vocab list unit 12 alternatives

Unit 12 Alternatives Vocabula ry

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Vocabulary List Unit 12 Alternatives, Experiential English II course


Unit 12 Alternatives

Unit 12 AlternativesVocabularyUnit 12accessacupunctureantibioticcheck-upconsiderationconstantlydiscuss something openlyentitled tofree of chargehealth insurancehomeopathyhypnosisindependentlymassagepainkiller physiotherapyplaceboUnit 12potentiallyproposalproposepubliclyreasonablyremedyrule outscientific basisside-effectsurgerysymptomthoroughlytreattreatmenttried and testedvaccinationworthless1. accessPart of speech: noun

Meaning: when you have the right or opportunity to use or see something

Example: Are patients given access to their own medical records?

2. acupuncturePart of speech: noun

Meaning: a way of treating pain or illness by putting thin needles into different parts of the body

Example: Acupuncture is considered to be an alternative medicine.

3. antibioticPart of speech: noun

Meaning: a medicine which cures infections by destroying harmful bacteria

Example: Im going to give you a couple of prescriptions. One of thems an antibiotic, the others a painkiller.

4. check-up Part of speech: noun

Meaning: a general medical examination to see if you are healthy

Example: Are people encouraged to regular check-ups?

5. considerationPart of speech: noun

Meaning: when you think about something very carefully

Example: We hope that our proposals will be given serious consideration.

6. constantlyPart of speech: adverb

Meaning: all the time or often

Example: The present machine breaks down constantly.

7. discuss something openlyPart of speech: phrase

Meaning: to talk about something in a direct and honest way

Example: Do doctors discuss medical treatments openly with their patients?

8. entitled toPart of speech: phrasal verb

Meaning: If you are entitled to something, you have a right to have or do it.

Example: I feel were entitled to a 50% refund of the cost.

9. free of chargePart of speech: phrase

Meaning: costing nothing

Example: Are medicines free of charge?

10. health insurancePart of speech: noun

Meaning: when you make regular payments to an insurance company in exchange for that company paying most or all of the costs of your medical care

Example: Does everyone have health insurance?

11. homeopathy Part of speech: noun

Meaning: a way of treating illnesses using very small amounts of natural substances

Example: Some people consider homeopathy to be no better than a sugar pill.

12. hypnosisPart of speech: noun

Meaning: a mental state like sleep, in which a person's thoughts can be easily influenced by someone else

Example: Police placed witnesses under hypnosis in an effort to gain additional information.

13. independentlyPart of speech: adverb

Meaning: 1) in a way that is free from outside control or influence 2) in a way that is not connected with another; individually

Example: Theyre expected to work independently.

14. massagePart of speech: noun

Meaning: the activity of rubbing or pressing parts of someone's body in order to make them relax or to stop their muscles hurting

Example: Shegaveme a foot massage.

15. painkillerPart of speech: noun

Meaning: a drug which reduces pain

Example: Im going to give you a couple of prescriptions. One of thems an antibiotic, the others a painkiller.

16. physiotherapyPart of speech: noun

Meaning: treatment for illness or injury in which you practise moving parts of your body

Example: Physiotherapy is widely used for back pain.

17. placeboPart of speech: noun

Meaning: a substance that is not a medicine but which a patient takes, thinking it is a medicine. The purpose of a placebo is either to make a patient feel better because they think they have been treated, or to compare the effect of no medicine with the effect of medicine when it is given to other patients.

Example: The placebo effect is far more powerful than most people realise.

18. potentiallyPart of speech: adverb

Meaning: possibly

Example: There have been a number of articles criticising homeopathic remedies as potentially lethal.

19. proposalPart of speech: noun

Meaning: a suggestion for a plan

Example: We hope that our proposals will be given serious consideration.

20. proposePart of speech: verb

Meaning: to suggest a plan or action

Example: We also propose that the company buy several poster-size prints to brighten up the walls even more.

21. publiclyPart of speech: adverb

Meaning: If you do something publicly, everyone can see it, hear it, or know about it.

Example: I would like to see homeopaths debating publicly with their critics.

22. reasonablyPart of speech: adverb

Meaning: in a fair way, showing good judgment

Example: Why can't we discuss this reasonably, like adults?

23. remedyPart of speech: noun

Meaning: something that makes you better when you are ill

Example: I bought a natural remedy at the chemists, but it doesnt seem to be having any effect.

24. rule outPart of speech: phrasal verb

Meaning: to decide or state that something is impossible or will not happen, or that something or someone is not suitable

Example: We've ruled out several dates already.

25. scientific basisPart of speech: phrase

Meaning: If something has no scientific basis, according to science it is not true or does not exist.

Example: It has no scientific basis.

26. side-effectPart of speech: noun

Meaning: another effect that a drug has on your body in addition to the main effect for which the doctor has given you the drug

Example: Headaches are one side effect of this drug.

27. surgeryPart of speech: noun

Meaning: when a doctor cuts your body open and repairs or removes something

Example: Surgery should be considered as a last resort.

28. symptomPart of speech: noun

Meaning: a physical feeling or problem which shows that you have a particular illness

Example: What exactly are your symptoms? Well, just a really painful sore throat.

29. thoroughlyPart of speech: adverb

Meaning: very carefully

Example: Homeopathy has been tested thoroughly.

30. treatPart of speech: verb

Meaning: to give medical care to someone for an illness or injury

Example: Do hospitals treat people immediately or are there waiting lists?

31. treatmentPart of speech: noun

Meaning: something which you do to try to cure an illness or injury, especially something suggested or done by a doctor

Example: Does your health insurance cover every kind of treatment?

32. tried and testedPart of speech: phrase

Meaning: used many times before and proved to be successful

Example: Its a tried and tested team-building activity for adults.

33. vaccinationPart of speech: noun

Meaning: when someone is given a vaccine (= substance put into the body through the skin with a needle) to stop them from getting a disease

Example: All the children have received two vaccinations against measles.

34. worthlessPart of speech: adjective

Meaning: not important or useful

Example: He made me feel stupid and worthless.

Alternative Medicine