vlsi design verification

Formal Verification No testbench required Expected behavior property prove Using logic and mathematic algorithms (formal verification engines) to prove” that the property always holds w.r.t. circuit under test If property passes, a complete verification If property fails, generate a counter-example for debugging

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Post on 18-Aug-2015




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how to design and implement vlsi circuit


Formal VerificationNo testbench requiredExpected behavior property proveUsing logic and mathematic algorithms (formal verification engines) to prove that the property always holds wrt circuit under test!f property passes" a complete verification!f property fails" generate a counter#example for debuggingFor example$roving always (a % b & c)'imulation needs to enumerate all the possible combinations of a" b" and c(ut" consider circuit is )ust a set of logic relations of input signals!magine in a math test" given a set of logic relations and as*ed to prove (a % b & c)+ry to use logic and math reasoning (eg induction)'olving logic , temporal relations between circuit signals-. constraint satisfaction problemConstraint Satisfaction Problems/onstraints0ogic1 y 2 a 33 b45ux1y67819: 2 en; a67819: 1 b6 d)4?elational1 (x8 @@ 8) & x9 %2 =A fx & x > fxf > g2 (x > fx & x > fx) > (x > gx & x > gx)2 x > (fx > gx) & x > (fx > gx)f & g2 x > (fx & gx) & x > (fx & gx)Eperation1 perform on cofactors individuallyxf* )fxfx#KKKKKKKKK KK K&asic &(( perationsa* )f . a// ,b 00 c-f . ,a // b- 00 ,a // c-f . b 00 cE?c* )f . cb* )f . bE?c* ) * )bcbcf . a // ba* )bf . a // cc* )a!n short"8 f 2 a 33 (b HH c)= f 2 (a 33 b) HH (a 33 c) will result in same (DD independent of building orders+herefore" to build (DDs for a circuit-8 Erder circuit topologically from $!s to target gate= (uild (DDs from $!s to target+o prove combinational property by (DDs (uild (DDs for f*f+autology4 f is always 2 8 $roperty is always true* )fcounter#example'ounds too good to be true-.ny problem ;;&(( Complexit'!n general" the siFe of (DD nodes is still exponential to the siFe of input supportsUsually can only build (DDs for circuit with Linput 2 899 M =99+he problem;(DDs find all the counter#examples at once while we only need one-Consi+er1.(uilding (DDs one path at a time- Until find one path that evaluates f 2 9 NhatGs the difference from simulation;;abc(inary decision tree&ranc#2an+2&oun+ 3lgorit#m(ranch5a*ing decisions (9 or 8) on input variables O a" b" - PEne decision at a time4 evaluate f immediately(ound!f the decisions evaluate f to be 9 a counter#example is found (END)Etherwise" undo the last decision and ma*e the decision on its inverted value&ranc#2an+2&oun+ 3lgorit#m ,cont4+-abcafb c ---circuitf . *NhatGs the differencefrom simulation;;+Simulation vs. &ranc#2an+2&oun+5in#term vs cube (to generate 8 for 7#.ND)Q min#terms (simulation)999 M 888R cubes ((ranch#and#bound)9 # #89 S889888(ranch#and#bound/an bound with partial decisions99Simulation vs. &ranc#2an+2&oun+(inary decision tree'imulation(ranch#and#boundDo you still rememberwhy we tal* about(DDs"(ranch#and#bound"and all these ;;+hey are all techniquesto solveconstraint satisfaction problems.nd we need that to$?ETE a propertySolving Constraints "it# &ranc#2an+2&oun+!f solution exists5a*ing good decision can find the solution earlier!f no solutionNeed to traverse the entire decision treeFactors on &ranc#2an+2&oun+ Performance8 Decision order and valuesCood decisions find solution earlier= .ble to bound earlier.pply value on target f5a*e decision on internal nodes7 0earning (not covered in todayGs lecture)3ppl' value on target fafb c ---circuit 988 8 898 8U (ac*ward implicationsU 5ore implications produce conflict earlier bound earlier95a6e +ecision on internal no+es5a*ing decisions on internal nodes can lead to conflict earlierafb c ---circuit 95ore 3+vance+ Solving Tec#niques(DD$artitioning.pproximation(ranch#and#bound (.+$C" '.+)(/onflict) learning!nduction/onstraint modelingNord#level (arithmetic).bstraction , ?efinement'equential problems-/ombined engineCourse to fferV7 ('o/ Terification)!n general" the constraint#solving techniques can be applying to many other EE and non#EE problemsConstraint Solvers in 7(3 ToolsFront2en+5o+eling7ngines8UI HDL parser (Quick) Synthesis Flattening Problem formulation Constraint solers !ser "#$ Debugging utilitiesConstraint Solvers in 7(3 ToolsFront2en+5o+eling7ngines8UI5o+eling 5o+eling 5o+eling8UI 8UI 8UI,Formal- Verification 3pplications%TL 8(SII 8ate(esignImplementationP#'sicalImplementation %TL 8(SII 8ate(esignCreation(esign Flo"Bunctional'pecificationEquivalence /hec*ing$roperty /hec*ing7quivalence C#ec6ing ,7C-INPUTSCombinationalLogic


UTPUTS.. $3l"a'sequivalent$Colden circuit?evised circuit9#' +o "e nee+ equivalence c#ec6ing$Cate#level simulation is too slowEnce ?+0 simulation (speed EW) is done" no need to run gate level simulationNo need to repeat the verification effort spent in ?+0'ynthesis tool may have bugs5anual optmiFations (eg E/E)7C Problem (efinition'tarting from the same state in both circuits" input sequences Eutputs of golden and revised circuits are always the sameNhat about the register values (states);/omplexity;Commercial 7quivalence C#ec6ing ToolsBirst came out in early V9Gs(oost in late V9Gs/ompare any two circuits from ?+0 to layout'ynthesiFable subset4 not for behavior level!ncorporate formal verification techniquesEften can finish million#gate (eg ?+0#to#gate) comparison in a few hours!mpossible and incomplete by simulationNote1 simulation cannot prove EX.dopted in mainstream design flow now9#at 5a6es 7quivalence C#ec6ing Practical$.ssuming combinational equivalence /ompare1 outputs" registersTalid for most of the optimiFations8oto 7C fig7quivalence C#ec6ingINPUTSCombinationalLogic


UTPUTS.. $3l"a'sequivalent$Colden circuit?evised circuit%78s%78s%78s.. $3l"a'sequivalent$9#at 5a6es 7quivalence C#ec6ing Practical$.ssuming combinational equivalence /ompare1 outputs" registersTalid for most of the optimiFations!nternal equivalence ('tructure similarity)Divide and conquerUse simulation to identify internal EX candidates8oto 7C figInternal 7quivalence..$$!s..$Internal 7quivalence..$New $!s9#at 5a6es 7quivalence C#ec6ing Practical$.ssuming combinational equivalence /ompare1 outputs" registersTalid for most of the optimiFations!nternal equivalence ('tructure similarity)Divide and conquerUse simulation to identify internal EX candidates.dvance in logic reasoning techniques.utomatic +est $attern Ceneration (.+$C) , (oolean 'atisfiability ('.+)(inary Decision Diagram ((DD)Incisive Conformal 7quivalence C#ec6erEriginal1 Terplex /onformal 0E/4 now /adenceUsage model8 ?ead design , library5ixed language= .dd constraints (optional)Eg 'can enable7 'et renaming rules (optional)Cate level may have different naming conventions from ?+0R Blatten the circuitsEutput 2 functions of inputsA /ompare< ?eport and debugIncisive Conformal 7C in NTU77Not available now (no one used it before)/!/ )ust passed application Nill install in 0ab =78Yopefully can be available this wee*Nill have some students to test and write a report (for 'o/ Design Everview class)Formal Verification 3pplications%TL 8(SII 8ate(esignImplementationP#'sicalImplementation %TL 8(SII 8ate(esignCreation(esign Flo"Bunctional'pecificationEquivalence /hec*ing$roperty /hec*ing9#at is Propert' C#ec6ing$Do ! correctly implement my spec;'pec (English) $roperties (Bormal,+emporal functions).ssert always (a % b)?equest eventually .c*nowledge?equest .c*nowledge in (7" 8=) cyclesb:ectives of Propert' C#ec6ing+o find as many bugs as possible899Z verification; Do ! write enough properties; (Borget itJJ)Nhich one is golden; 'pec; Nhat if there is a bug in spec;(Nho *nows). difficult#to#prove assertion is a good assertion; (NEJJ)Nrite properties to facilitate bug huntingPropert' C#ec6ing vs. 7quivalence C#ec6ingBlow$roperty chec*ing Equivalence chec*ing+ry ideas from equivalence chec*ing-/ombinational reduction; (No" most properties are sequential)!nternal equivalence;(No Equivalence to what;)!n reality" property chec*ing is much more difficult than equivalence chec*ing-9#at 5a6es Propert' C#ec6ing Practical$(Bact) $roperty1 formal specification of design intent?easonably local5ore than V9Z of properties are assertions5ost simple properties can be exhaustively proven" or some bugs can be found.dvance in .+$C,'.+" (DDRememberWhere am I going to find time to write assertions?I dont even have time to write comments!""" #one$ant design engineerIn realit%&esigners are too bus% and la'% to learn new assertion languages and write assertions!""" (erple$ mar)et validationPre2+efine+ C#ec6s'ome properties can be automatically identified and extracted during the synthesis process(us contention[ propagationB'5 chec*s?ange overflow?ace conditionDesigners donGt need to learn how to write assertions /lose to push#button solutionConclusion?eview design verification practices and problems'imulation is still the main stream.ssertion#(ased TerificationBormal technique1 constraint satisfaction problems(DD(ranch#and#bound.pplications on verification toolsEquivalence chec*ing$roperty chec*ingSimulation vs. Formal VerificationUser Briendly.cceptanceEasy bugsDifficult bugs'imulation >>>>> >>>>> >>>> >Equivalence /hec*ing>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>>$roperty /hec*ing> > >>> >>>!s it possible to combine simulation and formal techniques;Simulation vs. Formal'imulationEasy to use/an run on large circuit/an detect easy bugs quic*ly.lmost impossible to handle corner case bugBormal (property chec*ing)Yigher learning curve for designers/annot perform exhaustive search on large designs/an target on corner case bug'emi#formal ### combines the advantages of bothSimulation2base+ Semi2formal 3pproac#'imulation trace.pply formal techniques (state space exploration)around the simulation state+han* you