visual dictionary final project

Visual Dictionary

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Visual Dictionary

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Air paper barrier

Definition: material that controlsair leakage into and out of heinterior/exterior environments of abuilding.

What is it doing? It is preventing rainfrom getting into the wall assemblywhile letting water vapor passthrough to the exterior.

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Air paper barrier cont.

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Attic ventilationmaterials

Soffit vent

Ridge vent

Gable vent

Roof turbine

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Soffit vent

The soffit vent is the vent openinglocated under the eaves.

Why is it needed? it allows fresh airto enter the attic area and flowupward to the roof vents, where itis exhausted.

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Ridge vent

A ridge vent is a vent along the entireridge line of a roof.

Why is it needed? It allows air to flowout of the attic, moisture to escape, andprevents ice dams.

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Gable vent

A louver (screened vent) mounted atthe top of a gable.

Why is it needed? It allows air passagefor the attic.

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Roof turbine

Why is itneeded? Toexhaustmoist, hotair fromyour attic.

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Width ofbucket: 3ft.

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Backhoe cont.

Definition: an excavator whosebucket is rigidly attached to a hingedpole on the boom and is drawnbackward toward the machine whenit is in operation.

Type of work: primarily used fordigging in the ground and removinglarge amounts of dirt, gravel, orsand. With other attachments, abackhoe can be used to lift heavyobjects, dig circular holes, andbreak up concrete and asphalt.

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Definition: atemporary framebuilt justoutside thecorner of anexcavation usedto carry marksthat lie on thesurface planesof the basementthat will be builtin theexcavation.

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Brick arches

Brick arch #1:segmental

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Brick arches cont.Brick Arch #2:


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Brick arches cont.

Arch witha keystone

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Definition:temporaryformworkfor anarch, dome,or vault.

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Brick Bonds

Brick bond #1:Flemish(alternatesstretcher andheader everyrow)

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Brick bonds cont.

Brick bond #2: Running

(stretchersevery row;seams don’tline up)

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Brick bonds cont.


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Brick bonds cont.


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Brick bonds cont.


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Brick bonds cont.


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Brick bonds cont.


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Brick sizesModular:2 1/4” x3 5/8” x7 5/8”

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Brick sizes cont. Utility

brick:3 1/2” X11 5/8” X3 1/2”

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Bulldozer cont.

Definition: a tracked vehicleequipped with a substantial metalplate used to push large quantitiesof soil, sand, rubble, etc. duringconstruction work.

May be found on small and largescale construction sites, mines andquarries, military bases, heavyindustry factories, and largegovernmental and publicengineering projects as well asfarming.

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Brick clad

Efis clad

Stone clad

Wood board clad

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Brick clad structure

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Efis clad structure

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Stone clad structure

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Wood board clad

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Cladding cont. (woodshingle structure)

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Cladding cont.

Wood shingle- a small unit ofwood nailed in overlappingfashion with many other suchunits to render a wall orsloping roof watertight.

Wood shake- a shingle splitfrom a block of wood.

What is in the photo? - shingle.

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Code requirements Egress


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Measurements of egresswindow

Sill height aff- 22 1/2”

Height- 28 3/4”

Width- 35 1/2”

Area- 6.99 ft.

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Ibc requirements foregress window

The clear opening must be at least5.7 sq. ft.

The clear width must be at least 20inches.

The clear height must be at least 24inches.

Sill may be no higher than 44 inchesabove floor.

This window meets the requirementsbecause it is within all the requiredmeasurements.

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Code requirementscont.



Riser- 8”

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Code requirementscont. (stairs)

IBC Code for tread and riser: Tread- minimum of 10”

Riser- maximum of 7 1/2”

These stairs meet the IBC codebecause they do not exceed themaximum riser measurement and hasat least a10” tread.

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Black- controljoint

Red- crack control joint: an

intentional, lineardiscontinuity in astructure orcomponent,designed to form aplane of weaknesswhere cracking canoccur in responseto various forcesso as to minimize oreliminate crackingelsewhere in thestructure.

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Concrete joints cont.

Isolation joint separating sectionsof a concrete wall.

Rubbery substance allowsseparation and room for expansion.

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Isolation joint

Definition: separation thatallows adjoining parts of astructure to move freely fromone another, both in thehorizontal and verticaldirections.s

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Concrete masonry units

1 CMU= 3 brick courses

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CMU cont.

CMU (concrete masonry unit)- ablock of hardened concrete,with or without hollow cores,designed to be laid in the samemanner as brick or stone.

Typical dimensions: 8” X 8” X 16”

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CMU size comparison



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Decorative concretemasonry units

Split block ribbed block

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Exteriorflush door

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Exterior paneldoor

Gray- toprail


Red- lockrail



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Doors cont.

Transom- ahorizontalcrosspieceover a dooror between awindow aboveit.

Sidelight- awindow oropening at theside of a door.

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Electrical components


Service head


Service panel

Duplex receptacle

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Function: anelectricaldevice thatchanges thevoltage ofalternatingcurrent.

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Service head

Function: totransfer theelectricityfrom the localelectricitycompany toyour housethrough a mainfuse.

Connected tothe meter

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meter Function:

receives theelectricity fromthe service headand measuresthe consumptionof the power inyour house.

The dials on themeter recordthe number ofunits of powerused so you canbe billed.

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Service panel Function: toconnect all theelectricalcircuits of abuilding into themain power lineand allow eachindividual circuitto be protected byfuses or breakers.

Contains breakerto disconnecthouse from thepower source.

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Duplex receptacle

A wall outletwith tworeceptacles;allows the useof electricitysafely in thehome or workspace.

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Framing elements #1 Anchor bolt #2 Sill plate #3 Floor joist #4 Sub-flooring #5 Sole plate #6 Stud #7 Top plate #8 Ceiling joist #9 Rafter #10 Roof decking #11 Sheathing #12 Stringer

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#1 Anchor bolts

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#2 sill plate

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#3 floor joist

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#4 sub-flooring

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#5 sole plate

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#6 stud

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#7 top plate

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#8 ceiling joist

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#9 rafter

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#10 roof decking

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#11 sheathing

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#12 stringer

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Front end loader

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Front end loader cont.

Definition: earth moving equipmentdesigned to move loose earthand/or loads into vehicles. A multipurpose bucket is fitted toarticulate arms at the front of thevehicle. It may either be wheeled ortracked. It doesn’t have a longextended arm like a backhoe or thelarge steel plate of the bulldozer.

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Gypsum board

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Gypsum board cont.

Definition: panels or slabs ofwallboard consisting ofnoncombustible gypsum core,surfaced and edged with acovering material designed forvarious uses.

A.k.a. Drywall, plasterboard

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Heat pump/ air handlingunit

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Heat pump/air handlingunit

What is itdoing?

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Heat pump/ air unit cont.

One advantage of heat pumps:they don’t burn oxygen orcreate stuffiness like openfires do. They are designed foryear round comfort.

One disadvantage of heat pumps:they require regular servicingfor optimum performance.

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This compressor istransferring and recyclingheat.

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Batt insulation

Loose fill insulation

Foamed insulation

Rigid board insulation

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Batt insulation

The purpose of insulation is toprovide resistance to the flow ofheat and therefore increase theefficiency of our heating andcooling and end the drafts anduneven temperatures that are a by-product of heat flow.

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Loose fill insulation

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Loose fill cont.

The purpose of insulation is toprovide resistance to the flowof heat and therefore increasethe efficiency of our heatingand cooling and end the draftsand uneven temperatures thatare a by-product of heat flow.

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Foamed insulation

The purpose of insulation is to provideresistance to the flow of heat andtherefore increase the efficiency ofour heating and cooling and end thedrafts and uneven temperatures thatare a by-product of heat flow.

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Rigid board insulation

The purpose of insulation is to provideresistance to the flow of heat andtherefore increase the efficiency ofour heating and cooling and end thedrafts and uneven temperatures thatare a by-product of heat flow.

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Definition: ahorizontalbeam used inconstruction;usually abovea door orwindow.

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Joint #1:raked


Size: 1/2”

Mortar: n


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Mortar Cont.

Joint #2:Concave

Tooled Size: 1/2” Mortar: n Building

Type:dudley hall

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Oriented strand board

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Oriented strand boardcont.

Definition: a non-veneered panelproduct composed of long shredsof wood fiber oriented in specificdirections and bonded togetherunder pressure.

How is it manufactured? Strands,flakes, or wafers of wood aresliced from small diameter, roundwood logs and bonded with anexterior type binder under heat andpressure.

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Water closet


Plumbing roofvent

Kitchen sink

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lavatory Size of


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Water closet

Size ofpiping todraintoilet: 3”

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Tub set intoframing priorto gypsumboard beinginstalled.

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Plumbing roof vent

The VTR has two purposes: one, todivert sewer gases out of the buildingto the outside air. Two, to equalizepressure in plumbing pipes when watergoes through the drain.

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Kitchen sink(undermount)

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Plywood cont.

Definition: a wood panel composedof an odd number of layers of woodveneer bonded together underpressure.

How is it manufactured? The layersare glued together so that adjacentplies are at a right angle to eachother for greater strength.

Veneer: a thin surface layer, as offinely grained wood, glued to theface of an inferior material.

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Radiant barrier

Reflectivebarriersthat inhibitheattransferby thermalradiation.

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Rebar cont.

Size of diameter: .625 inches;#5/8

Purpose of the deformations:to help the concrete get a gripon the bar.

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Steep roof drainage




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Gutter cont.

Definition: a channel thatcollects rainwater andsnowmelt at the eave of a roof.

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Definition: Avertical pipe forconductingwater from aroof to a lowerlevel.

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Splash block

Definition: asmallprecastblock ofconcrete orplastic usedto divertwater at thebottom of adownspout.

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Steep roof materials


Clay tile roof

Wood shingle roof

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Underlayment cont.

Definition: asphalt saturatedfelt used beneath roofing toprovide additional protectionfor the deck.

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Clay tile roof

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Metal panel roof



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roof Shingle: a small

unit of water-resistant materialnailed inoverlappingfashion with manyother such unitsto render a wallor sloping roofwatertight.

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Steep roof shapes

Gable roof

Gambrel roof

Hip roof

Mansard roof

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Gable roof

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Gambrel roof

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Hip roof

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Mansard roof

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Steep roof terms







Building without fascia

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Definition: thelevelintersectionof two roofplanes in agable roof

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A troughformed bytheintersectionof two roofslopes.

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The horizontal edge at the lowside of a sloping roof

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The slopingedge of a steeproof

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The undersurface of a horizontalelement of a building, especially theunderside of a stair or roofoverhang.

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Theexposedverticalface ofan eave.

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Buildingwithout a


Building hasno eave, andtherefore,no fascia.

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Random rubble

Coursed rubble

Random ashlar

Coursed ashlar

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Random rubble

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Coursed rubble

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Random ashlar

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Coursed ashlar

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Defintion: amaterial thatprevents thepassage ofwater vapor.

Which side ofinsulation?Underneath.

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Category:loosely laid

What is it doing?Keeping waterout of thebuilding.

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Definition:small openingsin the outerwall ofmasonryconstructionused as anoutlet forwater inside abuilding toescape andevaporate

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Welded wire fabric

Dimensions:10’ X 6’

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windows Window #1: single hung Has one moveable sash that slides up

and down

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Windows cont. Window #2: Hopper Sash tilts inward; hinged on sill

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Windows cont.

Window #3:Casement

Sash tiltsoutward;hinged onverticaljamb