    They may be seen by the-enemyw hen they rise from the ground.

    From trlala alrendy made It has been

    time OneIncreased substantially..jiuule- iii} 4XKJ.UUU JDD

    i u u Hum in i—In the -tronmnd xtpcl ^ndtl»tfytlonnl profits, were disclosed. In coalnnd oil profits mounted to unparalleled

    IMiblic utilities ot virtuallye>ery cbnrncter alho camo In for a lib-


    y glargest listed, however, did not showuuy extraordinary Increase In profit*

    M O t o i n p a n y withuuy extraordinayu>er those of M o . - Oii^-toinpany withrtrued

    to ¥00,000,000 and thenUOO.tWO.- A *lery cbnn heral share of tlie-4ncrc»^ed probperlty.

    Large Profits of Dairies.Among the dairy concerns large'Inr .„

    kfaW'oT^totfft-'wttontno^ctinijiany with' $GOO,000 cnpltal mode | block.$100,000 In 1917. against ?2fi,000 the

    earned $-1,008,000 In 1010 madeUOO In 1U17. A ?10,OO0.O0O compuuymade $4,713,000 In 1U17, against $4,-100,000 In 1010. . - —

    A'tin plate mill wlth\$49,000,0Q0 cap-ital mude ?5l,OO0,O0O nik prollt lu 1017,iignlnit ¥10,000,000 ft «{iq, or an III-

    made the largest percentages o f . l n -.drafted prollM. One little rnnrern

    Jdreds of these steel soldiers can easilydefend a position against Infantry nt-"f of eq rn(»y_bp. JThcjr blaze jiwny their"400~"sno"fs'"wnhour'ff(nchVrig. nml~ne'veir

    rotrcut. . In tinier to overcome tho "au-tomatics" they must be destroyed ono

    y one.

    Orange and Lemon Sherbet.To the Julci' and rind of three or-

    anges nnd one lemon add a cupful ofhonuy.niid a. pint of croainf freeze us

    mill. For >ery nice occasions servel|i"Hmlvcs of oranges or of grapefruit.

    Creatr. Torte.I)cn( lhn yolks QL HIX eggs, add a

    cupful of Blicnr and three tahlespoon-fuls o( fine broad crumbs which havebeen sifted, with j i tenspoon-ful ofbaking pow do*r._ Add" n half-pound ofdates, cut line; a lihW pound of wnl-riutBjiiid" the well-benten whites of theeges. Flavor wUli spices and bnl.eIn lnyrrs. Put togotber \\4th sweet-cncd'und flavored whipped cream.

    -Plne~apple-FI*uffr-~Tlent the whites of tliree e g g s u n -tll stiff, ndd three tnblespon.nfulA ofgrated pineapple. Dent together andput into slightly buttered cups. Partly(111 the cups and set them In hot wateradd Imke n light brown. Turn out ofthe cupi and serve with whippedcrenm.., tjunu'sh with a little preservedpineapple. '

    . Codfish a la Mode.Take a cupful of shredded codfish,

    two eupfuls of mashed potatoes, a pintof milk nnd two eggs well bentcn. ahalf—.cupful.: o f - skec t jn t_nnd. pepper

    **3{«innd snit; mix wcll'nnd hake In a but-tered baking dish '20 minutes.

    Tree) 84 Years, Bearing.Planted when Gen. Xf. S. Grant was

    * lieutenant stationed at Fort Vancou-v e r , n'cherry tree on the fnrnt of Grant.

    ' > Farmer qh Ford's Prairie,' WashH Is,Still h«.«rtnB nt thn nRo of elghtjr-four

    of OS feet andSrenrH. It jiag o ^ u eeIts m i n k mousun 1 lft fa t U Incuts In'f^rcpnifurcncc '" '-'f^rcpnifurcncc

    have nhntrh thq't £oo4ade tit «robev\ne.?& ^

    . It rf r

    New Erie Canal, 340 MilesLong, From'Troy to Buffalo

    The1 new "Erie canal e^tend's across.Ncw'Yorlc"state from Troy to Buffalo,a distance of 340 miles. Front TrOy Itfollow s theJUne-X)fitueJ]udsQDjdLT£E-to.Watcrford. Turning west It follows

    .the line of the Mohuwlc river to a pointbeyondUttle Fails, West of this pointIt follows thebut—nasnes norti

    e old cnnal,

    Oncidn fukc. From'Thero it'follows theOnelfla river' toi the Seneca river ntTlf'rce Blver point, .nnd on through theClydq river to a point cast of Lyons.From fierc the old cnnal route ls~ fol-lowed bejond PlttBford. - Here thechannel lea\es tho old route, crossesthe Geiiciee Fivet nbqqt a.mile south*of It.ocuester, joins tlic line of the oldleanol,a'fg5ii-t)TiT53 Nvest'and c o dthrough the pld c^nncl ta and tT l i d k t f bNteiart nverr_whlch J^-. followed-to.

    To and"For."Everything I have In tills world I

    owe to my wife.""I'm almost like you., too. Every-

    thing I owe for In this world my Wifebought"

    Giving Details.'.'Kitty married

    a. man a gooddeal older., thanshe Is, so I hear.''

    "Older! Why,he's twice herreul uge and three

    ' ' .tlines the nee she"soya she Is."

    as compnred with (4,000 for 1010. - .Fruit anil vegetable stowing Indus-.

    over, those- for -lOluvTafthoujrhwcre'falrir htrge" for-Thnt-yeirrrr-Omrconcern's profits were 240 per centmore for 1017 than for 1010. Concerns

    small capital showed the largestreases., -""

    withInl-r*-divi gnot so profitable,' itccordlng to thetunn. -pmrconieern -With- ?*23;eo»-«rn=•ital f o s t - m o n e y r ~

    irlwp j» I6OBrdttTfof"riuinber one,"remarked the egotistical man.

    "Friend"," replied Mr. Chugglns, "Ifthat's the only number you look outfor In these days ot traffic confusionyou're liable to get run over nnd neverknow who did. I t"

    Very Necessary. 'A Rotund gentleman with a perennial

    smile hnd to have hls-dolly. Joke aaJie.meandered Into h is H«b.

    "I have here the mos^ valuable'mo-torcar accessory ever lnveutod," he

    "What Is UJ" nsked a tall, Uilntleraan, -• * V. ~ *—

    "A bankbook," replied the firstspeaker. _ . ' - ^

    "Tliatflndncier.has suchan angular counr

    •tebance?^,"No wonder; ho

    made himself bycorners.1

    --H:'-'• Easily Arranged.

    _"How are we going to get ady~quo-_tntlons out of these press notices?"a a k e d t h p t h e t W a d r t l l-of- Utlca-on-n-new-[-agj"='l-thp^4heater'3-advertlglng-man,

    most "fronorrtiw—fff thottL•This Is not n very good show.1"

    •Well," replied the manager, "forbillboard purposes you'll have to con-dense It a lltUe."

    ;'Just_Ieave out t i e word 'not 1 "

    ' Such U Love,"Too bad nbout Jack aqd the gU\

    he'si engaged to. Neither ot,tbe,m lalgood cpoirgrflfor the other."

    yStock hrcpmr?& showed substantially

    Increased profit ,ln nearly all the con-cerns listed. The industry also showedlarge profits for-the previous yenr.On^ concern's profits were 2T>3 percent1 more In 1017 trinn In' 1010.

    A large number of industries listedas "miscellaneous agricultural Indus-tries" showed some strikingly largeprofits, beginning In 1010 and 'Increas-ing rapidly In 1017.

    Food Men Gain Riches. —. Of 210 concerns listed under the cap-'tlon ''Bread and other baking prod-uct's," j)t'oOteerlng> of an amazing chatBCtor_was shown. For example, onecompnny capitalized nt-,"" $40,000 In-creaaxnlprofit. ",One coirfp'nny' with $.ViO.OO0/"caTirtnl earhppe

    J Upholstering dcpari


    Light came suddenly to Alan. Thiswas the. granddaughter;' of course, re-turned -unexpectedly from abroad.

    Alan's mending was slower than theJoc to t liad-hopod,D

    S"̂ ^SBS^Wi^f^r^Tt^r^"™^

    mon JJIP way-home: "Wire headquarten.

    ' 8 t R id Itat every stop--" Brunsnn said It wasconsiderable ti)nuhjp, hut It was worthIt to sec "daddy's onUy glrK" r ,

    John Made"s:ii Error. Uisks Like."They also serve who'only stand and

    Duys of enchantment like those spentupon the balcony came but once In alifetime; his hostess was kindT~Theolden time frocks had given place tothose .oil newer and Blmpler fashion.'

    Bock to Alan's heart came tfie gloomof. that first disastrous morning. Lovehad found him, and he must go away1'"with It burled In hla bosom. , A pennl.less physician may not ask the handnnd heart of an helrpss. - —• ̂r"Tell me," he n^ked, "how you cameto me dressed In brocades, thron


    The girl. lnughed." "The panel Ismerely a door,"" she said.

    ;43 l;o 50 per cent In 1010. and an ex- 'waif."—MI1toh>Seess'prJime. I happened to be trying them o n -at-thnt ^thne Jo see if-thcy_ could bemade^oyerr I was her companion,, j o u

  • i-i^i. JZ£ z zfzzsS




    ^'ln gallant


    *^Ki of tlio llrkt pictures to roiuli this rountr) nf U\t Imttlc nf Cli.ilcim 'Itilcrrj, iiro Hhown BOIIIP tn-hnliltnntn nf the town who rrnialncd during tlio (li'rniuii oivuputlou uiilklnir tliroit l̂i tln< rtoalrojuil,streets toOne of the Orst photographs of the actual"battle of Chateau , w, „..- „„..„„, «.„„.„. . . »„«.»•.- F t m , , ,,, . „„ „

    successfully stopped, defeated and drove back the Oenmn hordes Is here promoted snd show* Prwulrr Cloimn-i "' 'r' _th

  • -/--THUR8DAY. SEPTEMBER 5,-1918



    > Arnw. Cnaford. N. I.


    Ye**.unohod. ~ in ^ono Bohoolhouse. School inuHt stop duringthejjtnes tlio Kloption Boards aropitting for registration or primaryqr^ejoction, so -that much timo wil

    •o lost to tho pupils, and whonftgur«dr~out—it-will btVfound-ve'ry-

    m, kawo-voc, gave s o . uu?thority to Uffo school houaos inmunicipalities under 16,000; ye

    ' tho Union County Tiuard of Eleo!}ious |invn_ arliitrnrily bunohocthree olortiou dintriots of Cranford, tho 2d, ltd amMth, nt Clevo-

    niow ol VoaBpu "for^ti'iiB^'iis^iiwill incouVfilllolVOBTTdry luuoh CO

    jier cent of tho voters of thoedistricts, besides i>orng" moro ex-pensive to- tfioCounty and Town-

    idle, although paid. Moro thau'this, tho children will IOBO noOirty~tfnnr"rtlrt>otiy~rfut~n~ broking'up routino,

    Tho why and thp whoroforo. olthese cliaiifjetin the nloctiou lawaro hard to futhoiil.- Xlioyjirapi

    zz^^.7.....~iSmcliLj j lmillfof reform by thoso who do noknow-aotual conditions and -lackof interest to eonibnt fool propo-sitions on the part of those who do.But the chief piusout trouble foi

    / Cranfordi lies in tho unuocossai1'and unlawful forcing 'of thes'changes here. Tlio Firo Houso andTownship Roonis provided bottepulling places" nt iio exponsoBrains in tho County Board Woulimprove that body.

    KENILWORTM NOTES- Tbe-regalar meeting of-the BoroughCouncil was held in the Uorongh Halon Tuesday evening, when the ordi-nance authorizing -the Budget for 19(8

    ' was passed on third and.llnal 'readingT i £ i % K i i ^Tied is sub divitJad as follows: , /Roads...'.Trr:.", .... .....tlj006 00Lighting Streets i. .-. .. 1000 00Police : 4,000 00Poor 100 00Health iob 00Contingency Account 1,500 00Fire Hydrants : . . 000 00Fire Department , 200 00General Borouph Expense . . . 2,000 00To retire Koad Improvement ._

    JlCertif. No 1, duo ltUiL.r." 1,000 00

    IB.BOO 00

    report'on the asssssment-waicb showedI _̂ that tbenMBsied valnatiojuiLreal propt

    ectjr injbe BoVongh inj1»ITwati$0o4.4lIIand in 1918 increased • tfoTHfir-uoatlrm

    jfn/j his report of Angust 21, 1018. whichplaces the real property at J728.125. Tboincrease On personal property for "theyear is {03,818.40, making a total of$130,630 40 in the ratablos over 1917,He also advised iharBoard that he wouldmake the new assessment las of Oct. J,1918. for, tbe 1919 Valuations.

    irt-sbomBd a-oal-ance on band on Sept. 1st of (3,148.20,

    -of which bUls to the amount of $1,188.20which included-the payment_of_thefl.OOO road improvement certificate,

    Tbe Mayor reported that he hod re" oeived a communication f rom~\Vashing

    ton. D. C., asking for a map or theBorough and 'a copy, of, the buildingcode,for the inforruaWon of .tbe govern

    in completing their.nr

    "J"'if5» for which tbe>:000'lanropriaUon>as designated.

    e was instructed- . > ; o r a i ^


    %iW^ " f^^



    irx is hfr*»>y irlven byHortriiTuN. e..Hi-etor of

    t ' f V u n t y of

    the payment of the 4t*hway ValleyKallroad Company and that an earlysettlement was expected. The ' clerk.was. directed to notify the RailroadCompany that the railroad crossings at.Michigan, Faitouteand Monroe Javenuesalia the Boulevard alia 17th street mustbe filled in with three inch planks spiked

    U hto^tba-tlm-betonen rtbft . tha»a

    TropfleiorBamuel RubenstetnTSpfCSKenllwprtb inn, served notice on theCouncil that lie was about to make ap-plication for a renewal of his Inn andBottlers' License beforeJ Hon. Carl tunB. Pierce In Elizabeth, o& October 2nd.The notloe was' favorably consideredand a letter written to bis Honor, advisI'ng him of the Council's approval,

    Young- Mpthsr Qav*. Practical Dsmon<stratlen of Th«(r Physteal Fit-

    —""^ ntMt« Do So./! ..

    When women first were irot to workIn shell factories In Engla«l theyhandled only the light field-gun shells.Later It became necessary for them toturn out-larger shells, and doubts weremtuort mi tn whHthpr the women were

    gyoung mother settled the question.

    picking one up from the' floor. "Ayeahe commented, "this shell Is a mtUheavy, 'tis true, but It's not so heavyns my b n b y . :

    There 'Is a shell factory In the Liv-erpool district; operated'almost exclu-sively by the daughters of business

    young girls who hod never done anykind of work other than needle workand cooking. The heavr work of the1-s.t'obHshinent. to performed _by.-. the:"wives of sailors.— } "-j^=^ <

    psny' IU *tnuof the Lusltanln.

    _:;CJRANFORD. T0-WN5HUNotice ol Primary Election arid

    . Registration. ,^To thu legal voters of tho Township of Oran


    AV, 8KI»rKMllBB 10,1DIB.f,ir tlio purpoaeof niaktag-a registration ofvuturnand that a primary uli ctlon will bujiuld

    ""•- TUE8PAY, BB1TKM11KK24, 1018.Iuitu'i4iu thu hours of I'J.90 o'clock P. M. anilo'olpnkP.'M., for th'u purpose of luaklUK nonnation* for thu following office*: ~ - •-'

    A United rtitau* Senator from'the Htate olNow Jersey In place of William O. Hughes,

    A Unltixi.HtaU* Senator from thu Blate olNow Jersey, ' • • •

    A M«uuber'of Congress, lu plaoe of John HUupitlck, . . . ..A' Memliltr of U i n t r a u from the Fifth Cougjonal Dialrlet', .-• • . • /„.

    Three members of tba General Awuuibly olthe State ot.New Jcrtey. /

    ar««* follow«: Kaatman •treot froiu Walnutavanue to- North, arenoa Went,. thunoa alongNorth BTBUUKWAU to tha Township lino, alo 111tkla-to Walnut avenue, and Walnut av.unao toKaatnl'an Mreet. Tha polling place for thuFirst Dlatrlot la In Caruao'i barber ahon.Walnutaveuue.. • - , • '• .- ' . ' ':• :

    Tbf(boun4arlM of.the SooondKlectlon DUtrlctareaafollow*: Beglniilntat Townahiu line,onWalnut avenue; Ihtiilce on Walnut avenue amUnion avenue to Aldeajitaeet, thanot.to Noi thavenue,- Along North a venae In Fnrmt ivuninto bamllten avenue: altxig Hamilton -avenuu

    " to Blo&iDjna" "ie.

    »lll be In tnu UlSvetand 8011001, Union avtmiwThu boumlarlm of the ThlrdJUeatlon Ulstrlel

    ..rvju. (oUowj: ueirlnnfng at the Township tineahilinoominitr< will take place un

    ^ j ^ 4, J9I8.at the hour of two o'clock P. M.. at theTownihlp- Ruoma, corner of Union Ave-"""" T J ^ y A J J S i x i a i i L T W

    . Osmrrtfht by Committee on Public In-formation. - . . '

    le'Is mode' muler~~tlit? iir6vTi«:on» of the act of the l/CKlulnlure ofhe State of New Jersey, entitled, "An

    Act for the Aaseaament and" Collectionof T»t«.»," approved April ». 1S03, andllii- ai^aanutnilutory tuercof nnd »ui>-pli-mentury thereto.

    Thn said lauds, tenements, tic red II a-menla und roal i-nute BO bu lie mild andI he names of tlie pernona.against whomHald taxes, sewer aaHeaBmcnts and rouitImprovement aaMeiuiinent liavi* been laidon account uf the same and the uinountuIL.the. tuxes, Heirer uHsesHments undoud Improvement anf^-s»meni laid on

    and If he didn't use tho phrase abovehe mlgtit easily have sold Bometbjnir.very, milch Ilko It Thon, .nyaln, hemight have been snylng, "Haw manyLiberty Bonds are you going to buy?"


    Report* Indicate ConsiderablyIncreased. Subscriptions in

    Early preparjitlnnn for ttio; fclbertyLonn, cnmpalsn In tho Second KttlcrulReserve^DlBtrict show, that tlio activityof banners In the work tit bond aclling

    the 'previous' cuinpalgiis. The district

    Tork, tho twelyo northern countlps yf

    thus procured very largo subscriptions:

    UnneToTtKrce" weeks' n'nd wila larger number rif mibBcrlptlonn th^n

    -In-elther-of-the-pircedlnp-cnrnpntgiiir.- -((T^^T^^Vot thhi reason It Is rccoRnlzod that a* "-^~-moro Intcnslvb cnnynRs.Bchemewlllheneeded,; and throtlsiiout farming sec-,; s o u t farming sectloos cammlttocn nro-helns oritatilzed

    the enrllor lonn RI\IOB, Tlepreseniiitlvi'Hof tho Liberty Lonn Coniiuittee In NewYork who have traveled throuRh thpBtate have reported tliolr Run)rlso thht

    •practically ' every farmhouse 'whlclithey passed Bhowwl either n Bervlcofiagi,or' else certlllcntes BhowlnB-thatthe' farmers had contrlljutcd to 'thoprevious Liberty'Loans .or Wrin Stampdrlvea, ns well as to tho Red Cross and'othor activities. "Men" In close trfuch

    A li»-gl»tiirof Deed, a'nd Mortgage fi>i-th wi^n the fnrtnlnB'Populntlon sny thatt'onnty of Union.'. •_ .. . ,A. _^ _tbfilr i>atrJotlain_hns_heea consltl^mhly

    Tw^^a^r^f^'Jr.Trd^w^lp *"™* by_ the victories at tljoAhiorl-Uoiumlttve. . .; - , — - ^

    A Member ol the-Township OommHtue Inplace^f Bamnel-H-. Tool, . - ' •• - -

    "An AaaeMOCpi1- • ' - '• '• r ~? ^"^ 'A CyllecVor.of .Taxes.. :':-." i". . ' ".Three Juatlcea of the Peace.' I ' • .Three OoiisUWae. ., i .TwoHurrejors ot Highway!. I -c. , •A ineuibor otthe' County Oommltte^" i>t' 1reral political parties-from each election

    ^ j ^ f jtiat a particularly largo percentaKo oftheTaubagrlptloria In the comlns enni-palgn may be expected from the farm-er*. , ,

    Ope of tho favornhlo factors whichthey continually eniphaslrc Is the fnct

    at the end Of the ban esc twanrin andthat consequently "ttte farmers willIfave much moro niony u\allal>le forbond purchases than last spring, whenthe Thjrd Liberty Lonn was on. ,


    2VC o ' l u x d u D

    lJ«K;lots 453 to 4W.lj>ck 43

    Adulf HlelUnn tk Tlieo Urlckenatein,tax due 17.12; lota 90 lo Hi, n, SO, block

    Adolf StelHne & Theo BrU-kemtein.tax dde 120.60; lot 2i> new, 21 acre»;block 601 net%

    Adolf melllng ft Theo Crlckmatelntax due Ml »»;.U>I» > to 34. 37. 38, U to75,.78, 70, 82 to 8». block 3»1 v

    Adolf Htellinir & Theo. Brlckensteln,ax due IIS.JJ; lots S to »; block 4(8. .

    AJolf Htelling & Theo. BrickenBleln.ax due |G23; lots KB, 87; block

    H ^ c r r S l u - n r - d - J

    Karma & Homes Heal Estate Aueificy,lanes


    Location of Fire Alarm B O I M

    •»» Btnet

    S »«iaUMi A n n a.H»mptan " d Bwlaian BtnwtArliacton Koad kail North Ai 1 " W ^ l 8 l 6 lk"1*01" »»d l«iU>nunl Annoaand Walnut Aiaoiaa.

    Town Notes.


    RSS'/4 at a1tatuofdaj ofHi andof thef Newd bun-Hi Hen-


    Ufa In

    lillK toitsuay.ing thetinv afllltha

    SJ^UJercer•venue, are visiting, in Brooklyn,

    Mrs. C. C. Ventnes and ten, of Forestavenue, have.returned from Shelter fa.

    Mr. and t i n . Harry Swackhamer andson have retaroed from a vacation spentat Newton.

    Mias Qertrade Hess, of Walnut .ave-,noe. has retarued froitt.a vuit at Rich-

    Ly 1

    Walnut avenue, have returned from avisitjin Pennsylvapia.

    Miss Alberta Miller has returned toher borne after spending a week withrelatives in Paterson.

    Mr and Mrs. W! D Keel, of Walnutavenue, have returned from an autotrip to Ocean City.

    Mr. and Mrs Harry Ott, of Walnutavenue, have returned from an automo-bile trip tp Atlantic City.

    Mr. and Mrs Leslie Bunker, of Sylves-ter street, have retureed from a vaca-tion spent at Westerly, L. Ir^Dr._S,vM. J?mman and-family, of

    -Union avenue, bave returned from nvacation atMonroetpwh, Pa

    Mr. and MEN W. W. Buckley, of Central avenue, have returned from a vacation at Walloon Lake, Mleaver

    Paraaaat to tfig ProdaBaUoa of Pry-ideot Wilsoa, which rsqniras all matecitizens between tbeacesofand 81 and w inclusive, £> register onThursday next (September 13), from? a. m. to S-p m . tbe following placeshave, been designated by the TownshipClei'k. where loch registry will takeplace: *• ,

    First District-CUiieo Office.Second District—Townahip Rooms.Third District-Fire House.. =,_—

    T o u f t h District^Xovnsbip Rooms.

    Tbe Boards of Registry and Electionhave volunteered their, services, batvolunteer help may be needed, where itnv|l| ho irnpfslhJn for msirihern tft tyrvftT'Such volunteers are requested lo com-municate with Township Clerk DenmanNo notice has been received from Wash-ngton yet, therefore tbe date and boor

    lack official verification.

    Boys Trimjiome Guards.Tbe Cranford Home Qoard and the

    on-tho- •Orcbaru -itnwt" gi linntS-tahorDay aftornoon, in which the "hoys"won by an 8 to 5 score, bat tbeQaard07d~nol ^are"wilEouT a ^ard'struftgleTfor even in the ointb inning they cameacross with two runs. Some of theplay» were a credit Jnit several '-bones"were pulled which'could ba«e made adifferent story, especially in the sixthinning with two men on base and thescore tied, faulty coaching allowed arunner to he tagged out by a hiddenbull in thasocond baseman's bands. Forthe first bit innings -'Wib" Pearcepitched splendidly but weakened a littlein the eighth after two bad errors putmen on base, hut-he «ure had the "come-,huck^stnff O K , and ̂ uyo did the'

    J jR romurkalily "well" afjer 18years' rSlirement Warren Kirkmanhandled the indicator and his decisionswere seldom questioned. A collection«a» .taken

    oflico on North avonuo, bus roturned"""• Rafterttjdh'days* Vacation." """ "™"

    Rolfe Dentaan nnd John Osbourno~ have joined tbo Merchant Marino and

    — / l e f t on Tuesday for Boston, Mass_ , S Mr, and Mm George 11 Bates, of

    / Hampton street, havo rolurqed from a/ vacation spent ut Walloon Luke, Mich.

    A ret,urn,gamo,v,il|,l)enear future,

    To Go Into Government Service.Engineer Moshor has asked the Town-

    ship Committee fur loavo of alwinco totho end of tbo your to onabla htm to go

    Philadelphia nursing a brokon arm, butexpects to be able tb return to U. of P.

    -wbert College opens next~montta:2iolkat-.of the. Naval Aviation,boni^is in-Qlidden-,-~Wi».^spe«t

    L toe week end at the^boBje of bis cousin,

    striiction* engineer "witti" tlio 'NitratesCorporation As Mr. Mosber stated inIns letter ̂ o the Cominitteo. there Is nota grotft amount of Engineering workplunnod for this joar and urrangoinonts

    Mr. Mosber's connection with tbeNUntUs. Corporation,v*lll_ contique forseveral years in All probability, as thereMs£jfa£&3sy!2!&$&2& ty§L

    Pehn State, Pa., to be with berbusbdnd'during the period he is receiving specialinstruction u( Ponn Stato Collego inaeroplane mechanics. t

    tbo lodge


    , at thota l lerrNh.e-Voters-irewntiVes nf

    QDall-I after[>B themuredman grt tblsofttwClover-^lolan,dlrecVla*lnJ, tbuB d»teihtr o?

    Master Masons aud liiomlterN of stalerchapters are invited to bo present.

    First Class Pnvato Ilurold A. ton?,of the Ambuliinco Corps, stationed atPlatLsburK, N. Y , is spending a sevenday furlough at tho home of his parents,Mr. and Mrs P. II. Lonz. of South A vo

    Joseph D I'Anson, professional at thoUnion County Country ClnliTKus resigned. Mr. I'Anson hi\j lioen professional

    ' at tbe clbb ever since the- dujs of tbo\ original Cranford Oolf Olub at Lincoln

    x avenue '" \ Tbe Salvage Committed ot the V. I AT

    'orxw t̂ieh Mrs-Ueor Hansel isObairinan,-aak* alibouso-keepers of Cranford to


    j . sajfa fruit^pits, especially those of IboKS ,,pe5ach and pium, Wash and dry tbom,

    Hi Jayr Lordjndrpd 'i Inde- / -States, 'forty.

    IK. -


    L«Sm-»-»o the

    Ihavei filledi, thisA. D

    8ta.t». , m , , >

    taud they-will-lje-eaUedfoTiaier|on*an3 i^nt to tbe proper re"

    depots for the use of on / Gov-ernment.' Scientilicatly prepared, they.

    ' are used in connection with the Qaa- Alaska which are playing such tin im-

    portant part in tbe War.,ln_accordance with the decision of

    the National War Labor Board thatthe iSrareatedjicale of__wagos awardedPublic Service trainmen should datefrom June 7, tbe (itie when tbo wagequestion was submitted to the board for

    approximately f 1(1.1,000 in back pay toplatform workersJjirougboutjtB systemThis total representiT"the increase ofwage from' June- -7 to Angust I), 'thelatter date marking tbe period whenlbecompany was first enabled to. pay Ibescale in operation following tb'n. WarLabor Board's decision. The distribu-tion by divisionB>jvas as follows. Ease*,

    .̂ rt.OOO, -Hudson, (14,006;- Central,$18,000;- Passaic. 113,000, ^ Southern,f»l,700, Bergen, f5,500

    er7 Cranford M. C. Church. _Revr-VrctBr-'A" Wha|i«d wind clnmlwas driving diroclly toward them For.tunately all hands Hero at dinneconboth farm* when .llie c)r,lono hit, andthis fact no doubt prevented loss o£ hfi>

    Qua Divyor kept his family in tbi'they

    were eating dinner.-andlltmry Dreyorassombleil bis family on tba hack porch

    t his homo


    zones. Tbe Nielsen and Howes'f amiies were at dinner, and the dlsbus were

    Mown from the table, and tbo doorsblow shot with loud bangs Windowsin all of the three houses were smashedHalf of a big tree was hlown upon tboroof of the Qm IDreyor houso, hut for-tunately the tree did not break tboroof. Tbe front windows and cornice3ii this bouse were also damaged, Tb«Front of Honry Drayur's residence Ininclosed In wire netting, and the screen'rames wero blown from thoir fastenIrfgs ftJul thp-top*of-a trWfronT thiripposite Bide of tho road was blownupon tho porch.

    A big burn on the (lus Droyor farmra» llfrod np_and dropjied down again

    inoji.lha. .foundation nearly IHO footjut of pjutnb ibn interior of tliu b.irn

    "bailly »Ti>elnsl arrd~lho stall*tiroken." Jl'hH -wind ontMod^Xbo nriporlloor of thi* lNkrn and blow through I horoof on tbo opposite sldo, odrrytnK shinglos and bay ovor to tbo pla77a nnd Intotho bod room of Ibo Honry Uroyer pliu'nFour big boles w'ort1 blown out of tboroof df this Imni from tbo Inslilo. A


    Ureyor farm was domolished. lietwuotiho shod nnd tlio burn was a garngu,lso wrecked.

    were- tbe- reel pient»-of~ many -presents*,after which they loft font wodding tourto Atlantic City.

    Both tho bride and groom h,uvo residedn Cranford jail their lives, attendedK r s U « a ^ ^ - 4 l ^ H lho youiigur set The groqin forsixloen

    ye»r*s-wuiii"corriTecte»rwi T G " f F ^oilico force, louviug two months ago tofffke a r(jN|K)iiHibln |xjsitiun with tbuStanilurd Oil Co., Bujomio. Thoy willmake their home oa Kim street, whichis alroad) furnished and ready for occiipancy.

    Scarborough—SchindlerTwo of Undo "Sam'a""war wbrkortf

    joined hands and hearts lost Saturday

    ~ " Died.Mits ANNIK MARII: ECCI-KSTON.

    - Funeral services, for^irs. AnnioMarioEccleston,i aged 47 voars, wife of JohnB Eccleston of Washington,, .who diod5fi SatuHay .nornTng-nrSF.-Erfzube-toi «vemng-wh«n Hm Martba KrSch.ndlor,Hospital, Elizabeth, wero hold Sundayafternoon ut 4 o'clock, at tho residenceof ber'Siatei, Mra^Ernest ^Vemple, 424Union avenuo, Ilev. Kenneth' Martin

    dulightor of Mr and Mrs. .EdwardScbindler, of Walnut avenue, becarnothe bride of- S^oai Class—.EngineerAVillfam It. Scarborough, or tbe U. S SNorth Dakota. The coremonoy was|wrformed~by Kev. Victor A. WOCMIpastor of tho First Methodist Church.j'hg^fantojytt3r.a.t>trqd.in n gown pLblnoHatin_and jarriod ji-bouquet of briderosos, Slio wafl attended by Miss MayGruha, who was gowned in light bluegeorgette cropo and carried pink carnaations Wilbur Scbindler, a brother ,.ftthe hrido. was liest man. rt'

    Tbe^room bas'returned to bis'ship,having hod a 48 boar leave of absenceand JboJJride is employed by the wardepartment in a gas defense plant inLong Island City. .She will raakn herhome with her parents until-after the

    Red Cross Benefit.Max Maratoivthe crack golf player,

    of Cranford, who represents tbe Baltns-rol Golf- Olub, will again swing tberons for tbe benefit of tbe .Red Csoss

    nn Saturday'afternoon, September ' 14,when he will be paired'.with OswaldKirkny, of EnglewOod>t against ChickEvans anit Warren K. W^od, of Chicago, on tbê Jersey star's own dab.

    Tho Original plan was to have Jerome^Prayers *nd-ilarstooi»ir-up7-bat-tbe-flraVnamed became tangled in his datesAnd had to decline. Francis Oaimet wasthen suggested, but ^be Boston golfer,now a lieutenant id the Quartermaster'sI>»partn»nt-^pectato-be-on-1ii8--waa^ THCTE*5ZM~ANV~A SLIP • -

    Qur markets will be closed everyWednesday afternoon duringr

    - ine jrvar~n ordcr-lu keep our hcl|),_iL is ncct-ss.iry to «iv afteiiuion would work a hatdslup

    loon as best suitahle to all interested.

    We solicit your cooperationD. D; IRVlNfl

    MIIXII'S MARKJiTr-» | i f r i —. L

    Poultry SuppliesQritrCharcoal,~/Vlix(;d Grain, 5oft IVlflsh, Etc.

    * Dog Cakes, Collars, Remedies, Etc.

    Horse and Stable Equipments. ]


    -IJhono IU7 Crnnford

    AARON D. CRANEMasonic Building, Cranford, N. J;

    "HVnrohoniie-—Elovatorj-GonlPocltot •, ROSEIXE iMIiK, N. J . H0.ibt prices;also Knblwrs, i&cks, etc.,ut Uiis sloru.

    Ice Cream FreezersOil Cook Stoves

    ani l . Ow»n

    PIKPSft Trust BQiliHwft- TSt, ;;fit-W.


    ) "


  • v -•


    isfJIFjglitin;1: Warin 1918

    of 1917. Pale_of Menln road.

    —{Which Irtscnn September 20,-the objectbeing to loosen.the German grip On

    bombardment eke to I.angenmr,! k.

    of tho trenches n few- times I expect,all grow state, and_I shan't

    He was Just' n normal boy, andhe related his experienced ntid Im-pressions without pose or boastful-ness.

    "Whpn we took .over that pnrt, of'the lino we were told It was a quietxcctoi," he snld, "but It didn't remainlong quiet. Wo learned afterwards

    • During Octolier. 1017. \ e iK . l iw i s t erwcttonk-HuL Italians, both W 1'j-wu.hand the British scorn] n o U o r t h v•uccesses On October 4 n j:n|at s t i Vglo lirgiiU-nu.u-friint-iif'plKht inlleVffia^Uc„.IiUl*h«llUllU^ll^u.Jaui:«. .culki i Jtho-bnttj«u utnt o \ u tho

    top'Kl imkiil"Wi«li^tflhiwlyu "I suppose I \\ns

    fiWitinrtlT Thr i ! n cliKcniug, emptyfu'llng sunwwhere Inside me. .TustIn fiire'\M« iCVre to start our captain«nld 'Nim, I>I\H, tliortf's no need tofeil bail iihout It *"•'! hi".e nu n o\er the

    other sldo arc feeling JustTas bad, Infiict u mighty sight worse,' I remeuwher his words distinctly, becausethey were the- hisf he. saldr-cxccpt-togive-tho command tp start. We hadto ndvnnce .ttfrniisU^Q,. field of greenwheaJ, sppjiy wltli dew, so thnt wegot wet tfirougli and coM'd hardly keep

    i i


    captnlti"1B-r"l lieutenant were killed

    right' tit tho startr^md also.! tho firstBfcrgenrit/ J'- • . j_

    "We had orily the gnnncr sergeant'Jeftjjjiid'allarpujid the meu "Were fnjl;WppaHi^c-^ir^ws^llc^^flr'the5noise' from hurstlivR-^ho'ts cries ofdying men., tbe groans of the wounded,the slngtng nf bultpturtnid" the clutterof the machine guns. " *

    "I'vo never l>ccn what you'd cull njiraylnii clmn. hut' I prayed hard. then,und many times since." -l

    After a moment I said: "Yes, nndIhi-n?"i "Well .we saw pretty soon that Ifwe didn't hurry up nnd get 1o thewood there wouldn't he-nnv of nn lofttilluke It—so wo Just hiked like—as if—i-well, as If It tvus nn e^press'tralntlinlf1 we lust l)qil to catch or biisr.• A w U t a w w got lh-*r iJj^'toJ4rX'j^»Uj^te|ig-^u»>tors

    in Air

    two bullets \\ lpnt thiongh my rackns I crourheii as near the ground aspo*hlhlc dlggrng llkp h . So I took

    .off and, put It on tbe parapetto, the sldo of me,- and tlie Germanskept on popping at It. While I wasdj«];mg every time I looked up tothrow the dirt out I could soc a flowerjn'Uiugytn undfafrfr In-tlie-ul«d }untIn front of"me7*nnd'*tiren" once i gla'ficedup J n s t j n tlnin to see that flowernipped off (is If by an Invfsible handand He on the pound. is4omindon,—Pushing tha warlatest popular hobby. It'samusement.' Perhaps you haballoon to snatch the riflesenomji's hands by means of iinncnets; or^.mayW, a ftrnnkes to huTl Into the I P

    1Kb parliament, Is now engage*' In warwork for the Kngllsh wounded 1-iiidyawl . Major Nnnnnn hnvu wtaWslitfi* .u war hospital ift W!

    rtthartHiiTfrninJetriat the target. If so, packpaper and dispatch to Invei


    TANIC UNIT IS READY'Em Rough" Finish Train-

    ing in England.

    Flrrt American Battalion It Taught by, - Veterans of British Tank .

    '•• • . ' • ' : , • ' . • ' S e r v l e e .

    With tne •American. Army In'Eng-land;—Another consignment of Amerl-

    man power, that might be labeled'Made In England," is ready for <

    menf to the westerri front. It ts 'he:p,ersonnelrcif-theHlrst—Americiin- tankbattalion.'.-!- "-'..., •*•"" JZI2Z•i,. Trained liy-yeteriina.,.of the British,tank service and egulppcd with theniost modern of thelnnd war ships, thenewi-force-i-ivlIL—elve nn excellentaccount of Itself. •The British coacn»-(nX the American crew's lmv« expressciltheir approval of the manner In whichtheir pupils have adapted themselves

    innocent merchantmen for dealing withsiibmnrlneH has nttalned considerabledimensions. - —

    "Howls nnd moans," adds the navalcorrespondent, "went np In Germanynbont the treachery of British senmon.Inn Tim Ocnnnn nllegntlonn rurloualyceased at the beginning of 1010. These

    •cations afforded n typical exampleof German mentnllty,_for they ignoredtr-i> fact that in e\ery case the U-b6ntwin; nn nchial or potential nssallnntnnd nnv ruse nf wnr is considered legit-imate h\ them except when employedngniiiHt fipnnnny "

    It Khoiilil not be forgotten, he con-tinues tint 1hoat "ordered her 'to surrender.the Germans were astoiiKhed to re-ceive n liroidMde from tbe hnvstack

    On another occasion a sea-worn

    NEVER TARDY IN 50 YEARSConnecticut Man Prided HlmBcIf That

    He Had Never Been Lateat_Worlc_'

    —Ileipy Goodrich, aged ninety-four, v,m died -re-cently at Ms htime here ipul who re-tired ten years ago aftcf being-em-ployed f6r 50 yenrs by the P. 4c E. Cor-hln Manufacturing company, pridedhimself on the fact that during i l l ' thoyears" of lils.,employment ho hnd nev-er been late at 1rtS"work. When therecent;, dayflght -sa\ing plnn resultedIn the pushing of the-clock one hournhend ilt. Goodrich refiued to-com-ply with the got eminent ruling, sayingthat he had lived 04 years with'-the

    need of changing It.

    It wilt fight nnd the training It h i *undergone the American^ contingentwill prove Itself exceptionally ertlcli'iit.

    Further cause for believing the-"American Tank Corps will l l \e up tothe estimate of the British ln»tnn'toir«-fll-41wonderfully elilclcnt unit or is meicl-l"s«,U thrown jjut of the S"."tlci*. II"1< njr-ned over to the fijthflng force si»n1. c^ifert moihanlc n man dillicd 'i>the operation of both, machine gun?nnd heavier ordaance n tiutlcinn -ui'lRt-nliglst, nnd. flnntlj1; us. a ruin «Ub>*w cv!dence~of '^»rres?~

    Iunless "Th"ey"~are mfs'tiiken, the menwhose training in I*ingland Is Just hc»-ing completed will he'given cnvlnble • • ..IMMOMJroles. Their machines have th* *ostrj-»-25 YEARS"AT_HARD tABOfT*

    ytlons Some months -laterreceive a police notification^on tynt youri Invention Is

    .their collective and «."eaxwtioir" ĵ . '- ••••'. • . ' •

    Meanwhile1 your cnmpetlsupplied suggestions for: (

    A plioll to contain fleas ortnln Inoculated with disease

    The spraying of-cement ovno as to petrify them.

    Tho throwing of live w-carrying a high yqltage amoiIng bodies of Infantry by

    Gei many should he ottaciL"" ' c'"'rfic o f ' l o l "t'"8ion for us tivcotuplalb. JVe ask. ",' MlltI0|nKe '"•'>• ,no renboit for us

    noihlng better than that Gonnanjshould go on tuning the same kind ofsuccess in future moptbs."

    He. took as an^inroiij^the );ejmrt_for~ desW

    < With the American,,Army In Eng-jiland.—When a ,soldler|en\ es thcUult-Jpit Stutesjie slimild a6t feprcertaln heJs golfig to \%ln glojy on jhe b'nttlefleldIn rrrimer Whether oiifcer or entlstedman he Is subjected to turther scrutiny)In nnplnml and In France and" untllt

    "This report," h>>_ explained, "deali"wlfli the British air flgifgng nlone, undhas. no reference to the line nlr workof tUe French, Italians nnd American's.During the month the British broughti]ojuu3IiS_Gernian_)nach(ni»_ln-aeriaT-

    tK d .Mason's offense consisted of light

    ing a inutch and smoking a cigaretteIn the ether room of .the powder plant.The compliant ngnlnst him alleges hitook the risk of Interfering-wlth wnwork l>y"ftirffieTrn-jOhe clmltces of an

    the Itttlc corps of keen-eyed nna care-ful ofllcera_ha\e completed tho exnrol-i

    •No mention was made of whnimleht lm\o liappencd to Mnson.

    nation no: one can tell Into Just, whatj>art of-the. big army 1 machine! lie Isgoing, tq fit',, , „ * < • , , , , , ,

    Tbvr>are (n Xngland.eam^R whereevery yvnian who p'osscs .through, ,1s."tinde. Indexed." ,' Tnla |s espqcinllytruej)C_runcrcajilp,jclifire a largd.paxt.of_ the1 airmen niia ' mofor transport'forcei arrive shortly nf ter debnrkation.iThe: records ncconfpanylng thdm iihowiwhat the men Have been doing In civil'

    corfibnt, and twenty by fire from'Thogroiind, while 100 more were driven

    _do,wn. out of control and probably de-stroyed. During the same period 028HrltTsh machines failed > to return tothel*!«lrdroni«i

    Kaiser's Face op Egg.l l l H e , - - P a ^ Aj g

    nn the shell n striking likeness of thkaiser was Inld by A hfn here. Thface Is1 nt/oAe end ^r the egg antshows plainly the. helmet, the long-

    ruler,and pointed chin, of t i t (toman

    • \ Connellsville, Pa.—A. perfectJ "P"' on the hacks of locusts

    found at Spiiics J&H09 means$Pcaro"—nrcordlnfr1-to=ponie~«ft• 'the veteran, nn'tlves, The "war"• locust Is pro\erbli!l nnd many• persons are pinning their faith .J-HOW on tho '"'pence" variety Of

    b'the trlbe' '

    "" ' W 1

    . ... --billed.' -Offlc^rs-engaged In fixing the trade

    lndei of the arruj Himt boasted thnt <from the ranks of the Natlonnl'tfnnythere may-be found men who can daany class of work, required.

    HOLDS ^IgjjEY "OVERVLbVEWoman*. SeeklnglDlvorce Admits She

    - ."Was"; Ml«l*d—About •;'- r_ i ' jFlnances. '

    l^fe,jnd a.fjirther, expmlnatlom-.oMhiaiLand a gcrutlny~of the demands often;determlnq-tHe fcnrt they are to ttttt*.sontetimeB only for temporary duty,bur In some cases for an Indefinitejpe-,tiod. . , - 1 '• 1.

    From this lot'or^-wHected Ihe menwho will "go lnto_theJ)lg_repalrjhhBs ntonce. Men experienced in'etettrlcnl


    C n l . — A i p h g lnCtfUrt to PtCBS her Slllt for dlVn'rrtf frnnl •

    work are sent to stations where theirservice 1B most neede Sllcd and not In-frequently the men In command of the

    ''Btuflon ore called (upon to supply menI for ~folWingi for j , Um« at least, ex-


    IMlchjiel-Baplinei, MtprHelen Itnplmel'told Judge sMognn thht Rnphne.1 led"1)er to belle\e bcfone»tliey"were ltfarrled'that he oy>ned a prosperous salotirt a«U,.that she-would not hn\e married, him."had ^ho known his true fina.nrinl co.mll-tion—whlih she sujd >\as not so good'as represented*. ' '

    "You place a saloon higher - tiiim*love," the fessfon thnt lie b i d to lake tlie'sniffunder adVlsenlenU ~ ~ ' r f* i

    i£~' On this train,-being'tnnM bullt'by ifin .tirflUsne

  • _J



    One Inventor Would Snatch En-emy Rifles by Meansof



    under the head of motive power themajority are of the "overbalancingwheel" type, which date* from thethirteen^ century. Power Is to be ob-tained from other schemes of Peoplewalking about floors and up and downstairs; passenger llfUrare~T5r6e=us«^

    ThenJThtre It tht ScUwort Plane, theTally-Ho Cannon, and the Moon

    ——*̂ - Veil—Aeronautics- F a w n d —-—by Inventor*. "

    I/mdort,—Pushing tha war on Is theInfest popular hobby. It's • greatamusement. • Perhaps you have a tameballoon to snatch the rifles fiftm theenemy's hnnds by means of. suspendedmncnetR; or, maybe, a few sparesnnkes to hufi Into the trenches by

    as power hammers, and power Is to beg*w*»i*~lve up to-nstrui'toifn.nel, hotiv

    nt the target. If so, pack In brownpaper and dispatch to Inventions De-

    a^.tnent,-Brill*}*-Mlnlstry—of—*funt-|—~J~S h I

    s r w r t r •tho'-OTrrespomlence wiTTrvnnnUj' ana" ~ This

    tlons. Some months Inter you Willi'ecel»p » police notification Informingjon that your Invention Is receiving

    .Ihelr collective and "earnesttloir."

    Meanwhile your competitorssupplied suggestions for:

    to contain fleas or other ver-

    the|n llio (faitTwo bas«rnt First,|v fit. nnil,iidnptiiblo.il reC( I ve-UeUvtrvuV



    tnln Inoculated withThe spraying of cement over soldiers

    «o ns to petrify them.The throning of live wire cables

    •earn Ing a high voltage among, advanc-ing bodies of Infantry by menus ofrockets. -

    flennnnv should he attacked In onem that city hc-watl wns i

    Hrltlsh oipcdltlyi sent lint b* WinstonChurchill arrlvAd-ln X)cti>l>er of that>enr. He win the -city raptured hythe' Iluns.ln October. I>nctor nelandenntinui'd to live with his wlfejit Cai>-,pollen until die com-ei'telf the tmuSeInto n Red Cross bosidml and trained

    most of Its followers eiin nnd; rellevena woman's mind us to vwut to do withber separate skirts; n n \ the fushlon7aUlllne, midn liarxow, short skirt (iro|iped. bcnenlii

    Hvoness of the orgnns In tho brain. upon theianti'rlat l_n iJmtid.*lh' Is wOrUirJMt'ft frtini a"Up to May 12. Win/1 the doctor -JUeiWlh'ere Is ertouirjrH'ft from a

    *klrt_ftf UVITIIKM rHigth tlmt eutpoor In Antwerp nnd my wife carriedon tin* Ited Cross hospltn^ nt Cuppel- bodice ttlthnu| sleeves^Hi-bW.n, }outen. Then the German commnndnjit * 'sent hn"ofll(ler to- tell ine'tltHt I v(nsto be Internal. When I pointed outth.nt_iihwlclnns praeljclns nsj-UIMans ' TZ

    ore lnin^m^^ni_l^tejnnientjt-hejjunofficer replied tliat—I uns noF receivingfees frotn. my pntlents,ed nnd taken to tire (irnnd hotel, whichwns used as n military headquartersnnd residence ft the stuff oltlrertr In

    .After three days I wns sent

    _ QIJP fcelij, In rimtihiK/ull \\H ngnlnytthe tldafwuve nf new sleeves, the utterfutility.uf trying to describe even thobest of them, xnvs 11 Cushion uilter.20N

    7black hnlr became , thingray. h i\vcre

    turnedhnlr became , thin iin^. turnedThe. onlyToecuphtiortSr he->-hnd

    to nttcrid the prisoners. nnd-the offlcinls'of the prison when they

    Ill d tolearn to speak read

    "When, nfter two years* confinement,I vvnR nllowed tojwnw In the~park op-posite Garden strasse In Berlin. I nninot nllowed to speak to\nny person.

    •Omnrftenmon~I took my\rocor^—twluncheon at the Hotel Brlstol.on the"Untor den Linden, wlilch hiif̂ notqhnnged Us nome. The ~ "

    Taiirant, I nQtTced. hnd been convertedIntoNhe' Vnterlnnd Another time \snw- a crowd running nnd, lonklnir Inihelr direction, I saw< nn.nntomobllego by containing Hlmlenburg

    werelll and :to learn to speak, read. h l B Bfnfr. o f f l c e N Jie ,g , n eand Write German fluently. .He wasfinally, -released':'.In. exchange for "thebrother of i'rince von Dulow, who.wasthe'hwid at the KrupjTO'nn-.company In'

    orethc._ war.is^ln northcnvFrnnce

    In August, 191-t, ond his wife nnn stop-ping nf their estate In Cappcllen, near.

    "Antwerp- ^ H ^ t i t t A U

    ^ bTlie doctor

    pken Ices as surgeon to the Selglanr . . . . _ - . _ '•• .


    admits She

    pen ring-


    £?/ ••r>/*i«

    of the GermanInr than the

    people nkdlserN

    •iTmTrrrt-ttrrs Awn irot enntrlbiitfl tothlnVin


    find In Healing IIIT old clotlieN. Wotiro nine enough to Uiou- that It Is Intlit'-iiilnntlnrr-rif'clTirrfgtng'trfTOtrs- tlmtHut majority of women show theirknowledge of faslijoiis. I

    A uoliitm'iiiiiy riuiUniic \n woiir ablue Sfige gown cut In tlie foiiii of ncoat nnd skirt If she renllys Ibiif sin/

    Instiinlly adapt Hint gown to tho

    'the-Nprliigtlmo the woods 111 thes

    And tho Fairy Queen smiled as she

    WIIIHIIIIIC, (lu>Kiilher or .tin- plain hip.A HouirrKiiultlu costuiiiery Is not ul-

    WIIJH folliiued, evitt li) well dressedwomen, hut tlicri'iire iiiuiv so poor InInterest" but .'they .will do honor to-11ipilck cliniixv In tiio* minor detail of11 costume.

    "An obi Ind'y had 11 llttlo cabin homoJust off theno woods.piiiiion wanBiitV'twu paws wore white,-nnntlieOld ,lndy thought they were very won-derful. -•"Now nnrt-nctcirrrhe'oMiniiyiirtd to

    tin Into tlm village to buj-foijd. Homc-tlmes Uie cut would follow, wearing allttlo JlHRlIng bell,- fur, tln« oldjndywanted lo lie slifo .that the"cut had

    Juts to fitt,get n blrrf.

    —FAOS-OF-THE-DAY--Dr.es« skirts nre much draped

    The new veils ure bordered with nnr-


    and more popu-I.udendorff Is

    care what the people think- about himso lorig.ns they "do as they nre told.

    "The kaiser envies nlndenhiirg'if

    wcur,- Small buttons nro taucli In use as atrjrnmlng. * " / '

    •goivn* ar»j -ev^n—WtmjKh—th«—liouse-liad-down tlu: cnt *-, '

    Long oritnnille sleeves are (lghMy; lint hi front ..ofrnfTcd -witft gltlr: - , —'

    but tlnlt ho would never

    •Th it ^iji'Tjrhy BTig"liniTJliTui'~weiil'~" 'the 1 ollnr with thirilttie tTell. The bellwiirniMl the birds ho was coming, sothey could get nwny. He could beheard lotulng along by tho sound oftlu> tliiKlltiK hell.

    "Itut this time, when this old ladywent Into tho village tho'cat wassleepy mid Hilt 011 tho porch'In thoKunslilne

    " 'Will you,come, pllimy?* shr1 askeitHut tho pussy* blinked his ejvs nstliouifli to say, "'I nm HleepV.' So shewent off.,

    •T. .^... ^ . . . . . . . - . -—.—npli v\\\\ fminii tnThe fielm of luce Is prophesied for. her horror that the. cnttugc hud been

    burned'down. 8imi(j_ime._|nid ' S ^ # ^ »


    and meu-u/v, for "a foj»r Inch hem onall four (tides, pull rtliout four threadseach any and llpiiistUrh. Edge thiswith 'T(*>cheted Ince or any other heavylace ^The center In very pretty If J'm-broMercd with four small wreaths, onabqiiet,transpurtney of* the outside fnbrler-

    Modern Modes.Just now the srnnll bats a ,he fav.

    and two quurtcr setQnds the bouse v n *d b t u

    her home and' her cat."."That was n real fairy tale," the

    (allies and their frlfcnds all said."It wqs Indeed," said the Fairy

    Queen. "It was about make-believecharacters for a make-believe story,but that makes It a real Fairy Tale,ph?"( And then they all enjoyed th»

    -'Mushrooms Thr'.ve, Too. -'A"(jueer place Is Wajl street. Who

    [would ever Imagine they could see4- flowui. hloorolnrf In th*q rmslest of

    straw TCjthH rtreeteJ-*«t-4liere-l»

  • - i



    tries..mlntitf* uflor tho photograph was taken


    for every wolrtlnr, !Boma_ol_-.tlila, ofcourse,. 19 •canned beof,' corned -beefnniUennncd l̂ n«li, but us much 118 ims-llI of Ills ffosirrnpat. 7 "

    When lt-l» necesaury to< si)bst|tutek h i

    Brother, buy,nnothcr lidndl1 It »lll_^ejp to pnTO! tfto wny'

    For tho boyafithji'ij 'panebeyoji liojx luiiiioLiberty Bonds I"

    ** * * *

    . / **-WHERe-ttBERTY 7 *

    _# _ * BOI4D FUND9 OQ./*"* ' ' 'f ' *

    " \ ^* LTOtniTY-ItOMiK 1\IM, IIUY:* _ Kl\e thon^itid rllli1 or ninclilnc ** gun cartrld(i< i or _ -„ ,** iDirrncliini; tools (sinMI shov- .A* els) for n company, or ** Trench knl\ m Tor a company ** of infantry, or • **.• A horse or n mule. ' ** ' ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    ,* *- '* * * * * * * * * * * * * * **' . _ * .


    h'i\ J-i n* LAIt BONl> WILL BUY; * :* Stool helmets for n compnnv ** o f Infantry , or ~, • ** Five hundred ovenscas cups, ** or - ^_, ** j Pay the cost of drafting one **• .hundred men. ' *

    * * * * * * * ***[*4?*****

    (Wifli OuF-Bbys at the Fronton France

    W'.' .

    utu". ii i IT

    Copyright br ComtnlttM oH Public ln(brnial,lon

    ( t SeiHiTto bar4 a comf9rtgble ttwal "at home^youThe life of our soldiers ,by studying tlila prelure, The men•* "" tllne'treMche»;4trec0y under pro of Ore ehe'hiy- 'The

    - "v - ^ i j U i with ffl6d,;but>«ep



    Telephone 411

    This Is one of the best photographs-of the famous General recently madeMurKlinPof France.' Study the pictureund you'll seo why the Hunsfenr thliBill end Id tnctlcliin arid-military muBtcr.You cannot hestjtate to contribute yourmoney to Liberty Bond purchases thatwill malco his flKlit a glorious success.


    TenTimTs"His^Weighr riP FoodConsumed Jn Year by

    Fighter.I, ^ _____ __

    - -Thiw^tinrtrrs-Tjf »~tmr of-food7

    : It Is all.the best_that_i|ipney_ly, und evcn"/with tho* ra(elj»t)io

    \Hrniy_ol)tiiJiis by buying In ehorinouiiquantities It costs a pretty penny;

    Oood red ment Is tho' mnGiHtny oftho soldier's /

    OIBco Phone'37J»-W ,6,- Wostfletd 73 Sr~*"

    M. F. Wheeler

    Wholesale Retail

    QSOAB M. U l l

    THE FOWLS OF THE AIRas -welt as the cattle on a Thousand hillall contribute their share of

    MEAT FOR YOU TO EAT.—TBirfchoice grades of

    POULTRY\. MEATI 's pnees af« lulled on the

    sales and small , titofilN principle. IIHants jour regular trade and He'LKetitif)ou will only ght M a (rialThe qualH) of the meats anihlhe mo