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Content Development Role of the Educator/Developer

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Content Development Role of the Educator/Developer

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

Understand the components of lesson structure Define a textured environment Describe the needs of an online learner Understand educator examples of course

outlines Describe appropriate activities Understand learning outcomes, staging a lesson

and chunking information Understand the use of text, images and design


LESSON• Core learning component• Follows structure of course outline in syllabus

Non-Intensive Format15 Weeks

Avg 1 lesson per week

Intensive FormatCompressed 6 Weeks

1 or more lessons per weekSECTIONS


SEGMENTSBreakdown of materials to be learned

Learning Outcomes




A textured environment keeps learners involved and interested.

A textured environment should:

Vary activities to enable learners to interact with each other, the educator and content

Include different types of readings Provide solutions and let the learners search for answers Vary media by using audio, video and podcasts Use text and image-based slide shows Include written narratives Change presenters Provide opportunities for reflection and self-assessment



Identifies course format Defines due date

requirements Provides goals for the

course Discusses importance of


Identifies where lessons are found in the online shell

Provides goals for the 1st

week Lists objectives for the 1st


Sosulski is the co-author of the text book, “Essentials of Online Course Design.” An introduction lesson from her course “Collaboration Technologies” is outlined below.



Defines expectations by listing materials to read

Provides a brief statement on the topic of the reading

Provides a brief statement on what learners can expect to learn

References syllabus

Describes activity Identifies where to post

response for the activity Lists what student is

expected to do Provides example of how the

education expects the Learner to respond

Provides due date and time


Breakdown into sub topics and multiple sections

Present in smaller steps that build upon each other

Keep course narrative brief Present topic using simple

language that creates no barriers Identify key terms by using

brackets, italics, etc.

Clearly state learning outcome State how new material relates

to what has been previously studied

State why new material is important to topic

Present task to assess understanding of new material

Thornbury teaches a Language Analysis course. An outline for a skill-based lesson is listed below.

Skill-based courses usually need small steps that build upon each other to ensure understanding.

Provide small activities that build upon one another in progressive steps

Provide larger activities that contain a series of steps, such as a group project

Ensure that activities are interesting, challenging and pedagogically sound

Ensure that activities address learning styles

The purpose of developing content in different ways and perspectives ensures clarity and extends understanding.

Define Learning outcomes for the week Ensure that learning outcomes are

measurable Ensure that content is directly related to the

learning outcomes Ensure that activities help students achieve

learning outcome

Identify readings and activities Identify where added explanations and

definitions are necessary to support learning Decide how you will help pace learning Decide how you will assess learning

Break down blocks of information into incremental learning sections, segments or steps as appropriate for the subject matter

Break down the presentation of material into a series of mini-presentations

Include: Short readings Text-based supplementary materials from

internet or other sources Reflective self assessments

Keep things flowing and offer opportunities to develop a range of thinking skills.

Use: Charts Photos Illustrations Links Audio Clips Video Clips Podcasts Diagrams

Make sure details are easy to see. Keep it simple to avoid information overload.

Make weekly announcements Participate and monitor online discussions Provide feedback on course assignments and

activities Structure group activities Solicit feedback from students on course

design, pace and structure Communicate with students regularly to

ensure a well-engaged experience

Think about the online classes in which you have participated. Did they follow the outlines suggested in this

lesson? If they did not, would any of the information

presented have made the courses easier to understand?

Did anything stand out that you will incorporate into your own designs?