vlfdo ,qiudvwuxfwxuh dqg 7udqvsruw 1hsdo ,qgld … · x ,qwurgxfwlrq 7kh udwh ri urdg dfflghqw lv...

Government of Nepal Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport Department of Transport Management Nepal India Regional Trade and Transport Project Sub-project office Request for Expressions of Interest (First Publication Date: 12 February, 2020) Consulting Service for 'System Development Consultant for GPS-Vehicle Tracking System for public transport service vehicles' (ID: NIRTTP/PCO/DOTM/S/QCBS-115) Department of Transport Management (DoTM), Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport (DoTM), Government of Nepal (GON) has received financing from the International Development Association (IDA), towards the cost of Nepal-India Regional Trade and Transport Project (NIRTTP) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for Consulting Services to establish GPS - Vehicle Tracking System for public vehicles. The scope of the consulting services is to develop the GPS-Vehicle Tracking System for public vehicles. The software requirements and system components have already been defined by the DoTM. The scope of consulting services mainly includes: To review of the system design for real time public transport service vehicle tracking for designated routes and monitoring the speed along the road sections with variable posted speed limits. Department of Transport Management now invites national consulting firm to express their interest in providing the above mentioned service. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services. The short listing criteria are: Business Objective and Expertise of the Firm, Corporate Capacity of the Firm (Annual Turnover, Financial Information for last 5 years), General Work Experience of the Firm, Specific Work experience of the Consulting Firm, A list of personnel with qualification, experience and association with the Firm, Adherence to the code of ethics and Government's anti corruption policy, Consulting Firm will be shortlisted in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank's Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank borrowers, January 2011 (Revised July 2014). This REoI notice and Draft ToR can be downloaded from our website: www.dotm.gov.np . Expressions of interest must be handed over to the DoTM during office hours or by e-mail to the address below by 26 February, 2020. Contact address: Department of Transport Management Nepal India Regional Trade and Transport Project Sub-project Office Minbhawan, Kathmandu, Nepal Email: [email protected] Telephone: +977-1-4474921

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Page 1: VLFDO ,QIUDVWUXFWXUH DQG 7UDQVSRUW 1HSDO ,QGLD … · x ,qwurgxfwlrq 7kh udwh ri urdg dfflghqw lv lqfuhdvlqj lq 1hsdo fdxvlqj orvv ri olih dqg wuhphqgrxv qxpehu ri lqmxulhv rq urdg

Government of Nepal

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport

Department of Transport Management Nepal India Regional Trade and Transport Project

Sub-project office

Request for Expressions of Interest (First Publication Date: 12 February, 2020)

Consulting Service for 'System Development Consultant for GPS-Vehicle Tracking System for public transport service vehicles' (ID: NIRTTP/PCO/DOTM/S/QCBS-115)

Department of Transport Management (DoTM), Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport (DoTM), Government of Nepal (GON) has received financing from the International Development Association (IDA), towards the cost of Nepal-India Regional Trade and Transport Project (NIRTTP) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for Consulting Services to establish GPS - Vehicle Tracking System for public vehicles. The scope of the consulting services is to develop the GPS-Vehicle Tracking System for public vehicles. The software requirements and system components have already been defined by the DoTM. The scope of consulting services mainly includes:

To review of the system design for real time public transport service vehicle tracking for designated routes and monitoring the speed along the road sections with variable posted speed limits.

Department of Transport Management now invites national consulting firm to express their interest in providing the above mentioned service. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services. The short listing criteria are:

Business Objective and Expertise of the Firm, Corporate Capacity of the Firm (Annual Turnover, Financial Information for last 5 years), General Work Experience of the Firm, Specific Work experience of the Consulting Firm, A list of personnel with qualification, experience and association with the Firm, Adherence to the code of ethics and Government's anti corruption policy,

Consulting Firm will be shortlisted in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank's Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank borrowers, January 2011 (Revised July 2014). This REoI notice and Draft ToR can be downloaded from our website: www.dotm.gov.np. Expressions of interest must be handed over to the DoTM during office hours or by e-mail to the address below by 26 February, 2020. Contact address: Department of Transport Management Nepal India Regional Trade and Transport Project Sub-project Office Minbhawan, Kathmandu, Nepal Email: [email protected] Telephone: +977-1-4474921

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Government of Nepal

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport






System Development Consultant for GPS- Vehicle Tracking System for Public Transport Service Vehicles


February, 2020

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1. Introduction

The rate of road accident is increasing in Nepal causing loss of life and tremendous number of injuries on road. Main reasons for this have been indicated to the drivers’ behavior, vehicle and vehicular over-speed and road faults. DoTM and Transport Management Offices are regulatory institutions for the traffic control in all aspects. DoTM in the federal context of the transport management plays a vital role for the preparing of various service standards in the public transport service sector. DoTM has major role to monitor and standard implementations for inter-provincial transport service. Transport Management Offices are under the jurisdiction Provincial Government. Local level Public Transport Service routes as well intra-provincial level of transport management issues are looked after local level and provincial authorities respectively.

Generally, public transport service is sensitive regarding safety, comfort and reliability in the context of Nepal. A public bus safety is very much related to the safe operating speed, which is related to the probability of occurrence and severity of road crash. Therefore, it shall be a very top priority for the control of its limit. Therefore, prevailing traffic control rules include the speed limit provisions everywhere. In the context of our neighboring countries, they have started to monitor this aspect by the application of GPS technology. This technology is being widely used for the real time tracking of vehicular fleet for sake of transport service management as well as operational efficiency. On other hand, it is expected that the vehicles installed with GPS tracking device shall transmit real time geo-location data via cellular (GSM) network to Central Monitoring Stations at Police and or DoTM office.

The GPS tracking system could track the route locations followed and should be able to track and record the speed of vehicle as well. At the same time, the system shall be facilitated to identify the route, vehicle and driver, its speed and then alert if the speed of the vehicle exceeds the permissible maximum speed limit for the particular road section, shall need to be displayed, monitored and recorded. Subsequently, the main objective of the proposed GPS- VTS system is to track four fundamental information; geo-location, date-time, speed, and travel direction of the vehicle, and then take actions when required if the vehicles are not following the approved route and or exceeding the maximum speed limit for any particular section of road according as road and driving safety guidelines.

With this background, DoTM is planning to implement a GPS based Vehicle Tracking System (VTS) in near future for Public transport in Nepal which has been duly acknowledged by the Ministry (MoPIT). In this consequences, DoTM Sub-project Office under Nepal-India Regional Trade and Transport Project (NIRTTP) aims to design, develop and implementation of GPS-VTS including procurement of hardware/software requirements for public transport vehicles in Nepal. Initially, DoTM aims to pilot first along a few important routes starting from Kathmandu to the major destinations. In general, with implementation of this system can play a pioneer role to maintain and run smooth operation of public vehicle with assurance of timely departing of the vehicle and safely arrive/reach the people in the desired destination. Ultimately, the system will help for effective transport management and direct benefit to the people, society and the country.

Therefore, it has been planned that DoTM to obtain the consulting service by employing a consulting firm for the establishment of the GPS-VTS system for the real time tracking of public transport vehicles along the permitted routes for the operation.

2. Objective of the consulting service

The main objective of the consulting service is to develop and deploy GPS-VTS application software, and to provide technical, managerial, and training support to DoTM and Traffic Police for the operation of the system.

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3. Scope of the work

The scope of services shall include the following major components of the GPS_VTS but not limited to;

a. Review the existing Transport Management Systems and other related systems within DoTM, DoR, Traffic Police and Nepal Police Headquarters,

b. Review the transportation operations along inter-provincial public bus routes and recommend operation plan for GPS vehicle tracking system for public transport vehicles,

c. Establish the rationale of the establishment of GPS-VTS for public transport service vehicles in Nepal.

d. Review the design document of VTS submitted by design consultant and Conduct requirement analysis and preparation of system requirements specification (SRS) document.

e. Perform system analysis and design including postulation of system architecture. Then prepare the System Design Document (SDD),

f. Recommend the requirement of the hardware for the system for smooth operation along with the appropriate technical specifications and the estimate for procurement ,

g. Development and deployment of mobile application to be integrated with the GPS Vehicle Tracking System,

h. Perform system testing, security audit report and debugging including VAPT,

i. Recommendations for the better integration of the system with existing transport related software systems,

j. Preparation of System Development Report (SDR),

k. Preparation of technical training manual and operational user’s manual including visual/video tutorials.

l. Provide capacity building training for technical staffs and end users as:-

System administrator's training (15 persons in Kathmandu)

System operator's trainings (45 persons: one in Kathmandu Valley and two out of Kathmandu Valley),

System end-user's training (60 persons: two in Kathmandu Valley and two out of Kathmandu Valley)

m. Provide technical support for hosting, monitoring and maintaining for system up running for 24/7 system-operation support for one year and system maintenance support for two years, total duration of the support period of three years.

n. Provision for failure/backup system to comprehend some system failure in primary system,

o. Provide in-situ support service during pilot implementation, Review the system during and after the pilot phase and make improvements if required for the deployment of the system at the remaining geographical locations of Nepal.

p. Deploy the system for other parts of the country as directed by the department.

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4. Key features of the proposed GPS-VTS

The main feature of the GPS vehicle tracking system is the capturing the real time vehicle speed and location thereafter storing the relevant data into the system database. Furthermore, the proposed system could be extendable to the other functions for the transport operation and management in future. The basic features of and components of this system are shown in the tables below.

Table 1: Key requirement of the GPS-VTS

S/N Features version 1 Inbuilt or installation of GPS devices in the pilot vehicles -

2 Registration and login with single gateway for mobile users (public users, drivers, traffic police and Nepal police)


3 Live tracking and or monitoring of the vehicle, its speed, route and possible incidents (more specifically geo-location, date-time, speed, direction and acceleration)


4 Detection of vehicle crossing the posted speed limit along the certain road sections and alert to the user as well as regulators


5 Tracking and monitoring of vehicle routes, detection of change of route or crossing boundary of geo-fencing area of the vehicle route and its alert system.


6 To capture depart time, arrival time and waiting time period at various bus stations and arrival time at the destination. Alert system for timely departure, intermediate arrival and departure at the stations and arrival at the destinations


7 Detection and tracking of traffic jam and suggest an alternative route for diversion Mobile

8 Facility to road users to obtain information such that they could plan their travel, select route and the public transport service vehicle


9 Help line and online chatting feature Web/Mobile

10 Help features (operational manual, visual/video tutorials) Web/Mobile

11 Automated Analytic Report Generation (Info-graphics, Data, Graph/Charts) specific to route, vehicles and administrative units


Table 2: Components of System Design Document

S/N Components version 1 User Management Module Web

2 System Setting and Configurations Web

3 Monitoring dashboard for route, vehicles and their speed Web

4 Route permit entry or integration Web

5 Search engine for route and or vehicle Web/mobile

6 Track or find your vehicle Web/mobile

7 Plan your travel Web/mobile

8 Custom and automatic alert and Notification System Web/Mobile

9 Feedback system Web/Mobile

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S/N Components version 10 Online Help line and Chatting feature Web/Mobile

11 Help system Web/Mobile

12 Automatic Analytical Report Generation (daily, weekly, monthly to yearly) & customized report generation.


5. Consultant's deliverables

The consulting service is performed on the lump-sum basis and the deliverable for this project can be listed as

below, but not limited to:

5.1 System Software

The system development consulting service deliverables are mentioned as below. These shall be support with the user manual as well as source code for the entire components of GPS-VTS. The major components of the software are as:-

Mobile Application

o Android Version

o iOS Version

Web Application

o User management and administration module

o Dashboard for tracking and monitoring for all type of users

o Automatic Analytical Report Generation

5.2 Reports

Consultant shall submit the reports with the completion of each task such as software components, training programs and others. Furthermore, consultant shall submit the Inception, Draft and Final Report as the major milestones of the project. Similarly, consultant shall submit the monthly progress report within the one week of the consecutive month.

Inception report: It shall include the entire project schedule, planning of experts' input, finalizing the methodological approach of the system development and System Requirement Specifications (SRS).

Draft report: The draft report will be prepared after the completion of the software components as mentioned above deliverables. With the System Design Document

Final report: Final report shall be submitted after the completion of one-year of system operation period of GPS-VTS. All the tasks except the system maintenance shall be completed within the one-year operation period for the submission of Final Report.

System support and maintenance report: consultant shall submit the bi-monthly report during the system support and maintenance period of the two-years which will be started after the completion of the one-year of system operation period.

5.3 Capacity building trainings

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Capacity building training programs shall be conducted as per the approved training syllabus, manuals for each module of the software component as well as related stakeholders such as system administrator, system operator and system users. Capacity trainings mainly consist of the following requirements at the initial stage of the system deployment.

System administrator's training (15 persons in Kathmandu)

System operator's trainings (45 persons: one in Kathmandu Valley and two out of Kathmandu Valley),

System end-user's training (60 persons: two in Kathmandu Valley and two out of Kathmandu Valley)

The objectives of these training programs are for the enhancement of knowledge on the geospatial tools and technology, smooth operation of system and the user-friendly application of system components.

5.4 System operation and maintenance support

Consultant shall support for the operation of the system for one year period. This period the consultant is responsible for incorporating the feed back from the client on the well functioning as well as possible modifications of the system. The system maintenance support has been planned to have the period of two more years after the launching of the system. During the period consultant shall support 24/7 days assistance to the administrators and operators of the system.

6. Consultant's Team composition and input

The consulting firm has to develop the system and provide training on development framework to the technical staffs from DoTM and Nepal Police Headquarters for smooth operation of the proposed system for capacity building within the assigned period.

S/N Proposed Position

Qualification/Experience Numbers Person-Month

1 Team



Master’s degree in IT/Computer Engineering, preferable in

Geospatial Tools and Technologies or related field with

minimum 5 years of software development project and


1 6.0

2 Geospatial



Bachelor degree in Geomatics/Computer Engineering or

related field with minimum 5 years of experiences in spatial

database design and its implementation. Preferable working

experience with road networks and route related geospatial


1 3.0

3 System Architect Bachelor degree in System Engineering or related field with

minimum 5 years of experience in System Design and

Architecture of the software system

1 3.0

4 Database


Bachelor degree in IT or equivalent with minimum 5 years of

experience in software, web and mobile application testing

for Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing

1 3.0

5 UX/UI Designer Bachelor degree in IT and graphics or equivalent field with

minimum 2 years of experience in graphic user interface

2 4.0

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S/N Proposed Position

Qualification/Experience Numbers Person-Month

design for both web and mobile applications

6 Web System


Bachelor degree in Geomatics Engineering or equivalent

with minimum 2 years of experience in web based GIS

application development

2 6.0

7 iOS Developer Bachelor degree in IT or equivalent with minimum 2 years of

experience in iOS based geo-enabled mobile application


1 6.0

8 Android Developer Bachelor degree in IT or equivalent with minimum 2 years of

experience in Android based geo-enabled mobile application


1 6.0

9 Software Tester Bachelor degree in IT or equivalent with minimum 2 years of

experience in software, web and mobile application testing

2 1.5

10 VAPT Bachelor degree in IT or equivalent with minimum 2 years of

experience in software, web and mobile application testing

for Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing

3 1.5

11 Transport


Masters degree in Traffic/Transport Engineering or

equivalent of minimum 5 years of experience in route

planning and road network database.

1 2.0

7. Software Development Tools and Technology

The consultant shall initially review adequacy of the following tools and technology for the development of GPS-VTS. However, consultant may propose the more suitable tools and technology in consultation with client. The basic development tools and technology are as:

Application: GPS Vehicle Tracking System (GPS_VTS)

Operating System Server: MS Windows Server 2008/2012 R2, x64 or Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

GIS Server: FOSS: Geoserver, Proprietary: ArcGIS Server or Geomedia

Database Server: PostgreSQL/PostGIS or equivalent

Mobile Application Device: Android and iOS

Web Browser: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Opera

Web Map Tile Service: Bing Satellite, OpenStreetMap (OSM) or equivalent

Routing Service: OSM based open source pgRouting routine or equivalent

Development Language/Platform: MVC.Net C#, JAVA, python Django framework (Backend); Bootstrap, Vue.js (Frontend) and Kotlin/Swift (Mobile application)

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8. Time schedule and duration of the consulting Service

The entire consulting service is intended to start form the month of May, 2020. The tentative duration for the system development is estimated as six months from the commencement of the task. The tentative input (person-month) of the experts for the system development is given in the previous paragraph of this ToR.

9. Payment Schedule

The consulting firm will be paid on a lump sum basis as per the schedule provided below upon completion of following reports and deliverables.

S/N Particulars Durations Percentage of the contract amount

1 Inception Phase: finalizing the schedule with the approval of work-plan, approval of inception report with defined approach and methodology

Three weeks 15

2 Draft Phase: submission, demonstration of System software (mobile application and Web application) and submission of draft report submission

Three months 60

5 System installation, official launching and conducting trainings programs in Kathmandu Valley

(system administrator, system operation)

Four months 15

6 Final phase: completion of training programs out of Kathmandu Valley and testing report of the GPS-VTS

Six month 10

7 System operation and maintenance support phase:

One year system support and two years of system maintenance support

The payment for the system operation as well as system maintenance support shall be paid upon the submission of bi-monthly report of the support activities.

6. Selection Process

Selection of the Consultant will be carried out in accordance with the Selection procedure for the consulting firm as per the quality and cost based selection (QCBS) method under the World Bank's 'Guidelines Selection and Employment of Consultants under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits and Grants by World Bank Borrowers" January 2011 (Revised July 2014).

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7. Facilities to be provided by the Client

The Consultant shall be provided with the relevant information and data required for consulting service. DoTM will also support the Consultant in coordinating with the relevant stakeholders, conducting the required meetings and information pertaining to prevailing rules and other legal documents.

8. Consultant’s Responsibility

The consultant shall be fully responsible for managing his/her own travel, accommodation, insurances, and other incidental requirements that required conducting the study and preparing the report and the system.

9. Duration and Commencement of Contract

The duration of this assignment is estimated to be six months and one year duration of system operation support. The consulting service will be prolonged for system maintenance support of two years duration after the completion of operation support.