vitamins, herbs and supplements who needs nutrients? everybody where should we get from?? the foods...

Download vitamins, herbs and supplements who needs nutrients? Everybody where should we get from?? the foods we eat what do we do if we need more??? be open minded,

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  • vitamins, herbs and supplements who needs nutrients? Everybody where should we get from?? the foods we eat what do we do if we need more??? be open minded, Do a little research, consider complementary and/or alternative methods!!!
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  • Complementary and alternative theories are another way of thinking about treating anything that may be hurting or out of balance with another way other than or in addition to traditional medicine. For example, when you have a cold or the flu, you may go to the doctor and get antibiotics or you may use a remedy like chicken soup and cold compresses for fevers. These are alternative methods.
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  • We are all the same. in a way & yet We are all very different!!!!!
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  • I promise, this is not a biology class I want to explain a little bit about how the body works. This maybe a refresher for some of you. As I mentioned, there are 10 organ systems for example, the digestive, circulatory and muscular systems, to name 3 and the whole body depends on nutrients to survive. We have to eat and drink a certain amount, of course, the amounts of food we eat and drink, the time we are hungry is different. And yet, another similarity is we all need vitamins, minerals and hydration. This can be considered nourishment, things that feed and satisfy the needs of the body or system, kind of like fuel for a car.
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  • Some of us learned a prayer as a child: thank you for this food to nourish our bodies. food is called nourishment, because it should feed your body and mind. When we do not get what we need, it may cause imbalances in the body, for example, colds, and other ailments. Basically, there are 13 essential vitamins, some break down in water and others in fats. You may be familiar with are vitamin C from and D, we can get from the. I provided a more detailed resource for those of you who want to learn more. For our purpose today, we are concerned with what nourishes the body. So we have the important vitamins, there are also minerals, they are essential to growth and maintenance. And every part of the body depend on nutrients throughout the life cycle.
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  • Now remember the first slide, I asked Who needs nutrients? And we know everybody is the answer, this includes animals, plants and humans, we are all in this together. So lets talk about where should we be getting these nutrients from or the more formal, from where should we get these nutrients? The ultimate, ideal answer is the food we eat. But most of us live in the real world where environmental, production, growth processes and availability are factors in what we digest.
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  • I have always used them. Give a shout out for Flintstones vitamins. The latest trend I noticed in the vitamin world is the change to gummy vitamins for children & adults which I think is nice, especially for the kids. You want to change your health status, it maybe physical or mental, like improving ones memory or relieving stress. You got a diagnosis from your primary care physician and you want to try an alternative method. adding elements of more physical activities, exercise, chiropractic, acupuncture and massage can be considered alternatives. Some are becoming more accepted by mainstream medicine and we shouldnt hesitate to discuss them with our doctors. You may be feeling a little less energetic or seem to get the flu more often, or want your hair and nails to grow longer and stronger. Almost everything one goes to the doctor for, there is an herb or supplement for it. SoWhat do we do if we need more? or first, maybe we should consider how someone might know if they are vitamin deficient or might want to use vitamins, supplements and or herbs to aid in healing a health challenge or for enhancement, which maybe to lose or gain weight.
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  • Back to vitamins, they come in pill form, liquids for drops, injections, powders, and dissolvable tablets to name some structure types. There are several websites dedicated to evaluating what you eat, some of you may already use Supertracker or Fitday, and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 describe what should be in meal plans and we can find out what is lacking. A balanced diet consists of sensible amounts of carbohydrates, healthy fats, and proteins. And this is very individualized. Since they are sold commercially, vitamin supplements can be found everywhere. GNC and Vitamin World are some of the retails that specialize and provide a variety of information. Once you have analyzed your diet, you can start looking. As you read labels, you will find the name of the product, whats in it, and how much of each element, they are a lot like labels on foods or beverages. Facts like, how many tablets are in a container, how many one should take a day, active and inactive ingredients, and warnings should be found. You should see this statement on all vitamin, supplement and herb containers it says: These statements and Drug have not been evaluated by the Food Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat cure of prevent any disease.
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  • What the What? The previous statement means the FDA does not regulate vitamins, supplements or herbs as they do other consumables. Unlike conventional food and medication companies, vitamin companies do not need to have their products approved by the FDA before going on the market. Under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994, the dietary supplement company must ensure its product is safe before it goes on the market, and the FDA is responsible for taking legal action if it finds the supplement is not safe once it is on the market. (, 2013). This is valuable information and should be taken into consideration when using vitamins, herbs and supplements. For the sake of time, we will provide a multimedia resource that explains USP VerifiedChoosing a Quality Dietary Supplement (USP YouTube Channel, May 2009 - Dr. Low Dog discusses the health benefits that certain vitamins provide for women, and how to choose a quality supplement, including looking for the USP Verified Mark.) The U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention (USP) is a scientific nonprofit organization that sets standards for the identity, strength, quality, and purity of medicines, food ingredients, and dietary supplements manufactured, distributed and consumed worldwide. USPs drug standards are enforceable in the United States by the Food and Drug Administration, and these standards are used in more than 140 countries. (, 2013).
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  • Now lets talk a little about herbs. What is an herb? Websters defines an Herb as a seed-producing annual, biennial, or perennial that does not develop persistent woody tissue but dies down at the end of a growing season and a plant or plant part valued for its medicinal, savory, or aromatic qualities. (merriam-, 2013). We are all familiar with the smells when things are cooking, rosemary, sage, can anyone name anymore, some you may personally use; just shout them out. Excellent choices! the medicinal use of herbs has been recognized by Eastern philosophies for centuries and the legalization of a particular herb is a hot topic in our society at this time in U.S. history. Herbs
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  • We gave you a little biology, now heres a math equation! a little open-mindedness + some research can = complementary and/or alternative method that is beneficial for your quest to ultimate, flourishing health and wellness. And thats another similarity with us, we all want to feel and look our best; there are a lot of methods to attain it. a little open-mindedness + some research can = complementary and/or alternative method that is beneficial for your quest to ultimate, flourishing health and wellness. And thats another similarity with us, we all want to feel and look our best; there are a lot of methods to attain it.
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  • Intermission!! Alright everyone, we are through the presentation, if anyone needs a restroom break, or whatever, this will be a good time. we will start again in 5 minutes & talk about nutritional supplements, some vital precautions & wrap up with the resources I mentioned. Are there any questions or comments now? We have provided some wonderfully, tasty snacks, including healthy Choco chip cookies, made by our own Ms. Gail, and beverages, so enjoy!!!! And well provide the recipe for you cookies fanatics, cause most the staff arecookies fanatics that is. Thanks and we will see you in 5!
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  • Thank you all for returning. As we get going, I would like to tell you about my personal interests in herbs and what could be called unofficial herb therapy. I grew up on vitamins, like many people my Mom started me out on a vitamin a day. I almost remember when Flintstones vitamins became popular. That may be telling me age which fine. My paternal grandmother raised us on traditional remedies for colds, stomach aches, constipation and most minor childhood issues. She would use Castor Oil which is a thick and disgusting eliquixer for irregularity. Hyssop tea, which is an herb from the Bible that is supposed to be good for everything. I continue to use it now as a substitute for soda pop. I also use Carnation Instant Breakfast on mornings I am not particularly hungry. I use St. Johns Wort, in capsule form to promote a positive, calm outlook on life, which may sound a bit strange. Nevertheless, I started using it as an anti-anxiety aid while raising my kids and can notice a great difference in my general mood if I go without it. I use Senna, which relieves constipation, it comes in teabags which is nice. And now a warning! Senna can cause griping, which are painful aches in the stomach if too much is used. It is advisable to start with a weak tea, because one doesnt need much to experience results. Just like with medications prescribed by doctors, there are reactions and side effects with anything we ingest. This is where reading labels is essential. This is one of my personal tests. If I notice a positive change and a difference when not using a supplement or herb, that means the aid is beneficial for me. Were back
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  • Now back to nutritional Supplements. What is a supplement? Please feel free to speak out thanks, protein powders, Carnation Instant Breakfast, excellent answers. One I never thought of before is Gatorade Drinks! Dietary and nutritional supplements are similar and very popular now, with a lot of the attention going to.U guessed it, Diet aids. There is every shape and form of dietary supplements meant to aid in weight reduction. Another popular aid now, is geared to helping in physical personal relationships. With any kind of supplement, vitamin, herb, food, beverage or that can be ingested, anything, there are certain precautions.
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  • *Precautions, Be Careful* It is essential that I spent some time talking about precautions, prevention, safety and efficacy or effectiveness. First and foremost as I stated earlier, EVERYONE is DIFFERENT and everything is not for everyone. For example, the latest diet aid boosts, anyone can use it and lose weight. And yet, many contain caffeine, and a person with cardiorespiratory challenges, generally shouldnt have stimulants or substances that could cause accelerated heart rates. Someone with diabetes has to monitor their glucose levels and certain nutrients can cause imbalances. Extra sodium has been linked to hypertension. (, 2013). Another important concern is getting too much of a good thing. If a person is consuming a balanced diet and plan healthy meals, they are probably meeting their daily requirements from what they consume, so anything over that is useless. If you are already eating the recommended amount of a nutrient, you may not get any further health benefit from taking a supplement. In some cases, supplements and fortified foods may actually cause you to exceed safe levels of intake of nutrients. (, 2013).
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  • precautions, prevention, safety and efficacy or effectiveness. This time has been very fulfilling for me because I have a passion for health and wellness and everyone can achieve and maintain ultimate flourishing health and a sense of well-being. As I close, there are a few pertinent points I need to share. First does anyone remember my little mantra? Who needs nutrients? Everybody from where should we get them?? the food we eat what do we do if we need more??? be open minded, Do a little research & consider complementary and/or alternative methods!! Im an Army brat and often resort to repetition so please forgive my cheekiness Thanks, you all are great. Another important precaution is about labels. Be absolutely sure that the name of the manufacturer, the full address, a product # and the warning are clearly and legibly printed on the label. This information is vital if there are any adverse effects experienced. And they should be reported the FDA. A quick safety tip is read the label for storage instructions. As with all medications, keep away from children. And follow the directions!!! Just like with everything we purchase, we dont want to waste money, time or resources on unneeded items. And finally, effectiveness. All reputable physicians, health care professionals and herbalists will tell you, it takes time and patience to see results from many vitamins, supplements and herbs. There are some alternative methods from which one may experience immediate results. For example, when someone goes to a chiropractor, they may have relieve from pain or stress immediately after a treatment or adjustment. If someone is using Echinacea for respiratory health, it may take a while to feel better and enhance lung capacity. Generally, it may take 30 to 90 days to experience results.
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  • Prevention is the word in health care now. We can prevent so many health challenges with small baby steps, like eating better, moving more and monitoring the stressors of life in a balanced way to relief constant worry. This goes to the heart I mindsets of health and wellness and the paradigm shift to promote tremendous health and wellness for a diverse population of, not just the U.S. but the whole world. Close-up of love-in-the- mist flower
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  • the end I hope you all enjoyed this time together. Optimistically, you can take some of this info with you and think about costs, side effects, time of use and adverse results of the methods of healing or change you might use for your body, soul and spirit. We are multi-dimension creatures with many facets of our physical, mental and emotional experiences. Were similar and different at the same time and our needs are just as distinctive. Lets enjoy our lives and make the best of what we have. I appreciate your taking the time to spend here at the center and hope you will use this resource flyer we made. The cookie recipe is added and links to the government agencies I referred to. It is user-friendly and will be posted on the centers website as well. Thanks again, sincerely, the Community Health and Wellness Center.
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  • References ********************************************************************************************************* (2013). Organ Systems. Retrieved November 10, 2013 from All online pictures courtesy of: ClipArt. & google (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Jethro Kloss - Pioneer in Natural Herbal Remedies. Retrieved November 10, 2013 from (2013). Accessible by (2013). Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010. Retrieved from Update info: the Dietary Guidelines for Americans is reviewed, updated, and published every 5 years in a joint effort between the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Update in 2015 access from (2011). Vitamins and Minerals. Basic e-book. Retrieved November 11, 2013 from detail and referenced Hardcopy: Kroner, Z. (2011). Vitamins and Minerals. Santa Barbara: Greenwood.
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  • References cont. (2013). Are Vitamins Regulated by the FDA? Retrieved November 13, 2013 from (2013). Herb. Retrieved November 13, 2013 from (2013). High dietary sodium intake impairs endothelium-dependent dilation in healthy salt-resistant humans. Retrieved November 11, 2013 from (2013). Questions To Ask Before Taking Vitamin and Mineral Supplements. Retrieved November 12, 2013 from (2013). Accessible by (2013). USP Dietary Supplement Standards. Retrieved November 13, 2013 from supplements/overview supplements/overview (2013). USP Verified - Choosing a Quality Dietary Supplement. Retrieved November 12, 2013 from Book: Jackson, E. A. (2002). RESOURCES FOR INFORMATION ON HERBAL MEDICINALS AND DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS. Journal of Herbal Pharmacotherapy, 2(3), 41.
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