viruses objectives identify different types of viruses compare replication cycles discuss how...


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Page 1: Viruses Objectives Identify different types of viruses Compare replication cycles Discuss how viruses cause disease
Page 2: Viruses Objectives Identify different types of viruses Compare replication cycles Discuss how viruses cause disease

VirusesObjectivesIdentify different types of virusesCompare replication cycles Discuss how viruses cause disease

Page 3: Viruses Objectives Identify different types of viruses Compare replication cycles Discuss how viruses cause disease

The Viruses• Viruses are noncellular and thus cannot be

classified with cellular organisms• Generally smaller than 200 nm in diameter• Usually named after the diseases they cause


Page 4: Viruses Objectives Identify different types of viruses Compare replication cycles Discuss how viruses cause disease

Viral Structure• Each type has at least two parts

– Capsid: Outer layer composed of protein subunits• Some enveloped by membrane• Others “naked”

– Nucleic acid core: DNA or RNA

• Vary in shape from thread-like to polyhedral

Page 5: Viruses Objectives Identify different types of viruses Compare replication cycles Discuss how viruses cause disease
Page 6: Viruses Objectives Identify different types of viruses Compare replication cycles Discuss how viruses cause disease

Virus Structure

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Page 8: Viruses Objectives Identify different types of viruses Compare replication cycles Discuss how viruses cause disease

Parasitic NatureViruses are:

Obligate intracellular parasites Cannot reproduce outside a living cell

Can be cultured only inside living cells Chicken egg Tissue culture

Most are host specific


Page 9: Viruses Objectives Identify different types of viruses Compare replication cycles Discuss how viruses cause disease

Viral CategorizationClassification is based on:

Type of nucleic acidSize and shapePresence / absence of outer envelope


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The Bacteriophages:ReproductionBacteriophages – Viruses that infect bacterial

cellsPortions of capsid adhere to specific receptor

on the host cellViral nucleic acid enters the cellOnce inside, the virus takes over metabolic

machinery of the host cell


Page 11: Viruses Objectives Identify different types of viruses Compare replication cycles Discuss how viruses cause disease

Bacteriophages:The Lytic CycleLytic cycle may be divided into five stages:


Kills the host cell


Page 12: Viruses Objectives Identify different types of viruses Compare replication cycles Discuss how viruses cause disease
Page 13: Viruses Objectives Identify different types of viruses Compare replication cycles Discuss how viruses cause disease

The Bacteriophages:The Lysogenic CyclePhage becomes a prophage (provirus)

Becomes integrated into the host genomeBecomes latent

May later reenter the lytic cycle

Doesn’t kill the host (at first anyway)Disease causing viruses

Herpes simplex I (cold sores) and II (genital herpes), and hepatitis B, chicken pox (shingles)


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Page 15: Viruses Objectives Identify different types of viruses Compare replication cycles Discuss how viruses cause disease

Reproduction of Animal VirusesAnimal virus enters the host cellUncoating releases viral DNA or RNA

Budding: Viral particles released in a bud Acquires a membranous envelopeExamples:

Retroviruses (HIV >>>>AIDS) Contain reverse transcriptase Carries out RNA cDNA reverse transcription cDNA becomes integrated into host DNA


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Page 17: Viruses Objectives Identify different types of viruses Compare replication cycles Discuss how viruses cause disease

Viral Infections• Viruses are best known for causing

infectious diseases in plants and animals• Examples:– Herpes, HIV, cancer• Viruses lack metabolism; thus, antibiotics have no

effect– Viroids• Naked strands of RNA• Many crop diseases

– Prions• Protein molecules with contagious tertiary structure• Some human and other animal diseases - Mad cow



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Diseases caused by viruses:In HumansCold/fluMeaslesHerpespolioSmallpox


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In AnimalsDistemperFoot and Mouth diseaseFeline LeukemiaIn PlantsTobacco Mosaic Disease

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Control of VirusesWhite Blood Cells in humans

AntibodiesInterferon (chemical produced in the body)


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Examples of Viruses

Page 22: Viruses Objectives Identify different types of viruses Compare replication cycles Discuss how viruses cause disease

18-2 Archaebacteria and EubacteriaObjectivesCompare types of ProkaryotesExplain the characteristics and adaptations of

bacteriaEvaluation the economic importance of


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The ProkaryotesInclude eubacteria and archaeabacteria,

which are fully functioning cellsA single spoonful of earth can contain >1000

prokaryotesRange in size from 1-10 µm in length and 0.7-

1.5 µm in width

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Prokaryote StructureCharacteristics:• Lack a membrane-bounded nucleus (DNA in

nucleoid region)• Outer cell wall containing peptidoglycan• Some move by means of flagella• Lack membranous organelles• May have accessory ring of DNA (plasmid)

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Page 26: Viruses Objectives Identify different types of viruses Compare replication cycles Discuss how viruses cause disease


Page 27: Viruses Objectives Identify different types of viruses Compare replication cycles Discuss how viruses cause disease


Reproduction in ProkaryotesAsexual

Prokaryotes reproduce asexually by means of binary fission

Methods of genetic recombinationConjugation

Sex pilus forms between two cellsDonor cell passes DNA to recipient cell through pilus

Transformation – taking up pieces of DNA secreted by live bacteria or released by dead bacteria

Transduction-transfer of portions of bacterial DNA from one cell to another

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Page 29: Viruses Objectives Identify different types of viruses Compare replication cycles Discuss how viruses cause disease


Page 30: Viruses Objectives Identify different types of viruses Compare replication cycles Discuss how viruses cause disease


Reproduction in ProkaryotesSome bacteria form resistant endospores

under unfavorable conditions

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Page 32: Viruses Objectives Identify different types of viruses Compare replication cycles Discuss how viruses cause disease


Prokaryotic NutritionOxygen requirements:

Obligate aerobes – unable to grow in the absence of free oxygen

Obligate anaerobes – unable to grow in the presence of free oxygen

Facultative anaerobes – able to grow in either the presence or absence of free oxygen

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Page 34: Viruses Objectives Identify different types of viruses Compare replication cycles Discuss how viruses cause disease


The Bacteria (eubacteria)Bacteria are commonly diagnosed using the

Gram stain procedureWhen washed after staining:

Gram-positive bacteria retain dye and appear purple

Gram-negative bacteria do not retain dye and appear pink

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The BacteriaStructure of cell wall also of diagnostic useBacteria can be further classified in terms of

their three basic shapesSpiral (spirilli),Rod (bacilli), andRound (cocci)

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Page 37: Viruses Objectives Identify different types of viruses Compare replication cycles Discuss how viruses cause disease


CyanobacteriaFormerly called the Blue-Green algae

(Cyanophyta)Cyanobacteria are Gram-negative bacteria

that photosynthesize*Believed to be responsible for introducing

oxygen into the primitive atmosphereLack visible means of locomotionCan live in extreme environmentsWhen commensals with fungi, form lichens

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Page 39: Viruses Objectives Identify different types of viruses Compare replication cycles Discuss how viruses cause disease


The ArchaeaArchaea were earlier considered bacteria their rRNA differs from BacteriaOther differences:

cell walls

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Archaea Metabolism• Most are chemoautotrophs• Some mutualistic• Some commensalistic• None known to be parasitic• None are photosynthetic• Many live in harsh conditions

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Many live in harsh conditions:Anaerobic marshes

MethanogensProduce methane from hydrogen gas and

carbon dioxideSalty lakes

HalophilesRequire high salt concentrations for growth

Types of Archaea

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Hot sulfur springsThermoacidophilesReduce sulfides and survive best at

temperatures above 80ºCPlasma membranes contain unusual lipids

convey tolerance of high temperatures

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Other Facts about bacteriacan cause disease

(Pneumonia, Strep. throat, TB, food poisoning, syphilis, gonorrhea…)

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Page 45: Viruses Objectives Identify different types of viruses Compare replication cycles Discuss how viruses cause disease

Control of harmful bacteriasome can be destroyed or growth slowed with high temps, chemicals, steam, cold, antisepticssterilization, sanitation, pasteurization

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Bacteria can be beneficialDecomposition or recycling of nutrients

Digestion (vitamins)make breads, beers, and wineantibiotics food texture (yogurt, cheeses)genetic engineering – insulinNitrogen fixation

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Page 48: Viruses Objectives Identify different types of viruses Compare replication cycles Discuss how viruses cause disease

Borrelia burgdorferiStaphylococcus