vocabulario inglés.doc

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Entanglement:mess, embarrosing situation

Entanglement:mess, embarrosing situationUtterance:word, statementSurvey:study ( surveyor: inspector, assessor, examiner, evaluator: tasador, perito

Severance:division, partition, separation, taking apart unificationWelter:confusion,flurry, massflurry: snow whirlingNoumenal: something understood without the use of the sensesRealm:kingdom


Kindred:relatives, family membersTag: label, mark, brand. Point, quotationWholes

Akin:of the same kindKen:knowledge,understanding

Chop: cut, split chopper: grinder (rallador)Compel:to enforce

Tracery:ornamental workLace:lazoonto: on, on the top of, against

Bold:corageous, audacious

Upon:aheadScrollwork:ornament seeming scrollsAcoustic

Ripple:wave, flow

Stagger:stumbled, walk unsteadlystaggering [staguerin]: causing great astonishment, amazement, or dismay. Overwhelming

Backdrop:enviroment, backgroundIncantation:chant, invocation

To Contrive:arrange, manufacture,plan, plot, schemeNourish:to feedFeasible:possible, viable

Subtle:slight(insignificant, unimportant), faint(pale,weak,dim),delicate. sutilLoose:free, movable,unfastened

lose: be unable tofind

layunderstated:modest, discreet, simple, minimalist

exceed:go beyond, go faralas:unfortunately

inter alias: among others, one of a group

rim:border, edge, perimeter

burrow: hole, lair, warren,den, tunnelkeg: barrel, cask, tub

slum: suburb, neighborhood (arrabal)

hideaway: secrete, veil, camouflage

hideout: hiding place, place of scape

nonsensical:senseless, ridicolous, irrational

assert:affirm, claim, emphasize

bard:lyricist, writerinkling:suspicion, clue, idea,notion, feelingsimpleton(rare): weak-minded person

trammel: to prevent free movement

germane:relevant, usefull

utter: complete,total

straightforward: easy, basic, uncompletely. Honest, free from pretense or ambiguity, frank.ordain: order, command

neglect: abandon, desert, avoid, pass over, foget, disregard, to leave out, to omit, to excludebroad: wide, large, extensive

apt: right,pertinent, appropriate

foggy:misty, cloudyarresting:impressive, interestingattain:accomplish, achieve

adumbration: to give an incomplete or faint idea


slice: portion, part, sliver

splinter: fragment, chip, particle

flake: idem + deteriorate, crumblefleck: idemspeck: synonyn of splintercrumble:desintegrate, fall down, fall apart, fall to pieces, collapse

shard: synonym of splinter

overwhelm:devastate, crush, overcome (conquer, defeat, beat)preclude: prevent, exclude, stopdistinct: different, dissimilar, diverse

discard:throw away, dispose

grapple:struggle, fight,wrestlemusing:thought, consideration, meditationadvocacy:support,backing, encouragementendeavor:try, attempt

frail:weak, fragile

fling (flung): throw, pitch, especially as with violence.chasm:gap, abyss

restrain:hold back, control, bring under control, hold downbond:tie, link, connection

oblivious:unaware, ignorant

oblivion: the condition of being forgotten the act of forgetting to cast into oblivion (echar al olvido); to sink or fall into oblivion (caer en el olvido)

conversely:on the other hand, on the contrary

dim:not bright, weak,soft, diffusewit:humor,intelligence, sense of humor, smartness, funninessturnout:produce, manufacture- crowd, audiencegrudge:complaint, feeling of resentment,bitternessmeager:insufficient, not enough meagerness: insufficiencyfeat:achievement, accomplishment, attainment . hazaa, proezabarring:except for, not including

trait:peculiarity, attributestem: stalk, shoot, twig, trunk: (como sust. significan rama, tronco, etc.) stem: to contain

shoot: to fire a weapon

shaft: ray, beam, gleam - tube, pipe, duct (ventilation, elevator), axis, axle- The handle of any of various tools or implements (e.g. of a racket)chest: torso, box, container - desahogarse

trail: follow, trace, trackstalk: trail, follow, hunt,

override:dominate, prevail

fondly:lovingly, tenderly

fancy: (v)to imagine,to believe,to visualize, to conjecture; to like, to be interested - (adj) elaborate, decorative, extravagant, elegant (n) fantasy, illusion, dream, castle in the skyqueer:surprising, odd, curiousstaggering: astounding, amazing, surprising, shockingnamely: that is, to be exact, lest:in case, for fear thatvagary:unusual or unexpected idea, act or thoughtpeep: peer, quick look, glance, to spy,strikingly:remarkably,outstandingly,unusuallysinister:ominous, menacing

sway:bend, lean, influence, affect

hallmark: seal, stamp, trademarkflight:scape

humdrum:everyday, boring, routine

petty:little, insignificant,minor, irrelevant

lifting:exciting,stimulating, thrillinglift: raise, pick up, elevate

pitiful:disgraceful, pathetic, deplorable

rift:crack, gap, hole, fissure

engender: produce, generate

utterly:absolutely, totally, entirely

bewilderment:confusion, desorientation, puzzlement

seize: agarrar, aprovechar, incautar. grasp, take hold ofseizing: (s) lla toma, el agarre

grasp agarrar, comprender, sust. asimiento. grab: sudden attemp to seize somethinggrip: (on) very tight hold. (of) power of understanding or doing - handleclue: sign, trace

eager: keen, enthusiastic, excited,ready, willing, impatient

busby: a fur hat of short hairquoth: old use of said for I, He, She, Itunwavering:firm, solid, resolute


to snap:to break crujir, chasquear - impulsive, sudden


wayward:errant, desobedient, badly behaved, strog willed

wove: past of weave,knit,interlace, unitebeget: produce, lead to, cause, result in

to entrench:to intrench: to firmly stablishthreshold:entrance, doorstep

subtle:slight, delicate (plural: subtleties)slight:

undulation:waveslosh:spill, splash(salpicar, chapotear- (s) )jar: container. To hit, to bump(strike or hit)

ascribe:assign, put down, attribute

render: make, provide, deliver

inscrutable:impenetrable, unreadableregard:observe, considerthoroughness:carefullness, attention to detail thorough: careful, datailed, meticolousdub: call, name, give the name (dubbed)

bitter:sour, acid, vinegary, astringent

pill:tablet, medication

ease:simplicity, easiness

molder:rot, decay,decompose, break down

anterior:forward, front

entail:envolve, require, need, demand

outward:external, outer, apparent, superficial

conducive:favorable, helpful, contributing to

kinship:relationship, affinity, similarity, empathy

concise:brief, short, summarizing, precise (ness)bias: prejudice, partiality,unfairness,preconcive, predisposition.: a preference thath inhibits imparcial judgement. sesgo, inclinacin. Sesgar, inclinar, propender. (n) tendencia, propensin, parcialidad. (v) influir, predisponer: to bias sb against sth. to be biased in favour of.unprepossessing:ugly, unattractive:unpleasant,plainbunting:flag, decorationfinesse:skill, gace, elegancecumbersome: awkward(uncomfortable),bulky, weighty,burdensome

resort:option, choice, way out


nuance:shade (also shadow)-> shady, tone, gradation, degree


accretion: accumulation, addition

sweeten: to make sweet

griddle: grill, barbecue

slayer:destructive force, killer

hence:therefore, thus, for this reason

content:happy, satisfied, pleased. Also substanceyielding:soft, elastic,docile, acquiescent

highpitched:penetrating, sharp,high

lowpitched:deep, low

pitch:arena, field of play, terrain

likely:possible, expected, apt

acute:sharp, sensitive, finely tuned,keentoss:throw, pitch, let fly

mold:cast, shape, style

clash:conflict, disagree

disregard:ignore, pay not attention tocessation:end, termination


reliable:consistent, unfailing

shift:move, transfer, change, alter

poised:balanced, hanging, on the edge. To poise: balancearalternation:fluctuation,variation

probe:search, investigate, explore, sondear - sondarod:pole, bar, stickimpending:imminent, in the near future, approachingdivest:strip, rid (free, clear), dissociate

sliver: flake, shardto shred: cut up, cut into strips, slice. (s) fragment :the paper shred machineto slip (slipped): fall, lose your balance- deslizar o irse sigilosamente (s): fallslice:piece, portion, segment

sprinter: runner

flake:crumble, deteriorateshard: slice, flakemince: cut up,shredpeel: skin, strip, shed (pelar, despojarse de algo), peeling a bananashed: (cobertizo, derramar) hut (refugio), shut,discard

crumble:fall down, fall apart, fall to pieces

Chaotic Logic

Posit: speculate, conjecture, hypothesize,imaging,concive

Infuse: inculcate, impart, instill (fill, inspire, implant) , permeate, fill

Seep:leak, percolate,ooze, trickle: gotear, caer un lquido poco a poco: the raindrops trickled down the windowEnduring:lasting, during, permanent

Conceal: hide, cover, mask, screen, vail, to keep secretAvail:purpose, aim, benefit, rewardDetach:separate, isolate, remove

becoming detached: not connected to what is happening arround

Comprise:include, contain, consist of

Awesome:overwhelming, grand,splendid, amazingQuivering:trembling, shaking, shiveringStriving:determined, motivated

Pertain: be relevant, be appropriateInception:beginning, setting up

Attain:reach, achive, accomplish

Impinge on :impose, to have an effect on,have an influence on


Couch:sofa, divan,express, phraseFruition: completion, final result, execution, culmination, fulfillment

Seethe:boil, bubble,foam(spume,spray), fume(smoke, emit,exude),effervesceAcquaint:explain, tell, notifyBurgeoning:growingWellspring:source, fountain, originConjoin:be next to, be adjacent to, nearby


Unfathomable:deep, profound, vast, immeasurable

Creep:move stealthily;furtively

Envisage: imaging, foresee, predict, visualize

Loft: attic, roof space, also: hit, knock, strike

Pervade:permeate, pass through

Adroit: skillful, competent, able

Dwell:settle, inhabit

To Rustle:cruckle, crunch, sound of papper, murmur of leaves

Sigh:exhale noisily

Quote:quotation, citation, line, passage, excerpt

Motto: slogan, saying, adage, aphorism, maxim, axiom

Haunt: disturb, bother, worry

Cue: sign

Acquainted: familiar


Unaided:without helpTapering: contraction, reduction, narrowing, decreasing

Acquaintance: Conocido (familiar but not close)Plume:spiral, curl

Fond: loving, tenderSway: swing, rock, affect, influence

Slant:incline, lean

Stark: bare, desolate, austere, severe

Closure: end, shutting, closingDeploy: arrange, set

Surpass: exceed, beat

Bough: branch, limb. RamaSwerve: change direction, turn sharply

Void: emptiness

Paramount: supreme, top, dominant

Strife:trouble, discord

Slope: to incline, angle, hill

Weed:wild plant or flower

Aisle(ail): passageway, walkway (pasillo, nave)Whilst: as the same time as, even as (fon:wailst)replenish: refill, stock up, reload, restockhaste: speed, rush, rapidity, swiftness


grab: grip, seize, clutch, take

hallucination: vision, illusion

pant: blow, gasp for air

cannily:cleverly, cunningly, astutely, carefullyshaft: ray, beam, tube, pipe, stream, duct

indent: displace, move in, align

stretch: to make bigger, make longer, widen

rigging: ropes, chains, wires

lash: tie, bind, knot, fasten, secureyard: enclosure

rug: carpet, blanket

eddy:whirlpool, vortex

snout: nose

porpoise: aquatic mammal, like dolphin

lizard: male aligator

heap up: pile up, amass

sluggish:slow, slow- moving, lethargic

cling: adhere, clutch, grip, stick, fit tightly, hang (past: clung)

brandish: handle

crook: offender, villain, robber, criminal, felon, lawbreaker

hue: tone, tint, colorgigantic: enormous, huge, extremely large, massive, colossal

flee: fly, run away, escape, run off (past: fled)

dumb: unable to speak temporarily, speechless with shock

dagger: blade, knife, stiletto

slab: block, piece, hunk

pit: hollow, well, crater, cavity, hole in the ground

riddle: puzzle

bash: to knock, punch, smash, thump

wreck: destroy, demolish, break, ruin (of a ship: hundir)

overhanging: suspended, pendant, pending

mingle: mix, blend, combine, fuse, merge

creeper:climbing plant, lianabehalf (on b of, in b of): in the name of, representing the interests of someoneashore: on shore, onto ground, onto dry ground, aground

rub: difficulty, obstacle

contumely: humiliating speech or beheviour

scorns: insults, spurns

bodkin: dagger

fardels: packs, burdens

bourn: boundary, confines

pitch: playing field, also the high point in the flight of a bird

pang: sudden sharp feeling of pain

despise: menospreciar, look down on, regard as worthless

dread: fright, terror, fear, horror

grunt: mumble, murmur, groan (grunir)sweat: worry, be panic, be agitated, also prespair (transpirar)->swetshirt: sudaderalark: silly game, joke, gamebitterly: angrily

do not build castles in the air.

its no use crying over spilt milk Cry over spilled milkdo not count your chickens before they are hatched (emerged, produced).

beauty is but skin deep.

well begun is half done.

at Rome do as romans do.

it is never too late to mend (repair, fix).

out of sight, out of mind.

all is well that ends well.

there is no rose without a thorn.

a bird in hand is worth two in the bush.

those that live in glass houses should not throw stones.

what cannot be cured, must be endured (bear, suffer, tolerate, go on).

a rolling stone gathers no moss.never look a gift horse in the mouth.

birds of a feather flock ( gather, congregate, form a group) together.

flock: bandada

nought: nothingrun over: crush, hit

I cannot make head or tail of it: I can not understand

mock at: ridiculize, make fun of someone.

1 yard (yd)= 3 feet (ft.)

1 foot (ft.)= 12 inches (in.) a little over 30 cm.At first he did not know what to do, but at last he knew.

he spent at least ten pounds, but at most fitteen pounds.litte, less than, the least

much,many, more than, the most

late, later, latest: is in reference to time. i.e.: he came later than his master (adverb)

late, latter, last: used in reference to order: last night I had a pleasant dream.

late, later than, the latest,the last

old, older than, elder, the oldest, the eldest

outbreak: eruption, occurrence, epidemic

soothing: calming, conforting

lull: to silence, to calm. (n): tregua, pausa, calma.entice: to tempt enticement: attraction, seduction enticer - enticingly

beguile: captivate, entice, engatusar. Guile: astucia, malicia, ingenio.frenzy: anger, fury, rage

frantic: frenetic

eagerness: anxiety, worry, concern, avidezadventurous: daring, brave, audacious

alas: unfortunately

cataract: waterfall

waft: drift, float, be driven by the current or breeze

endeavour: try to (procurar)retrace: go back over, repeat

attire: clothing, dressdespise: hate, scorn

irksome: annoying

heel: talon


flattering: obsequious (adular)

leap: a long junping

resignation: renuncia

glisten: to shine

sleigh: trineo

debauch the currency: corromper la moneda

debauchery(dibocheri): libertinaje, corrupcin: prodigality, lavishnesssubtler: manera sigilosa

diagnose: diagnosticar

frenzy: frenes

slight worth: worthless


leap year: ao bisiesto

yy4me: too wise for me

yyur: too wise you are

seven deadly sins: pride, covetousness(greed), lust, ire, gluttony, envy, sloth (lazy).

huddled: apiado

the wretched: los miserables

yearing: anxious

tossed: abrumado

teeming: repleta

the custom of kissing

when ghosts are about

the wicked souls

juno moneta

there are references to one kind of

pulverized glass= ground glass

phosphorous tipped matches were ignited by friction

fine arts: bellas artes

disciples: dicpulos

quotation: citas, proverbioscloak: manto

entrails: entraas

fulsome: flattering, excessive

funk: very strong smell, that is offensive, rank, stink

olfaction: olfato

snuffle: oler

odor: olor

appetating: nice to the taste, delectable, mouth-watering, relish, savory

bitter: amargo

flavor: sabor

palate: taste

sour: acido

salty, spicy, sugary, sweet

whet ones apetitte: stimulate the apetitte

to meet the requirements: to have to acomplished all requirementsthe justices are appointed for life by the president with the approval of the senate

that president died during in office

impeachment: juicio de residencia

acquitted: sobreseido


cats have nine lives

sweetened: sugared, to make sweet

the Tower of London houses the Crown Jewels of Britain

court: also certain playing cards: King, Queen, and the Knive are court cards.to keep ones fingers crossed

cross questions and crooked answers: dar respuestas evasivas a preguntas simples

to cross the Rubicon: No way backdiamond-shaped: rombo

fickle:inconsistent, changeable: fickle lovebestow: give, confer, lend, bequeath: superstition indicated that these flower had the property of bestowing its own characteristics on to others.

darkest hour is that before the dawn: means when things are at their worst, they can only get better. pincer: tenaza

molten lead: plomo fundidobeautify: get someone or something more prettythree musketeers

personify: embody, represent, characterizeDavy Jones personifies the spirit of sea as evil-death from unusual causesabout tastes there is no disputing de gustibus non est disputandum

cry of a new-born childcharthage must be destroyed: whatever stands in the way of greatness must be removed at all costs.

wickerwork: basketry. i.e that what enclosures a demijohninvoking his very name: invocando su slo nombre

summon: call, call for, send for

counsel: attorney at law

mischief: misbeahaviordice: dados

digestive tract: long tube that runs from mouth to the anusdine with the cross-legged knights: not to eat anything

Diogenes cup: to live in a very simply way


latin diploma: letter folded double, in such a way its contents are kept secret

diplomatic bag

diplomatic illness/cold: a polite excuse in order to achieve not an appointment

diplomatic immunity

diplomatic service

breed: type, class, kind, race

to weigh: pesar nana: woman who look after childrento be in the doghouse: to be in disguise (this last word also mask, costume, comouflage)

second in fame only to: segundo en fama slo atrs de.draconian code: extreme severity

drone: znganosluggard, idler, parsite: haragn, intil, parsito

idle: inactive, inoperative, unused working lazy, indolent diligent

idleness: laziness, indolence. Desidia.

slovenliness: desidia en el vestir. (slovenly = untidy).

dwarfs were not unfriendly to man, but could be vindictive an mischievousdying sayings: last words

gloom: darkness


tingle:stingto snarl: grur: the guard dog snarled at the thief

circumferencehottest, coldest, wettest, driest place on the world

nimble: quick, agilawkward: ill at ease, uncomfortable, embarrassswollen: inflamed, inflated, engorged, puffy, distended (p.p swell)pied piper of hamelin (pied= 2 o + colours)the supporters of Pern

conscientous objector

the issue: the matter, the subjectto be drafted: to get into the army

consensus on basic rules

conservatism: conservadurismo

relies on the habit of.: confa en el hbito de.demography ascertains trends: la demografa reconoce tendenciassomething rotten in Denmark: algo huele a podridoempiricism: philosofical doctrine wich asserts.(que determina)empiricism racionalism

realism idealism

bombast: affectation, pomposity, pretentiousnessbraind-dead: clinically deadbreak the bank: hacer saltar la bancabreathtaking: out of this world, amazing, incredible

bright and early: very early

bug out slang-: get away

bug slang- bother someone

to burn the midnight oil: work up to late

burst out laughing: laugh strongly

bury the hatchet: finish old disputations

business as usual: everything as like ever was

busybody: gossip, bigmouth, entrometidobuy a pig in a poke: buy something before see it

by a hair: by a breadht, by a whisker: por un pelo

by all appearances: apparently

by chance: accidentally, by coincidence, fortuitouslyby coincidence

by guess and by golly informal- de pura suerte y con ayuda de Dios (Golly)

by no means: no way

by virtue of something: en virtud de algo

by word of mouth: por la voz que se corre ive heard it in the grapevine

call it a day: finish work and dismiss

call of nature-informal- need to go to the bathroom

callousness: cruelty, coldness, insensitivity, heartlessness

call someone on the carpet: reprimenda de un jefecall the meeting to order: to announce that the meeting has just began

call the shots, call the tune infml- to take a decision, to make ones mind upcant see beyond the end of ones nose

carried away: excited, animated, energized

carry out: accomplish, achieve a work, take charge of some work

conclave: con clavis

carry the torch: to leadering

case law: jurisprudenciacash-and-carry

causeway: land bridge, ramp

cat got your tongue

catch someone off-balance: sorprender a alguien que no est preparado para discutir

center stage: en primer plano, a la vista de todoschainsmoker: smoker that smokes one after other

change over: cambiar por algo, el canal, changeover: transicin, relevo

changing room: vestuario, probador

charley horse: calambre

cheat on someone: engaar

cheeseparing: tacao

chest of drawers: cmodachickenhearted: cobarde

chief justice: president of the court supreme

chocaholic: adict to chocolate

cinch infml- too easy, piece of cake

clamp down: tomar medidas drsticas

clear out: go away

clear something up: explain something doubtful

clear the table- opposite of set the table

cliff-hanging: suspenso, que termina en suspensoclose at hand: a mano

cloud over: get cloudy

cloudburst: chaparrn

cloud-cuckoo-land: absent, to live in the clouds

coat and tie. de saco y corbata

cockiness ,cocksure: arrogancia, petulanciacold, hard cash: contado rabioso

it gives me the collywobbles: to be very nervousthe devil and all: everythings badthe devil dances with an empty pocket: la pobreza lleva a la tentacin del delito

devil dodger: hipcrita, mentirosothe devil is not so black as he is painted: respuesta a una crtica exagerada

devils bones: dice, dados

the devils candlestick: phallus impudicusdevils dancing hour: midnight

devils dozen: 13, una para el diablo

the devil sick would be a monk: hacer promezas en las malas y no cumplirlas en las buenas.devils luck: to have very good lucktell the truth and blame the devil: decir la verdad y ser honestocome again? infml- cmo dijo?

come again: por favor, vuelva

come clean: to be absolutely honest with someone

make it off: make lovecome off it! slang- tell the truth!

come out of nowhere, or come out of the blue: to appear suddenlycome out of the closet: reveal secret intentions

come through: to do what ones expected to do, even difficult

come to a standstill: to stop temporarily or permanentlycome to light: hacer conocer

come to the point: get to the point: llegar al puntoto come to think of it: now that I remember

to come up: something unexpected

comfortable as an old shoeconfidence game, confidence trick: engao, timo, estafa. confidence stricker: estafador

contrariwise:on the contrary, viceversathe dogs of war: horrores de guerra

dog-tired: cansado como perro

as sick as a dog: enfermo como un perro

barking dog seldom bites: perro que ladra no muerde

every dog has his day: a cada cual le llega su dia.give a dog a bad name and hang him: hablar mal de alguien y arruinar su reputacinkeep a dog and bark oneself: pagarle a alguien para que haga algo y hacerlo uno mismo

lead a cat and a dog life: siempre peleandoyou cant teach old dogs new tricks

cook the accounts: arreglar los libros contables

cool it!, cool down: take it easy

count noses: contar gente reunida

count in: tener en cuenta a alguien. count out: no tener en cuenta

crash and burn: fracasar rotundamenteto be crazy about

to create a scene: to make a scene (in public)

cross-examine:interrogar con detalle

cross swords: cruzar espadas, pelear

cut a check: librar un chequeto cut someone in: dar participacin en algo

daily dozen: -infml- ejercicios fsicos diarios

draconian code

drone: male of honey bee

dainties: exquisitecesdaintly: con delicadeza, con finura

damn: condenar. damn it!: maldito sea

damnable: deplorable

dance to another tune: cambiar de conducta o actitud

dance with dead: hacer algo peligroso

dandruff: caspa


to dare someone: desafiar

dark horse: alguien poco conocido en sus habilidades o proyectos

day nursery: guardera infantil

Janus presided over the entrance of the yearJanuary and may: said of a old man marrying a young womanascribe: assign, attribute to (adscribir)

sole authority: nica autoridad

refusal to salute

a word taken to be plural: a word in plural

butts: cascos de vino

jerry-built: poorly constructed, inconsistent (jericho walls)jerry: as jack, often used to denote inferiority or not distinguished, jerrymumble. jerry snead: persona falsa, jerry-shop: cervecera de bajo nivel

jerked beef: charquieventful: exciting, lively, azaroso (viaje, vida)the city after having fallen to the arabs.

passover commemoration: easter

condemned as a blasphemer

encompass the earth: cover .

asumed the forms of animals

hideously ugly: horribly unattractive, shocking, dreadfulsingularly beautiful

poverty: deficiency, lack, shortage

pious man: devout, religious, moral, spiritualafflictions

painful desease

ultimately everything is restored to him

I am as poor as Job, my Lord, but not so patient Henry IV

John Hancock:owns signature

Holly Roger: black flag with skull and crossbones. pirates flagjonah had to prophesy disaster caused by the excessive wickedness, but Ninive might repent and thereby be saved.unprecedent severity

draw lots: tiraron suerte

calamitous condition

Jonah draw the unlucky lot and he is thrown overboard

swallowed by a great fish, wich vomites him out onto dry land

though still reluctant, Jonah perfoms his appointed mission to Ninive

much to his displeasure his call to repentance is heard and the city is saved

its name goes back to: its name is after

encloses such turbulent history

deeds: actions, manners, conduct

deed: Act, legal document, Land Deed

distress: pain, suffering, sorrow

wandering through settlements in Galilee and the neighboring countryside in company of 12 discipleshealing powers


message of the redeeming love of God

demagogues of all parties

public plunderers: saqueadores pblicos

attack wrong: atarcar lo equivocado

aggressivenews coverage

juggernaut: algo que termina en masacre. Camiones muy grandes

Jupiter Capitolinus presided over the romans. Determined the course of human affairs

to curse someone

The jury arose in medieval times as a body of neighbors summoned to give on oath: el jurado apareci en pocas medievales como un cuerpo de vecinos convodados para dar bajo juramento.stipulatedthere have long been: hay desde entonces


first clause of the Constituionmartyr


for the most part: the majority, greatest partthe number 12 was doubtless regarded as providing a sufficiently large number of people to give a reliable verdict in legal hearings

no one should be a judge in his own casea man should not act as a judge either for someone he loves or for someone he hastes, for no man can see the guilt of someone he loves or the qualities in someone le hates

do not be too hasty in accusing or approving anyone

do not judge somebody on the ship, from the land

let justice be done, even though the heavens fall

when the duty is to do an act fo justice, it should be done promptly. To delay is unjustice.

be just and fear not Henry VIII Shakespeare

Great Mosque at Mecca

coverede with black brocate

formerly used

he is depicted as a.: he is described as, he is represented

is a text on history

referring to.

balk:draw back, stop

bomb-loaded aircrafts crash into their targetheroine

she was one of the great adulteresses of history

wane: fade, vanish

she commits suicide by throwing herself under a trainshe was memorably portrayed

the cumulative results of a persons deeds

vow: swear, promise

a bunch of flowers

hurl: to throw, to launch, to pitch. He hurled the rock from the height


kilt: long length of cloth wrapped around the waist, with one end thrown over the shoulder.

garthment: piece of clothing

nether: posterior, rear. (Anton: fore)

a kindergarten boy is led rather than taughtpre-primary-school-age children

kin: family, relatives

king/queen can do no wrong: the crown acts on the advice and consent of ministers, therefore the sovereign cannot be hel responsible.

king charles head: obsesion

king demos: the people

king of the kings: god

kings/queens english: perfect language

kings/queens picture: money

kingdom come

widespread mode of salutation: greeting or farewell

kissing under the mistletoe

kiss of death: action which has bad consequences

kiss of life: CPRkiss the hares foot: be too late. also: a day after the fair

it came to denote a man of gentle birth, serving at court as a page or esquire (escudero)retinue: entourage, attendats, followers

and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to knowlegde


unique: extraordinary, sole, exclusive

to sail a raft

to support the theory that.

they were descendants

comprise buildings of many architectural styles..:include, involve

enclosed by many towered walls 1.5 miles in circuit

Tsar: zar


is the seat of russian governmentbrevity

terse:brief. terseness

to level the city to the ground: destroy the city

baffle: confuse, perplex: it is baffling to find the way, flummoxbread kneader: quien amasa pan

Lady Day: annunciation of our Lady, the Virgin Mary

damsel: dama, damisela

hospital wards: salas del hospital

it pretext was a quarrel between Russian and France over the guardianship of holy places

laissez faire, laissez passer: the non-interference by government

an inquiry into the nature.

hence the name: de alli el nombreto plunge: sink, fall

proteg: someone protectedchivalry: caballeria. also gallantry, politeness, courtliness, good manners

adulterous: disloyal, false

land of milk and honey

Cain was exiled after he had slain Abel



go to the land of Nod: idiom: go to sleep

retain: preserve, maintain, hold on to, keep

ever since: from the time when

Land of the midnight sun

Land of the rising sun: japan. the allusion is to the geographical location with regard to China

Land of the white eagle: Poland

coat of arms: insignia, emblem, symbol

laps of the gods: the unknown chances of the future

lapsus linguae: a slip of the tongue, an imprudent word inadvertently spokenlapsus calami: a slip of the pen

lapsus memoriae: a slip of the memory

utter: complete, absolute, total

flu: catarrh, cold, grippe, influenza, sinusitisfly-by-night: doubtful, distrustful, unreliable, dubious, questionable, trustlessfoam at the mouth: be very angry (con espuma en la boca)

foghorn: vozarrn

follow the trucks, follow the footsteps: seguir los pasos o el ejemplo de alguien

follow the crowd: do what the others do

follow up: vigilar, seguir la marcha de algn asunto

fools paradise: virtual situation thas seems to be pleasant, but its actually falsefootloose: without commitments

for all I care: I dont care anythingfor all I know: up to the things I know

for better or worse: it doesnt matter what will happen

foreign affairs: relaciones exteriores

foreknowledge: previous knowledgeforemost: primary, leadingforename: first name

foresee: predict, forecast, foretell, anticipateforeseeable future: futuro inmediatoforever and ever: without end, endlessness

forget oneself: to act incorrectly. we go to a party, dont forget yourself

wrongly, imperfectly, mistakenly, erroneously, improperly, inaccurately

forgive and forget: perdonar y olvidarfor good: for ever, permanentlyfor kicks-slang-: for fun

for petes sake: exclamacin de molestia o perturbacin

for real inflm-: autntico, genuino

fortnight: quincena, fortnightly: quincenalmente

for the birds: valueless, worthless

for the most part: mainly, mostlyfor sure infml-: certainly, sure

forward looking: progresist, innovative, futuristic, ahead of his time, modernforty winks infml-: siestita

four eyes infml-: cuatrojos, anteojitosfour-leaf cloverfour-letter word: vulgarism, bad language, rude word

fox: as a verb, to confuse, to trick, to deceive

frame of mind: mood, temper, disposition

framework: structure, frame, outline

free and easy: to be easy, without pressurefrolic: juergafrom the bottom of my heartfrom the cradle to the grave

from the word go infml-: from the very beginning

from time to time

from way back infml-: from the past, ancient

frown: ceo fruncido

fruitcake: as nut as a fruitcake. fuck around: fool around

fuck off: get away!!! (very rude)

fuddy-duddy: stick-in-the-muds, old fashioned, very traditionalfull-house: full, replete, complete

full-blown: complete, full, mature


fund-raising: to collect funds

funeral home: funeral parlorfun-loving: playful, joyful, high-spiritedfurthermore: also, besides, in additionfussbudget: complainer (chilln)FYI: for your informationFWD: pass to, send to

gababout: callejero

gadfly: person who criticies much. also tbano

gaffe: impropriety, bloopergaga: empezar a chochear, chiflado

gain ground: advance, progress, improve

galimatias: confusing and dark language

gall: annoy, irritate. acerbic. bilis

gall blader: vescular biliar

gallstone: clculo biliargallows humor: black humorgallant

galore: in abundance, in great quantities

galumph infml-: move like an elephant, clump, stomp(tread heavily)

tread: walk, stride, squash, crush (v)to tread to tread (trod, trodden)on something: crush, step ongap-toothed: that has separated teeth, ironically toothlessgarbageman, garbage truck

garden path: also to fool, trick someone

garrulity: chattering, talkative, wordy, verbose, rambling (verborrgico)

gas up infml-: get the tank full

gate crasher: intruder, trespasser

gazebo:tent, pergola (glorieta)

general/local anaesthetic

gp: general purpose

generation gap: generational leap

generous to a fault: too much benevolent

gentrification: aburguesamientogerrymander: dividir injustamente circunscripciones electorales en beneficio propio

get a break: a strike of luck, lucky strikeget a bright idea

get a checkup: physical check, corporal check

get a frog on the throat: with difficulty to speak

get a life slang-: (rude) dont be silly. avivate!

get a raw deal infml-: to get an unfair and non polite treatment

get a rough idea: to have a general idea of something (hacerse la idea de algo)get ants in your pants: to be nervous, anxious

get away from it all: let the daily routine away

get away with something: salirse con la suya

get better: recuperate, improve

get busy: get cracking

get by: survive, manage, scratch out a living

get carried away: to get very excited

get cold feet: to be very feared to do something

get credit: to be renowned or famous for doing something

get down to the facts: attain to the factsget even: a mano

get fresh: get insolent, impertinent, audaciousget in touch

get lost: go out of here!!

get mad: get annoyed

get off it!: dont say nonsense, dont talk this way

get off my back!: dont bother meghostwriter: writing for another people

gift of the tongue: capacity to speak foreign languages

giggle: nerovous laughing

gimmick: ardid, truco, picarda, recurso efectista. (v): atraer la atencin con trucos.gimmickry: an array of gimmicksgive and takegive him the red-carpet treatment

give me a break

given name: first name

give or take: more or less, approximately, something like

go all out: make a huge effort, do your utmost

go ahead: go forward, avance, progressjaded: tired, exhaustedjaundiced: cynical, pessimistic, skeptical, unenthusiastic, apathetic

jaundice: yellowish decoloration of skin (ictericia)jazzy: bright, flashy, bright colouredsnazzy: bright, flashy colorful stylewere, wore, worn

jewel: a precious stone specially worn as an ornament

gem: cut precious stone

genie: sprite, spirit (of the lamp)

genius: highly talented person

jocular: relates to jokes or joking in generaljocose: used for playful or jokey people

jocund: used for playful or merry temperament, high spirited

jovial: hearty, vigorous, energetic

join: refers to the visual appearance of things joined upjoint: relates to the site of physical joining up

junction: y-junction, t-junctionjuncture: is a critical time or state of affairs, crisis, turning point, zero hour

juvenile: youth

jejune: knaive, puerile

sunlit dark

nick: to cut by the edgefold (increasing suffix): hundredfold: a hundred of times, twofold: double

screech: scream

keep up with: keep in contact with

hideous: ugly, repugnant

teem with: be full of, seethe with, be furious, be swarm with

to ply: hacer un viaje regularmente

streak: line, band, stripe a shirt covered with streaks of mudgo berserk: go mad, lose controlweirdness: strangeness, oddnessshriek: scream, cry, shout

freak: unusual event. abnormal, strange, oddblot out: blank out, hide, conceal, cover, shadow, eclipse

wink on: glitter, sparkle, twinkle, flashdazzle: prevent from seeing, temporarily deprive of sight, overwhelm, astonish, deslumbrar. Deslumbramiento.gossamer: delicate, sheer (pure, complete), etherealglow: radiance, shine, flame, blazedim: not bright, faint, badly lit; diffuse

glare: frown, look angrilyglare: headlights, suns shiningfuss: commotion, excitement (alboroto) to fuss: to botherumpteenth time: ennesima vezwretched (adj): miserable, desolate, heartbrokenwretch (n): un miserable, un desgraciado.

startling: surprising upsettingpuncture-wound: herida punzante

package tours: viajes con todo incluido

clockwork: perfeccin, exacto


scaring hell out of people: asustar a la gente con el infiernowould-be: possible, probably

to demoralise

prior: previous

to ponder: ponderar


to dissect: to cut up, to cut apart

Age o Reason

bespoke: custom-made mass-produced

helium was discovered on earth as a by-product of the radioactive decay of certain rocks, and used by the toy-balloon industry


hooked: (adj.) enthusiastic, keen, captivated, obsessed, addictedto boil off: evaporarse

the corona has a temperature of more than 1000 C far hotter than the surface

subtlety: delicacy, refinement, detail, fine point: sutilezameandering: roundabout, winding, tortuous

hellish: (adj) extremely hotto amount to: incrementar en

at the height of the hunt

to lurk: to prowl, to lie in wait

to detain(detained): to arrest

near-legendary status

to vindicate: to justify, to prove correct

slob: good-for-nothing, lazybones, waster

disposable income: throwaway income

to whet (whetted): to stimulate, to sharpen: to whet the appetite

to plant a song, a rithm into pop culture

glide: move smoothly, slide alongjunkie/junky: (infml) a person who wants to do or to have something all the time computer junkie, tv junkie a person who takes drugs

to break out: estallar war broke outto revive: to renew, to restore, to refresh, to restart

to put an idea off: hacer a un lado una idea

to implement

to unveil: descubrir, revelar, correr el velosuccessive

sundial: a sun clock


judiciously: prudently, wisely

after a couple of false starts the obelisk has been converted into a giant sundial with the help of a few judiciously placed markings on the pavement.

to be other-wordly

the subconscious


to imbue: fill, permeate, impreganate to inspire: embuir

foreing hollidaysdisconfort: (adj) (s) (v)

cumulative: (adj) growing, increasing cumulative miles flying

blackened sun

front-page news

unpalatable ideas: indegistible ideas, disgusting ideas, unpleasant, nasty, revolting ideas

divest: deprive, separate fromovercome:conquer, defeat; agobiar, superar.crass: insensitive, gross, tactlessposit: conjecture, speculate, imaginate

extol: admire, worship, exalt

upheaval: disturbance, disorder, turmoilclash: fight, conflictall in all: precis

is got to do with has nothing got to do with

scatter: disperse, spread out

to come up with: produce, to come across an idea (encontrarse casi por casualidad)get over: recover from, endure, survive

to be over someone: im not ove you yet : no lograr olvidarse de alguien

thriving: flourishing, prosperous, booming, bloomingfounder: to wreck

tip: lean, angle, incline, tilt (gradient)derelict: (adj) abandon, neglected, ruined (n) abandon property, homeless or jobless personrave: be delirious, talk wildly, rage

take up: start, adopt, begin

overlook: fail to notice, fail to see, ignore, neglect, miss, forget. As a noun means: place in a high place where one could look down below.onset: start. He settled in Holland at the onset of the war

onwards (or onward): from a moment on (or a point ahead) from this moment onward onward!: adelante! .

banned: excluded, expelled, disqualified, forbbiden

sort of: rather, quite, reasonably, somewhat, more or lessseek out: look for

purport: claim, assert, allege, declare

slur over: treat hurriedly, or avoid dealing with properly (skate over, smooth over, skimp over) slurred speech: inaudible, fuzzy, unclear, nebolousconvey: express, put in words, communicate, transmit; carryhedgehog: porcupine (puercoespn)hog: control, dominate, take over, share(antonym) (n): pigsquander: waste, throw awayrun out on you: finish, end, come to an end.

clay: terracotta

darn: to mend, sew

put out: extinguish

fandango: fandango, bullicio, jolgorio

seasick: nauseous

forsake: abandon, desert, leave, turn your back on

baffling: mysterious, inexplicable, unsolved, arcane

strand: filament, fiber, string a strand of hair (hebras)stranded: trapped, stuck, abandoned, marooned (varado). desamparadogist:substance, essence

fleeting: brief, momentary, ephemeral

slot: opening, gap (ranura)But when given a piece of card she could quickly and accurately line it up and post it straight through.

alloy: metal components fusioned and allied.

stride (strode): significant progress (especially in the phrase "make strides") (Example: "They made big strides in productivity") - a step in walking or running - the distance covered by a step- cover or traverse by taking long steps.

gait: walk, way of walking.squander: to wastechase: follow, trail, track, pursue, run afterhairdresser: person who cuts others hairwoodcutter: leador

engine driver: maquinista

crab: cangrejo

jellyfish: medusa



sea urchin: erizootter: nutria

brook: stream, creek, little river to accept, put up with

pot: maceta

paper weight: pisapapeles

saucepan: cacerola

ladle: cucharn

fish slice: espumadera

mutton: carnero

calf: ternero

score: partiturabaton: batuta to call the tune: llevar la batutascenery: escenografa

stork: cigea

swallow: golondrina

gull: gaviota

fly: mosca

earring: aro

brooch: broche

pin: alfiler

ribbon: cinta

fringe: fleco extreme, edge, periphery, outer area, farthest partembroidery: bordado

easel: caballete

paintbrush: pincel

palette: paleta

still life: naturaleza muerta

tangerine: mandarina

fig: higo

anvil: yunquefile: lima

corkscrew: sacacorchos

scale: balanza

fan: ventilador - abanicopadlock: candado

grater: rallador


egg cup: portahuevos

wellingtons: botas de lluvia

lightning conductor: pararrayos

cloudburst: chaparrn

dew: roco

ox: bueychristmas carroll: villancico

fir tree: pino

moulding: moldura

floor tile: baldosa

blind: persiana

bolt: cerrojo

corridor: pasillo

terrace: terraza

chauffeur: chofer

draughtsman: dibujante

smith: herrero

sour: agrio

tasteless: inspido

tuneful: melodioso

pavement: vereda

clay: arcilla

lime: cal

apron: delantaldust coat: delantal

scarf: bufanda

shoelaces: cordones


thimble: dedal

thread: hilo (v) to pass through the eye of a needletape measure: centmetro

lining: forro

stitch: puntada

seam: costura

sleeve: manga

protractor: transportador

covering: forro

divider: comps

pencil holder: lapicero

moo: mugir

cheep: piar

trill: trinar

pace: rate, speed

enfeeble: weaken, deterioratefeeble: laxo, weakwaning: fading, declining

fledge: ready to fly from the nest, maturefull fledged: hecho y derecho, con todas las de la ley.

proceeds: profits, income, earnings

grievous: grave, terrible, dreadful

malaise: depression, melancholy. Sensacin de malestarbust: not working, out of order, ruined, broken

straitened: distressed or embarrassed (specially financially)ailing: ill, sick, bellow par, not a hundred per cent.vex: irritate, annoy, displease ( vexation: something annoying, irritatingjolt: shake, shock, push

giddying: vertiginous (pronunc. guidin)


treacherous: unfaithful, disloyal

imperil: put in danger, endanger, jeopardize

baroque: extravagant; exaggerated

belated: be delayedprogeny:descendants, children

conduit: medium, means, channel, instrument

set aside: save, reserve

churn; mix, stir, roil, agitate, shake

hiatus:pause, interruption

hoard: store, amass, accumulate

falter: hesitate, fade

rot: to putrefy- s. putrefactiondismally: miserably, gloomily

unwind: slow down, calm down

take hold: set, start, begin

repent: regret, be sorry, apologize

guise: appearance, costume pretext, excuse

gale: strong suddenly wind

gaol: jail (se pronuncian igual)

gape: stare at, attonished

string of garlic: ristra de ajo, garlic clove: diente de ajo

gash: long deep cut made with a knife, slash

gaze: paroxistic looking at

germ: germengesture: gesticulation

giggle:laugh nervously

gill: branquia, agalla

gimmick: artimaa. Free gifts are often given away as a gimmick to draw attention to a new product.

glare: to look with anger. to bright or shinegleam: spark, flash

glider: aircraft wich fly without propulsion but air

glimpse: quick sight of something or someone

gloomy: darky, shady

glossy: glossy paper: satinado

glow: irradiate heat and light

gnaw: bite. roer

goal: to score a goal. Target

gobble: eat anxiously

gorge: deep sudden(abrupt, steep) valley

grapefruit: pomelo

graphs: grfica

grasp: catch firmly. Understand accurately, precisely

gravel: grava

graze: forage, rummage. Scratch, lesion, abrasion

grind: crush, pulverizegrip: to grasp

groan: moan, cry out, grunt, roar painfully

groceries: goods bought at the supermarketgroove: channel, rut, furrow: acanaladura, surco, cisura, estra.growl: roar or grunt with annoying

egg case: cascarn

toddler: a child when begins to walkgrub: worm, or larva

grumble: complain, moan (refunfuar), murmurguarantee

gulp: swallow, drink quickly, greedlygurgle: hacer sonido burbujeante con la garganta

tickle: please, entertain

hail: granizo


hammock: hamaca paraguaya

handlebar: manubrio, manillar

handstand: pararse con las manos

hang-glider: ala delta

to hatch: come up, emerge, romper el cascarn (s) escotilla, compuertahaul: pull or drag strongly. The act of pulling or draggingheap: stack, pile, mount, mass (a heap of clothes on the chair)heave: lift something heavy

hedge: dividing bushes

heel: talnnorthern, southern hemisphere

herb: rosemary, oregano

hint:to suggest, insinuate

hiss: to whistle, sisear

hoax: trick, fraud

hobble: walk with difficulty, shuffle, drag one foot

hood: part of a coat that covers the head

hoof: casco o pezua

hoop: ring, loop,circle

hoot: to howl, the alarm is hooting

hop: to jump on one foot

back and forth: atascado, no decidirse



rear: back. (to) take care of, nurture.

foster: encourageback down: back off, take back, admit you were wrongback of the beyond: the most remote placeback up: support, backing

back alley: end way between two blocks

alley: passage, lane, narrow street blind alley:callejn sin salida

backbreaking: ardous, exhausting

backward-looking: retrograde, conservative

ball of fire: very active person

bark up at the wrong tree: to make a bad choice

basket case: caso perdido

to be a must: something that cant be avoidedteachers pet: the one prefered by the teacher

bear down: put down, press down, push down, annihilate, destroy

concealed: hidden, coveredgnashings: crujidos

leering: suggestive looking implying sexual desirebigotry: prejudice, intolerance, racism ( bigot: someone dogmatist, extremist; someone bigotedcracker

crunch:chomp, chew. Crisis

roost: sleep, rest,settle

pail: container


slumber/doze: sleep

beat the clock: finish something before expected timebird of passage: ave de paso

birds of a feather, flock together: dios los cria.

bite back: morderse la lengua para no hablar.

thoroughbred: pure-bred, pedigreereaping: harvest, recollection

weld: fuse, joint, solder, join, connect, repair


welfare: wellbeing, prosperity, safety, wealthwealth: richness, prosperity, assets (wealthier, wealthiest) -> wealthy

wheat: cereal that bread is made with

wheelbarrow: carretilla

wheelchair: silla de ruedas

whine: complain, moan (quejarse prolongadamente): the kid whined about going to bed

whirl: spin, rotate, twirl: the cowboy whirled the laso up around his headwhirlwind: tornado, cyclone, hurricane

whisk: beat (batir) whisk the egg whites until they are stiff. pala para batirstiff (stiffer, stiffest) rigid, firm stiff plastic cardwhisker: bigote de animal

whistle: silbato

whizz (v): passing by in a rush, quickly, at high speed.- antonym: creep- (s) be a whizz at: ser un genio de..

wicked: -> wickedness: evil

wide width narrow

wig: toupee, extension (peluca)

wasteland: inhospitable, desert, wilderness

willing: enthusiastic, ready, dispose, keen reluctantto win to lose

to wind (wound): twist (dar cuerda) to zigzag, to meander: the long & winding roadto wink: guiar un ojo (s) guio: I didnt sleep a wink: no pegu un ojo

to wipe: clean or dry with a duster (pao)

to wither: dry up, shrink bloom (the plant withered while they were away)= to shrivel (shrivelled) to wither someone with a look.to wobble: to tremble, to quiver (tambalearse): he wobbled on his ice-skatesto tremble: temblar. tambin de fro o de miedo

wonder: surprise, astonishment, awe, admiration: they looked in wonder at the bright lights in the sky marvel, miracle, phenomenon

woodwind instrument: instrumento de viento.

ball of wool: bola de lana como se vende en los negocios.

wollen: made with wool

earthworm: lombrices

worry: concern, fear, care,anxiety,

bad-worse-worstworth: the crown was worth a lot of money

wreath (f: rids): garland, hairdress

to wreck: to destroy, to demolish, to ruin, to break

to wrestle: to fight

to wriggle: move about to shake the hips

to wring (wrung): to squeeze a liquid out by twisting (escurrir, exprimir)

wrinkle: arruga en la piel, tela,etc.. (v) to wrinkle

to X-ray. A chest X-rayto yap: to bark with high-pitched sound (agudo)treble: sonido alto (V) to treble: triplicarse

yarn: thread, fiber, string, filament to knit with

to yawn: bostezar (s) bostezo de aburrimiento

yeast: mushroom (levadura)

to yell: to shout, to roar (s): shout, roaringyoke: burden (yugo)

yolk: yema de huevo

whites: clara de huevo

to zoom: go fast, go like a bullet: the motorbike zoomed past me

hang, hung, hung

to hang up: colgar la ropa en perchas. (s): problem, neurosis, eccentricity

upright: standing, erect, on two feet, vertical

hind: back, rear, posterior, foreuproar: chaos, tumult, pandemonium

to upset: tambin significa volcar: vaso, jarrn

to urge: insist on, push for. (s) sudden feeling to do something, instinct, impulse

urine: orinacat flap: puertita para que entre un animal

penknife: camping knife, army knife: cortaplumas


vacant -> vacancy

vaccination: immunization, inoculation

vacuum flask: thermos

vague -> vaguely

vain, vainer, vainest vainly

valuable worthless

vandal (v) vandalize

vapour: steam

various: different, diverse, a variety of

varnish: lacquer, polish, patina, glaze. (v) to varnish

flesh: tambin pulpaaubergine: berenjena

stem: tallo

stalk: tallo ms grueso

twig: ramita

branch: rama

trunk: tronco tambin parte del cuerpo y balbark: corteza

heartwood: duramen

growth rings: anillos de crecimiento

root tuber: tubrculo

sweet potato: batata


radicchio: repollo

corn-cob: mazorca

husk: vaina

sweetcorn (maize): choclo

celery: apio

globe artichoke: alcaucil

radish: rabanito

quince: membrillo

case: vaina

nut: cualquier tipo de nuez

berries: bayas

leaf bud: yema

chesnut: castao

vein: vena, nervadura de hoja


vessel: boat, ship pot, container

vet: veterinario : veterinary surgeon

vicious: cruel, ferocious, fierce, brutal: a vicious dog attacked me

vcr: video cassette recorder


vintage: classic, traditional, typical - era, epoch, time

turn up the volume on the television:subir el volumen

vomit. (v) to vomit (vomited)

vulture: buitre

to wade: badear. to wade a strem across a ford

wafer: oblea, barquillo

waffle: panqueque

wagon: carriage, car, railway wagon

waist: narrow part of the body over the hips

thigh(muslo): the part of the leg between the hip and the knee

hind leg: back part of the leg fore leg

to wake up (woke, woken) be awake

wand: stick or rod used by magicians or wizardswander: vagar

wonder. preguntarse

wardrobe: ropero winter wardrobe: coleccin de invierno

warehouse: storehouse, depot

to waste -> (s) a waste

waterproof coat: impermeable (also raincoat)

a 100-watt ligth bulb

to wave: to sign, to signalize, to gesticulate, to undulate, oscillate : the branches waved in the wind. She waved goodbye as the ship sailed away.

outfit: group, company, team, unit. (v) to supply, to provide, to equip, to furnish, to stock, to kit outoutfit: also a costume, uniform, a set of clothes: he is wearing an outfit of cowboy. Also equiptmentweary: exhausted, drained, tired (wearier, weariest) -> weariness

weather: climate - (v) to endure, to suffer, to go on (capear)whether: if. whether, whether, whether, whether

web: telaraaweed: wild plant, wild flower

to weep (wept): to cry

palm: palmeramaple: arce

needles: agujas del pino

birch: abedul

larch: alerce

oak: roble

flower bud: capullo

to trim (trimmed): cut in order to tidy something: the heardresser trimmed his hair to trip: (tripped) stumble, fall, slip, tumble, lose your footing tropezar. Tambin ir de excursin

trolley: changuito de supermercado tambin streetcar: tranvatrombone

to trot (trotted) a horse

trough: drinking trough: abrevadero para animales eating trough: comedero

trout: trucha

trowel: palita de jardin

truce: ceasefire, armistice. the armies called a truceto trudge: walk through with difficulty: they trudged home through the snowtrustworthy = worthy of trust, belief, or reliance; true (como adjetivo), reliable - truth: verdad (v) to trust: to beliefshe tried on the gloves: se prob los guantes

tub: cuba. contenedor abierto usado para guardar o lavar cosas

tube: tubo, pomo lleno de algo

to tuck: meter en su lugar o arreglar, la ropa o alguna tela

to fold : (v)of paper etc :doblar; fold one's arms cruzarse de brazos; quebrar una empresa; (s) in cloth etc: pliegue to tug (at) tagged. to pull, drag or haul, quick and strong- (s) tirnto trace ( to retrace: trazar, re-trazar

tuna: atn

turban: turbante

tusk: colmillo

twirl: turn around: she twirled around to show them the new skirttwist: torcer, doblar: she twisted her head aroundugly ugliness

ulcer: lcera, llaga

umpire: referee, arbitrator, arbiterunanimous: said of an undivided agreement. whole consensus

to uncover: to expose, to reveal, to discover

undercover: in secret, secretly, coverly, furtively, stealthily

stealth: furtiveness, secrecy (secretismo), covertness openness

underdone: undercooked, bloody, pink

underneath: under

understudy: substitute, replacement, double

underwear: pants, vest (camiseta)

to undress: take clothes off, strip, strip off

uneasy: anxious, nervous, perturbed uneasily

uneven: rough, not level, irregular unevenly

unexpected unexpectedly

unicycle: velocpedo

engine nozzle: boquilla de salidadocking window: ventana de acoplamiento

manouvering engines: motores de maniobra

windscreen: parabrisas

unmanned: no tripulado

to be unkind or kind to someone

unlikely: improbable, not likely: an unlikely story

unload load

unlock lockunlucky unluckier- unluckiest

unoccupied occupied: empty

unpackpack: unpack your suitcase

untrue true

unused used: new

unwell well: ill, sick, in poor health: I felt unwell for days.

to shatter: destroy: when she sang the top notes, the glass shattered to spoil a planshawl: stole, scarf (chal, paoleta)

to shear (sheared, shorn): esquilar; to be shorn: quedar esquilado o pelado de algo.sheer:muy escarpado

shell: egg shell, nut shell, crabs shell

shellfish: marisco

to shield: escudarse: she shieldied her eyes from the sunshin: espinilla, canilla (tibia)shipwreck: naufragio-tambin los restos

the dog shook (shake) himself dry

fairground booth: puesto de juego en un parque de diversiones o kermese

shortage: lack, scarcity, deficiency excess. there is a shortage of bread in the marketshorten: cut down abbreviate, reduce lengthen

shovel: spade pala para cavarshrill (shriller, shrilliest): strident, penetrating, sharp: a shrill whistleto shrink (shrank, shrunk): contract, reduce in size: his jumper had shrunk in the washshrub: bush, plant

to shrug (shrugged): gesticulatin (encogerse de hombros)

to shudder: to shake, to tremble of fear

to shuffle: to drag the feet to mix up, put in random order, reorder (cards) sort out

shutter: persiana, contraventana- obturador fotogrfico: (v) close, secure, cover upshy (shyer, shyest)-> shyly

sideways: lateralmente; to one side, oblique

siege: blockade, cordon; barrier, barricade (sitio): (v): to siege, to lay siege: sitiar

sieve: strainer, colander, filter (tamizador). (v) to sieve

sift: to sieve, tamizar, cernir. To sift through: to examine carefully.to sigh: exhale noisily, groan

signal: he puts his right arm out as a signal that he wanted to turn rightsignature: autograph

silence -> silent, silently


to shimmer: cook or boil in low fire: leave the soupl to simmer for about 20 minutesto sink , sank, sunk float, suspend, hang, rise

sink: basin (fregadero)to sip (sipped): sorber. (s) sorbo

siren: alarm bell

to sit: also to take an exam

to sizzle: sisear o chisporrotear algo que se cuece

borny shield: caparazn de tortuga

bony plates: placa osea

shoulder blade,: scapula: omplato

jawbone: mandible

collar bone: claviclebreast bone: sternum

upper arm bone: humerus

main forearm bone: cbito

small forearm bone: radius

coccyx: coxis

rib cage: caja torcica

hip bones: pelvis

hand bones (carpals)



thigh bone: femur, muslokneecap: rtula

main shin bone: tibia

small shin bone: fibula (peron)

foot bones (tarsals)


sketch: brief, draft, rough copy, first attempt

to ski, skied, skiing

to skid (skidded): to slip, to slide (slid): the car is skidding on icy road

to slam( slammed): of door: to close violently. also to criticizeto slant: to incline, to lean

to slap (slapped): to smack, to slap (abofetear). (s) bofetazo

sledge: sleigh (trineo para hielo)

sleek: smooth and shiny, silkyslender: slim, slight (scarcity)slide (s): tobogn diapositivaslime: sticky and liquid substance (baba de caracol, pescado) ->slimy

slug: babosa

to dribble: babear un nio (s) baba de nio

to slobber: babear un adulto (s) spittle, saliva

to slobber: babear un animal (s) baba de animal

to drool: fig. babear: he drools over her daughterto sling (slung): to hang (s) :cabestrillo para el brazo

slippery: oily, grease, icy: resbaladizo

slit: cut, split, opening (rasgadura)

to glide: slither, move smoothly (deslizarse)

slope: hill, angle, gradient: the practised on an artificial ski slope

to slouch: estar, caminar, sentarse desgarbado: dont slouch( ponete derecho)slippers: pantufla

the watch is 5 minutes slow

sly (slyer, slyest)-> slyly: secret, furtive cunning, clever

to smack: golpear con la mano (s) golpe, bofetada

to smash: shatter, brake, crash: the plates smashed on the groundto smear: to spread, to cover with (untar, embadurnar, manchar) tarnish, discredit (difamar, empaar la reputacin)smooth rough

to smoulder -> (adj) smouldering: to burn or seethe without fire and slowly be anger smudge: blotch, smear, stain (algn tipo de mancha):she has a smudge of chalk - (v)

snack:nibble. (refrigerio, bocadillo)

burglar: thief, robber, intruderto snatch: to seize, grab, take something suddenly also to steal, to run off withto sneak-> sneaky : to tiptoe, to go away softly without making noise; hacer algo furtivamente, acercarse, escabullirse, robar sigilosamente..(noun, adjective and verb).to sneer: to scorn, to laugh at. (s) actitud despreciativa

to sneeze: estornudar

to sniff: respirar por la nariz

to snip (snipped): to cut with scissors

nail clippers: cortaua - clipper: vessel, boat

to snore: roncar

snowdrift: ventisquero, montculo de nieve


snowstorm: blizzard, snow fall, snow flurry

snug: warm, homely, confortable: the cat looked very snug curled up inside the basketto snuggle: to nestle, stay all together and close to keep warmto soak: to immerse, to marinate to drench, to wet: empapar: the rain had soaked her hairto sob (sobbed): to weep, to shed tears (sollozar)

socket: hollow, hole (enchufe de algo)

soft hard, soft rigid, soft rough, soft loud, soft (gentle) harsh , soft (dim) bright, soft(indulgent) strict, soft (tender) hardheartedsoil: ground, humus

solar panel

sole: only, solitary, single, lone: he was the sole survivor suela de zapato


to carve: (from wood) to sculpt (from meat) cut in slices

a solo flight a violin solo

to somersault: to flip over, to roll forward, to roll backward salto mortalsore (sorer, sorest): painful, aching

sorry, sorrier, sorriestsoup -> soupysouvenir

to sow: to propagate, to plant seeds


spanner: llave para tuercas

spark: chispa - to sparkle: centellar, destellar (adj.) sparkling (brillante)spear: sling

speck: dot, fleck, fragment, small piece, mota o mancha de tierra: a speck of dustspeckled: spotted, dotted (moteado): a speckled eggspectator: viewer, observer

railing: fence, barrier, balustrade: they were stood by the railings watching the matchto spell: to separate a word into its syllables (s) magic charm: the magician cast a spell on the frog a period of time: ill take a spell at the wheelto spend a lot at the sales

spice -> spicy

whatsoever: at all nothing whatsoever: nada en absoluto, whateverfrill: decoration, add-onn, edgingtrade off: costo de oportunidad de algo.

shrimp: langostino

childs car safety seat


a secure door

to seesaw: to oscilate. (s) subibaja

a pot of paintsemaphore: sist. naval de mensajes con banderas

senior: seniority

sensible: prudent, reasonable, rational note the difference

sensitive: susceptible, receptive, perceptive indifferent

sequel: continuation, saga forerunner

sequence = sequency

sequin: lentejuela

serial: sequential, entertainment in installment (in chapters)series: mathematic progression of books tv series, novels series

to settle down: calm down, relax , to quiten down to solve a dispute. that settles it! : est decidido!shaggy: hairy, hirsute, long-heared

shallow: low, thin, superficial deep

shame-> ashamed

two-dimensional shapes, three-dimensional shapes: figuras y volmenes

isoceles triangle

right-angled triangle



cuboid: paralelepipedo


equilateral triangle

to rinse: enjuagar, quitar el jabnto rip (ripped): to tear (tore-torn): the dog tore his trousers, split, shred, slash, break, scratch (paper, clothing)

to revise -> revision

to rumble: retumbar. (s)

rumor-rumour: gossip

runway: landing strip, airstrip, landing field

strip: narrow piece, band (faja, fleje)rust: corrosion -> rusty

sickle: hazadato rustle

rye: centeno

saddle: montura

safe-> safety

saliva: spit (to spit, spat, spat) he spat the rotten applesalmon

to repair -> the repair

to repeat -> the repetitionreplica: copy, model, duplication a model made to scale

they are giving away free samples of cheese at the supermarket

sandals: flip-flops

sash: faja en la cintura

sawing a plank (board, flat timber):tabla of wood

to scald: escaldar: scalding waterscales: scale, weighing machine, balance

scar->to scar

scarce (a)->scarcity (s)

scarecrow: espantapjaros

scavenger: forager: basurero, trapero, que se alimenta de carroa to scarvengescent: smell, fragance, perfume track of odor ->(a) scented

school: school of salmons: cardumen

to scold: to reprimand, to reproach

to scoop: to dig or hollow up with a spoon or a spade : scoop out ofto scowl: to glare, to frown ->(s) scowl: fruncir el entrecejo

to scorn: to disrespect, to disdain, to despise, to contempt (desprecio) to admirate, to respect (n) despitescornful: disrispectful (a) to scramble: rush, move quickly, climb quickly mix, mix up

scrap: piece, fragment, particle -> to scrap

to scrape: scratch, graze, bite to eat: scrapping wallpaper of the walls (rasquetear) -> (s) on paintwork: araazo, pincelada fuerteto scrub: to rub, deep polish, deep brush (fregar)

screen: dividing panel ( biombo)

to scratch: to scrape, to graze, to grate (araar, raspar) -> (s) scratch


scallop: shellfish (vieira)

ray: tambin: mantarraya

sucker: ventosa easy target


clam: almeja

urchim: erizo


seaweed: alga marinathrow, threw, thrownthud: thump, knock, bump , dull sound (dry sound): the book dropped with a thudthunderstorm. cloudburst, tormenta elctrica

to tick: to check, to mark (s) sound of a clockto tickle: to prickle, to itch: hacer cosquillas

to itch: picar, sentir picazn

to tie: tambin: empatar: they tied for first place

tight (tighter, tighest) loose -> to tighten tightly

tightrope: cuerda de acrbata: cuerda floja

to tile: to lay concrete on, cover (s) on wall: azulejo, on floor: baldoza, on roof: teja

till: (adv) until (s) cash register (caja registradora) (v) cultivate

to tilt: to lean, to inclinate: the huge pile of books tilted dangerously

winder: cuerda de reloj o de juguetesstrap: a tie, a band, a strip.a tether: correa

diary: memoir, account, chronicle, record

timetable: schedule, program: he checked the timetable to find out when the train lefttimid-> timidly

to tingle: picazn u hormigueo. fizzy(effervescent) drinks make my mouth tingleto tinkle: to ring, to ding, to jingle (campanillear)


to tip (tipped) : incline, lean - pour, empty, dump (volcar el contenido de algo)/ dump outtip: point, end, extremo propina lugar donde se tira la basura consejo, info: do you have any tips for getting rid of stainsto tiptoe: to creep, to sneak (caminar en puntas de pie)tissue: tejidos orgnicos papel de seda (handkerchief)

toad: sapo

to toast: hacer un brindis (s) .brindis tostada


toffe: caramelo masticable

tap:grifo, tambin trompoto tapple: derribar: the pile of dominoes toppled overto toss: to flip, to throw, to hurl jugar a cara o cruz (s)

crash helmet: casco

to tow: pull, drag, remolcar

to trot (trotted): to jog, to run


trade: deal, business: the tourist trade to buy and sale

track: huella, pisada (trace) senda, ruta pista de carrera - va frrea

the latest transition got going on the early 1970s

boffin: slang, cerebrito,specialist, authority, professional, consultant

to trail: follow, truck, trace, pursue

trailer: something pulled by vehicle clip, previewto train: entrenar, prepararse

tame( tamer, tamest): domestic, disciplined, docile wildtan: (s)auburn, reddish-brown (bronceado)-> to tan

to tangle: to knot (tie, loop), to interweave(interlace) ,to intertwine, to twist, to mesh (net, web): (enmarar, enredar) (s): twist, knot, kink,web complication, maze, mess, labyrinth, web.

tanker: vehculo cisterna

tantrum: outburst, fit of temper, paroxysm: rabieta, berrinche

to tap (tapped): to touch slightly with fingers. (s)

sticky tape: cinta scotch

taste-> to taste-> tasty she tried the soup to see if she liked the tasteteacups: cups of tea

teapot: tetera

to tease: pull somebodys leg, to mock, to taunt, to provoke, to irritate, to bother, to torment (importunar, fastidiar; en animales: hacer rabiar) (s)teaser, leg-pullertemper: (s)anger, rage, bad humor, annoyance, bad mood, temperament : she throw the book across the room in a temper; keep ones temper, lose ones temper - (v) to moderate, to mitigate, to alleviate, to calm, to soothe to intensifyto tempt: to lure, to persuade, to convince, to attract -> temptention

to tend -> tendency

tense relaxed

terminal: (s) workstation, ending station (a) fatal, incurable, deadly, mortal

to tether: to secure, to tie an animal

textile: material, clothing, (material textil)texture: consistency of a surface, felt when touching it: sandpaper has a rough textureto thaw: melt, defrost, liquefy the snow began to thaw in the sunshine to freeze -> adj: frozen

thesaurus: lexicon, word list, glossary: diccionario de sinnimos

thirsty-thirstier-thirstiestthoughtful: considerate, kind: it was thoughful of him to. thoughless

threat-> threaten

thrill: excitement, adventure -> thrilling: exciting, awesome

swell: wave (oleaje) (v)to puff up, enlarge, expand the birds throat swells up to attract females -> swelling: growth, bump (chichn) (a) great, brilliant, fabulous

to swim-swan,-swun swan: cisneto swing (swung): rock, roll, move backwards and forward

swing: hammockto swirl:to spin,to whirl(arremolinarse)the boat swirled around as it floated downstreamto swivel (swivelled): to spin , to rotate, to turn around an axis (girar sobre un eje)

to swoop: to fly down, to dive the plane swooped down out of the skysyllable

symmetrical: this cut-out shape is symmetricalsympathy-> sympathetic: compassion, consideration, pity

symptom: sign, warning sign



syringe:hypodermic, needle

syrup: almibar

tablet: pill, drug, capsuleto tackle: also: deal with something difficulttactful ->tactfully tactless: diplomatic, discreet, sensitive, polite

tadpole: renacuajo

talkative: chatty, loquacious

tambourine: pandereta

straw: pajilla para beber paja thats the last straw: la gota que colm el vasoto stray: get lost, lose your way, wander away

streamlined: aerodynamic efficient, updated

to strengthen: make stronger, fortify, build up, reinforce

to stretch: to elongate, to widen, to extend to shrink :the road that stretches awaystretcher: camilla

strip: narrow piece, band,sliver, stripe, belt (tira de algn material)

stripe: raya, franja galn militar ->striped->stripy

swimsuit: trunks, bikini, etc..

to stroke: to caress - (sust) knock, hit heart stroke pincelada

to stroll: to walk with leisure, wander, ramble (s) leisurely walk

stubborn: obtinate, mulish, inflexible a stubborn mule persistent, tenacious

magnifying glass

stuffy: airless, unventilated, close, hot, oppressive airy conventional, old-fashioned

to suffocate: asphyxiate, smother(oppress), stifle(strangle)

stump: remains, remnant a tree stump (tocn) to get or be stumped: to be perplexsturdy:(sturdier, sturdiest) : strong, powerfulto stutter: to stumble or hesitate when talking, to stammer (s) : stammer (tartamudo)

Does this shirt suit me? ->suitable

to sulk -> sulky : to be in a temper, to be in a mood, to brood delight (s) bad temper, bad humor, funk, bad mood

sunshine= sunlight

superb: excellent, outstanding, splendid, brillant

supper: dinner, evening meal

surgery: operation -> surgical procedure undergo surgery: ser intervenidoto suspend: to hang, to hang up to postpone, to defer, to delay

suspicious: (adj) causing suspicion (adj) feeling suspicion : be suspicious of hersuspicion: doubt, distrust, mistrust, disbelief, skepticism, question trust, confidence

misgiving: scruple, doubt

to swop (swopped): to change, to swap, to exchange (trocar) - (s): switch, exchange, tradeswarm: a group bees or insects horde, crowd, multitude, mob (people)

to sway: to bend, to swing, to wave: the trees swayed in the wind to influence, to control, to persuade (s): control, power, command

to swear (swore-sworn): to vow, to promise I swear to curse, to blaspheme to swear at someoneto sweep: to brush off, to brush away. full step; semi-colon


, comma

- dash

* asterisk

() brackets

speech marks


at present: nowjowl: jaw, chin, cheek

bib: babero

bucket: pail (balde)

cane: walking stick

button (botn) botton

jest: joke, gag

safe: strongbox, cashbox, coffer

cub: pup

heating: calefaccin

impolite: rude, not politefunnel: cone-shaped tool, conduit (embudo)

to praise: eulogize, commend, pay tribute to, speak well of someone. (n): expression of admiration; exaltation of someone or something.to pray: to implore, to beg, to plead

midget: dwarf

to fall ill,to make ill: enfermar

to swindle: to cheat, to trick, to defraud

ajar: partly open, half closed (e.g. a door)to covet: to envy, to desire, to long for

renowned: famous

bragging: immodest, vain, arrogant, bigheaded (fanfarrn) modest

railway: ferrocarril

friar: priest, monk

flask: bottle, container (frasco)

overcoat: sobretodo, gabn

cracker: biscuit

rooster: cock ( gallo)

longing: a desire, a wish

club: society, association, alliance bat, stick, mace (v) to beat, to hit to battertabby: gaita

tomcat: gato

truck: lorry van

nightdress: night clothes

faucet: tap, valve (canilla)

palindrome: capica

letter file: folder (carpeta)

dwelling: house, residence, place of adobe

brow: forehead eyebrow: ceja

corncab: choclo

spout: jet, stream, fountain (v) to discharge, to emit, to shoot out, to send forth pico por donde se vierte algo: mouth, or pipe through which liquid is released or dischargedto bringup: to raise, to breed, to nurture, to care for, to educate to mention, to suggest, to talk about to gloss over (pass over, evade)

apricot: damasco

peach: durazno

to harm: to injure, to damage

to give, to deal (cards)

relief: (s) rest, liberation, release

parting: departure, farewell, goodbye

disc: disk, record

to tame , break in (horses): to domesticate, to train (domar) (adj) domestic, domesticated, disciplined

to drain: to exhaust, to consume, to deplete, to empty, to withdraw to replenish, to fill

grimace: gesture, frown (v) tomake a face, to frown smile

greedy: gluttonous, voracious, insatiable moderate avaricious, covetous generous

to engrave: to etch, to carve, to incise (grabar)to record: grabar (sound, light)

hunger: lack of food, starvation, food shortage, famine desire, need, wish - (v) to yearn, to want very much

come up with: seguir el ritmo pensar y luego surgir una ideaI've been [pulling my hair out / grinding my teeth / dying] this whole time for you to get on-line, but I guess it's like watching water boil... the more you wait, the longer it seems.to think up: to plan

wrath: anger, rage

wild boar: jabal

ham: jamn

jam: jelly (mermelada) congestion, traffic jam, blockage (v) get stuck, or cause to to to stick (atascar, apretujarse)migraine: headache


jug= continer for liquid

jar = pot, container


youthful: young, childlike old

kermesse: fair, festival

kiosk: newsstand

to cross out: tachar

cover: lid, cap: tapa

cobweb: telaraa

tongs: pincers, forceps (tenazas)

shears: scissors, cutters, clippers(for nails: cortauas)

tint: of colour: matiz in hair: tinte (v): teir

eucharist: eucaristato partake: to take part, to participate

reenactment: restoration, rebuilding, renewal

last supper: ltima cena

the hope of everlasting life

saints Matthew, Mark, Luke and John



in 1947 and later

aramic: arameo

shed ligth on: echar luz sobre un tema

to undertake: to start a task to agree to do something ( undertaking: task, endeavor, enterpriseundertaking: an enterprise a pledge (guarantee)

fasting: not eating: ayuno to fastkashrut: jewish dietary law -> kosher food

tract: area, territory, zone, region pamphlet, leaflet


loosly used: usado libremente

montheism polytheism

conceive of one god: creer en un slo dios

ice-cube: cubitoice-rink: pista de hielo

icicle: estalactita


impatience -> impatient

importance -> important

inclusion-> to include

inconvinience-> inconvinient

steep: sheer, vertical, sharp, precipitous, abrupt, sudden gentle

indignant: ungry, offended, up in arms

infancy -> infant

infection -> infectiousto infuriate: to annoy, to exasperate, to irritate somebody

inland: domestic, national, local foreigner

inlet: bay, fjord

cokroach: cucaracha

wasp: avispa

locust: langosta

pecking: picoteo

workings: machinery

invitation -> invite

to hug: to embrace

household: family, family circle

to hum: to buzz (zumbar)

to hover: float, drift revolotearhumid

hump: bump, swelling : of camel or person: joroba; of road: bache

I hunted all over the house for my keys

cushion: pillow, pad, absorber (v) to softento hush: to be in silence, quiet, mute (s): silence, quietness, calm, stillness

hut: shed, shelter, cabin

hutch: cage for pets

there is no rose without a thorn

a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

put down to my account: deposit

put down: a critical remark compliment (v) put down in writing put something down to something (attribute)1 gallon = 4 quarts

1 quarts = 2 pints

1 pint = Lt.

I was reading by myself all morning

to plough: arar to plough the earth with a plough drawn by horses (s) arado

draw, drawn, drawn (tirar)to sow the seed (spread, propagate, implant, disseminate)

its no use crying over spilt milk

spill: fall, drop

do not count your chickens before they are hatched (emerged)do not build castles in the air

out of sight, out of mind (ojos que no ven, corazn..)

to form nouns: added to nouns: ship: friendship.- Added to adjectives: ness: weakness.

to overhear: (escuchar sin querer hacerlo), snoop, spy, bug somebodys phonefish scales: escamas

to overlap(overlapped): intersect - coincide, have similarities (theories)

to overtake : to pass, go beyond, go past, surpass fall behind take by surprise

ox, two oxen: buey, toro

pad: for protection (almohadilla)padding, cushion for absorbing liquid (compresa) for writing tablet, notepaper, block, notepadpaddock: enclosure, corral, cage

padlock: candado

pan: cacerolaparcel: paquete

package: paquete que se transporta

paste: glue (engrudo)


pasta (comida)

pastry (masa) pie, tartlet

pasture: pasturas

patch: remiendo plot of land

to peck: picotear

peg: dowel (pin), hook, bolt, hanger (broche o sujetador, para la ropa)penknife: pocketknife, army knife, camping knife

pepper corns: granos de pimienta

to perch: rest on, balance on (posarse como los pjaros)

perch: roost, branch, post

pest: peste

fortnight: quincena

pjaros: male: cock female: hen

coat: abrigo pelaje: wiry coat (pelaje tupido), sleck coat (pelaje liso), tabby coat (pelaje atigrado)whiskers: facial hair (animals) bigotesaddition: 23 plus 19 is 42; they sum 42, the total is 42




3 and 9 are 12; I put down 2 and carry 1. 1 and 2 and 1 are 4.

substraction: 23 minus 19 is 4




9 from 3, I cant; I borrow 1. 9 from 13 leaves 4. 1 from 1, 0 (nought). The remainder is 5.

multiplication: 23 multiplied by 4 are 92


x 4


4 times 3 are 12; I put down 2 and carry 1. 4 times 2 are 8 and 1, 9. The product is 92. division: 45 divided by 6 is 7.5

45/ 6____

42 7.5




6 into 45 goes 7 times; 7 times 6 are 42, from 45 leaves 3; I bring down 0 and place a point; 6 into 30 goes 5 times; 5 times 6 are 30, from 30 leaves 0. The quotient is is 7.5 (seven point 5).

film premierethats where we live

hang on: to grip, to hold on let go to wait, hold on, stay around, - to depend on, be influenced by

heres $ 20 change

jigsaw: puzzle

make friends

torn: p.p tore: tattered, ragged, worntorn up: deshacerse, hacerse polvo o hilachas

tattered: andrajosoragged: andrajosoworn: damaged, dilapidated also past of wear

frayed: (adj): cuffs deshilachado

to fray: fight, dispute

threadbare: rado

in tatters: of clothes. hecho jirones reputation, career: arruinadoshabby: of cloth: ragged, untidy, scruffy elegant, new of person: nasty, cruel, dishonorable, unfair, rotten respectfulto rag: to tease (s) harapo, trapoin rags: con harapos

poke: prod (empujn) - jail - (v) empujar, clavar, sacar he poked his head out of the window (asom la cabeza por la ventana); poke fun at (reirse de); poke ones nose into (meter las narices en)

at firstplease, give my regards to..


rush hour

window cleaner



do up: renovate, beautify, revamp, refurbish of buttons, coats: fasten, button up of laces: tie, lace undo

camper: campista

camper van: casa rodante


ordeal: trial, torment, sufferingacoustic





mean : (adj) nasty, malicious

hes really not bad



white-hot: so hot zealous, fervid, fervent, enthusiasticto queue( kiu) queued-queued : hacer una filaseething: furious, very angryhatred: hate, detestation, disgust, extreme dislike love


sweater: pullover sport shirt

tracksuit: jogging, equipo de gimnasiamini-skirt

checked pattern: tartan ( a cuadros)

plain pattern

striped pattern

spotted pattern

flowery pattern


baggy: loose, voluminous tight






tight the skirt is a bit too tight

action film, cartoon/animated film, comedy, fantasy film, historical film, horror film, musical, science fiction film, western

bendy: of textures: flexible, malleable, easily bent stiff: rigiddull: of weather: grey, cloudy of sound, pain: sharp (sordo) boring sin brillo ni vida.back(adj) : hind nether: posterior, rear an animals hind legs

pot plant: indoor plant, houseplant


custom: tr