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FeaturesSeptember, 2009

22 36Elul-The Month of the BrideThe month of Elul is a month in which the lovebetween the Divine Groom and His Bride Israelis at its height. This is alluded to by the fact that,in Hebrew, the first letters of the verse “I am tomy beloved and my beloved is to me” (ani ledodi v’dodili) spell the word Elul.Rabbi Simon Jacobson

How Much Does It Cost Me??I am reminded of the fellow who asked me ifhe really needed to put up mezuzahs on all hisdoorways inside his house. When I answeredthat he did, he gave a huge krechtz. "Oh Rabbi,but I just built a new house with eighteenrooms. Do you realize how much the mezuzahsare going to cost?!"Rabbi Yossy Goldman

No Need To ReinventHolocaust HistoryWe Jews do not need a re-writing of history.There were many acts of heroism which led tothe saving of tens of thousands, even hun-dreds of thousands of Jews. There are somany stories of heroism to recall.Dr. Robert J. Rome, Ph.D

First ImpressionsHe beamed at me. "Do you know that yourgrandfather, Rabbi Yaakov Kamenetzky at-tended my son's bris, right here in Netanya!" Parshas Ki SavoRabbi Mordechai Kaminetsky

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Earlier this month, a new film by Quentin Tarantino opened. “Inglourious Basterds,” the new movie, reinventshistory. This movie is about the Holocaust period. However, in this re-writing of history, it is the Naziswho must fear the Jews, not vice versa. Jews in this story take revenge.

Tarantino was interviewed in the L.A. Times. He said that he chose to make a movie about the underdog fightingback. He says that he could have made a movie about the American Indians, but chose instead to make the movieabout Jews. Any underdog could have worked, according to Tarantino.

No Need to Reinvent Holocaust History:The Shul That Fired 50 Rabbis and Other Jewish Acts of Heroism

By: Robert J. Rome, Ph.D.

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Had Tarantino only looked at the actual history of theperiod before, after and during World War II, he wouldhave seen that there were many examples of the heroicsaving and defense of Jews. Despite being outmannedand outgunned, Jews used their smarts and everythingthey had to save other Jews.

Recently, Allan Lowy of Los Angeles shared with me astory about his grandfather in Czechoslovakia. Theevening before the Czech police were to take the Jewsfor the Germans, “the Jew Lowy,” as the police latercalled the Lowy grandfather, arranged for hundreds inthe Jewish community to be injected with naphtha. Theinjections caused many scores of Jews to get high fevers.The symptoms mimicked typhus, although they wereshort lived. The Germans had warned the local policeto isolate anyone with typhoid fever. As the Jewish com-munity was quarantined because of the “typhoid out-break,” Lowy arranged for the secret evacuation ofhundreds of mostly women and children. When theGermans came back, they realized what “the Jew Lowy”had done. “The Jew Lowy” had defeated the Nazis. Al-though Lowy was eventually transported to Auschwitzwhere he died, he managed to save hundreds of Jews.He was a true hero in our history.

Jewish tragedy did not fully end with the cessation of thewar. After the war, Jews were kept in “Displaced Per-sons” centers. The DP’s (as the Jewish survivors of theruins of Europe were called) were in many cases housedin the very camps the Germans had built to kill them.There were few ways out. These Jews could not go toPalestine, as the British barred their entry. They couldnot go to the United States because of immigration laws,with a major exception. If a DP had a guaranteed job,he or she could enter the U.S. and settle.

Allan Lowy shared with me another story, this one aboutan uncle who was the leader of a small Shul in Texas.This uncle kept hiring “Rabbis” from among the DP’soriginally from the old community in Czechoslovakia.These men who survived the Holocaust had all attendedYeshiva. One by one, these Displaced Persons presentedthemselves for the job as the Rabbi of the Texas Shul.After a short time, each “Rabbi” was fired, but not until

after gaining entry into the United States. Another mem-ber of the community was then summoned from Europeto serve as the next Rabbi of the Shul. Dozens of Jewswere thus rescued from the ashes of Europe in this way.Apparently, U.S. immigration and customs never figuredthis one out. They never figured out that a small TexasShul hired and fired and went through dozens of Rabbisin this manner, all for the rescuing of survivors. Thestory of the Shul that had 50 Rabbis is part of our realhistory as Jews.

Within the past year, the movie Defiance told the historicaccount of two Jewish brothers who saved 1500 Jewsfrom rural Poland and Soviet territories. There are manydozens of other stories. Some are well known. Othersremain largely family secrets as many Holocaust sur-vivors remained silent about their heroism.

We Jews do not need a re-writing of history. There weremany acts of heroism which led to the saving of tens ofthousands, even hundreds of thousands of Jews. Thereare so many stories of heroism to recall.

I don’t want to imply that Jews were not the victims dur-ing the war period. This was the most tragic period inJewish or any history. At no other time in history hadone people been targeted in this manner with 6,000,000exterminated.

Yet, the courageous heroism in the face of such dangerwas very much present. Without traditional weapons,Jews fought in any way they could. Injecting wax intothe arm to mimic symptoms of typhus was one of many“weapons” Jews lived to save fellow Jews. Hiring andfiring Rabbis was yet another ingenious plan.

We need to share the real stories of history, not make upnew stories. We don’t need to add to the history, we needto recall actual events.

To Quentin Tarantino, I thank you for your attempt tomake Jewish heroes. Your efforts, however, would havebeen better spent trying to study actual accounts of whathappened in this tragic period. The real stories of hero-ism are more fascinating than the make believe.

Robert J. Rome, Ph.D., is a licensed Psychologist in clinical practice in Encino, California.He can be reached at [email protected].

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"L'Chayim" -- "To Life!"

By Yerachmiel Tilles

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eivel was a simple Jew. He had a little farmin the Polish countryside and lived a meager life

with his wife and four children. But he had a dream.

From the minute he heard about the Baal Shem Tov helonged to see him. For years he saved and scrimped untilfinally this year he had enough for the journey and to holdhis family till he returned.

The weather smelled of winter. It was the Jewish monthof Elul the month of 'tshuva' (spiritual return). Then therewould be the month of Tishrei: Rosh Hashanah! YomKippur! Succot! Simchat Torah! Hundreds, even thou-sands of Chassidim would be there together; learning, pray-ing, hearing the words of the Holy Besht, and seeing hisholy face. He couldn't wait!

After a five-day journey cramped in a wagon with tenother Chassidim he finally arrived in the town of Mezibuz.

What he had heard was right. Even the sky and the airwere different here; every molecule seemed to be shout-ing, 'Rosh HaShanah is coming! The King of the Universeis near!'

He was so excited! Everyone was heading into the shuland he followed, suitcase in hand. In another minute hewould see him. He would see the Baal Shem Tov in per-son!

But he was to be in for a big surprise.

The room was packed with hundreds of Chassidim whensuddenly everyone became silent; the Rebbe was entering!

The Besht appeared from a side door, gave a quick pen-etrating look around the room and suddenly his eyes fixedon … Feivel!

Feivel was in awe. This was the moment he had beenwaiting for. But why was the Rebbe staring at him? Every-thing was dreamlike; he vaguely felt that he was the centerof attention, but all he saw was the master's eyes gazingdeeply at him. Suddenly the Besht lowered his head indeep thought, or perhaps prayer, then looked up onceagain and called out "Feivel. Feivel! Fool! Dolt! What areyou doing here?"

The silence was deafening, the Chassidim were afraid tobreathe. Something very strange was going on; somethingwas clearly wrong.

"Aren't you ashamed of yourself ?" exclaimed the Besht,"How dare you come into a holy place like this!"

Feivel was confused, his head was spinning, he tried to

move but there was nowhere to go.

"Leave!" shouted the Besht. "Leave here immediately!"

He started moving backwards, afraid to turn his back onthe holy man but afraid to stay even another second, hisheart was thumping and a cold sweat clung to his fore-head.

He felt the door at his back, turned the knob and stum-bled outside, back first, into the street. He was crying, dis-orientated, he stood up, brushed himself off and walkedzombie-like over to the carriage stand, paid for the fiveday journey home, climbed in and was on his way back ina dizzy stupor.

After a few hours the wagon stopped. "What's this?" heasked, "Why are we stopping?"

"What? Never rode in a wagon before, Jew?" answeredthe driver, "It's night-time, and we can't travel at night!Here, look outside. See? It's night and here's the inn. We'llstay here."

Poor Feivel was so bewildered by his encounter with theBesht he didn't notice anything. He got out of the carriagestill clutching his old suitcase and dragged himself intothe inn.

To sleep was out of the question, he was trying to digestwhat had happened. He sat at table in a corner, ordered abeer and tried to remember. Maybe he did do some sortof sin… maybe it was a punishment. It's true he didn'tlearn much Torah. But that couldn't be what the Besht ex-pelled him for; the Besht loved every Jew, even unlearnedones.

He vaguely heard the sound of another carriage stop-ping, and then joyous singing from outside. It got louderand louder until the inn door burst open and a group ofChassidim came pouring in. They were just hours awayfrom the Besht, boisterous and happy.

"Give us vodka!" sang one of the group, "Tomorrowwe'll be with the Rebbe!"

"Oy!" groaned poor Feivel bitterly, "Oy, oy! 'TheRebbe'!" And he began to weep quietly to himself.

Feivel was sure that the Chassidim didn't notice him sit-ting in the shadows. He watched as they pushed a few ta-bles together, sat down, and began pouring small cups ofVodka for one another, toasting l'chayim, saying words ofTorah and singing.

But all this joy only made poor Feivel more depressed.

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Head drooping, he was looking down at the table whensuddenly he felt two Chassidim grab him under the arms,lift him to his feet and pull him over to their table.

He tried to resist, to protest, to beg them to leave himalone, but to no avail. They had decided that he must beone of the Misnagdim (opposers of the Besht) -- how elseto explain the long face? -- and that they had an obligationto transform him.

It wasn't long before they forced him to take a drink andsay l'chayim with them, then another and in another fewminutes he too was singing and dancing and the hourspassed like minutes.

"Aha! What was that? A rooster crowed--it is alreadydawn!'

The Chassidim paid for the drinks, piled back into thewagon (accompanied by a very drunk Feivel still clutchinghis old suitcase), shouted, "We're going to the Rebbe!" andbegan another song.

Five hours later they were in Mezibuz, out of the wagonand on their way to the Baal Shem's shul. Two of themhad their arms under Feivel's and were 'carrying' him withthem.

"Ah yes!" mumbled Feivel, not realizing that he was backin the exact same room that the Besht evicted him fromless than 24 hours ago.

Suddenly the room fell silent, the side door opened, theBaal Shem entered the room and his eye again caughtFeivel. Feivel looked up, his eyes met the Baal Shem's, andat that instant it was like someone threw a bucket of freez-ing water on him.

He snapped to rigid attention, and then began changingcolors; red from shame, white from fear, green from dizzi-ness, he wanted to run, to back out the door, but he wastoo confused.

"Welcome, Feivel" shouted the tzadik (holy man). "Mybeloved Feivel! Where have you been? How I've worriedabout you."

Now Feivel was really mixed up. His mind was spinninglike a merry-go-round "What's going on here?" he thought

to himself. "Maybe yesterday never happened, or maybenow I'm dreaming!" Then the Besht beckoned him tocome and the Chassidim moved aside making a path forhim.

He took Feivel's hand and explained. "My dear Feivel ,you didn't know it but yesterday when you entered, theAngel of Death entered with you. I instantly realized thatyou wouldn't live to see Rosh Hashanah.

"I tried praying for mercy but to no avail; it had beendecreed in heaven that your time had come. I had to actfast. It is known that embarrassing someone is public islike killing him, so I spoke harsh words to that Dark Mes-senger that I knew you and everyone else would thinkwere directed to you. I thought that maybe shaming youwould fulfill the heavenly decree, but it didn't; the angelwas now dancing over your head.

"So," I thought to myself, "maybe with the Angel ofDeath it will help to be smart. I figured that if I told youto leave you'd probably catch the first carriage back homeand your home is a five day journey so you would have tostop at an inn at night. When you got to that inn I rea-soned that you probably wouldn't want to sleep, so you'dprobably sit awake at one of the tables all night.

"Now, the Chassidim on their way here also aren't able totravel at night and would have to stop at that inn as well,and they also won't be able to sleep because they'll be toohappy. For sure they wouldn't be able to bear seeing some-one sad like you, so probably they would try to cheer youup by making you sit with them and have a little vodka.Now when the Chassidim drink vodka they don't just makea blessing, they say 'L'Chayim' which means 'To Life!'Right?

"Maybe you don't know it, Feivel, but according to theTorah when three observant Jews sit together they havethe power of a Judicial Court. In other words, when theyall raised their cups to you and declared: 'To Life!' this waslike a legal decision for life that overrode the power of theprevious Heavenly decree (because the Torah was givenprimarily to humans, not angels)."

"And I see that it worked: the Angel of Death has de-parted. Welcome to Mezibuz!

Yerachmiel Tilles is Co-founder and AssociateDirector of Ascent-of-Safed, and Editor of Ascent Quarterly and the and websites.

He has hundreds of published stories to his credit, and many have been translated into other languages.

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In every relationship, there are times when the “male” or giving partner takes the initiative, and times when the“female” or receiving partner is the one to first express her feelings and thereby stimulate the feelings of herpartner.

The question of who takes the initiative has a profound effect on the nature of the relationship. For though the endresult is that both of them express their love for each other, the one who takes the initiative determines the nature ofthe other’s response. When initiated by the giving partner, the response stimulated in the recipient will likewise be a“masculine” response; when initiated by the recipient, the giver’s response will also be of a “feminine” nature, for itwill be influenced and shaped by the source of its arousal.

In Song of Songs, which explores the relationship between G-d and Israel through the metaphor of the love betweena bride and her groom, we find expressions of both male-initiated and female-initiated love. In one verse, the narratressproclaims, “My beloved is to me, and I am to him.”[1] In another, she says, “I am to my beloved, and my beloved is to me.”[2]

There are times when the Almighty showers us with love and kindness, arousing in us a response in kind (“My belovedis to me, and I am to him”). But there are also times in which we take the initiative, expressing our love and devotion toHim despite His apparent distance from us, thereby arousing in Him His love for us (“I am to my beloved, and my belovedis to me”).

It may be argued that the divinely-initiated love produces a higher and loftier love than that which is initiated by our-selves. When the initial arousal comes from G-d, it is a show of love that is as infinite and sublime as its source, arousingin us feelings that we could never have produced ourselves. Nevertheless, such a love cannot be said to be truly ourown. We have been overwhelmed by something that is infinitely greater than ourselves, and our own response is likewise“larger than life,” bearing little relation to who and what we are in our natural state.

On the other hand, the love we generate from ourselves may be less magnificent and glorious, but it is a deeper andtruer love. It is an integral love—a love that comes from within and expresses our deepest yearnings. And when weawaken such a love in ourselves, G-d responds in kind, showing us an integral, intimate love—a love that embraces usas we are, rather than transporting us to sublime yet alien peaks of spirituality and transcendence.

The Acronym

The month of Elul is a month in which the love between the divine Groom and His bride Israel is at its height. Thisis alluded to by the fact that, in Hebrew, the first letters of the verse “I am to my beloved and my beloved is to me” (ani ledodiv’dodi li) spell the word Elul.

It is significant that the acronym for Elul comes from the verse that describes a love that is initiated by the bride,rather than the verse (“My beloved is to me, and I am to him”) in which the initial show of love comes from the groom. Fordespite its designation as a time for special closeness between G-d and man, Elul is a most “ordinary” month, conspic-uously devoid of festivals and holy days (as opposed to the festival-rich month of Tishrei that follows it). Elul is not atime in which we are “lifted up” from our dailyroutine to the more spiritual atmosphere of a fes-tival day; rather, it is a time in which we remain inour natural state as material beings inhabiting amaterial life.

For the month of Elul, whose astral sign is thesign of betulah (“virgin”), is the month of thebride. Elul is a time when the initiative comesfrom our side of the relationship, and the divineresponse to our love is one that relates to us as fi-nite, material beings and embraces our naturalself and personality.

Rabbi Simon JacobsonCourtesy of

Elul - The Month of the Bride

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In this week's portion, the Torah commands us withquite a tall order. Because of flagrant ingratitude, inwhich Ammonites and Moabites forgot the kindness

ofour father Avraham toward their forebear Lot, we arecommanded not to allow them to join in marriage intoour nation. The directive does not preclude Ammonitesand Moabites from converting or marrying other Jewishconverts. It also does not prohibit Ammonite women con-verts from marrying into the fold. It does prohibit the di-rect descendants of Avraham, who epitomized kindnessand gratitude, from marrying Lot's male descendants whowere so cruel to the Jewish people.

The Torah tells us in the exact way their ungraciousnessmanifested itself. "Be-cause of the fact that they didnot greet you with bread andwater on the road when youwere leaving Egypt, and be-cause he hired against you Bi-laam son of Beor, of Pethor,Aram Naharaim, to curseyou" (Deuteronomy23:5). But in an atypicaldeviation from the initialnarrative, the Torah in-serts the following verse:“But Hashem, your God, re-fused to listen to Balaam,

and Hashem, your God, reversed the curse to a blessing for you, be-cause Hashem, your God, loved you" (Ibid v.6).

The Torah then continues to conclude the directive: "Youshall not seek their peace or welfare, all your days, forever" (ibid v.7).

Why does Hashem interject the story of His compas-sionate intervention into the prohibition? The Torah pre-viously detailed the story of the talking donkey, theinterceding angel and Balak's subsequent failure to cursethe Jews. Why interject G-d's love in halting Bilaam's planswhen the Torah is presenting a reason not to marryMoabites? It has no bearing on the prohibition.

A classic story of a new immigrant's encounter with theAmerican judicial system involved an old Jew who wascalled to testify.

"Mr. Goldstein," asked the judge, "how old are you?"

"Keyn ayin horah, eighty three."

"Just answer the question, Mr. Goldberg. I repeat. Howold are you?"

Goldberg did not flinch. "Keyn ayin horah, eighty-three."

"Mr. Goldberg," repeated the judge, "I do not want anyprefixes or suffixes. Just answer the question."

But Goldberg did not change his response.

Suddenly Goldberg's lawyer jumped up. "Your honor,"he interjected. "Please allow me to ask the question. TheJudge approved and the lawyer turned to Goldberg.

"Mr. Goldberg. How old are you, Keyn ayin Horah?"

Goldberg smiled."Eighty three."

In what has becomea tradition of the Jew-ish vernacular, perhapsoriginating with theabove verses, no po-tential calamity is evermentioned withoutmentioning or inter-jecting a preventativeutterance of caution.

"I could have slippedand chas v'sholom

(mercy and peace) hurt my leg."

"They say he is, rachmana nitzlan, (Heaven save us) notwell."

"My grandfather tzo langa yohrin (to longevity) is eighty-three years old," of course, suffixed with the ubiquitous"kayn ayin horah!"

An ever present cognizance of Hashem's hand in ourlives has become integrated into traditional Jewish speechpatterns. Thank G-d, please G-d , and G-d willing pepperthe vernacular of every Jew who understands that all hiscareful plans can change in the millisecond of a heavenlywhim. And so, beginning with Biblical times, there are noreference to occurrences of daily life found in a vacuum.They are always surrounded with our sincere wishes forHashem's perpetual protection and continuous blessing.

Benevolent Association


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Families who keep kosher are increasingly combining Jew-ish holiday celebrations with vacation time. As a result,luxury glatt kosher travel is now a growing trend within

the Orthodox Jewish community.

Pure is a leading international event managementcompany specializing in glatt kosher events and international vaca-tion tours.

For its upcoming tour, Pure has chosen the Disney-land Resort in Southern California as its venue to deliver a completeSukkot experience, including accommodations at a luxury resort,gourmet glatt kosher cuisine, a huge sukkah built on the DisneylandResort Dream Lawn, a discounted rate on tickets to the Disneylandpark, and two performances by Jewish musical superstar LipaSchmeltzer. The tour and concert are being coordinated underthe guidance of the Pesach with the Chevrah founders.

A portion of the proceeds from the concerts will benefit ChaiLifeline, the international children’s health support organization. Inaddition, the tour will include a medical conference on Pain Man-agement and attendees will be eligible for both continuing medicaleducation (CME) and continuing legal education (CLE) credits.

The tour runs from Thursday, October 1 through Sunday, Octo-ber 11. Guests have the flexibility to purchase day by day options,or select the complete 10-day package, which includes:

• Room accommodation at Disney’s Paradise Pier Hotel: a laid-back, beach-themed resort, walking distance to the theme parks’main entrances

• Access to a Sukkah and shul on the premises of the DreamLawn at the Disneyland Hotel

• All meals, including both buffet and plated meal options, as wellas special boxed lunches available for pick-up inside Disneylandpark

• Lectures by renowned scholars and rabbis

• Discounted ticket prices for Disneyland park

Pure’s high standard of glatt kosher kashrut will besupervised by Rabbi Eliezer Eidlitz, who has served as the RavHamachshir for the Pesach With the Chevra tour and led its teamof mashgichim.

As part of the tour, Pure will present two concertsat the Disneyland Park Festival Arena featuring world-famous Jew-ish music star LIPA SCHMELTZER and conducted by renownedmusical director Yisroel Lamm on Tuesday, October 6.

Lipa is one of the most celebrated Chassidic singers of all time.Described by The Wall Street Journal as “an exultant spirit,” “wildlypopular,” and a “natural performer,” Lipa has wowed thousandsof fans from around the world.

Join the Celebration!

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By Yossy GoldmanSenior Rabbi of the Sydenham Highlands North

Shul since 1986, and president of the South AfricanRabbinical Association.

$$ How Much Does It Cost Me? $$

Page 35: Virtual Magazine Issue 138

What do we cherish? What do we truly value?What do we make time for?

There is a rather curious juxtaposition of ideas in our par-shah this week. The Torah cautions us against allowing Am-monite and Moabite men to convert and join the Jewishpeople. The reasons? Firstly, because they did not greet youwith bread and water on the road when you were leavingEgypt. And secondly, because they hired Balaam... to curseyou.

Such a diverse set of crimes lumped together in one verse.In the same breath we are told to shun them because theydidn't play the good host when we were a tired and hungrynation trudging through the desert from Egypt and becausethey hired the heathen prophet Balaam to destroy us. Howcan we possibly compare these two reasons? The first issimply a lack of hospitality while the second is nothingshort of attempted genocide!

The answer is that the two are indeed interrelated. Oneenforces the other and one proves the sinfulness of theother. If it was only a matter of not showing us any gen-erosity during our journey, we could possibly justify it bytheir own poverty. Perhaps Ammon and Moab were in aneconomic depression. Maybe they were broke and thereforewere not in a position to offer hospitality. If they didn'thave enough for themselves how can we expect them tohave fed others?

But when we see that they hired Balaam the prophet tocurse the Jewish people, then we know that money was notthe problem. Do you think Balaam came cheap? Balaamwas a very expensive consultant. "A houseful of gold and silver"was his asking price. If you found money for him you couldhave found a few shekels to give some bread and water totired, hungry travellers. The fact that they were prepared topay such exorbitant fees to Balaam proves the enormity of

their crime.

Ammon and Moab may be extinct but their legacy liveson.

One of the root causes of the Middle East quagmire isthe Palestinian problem. So many live in squalor in refugeecamps. It is truly a rachmonus, a terrible pity and a cryingshame. But why have these people not been accommodatedby their brethren over all these years? Israel has taken inJewish refugees from Arab lands--from Syria, Yemen, Iranand Iraq. More recently they have absorbed manyEthiopian and Russian Jews. Israel is a small country withlimited resources yet no Jew is refused entry. Everyone iswelcomed.

So tiny Israel can do it and the combined land and wealthof the Arab world cannot? Saudi Arabia builds palaces andengages in all sorts of royal excess. Have you been to theDubai airport? Billions are being spent on flippant luxuries,but to help their poor Palestinian brothers and sisters no-body is home!

Sadly, we have a problem in our own community too.How often is a Jew approached for a worthy cause and hepleads poverty but the very next day he blows a fortune ata casino? We are too busy to come to a lecture at the shul,but to kill a night playing poker we have plenty of time.

I am reminded of the fellow who asked me if he reallyneeded to put up mezuzahs on all his doorways inside hishouse. When I answered that he did, he gave a huge krechtz."Oh Rabbi, but I just built a new house with eighteenrooms. Do you realize how much the mezuzahs are going tocost?!"

We are now in the month of Elul, a time for introspectionand coming right before Rosh Hashanah, our JudgmentDay. Let us reflect on how we spend our money and ourtime and let us try our best to be consistent and honourableto G-d and our fellow men and women.

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This week's parsha begins by telling uswhat will occur when the Jews finallyconquer and settle the Land of Canaan."It will be when you enter the Land thatHashem, your G-d, gives you as an inheritance,and you possess it, and dwell in it"(Deuteronomy 26:13). It relates themitzvah of Bikurim: "You shall take of thefirst of every fruit of the ground that you bringin from your Land that Hashem, your G-d,gives you, and you shall put it in a basket andgo to the place that Hashem, your G-d, willchoose, to make His Name rest there”(Deuteronomy 26:2).The bikurim are thenpresented to the kohen. "You shall come towhomever will be the Kohen in those days, andyou shall say to him, "I declare today toHashem, your G-d, that I have come to theLand that Hashem swore to our forefathers togive us" (Deuteronomy 26:3).

What kind of introductory remark isthat? Of course, we come to the land!If we had not arrived, we would not behere! Why then do we tell the kohen that"I declare today that I have arrived"?

As a student in the Ponovez Yeshiva,I would spend some summer days in theresort town of Netanya. One day, Ispotted what, to an American seemedlike an anomaly: a small Yemenite man,long curly peyos dangling from hisdarkly tanned olive-skinned face,bouncing up and down as he, dressed ina policeman's uniform, was directingtraffic. I had never seen an orthodoxpoliceman, let alone one who had dan-gling side curls. My propensity to talk tofellow Jews and my inherent fascinationwith curiosities, spurred me to engagehim in conversation.

As we talked, he told me about line-age. I mentioned that my name wasKamenetzky, and he froze in disbelief.

"Are you, by any chance, related to thefamous Rabbi Kamenetzky of Americawho recently visited Israel?"

"Do you mean Rabbi Yaakov

Kamenetzky?" I inquired. When henodded, in excited corroboration, Iadded, "he is my grandfather." It was asif I had sent a charge of electricitythrough his body!

He beamed at me. "Do you know thatyour grandfather, Rabbi YaakovKamenetzky attended my son's bris,right here in Netanya!"

I did a double take and thought, "YeahRight! Sure. My 89-year-old grandfathercame to Netanya for a Yemenite policeofficer's son's bris." The man registeredmy apparent skepticism, and proceededwith the following story. At the time,Kiryat Zanz, the community built bythe Klausenberg Rebbe, in Netanya, hadrecently expanded its medical center.The administrators wanted RabbiKamenetzky to see the beautiful facilityfirst hand. The revered sage's endorse-ment would surely boost their fundrais-ing efforts. They picked Rav Yaakov upfrom his accommodations in Jerusalem,and drove him to Netanya. Entering thecity limits, Rav Yaakov asked, "Are wegoing to the hospital?"

When the administrators and thedriver, affirmed that destination, RavYaakov said, "No, we are going to theRav. When one comes to a town, hisfirst stop is to see the Rav. After wegreet the Rav, we will see the hospi-tal."

They went to the home ofRabbi Lau, (Israel's currentChief Rabbi) Rav of Ne-tanya, but he was notthere.

At that point in thestory, the policeman be-came excited. "Do youknow where RabbiLau was?" he beamed.

He did not wait for ananswer. "Rabbi Lau wasat my son's bris! And a fewminutes later, your grandfather

arrived as well!"

Imagine. It took the Jews fourteenyears to settle and conquer the Land ofCanaan. Until they settled, there was nomitzvah to bring bikurim, (first fruits).During all those years, no one had for-mally presented themselves to the Kohen.They may have gone to Jerusalem forthe holidays, or for other occasions, butnever was there a formal presentationto the kohen.

Thus, when the simple farmer finallypresents himself to the kohen, he usesthe words, "I declare, today, to Hashem thatI have come." Perhaps the Torah is subtlysending a simple message: " Kohen, nowthat I greet you, I declare that I have ar-rived." Because until you have greetedthe kohen, you may have battled. Youmay have conquered. You may havesown, and you may have reaped. But

you have not arrived. •

First Impressions


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Afshan Restaurant RCC

106 W. 9th St. LA, (213) 622-1010

Beverly Elite Cafe RCC

7115 Beverly Blvd. LA, 90036(323) 936-2861

Bibis Warmstone Kehila

8928 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035(310) 246-1788

Bonjour Kehila

16550 Ventura, Encino, 91436(818) 783-2727

Bocca Steakhouse RCC

16610 Ventura. Encino, 91436(818) 905-5855

Bramis Pizza RCC

17736 ShermanWay,Reseda,91326(818) 342-0611

Café Del Mar Dairy/Meat Kehila

12526 Burbank Blvd. N.H. 91607(818) 487-8171

Chic N Chow Kehila

9301 West Pico Blvd. LA, 90035(310) 274-5595

Chinese and Kabob Kehila

9180 Pico Blvd. LA, 90035(310) 274-4007

Circa RCC

433 N. Fairfax Avenue, LA, 90036323-653-1941

Cohen’s Restaurant RCC

316 E Pico Blvd # F LA, CA 90015(213) 742-8888

Cow Jumped Over The Moon Kehila

421 N Rodeo Drive, B.H. 90210(310) 274-4269

Delice Kehila

8583 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035(310) 289-6556

Delice Bistro Kehila

8581 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035(310) 289-1702

Elat Burger Ben Zaken

9340 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035(310) 278-4692

Elite Cuisine RCC

7119 Beverly Blvd. LA, 90036(323) 930-1303

Falafel Express Buxbaum

5577 Reseda Blvd. Tarzana, 91356(818) 345-5660

Falafel Grill Chabad

5611 Kanan R. Agoura Hills, 91301(818) 991-8799

Fish Grill Kehila

7226 Beverly Blvd. LA, 90036(323) 937-7162

12013 Wilshire Blvd. LA, 90025(310) 479-1800

9618 W. Pico Blvd. 90035(310) 860-1182

22935 Pacific Coast Highway(310) 456-8585

Fish In The Village RCC

12450 Burbank Blvd. N.H, 91607(818) 769-0085

Glatt Hut RCC

9303 W. Pico Blvd. 90035(310) 246-1900

Golan RCC

13075 Victory Blvd. N. H, 91606(818) 763-5344

Got Kosher? RCC

8914 W. Pico Blvd. 90035(310) 858-1920

Habayit Buxbaum

11921 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90064(310) 479-5444

Haifa Ben Zaken

8717 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035(310) 888-7700

Hill Street Pizza RCC

456 S Hill St. Los Angeles, 90013(213) 627-9990

Jerusalem Pizza & Kehila

The Sushi17942 Ventura Blvd.Encino, CA 91316(818) 758-9595

Jeffs Gourmet Kehila

8930 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035(310) 858-8590

Jump To Juice RCC

8879 W. Pico Blvd. LA 90035(310) 858-2911

Kiki’s Grill RCC

12422 Burbank. N.H, 91607(818) 508-5557

La Brea Bagel OK

7308 Beverly Blvd. LA, 90036(323) 965-1287

La Gondola Kehila

9025 Wilshire Blvd. BH, 90211(310) 247-1239

La Glatt RCC

446 Fairfax Ave. LA, 90036(323) 658-7730

La Pizza Rabbi Furst

12515 Burbank Blvd. N.H, 91607(818) 760-8198

Le Sushi12524 Burbank Blvd N.H. 91607 (818) 763-6600

Mashu Mashu RCC

12510 Burbank Blvd. 91607(818)752-ASIA (2742)

Metro Glatt RCC

8975 W. Pico Blvd. 90035 (310) 275-4420

Milk N Honey RCC

8837 West Pico Blvd LA, 90035(310) 858-8850

Milky Way Kehila

9108 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035(310) 859-0004

Nagilla Pizza Kehila

9411 West Pico Blvd. LA, 90035(310) 788-0111

Nagilla Meating Place Kehila

9407 West Pico Blvd. LA, 90035(310) 788-0119

Nana Cafe RCC

1509 S Robertson Blvd. (310) 407-0404

Orange Delight Kehila

13628 Ventura Blvd. SO, 91423(818) 788-9896

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Pats Kehila

9233 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035(310) 205-8705

Pico Cafe Kehila

8944 W Pico Blvd. LA, 90035310-385-9592

Pico Kosher Deli RCC

8826 West Pico Blvd. LA, 90035(310) 273-9381

Pita Way RCC

8532 Pico Blvd. LA, 90035(310) 652-5236

Pizza Maven Kehila

140 North La Brea Blvd. 90036(323) 857-0353

Pizza Nosh Rabbi Ami Markel

30313 Canwood St. A.H. 91301(818) 991-3000

Pizza Station Kehila

8965 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035(310) 276-8708

Pizza World Kehila

365 Fairfax Ave. LA, 90036 (323)653-2896Sassis Kehila

15622 Ventura, Encino, 91436(818) 986-5345

Shalom Pizza RCC

8715 West Pico Blvd. LA, 90035(310) 271-2255

Shanghai Kehila

9401 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035(310) 553-0998

Shilohs Kehila

8939 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 858-1652

Smokin’ RCC

12514 Burbank Blvd. N.H, 91607(818) 752-6866

Subway Kehila

8948 W Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 274-1222

Sunrise RCC

9216 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035(310) 786-8282

SushiKo RCC

9340 West Pico Blvd. LA, 90035 (310) 274-3474

Temptation Grill Kehila

17547 Ventura B. Encino, 91316(818) 995-4700

The Meating Place KCA

30313 Canwood St. AH, 91301(818) 706-1255

Tierra Sur at Herzog Winery ou

3201 Camino DelSol Oxnard(805) 983-1560

Unique Cafe Rabbi Aron Simkin

18381 Ventura Blvd. Tarzana(818) 757-3100


Includes:• Your choice of Eggs

• Salad• Bread with Cheese/Butter

• Coffee or Orange Juice


Includes:• Soup of the Day

or Any Soup on the Menu• Choice of Main Course

• Juice or Soda

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A Time for DanceNow registering for 2009-2010 season for girls and womenballet, modern, tap, jazz, gymnastics, acting, singing, hiphop, yoga, boys kickboxing and (323) 404-0827 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

C&T SILVERPersonal service & best prices in town! Phone orders & de-

livery, gift wrapping, gifts for all occasions. Sterling silver•Crystal with Silver • Wood with Silver. please call for appoint-ment Chaim & Tova Friedman 323-931-9792


Dress MakerChanna Tellis Dress Maker & Expert Alterations with 40yrs of experience, also available for Sewing Classes. Please Call 323-933-5960 or 323-348-8786------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Electrolysis/Laser Hair RemovalRobin Schultz Ackerman will help you eliminate unwantedhair! Doctor referred over 10 years in the community. Rea-sonable rates, flexible hours open Sundays by appt. Call anytime for an appt. 310-273-4247


Graphic DesignLH DESIGN & PRINTING You name it we design it!Business Cards, Postcards, Posters, Flyers, Stickers,CD/DVD Covers, Websites, Wedding and Bar/Bat MitzvahInvitations, Scrapbook Albums, Digital Books, Tshirts, &More... Please Call: 818-802-2625

Live -in Nanny/CookYoung and energetic grandmother available for live-in po-sition. Exp cook & Nanny. Great Driving record, availablefor shopping/errands/carpool/etc. willing to help withlaundry, dishes, light cleaning. Call Miriam 310-358-9666 or310-286-1866. #1541


MusicAriel Louk - "Because A Simcha Should Be Happy."Orchestra / One Man Band. Weddings, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs,Special Occasions. Quality music, competitive prices. Ref-erences available. For more information, please call ArielLouk: Cell: 323-997-2647 Tel: 310-659-9346 Email: [email protected]

•••Eli's One Man Bandfor all your simchas and special events.Late Summer Special! Bar Mitzvah's - $425 For more info Please call Eli Stiefel 310-462-5368 or email [email protected]

••• Weddings, Bar-Mitzvahs, SpecialOccasions. Contact now for availability and rates 310-595-5490


Yosef Y. Shagalov: Traveling Notary Public & Home Signing Agent. Cell: 323-934-7095

Translation & Interpreting(Hebrew>English>Hebrew) Professional Translation (Written)and Interpreting (Verbal) Services Business ٭ Legal ٭Med-ical ٭ Technical ٭ Certificates * Consulting and EscortingBusiness Persons &Visitors. Zion Avdi - 310-402-3778 Email:[email protected]:

WigsHeadlines / European Wigs • Wash & Set • HairAccessories • Jewelry • Ear Piercing. Call Chaya Suri @323-930-1389

Recession-Proof CareersIn just 8 months we will train you in a recession-proof career, and help you find an exciting job in:• Pharmacy Technician • Medical Assistant • Medical Office Management • Accounting • Administrative Assistant• Business Management • Computer Graphics & Desktop Publishing • Computer Aided Design & Drafting (Auto Cad)Call Los Angeles ORT Technical Institute 1-800-998-2678 LA ORT is Non-Profit organization. Financial Aid, Schol-arship and Transportation assistance are available.

Mid-Wilshire: 6435 Wilshire BL, Los Angeles CA 90048 Valley: 14519 Sylvan ST, Van Nuys CA


PARENTING WITH WISDOMWhat do I do when my child (fill in your least acceptablebehavior)? Take the best parenting class in town to learnhow to deal with misbehavior, discouragement and poorschool performance. In addition, acquire all the skills nec-essary to raise confident, independent, and responsible chil-dren. Appropriate for ages 0-5, 6-11, and teens. Individualor group sessions. Affordable. Call Irine Schweitzer,LCSW for more information, at 818 754-4501.

NEW KEHILLA Tehachapi Torah Center New shul location for betterhousing selection, in beautiful neighborhood, priced$128,000 to 450,000. For example 5 bed 2.75 bath2772SF high end construction on nice .62 acre lot, 3blocks from new shul site, ask 295k. Use link below formore details and other nearby listings. The TehachapiTorah Centered Community is suited for families, indi-viduals, and existing Torah organizations. Healthy, Serene,Affordable, Child Friendly. Tehachapi Ca. 93561, 90miles/minutes from route 14 at 5. Twice the Home forHalf the Money. Homes from $128k, Lots 20k. LeaseFrom: Rooms $300, Apartments $550, Houses $850.Learn More! Contact Roger M. [email protected] orcall

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POSITIONS WANTEDBabysitter availableOrthodox woman available to watch yourchildren full time or part-time hours, at yourlocation. Excellent references. call: 323-651-9389

•••Young and energetic Grandmother availableto babysit or be a mother's helper, days andevenings available. Great driving record, cando carpool pick ups and errand running.Kind and experienced with my own eightgrandchildren and working for other moms inour community, great with newborns throughteens. Fantastic cooking abilities and willingto work for $10/hr. Speaks fluent English,Hebrew and French. Call Miriam for a won-derful babysitter/nanny/light cleaning/heavycooking/ errand running and a great attitude:310-358-9666 or 310-286-1866

•••Reliable, Hardworking Shomer Shobbos fe-male looking for a file clerk or office clerk po-sition. I have office experience and would liketo work around the Hancock Park or BeverlyHills area.Please contact Rochelle at 323-447-1100.


Experienced Aide for Special Needs students

Orthodox, female college student looking forpart-time position working with special needsStudent in a classroom setting. Excellent ref-erences. Call Raizel: 310-936-8978

•••CAREER TRAINING PROGRAMSAre you Unemployed and collecting Unem-ployment Benefits? FULL Financial Aid isavailable to unemployed individuals. Receivecareer training at NO COST to YOU. Thesefunds are available through President Obama’sEconomic Stimulus Package. Act now whilefunds are available. Los Angeles ORT Tech-nical Institute has several Nationally Accred-ited Career Training Programs. Please call323-966-5444. Ask for Judy or


FOR RENTGuest House and Room for RentCharming Guest House with private patio, fur-nished, 360 sq ft, Kosher kitchenette & privatebathroom on Olympic Blvd. Carthy Circle. Utili-ties included, no smoking, no pets, referencesplease. Call David at Home: 323-934-4826.Cell: 323-687-4154•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Guest House for Rent Beverly/La Brea, $1,050/mo. Large, Bright,Clean and Newly Remodeled. Full Bathroom,Kitchenette and Private Entrance, ShomerShabbos 323-687-3698•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Office Space WantedLooking to sublease office space or to leaseshared office space in the Los Angeles area.Please email us at [email protected]# 2089•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Room For RentRoom for rent for woman only, beautiful gar-den, Pico/Robertson, Private entrance, ShomerShabbos, Call Sarah at 818-451-5622•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Guest House For Rent Encino area, new, clean bright and well lit single guesthouse. Separate entrance. 5 minute walk to Chabadof Tarzana, tile and carpet flooring. Designed for sin-gle person, must be Shomer Shabbat. Includedkitchen fully furnish AC/ Heating, small refrigerator.Utilities Included. Rent $900.00 a month. AvailableSep 1. References needed. For more informa-tion, call 818-262-4890 or 818-776-8000Please leave a message if no answer•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

For Rent

Exquisite Studio Apartment/Office - with Kitch-enette. Brand New A/C & Appliances. Fully tiledfull Bathroom. Private Entrance. Totally De-tached. Utilities incl. Centrally located in theHeart of the La Brea/Beverly Area- Walking dis-tance from Shuls & Kosher Stores, Ideal forsomeone single and frum. Please call: 323-708-5122



1 & 2 bedrooms availablein West Hollywoodarea. Great Location , hardwood floors.Please call 310-420-8676


LUXURY APTS IN VALLEY VILLAGEOversized Floorplans. Laundry on every floor.Security Parking/Entrances. Central AC.Hrdwd Floors. Elevator. Close to shuls. 1+1.5 $1,150, 2+2 $1,475, 3+2 $1,7951 MONTH FREE with 1 YEAR LEASE.Call Daniel @310-925-9972


PHONE: 323-965-1544 Email: [email protected]

REAL ESTATES OPPORTUNITIESFor all your Real Estate needs!Daniel Dayani Realtor Associate at 310-279-2991or e-mail to [email protected]

BAL KOREH/BAL TEFILAHLooking for Bal Koreh position in the Pico Robert-son area. References available upon request. Alsoavailable for Bal Tefilah. Call David at Home: 323-934-4826. Cell: 323-687-4154


Beautiful large three bedroom, three bathroomduplex available in Pico /Robertson area. Up-dated kitchen, private master bathroom, hard-wood flooring throughout, laundry room withwasher/dryer included, central air/heat, yard,lots of storage, plenty of street parking (per-mit), private garage, well maintained. Pico andPoint View $2700.Please call Joshua 323- 384-8286 or Dov 310-926-5682email: [email protected]#1243

Spanish Colonial Duplex, 3 bedrrom, 2 bath-room, lower unit with security, washer/dryerhook-ups, gated secure backyard, primePico/Robertson location. E-mail: [email protected]

Seeking a tutor to assist a girl with special needsentering 11th grade at Orthodox High Schoolfall 2009-2010. Part-time position of Up to 10hours in am and pm. Must be able to read,write and translate passages in Hebrew. Available ASAP. Ask for Iris at 213-219-8157.

Large furnished apartment La Brea/Beverly.Spacious 3 bed/3 bath. Close to shuls andshopping. Frum, family oriented neighbor-hood. Short or long term rental. Please call323-377-3811 [email protected]

Childcare needed for Jewish bilingual 4 year oldCare must be superior. Hours are Flexible.Call Richard. [email protected]

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Join Chabad of the Conejo as we start the New Year off with a most inspiring, delightful and relaxing

at theHyatt WestlakePlaza Hotel

High Holiday Retreatf First Class Accomodationsf Glatt Kosher Gourmet Meals By Embassy Caterersf Special Hotel Room Rates and Late Check Out Availablef Popular Meaningful Youth Programs and Jr. Congregationf Community Tashlich Walk to Lakef Inspiring and “Walk-Free” Yom Kippur at HyattSpace is limited, please reserve early!

HiJHolidayServices & Retreat

For seat reservations, further information, and/or a detailed brochure, please call

818-991-0991 or visit