vocabulary unit 11

Vocabulary TRANSPORT AND TRAVEL Unit 11 Outcomes Upper- Intermediate

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Unit 11 Outcomes Upper-Intermediate


• Car that has an extra door at the back that opens from the bottom

An estate car

• Long car with an extra door at the back and a lot of space between the back seats

/ˌes juː ˈviː/ OR /ˌfɔː(r) baɪ ˈfɔː(r)/

Sport Utility Vehicle


• Vehicle that is used for transportingmerchandise /ˈmɜː(r)tʃ(ə)ndaɪz/

camper van

• Vehicle that has space to sleep


• A car in which the gears change by themselves


• Heavy oil used instead of petrol

Unlimited mileage/ˈmaɪlɪdʒ/

• There is no limit to the amount of miles (or kilometres) you can drive while renting


• The part at the back of a vehicle where you can put luggage and other things

• The part at the front if the bonnet [BrEng] or the hood [in AmEng]


• The paint has a mark on it


• A part of the car has been banged inwards

Better (to be) safe than sorry

• It’s a good idea to take the additionalinsurance, in case anything goes wrong. It’s…

Wing mirror

• a small mirror on each side of a vehicle. The

American word is sideview mirror


• The large glass window at the front of a

vehicle. The American word is windshield.


• Officially say you have no money and cannotpay your debts


• Completely empty with no people or pleasantscenery

Set off

• Start a journey


• In a broken or damaged state

Fall into disrepair

In bad repair


• Shine a light for a short time


• Change direction suddenly when you are driving


• Hit or push with a lot of force


• Used to stop the car moving when it is parked


• Parts of the road that are divided for cars todrive in


• Put a light on to show which direction you are going to move in

Points on your licence

• Penalty points for breaking the law, e.g.speeding