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It is read by over 25 000 buyers and sellers of stationery and

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Society’s distrust for business to do what “is right” has created a host of demands on companies to prioritise their business ethics, Ethics Institute of South Africa CEO Prof Deon Rossouw said recently at the Graduate School of Business Leadership (SBL) Research and Innovation Day held on campus in Midrand.

Ethical business practices and companies demand that the people working within the organisation and, more importantly, leading these companies must have the highest standard of ethics. The country needs individuals who are capable of determining what is legal and what is morally wrong.

Legally, anti-corruption legislation including the

South African Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act 2004 and the new Companies Act, the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act 1977 and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002 have forced companies to rethink their ethics.

Rossouw said when companies applied a self-interest consideration to their business ethics, there was the realisation that reputation, shareholder trust, investor confidence and an access to discerning markets play a role in developing an ethical business culture. Additional benefits include attracting and retaining talented staff and the inherent loyalty from the companies’ supply chains and customers.

The alternative offered scandal

to the company for unethical business practices; losses from fraud, theft and corruption; shareholder alienation; a high staff turnover; litigation against the company and director liability implications.

Ethics Monitoring and Management Services MD Cynthia Schoeman echoed those sentiments, “The benefit of sound ethics is the ability to attract and retain top staff members,” adding that ethics offered “a unique source of comparative advantage” that could not be copied, delegated, owned, bought, sold or traded, but rather lived every day.

For more information, visit www.sblunisa.ac.za.

NEWSCompany News 03

Technology Update 26Business related news and reviews for the office products industry.

Eco Pages 30A green sustainability update.

MARKETING SAVVYTurning Terrorists into Angels 8Aki Kalliatakis discusses how businesses need to keep converting customers through service standards.

What’s in a brand? 18Pinpointing those essential aspects needed to take your brand to greater heights.

ONLINE SAVVY Trust! The new currency 06Gavin Moffat advises that building trust builds immeasurable returns for business.

Considering E-Commerce 22A quick look at the pros and cons of entering the online retail market.

SPECIAL FEATURESNeedful Things 04Products to make your life step up to a more corporate calibre.

The ballpoint rolls into being 10An exploration of the modern version of the ballpoint pen.

Electrical evolutions 24Power up your office with these practical plug-in devices.

Education 28A look at what’s happening in the realms of education.

Debt Alert 30Lauren Orritt advises business to understand their legal obligations when entering into contracts.

PEOPLEPersonAbility 21My Office magazine catches up with Dave Jenkins.

Scene Around 33Events, people and places in review.

IN EVERY ISSUECrime Alert 02Web buttons 32Quick Find Retailer Guide 37Product showcase 36Buyers guide 40Punchline 48


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Doing what’s right

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Bidvest results for the half-year to December 31, 2012, reflect an 18,2% rise in normalised headline earnings per share to 725,1 cents while normalised basic earnings per share are 24,5% higher at 724,4 cents. Normalised headline earnings exclude the abnormal profit of R399,1 million on the partial sale of the investment in Mumbai International Airport Private Limited in the comparative period.

Bidvest Chief Executive Brian Joffe reported reasonable trading results for the half-year to December 31, 2012 despite challenging trading conditions in many geographies. He commended management for their focus and commitment.

Bidvest Office achieved modest revenue improvements – up 2,9% to R2,2 billion (2011: R2,1 billion) while trading profit dropped 7,4% to R130,7 million (2011: R141,2 million). Expenses were well controlled. Operational performance was mixed. The stationery group recovered following a well executed back-to-school strategy.

Technology group results were acceptable, but were impacted by delays in major contract awards at Konica Minolta and Océ. Results at GPT were good in a challenging market. Losses within the furniture business were stemmed. Demand rose significantly at Dauphin and Cecil Nurse. Furniture manufacturing orders are well up.

MAll CONSTRUCTION CONTINUESWhile retailer share prices hang on with their fingernails and economists talk of a slowdown, retail developments are counter-intuitively going great guns, with construction happening or scheduled for completion in 2014 on 11 new malls nationally, from the 12 000m² toe in the turbid waters of Tugela Ferry to the 72 000m² leviathan of Forest Hill City, Centurion.

Of course, these properties could well cannibalise existing centres, so the race is on to upgrade. Rosebank, currently expanding from 37 000m² to 62 000m² at a cost of nearly R1 billion is a case in point.

Some of the big drivers for this growth are the ongoing urbanisation of South Africa’s population, the continued growth of the middle class and the fact that local authorities have made more land available for development.

UNIlEvER INvESTS IN MANUFACTURINGUnilever South Africa recently announced its latest investment in the construction of a new home care plant worth R800+ million. In addition to this new factory, over R200 million will be invested in upgrading and expanding existing plants.

The new factory will produce popular brands like Omo, Skip, Handy Andy, Domestos, Comfort and Sunlight amongst others. The factory will be built in Anderbolt, Boksburg, adjacent to Unilever’s main distribution centre in South Africa.

Construction on the new site will incorporate Unilever’s latest manufacturing technologies and the first production is expected off the lines in 2014. This investment forms part of Unilever’s Sustainable living plan, which aims to double the size of its business whilst reducing its overall environmental footprint.

SkINSTAD TO PlAy ON ITEC TEAMSpringbok Rugby hero Bob Skinstad’s was initially announced as a brand ambassador for Itec Connect 2011 but soon moved his way up to part of the team. Currently a company director at Itec Innovate in Cape Town, Skinstad used his competitive and winning talents to grow the business

that specialises in office automation and provides expert business solutions.

The initial brand-related collaboration has evolved into a true meeting of the minds between Skinstad and Itec Connect, from a mutual interest in and association with sport and charity into an aligned vision of how to grow the business even further.

From a business perspective, Gavin Meyer, MD of the Itec Connect Group says, the former rugby star and Connect are a perfect fit because of his determination and work ethic.

OFFICE ClUB WElCOMES NEW MEMBERSOffice Club recently welcomed Sekhoba Stationers and The Write Shoppe to its group.

Sekhoba Stationers is based in Sundowner, Johannesburg, Gauteng, while The Write Shoppe is based a Zevenwacht Mall, Kuilsriver, in the Western Cape.

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A range of beautiful and useful items that will lend a corporate standard to any office environment.

Corporate calibre

DOWNTIMERecline in luxury, or ensure your customers get comfy. Forms Media Independent Africa offers a team of qualified space planners and a wide range of exciting colour options to promote your image, interior lay-out and design of your office. Contact: www.fmia.co.za

BENQ vISIONCorporate consumers are impressed with the BenQ range of business monitors which impact any company’s bottom line by reducing annual power consumption by up to 33% a year. Their friendly BL-Series LED monitors are not only environmentally friendly, they are also ergonomic. For further information call 011 867 7763 or visit http://www.benq.com.

SCAN IN A MOUSEWestcon SA has introduced their latest Zebra ZXP Series 7 card printer that offers high-volume quality printing for ID and access control cards, loyalty and membership cards, stored value, gift and event cards. Its photo-print technology comes coupled with a laminator, to print durable and tamper-proof cards of photo quality, both quickly and reliably. Available to South African resellers through Westcon SA. Call Melandi de Plooy on 011 233 3333.

hOlD IT TOGEThERBOSTIK offers three essential adhesives for use in the office: the Cable adhesive; the Hard Plastic adhesive; and their Shoe adhesive. Clear, strong and quick drying, they are designed to glue all types of office emergencies and won’t yellow with age. See their full range of products on www.bostik.co.za

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GO FOR GOlD Sheaffer Legacy Heritage will add a touch of class to any business meeting. Its distinct wide profile and signature is a deal-clincher that will add both luxury and a precise design element to the art of doing business. Visit http://www.sheaffer.com to view their full range.

PUT IT OUT ThERETower’s Magnetic Planner is easily placed on a fridge or adhered to any flat surface using the accompanying double-sided tape. The Magnetic Planner allows you and the team to stay organised during the week. Available from leading stationers. See the full Tower range on www.towerproducts.co.za

ECO-COOl COFFEECaturra have launched an environmentally friendly packaging solution for their complete range of espresso, filter and organic coffees. Sourced from exotic destinations all over the world, their coffee can be enjoyed guilt-free as it is now packaged in environmentally friendly, home compostable bags. Visit www.ilovecoffee.co.za or call 021 593 1199.

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m a r k e t b a r o m e t e r

I recently attended a talk at the Gordon Institute of Business (GIBS) in Johannesburg entitled “Building Trust: the ultimate business challenge”. having been to a number of talks at GIBS over the past decade, I was surprised that the talk was full and that the average age of attentive listeners was under 45.

My surprise was not because the venue was full, GIBS Forum talks most often are. It was also not due to the apparent interest in trust as both a challenge for business and in interpersonal relationships. It seems self-evident to me that the surprise stems from the question, “Why are we still discussing how important trust is?”

Trust is as immeasurably important, as Andy Atkins said in How Leaders Build Trust, “Companies with high levels of trust enjoy higher stock prices, improved profits, and better retention of key employees.”

There is sufficient research that shows unequivocally that trust is a cornerstone of business. That without trust, businesses have a high mortality rate.

Trust certainly seems to be a scarce commodity these days, across the globe. Here, in our own country there are trust issues from government to corporate, from cultural to personal environments.

Yes, we may well be in an unenviable position as a result of 400 years of history, but we are doing little to rectify the situation and tread new ground.

The single factor that appears to be the fulcrum of trust within the business world is one of leadership. When an organisation has a leader who is authentic and operates from a place of integrity, the path to trust is already partially paved.

You may have heard the saying, “What you do is shouting so loudly in my ear that I can’t hear what you are saying.” As a leader you need to walk the talk, each and every day. No one expects you to be a saint; they just expect consistency and honesty.

Remember that not having trust in a relationship is like adding a layer of tax to all interactions. Each time communication or action is initiated, intention comes into question and this slows the process down. Often creating a bog of mistrust and a smelly outcome.

Everyone has the capacity to build trust and engender authentic relationships on a daily basis. We can do it with our children and our spouses, with our colleagues and our friends. We do it by showing up each day in a way that shows respect to those around us. Show respect and it will be returned.

‘leaders can no longer trust in power but have to rely on the power of trust.’ m



GAVIN MOFFAT / pothole spotter / asker of tough questions

/ CEO advisor / strategist / trainer / speaker /

([email protected] or www.twitter.com/gavinmoffat)

The next big currency

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m a r k e t i n g s a v v y

One of my associates recently replaced the customer care manager of a major fast-food company who had gone on maternity leave for six months. Because

everything was arranged at the last minute, she wasn’t briefed much on common processes and practices, but she did know how we like to deal with customer complaints.

One of the first calls was from an irate customer whose family’s fast food order had been messed up. He also happened to have 15 000 Twitter followers, who had already read a few tweets about his terrible experience. As she listened to him ranting and raving, he said,

“Even if they offered to do my laundry for the rest of my life, I’ll never go back again!”

Calling on her training, our new recruit listened and empathised by saying things like, “That must have been awful,” and “No wonder you are so upset.”

Within minutes, he had calmed down, and she personally apologised on behalf of the company and the manager of the branch.

He then, apologised for over-reacting, and they were able to discuss how this could be resolved. The

company’s policy was to selectively give vouchers to customers who had

bad experiences. This she did immediately and as he

was on holiday in Cape Town she arranged for the same order

to be delivered to the hotel he was in.

At the end of the call, she innocently said to him, “Oh, and by the way, when will it be convenient for me to pick up your laundry?” At this, he burst out laughing.

Within minutes he was raving to his 15 000 Twitter followers about how well the company had responded to his complaint, using words like “unbelievable” and “fantastic”.



• We don’t only lose the customer and their future purchases

• But it could cost us more marketing, promotional and PR activity

• Unhappy customers talk – a lot. • Unhappy customers are also

more likely to take other “revenge” actions like abusing the staff, not paying accounts on time, making threats to sue, contact the media, or post on social media.

• They become extremely price-sensitive, even while they support your more-expensive competitors.

• In addition, the company needs to investigate every complaint, and offer customers refunds and compensation.

So what was so special? All you have to do is to remember LESTER.

listenEmpathiseSay sorryThank them for bringing it to you Explain what you can do to sort this outRectify with a win:win solution

Of course, having a sense of humour helps, but it’s not essential. m

What is your customer’s smile worth? And what is the price your business pays when a customer complains?

AkI kAllIAtAkIs is the Managing Partner of The Leadership LaunchPad, a company dedicated to helping clients become more

customer driven. He can be contacted at 011 640 3958, or via the website at www.DelightYourCustomers.co.za.

Follow him on Twitter at @AkiKalliatakis or Leadership LaunchPad


Turning Terrorists into


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The ballpoint rolls into being

Following its first invention, subsequent patents and redesigns, the ballpoint pen today has been refined to its current practicality and ease of use for writer’s

across the globe.

In October, 1945, a crowd of around 5 000 people gathered outside the entrance of a New york department store known as Gimbels eagerly waiting for the store to open its doors.

The previous day, according to ideasfinder.com, Gimbels had placed a full page advertisement in the New York Times announcing the first sale of ballpoint pens in the country.

This new pen was depicted as a “fantastic, miraculous fountain pen, guaranteed to write for two years without refilling!”

Gimbels managed to sell its entire stock of 10 000 pens at $12.50 each.

The truth though, this “new” pen had not in fact been new at all and hardly

worked any better than its predecessors. The story begins in 1888 when John

Loud, an American leather tanner, patented a roller-ball-tip marking pen. Loud’s invention featured a reservoir of ink and a roller ball that applied the thick ink to leather hides. Loud’s pen, however, was never produced, nor were any of the other 350 patents for ball-type pens issued over the next 30 years.

The major problem had always been the ink. If the ink was too thin the pens leaked, and if it was too thick, they clogged.

Almost 50 years later the Hungarian journalist Laszlo Biro invented the ballpoint pen in 1938.

In 1935 this journalist has been editing a small newspaper and found he spent too much time filling his fountain pens and cleaning up smudges. He was also frustrated by the fact that the nib of the fountain pen would scratch or tear right through the paper he was working on.

Determined to develop a better pen, Biro and his brother Georg, a chemist, started

designing and formulating improved ink.Biro had noticed that the type of ink

used in newspaper printing dried quickly, leaving the paper dry and smudge-free. The thicker ink would not flow through a regular pen nib however, prompting the pair to devise a new type of tip.

By fitting his pen with a tiny ball bearing in its tip, Biro managed to get the pen moving along the paper. The ball rotated picking up ink from the ink cartridge and leaving it on the paper.

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The first pen-writing instrument was the quill pen dipped into dark paint. There was a need to lengthen the time between dips, eliminate splatter, eliminate smearing and improve pen handling.• Early 1800s: The first designs for pens

that could hold their own ink patented.• 1884: L.E. Waterman, a New York City

insurance salesman, designed the first workable fountain pen, the fountain pen becomes the predominant writing instrument for the next 60 years. Four fountain pen manufactures dominate the market: Parker, Sheaffer, Waterman and Wahl-Eversharp.

• 1938: Invention of a ballpoint pen by two Hungarian inventors, Laszlo Biro and George Biro. The brothers both worked on the pen and applied for patents in 1938 and 1940. The new-formed Eterpen Company in Argentina commercialised the Biro pen. The press hailed the success of this writing tool because it could write for a year without refilling.

• May 1945: Eversharp Co. teams up with Eberhard-Faber to acquire the exclusive rights to Biro Pens of Argentina. The pen re-branded the “Eversharp CA” which stood for Capillary Action. Released to the press months in advance of public sales.

• June, 1945: Less than a month after Eversharp/Eberhard closed the deal with Eterpen, Chicago businessman, Milton Reynolds visited Buenos Aires. While in a store, he sees the Biro pen and recognises the pen’s sales potential. He buys a few pens as samples. Reynolds returns to America and starts the Reynolds International Pen Company, ignoring Eversharp’s patent rights.

• October 29, 1945: Reynolds copies the product in four months and sells his product Reynold’s Rocket at Gimbel’s department store in New York City. Reynolds’ imitation beats Eversharp to market. Reynolds’ pen is immediately successful: Priced at $12.50, $100 000 worth sold the first day on the market.

• December, 1945: Britain was not far behind with the first ballpoint pens available to the public sold at Christmas by the Miles-Martin Pen Company.


ThE BAllPOINT PEN BECOMES A FADBallpoint pens guaranteed to write for two years without refilling, claimed to be smear proof. Reynolds advertised it as the pen “to write under water.” Eversharp sued Reynolds for copying the design it had acquired legally. The previous 1888 patent by John Loud would have invalidated everyone’s claims, however, no one knew that at the time. Sales skyrocketed for both competitors. Nevertheless, the Reynolds’ pen leaked, skipped and often failed to write. Eversharp’s pen did not live up to its own advertisements. A very high volume of pen returns occurred for both Eversharp and Reynolds. The ballpoint pen fad ended - due to consumer unhappiness.• 1948: Frequent price wars, poor quality

products, and heavy advertising costs hurt each side. Sales did a nose-dive. The original asking price of $12.50 dropped to less than 50 cents per pen.

• 1950: The French Baron called Bich, drops the h. Starts BIC and selling pens.

• 1951: The ballpoint pen dies a consumer death. Fountain pens are number one again. Reynolds folds.

• January, 1954: Parker Pens introduces its first ballpoint pen, the Jotter. The Jotter wrote five times longer than the Eversharp or Reynolds pens. It had a variety of point sizes, a rotating cartridge and large-capacity ink refills. Best of all, it worked. Parker sold 3.5

million Jotters at $2.95 to $8.75 in less than one year.

ThE BAllPOINT PEN BATTlE IS WON• 1957: Parker introduces the tungsten

carbide textured ball bearing in their ballpoint pens. Eversharp was in deep financial trouble and tried to switch back to selling fountain pens. Eversharp sold its pen division to Parker Pens and Eversharp’s assets finally liquidated in the 1960’s.

• Late 1950’s: BIC held 70% of European market.

• 1958: BIC buys 60% of the New York based Waterman Pens.

• 1960: BIC owns 100% of Waterman Pens. BIC sells ballpoint pens in the U.S. for 29 - 69 cents.

BIC dominates the market. Parker, Sheaffer and Waterman capture the smaller upscale markets of fountain pens and expensive ballpoints.• Today: The highly popular modern

version of Laszlo Biro’s pen, the BIC Crystal, has a daily worldwide sales figure of 14 million pieces. Biro is still the generic name used for the ballpoint pen in most of the world. The Biro pens used by the British Air Force in WWII worked. Parker black ballpoint pens will produce more than 28 000 linear feet of writing - more than five miles, before running out of ink.

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Oh SO STAEDTlERSoon after Biros´ invention the

potential of this fantastic new writing instrument was clear to

the whole industry.Staedtler started with the

production of ballpoint pens after World War II in 1949. As

the ballpoint pen was the first writing instrument of its time which allowed for ideas to be brought to paper without sharpening or refilling ink. The success story continued from year to year.

With different target group oriented shapes and additional line widths the assortment grew continuously.

Today, Staedtler has 500 different types of ballpoint pens including different colours, shapes and line width in its assortment.

The company manufacturers and supplies writing, colouring and drawing instruments, for school, professional, office and creative hobby use and promises an extensive range that stretches from the famous red and black pencil to ballpoint pens, to technical drawing instruments, polymer clay and its digital pen.

Staedtler has a wide range of ballpoint pens; however, the 422 pen currently in the limelight has a number of benefits. The pen’s soft grip provides exceptional writing comfort and the ability to write for longer periods. The quality ink provides a smooth writing performance and being retractable, it has a one hand experience. The company’s professional ballpoint pens add smooth writing to your everyday life for everyday or office use, exams or even love letters.

Staedtler ballpoint pens are predominantly manufactured in Germany and assure customers of a high quality standard. Besides that they offer a particularly smooth writing performance and Staedtler ballpoint pens are known for their jumbo refills which allow a considerably longer write out length.

The 422 ballpoint pens were recently launched locally in October and have since been extremely well received in the market. Staedtler SA has revamped its product range and the market will be seeing a number of innovative and exciting products shortly.

The brand is all about inspiration, innovation and fun and the company is enjoying communicating this with consumers in a dynamic way.

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Excellent for love letters,

exams, note taking and everyday use

3 Retractable ballpoint pens + 1 free422 Ballpoint pen was launched in South Africa in October 2012.

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Excellent for love letters,

exams, note taking and everyday use

3 Retractable ballpoint pens + 1 free422 Ballpoint pen was launched in South Africa in October 2012.

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PENTEl PlAyS ThE PEN GAMEThis year Pentel will be celebrating its 30th birthday. Proudly it

claims the title of inventor of the rollerball pen and non-permanent marker.

Both these pens make use of water-based ink technology, which at the time was a revolutionary for a smooth writing experience.

The R50 Rollerball in Europe and the R100 Rolling Writer in the United States were a hit with consumers when they were launched over 40 years ago. Even the Queen has been known to use R50 pens at Ascot, boasts Pentel.

The introduction of gel ink to the market by Pentel also caused a worldwide sensation with their Hybrid Gel Pens, Milky Pens, and Metallic Gel Pens providing plenty of variety.

These all fall under the “water-based ink” technology umbrella, which is one of Pentel’s core strengths.

Energel Ink had been the outcome of the best elements from previous inventions. The smoothness of plain water-base ink, the quick dry ink and smudge free ink of the Hybrids, while the colours are also brilliant and fade resistant.

Pentel is very conscious about the use of virgin materials in its manufacturing and the company makes use of recycled materials where it can. This is referred to as their Recycology range.

Recycology is readily available in many Pentel products and is used without thought by many. The ethos behind Recycology is recycle, re-use, refill.


BIC Cristal is the fruit of the intuition and tenacity of the Baron Marcel Bich. In 1945 he joined forces with Edouard Buffard to create a company that manufactured writing instrument parts in Clichy, France.

When several ballpoint pens began appearing on the market, the Baron Bich noticed how much faster these instruments made writing and aimed to revolutionise the field.

In order to do so, however, their quality had to be improved and they had to be made affordable to all and every budget.

Bich bought the patent for the pen developed by the Biro and set out to find the ideal ink formula, as well as, the perfect fit for the ball and the ink tube. Here he made use of the skills and expertise of Swiss watch-makers.

He designed the future ballpoint pen to be attractive and functional. After several years of working

relentlessly and putting all of the company’s capital on the line, the miracle product was ready to leave the factory in Clichy in December 1950. The BIC Cristal was at the time only 0.50 French Francs and was refillable.

The launch of BIC Cristal came at a unique time in history as France was in the midst of full-fledged reconstruction. The country craved innovation, speed and above all useful products.

BIC Cristal was a hit from the very beginning. It was the right product at the right time; it made quality writing quick, portable, and very affordable.

Bich’s high quality mass production model appears to have been a success as 10 000 BIC Cristal pens were sold daily during the first year, and several million are still sold daily today.

BIC Cristal made its way to Belgium in 1951, to Italy in 1954, to Brazil in 1956, and in 1957 to the United Kingdom, South Africa, and the South Pacific. In 1958, it

set out to conquer the vast North American market.

The BIC Cristal ballpoint pen quickly found a loyal following. The Baron Bich saw the need for advertising from the very beginning and surrounded himself with renowned designers and poster artists. Raymond Savignac, who created the popular ‘the BIC point turns and turns’, Elle court elle court la pointe BIC, campaign in 1952 and the schoolboy character in 1960, who, with a ballpoint head, has become the brand’s emblem for its many different products. m

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b r a n d s a v v y

Your brand is your reputation - the most valuable thing you possess. A strong brand and the trust it engenders are the only aspects of your

company that competitors can’t steal.

Brands are also the most powerful business tools in business as they help customers to understand the positioning of products in their market contexts. They also encourage customers to come back for repeat business.

The path to brand awesomeness is 1) a promise 2) a personality and 3) unwavering focus on that promise that will ultimately deliver you brand equity.

What remains key for a brand to be successful in its industry is consistency. It must consistently deliver great services and great results from its product lineup or multiple services.

Research into current trends and your own brand’s data will improve your products and services in the creation of a successful brand, and enable the

company to compete efficiently. This is why research and development is a must in any business.

What do great brands share? • A compelling idea that captures customer’s

attention and loyalty by filling an unmet or unsatisfied need.

• A resolute core purpose and supporting values: These remain in place even through the business strategy, where tactics are regularly revised to address and take advantage of the circumstances of the changing business environment.

• A central organisational principle: The brand position, purpose and values are employed as management levers to guide decision-making. This becomes so ingrained in leading organisations that they consciously ask themselves, “How will this decision impact upon the brand?” or “Is this on-brand?” According to Shelly Lazarus, chairman of Ogilvy & Mather, “Once the enterprise understands what the brand is all about, it gives direction to the whole enterprise. You know what products you’re supposed to make and not make. You know how you’re supposed to answer your telephone. You know how you’re going to package things. It gives a set of principles to an entire enterprise.”

• An ability to stay relevant:

Leading brands constantly maintain their relevance to a targeted set of customers, ensuring ownership of clear points of differentiation compared to the competition.

Not all brands are successful and successful brands can lose their way, the most common cause being that of lost leadership taking the brand for granted. This usually happens when brand owners treat their asset as a cash cow, eroding the original brand idea and marginalising the customer experience. It goes without saying, a good product is only as good as the accompanying service.

how do you create a great brand?• Brands should look to relevance,

differentiation and credibility. • Never lose touch with your customer

or ignore a potential new audience. • Make your customer real. • Determine your ideal customer and

market to that person. • Be authentic and consistent in your

messaging, visuals, and experience. If you claim customer service is your most important differentiator, then return calls and emails in a reasonable amount of time and don’t leave people in an automated telephone maze to get the help they need. If you claim

Brand is made up of quality and service. The logo is the image of the brand, and people remember it through the experience your business delivered.

What’s in a brand?

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b r a n d s a v v y

quality, make sure your products are up to scratch. • Bear in mind that people need to experience things multiple

times before they stick. Be clear but be consistent – they need to see your message seven times before they are likely to remember it. The Nike swoosh did not see overnight success, it spent years and lots of money making that mark mean something to people. Don’t expect one ad to get you to your sales targets, or a website to get you all your customers. Branding is not the same as direct response marketing – it takes time and it should be integrated across all your customer touch points.

• Brands that communicate unique selling propositions are the most convincing to clients and the easiest for them to remember. Ensure all of your communications - not just advertising and marketing pieces - are consistent with your brand. Everything your company distributes must reflect it.

• Continually promote, publicise, and invest in your brand. Building a business brand can be compared to training and conditioning an athlete: The harder he works, the better the results.

Who is a brand manager?Brand-building skills require creative, intelligent, innovative, adventuresome, nurturing, disciplined and service focused managers. Brand managers are role models who portray appropriate behaviour and act in the best interests of the brand and company. Conversely, they must also challenge convention to keep the brand fresh by questioning what has become the status quo. They must be continually searching out what makes the brand unique. Customer preferences, competitive frameworks and market conditions are incredibly dynamic. Renewing and refreshing the brand to ensure continuing relevance, differentiation and credibility are the most strategic tasks and perhaps the most consuming tactically. Brand managers must determine what cannot change and what must change.

The questions CEO’s should be asking are: • How can my

company ensure delivery on its brand promises to customers?

• How can I meet sustainability concerns and protect brand value?

• And how do I develop the type of workforce associated with a world-class brand?

Ultimately, brand custodianship should not just be left in the hands of the brand manager or CEO. Rather, each and every staff member should carry their own brand loyalty through every

spoken word, action and service orientation… at the end of the day it is people who interact with brands and it is their emotional dynamics that the message is tapping directly into. m

“How will this decision impact

upon the brand?”

or “Is this on-brand?”

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Dave Jenkins, the group managing director at Waltons, started his career selling in 1986, when he worked for a company called Reef and Rural Sales. He quickly worked his way up to sales and merchandising director.

Jenkins lectured sales and marketing management at Damelin and continued onto Games Africa, Hallmark and finally found himself at the helm of MegaPro Marketing. It was here that Bidvest managed to lure him away with the intention of whipping Waltons into shape. “Why did I come over?” he repeats my question.“I like a challenge,” he smiles. “What brought me here was the challenge of turning an established business with a great brand heritage like Waltons around and making it a top class business, as well as being part of a fantastic company; Bidvest.“Waltons has always made money, don’t get me wrong, but the structure of the business needed to change – it was run on a very decentralised basis as five independent businesses.” Tell us about your childhood and some favourite memories of growing up? I had a happy, fun childhood. I spent a lot of time as a youngster in the bush and that developed my love for it. I went off to Hilton College and then joined the military. I came out of my first year in the military as a commissioned officer in the artillery.At what stage of life do you find yourself at now?(Laughs) Well, it’s not downhill. My two boys are at St Andrews College in Grahamstown and I find myself at a stage in my life where I can do a lot of things for me.What is your life’s motto or personal brand?Work hard, play hard.Under-promise and over-deliver. Use three words to describe yourself?Focused, decisive and fair.

What is your business philosophy?Good businesses are made by good people.What do you do best?Build teams.What has been your greatest lesson in life?There are two: Tenacity – never give up! Discipline – I think any success is determined by discipline. What is the one thing you can’t do without? The bush.have you ever come up against something that was unethical?Yes. I prefer to have nothing to do with it. What is your favourite song currently? I’m not a great one for current, I like the 80s.What car do you drive and why? Toyota Landcruiser, as it is my dream car and excellent in the bush.Favourite social beverage? Beer.Tell us something about yourself, we didn’t know. I used to be a body builder in my younger years. I spent 15 years gyming five times a week. (I need to get back to the gym now though).how are you ‘proudly South African’?I would never leave SA – I think we live in an absolutely amazing country. I’m going to be the last one to leave and I’ll be turning the lights off one day.Do you practise ‘greening the earth’ in your personal or business life? I recycle a lot at home and sustainability is high on the agenda at Waltons, we are very serious about reducing our carbon footprint.

Dave Jenkins – under-promise, over-deliver

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p e r s o n a b i l i t y

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Contact:Johannesburg (011) 011 3900 Cape Town (021) 511 3810 Pretoria Branch (012) 432 3700 Durban (031) 512 5080

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Nor Paper... where great ideas come to life.

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h o w t o s e l l o n l i n e

Online shopping in SA has continued to hit record highs, especially during last year’s holiday season when online spending increased between 30-40% compared to previous years. The country’s internet economy has been projected to double to R103 billion by 2016 from the R51billion recorded in 2011.

Recent studies reveal that the internet economy contributes 2% to South Africa’s GDP and this contribution is rising by about 0.1% every year, resulting in 2.5% increases by 2016.

What does this mean for SA’s retailers? An increase in online shopping is driving structural changes in the retail sector, according to a recent report issued by PwC.

Online users in South Africa tend to fall within the medium to high-income sector of the population. “This group appears to have a strong pent-up demand for online services,” says John Wilkinson, PwC retail and consumer leader in South Africa.

However, Wilkinson says that South Africa’s online retail market is still relatively small and niche with a strong focus on consumer products such as books, music and DVDs. “This is unlike many of the developed markets, such as Asia and Australia, where there has been an explosive growth of online retailers. Suffice to say there is huge online potential that has yet to be discovered and tapped into in South Africa.”

Having already set up an important channel for their long-term future are Edcon’s CNA division, Walton’s with their e-store and Mr Price which are all already operating in the online retail market.

So how easy is it to tap into this market? Let’s consider the pro’s and con’s:

The Pro’s:• There’s no loss to theft.• You have access to 24 hour sales.• You have national and

international reach.• Less employees are required.• You can collect more data

and get better visibility of your customers buying behaviour online, from age and location demographics, initial search terms, related items they are interested in and much more, easily collected via a simple analytics programme.

• You look bigger than you actually are.

• You can stock more items. A retail storefront will perform better for a business that sells a select amount of products, while an online store may work better for a business that carries an extensive selection.

• Environmental factors such as position, weather, traffic, parking or increased petrol prices don’t affect you.

• No bottlenecks or customer queues.• Your customers can easily promote your products via sharing

on social platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest at the click of a button. (Word of mouth marketing is very powerful and it is much easier for you to encourage this via an online store.)

The Cons:• There is more competition online - the web is where people

go to get bargains and consequently competition is fierce. Margins in online retail tend of be lower than on the high street and so retailers need to compensate by selling more.

• There is more admin required.• There is less customer contact.• There is no touch or feel of quality for customers and returns

are time-consuming.• There are lower margins. It has been found that consumers

pay significantly more for products they can view in person and for the ‘experience’ within a retail store.

• Postage and shipping costs can be expensive.• There is no passing foot traffic.• There is less impulse buying.• There is a dependency on hardware.• There is less trust of the brand or product.

The solution? To have both, of course.

What you will need:• An online payment system such as PayPal, for example.• You will need to pay for web hosting and technical support.• You will pay for shipping and accepting online payments. • You will pay for your desired domain name and for

someone to develop your website and e-commerce platform. • Y ou will need to handle

fulfilment and shipping.• You will need to maintain

it.• Building a customer

base is one of the most-essential components of starting a successful retail business, online or offline. With a retail store, the potential customer base is limited to the surrounding area. Online, the customer base is limitless. m

Considering E-CommerceA quick look at the pros and cons of entering the online retail market.

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Jam Blocker


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Be prepared for the onset of colder days

before the winter-warmth rush starts.

f u r n i t u r e

Electrical evolutions

Power up your office with these practical plug-in devices. Order products through your local stationery service provider with details found

on page 40.

Ambient sound takes on a whole new meaning with this slick pair of Trust Tytan speakers.

This Miele vacuum cleaner covers carpet tiles to Persian plush.

Make your point quickly and easily with an electric pencil sharpener.

Toast your sarmies for a tasty snack.

Shine your light on that important desk work.

Other items you may want to stock up on:

• Cordless telephone• Electronic label maker

• Ellies extension reel• Surge protected multi-plugs

• Battery recharger• Brita water filter

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PO Box 43501, Industria 2042, Rep of South Africa • 1 Blumberg Street, Industria West, Johannesburg, Rep of South Africa, 2093Tel: +27 (0)11 226 5600 • Fax: +27 (0)11 474 9242 • [email protected] www.ctpstationery.co.za

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t e c h t a l k

Epson takEs labEl printing mobilEBuilding on its success in the business printing and labelling markets, Epson has introduced its range of portable, easy-to-use label makers known as LabelWorks.

The new range includes the compact LabelWorks LW-300, ideal for office labelling; the lightweight LW-400 with backlit screen, designed for mobile labelling in almost any environment; and the LW-700, ideal for the maintenance industry. The three models address both mobile and desktop labelling requirements and are compatible with a wide selection of Epson label tapes that offer savings with its economical, nine-metre tapes.

The label printers boast a variety of features designed to save time, money and effort. They include an integrated keyboard for standalone operation, dedicated buttons for quick access to cutting and printing functions, and a storage function that lets users store favourite label designs in the label makers’ internal memory. The LW-300 stores up to 30 designs, the LW-400 up to 50, and the LW-700 up to 100.

Epson’s wide selection of labels in 6, 9, 12, 18 and 24mm widths cover practically every labelling need. The range includes standard, black, transparent, matte and writable matte paper labels, index tab and flag labels, a variety of colours such as fluorescent and pastel, and two adhesive s t r e n g t h s . All Epson labels are very durable, water resistant and can withstand hot and cold conditions. m

nEw tEchnology assists public transport

opEratorsEven though around 40% of South Africans use private vehicles to, and from work every day, public transport is still a reality for most South Africans. It is reported that more than 30% of South Africans use mini-bus taxis to get to their daily destinations, whilst traditional bus use has dropped significantly over the last decade. Trains have become ever more popular in the public eye with the Gautrain launch in the last quarter of 2011, but not everyone has access to this luxury speed train that only operates between Tshwane and Johannesburg.

For most low- to medium- income households, the logistics around getting to and from their place of work is still, at times a challenge.

TAP-I-FARE, a public transit technology product powered by Ctrack, is set to change this for the transport industry by giving owners and operators the ability to safeguard their asset/s and profits, while offering security and convenience for commuters and maintaining real-time

visibility of their assets supported with their TAP-I-FARE mobile application at the same time.

Both Europay, Mastercard and Visa (EMV) and SA government legislation compliant, the TAP-I-FARE prepaid contactless payment system is interoperable and intermodal across the National Payment System.

It offers operators and commuters total convenience, security and transparency for the first time, with a reduction of fraud and greater security for the offline processing of transactions.

The TAP-I-FARE system collaborates with Ctrack’s renowned fleet management system, allowing real-time visibility of vehicles, along with a host of features including notifications regarding speed, fuel consumption, driver and vehicle behaviour and route monitoring. Not only does this facilitate a safer driver behaviour culture, but it also keeps the vehicles secure and always visible through online or mobile software on one’s cellphone.

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t e c h t a l k

unifiEd communication to changE sa businEss

Instant messaging, collaboration, and video conferencing are the unified communication features that will have the greatest influence on businesses in South Africa in the next two years, according to a recent survey conducted by Avaya, a leading global provider of business communications applications, systems, and services.

The survey conducted in conjunction with the Mail & Guardian attracted hundreds of responses and included interest from small to large enterprises as well as government, education, finance, manufacturing and general corporate.

“The survey found that local companies see instant messaging, Web conferencing and mobility as the most valuable unified communication applications. This is reinforced by the fact that more than 40% of the companies surveyed have more than half of their workforce either mobile or tele-working,” said Selvin Kristnen, managing director of Avaya. m

toshiba launchEs

convErtiblE ultrabook

Toshiba Gulf FZE recently announced the launch of its new 12.5’’ convertible Ultrabook. The Satellite U920t is a compact mobile computer that merges convenience and usability, offering an alternative for users who require a versatile machine in a compact form.

The Satellite U920t offers the best of both worlds: for content consumption, the convertible Ultrabook can be operated in tablet mode to take advantage of touch support with Windows 8, while for additional tasks which involve typing; the laptop mode is a welcome option. Toshiba’s new convertible Ultrabook is now available in South Africa.

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Gauteng principal scoops NTA award

Bilkes Bhano Vawda was the biggest winner at the 2012 National Teaching Awards

held at Gallagher Estate in March. She scooped the Lifetime Achievement Award for her continued dedication and contribution to quality education in South Africa.

Vawda was one of 11

winners whose work and dedication to the profession was recognised with more than 1 000 teachers from around the country attending the awards.

Minster of Basic Education Angie Motshekga and President Jacob Zuma presented the award to Vawda, who has been the principal of Marlboro Gardens Secondary School in

Johannesburg since 1998. Speaking at the dinner

Motshekga said the awards celebrated great and remarkable exploits of teachers who gave themselves to the education of the nation and its children.

“Through these awards,” said Zuma, “we are able to prove that the majority of teachers are professionals who are dedicated to their work.” m

Teachers and learners in the Vhembe district of Limpopo now have the opportunity to

change from the old way of teaching that only depended on the textbooks to a more modern way of teaching.

The minister of Basic Education, Angie Motshekga, in partnership with Vodacom in March handed over an Information Communication and Technology (ICT) centre in Vhembe.

The ICT centre consists of two classrooms; one equipped with laptops and the other with desktops.

The facilities are a beacon of hope for the Makhado community, especially for learners and teachers who never had access to technology before.

The introduction of ICT into the schooling system has for ages been a priority of the Department of Basic Education.

One of the teachers from Nzhelele, Nethomboni Nngweni, said the centre came at the right time, as these learners enjoy technology, “Not only will the learners benefit from this, even us teachers will be upgraded; there has never been such an opportunity in this area before.” m

Invitation to all qualified educators

The Department of Basic Education has extended an invitation to all appropriately

qualified individuals seeking either permanent or temporary employment at public schools in South Africa to register for the Qualified Educators Recruitment Database.

Once you have submitted all the relevant documentation, your name will be added to the Qualified Educators Recruitment Database which is available on the www.education.gov.za. m

Venda ICT centre opened

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March 2013 - Potential Member.pdf 3 2013/03/05 1:18 PM

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e c o n e w s

Billboards become school bags

Hundreds of old vinyl billboards have found new lives as backpacks, pencil cases and chair bags for primary school children across South Africa. The company behind the project is so keen for others to get involved that it is willing to incur all the costs around donation and recycling on their behalf.

The Ads to Bags campaign has given the vinyl skins from old BP advertising billboards a new lease on life in the form of school items. BP has asked other companies to donate their billboards, as the petroleum giant only has a limited number of their own billboards to recycle.

Chevrolet SA, Primall Media and communications company Black Brain have already stepped up and donated to the cause of helping the country’s less privileged learners, who now have access to new school bags and pencil cases.

Konica Minolta SA plants trees In line with its promise to operate in the most sustainable way, from an environmental, social and economic perspective, Bidvest company, Konica Minolta South Africa, has been supporting South Africa’s national greening and food gardening social enterprise, Food & Trees for Africa (FTFA), for five years and has most recently planted 2 013 trees at impover-ished schools in the Polokwane and Kimberley regions.

This brings the total of trees donated by the company to 17 678 and illustrates its commitment to taking proactive steps against global warming.

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e c o n e w s

Billboards become school bags

Vodacom - implementing renewable energy solutions

Vodacom recently unveiled the largest solar array of panels on a single building in Africa at its offices in Century City, Cape Town. The installation of the solar array is part of Vodacom’s ongoing drive to help reduce the amount of energy the company consumes. The solar array is expected to provide up to 75% of all electricity power required by the building during peak production.

The electricity produced will feed into the two main distribution boards and a display panel, installed in the reception area of the building, and will display instantaneous power produced (yield), energy yield and carbon emission savings.

Ricoh – most sustainable

Ricoh is one of Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the world for the ninth year and has been every year since the list’s inception in 2005.

The list recognised Ricoh in three areas: resource management, financial management and employee management.

“The list recognises companies that are best positioned to thrive in what’s known as a clean economy, which incorporates social, economic, ecological benefits and costs, and it indicates that organisations are aware of and know the full impact of their actions,” said Kevin Wilson-Smith, business excellence manager at Ricoh SA.

“It shows us that our sustainable business operations are having a positive impact.”

Youth’s green voices heard

The third Generation Earth Youth Summit that took place in March was a “resounding success” according to organisers, attendees and partners alike. The summit was attended by approximately 450 primary and high school learners and university students from across the Gauteng region and as far afield as North West Province, as well as A-list celebrities and dignitaries. Socialite and event manager Edith Venter Schwartz, actor Emmanuel Castis, leading eco-fashion designer, Craig Jacobs, environmental activist and reigning Miss Earth South Africa, Tamerin Jardine, member of parliament and leader of the UDM, General Bantu Holomisa attended.

The primary school learners had several greening and art workshops where they learnt about reducing, reusing and up-cycling. The young learners left messages of support for the 49M energy efficiency initiative, planted herbs and seedlings in up-cycled aluminium Bevcan cans, created small wallets by up-cycling TetraPak juice cartons and bags out of empty chip packets. Each learner was able to leave the summit with something tangible that they had created from something deemed as waste and worthless.

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konica launches mobile library

propak africa 2013


scene about

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THE LABEL SPECIALISTS t i ck w i th the bes t !





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s c e n e a b o u t

rhinose foundation

konica tree planting

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Lauren Orritt has been involved extensively in the debt recovery business for the past 20 years from a litigation perspective as well as from the legal advisory perspective. She consults for many suppliers,

manufacturers and wholesalers within the home office products industry with a view to assisting them in reducing their bad debts whilst at all

times attempting to avoid litigation and court involvement.


Ignorance is blissKnow your legal obligations when entering into a contract with your supplier/creditor.

We are often approached with queries and complaints by bad debtors as to why they are liable to pay interest and costs to their suppliers/creditors on being handed over as a result of breaching their payment terms to such suppliers/creditors.

d e b t a l e r t

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d e b t a l e r t

It is a common yet incorrect belief that if they settle the outstanding capital amount only, that they will not be liable for any legal costs or interests that have been incurred as a result of them defaulting on their payments/payment terms to their suppliers/creditors.

It is important to remember that where a contract comes into play – debtors must be extremely aware of all the terms of the contract that they are signing as they cannot rely on ignorance of such terms when the clauses need to be actioned - usually due to a default in payment.

Whilst suppliers/creditors have a legal obligation to ensure that their contracts and credit agreements are compliant with the National Credit Act and the Consumer Protection Act, they are still within their rights to claim interest and costs on any outstanding amounts (on condition that the charges are within the legal rates).

Unfortunately, when cash flow is tight – all too often the customer utilises the supplier/creditor as a bank and tends to stretch out their repayment to them as much as possible until such time as the supplier/creditor institutes legal action or puts the account on hold.

In our experience, suppliers/creditors are extremely accommodating with customers when they experience cash flow problems and will only hand an account over for collection, levy interest and costs charges when numerous attempts at recovery of their money have been exhausted. But at this stage customers/debtors still believe that they only have to pay the capital amount back without any repercussion to themselves. Let’s remember that banks charge interest and costs in terms of their contracts, so why should it be any different for suppliers/creditors?

The procedures implemented by suppliers/creditors in practice often appear as though they are relaxing certain conditions and clauses of their contracts but the debtor must always be aware of their liability and they must be aware of the penalties that they are liable for, should they default on their payment terms with their supplier. If in doubt, know that it is the contract which will prevail and ignorance of what you have signed is no excuse. m

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s t r a p

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7 012 374 9602Your RetailShop GuideUse the new My Office directory QUICK RETAIL FINDER for easy access to stationery and office product outlets around the country and across the border.

Alternatively, if you are a retailer wanting to attract buyers and procurement officers in your area to your business or retail premises, view the affordable rates listed.

nominal fee: A listing, featured within your region of business, and consisting of company name, telephone, fax,

email and website details is charged at r100 for shop-sa members and r115 for non-members. Should you wish to add your logo to your listing, there is an additional charge of r275 for shop-sa members and r300 for non-members. All bookings run on a 12-month contractual sign-up basis only. m

Quick retail finder

1. Speed. How fast a product does its job. The faster it does the job, the better, because we are all short of time and attention span.

2. Efficacy. How well it does that job. The more efficient it is, the better, because we all wish to avoid pain, discomfort and hassle.

3. Usability. How easy it is to use. The easier to use, the better. 4. Reliability. How dependable it is. The more reliable the better,

because we hate losing money. 5. Emotion. How it makes you feel. The more emotions it arouses,

the better, because we all are driven to feel something.6. Status. How it makes you appear to others. The higher it

elevates us in status, the better, because we all wish to be regarded highly by others.

7. Aesthetics. How beautiful it is. The better looking, the better. This one is tricky because beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It depends on many factors, but the better it looks, the more it will be desired.

8. Flexibility and adaptability. How many things it does. The Swiss Army Knife became famous for being a knife that did many things. So did the iPhone. The more things your product does, within a reasonable scope, the better.

9. Cost. What and how much you have to give up to get it. This is very much a function of perceived value. The more it appears that the price is much less than the value one gets back, the better.

Read more at http://www.business2community.com

economic values people typically consider when making purchasing decisions9

Either consciously or unconsciously, we all consider nine things when we are making a purchase. If you can master optimising these nine things in your product, you will be on your way to having an irresistible product.

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p r o d u c t s h o w c a s e

olYMpuS dM-550 CoNfeReNCe KIT

Recording a board meeting or large gathering has never been easier. The sleek, portable aluminium briefcase houses the full recording system, starting with the DM-550 Digital Voice Recorder for recording high quality stereo sound, with an incredible 51 hours of battery life. Plug in the two ME-30 omnidirectional microphones and set them up on the enclosed tripods up to 5 metres apart. With the remote control in your hand, you’re ready to record for hours in high quality stereo. Plug in the AC adapter to extend the recording capability and when the meeting’s over, sync transfer the files to your computer.


• New from Rexel is the Quartet Magnetic Weekly Organiser which includes a black rewritable marker with eraser and 2 magnets.

• White and Cork with an aluminium frame.• Size 190 x 585 mm• Ideal for the home and office

Rexel AuTo+ 750x ShReddeR

• The Auto+ 750X is a large office automatic shredder that shreds 750 sheets at once, 10 sheets manual feed. Simply Stack, Shut, Go!

• It has a 115L bin, Security level S3 which cuts one A4 page into 400 pieces• Also shreds CD’s & credit cards and staples• Auto oiling, locking document chamber, continuous operation• Incorporates Jam Free technology• Quiet operation < 60dBA

Rexel AuTo+ 175x ShReddeR

• The Auto+ 175X incorporates Rexel’s revolutionary new Autofeed Technology and shreds 175 sheets at once, 7 sheets manual feed. Simply Stack, Shut, Go!

• It has a 32 litre bin and provides a full bin detection system• It also shreds CD’s, staples and credit cards• Security level S3 which cuts one A4 page into 400 pieces• It includes Auto sleep mode, Auto wake mode and manual reverse to clear jams.• Quiet operation < 60dBA

Tel: 011 226 3300 fax: 011 837 9489

web: www.rexelsa.co.za

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Page 40: Vol 97 Issue 4

V o l 9 7 - I s s u e 3m y o f f i c e m a g a z i n e 38

p r o d u c t s h o w c a s e


Kalaari is part of the Antalis “Easy to choose...Easy to use” range of office papers. Kalaari is manufactured using pulp only from sustainably managed plantations to preserve our natural forests. Kalaari is an environmentally friendly A4 multi functional white copier paper, FSC™ mix source certified. It is inkjet and laser guaranteed, suitable for high speed copying with a CIE whiteness of 165, excellent opacity and has a smooth surface, is acid free with archival quality. Kalaari is specially designed for trouble-free use in all your office machines. It is available in A4 80gsm packed 500 sheets in a ream with 5 reams in a box. Use Kalaari for memos, reports, copies and more. For a sample pack of Kalaari ‘Just ask Antalis’

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If TheRe IS A SChool NeARBY!

You can sell Albums for the athletes medals.• A3 Files for drawings.• PVC covers for very expensive handbooks.• Adjustable files for lectures.• Bunting with logo’s for sport etc.If in the last 30 years, lots of stationers countrywide could benefit with bulk orders from schools…why not you?Surprise yourself and visit our website.

Page 41: Vol 97 Issue 4

w w w . s h o p - s a . c o . z a m y o f f i c e m a g a z i n e 39

p r o d u c t s h o w c a s e


• Light Weight 120gsm to Heavy Weight 350gsm Files to offer.• Product manufactured from quality Custodian paper.• Retail friendly packaging.• All files are recyclable and raw material is obtained from well managed sustainable forests.

doNAu - A4 BoARd dIVIdeRS

A4 Quality manilla board in bright solid colours. Muliti-punched with a printed contents panel.

.Ref 3204 5 Tab Rainbow Divider

.Ref 3205 10 Tab Rainbow Divider

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Tel 011 226 5600 • fax 011 474 9242

email sales@ versafile.co.za

CTP Stationery

CTP Stationery

CTP Stationery

Page 42: Vol 97 Issue 4


PaperGeni Rotunda

ADHESIVES, GLUES AND SPRAYSBIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Correction Fluid,

Glue sticks & Super Glue

BSC Stationery - Treeline, Bantex, BIC, Bostik,

Ponal, Pritt, Pentel, Faber Castell, Staedtler

Palm Stationery Manufacturers - New Wave

Freedom Stationery - Marlin


BSC Stationery - Stick ‘n Notes

ART, CRAFT, GRAPHIC AND DRAWING MATERIALSBSC Stationery - Treeline, Pentel, Pilot, Henkel,

Bostik, Staedtler, Faber Castell

CTP Stationery - A4 coloured poster boards

Faber Castell - Comprehensive range

Freedom Stationery - Marlin

Max Frank - Uni, Artline

Pentel S.A (Pty) Ltd. - Oil pastels and

watercolour paint

BBAGS AND CASESBantex - Moulded pencil cases

BSC Stationery - Treeline, Penflex, Gotcha,

Staedtler, Bantex

Flip File - Business cases.

Freedom Stationery - Space Case and Marlin

Global Bag And Sportswear Manufactures - Custom schoolbags ,tracksuits

Kolok - Kenton

Topmark - School Bags, Laptop Bags, Pencil

Cases, Sports Bags, Luggage

BATTERIESBSC Stationery - Eveready

Nikki Distributors - Duracell Batteries

Nikki Distributors - Energizer Batteries


Bantex - Waste paper bins

Krost Office Products

BINDING ACCESSORIESAZ Trading - Plastic Comb, Wire, Thermal &


Beswick Office Products - Fellowes

BSC Stationery - Treeline, Rexel, Bantex

CTP Donau - Donau files and slide binders, A4

poster board

Martin Yale Africa - Comb, Wire

Parrot Products - Parrot Comb Binding


Rexel Office Products - Rexel and GBC

W Vos & Co - Renz covers & combs, ringwire


Beswick Office Products - Fellowes

Martin Yale Africa - Martin Yale

Parrot Products - Parrot Comb Binding


Rexel Office Products - GBC and Rexel ranges

W Vos & Company - Renz.

BOARDSBIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd - BIC Velleda

School Whiteboards

BSC Stationery - Bestboards, Pentel, Pilot,

Artline, Penflex

CTP Stationery - Flip Chart Pads

Hortors Stationery - Legal Notices i.e. Basic

Conditions & OSH Act and Leave and Absence


Freedom Stationery - Marlin

Max Frank - Artline Flipchart Markers, Artline,

Maxi whiteboard markers

Palm Stationery Manufacturers - New Wave

Parrot Products - Full range of boards and

accessories. Custom boards printed to your


Rexel Office Products - NOBO whiteboards,

pinboards, easels and accessories

BOOK COVERSBantex - Book Covers

CTP Stationery - Poly Prop Donau heavy duty


Empire Toy & Stationery - Butterfly paper

Freedom Stationery

Gordon’s Productions - contact paper

woodgrain, marble, pattern designs. Magic

cover back to school clear and coloured self

adhesive paper. (4M rolls, A4 and lever arch).

Plastic coated brownkraft rolls and pre-cut

polythene covers.

Grafton Paper ProductsPalm Stationery Manufacturers - brown paper

rolls, poly rolls, gift-wrap

RBE - Papersmart

BOOKS AND PADSBantex - Hard and soft cover noted range

BSC Stationery - Treeline

CTP Stationery - Impala and premier books

and pads

Freedom Stationery - Manufacturers

Hortors Stationery - Legal registers

Impala Vuwa Stationery ManufacturersPalm Stationery ManufacturersPower Stationery - Powerstar

RBE - NCR Business Books

BOXES AND CARTONSBeswick Office Products - Bankers Box to

Boxes and Cartons

CTP Stationery - Archiving Systems

Rexel Office ProductsSpecialised Filing Systems - Archive and


Tidy Files - Acid free archiving products

CCALCULATORSBSC Stationery - Treeline, Kaiser, Sharp

Freedom StationeryKolok - HP

Nikki Distributors - Truly calculators

Palm Stationery Manufacturers - New Wave

Power Stationery - Powerstar

Rexel Office Products - IBICO

CALENDARSCTP Stationery - Diaries assorted sizes

CALLIGRAPHYMax Frank - Artline


Source productS here

V o l 9 7 - I s s u e 3m y o f f i c e m a g a z i n e40

CombBind C12 WireBind W20 ThermaBind T400ClickBind 15CombBind C20 CombBind C340


Effortless binding

with perfect results

MultiBind 230Comb & WireCombBind C150 Pro

Page 43: Vol 97 Issue 4

CANTEENKolok - Tea, Coffee, milk etc,

Sunbeam(appliances), Cleansui (water filters

and refills)


CD’S, DVD’S AND DISKETTESKolok - Verbatim, Kenon

CLIP BOARDSBantex - PVC and moulded plastic

CTP Stationery - DONAU brand

Parrot Products - Masonite and whiteboard


Freedom Stationery - Marlin

Grip BindersEssentials, Stephens, Penguin

Tidy Files - Filing solution

COLOURING BOOKSEmpire Toy & Stationery - Empire books

Freedom Stationery - Marlin

Palm Stationery Manufacturers - New Wave

COMPUTER ACCESSORIESBeswick Office Products - Fellowes

Kolok - Verbatim, Kenon

Krost Office ProductsPyrotec - Tower Inkjet-laser labels, business

cards and photo paper

COMPUTER CLEANINGBeswick Office Products - Fellowes

Pyrotec - Tower computer cleaning range

Kolok - ComputerCare

COMPUTER CONSUMABLESCTP Stationery - Full range of DONAU files

KMP - for computer consumables

Kolok Unlimited - Penguin (Ribbons, Toners,

Inkjets,) ,Till and fax rolls

Redfern Print Services - Redfern inkjet/laser/

copier labels and a full range of stationery


COMPUTER HARDWAREKolok Unlimited - Blazer UPS systems, Geha

(Interactive white boards)

CORPORATE STATIONERY & GIFTINGStar Stationers and Printers

CRAYONS AND CHALKSBSC Stationery - Treeline, BIC, Henkel, Faber

Castell, Staedtler

Faber Castell - Wave crayons and pastels

Freedom Stationery - Marlin

Palm Stationery Manufacturers - Chalks and


DDESK SETS AND ACCESSORIESBIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Desk Set Solo


Bantex - Comprehensive range - moulded


BSC Stationery - Treeline, Bantex

Freedom Stationery - Marlin

Krost Office ProductsLedger Systems - Falcon Products

Rexel Office Products - Rexel Eco Range


Hortors Stationery - Legal diaries

Rexel Office Products - NOBO planners, refills

and T-card kits

South African Diaries - For all your diary needs

DICTATION - TRANSCRIPTIONOlympus Audio S.A - Digital Voice Recorders,

Transcription Kits and Accessories.

Powerhouse Dictation for Philips - Dictation,

transcription, meeting recording, mini-tapes,

foot pedals, accessories


EEMBOSSERS AND ENGRAVINGRubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Ideal & Trodat

Embossers (pocket, desk and electronic), Trotec

ENVELOPES AND MAILINGBSC Stationery - Leo Envelopes, Jiffy

CTP Stationery - Commercial envelopes

Global envelopesGrafton/StarKZN ENVELOPESMerpak Envelopes - Simplistic, full range of

printed and plain envelopes

PaperGeniRBE - Papersmart

ERASERS & ERASING / CORRECTION FLUIDSBIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Tippex tape, bottle

and Pen

BSC Stationery - Treeline, BIC, Artline, Faber

Castell, Pentel, Pilot, Staedtler, Pritt

Freedom Stationery - Marlin

Max Frank - Uni

Palm Stationery Manufacturers - Tape/Erasers

Pentel S.A (PTY) LTD - Hi-Polymer and Ain

eraser, correction tape and pens


FILES AND FILINGAfrican Filing Systems - Top retrieval filing and

arching products

Bantex & Viking - All filing and storage

BSC Stationery - Treeline, Bantex Mobifile

CTP Stationery - Full range of quality DONAU


Flip File - Executive display files, expanding

files, Document folders, dividers

Freedom Stationery - Edo / Unifile

Palm Stationery Manufacturers - Lever arch,

Ringbinder files, Manilla flat folders

Grafton/StarKolok - Geha (Binding machines)

Palm Stationery Manufacturers - leaver arch,

ring binder files, manilla flat folders.

Pentel S.A (Pty) Ltd. - Display book Vivid,

document file, clip file and presentation file

Rexel Office Products - Prima and Rexel ranges

Specialised Filing Systems - Top Retrieval,

Archive and Off-Site Tidy Files - Filing solutions


w w w . s h o p - s a . c o . z a

b u y e r ’ s g u i d e S e e p a g e 4 6 f o r c o n t a c t d e t a i l s

m y o f f i c e m a g a z i n e 41

CombBind C12 WireBind W20 ThermaBind T400ClickBind 15CombBind C20 CombBind C340


Effortless binding

with perfect results

MultiBind 230Comb & WireCombBind C150 Pro

Page 44: Vol 97 Issue 4

FOLDERSBantexBSC Stationery - Treeline, Bantex

CTP Stationery - DONAU Brand

Freedom Stationery - Marlin

Palm Stationery Manufacturers - View files,

polypropylene & board folders

Tidy Files - Specialised

FORMS - LEGAL AND MISCELLANEOUSHortors Stationery - complete range of custom,

company, miscellaneous, magisterial, etc.

FURNITURE - OFFICE & SCHOLASTICKrost Office Products - accessories

New Era Office cc - Specialising in all office

furniture desks, chairs, credenzas, boardroom

tables, etc

Reboni Furniture Group - Manufacturing and

distribution of educational and office furniture

Specialised Filing Systems - Cabinets, Shelving

and Hi-Density


Beswick Office Products - Fellowes, Vivid

Martin Yale Africa - Martin Yale

Rexel Office Products - SmartCut and


W Vos & Co - Ideal

IINDEX TABBING AND DIVIDERS3M SA - Post-it flags, Flag pen and highlighter

Bantex - P.P and Manilla board

BSC Stationery - Treeline, Bantex, Flip File

CTP Stationery - DONAU Brand board and P.P

Flip File - Index Tabs, Flip tabs

Freedom Stationery - Marlin

Palm Stationery Manufacturers Grip BindersRexel Office Products - Rexel, Mylar and Prima


INKSKMP - for computer consumables.

Max Frank - Shachihata, Artline

Rexel Office Products - Numbering machine


Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Trodat, Noris

fastdry, security, numbering, franking. Laundry.

JJANITORIALKolok - Goldenmarc (Cleaning products),

Brooms, Mops and equipment.

LLABELSBSC Stationery - Treeline, Tower, Midmadex

Freedom Stationery - Marlin

Nor PaperPyrotec - Tower stationery, inkjet-laser labels

Redfern Print Services - Redfern Inkjet/laser/

copier labels and a full range of stationery


Specialised Filing Systems - Filing

Tidy Files - Filing solutions

LABELLING MACHINESKemtek Imaging Systems - Distributor of

Brother P-Touch Labelling System

LAMINATING MACHINESAZ Trading - DSB, Speedlam, Lamiace

Beswick Office Products - Fellowes

Kolok - GEHA and Galaxy

Martin Yale Africa - Fujipla

Parrot Products - Parrot A4 and A3 Laminators

Rexel Office Products - GBC and Rexel ranges

W Vos & Co - PEAK & Renz.

LAMINATING POUCHES AND MATERIALSAZ Trading - A0 to ID card size Beswick Office Products - Fellowes

Kolok - GEHA, Penguin laminating pouches

and rolls

Martin Yale AfricaParrot Products

Rexel Office Products - GBC

LEGAL STATIONERYHortors Stationery - All legal registers, forms,

diaries etc

LETTER TRAYSBantex & VikingKrost Office Products


MARKERSBIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Permanent

Markers, Highlighters, whiteboard

BSC Stationery Sales - Treeline, Collosso,

Penflex, Artline, Maxi, Pentel, Pilot, Bic

Faber Castell - Permanent and non permanent

Freedom Stationery - Marlin

Interstat Agencies - Edding

Max Frank - Artline , Maxi, Uni

Parrot Products - White board, permanent and

OHP markers. Wide range of highlighters

Penflex - White board, flipchart, permanent

markers, highlighters

Pentel (Pty) Ltd. - Maxiflo, white board marker

and paint marker

Power Stationery - Powerstar


Palm Stationery Manufacturers

MINUTE AND GUARD BOOKSHortors Stationery - Company registers, minute

books and other legal registers

Ledger Systems - Falcon products


V o l 9 7 - I s s u e 3

Source productS here

m y o f f i c e m a g a z i n e42

Fusion 1000L Fusion 1100L Fusion 3000L Fusion 3100L Fusion 5000L Fusion 5100L


Simply faster to the finish...Introducing the new line of Fusion

TM Laminators

Page 45: Vol 97 Issue 4

NNUMBERING MACHINESRexel Office ProductsRubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Reiner Dater/

Numberer (manual/electronic), Trodat

OOFFICE ERGONOMICSBeswick Office Products - Fellowes Back/Wrist/

Foot support; Notebook riser stand

Rexel Office Products - Kensington

copyholders, risers, footrests, Rexel range of

electric staplers and punches which reduces

chances of RSI (repititive strain injury)


transparency, multimedia

Kolok - Penguin Transparencies

Max Frank - Artline

Parrot Products - Data Projectors, OHPs,

screens and rear projection film

Penflex - Penflex Overhead projector pens

Rexel Office Products - NOBO

PPAPER AND BOARDAntalis South Africa - Office paper and

packaging solutions

Bantex - Cube refills

BSC Stationery - Apex Paper - Typek,Rotatrim

CTP Stationery - DONAU A4 poster boards

Empire Toy & Stationery - Butterfly paper

Freedom StationeryGrafton/StarKolok Unlimited - Geha (paper media),


Nor PaperPalm Stationery Manufacturers - Cubes and


RBE - Papersmart

Rexel Office Products - Prima Paper & Board

TRIBE - TRIBE Inkjet Paper and Film

PAPER FOLDING MACHINESMartin Yale Africa - Martin Yale

W. Vos & Co - Ideal

PENCILSBIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd - BIC Evolution

Graphite, BIC Matic Clutch ,Velocity Clutch,

Atlantis Clutch, BU4 Clutch

BSC Stationery - Treeline, BIC, Faber Castell,

Pilot, Pentel, Uni, Staedtler, Henkel

Freedom Stationery - Marlin / Edo

Max Frank - Uni

Palm Stationery ManufacturersPentel S.A (Pty) Ltd - Hotshot, Mechanical

Pencil, Techniclick Pencil.

Power Stationery - Powerstar

Rexel Office Products - Rexel HB & Derwent

Staedtler SA (Pty) Ltd - Tradition, Wopex,

Technical, Clutch Pencils and lead

PENCIL LEADSBIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Criterium 0.5mm


Faber Castell - Extensive range, beginner to


Freedom Stationery - Marlin

Max Frank - Uni

Pentel S.A (Pty) Ltd - Ain lead, standard lead -

various grades

PENCIL SHARPENERSFreedom StationeryPalm Stationery ManufacturersPower Stationery - Powerstar

PENSBIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Criterium 0.5mm


BSC Stationery - Treeline, BIC, Faber Castell,

Pilot, Pentel, Uni, Staedtler, Henkel, Lexi,


Faber CastellFreedom Stationery - Marlin and Edo

Max Frank - Artline, Maxi, Uni

Palm Stationery ManufacturersPenflex - Penflex ballpoints and rollerballs

Pentel S.A (Pty) Ltd - Superb Ballpoint,

Energel Pen

Power Stationery - Powerstar

Staedtler SA (Pty) Ltd - Ball point, Fineliner,

Gel and Pigment liner pens

PEN CARBON BOOKSBSC Stationery - Treeline, RBE

Freedom Stationery - Marlin

Power Stationery - Powerstar

RBE - NCR Business Books

PERSONAL STATIONERYBantex - Telephone Management, Conference

and Filing

CTP Stationery - Home office and personal

filing system, diaries


PLANNING BOARDS AND ACCESSORIESParrot Products - Range of year planners, term

planners, maps and in/out boards. custom

printed boards designed to specification.

Rexel Office Products - NOBO planners


PRINTINGOlivetti Imports - Distributors of Multifunctional

Printers / Copiers

Star Stationers and PrintersKolok - Epson, Lexmark (Hardware), Hp

Printers, Oki (Hardware)

PRINTER CONSUMABLESImpression Management - Prinart, Logic,

Q-Ink, Sanchi, Oliser and ATIKMP - For

computer consumables.

Kolok - EPSON (inkjet, large format etc),

LEXMARK, HP, Brother (Toners and Inks), Oki

(Toners, inks and Ribbons), Tally Genicom

(Ribbons), Seikosha (Ribbons), Panasonic

(Toners and Ribbons), Kyocera (Toners),

Printronix (Ribbons), IBM (Ribbons), Ricoh

(Toners), Fujitsu (Ribbons)

Nor PaperPaperGeniRoyce Imaging Industries - Remanufacturers

and suppliers of inkjet and laser cartridges

Technical Systems Engineering - Suppliers of

quality compatible cartridges and bulk inks for

Epson, Canon, Lexmark, HP and Samsung


w w w . s h o p - s a . c o . z a

b u y e r ’ s g u i d e S e e p a g e 4 6 f o r c o n t a c t d e t a i l s

m y o f f i c e m a g a z i n e 43

Fusion 1000L Fusion 1100L Fusion 3000L Fusion 3100L Fusion 5000L Fusion 5100L


Simply faster to the finish...Introducing the new line of Fusion

TM Laminators

Page 46: Vol 97 Issue 4

PUNCHES AND PERFORATORSBantex - Plastic and Metal

Beswick Office Products - Kangaro

BSC Stationery - Treeline, STD, Bantex, Rexel

Freedom Stationery - Marlin

Krost Office ProductsParrot Products - Parrot range of punches

Rexel Office Products - Rexel

RRUBBER STAMPSMax Frank - Schachihata X Stampers

Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co. - Trodat


polymer, TROTEC laser engraver, flash system

RULERSFreedom Stationery - Marlin

Palm Stationery ManufacturersPenflex - PENFLEX rulers

SSCHOLASTIC SUPPLIESBantex and Faber CastellBSC Stationery Sales - Treeline

CTP StationeryEmpire Toy & Stationery - Butterfly

Flip File - Flip File display books A5, A4, A2,


Freedom Stationery - Marlin and Edo

Gordon’s Productions - contact paper

woodgrain, marble, pattern designs. Magic

cover back to school clear and coloured self

adhesive paper. (4M rolls, A4 and lever arch).

Plastic coated brownkraft rolls and pre-cut

polythene covers.

Grafton Paper ProductsImpala Vuwa Stationery ManufacturersMax Frank - Artline, Maxi, Uni

Palm Stationery ManufacturersParrot Products - chalk boards/slates

Power Stationery - Powerstar

Pyrotec - Tower Adhesive Book Cover 45cm

x 2m

SCISSORS AND CUTTERSFreedom Stationery - Marlin

Palm Stationery ManufacturersRexel Office Products

SCRAPBOOKINGRexel Office Products - Trimmers and


Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Making

memories, Clearsnap, Marvy, Ranger, Bazzill,


SHREDDERS AND ACCESSORIESAZ Trading - DSB, Kobra, Roto, Repairs to all


Beswick Office Products - Fellowes

Kolok - GEHA entry level and high-end


Martin Yale Africa - Intimus, Martin Yale,


Nikki Distributors - Nikki shredders

Parrot Products - Parrot range of value


Rexel Office Products - Rexel range

W Vos & Co - Ideal.

SLATESFreedom Stationery - Marlin

Parrot Products - Whiteboard and chalk board

SPECIALISED STATIONERY AND BOOKBINDINGLedger Systems - Law reports and periodicals


STAMPS, STAMP PADS AND INKSRubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Trodat, pre-

inked stamps, stamp and fingerprint pads

STAPLING MACHINES AND STAPLESBantexBeswick Office Products - Kangaro

BSC Stationery - Treeline, STD, Bantex, Rexel

Freedom Stationery - Marlin

Krost Office ProductsInterstat Agencies - Genmes

Parrot Products - Parrot range of staplers

Rexel Office Products - Rexel range

STATIONERY SUNDRIES - SCHOLASTICBSC Stationery - Treeline, Pritt, Henkel,

Staedtler, Pentel, Pilot, BIC, Bantex, Faber

Castell, Artline, Penflex

CTP Stationery - DONAU Scissors and cutting


Freedom Stationery - Marlin, Edo and Unifile

Palm Stationery Manufacturers - New Wave

STENCILSFreedom Stationery

STORAGE SYSTEMSCTP Stationery - Archiving Systems -

Suspension Files

Kolok - VERBATIM (hard drives, USB sticks

etc), HP

Specialised Filing Systems - Filing

Tidy Files - Filing solutions

TTAPES3M SA (Pty) Ltd. - Brand Scotch® MagicTM

BSC Stationery - Sellotape, Brother

Freedom StationeryPalm Stationery Manufacturers

TELECOMMUNICATIONSNIKKI Distributors - Siemens office phones



TONERS AND CARTRIDGESKMP - Computer consumables

Kolok - PENGUIN (Inkjets and Laser toners),



TOP RETRIEVAL FILINGOptiplan a div of Waltons - Paper based top

retrieval filing systems


Source productS here

V o l 9 7 - I s s u e 3m y o f f i c e m a g a z i n e44

Autoplus 60 XDONESHUTSTACK Autoplus 80 X Autoplus 100 X Autoplus 175 X Autoplus 250 X Autoplus 500 X Autoplus 750 X


Page 47: Vol 97 Issue 4


Specialised Filing Systems - Total Solution and


Tidy Files - Complete onsite and offsite filing


TOYS, HOBBIES AND GAMESFreedom StationeryPyrotec - Toby Tower Stickers and Activities

TRANSFER LETTERING AND SIGNSParrot Products - Vinyl lettering

TRANSPARENCIESKolok - Penguin transparencies for inkjet and


OEM, Penguin and HP Transparencies

Rexel Office Products - NOBO range

VVISITORS BOOKS/REGISTERSLedger Systems - Falcon Products - visitors

books, hotel guest register, restaurant

reservation registers

b u y e r ’ s g u i d e S e e p a g e 4 6 f o r c o n t a c t d e t a i l s

w w w . s h o p - s a . c o . z a

• Buyers Guide is an affordable way of highlighting your

brands while also introducing up and coming new stockists to the


• The Buyers Guide is a valuable sourcing tool to market your business and the brands

that you carry.

• Contact Wendy to book space on [email protected] or

Tel: 011 880 1147

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m y o f f i c e m a g a z i n e 45

Autoplus 60 XDONESHUTSTACK Autoplus 80 X Autoplus 100 X Autoplus 175 X Autoplus 250 X Autoplus 500 X Autoplus 750 X


Page 48: Vol 97 Issue 4

3M( 011 844 9202 PvtBag X926, Rivonia, 2128

7 011 806 2388 Customer Serv: 0800 118 311

African Filing Systems( 011 896 5279 www.africanfiling.co.za

7 086 540 6892 [email protected]

Antalis South Africa (Pty) Ltd( 011 688 6000 Box 6893, Johannesburg, 2000

7 011 688 6162 [email protected]

Antalis South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Cape Town( 021 959 9600 Box 19231, Tygerberg, 7505

7 021 959 9640

Antalis South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Durban( 031 714 4000 Box 284, Umhlanga, 4320

7 031 700 9253

Antalis South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Pretoria( 012 379 0060 Box 4013, Pretoria, 0001

7 012 379 0052

Antalis South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Bloemfontein( 051 447 8681 Box 1795, Bloemfontein, 9300

7 051 447 6765

Antalis South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Port Elizabeth( 041 486 2020 Box 9088, Estadeal, 6012

7 041 486 2219

Antalis South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Pietermaritzburg( 033 386 2078 Box 1425, Pietermaritzburg, 3200

7 033 386 2078

Antalis South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Botswana( 00267 391 2139 Box 1705, Gaborone

7 00267 397 5459

AZ Trading( 086 111 4407 www.aztradingcc.co.za

7 011 792 9732 [email protected]

Bantex( 011 473 9800 Box 43201, Industria, 2042

7 011 474 3101 [email protected]

Beswick Office Products( 011 433 2686 Box 82319, Southdale, 2135

7 011 680 2166 [email protected]

BIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd( 011 474 0181 PO BOX 43144, Industria, 2042

7 011 474 6068 16 Maraisburg Road, Industria, 2042

BSC Stationery Sales( 011 420 3250 Box 278, Brakpan, 1540

7 011 420 3322 [email protected]

CTP Stationery( 011 226 5600 Box 43501, Industria, 2042

7 011 474 9242 [email protected]

Empire Toy & Stationery( 011 614 2243 Box 261524, Excom, 2023

7 011 614 3075 [email protected]

Faber Castell( 011 473 9800 Box 43201, Industria, 2042

7 011 474 3101 [email protected]

Flip File( 021 638 3105 Box 2190, Clareinch, 7740

7 021 633 6942 [email protected]

Freedom Stationery - Johannesburg( 011 314 0953/4 Box 6459, Halfway House, 1685

7 011 314 0957 [email protected]

Freedom Stationery - Cape Town( 021 557 9152/3 36-38 Silverstone Rd Killarney Gardens

7 021 557 9155 [email protected]

Freedom Stationery KZN (Head Office)( 032 459 2820 Box 478, Mandini, 4490

7 032 459 3255 [email protected]

Freedom Stationery - East London( 043 731 2422 Box 14111 West Bank 5218

7 043 731 2421 [email protected]

Global Bag And Sportswear Manufactures( 031 305 6507 P.O Box 18586, Dalbridge, 4014

7 031 301 6553 www.globalbags.co.za

Global Envelopes( 031 465 5544 [email protected]

7 031 465 5634 www.envelopes.co.za

Gordon’s Productions( 031 705 8713 Suite 69, PvtBag X4, Kloof, 3640

7 031 705 8714 [email protected]

Grafton/Star Paper Products( 011 262 0777 Box 550, Bergvlei, 2012

7 011 262 0780 [email protected]

Grip Binders( 011 421 1300 [email protected]

Hortors Stationery( 011 620 4800 Box 1020, Johannesburg, 2000

7 086 612 4663 [email protected]

Impala Vuwa Stationery Manufacturers( 036 634 1535 Box 389, Ladysmith, 3370

7 036 634 1890 [email protected]

Impression Management( DBN 031 777 1222 www.impression.co.za

( JHB 011 708 7743 [email protected]

( CPT 021 592 0847

Interstat Agencies - Durban( 031 569 6550 Box 201707, Durban North, 4016

7 031 569 6559 [email protected]

Interstat Agencies - Cape Town( 021 551 9555 Box 36696, Chempet, 7442

7 021 557 5456 [email protected]

Interstat Agencies - Port Elizabeth( 041 453 2558 Box 27693, Greenacres, 6057

7 041 453 8504 [email protected]

Kemtek Imaging Systems( 011 624 8000 Box 86173, City Deep, 2049

7 0866 101 185 [email protected]

Kemtek Imaging Systems - Cape( 021 521 9600 Box 181, Cape Town, 8000

7 021 551 5032 [email protected]

Kemtek Imaging Systems - KZN( 031 700 9363 Box 15685, Westmead, 3608

7 031 700 9369 [email protected]

Kemtek Imaging Systems - PE( 041 582 5222 Box 15685, Westmead, 3608

7 041 582 5224 [email protected]

Kemtek Imaging Systems - PTA( 012 804 1410 PO Box 816, Silverton, 0127

7 012 804 4286 [email protected]

KMP( 021 709 0190 Box 183, Steenberg, 7947

7 021 709 0199 [email protected]

Kolok Unlimited - Head Office( 011 248 0300 Box 4151, Johannesburg, 2000

7 011 248 0381 [email protected]

Kolok Unlimited - Cape Town( 021 597 2700 Box 6385, Roggebaai, 8012

7 021 297 2799 [email protected]

Kolok Unlimited - Durban( 031 570 4900 Box 4206, Riverhorse Valley East, 4017

7 031 569 6880 [email protected]

Kolok Unlimited Polokwane( 015 298 8795 Box 862, Ladanna, 0704

7 015 298 8315 [email protected]

Kolok Unlimited - Port Elizabeth( 041 406 9900 Box 3163, North End, 6056

7 041 406 9920 [email protected]

Kolok Unlimited - Namibia( 00264 (61)370500 Box 40797, Ausspannplatz, Namibia

7 00264 (61)370525 [email protected]

Kolok Unlimited - Nelspruit( 013 758 2233 Box 4338, White River, 1240

7 013 758 2235 [email protected]

Kolok Unlimited - Bloemfontein( 051 433 1876 PvtBag X01, Brandhof, Bloemfontein

7 051 433 2451 [email protected]

Kolok Unlimited - Botswana( 00267 393 2669 PvtBag B0226, Bontleng, Gaborone

7 00267 317 0762 [email protected]

Krost Office Products( 011 626 2067 Box 75401, Gardenview, 2047

7 011 626 2912 [email protected]

KZN ENVELOPES( 031 465 3992 P O Box 41259, Rossburgh, 4072

7 031 465 1669 [email protected]

Ledger Systems( 011 433 1808 Box 82586, Southdale, 2135

7 011 433 8863 [email protected]

Martin Yale( 011 838 7281 [email protected]

7 011 838 7322 www.martinyale.co.za

Max Frank( 011 921 1811 Box 200, Isando, 1600

7 011 921 1569 [email protected]

Maynards - Olympus Audio S.A / Olivetti Distributors( 0860 00 1922 [email protected]


Merpak Envelopes( 011 719 7700 [email protected]

7 011 885 3174 www.merpak.co.za

New Era Office cc( 011 334 2013 Box 10383, Lenasia, 1821

7 011 334 7358 [email protected]

Nikki - Cape Town( 0860 006731 [email protected]

7 0800 204868 www.nikki.co.za

Nikki - Durban( 0860 006731 [email protected]

7 0800 204868 www.nikki.co.za

Nikki - Johannesburg( 0860 006731 [email protected]

7 0800 204868 www.nikki.co.za

Nikki - Pretoria( 0860 006731 [email protected]

7 0800 204868 www.nikki.co.za

Nor Paper( 011 011 3900

7 011 011 4099 [email protected]

Optiplan a division of Waltons( 011 620 4000 Pencil Park, Croxley Close, Herriotdale

7 086 681 8256 [email protected]

Palm Stationery( 031 507 7051 [email protected]

7 031 507 7053 www.palmstat.co.za

PaperGeni( 011 011 3900 [email protected]

7 011 011 4099 www.papergeni.co.za

Parrot Products( 011 607 7600 [email protected]

7 011 615 2502 www.parrotproducts.biz

Penflex( 021 521 2400 Box 36964, Chempet, 7442

7 021 521 2402/3 [email protected]

Pentel S.A (Pty) Ltd( 011 474 1427/8 Box 202, Crown Mines, 2025

7 011 474 5563 www.pentel.co.za

Powerhouse Dictation( 011 887 1056 [email protected]

7 086 555 3833 www.speech.co.za

Power Stationery( 032 533 4003 Box 1305, Verulam, 4340

7 032 533 3254 [email protected]

Pyrotec( 021 787 9600 PvtBag X1, Capricorn Square, 7948

7 021 787 9791 [email protected]

RBE Stationery Manufacturers (Pty) Limited( 011 793 7321 [email protected]

7 011 793 7348 www.rbe.co.za

Reboni Furniture Group( 086 173 2664 www.reboni.co.za

7 086 627 7737 [email protected]

Redfern Print Services - Cape Town( 021 552 9680 Box 403, Milnerton, 7435

7 021 552 9681 [email protected]

Redfern Print Services - Durban( 031 205 9598 [email protected]

7 031 205 7092 www.redfern.co.za

Redfern Print Services - Johannesburg( 011 837 4119 Box 1445, Crown Mines, 2025

7 011 837 8917 [email protected]

Rexel Office Products( 011 226 3300 www.rexelsa.co.za

7 011 837 2781 [email protected]

Rotunda( 021 552 5135 Box 189, Maitland, 7404

7 021 551 3070 [email protected]

Royce Imaging Industries( 011 792 9530 www.royceimaging.co.za

7 011 792 9480 [email protected]

Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Head Office( 011 262 1400 Box 931, Wendywood, 2144

7 011 262 1414 [email protected]

Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Cape Town( 021 448 7008 Box 931, Wendywood, 2144

7 021 448 7014 [email protected]

Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Durban( 083 377 4109 Box 931, Wendywood, 2144

7 031 266 1082 [email protected]

South African Diaries( 021 442 2340 Box 4862, Cape Town, 8000

7 021 442 2341 [email protected]

Staedtler SA (Pty) Ltd( 011 579 1600 www.staedtler.co.za

7 011 608 3497 [email protected]

Specialised Filing Systems( 011 477 0640 www.specfiling.co.za

7 011 477 3528

Star Stationers and Printers( 031 569 1061 [email protected]

7 031 569 1094 www.starstat.co.za

Technical Systems Engineering( 011 708 2304 Box 1532, Northriding, 2162

7 011 708 1799 [email protected]

Tidy Files( 011 943 4210 www.tidyfiles.co.za

Topmark( 011 837 8045 [email protected]

7 011 837 7442

Tower (Division of Pyrotec) - Cape Town( 021 787 9600 PvtBag X1, Capricorn Square, 7948

7 021 787 9791

Tower (Division of Pyrotec) - Johannesburg( 011 611 1820 59 Lepus Rd, Crown Mines, 2025

7 011 611 1834 [email protected]

Tower (Division of Pyrotec) Durban( 031 701 0192 Box 594, Pinetown, 3600

7 031 701 1285 [email protected]

Tribe( 011 314 4746 (Jhb) Box 6280, Halfway House, 1685

7 021 386 4261 (Cpt) [email protected]

Versafile( 011 226 5600 Box 43501, Industria, 2042

7 011 474 9242 [email protected]

W. Vos & Company( 011 493 7139 www.wvos.co.za

7 011 493 8807 [email protected]

coNtact detaIlS here

Page 49: Vol 97 Issue 4

w w w . s h o p - s a . c o . z a

w i n t h i s

caNoN Value BuNdleThis PowerShot A810 Black delivers real value: excellent, easy-to-achieve image quality at an affordable price. With Smart Auto, there’s no fussing with camera settings; the camera automatically optimises setting for 32 predefined shooting situations. Video is smooth and gorgeous in 720p HD - just press the dedicated movie button to start shooting. This is a high-resolution, high performance camera, with a 16.0 Megapixel Image Sensor and DIGIC 4 Image Processor. Zoom in and get more image in every shot with the 5x Optical Zoom with 28mm Wide-Angle lens; Digital IS ensures blur-free shooting. Fun Scene Modes for exciting effects, a Help button with easy explanations, and easy AA battery power all add up to make the PowerShot A810 digital camera a smart choice! This prize comes with a 4GB Verbatim SD Card and a Lowepro Camera Bag. m

Send your entry to [email protected] with your contact details and the name of the product in the subject line.Win this!

the joy of a journalCTP Stationery is giving away five

hampers consisting of three beautiful journals in the different size categories.

Each uniquely designed journal makes a beautiful gift for a loved one or keep them all for yourself

to journal your way through life! For more information visit www.ctpstationery.co.za m

look good, Know itNail at Shepherds Pamper Studio in Johannesburg is offering a free manicure and pedicure to a lucky My Office professional. Visit their sea-side themed studio at Shepherds Market, 339 Jan Smuts Avenue, Craighall Park Johannesburg. Hours: weekdays 7.30-16.00 and Saturdays 8.00 – 15.00. Contact them on 011 325 5717 or visit www.nailsatshepherds.co.za

Look good. Know it.

m y o f f i c e m a g a z i n e 47

Page 50: Vol 97 Issue 4

V o l 9 7 - I s s u e 3

p u n c h l i n e

Send us your funniest caption for the photograph below and you stand a chance to win a Rexel Laminator H220-RR valued at R2 000. Send your Punchline and contact details to [email protected] with Punchline in the subject line.

WinThe Rexel Laminator is 33% faster than competitor machines, taking just 45 seconds to laminate a standard A4 pouch or 80 pouches per hour, with an additional cold setting for heat sensitive documents. Other features include:• Automatic switch off after 30 minutes of inactivity.• Exit tray keeps pouches straight as they come

through the heated rollers for a perfect, warp-free finish

• Incorporates SureFlow™ Technology reduces jamming significantly for stress-free laminating and maximum productivity

• Laminates up to A4 size including ID cards, notices and certificates

• Modern, compact design easy to move around and suits most office and home environments

• Single touch button interface: simple to use, no previous experience required

• Three heat settings accepts 2 x 75 micron (150 in total)

• pouches, 2 x 100 micron (200 in total) and 2 x 125 micron (250 in total).

crack us up!

WINNINg captIoN for Vol 97 ISSue 2:These will hatch! Trust me, I’m the Easter Bunny. Chris Beswick - Griffin Projects

Page 51: Vol 97 Issue 4


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