virtuous woman

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  • 7/27/2019 Virtuous Woman



    - An adult female person.(Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

    - Are to prepare meals for the household, to attend to thework of spinning, and making clothes, to bring water from the

    well and to care for the flocks.

    (Genesis 18:6 ; 2 Sam 13:8 ; Exodus 35:26 ; Proverbs 31:19 ;

    1 Samuel 2:19 ; Proverbs 31:21 ; Genesis 24:15 ; 1 Samuel 9:11 ;

    Genesis 29:6 ; Exodus 2:16 )

    -Implies tenderness and courtesy and not disrespect.(Matthew 15:28 , John 2:4)

    Warm-up Questions How can you tell that a woman is virtuous? Do you know about Gods standards of being a virtuous


    **Now, let us look into the scripture to understand more about

    being a virtuous woman. **

    Scripture (Proverbs 31:10-31)Key points:

    1.The exceeding worth of a virtuous woman.Virtuous is from a noun meaning strength, efficiency,

    ability. Here it refers to strength of character, which is

    moral strength and firmness.

    A rare find like a beautiful gem. For some reasonGod made most common stones unattractive; yet

    He made most rare stones very beautiful and

    brilliant and lustrous. The virtuous woman is a

    beautiful woman, not necessarily outwardly, but

    certainly inwardly.She is not only a rare gem but a

    beautiful gem.

    Priceless; a virtuous woman with rare intrinsiccharacter is far worth than anything. She cant be

    placed a value.

    A virtuous woman is very hard to find. She is morevaluable than a rare gem. She has an inner beauty

    and strength of character and moral firmness that is

    lacking in the vast majority of women, even

    believing women.

    2.The works of a virtuous womanTrustworthy A good helpmate; to complete the man, to do what

    the man cannot do, to be for him what he cannot be

    for himself. The virtuous woman deals out to her

    husband that which is good. She dishes out to him

    and serves him that which is good and not evil. She

    wants only God's highest and best for him. Her life

    and her deeds are a constant benefit and blessing to

    her husband. She is not up and down, hot and

    cold. Her godliness is marked with consistency.

    Industrious; she takes great delight in her work. Ratherthan being a laborious and boring chore, it is pleasant

    and enjoyable.

    Resourceful; she uses her time and individual resourcesin the best way she can.

    Responsible; she is up before the sun, showing thatidleness and laziness have no place with her. She rises

    up so early is to provide food for her household. The

    virtuous woman makes sure that her family gets off to

    a good nutritional start.

    Diligent; she has a reservoir of inner strength which is
  • 7/27/2019 Virtuous Woman


    able to energize her and enable her to accomplish

    physical tasks which require a great amount of physical

    strength. She is not weakened by sloth or laziness but

    she is a wonderful example of diligence and industry.

    Successful in every endeavour; she is experiencing therewards of her labor. She is reaping what she sowed byher diligent industry, and she is finding it to be a good

    harvest. She is seeing the results of the labors of her

    hands. She learns that success results from her labors

    and she reaps the fruits of hard work.

    Compassionate; she has compassion toward the poorand needy and she shows her compassion with

    concrete deeds of mercy. She loves the poor, not in

    word or in tongue only, but also in deed and in truth.

    Confident; because she is a helpmate who isindustrious and compassionate, she is ready for anyemergency.

    Presentable; she did not dress in a shabby manner. Shewas industrious and enterprising, and she was able to

    purchase the finest materials, and with her own hands

    make the finest of garments. She did not consider it a

    mark of spirituality to go around looking impoverished,

    dilapidated, and threadbare. Rather, as was often true

    under the former dispensation, material prosperity was

    a sign of God's blessing, and was not to bedespised. She wore expensive clothing, royal clothing,

    to match her regal and godly character. Her outward

    garments of beauty and splendor matched her inner

    beauty. "The virtuous woman is robed in what bespeaks

    her true character and dignity".

    Influential; she contributes greatly to the success andprosperity of her husband, is a crown to her husband.

    3.The words of a virtuous womanDignified; she was the type of person who laughed or

    smiled at the future. She was not vain or arrogant and

    she well understood that external beauty. She

    understood that the most important clothing was the

    adorning of the inner man: "strength and honor are her


    Cautious, gracious and kind; the law of kindness is inher tongue. She had a tongue that led people to God.

    She is not talkative and trifling, as most women, but

    thoughtful and sensible in her words. The instruction of

    the virtuous woman will be characterized by kindness

    and steadfast love. It will be kindly, faithful, loving and

    gracious instruction.

    4.The witnesses of a virtuous womanShe is praised by her own family members. Those who

    know her the best praise her the most. She invested

    herself in her loved ones, and she is recognized and

    rewarded by the same. The virtuous woman has three

    witnesses to her Godliness. First of all, her children, who

    were well raised and well taken care of for so many years

    will rise up and call her blessed! She will also have the

    praise of her husband. And she will have praise in the

    community, at the gates.

    5.The core of a virtuous womanReal beauty in the sight of God is not the product of

    cosmetics but the outshining of the indwelling Christ.

    Relationship to the Lord; Inner beauty comes from aright relationship with the Lord.

    Fear of the Lord; to fear means to walk in reverencewith God, to take God seriously. This holy fear, this

    reverence opens up the door to a godly way of life.

    There is no substitute for a life given over Christ.

  • 7/27/2019 Virtuous Woman


    A godly and virtuous woman will be rewarded. Whatshe gives out she will get back. It is the boomerang

    effect: she hurls out many a good deed, and they are

    all going to come back to her. In devotion to her God

    and in love for her household, she is willing to expend

    herself ("to spend and be spent"). As she steadfastly

    labors and abounds in the work of the Lord, she knows

    that her labor will not be in vain (1 Cor. 15:58). God is a

    very generous Rewarder of those who diligently seek

    Him (Heb. 11:6), "knowing that whatever good thing

    any man doeth, the same shall he receive of the Lord"

    (Eph. 6:8). The Lord who knows all our works will

    faithfully reward all that is done in His Name and for His

    glory. It pays to live in a right manner. It pays to fear

    the Lord.

    ConclusionSo today may Christian women adorn the doctrine of God our

    Saviour by their good works (compare Titus 2:10). God's

    special people should be "zealous of good works (fervently

    seeking to please God in all we do)" (Tit. 2:14). May our light

    shine before men, that they may see our good works, and

    glorify our Father who is in heaven (Matt. 5:16).

    1.Have a proper reverence for the LordThis is to have a proper relationship with the Lord. The

    BASIS of that relationship IS FEAR of the Lord.

    2.Learn the fear of the LordThe fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Get

    yourself off the throne and let Christ reign. Make time

    each day to rest in Him. Learn His righteous principles so

    the Holy Spirit can work them into and through your life.

    Its the only way to live up to your God-given potential.

    Blessings of fearA hatred for evil that leads to discretion; to reverence the

    Lord is to foster an increased sensitivity to evil, to

    develop the ability to discern between right and

    wrong. This means your counsel and teaching will be

    will be filled with sound judgment.

    A cautious, controlled tongue; the mouth of the righteousis a fountain of life. The mouth of the righteous brings

    forth wisdom. The tongue of the wise brings healing. The

    heart of the wise weighs its answers. She speaks with

    wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. Fear ofthe Lord enables her to think before speaking and then

    to offer wisdom, healing, and life when speaking.

    Emotional strength and stability; the woman who fearsthe Lord will have power over even the difficult,

    unexpected circumstances of life. She will be a strong

    tower in which her family can take refuge. She will

    always have something in reserve.

    A humble spirit; the fear of the Lord teaches a manwisdom, and humility comes before honor. A worthy,

    noble, priceless woman does not need to seek or

    speak words of praise on her own behalf; Godguarantees the praise will come.

    The crown of life; the mother is the one supreme asset ofthe national life. She is more important, by far, than the

    successful statesman, or businessman, or artist, or


    A virtuous woman must be a Christian. All of us, womenand men, are sinners. We possess an old sinful nature.

    That means we all have natural qualities and habits, that

    is, sins make us anything but virtuous. It is the personwho has acknowledged their sin and turned to Jesus

    Christ by faith for forgiveness and salvation that has had

    their life changed. Becoming a Christian, however, is not

    a guarantee that a person will be a virtuous woman. It is

    the Christian woman who is yielded to Christs Lordship,

    and controlled by the Holy Spirit that will be virtuous.