vol. si u wilder's steamship l · 2015-06-01 · dcsc anu nocessury accompaniments. the season...

fa (EfiMp"'!! "attM "S71, V-- 1 CKKaJ Riwia KJca tr&enascJ Vol. V. HONOLULU, II. I., SATURDAY, JULY 31, 1897. No. oM9. PS SI n U ffl B P 1 Tfi 1100b ill U&YI6S m . uOh L 0 SUGAR FACTOES; 1MPOKTEKS OF.' General Merchandise AND COMMISSION M:B3IOH:T3 . v Agents for Lloyds, Canadian-Australia- n Steamship Line, British & Foreign Marine Insurance Co., Northern Assurance Co. (Fire and Life), Canadian Pacific .Railway Co., Pioneer Lino of Packets from Liverpool. Telephone 92, H. E. McIMTYEE & BRO., East Cornish Fort & king Sts. IMPQKT.EES AND DBALEES IN rocmes, Now and Fresh Goods rccoived by every packet from California, Eastern States and European Markets. Standard Grade of Cannad Vegstebies, Fruits and Fiah. a Goods delivered to unj' part of the City -- vaa IflfjAM TRM1R BnT.iniTKIl OATtSPAnTinN On H.ANTV.I7.TI Oceanic Steamship Company. TIME TABLE: The Fino Passenger Steamers of This Lino Will Arrivo and Leave This Port as Hereunder. FROM SAN FRANCISCO: MOANA JULY 29th AUSTRALIA AUG . 17th ALAMEDA AUG. 26th In connection with the sailing of the above steamer?, the Agents are prepared to issue, to intending passengers, coupon through tickets by any railroad from Sau Francisco, to all points in the United States, and from New York by any steamship line to all European ports. For furthor particulars apply to Wm. G. Irwin & Go. LIMITED. General Agents Oceanic S. S, Company. Camping Season is Coming WHEN YOU GET OUT INTO THE MOUNTAIN wo can be with yon. The memory of a d larder In your camp will liolp the enjoyment of tho scenory plcturesmie or majestic, as it appeals to tho oyn. Tho climate cental, bracing, rejuvenating will bo aluod by good groceries. Whatever ,'ou uo rusticating, nunung, nailing, nu- - JUfj. UUUllilK, UMIUIIMK) IllUUUlUMl UlllllUil, or in valely reposing onr goods uro tho dcsc anu nocessury accompaniments. The season for tills sort of thought und action Ib upon ns. All tho world, takos an outing once a year if it doesn't, It oueht to. Vhllo making up your mind where you will go, put these places before your mind's ove: ON MAUI-Haleak- ala, Lahalna, Wal-kap- a. Makawao, liana, Kula, Kulmlui, Haiku, Makono. ON KAU AI Hanalcl, Hanapepo, J.Ihne, Koloa, Wairaoa, Nawlllwlll nad Kawoi-ha- u. ON HAWAII-Klla- uca and Holcmau- -' maut, tho rainy oly, Kapapalu, Keulako-ka- a Bay ana Dr. Llndloy'H Sanitarium, Walplo, Kohala, l'una, Kona, Laupahoo-ho- o and Hainakua. ON OAHU-Waik- iki. Tantalus, Juo-waln- a, Olympus or Leant Makapuu and Mokapn, Walanao, I'oarl Harbor, itemoud Grovo, Moanaluu and Manoa. Tho Islands of Lanal, Molokai, Knhuo-law- o and Niihau. HAS THEM ALL Tolephono 210. Frco dolivory twico daily Subsoribo for Tub Independent, CO cents per month, t - A P. O. Box 145. e n V3 poYisioQs am f FOR SAN FRANCISCO: AUSTRALIA JULY 28th MARIPOSA AUG. 19th AUSTRALIA Aug. 25th HAWAIIAN Hagey Institute HONOLULU, H. 15 JN)lt THE TIIEATMENT OF Alcoholic, Opium, AND OTHEK Kindred Diseases. 13G Borotanla Street, between Emma & Fort Private carringo ontranco on lane, Emma street, opposite Chinese Epis- copal Ohurch. One hundred and sixty-thro- e per- sons have boon successfully treatod from Novombor, 189G, to May 80, 1897., Satisfactory arrangomouts made for pationlH from tho Islands or from abroad or for privato treatment. Soparalo Cottage for Medical Ad- vice and Troatmont. Pationts under troatmont havo free uso of the Social Club Parlors, DIRECTORS i - Alex. Young, President; W. It. Castle, Vico-resi-don- t; J. A. Magoou, Treasurer: A.V. Goar, Socrotary; It. S. Scriragoour, Auditor, lOtST For further Information, ap- ply to ROBT, SWAN SORIMGEOUR, Manager. Olllne Tol, 700. fillD-fi- ni ood THE EUB.Or.EAN ritESS Discuss tho Problem of Annexation Germany Disquieted. The annoxation of the Sandwich Islanda by tho United States has oaitBed some disquietude in Ger- many, as it is fearod that it is only tho proludo (o the annoxation of the Samoa Island. Tho Gorman Colonialists arc, thoroforo, demand- ing an imraediato definition of tho International status of that group. Thrt Hamburgor Nachrichtnn prints the following articlo on the subject: "For the Unitod States tho annox- ation of tho Sandwich Islands is a meastiro of extraordinary import- ance Hi taking this stop, they go boyoud tho continontal limits they havo observed for the last hundred and twenty yoars, and acquire a group of islands in mid-ocoa- This is tho extension of tho Pan-Americ- idea to tho Paciiic Ocean, to which the Monroo Dooltino has long beon represented as applicable This first stop will doubtloss bo followed shortly by othora of thn samo typo. St. Thomas aud tho other Danish Antilles a possession which a strong Party has long strivon for aud coaling stations on La Plata, at Mouto Video, and at Chitilbote', in Peru, will be acquired. That would moan the boginuing'of an expansion and modification of tho maritime and commercial policy of the gigan- tic Republic which is to bo tho ruliug Power of tho world in tho uoxt century an expansion and mo- dification rich in oousequeuces. "Considering t'uo strong Protec- tionist productions, and tho fre- quent brusauenoss, of the Washing- ton Govommont, "such a line of action cannot bo indifl'eront to auy nation that trados at 6oa. Owing to tho situation of Sandwich Islands, half way Uotweon California and Eastern Asia, with no laud, uot oven a foothold, for traffic or a coaling station within. three thousand miles, their annexation i3 of special im- portance from the strategical point of view. San Francisco is now tho only naval port of tbo United States on tho west coast; Tokio is about four thousand eight hundred nautical miles distant from it; Shanghai almost as many; Hong- kong over five thousand. It fol- lows that a war ship starting from San Fraueieco would havo her store of coal exhausted boforo reaching auy hostile port. It is, thereforo, of supremo importance for tho United Stales Navy to have at Honolulu, which is about two thousand ouo hundred aud fifty nautical miles from San Francisco, a base'of oper- ations noaror to the Eastern Asiatic ports by uoarly as great a distance. Nor is it po3sibln for anothor Naval Power to wago war with effect against tho "Wost Coast of tho Unitod States if tho Sandwich Isl-au- boloug to them. Tho ouly possiblo base of operations for that would bo that which Great Britain has at Esqufmaudo, Vancouver Isl- and, but the United-State- s are now taking stops in Paget Sound to render its harmluss, Thero aro ouly two natural harbors in the Sandwich Islands, but of tho capital, Hono- lulu, a coral roof forms a protected roadstoad, A little wost of It thero is a lagoou-lik- o fiord, running about tun kilometres inland, mostly of good depth, and convortiblo at no groat exponse into a safe and oasily defensiblo harbor. American officers hayo already made oxaot moasuro-mout- s aud surveys. "Honolulu, aa a basis of opera- tions, is of decisive importance, not only as regards tho wholo of that ocean, and especially tho Samoa Isl- ands. Tho valuo of tho Snudwioh Islands and of St. Thomas will bo considerably increased by tho con- struction of tha Nicaragua Canal, In spito of tho extraordinary im- - (flnntiiuwd In 4Ui T"l(70 BUSINESS IiUOAI.5. Bluo Serge Suits well mado for .?7 at Korr's. Mens Hats at 25 aud 3b cents oach at Korr's. Mens ready mado pants at $l.per pair at Kerr's. Mens Suilsroady to woar at $1.25 the suit at Korr's.. All Silk Neckties, mado up and to tio 2 for 25c. at Korr's. Big reductions iu Ohildrons trim-mo- d lints for ouo week ouly at N. S. Sach's. Childronstrinimod sailor haln in all colors only 50 conts at N. S. Sach's. Ladies White Vests, fino quality for 15 contp, for this week only at N. S. Sachs. A lady, who is an accomplished teacher of uiU9ic, desires to giro lessons to a few pupils at thoir home, at 50 cout3 a lesson. Address, tho editor of The Independent. "Historical Truths" may bo had at 327 King street, if applied for early. Although the edition was considered larg enough for all the books aro already be- coming rather scarce. Paddy Rvau is now assisted by popular William Carlisle at, the An- chor Saloon, where Seattle Boer is always on draught and other stimu-laut- s furnished. Pointer on all sporting evouts can bo hud, free of charge from tho athlotio manager of tho Anchor. Thero is only one place where tho proper drink can be obtained whou oyal Americans celebrate, "Annox- ation" and the Fourth of July. Pomorj Sec. aud Gold Lac, are tho special brands of Champagne served by tho Royal Aunex. Come on, you annexationists, aud lot the corks fiy, and the wine ilow. One ounco of prevention is cotter than ton ounces of curb. Tho Em- pire boasts of iufalliblo remedies against tho varioloid. Wielaud beer on draft boats vaccination, and Doctor Charlie Andrew prosidoaovor tho fiuest btoek of 'roinedios" that can bo found in town. All for medi- cinal purposes aud cash. Nod Doyle at tho Cosmopolitan is recommending tho celebrated Put- nam's Blackborry Brandy, a tonio which is unrivalled, assisted by Jim Thompson formerly of tho S. S. Australia an excolleut "half and half" is served to tho thirsty customers of tho Cosmopolitan From casks rotund, tho mellow brow Of Pabst spriugs perfect to tho light. For naturo sure aud scionco true, Couspiro to brow it right. Tho Royal and Pacific too, Supply this porfect gem. Tho Cosmopolitan is uot behind With checks which change-- with thnni YOU LOOK WELL. Tho cause is apparent. That case of delicious "ItANIEIt BEER" seems to agree with you. Phone 783. F. HORN, The Pioneer Bakery llread, t'iet, Cakoa of all kinds fresh every day. Fresh Ice Cream mado of tho Best Wood lawn Cream in all Flavors. The "InoM 'Uome-mad- o Confectionery. THOS. LINDSAY. Jeweler. IS PREl'AUKD TO Manufacture and Repair All kinds of Jewolry. WORK ONLY. 1 LnvhltrilliHriB. Fori Ht. H NOTICE. QUBSOHIBEUS ABE RESPECTFULLY O notilled that all subscriptions are pay- able strictly in advance by the mouth quarter or year. K. J. TESTA, "M it Vaimwer Wilder's Steamship Co. TIME TABLE. 0. L. WIGHT, I'res. B. B. KOBE, Beo Copt. J. A. KING, Port Supt. Stmr. KXNAU, OLAUKE, Commandor, Will cave Honolulu at 10 a. m., tonohtngat Lahalna, Maalaca Bay and Makcna the Bomo day; Mahukoua. KawRlhao and tho following day; arriving at Hilo the some afternoon. 1KVVE(. 1IOSOMJMJ. AKRIVES HONOLCtU. Friday .July so Tuesday July 27 Tuesday. ..AiirIO Friday Ang fl Friday..... ,.AUtf0 luobday Aur 17 Tuesday... ..Auk 31 ''rlday Ane27 Friday..., .SoptlO Tuesday Ecpt 7 Tuesday... Soptai ridoy Soptl7 Friday:.... ..Oct 1 Tuosday Bept23 Tuesday.. . ...OotlU Oat 8 Friday..... . . .Oct '22 iuesday Oct 111 Tuesdav ... ..Nov t'riday Oct2 Fruity.... ..Nov I Iuesday Nov 8 Tuu'day ,,, . riovL'3 Friday Nov 10 x imuy. ,Deo 3 Tuesday Nov 80 Tupsday .... Deo It Friday Dec 10 Thursday .Decl'IJ 'liioMlay Deo 21 1' rlday Dec 31 Keturnlng will leave Hilo at 8 o'clock a. m, touohiiiB at Lanpahoehoe, Mahu-kon- a and Kawaihao same day: ifokena, Muuljeu Buy and Lahoina the following day; arr vinB at Honolulu the afternoons of Tuesdays and Fridays. ma'rktd1" t,n11 at 1,0''olki' Puna' on z'& No Freight will be received after a. ir. on day of sailing. Tho popular route to tho Volcano is via Hilo A good carringo road tho entiro di- stant. Hound trip tickets, co ferine all expenses. $.r,0.00. btmr. CL&UDINE, OAMEllON, Commandor, Will leavo Honolulu Tuosdays at 5 r. m. touch ng at Kahului, Hana, Haruoa and Klpuhuln, Maul. Hemming arrives at Honolulu Sunday mornings. Will call at Nun, Kaupo, once each SJ No Freight will be received aftor 4 p. u. on day of sailing. Ilitt Company will reserves the nghtto mako changes in tho time of departuio l of lis Steamers without notice and it will not be responsible for any conse-queuc- arising therefrom. Consignees must be at the Landings to receive their freight; this Company will not hold itself responsible for freight after it has been lauded. Live i Stock recelvod only at owner's risk. This Company willnot bo responsible foi Mouoy or Valuables of passengers unless pluced in the care of Pursers. ii- - Passengers are requested to par-cha- Tickets boforo embarking. Those failing to do so will be subject to an addi- tional chargo of twenty-fiv- e percent. OLA US SPnCOKELS. wm. a. inwiN. - (lis iis Sprecfcels & Go., BANKERS, HONOLULU Sun Francisco Agents. T1IK NEVADA HANK OF SAN FllANCISCO. diuw uxoiiANar. on BAN FitANOISCQ-T- ho Nevada Bank of Ban Francisco. LONDON-T- he Union Bank of London I.t'd. NEW YOHK-Amer- lcan Exchange Na. tloual Bank. OHIOAGO-Merch- ants National Bank. PAltIS Comptoir National d'Escompte de Paris BERLIN-Dresd- nor Bank. 110NO KONG AND YOKOHAMA Hong Koug&UhanghaIBankIm;Corporatton. NEW ZEALAND AND AUBTEALI- A- Bauk of Now Zealand. VlOrOItlA AND VANCOUVEU-Ba- nk of Brltibh North Amorica. 1)amacl a General Hanking and JCxchanoe Vminess. Dopotlta Ileccived, Loans made on Ap- proved Bcourlty. Commercial and Travel- ers Oredltlsued. Bills of Kxcnango bought and sold. OoUoctlons Promptly Accouutod If or

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Page 1: Vol. SI U Wilder's Steamship L · 2015-06-01 · dcsc anu nocessury accompaniments. The season for tills sort of thought und action Ib upon ns. All tho world, ... lows that a war


(EfiMp"'!! "attM "S71, V-- 1

CKKaJ Riwia KJca tr&enascJ

Vol. V. HONOLULU, II. I., SATURDAY, JULY 31, 1897. No. oM9.

PS SI n U ffl B P 1

Tfi1100b ill U&YI6S m . uOh L 0


General MerchandiseAND

COMMISSION M:B3IOH:T3. vAgents for Lloyds,

Canadian-Australia- n Steamship Line,British & Foreign Marine Insurance Co.,

Northern Assurance Co. (Fire and Life),Canadian Pacific .Railway Co.,

Pioneer Lino of Packets from Liverpool.

Telephone 92,

H. E. McIMTYEE & BRO.,East Cornish Fort & king Sts.


rocmes,Now and Fresh Goods rccoived by every packet from California, Eastern

States and European Markets.

Standard Grade of Cannad Vegstebies, Fruits and Fiah.a Goods delivered to unj' part of the City --vaa


Oceanic Steamship Company.

TIME TABLE:The Fino Passenger Steamers of This Lino Will Arrivo and Leave

This Port as Hereunder.



In connection with the sailing of the above steamer?, the Agents areprepared to issue, to intending passengers, coupon through tickets by anyrailroad from Sau Francisco, to all points in the United States, and fromNew York by any steamship line to all European ports.

For furthor particulars apply to

Wm. G. Irwin & Go.LIMITED.

General Agents Oceanic S. S, Company.

Camping Season

is Coming



wo can be with yon. The memory of ad larder In your camp will liolp

the enjoyment of tho scenory plcturesmieor majestic, as it appeals to tho oyn. Thoclimate cental, bracing, rejuvenatingwill bo aluod by good groceries. Whatever,'ou uo rusticating, nunung, nailing, nu- -

JUfj. UUUllilK, UMIUIIMK) IllUUUlUMl UlllllUil,or in valely reposing onr goods uro thodcsc anu nocessury accompaniments.

The season for tills sort of thought undaction Ib upon ns. All tho world, takos anouting once a year if it doesn't, It ouehtto. Vhllo making up your mind whereyou will go, put these places before yourmind's ove:

ON MAUI-Haleak- ala, Lahalna, Wal-kap- a.

Makawao, liana, Kula, Kulmlui,Haiku, Makono.

ON KAU AI Hanalcl, Hanapepo, J.Ihne,Koloa, Wairaoa, Nawlllwlll nad Kawoi-ha- u.

ON HAWAII-Klla- uca and Holcmau- -'

maut, tho rainy oly, Kapapalu, Keulako-ka- aBay ana Dr. Llndloy'H Sanitarium,

Walplo, Kohala, l'una, Kona, Laupahoo-ho- o

and Hainakua.ON OAHU-Waik- iki. Tantalus, Juo-waln- a,

Olympus or Leant Makapuu andMokapn, Walanao, I'oarl Harbor, itemoudGrovo, Moanaluu and Manoa.

Tho Islands of Lanal, Molokai, Knhuo-law- o

and Niihau.

HAS THEM ALLTolephono 210. Frco dolivory twico daily

Subsoribo for Tub Independent, CO

cents per month,




P. O. Box 145.

e n V3

poYisioQs am f




Hagey InstituteHONOLULU, H. 15


Alcoholic, Opium,


Kindred Diseases.

13G Borotanla Street, between Emma & Fort

Private carringo ontranco on lane,Emma street, opposite Chinese Epis-copal Ohurch.

One hundred and sixty-thro- e per-sons have boon successfully treatodfrom Novombor, 189G, to May 80,1897.,

Satisfactory arrangomouts madefor pationlH from tho Islands orfrom abroad or for privato treatment.

Soparalo Cottage for Medical Ad-vice and Troatmont.

Pationts under troatmont havofree uso of the Social Club Parlors,

DIRECTORS i - Alex. Young,President; W. It. Castle, Vico-resi-don- t;

J. A. Magoou, Treasurer: A.V.Goar, Socrotary; It. S. Scriragoour,Auditor,

lOtST For further Information, ap-ply toROBT, SWAN SORIMGEOUR,

Manager.Olllne Tol, 700. fillD-fi- ni ood


Discuss tho Problem of AnnexationGermany Disquieted.

The annoxation of the SandwichIslanda by tho United States hasoaitBed some disquietude in Ger-many, as it is fearod that it is onlytho proludo (o the annoxation ofthe Samoa Island. Tho GormanColonialists arc, thoroforo, demand-ing an imraediato definition of thoInternational status of that group.Thrt Hamburgor Nachrichtnn printsthe following articlo on the subject:

"For the Unitod States tho annox-ation of tho Sandwich Islands is ameastiro of extraordinary import-ance Hi taking this stop, they goboyoud tho continontal limits theyhavo observed for the last hundredand twenty yoars, and acquire agroup of islands in mid-ocoa- Thisis tho extension of tho Pan-Americ-

idea to tho Paciiic Ocean, to whichthe Monroo Dooltino has long beonrepresented as applicable Thisfirst stop will doubtloss bo followedshortly by othora of thn samo typo.St. Thomas aud tho other DanishAntilles a possession which astrong Party has long strivon foraud coaling stations on La Plata, atMouto Video, and at Chitilbote', inPeru, will be acquired. That wouldmoan the boginuing'of an expansionand modification of tho maritimeand commercial policy of the gigan-

tic Republic which is to bo thoruliug Power of tho world in thouoxt century an expansion and mo-

dification rich in oousequeuces."Considering t'uo strong Protec-

tionist productions, and tho fre-

quent brusauenoss, of the Washing-ton Govommont, "such a line ofaction cannot bo indifl'eront to auynation that trados at 6oa. Owing totho situation of Sandwich Islands,half way Uotweon California andEastern Asia, with no laud, uot ovena foothold, for traffic or a coalingstation within. three thousand miles,their annexation i3 of special im-

portance from the strategical pointof view. San Francisco is now thoonly naval port of tbo UnitedStates on tho west coast; Tokio isabout four thousand eight hundrednautical miles distant from it;Shanghai almost as many; Hong-kong over five thousand. It fol-

lows that a war ship starting fromSan Fraueieco would havo her storeof coal exhausted boforo reachingauy hostile port. It is, thereforo, ofsupremo importance for tho UnitedStales Navy to have at Honolulu,which is about two thousand ouohundred aud fifty nautical milesfrom San Francisco, a base'of oper-ations noaror to the Eastern Asiaticports by uoarly as great a distance.Nor is it po3sibln for anothor NavalPower to wago war with effectagainst tho "Wost Coast of thoUnitod States if tho Sandwich Isl-au-

boloug to them. Tho oulypossiblo base of operations for thatwould bo that which Great Britainhas at Esqufmaudo, Vancouver Isl-

and, but the United-State- s are nowtaking stops in Paget Sound torender its harmluss, Thero aro oulytwo natural harbors in the SandwichIslands, but of tho capital, Hono-

lulu, a coral roof forms a protectedroadstoad, A little wost of It therois a lagoou-lik- o fiord, running abouttun kilometres inland, mostly ofgood depth, and convortiblo at nogroat exponse into a safe and oasilydefensiblo harbor. American officershayo already made oxaot moasuro-mout- s

aud surveys."Honolulu, aa a basis of opera-

tions, is of decisive importance, notonly as regards tho wholo of thatocean, and especially tho Samoa Isl-

ands. Tho valuo of tho SnudwiohIslands and of St. Thomas will boconsiderably increased by tho con-

struction of tha Nicaragua Canal,In spito of tho extraordinary im- -

(flnntiiuwd In 4Ui T"l(70


Bluo Serge Suits well mado for .?7at Korr's.

Mens Hats at 25 aud 3b cents oachat Korr's.

Mens ready mado pants at $l.perpair at Kerr's.

Mens Suilsroady to woar at $1.25the suit at Korr's..

All Silk Neckties, mado up and totio 2 for 25c. at Korr's.

Big reductions iu Ohildrons trim-mo- d

lints for ouo week ouly at N. S.Sach's.

Childronstrinimod sailor haln inall colors only 50 conts at N. S.Sach's.

Ladies White Vests, fino qualityfor 15 contp, for this week only atN. S. Sachs.

A lady, who is an accomplishedteacher of uiU9ic, desires to girolessons to a few pupils at thoirhome, at 50 cout3 a lesson. Address,tho editor of The Independent.

"Historical Truths" may bo hadat 327 King street, if applied forearly. Although the edition wasconsidered larg enough for all

the books aro already be-

coming rather scarce.

Paddy Rvau is now assisted bypopular William Carlisle at, the An-chor Saloon, where Seattle Boer isalways on draught and other stimu-laut- s

furnished. Pointer on allsporting evouts can bo hud, free ofcharge from tho athlotio manager oftho Anchor.

Thero is only one place where thoproper drink can be obtained whouoyal Americans celebrate, "Annox-

ation" and the Fourth of July.Pomorj Sec. aud Gold Lac, are thospecial brands of Champagne servedby tho Royal Aunex. Come on, youannexationists, aud lot the corks fiy,and the wine ilow.

One ounco of prevention is cotterthan ton ounces of curb. Tho Em-pire boasts of iufalliblo remediesagainst tho varioloid. Wielaud beeron draft boats vaccination, andDoctor Charlie Andrew prosidoaovortho fiuest btoek of 'roinedios" thatcan bo found in town. All for medi-cinal purposes aud cash.

Nod Doyle at tho Cosmopolitan isrecommending tho celebrated Put-nam's Blackborry Brandy, a toniowhich is unrivalled, assisted by JimThompson formerly of tho S. S.Australia an excolleut "half andhalf" is served to tho thirstycustomers of tho Cosmopolitan

From casks rotund, tho mellow browOf Pabst spriugs perfect to tho

light.For naturo sure aud scionco true,

Couspiro to brow it right.Tho Royal and Pacific too,

Supply this porfect gem.Tho Cosmopolitan is uot behind

With checks which change-- withthnni

YOU LOOK WELL.Tho cause is apparent. That case ofdelicious

"ItANIEIt BEER"seems to agree with you. Phone 783.


The Pioneer Bakeryllread, t'iet, Cakoa of all kinds fresh

every day.Fresh Ice Cream mado of tho Best Wood

lawn Cream in all Flavors.

The "InoM 'Uome-mad- o Confectionery.



Manufacture and RepairAll kinds of Jewolry.

WORK ONLY.1 LnvhltrilliHriB. Fori Ht. H


QUBSOHIBEUS ABE RESPECTFULLYO notilled that all subscriptions are pay-able strictly in advance by the mouthquarter or year.

K. J. TESTA,"M it Vaimwer

Wilder's Steamship Co.


0. L. WIGHT, I'res. B. B. KOBE, BeoCopt. J. A. KING, Port Supt.

Stmr. KXNAU,

OLAUKE, Commandor,

Will cave Honolulu at 10 a. m., tonohtngatLahalna, Maalaca Bay and Makcna theBomo day; Mahukoua. KawRlhao and

tho following day; arriving atHilo the some afternoon.


Friday .July so Tuesday July 27Tuesday. ..AiirIO Friday Ang flFriday..... ,.AUtf0 luobday Aur 17Tuesday... ..Auk 31 ''rlday Ane27Friday..., .SoptlO Tuesday Ecpt 7Tuesday... Soptai ridoy Soptl7Friday:.... ..Oct 1 Tuosday Bept23Tuesday.. . ...OotlU Oat 8Friday..... . . .Oct '22 iuesday Oct 111Tuesdav ... ..Nov t'riday Oct2Fruity.... ..Nov I Iuesday Nov 8Tuu'day ,,, . riovL'3 Friday Nov 10x imuy. ,Deo 3 Tuesday Nov 80Tupsday .... Deo It Friday Dec 10Thursday .Decl'IJ 'liioMlay Deo 21

1' rlday Dec 31

Keturnlng will leave Hilo at 8 o'clocka. m, touohiiiB at Lanpahoehoe, Mahu-kon- aand Kawaihao same day: ifokena,Muuljeu Buy and Lahoina the following

day; arr vinB at Honolulu the afternoonsof Tuesdays and Fridays.ma'rktd1" t,n11 at 1,0''olki' Puna' on

z'& No Freight will be received aftera. ir. on day of sailing.Tho popular route to tho Volcano is viaHilo A good carringo road tho entiro di-stant. Hound trip tickets, co ferine allexpenses. $.r,0.00.

btmr. CL&UDINE,OAMEllON, Commandor,

Will leavo Honolulu Tuosdays at 5 r. m.touch ng at Kahului, Hana, Haruoa andKlpuhuln, Maul. Hemming arrives atHonolulu Sunday mornings.Will call at Nun, Kaupo, once each

SJ No Freight will be received aftor 4p. u. on day of sailing.

Ilitt Company will reserves the nghttomako changes in tho time of departuio l

of lis Steamers without notice andit will not be responsible for any conse-queuc-

arising therefrom.Consignees must be at the Landings to

receive their freight; this Company willnot hold itself responsible for freight afterit has been lauded.Live i Stock recelvod only at owner's risk.This Company willnot bo responsible foi

Mouoy or Valuables of passengers unlesspluced in the care of Pursers.

ii-- Passengers are requested to par-cha-

Tickets boforo embarking. Thosefailing to do so will be subject to an addi-tional chargo of twenty-fiv- e percent.

OLA US SPnCOKELS. wm. a. inwiN. -

(lis iis Sprecfcels & Go.,



diuw uxoiiANar. onBAN FitANOISCQ-T- ho Nevada Bank of

Ban Francisco.LONDON-T- he Union Bank of London

I.t'd.NEW YOHK-Amer- lcan Exchange Na.

tloual Bank.OHIOAGO-Merch- ants National Bank.PAltIS Comptoir National d'Escompte de

ParisBERLIN-Dresd- nor Bank.110NO KONG AND YOKOHAMA Hong

Koug&UhanghaIBankIm;Corporatton.NEW ZEALAND AND AUBTEALI- A-

Bauk of Now Zealand.VlOrOItlA AND VANCOUVEU-Ba- nk

of Brltibh North Amorica.

1)amacl a General Hanking and JCxchanoeVminess.

Dopotlta Ileccived, Loans made on Ap-proved Bcourlty. Commercial and Travel-ers Oredltlsued. Bills of Kxcnangobought and sold.

OoUoctlons Promptly Accouutod Ifor

Page 2: Vol. SI U Wilder's Steamship L · 2015-06-01 · dcsc anu nocessury accompaniments. The season for tills sort of thought und action Ib upon ns. All tho world, ... lows that a war




(Kxcopt Hnii'lny)

At "Brito Hall." Konlft Stroot

gjjr Telephone 841 j&9 .


Por Month, nnywhcro In tha Ha-waiian Islands ? M

Per Year 0 00Por postpaid to Foreign Cou-

ntries.......! r 8 00

Payable Invariably in Advance.

F. J. TESTA, ProDrlotor and Pub-lisher.


W. HORAOE WRIGHT, AssistantEditor.

KcaliliiiK In Honolulu.

SATUEDAY, JULY 31, 1897.


A tuneful lyre in the office of theStar sets tho following words tomusic, with the puruuso to lull itsupportors to a sleep that will soon-

er or latf r have a rude awakening.Says the lyre:

"Nover has more ouconrafjingnews of tho annexation cause comein any utoamor. It is assured. Whatthose who harn had the cause atheart have worked for they have suc-ceeded in. It has passed from aneconomic quostion into a nationalone. Congress is now besieged withpetitions in its favor, and these run,not merely to annex tho islands atsome definite time, but the wordsare "as early as posaible," whilstthe Trans-Mississip- Congress callsfor "prompt annexation." By rati-fication of the treaty, by joint reso-lution of the Houses, or by hoistingthe flag and proclaiming a protect-orate, Hawaii will bo a part of theUnited Statts in a very few months.The dio is cast. The star of destinyhas risen, and its rays will soon gildour mountain peaks its light floodour valleys."

If any one will take the troubloto read tho editorials of the Adver-

tiser, Star and Bulletin for Us pasttwo months ho will find tho taumconfident tone predicting annexa-tion aB sure to bo ou sundry days inJuly. The Collector-Gonora- l ndChief Justice toll us, aftor failure toannox, that they knew for some timethat tho annexation troaty wouldnot be considered until Decembornext. Thb Independent will boo thatdate and go one better in the pro-dioti-

that many things will boaeen before tho American flag isflung to the breeze ovor the Execu-tive Building, if it ever is,

Tha in Ha-

waii are gaining in numbors day byday. Sober second thought is get-ting in its perfeot work. Wo saythis of the foreign olemont in thoseislaads, for the Hawaiian has novervravered in his opposition to annex-



The Advertiser is again, probablyat the bidding of tho President andhis supporters, throwing dust in thoeyes of its readers. This time itsteks to give the impression thatConaul-Ooner- Wilder in Sau Fran-cisco has, despito instructions to thocontrary, given provisional registersto two of tho Pacific Mail Com-

pany's boats. To persons who areacquainted with Mr. Wilder thisstatement will fall harmless.

James B. Castle, as Colleator-Gonor- al

of Hawaii, solomnly statedis an interview at Washington thatHawaii would keep faith with theUnited States in the matter of

ranting registers to foreign ship-

ping. This was to disarm the pointthat Senator Perkins urged againstthe treaty of annexation. Straight-way Mr, James B. Castlo leavonWashington for Sau Francisco and

tho registers are granted by Consul-Gener-

Wilder as n coincidence

It idight be that tho Pacific Mail'Company, by its next friend, 0. P.Huntington, has said in the oar ofone of our junketing statesmen inWashington that tho P. M S. S.

Co'y. had a powerful lobby whiohcould, for a consideration, work forannotation; that a satisfactory con-

sideration would bo two or threeproviBiounl registers for its vesselsunder foreign flags, which, in caseof annexation, would bo entitled tosail under the Amoricau flag. Thiskind of a deal would be chataclor-isti- c

of "tho boBt government theseislauds over had."


Feittoa lenle. Mako haste slowly,should bo the Government's policyin regard to tho stoppago of Ohi-noE- O

immigration. The Independentis as anxious as the Governmentprofoss to be to restrict and controlall Asiatic immigration, but it is notanxious to have auothor imbrogliolike the Japaneso muddlo with au-

othor long bill for tho taxpayers topay owing to ministerial muddling.

There is something criminal inthe carelessness with which riflesand cartridges Bro pormittod toreach the hands 'of small childrenwho uecessarily must discharge themto tho injury of bystanders. Theyaro also almost invariably Govern-ment rifles. One would have thoughtthat the Government, for' its ownprotbotion, would guard 'its death-dealin- g

property from falling viutothe hands of lunatics or enumioiwho might use it disastrously undertho pressure of temporary aberra-tion of mind in the shape of murdo-roi- u


Tho Govornmont people provedto bo very relax in tho payment oftho "guards who risked tho conta-gion of small-pox- , whon tho Japa-nese steamer Kinaimaru broughther lot hero, and tho capitalist oF

Merchant Street has opportunity togougo the workers out of theirclaims by given thorn a uooded half-a-loa- f

for their long-wishe- d for fullloaf ol broad. Ovor two monthshave passed and not a dollar has yetbeon paid to tho guardsl And thoNuuauu Pali workers? But of themauon. Mauy of tho men have fami-lies and aro doatitute.

An ancient Hawaiiau, of goodfamily, desires to know whether, inthe event of tho annexation of Ha-

waii by the United States, the na-

tives will bo segregated on one oftho islauds as in an Indian Reservein tho United States, or as the lopersaro ou Molokai. Who can tell,Autoohthone? Wo must wait tillannexation comes, Tho problem oftho amalgamation of our cosmopoli-tan population of divers races willfind some natural solution in thanoxt fifty years partly by wise dis-

cretion, by inter-marriage- s, andmoro emphatically still by tho sur-vival of tho fittest. Tho thrifty, in-

dustrious and sober, no matter whatmay bo their origin will bury thoidlo and tho dissolute. The weakestgo to the wall, tho whole worldaround, Tho wisest thing a Government of such a country as thoHawaiian Islands can do is to im-

port a few hundreds of healthyfor domestic purposes.

The teachers who havo attendedthe Summer Sohool are troated in arather cavalierly manner by tho Starbocauso they passed a resolu-tion, prior to adjournment, in whiohthey suggest that it is unfair to thotoaohers of tho country to bo vir-

tually forced tospoud their vaoationin studying how to teaoh, Wo agreowith tho teachers to a cortain ox-te-

but wo curtaiuly cannot standby them in their proposition to havea "summor sohool" during theregular sohool terms, and thorebyoreato auothor vaoatiou for theschool obildron, who, to our ideahavo vacations to excess, Thenourso of study of tho attendants oftho Summer School is so absurd and

idiotic that wo don't blame tho un-

fortunate lonohers for kicking. Butthey ought to kick in a moro sen-

sible mannor even if tho attendanceof tho Board of Education's summerclass must bo considered an ampleoxcueu for the development andsymptoms of softoniug of tho brains.

"Bryan has now bocomo an LL. D.by grace of au Illinois freRh watercollege. At tbo rato theso now doc-tors aro boing mado. Colonols willbocome comparatively rare."

So says the Chronicle. LuokyHawaii! Sho can only boast of Dr.Hydo, Dr. Judd, Dr. Dole, Dr.Bishop, and a few others. The"colonels" aro yet in tho majority inHawaii. Another reason for annex-ing us,

Hurrah for annexation! Now, itis assured, says a contoruporary, bocause William Jennings Bryan is infavor of it. We havo yet to learnan instance when McKinloy favoredany political scheme of William,etc., or viccvcrsa. It Bryan and thoopposition to the present admini-stration favor annexation of Hawaii,it is safe to predict that(anuoxationis dead, dead, dead, as long asMcKinloy is in office.

ItUBENSTEIN, PIANIST.Kubensteln, tho great pianist, was

seldom nt a loss for an answer. A ladyonce begged htm for a scat at his con-cert, where, of course, there was nota single place to be had. "I have onlyone scat," he said, "but I will willing-ly give It up to you." "Oh, thank you,how good you arc. Really, I don'tknow what I havo done to descrvosuch kindness. And where is theseat?" "At my home, where I enjoydrlnging IUTNEU BEER. Thonc .oJ.

While it is tho hope of tho Ad-

ministration that the treaty Bball boratified at this cession, there aroseveral Republicans who, whilefavorablo to tho treaty, will opposethis, as they consider tho matter tooimportant to bo carelossly consider-ed Daily Ohroniole.

The Proprietor

and JN

M AT .rf--V







Given Undor the Auspices of



DRILL SKCE1DHotel Street.

Saturday Evening, July 31


Admission - - 75c and 50c


A COTTAGE ON KINOCX. Strcot, KulnoknlutaI'lnlus, containing sixrooms, with outhouses between tho residences rf tho Hon A. Jtosnand T. It. Walker, Esq and latelyby B. Thoel. To toko possession Augnst 1.1'or further particulars, npplv to

ABRAHAM FiUtNANDEZ,Honolulu, July 15 1807 Tele. i80.



Oil UN-- ;furnished Honso; Par-

lor, Dining Koom, TwoBedrooms. Kitchen. Bathetc , all in Jirst class condition, Btableroom nnd Servants' quarters; grounds Inelegant condition. Locution nppnr I.illuaRtrcot j possession given Adk 1, Apply atIndependent Office. (H2-- tf

Ho is the best served who can actas his own valet.


Corsets at 25 Cents per pairDimities, 10 yards for One DollarBrown Cotton, 3G inches wide, 20 yards

for One DollarGinghams, 20 yards for 1.00Table Linen apkms


Leaving the

JelvT'WV A TTW 1

Timely Topics.Honolulu, July 26, 18D7. -


happily good men and goodmaterial are required. Youcan always tt 11 a good work-man by his tool. Now wewant all GOOD CARPEN-TERS to come and examineour stock. "We can show themsome of the very best NO-

VELTIES just introducedon the American market.

Balseloy's patent SCREWHOLDER and DRIVER isunique in its simple and timesaving perfection. It holdsyour screw and drives it, auto-matically. In three sizes andcheap. You can have aSMALL TOOL CHEST intho handle of a small pocketawl containing all you requirefor an ordinary job, exceptHAMMERS which we havein all shapes and sizes.

Our OIL bTONES are inneat little boxes and madefrom the finest stone procur-able. Bayliss' patent IRONPLANERS in all kinds andsizes; SAW MOTS for everydescription oL taws: Uhisels,gouges, rules and steelsquares : shavers, bits,augers and borers of all kindsand descriptions, JEN-NINGS' and other makes.Expansive bits. We haveeverything you want, Carpen-ters and Builders, so pleasecall and inspect our htock andw c guarantee you batih. faction.

Tne Hawaiian Hardware Co,, L'(

307 Font Street,



JSTo OlcL Stools:, El-ver- y tiling USTe-- w !

The Slaughter will commence on

BEGINNING WITHLadies Hose in bundles of 0 pairs for 25 CentsFigured Jaconets, 10 yards for Ono DollarWhite Cotton, 3(3 inches wide, 10 yards for $1.00Bedspreads, 90 Cents cashGauntlet Gloves Slightly Damaged 50c. per pairLinen Sheeting and Pillow Cueing

Embroideries, Embroideries, Embioideries.

The Slaughter - will commence".uinuajl morning.

X-.-- B. KERDR,. Queen St., HodoIbIu

M-- -

t i1-

it ''"

K --Hi?


44m 'i ii

WWi i


' ,1,


Page 3: Vol. SI U Wilder's Steamship L · 2015-06-01 · dcsc anu nocessury accompaniments. The season for tills sort of thought und action Ib upon ns. All tho world, ... lows that a war


s,ykc ft







Katio Putnam in Littlojitavoriok .

to night.Tom Cooper's mile record b now

l:dl Hint Detroit.

Mr. Paul Jarrott of Waiinon is intown in tho hands of a dentist.

No cases of import unoe woro triedin the District Court this morning.

- TTho Circuit Court of tho First

Circuit will opou its August sessionon Monday.

A capital selection lias beou ar-ranged for concert atMakoe Island.

0. F. Peterson and A. Wilder havobeen admitted to praotico in all thoCourts of Hawaii.

Frank Waller in a professionalbicycle contest in New York ran 100miles in 5h. 41s,

Q. H. Berry mado 12 successivebull's eyes at tint Kaluako range at200 yards range yesterday.

Band concert at Emma Square at1:30 this afternoon with a good program by the string orchestra.

John Soabury has a very prettycollection of Hawaiian landsholle atthe Woman's Exchange on Mer-chant street.

Katio Putnam and her ComedyCompany appear at the Opera

'House Tho curtain willriso at 8 o'clock,

The St. Louis and Star tmsuballteams meot at the Recreationgrounds this afternoon. The Starsaro baoked heavily.

Kev. J. A. Boll will pronch at thoMethodist Church in thomorning, and Rev. n. W. Peck willoccupy tho pulpit in the evening.

J. A. Buttorfield will lead thegospel meeting at Y. M C. A. hall

evening at 6:00. Topic,"Power Through Faith." Luke vii:18.

Tho American schooner MothaNolson, Rico master, arrived in portyesterday craning, 27 day from Tn-com- a,

with a cargo of lumber forthe O. B. & L. Association.

The ship Roanoke left for NowYork to-da- with 73,807 bags ofsugar, weighln 9,0J3,123, and ship-po- d

by Wm. Q. Irwin & Co., to thoAmerican Sugar Refining Company.

Morning subject at tho ChristianChurch "Tho Powor ofPrayer." Evoaing thomo, "ThoSotting Up of th6 Tabarnaclo." Thoevoning sermon will bo illustratedby a chart.

The Favoritoopouod this morningand prosonts a very cozy and taste-ful appearance. Proprietor Cun-ningham was busy all morningshaking hands with old friends aud"setting 'em up."

Our popular fellow citizen S. K.Kano, attorney and councillor ofstate is d0 years old . Thishappy ovont is being colobrated athis residonco this afternoon by hisintimato friouds. Mahalo nuil Manyhappy returns of tho day.

is tho best day ("a dayof rest" you soe), for ono to view oldocean from the beaoh at Waikiki.Thon to inoroase your pleasure whyLong Branch Baths aro thoro andColonol Shorwood shows you queerbeasts aud birds quite raro.

Rov. D. P. Birnie will preach to-

morrow on "WholoBomo Christian-ity." Rev. Mr. Birnio sails Tuesdayfor Japan whore ho will spaud his sixweoks' vacation. During his o

tho pulpit at tho CentralUnion Church will bo ocaupied byRoy. Mr. Hoyt, of San Francisoo.

Two beautiful Christian Endeavortouts with folding tables, etc., havobeen ereotod iu town. Ono is placedon tho tonnis grounds of tho CentralUnion Art Gallery, and tho othor ontho teunis grouuds of tho ArlingtonHotel. My host Krouso sports nbeautiful Amorioau Jlag from tholop of his tent. Theso handy andcomparatively cheap tents will verysoon be iu demand as muoh amongour private property holders as theyworo among tho Christian Endeavoi a

Curtains which can bo detachedwhou desired follow tho touts.

To-day- 's Evonto.

Dedication of tho EulightouodOhuroh at Kouln, followed by aluau at 2 p. m.

Tho Star aud St. Louis teams playtwo important games at 3 p. in.

Concert at Emma Square at 1.

At 8 p. m Katio Putnam at OperaHouso; tug-of-w- at drill shod;concert at Kaumakapili.

Aud yot thoy say Honolulu i'b

make loa,


0.nnic of Iho Drnumtic SeasonTo-nig-

,' "Aio )ou going to tho OperaHouse was tho first quen-tiu- n

that everybody has been askingevorybody rl?o upou tho struct to-

day. Aud, in ovory caso, tbo answerhas been an alllrmative one withsome adjective of a happy qualify-ing character to omphasizo thostatoinonl.

The vivaoiou, dolightful littlobundlo of merriment, Katio Putnamwill commeuco a brief season at thoHawaiian Opera Housnsupportsd by a carefully selectedcompany of artists. Tho play inwhich this Honolulu favorite willfirst appear is a delightful story ofdomestic aud society life entitled"Tho Littlo Mavoriek."

Tho word Maverick is deGnod inthe play by tho heroino as "anystray cuttlo critter wandering ovrthe mountain ranges without nobrand or owner; a proy to everyraskil of a cayote, or a cattle thief."Thn plot of tho play is intonaoly interesting from tho risiug of tho cur-

tain until it fajls on the last act. Itis liberally intortperrod with thelnto.-- t pongs and dances and will beinterprotcd by a company of rare ex-

cellence.Mifs Putnam is no stranger in

iFTonolulu. Iter isil eight yearsago ia pleasantly reraernbred byall svho woro ho fortunate to witueisher performances and rho says shohr.i never forgotten us nor tho manydelightful friends sho made andwhom she hopes to eoe again. Thoindications point to a hearty recep-

tion to this brilliantly gifted charm-ing autre?, Wall, Nichols & Co. havethe aalu of seats.

They Will Pull.

Tho tug of-wa- r between the Por-

tuguese and Foundry will bo wit-

nessed this evening by an immensecrowd in the drill shed.

Tho event has created an iutensointerest in tho community aud alargo amount of money will changehands t. Tho odds so far aroin favor of tho Portuguese team,tho Foundry team being somewhatlighter in weight.

C. a. Wilson and Tom Wrightwill act as judges aud will agree oua referee. J. L. Torbert. will keeptime and Geo. Harris, Jr., will actas markor. Tho pull will begin at8 p. m. sharp.

Hurrah for the winning team.

A Narrow Escape.

Thin forenoon a Ohiueso draycame tearing down Nuuauu Street,ruakai of King Street. A large num-

ber of carriagos wero on tho streetaud the surrey bolougiug to JamesR. Holt, Jr., iu which wero Mrs.Holt and child narrowly osoapod acollision which might have provenvery serious indeod.

It is about timo that those Chineseirresponsible drivors bo prohibitedfrom our thoroughfares. It is toolato to closo tho stable door whoutho horse is stolon, Mr. Marshal!

Midsummer Millinery

Miss Cahill announces that horMidsummer Clearance Sale will takoplace from Aug. 2d for two weeksonly. --Ladies' Hats, nicely trimmodfor 1; Sailor Hats for 50 conts.Organdie Shirt Waists for SI, formerprice, $250, and alltriinmed hats atbalf price. Tho stock is ono of greatbeauty and the most excellent taste.


FnriNANDLz Gonsalvcs Iu SanFrancisco, July 0. 1897, by tho Rev.George W. Beatty, August R, Fer-nandez and Miss Irmiua Gonsalvos,both of Honolulu.


UEi:N THIS DAYHAVING by llnr Mujcity tho QuoonDoniiK'ir. Knplolani, ns Ai;out (KonohllsUot tho KiahoriPH of llnunuma and Awawa-niali- i,

obtaluoit by hor undor Lease fromtho TniBteoH of tho 11. P. lllshop Estate,oxtoudliig from Makapnu Point to KolcoHead to tho south of tills Island, I hore-b- y

warn all persons from tlshlnj? In ortiospnssinp; upou thu samo without Ilrstobtaining permission. Anyono disregard-ing tuU notlco will bo prosecuted to thofullost ostont of tho law,

WM. AUXD.Honolulu, July 28, 1807. 017-l- m

" Littlo &liort of a Mlrnclo "

Mips Elizabeth Emsley's formercompanions could scarcely believetheir ever, Miss Eoisloy had beenserious ill; tho doctors appearedto do her no good. A reportor ofthe Pudsoy Nowb visitud Mr, EtnB-ley'- s

homo at No. 9, r,

Mrs. Emsloy said, "Our Liz-

zie broko down at Whitsuntide, 1891.

Sho was thou sixteen 3rears old. Thopains nil ovor hor body, particularlyin hor logs add hands, woro verybad. Wo called iu a most able doctor,who attended her for throo months,but without1 rocovery. Tho doctordeclared it to bo a bad caso ofrheumatism. Sho was not nblo towalk without assistance, and horhands wore so much swollen that shocould not have wrung a cloth if ithad been to save her life,"

Miss Emsley added, Yos, Bir, Icould not stir; my father had tocarry mo up and down stairs justliko a child."

'Jut sho does not seonrto hail anything uowl What has cured her?"queried the reporter.

"Well, replied tho motuer, "wehavo road so much about tho mar-

vellous cures by Dr. Williams' PinkPills, that I said to my husband,'what do you think if wo try thesoPiIIb.' Accordingly I wont for abox. After taking tho first box shocould walk. Sho has mended uvsrsince, aud now, sho can do anythingas well as nnybody."

Miss Emsley has beou seen quiterecently, aud ia still iu excellenthealth. Sho mentioned several per-sou- b

iu tho vicinity who had derivedadvantago from taking Dr. Williams'Pink Pills on hearing of her. Dr.Williams' Pink Pills are not likoother medicine, andhoir effects aropermanent, curing lhoumntisui, anra-mi- a,

scrofula, chronic erysipelas,restoring pale and sallow conploxionsto tho glow of hoalth. They alsohave cured many cases of paralysis,locomotor ataxy, neuralgia, St. Vitus'dance, and nervous headache.

Sho by all dealers iu medicine.

No Loap Year lu 1000.

Tho year 1900 will not be a leapyear, though tho ontiro number is

diyisiblo by 1 tbo usual teat bywhich leap year is determined Thoreason for tho omission is tho sameas that which lod to tho institutionof loapjear to kpop tho calendarstraight. It was found that the ad-

dition of a day to every fourth yearmado tho averago year just a littletoo long, and it was arrangod thatthis addition should bo omittedevery hundredth year, except whontho century number wbb divisible by

I that is, throo century years outof ovory four. The uumbor 19 notbeing divisiblo by 1, 1900 is not aleap year; but 20 being so divisible,2000 will bo a leap year, and so on.

Ladies White- Vests, fino qualityfor 15 cents, for this week only atN. S. Saohs.




Comedy Company.

Presenting tho Attractive Play


Best Seats, Ono Dollar.

&r TickotB at Wall-Niohol- e Co,



Founded, 1792. .... Cash Capital, $3,000,000Oldost B'iro Immvanca Company in the United StatoB.Losses paid .mice organization over - - $90,000,000.


Established, 1S59. .... Capital $5,000,000.Iusuranco effected on Buildings, Goods, Ships, and Morchandiso

e&-- For lowest rates apply to' XC. LOSEGoneral Agont for tho Hawaiian Islands.



Improved Planters HoSolid Cast Steel Eyo aud Blado Forged Entire.




VAOTJUM OIL, S,Tho Standard of Merit

!Jaiv3?a.S Stoires and.PAINT, WALL & WHITEWASH


A Largs Assurtment i Gimural


VTOTIOi: IB IIKKKUY GIVKN THATtho undersigned bus this diy been ap

pointed AilmuiWtratrix of tbo Estate ofJohn Cainncho, decoabed, of Honolulu,Island of Oaliu, Hawaiian Islands, and allcreditors nro horeby notified to presenttheir claims duly authenticated, and withproper vouchors, If nay exist, even if thoclaim ii tecu'ed by moitgago, at tho ofllcoof A G. Correa, UH Merchant Street, Ho-nolulu, within six months from date or bofomver barred. And all persons indebtedto tho said Kstato aro roqnested to makeimiuPdlato payment of said indebtednessto A. G. Correa. at his olHee.

KMUKIdNA OAJIA.OHO,Administratrix Instate of John L'aiimcho,

deceasod.July 'JO, 1807. 03Moa

J. T. Waferliouse.

There are throe brands o

.Tains and Jellies known to beabsolutely pure. Crosse &

Blackwells, Morton's andCode, Elfelt & Co, Duringtho pure food crusade in Cali-

fornia the goods of tho latterpassed every inspection andnow come out of the factoryspecially stamped ' 'PureFood."' Wc have a completestock of these goods and offerthem to the public at very low

prices.Our grocery department is

full to the brim with reliablegoods and our prices are lowenough as to draw commentfrom other dealers. We , buyfor cash in quantities to. suitthe demand andthey are always fresh.

AYo handle the celebratedAlbeit boneless sardines andthe Palaco brand of slicedbacon, two articles for thetable that are unoxeelled.

"Wc carry a full line of tabledelicacies, English and Amer-ican and promptly fill orders.Prompt delivery in allcaueswhether in person or by tele-

phone and careful attontioupaid to tho selection of goods.






ve No

Stock !

ISTobody has yet saidthat we have, so we make theassertion as a preface to thestatement that the largest andbest assortment of china andcrockery ever brought to Ho-nolulu is on our shelves. TheBrunhild a brought a share ofit and the invoice is pleasingeveryone. The shapes are tjielatent ideas of the Englishpotters and the decorationssurpass anything we have everhad.

Toilet Sets,Glassware,

Tumblers,Flower Pots,

Seed Pans.The toilet sets aro

handsome enough to invite amun to j fivo up tho idea ofputting a stationary washstaud in his new dwellincr.The ewers and basins aro largoand elegant, better than oldmakes.

Our stock of glasswareis complete. Tumblers andgoblets, plain, figured or cut.Flower pots aro useful herobecause this is a fern country."Wo have all sizes and shapes.

VUi4,Von I frill. Blook.


nAUATOOA IJKINQ NO l.OKOKK AO pnbllo resort, tho Proprietress will beglad to lor tho whole or part (with board,If desired,) to private families wishing ahealthy sniniuor resort. Kor terms, ss

1 O. llox 243, or on the promises.OlS-l-

Uiug up 811, if you havo nnythinffto uv In True lmePBNnBiT,

Page 4: Vol. SI U Wilder's Steamship L · 2015-06-01 · dcsc anu nocessury accompaniments. The season for tills sort of thought und action Ib upon ns. All tho world, ... lows that a war

JUST AR1UVKDA now lot of tlio Finest

Musical Instruments.Autoharps, Guitars, Violins, Etc.

Also o now Involco of tho Colebratcd

Westerm&yer Pianos,Spociahy manufactured for tho tropical

ollmoto, second to nono,


On tho Hawaiian Islonds during tho Instyears.



General Merchandise.

Also the choicest European and Amorl- -

Beers, Ale, Wines & LiquorsAT MOST HKA80NAIILE PBtOKB.


Comer King c& Bethel Streets".

T. B. Ml321 fc 323 King Street.

The lsading . .

Carriage and

Wagon Manufacturer.". AIL MArEKIALS ON HAND . .

Will furnish everything outside steamboats and boilers.

Horse Shoeing a Specialty.


rKi.nvnoNE 607. P. 0 Box 321.


Carriage Manufactory,128 & 180 Fort Btreet,

Carriage BuilderAND IlEPAIKEK.

Blafdamlfbtne In all It& Bnmobes

Orders from the other Islands in BuildingTrimming, Painting, Etc., Etc.,

promptly nttended to.

W. W. WRIGHT, Proprietor.(Successor to G. West).

Wm. G. Irwin & Go.(LlMITKD)

Win, Q. Irwin President & ManagerGlaus Spreckela. . - ,. . nt

W. M. Giflard Secrotary & TreasurorTheo. 0. Porter Audlto;


Commission Agonts.AGENTS OF THE

Oceanic Steamship Comp'y" Of Ran KrannlROO. Cal.

Metropolitan Meat Go.


G. J. Wallib, - - Manaoer.

Wholesale nndBetnll . . ,


Navy Contraotova

tt u

J. FamilyT. KJIOUSE, - . . Prop.

Per Day , $ 2.00Per Weo 12.00


The Best of Attendance, tho Boat Situation


Holders of Water Privileges, or thosepaying water rates, nro horohy notified thattho hours for irrigation purposes aro from(I to 8 o'clock a. m. and from 4 lo 0 o'clockr. m.

II. Holders ot water privileges on thoSlopes of Punchbowl above Green Strcot,and in Nuuamt Vnlloy above School Strcot,aro horoby notified that they will not berestricted to tho irrigation hours of 0 to 8

a m , nnd 4 to 0 r. m., but will be allowedto Irrigate, whonovcr sufficient water Isavailable, provided that thoy do not usetho water for Irrigation purposes for morethan four hours In every twenty-four- .

ANDHICW BUOWN,Supt. Honolulu Wator Works.

Approved :

I. A. KiNfi,.MInlstor of Interior.

Honolulu. H. I., Juno 17, 1897. l)12-- tf



San Francisco, Col,

BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WOllKS.,Philadelphia, Pcnn., U 8. A.

NEWELL UNIVBItSAL MILL CO.,(Manf. "National Cano Shredder'1).

New York. U. 8. A.

N. OHLANDT & CO.,San Francisco, Cal.


GS2--tf San Francisco, Cal.

Occidental Iloiel.Comer Kinc and Alakca Streot b,


Mrs. A, S0HMEDEN, Proprietress,

Rooms Ensuito and Singlo, withBoard, from S5.50 por week, accord-ing to requiromonta of the fjuosts,with Hot and Cold Baths.

The only Promenade Hoof Gardenin tho city. GEO. CAVENAGH,

Manager.ST Telephono : : : 054



General Business Agent


Conveyancing in AH Its BranchesCollecting and All Buslnoea

Matters of Trust.

All business entrusted, to him will receivaprompt and careful attention. --

Ofilne, Hmioknn, ITiuimluin, Hawaii.

Business Cardo.


Real Estate and General BusinessAgents, Also Surveyors.

Ofllco Vi Konla Streot, Honolulu.


Surveyor and Real Estate Agent.

Offlco: Ilothol Streot, ovor tho Now230 Model llestanrant. ly


Plumbino, Tin, Copper and SiieetIron Work.

King Street, Honolulu.


Attorney- - at-La-

Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu.


Frank Brown, Managor.

; ami 0 Mol..inf Otf.f. Hnnnlnln TT. I,


.Dealers in Lumber and Coal andBuildiko Materials of

All Kinds.

(Continued from 1st imgc.)

porlnueo of this event, the Britishsoeui just as little disposed to pro-tos- t

a9 the Japauoso, who aro moatinlorostod. Our interest, also, isvory considerable, owing to oTir

trade with the group, and especiallyto our olaitn to Samoa. But so longas Gortnauy is weak at sea, theGorman Government cannot assortits traus-ocoani- o interests."

Tho Glasgow Herald sayB: Thonows that a treaty had been signedby the United States Governmentfor tho annexation of Hawaii led tosome inquiry this morning for theG per cout. bonds Quoted on theLondon Stock Exchange. This loauwas for an authorised sum of '100,-00- 0,

of which a first issuo of 200,000was mado by Messrs Mathesou & Co,in 188G at tho price of OS per cont.Of course the United States Sonato,in its superior wisdom, may deoidonot to ratify tho troaty, as it did intho case of the arbitration treatywith this country; but speculatorstook tho risk of that, and' attemptedto buy tho bonds. They closednominally at 100 to 103 last night;and tho dealers quoted tho bondstl)i3 morning 105 to 115, and thomarkot was doscribod as bikers andno sollors. To-nig- the quotationis sout out officially as 2 higher ontho day at 102 to 105." The inquiryfor the bonds was naturally duo totho cheapness of a 6 por cent, bondat tho price quoted, if guaranteedby tho United States Government.Of course thore is tho question ofredemption to be takon into accountAccording to the torms of the loan,there was to bo no redemption for aperiod of 10 years; but that periodhaving passed, tho loan could nowbe redeemed at any timo, and it mustbo rodeemed by tho operation of asinking fund within SO years fromthe date of issue. In the ovont ofthe treaty being ratified, and theUnited States taking ovor tho loan,a sinking fund . would no doubtquickly como into oporation if, in-

deed, tho loau wore not redeemed atonco, for tho terms of the bond allowfor such immediate redemption.Market operators did not apparent-ly contemplate tho probability ofHawaii, in the evont of annexation,retaining their looal governmentand their own Indebtedness likeother States of America.

Tho Spectator says: Tho Amer-

ican Executive has decided to annexHawaii, the group of islands in thoPacific, two thousand miles off,whieh wo usod to call tho SandwichIslands. Tho measuro is entirelyopposed to tho policy of tho Union,which is to avoid foreign possessionsand to common sonBe, which showsthat in annexing islands tho UnitedStatos compel themselves to keepup an otherwise useless Navy. Thehigh tariff mon, however, neod theBupport in Oougross of tho SugarTrust, and the Sugar Trust findsthat tho American sugar-grower- s

who rule Hawaii under the form ofa Republio are dangerous compe-titors. tThey put pressure, there-fore, upon tho high tariff Presidentand Mr. MoK-iulo- y on Wednesdayaddrossed a messago to tho Sonatoannouncing that he had mado aTreaty with the government of Ha-waii, tho American sugar-grower- s

aforesaid, auuoxing the islands tothe United States. It is believedthat tho Sonate, which loves sugar,will confirm tho Treaty.

Tho Globo says: Judging fromtho protest which Japan has madoto tho United States, it would soemthat the annexation of Hawaii is notyet an accomplished fact. Therowere those who said that Japanwould not stand in the way of an-

nexation, but sho uot only protestsstrongly now, but gives grounds forher protest. Japanese treaty rightsand tho rights of thousands of Japa-uoso citizena of Hawaii aro at slakoand Japan means to raako UncleSam understand that his solicitudefor tho wolfaro of the islands hasboon misdirected.

The New York Evening Post con-

tains a spooial intorviow with a gen-

tleman described as a "high Govern-ment official" at Washington, whois roprosentod as saying: "Mr. Sher-

man's excuse for approving of tho

Hawaiian Annexation Treaty is thatit is a necessity in view of tho atti-

tude of Jap in i His at tit udo, how"

ever, is regarded in a humorouslight by all tho ' officials, becausothoy are familiar with the inlorualaffairs of Japan, whioh is not in acondition to offer resistance Euro-pean Bontimont is against Japan,and will afford no oneouragomentfor any aggressive action on thopart of that country. England pos-

sesses islands uoarer Japan thanHawaii, and sho will, thereforo, dis-

courage Japan from any attempt atcolonization. Dalzitl,

President MoKinley has conclud-ed a treaty of annexation with tho"Dolo Government" of Hawaii. Buttho comments of tho sonators andof tho American press aro not

as to the ratification of thotroaty. Thoro is sad dearth of argu-ment in the President's message re-

commending annexation, and it isapparently loft to The Now YorkHorald to make the argument infavor of acquiring tho island. "It!h plain," says our contemporary,"that at no distant day this will bea commercial route botwoon thoUnited States aud the Far East,rivalling, if not eclipsing, in pros-perity that of tho Atlantic betweenthe Old World and tho New. lutho grand westward ocean highwayof the future the Sandwinh Islandswill, of course, play an importantpart, being a halfway station whoseadvantage is obvious and incalcul-able. It goes without saying thatit should be in tho possession nndunder tho control of tho UnitedStatos, whoso commercial afar istaking its way westward. Tho an-

nexation of the islands is, therefore,vital and essential to the futurecommercial progress and prosperityof this country."

But what is Japan going to say ofthis coupf The reason for it is, thatthe island is becoming -- populatedby Japanese; and that tho SugfrTrust is anxious to securo tho plan-tations. Moreover, it is suggestedthat tho island will serve as a coalingstation. But is it not the acquisi-tion of a vulnerable Bpot, which maynecessitate the maintenance of ahuge navy for its dofonce. The onlyparallel for this step is to be foundin General Grant's negotiations forannexing San Domingo. Then, asnow, tho act requirod Congressionalconsideration and sanction. Gen-eral Grant failed to carry his scheme;and tho reception of President

proposal indicates a similarfato for tho proposal to annex Ha-waii. Shining World.


I tinilf. n hnnnHfnl rnal. UQ&Xdenco furnished throughout ffiMBrsituated at the 1'anliiMiln.Good boating. Close to tho Railroad. Forlurtner particulars apply to

J. O OA1attho Bank of Bishop & Co

UiZ-- lI


When Luna lightsOur troplo Islo and soaJust tako this tipGo got a dip

At Lono Branch, Waikiki.Bathing parties can obtain special ac-

commodations; cloan suits ana proportreatment Tramcars pass tho door.

0. J. SHEUWOOD,Proprietor Long Branch Baths.

TWO REASONSWhy people come long distances to buy at


ZEPalama 3-rocer- y

UEASON 1 Bocausoono customer tollsnuothor how much they have saved bydealing at this llvo and let live establish-mou- t.

ItEASON 2 -- Becauso tho saving fromtheir grocory bill helps thorn to pay thohouse, rout.

If you don't believe, what our customersay just glvo us a call and bo convinced.

HL"Eiy sixicl GrainHAKItY OANON,

Palama Grocory.TEL. 7W OppoKllfl Railway Depot.


MK8. F. HORN AND II. HORN, WILLbo responsible for any debts incur-

red In their nainos without their writtenorder.

Honolulu, July 7 JSfl7. fiat-- lf



First-clas- s Cauoos With Experienced

Native CanoeistsMay bo obtained on llvo minutes no- -

tico at any hour iu tho dayfrom tho


gjST TickotB, $1 por hour for eachperson, to be obtainod from tho

"Hale Oiwi"(W. W. Dimond's store, von Holt

Block) or at any of tho popularbeach resorts or by tolophono "56"on week days or "921" on Sundays!

Canoes sent uuywhoro on tho Doach531-- tf

Merchants' wkm8. I. SHAW, Proprietor.

Corner King aim Nuunnu Streets.

Choice LiquorsAND.

l TBLRPHONE 401. -- a

Bmiire SaCorner Nuunnu and Hotel Sts.

Cutr.LEs W. Anubkws - - .Mumger.

tee fioeUlprUjisHALF-AND-HA- ON DUAUGHT '.

Wieland Beer on DraughtNOW ON TAP.

Rainier in Bottloa.

Handmade Sour lashA SPECIALTY.

Brace Waring k Co.--,

Real Estate Dealers.C03 Fort St., near King.

b0ildinq lots,Houses and lots, and

lands for saleCM-r- Parties wlehlng to dispose of their

PrnpnrMns. nro Invltpil to pII nn lm.

Hawaiian GrownOysters.

The nbovo delicacy oan now boprocured in such quantities as re-

quired upon leaviug orders with

H. E. Mclntvre & Bro.307- -t


JOHN PHILLIPSHas romoU Ida Plumbing Bnainesi. from

King street to the promises on

DrSotel StreetFormerly occupied by "Wnmn '


Horse or DogIS SIOK

Call on A. It. KOWAT, Df V. B.ftW OlIloB-Ol- uh HUlilfln. tf

- .