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Trust Jesus He Cares Visit to download a free chapter by chapter quiz of the entire bible. Copyright © 2007, 2018 Trust Jesus He Cares No part of this quiz may be reproduced in any form without exclusive written permission from Trust Jesus He Cares.. I KINGS 1 1. This man exalted himself saying I will be king. a. Joab b. Zadok c. Adonijah d. Abiathar 2. What prophet told Bathsheba about that man? a. Nathan b. Eli c. Samuel d. Hosea 3. Bathsheba was the mother of a. Abiathar. b. Adonijah. c. Solomon. d. Joab. 4. Who told King David about that man lifting himself up? a. Joab b. Solomon c. Adonijah d. Bathsheba 5. This man also told David about it. a. Nathan b. Abiathar c. Zadok d. Samuel 6. David said, Solomon should ride David’s own a. Mule. b. Horse. c. Camel. d. Chariot. 7. Who did David say should anoint Solomon king? a. Zadok & Nathan b. Abiathar c. Jonathon & Benaiah d. Nathan & Benaiah 8. Who told Adonijah that Solomon was anointed king? a. Joab b. Solomon c. Bathsheba d. Jonathan 9. When Adonijah heard the news he held on to this. a. His pride b. His sword c. His heart d. The altar 10. Adonijah wanted Solomon to swear a. He would make him a prince. b. He would make him a captain. c. He would not slay him. d. David would honor him.

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Trust Jesus He Cares Visit to download a free chapter by chapter quiz of the entire bible.

Copyright © 2007, 2018 Trust Jesus He Cares No part of this quiz may be reproduced in any form without exclusive written permission from Trust Jesus He Cares..


1. This man exalted himself saying

I will be king.

a. Joab

b. Zadok

c. Adonijah

d. Abiathar

2. What prophet told Bathsheba

about that man?

a. Nathan

b. Eli

c. Samuel

d. Hosea

3. Bathsheba was the mother of

a. Abiathar.

b. Adonijah.

c. Solomon.

d. Joab.

4. Who told King David about that

man lifting himself up?

a. Joab

b. Solomon

c. Adonijah

d. Bathsheba

5. This man also told David about


a. Nathan

b. Abiathar

c. Zadok

d. Samuel

6. David said, Solomon should ride

David’s own

a. Mule.

b. Horse.

c. Camel.

d. Chariot.

7. Who did David say should anoint

Solomon king?

a. Zadok & Nathan

b. Abiathar

c. Jonathon & Benaiah

d. Nathan & Benaiah

8. Who told Adonijah that Solomon

was anointed king?

a. Joab

b. Solomon

c. Bathsheba

d. Jonathan

9. When Adonijah heard the news

he held on to this.

a. His pride

b. His sword

c. His heart

d. The altar

10. Adonijah wanted Solomon to


a. He would make him a


b. He would make him a


c. He would not slay him.

d. David would honor him.

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Copyright © 2007, 2018 Trust Jesus He Cares No part of this quiz may be reproduced in any form without exclusive written permission from Trust Jesus He Cares.


1. David reminded Solomon about

this man killing Abner and


a. Joab

b. Zadok

c. Absalom

d. Samuel

2. David told Solomon to show

kindness to this man’s sons,

because he showed kindness to

David when he fled from


a. Barzillai

b. Jehoiada

c. Achish

d. Adonijah

3. David told Solomon of Shimei,

who did this to David in


a. Beat

b. Blessed

c. Fed

d. Cursed

4. How many years did David reign

in Israel?

a. 10

b. 20

c. 30

d. 40

5. Who did Adonijah ask to go to

Solomon with a request for him?

a. Bathsheba

b. Abigail

c. Michal

d. Abishag

6. Adonijah requested he be given

this Shunammite woman.

a. Bathsheba

b. Abigail

c. Michal

d. Abishag

7. What did Solomon say would

happen to Adonijah that day?

a. He would marry

b. He would die

c. He would fall in a pit

d. He would be captain of

his hosts

8. Solomon thrust this man out

from being priest, but did not kill

him, because he bare the ark of

God before David.

a. Abiathar

b. Adonijah

c. Barzillai

d. Zadok

9. When Solomon sent for Joab, he

fled to

a. A cave.

b. The wilderness.

c. The tabernacle.

d. His mother.

10. This man was killed after leaving


a. Shimei

b. Benaiah

c. Solomon

d. David

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Copyright © 2007, 2018 Trust Jesus He Cares No part of this quiz may be reproduced in any form without exclusive written permission from Trust Jesus He Cares.


1. Solomon brought this man’s

daughter to the city of David.

a. Pharaoh

b. Achish

c. Adonijah

d. Zadok

2. The Lord appeared to Solomon

a. In a dream.

b. In a cloud.

c. In fire.

d. In a pillar of smoke.

3. What did Solomon ask for?

a. Great riches

b. Esteemed honor

c. Many wives

d. An understanding heart

4. God gave Solomon his request as

well as

a. A name above all names.

b. Humility & graciousness.

c. Riches & honor.

d. A mighty army.

5. God told Solomon, if he would

walk in His ways as David did,

God would

a. Give him many wives.

b. Give him many sons.

c. Give him many nations.

d. Lengthen his day.

6. Two women came before

Solomon who were

a. Egyptians.

b. The wife of one man.

c. Sisters.

d. Harlots.

7. One of them had a child

a. Who waxed strong in the


b. Full of wisdom.

c. Who was stolen away.

d. Who died.

8. One woman accused the other of

a. Selling the child.

b. Switching the children.

c. Murdering the child with


d. Hiding the child.

9. What did Solomon say he would


a. Cut the child in half

b. Imprison both woman

c. Raise the child as his own

d. Give the child to the


10. Solomon said, give the child to

the woman who said

a. Slay the child.

b. Only I shall keep the


c. In no wise slay the child.

d. The Lord curse this child.

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1. These men were the priests.

a. Zadok & Abiathar

b. Jehoshaphat & Nathan

c. Zabud & Dekar

d. Hosea & Nathan

2. Solomon had this many officers,

which provided food for his


a. 5

b. 12

c. 23

d. 104

3. Judah and Israel were

a. Thorns in Solomon’s


b. As the sand by the sea.

c. Evil in the sight of the


d. Encompassed by angels.

4. Judah and Israel were doing this.

a. Preparing for battle

b. Eating, drinking &

making merry

c. Turning to strange gods

d. Becoming the tail & not

the head

5. Thirty measures of flour and

sixty measures of meal, ten fat

oxen, twenty oxen from the

pastures, one hundred sheep,

beside harts, roebucks, fallow

deer and fatted fowl were

Solomon’s provisions for

a. 1 day.

b. 1 week.

c. 1 month.

d. 1 year.

6. Solomon had this many stalls of

horses for his chariots.

a. 20

b. 600

c. 2,000

d. 40,000

7. How many horsemen did

Solomon have?

a. 100

b. 600

c. 5,000

d. 12,000

8. He was wiser than all men.

a. Abiathar

b. Nathan

c. David

d. Solomon

9. Solomon spoke this many


a. 400

b. 800

c. 1,200

d. 3,000

10. Solomon’s songs numbered this


a. 100

b. 200

c. 800

d. 1,005

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1. Who was the king of Tyre?

a. Hiram

b. Solomon

c. Abinadab

d. Ahimaaz

2. How did the king of Tyre feel

about David?

a. He hated him.

b. He loved him.

c. He feared him.

d. He did not trust him.

3. David could not build one of


a. A nation

b. An altar

c. A house of the Lord

d. A mighty army

4. Why could David not build it?

a. He was blind.

b. Because of the wars

c. He was not a Levite.

d. He was fearful.

5. Who said that he would build a

house for the Lord?

a. Solomon

b. Abinadab

c. Zadok

d. Aaron

6. Solomon asked for this kind of


a. Maple

b. Oak

c. Sycamore

d. Cedar

7. Where were these trees?

a. Lebanon

b. Egypt

c. Moab

d. Judah

8. The king of Tyre said his servant

would bring the trees by

a. Ox cart.

b. Way of the sea.

c. Hand carrying each one.

d. Camels.

9. What did the king of Tyre ask in

exchange for his service?

a. Gold

b. Silver

c. A place in the temple

d. Food

10. What was used to lay the

foundation of the house?

a. Hewn stones

b. Polished brass

c. Pure gold

d. Pebbles

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1. Construction began on the house

of the Lord when the children of

Israel had been delivered from

Egypt this many years.

a. 20

b. 100

c. 300

d. 418

2. Under what king was the house

of the Lord built?

a. David

b. Saul

c. Solomon

d. Herod

3. The house was built of

a. Brass.

b. Stone.

c. Glass.

d. Love.

4. The sound of this was not heard

in the house.

a. Singing

b. Praying

c. Blaspheming

d. Hammers or axes

5. When it was finished, they

covered it with this.

a. Cedar

b. Mahogany

c. Paint

d. Gopher wood

6. God told Solomon, if he would

keep His commandments and

walk in His ways, God would

a. Not forsake the people.

b. Not protect the people.

c. Bow before Solomon.

d. Allow Solomon to never


7. The floor was covered with

planks of

a. Oak.

b. Shittim wood.

c. Gopher wood.

d. Fir.

8. An oracle was prepared to set

a. The ark of the covenant

of the Lord.

b. David’s bones.

c. Moses’ bones.

d. Goliath’s sword.

9. The house within was overlaid


a. Clay.

b. Silver.

c. Gold.

d. Brass.

10. They made two of these of olive

tree, and overlaid them with


a. Lions

b. Dragons

c. Altars

d. Cherubim

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1. How long did Solomon build his

own house?

a. 1 year

b. 4 years

c. 7 years

d. 13 years

2. Solomon used this wood to build

his house.

a. Shittim

b. Gopher

c. Cedar

d. Oak

3. Solomon had taken this man’s

daughter for his wife.

a. David

b. Pharaoh

c. Hiram

d. Joab

4. The foundation of Solomon’s

house was made of

a. Gold.

b. Costly stones.

c. Polished brass.

d. Crushed pebbles.

5. Solomon sent for this man out of


a. Hiram

b. Boaz

c. Jachin

d. Joab

6. That man was a cunning

a. Soldier.

b. Worker of brass.

c. Carpenter.

d. Worker of gold.

7. Some of his work had these

decorating it.

a. Grapes

b. Pomegranates

c. Apples

d. Cherries

8. He made two of these, which he

named Jachin and Boaz.

a. Cherubim

b. Pillars

c. Statues

d. Idols

9. He made twelve of these under

the sea.

a. Oxen

b. Tigers

c. Dolphins

d. Turtles

10. Solomon brought in all the gold

and silver and vessels, this man,

had dedicated to the Lord.

a. Moses

b. David

c. Aaron

d. Saul

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1. Solomon assembled the elders

and the heads of the tribes and

the chief fathers here.

a. Jerusalem

b. Gaza

c. Nazareth

d. Bethlehem

2. Who carried up the ark of God,

the tabernacle and the vessels?

a. The priests & Benjamites

b. The priests & Jebusites

c. The priests & Levites

d. The priests & Solomon

3. They placed the ark of the

covenant in the most holy place


a. A skylight.

b. The wings of cherubim.

c. A crucifix.

d. A purple veil.

4. What was in the ark?

a. Two tables of stones

b. Goliath’s sword

c. The bones of Moses

d. The priestly garments

5. This filled the house of the Lord.

a. Fire

b. Smoke

c. A cloud

d. Perfume

6. God said, it was well that this

man had it in his heart to build

Him a house, but did not allow

him to do it.

a. David

b. Saul

c. Absalom

d. Solomon

7. The heavens cannot contain

a. Man

b. The sun & moon

c. God

d. The stars

8. Solomon requested this happen

when a stranger reaches out his

arm and prays toward the house

of the Lord.

a. The Lord smite him

b. The Lord grant his


c. The temple guards smite


d. God’s ears be stopped

9. Solomon said, there is no man

that does not do this.

a. Love God

b. Know God

c. Love his own soul

d. Sin

10. Not one of these has failed.

a. Faith, hope & charity

b. A word of God’s promise

c. A soldier in David’s army

d. A soldier in God’s army

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1. He appeared to Solomon, a

second time.

a. David

b. Michael

c. Samuel

d. The Lord

2. The Lord said, this will

perpetually be on the house that

bares Solomon built.

a. His eyes & heart

b. Evil & mischief

c. The judgment of men

d. Love

3. The Lord told Solomon, He

would establish his throne

forever, if Solomon

a. Loved his servants.

b. Sacrificed daily.

c. Perverted judgment.

d. Did according to God’s


4. If Solomon or his children did

this, God would cut off Israel.

a. Worship other gods

b. Be men of war

c. Rule with an iron fist

d. Become a name among


5. He was the king of Tyre.

a. Pharaoh

b. Solomon

c. Hiram

d. Herod

6. The king of Tyre had furnished

Solomon with

a. Land.

b. Food.

c. Trees & gold.

d. Mighty men of war.

7. Solomon gave the king of Tyre

twenty of these.

a. Wives

b. Flocks

c. Cities

d. Servants

8. When the king of Tyre saw what

Solomon had given him, he

a. Thanked Solomon.

b. Thanked God.

c. Cried for joy.

d. Was not pleased.

9. Pharaoh burned this city, slew its

inhabitants, and gave it to his

daughter for a present.

a. Jerusalem

b. Gezer

c. Succoth

d. Milo

10. The people of other nations

which Solomon did not destroy,

were levied a tribute of

a. Oxen.

b. Silver.

c. Gold.

d. Bondservice.

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1. The queen of this place came to

see Solomon.

a. Sheba

b. Metamora

c. The Nile

d. Canaan

2. The queen came to this city to

see Solomon.

a. Jerusalem

b. Bethlehem

c. Nazareth

d. Bethany

3. The queen gave Solomon gifts of

gold and

a. Silver.

b. Maidservants &


c. Furs & purple.

d. Spices & precious stones.

4. This man’s navy brought in trees

and precious stones.

a. Pharaoh

b. Hiram

c. Samson

d. Hadad

5. The king used these trees for

pillars and for instruments.

a. Sycamore

b. Maple

c. Fir

d. Almug

6. Solomon made three hundred of

these, each from three pounds of


a. Shields

b. Calves

c. Wheels

d. Bracelets

7. Solomon made a throne of this,

and overlaid it with gold.

a. Cedar

b. Ivory

c. Kryptonite

d. Fir

8. These animals were about the


a. Lions

b. Tigers

c. Dragons

d. Bears

9. Solomon’s drinking vessels were

made of this.

a. Gold

b. Silver

c. Ivory

d. Crystal

10. The navy of Tharshish brought

gold, silver, ivory and

a. Apes & peacocks.

b. Slaves.

c. Turtledoves & pigeons.

d. Sea lions.

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Copyright © 2007, 2018 Trust Jesus He Cares No part of this quiz may be reproduced in any form without exclusive written permission from Trust Jesus He Cares.


1. God instructed Israel not to take

wives of other nations, for they

would turn their hearts

a. To stone.

b. After strange gods.

c. To their enemies camps.

d. To wax with fear.

2. Solomon had this many wives.

a. 40

b. 120

c. 200

d. 700

3. How many concubine did

Solomon have?

a. 50

b. 100

c. 300

d. 180

4. This man escaped from Edom

into Egypt when he was a little


a. Pharaoh

b. Hadad

c. Solomon

d. Joab

5. God stirred up another adversary,

this son of Eliadah, which fled

from Hadadezer, king of Zobah.

a. Rezon

b. Joab

c. Ahijah

d. Elijah

6. This man was wearing a new

garment, and a prophet tore it in

twelve pieces.

a. Solomon

b. Pharaoh

c. Jeroboam

d. Rehoboam

7. This prophet tore the man’s new


a. Eli

b. Nathan

c. Ahijah

d. Hosea

8. Solomon sought to kill this man.

a. Jeroboam

b. Rehoboam

c. Abner

d. Ahijah

9. Solomon reigned over Israel this

many years.

a. 10

b. 20

c. 30

d. 40

10. This son of Solomon reigned in

his stead after Solomon died.

a. Absalom

b. Rehoboam

c. Chemosh

d. Josiah

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1. Rehoboam went to this place,

where all Israel came to make

him king.

a. Shechem

b. Nazareth

c. Jerusalem

d. Bethlehem

2. This man, who had fled to Egypt

from Solomon, also came before


a. Jeroboam

b. Reno

c. Timaius

d. Philemon

3. The people told Rehoboam they

would serve him if he

a. Followed God.

b. Did not levy them.

c. Lightened their yoke.

d. Would lead them in


4. Rehoboam forsook their counsel.

a. The young men

b. The old men

c. The priests

d. The prophets

5. Rehoboam told the people he


a. Bless them.

b. Serve the Lord.

c. Add to their yoke.

d. Make them a free people.

6. Israel made this man king.

a. Josiah

b. Herod

c. Jeroboam

d. Jehoshaphat

7. Only this tribe followed


a. Levi

b. Judah

c. Dan

d. Asher

8. The word of God came to this

man, saying, tell Rehoboam not

to fight against his brethren.

a. Shemaiah

b. Ahijah

c. Joel

d. Nathan

9. Jeroboam made two of these out

of gold.

a. Crowns

b. Thrones

c. Altars

d. Calves

10. Jeroboam made priests that were

not of this tribe.

a. Levi

b. Simeon

c. Asher

d. Manasseh

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1. Jeroboam was standing by this,

when the man of God came to


a. The altar

b. A tent

c. His house

d. The road

2. The man of God spoke of this

child that would be born.

a. Jesus

b. Josiah

c. Elijah

d. Hosea

3. What happened when Jeroboam

put his hand forth against the

man of God?

a. His hand dried up.

b. The man of God hit him.

c. Lightening came from


d. The guards took hold of


4. Jeroboam asked the man of God

a. To become his priest.

b. To leave.

c. To pray for him.

d. To prophesy.

5. The man of God told Jeroboam,

he was not to turn again the same

way he came or

a. Sleep inside.

b. Eat or drink.

c. Water his camels.

d. Pray.

6. Where did the old prophet find

the man of God sitting?

a. By a brook

b. Under an oak

c. In the temple

d. At the gate

7. Who did the prophet say told him

to bring back the man of God?

a. The priest

b. Jeroboam

c. An angel

d. Elijah

8. Who slew the man of God?

a. The prophet

b. Jeroboam

c. A lion

d. A bear

9. Where did the prophet lay the


a. In the temple

b. In his own grave

c. In Jeroboam’s grave

d. In Solomon’s grave

10. After this, Jeroboam

a. Turned from his evil


b. Did not turn from his evil


c. Reigned 120 years.

d. Blessed the old prophet.

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1. This son of Jeroboam fell sick.

a. Roger

b. Ishmael

c. Abijah

d. Simeon

2. Jeroboam sent his wife to this


a. Simeon

b. Eli

c. Nathan

d. Ahijah

3. Who told the prophet Jeroboam’s

wife had disguised herself?

a. Gehazi

b. The Lord

c. An angel

d. The temple guard

4. The Lord said, He would bring

evil upon the house of Jeroboam

because he

a. Smote the rock.

b. Had many wives.

c. Stole the ark of God.

d. Made other gods.

5. What did the Lord say would

happen to Jeroboam’s sick child?

a. He would rule Israel.

b. He would rule Judah.

c. He would be a man of


d. He would die.

6. He reigned in Jeroboam’s stead

after he died.

a. Herod

b. Pilate

c. Nadab

d. Kerr

7. This son of Solomon was

reigning in Judah.

a. Asher

b. Micah

c. Joel

d. Rehoboam

8. They were in the land

committing abominations.

a. Levites

b. Sodomites

c. Egyptians

d. Concubine

9. This king of Egypt, came against

Jerusalem and took the treasure

from the temple.

a. Potiphar

b. Shishak

c. Achish

d. Herod

10. After Rehoboam died, this son

reigned in Judah in his stead.

a. Abijam

b. Abram

c. Manasseh

d. Zachariah

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1. He reigned three years in

Jerusalem and walked in all the

sins of his father.

a. Abijam

b. Eleazar

c. Abner

d. Nabal

2. The Lord allowed him to reign in

spite of his evil, for this man’s


a. Moses

b. Aaron

c. Isaac

d. David

3. David did not turn aside from the

commandments of the Lord,

except for in the matter of

a. Battle.

b. Achish.

c. Uriah.

d. Joab.

4. Asa removed these from the land.

a. Snakes

b. Thorns

c. Sodomites

d. Demons

5. Asa removed her from being


a. Candice

b. His wife

c. His mother

d. Pharaoh’s daughter

6. Why did Asa remove her from

being queen?

a. He feared her.

b. He hated her.

c. She deceived the people.

d. She worshipped idols.

7. Asa sent silver and gold to this

man and made a league with him.

a. Jeroboam

b. Pharaoh

c. Elah

d. Benhadad

8. In his old age, Asa was diseased

a. By a snake.

b. In his eyes.

c. In his heart.

d. In his feet.

9. Baasha conspired against, and

smote this man.

a. Asa

b. Nadab

c. Zimri

d. Bildad

10. Baasha slew everyone in the

house of

a. David.

b. Solomon.

c. Saul.

d. Jeroboam.

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Copyright © 2007, 2018 Trust Jesus He Cares No part of this quiz may be reproduced in any form without exclusive written permission from Trust Jesus He Cares.


1. The word of the Lord came to

this man against Baasha.

a. Jehu

b. Elijah

c. Nebat

d. Rehoboam

2. What did he say would happen to

them that died in the city?

a. They would be spoiled.

b. Their bodies would be


c. The dogs would eat them.

d. The worms would eat


3. Elah, who reigned after Baasha,

was his

a. Brother.

b. Nephew.

c. Uncle.

d. Son.

4. This servant conspired against

Elah and killed him.

a. Zimri

b. Magbish

c. Obal

d. Salem

5. What was Elah doing when he

was killed?

a. Drinking

b. Praying

c. Sleeping

d. Counting his gold

6. How long did Zimri reign in


a. 7 days

b. 6 months

c. 1 year

d. 10 years

7. Where did Zimri die?

a. In the grove

b. At the altar

c. In the king’s house

d. At sea

8. Half followed Tibni and the other

half followed this man.

a. Nabal

b. Omri

c. Zabbai

d. Shemer

9. This king did evil in the sight of

the Lord above all the kings of

Israel that were before him.

a. Ahab

b. Herod

c. Saul

d. Nabal

10. What was his wife’s name?

a. Jezebel

b. Bathsheba

c. Abigail

d. Leah

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Copyright © 2007, 2018 Trust Jesus He Cares No part of this quiz may be reproduced in any form without exclusive written permission from Trust Jesus He Cares.


1. Elijah came before this king.

a. Jeroboam

b. Asa

c. Ahab

d. Omri

2. Elijah told him, this would not

happen for years.

a. It would not rain.

b. He would not be


c. There would be no peace.

d. There would be no war.

3. God told Elijah to go to this


a. Maranatha

b. Galilee

c. Cherith

d. Uz

4. Who did God command to feed


a. Doves

b. Ravens

c. The king

d. The fish

5. What was the widow doing when

Elijah saw her?

a. Praying

b. Crying

c. Gathering sticks

d. Searching through the


6. Elijah told the woman to do this,

before she made a cake for

herself and her son.

a. Let him bless the food

b. Make him one

c. Pray

d. Gather all her vessels

7. Elijah said, the meal or oil would

not fail until

a. A time of peace.

b. Sundown.

c. She died.

d. The rain came.

8. What happened to the widow’s


a. He died.

b. He fell from a tree.

c. He ran away.

d. Elijah anointed him king.

9. What happened when Elijah


a. The child died.

b. The child lived.

c. The child came home.

d. It rained.

10. When the woman saw this, she

said, she knew

a. No evil.

b. Elijah was a man of God.

c. Her son would be a


d. Her son would be a priest.

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Copyright © 2007, 2018 Trust Jesus He Cares No part of this quiz may be reproduced in any form withoutexclusive written permission from Trust Jesus He Cares.


1. God told Elijah to go to

a. Ahab.

b. Jezebel.

c. The tabernacle.

d. Egypt.

2. When Jezebel killed the prophets

of the Lord, this man hid one

hundred prophets in a cave.

a. Zimri

b. Obadiah

c. Hosea

d. Jeremiah

3. This man told Ahab where Elijah


a. Obadiah

b. Gehazi

c. Esau

d. Abinadab

4. Elijah gathered at this mount

with Ahab’s prophets.

a. Horeb

b. Carmel

c. Olivet

d. Calvary

5. Ahab’s prophet’s called on

a. Baal.

b. Dagon.

c. Athena.

d. Diana.

6. Elijah built an altar of

a. Twelve stones.

b. Gold.

c. Shittim wood.

d. Gopher wood.

7. Elijah told them to pour this on

the sacrifice and wood.

a. Oil

b. Blood

c. Water

d. Wine

8. This happened after Elijah


a. Ahab killed himself.

b. Elijah died.

c. Fire consumed the


d. The people rejoiced.

9. What happened to the prophets

of the false god?

a. They fled.

b. Elijah slew them.

c. Fire from heaven

consumed them.

d. They fell on their own


10. Elijah told Ahab to get up and eat

and drink for there is the sound


a. Soldiers coming.

b. The hoof beats of the


c. Mighty rushing wind.

d. An abundance of rain.

Trust Jesus He Cares Visit to download a free chapter by chapter quiz of the entire bible.

Copyright © 2007, 2018 Trust Jesus He Cares No part of this quiz may be reproduced in any form without exclusive written permission from Trust Jesus He Cares.


1. When she heard that Elijah killed

the prophets of Baal, she

promised to kill Elijah.

a. Abigail

b. Bathsheba

c. Jezebel

d. Deborah

2. Elijah sat under this kind of tree,

and prayed that he would die.

a. Cedar

b. Willow

c. Sycamore

d. Juniper

3. When the angel told Elijah to eat,

there was a cake and a cruse of

a. Oil.

b. Wine.

c. Water.

d. Milk.

4. That food sustained Elijah for

this many days and nights.

a. 7

b. 10

c. 40

d. 120

5. The word of the Lord came to

Elijah when he was

a. In the temple.

b. At the city gate.

c. By a brook.

d. In a cave.

6. First there was wind, then an

earthquake, then fire, then

a. Locust.

b. Flood.

c. A still small voice.

d. All manner of wild


7. The Lord said, Elijah should

anoint this man king of Israel.

a. Jehu

b. Nabal

c. Eleazar

d. Becker

8. The Lord said, He had this many

in Israel who had not bowed their

knee to Baal.

a. 450

b. 1,300

c. 7,000

d. 25,000

9. Elijah was to anoint this man to

follow him as prophet.

a. Isaiah

b. Hosea

c. Elisha

d. Joel

10. Elijah cast this upon that man.

a. Dust

b. Oil

c. His mantle

d. Feathers

Trust Jesus He Cares Visit to download a free chapter by chapter quiz of the entire bible.

Copyright © 2007, 2018 Trust Jesus He Cares No part of this quiz may be reproduced in any form without exclusive written permission from Trust Jesus He Cares.


1. Benhadad gathered all his host

together with this many kings

and warred against Samaria.

a. 10

b. 17

c. 32

d. 45

2. Benhadad sent messengers to this

king demanding his sliver, and

gold, and wives, and children.

a. Ahab

b. Josiah

c. Jehu

d. Herod

3. Who told Ahab, the Lord would

deliver the battle into his hand?

a. An angel

b. Joab

c. A prophet

d. Jezebel

4. What were Benhadad and the

kings doing when Israel went

against them?

a. Hiding

b. Worshipping idols

c. Sleeping

d. Drinking

5. The king of Syria escaped

a. By way of the sea.

b. On a horse.

c. By disguising himself as

a woman.

d. By pretending to be dead.

6. A man of God said, Israel would

prevail a second time, because

Benhadad’s host said God

a. Was dead.

b. Was not the God of the


c. Would punish Israel.

d. Was merciful.

7. Israel slew this many Syrian

footmen in one day.

a. 100

b. 1,000

c. 10,000

d. 100,000

8. This fell upon 27,000 of the

Syrians that were left.

a. A wall

b. The sky

c. A plague

d. Pestilence

9. When the man did not smite the

prophet as he was told, he was

slain by

a. A bear.

b. A wolf.

c. A tiger.

d. A lion.

10. The prophet said, Ahab would

die, because he did this, to a man

God appointed to die.

a. Tortured

b. Let go

c. Fed

d. Scorned

Trust Jesus He Cares Visit to download a free chapter by chapter quiz of the entire bible.

Copyright © 2007, 2018 Trust Jesus He Cares No part of this quiz may be reproduced in any form without exclusive written permission from Trust Jesus He Cares.


1. This man had a vineyard that

Ahab wanted.

a. Naboth

b. Abner

c. Michael

d. Judas

2. The man did not want to sell it


a. It was his father’s


b. He had many servants


c. He was afraid he would

be cheated.

d. There was no better land.

3. Who wrote letters in Ahab’s


a. Jezebel

b. Achan

c. Joab

d. Abigail

4. Two men falsely accused Naboth

of this.

a. Murder

b. Adultery

c. Theft

d. Blasphemy

5. Those two false accusers were

sons of

a. Mandrake.

b. Jehu.

c. Elisha.

d. Belial.

6. The word of the Lord came to

this prophet, telling him to go to


a. Samuel

b. Nathan

c. Elijah

d. Elisha

7. What did the prophet say would

lick Ahab’s blood?

a. Dogs

b. Wolves

c. Lions

d. Jezebel

8. What did Ahab call Elijah?

a. False prophet

b. Man of God

c. Troublemaker

d. His enemy

9. What did the prophet say would

eat Jezebel?

a. A lion

b. A bear

c. Leprosy

d. Dogs

10. God said, He would delay the

evil upon Ahab’s house, because


a. Was anointed.

b. Humbled himself.

c. Was a mighty man of


d. Was foolish.

Trust Jesus He Cares Visit to download a free chapter by chapter quiz of the entire bible.

Copyright © 2007, 2018 Trust Jesus He Cares No part of this quiz may be reproduced in any form without exclusive written permission from Trust Jesus He Cares.


1. He was the king of Judah.

a. Jehoshaphat

b. Saul

c. Jehu

d. Ahaziah

2. The king of Israel gathered about

him, this many prophets.

a. 100

b. 200

c. 300

d. 400

3. What did all those prophets

instruct him?

a. Go to battle.

b. Don’t go to battle.

c. Sign a covenant with


d. Sell thy goods & give to

the poor.

4. Ahab hated this prophet because

he never prophesied him good


a. Micaiah

b. Zedekiah

c. Ahaziah

d. Naboth

5. Zedekiah made horns of this,

saying they would be used to

push the Syrians.

a. Brass

b. Gold

c. Iron

d. Clay

6. The Lord put this in the mouths

of His prophets.

a. Honey

b. Bittersweet

c. A lying spirit

d. Tongues of fire

7. What was done with Micaiah?

a. He wore the king’s robe.

b. He was stoned.

c. He was sent to prison.

d. He died in battle.

8. The captains of the chariots

thought this man was the king of

Israel, since he was wearing

Ahab’s robe.

a. Zedekiah

b. Micaiah

c. Jehoshaphat

d. Ahaziah

9. Where did Ahab die?

a. In the sea

b. On his throne

c. In bed

d. In a chariot

10. This son of Ahab, reigned after

his father.

a. Ahaziah

b. Jehu

c. Lodebar

d. Meshobab