· vo1-xxxi...n°-9,556. new-york. tu;sl)ay, november 21. 1871. price...

Vo1-XXXI...N°-9,556. NEW-YORK. TU;SL)AY, NOVEMBER 21. 1871. PRICE FOiJr CENTS. COLLECTOR MURPHY RESIGNS GKN CHI »s 1'Y.R A. A1MIUK' API-OlKTED AS HIS SlT(TS"-OK. __\i 01 n<'in. conRi>roNi)iNcr..kf.(Hvik»n of Till XEWI IN THIS tllY-CKS. AKTHUR- fTANl'IN". TUK OPINION AT WASHINGTON. Miirpl.y bau rinignid lau i»osition _»Cüi:»«tir f th» i'ort of New-Vork.aud tim. CkMtW A Arthur hn* bett» appointed In lil« «tend. On uniAy Mr. Mun hi scut n ipeelal uu;astmgtt utMu Va reaiRn*»- tionto Fr« .-i«'.< nt nt \Va»bliiKtou, u>Kctlicr with the rccoii mcinlattoii Ibal hit- intlniuu* friend (jen. Chea¬ ter A. Artl.'.'.r »hou'.d he appolntod hi» «ticr-essor. Urn. Arthur uni u'.t-o n k n.inendcd hy Senator Conti iii¡_ nml ether aduerciatsof the Administration. l*ri biilunt (¡rant aj_Kia«ptwl the rT»iini.itIon, and iinmedtntely appoint*- Oun- Arti"-" ( < Hrctor. Appended the cnrrespoiidenc-o bfl*rvf i n l'ri- i.« ¡it Graut a:id Collector Murphy : »rtiTOn IIolt-K, Nl\\--OHK, Clia_.K( TOR'S OrTIOr ) NOV. l8. 1871. 5 I PaMtTrtitdcnt: I herchy tender my rr.«l,*r..itloTi "t theit*i. <** « C- ::.*c'»»r of the r»»rt of >*.-.-York, lo take en\(t ti; i-, tv appointaient of my eaeeeaaor. Tonare »-r_r( I j* ¦'.¦¦!¦'¦ I lb* period I have held this Important tru*t. and li cana* i lime held it. I have lieen Mtyet-ted mput*gutten, «.vii eh f.»r persistent misrepresentation and an*». Bl «.' tllidlillltinim. ha«, fortunately, tmt fen i>«r.i"ii«'-s ¡n the LUtnry of ""ottttaa] strife. Tlirntiirh- «.t this ; n «-.lint ti-yinc er.leal. 1 have heen «nstirned, bowifver, hi tbe be*, wtiwi.i of my own rael linda, and by the ¿c1 Ibnt 'l¡ir''i»r my tmn I have i-nn-ii nnlntair, pit «li». hu I still ri tain your confidence ui.-li- mlolsti»»! bj th« viiii' mttOB of my neenw-r«. For Iho nu,au» r i:i ni h th dntiM of the efPro hnve heen i»»*r- fomnil, I U_ »»ure in i »fin lu», to the jodjl, mem of' ipcrior. ihc N-eretary of the TrcitMiry, und loth«ifgnrea (f re,,,rd in the Tren»my I* pertinent, which »1 iw h,ii- the revcuno ha* heen rolWti I r_d Vttl »bal lî.n.ii.irl.i J pi h enta,;»' of co-t. H___ynut ..tia t.»... baa been called to thia retoui, 1 tag >»«ii »ill :. :»H I»1 it« ('i'iiui)Ole.s.« as the .i-jx'i s.,i s t_it u¡s u in- ar.. :inl full.! .is tiny bavc bees refuted »ara Utan ni iribniuü»] »m t*4»n*clo-. Ibnt my continu,meeki tova will be the pretexl and iH-i-a- _i.nfnr_-«...i't-. i.«'- ¡'.il'-d to li.jurc mu ami tin l; pub lican priü.i ,ii 11 'li» r han Incur.» toba bazard, 1 a; uld rtiiiiti :;.«'i »-«i-- :. i. :. bad it U en i «i : d, «a bl» h ytMlinon II » ia '. ¦#"_« :i -i;.; i:,i I, I belloTed 1 conld rendel a aenrlcj« bi accept titi: iii. place. Non I believe 1 can render a m-i- »k-etyr, l«-_ .'. :. ! 1 ¿.¡.lilli milrae the o|*"f*ortil- rlty. Ii, - .-.. .-.¦' la-Belnl lal i'ii« wltb tb< (lovi-m- I Btnt, u-i i 1'ircun.ttanrea, 1 may ..;-. pup. refer tot:.« -*rai : n-r leanlt of tbe recent cteeUon In tbia «BUte.-rla. I iveslbt ronti-ol of ita aJfalri _b»tnnt_illy in tb»-1._: li I ti..' ii- at part" í |»r »um u and ntaria , of »hull ». i at tbe ncknovledm*d bead, and f-rtl., aaeeessif wl,:, h it ni 1 evi r i e my pu li and dnljtoln- bur. I nu, «:. ..r eil trltb bigb asp if, yt»nr .'».]. ii Marmita Ti'««'its_Mt KiiiT. ."\> ITU MlN-lnv. ^ V.'isifN |,,\, Ii. ('., \,,v. .«>. ijfll s Bon Tv "i- Mi in*. ( 'ector of the Port ol Knr-Tork. DCáRHlH: *i «..I 1. ti. r of tie ICth jrist , inlerrni: > i.¡- ¦MtfDutl lofibeolBe» of «Collector of tbe Pottol n- -.. Tori '. -, tberefor, 1- reeelred. It jifia ni« Kirat,'. ija_T t.'.'.ir «tiiiir.i,«-1«> th»- rfBdrncjr,bon- Mjr, :.:. 1 ¡t» al «ti it ti trhtrh «ron lnve .dmtnlat«*red th»- oui ..«. i-i '.¦ i..- i' Iib« been lr.(rn«t. d to v>itr ki i :,_. Tout ,-n'i; j-i.iti ,-f mind no Aonbt will l«eenbanec-dhy 1c-i\ ni_- tbe t',"c nf cn'ie, tor. h-it I t'r ii'») wbetber sii*-h a r,«!t v. :ll In :n y «nn«"*'.'. n hen-fit t * "».. pnbll» «f-r ii«e I'n-ler four ndtuintatrnflon tbe rureniiea from t.'.c Ki-*- York «r_rto_r-**l »use hare been laur-rrlj* Inerei -'<!. Hint th.liol eolb-etl n i'i |*r«»i.I tbeamonnl »Ollected has ben .-»«. n'y «lil li::«\a .__«. 'rir*- ¡s shuvii bj tbe n «iii.« ilii Tri «ii ni ) Liiparinient. Yon have had my uii»|ii ii ¡I« I. oni lene« ever «ince \ u entered He olllce o: II» t r. V- ii had Mint o:.* m before, or tho a).|" «¦ ti .. -it would i.i't bare i>» ti tinhti el yon. Tliitt eoiill'h-nce »trll uiitliaki n, and in «-»»oci>!,; <_ i ar i,sl"nrt:,i | ,». »ii- to t-'iic i-.-i-.i the fnlll »1 a-«nr. li« e if lb « fa, f. V I :m r von m .in ,.) »>r OUI of oil. will. aria a Jiiat **mbHe of -.,.¦». «ntira lunnem ni Utecbi.t -i-« bra'ii|,lit :,.¦»t .von, A\ití¡ ki al i- -;..«', ' JOUI O'- I t I « *. I'. .-. »rl.ASi K«W mi' i.r-i' v \TK»:« t- !:i.» nvi i». The w«-..I tin« ri'Miifiiatiou of Coliieior] Murptiv iTi-i'-al inn-h «i-: ;«:,«, MLniirliniit Mi ( .t; 'i-t j, knowntbitl Mnrphj v.,.,: be fn- t. ^iiu;-if'i a M; >rt tun-, if u :i« Walbo- lleie-l " 1" i* Ililli.» It «.lilli ><-t. ir'.'ii.' HiM .--, .t. i ¡... : .¡ti. r v. ...v bim rr.-fllt foi dmln: t «I du ma, I nt a',. '.'.< ii that ¡t v. ¡ia a not bei trim:.,1 f| |ir-»| j. .lie ,). '¦.«'. o\. r po'itie-.l iilTIll»- li.»n, .; 1 it lu uila-xaof Hi T..-if.... Kin,«, -. '..t... i bi Un. ti ii ti.i ,: t.nii II«,a.-« mist | »uff. r l«i ml«da-eda. i*ii"-. ... Ci]..., t a Mun '¦'. '¦¦ ;xi> l»st I«. .1 that he |int«'u«led »nljr u«»iui-ial..i 1 ;i qu:»h t la-«-tor-hip ol Hi' I'««: t 1 «I ti««- -a':.- ! i¡" l«*..rr.i and thal 1rs »nc«-e»«*or \ia-t«» bold oflle« t!:r«i:.' .' 1 .. bl -i». .n-1 m-i- to I«« r bl« »lii-tat«-». anil Ibu» ii *' him IM-inthy) to rontinnr lil« l _.-._¦«« I rp!«» . - tb« eonvenl ne«* of 1b* m»r«'i-11« ol tula riiy. Ci-n. Arthur waa known tob« an int'innt» friend nf r, i:,, * i Morphj*, and en* wbowai alwajr« iuii'ed tohi»<(. a«al- T:,t id nf . radi«-«ni rbanire In tin« ad- nuuistr.iUou ni the »ntd tbe dntiea at tbla port, titi re h-s beea aitoplj i «»nnual cbanne of .-(lii.-liohiers, for Aitlnir is ( -«cji.-a ti lo e«.;»- the annie .ay«ti m that pniailid Um] h « pn :lcc»-sv«r, and Wa frieni.« asserl that in. ( ti L" i«i, ...ail1« au tin «uipii'j,. -. Collei t. r Mutph"* i* r(]i:t»d M be »i-heinn.)- f.»i a place iu th« i r*-*an_wd city Oo*n mm« nt. Ilavlm failed to ««eui« up «ition ou t lit- Cuininlaaiim ol tbe De- prartnn tit ot Virlis, he now ii ire-imllme for a pi«, e on Uie Police ('«. i'..ii.i«sl«-:i. M'tll-inforiD» «1 politician» «le- t-lare that tv li aai :. ¦ ni t., obtain tin in-.lion -which Henry «sniit j ha- aa S »pt-hly Hied, lo order that lue t_«ta»ui lloiu-e -rt> mil control every i-nneh «of Oov» ennui nt m ih> i.ty. Prior to tin tranaadeakin of Mm phg ia »'<>..lilian lo Wnablmrton he ill-nns-id an a-th- rii-nt vi» :«.! ei lo make ro«>ru for oin- John J O'ltri.-n, MtonalMj li Privai* «etrttary, bnt reallva bani|»»r-oii, .all»«» ft.'} »lUl. WaU» tuuiuvti'si-with ibt Inn.l j.olni- tian«. tuf. new roi.i.KiTon. tU i. « 11 -:«-r A. Arthur la a lawyer »loinp l»i«))n »« at Ko H Sa_» nw»t., and roaMing al No. IM lae\lngt'))i-ave. He a n in1»» r a,f the Kepublican Htale ('(-ntral Com mitte, and m t«i' for L:« teal in the Cii>lta_ Houaa U)Ur«-*t. Ha ana (.«inisel foi the Mit.riOM Tax (Vitu- Diiaiioi. ii,»t1tu(e(l ly Tammany, and. in the Ihiuv.i.hv. of a di»K»-te»l cititen, H -Toin Murphy jndt-r another ¦jam» II» -riii« waited upon ni lu» re»i'h iu(. lnat even.i._. m »x ( »»Hi-« for Miirjihy ami a number of hi« .waoa-iH-i s allot iilmn» tindticd their eon-xriitulatmii-. Hen Air.,i, «talc» tiut be ha« not 1-eeu ofScialliV iu- larmect ,.| his api-'iiatu.» n' and ¿lid not lum that he h*. «»¡-tri apjMi.uted until latt last jiTiatal H* **** m»t know »Ijii. he »III euler upa.n the duties of hi« »»flli« or .be pn-limn «nea iiee«»«ary thereto. It ia «»enerally .appoaei tli:«t Murphy will he lil» heaviest fiond»inHn. Ittotx-h-i» d that th»-trm«fei of the ofne«? v,ill take m*aet trttore Ixeenl-ei 1. James Terwllilirer, who baa .*entlie taalM of tin faritocn-HoiiBe tinder Murphy» st.,:«.! ¡ant (-.venitiir that ¦»hett-r Mr. Murpby reu,am-.1 lu the Cuhtom Hou*£ pt not, he (Ter ¦*>{h«eriiuuuil.d to lea*, e li on January 1. Tan u.ercaiitile cou.uiui.ity are dl«api»olnted at Hie up fOtaUiteut of a politn 1.1U, particularly one who a la-.i J*« aud (Iw-ji uut uuja-rstaiid thodiitie«of b1« office »lilli taMk lo ipmiity Lim for li_ir proptu perfoiinan«^-. *STIII4T!i;N in WHICH THE NKW COI.LF.« TOR IS 1 pttmp IS wAsutsortts. ¡BV TkT.:«l«APH TO THK ftUWH I, N",'V. 20..The aiinoun("(«nii*nt, Uii» evetnii-; tB_t ( ij||e,«_»r Murphy had re«1iTiir-d i auntd »« «urpriiae tan ; hut the a«, eompanylnir one that Cure- M9 A. Arthur had htetj apt '»Inted to HU Ina plnce .«Ouuded everyhudy not lu the cou '-«lince ot the ('u»t(>i_- loaair Kin,,. -.><,.. b<üUt Hná iDtiUií_,^n» that have been trott, tiiut it, nmf tbro-iu out, ami fri.',n ,h'' 1m'x thlit ...rpliy and hi» clique have tn-atn »upi-orto«.' frrn .*.¦ ¦-e.ttep-ibli.-arj party of the whole country .a.'"' unani .*«*>/dcrnaiidluK tbelr overthrow, it bad lxen,^"'l,..e, meed that Mr. Murphy would uot re»«4»rii unie.«« be «..''. " wllllBfly, and that If any rbanite -or« made, Mr. Murajb.' ..dhla fneud« -»vould IndicaU« a «uecenaor who ivould hmgaye Um- Custom Houae accurdinir U, Hie Maraby «*i*n. Jt wa» theiefore rather too much to hopa, » hil»- ttapioa»>i»_i luUueuciD tonlrol w York »p-ja.'lntments, lb«»llbwirrriJort.ini pfllc» «ttould lie filled by aman ulm «foald command the confidence of the f-ieal Ixidy <n lUew Tork men li n.ti. .t^K-lCY'ir Mt, Al lltiu'. r4*__(»i'rM't' mu* at Ujkrt, that which hp liiara among prominent Republicans here Ik far from enviable. Tun fact that lio held the iin|_«rt- ¡int ami lucrative position of Attorney to the New-York Tax Coiiiinlsfciou, l»y appointment of Tammany Hall, anil lu accordance Valtli a bargain by which it is said that th it Coiuuiiasiou waa i-oUl out to tim Democrats, li re- ineinlierod. Nor Is it forgotten that ho «ll.l not re-ilgii Hutt position until after Murphj's confirmation, anil when the Kin,., which i.a«l eeia«d the offices In New-York, found moro prout m runulng the Custom-House than In I'm!"8 ou l"*e cruiuu*> which fell from tho Tammany It It alto asserted thnt Clrn. Arthur hat never ills- tniruiahi .1 hliutelf, except nsthe atti anil counselor of Hu bhoildv Contractor, and hi» confidential .«'lale »tul attorney lu mutters relating to lh" ('<-Ile«"tihft Tiimitiany Heal Eclate and other spéculât lent. What waa waiittttl wa« a chan««» in the ndniinlHtration of the New-York Custom House. Tin., nobody here tOOUt to «-.p.el under Arthur. ll.RNERAL TKESH lllKPATCII.l Rtatement of amount of customs ciillected at ¡the port of New-York for the pcrlnsl* designated, and payments on account of expenses of collecting the same: For the period at 15 mouths, from April 1. IHM, to Jiuie 30, 1S7U.amount ci.lh'cteil, |15 .701,- MS bli; exi-cuse of collection, M.fiTJ.. M ; percent¬ age of collection, lit. plus. From Aiiim. i, lsTii, to October 31, lit.1.Ainouiil «oil» led, |l_*,lit_,<.__ ''I; et- pense ol tollt 'eliott, $.',',_ii,i_j ; pt mittat'- toliecuon, IM plas. COLLECTOR MIKIUVS MALAPMINIi-TRA- TION. rii.nnv. ( riTOM-noi sr ornrvm«.Aft m- rt'iiTin's stotîy.a moKOUCn I ur.KNTI.Y NEEDED. Inatuuorc of the frauda perpetrated hy Cot* li i. officials, auder Um nanni;, nu ni ni Collector Murphy, multiply every day. The leading Importers of the eily me ultnost in their statement that never la fore la their experience has Mich a general Sys¬ tem of fraud and maladministration prevailed In the customs department. It beeta* when a vessel lln-t MT- rives hi the harbor und ceases only when the poods aro witlalrnwii frota th. la>ml<'<l-warehouse hy them«ti liant. The pii ntt »t l»«s»es «tenir after the good, have poseed fully into the liaiui« of the authorities. The inert haiitlise is weighed or gausred, as tho case, mar be, on tin- pier, the Importer ¡s charged with the amounts ret urne. 1. and a copy of the eelurns is given to the owner of lb«-goods. In I'lne. Mitlif Of the eases wheeo liijulils are coiiciriud the Importer discovers by the time he gets possession of hi«, property that tho wastages have in- creased iioni 1 to 3, i, and even lOgallons. Bitch ¡m-tanccs l.a« e o. cn, red when the asks wire perfectly tight and no los» ruuM have resulted from ltakape. .limy mt r- Ininti» j.«unit tlu-lr good» to remain In bond from fight inl ten months to a year, and should tlu-v complain, alter they tara removed thom from llio witiehuu»., ol ilefli titkfj In menswn .on v. Inch, too, they paid ilulu «.. ti.ey ure to'.«I tlut M long a time hat elapsed stace the gitaail- vii ut into bond that It has become Impossible.u It'll throngli whose linn.Is the inereh.iiiilise passed, and. as a con -'.¡Henee, the merchant h.m not only !.. sutler tin- loss of his property and pay dunes on what he has m ri r re. tired, bul is without ni re st«, and unable to obtain niij drawback. Tin se defldenek_ have often ranted from S to it. percent In nicru»nniuont. The following tbe statement of Mr. Hrbolts, of the nnu of Clarke «.. Bebnlts, Importes i of -iles, w.nes, eendtan nts, Se. "The system <>f corruption ami robbery prevailing .u».iiiiii-UiiiiM',1 iheial.-. ia carin d to mu li lyi c\- Ultu, lint it baa bl collie a i|iie»tii>n willi luiiiiy import tr» whether we mtghi not better hive ivor anorta brought into Mime other port. We ha .a bren elctnnisedtosueh nu exb ni I hat we ure um] -tiled Hi. toomcul wo |. urn of ti ,ii lit il .ai a vessel with mu goods on board, t<> ».-ml a man to («Mik alter tit in. ami watch them until tin j .ne miner loch und hoy in I he bonded warehouse. This iMiiiiei.ain « ... mule» an cintre wi eh, but v..- bav e found. expensive us II ,.» it laurh eeaimnilrsl to nip v Ihts man al high wages, thai, t>. soffer the io»», » wiuch are sai« to ensue where t u.- Roods are left to the ti« .. lu lull» cue ol lill v. i.«l. Iii» Illi "is. Yet, with all Hie care « in ex«-reis»-, and taking the extra pi. eau« tion of .I. h 'iniling i. person to follow atol walch the gi -.ula i'i irauaii and on the pier, we hare not bm n abb lo stop ibk-vimr. lu on«- case where nur watcher lift the j. .-i only 2i minutes lu lo apprise us of tie" an.val of the Custom-House carman, he di»«-ovi red on his retain that t«o rasks um a i»-in>:. and nu pi i -mi could rive un Information In regard to them, yel during the entire time (he) wore lu In.ol the taaiTi rumeui otllel ils. '.I vm). mu > "ii li.» l>.ii I.« nair- of one case out of in mr i-iunlni oi t-s. We bail culialgued ty ii», in tho iu..|:'h of iii loiter, by the ship Bivi» n. fromfRott-Tdam, M eases of ¡i.| mn. li eu.»;, mary, in such Instances, for the I li»!.nu Hull»«- Hi' I.« »eli t a single p.l'kaio- out ol In« l««t, ..¡. I...ii.. .' _ ni to i o liiii.« Blore 1.1 examina- lion su iii lo a»i Nain th it Ihe raids are nt repreia uti «I indi .i,'.,,; es. i»., i., i...».on tin- oftteer seh-ctcd a l',i, kag» in p. i '-i eil} ''«.d ord« r, and s. ul it to Un Publie »i i,. Winn ii wat i. a. i.d to ii», and to cover np all ililli iencl. s that mltrl.t iipi««ar, wc found It marked n ccived In laid order ;' -li bi'iiiies were missing, and Huir place. Ollitl up with wood »bavlugs. We wrote t<> -.«u ni j Uouiwell <>n lite i t of November, div¬ ina him a detailed statement of nil th. par¬ ticulars, and ad.liii,. we considered ourselves entitled to a drawback for the sntoiml ol dulbi 1 al .a goods which we were mrt In poaaesíioii of. A :. 'v d its afterward, in riiswi r lo our li th r, a ( '~t«.u. Hani official called se« us,ace»n«r*inicd bytheeai inn;, who arti» d the bimmIs lothe v sr Loinae, Tin i.iiti r \. .I'll till llllllialll ir lil lill} 1 .ill' II' .Hull In 'In .lo- .-:i -on of tin- goods, bul no Informal ion (..ul.! he obtained, and wi lum beard nu more on the ibji t from thal daj lo this. A raak <>f Kin which win» i, ', -'.t .! ti,«- same i imsel n us robla of eight pailón.», iii " .m li we paid a duty of Al per gallon. .. X1 :- thii Lu r-* has in come a ten serious ann to u_ The .a.-t ol the gin,freight( and xpenses auiunnts t'. .l'ont 10 cents pt gallon laid down ut the Ni-tv Voii: dock, anti the duly is $j, so }ou mi thai it vti.l tint retpili-e many gallons to i., -to't ii in oider t" render it a vi ry unprofllnblc euler- prise for ne. The particular* id Ihe latent fraud br n bleb we liuvt sudcred it ver« ly are us follows The M.ip ( ur¬ ti lai» tit ¡nu. 11, from London, l-rongbl over.comiirned tom 10 cases at sanee. Instead of ordering one ul Ihe aat - lut. the J'iibüt >ton i»- ciu-'oiiiary, the officers, in order to vent tbi ir i-pleen on u- because of com|italnls we had minie of th-ir conduct from tine to time, or- d' rod the whole in eases to '>. overhanled and exaioin-d. Iii -e ia<i s were In the luosl pellcct condition poaaible. j'i tia v were returned to m artcrtbey had bren nwrited pas-ad,' branded,'in bud ordci ;' Step this way, Sir, and examine tbem." Trie »port« racrompntdcdMr. Bebulta t.» tin store room, and vtas shown a number of case* In per¬ fectly sound i.ndltiou, bearing a I the original shipping m,iri.s, anal giving no evin nu- of repair. Mr. Bcbnlu th« n eonllnii. «I, " One ease been ojK'ticd, and Instead of 6 «losen bolties we found only IJ doaen. Welmmodi- ateJ} upon inaMng th«- discovery wrote a letter to < ollec- tor Murphy, narrating tim particulars, and refusing to p. u any more casas est« pi in the present e or a f*ns toui-Hottee official; and I asanre yon, olr, we shad keep our woi«l If they remain here for ten years. The Collec¬ tor has not yet favored us willi a reply. The twoin- stances I have mentioned to you un- not Isolated oma nor exceptions, lean state, on tin-contrary, that after w< maiki af-ir allowance for shrinkage when goods re¬ main any length of Hinein boud, we Invariably lind, in the cabe of liquors, thut fion. 5 to .0 percent has been foal while in Gorernmcnt charge; at mud we hnre found li so duriug the posl 1ft months. I am willing at any lime toniake aflldiivit to the stat« inents I have glv« li you, aud have not the leai-t obj» ctlon to having my name ap¬ pear hi print u_ the uuthoilt. for tin m." Another linporUr, who withholds his name for the présent, but states hi« v\llllngnesn to substantiate his StatemOOt by aflidavlt when DM__MUy calls for it, say» " I has) -_ü olí t «if Koods shlpaed mo, which wete tah» n In charife by the Cimtoms oltuials. After (hey hud been surrendered to me on puy meut of the duties. I disco«, ereil that six casen were mis-lug. I made frequent upplitu- t'ou ..t the rust,,ni House foi .Iraa Inicia», but Up to the present time have been unable lo obtain any satisfiic- tory resaU. It has Um oine a serious question with un¬ win tlier ti la ¡.ol desirable thal I .hot-id remove to Boa- ton, und obtain my merchandise through that port. With SS years' ex|«eriene<- lu business. I cannot recall ani state of Custom«, matters tust approximate« at all to this on i-ciit i.lidiUou of niisiiiuuakciin nt and on uplnni. I lived ;t0 yeal» in England, had extensive business eon- neetlous there, and feel bound to say that their «oudtiet of Custom affairs is far sujierlor to our own at its best. 'Die (¿,ucn'«, i.ou iiiineiii holds its oflliiai« rosppiislbie for K""d* *'»Ile In their posiasslon. ami ally misappro¬ priation on the part of (.istoms officers visited by the severest penalties of tbe law. We must have rooonstnic- Uon In this depai tmeut lu our city, or serious results to our commerce and ehipuii. pre Inevitable." Ml I.PHY'S FAREWELL FROM THE rRE.SS. NOW MKKAK THE t UHTOM-IIOfbE KINUS. from The bvXJakt Ktprms. It is expected tbat the election will be speed¬ ily followed by the ntiremeut of Mr. Murphy from the Ni w York Custom House, either by resignation or io- moral, to the end that tbe greatest stumbling-block In our ranks shall be removed. Hjmiliar action must siso lie hud in the Ilúdalo District, where an equally offensive, objectionable and unfit person still retains power. What motive the A<¡uii»>a.nt_mii lias for keepinic these aien in office, .gainst the koon wish and protester a very laura ami influential portion tit the Rep-bllCU party, at- are at a loss to understand. Henator Oonkltng Isrhargod wltb the resiKinslbllity of Míese appointments, and it Is gout-rally toi-eib-d that he has the ear of the JJre»i«-*ut and bas been lutriudtd with the dispensing of natron,.«- In Kew-York. If Mr, Conkllng seeks to ad¬ vance the welfare of the República* putty, and promote bu reutra to the i mud «lates donate, h. will be apt to find that he la not using the most available w'eans to *c- «ompllsh these results. Ho ought to be rein.9»led by passing events that this Is not a good rear for Ri.'gs. or sbosldy und bor».-joh Wey ilovtiruniout official* '^_f he omi of iclui ai «uni huuesty is now pradouiluaiit, an,.' tin *«'who uegle» t to heed the ligna of the tlmei may fliid li'*1 *"** ,luve tiaiiipertfttl too long with the patience or the ja "»to- win 1'0n'.t murphy follow ma partnkk ok TDK RINO. item Tin Vilia Otmtrur. .lie reuiuvu.- O' "uul UuipltW i»Xiiniim»<l J4Ä t r^h uemtimUi m^9*m*u "after election. Klr.-tion hu» renM and «.-on« hut the «hoddy thief n-ui.uii« in iiudiMurb» po»«e«il(.n of the fitt(,.»t j.|.tee lu the Oovern ment'« iriff. Ttir. Nnv-YoRK TRiniNi'. «rrowl» «ullenlv rita Upringtltld ErpuNican hurU« oecacKinaliv, mu KndicaU of aver-im honei-ty cupri t.» their diainiat now and then, but Murphy, ti,,, redera] fart-rite, "«ticks" mid felicitate» himself on e»e »pltif the fate Willoh hi« betaUen hi« partner m the males!«!,« hii»lli<»«. William M.l weed I mil 1\.. Miirpnv «.-.»ii." ti with apolla, he will not reliase hld erin on tin. Neil« Yolk Cui-toin-House. * titt wat of TtrroTîM. . en. TlACmrtnanH (lñn-{,n..l Lot tin« m_t auti-corriijitiou camiaiiiirn, ivhia h hart hee.u beRUn «o inaffnldoontll in New York, he rushed with fen or and determination, not only tlieie, »nt In every pnrt of the country. Certain eourl» and indra ihero have, rendered them «el vee Infamoua throughout the vvorld, ami baie lua.lo Hie uaiuo of lu« li.-.*, ao far they concerned, a l.yword.n repr.-'ach lind n farce. In eru»hli,-t the Tamnmiiy Kin«.' tbe» liai.« crushed the most formlthililo ininti of modern time». After Hil« it »raaf to t..-liev.- in the destruction of any Bing aj-alnal which Hie pcojile ran he aroused. I-et Hie people Of erny eltv ami Ritte follow the exiiinple of New aork, and lieit-in a rchi.tli»« and deteruiuud war agtuiiat every form of ollUlul corruption. MUIiPllY'8 VIiTOKY. Um» I'ht Ittroit tyf, I'm*. Tom MnrohT.thc shoddy nnd (-.killel. Collector of ciiMtomaiaf NewYork-the man Horne* (iroelev baa airaiii and »ti-u. deiiouutvd a plunderer and «windier. in all bia *tlory. Ho Hay» the result of the New-York election in hi« victory. Hotten and corrupt ho known to be, thl» victory of In« party ho claim« will put au end to al! hope« of reiiioviu»' lilui from hi« oil!» .*. oil count of hi.« dlabonoalj uud hi« wt-irtbleaaaeaa t<» hold h»« position. Tbe ticket nominated and elected ii too Htale wa* compiled of the creature« of tua will, and hn has a right to t Inila tin n suit as b)« i ictorv. Th.- lTcni- dent regards It In light, and la umbi «tooti, Hive no further heed to propoMtloiis for Murphy'« re¬ moval from Matt. WHAT MURPHY'S HF«OI OTIONS LEFT I'NSAJP. frutn l At Itlroa I'vik The- Itopnlilican faction quarrels in New» Yotk do nut wit-in to il.nilnish. The Murphy l'epiihlu¡ana have met and renolv.d, linpllrdlv, at least, that Hu re» Mat victory la Now-York m 'lui- to Mr. Tom Murphy, vilio thereby thaulied for his services to the Bepub- licaii party. The retolut iona do not explain In re/_»rd to Murphy'« real estate «ix-cuLitioii«, in paitanabip with Tweed and Sweeny. Murphy «ml euiiliuuua lo hold Iii» poritiou In the On-toiu Honsi liinutrh larne uuiui.» ni Republican Intimitl.« have utilised Ms removal, and non«, we recollect, have ii« li 1, led hint. MPItrilY SHori.n HAVI* P.1-T.N KICKl-I) OCT. TIM charnel, aL-niiiKt Murphy are, verv >ne- rltlc and, ii* he hold bis appointment /mm l'r» -titrent Grant, in. y abntUd i»e prompt!- lnTe«Ucated, ami if truo be «lu».lid be ku ked ut of the ofBec without eerenwny. The position one of Impoi tance, in m hh«h the tempta¬ tion« mut I'Piinrlupitioe for «Palin.-; an-v(-rv iTct, und th» Adm lu mt ration would ia__r Jual]« if italiowada thief to iciii.tiu in It, ci-peti.illy a tin» f of lit«. Twt-cd .tripe. _ FOREIOS A*J_ir_. GREAT BRITAIN. THE LAST CHABI.I A6A1KOT TllK QliKN.A TEM- l'i:i. AM R ADVOCATE ACCUMt lint OP DliCNKKNNh.-«*«.A UIOTulII RADICAL MI'VT- lMi .lill. NATIONAL ANTIIKM I'KOIIIltl 11 l> IlV MIK AlliIi.Ml COLLUSION IN HIE I'lVfcll Ml loi.Ï. Lni'iiOS, Monday, Nov. IO, lf-71. John Gribble, «.crctary of tin* Total Alisti- nu su.,; ti of liri than, publicii* aVccuaea Um Que» not Intoxication. The eli.n_ eaaaea a freut uproar, und Um total nntliorititi hnve already cou.niein.t-d legal prie ic» «Uni;.« aminat Mr. Oribble. A large Badieal meelina, wbicb was attended bj a,r«r«D laeoph-, mus held in th» City of Brletol l nat » reninf. tsir (hull« W. Dilke addreaaed the aaaeniblagc. Then w.i« much uproar and flxbtinji during tbe pro*rri-M ot tbe meetliiir. and the band ara« pt» i> tiled phiilng tbe Nu- autbi m " Dod »av» tbe Qa» n." A report come« from Liverpool, thl» morning, <«f ter- rlhle disaster In the Hi rs( v. Tin» »lltpa ran Into eaeb other wltb «neb rlolenrc tbat botb Ulled and raak almost Instantly. A- far al preaenl ktioan all banda are loaf. The nameaoftbe Teaacli have no1 yet i»»-. n aaeertained. The Standard's report of the fiiçpcnslon of negotia» tiona between England and France f/.r the nwdlllcattoa of the Tieuti fully conllrin. d. Two Important Wltoeaae« for the prosecution In the ease of Kelly, ni»oni to be tried la Dublin f»«r ali-« bai-gaii», Bpiatolataa ofltoer, bare db-apnea**»*-, and mi elm» tan lie ff und io ii.»...- arl_._i00ntf. The remain« of tbe late Col. famteraon of the T IWrbatn Rotel, will be aenl to Ami rlea f»»t Intel meut. Ti.« m< »u nt ibe botel bare appointed ti Pommlttee toarcompanj the rcin:iiiis en the s-l» ¡inn r to .'.'« « -Yoi k. «Sir Tbomaa Dakin, line i-oni Mcyor. ha» accepted tbe tender of a complimentary dinner, and the 23d Inet. baa heen appointed ;;« the day for Um barnine!. FRANCK. 'H.N ARMY ((»1.1» NEARLY ORt.ANI7.ED AND Al.Mil» M lill 1MI'K»»VI1» M I.Al'a.N.«. Panta, Mundar, Nov..«, i-7i It i> cxiiccti (1 Ih.'it lu Inif tlic em! ni Jiiiui ii i. i-:j. hrniKt will bate ten arno rorpa, tomphnl. ni ran i/ed und tully «npplied willi improred arma, poated at the gi. at military (-(liter« ot the touniry. Tbe l'omit de I hamiord, chief of the elder brun» h of the t.oiif». in n latter ju«t puhllslied. cetitrailli 1 - th" reporttbal in-intend« io anrrendei bia bereditiir; right to the throne of France. The editor of the journal Vere iHttkeeni baa heen c..«-rt- marti.ile«l uud sentinceil to inipn-oiiuieiil nilU «bald la» «bar for Ufe. MM. V<eraeaah nnd Vuii..mino have been sentenced to alh tor contumacy. S l'A IN. TIM (Ml'INIT mm«.CIRfTI.ATt FROM TTIT VS.- Pi BL» AN DKl'ITII--.IHK LABOR MOVEMENT. Millill», Monday. Nov. 20, lsTl. The defcafet in tlio Cortil (Itirin.*? tin* pot! week,tbelr atMxpeeted rcMiit, and lae reatt-natloa of th( m wlv-fonne.l M'lil-try, lause gTMM npltation In thiu city ¡nul In the Proiinc. n. The It» publicfin Ih-piitl» » lo the C.'rtes hnvo Unana a circular ndvl«ii.K their mpportera tliroutrhout th, nun- try to keep (lulet, and udvt.atiiiK the inuinteuaiiu« of public order. In the mean time the labor trouble» ronttnno. The bakers and dyer« in Valencia ohstliiatcly muliit.nn their itrikc, and make «nell thre.ita ping di inou-tratloiis that ii «Tulon iimnali ha*« bee« «cut to the «nrrtaon. A -«t.aiii transport will sall from Cadll on the Mth mu. with free- troop« nnd «npplies lor luhu. «a> OEKMANY. COMFTLSORT MI1.ITAHY ?P.nVirK IN nWARIA. BCfeUW, Monday. Nov. 20, »«m. Tin- Rckhltag liaH winetinni (I tint rxti-nsinii of the .North rmmi law, makiug military »orvnt tom- pulcori in iitti.ilia. T-RK£T. AN INIIAKMONKlLS CAIHNET. C4ia«TaNTiN<Ji'LK, Monday, Nov. ao, Mil. There are great i-oniplaiiitn of the ili_orirani- zatit.ii in the puhlto Department«. The Bultan'» order«, requiring economy In the administration of puhllc af¬ fair«, are misinterpreted, and not «utl»faetorlly c.irrio.1 out. flaniiouy does not prevail lu the Cabiuvtaud a ci isis looked for. ßWIT/KItLANP- (it-.N-i a, Monday. Nov. ao, lfffl The orifcin of the recent conflagration in thi« city is to Ive made the subject of a strict lnveetlnatlon. HnsplclonlsdlrtjeUdagaiiiat the agenta of the Interna¬ tional Soticty. ^mm_mmm_m..,....i «KVFRt SNOW-STORM IN THE WEPT-UNION 1'AtlPIO TRAINS SNOW-BOUND. Omaha Nov. 20.-Tho sleet and anow-itonn wblcb comment«»*- here on Friday noa« eontlnued nntll Bunday mornln/, and «atended over tim whole country front tbe Booby Mo_üoina to the Missouri River. Kverythlnn la eorertm wiU a .-.__> ing of iveavy ice, cauelug the dotrnfall of tbe telegrapb Uara. The Union r__Ü tr»«__» W9 anow-bound at dif¬ ferent poluta between Onsabn and Cheyenne, the expreaa train, due bore on Saturday afternoon, arrtrinir about midnight on Bandnr. Tbe atom u reported to be aUU more severe ia i»otitbei- and Western Oolwado. TELEGRAPHIC F0TT8. ... .Enoe CoUina. probably th« ______\_\_____^__\_\ Um, Ytoilmm ut »ti Dim.««.. *ni jtalrrd.t H.tKu, B0 ». ... The m>ort tbat Charlee _»O^ ^Jg^jd ta» atHHianal «h»*» »t TU* Trop Prmt fit . >«_.*». ¦ .*** *'.0*., "'*'' gjii/a,. i u»tt*titl. »___, /Nt %jnov«'n»«"t ia in pro-freaa id ß^»___M__f ' »'J säiStMgaiiP1-**3 _ T , St l_Rr*e________e*S Frttrii.ri (tr ¦"»¦**»; **_ *îifct___J_ M «M .li...- o.É 9ll.,Ut>, mm»\t »%n'UBBWnWi*M mmm MOKE IMPORTANT CHANGES. CONNOLLY OUT AT LAST. AN->!ir\V 11. GHI I.N APPOINTED COMTKOLLES IN III*« »TKAO. THE CHANGE THE UCSOL1 OF POLITICAL IN.IU'H'E.OTHER VAi'ANlTE. MOT YKT FILLED.TWEED. CONVICTION THOIQHT lo BE IMPONIBLE. Tin: busy pti^iicul intrigad of the pwd fort- nlitht have st length culminated in impon ant citanos in the Clfy Government. awl otln-m are autlrlpated a. a coiuaequenec In a few days. Controller Hu hard Ii. t'onuollv has been compelled to resign his office, and the su-t-caaiuii had bet n dictated by Mr. Tilden, Mr. Ilavemeytr, tho Koform Hemocrats. and, It li M___t_-_ by ii late prominent Republican Fed- eral «'ITlccr, uoterious for his connection with Tammauy. The nomination of Mr. Atulrew li. (, en |_a» mado a condition precedent to Mr. Connolly"! resignation, and the letter of tho Cou- troller was not plsccd In the Mayor's hands until he had reluctantly signed Mr. Green's appointment. What other ronsldcrstlous wero employed to Induro Mayor Hull to consent to au appointment which It Is will known Is particularly repulsive to him ore not known. Ile Is reported |to bo willing, If not Indeed anx¬ ious, to make, in u;l eases -hei. molflntlOM arc of.-red him, suth appointments m trill " hold over" after ti.o .Li ure meets, undrimly to concede that the Ke- fnnu party have the right to go to tho Legislature In January wilh the ( ity | UOVl ruaient lu their bauds. Hut the appointment of Mr. (»reen was ¿icrsonitlly obnoxious to him und lo Mr. Tweed, though both were eager to get rid of " .--lipiieri Dick " at any price. It Is generally uinlt«.____ that < oiinoll.v'a ri'ii ¡nation was forved from him only by u promise that ho shoultl not be prosecuted for lils fliure lu the Ad Int. i lui Hoard Of Audit r. He has turned Stale's «v idence, and a nolle proieqiii Is euteied lu lils ca.o as a patt of the Inn «Min. Ile Vi 111 Ut allowed to escupo with lil-. Im¬ mense plunder, although the proofs ugulti.t him aro un¬ questionably as char as thoao against Tweed, but con¬ cealed from p«.l!cy hen toforn, mid now In order Hint the Reform Damocrata may net poaaeaaloa of Hie city dor* eminent. Tin re are rumors allou. ul.o that evidence exi.-t-, ami has been for somo time past in the bauds of the proper persons,of Iho negotiation abroad by Connolly gad kio um of several mlllious of city bond, whla-h do not appeal In the Kal of city inJchlcdiics«, nnd which are wholly unauthorized uud unprovided for. Tim p'O' < eds of themi bonds har. beeu Invested uhroad, us the report sa) s, uud Connolly li Io loll shortly for Europe to enjoy iheiu. These ure Inore st liona t burges than any yet iiunle iicaiust the Controller, but they ure lu nany in. utbs,anti ¡t Is sa'. I le au . ¦. iii luted as the barges against Tweed. The icpnrt proTallt that Connolly will h ave for Europe In u 1, or iwo, mid that ni my others ol the King will tako light uliuultuncou ly. J-iiuc» M. RwontlJ (PotCt B. BW< euy's brollier-iu-<:iw, and Hugh t-iinlh also ro- ported to be contemplating b voyage to Europe, ¡, in¬ dee 1, they have no1 already g.iuc ihcie, chance of air ioi t..c bi in Hi if Hu li- health being daoim d d. .ir..bie. Till "I KP i.vr. O»HitE.-rosDENI I.. Th» negotl.itluna thus -..« t«j- inllueucd me given to tin« general pub!.' iiiih. followingeorreapouileuee. The lir-l letter if th-..ii.- .- «ontroll. r Cuunollj to Mr. ila'.cini yet Ni \\-Y.>ni*,Oi r. ". i--i .lv Di tit unt- It «.-¦". to cn tut Hie time has firi-Heil wh<n my r, L'tiiti n i f the ellice of Controller may be »d sei m .. '.- ii.« publie, if it eau be the means »I s. curing th. Blip« ni nu ut of a -ii. cei-«.a.r of known mt. g- nt.\ and of eminent for the position. The »ipp "i.itnuit of Mr. tireen, which wni made hy v nor ,nl- \ i. ". bul been it ci¡It ed w11 ii gem rsl na I.Mai I mu and Bp- pioval. and bil admlntstrallnn of the trust rummltti »1 to Bli »hurí;»' has roiumeiid« d him lo uiuver-..l rotrftrienee. It--lying on your friendly couti«el-, win. li ha\i nov¬ el iiil my action I the lime I Ii: »I mulgul your ,ul\ U e, and recognizing you aa on« r.-.u .sentlng in an eminent degree tiie rlewsof the great body of tsar rlUsena, i is« have to place lu your limul» my provisional roalgnatlon. tai talki« eli« i l, on the saunt laing fled« aiuiultiiiiei.u-l> vt ¡iii the appointment of a »na. eaani « horn .n shall sp. prove. CuiiMciou- of ninnv shortcomings In the dt__hai ge of mr onerous ami rariua duties, i drura that my euur e ii r'«ai .i«.ply nil ituigtbe Intereen "t ihe puMia.', .;£.y Yu« Mich us al! inn I rilli ii< nu;, approve. Ve!*! le |iei If,.III >, III a, lill Ililli» il. Cli.NMtiM Ï. The linn. Win. F. il.ueiiieycr. With this naareceived, by Mr. Baremeyer, Um follow¬ ing clin lal r> .-:gii.tii"ii for trausmlttal lu Mayne Hail, on the eoadiUMM luaik lu the lel*..r ].imt- d above. NhW-YuKK, (»c1. J. 1-11. Tie TTon. A. OtKirv H vi i, Ifii'tir: in a- -it: li.." Ith resign the ttfllce "f Controller ol th« lit; ol tiru .ml.. .elis res,., tfullv. Li- ii Mil« I',, inwoi LI h ti. li ..i ;iu i itj oi .a, ,t Vi.'k. .Ir Haven,ey. replied to Mr. Conuollj in the to.low- Ing I'-tli I Ni « Yann, ci 1.1.1-*:. MT I'l All *__ ! 1 have |. c «ve.I Vi.Ills ni l.itl.i. and, outside«fyoul dalielingallusbiui myself, It I. .iu»t .«ila h a leite: ii- I \( ett-il to H celte fioin v.m tis MIMI (is 111«' tilla»' shlUllil lill .Vi Whell toll ( lilli COllsi-t'llll V t .«-ii It. 1 will io. pt your le-i.'iiuti. ti ou the conditions ¿nil liuliic, Ulul M .,! Ii I patt Witll It I.lilli it -I .ill I»«eli! o the appointment of Innrer H. titeen row «necesaor. Youl», truly, vv. _.'. iinciiKiiL To Ii. II. Connoll.t, c.-.p Mayer Hall it- r»totid to have ri-luot.iiitly compiled willi tbe i upo_:«l, anti tto a ri.ult the follow¬ ing Win- sent to Mr. (.i-n-u at noon, yeatefdflj ; Matoo. Omi A, How-Youl Hot. is. i .i. A vacancy existing al this date in tbe ontce >»f Con! roi- h r..» th»' t itv of New-York, by the voluntary resignation of Richard H. Conn..Ilv,mo., who was hitherto appa uteil ni«« i hat Olli, o (iiid win« ii r-sii.ii.iti in is duly bled): now, In purauani « of and i>> vi, tin- of the authority con» firrcd in seetlonlinf chapter50tof the iw» nf ian, amending seetlou M al Ihe law. ni laHaj I hereby til mid vac met. ami do appoint, lor the full tenu, aa Couilollei- of Hw City «if Neu York, Andren IL Oro« iLcat|. A. 0AKK1 H vu., Mayor of the City ofKew-Tork. Armed v-lib thi.» document, Mr. cr. cn went b.-fote .Tudgi Brady, und wai admin.»teni the oath of otu,.. In the ¡-uprenii O mt. The reroluil.n waa complete before it wa» known to the habitues .f political centers lu t neighborhood of the City Hail. It waae«peeted that si loon us he en- tered tne Controller'sOdfee,and osaomed his paoltkm, Mr. (»leen would atisiint u deputy, but this he did m4 do. The i.e i it ral opinion ia that Mr. .-«ton.-, the deputy of Mr. ( oi.II.-, w i.l lu .-iii-' it.-.I ¡ii hil old po-l*lon. In ihe afternoon when Hie rhaagelmd become pretty gen- «rally known tiobticlaiis of a moro reputable stripe Oma the Mdiuaiy lunn-.« rs at the departments vii-uid tim ( ont roller and Mayor Hall. The tatt« r rentlema a wa, toi an hour or so In consultation with .ecordt. H.u ken. THK BPPSCT ON TVTF.V.n. At ¡he Peparttnent of Public Works Hie chnnije was coinuicnted upon us being very m__Torah_l for Mr. Tweeii, uud an cpuraiuiiintic laborer who had Mat__-M willi puticuc« ami attention to the dissertation, of a group of argon- stolon la Mr. Toeed'i ¡.titi -room, safely eipreosed hlaopfole« that Mr ( wns tmng to became an lattavurt t«> the prejudice of Mr.Tweed. a»»-, or. In the mini's vernacular, " 1 tell re, he'll tV|uesl, aud the Boss 'II go to li- li." Mr. Tweed film-nlf maman much depre.-sen >< "'t-rdav, aud although hi attended the meeting of th.« Hoard of Apportionment, he did no1 seem as nonchalant as usual, nor were his salutations »aw ii with Hi»-air ni a mauwhowus glad to nee those whom he gre« fed. lit-- noils were less giran, and Ids smiles were l«-»s of the self-congratulatory order i linn they were two w«ieks sgo. Hu rt-nigualion. which is »aid lo be written aud ready for presentatlou t.. the Mum i, w is not spoken of yest« nlay. I»nf It was bisted that Mr. Coiniolly'a retlr-ment would hasU«n it. THF. OTIIF.H VACANCIF.H IT.F1LI.KI». Several other vHeaueie-a exiat in the City Ooveromeht, a*l more resignations are expected In a short Ume. The appointment of Mr. Ktebbins and Mr George Jones of The Times to the vacanciei In the Com¬ mission of rubllc Parks has been urged upon Mayor Hall, and a great pressure brought to bear upen him for the aopolntnient of the former. It was understood that be bad Anally yielded to this, and bad done violence to bl« feelings, and Invited Mr. Olebblna to take Mr Bweeoy'spl-c«. It being understood that Judge Hil¬ ton' Tom Aelis, and Mr. Oreen, would rote tor the Mayor's nominee for the Preabteney. Fields's resigns- Soo, as well as tbst of HUtoo. wss then be at the Mayor's service. WtUlnni T. Blodgett was also mentioned si likely to receive the nomlnati.>_ to Judge Hilton's iHaee. A ehatfge li enttelpoted m th.« Dook Deportment, lor which v-a__aoy u t_.__urnt Ri- iMil_IU__a AM besn naiiied. but It is uot kjjowu If hs will accent There have laven rumors that Mr. Acton and ' Mr Kennedy would be invited to plaees on the Kullee Çaintutsaloii, but on Inquiry of the Mayor it was aecer- talned oositlvely that when the vamu.lts oceur thoy v^laolbe offered to those ecutlemen. It was ssserted at PoMoe neadtpmrters that It waa arrauigad nearly io dara ago, ot the ttme Connelly'. nflgnattnu waa acwMd nnoo. that Thomas Murphy was ii rcalgu th.- (Jolt-eior- shlu aud rua It by prosy, while lie assumed open and direct control of tne Police Department In place of a prcseut rommisslouer, whoa« rasiguatlod ass premised. JA*. W. OEKARTl D_M,1-IM____) The vacancy In tbe Board of Ed nest Inn. »o which Mayor Hall appointed Mr. Janies W. Ot rarrt, ttm de- «lined by that gentleman In the following letter NRtv-Yoaa.Kor. w, n.J. re<*i/7«m A Oakov Ham. m » basa Hu i * W ebltfod to you for Um w_»d_H_,. .of of appointing me to the rvositlon of one of the Commis¬ sioners nf itiblle Kilucation of this city, »ntl regret that I cannot accept It. When I gave up tho -Moettea of the las two years ago I determined not to ««sume the duties of any porp ion which would exact from me at all «casona of Hu» vear, or at particular dni s or hours. I have heen corniceted With the puhlle »(hool« f«»r H yiiir», inspector of the Fifteenth and Ei«ht»'»nth Ward«, which to me is a very asretsable po-lthm, and "tit- (hat does not exact from mo anv particular dutlea al PnrtleuNlr times. I can vl»1t (beni when I plot.e. end I baie become ai Ut bed to the schools of the»e ward», and I believe they are attached to nie, and I do not want to «ever the connection. Icould not give the time n.-a-essary to tin-anluoiiM tluti-s ,,f a l'ainiin<««luuer. not tii»-r«-l> »n the mielinesof the Hoard, but lu tho exacting dut ae« of the vuilou« commit U'f* which tho ma-iiitude of the. »vsteuiot publliiediicsfiouroqulrea«. I am absent from the city from arl)'Sprint* up to late in the Fall, amil could not amaumn a position who»-«- dutlea I wuk not pre- pored to i«-rform at all seasons ¡indar all days und hour«. I shall continue with urcat pteusitre to perform my duties lusiiector. ami I will use my endeavors for lim future, aa I have done for ya-m« past, to elevato ti.o lu» telle« lual and moral «tauibtrd of the children of the wnrkiuK « luara-s of New York. I am. with re»pect, vour«, very truly, |_Wff,<j___» Jl'POE mi.TON ANXinrS TO BK _F.LIF.VKI>. Judia-ai Hilton also «cut a letter to Mayor Hall, yester¬ day, of which the follonlni; li a coji-y : I)Ei-An«*_r.NT or PcstM Tarks, Nov. 30, 1671- The Bon. OkXBX Hall, Mayor, de: Mt Dkaii Bu. : Tcrnilt me to call your attention to the. fact that you have not appolutcd my a_et-eaear, und that, consequently, my resignation held in at»ei ance. With all resect 1 munt now insist up,,«. ining at once re¬ lieved of tbe labora and re«ponalblUtlea of my position in tbia I)( purtuieiit, While i Ccnnulssioiier In rhai-jn of Its wo.les, I am constantly called upon to direct it« uiT.tlrs, and Ibu I am un willing to »Jo after luv- 1n_-, ns I have repeatedly Inform» d you, fully deter- turned to vacate my oltlco. Verytiuly, IIknhy Uilioi«. HU. 6WEENÏ- FORMAL urnuuciKT. Teter I!. Sweeny retired from Department of Fi.b- lle Parks on ."aturd^y, without formality or ceremony of any kind, «imply stat mik "Hint ho was going and would not return," and also Intimating that as his resignation took cfi'ct ou Monday, ho would not meet with tho Hoard of Apportionment on that day. The Dep-trtmont Is now i irtuallv worked hy t.eorgo _. M. Van Hort. « Is Its, and who has lieeu eoimected mtli H Central 1'aik aud Department ol Park« for Maa) yunta. TWEED'S CONVICTION' IMPOS.S1BLE. It lias boon »«tilted in political circle.-) that Charles O'Conor has expressed regret that there Is a obstacle In the path which will retard the iiro-te/n- tlou of Tweed and probably conduce to his escape from the i'unlshment he now so Ju»tly ment« from tin- out¬ raged majeety of tbo law. RINO STOCK 0FERATIOK8. Anothi-r of Tammany's «ehernes tame to tem- por.iry gruf, yesterday, lil 1Î For acoiiiul« rabio time past the member« of the Taniinimy and Erle Steffi have l»een Identified with stock (>perati»»ns In the Hann!« bul aud St. «foeepft I_ilroad. They now control the il.rci turn of the Ho.'ul, but the:r »'onnectinn with It do-« not uf-li-t in clei atinar it In pul'lto estimation. Upon tho Hiiiiniiiiccinent of tho suspension of the Kin_ savings i..mías theie Mas an immediate deellne lu the prict or tin« «to» k from di to I'.'J, and there was a very iu,»-a«> f,*eline erith regard t" it, uo rloareerlnu operator or «n% _-t.»r «i«-- hir n,g tu touch it. It waa iiiie-it-il that tho Bowling Oreen Saving« Itink bad eltner loaned or invest« »i a brae amount of money on fid.« »to, k,,uni that i,l.» n the director» attempt» It« alite tit» n; was no mii>| ort to lim mai ¡¿et, :iud it fell off Rjj pera nt. Vi ry lillie other cxcitcuicut was cn.iUd In wall -t by tin aanouneemenl »»f the «uspeaaloa of the Pain!,«, us nil aeemed t»» regard the crisis m their ni!.his the natural reatül of *nla*n>neft**n**nt awl ennui ellon willi min ol cul rcpulatioli. INO-ESOLL NOT VET »IRHl STI I). Iti.:cis'ill, "jrhoM am -t was rqiected lint v.-. u, wa« reported to have been In the fit) -t. id.iy afternoon, but the report «rai ni.t.i» ruled. The order of arreat ta bia ei_e expired jreetefday, and waa reta ned te Judge, who is ned It, bv Deputy Stori*! Judaon Jarvis. Pot the list three weeks Mr. Infi-rantl'a friend« hioi btiasted that whenever bin husma -.« n*Quired his presence In ihe city he would com»- here and transact It, and thal his hnnd "was ready, if the Sheriff aiti-Mod hui). It la now thourhl tiiut sir. iBRaraoll, If arréete«!, («lilt! ..ot obtain a million of dollars bail, aud thin know!» edie lu« K, pt hi in a fugitive fi »nu lust ki*, horcrlng »bout lilt home, but not darin-* to visit it while a wau n.i lor lu,« mu si wa« in Hu« Ml'trirl's hands. .ililli CAROLINA FISASGE9. FP.AI'Ht l-l NT IMTKOF lUiMl*-.Till (IIM'.'.I.» DKVIRD.ALI. THR Oll'KIll. DEBT -Mil.« MI'.NTá INITNTIoN-.I.l.Y Fl.'R» »NTDT's.I Hi; 1KI..SIIÍV Elirn AMD THK ITATI AL5HMT HANKItl PT. Ihï TKtaBnRAPI TO THE Till DI NUI Columbia, Nov. ..<> «so inti-mew trith Ti if. TniiiiNt corn ipoodi-iit,yeat«<-rday,*Oov.h-vtl ted thai ha had reaaon to fear thal there has been a fr.ii.du- leiit issue of a .'nn-iila-r.iblo amount of r-otuli Carolina (-.atulamade hy the Mate Treaanrer, ttoeugh the laoo eial ag'.-nt lu New-York. Thi.«, ho aald, may hare in«, n dono by re». Hing bouda that have been converted lito Kew Oonveraloo tonde. In -a-i of canceling Hiern. Ii any of the seven per cent ln-mu, isiiieil m Ipm.9 foi the relief of tho Treasury, are «till In the mnrket, he ha hove« they are fiauoul. nt, he baa *dw_ned new bonis for their cut«version. The »..iiiii» true, be -aid, of |7«0,1)01) of Land C'ot)imi««ioii bond«, ,ilui of $.*>'.<«_) of bond« Issued In October. IsaM, to pay utero.«t on the public debt, which not properly priut»-d. it:.I should luve u-pUiccd with now i,,,a«l- slyiicil h.i him for the purpose. The «tate Trca«nrer and the financial agent, Mr. K.mptou, » bo aro now hot«.-, sty tho Governor 1«- inMtnformed, und that thoy aix* nblo to prove that thor« baa been no such fraudulent reissue an be suspects. Tho 'Treasurer, to-day, made a statement of tho wh >'.. amount of ihe debt of tho Man«, which bo otters to verify by snbmlt ting hi« books t«i th»* examination of any re-apousiole pci-sous, Thi« exposition shows that ail olll.lal statements heretofore made have beeu Intention¬ ally erroneous, and mad»* w.-], a tlcw to deceive the puolio. Tlio entire debt of tho 9iate, not to» clinlliie lluliilitlos on necouut of lndoraeuieuts of rul!roa»l bonds, is |15,'«a«Wl90H 9% ot which |A,4(W.o«)«| If old »li-bt, and $'J,1*"..000 new debt. Of tia«- sum, tri.TT'i.»«») aro new bond«, which have been lu i»ithe<»iia).l hy Mr Kimptonto obtain a temporary loan of about tWin.-OOi. lint, aa there is no prospect that the 61 ato wlU he able to ledeem tliem, they aro properly included in the gross amount of the debt. The whole (mount of now bonds and stock printed hy the Ban!« Xofe Ompnny Is fM,51",(»O0, ol which $3,560,00.) is Btaie registered stock. The llnan.ln! condltlou of tho State ia eonfeasedly bad. The trun»ury li e:jpty, and It U doubtful It fund» can he obtained to pay the January lut«.i«--( on the f-tato dibt. A ftill statement of tho i hatractasr of the debt, net the 00 that has been nis»lt* of the bonds printed. Ima U'l-n prepared, .iii.I will app>- u iu a few duo s. It will show that tho manaitement of -south Carolina ft nant->t Un« boen very bad, and that the money rained lu New-York has been chu fly on ,-Uoi t loan», at rulnoui rate« of Interest aud high ee____ion, for the lutjment of wbl»;h bonds have beeu pledgeil a«« col« laterals. .»_______________ MATOS MASON'.-1 ACTION* COMMEVURD BY IHR (IIICAUO UKAM> JLHY. Chicago, Nov. ao..The «Jraud «fury closetl their labort toility. They indorae and eoinmoud tin* ae lion of Mayor Mason, lu ealllit»; to hi« aid the service» of Gen. Sheridan, and consider that the thanks of the eotu- 'muuity ure due (ien. Sheridan fur the efficient aid r> ti¬ de rod by bim to the l'l-gul.ti' poluo fore-, in the eun-r- gem) v.uaeal by the Ula- Ure. ¦ata CRIMES AND CA8UALTIE--HY Tl'I-r*(.RA Til- _The ateani tionr-inl! 1 of Meaars. .Smith Hi other«, al Katark I'alit, 1M., »a buratd in» Th_»Jtj. Lo« »3i.O»J, io to- Maaaa ....Fonr raembera of ,i ging of it» burghi«. »r- l_ltd ti Sprtntrl«« «Hilo «aiaat «ra-4» «tj.,, tit« «ark .'.««-o ». ni it«! Io It« tihi" lit|.ritaniiortt. _Tiieerewof the aehooner fSoW Hnut»*r have tmrrd iu »iwfii Na»».!, "»'tri« Th« «<s««l wa» dill. itkon »lltr Ik« log mut» Alfrad «al k«i tAUX ....The MethodiMt Kpitvopal church at C.reat B«»d, Pa us ««» t.rrriM »u ¦»_»» tranliif. tee tit it «an|,|>r»aaa-! t. 1 tr. t,"u ri»_»l bri- riplnalot-, ut ii* iii meier l.<»a». #i:i "0e, u »itr- l»a-«. #i.00a ... A more thorou<_ie*£_niiiiation of the cliarreti rnnal», rbai'l aatla-r Thi Cm«!» T»il>»iiv biuUln»- *n «atitiU» .«ti«- w. tkr fricDd. ot loba »cDetltl, lU blllurd p»t» Hxi »b-j »i» uai Um ma-kt «f lint fr_u. ... .Chapman 8. Richer, ( baruri«- with the aeduri iou »t k1» .i«_r-l»«l«w, llirr J. _*ha__a»', «I »V«« Ckaliintonl. M «.. .«4 fir. A. U. B»ll«nl »f Until, a« at (,-fci.u( H ooot.úoo lot abdrt.a. halt baXu iii. pn«__. ....Frank Burna, a track-man on the New-York ('«Mill «lllio., wi»»B« at- ob »«.di»,.tai t*a*_*_| kill»'. Mlrli»»! H«rrr. «¦ haunt «rtifc Bat»-« ii»i « _i«l rai. ka« .*» al kit I»,» t>l»k.» «.4 toort«r« M»M a»«»»«» Wa»«"« A ae vere cale Waa exr-erienced on tho Northern flcili-roiit on li»* l>k tatt. IV K«»a«i..i Joh» L Strpkrti» oa_T"»1» »a.-i_1 l«ri»f «Ttsr-rtaral. »l-l Ibt fuit.- Mat« .lra_«r SbulariaJk »u «Iii««« Mi»»ft ._ »««11; »mujei, «I A*k>rl,_On*o- ....Aeolliaiou *M0Í_l***i on ftnnday on the Ohio tu'i Mi^a-Jppa l_ih'.»»l «'.( («a»»««1. ml bri»'»» I»« (rri|lil Iraiua. B»i«r»tririf»Btal«la« M«» »i_T w»r« «.»-rk«-al Tkr «.»I» |.i»aja_ »»- . .ni; lija««! «N «. »ttnmot. ak» ba_ «» ti_ botte». THE MATOUS CASK. TTÍF. JONKH INQITST. THE I.MPRTKTORY KDITOR OK "a t.KKAT M.WS» PAITR"' MffOn THE ORANI) it uy. We published on Saturday au nfticul report of the examination of Mr. Or orge Jonas kO-_Mt__BOra ni Jury, respecting the complicity of Mayor Hall In Uu- Tammany frauds, of v. hlch Mr. Jones w.m understood lo say that he knew no more than athel mun alive, with the exceptions I».rhap. of Boss Tw< ed and i'apf. Matthew J. O'Rourkc. Mr. Jones, our MOdom will ni t have faded la observe, Irnew nothing st all ; and the p.lnful «.uspi« lou wa« aroused that Mr. Jones and Iii«, newapoper, The Ti,,., *. had all along been hitting blindly in the .!ark. tht Time* aMiired us ytstcrd.-y that.dillina the examination a poterin the pay of Maror Hall was ronce tied In Um Orand Jury room,.eil her under the unie, or up the rhimney.oriii some other ronveni.'iit place,.taking oatt s for The Thiuune. With great trout!»'aril ex ian«- wo havo secured this enterprising person, and aie now enabled tbrongb his means to present a much fuller ami more accurate account of the great Jo;ic»-ll,ill-oilv« r Inquest than eau be found lu the oflicial trims« rlpt of the et ldence. Mr. Jones entered the room wit h a Ann, qua k stop, and an air of profound mystery. Folding bl«, arms and lookiug at the Jury from uuder bia eye-brows, he was heard to mutter something about "Tunmr.inv Tool»." and to addrrsa the Iii;strict- Attorney a "r.uuP rilloia." at which several of the Jurymen vl_.bly -book, and Jual,.'- (iarvm reached for a heavy mahogany rub r. Mr. Join » however restrained himself, anil tranquil!'/ Icing stored, the examination went on follows : Q Mr. Jones, von ure Hu principal HOpriOtOf I helier« of The heir-York Duli, T,mi*t A. No, Mir-, I am hu individual. t_. Have you not an interest in the paper! A. Tin Te u ii'lilf. ia ne tut w-is-ii mensa p-T«nn, and nu» as a Times rroprb tor, and I refino to give you .mi la formation Moot Um Interior working, of cither of me. t.. Have you Mod the editorials lu JA. iim«r. .f the pall two or three months! A. I «le« line to answer that question, on the ground that It might disgrace me. l^. You are aware I suppose that voiir r il" r hi* j charged Mayor Hill with theft, lio you know whether that charge Is truel A, That Isa professional secret. [Here Mr. Jones winked at the foreman.) Q. But, Mr. Jones, we want Information ni«on which to bus« an Indictment. You profess to haveevl.lcuc«.. Will ¿ou not give it to Us f A. You have The Times, and If that Is not good ruouiJi evid'iice for you, you must all be T.Uuuiutiy tim.». [rilMiken with some "».x, it« ment.l y. Wo don't undervalue The Hines ; but you know tl...f Is not legal proof. % A. li you will not believe The Time», you would uot be¬ lieve though one n_« fi »ni the dead. ti. Well, then, v. uo ia the chief editor and propri« tin .t The Tunes t A. I am. li. Wh» n von «aid in vour paper that Hall was a Hu« f, did « ,.ii know that to lu.« the ui_l A. No. (¿. VV by flld you sav If then I A. I wild it, as a newspaper; and I refuse to r«li as George Jones what 1 «lid wheu I wa» not George Joues, but a m-w »paper ahstr.i« 'ion. I), (an vou help us lu any way to fasten this gelam ni...n Malll A. I eau but I won't. i- Whvl A. Iii«e:itise If would lM«nnprof,'s«i«.n..l. i' 1).. you In leve thal Hall Is ii tl.l« f 1 A. I don kim v.- whether he is or not. li Do you believe ¿ our own articles in Ila' Tinut to t-o true I A. That a professional secret. i). Ho you know uiiv more about the«e fruid» than at, the rest of the worbi I ' v. No, I don't. [Hera Mr. Jones extremely violent, and seised an ink-stand with Hu- app in it lal« li¬ ll.m of throwing It at one of the iiirviiieii, Mr. lanar J. Oliver. A pail "f water being Mond over him, be grew tolmer ! but kia onswon 'o the subséquent qui »tiona re «ollie** hat tncoh n-tit.) ti When you said that Hall waa a swindler, «lid you »p. at; from positive knowledge 1 A. There is a différent, between me as urge Ji.nes und me as the lim's. t¿. vii II, then. < id von. -tnoitlHvrn* rj,f Tltneat .V. I can't bil you anything about the lute-lor wcrkin .'. of Ti' Vims. y. lud you as George .Tonest A. I t au't tfll y..u auj thing uiiout the uti. ,or woikiniis of l.eorge Jones. «._. Whvl a. Ilimlaht disgrace, me, . li. lan jrO_ refer mo to ant body wli» ibOskmin aay« thing I A. No' In our nilli c. ti. 1 did n't suppose y.ui could \j» roaroame; bat oat ni a A. Yon «ee flier., B A-*..--* ...... .... ,.... ... (:,, .,, U- »ra, you need no1 mind thal anymore. Whn h ure \ .a.iw, 1 Ibis niome'it I A. I am The Plaira now. (.(. Well, «lid The limes I. 11 Me ftufh When if «¡ud thal ii had i«r«Mif of Hall's theft-t I A. <»ll. It-lit lill toll anything »boilt Tie linn-. I um onlv Oeyrge Jones. t). ll'ul Oeorgo Joncg, then, tell the truth 1 A. I can't tell you anything abour bim. I am not i,.yu ne Jones ; I inn The Times. You tem thors le a «¿If- i eme beta .-eu me as Qeorga Jones and- [llera Mr. Jon« s, sitting on theedm of a table, omi II liisirat int hi» argomeut hy forcible demon Irai t»n ti ii ii.-aai, r i. i i.i hi ud upon thean u ulm i k-fl, in-, ame so profoundly philueuptile thal tie r «ri« r lost the Hill ad .>! ti:e iliscourse. He had bet ti apt al aboiif ten niiiiuic». wh« h aarorol jaryauu Interroi l ¦r.m, uni propos« u to «end for the other ed i- ; r». tin Mr. J"i.. s'a iciiiaiKii.g thai tia v v.ara ..., n like lum, till» siig..« rtiou was hu t ti |, » _,.,, j w um s* wa-- then dismissed, In the he waa I.I givMi "ii'.sf denuiiaxcrid , agiimsi ilu.l," and If tba jury faced nul ulm bil" ii,. ¿ gi io all Taiiiiuaiiy litpilbil, an ."| THE ii:.--IIMU-NY j_G.-I_-.-_T II AU.. u.i.i -iir.vTiuN* ov the i.<»o.-k wai op in m hu Rl'6IKK_d HI Till. OiSi'iiiail, ta'» lil WHAT Mi:. « .1(1(1 LN HAD Til lu» Willi Till. rxriisiuK or tiii: Pii.u i»--in:, uatok »KIN* -WARRANT.. Willi»,; T lau.KIN«, ,u ihi:m. Tin« tertfino.a-3 befara tin- Gi.uni Jwj in tha case of Mayor Hail, ii portion of wicnw. have pit- llshetl as Uni .dating the ignoialu of oi:e of flu priuci liai witnesses, and the one who ha* mad, the gi.m»t charge» anani st the accused, umtali.» abai lutety anlblug new to ihe public. Hut Hie report d10 .trott, lo a rerj significant way the loóse munn"ruf Beadni Maa hu-.m » :u the City 0«)v«rnu««iit, und the exttaeb obi« h ,i..f. given below suggest the luce-sity i I ¡i :, im m th. stiiuuri st language. The witn»¦- es «-. i wert An drew H. i.lien, who knew nothing at iias own pani ti kuowledg» «>f facts Implicating Ho] or Hall ; A. B, < .,.1* who r v cabd some of the lui .«tin nth s of the Çttn ti-olb-r't I'epartuit nt ; Henry W. p..u!<li,ig, of Un- t .io mlltec of -seventy, ulm »w, it- t.. iioMiiiig positiv« ¡ Win S. Cop« lund, who rev» ab'd Senator («'Kfien'n conn, i.,,i, wl«b tim of copies oMb«' hooka; Hann I Tyrrell, n carpenter, who estimated the .'«nut Huiim- work ; Mr. Win. P. Have meyer, formerly Mayor, win told how hu.ine»s was furn.« ily toiulucliil iie«k» his ...I mlnistriitlon, and »liowiut. a irrcat cuilnni katana tbos" day* of hom-st ponduct and tb< present «if fi.uu! Hictard A. .torrs, of the __0-__rr_ OOaO. who Md bow O'llrlen's agents had seeiu.'d the figure»» illus'iatiu' tin-frauds; Henri 0. Stebbins, formerly __._______.__« of feutrai Park, who Km-w notbiug i.Im.iiI the tomphili.i except Its general nature : Jackson rt. -i«huJi_, 0. W. Til- don, Thoa. A. Ledwith, lotta H. Misteraon, Jam. s U'Hrlen, who knew liothinic t-xceot what he »aw pule llshedluthe newspu|iers: Arthur T. J. Rice, a pay in,: 'teller of the Broadway Hank; A I.. Brown, Mr Hal. » pal Mr. who told aouieiliiuK about bia pitus ity and wa ultla E'tvvai'd Hull Robert H. ruinier, .i .l.trr «>f the Tenth National Bank; William A. U«aitb, t'liaiiuiuii of Hut fommlttceof Citlfeus; C'liarl«. W. Lawrence, and Kd- wsrd \\. Baxter. An .< uibd is a portion of the «>1 dence : A LOO-K VV AT Or POI_«i BISIVKsS. A. 8. Caaly, Clerk of Arrears iu tut County Bt_.«aii of the Auditor's Olive, sworn : ii. Will you stute to the (»rand Jury Uot you call list of it«his (paiter shown] ; do you call thai an account I A. An account or bill against the t-wnty. <¿ Whose bill is It I A. This la a bill of Keyser A ('.>. for furnishing chandeliers, brackets ami fixtures, etc: the first date is October w, li-S ; the last December *>« IM» ; tbe amount of the bill tes,m l8. <_ Will zou «Ute. aft er tbe bill ti presented at the Con¬ troller. Offict- by Um claimant, what is Un fini Uimg thing that is done with it I A. It comes into the bund-« of the Auditor, who examines the bllL O. What Is It tbe daly of the Auditor to do f A- ex¬ amine the 1411 In all parMoulars.extensions, footing««,el«. O. You taeaa by Utat he examinea all the items of the bill I A. Ailtho items on tha bid. ... ,,. O. Now, after he has examined the items of the bill asstuaiug that be finds it all-right, wh «t is lbs next Hil. «. the Auilitor does I A. He ap|_nvsa It, putting th« sUiuj. oa the fat* of the bill ami writ--, hi* nome across Um oerti-eatiom , _,. q, What la that stomp that he puta on It I A. It Is an appt-ral, in aul_i____, of the UUÍ and duectln« Us pay- "tiJost glw it to us as It roads I? A. ''City of New> Yorh"D.*5_ti__nt of I&naee. __\Ík____*____¿_ fourni rnjgToU,-' than signed, " Jomes ataoo. Auditor of the county Bureau." , _. _._^, ._ - Q. What next Is done I A Z*o warrant la drawio. 3 N«jw 8ir who-ilf-ws Un»» warrant! A. Tbey ure ui-dkLyí"j**Auditot __,^__!_t________ QlftJm Éiookteepcr draws It. under whose direction _4-__dSygnnfflf M-feouoa of the Auditor. O. No« tbe Coatmllerl A. No, Bli*. O Til« bUl bavtiig been audited, this certificate put uñón It. and tie warrant flllod op for Um amount thal it tovu up. what is the next Ula« that la dan« wikhUal

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__\i 01 n<'in. conRi>roNi)iNcr..kf.(Hvik»n of


fTANl'IN".TUK OPINION AT WASHINGTON. Miirpl.y bau rinignid lau i»osition_»Cüi:»«tir f th» i'ort of New-Vork.aud tim. CkMtW

A Arthur hn* bett» appointed In lil« «tend. On P.ituniAy

Mr. Mun hi scut n ipeelal uu;astmgtt utMu Va reaiRn*»-

tionto Fr« .-i«'.< nt nt \Va»bliiKtou, u>Kctlicr with

the rccoii mcinlattoii Ibal hit- intlniuu* friend (jen. Chea¬

ter A. Artl.'.'.r »hou'.d he appolntod hi» «ticr-essor. Urn.

Arthur uni u'.t-o n k n.inendcd hy Senator Conti iii¡_ nml

ether aduerciatsof the Administration. l*ri biilunt (¡rant

aj_Kia«ptwl the rT»iini.itIon, and iinmedtntely appoint*-

Oun- Arti"-" ( < Hrctor. Appended 1» the cnrrespoiidenc-obfl*rvf i n l'ri- i.« ¡it Graut a:id Collector Murphy :

»rtiTOn IIolt-K, Nl\\--OHK, Clia_.K( TOR'S OrTIOr )NOV. l8. 1871. 5

I PaMtTrtitdcnt: I herchy tender my rr.«l,*r..itloTi "t

theit*i. <** « C- ::.*c'»»r of the r»»rt of >*.-.-York, lo take

en\(t ti; i-, tv appointaient of my eaeeeaaor. Tonare»-r_r( I j* ¦'.¦¦!¦'¦ I lb* period I have held this Importanttru*t. and li cana* i lime held it. I have lieen Mtyet-tedmput*gutten, «.vii eh f.»r persistent misrepresentationand an*». Bl «.' tllidlillltinim. ha«, fortunately, tmt

fen i>«r.i"ii«'-s ¡n the LUtnry of ""ottttaa] strife. Tlirntiirh-

«.t this ; n «-.lint ti-yinc er.leal. 1 have heen «nstirned,bowifver, hi tbe be*, wtiwi.i of my own raellinda, and

by the ¿c1 Ibnt 'l¡ir''i»r my tmn I have i-nn-ii

nnlntair, pit «li». hu I still ri tain your confidence ui.-li-

mlolsti»»! bj th« viiii' mttOB of my neenw-r«. For Iho

nu,au» r i:i ni h th dntiM of the efPro hnve heen i»»*r-

fomnil, I U_ V« »»ure in i »fin lu», to the jodjl, mem of' ipcrior. ihc N-eretary of the TrcitMiry, und

loth«ifgnrea (f re,,,rd in the Tren»my I* pertinent,which »1 iw h,ii- the revcuno ha* heen rolWti I

r_d Vttl »bal lî.n.ii.irl.i J pi h enta,;»' of co-t.

H___ynut ..tia t.»... baa been called to thia retoui,1 tag >»«ii »ill :. :»H I»1 it« ('i'iiui)Ole.s.« as the .i-jx'i s.,i s

t_it u¡s u in- ar.. :inl full.! .is tiny bavc bees »ara Utan ni iribniuü»] »m t*4»n*clo-. Ibnt mycontinu,meeki tova will be the pretexl and iH-i-a-

_i.nfnr_-«...i't-. i.«'- ¡'.il'-d to li.jurc mu ami tin l; publican priü.i ,ii 11 'li» r han Incur.» toba bazard, 1 a; uldrtiiiiti :;.«'i »-«i-- :. i. :. bad it U en i «i : d, «a bl» h

ytMlinon II » ia '.

¦#"_« :i -i;.; i:,i I, I belloTed 1 conld rendel a aenrlcj« biaccept titi: iii. place. Non I believe 1 can render a m-i-

»k-etyr, l«-_ .'. :. ! 1 ¿.¡.lilli milrae the o|*"f*ortil-rlty. Ii, - .-.. .-.¦' la-Belnl r« lal i'ii« wltb tb< (lovi-m- IBtnt, u-i i 1'ircun.ttanrea, 1 may ..;-. pup.refer tot:.« -*rai : n-r leanlt of tbe recent cteeUon In tbia«BUte.-rla. I iveslbt ronti-ol of ita aJfalri _b»tnnt_illyin tb»-1._: li I ti..' ii- at part" í |»r »um u and ntaria ,

of »hull ». i at tbe ncknovledm*d bead, and f-rtl.,aaeeessif wl,:, h it ni 1 evi r i e my pu li and dnljtoln-bur. I nu, «:. ..r eil trltb bigb asp if, yt»nr .'».]. ii

MarmitaTi'««'its_Mt KiiiT.."\> ITU MlN-lnv. ^

V.'isifN |,,\, Ii. ('., \,,v. .«>. ijfll s

Bon Tv "i- Mi in*. ( 'ector ofthe Port ol Knr-Tork.DCáRHlH: *i «..I 1. ti. r of tie ICth jrist , t« inlerrni: > i.¡-

¦MtfDutl lofibeolBe» of «Collector of tbe Pottol n- -..

Tori '. -, tberefor, 1- reeelred. It jifia ni«

Kirat,'. ija_T t.'.'.ir t» «tiiiir.i,«-1«> th»- rfBdrncjr,bon-Mjr, :.:. 1 ¡t» al «ti it ti trhtrh «ron lnve .dmtnlat«*red th»-

oui ..«. i-i '.¦ i..- n« i' Iib« been lr.(rn«t. d to v>itr ki i :,_.

Tout ,-n'i; j-i.iti ,-f mind no Aonbt will l«eenbanec-dhy1c-i\ ni_- tbe t',"c nf cn'ie, tor. h-it I t'r ii'») wbetber sii*-ha r,«!t v. :ll In :n y «nn«"*'.'. n hen-fit t * "».. pnbll» «f-r

ii«e I'n-ler four ndtuintatrnflon tbe rureniiea from t.'.c

Ki-*- York «r_rto_r-**l »use hare been laur-rrlj* Inerei -'<!.Hint th.liol eolb-etl n i'i |*r«»i.I I« tbeamonnl»Ollected has ben .-»«. n'y «lil li::«\a .__«. 'rir*- ¡s shuvii bjtbe n «iii.« oí ilii Tri «ii ni ) Liiparinient. Yon have hadmy uii»|ii ii ¡I« I. oni lene« ever «ince \ u entered Heolllce o: II» t r. V- ii had Mint o:.* I« m before, or

tho a).|" «¦ ti .. -it would i.i't bare i>» ti tinhti el yon.Tliitt eoiill'h-nce 1« »trll uiitliaki n, and in «-»»oci>!,; <_ i ar

i,sl"nrt:,i | ,». »ii- to t-'iic i-.-i-.i the fnlll »1 a-«nr. li« e if

lb « fa, f. V I :m r von r» m .in ,.) »>r OUI of oil.

will. aria a Jiiat **mbHe of -.,.¦». «ntira lunnem niUtecbi.t -i-« bra'ii|,lit :,.¦»t .von, A\ití¡ ki al i- -;..«', '

JOUI O'- I t I « *. I'. .-. »rl.ASi

K«W mi' i.r-i' v \TK»:« t- !:i.» nvi i».

The n» w«-..I tin« ri'Miifiiatiou of Coliieior]Murptiv iTi-i'-al inn-h «i-: ;«:,«, MLniirliniit Mi ( .t; 'i-t, knowntbitl Mnrphj v.,.,:

be fn- t. ^iiu;-if'i a M; >rt tun-, if u :i« Walbo-lleie-l " 1" i* Ililli.» It «.lilli ><-t. ir'.'ii.'

HiM .--, .t. i ¡... : .¡ti. r v. ...v bim rr.-fllt foidmln: t «I du ma, I nt a',. I« '.'.< \« ii that ¡t v. ¡ia anotbeitrim:.,1 f| |ir-»| j. .lie ,). '¦.«'. o\. r po'itie-.l iilTIll»-

li.»n, .; 1 it lu uila-xaof Hi T..-if.... Kin,«, -. '..t... i

bi Un. ti ii ti.i ,: t.nii II«,a.-« mist |»uff. r l«i ml«da-eda.

i*ii"-. ... Ci]..., t a Mun '¦'. '¦¦ ;xi>

l»st I«. .1 that he |int«'u«led »nljr u«»iui-ial..i 1 ;i

qu:»h t la-«-tor-hip ol Hi' I'««: t 1 «I ti««- -a':.- ! i¡"

l«*..rr.i and thal 1rs »nc«-e»«*or \ia-t«» bold oflle«t!:r«i:.' .' 1 .. bl -i». .n-1 m-i- to I«« r bl« »lii-tat«-».

anil Ibu» ii *' him IM-inthy) to rontinnr lil« l _.-._¦«« I

rp!«» . - tb« eonvenl ne«* of 1b* m»r«'i-11« ol tulariiy. Ci-n. Arthur waa known tob« an int'innt» friendnf r, i:,, * i Morphj*, and en* wbowai alwajr« iuii'edtohi»<(. a«al- T:,t id nf . radi«-«ni rbanire In tin« ad-nuuistr.iUou ni the »ntd tbe dntiea at tbla port,titi re h-s beea aitoplj .» i «»nnual cbanne of .-(lii.-liohiers,for Aitlnir is ( -«cji.-a ti lo e«.;»- the annie .ay«ti m that

pniailid Um] h « pn :lcc»-sv«r, and Wa frieni.« asserl

that in. ( ti L" i«i, ...ail1« au tin «uipii'j,. -.

Collei t. r Mutph"* i* r(]i:t»d M be »i-heinn.)- f.»i a

place iu th« i r*-*an_wd city Oo*n mm« nt. Ilavlmfailed to ««eui« up «ition ou t lit- Cuininlaaiim ol tbe De-prartnn tit ot Virlis, he 1« now ii ire-imllme for a pi«, e onUie Police ('«. i'..ii.i«sl«-:i. M'tll-inforiD» «1 politician» «le-t-lare that tv li aai :. ¦ ni t., obtain tin in-.lion -which

Henry «sniit j ha- aa S »pt-hly Hied, lo order that lue

t_«ta»ui lloiu-e ]« -rt>mil control every i-nneh «of Oov»ennui nt m ih> i.ty. Prior to tin tranaadeakin of Mm

phg ia »'<>..lilian lo Wnablmrton he ill-nns-id an a-th-

rii-nt vi» :«.! ei lo make ro«>ru for oin- John J O'ltri.-n,MtonalMj li Privai* «etrttary, bnt reallva bani|»»r-oii,.all»«» ft.'} »lUl. WaU» tuuiuvti'si-with ibt Inn.l j.olni-tian«.

tuf. new roi.i.KiTon.tU i. « 11 -:«-r A. Arthur la a lawyer »loinp l»i«))n »« at

Ko H Sa_» nw»t., and roaMing al No. IM lae\lngt'))i-ave.He i» a n in1»» r a,f the Kepublican Htale ('(-ntral Com

mitte, and m t«i' for L:« teal in the Cii>lta_ HouaaU)Ur«-*t. Ha ana (.«inisel foi the Mit.riOM Tax (Vitu-

Diiaiioi. ii,»t1tu(e(l ly Tammany, and. in the Ihiuv.i.hv. of

a di»K»-te»l cititen, H -Toin Murphy jndt-r another¦jam» II» -riii« waited upon ni lu» re»i'h iu(. lnat

even.i._. m »x ( »»Hi-« for Miirjihy ami a number of hi«

.waoa-iH-i s allot iilmn» tindticd their eon-xriitulatmii-.Hen Air.,i, «talc» tiut be ha« not 1-eeu ofScialliV iu-larmect ,.| his api-'iiatu.» n' and ¿lid not lum that heh*. «»¡-tri apjMi.uted until latt last jiTiatal H* **** m»t

know »Ijii. he »III euler upa.n the duties of hi« »»flli« or

.be pn-limn «nea iiee«»«ary thereto. It ia «»enerally

.appoaei tli:«t Murphy will he lil» heaviest fiond»inHn.Ittotx-h-i» d that th»-trm«fei of the ofne«? v,ill take

m*aet trttore Ixeenl-ei 1. James Terwllilirer, who baa.*entlie taalM of tin faritocn-HoiiBe tinder Murphy» st.,:«.! ¡ant (-.venitiir that ¦»hett-r Mr.Murpby reu,am-.1 lu the Cuhtom Hou*£ pt not, he (Ter¦*>{h«eriiuuuil.d to lea*, e li on January 1.Tan u.ercaiitile cou.uiui.ity are dl«api»olnted at Hie up

fOtaUiteut of a politn 1.1U, particularly one who i» a la-.iJ*« aud (Iw-ji uut uuja-rstaiid thodiitie«of b1« office »lillitaMk lo ipmiity Lim for li_ir proptu perfoiinan«^-.*STIII4T!i;N in WHICH THE NKW COI.LF.« TOR IS1 pttmp IS wAsutsortts.

¡BV TkT.:«l«APH TO THK ftUWH I, N",'V. 20..The aiinoun("(«nii*nt,Uii» evetnii-; tB_t ( ij||e,«_»r Murphy had re«1iTiir-d i auntd»« «urpriiae tan ; hut the a«, eompanylnir one that Cure-M9 A. Arthur had htetj apt '»Inted to HU Ina plnce.«Ouuded everyhudy not lu the cou '-«lince ot the ('u»t(>i_-loaair Kin,,. -.><,.. b<üUt Hná iDtiUií_,^n» that have beentrott, tiiut it, nmf tbro-iu out, ami fri.',n ,h'' 1m'x thlit...rpliy and hi» clique have tn-atn »upi-orto«.' frrn .*.¦¦-e.ttep-ibli.-arj party of the whole country .a.'"' unani.*«*>/dcrnaiidluK tbelr overthrow, it bad lxen,^"'l,..e,meed that Mr. Murphy would uot re»«4»rii unie.«« be «..''. "wllllBfly, and that If any rbanite -or« made, Mr. Murajb.'..dhla fneud« -»vould IndicaU« a «uecenaor who ivouldhmgaye Um- Custom Houae accurdinir U, Hie Maraby«*i*n. Jt wa» theiefore rather too much to hopa, » hil»-ttapioa»>i»_i luUueuciD tonlrol N« w York »p-ja.'lntments,lb«»llbwirrriJort.ini pfllc» «ttould lie filled by aman ulm«foald command the confidence of the f-ieal Ixidy <n lUewTork men li n.ti..t^K-lCY'ir Mt, Al lltiu'. r4*__(»i'rM't' mu* b« at Ujkrt,

that which hp liiara among prominent Republicans hereIk far from enviable. Tun fact that lio held the iin|_«rt-¡int ami lucrative position of Attorney to the New-YorkTax Coiiiinlsfciou, l»y appointment of Tammany Hall, anillu accordance Valtli a bargain by which it is said thatth it Coiuuiiasiou waa i-oUl out to tim Democrats, li re-ineinlierod. Nor Is it forgotten that ho «ll.l not re-ilgiiHutt position until after Murphj's confirmation, anilwhen the Kin,., which i.a«l eeia«d the offices In New-York,found moro prout m runulng the Custom-House than InI'm!"8 ou l"*e cruiuu*> which fell from tho Tammany

It It alto asserted thnt Clrn. Arthur hat never ills-tniruiahi .1 hliutelf, except nsthe atti anil counselor ofHu bhoildv Contractor, and hi» confidential a« .«'lale»tul attorney lu mutters relating to lh" ('<-Ile«"tihftTiimitiany Heal Eclate and other spéculât lent. Whatwaa waiittttl wa« a chan««» in the ndniinlHtration of theNew-York Custom House. Tin., nobody here tOOUt to«-.p.el under Arthur.

ll.RNERAL TKESH lllKPATCII.lRtatement of amount of customs ciillected at ¡the port

of New-York for the pcrlnsl* designated, and paymentson account of expenses of collecting the same: Forthe period at 15 mouths, from April 1. IHM,to Jiuie 30, 1S7U.amount ci.lh'cteil, |15 .701,-MS bli; exi-cuse of collection, M.fiTJ.. M ; percent¬age of collection, lit. plus. From Aiiim. i, lsTii,to October 31, lit.1.Ainouiil «oil» led, |l_*,lit_,<.__ ''I; et-

pense ol tollt'eliott, $.',',_ii,i_j ; pt mittat'- oí toliecuon,IM plas.COLLECTOR MIKIUVS MALAPMINIi-TRA-

TION.rii.nnv. ( riTOM-noi sr ornrvm«.Aft m-

rt'iiTin's stotîy.a moKOUCn ur.KNTI.Y NEEDED.

Inatuuorc of the frauda perpetrated hy Cot*li i. officials, auder Um nanni;, nu ni ni CollectorMurphy, multiply every day. The leading Importers ofthe eily me ultnost in their statement thatnever la fore la their experience has Mich a general Sys¬tem of fraud and maladministration prevailed In thecustoms department. It beeta* when a vessel lln-t MT-rives hi the harbor und ceases only when the poods arowitlalrnwii frota th. la>ml<'<l-warehouse hy them«ti liant.The pii ntt »t l»«s»es «tenir after the good, have poseedfully into the liaiui« of the authorities.The inert haiitlise is weighed or gausred, as tho case, marbe, on tin- pier, the Importer ¡s charged with the amountsn» ret urne. 1. and a copy of the eelurns is given to the ownerof lb«-goods. In I'lne. Mitlif Of the eases wheeo liijulilsare coiiciriud the Importer discovers by the time he getspossession of hi«, property that tho wastages have in-creased iioni 1 to 3, i, and even lOgallons. Bitch ¡m-tanccsl.a« e o. cn, red when the asks wire perfectly tight andno los» ruuM have resulted from ltakape. .limy mt r-

Ininti» j.«unit tlu-lr good» to remain In bond from fightinl ten months to a year, and should tlu-v complain,alter they tara removed thom from llio witiehuu»., olilefli titkfj In menswn .on v. Inch, too, they paid ilulu «..

ti.ey ure to'.«I tlut M long a time hat elapsed stace thegitaail- vii ut into bond that It has become Impossible.uIt'll throngli whose linn.Is the inereh.iiiilise passed, a con -'.¡Henee, the merchant h.m not only !.. sutler tin-loss of his property and pay dunes on what he has m ri r

re. tired, bul is without ni re st«, and unable to obtainniij drawback. Tin se defldenek_ have often rantedfrom S to it. percent In nicru»nniuont. The following i»

tbe statement of Mr. Hrbolts, of the nnu of Clarke «..

Bebnlts, Importes i of -iles, w.nes, eendtan nts, Se."The system <>f corruption ami robbery prevailing .u».iiiiii-UiiiiM',1 iheial.-. ia carin d to mu li lyi c\-Ultu, lint it baa bl collie a i|iie»tii>n willi luiiiiy importtr» whether we mtghi not better hive ivor anorta broughtinto Mime other port. We ha .a bren elctnnisedtosuehnu exb ni Ihat we ure um] -tiled Hi. toomcul wo |. urn ofti ,ii lit il .ai a vessel with mu goods on board, t<> ».-ml a

man to («Mik alter tit in. ami watch them until tin j .ne

miner loch und hoy in Ihe bonded warehouse. ThisiMiiiiei.ain « ... mule» an cintre wi eh, but v..- bav e found.expensive us II ,.» it i» laurh eeaimnilrsl tonip v Ihts man al high wages, thai, t>. soffer the io»», »

wiuch are sai« to ensue where t u.- Roods are left to theti« .. lu lull» cue ol lill v. i.«l. Iii» Illi "is. Yet, with allHie care <¦ « in ex«-reis»-, and taking the extra pi. eau«tion of .I. h 'iniling i. person to follow atol walch the gi -.ulai'i irauaii and on the pier, we hare not bm n abb lo stopibk-vimr. lu on«- case where nur watcher lift thej. .-i only 2i minutes lu lo apprise usof tie" an.val of the Custom-House carman,he di»«-ovi red on his retain that t«o rasksum a i»-in>:. and nu pi i -mi could rive un InformationIn regard to them, yel during the entire time (he) worelu In.ol the taaiTi rumeui otllel ils.

'.I vm). mu > "ii li.» l>.ii I.« nair- of one case out of in mri-iunlni oi t-s. We bail culialgued ty ii», in tho iu..|:'h ofiii loiter, by the ship Bivi» n. fromfRott-Tdam, M eases of¡i.| mn. li i» eu.»;, mary, in such Instances, for theI li»!.nu Hull»«- Hi' r» I.« »eli t a single p.l'kaio- out olIn« l««t, ..¡. I...ii.. .' _ ni to i o liiii.« Blore 1.1 examina-lion su iii lo a»i Nain th it Ihe raids are nt repreia uti «Iindi .i,'.,,; es. i»., i., i...».on tin- oftteer seh-ctcd a

l',i, kag» in p. i '-i eil} ''«.d ord« r, and s. ul it to Un Publie»i i,. Winn ii wat i. a. i.d to ii», and to cover np allililli iencl. s that mltrl.t iipi««ar, wc found It marked nccived In laid order ;' -li bi'iiiies were missing, and Huirplace. Ollitl up with wood »bavlugs. We wrote t<>

-.«u ni j Uouiwell <>n lite i t of November, div¬ina him a detailed statement of nil th. par¬ticulars, and ad.liii,. we considered ourselvesentitled to a drawback for the sntoiml ol dulbi1 al .a goods which we were mrt In poaaesíioii of.A :. 'v d its afterward, in riiswi r lo our li th r, a ( '~t«.u.

Hani official called I» se« us,ace»n«r*inicd bytheeaiinn;, who arti» d the bimmIs lothe v sr Loinae, Tin i.iiti r\. .I'll till llllllialll ir lil lill} 1 .ill' II' .Hull In 'In .lo-

.-:i -on of tin- goods, bul no Informal ion(..ul.! he obtained, and wi lum beard nu more on the

ibji t from thal daj lo this. A raak <>f Kin which win»

i, ', -'.t .! ti,«- same i imsel n us robla of eight pailón.»,iii " .m li we paid a duty of Al per gallon.

.. X1 :- thii Lu i» r-* has in come a ten serious annto u_ The .a.-t ol the gin,freight( and xpenses auiunntst'. .l'ont 10 cents pt gallon laid down ut theNi-tv Voii: dock, anti the duly is $j, so }oumi thai it vti.l tint retpili-e many gallons toi., -to't ii in oider t" render it a vi ry unprofllnblc euler-prise for ne. The particular* id Ihe latent fraud br n blebwe liuvt sudcred it ver« ly are us follows The M.ip ( ur¬

ti lai» tit ¡nu. 11, from London, l-rongbl over.comiirnedtom 10 cases at sanee. Instead of ordering one ul Iheaat - lut. the J'iibüt >ton a» i»- ciu-'oiiiary, the officers,

in order to vent tbi ir i-pleen on u- because of com|italnlswe had minie of th-ir conduct from tine to time, or-d' rod the whole in eases to '>. overhanled and exaioin-d.Iii -e ia<i s were In the luosl pellcct condition poaaible.j'i tia v werereturned to m artcrtbey had bren nwritedpas-ad,' branded,'in bud ordci ;' Step this way, Sir, and

examine tbem." Trie »port« racrompntdcdMr. Bebulta t.»tin store room, and vtas shown a number of case* In per¬fectly sound i.ndltiou, bearing a I the original shippingm,iri.s, anal giving no evin nu- of repair. Mr. Bcbnluth« n eonllnii. «I, " One ease been ojK'ticd, and Insteadof 6 «losen bolties we found only IJ doaen. Welmmodi-ateJ} upon inaMng th«- discovery wrote a letter to < ollec-tor Murphy, narrating tim particulars, and refusingto p. u any more casas est« pi in the present e or a f*nstoui-Hottee official; and I asanre yon, olr, we shad keepour woi«l If they remain here for ten years. The Collec¬tor has not yet favored us willi a reply. The twoin-

stances I have mentioned to you un- not Isolated omanor exceptions, lean state, on tin-contrary, that afterw< maiki af-ir allowance for shrinkage when goods re¬main any length of Hinein boud, we Invariably lind, inthe cabe of liquors, thut fion. 5 to .0 percent has been foalwhile in Gorernmcnt charge; at mud we hnre found liso duriug the posl 1ft months. I am willing at any limetoniake aflldiivit to the stat« inents I have glv« li you,aud have not the leai-t obj» ctlon to having my name ap¬pear hi print u_ the uuthoilt. for tin m."Another linporUr, who withholds his name for the

présent, but states hi« v\llllngnesn to substantiate hisStatemOOt by aflidavlt when DM__MUy calls for it, say»" I has) -_ü olí t «if Koods shlpaed mo, which wete tah» n

In charife by the Cimtoms oltuials. After (hey hud beensurrendered to me on puy meut of the duties. I disco«, ereilthat six casen were mis-lug. I made frequent upplitu-t'ou ..t the rust,,ni House foi .Iraa Inicia», but Up to thepresent time have been unable lo obtain any satisfiic-tory resaU. It has Um oine a serious question with un¬win tlier ti la ¡.ol desirable thal I .hot-id remove to Boa-ton, und obtain my merchandise through that port. WithSS years' ex|«eriene<- lu business. I cannot recall anistate of Custom«, matters tust approximate« at all to thison i-ciit i.lidiUou of niisiiiuuakciin nt and on uplnni. Ilived ;t0 yeal» in England, had extensive business eon-

neetlous there, and feel bound to say that their «oudtietof Custom affairs is far sujierlor to our own at its best.'Die (¿,ucn'«, i.ou iiiineiii holds its oflliiai« rosppiislbiefor K""d* *'»Ile In their posiasslon. ami ally misappro¬priation on the part of (.istoms officers 1» visited by theseverest penalties of tbe law. We must have rooonstnic-Uon In this depai tmeut lu our city, or serious results toour commerce and ehipuii. pre Inevitable."


from The bvXJakt Ktprms.It is expected tbat the election will be speed¬

ily followed by the ntiremeut of Mr. Murphy from theNi w York Custom House, either by resignation or io-

moral, to the end that tbe greatest stumbling-block Inour ranks shall be removed. Hjmiliar action must siso liehud in the Ilúdalo District, where an equally offensive,objectionable and unfit person still retains power. Whatmotive the A<¡uii»>a.nt_mii lias for keepinic these aien inoffice, .gainst the koon wish and protester a very lauraami influential portion tit the Rep-bllCU party, at- are ata loss to understand. Henator Oonkltng Isrhargod wltbthe resiKinslbllity of Míese appointments, and it Isgout-rally toi-eib-d that he has the ear of theJJre»i«-*ut and bas been lutriudtd with the dispensing ofnatron,.«- In Kew-York. If Mr, Conkllng seeks to ad¬vance the welfare of the República* putty, and promotebu reutra to the i mud «lates donate, h. will be apt to

find that he la not using the most available w'eans to *c-

«ompllsh these results. Ho ought to be rein.9»led bypassing events that this Is not a good rear for Ri.'gs. or

sbosldy und bor».-joh Wey ilovtiruniout official* '^_f heomi of iclui ai «uni huuesty is now pradouiluaiit, an,.'

tin *«'who uegle» t to heed the ligna of the tlmei may

fliid li'*1 *"** ,luve tiaiiipertfttl too long with the patienceor the ja "»to-

win 1'0n'.t murphy follow ma partnkk okTDK RINO.

item Tin Vilia Otmtrur.

.lie reuiuvu.- O' "uul UuipltW i»Xiiniim»<lJ4Ä t r^h uemtimUi m^9*m*u

"after election. Klr.-tion hu» renM and «.-on«hut the «hoddy thief n-ui.uii« in iiudiMurb»po»«e«il(.n of the fitt(,.»t j.|.tee lu the Oovernment'« iriff. Ttir. Nnv-YoRK TRiniNi'. «rrowl» «ullenlvrita Upringtltld ErpuNican hurU« oecacKinaliv, muKndicaU of aver-im honei-ty cupri t.» their diainiatnow and then, but Murphy, ti,,, redera] fart-rite,"«ticks" mid felicitate» himself on e»e »pltif the fateWilloh hi« betaUen hi« partner m the males!«!,« hii»lli<»«.William M.l weed I mil 1\.. Miirpnv i» «.-.»ii." ti withapolla, he will not reliase hld erin on tin. Neil« YolkCui-toin-House. *

titt wat of TtrroTîM..

en. TlACmrtnanH (lñn-{,n..lLot tin« m_t auti-corriijitiou camiaiiiirn,

ivhia h hart hee.u beRUn «o inaffnldoontll in New York, herushed with fen or and determination, not only tlieie,»nt In every pnrt of the country. Certain eourl» andindra ihero have, rendered them «el vee Infamouathroughout the vvorld, ami baie lua.lo Hie uaiuo of lu«li.-.*, ao far a« they concerned, a l.yword.n repr.-'achlind n farce. In eru»hli,-t the Tamnmiiy Kin«.' tbe» liai.«crushed the most formlthililo ininti of modern time».After Hil« it »raaf to t..-liev.- in the destruction of anyBing aj-alnal which Hie pcojile ran he aroused. I-et Hiepeople Of erny eltv ami Ritte follow the exiiinple ofNew aork, and lieit-in a rchi.tli»« and deteruiuud waragtuiiat every form of ollUlul corruption.

MUIiPllY'8 VIiTOKY.Um» I'ht Ittroit tyf, I'm*.

Tom MnrohT.thc shoddy nnd (-.killel. Collectorof ciiMtomaiaf NewYork-the man Horne* (iroelev baaairaiii and »ti-u. deiiouutvd a« a plunderer and «windier.i« in all bia *tlory. Ho Hay» the result of the New-Yorkelection in hi« victory. Hotten and corrupt a« ho i«known to be, thl» victory of In« party ho claim« will putau end to al! hope« of reiiioviu»' lilui from hi« oil!» .*. oila» count of hi.« dlabonoalj uud hi« wt-irtbleaaaeaa t<» holdh»« position. Tbe ticket nominated and elected ii tooHtale wa* compiled of the creature« of tua will, and hnhas a right to t Inila tin n suit as b)« i ictorv. Th.- lTcni-dent regards It In light, and la umbi «tooti,Hive no further heed to propoMtloiis for Murphy'« re¬moval from Matt.WHAT MURPHY'S HF«OI OTIONS LEFT I'NSAJP.

frutn l At Itlroa I'vikThe- Itopnlilican faction quarrels in New»

Yotk do nut wit-in to il.nilnish. The Murphy l'epiihlu¡anahave met and renolv.d, linpllrdlv, at least, that Hu re»Mat victory la Now-York m 'lui- to Mr. Tom Murphy,vilio 1« thereby thaulied for his services to the Bepub-licaii party. The retolutiona donot explain In re/_»rd toMurphy'« real estate «ix-cuLitioii«, in paitanabip withTweed and Sweeny. Murphy «ml euiiliuuua lo hold Iii»poritiou In the On-toiu Honsi liinutrh larne uuiui.» r« niRepublican Intimitl.« have utilised Ms removal, and non«,u« we recollect, have ii« li 1, led hint.

MPItrilY SHori.n HAVI* P.1-T.N KICKl-I) OCT.TIM charnel, aL-niiiKt Murphy are, verv >ne-

rltlc and, ii* he hold bis appointment /mm l'r» -titrentGrant, in. y abntUd i»e prompt!- lnTe«Ucated, ami if truobe «lu».lid be ku ked ut of the ofBec without eerenwny.The position I« one of Impoi tance, in m hh«h the tempta¬tion« mut I'Piinrlupitioe for «Palin.-; an-v(-rv iTct, undth» Admlumtration would ia__r Jual]« if italiowadathief to iciii.tiu in It, ci-peti.illy a tin» f of lit«. Twt-cd.tripe. _




Lni'iiOS, Monday, Nov. IO, lf-71.

John Gribble, «.crctary of tin* Total Alisti-n» nu su.,; ti of lirithan, publicii* aVccuaea Um Que» notIntoxication. The eli.n_ eaaaea a freut uproar, und Umtotal nntliorititi hnve already cou.niein.t-d legal prieic» «Uni;.« aminat Mr. Oribble.A large Badieal meelina, wbicb was attended bj a,r«r«D

laeoph-, mus held in th» City of Brletol l nat » reninf. tsir

(hull« W. Dilke addreaaed the aaaeniblagc. Then w.i«

much uproar and flxbtinji during tbe pro*rri-M ot tbemeetliiir. and the band ara« pt» i> tiled phiilng tbe autbi m " Dod »av» tbe Qa» n."A report come« from Liverpool, thl» morning, <«f i» ter-

rlhle disaster In the Hi rs( v. Tin» »lltpa ran Intoeaeb other wltb «neb rlolenrc tbat botb Ulled and raakalmost Instantly. A- far a« I« al preaenl ktioan allbanda are loaf. The nameaoftbe Teaacli have no1 yeti»»-. n aaeertained.The Standard's report of the fiiçpcnslon of negotia»

tiona between England and France f/.r the nwdlllcattoaof the Tieuti i» fully conllrin. d.Two Important Wltoeaae« for the prosecution In the

ease of Kelly, ni»oni to be tried la Dublin f»«r ali-« bai-gaii»,Bpiatolataa ofltoer, bare db-apnea**»*-, and mi elm» tanlie ff und io ii.»...- arl_._i00ntf.The remain« of tbe late Col. famteraon of the T IWrbatn

Rotel, will be aenl to Ami rlea f»»t Intel meut. Ti.« m< »u

nt ibe botel bare appointed ti Pommlttee toarcompanjthe rcin:iiiis en the s-l» ¡inn r to .'.'« « -Yoi k.

«Sir Tbomaa Dakin, line i-oni Mcyor. ha» accepted tbetender of a complimentary dinner, and the 23d Inet. baaheen appointed ;;« the day for Um barnine!.


Al.Mil» M lill 1MI'K»»VI1» M I.Al'a.N.«.Panta, Mundar, Nov..«, i-7i

It i> cxiiccti (1 Ih.'it lu Inif tlic em! ni Jiiiui ii i.

i-:j. hrniKt will bate ten arno rorpa, tomphnl. ni ran

i/ed und tully «npplied willi improred arma, poated at

the gi. at military (-(liter« ot the touniry.Tbe l'omit de I hamiord, chief of the elder brun» h of

the t.oiif». in n latter ju«t puhllslied. cetitrailli 1 - th"

reporttbal in-intend« io anrrendei bia bereditiir; rightto the throne of France.The editor of the journal Vere iHttkeeni baa heen c..«-rt-

marti.ile«l uud sentinceil to inipn-oiiuieiil nilU «bald la»«bar for Ufe. MM. V<eraeaah nnd Vuii..mino have been

sentenced to d» alh tor contumacy.


PiBL» AN DKl'ITII--.IHK LABOR MOVEMENT.Millill», Monday. Nov. 20, lsTl.

The defcafet in tlio Cortil (Itirin.*? tin* pot!week,tbelr atMxpeeted rcMiit, and lae reatt-natloa ofth( m wlv-fonne.l M'lil-try, lause gTMM npltation In thiu

city ¡nul In the Proiinc. n.

The It» publicfin Ih-piitl» » lo the C.'rtes hnvo Unana a

circular ndvl«ii.K their mpportera tliroutrhout th, nun-

try to keep (lulet, and udvt.atiiiK the inuinteuaiiu« of

public order.In the mean time the labor trouble» ronttnno. The

bakers and dyer« in Valencia ohstliiatcly muliit.nn their

itrikc, and make «nell thre.ita ping di inou-tratloiis that

ii «Tulon iimnali ha*« bee« «cut to the «nrrtaon.A -«t.aiii transport will sall from Cadll on the Mth

mu. with free- troop« nnd «npplies lor luhu.«a>


BCfeUW, Monday. Nov. 20, »«m.

Tin- Rckhltag liaH winetinni (I tint rxti-nsiniiof the .North U« rmmi law, makiug military »orvnt tom-

pulcori in iitti.ilia.


C4ia«TaNTiN<Ji'LK, Monday, Nov. ao, Mil.

There are great i-oniplaiiitn of the ili_orirani-zatit.ii in the puhlto Department«. The Bultan'» order«,

requiring economy In the administration of puhllc af¬

fair«, are misinterpreted, and not «utl»faetorlly c.irrio.1

out. flaniiouy does not prevail lu the Cabiuvtaud a

ci isis i« looked for.

ßWIT/KItLANP-(it-.N-i a, Monday. Nov. ao, lfffl

The orifcin of the recent conflagration in thi«

city is to Ive made the subject of a strict lnveetlnatlon.

HnsplclonlsdlrtjeUdagaiiiat the agenta of the Interna¬

tional Soticty. ^mm_mmm_m..,....i


1'AtlPIO TRAINS SNOW-BOUND.Omaha Nov. 20.-Tho sleet and anow-itonn

wblcb comment«»*- here on Friday noa« eontlnued

nntll Bunday mornln/, and «atended over tim

whole country front tbe Booby Mo_üoina to the

Missouri River. Kverythlnn la eorertm wiU a .-.__>

ing of iveavy ice, cauelug the dotrnfall of tbe telegrapbUara. The Union r__Ü tr»«__» W9 anow-bound at dif¬

ferent poluta between Onsabn and Cheyenne, the expreaa

train, due bore on Saturday afternoon, arrtrinir about

midnight on Bandnr. Tbe atom u reported to be aUU

more severe ia i»otitbei- and Western Oolwado.

TELEGRAPHIC F0TT8.... .Enoe CoUina. probably th« ______\_\_____^__\_\

Um, Ytoilmm ut U» »ti Dim.««.. *ni jtalrrd.t i» H.tKu, B0 ».

... The m>ort tbat Charlee _»O^ ^Jg^jdta» atHHianal «h»*» »t TU* Trop Prmt fit . >«_.*». ¦ .*** *'.0*., "'*''

gjii/a,. -¦ i u»tt*titl. »___, /Nt%jnov«'n»«"t ia in pro-freaa id ß^»___M__f ' »'J

säiStMgaiiP1-**3 _ T, St l_Rr*e________e*SFrttrii.ri (tr ¦"»¦**»; **_ *îifct___J_ M «M .li...- o.É9ll.,Ut>, mm»\t t» »%n'UBBWnWi*M mmm



Tin: busy pti^iicul intrigad of the pwd fort-nlitht have st length culminated in impon ant citanos in

the Clfy Government. awl otln-m are autlrlpated a. a

coiuaequenec In a few days.Controller Hu hard Ii. t'onuollv has been compelled to

resign his office, and the su-t-caaiuii had bet n dictated byMr. Tilden, Mr. Ilavemeytr, tho Koform Hemocrats.

and, It li M___t_-_ by ii late prominent Republican Fed-

eral «'ITlccr, uoterious for his connectionwith Tammauy. The nomination of Mr.

Atulrew li. (, en |_a» mado a condition precedentto Mr. Connolly"! resignation, and the letter of tho Cou-troller was not plsccd In the Mayor's hands until hehad reluctantly signed Mr. Green's appointment.What other ronsldcrstlous wero employed to InduroMayor Hull to consent to au appointment which It Iswill known Is particularly repulsive to him ore notknown. Ile Is reported |to bo willing, If not Indeed anx¬

ious, to make, in u;l eases -hei. molflntlOM arc of.-redhim, suth appointments m trill " hold over" after ti.o.Li ure meets, undrimly to concede that the Ke-fnnu party have the right to go to tho Legislature InJanuary wilh the ( ity | UOVl ruaient lu their bauds. Hutthe appointment of Mr. (»reen was ¿icrsonitlly obnoxiousto him und lo Mr. Tweed, though both were eager to getrid of " .--lipiieri Dick " at any price.

It Is generally uinlt«.____ that < oiinoll.v'a ri'ii ¡nationwas forved from him only by u promise that ho shoultlnot be prosecuted for lils fliure lu the Ad Int. i lui HoardOf Audit r. He has turned Stale's «v idence, anda nolle proieqiii Is euteied lu lils ca.o as a patt of theInn «Min. Ile Vi 111 Ut allowed to escupo with lil-. Im¬

mense plunder, although the proofs ugulti.t him aro un¬

questionably as char as thoao against Tweed, but con¬

cealed from p«.l!cy hen toforn, mid now In order Hint the

Reform Damocrata may net poaaeaaloa of Hie city dor*eminent. Tin re are rumors allou. ul.o that evidenceexi.-t-, ami has been for somo time past in thebauds of the proper persons,of Iho negotiation abroad byConnolly gad kioum of several mlllious of city bond,whla-h do not appeal In the Kal of city inJchlcdiics«, nndwhich are wholly unauthorized uud unprovided for.Tim p'O' < eds of themi bonds har. beeu Invested uhroad,us the report sa) s, uud Connolly li Io loll shortly forEurope to enjoy iheiu. These ure Inore st liona t burgesthan any yet iiunle iicaiust the Controller, but they ure

lu nany in. utbs,anti ¡t Is sa'. I le au . ¦. iii lutedas the barges against Tweed.The icpnrt proTallt that Connolly will h ave for Europe

In u 1, or iwo, mid that ni my others ol the King willtako light uliuultuncou ly. J-iiuc» M. RwontlJ (PotCt B.BW< euy's brollier-iu-<:iw, and Hugh t-iinlh also ro-

ported to be contemplating b voyage to Europe, ¡, in¬

dee 1, they have no1 already g.iuc ihcie, chance of airioi t..c bi in Hi if Hu li- health being daoim d d. .ir..bie.

Till "I KP i.vr. O»HitE.-rosDENI I..

Th» negotl.itluna thus -..« t«j- inllueucd me given totin« general pub!.' iiiih. followingeorreapouileuee. Thelir-l letter if th-..ii.- .- «ontroll. r Cuunollj toMr. ila'.cini yet Ni \\-Y.>ni*,Oi r. ". Di tit unt- It «.-¦". to cn tut Hie time has

firi-Heil wh<n my r, L'tiiti n i f the ellice of Controllermay be »d sei m .. '.- ii.« publie, if it eau be the means »Is. curing th. Blip« ni nu ut of a -ii. cei-«.a.r of known mt. g-nt.\ and of eminent for the position. The»ipp "i.itnuit of Mr. tireen, which wni made hy v nor ,nl-\ i. ". bul been it ci¡It ed w11 ii gem rsl na I.Mai Imu and Bp-pioval. and bil admlntstrallnn of the trust rummltti »1 toBli »hurí;»' has roiumeiid« d him lo uiuver-..l rotrftrienee.

It--lying on your friendly couti«el-, win. li ha\i nov¬el iiil my action I the lime I Ii: »I mulgul your ,ul\ U e,and recognizing you aa on« r.-.u .sentlng in an eminentdegree tiie rlewsof the great body of tsar rlUsena, i is«have to place lu your limul» my provisional roalgnatlon.tai talki« eli« i l, on the saunt laing fled« aiuiultiiiiei.u-l>vt ¡iii the appointment of a »na. eaani « horn .n shall sp.prove. CuiiMciou- of ninnv shortcomings In the dt__hai geof mr onerous ami rariua duties, i drura that my euur e

ii r'«ai .i«.ply nil ituigtbe Intereen "t ihe puMia.', .;£.y Yu«Mich us al! inn I rilli ii< nu;, approve.

Ve!*! le |iei If,.III >, III a, lill Ililli» il. Cli.NMtiM Ï.The linn. Win. F. il.ueiiieycr.With this naareceived, by Mr. Baremeyer, Um follow¬

ing clin lal r> .-:gii.tii"ii for trausmlttal lu Mayne Hail, on

the eoadiUMM luaik lu the lel*..r ].imt- d above.NhW-YuKK, (»c1. J. 1-11.

Tie TTon. A. OtKirv H vi i, Ifii'tir:in a- -it: li.." Ith resign the ttfllce "f Controller

ol th« lit; ol tiru .ml.. .elis res,., tfullv.Li- ii Mil« I',, inwoi LI

h ti. li ..i ;iu i itj oi .a, ,t Vi.'k.

.Ir Haven,ey. replied to Mr. Conuollj in the to.low-

Ing I'-tli INi « Yann, ci 1.1.1-*:.

MT I'l All *__ ! 1 have |. c «ve.I Vi.Ills ni l.itl.i. and,outside«fyoul dalielingallusbiui i» myself, It I. .iu»t.«ila h a leite: ii- I \( ett-il to H celte fioin v.m tis MIMI(is 111«' tilla»' shlUllil lill .Vi Whell toll ( lilli COllsi-t'llll Vt .«-ii It. 1 will io. pt your le-i.'iiuti. ti ou the conditions¿nil liuliic, Ulul M .,! Ii I patt Witll It I.lilli it -I .ill I»«eli! o

the appointment of Innrer H. titeen row «necesaor.Youl», truly, vv. _.'. iinciiKiiL

To Ii. II. Connoll.t, c.-.pMayer Hall it- r»totid to have ri-luot.iiitly compiled

willi tbe i upo_:«l, anti tto a ri.ult the follow¬ing Win- sent to Mr. (.i-n-u at noon, yeatefdflj ;

Matoo. Omi A, How-Youl Hot. is. i .i.A vacancy existing al this date in tbe ontce >»f Con! roi-

h r..» th»' t itv of New-York, by the voluntary resignationof Richard H. Conn..Ilv,mo., who was hitherto appa uteilni«« i hat Olli, o (iiid win« ii r-sii.ii.iti in is duly bled):now, In purauani « of and i>> vi, tin- of the authority con»firrcd in seetlonlinf chapter50tof the iw» nf ian,amending seetlou M al Ihe law. ni laHaj I hereby til midvac met. ami do appoint, lor the full tenu, aa Couilollei-of Hw City «if Neu York, Andren IL Oro« iLcat|.

A. 0AKK1 H vu., Mayor of the City ofKew-Tork.Armed v-lib thi.» document, Mr. cr. cn went b.-fote

.Tudgi Brady, und wai admin.»teni the oath of otu,.. Inthe ¡-uprenii O mt.

The reroluil.n waa complete before it wa» known tothe habitues .f political centers lu t neighborhood ofthe City Hail. It waae«peeted that si loon us he en-tered tne Controller'sOdfee,and osaomed his paoltkm,Mr. (»leen would atisiint u deputy, but this he did m4do. The i.e i it ral opinion ia that Mr. .-«ton.-, the deputyof Mr. ( oi.II.-, w i.l lu .-iii-' it.-.I ¡ii hil old po-l*lon. Inihe afternoon when Hie rhaagelmd become pretty gen-«rally known tiobticlaiis of a moro reputable stripe Omathe Mdiuaiy lunn-.« rs at the departments vii-uid tim( ont roller and Mayor Hall. The tatt« r rentlemaa wa,

toi an hour or so In consultation with .ecordt. H.u ken.

THK BPPSCT ON TVTF.V.n.At ¡he Peparttnent of Public Works Hie chnnije was

coinuicnted upon us being very m__Torah_l for Mr.

Tweeii, uud an cpuraiuiiintic laborer who had Mat__-Mwilli puticuc« ami attention to the dissertation, of a

group of argon- stolon la Mr. Toeed'i ¡.titi -room,

safely eipreosed hlaopfole« that Mr ( wns tmng

to became an lattavurt t«> the prejudice of Mr.Tweed.a»»-, or. In the mini's vernacular, " 1 tell re, he'll tV|uesl,aud the Boss 'II go to li- li." Mr. Tweed film-nlf mamanmuch depre.-sen >< "'t-rdav, aud although hi attendedthe meeting of th.« Hoard of Apportionment, he did no1seem as nonchalant as usual, nor were his salutations»aw ii with Hi»-air ni a mauwhowus glad to nee thosewhom he gre« fed. lit-- noils were less giran,and Ids smiles were l«-»s of the self-congratulatory orderi linn they were two w«ieks sgo. Hu rt-nigualion. whichis »aid lo be written aud ready for presentatlou t.. theMum i, w is not spoken of yest« nlay. I»nf It was bistedthat Mr. Coiniolly'a retlr-ment would hasU«n it.

THF. OTIIF.H VACANCIF.H IT.F1LI.KI».Several other vHeaueie-a exiat in the City

Ooveromeht, a*l more resignations are expected In a

short Ume. The appointment of Mr. Ktebbins and Mr

George Jones of The Times to the vacanciei In the Com¬

mission of rubllc Parks has been urged upon MayorHall, and a great pressure brought to bear upen him for

the aopolntnient of the former. It was understood thatbe bad Anally yielded to this, and bad done violence to

bl« feelings, and Invited Mr. Olebblna to takeMr Bweeoy'spl-c«. It being understood that Judge Hil¬ton' Tom Aelis, and Mr. Oreen, would rote tor theMayor's nominee for the Preabteney. Fields's resigns-Soo, as well as tbst of HUtoo. wss then f» be at

the Mayor's service. WtUlnni T. Blodgett was

also mentioned si likely to receive the nomlnati.>_to Judge Hilton's iHaee. A ehatfge li enttelpoted m th.«

Dook Deportment, lor which v-a__aoy u t_.__urnt Ri-iMil_IU__a AM besn naiiied. but It is uot kjjowu If hs will

accent There have laven rumors that Mr. Acton and' Mr Kennedy would be invited to plaees on the KulleeÇaintutsaloii, but on Inquiry of the Mayor it was aecer-

talned oositlvely that when the vamu.lts oceur thoyv^laolbe offered to those ecutlemen. It was sssertedat PoMoe neadtpmrters that It waa arrauigad nearly io

dara ago, ot the ttme Connelly'. nflgnattnu waa acwMdnnoo. that Thomas Murphy was ii rcalgu th.- (Jolt-eior-shlu aud rua It by prosy, while lie assumed open and

direct control of tne Police Department In place of a

prcseut rommisslouer, whoa« rasiguatlod ass premised.JA*. W. OEKARTl D_M,1-IM____)

The vacancy In tbe Board of Ed nest Inn. »o which

Mayor Hall appointed Mr. Janies W. Ot rarrt, ttm de-

«lined by that gentleman In the following letterNRtv-Yoaa.Kor. w, n.J.

re<*i/7«m A Oakov Ham.m» basa Hu i *W ebltfod to you for Um w_»d_H_,. .of

of appointing me to the rvositlon of one of the Commis¬sioners nf itiblle Kilucation of this city, »ntl regret thatI cannot accept It. When I gave up tho -Moettea of thelas two years ago I determined not to ««sume the dutiesof any porp ion which would exact from me at all «casonaof Hu» vear, or at particular dni s or hours.

I have heen corniceted With the puhlle »(hool« f«»r Hyiiir», a« inspector of the Fifteenth and Ei«ht»'»nthWard«, which to me is a very asretsable po-lthm, and "tit-(hat does not exact from mo anv particular dutlea alPnrtleuNlr times. I can vl»1t (beni when I plot.e. end Ibaie become ai Ut bed to the schools of the»e ward», andI believe they are attached to nie, and I do not want to«ever the connection. Icould not give the time n.-a-essaryto tin-anluoiiM tluti-s ,,f a l'ainiin<««luuer. not tii»-r«-l> »nthe mielinesof the Hoard, but lu tho exacting dut ae« ofthe vuilou« commit U'f* which tho ma-iiitude of the.»vsteuiot publliiediicsfiouroqulrea«. I am absent fromthe city from arl)'Sprint* up to late in the Fall, amilcould not amaumn a position who»-«- dutlea I wuk not pre-pored to i«-rform at all seasons ¡indar all days und hour«.I shall continue with urcat pteusitre to perform myduties a« lusiiector. ami I will use my endeavors for limfuture, aa I have done for ya-m« past, to elevato ti.o lu»telle« lual and moral «tauibtrd of the children of thewnrkiuK « luara-s of New York. I am. with re»pect, vour«,verytruly, |_Wff,<j___»

Jl'POE mi.TON ANXinrS TO BK _F.LIF.VKI>.Judia-ai Hilton also «cut a letter to Mayor Hall, yester¬

day, of which the follonlni; li a coji-y :I)Ei-An«*_r.NT or PcstM Tarks, Nov. 30, 1671-

The Bon. OkXBX Hall, Mayor, de:Mt Dkaii Bu. : Tcrnilt me to call your attention to the.

fact that you have not appolutcd my a_et-eaear, und that,consequently, my resignation l« held in at»ei ance. Withall resect 1 munt now insist up,,«. ining at once re¬lieved of tbe labora and re«ponalblUtlea of my positionin tbia I)( purtuieiit, While i Ccnnulssioiier Inrhai-jn of Its wo.les, I am constantly called upon todirect it« uiT.tlrs, and Ibu I am un willing to »Jo after luv-1n_-, ns I have repeatedly Inform» d you, fully deter-turned to vacate my oltlco. Verytiuly, IIknhy Uilioi«.

HU. 6WEENÏ- FORMAL urnuuciKT.Teter I!. Sweeny retired from Department of Fi.b-

lle Parks on ."aturd^y, without formality or ceremony ofany kind, «imply stat mik "Hint ho was going and wouldnot return," and also Intimating that as his resignationtook cfi'ct ou Monday, ho would not meet with thoHoard of Apportionment on that day. The Dep-trtmontIs now i irtuallv worked hy t.eorgo _. M. Van Hort. « <»

Is Its, and who has lieeu eoimected mtli HCentral 1'aik aud Department ol Park« for Maa) yunta.

TWEED'S CONVICTION' IMPOS.S1BLE.It lias boon »«tilted in political circle.-) that

Charles O'Conor has expressed regret that there Is a obstacle In the path which will retard the iiro-te/n-tlou of Tweed and probably conduce to his escape fromthe i'unlshment he now so Ju»tly ment« from tin- out¬raged majeety of tbo law.

RINO STOCK 0FERATIOK8.Anothi-r of Tammany's «ehernes tame to tem-

por.iry gruf, yesterday, lil 1Î For acoiiiul« rabiotime past the member« of the Taniinimy and Erle Steffihave l»een Identified with stock (>perati»»ns In the Hann!«bul aud St. «foeepft I_ilroad. They now control theil.rci turn of the Ho.'ul, but the:r »'onnectinn with It do-«not uf-li-t in clei atinar it In pul'lto estimation. Upon thoHiiiiniiiiccinent of tho suspension of the Kin_ savingsi..mías theie Mas an immediate deellne lu the prict or tin««to» k from di to I'.'J, and there was a very iu,»-a«> f,*elineerith regard t" it, uo rloareerlnu operator or «n% _-t.»r «i«--hir n,g tu touch it.

It waa iiiie-it-il that tho Bowling Oreen Saving« Itinkbad eltner loaned or invest« »i a brae amount of moneyon fid.« »to, k,,uni that i,l.» n the director» attempt» It«i» alite tit» n; was no mii>| ort to lim mai ¡¿et, :iud it fell offRjj pera nt. Vi ry lillie other cxcitcuicut was cn.iUd Inwall -t by tin aanouneemenl »»f the «uspeaaloa of thePain!,«, us nil aeemed t»» regard the crisis m their ni!.hisa« the natural reatül of *nla*n>neft**n**nt awl ennui ellonwilli min ol cul rcpulatioli.

INO-ESOLL NOT VET »IRHl STI I).Iti.:cis'ill, "jrhoM am -t was rqiected lint

v.-. u, wa« reported to have been In the fit) -t. id.iyafternoon, but the report «rai ni.t.i» ruled. The order ofarreat ta bia ei_e expired jreetefday, and waa retanedte Judge, who is ned It, bv Deputy Stori*!Judaon Jarvis. Pot the list three weeks Mr. Infi-rantl'afriend« hioi btiasted that whenever bin husma -.« n*Quiredhis presence In ihe city he would com»- here and transactIt, and thal his hnnd "was ready, if the Sheriff aiti-Modhui). It la now thourhl tiiut sir. iBRaraoll, If arréete«!,(«lilt! ..ot obtain a million of dollars bail, aud thin know!»edie lu« K, pt hi in a fugitive fi »nu lust ki*, horcrlng »boutlilt home, but not darin-* to visit it while a wau n.i lorlu,« mu si wa« in Hu« Ml'trirl's hands.



Ihï TKtaBnRAPI TO THE Till DI NUIColumbia, Nov. ..<> «so inti-mew trith

Ti if. TniiiiNt corn ipoodi-iit,yeat«<-rday,*Oov.h-vtl tedthai ha had reaaon to fear thal there has been a fr.ii.du-leiit issue of a .'nn-iila-r.iblo amount of r-otuli Carolina(-.atulamade hy the Mate Treaanrer, ttoeugh the laooeial ag'.-nt lu New-York. Thi.«, ho aald, may harein«, n dono by re». Hing bouda that have beenconverted lito Kew Oonveraloo tonde. In -a-iof canceling Hiern. Ii any of the seven per cent ln-mu,isiiieil m Ipm.9 foi the relief of tho Treasury, are «till Inthe mnrket, he ha hove« they are fiauoul. nt, a» he baa*dw_ned new bonis for their cut«version. The »..iiiii» 1«true, be -aid, of |7«0,1)01) of Land C'ot)imi««ioii bond«, ,iluiof $.*>'.<«_) of bond« Issued In October. IsaM, to pay utero.«ton the public debt, which not properly priut»-d. it:.Ishould luve u-pUiccd with now i,,,a«l- slyiicil h.ihim for the purpose.The «tate Trca«nrer and the financial agent, Mr.

K.mptou, » bo aro now hot«.-, sty tho Governor 1«-inMtnformed, und that thoy aix* nblo to prove that thor«baa been no such fraudulent reissue an be suspects. Tho'Treasurer, to-day, made a statement of tho wh >'..

amount of ihe debt of tho Man«, which bo otters to

verify by snbmlt ting hi« books t«i th»* examination of anyre-apousiole pci-sous, Thi« exposition shows that ailolll.lal statements heretofore made have beeu Intention¬

ally erroneous, and mad»* w.-], a tlcw to deceive thepuolio. Tlio entire debt of tho 9iate, not to»clinlliie lluliilitlos on necouut of lndoraeuieuts ofrul!roa»l bonds, is |15,'«a«Wl90H 9% ot which |A,4(W.o«)«| If i«old »li-bt, and $'J,1*"..000 new debt. Of tia«- sum, tri.TT'i.»«»)aro new bond«, which have been lu i»ithe<»iia).l hy Mr

Kimptonto obtain a temporary loan of about tWin.-OOi. lint,aa there is no prospect that the 61 ato wlU he able to ledeem

tliem, they aro properly included in the gross amountof the debt. The whole (mount of now bonds andstock printed hy the Ban!« Xofe Ompnny Is fM,51",(»O0, olwhich $3,560,00.) is Btaie registered stock. The llnan.ln!condltlou of tho State ia eonfeasedly bad. Thetrun»ury li e:jpty, and It U doubtful It fund»can he obtained to pay the January lut«.i«--(on the f-tato dibt. A ftill statement of thoi hatractasr of the debt, net the 00 that has been nis»lt* ofthe bonds printed. Ima U'l-n prepared, .iii.I will app>- u iua few duo s. It will show that tho manaitement of -southCarolina ft nant->t Un« boen very bad, and that the moneyrained lu New-York has been chu fly on ,-Uoi t loan», atrulnoui rate« of Interest aud high ee____ion, for the

lutjment of wbl»;h bonds have beeu pledgeil a«« col«laterals.



Chicago, Nov. ao..The «Jraud «fury closetltheir labort toility. They indorae and eoinmoud tin* ae

lion of Mayor Mason, lu ealllit»; to hi« aid the service» ofGen. Sheridan, and consider that the thanks of the eotu-

'muuity ure due (ien. Sheridan fur the efficient aid r> ti¬

derod by bim to the l'l-gul.ti' poluo fore-, in the eun-r-

gem) v.uaeal by the Ula- Ure.¦ata


_The ateani tionr-inl! 1 of Meaars. .Smith Hi other«,al Katark I'alit, 1M., »a buratd in» Th_»Jtj. Lo« »3i.O»J, io to-

Maaaa....Fonr raembera of ,i ging of it» burghi«. »r-

l_ltd ti Sprtntrl«« «Hilo «aiaat «ra-4» «tj.,, tit« «ark .'.««-o ». ni it«! IoIt« tihi" lit|.ritaniiortt._Tiieerewof the aehooner fSoW Hnut»*r have

tmrrd iu »iwfii Na»».!, "»'tri« Th« «<s««l wa» dill. itkon »lltrIk« log mut» Alfrad b» «al k«i tAUX

....The MethodiMt Kpitvopal church at C.reatB«»d, Pa us ««» t.rrriM »u ¦»_»» tranliif. tee tit it «an|,|>r»aaa-! t. 1 tr.

t,"u ri»_»l bri- riplnalot-, ut ii* iii meier l.<»a». #i:i "0e, u »itr-

l»a-«. #i.00a... A more thorou<_ie*£_niiiiation of the cliarreti

rnnal», rbai'l aatla-r Thi Cm«!» T»il>»iiv biuUln»- *n «atitiU» .«ti«-

w. tkr fricDd. ot loba »cDetltl, lU blllurd p»t» Hxi »b-j »i» uaiUm ma-kt «f lint fr_u.

... .Chapman 8. Richer, ( baruri«- with the aeduri iou»t k1» .i«_r-l»«l«w, llirr J. _*ha__a»', «I »V«« Ckaliintonl. M «.. .«4fir. A. U. B»ll«nl »f Until, a« at (,-fci.u( H ooot.úoo lotabdrt.a. halt baXu«__.....Frank Burna, a track-man on the New-York

('«Mill «lllio., wi»»B« at- ob »«.di»,.tai t*a*_*_| kill»'. Mlrli»»!H«rrr. «¦ haunt «rtifc Bat»-« ii»i « _i«l rai. ka« .*» al kit I»,» t>l»k.»«.4 toort«r« M»M a»«»»«» Wa»«"«

A ae vere cale Waa exr-erienced on tho Northernflcili-roiit on li»* l>k tatt. IV K«»a«i..i Joh» L Strpkrti» oa_T"»1»»a.-i_1 l«ri»f «Ttsr-rtaral. »l-l Ibt fuit.- Mat« .lra_«r SbulariaJk »u

«Iii««« Mi»»ft ._ »««11; »mujei, «I A*k>rl,_On*o-....Aeolliaiou *M0Í_l***i on ftnnday on the Ohio

tu'i Mi^a-Jppa l_ih'.»»l «'.( («a»»««1. ml bri»'»» I»« (rri|lil Iraiua.

B»i«r»tririf»Btal«la« M«» »i_T w»r« «.»-rk«-al Tkr «.»I» |.i»aja_ »»-

. .ni; lija««! «N «. »ttnmot. ak» ba_ «» ti_ botte».


THE I.MPRTKTORY KDITOR OK "a t.KKAT M.WS»PAITR"' MffOn THE ORANI) it uy.We published on Saturday au nfticul report

of the examination of Mr. Or orge Jonas kO-_Mt__BOra niJury, respecting the complicity of Mayor Hall In Uu-Tammany frauds, of v. hlch Mr. Jones w.m understood losay that he knew no more than athel mun alive, with theexceptions I».rhap. of Boss Tw< ed and i'apf. Matthew J.O'Rourkc. Mr. Jones, our MOdom will ni t have faded laobserve, Irnew nothing st all ; and the p.lnful «.uspi« louwa« aroused that Mr. Jones and Iii«, newapoper, The Ti,,., *.

had all along been hitting blindly in the .!ark. tht Time*aMiired us ytstcrd.-y that.dillina the examination a r«

poterin the pay of Maror Hall was ronce tied In UmOrand Jury room,.eil her under the unie, or up the

rhimney.oriii some other ronveni.'iit place,.taking oatt s

for The Thiuune. With great trout!»'aril ex ian«- wohavo secured this enterprising person, and aie now

enabled tbrongb his means to present a much fuller amimore accurate account of the great Jo;ic»-ll,ill-oilv« r

Inquest than eau be found lu the oflicial trims« rlpt of theet ldence. Mr. Jones entered the room wit h a Ann, qua k

stop, and an air of profound mystery. Folding bl«, armsand lookiug at the Jury from uuder bia eye-brows, he

was heard to mutter something about "Tunmr.inv Tool»."and to addrrsa the Iii;strict- Attorney a» a "r.uuP rilloia."at which several of the Jurymen vl_.bly -book, and Jual,.'-(iarvm reached for a heavy mahogany rub r. Mr. Join »

however restrained himself, anil tranquil!'/ Icing r«

stored, the examination went on a» follows :

Q Mr. Jones, von ure Hu principal HOpriOtOf I helier«of The heir-York Duli, T,mi*tA. No, Mir-, I am hu individual.t_. Have you not an interest in the paper!A. Tin Te u ii'lilf. ia ne tut w-is-ii mensa p-T«nn, and nu»

as a Times rroprb tor, and I refino to give you .mi laformation Moot Um Interior working, of cither of me.

t.. Have you Mod the editorials lu JA. iim«r. .f thepall two or three months!A. I «le« line to answer that question, on the ground

that It might disgrace me.l^. You are aware I suppose that voiir r il" r hi*

j charged Mayor Hill with theft, lio you know whetherthat charge Is truelA, That Isa professional secret. [Here Mr. Jones winked

at the foreman.)Q. But, Mr. Jones, we want Information ni«on which to

bus« an Indictment. You profess to haveevl.lcuc«.. Will¿ou not give it to Us fA. You have The Times, and If that Is not good ruouiJi

evid'iice for you, you must all be T.Uuuiutiy tim.».[rilMiken with some "».x, it« Wo don't undervalue The Hines ; but you know tl...f

Is not legal proof. %A. li you will not believe The Time», you would uot be¬

lieve though one n_« fi »ni the dead.ti. Well, then, v. uo ia the chief editor and propri« tin .t

The Tunes tA. I Wh» n von «aid in vour paper that Hall was a Hu« f,

did « ,.ii know that to lu.« the ui_lA. No.(¿. VV by flld you sav If then IA. I wild it, as a newspaper; and I refuse to r«li as

George Jones what 1 «lid wheu I wa» not George Joues,but a m-w »paper ahstr.i« 'ion.

I), (an vou help us lu any way to fasten this gelamni...n Malll

A. I eau but I won't.i- WhvlA. Iii«e:itise If would lM«nnprof,'s«i«.n..l.i' 1).. you In leve thal Hall Is ii tl.l« f 1A. I don kim v.- whether he is or Do you believe ¿ our own articles in Ila' Tinut to t-o

true IA. That 1« a professional secret.i). Ho you know uiiv more about the«e fruid» than at,

the rest of the worbi I '

v. No, I don't. [Hera Mr. Jones extremelyviolent, and seised an ink-stand with Hu- app in it lal« li¬

ll.m of throwing It at one of the iiirviiieii, Mr. lanar J.Oliver. A pail "f water being Mond over him, be grewtolmer ! but kia onswon 'o the subséquent qui »tionaw» re «ollie** hat tncoh n-tit.)ti When you said that Hall waa a swindler, «lid you

»p. at; from positive knowledge 1A. There is a différent, between me as O« urge Ji.nes

und me as the lim's.t¿. vii II, then. < id von. -tnoitlHvrn* rj,f Tltneat.V. I can't bil you anything about the lute-lor wcrkin .'.

of Ti' Vims.y. lud you as George .TonestA. I t au't tfll y..u auj thing uiiout the uti. ,or woikiniis

of l.eorge Jones.«._. Whvla. Ilimlaht disgrace, me, .

li. lan jrO_ refer mo to ant body wli» ibOskmin aay«thing IA. No' In our nilli c.

ti. 1 did n't suppose y.ui could \j» roaroame; bat oatni a

A. Yon «ee flier., t« B A-*..--* ...... .... ,.... ... (:,, .,,

U- »ra, you need no1 mind thal anymore. Whn h ure\ .a.iw, 1 Ibis niome'it IA. I am The Plaira now.(.(. Well, «lid The limes I. 11 Me ftufh When if «¡ud thal

ii had i«r«Mif of Hall's theft-t IA. <»ll. It-lit lill toll anything »boilt Tie linn-. I

um onlv Oeyrge Jones.t). ll'ul Oeorgo Joncg, then, tell the truth 1A. I can't tell you anything abour bim. I am not

i,.yu ne Jones ; I inn The Times. You tem thors le a «¿If-i eme beta .-eu me as Qeorga Jones and-[llera Mr. Jon« s, sitting on theedm of a table, omi II

liisirat int hi» argomeut hy forcible demon Irai t»nti ii ii.-aai, r i. i i.i hi ud upon thean u ulm i

k-fl, in-, ame so profoundly philueuptile thal tie r «ri« rlost the Hill ad .>! ti:e iliscourse. He had bet ti apt alaboiif ten niiiiuic». wh« h aarorol jaryauu Interroi l¦r.m, uni propos« u to «end for the other ed i-; r». tin Mr. J"i.. s'a iciiiaiKii.g thai tia v v.ara ..., nlike lum, till» siig..« rtiou was hu t ti |, » _,.,, jw um s* wa-- then dismissed, In the he waa givMi "ii'.sf denuiiaxcrid ,agiimsi ilu.l," and If tba jury faced i« nul ulm bil"ii,. ¿ gi io all Taiiiiuaiiy litpilbil, an ."|

THE ii:.--IIMU-NY j_G.-I_-.-_T II AU..u.i.i -iir.vTiuN* ov the i.<»o.-k wai op inm hu

Rl'6IKK_d HI Till. OiSi'iiiail, ta'» lil I»

WHAT Mi:. « .1(1(1LN HAD Til lu» Willi Till.rxriisiuK or tiii: Pii.u i»--in:, uatok»KIN* -WARRANT.. Willi»,; T lau.KIN«, ,uihi:m.

Tin« tertfino.a-3 befara tin- Gi.uni Jwj in thacase of Mayor Hail, ii portion of wicnw. have pit-llshetl as Uni .dating the ignoialu of oi:e of flu priuciliai witnesses, and the one who ha* mad, the gi.m»tcharge» anani st the accused, umtali.» abai lutety anlblugnew to ihe public. Hut Hie report d10 .trott, lo a rerjsignificant way the loóse munn"ruf BeadniMaa hu-.m »

:u the City 0«)v«rnu««iit, und the exttaeb obi« h ,i..f.given below suggest the luce-sity i I ¡i :, im m th.stiiuuri st language. The witn»¦- es «-. i wert An

drew H. i.lien, who knew nothing at iias own pani ti

kuowledg» «>f facts Implicating Ho] or Hall ; A. B, < .,.1*who r v cabd some of the lui .«tin nth s of the Çttnti-olb-r't I'epartuit nt ; Henry W. p..u!<li,ig, of Un- t .io

mlltec of -seventy, ulm »w, it- t.. iioMiiiig positiv« ¡ WinS. Cop« lund, who rev» ab'd Senator («'Kfien'n conn, i.,,i,

wl«b tim of copies oMb«' hooka; Hann I

Tyrrell, n carpenter, who estimated the .'«nut Huiim-

work ; Mr. Win. P. Have meyer, formerly Mayor, win

told how hu.ine»s was furn.« ily toiulucliil iie«k» his ...I

mlnistriitlon, and »liowiut. a irrcat cuilnni katanatbos" day* of hom-st ponduct and tb< present «if fi.uu!Hictard A. .torrs, of the __0-__rr_ OOaO. who Mdbow O'llrlen's agents had seeiu.'d the figure»» illus'iatiu'tin-frauds; Henri 0. Stebbins, formerly __._______.__«of feutrai Park, who Km-w notbiug i.Im.iiI the tomphili.iexcept Its general nature : Jackson rt. -i«huJi_, 0. W. Til-

don, Thoa. A. Ledwith, lotta H. Misteraon, Jam. s

U'Hrlen, who knew liothinic t-xceot what he »aw pulellshedluthe newspu|iers: Arthur T. J. Rice, a pay in,:

'teller of the Broadway Hank; A I.. Brown, Mr Hal. » palMr. who told aouieiliiuK about bia pitus ity and wa ultlaE'tvvai'd Hull Robert H. ruinier, .i .l.trr «>f the Tenth

National Bank; William A. U«aitb, t'liaiiuiuii of Hut

fommlttceof Citlfeus; C'liarl«. W. Lawrence, and Kd-

wsrd \\. Baxter. An .< uibd is a portion of the «>1

dence :A LOO-K VV AT Or POI_«i BISIVKsS.

A. 8. Caaly, Clerk of Arrears iu tut County Bt_.«aii ofthe Auditor's Olive, sworn :

ii. Will you stute to the (»rand Jury \« Uot you call th.itlist of it«his (paiter shown] ; do you call thai an account IA. An account or bill against the t-wnty.<¿ Whose bill is It I A. This la a bill of Keyser A ('.>.

for furnishing chandeliers, brackets ami fixtures, etc:the first date is October w, li-S ; the last December *>«

IM» ; tbe amount of the bill l» tes,m l8.<_ Will zou «Ute. aft er tbe bill ti presented at the Con¬

troller. Offict- by Um claimant, what is Un fini Uimgthing that is done with it I A. It comes into the bund-«of the Auditor, who examines the bllLO. What Is It tbe daly of the Auditor to do f A- T» ex¬

amine the 1411 In all parMoulars.extensions, footing««,el«.O. You taeaa by Utat he examinea all the items of the

bill I A. Ailtho items on tha bid. ... ,,.

O. Now, after he has examined the items of the billasstuaiug that be finds it all-right, wh «t is lbs next Hil. «.

the Auilitor does I A. He ap|_nvsa It, putting th« sUiuj.oa the fat* of the bill ami writ--, hi* nome across Umoerti-eatiom , _,.q, What la that stomp that he puta on It I A. It Is an

appt-ral, in aul_i____, of the UUÍ and duectln« Us pay-

"tiJost glw it to us as It roads I?A. ''City of New>Yorh"D.*5_ti__nt of I&naee. __\Ík____*____¿_fourni rnjgToU,-' than signed, " Jomes ataoo. Auditor ofthe county Bureau." , _. _._^, ._ -

Q. What next Is done I A Z*o warrant la drawio.3 N«jw 8ir who-ilf-ws Un»» warrant! A. Tbey ure

ui-dkLyí"j**Auditot __,^__!_t________QlftJm Éiookteepcr draws It. under whose direction_4-__dSygnnfflf M-feouoa of the Auditor.O. No« tbe Coatmllerl A. No, Bli*.O Til« bUl bavtiig been audited, this certificate put

uñón It. and tie warrant flllod op for Um amount thal ittovu up. what is the next Ula« that la dan« wikhUal