vision based curve reconstruction algorithms and … · 2013. 1. 22. · 1.3.1 curve reconstruction...


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APRIL 2009


Page 2: VISION BASED CURVE RECONSTRUCTION ALGORITHMS AND … · 2013. 1. 22. · 1.3.1 Curve reconstruction 5 1.3.2 Graphical password 8 1.4 Research contribution 11 1.5 Thesis organization

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Page 3: VISION BASED CURVE RECONSTRUCTION ALGORITHMS AND … · 2013. 1. 22. · 1.3.1 Curve reconstruction 5 1.3.2 Graphical password 8 1.4 Research contribution 11 1.5 Thesis organization


Vision based curve reconstruction algorithms and their application to

graphical password

Thanh An Nguyen

Curve reconstruction is the problem of approximating a curve or multiple curves from

a point cloud. Curve reconstruction problem has received numerous attention over the last

few decades due to its significant application in geometric modeling. In this thesis, based

on the relationship between human vision and curve reconstruction, two Gestalt laws have

been identified for the curve reconstruction: the law of proximity indicating that our vision

tends to perceptually group near objects together and the law of continuation pointing out

that objects following a consistent continuous direction are perceptually grouped together.

Two algorithms have been proposed to implement these two laws in curve reconstruction.

This first algorithm, DISCUR, connects points based on the law of proximity. The second

algorithm, VICUR, considers both laws. The algorithms have been compared to the main

curve reconstruction algorithms available in the literature.

Another contribution of this thesis is a new application of curve reconstruction in the

field of cryptography. In the thesis, a new graphical password scheme is introduced. The

proposed scheme requires users to create their secret by selecting individual points or by

connecting points into curves from a given set of points. It is reasonable to assume that

the users will connect points into curves that look natural to their vision so that they can

recall easily. Consequently, the password may be a part of the reconstructed results of the

human-vision based curve reconstruction algorithms and the attacker can use these results

to crack the password. We present the application of curve reconstruction algorithm in

the evaluation of our graphical password scheme.

i i i

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In our daily lives, we must see that it is not happiness that makes us grateful, but

the gratefulness that makes us happy.

Albert Clarke

I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratefulness to those who have been

playing important roles in my life and those who have been helping me to complete my

Masters study. First of all, I thank my supervisor, Dr.Yong Zeng. I would not be able to

finish this thesis without his tremendous professional help and emotional support. During

my last two years in the program, I have learned a great deal from him. Not only does

he tirelessly provide many opportunities for me to learn and to grow but also does he

encourage me to act, to dream big, to dare to make mistake and most importantly to have

strong faith. I wholeheartedly thank him for his patience and kindness that he has shown

to me. He is not only my professor but also my spiritual friend.

I thank all the people in the Design Lab: Guangqing He for all the discussions during

my work on curve reconstruction project, Baiquan and Shuren Li for their helps in the

beginning of the project, Min Wang, Yao Tang, Liu Wei, Da Yong, and all others for their

company. I thank all the CIISE professors and staffs who have given me as well as other

students a friendly academic environment.

I appreciate all my friends for always being by my side. I sincerely thank Quan for his

selfless help whenever I need him.

I send all my love to my family (my grandmother, father, mother and brother) and

relatives (my aunts and uncles). I believe whatever I have achieved today is always a

partly result of my father's tremendous self-sacrifice, my mother's immense devotion and

my grandmother's grand love.

I deeply appreciate all the events that have come to me, all the success and failure,

all the moments of glory and the moments of humiliation, all the good and the bad, the

truth and the delusion. I feel blessed for they came to me at the right time to show me

the power of serenity. Lastly, I thank those who have been watching over me.


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List of Figures vii

List of Tables ix

1 Introduction 1

1.1 Objectives 1

1.1.1 Objective 1: Human-vision based curve reconstruction 1

1.1.2 Objective 2: Graphical password 3

1.2 Notations and definitions 4

1.3 Literature review 5

1.3.1 Curve reconstruction 5

1.3.2 Graphical password 8

1.4 Research contribution 11

1.5 Thesis organization 12

2 Human-vision based curve reconstruction algorithm and graphical pass­

word: A research framework 13

2.1 Logical connection between curve reconstruction and user-drawn based graph­

ical password 13

2.2 Introduction to Gestalt Law 16

2.3 Relationship between Gestalt Law and vision-based curve reconstruction . 17

2.4 Relationship between human-vision based curve reconstruction algorithms

and graphical password 19

2.5 Summary 21

3 DISCUR algorithm: simulation of nearness property of human vision in

the context of curve reconstruction 22

3.1 Simulation of nearness property 22

3.2 Algorithm 25

3.3 Necessary and sufficient sampling conditions 30


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3.4 Comparisons 34

3.4.1 Sampling condition and parameters 35

3.4.2 Sharp corners 36

3.4.3 Boundary and multiple components 37

3.4.4 Summary of comparison 37

3.5 Limitation 38

3.6 Summary 39

4 VICUR algorithm: simulation of nearness and smoothness property of

human vision in the context of curve reconstruction 40

4.1 Simulation of nearness and smoothness properties 40

4.1.1 Connectivity area 40

4.1.2 Connectivity function 41

4.1.3 Connectivity rules 44

4.2 Algorithm 45

4.3 Results and comparisons 47

4.3.1 Results 47

4.3.2 Sampling condition 50

4.3.3 Boundary and sharp corner 51

4.4 Limitation 52

4.5 Summary 54

5 A new graphical password scheme 55

5.1 Introduction to password design 55

5.2 A new graphical password scheme 56

5.2.1 Point cloud generation 56

5.2.2 Password generation rules 57

5.2.3 Password encoding 58

5.3 Password space: Evaluation of the proposed password scheme 60

5.3.1 Full password space 60

5.3.2 Memorable password space and vision-based curve reconstruction

algorithm 62

5.4 Summary and discussions 66

6 Conclusions and future research directions 67

6.1 Conclusions 67

6.2 Future research directions 68

Bibliography 70


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List of Figures

1 A curve reconstruction problem 2

2 A set of contour points extracted from 2D images 2

3 The contour points are connected to form curves 2

4 Constructed curves and surface in 3D 3

5 Angles at curve vertices 5

6 A DAS example password on 4x4 grid [JMM+99] 9

7 Grid selection [TvO04] 9

8 A multigrid DAS example [CAS06] 10

9 A BDAS password example [DY07] 10

10 A Pass-Go password example [Tao] 11

11 Overview of curve reconstruction problem 14

12 Cracking DAS scheme: many users' passwords are positioned in the center

of the grid and have components symmetric about the central horizontal

and vertical axes. Attackers can use this knowledge to crack the password. 15

13 Cracking proposed graphical password scheme: it is assumed that users are

likely to create drawings that look natural to their vision. Such drawings

may be a subset of vision based curve reconstruction result, which can be

used by attackers to crack the password 15

14 Gestalt laws of perceptual organization 17

15 Human perception and vision-based curve reconstruction algorithm 18

16 A case of conflict 19

17 An example of a graphical password 21

18 Graphic illustration of point-curve connectivity. 24

19 Main steps of DISCUR 25

20 Meaning of variable degree 26

21 Step 1 of DISCUR 26

22 Step 2 of DISCUR 27

23 Step 3 of DISCUR 28

24 Example of the reconstruction process by using DISCUR 29

25 Reconstruction of curves with multiple features 30


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26 Overview of sampling conditions for DISCUR 30

27 Reconstruction of GATHAN with different parameters 35

28 Reconstruction of sharp corners 36

29 Reconstruction of sharp corner: change of sampling conditions 37

30 Reconstruction in the case of open curve 37

31 Reconstruction result from different algorithms 38

32 An example of wrong connections 38

33 Desired result 39

34 Connectivity area 41

35 Relationship between candidate angle and parameter, b — 180° and ds — d 42

36 Relationship between candidate distance and parameter, bs = b — 180° . . 42

37 Relationship between candidate distance and candidate angle, c — 0.8 . . . 43

38 Connectivity rule for two free points 44

39 Overview of VICUR algorithm 46

40 Step 1 of VICUR 46

41 Step 2 of VICUR 47

42 Input sample and Delaunay triangulation 48

43 Construction in step two of VICUR algorithm, </> = (5 = 1.849 49

44 Step three of VICUR algorithm 49

45 Final result 49

46 Reconstructed curves by VICUR 50

47 Reconstructed curves by other algorithms 50

48 Result from VICUR is consistent with human visual system 51

49 GATHAN fails to construct open curves 52

50 DISCUR requires dense sampling around corner point 52

51 Result of MPI data set from Funke-Ramos's article 53

52 VICUR is sensitive to vertex position 53

53 Testing for potentially wrong connection results in wrong construction . . . 53

54 Different parameters yields different results 54

55 Examples of graphical passwords 58

56 Invalid cases 58

57 Password encoding 59

58 Natural and unnatural drawings 63

59 Reconstruction result of a vision-based curve reconstruction algorithm. . . 65

60 Choosing a subset of points from a point set 66


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List of Tables

1 Scope of curve reconstruction algorithms [Dey07] 35

2 Scope of GATHAN and DISCUR 35

3 Full password space at length Lmax or less, given a set of n points to choose

from 62

4 Comparison of password space between textual password, DAS-5 x 5 grid

scheme and proposed password scheme 62

5 Comparison of memorable password space between DAS-5 x 5 grid scheme

and proposed password scheme where password length Lmax — 7 65


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Chapter 1


1.1 Objectives

This thesis has two main objectives. The first is to develop human-vision based curve

reconstruction algorithms whereas the second is to design a new graphical password scheme

based on the developed curve reconstruction algorithms. Though the first objective belongs

to the field of computational geometry and the second objective belongs to computer

security, these two objectives are closely related.

1.1.1 Objective 1: Human-vision based curve reconstruction

The main problem of curve reconstruction is to construct piecewise linear curves from a set

of unorganized discrete points, as shown in Figure 1. Application of curve reconstruction

can be found in three dimensional (3D) object modeling. Particularly, in medical field,

constructing 3D objects from a set of planar contours is relatively popular. In the study

of the structure of microscopic specimens, due to the monocular view of the microscope,

the view of the specimens is limited to two dimensions. Therefore, the 3D structure of the

specimens has to be constructed from a series of 2D images [FKU77]. Likewise, medical

scanning devices such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanner or Computed To­

mography (CT) scanner can only generate 2D images of internal body parts. For diagnosis

purpose, sometimes it is required of the physicians to view the 3D structure of the objects.

In general, the process of modeling 3D object from contour lines requires three main steps.


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In the first step, the contour lines of desired features are identified and extracted from

2D images as a set of discrete points as shown in Figure 2. In the second step, the curve

reconstruction algorithm constructs the polygonal curves for each corresponding point set,

as illustrated in Figure 3. A point set may include multiple curves with various features

such as sharp corners or boundaries. Eventually, pairs of constructed curves in neighbor­

ing section are stacked together to generate the mesh over the contour lines as shown in

Figure 4. The final structure of the reconstructed 3D object will be defined by creating

the surface over these wire-frame contours.

(a) Input (b) Output

Figure 1: A curve reconstruction problem.

Figure 2: A set of contour points extracted from 2D images.

Figure 3: The contour points are connected to form curves.

A critical factor in the curve reconstruction problem is to define the criteria for connect­

ing the unorganized points. One of such criteria is that the curves must be reconstructed in


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Figure 4: Constructed curves and surface in 3D.

the way that is natural to human perception. This thesis aims to develop a human-vision

based curve reconstruction algorithm which connect points based on such criterion.

1.1.2 Objective 2: Graphical password

Graphical password is an authentication means alternative to textual password, biometric

password, smart card, etc. In using graphical password, users can select or draw pictures

to authenticate themselves to the system. A secure password must satisfy two basic re­

quirements: 1) it must be memorable by its owners, 2) it must be difficult to be guessed by

attackers. Textual password has been a popular authentication mean. However, with the

increasing growth in computer hardware and software, many current textual password may

not be able to satisfy the two requirements. It is well known that a strong textual pass­

word must be random and long enough. However this means the password will be hard

to memorize by its owner. To solve this problem, researchers have proposed graphical


Graphical passwords are classified into two groups: picture based password and user-

drawn based password [Tao]. In the picture based graphical password, users are asked to

choose pictures as their secret. In general, the pictures are provided by the system but

in some password schemes users can even upload their own pictures. The authentication

is successful when users can prove that they know the secret (e.g. by correctly choosing

the pre-selected images). In the user-drawn based graphical password, users are required


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to draw an image on a provided canvas. The authentication is successful when users can

reproduce the same pattern on the canvas.

In order to make a graphical password memorable, the password must be intuitive to

human perception. Therefore, this thesis aims to design a new graphical password scheme

that helps users to create passwords intuitive to their vision.

A fundamental hypothesis for this research is that human-vision based curve reconstruc­

tion algorithm is an effective method to crack a graphical password based on unorganized


To facilitate subsequent discussions, we introduce some notations and definitions in the

next section.

1.2 Notat ions and definitions

For a finite set of points S = {pi,p2, •••,pm} in Rn , the Euclidean distance between two

points pi and pj is denoted by d(pi,pj) = \\pi — pj\\. \S\ is the total number of points in

the finite set P.

A polyline T is a continuous and piecewise linear curve and is denoted by T =

[qi,q2, ...,qm}, where q\,q2,..., qm are vertices on the polyline and qt ^ qi+i for all i =

1, ...,m — 1. If qi ^ qm, then T is an open curve; otherwise, T is a closed curve. For any

closed curve T, [qx, q2, ...qm — q\), [q2, ^3,..., qm-i, <7i, Q2] a n d so on are considered the same.

For any open polyline T — [qi,q2, •••, qm], a point p can be added to T by [p|Tgi] or [Tgm|p],


A sample is called a free point if there is no edge connected to it; an end point or

boundary if there is only one edge connected to it; and interior point if there are two edges

connected to it.

The distance mean of the polyline T = [qi, q2, ...,qm] and the standard deviation of

distance are denoted as h^ and aA respectively where

Em _ 1 ll/> n II

i=l WQi ~ Qi+l\\ /-,\ n<i = : , Uj

m — 1


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* d = M / ^ 3 a •

An open polyline T — [qi, q2,..., <?m] is called a-smooth if:


7T - a < /.(qi-iqiqi+i) < n + a, % = 2,..., m - 1, (3)

where /.(qt-iqiqi+i) is the angle at vertex % in the halfspace defined as a clockwise rotation

from the edge joining p and its nearest curve endpoint to the curve segment incident to the

curve endpoint. Figure 5 shows the angles at vertices of a polyline T. Value a determines

the smoothness of the curve. The smaller the value a is, the smoother the curve is.

Figure 5: Angles at curve vertices

1.3 Literature review

1.3.1 Curve reconstruction

Because of its importance in various application domains, curve reconstruction has been

attracting numerous research attention over the last three decades. In this thesis, we con­

sider only simple curves that do not have intersections. Thus, the term curve(s) mentioned

in the thesis is implicitly referred to simple curve (s). There are mainly two kinds of simple

curves: open and closed curves. A curve without sharp corner is called smooth curve. In

curve reconstruction problem, to construct the desired curves, the points in a point set must

satisfy certain condition, called sampling condition. The process of generate points from

a curve is called sampling. A curve can be sampled either uniformly or non-uniformly.

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There are a few algorithms working for uniformly sampled curves such as alpha-shape

[EKS83], r-regular shape [Att98] and EMST [dFdMG94]. There are other algorithms that

work for non-uniformly sampled curves such as CRUST [ABE98, Gol99], Nearest Neigh­

bor (NN or NN-CRUST) [DK99], Conservative Crust (CC) [DMR99], Traveling Salesman

Path (TSP) [AMOO, Gie99] and GATHAN [DW01, DW02]. Non-uniform sampling allows

sparser sampling at less detailed section of the curve while uniform sampling unnecessarily

requires dense sampling in areas where sparse sampling should be enough. Most of the

existing algorithms for non-uniform sample requires the sampling points to be an e-sample.

A point set S is called an e-sample of a curve T if any point p on T has a sample within

distance 7/(p) where 7 is a constant factor and f(p) is local feature size at p defined as

minimum Euclidean distance from p to medial axis [Dey07].

The first provable curve reconstruction algorithm for simple close smooth curves is

given by Amenta et al. named CRUST [ABE98]. The paper proves that for 7 < 0.252 the

polygonal reconstruction of a curve is the crust. The crust is constructed by computing De-

launay triangulation on the set of sampling points and Voronoi vertices, and choosing only

Delaunay edges which have the endpoints belonging to the set of sampling points. Later,

Dey-Kumar presented Nearest Neighbor algorithm [DK99] which is based on CRUST. The

algorithm constructs simple close smooth curves by connecting each point to its nearest

neighbor; then, for each point p that is incident to only one edge e, the algorithm connects

p to its nearest neighbor in the other halfspace orthogonal to e. In fact, NN-CRUST is

based on CRUST but with better sampling density. To deal with open curves, Dey et al.

proposed Conservative Crust [DMR99]. The algorithm constructs the curve by computing

Delaunay triangulation on the sampling points and choosing only Delaunay edge e which

has an empty ball of Voronoi vertices centering at the midpoint of e with radius - ^ where

A; is a parameter for the algorithm and /(e) is the length of edge e. Then it filters all cho­

sen edges e that have a large enough ball centering at the midpoint of e containing a zero

degree or one degree vertices. Conservative Crust presents 7 as a constant c multiplied

by parameter k. Later, Funke and Ramos used Conservative Crust with different sam­

pling condition near corner points to guarantee construction of open non-smooth curves

[FR01]. In 1999, Dey and Wenger proposed an algorithm, named GATHAN, which can


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construct curves with sharp corners [DW01]. The algorithm has different sampling con­

ditions for non-smooth regions and smooth regions of the curve. The sampling density

near non-smooth regions is dependent on the angle of the sharp corner. Nevertheless, the

authors does not guarantee the reconstruction result of their algorithm. In 2002, a guaran­

tee version of GATHAN is introduced called GATHANG [DW02]. Another algorithm can

reconstruct non-smooth curve is based on traveling salesman problem (TSP). TSP-based

algorithm defines a modified cost function to set the sampling condition for every two

adjacent sample points on a curve [AM00]. This condition results in a sparser sampling

density compared to CRUST, NN-CRUST and CC [AMNS00]. According to [AMNS00],

the TSP algorithm also works for the same sampling condition proposed in the algorithms

CRUST, NN and CC [AMNS00]. However, TSP only handles close single curve. Recently,

a parameter-free, distance-based algorithm DISCUR proposed in [ZNYL08] requires nei­

ther parameters in the algorithm nor parameters in the sampling condition. Algorithm

DISCUR connects the sample points based on the observation that human eyes tends to

group near points together given that they are close enough. This observation is called

nearness property. Guaranteed reconstruction of DISCUR algorithm is based on two the­

orems. The first theorem provides sampling condition for sampling interior points while

the second theorem ensures that boundaries are detected correctly. DISCUR is proved to

correctly reconstruct non-smooth open curves. However, since DISCUR uses only nearness

to quantify human visual perception, it requires very dense sampling near corner areas and

it may not guarantee construction when there exists a sample p which has more than one

neighbor with equal shortest distance to p. To address these problems, Nguyen and Zeng

proposed VICUR which considers, in addition to the nearness property, a second observa­

tion that human eye tends to connect points to form a smooth curve, named smoothness

property [NZ08]. The algorithm associates each property with a parameter to determine

which property has stronger influence than the other during the connection process.


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1.3.2 Graphical password

In this section, a literature review of graphical password will be given. As mentioned

in Section 1.1.2, graphical password is categorized into user-drawn based and picture-

based. The password scheme proposed in this thesis belongs to user-drawn based graphical

password. Thus, the literature review of graphical password will solely focus on this

category. There are many existing scheme in the literature. We hardly mention all of

them, instead, we cover the initial user-drawn based graphical password scheme and some

of its variants. The first user-drawn based password was proposed by Jermyn et al., named

DAS [JMM+99]. In DAS, users create their passwords by drawing pictures on a G x G

grid, G is a positive integer. To pass the authentication, users have to reproduce the same

images in the same order that the images were drawn. Figure 6 shows an example of a

DAS password drawn on a 4 x 4 grid. The password is encoded by recording the sequences

of cells being passed by in the same order as the drawing is created. Each cell in the

grid is mapped to coordinates (x,y) that belong to [ 1 . . . G] x [ 1 . . . G]. A DAS password

can contain several strokes. Each strokes are separated by a "pen-up" event denoted by

(G + 1,G + 1). For example, the encoding for the image in Figure 1 is: (2,2), (3,2), (3,3),

(2,3), (2,2), (2,1), (5,5). In this example, the pair (5,5) is a "pen-up" event.

The authors of DAS scheme shows that DAS's memorable password space is larger

than that of textual password.

In 2008, Van Oorschot et al. proposed a graphical password dictionary that consti­

tutes: 1) mirror symmetrically drawn patterns denoted as Class 51, and 2) the number

of components less than four denoted as Class 5*2, based on the assumption that these

two classes contain passwords which are easy to memorize [vOT08]. The assumption is

supported by a user study conducted by Tao [Tao]. The study was conducted with 167

subjects showing that when no password policy is applied, 72% of created passwords fall

into Class 52, and 41% of created passwords fall into Class 51. In addition, the actual

memorable password space, which corresponds to the combination of Class 51 and Class

52 with the password length equal to 12 on 5 x 5 grid, of the original DAS scheme is only

40 bits versus 58 bits of full space.


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This result shows that attacker aiming at DAS may not lack of knowledge of password

distribution as assume in [JMM+99].

1 2 3 4

V " [_ — T

— r — , — i _

Figure 6: A DAS example password on 4x4 grid [JMM+99].

In [TvO04], the authors claim that given the current user choice of password in a 5 x 5

DAS grid, increasing the grid size will increase the size of memorable password space. To

minimize the negative impact of the increase in grid size on usability, the authors proposes

a selection grid technique in which users select the drawing region; the region will be

zoomed in and users can proceed to draw the password on the chosen region as they do in

5 x 5 DAS scheme. An example of grid selection DAS is illustrated in Figure 7.

Figure 7: Grid selection [TvO04].

In the DAS scheme, the center of the grid is more likely to be chosen as the location

to create passwords. This common choice makes DAS password highly predictable or

susceptible to graphical dictionary attack. To address this problem Chalkias et al. [CAS06]

proposed multi-grid DAS. Multi-grid DAS divides the grid into unequal-sized cells as shown

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in Figure 8. Based on user study of 30 participants from non-technical and technical

background, the result shows the advantage of multi-grid DAS over the original DAS in

a decrease in grid-centered password and an increase in the numbers of users who can

memorize the location of their passwords. However, the percentage of ordering errors,

which is errors occurring when the password is not drawed in the same order as initially

created, stays the same and even increases in non-technical user group.

Figure 8: A multigrid DAS example [CAS06].

Later, in 2007, Dunphy et al. introduced a background image to DAS, called BDAS [DNO08].

Based on the study conducted on the total of 67 participants, the authors claims that in

BDAS, users tend to create more complex passwords: the password is longer, numbers

of components are greater and symmetric and centering drawings is reduced whereas the

recall success rate is comparable to DAS. However, the negative impacts of the background

image on the password choice is not explored in the paper although it is believed that the

background image does provide attackers more information of password distribution and

password patterns.

Figure 9: A BDAS password example [DY07].

Tao proposed another variant of DAS, called Pass-Go [Tao], illustrated in Figure 10.


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Pass-Go requires the drawing to pass corner of the cells instead of passing the area of the

cells. Therefore, the scheme allows users to create diagonal lines as well as provides users

greater number of turns. For instance, starting at one point, user can go up, down, right,

left, up-left, up-right, down-left, down-right to create a line; in DAS, users can only go

up, down, left or right. Pass-Go has the smallest dictionary 3.3 times larger than text

based password containing 7 alphanumeric character (including A-Z, a-z, 0-9). Compared

to DAS, Pass-Go is claimed to be better resistant to symmetric dictionary attack.

—.— _

1 1 M

- +-1| ,

^ 1


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Figure 10: A Pass-Go password example [Tao].

1.4 Research contribution

The main contributions of this present thesis are listed as follows:

1. The necessary and sufficient sampling conditions are proposed and proved for a new

curve reconstruction algorithm - DISCUR.

2. A new curve reconstruction algorithm, VICUR is proposed based on human vision.

3. A new graphical password scheme is proposed by taking a multidisciplinary approach

combining visual perception, computational geometry and computer security.


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1.5 Thesis organization

The thesis is organized as follows: Chapter 2 gives readers an overview of the relationships

between vision, curve reconstruction and graphical password. The two current vision-

based curve reconstruction algorithms DISCUR and VICUR are presented in Chapter 3

and 4, respectively. Chapter 5 proposes a new graphical password scheme and evaluates the

memorable password space using vision-based curve reconstruction algorithm. Eventually,

conclusions and future works are presented in Chapter 6 .


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Chapter 2

Human-vision based curve

reconstruction algorithm and

graphical password: A research


Curve reconstruction belongs to the area of computational geometry whereas password

design belongs to computer cryptography. Although they appear to be two distant research

problems, this chapter shows how these two problems are related and introduces the basic

concepts underlying this present research.

2.1 Logical connection between curve reconstruction

and user-drawn based graphical password

Curve reconstruction deals with how to connect points so that the original curve can be

reconstructed from unorganized points as shown in Figure 11. Most existing algorithms in

the literature address the problem from the geometric point of view [Dey07]. Motivated

by the fact that human can visualize a curve from a set of points, we have developed a

set of vision based curve reconstruction algorithms [ZNYL08] [NZ08]. Those algorithms


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^L Sampling Reconstruction


C-> '-

Original shape Output

Figure 11: Overview of curve reconstruction problem.

intend to simulate human vision in the context of curve reconstruction problem.

The user-drawn based graphical password schemes let users create a password by draw­

ing on a given canvas. Obviously, the number of possible drawings is huge. Hence, theo­

retically the chance for an attacker to select the correct password would be very low. The

most efficient way for the attacker to select the correct password is to firstly try the draw­

ings that users are likely to draw. For example, in the DAS scheme, users tend to create

symmetric passwords, which reflect about the central horizonal and vertical axes [vOT08].

Figure 12a) and c) respectively shows a user's password and the highest probability reflec­

tion axes that will be used by an attacker as the basic knowledge of password distribution.

This knowledge is used to simulate the way how users will create passwords. Similarly, in

our proposed password scheme, users are given a set of points from which they can create

the drawings by connecting any two points as shown in Figure 13. It is reasonable to

assume that in this scheme users will draw the password intuitive to their eyes. Thus, the

created password may be the subset of reconstruction result of human-vision based curve

reconstruction algorithms.

The rest of this chapter will introduce Gestalt laws of human visual perception, followed

by a brief analysis of the relations between Gestalt laws and curve reconstruction and

between human-vision based curve reconstruction and graphical password.


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Password creation

~~T"~ r

^ T 7 : 4 Password guessing

Knowledge of password distribution


-Vf-f-a ,

* Y

Figure 12: Cracking DAS scheme: many users' passwords are positioned in the center of

the grid and have components symmetric about the central horizontal and vertical axes.

Attackers can use this knowledge to crack the password.

Password creation

7 Vision based reconstruction

/ V

\ 4/ /

Password matching

Password guessing

Figure 13: Cracking proposed graphical password scheme: it is assumed that users are

likely to create drawings that look natural to their vision. Such drawings may be a subset

of vision based curve reconstruction result, which can be used by attackers to crack the



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2.2 Introduction to Gestalt Law

Gestalt in German means shape or form. The principles of Gestalt theory are known to

be proposed by Max Wertheimer in 1912, then further developed and promoted by his

colleagues Kohler and Koffka. Gestalt concept initially emerged in Ehrenfels's 1890 paper

"On Gestalt Qualities" [KW07] as apposed to atomism. Atomism believes that our mind

perceives the whole as summation of the parts whereas Ehrenfels believed the whole is

summation of the parts plus Gestalt Qualities. Wertheimer, on the other hand, proposed

the idea of Gestalt theory in which he stated that the whole is even different from the

summation of its parts, the whole has an inherent structure of itself named Gestalten in

which the parts are mutually related with each other and their properties are determined

by the structural law of the Gestalten. In an attempt to find such structural laws, Max

introduced five laws of perceptual organization.

1. Law of proximity or nearness: our vision tends to perceptually group near objects

together. The law of proximity is illustrated in Figure 14(a), we see three columns

instead of four rows because the distance between the circles in each column is closer

than the distance between the circles in each row.

2. Law of similarity: our vision tends to group together objects similar in features. In

Figure 14(b), the black circles are perceptually grouped into one set and the white

circles are perceptually grouped into another set.

3. Law of continuity: objects following a consistent continuous direction are perceptu­

ally grouped together. Figure 14(c) shows the law of continuity, in the picture we

perceive two smooth lines cross each other instead of four line segments touching at

one vertex or two V curves touching at their sharp corners.

4. Law of closure: our vision tends to perceive a whole to maintain the balance and

harmony of the structure. Figure 14(d) shows the law of closure, we perceptually

complete the gap between the lines to perceive the complete shape S.

5. Law of common fate: our vision tends to group objects that move in the same motion.


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o o o o


o o o o o o o o

]a) Proximity

o o o

o o o (b) Similarity




(c) Continuity (d) Closure

Figure 14: Gestalt laws of perceptual organization.

These laws are all rooted in the law of Pragnanz which states that human mind tends

to group the parts to a simple formation. The Gestalt laws of perceptual organization

had an enormous impact on the field of perception at Wertheimer's time and continues to

leave its trace in modern perceptual research. However, it should be noted that Gestalt

theory is not merely the theory of perception. Rather, the study of perception is used to

demonstrate the Gestalt theory.

2.3 Relationship between Gestalt Law and vision-based

curve reconstruction

According to the Gestalt law of closure, human tend to form objects that are incomplete

to form an entire structure. As illustrated in Figure 15(a), we can perceive a round shape

out of a collection of separate points. This property of human perception motivates us

to develop a vision-based curve reconstruction algorithm which can connect points into

curves that are similar to the curves perceptually constructed by human vision. Thus,


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the result of the vision-based reconstruction from the points in Figure 15(a) is a polygon

as shown in Figure 15(c), which is similar to the curve perceived by our mind shown in

Figure 15(b).

(a) A set of points

(b) How human sees (c) Correct reconstruction result of a vision-based algo­rithm

Figure 15: Human perception and vision-based curve reconstruction algorithm.

In the context of curve reconstruction, we observed that the law of proximity and the

law of continuity are relevant. Therefore, our algorithm is developed based on two criteria:

1) nearest points should be connected, and 2) points should be connected to form a smooth


A good curve reconstruction should be able to correctly construct closed curves, open

curves, curve with sharp corners and multiple curves. To achieve this objective, we intro­

duce a function called connectivity function to determine when a sample point p should

be connected to a curve T. The connectivity function can be denoted by

E\p,T\ = f(p,V) (4)

where V is a vector that includes statistical properties of the curve segment T, such as the


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distance mean, distance standard deviation, angle mean, and angle standard deviation.

The function f(p, V) can be obtained through experiments or through observations.

However, in some cases, conflict may arise as depicted in Figure 16. According to

criterion number one, point q± should be connected to point q*> because point q5 is closer to

point q\ than point qe, but according to criteria number two, point q^ should be connected

to point q$ because the connection between q\ and q6 will result in a smoother curve. To

solve this problem, we propose two solutions. The first solution is to avoid such a conflict

by considering only nearness property. This solution implies that any points connected

based on nearness property also forms a smooth curve. The second solution considers

both criteria and introduces additional parameters to evaluate which criteria should be

followed when conflict occurs. The two solutions are implemented in DISCUR and VICUR

algorithms, respectively. More details about these two algorithms will be given in Chapter 3

and Chapter 4 of the present thesis.

Figure 16: A case of conflict.

2.4 Relationship between human-vision based curve

reconstruction algorithms and graphical password

In creating a password, users try to satisfy the following requirements explicitly or implic­


1. The password has to be easily to remember.

2. The password needs to be easy to input.


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3. The password must be difficult to be cracked.

To satisfy the first requirement, the graphical password should be natural to human

vision since the major advantage of the graphical password is its intuitiveness, which is

advantageous for human memory. To satisfy the second requirement, the length of the

password must not be too long. To satisfy the third requirement, the password either has

to be random enough so that it is hard to be guessed or the password space has to be large

enough so that it will be computationally infeasible to select the correct password for an


From the first requirement, it is reasonable to assume that users will select the pass­

words that look natural or meaningful to their vision. Consequently, the attacker can

reconstruct the entire curves by using human-vision based curve reconstruction algorithms

and the users' passwords may be parts of the reconstructed curves.

Assumingly, from the attacker's point of view, there are three main ways to crack the

proposed password:

1. Perform an exhaustive search.

2. Reconstruct the curves on the whole point set and take the reconstructed curves as

the foundation for password guessing.

3. Choose a subset of points from the point set, reconstruct the curves on the subset

and take the reconstructed curves as the foundation for password guessing.

If the password space is relatively large, the first approach is unrealistic. Both the

second and the third approach can be conducted by using vision-based curve reconstruction

algorithms. The difference is the curve reconstruction algorithms construct curves on the

whole point set in the second approach while it constructs curves on a subset of the point

set in the third approach. Figure 2.4b) shows different password drawings. The first

approach can help attackers to find the drawing (1), which consists of multiple edges or

intersecting curves; the second approach can help attackers to find the drawing (2), which

is the subset of the curve reconstruction result and the third approach can produce the

drawing (3), which is the subset of the reconstruction result on the subset of the point set.


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3) \

i "•• / ". ' V " J ( 2 )

(a) A set of points (b) Graphical password

Figure 17: An example of a graphical password

2.5 Summary

This chapter discusses the relationships between visual perception, curve reconstruction,

and graphical password. Visual perception is the foundation of curve reconstruction and

graphical password in that a curve should be reconstructed from unorganized points in

a way that is natural to human vision and a graphic password created from unorganized

points should also look natural to the owner's visual perception. Human vision based curve

reconstruction will be used to evaluate the security property of the proposed graphical

password scheme. Based on this research framework, the following three chapters will

address the following three issues. First, how to reconstruct the curves based only on

nearness property. Second, how to reconstruct the curves by considering the nearness and

the smoothness properties of human visual perception, third, how to evaluate the proposed

graphical password scheme based on the principles of human vision and the capacity of

vision based curve reconstruction algorithms.


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Chapter 3

DISCUR algorithm: simulation of

nearness property of human vision in

the context of curve reconstruction

DISCUR algorithm reconstructs curves using Gestalt perceptual law of proximity which

means that satisfying nearness property implies that smoothness property is also satisfied.

DISCUR is guaranteed to reconstruct curves correctly from unorganized points

3.1 Simulation of nearness property

Based on the vision function defined in Equation 4, the following two rules can be used to

determine the connectivity of two potentially connectable samples:

Rule 1: point-curve connectivity. For a curve T = [qi,q2, ...,qi],i > 1, which is

partially reconstructed from a sample set S, suppose that there exists a sample point p G S

that is the nearest neighbor to q = qi (or qi). If d(p,q) < E[p,Tq], then p and q can be


Rule 2: curve-curve connectivity. For two curves T1 = [qi, q2,..., qi],T2 = [p\,P2, •••,Pj],

i,j > 1, which is partially reconstructed from a sample set S, if q\ (or qt) and T2 or px (or

Pj) and T1 can be connected by Rule 1, then these two curves can be connected.

In the following, a concrete form of Equation 4, which considers only distance in the


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equation, is given as follows [ZNYL08]:

E\p,Tq} = hd-(l + ^)% (5) s <?d

where /i = lJ^,s = ^f1, o = d(%-i,9i) (or f0 = d(q2,qi)), and Z = d{p,qi) {oil = d(p,ql)).

ad and /i^ are defined in Equation 1 and 2, respectively.

Equation 5 shows that the connectivity between the sample p and the curve Tq depends

on two relations: the relation of p to Tq, defined by ha and ad, and the relation of p to its

nearest segment qi-iqi (or qiq2), defined by h and s.

First, let us examine the case when only one edge has been connected, i.e., Tq = [qi, q2\.

Therefore, h^ = lo = d(q\,q2), &d — 0- Now we want to connect qz to Tq, let I = d(q3,q2) <

d(q%, qi). In this case, Rule 1 is reduced to I < IQK It is noted that if the difference between

I and IQ becomes larger, the ratio of j becomes lower, which means that the probability of

the connection becomes lower. On the other hand, when the difference between I and IQ is

smaller, the probability of connection is higher.

Secondly, let us examine when many edges have been connected, i.e., Tq = [q\,q2, •••qi}-

In this case, Rule 1 identifies two factors that affect the connectivity: the reconstructed

part of the curve and the edge nearest to the sample to be connected. The former factor

exerts global requirement on the new edge, the later factor a local requirement. These two

requirements imply that a new edge should not bring about abrupt change to the already

constructed part in terms of length and that the new edge should be compatible with its



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y ...

1 3 i S % .'

h —

• »•}

• . . • '

1) J-Aj(l + -^-)*'

Figure 18: Graphic illustration of point-curve connectivity.

Figure 18a) shows that it becomes more probable for the point p to be connected

to the curve Tq as I approaches l0. In the extreme case, if s = 0, then I = l0 and -

becomes infinity. The point p should be added into the curve Tq. Figure 18b) illustrates

that the connectivity between p and Tq increases as ad of Tq becomes larger. In the case

where ad —> 0, (1 + !M)hd = lim(l H—i)h<t = 1. As a result, the criterion is reduced "A'

to I < hd^ = 2|°-H an<^ o n ^ *he boundary segment of Tq will have an effect on the

connectivity. Intuitively, the value of ad indicates how evenly the curve Tq is sampled. The

more unevenly the curve is sampled, the further a connectable sample can be away from

the boundary q of the curve Tq. Figure 18c) presents the third case where a greater hd,

resulted from fewer sampling points in the curve, will enhance the probability of p being

connected to Tq. Figure 18d) gives the combined effect of hd and ad on the connectivity

between p and Tq.


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3.2 Algorithm

From the rules in Section 3.1, an algorithm named DISCUR is developed to reconstruct

multiple simple curves that may be open, close, and with or without sharp corners. The

major steps of the algorithm is given in Figure 19.

Algorithm DISCUR(SampleSet : S) 1: Step 1 - Delaunay triangulation and initialization 2: Step 2 - Determining the connectivity of Delaunay edges 3: Step 3 - Updating the connectivity of Delaunay edges 4: Output the reconstructed curves

Figure 19: Main steps of DISCUR.

DISCUR takes a set of sampling points as input and reconstructs the curve in three

main steps. Step 1 computes the Delaunay triangulation for the sample set S and initializes

the connectivity properties of sample points and Delaunay edges. Step 2 processes all the

Delaunay edges to determine which edges should be connected, which edges should be

removed, and which edges should be retained for further processing. Step 3 processes the

Delaunay edges retained in Step 2 and completes the curve reconstruction.

In the first step, the algorithm computes Delaunay triangulation, marks all these De­

launay edges as 0 and initializes the degree for each sampling point to 0. Variable mark[e]

for a Delaunay edge e has two possible values: 0 and 1. If the edge e is not yet processed

for connectivity then 0 is assigned to mark[e] in Step 2 and to 1 in Step 3; however, if e

is found to be the shortest edge but cannot be connected because of its connectivity value

E defined by Equation 5 then mark[e] — 1 in Step 2 and mark[e\ = 0 in Step 3. Variable

degree[p] for a sample p is used to track the number of shortest Delaunay edges that are

adjacent to p. Only two nearest neighbors to p should be considered for connection to p,

which makes 2 the maximum degrees of a sample. As soon as degree[p] is equal to 2, it is

not necessary to check other points for connection to p.

It should be noted that there are cases when degree\p] = 2 and p is still a free point.

Figure 20 illustrates such case. Figure 20b) shows that there is Delaunay edge between

points p\ and p2 but p\ and p2 are not connected to each other even they are free points as


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shown in Figure 20c). The reason is that degree\p2] is already 2 because p3 and p$ should

have been connected to p2 if their connectivity value E were greater than their distances.

This yields a reconstruction acceptable to human perception as shown in Figure 20c).

Pseudocode of the first step is given in Figure 21.



a) Sampling points


/ P3 " P4


c) Reconstruction result

Figure 20: Meaning of variable degree.

Step 1 Delaunay triangulation and initialization 1: Compute the Delaunay triangulation of S 2: Let De be the set of Delaunay edge 3: for all e G De do 4: mark[e] <— 0 5: end for 6: for all p G S do 7: degree[p] <— 0 8: end for

Figure 21: Step 1 of DISCUR.

The second step determines the connectivity of each shortest Delaunay edge. The

pseudocode is shown in Figure 22. As the shortest Delaunay edge e is found, the degree

for each vertex incident to the edge e will increase by 1 (line 2). When the degree values

of both vertices of the edge e are 0, they are connected directly and the Delaunay edge

is removed (line 3 and 4). Otherwise, the connectivity value at each vertex should be

computed (line 6 to 12). Two vertices should be connected if either Rule 1 or Rule 2 is

satisfied (line 13 and 14). If two vertices cannot be connected at this step, the edge is

marked as 1 so that it can be considered again in Step 3 (line 16). The reason for this is



V\ P4 ft p 2 P4

b) Delaunay edges

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that the connectivity value E may change as the curve may extend. As mentioned in Step

1, when two nearest neighbors to a sample point p are found, other neighbors should not

be considered. Therefore, all other adjacent Delaunay edges to p will be removed (line 19

to 25).

Step 2 Determining the connectivity of Delaunay edges

1 2

3 4


6 7



10 11


13 14

15 16




20 21


23 24:



for each shortest Delaunay edge e = \pi,Pj] € De and mark[e] — 0 do degree\pi] <— degree\pi] + 1, degree\pj] <— degree\pj] + 1 if both pi and Pj are free points then

Connect pi and pj, De <— De — {e} else

for each pi e {Pi,Pj} do P2 +~ Pi + Pj ~ Pi E\p2,Tt Pi J 0 if p\ is an endpoint of a curve TPl then

Compute the connectivity value E[p2,TPl} end if

end for if d(pi,pj) < max(E\puTPj],E\pj,TPi]) then

Connect pi and pj, De <— De — {e} else

mark[e\ <— 1 end if

end if for each p € {pi,Pj} do

if degree[p] = 2 then for all e! G -De incident to p and marfc[e'] = 0 do

De<-De- {e'} end for

end if end for

end for

Figure 22: Step 2 of DISCUR.

The third step reconsiders Delaunay edges retained in Step 2 whose values of mark

were assigned to 1. For each edge e = [pi,pj], if d(pi,pj) > msLx(E[pi,TPj], E[pj, TPi\), e

is marked as 0 and will be excluded from consideration in the for loop starting at line

1. This edge e = \pi,Pj] can only be reconsidered when any curve incident to pt or pj

is updated (line 8 to 14). If d(pi,pj) < max(E[pi,TPj},E[pj,TPi]), then p, and pj will be

connected. As a result, the curve is extended, which changes the connectivity value E for

some unconnected Delaunay edges. Thus, as long as the curve is extended, any Delaunay


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9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

edge incident to the endpoints of this curve should be checked for connection (line 6 to

16). This step terminates when all Delaunay edges have been examined for connection

and no more connection can be made. The pseudocode of Step 3 is given in Figure 23.

Step 3 Updating the connectivity of Delaunay edges 1: for each Delaunay edge e = \pi,Pj] £ De and mark[e] — 1 do

if d(pi,pj) < max(E\pi,TPj], E\pj,TPi}) then Connect pt and pj De+-De- {e} Tl^[TPi\TVj\ repeat

T 2 ^ 0

for each Delaunay edge e = [pm,pn] incident to an endpoint of T1

do if d(pm,pn) < max(E\pm,TPn}, E\pn,TPm}) then

Connect pm and pn

De<-De- {e} T 2 ^

end if end for Tl <— T2

until T1 = 0 else

mark[e] — 0 end if

end for


Figure 23: Step 3 of DISCUR.

The procedures included in this algorithm is illustrated in Figure 24, where images

without Delaunay triangulation are included to improve the visibility of reconstructed

curves. Figure 24a) shows the input of this algorithm, which is a set of sampling points; the

corresponding Delaunay triangulation is also given. In Figure 24b), [pi,P2] is the shortest

Delaunay edge and both p\ and p2 are free points; the first edge [pi,P2] is then connected

and removed from De. Figure 24c) shows an intermediate step where [p3,p<i] is the current

shortest Delaunay edge and the sample p\ is an interior point. After the edge [p3,p4J is

connected, all the Delaunay edges connected to p4 are removed from De. In Figure 24d),

the current shortest Delaunay edge is [pi,Ps] and both pi and ps are endpoints. Obviously,

these two points has a shorter distance than many connected edges. The edge [pi,Ps] is

still a Delaunay edge because it was marked as 1 when it could not be connected earlier


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(a) Original sampling points and its Delaunay triangulation

Shortest Delaunay e d g e p , p 2 . .••••


Shortest Delaunay edge p3p4

(b) Connection of the first edge


(c) Removal of Delaunay edges after an interior point p4 is generated

Shortest Delaunay edge p,p5


(d) Generation of an open curve

Figure 24: Example of the reconstruction process by using DISCUR.

due to the connectivity value between these two points. At this stage, [pi,ps] is the only

Delaunay edge left, and TP1 = TP5 = \p\,P2,Pz-,Pi,Pb\- The coordinates of those five points

are pi(114,131),p2(119,151),p3(143,162),p4(164,151),p5(180,134), respectively. In terms

of Equation 5, £bi ,TP 5] = 44.274, E[p5,Tpl] = 40.375. Since d(pi,p5) = 66.07 > 44.27,

points pi and p5 should not be connected and the Delaunay edge [pi,Ps] is removed from

the set De and no more Delaunay edge exists. The curve reconstruction process ends.

Figure 25 gives an example of reconstruction of curves with multiple features by using

this present algorithm.


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1 \

!rL> ) /

Figure 25: Reconstruction of curves with multiple features.

3.3 Necessary and sufficient sampling conditions

Theorem 3.3.1 provides necessary and sufficient conditions for sampling the interior points

of a curve for DISCUR to work correctly. This deals with Case 1 and 2 as shown in

Figure 26. Theorem 3.3.2 provides necessary and sufficient conditions for the sampling

boundary points.

• V " . p

"Q /.

Case 1: wrong connection between interior points

Case 2: wrong connection between interior and boundary points

* Case 3: wrong connection between boundary points

Figure 26: Overview of sampling conditions for DISCUR.

Theorem 3.3.1 Suppose that S is a set of sample points on a curve or a collection of

curves T. For every sample point p E S, points tp,t^ E S are the two neighbors of p and

p ^ {ip,ip}- Without loss of generality, assume that rv — d{p,tlp) — max{d(p,tp),d(p,t^)}

and C\p,tp] = E[pl,Tpl] — max{E[p,Tti], E[tp,Tp]}. Furthermore, let Np be a subset of S,

such that Np = {q E S : d(p,q) < rp and q ^ p,tp,tp}. The point p will be connected to

its neighbors tp and t2v by Algorithm DISCUR, if and only if the following conditions are


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rp < C[p, tp],3Tp, C.T,(p/ — pVpi — tp), and the connectivities

of all the segments in Tpi do not depend on the connection of [p, tp]. (6)

[\NP\ = 0] V [d(p,q) >rqAq^ t2q,Vq € Np}. (7)

where E\p,Tti] and E[tp,Tp] are the vision function defined in the form of Equation 5

and rq = d(q, t\) = max{d(q, t\),d{q, t2q)}.

The following will provide a mathematical proof of Theorem 3.3.1. The proof of this

theorem includes two parts. First, the sufficient condition will be proven by showing that

the algorithm will reconstruct the curve correctly when both conditions in (6) and (7) are

satisfied. Secondly, the necessary condition will be proven by showing that the algorithm

will not guarantee the correct connection when any of the condition in (6) and (7) is not


[Proof] Proof of sufficient condition.

Case 1: consider the conditions rp < max{E[p,Tti],E[tp,Tp]}, 3Tti,Tp and \NP\ — 0.

For any point p £ S, there is no other point q other than its neighbors tp and t2p such that

d(p,q) < rp because |7Vp| = 0. Thus [p, tp] and [p,tp] must be the shortest and the second

shortest edges incident to point p. Hence, for the shortest edge e — [pi,Pj] € De found in

Algorithm DISCUR, Pj must be one of the two neighbors of p;. There are following three


1. Both pi and pj are free points. In this case, pt and pj will be connected directly.

2. One of pi and pj is a free point. Without loss of generality, let us assume that pj is

a free point. Let p, = p. If pj = tp, then d(pi,pj) < d{pi,tl). In this case, the edge

[pi,Pj] would have to be considered before the edge [Pi,tp] when p, was still a free

point. Hence, pj must be tp. By (6) we have rp < max{E[p,Tti],E[tp,Tp]},3Tti,Tp.

Therefore, pi and pj will be connected by the algorithm DISCUR.

3. Both pi and pj are end points. Suppose that U and tj are respectively the other


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neighbors of pt and Pj. If d(pi,Pj) < d(pi,ti) and d(pi,pj) < d(pj,tj), then the edge

[pi,Pj] would have to be considered before the edges \pi,U] and \pj,tj] when both p{

and pj were still free points. Hence, d(pi,pj) must be greater than or equal to one

of d(pi,ti) and d(pj,tj). Assume that d(pi,pj) > d(pi,ti). Hence, p% = p and Pj = tp.

By (6) we have rp < max{E[p,Tti], E[tp,Tp]},3Tti,Tp. Therefore, pi and Pj will be

connected by the algorithm DISCUR.

Case 2: consider the condition rp < max{E[p, Tti],E[tp, Tp}}, 3Tti, Tp and \NP\ ^ 0 but

d{p,q) > rq A q ^ t2q,Vq £ Np.

Without loss of generality, suppose that w € Np is the sample closest to p. In this situation,

w is not a boundary point (w ^ t^) and rw < max{E[w, TJiJ, E[tlw,Tw}}, 3Tt^,Tw because

(6) applies to any sample point. Moreover, p ^ Nw since d(p,w) > rw. So, w will be

connected with its own neighbors, which do not include p. As a result, u; becomes an

interior point and degree(p) = 2. According to the algorithm DISCUR, Delaunay edge

[w,p] will be removed from De. This process applies to all the samples in Np, which will

make \NP\ to be 0. Therefore, p can be correctly connected with its neighbors in terms of

Case 1.

In summary, if the conditions in (6) and (7) are met, the curves will be correctly

reconstructed. This proves the sufficient condition.

Proof of Necessary condition.

Case 1: suppose that the condition given in (6) is not met.

In this case, there exists at least one sample point p € S such that rp > max{E\p,Tti],

Elt^Tp}}, VTti,Tp. According to Algorithm DISCUR, p and txp will not be connected,

which is not correct.

Case 2: suppose that the condition given in (6)is met; but \NP\ ^ 0 and there exists a

boundary point w £ Np such that d(p,w) > rw.

Without loss of generality, assume that w is the closest to p, among all the boundary points

in Np. Since it; is a boundary point, t^ — w, d(w,t^) = 0 and rw = d{w,tlw). However,

according to Algorithm DISCUR, [w, t^] and [p, w] are respectively the shortest and the

second shortest edges incident to w. It can be assumed that no other points are closer to


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w than p. Since d(p,w) < rp, the degrees of p and w will be increased by 1. As a result,

one of the two neighbors of the point p will not be connectable to p.

Case 3: suppose that the condition given in (6) is met, but \NP\ ^ 0Ad(p,q) < rqAq^


In this case, there exists at least one non-boundary sample point p such that a non-

boundary point q £ Np will make d(p, q) < rq and d(p, q) < rp. Under this circumstance,

there exist following possible scenarios:

1. If d(p, q) < rq and d(p, q) < rp

- Both p and q are free points. As a result of Algorithm DISCUR, p and q

will be connected, which makes at least one of p's(and g's) own neighbors not

connectable to p (and q).

- Neither p nor q is a free point, [p, q] is the shortest Delaunay edge incident to

both p and q. According to Algorithm DISCUR, the degrees of p and q will be

increased to 2. As a result, all other Delaunay edges incident to p and q will be

removed from De, which makes p's(and q's) second neighbor not connectable to

p (and q).

- Without loss of generality, suppose that p is free but q is not. According to Algo­

rithm DISCUR, the degrees of p and q will be increased by 1 since d(p, q) < rq

and d(p, q) < rp. As a result, degree(q) — 2 and all other Delaunay edges

incident to q will be removed from De. This makes q's second neighbor not

connectable to q.

2. If d(p, q) = rp or d(p, q) = rq

Edges \p,q] and \p,tp] (or [q,ii]) are the second shortest incident to p (or q). By

(6) we have d(p,q) - rp < max{E\p,Tti],E[tl,Tp]},irti,Tp (or d{p,q) = rq <


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max{E[q,Tti], Elt^Tg]}, 3Tti,Tq). Algorithm DISCUR will choose arbitrarily be­

tween [p,q] and [p, tp] (or [q, tq}) for connection. If \p, q] is chosen to be connected,

then at least one of p's (and q's) own neighbors will not be connected to p (and q).

In summary, if the conditions (6) or (7) can not be satisfied, at least one sample point

cannot be guaranteed for the connection to its own neighbor. This proves the necessary


Theorem 3.3.2 Suppose that S is a set of sample points on a curve or a collection of

curves. For every boundary point p € S, there exists a set Bp, which is a subset of S,

such that Bp = {q & S : \p,q] is a Delaunay edge}. The point p will guarantee not to

be connected to any point in Bp by Algorithm DISCUR, if and only if the following two

conditions are satisfied:

1. All interior points are sampled according to Theorem 3.3.1

2. d(p,q) > max{E\p,Tq],E[q,Tp]},Vq € Bp,Tp,Tq.

where E\p, Tq] and E[q,Tp] are the vision function defined in the form of Equation 5.

This theorem is self-evident. If both conditions (1) and (2) are satisfied, the curve is

constructed correctly (as proved in Theorem 3.3.1) and boundary points are not connected

(from condition (2)). If condition (1) is not satisfied, the curve does not guarantee a correct

reconstruction as proved in theorem 3.3.1. If condition (2) is not satisfied, boundary points

p and q are wrongly connected.

3.4 Comparisons

In this section, DISCUR and existing algorithms, particularly CRUST [ABE98], NN-

CRUST [DK99], and GATHAN [DW02], are made .

Table 1 [Dey07] and 2 show a comparison of most existing curve reconstruction al­

gorithms as regard to their sampling condition, their ability to deal with sharp corners

(smoothness of original curve), their capability to process open curves (curve with bound­

aries), and their ability to reconstruct multiple components. Examples will be given in the

following to show the performances of these existing algorithms.


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Table 1: Scope of curve reconstruction algorithms [Dey07] Algorithm



Sampling Non-uniform Non-uniform Non-uniform Non-uniform

Smoothness Required Required

Not required Required

Boundary None None

Must be known Any number

Components Multiple Multiple

Single Multiple

Table 2: Scope of GATHAN and DISCUR Algorithm Sampling Smoothness Boundary Components

GATHAN [DW01] [DW02] Non-uniform Not required Guaranteed

Any number No guarantee

Multiple No guarantee

DISCUR [ZNYL08] Non-uniform Not required Guaranteed

Any number Guaranteed

Multiple Guaranteed

3.4.1 Sampling condition and parameters

Although many existing algorithms can successfully reconstruct curves from " dense enough"

samples, they require the sampling conditions based on local feature size and have certain

parameters as inputs.

(a) Sampling input (b) DISCUR

(b) GATHAN angle = 10 (d) GATHAN angle = 23

Figure 27: Reconstruction of GATHAN with different parameters.

Take the point cloud shown in Figure 27a) as an example, our algorithm DISCUR

generates two components as shown in Figure 27b), which conforms to human perception.

GATHAN, however, depends on parameters that in turn depend on the shape of the curve


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to be reconstructed. Figure 27c) and d) show some reconstruction results from GATHAN

using minimum corner angle as a parameter. When the minimum corner angle is set to 10°,

GATHAN would wrongly connect the curve as shown in Figure 27c). After the parameter

value is set to 23°, GATHAN can reconstruct the sharp corner of the curve correctly.

3.4.2 Sharp corners

In the case involving sharp corners as shown in Figure 28, it is very difficult for CRUST

and NN-CRUST to achieve a reconstruction close to the original curve. With correctly

chosen parameters, GATHAN can successfully handle curves with sharp corners.

For the samples given in Figure 28, our parameter-free algorithm DISCUR does not

obtain desired output since the sampling near the sharp corner violates the sampling

condition. However, the problem can be corrected easily as in Figure 29b) by adding more

points to the local area where the sampling connection is violated.

a) Input points b) CRUST


Figure 28: Reconstruction of sharp corners.


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a) Input points b) CRUST

A ) i A ) K h . :


Figure 29: Reconstruction of sharp corner: change of sampling conditions.

3.4.3 Boundary and multiple components

In comparison with CRUST and NN-CRUST, DISCUR is able to detect the boundary

points while NN-CRUST and CRUST wrongly connect them as shown in Figure 30.

a) Sampling points b) CRUST c) NN-CRUST d) DISCUR

Figure 30: Reconstruction in the case of open curve.

3.4.4 Summary of comparison

Example in Figure 31 shows a more complex sample set, which includes multiple features

such as uneven samplings, sharp corners, boundaries, and multiple components.


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a) Input points b) CRUST

*sV i. * !


Figure 31: Reconstruction result from different algorithms.

3.5 Limitation

In developing Algorithm DISCUR, we have used only Gestalt law of proximity. The

algorithm works correctly if sampling conditions in Theorem 3.3.1 are met. However, in

some cases such as that given in Figure 32a), DISCUR reconstructs the curve as shown

in Figure 32b), though Figure 33 is more visually acceptable. In order to correct the

wrong connections by using DISCUR, more sampling points are needed to enforce the

desired conditions. Alternatively, since the result in Figure 32b) obviously violates the

smoothness property, the algorithm can be enhanced by adding a quantification of the

smoothness observation based on angles between two edges to be connected. This research

is addressed in VICUR algorithm.

a) Sampling point b) Reconstructed result by DISCUR

Figure 32: An example of wrong connections.


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Figure 33: Desired result.

3.6 Summary

In this paper, a new algorithm is proposed to reconstruct multiple curves, which may be

open, closed, and/or with sharp corners. This algorithm is parameter-free. The foundation

of this algorithm originates from Gestalt law of nearness. To simulate this property, both

the neighborhood features of a curve and the statistical properties of a set of samples

are investigated. A general form of vision function E[p,Tq] is proposed to determine the

connectivity of a point to a curve segment. Then a concrete representation of E[p, Tq] for

the present algorithm DISCUR is given through observation.


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Chapter 4

VICUR algorithm: simulation of

nearness and smoothness property of

human vision in the context of curve


DISCUR algorithm satisfies the smoothness property in following the nearness property by

enforcing a necessary and sufficient sampling condition. In relaxing the sampling condition

near sharp corners and in solving the conflicts between nearness and smoothness properties,

as was illustrated in Figure 32. In this chapter, we propose a new algorithm, VICUR.

4.1 Simulation of nearness and smoothness properties

4.1.1 Connectivity area

We observe that human eyes tend to connect a point to an existing curve when the point

lies within a certain area determined by the characteristics of the curve. We name this

area connectivity area, which is illustrated in Figure 34.

The connectivity area at an endpoint qi, denoted as A(qi,Rqi), is a set of points

having the probability of connection to q\ greater than 0 and is defined as a sector of a


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circle centering at q\ with center angle 9 and radius Rqi — fid where (3 is a parameter and

d is the average distance of the a-smooth curve. All points within connectivity area are

called candidate points. Points fall outside the bounded area are considered as outliers.



Figure 34: Connectivity area.

Figure 34 shows the connectivity area A(q\, Rqi) of a curve T = [<7i, c/2, <73, <74, <7s], p is a

candidate point, p' is an outlier with respect to q\.

4.1.2 Connectivity function

When there are two or more than two sampling points in a connectivity area, all these sam­

ples are candidates to be considered for connection to the corresponding curve endpoint.

We use the vision function E\p, Tq] = f(p, V) to evaluate the possibility of the connectivity

for each sample in the connectivity area. In this case, Tq is an a-smooth segment of the

curve. We set a = 45° for all the experiments.

From observation and preliminary experiments [Li07] [He08], we derived five factors

which have the most impact on the construction process. These factors include candidate

angle, length of candidate segment, average angle, average distance of the curve and stan­

dard deviation of the distance. Based on these elements, a concrete form of the function


M, - ^

<J< 12 \ q,




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obtained through observation is given as follows

*|»rt]-(<4-i)> + (i-c)(^)> + i ) - M

where bs is the candidate angle, c is a user-defined parameter, b is the angle mean, ds is

the length of the candidate segment. We assume that if p has the highest value E[p,Tq]

among other candidate points, then p can be connected to q.

A^gle a Parameter c

Figure 35: Relationship between candidate angle and parameter, b = 180° and ds — d

Figure 35 illustrates the relationship among candidate angle bs, parameter c and the

connectivity value. Given ds = d and b = 180°, for any parameter c, the connectivity value

is the largest when the value of the candidate angle bs reaches the value of the angle mean

b. The effect of the candidate angle bs on the connectivity value increases, when parameter

c approaches 1. When parameter c equal to 0, the connectivity value remains unchanged

regardless of the value of the candidate angle because the connectivity value is determined

by the candidate distance ds only.

Figure 36: Relationship between candidate distance and parameter, bs = b — 180°.


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Figure 36 shows the effect of the candidate distance ds and the parameter c on the

connectivity value. When parameter c approaches 1, the impact of candidate distance ds

on the connectivity value drops. When the candidate distance ds approaches 0, which

means that the candidate point is very near curve endpoint, the connectivity value rises

substantially. When the parameter c approaches 0, the impact of candidate distance da on

the connectivity value increases.

Dislancs d5 ° Angle a s

Figure 37: Relationship between candidate distance and candidate angle, c — 0.8.

In Figure 37, given the parameter c = 0.8, the largest connectivity value occurs when

the candidate angle bs reaches the angle mean b and the candidate distance ds approaches

0. This means points that are very near to the constructed curve endpoint and also form

the smoothest path with the constructed curve have the high possibility to connect to

the curve. When the candidate angle bs deviates from the angle mean b, the connectivity

value decreases. Similarly, when the candidate distance ds is far from curve endpoint, the

connectivity value decreases.

In summary, when connecting a point to a curve, two factors should be considered:

distance from the point to the curve endpoint and the smoothness of the curve after

the point is connected. If the nearest point to the curve endpoint also forms with the

constructed curve the smoothest path, connection is easily determined. However, conflict

arises when the nearest point does not form with the constructed curve a smooth path and

when a point connects to the constructed curve resulting in the smoothest path is not the

nearest point. To overcome this difficulty, a parameter c is introduced.

When parameter c approaches 0, the nearness property becomes more important than

the smoothness property. In this case, the algorithm tries to connect the nearest neighbor


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rather than constructing a smooth curve. On the other hand, when parameter c approaches

1, the algorithm tries to maintain the smoothness of the curve.

4.1.3 Connectivity rules

Firstly, we continue to use Gestalt law of proximity, which indicates that human eyes tend

to connect nearest points to form a curve. However, in some cases two closest neighbors

are not necessarily two adjacent points on a curve. For example, in the case of sharp

corner illustrated in Figure 38. Samples p2 and p3 are the nearest neighbors to each other

but human eyes do not see them being adjacent on the curve. Therefore, an attempt to

connect any two nearest free points may result in a wrong connection.

In this case, we observe that the shortest edge p2p3 forms with p3p5 (or p3pi) an angle

smaller than I(plp3p5). Therefore, before connecting p2 to p3, it should be checked if there

is an interior angle 7 at p3 (or p2) formed by p2p3 and other incident edges such that 7 is

larger than other interior angle at p3 (or p2) formed by edges other than p2p3.

However, there is a case where the edge between two free points forms with other edge

a largest angle but these two points should not be connected. The situation is illustrated in

Figure 38 where l{p2p3p&) is the largest angle but p2 should not be connected to p3. This

leads to another observation: there is a distance for which two points can be considered as

'a group'. Beyond this value, a point is seen as outlier or belongs to another group. Based

on our tests, we set the value equal to the average distance of the shortest and second

shortest Delaunay edges multiplied by a constant cf>.

Figure 38: Connectivity rule for two free points.

Secondly, we apply Gestalt law of continuity in the algorithm. Law of continuity states


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that human eyes connect points into the smoothest path. This property of perception

suggests that after a point is connected to a curve, it should not change the direction of

the curve substantially. However, conflict between smoothness and nearness may arise as

introduced in Chapter 2.3. To deal with the conflict, we add a weight to each property.

In particular, in the connectivity function E\p,Tq] introduced in Section 4.1.2, parameter

c is a weight factor for nearness property whereas (1 — c) is a weight factor for smoothness

property. The weight factor plays as a control to determine which property should be

followed when conflict occurs.

We propose the following rules to determine the connection between two samples:

Rule 1: point-point connectivity. For any shortest edge e = [91,92] where 91 and 92

are both free points. Let B(qx,r) be a ball centered at qx with radius r = \4>{qxqki + 9i9fc2)

where qiq^ and qxqk2 are the shortest and second shortest Delaunay edge to qx. For all

Qi,qj,Qt e B and qi,qj,qt ^ 92, if ^(9t9i9j) < ^(Mifti) where L{qtqxq3) and /.(qiqxq2) are

the interior angles at qx, then qx and 92 can be connected.

Rule 2: point-curve connectivity. For an a-smooth curve T = [91,92, •••,9m])

m > 1, if there exists a sampling point p E A(qx,Rqi) (or A(qm, Rqm)) such that E\p, Tqi] >

E[qj,Tqi} (or E[p,TqJ > E[qj,TqJ) for all 9, G A(qx,Rqi) (or A(qm,RqJ) and qj / p,

then p and gi (or qm) can be connected.

Rule 3: curve-curve connectivity. For two a-smooth curves T = [91,92, •••,9m],

T" — [q'x,q'2, ...,q'n],n,m > 1, if qx (or qm) can connect to T" by the rule of point-curve

connectivity and q[ (or q'm) can connect to T by the rule of point-curve connectivity, then

these two curves can be connected.

4.2 Algorithm

Algorithm VICUR contains two steps, as shown in Figure 39. Step one determines the

connectivity for each Delaunay edge and step two updates the connectivity when necessary.

The pseudocodes of the algorithm are given in Figure 40 and 41.


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Algorithm VICUR(SampleSet: S) 1: Step 1 - Determining the connectivity of Delaunay edges. 2: Step 2 - Updating the connectivity of Delaunay edges.

Figure 39: Overview of VICUR algorithm.

Step 1 Determining the connectivity of Delaunay edges. Compute the Delaunay triangulation of S Let De be a set of Delaunay edges Let W b e a set of temporarily removed edges for each Delaunay edge e = \pi,Pj] G De do

if pi and pj are both free points then Apply point-point connectivity rule if pi and Pj cannot be connected then

R*-RU\pi,pj] else

Connect pt to pj end if

end if if Pi is an endpoint of curve T and pj is a free point then

Consider only a-smooth TPi of curve T. Construct connectivity area A(pi,RPi) Let Q = {q:qeA(pi,RPi),piq€ {DeUW)} if (\Q\ = 0 ) then

W^WU\pi,Pj] end if if (|Q| = 1) then

Connect Pi to q end if if (\Q\ > 1) then

Compute the connectivity value E(q,TPi) for each q G Q Choose the point q having the largest corresponding connectivity value to connect to p,

end if end if if Pi is an endpoint of curve T and Pj is an endpoint of curve T' then

Consider only the a-smooth TPi of curve T and Tp. of curve T', respectively Construct connectivity area A(pi,RVi),A(pj,Rp.) Let Q = {q:q<zA(pi,RPi),Piqe(DuR)} Let Q' = {<?' : q' G A(pj,RPj),Pjq' e (DuR)} if (|Q| + |Q'| = 0) then

W^WU\pi,Pj] end if if (|Q| + |Q'| = 1) then

Connect pi to q (or connect p, to q' ) end if if (|Q| + |Q'| > 1) then

Compute connectivity value E[q,TPi\ for each q e Q and E[q',TPj] for each q' G Q' Choose the point with the largest connectivity value to connect to the corresponding endpoint

end if end if De^De- {e}

end for

Figure 40: Step 1 of VICUR.


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The main idea of the algorithm above is that we first find the closest pair of sampling

points. If two samples are free, apply rule 1 in Section 4.1.3. If one of the samples is not

free or both of the samples are not free, construct connectivity area and apply rule 2 or

rule 3. Currently, value (5 and <f> are set at 1.849 based on observation.

Step 2 Updating the connectivity of Delaunay edges.

1: for each Delaunay edge e = \pi,Pj] £ M do 2: De <- De U {e}] W ^W-{e} 3: end for 4: for each Delaunay edge e = \pi,Pj] £ De do 5: Apply line 5 to 43 in Step 1 6: if (pi and pj are connected to form a new curve T1) then 7: repeat 8: for each e' G (De U W) adjacent to T1 do 9: Apply line 5 to 43 in Step 1

10: end for 11: until (T1 was not extended during line 8 to 10) 12: end if 13: end for

Figure 41: Step 2 of VICUR.

4.3 Results and comparisons

4.3.1 Results

In this section, procedure of VICUR algorithm will be demonstrated. Figure 42 shows input

sample and corresponding Delaunay triangulation. Figure 43 shows that three situations

may occur in step 2 of the algorithm. The three situations are described as follows:

- Figure 43a) shows that p\p2 is the shortest Delaunay edge and both px and p2 are

free points. The algorithm checks if connection between px and p2 may result in

potentially wrong connection by drawing a ball B(pi,Rn) as shown in Figure 43b)

where RPl — ^PlP2^PlP5^. There are six samples in the ball B : Pi,p2,P3,P4,P5,Ps- We

find that Z(p4PiP5) > L{p2piPA) so p\ and p2 fails the checking test and is temporarily


- Figure 43c) shows prp8 is the shortest Delaunay edge where p-j is an endpoint of TPl =

[P7iP6] and p8 is endpoint of TPs = [p8,P9,Pw,Pn,Pi2,Pi3\- Construct connectivity


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area A(p7,RP7) at p7 for TP7 and construct A(p8,RPs) at p8 for Tps because Tps —

\p8,P9,Pio] is an a-smooth segment of curve TPs. Figure 43d) shows pj G A(ps,RPs)

and pa E A(pt, Rp,). Thus, pi and p8 is connected and p-rpg is removed from Delaunay


- P5P1 is the shortest Delaunay edge, p\ is an endpoint of TPl = [pi,P4,P3,P2] a n d

P5 is free point. We have [pi,P4] which is an edge of the a-smooth curve TPl =

[PiiP4;P3,P2]- Construct the connectivity area A(pl,RPl) as shown in Figure 43f).

Vertex p2 is the only sample in A(pi,RPl) available for connection so p\ and p2 is

connected and removed from Delaunay set.

Step 2 repeats until Delaunay set becomes empty.

Figure 44 shows step 3 of the algorithm. In step 3, all the temporarily removed edges

in step 2 are reconsidered because during construction process, the curve may be updated

which makes connectivity value and connectivity area changed. Figure 44 shows that all the

temporarily removed edges are converted to Delaunay edges for reconsideration. Repeat

step 2 on new Delaunay edge set. The reconstructed result is depicted in Figure 45.

To highlight the effectiveness of VICUR, Figure 46 shows an intuitive sample set includ­

ing multiple single open and closed curves. Reconstructed curves from VICUR algorithm

conforms to human vision. Also, constructed results from other algorithms are presented

in Figure 47.

a) b)

Figure 42: Input sample and Delaunay triangulation.


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<:: s \


^ i

x / \ ' \ i~;

J \

"\\ vf*'




> , ^ \

•(Pi. Rp,)



P 2 P 3

-;• ^ • • - " P , P4


Figure 43: Construction in step two of VICUR algorithm, <f> = (3 = 1.849.

n n

Figure 44: Step three of VICUR algorithm.

Figure 45: Final result.


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a) Sample b) VICUR

Figure 46: Reconstructed curves by VICUR.

a) NN-Crust b) Crust

c) Conservative Crust d) GathanG

Figure 47: Reconstructed curves by other algorithms.

4.3.2 Sampling condition

Most of the current algorithms use medial axis or local feature size to determine sampling

condition. As a result, the sample sets for those algorithms are not intuitive. In contrast,

VICUR algorithm aims to work for intuitive sampling condition, which implies that the

samples are connected to form curves that look natural to human eyes. Intuitive sampling

condition helps users to have better control over the sample set. Figure 48 shows an

example where connections resulted from VICUR agrees with human perception.


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) a) Sample set b) Crust

I i

\ \ c) NN-Crust d> GathanG

\ \


Figure 48: Result from VICUR is consistent with human visual system.

4.3.3 Boundary and sharp corner

Most of the current algorithms can construct closed smooth curves correctly. To recon­

struct non-smooth curve, Giesen developed TSP but the algorithm can construct only

single closed curves [Gie99]. Dey-Wenger introduced another algorithm named GATHAN

which can detect corner point and endpoint well in practice but with no guarantees [DW01].

Later, they proposed GATHANG algorithm based on GATHAN [DW02]. GATHANG

guarantees correct construction on closed curves but not on open curves. Figure 49 shows

a situation where GATHANG fails.

The DISCUR algorithm presented in [ZNYL08] can also handle sharp corners but

the sampling is very dense near the corner compared to our new algorithm as shown in

Figure 50. Our algorithm correctly construct curve with the sample given in Figure 50a)

while DISCUR needs a denser sampling, Figure 50d).

Funke and Ramos also proposed another algorithm that can construct open non-smooth

curves with guarantees [FR01]. However, due to limited resources we did not do any

experiment with their algorithm. The only comparison we did is the MPI data set taken

from the article [FR01] as shown in Figure 51.


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a) Sample set c ) G a | h a n G

o ° c} Our algorithm

Figure 49: GATHAN fails to construct open curves.

a) Sample set b) VICUR c) Discur

d) Sample set for Discur

Figure 50: DISCUR requires dense sampling around corner point.

4.4 Limitation

Despite the fact that VICUR can handle well many examples, we are aware of the limit of

our algorithm. Firstly, VICUR is sensitive to vertex position. Figure 52 illustrates such a

situation where human eyes hardly realize a difference between 46° and 43°. Construction

result of Figure 52a) and Figure 52c) should be similar. The algorithm, on the other hand,

detects a significant difference. If 9 is set at 270°, 46° is considered within connectivity

area boundary where 43° is out of the range. As a result, sample p3 cannot be connected

to pi, causing construction result Figure 52b) and Figure 52d) to be different.

Secondly, although checking between two free points prior to connection helps avoid

wrong connection in case of sharp corner, sometimes it may create a problem as shown

in Figure 53b). In this case, VICUR detects /-(P1P2P3) as a sharp corner with p2 as a


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r. r-A " 1 )

a) Funke-Ramos' algorithm D) VICUR

Figure 51: Result of MPI data set from Funke-Ramos's article.

a) <(p2p1p3) = 46 degree b) Construction result


c) <(p2p1p3) = 43 degree d) Construction result

Figure 52: VICUR is sensitive to vertex position.

corner point. Consequently, the algorithm does not connect p\,Ps and the construction

result becomes unnatural to human vision. However, this problem can be fixed easily by

increasing the sampling density, as is shown in Figure 53.


a) Sample set b) Wrong connection

c) Sampling density increased

Figure 53: Testing for potentially wrong connection results in wrong construction.

Additionally, the parameter c needs to be adjusted to produce desired result. An

example is illustrated in Figure 54.


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a) Sample set

b) c,= 0.8 a)c, = 0.9

Figure 54: Different parameters yields different results.

4.5 Summary

We proposed a new algorithm for curve reconstruction named VICUR. Foundation of

VICUR algorithm is established from two laws of Gestalt theory of perceptual organization:

law of proximity and law of continuity. VICUR can construct open, non-smooth curve and

the result is agreeable with human perception. The algorithm is developed based on data

obtained from observation. Motivation for our algorithm is not only to provide a new

approach to curve reconstruction problem but also to attempt to quantify some properties

of human visual perception.


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Chapter 5

A new graphical password scheme

Most of user-drawn based passwords in the literature require users not only to memorize

the drawing but also the information about how the drawing is created (i.e. exact starting

cell, ending cell, pen-up event). Studies show that users can remember a picture more easily

than they remember the process how the picture is created [TvO04]. Thus, including the

drawing process in the password may increase the password space but also decrease the

usability of the scheme. Motivated by the curve reconstruction algorithm introduced in

Chapter 3 and Chapter 4, a new kind of graphical password scheme is proposed to solve

the aforementioned problem in this chapter. This proposed password scheme is based on

the hypothesis that a user would create a password that is natural to his or her vision.

5.1 Introduction to password design

In this section, we introduce a new user-drawn-based graphical password scheme that does

not require users to remember the order of the stroke. In this scheme, users are required

to create a drawing on a given set of points by selecting individual points or by connecting

any two points.

To facilitate descriptions in the next sections, we introduce some terminology as follows:

• n - the total number of given points, n > 0

• vt - the number of points that are chosen as password points, i > 0. These points


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are also called isolated points or vertices because they are parts of the password but

do not connect to any edge.

• e - the number of edges that form the password.

• L - length of a password and is defined as the sum of the number of edges and isolated

points in a password.

• Lmax - the maximum password's length beyond which the possibility of the password

being created is zero.

5.2 A new graphical password scheme

The password authentication system is divided into two parts: 1) the enrollment process

or registration process in which user creates his or her secret and 2) the authentication

process in which user authenticates his or her identity to the system. In the next section,

we will give further details in each process. In particular, we will discuss how the point

set is generated, how a password is created, and how a password is encoded.

5.2.1 Point cloud generation

In our password scheme, the point set is predefined to the users. Thus, in the enrollment

process, users can either choose a point set from a set of collection point file or the system

contains only one point file.

The point set needs to have sufficient large number of points so that it can yield a large

number of possible combination, which is not easily exhausted by attackers. A sufficient

large number of points also reduce the possibility of guessing the right password.

Another issue is that the points have to be organized in a way that it includes certain

patterns appearing meaningful to human vision so that users can choose passwords that

are easy to memorize. The advantage of our password scheme is that by organizing the

points in such ways, the scheme actually helps users to recall the password. In DAS or

Pass-Go scheme, the canvas is a grid which can be viewed as a set of points where the


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distance between two points is uniform whereas in our case the distance between two points

can be non-uniform. The uniformity in DAS and Pass-Go does not assist users in recalling

the shape of their password. Our scheme, on the other hand, with the points positioned

in a way that are natural to human vision, may help users to recall the drawings of their


5.2.2 Password generation rules

The password is created by connecting any two points in a given point set to form a curve

and any two points can be connected more than one time. A password can be a curve or

multiple curves- open or closed curves as shown in Figure 55(a) and Figure 55(b), or a

password can contain intersecting curves as shown in Figure 55(c), or can have multiple

edges between two points as shown in Figure 55(d). Individual point can also be chosen

as part of a password. This variety allows a greater password space than DAS which only

allow connection between neighboring cells and Pass-Go which allow connection between

two nearest points. Although it appears that users have plenty of options to generate

password, the scheme does impose three restrictions in the password creation. The first

restriction is that points that are on a curve cannot be selected as a password component.

The second restriction is that an edge cannot connect a vertex to itself. Finally, the third

restriction is that an isolated point selected as a part of a password cannot be selected

again. Figure 56 shows the two invalid cases. The rules for password generation are

summarized as follows:

• Any two points can be connected to form an edge.

• Any two points can have more than one edge.

• Loop on a single point is not allowed.

• Points that are adjacent to an edge can not be chosen as a password component.

• A point cannot be chosen more than once as an isolated password point.


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(a) Open curve (b) Close curve

(c) Intersecting case

(d) Multiple edges

Figure 55: Examples of graphical passwords.

(a) Point selection (b) Curve with loop

Figure 56: Invalid cases.

5.2.3 Password encoding

In our scheme, each point in the point file is identified by its coordinate (x,y). The whole

password will be encoded as a multiset which consists of several subsets. Each subset

contains one coordinates (x, y) of the point if the password is an isolated point; if the

password is a curve, each subset contains the coordinates (x, y) of the endpoints of the


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edge. For instance, the password in Figure 57 is presented as:

{{(304,205), (447,201)}, {(313,159), (428,159)}} where A = (304,205), B = (447,201),

C= (313,159), D = (428,159).








• «••» * * • • • . : . » ; • *»• •

* • • • • • J * ..•*. •::* *?. • • v J * • i *


• • • • • •

c # •

ZOO 300

• • • * • » •

; B , ,

D *• *

400 500 600 700

Figure 57: Password encoding.


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5.3 Password space: Evaluation of the proposed pass­

word scheme

5.3.1 Full password space

The password space is computed as follows:

Password space = log2{Tn,Lmax) (9)

where n is the a number of points in the point set, Tn:Lmax is the total number of possible

drawings consisting of 1, 2,. . . up to Lmax password components whose vertices are derived

from the n points. A password component can be an edge or an isolated points. Tn>Lmax

is computed as:

^n,Lmax = iV„,l + Nnfl + ... + Nn>Lmax = J2 Nn,L (10)

NUti is the total number of graphs of e edges with Vi isolated vertices, e + Vi — L.

Nn<L (11) ft) '** = !<

When Vi = L, all L components are isolated points, then NUfi is found by simply

selecting L points from n points. The number of ways to choose such L components is

(2)- When Vi < L, the L components contain e edges and Vi isolated points (L — e + Vi).

In this case, NH:L is the total number of graphs consisting of (1 edges, L — 1 isolated

vertices), (2 edges, L — 2 isolated vertices), ..., and (L edges, 0 isolated vertices). The

graph contains e edges and Vi isolated vertices, whose vertices are selected from n points

denoted by G(n, e, Vi). There are L ™ J such selections where ve is the number of vertices

adjacent to edges; the sum ve + Vi is the total number of vertices of the graph.

Let ve denoted the number of vertices on e edges. We notice that for a graph containing

e edges and Vi isolated vertices, the value ve can be ranged from v — |"1+vl1+8e] to 2e.


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G(n,e,Vi) = ] £ n Vi + V( 9{e,ve (12)

The number of graphs consisting of e edges and Vi isolated vertices is equal to the

number of graphs consisting of e edges, ve vertices without isolated vertices denoted by

g(e,ve). In addition, we need to count the number of ways to select ve from ve + t>j. We

have (Vi^vj ways.

We observe that g(e, ve) contains simple graphs and graphs with multiple edges. Hence:

S(e, ve) = ga{e, ve) + gm(e, ve) (13)

where gs (e, ve) is the number of simple graphs consisting of e edges and ve vertices, gm(e, ve)

is the number of graphs with multiple edges consisting of e edges and ve vertices. The

function gs(e,ve) is calculated as follows:


1 \(Ve ) - e + l\ga(e- l,ve) + \ve{ve- l)g8(e - l,ve - 1)

+l(v*)gs(e -l,ve- 2) if ( f i ± ^ l <ve< 2e)

U e / 2 - l

n (ue - 1 - 2i) if (ue = 2e) i=0


gs(e,ve) — 0 if [1+v^1+8e] > ue or ve > 2e. A graph with multiple edges can be

considered as a simple graph with extra edges added on existing edges. gm(e,ve) having e

edges can be computed by finding the number of simple graphs having m edges (m < e)

and then add the remaining (e — m) edges to the existing m edges to form multiple edges.

Adding remaining (e — m) edges to existing m edges is similar to choosing (e — m) "places"

(repetition is allowed) from the m-edge simple graph. Thus, there are \ + lZ^ ) = \e-m)

ways to pick. Hence:

e - l

gm(e,ve) = ]T 7 7 1 = 1

e - l

e — m gs(m,vm) (15)


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Table 3: Full password space at length Lmax or less, given a set of n points to choose from.

n=100 n=75 n=50 n=25

Password length Lmax

1 12.3 11.48 10.32 8.34

2 23.6

21.95 19.63 15.68

3 34.32 31.84 28.35 22.41

4 44.62 41.31 36.66 28.72

5 54.6 50.46 44.64 34.7

6 64.31 59.35 52.36 40.42

7 73.8

68.01 59.85 45.9

8 83.1 76.48 67.15 51.19

9 92.22 84.77 74.28 56.31

Table 4: Comparison of password space between textual password, DAS-5 x 5 grid scheme and proposed password scheme.

Password length L 1 9

95-ASCII characters DAS-5

New scheme (n=25) New scheme (n=50)

6.57 5

8.34 10.32

13.15 10

15.68 19.63

19.72 14

22.41 28.35

26.29 19

28.72 36.66

32.86 24

34.7 44.64

39.43 29

40.42 52.36

46.00 33

45.9 59.85

52.57 38

51.19 67.15

59.14 43

56.31 74.28

Table 3 shows the full password space computed as logi (number of passwords) of the

passwords having length less than or equal to Lmax.

Table 4 shows the comparison of password space between 95-printable ascii character

textual passwords, 5 x 5 DAS scheme and the proposed password scheme (n = 50). We

notice that at length 7, the number of the proposed passwords are already larger than the

number of nine-character text passwords. However, this number only represent an ideal

case where users' passwords are distributed uniformly. In reality, users' passwords may

cluster into much smaller space, which can be exhausted easily by attackers.

5.3.2 Memorable password space and vision-based curve recon­

struction algorithm

In practice, the full password space does not reflect the strength of a password scheme as

real world users' passwords may belong to a smaller subset of the full password space. This

password subset may be small enough to be exhausted by attacker's available resources.

In the literature, researchers refer to this subset of full password space as memorable

password space. In an at tempt to compute the memorable password space and based on

the assumption that users will choose a secret that is easy to remember, it is reasonable

to deduce tha t in our proposed password scheme users will connect the given dots into a


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drawing that looks natural to their vision so that they can easily memorize their secret.

Figure 58(b) shows a natural connection of the set of points given in Figure 58(a). By

simply looking at the point in Figure 58(a), users can visualize the drawing in Figure 58(b).

In contrast, the drawing in Figure 58(c) is not intuitive to human vision, as a result, it is

expected that it takes more effort for human to memorize the drawing. Therefore, when

users construct a secret, we expect that in general, they will try to connect points into a

pattern that looks meaningful so that they can recall it easily.

The memorable password space, thus, will include the drawings that look intuitive to

human vision.

(a) Sample point

(b) Connection that is natural (c) Connection that is not nat-to human vision ural to human vision

Figure 58: Natural and unnatural drawings.

To crack this password scheme, instead of exhausting all possible connections, an effec­

tive approach would be to examine the patterns that look natural or intuitive to human

vision before trying other connections. As a result, the attacker may use vision based

curve reconstruction to construct all possible patterns or curves. From psychology studies,

the number of components that a person can memorize ranges from five to nine in which

seven is the most common number of components that a person can memorize. Based on

this result, we use seven as the maximum number of components comprising a password.

A component can be an edge or an isolated point. Thus, a two-component password can

consist of two edges, or one edge and one isolated vertex, or simply two isolated vertices.


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We analyze the number of memorable drawing on n points where the points are orga­

nized in a way that is visualized as a closed curve. The number of memorable drawing of

L components is equal to the number of ways to construct a graph forming from e edges

and Vi isolated points where e edges belongs to the construction result of the vision based

curve reconstruction algorithm.

Let ipa be the number of passwords consisting of passwords having seven components

and the components are parts of the curve reconstruction result. If the passwords contain

edge components, these edges are either distinctly separate or consecutive. For example,

seven components consists of three edges and four points then either all three edges are

adjacent or none of them are adjacent. The memorable password space cQ is calculated as

the logarithm base two of ipa. We compute the ?a as follows:

?a = log2{^a) (16)

Equation 17 is derived following the process below: We analyze a point cloud containing

n points sampled from a simple closed curve. Hence, there are n points and n edges to

select as password components. We calculate the memorable password space in three cases:

1. First, we consider the case where all the components are isolated points; in this case

e = 0. There are such (j) ways for such case.

2. Second, we consider the case where all the edges of the passwords are consecutive.

All these edges form a single curve. To find the number of ways of choosing this

curve, we need to count only the number of ways of choosing first edge of the curve.

There are n ways to choose such an edge from n edges. The remaining password

components are isolated points v^ = L — e. Because all the e edge components are

adjacent, the number of points incident to the edges is e + 1 and the number of

points left is n — e — 1. The number of ways to choose vt points is ("^l^1)- The edge

components can be 1, 2,... up to L. The sum shows the total number of all possible

number of edge component in this case.


n n

L + £ e = l

n — e \ In — e — 1 n — 2e L-e


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Table 5: Comparison of memorable password space between DAS-5 x 5 grid scheme and proposed password scheme where password length Lmax = 7.

Memorable space DAS-5


New password scheme n=50 33.1

n=75 37.6

n=100 40.7

3. Finally, we consider the case where no edges are adjacent, each edge occupies two

places (itself and the position to its right). Thus, in choosing e edges, e places are

ignored. There are n — e left to choose e edges from and there are (™~e) such choices.

Moreover, since the curve is closed, we need to add

("-"-1) [MarOl]. The number of

points left to choose Vi = L — e points is n — 2e because each edge has two endpoints

and no edge is adjacent to each other so the number of points incident to the edges is

2e. This gives (n^) ways to choose Vi points. The edge components can be 1, 2,...

up to L. The sum shows the total number of all possible number of edge component

in this case.

(a) Sample point n=100 (b) Reconstruction result, n=100

Figure 59: Reconstruction result of a vision-based curve reconstruction algorithm.

Based on the above equation, we have Table 5 comparing our memorable password

space with 5 x 5 DAS grid scheme. When n = 75, the memorable password space of

the proposed scheme is much larger than the DAS. To make any conclusion about the

effectiveness of the scheme, more analyses need to done to determine what value of n

should be chosen so that the scheme can yield a sufficiently large memorable password

space and still remains user-friendly.


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5.4 Summary and discussions


Figure 60: Choosing a subset of points from a point set.

In this chapter, we explore a new user-drawn based graphical password design which

allows users to choose any point or connect any two points from a given point cloud to

create a password. As mentioned in Chapter 2, there are three main methods that an

attacker can use to crack the proposed password scheme: 1) try all possible connections,

2) choose, from the whole point set, only connections that are natural to human vision,

and 3) choose, from a part of the point set, only connections that are natural to human

vision. So far, the analysis of the memorable password space is based on Approach number

2). Approach number 3) can be done by taking a subset of points, as is shown in Figure 60,

from the point set and applying the human-vision based curve reconstruction algorithm.

There are several issues implied in this approach such as how to extract the points from

the point cloud or which part of the point cloud should be taken. This problem can be

address in the future research work.



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Chapter 6

Conclusions and future research


6.1 Conclusions

In summary, our main contributions are: 1) a mathematical proof for the necessary and

sufficient sampling condition for the distance based curve reconstruction algorithm DIS-

CUR, 2) a new vision based curve reconstruction algorithm, VICUR, which considers both

nearness and smoothness properties of human visual perception, and 3) a new graphical

password scheme motivated by vision based curve reconstruction algorithms.

Firstly, the necessary and sufficient sampling condition for the parameter-free curve

reconstruction algorithm DISCUR is introduced with two theorems. The first theorem

determines the sampling for the interior points whereas the second theorem determines

the sampling for the boundary points. The sufficient sampling condition implies that

DISCUR guarantees the correct reconstruction result when the point cloud satisfies the

sampling condition, while the necessary sampling condition implies that when DISCUR

can construct the correct result from a point cloud, the point cloud certainly satisfies the

sampling condition.

Secondly, VICUR is presented to tackle the limitation inherent in DISCUR. VICUR

uses both Gestalt law of proximity and law of continuity as criteria to construct curves.

In VICUR, a concept of a—smooth curve is introduced to determine the smoothness of


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a curve and the concept of connectivity area is introduced to determine the boundary

of the proximity. Furthermore, as apposed to DISCUR which is parameter-free, VICUR

algorithm contains parameters to control the impact of nearness and smoothness properties

during reconstruction process. Under many circumstances, VICUR can produce the correct

reconstruction result, however, most of the factors in VICUR algorithm were merely

derived from observations; thus, VICUR does not guarantee correct reconstruction.

The third contribution is to propose a new user-drawn based graphical password

scheme. In this scheme, user creates the password by connecting points from an unor­

ganized given point set provided by the authentication system. User authenticates to the

system by recreating the drawing. This scheme does not require users to memorize how

the password was created. Instead, users need to memorize only the final drawing. The

analysis was conducted by applying vision based curve reconstruction algorithm to eval­

uate the memorable password space of the proposed password scheme. The result shows

that when the number of points n = 75 the proposed scheme is larger than the 5 x 5 DAS

scheme, given that the maximum length of a password is seven.

6.2 Future research directions

Vision-based curve reconstruction algorithm can be viewed as our preliminary attempt in

quantifying Gestalt properties of human visual perception. Future research will continue

to study the mechanism of human visual processes in the context of curve reconstruction.

Moreover, we will consider extending our vision based curve reconstruction algorithm from

2D to 3D.

Regarding the proposed graphical password, a comprehensive security analysis should

be done and several issues can be taken into account such as: what the optimal number

of points should be in a point set and how the points should be distributed. As too many

points will slow down the process of user authentication, which will diminish the usability

of the system, the number of points should be chosen so that the system remains to be

user-friendly and, at the same time, maintains its security level. In addition, the points

should be arranged in such a way that does not provide attacker with knowledge about the


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distribution of users' passwords. Finally, some problems related to implementation should

be studied (e.g. How the point set will be stored in the system).


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