virtual revolution social media presentation

Social Media for your business! JASMINE PHILLIPS VIRTUAL REVOLUTION – 0414 840 077

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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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Social Media for your business!




Overview of platforms and

number of users

Benefits of Social Media


Where to find content

Social Media Tips

Social Media No No’s






What next?

FREE Seminars

Exposure and drive traffic to websites

and your business

As a business, you have to stop

thinking about how you sell because

you don’t really sell anymore. Instead

you help buyers make a buying


You are educating, sharing, listening

and solving issues for your customers allowing them to make more informed



Benefits of Social Media;

Improved social signals

(A Social Signal is a link from someone's social networking profile to your web page, which is a big factor for SEO)

Improved brand awareness

Word-of-mouth advertising

Increased customer loyalty and trust

Improved audience reach and influence –

Connect with your customers where they spend their time.

“Companies with

effective social media

strategies generate

20%-30% more inquiries

than their peers.” ~Sirious Decisions~


Great posts affect the customer in such a way that they want to share with others. Highly shareable posts do at least one of the following:

GIVE: Offers, discounts, deals or contests that everyone can benefit from, not just one sub-group of your friends.

ADVISE: Tips, especially about problems that everyone encounters; for example, how to get a job or how to beat the flu.

WARN: Warnings about dangers that could affect anyone.

AMUSE: Funny pictures and quotes, as long as they’re not offensive to any group- it has to appeal to a general audience

INSPIRE: Inspirational quotes

AMAZE: Amazing pictures or facts

UNITE: A post that acts as a flag to carry and a way to brag to others about your membership in a group that’s doing pretty darned good, thank you very much.


Businesses are learning

to show not tell.

44% of respondents are more likely to

engage with brands if they post pictures than

any other media. Photos get 7 x more likes

and 10 x more shares than links.

Where to find content?

Two ways:

Share content from others: Remember writing your essays for school and

having to be very careful to rewrite paragraphs so you don’t get caught

for plagiarising? Well the difference and beauty of social media is that

everyone is encouraging you to “steal” their content and share it on your

own pages.

Create own content: creatively educate people about your product or

service by using images, memes, infographics and quotes

Create your own memes – photo with text – PicMonkey

Content - stock photos – require small payment

Content – copyright free photos – FREE to use

1. Conduct an

image search

and reduce

your results to

images that

are free from


2. Pixabay – ask

for a donation

and for your

contribution of

stock photos

Content - Infographics

Create your own Infographics

Infographics are visual representations of information, data or knowledge

intended to present complex information quickly and clearly

Present statistics in an engaging way

90% of information that comes to the brain is visual

Explain a difficult concept

Content – create your own quotes

There are a number of tools to create quotes from something you’ve read

online and even your own articles

Gives a little credibility to the words and is more visually appealing than plain words

in a post

Social Media Tips

Link your social media platforms to your website

Use the scheduling tools for each platform

Research how many posts per day is acceptable and the best times for posting ie:

Facebook –no more than 1 post a day and the best time and day for all social media

is Saturday and Sunday between 1-4pm

Search YouTube for tutorials on each platform

and learn the best ways to:

use it for FREE

how to set up advertising and target your demographic

use it to learn how to analyse the insights/statistics of visitors, likes, shares etc

Social media No No’s

Hands down these are the biggest no-no’s if you want your post to get


1. Talking about yourself

2. Being too edgy or offensive

3. Lie or accentuate the truth

4. Asking for likes or shares

5. Don’t use social media to vent your anger

6. Don’t be negative or put others down

7. Do not ignore negative comments or reviews about your business


Difference of a personal profile and a business page

Facebook advertising – very specific targeting of adverts

Facebook insights – analyse the traffic that converts from your FB ad to

your website – demographics

Ask yourself two questions before every Facebook interaction :

1. Does this help our brand’s likeability?

2. Is this interesting, engaging, useful content?

Facebook for business Help

Facebook - Covers

The cover photos for Facebook

give you a lot of real estate

(specifically 851 x 315 px)

to demonstrate visually what your

business is about. Create an inviting

Facebook cover and don’t be

afraid to change it periodically.




Pinning your interest to a board

Visually engaging products/services iebeauty, food, recipes, travel, weddings

Fastest growing SM platform

Mostly female

More about marketing your brands personality and core values.

The content you pin should reflect the lifestyle that your target customers embrace.


YouTube is a video-sharing website on which users can upload, share, and view videos

Run ongoing information about new products or services

Upload short “How to” tutorials positioning yourself as an expert in your industry

Use it for research for your own business – it is the 2nd largest search engine behind Google

Creating original video content improves your search engine optimisation

Huge potential to get your message in front of a wide audience

Video content is a powerful branding tool

Quite easy and inexpensive to produce



Hootsuite is a “Social Media

Management Tool”. It helps you

manage your many social network

channels in one place. You can

view streams from multiple networks

such as Facebook, Twitter and

Google+ and post updates or reply


What Next?

Consider the following questions for your business:

How much time can you commit to social media as a whole?

Are you B2B or B2C? Research which platform suits

Who is your target demographic (age, gender etc) and which social media platforms are they using?

How much technical skill do you have with computers and social media? Do you need to consider outsourcing to get the best from your social media strategy or can you manage it yourself?

How consistently can you post? It is better to do one platform really well than spread yourself too thinly.

Social Media Workshops - FREE

Vorian Agency – offering a series of FREE seminars throughout the year on many of these


Any questions?

Contact me

M: 0414 840 077


T: @virtualrvlution