vn education insights

Education. Insights.

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Post on 10-Jan-2017




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Education. Insights.

Page 2: VN Education insights

What are Education Clients Trying to Achieve?

How do customers hear about their business for the first time?

Word of mouth, TV, social, search, blogs, etc.

AwarenessDo they have competition and what factors help consumers choose?

Online research, in-store browsing, expert blogs, YouTube demo videos, etc.


Where does sales happen?

Online, offline, phone, lead gen?



Do they leverage loyalty programs or social for advocate programs?

Email, social, CRMs, programs, clubs, etc.

Think with Google Education Path to Purchase

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1 in 4 education researches use online sources exclusively.

The learner’s journey - Education trends in the eyes of the web

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Nearly half(47%) of prospective students are using Smartphones to research where to get an education

1 in 4would prefer to research on a mobile device over a PC

Today, mobile is intrinsic to EDU decisions

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Looking Forward: Identify the Full Value of Mobile, From Discovery to Enrollment

Google & Nielsen Mobile Education Research

84% take further non-mobile action after researching Education on their smartphone

Q21 What are some actions that you have taken as a result of looking up information on your Smartphone?

Do a mobile search for “bachelor’s degree”

Click on your mobile search ad

Watch your sample lecture video on YouTube on their PC

Visit your mobile Facebook page

Apply on their PC

Do another mobile search and click-to-call your school

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1 in 3 Prospective Students Use Video to Research Schools

Campus tours/overview Student testimonials/reviews

#1 choice

#2 choice

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Today consumer is easier to reach but they have become harder to influence





Active evaluation of what product or service to purchase

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Traditional 3-Step Mental Model of Marketing

Education fairsCareer counsellors

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The New Mental Model

Winning the Zero Money of Truth in Asia

Education fairsCareer counsellors

/ Search Engines/ Websites of schools / institutions / university/ Online portals specialises in education/ Social networking sites/ General knowledge portals/ Online blogs/ Online videos/ Friends/families/ Job fairs/ Education agents

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Course is Key Factor When Deciding to Study

TNS Education Path to Purchase 2013, Australia

Search is an important tool in the research process




Used search engines when researching their course

Used a search engine as a source of information

Used a search engine to reach sites

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300 Million Education Queries

in Vietnam

MBA courses


Google Internal

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Reflecting in Faster Growth in Education Searches

Vietnam: Year on Year Query Growth as of Dec 2014

Google Internal

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Seasonality Differs for Higher & Early Education

Google Internal