village notes and hotel in foibo'i classified personal...

w* ••• •••• '^^^^* : §^^ T y^P^^^'*' ;: , .. * ' & •f :•'•>-. ^-.> > - / * ^ ^ ^ ^^W 1 ^ 3 ii -.?*••' FRIDAY. APRIL 20. 1928 GOUVERNEUR FREE PRESS Village Notes and Personal Mention SWAN TAKES OVER PAGE FIVE | » HOTEL IN foiBo'i C l a s s i f i e d ~ r t REV. BEACH IS Man Manafesnent of tne Lorraine— WcB Known Here * KI.AT TO KKNT-H. C Ro K«T: L« »> I'- -1W-'v^fru lU.ek Islam! and Wall 1 St* g«>ld bead* Valued M: lit-»aitf Mr*. K H Mrs Guy Turnbull is tn the hos-i Earl J. Bartlelt. a Boston che**e William R. Swan, a former re*U 1 I >* lie RETURNED HERE " — - • CarillMi J. Fraxier Assigned as Sapply Pastor of Fort Covington M. £• Cknrcn ? pital where hhe is taking treatments. \ buyer, was In Gouverneur early this dent of Gouverneur, and a veteran ' WAXTKI So.tch t*l The schools of the village reopen- ed Monday following a two weeks' Easter vacation. week hotel man of wide fame, has recently ^ ^ Mr and Mrs. Arthur T. Johnson' *"*"*»»<* management o M b , L o r * ^ .wu -...„u 4 (1J ki B1 . raine hotel In Toledo. Ohio, accord- Ar R F. D Rev M. P. Heath. pastur of \\w *' rphrrd First Methodist Episcopal chun-h uf s [ ! - , ^Vfi rr *- liouvtTDfur for the pa**t four years A daughter. Margaret, was born Sunday. April 15. to Mr and Mrs Leo Curtis of this village returned this wt?ek from Washing ton George Colbourn is making some ' Improvements on his house in Hailee* boro street. Mrs, Edwin Bancroft, who has, been ill at her home in Parker, The Ladies Grange club will hold street Is Improved, a pedro party in Grange hall on Fri- Mrs. Mable Colbourn left one day ^ «"«**> A *"» *«• last week for Canada where she will | Mrs. Ray C Brown of Syracuse 18 visiting at her brother's. Lester which fit him to take place among, was a I °* lne St> n*erville road. - v * u ~* ' -* *•*- ' in Gourerneur on j Mis* Dorothy Fish has been spend- j Ing the past week as the guest of her . , # 1U w # . 4 v . v t 'brother. Robert Aldrich. at Albany hi » tor,c ol <* hotels in New W k and Yisit "friends and relates. David H. Hood of Fowler ing to clippings from Toledo news- papers received here Mr. Swan for some time ha* been residing in Chicago where he man- aged several hotels The Toledo Daily Times said: , - „• Connection with leading New York for 2u years is numbered among the experiences of Mr Swan K( .' H , . SALK UE:>T 1WYING MEAT MAKKKT in th* N nh ctiuntry, up to date w. evrry wuy paying and alSa>» has Hr*t «f rra>u!ii ~fu reselling;- H K »4ffrn K»'K ItKNT—5 room apartmt-ru <V n trally lucAtfd. Call at Free I'rtr** .our.sts. the foremost hotel managers of To-|oooi» SIZKD HOME-All in pr >e- Ibusiness caller '" ^«»-"-~"»- M^., T^-^K.? IT.^K K«„ K^^« --v^^^ ledo. I nictita. »ir:tm heat, lares porch, lawn •"danshter Phiilvs Ann was born ! brother.^ ftobertrAldrui7irAfbanV. ! bi * tori J °W hotels in New York and it, r Hu grrs ^ ^ ^ A daugmer, rniuys Ann. was born ' waa retained some time ago to write ' ——— April 7 to Mr and Mra. Edgar! A rummage sale^^ill be heid at a seriea of articles for the New York tX *^ a* E V iH ^ "?£"=iiV*; rr# J V* 1 v V «^.^«^. n * ^.„ s u , ™ i Booher of this village. | the Municipal bunding on Saturday I Herald-Tribune on the hotel past of b S r ^ r ^ ^ Jones of Ca£uovU £»i*Iry. |oy the women of St. James church. , that city. Among the inns with which; P*»*t pay if neceaaary. H 0 Kogera )\r nultoii X V , ,v. > .>- 1 . WHH re-asbiKned to that church at the annual conference held in Wa- tertown last week. The assignments were annuunred on Monday Carlton J. Fr»rier. t>on of Mr and Mrs. George M Frarier. was assign- ed as a supplv pastor to the Fort rj uill next, charpe and after completing a years serv- ice is expected to enter a theological seminary to prepare for the Metho- dist ministry Doug la* Fraxier, another son of Mr. and Mrs. Fraxier. was elected president of the Junior Laymen's as- sociation of the Northern New York conference. He will succeed Robert ho \ ' ^-_ ' eu as a »up|)iy pasiur IU lue this week JIST LlsTKD— Block fr-rnVV ublic Covington Metuodist church am »quarr .\icr huu»«. up iv da% ail tx K n his duties on Sunday v ia „l a ~f } improve mnit* no rrpairi* uf *i.\ kind ^Jj^ «..i» w w #; . « u ««^ hotels Of to n.akr I»r.c« right H. C Lwgrra Ttii / W . lli _ ^ J 11 * f J r _* { * u PP l . v /' IHKICIM. :olll< pupa. Keith A 1! v. l i p j Entertaining J Mr.-< J S. Hilts of ths village en- ti'rtained ST\ tables of bridge at her home in Rock Island street on Fri- day evening Tho>e present were. Mrs George Hilts. Mrs Fred Jeffers, Mrs H. R Fret-man. Mrs Bert Wal- lace," Mrs. Fred Downey. Mrs. W. E, Baker. Mrs Thomas Phillips. Mrs. T A K Young. Mrs. George E. Olds. Mr> \Y T Clark. Mrs T. U Ormis- ton. Mr>, Clarence I Bockus, Mrs. i Robert Rutherford. Mrs G. E Hut- | ton. Mrs W A Megee. Mrs Frank , Farmer. Mrs Ray Witters. Mrs W. j M. Scott. Mrs. George Parker, Mrs. : Andrew Ells. Mrs. George Burnett. - Mrs Charles Hillls. Mrs. W. T. Priest and Mrs Alice Webster. Prise? were awarded to Mrs. Wil- liam A. Magee, Mrs. Young and Mrs. George Hilts. Refreshments wer* served. Hardy-Sttwel U. Stanley Hilts has resumed his * course at St. Lawrence university Mrs. A A. Link, who has been liv-' he ll wa f w co ° nec # led l ** T * ** T X Z S :* i HQME _MADE after spending the Easter vacation ing with her grandson. Earl Link 0 f; ville. the Continental and the Goth- at his home here. k Hailesboro street, is now working tor am « the laller of whuh was erected George Rathburn of this villagre : was tendered a birthday party at his ' home on Saturday evening by several i of bis friends and relatives. Among those present were: Mr r and Mrs. George Shampine of Ant Mr. and Mr, Arthur Turnbull' « U ^" ***** ° { '™*"~~ '" | ^Comin^oToledo from ,be man- are moving from Sterling street in-j Miss Margaret Herring, a junior agement of the Graymont of Chicago. to the George Colbourn house in in the college of arts and science. Swan numbers among his places as j Cornell university, has-been elected host to the travelling public, the Ft according to always on hand, »0e per quart. 8p«- ed * cial prices on quantities- JSwtf Armstrong of Rock "island. 111.. tJn^FOR ; «.\LK—Pur*- brrd P#r»^i k!tten Mar-Main Arms. South Bend,, Ind.. | J K %an ° rnum . Juhnatow :• R^ad Hailesboro street. , ., ... . . . . , . -j to Phi Beta Kappa Mr. *nd Mr*. Earl Link and two d rt . ceiTed he £ i b .!lt d jr;«?, d0 f n i nd ? w D ' W r Th . pv^inr r»r,u nf th« Pirat ' the Hotel Warner. Amsterdam. X Y . Easter guests of Mrs. Links sister. The- Evening Circle of the First , . r^r^r»^« K^r..i v^-. - ^<,v. o i i» F^Tuni^Hrn Mrs, Stuart West of the Pooler road. Presbyterian church will meet Tues- * nd lhe Cordora hotel. Km^ C it>. , °y T oifcVn " hD ur. T t- . # x-4 MI <i a y evening. April 24. at the home. " . . , . . , t ,j IUM BIWAA; Mrs. James Easton of this village Q ^ ^ n S W Close Church street ^ e * s a niember of the Hotel! inventory not heavy la critically ill at her home in Wil-; * j Greeters of America and conies with son street. She is being attended ty ; Mrs. John W. Bince and daughter, the fundamental trainings of both of Tupper Lake, have been'cousins and "front has served during the past year The following assignments in the'werp; Mr. and Mrs. Edwtn Tucker the Cri ital^Tlac«?*b*4ck *%£%»?* St. Lawrence district were announc- and two children of Antwerp; Mrs. J Grace Davis; Mrs. Irma Sims; three _j__> Superintendent. E B. Caldwell, sons. Percy, Chester and Jeaae; Mrs. FOR grii'K SALE—Mew bunga'iow Potsdam; Bombay. D. W McVeigh Frank Grimshaw and son. Richard; bUnrk »f M.t.n ^ ith all Improvements it). Brainardsville. W E Baker; Mr and Mrs, Eugene Clark. Abra- ef «ver>- k:nd Not all snyn*y neees- Brasher Falls. A. E Budd (2>; ham Boyce. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond -.'Bucks Bridge. Norman McClellan Clifton and daughter; Mrs. Bessie s (sup.); Burke. Allen Kirknes*. Dygert and Elmer Frank. I (sup.); Canton. M. D Sill i3>; Mr Rathburn was presented with sary H r"Kogera. Chasm Falls. W S Pitteager, I4>; a smoking set by those present and DRY b^st home tow * in V s s n;adf moneT. Clean stock, -ogera. Dr. D M Foss. j Betty, of Tupper Lake, have been'cousins and 'front desk work He A regular meeting of the Ladies' vi8 i U wL M J*^ ^v^l* W F™nk : was for a time steward to West Point ? : l*w' n * ° ° " *« J ^ s •tr W t | Pho M bin (1); Fine. M. R. F and Mrs. Mary F. Clohosey. i cadet mess. He plans to build the ll w 43wtg Flackvilie, C. V. Sparling; Fort Cov- home of Mr and Mrs. Glen LaQuier U^K^DS Chateaugay. M. E. VanOrnum; Col- a purse of money. " '* * ton, E. F. Melton, (sup.); Conifer, A. C. Loucks iS): Constable. W E. Mrs. J. H. Berry and daughter. Baker (5); Dekalb Junction, George Winifred, are spending a few days FOR SAL*5—t'»e<f part* for alt make; pana <sup >; I>epevster. W B in Ctica with friends and relatives. of cars. Also new and second hand x . „^„ /„..£'». r^-T«^„ D C* U«I tires ai.d tubes. MerbU ^tty Auto ^oung (sup l; Edwards. R. E. Bel- - - - - - - - French (1^; A surprise party was held at the Grange club was held at the home of Mrs. Henry R. Freeman on Tuesday afternoon. j cadet mess. He pla Mrs. L. M. Smith has returned to I Lorraine's name as a pleasant place NICE COrNTKY HOME/rith city ad her home in William street after Mrs. Glen LaQuier who W M e ^-^ftV ^ " ^ M * in fined to her home four days last ^ week by sickness is back at work St. Agnes Guild will hold a lunch- at the Swett grocery store. eon bridge party at Trinity Episco- Henry Murphy of Brewerton. ^ 8 ! P^/XtoS ^ ViHage ° D SatUF ' a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs qa> »"^rnoon. Karl Link on Saturday of last week. He also visited his sister, Mrs. A. A. Link. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Holmes, who have been living with her sister, Mrs. Eldy House of Parker street, have * Mrs. L. M Smith of 7<> William street has returned from Watertown where she attended the Northern New York conference of the Metho- dist Episcopal ehurch. Mrs. H G. Aldrich is spending the of residence tor both transient ana j permanent guests, and as a quiet, home-like place to dine, he has an- nounced. Swan follows B. A. Clark as man- ager. Clark is now associated with the management of the Cordova and Antler hotels. » —more-fl bark—to tfretr- trwn -htytm—in week -ie- WasbiBg^oa -a* a dehrg^te* Prospect street. Thomas F. Canfield of Chicago, who was called home by the serious illnesg of his father. William Can- field, has returned to Chicago. His father is greatly improved. to the D. A. R. Congress. Mrs Aid- rich is recent of Gouverneur Morris' chapter. Carl V Olds of Port Henry has re- turned to his home after spending a few* days as the guest of his parents. .Mr. 0. H. BEARDSLEE DIES. AGED 78 -"— » •- Former Resident of Goovemettr Pastes Away in Wilmington—Bo<ry to Be Brought Here ington, C. J. Fraxier (sup ); Galilee, in West M«in street on April 6th the vantage* 9 acres inside <orp.nation. ' C. H. Bresee (3); Gouvernenr." M. ^cca*ion hein* Mr LaQuier'* 2 Hh S^r* il^t ^ r ^*wJi iK rni5" JS15' p Beach <*>: Hailesboro and Natur- birthday. While Mr. and Mrs. La- liw * Bhadr barn hen houie iind al Dam. Otto Melne (sup); Ham- Quier were at the theatre about 17 in rush stat*- cultivation. Not all mond. John MacLachlin tsup); Her- guests gathered at his home. When money needed _ ° wn 5 r -t ^ u " Id take mon. L. E. Rose (1); Heuvelton. C. time for them to arrive everything fnry ^ c Ro^r! " ( V. Sparling; Hogansburg. Indian was in darkness and upon entering Mission, W. O. Hull; Macomb. R. A. the house Mr. LaQuier started for ^V??^V™™*™M *imb*r plat*. Stevens <5>: Madrid. F M. Harvey; .the iffeht but was surrounded by the Mam Street llwltc TO TLOSE ESTATE—House. We*t Main Strret. with water, lights, cl set. very lar*:e garden. $1600.00. H. C Ro^eri*. WANTED—Broken gears and springs, and brake lin ng Auto "Works 4Swtf .'v..^* ^ ENCHANTING GRACE smd the happy amf&cnca that one is looking one** best, is acquired by wear' - ing this ~ CofsHett? 1 ~ Group 2 of the Methodist Episco-'g t *; ee ^ nd Mrs George E OIds - park tVu^DeL. ^Thursday afternoon at 3 pal church of this village will hold a* roast pork supper Saturday evening. Miss Gladys Hilts, daughter of Mr. April 21. beginning at 5. Price 39 and Mrs. J. S. Hilts of this village. cents. ; has returned to Yonkers after spend Malone, C. E. Woodley (2); Massena. crowd. The evening was spent in F. E. Loan (6); Moira, U. B. Grant playing pedro music also was enjoy- (3); Morristown. C. H. Bresee (3); ed. Three tables were played.-First Nicholville. Edwin Claxton; Norfolk, honors for women went to Mrs. Efcrl C V. Haven. (5); North Bangor. H. *-*nk consolation prize to Mrs. Glen A. Thomas (3); North Gouverneur. Holmes. First pri^e for men went P?* ro n Se reVc r *d*wHh "nf w ^Si. F. T. Bennets <l>: North Lawrence, to Glen I^Qnier and consolation by Gou>erneur Welding* and Machine J. W. Warren (2>; North Stockholm, prize to Glen Holmes. Mrs. Belden E Pratt (2); Norwood. Mr. LaQuier was presented with W. F. Clark; Ogdensburg. S. F. John- * birthday cake made by his mother-* ( son (3); Parishville. W. A. Sullivan in-law Mrs. A. Taylor. Those present <S>; Potsdam. R. K. Sheffield (Z); were Mr. aud Mrs. John Youngs.' Mr. Racket River. T A. Flewker isup.); and Mrs. Glen Holmes. Mrs. Guy Rensselaer Falls. L. Heatherington Turnbull and two sons. Weldon and (2); Russell. F. E. Rundell <2>; Junior. Mrs. A. Taylor and daugh- | St. Regis Farts. E. O. Webster (2); ter. Thelma. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Link -' Spragneville, Mrs. J. C Culiigan and daughter. Marion, Mr. and Mrs. lights urd water. ^^^ . Tupper I^ake. J. A. Sypher; Arthur Turnbull and Mr. and Mrs. Waddington. F. W. Johnson (2); Beardslee'* death occurred at MASON AND CEMENT WOHK-Kalsc West Potsdam, E. F. Felton <2); Belden E. FIVE MINi'TES WALK fr-m public squar* H-.use with bath. fi«.st-t. fur- nace, liir?.'*, ^araye, pardf •. f?b00.00. H T li.-Kt-r?. Word was received her Thursday of the death in Wilming near good late! FARM r->R SALE—i:s a - - <?i»uvernMjr *»n Gravel r ni dairy. J.:jnuire 92 Howley ?t. llwltc of Orange H. Beardslee, aged about -r— COZY HOME w:tb lights ur.d water. TV years, of that city, a native of this village. Mr mrM). H Rfjgers. TAKES Glenn LaQuier. Mr. LaQuier was the recipient of many gifts. The guests left at an early hour wishing Mr. LaQuier a happy birthday. HER.S is nothing quite so lovely as this charming WarncrCocsektte*. Beats* tifully fitting with just the right amount of restraint. So moderately priced that it sets a precedent for real value. This — and many other Warner model*. Pricp , $l30to$5.00 Let our expert Cone . tierc select the hgfct '--, model for you, ~ •' ^^SHBI ' "l^ra r*.v juSBffigff ' "?'%^H • .' ~* ~JB& /."..?-l9 .-T-^as ..." •*-^^*m * • £k& - : & .' N v< ;>*>-\ -tfV tt&i n- '?--v:- day noon for Madrid, accompanied i T^H xT?*""' by her sister. Mrs. Jolly, of West- «eiena. Main street, where they were the. The Men's club of Trinity Episco- -guests of their mother over Easter. , pal church held its regular meeting They returned Monday evening. j Wednesday evening. The subject- G*ne Easton. daughter of Mr. and i foment hSf ^ Ei * htt>eBih improved general ^social conditions was discussed. early years of his life. For many " 3 A^BES—Just outride inrorporated years he operated a shoe store in the old VanBuren House block. Later he removed to Watertown where he was engaged in the shoe business for a number of years. HJs store there was located on Public Square. Mr. _-,_ A 1 j „ i „ A . , i Beardaleo was the son of Mr. and i^^Pi^l^f^^L^^^^ilMra/'Fraacii Melvin Beardslee. Mrs. Carl Easton of Parker street and Betty Colbourn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Georte Colbourn of Park- er street, have just recovered from j this village left Monday for Green j After several years' residence in -flRsasles. , Island near Albany They returned j Watertown the family removed to Members of the Gouverneur Fire later i^V^* , W,th tW neW t 0T ^ Wilmingtotf, Del., where they con- Memners or tue uouve rneu / 'Vf carg Mr Curtis is agent for the Ford ! t fnu^d to r^irfp until th«» nrftipnt Department held a card party and -~ r h0PP - i tinuea to resiae unui tne present, daace at the Municipal building Fri- j car nere ' - L^ M I' Beardslee married Olive E. day evening. Music was furnished j. Miss Ethel Carr. daughter of Mr. Rhodes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. by the Five of Hearts orchestra of .and Mrs. F. C. Carr of Gleasoq - Orin Rhodes. Her father operated a Watertown. i street, this village, left Monday for photograph gallery in * Gouverneur —. .. . m w A , TT Malone where she has accepted a \ for many years. She survives bim. The condition of Mrs. Andrew H | position as nurse in the Alice Hyde' Mr. Beardslee leaves, besides his, Turnbull. who iias been seriously ill: Memorial hospital. , widow, one son, Liale R. Beardslee ofT at her home in Howard street, re- ^ ! Cranford. Conn., husband of Mrs.! mains unchanged. She has showed Mrs. Emma Turnbull Elliott has jF i orirje Walling Beardslee who at 1 Mr and Mr*. £ A. "Remington oi •«» * _ — - t _ ^ . « ~ . tni9 village entertained at dinner WATERTOWN °» Thursday-evening in honor Jt plant superin-'^ 1 u l tena ° t Commander and Mrs. u unrfnn TrP William GrwnmaD an^ Mr and Mrs. Cr7am V comprnV "here fo? several; Qeorge Inglehart. all of Watertown. viija^Tir^hWhoot^ilk l p1aK r ;;rl? rears. MX MS week for Watertown ; t ^ r X~y- g _ iven by near. A-l modern buildlnsrs. elec- where he has accepted a position • A "55t.Il-f^^?*!!!•. A \M-T tricsty furnace^water sjr^tem. city wUh tne Camp Coal company as rep- ?*f 8 - "^V Anderson ana Mrs. conveniences. r>rFnktng capn in bmrn, _ ttaaPlf- *j- r - i- \j owr Vnrir »t«f« north Grove Totman at the home of Mrs. 1 double unit roilktn* nskchine. jo resentative in New lork state nortn T t , Johnstown street Wednes-i «rocH3 cows, horses, complete line farm of Syracuse. ' °I JLiV. •K2J12J! *VMZ/ K!I» machinery mostly new Price jess Mrs. Bentham will join Mr. BentM- d f y ^ ve ii n *^ thirteen tables twing than cost of building, •••rythtnjr • . wmtArfnwn wifhln a t»<mr div« played. The first honors for the wo- Included. Possession any time. In- **** wawrtown wimin a lew pays, j- Arnold FVIt spection Invited, wai take eo>d He severed his connection with the e " , w * 8 w ° n ** Mrs Arnoia reit, house in city or villas in the deal. Horton company on Saturday. ^ lne fIr8t Priae for men being won by H c. Rogers. Gouverneur. N Y. ] wmlam Foster, plant superintend-! £?? a m?i t f^ , ?- w Mrp l^:., B _ B .*lL e 7 TAILORTNG—Pants and vest making ent of the Horton eompaiTy7at"Rich- I J" a ^ a rded the consolation prlie Work done on ladies clothes. Prices ri n e , wilJL succeed Mr. Bentham here, j Refreshments were aerved at the reasonable. Carrie Boscoe, Savings > - f rM7 \- A^«I«K« •*!«•.• #^. AM ,«> n close of the Dlaving. A Loan Bldg.. phone 34-J. Switc > and W. -H. Appleby plant Jforeman | L,V,H; UI t u c piling- ( here, will take the place at Richvtlie alight improvement within the past arrived in Gouverneur after complet-l l«"*ViL#* v V*Vi**^ «^»*y«. *!"u •«. . t few days, however although sh? re- j Ing a winters operatic tour whirh ' ff^^ w A x T s „ w o R K -^eanlng mn « nc ^-Hti/»«n« m rarrioH her ir.t^ manv \jr^ ^ iU . li . ifc ^uuverneur scnoois. She re- other work. H C Rogers. GLADIOLLS—40 bulbs for $1. Large made vac ant by Mf. Foster's change, j" ^rs. Kate Henderson Callahan en- hea^7 8 or" P a r ius R ciou*, e wa1ermefon D E. C. fiankins, plant foreman at l fT* 10 ^ th l Tue,, fJ?r eTett ^^ e glo a win; crimson%t^ will succeed Mr. Appleby , c,ub at *** h 1 ? me i^ W ^f k ™"" apneot. etherial shell pink, velvetyj ne re ^-1 were w o n b ^ Mr *- G«o«e Caswell and garnel. -radiant rose and richest; , j Mrs. Charles S. McCoy. ^ -cream, and pink. 40 44 to 2-lnch bulbs ( tuvirva airow I of the above for $100. postpaid. Fred -. KWU.U^N HIUHT " m . , . ** 4 U w ** • -* * j * L. Aehworth. Qeuveiton, N; T. ' The condition of Vernon Johnson, 1 Mrs. \ P. Abbott entertained^t jlwjtp j who recently lost his eye -sight has a luncheon on Thursday in honor of ~ ! improved considerably and it U ex- her daughter-in-law.—MnL—Helen mains critically ilL A supper will be held Brotherhood of- the First Baptist _. . . . ^ „ . __ , »w i«^ UI/UICIUCUI Btuvuis. .rjir ir* ' umer worn. n. i^ nosers. . pected that he will be able in a few Probst Abbott of Rochester. Those carried her into many states Mrs.' gided in pot^m before coming t0 z ———^^—. : —-1 days to. leave Hepburn hospital, ^t present were:^ITsT Helen Probst Ab- I Elliott will remain here until June Gouvrrneur. They will accompany ^JllfJv™*^ ^V/rV£ ap ^Vo b rf which place he has been confined bott. Mrs. F. F. Drury. Mrs. Betty ?I~l~X when she will leave for a six weeks' I church of this village this evening at 8:30, followed by a program of summer tour. the body to Gouverneur. property own^d by B*rt E. "Brayton, , i Richviiie, R. D 2. wishes to redeem since his affliction about two weeks Ford. Mrs. W. B. Stoughton, Mrs | | them he may call at the Brayt/»n j ago. Mr. Johnson's loss of bis sight Adeline .Anthony Smith. Mrs. E. J. W T ord was received here recently! Hobbs—Do you know I haven't horne - liwitp j was attributed to shock suffered in Peck. Mrs. B. J. Carpenter. Mrs. speecJie8~~E" W. Ri'ley, president, will of the birth in Chicago on April 9, ( spoken to my wife for over a month? FO R SALB-«ampson trmetor. plows ' an automobile accident near Gouver-j Berta Sprague. Mrs. Louise Haile preaidcT Each member^ is requested of a son. Duniap Cameron. Jr.. to Mr. I ,, I > obb 1 ^— 1 wouldn t worry over , and cultivator. H. C Rogers. : D eur. I Case to bring one guest. 'and Mrs. Duniap C. Clark. Mrs. ! thal ' old man—your turn is bound AttftrM , n A f * w «_ v , ttt>/ ,! Clark was formerly Miss Bess Mc- t0 come eventually. h i s ^ U t e T MUs £ £ £ V a V a ^ o f This! ^ M ^ F K h o ' f th°l. v l n a ^ ^ "** ! ^uest-Vour dinners are always a yillagje returned to their home here I J J^? # McFalls of this village Guest i«*» T ^ M ^ «#* - 1 -•—« - , success. Mrs. De Smvthe. How do you last Friday after a six weeks' trip) The Women's Business club held ' select your menus- * 1 ~ Ihef e toS?hed ^ShliirS Ue At l ii2 ,lt I i?« m $ nth i y meeting a t t h e VeDture j , Ho8te « » — ^ e doctor has given me ; £?-r^in 1^ !«?i^2 « A MSL U ' i n ' TuesdaT ** noon. General bnsi- a list of things I mustn't eat. and I %£?£AC>I£2« * ' ° Fran * ??** WE9 dl 98ed - A * l collec-pchoose the dishes from that. Cisco and Chicago. , Uon was taken to *ive to the milk'. ^ Guy W. Dean, well known real- d * P e % l? clure of the meeting was Mrs Jfth _ « mift>l "I " Z dent of this village, last week, caught j ^ Ten * »* Helena Johnston* j Va *J"- j ^ u S ^ , °' 2"^!!? a speckled brook trout weighing two! alias Edith Spencer of" Danburg. CUT FLOWERS FOR SALE etc. H. C. Roc*** GLOBE 9I£AM LAUKWIT wllti H. C, MISS BROWX GETS LICENSE |P A marriage hcense waa issued ( Thursday at the office of Town Clerk 1^ H. C. Rogers to William Young off!! I pounds and three-quarter ounces, Conn., dean of the state Normll i MrB F ™* Brown gave a party at. one of the largest brought in this I school, has been appointed dean r»f ner home on West Main Ptreet last Antwerp and Miss Jessie Brown of j aeaaon in this section. The fish was ! the summer school at Now Haven Jr l ni ^t. "~ ' """ '" ontered in the Gouverneur Rod A I cordinx to wwd received h#r«thi«i Gun club contest here. week °T Ifcar-oafeats Mr and Mri- 1 H - R ' Sab,n of Watertown was a A 1 • „ . - - n t ^ 1 v • c L 8pencer, 12 Depot street ! htt»ifie«s caller in Gouverneur this : »-n<i Miss Brown the daughter of Al- - A lecture will be given at th« 1 *^poi street. week . ben Brown of this village. , M Gouverneur Grammar school en; ttev. J. Manley Snencer of Pr^nir IS If^I uZ^^t^ 1 ^ 4 ' h7 ,? T £\ inriU *< ? Y ' w " in C^ver^eur^ ^Ooin H Dain has sold ' hi. < *> A. it. MEfflSO "• -i/5^?^?. 1 .:*??* J?? tu [? W1 U ^ii** 1 week •mting his sister. Mrs. ; £ 0,19 J ,*_ in W e 8 t Barney street to Frank The regular mee::ng of Gouver Gouverneur. The date of the wedding was not announced. Mr Young is the son of William Young of Antwerp'£ under the direction of the New York Ora Spencer Fuller. They attendedi ! Goodiaon who takes possession at ! nenr Morns chapter DA. R will be Bute Civic league. Teachers, moth- the funeral on Friday at Morristown 0Dce/ ' beld on Frida ^- Apr ; 2 "' at Ul€ home era of pupils and others interested of his uncle. Rev. A. T. Fuller who** ' death occurred there earlv ll^t wHv° ! Wr a * d M r « Clen Raven and fam-J Assistant hostess-- ar^ Mrs. Orvte of Mrs Abbott on East Main street. ~ s are invited to attend m r »i v-%'- '••-%•• A w^* «-* « \«" -* # ""** wo **""iily of Buffalo are spendinx ths week Murraf holmW, Ooraaf. % *T%* f ^ S ^ ^ ^ »4o Birthday fin tHia village mil!* %**^ of Si Lawrence county, ar-| club met Wednesday evening, April friends and reUtlrea. Mr** from St. Petersburg. Fla., with 11. at the home of Mrs. Jessie Seak- Mra. Holmes on Saturday. They had er in West Main street. Twelve mem- Ward B. Gorman of Ogdensburg oewi in the south for the past three bers of the club were present Re- WK * ragiatered at the St. Lawrence months. Mr. Holmes went south aft- freshments were served and a most lnn * cr e Wednesday. He formerly I er undergoing a serious operation enjoyable time was spent by those resided in this village, I at Watertown. His condition is now attending f greaUy improved. , f Miss Florin* Butler of Re id street : T^^~ #™« »* *# ~ » . * r *^ d M r * B A Arnold and • a s removed to ths A. Barton Hep- LeAders from 2% if*** fiareau Mr and Mrs. H H Stark a»d daugh- hum hospital is Orde%sb*rt this ^ tt ^l\fiJ - * 1 !Z5? c L^? ult7 ^^j^r Ruth, of Massena, were week momln* for treatmenL ! Jas: completed the*r Orat trsJalmg end anests of Mm Frank rields in aehool ir the project of food selec-< feast Main street. Mr Arnold and * n Anna Mason of OWeoa street «on in relation to digestion. Tws' Mr Stark wer* delegates to the underwent an of>erttion at the A. ^waining schoo-: was held in Ca*toe. \ Methodist conference at Watertown Banon Hepburn fcoepital last week I and Mrs. Drury Report of the Continental Con- gress by the regent, Mrs. Ann Ald-j~ rich. > ' EVERYONE IS READING THE NEW FREE PRESS •^5?^* Her condition is reported as good. LOOK! LOOK! FORD HONEYCOMB RADIATORS $7.85 WSS «U « * — We km* tlhmt TOE FIX-IT SHOP 14 JOHN STUEIT ptdenahnrs Massena and Gonver- ! last * > * mr * April Mr to 14. so thai leadersi v 1 ' not have to travel so far j^JRdwnrd J Kohl*, president of Life *T%e oondHJnn of Robert IClanej %J __ * vw. * '•jstemrm, lne, sf Port Chester, spent Mafc chief ranger sf the Independent i M ^J! 4 tJiJ**** m Sf Ul * Ttf '; t ** ™* « J « the mnnt oT -KsTOrdeT iX rmmtm.-wtxj U i MW IU ****\taft Tuesday for *>ew York n>other. Mrs H H Xoble, Denn<tat his hwtee la West Main street for T*??.*•• *M «d*^ V* account of stresjc Mr N o b * vssited hTf in• mm * 11i jsmi rwxr ^SeTiT^reiaiar^iiF -Sr^il"^ 1 tr * Mmi 7 T ork for the noes* anar Aiexaadrla Bay enUe; rnaasf^d. ^flS^ Jgtieg f%^>» Wnite there nnfe He expects to spend the «nm- w SI !?? >>f *>«s t*W spnag meeting of s»er there w t a his family. i Th« pabik Is invited 1* attend the ,Jf* " r * L * » t e t a t k > n of the W. R ' J lecture to be given en Tnesday after- r . ana snas nrrerai fanctioas b^W Mr »- C. W. Bupiia of Antwerp. f noon next at the Grammar school jfe be^ornf nrrm. Emma C^mps^r. *f daurhter of Mr and «^s Sidney by Mrs Alfreda Howell. Tne lecture Mrrrjeagsqs, national presadrrt of To**** of tnss vine** fell from a is sponsored wy tne Hew York Crrk the RetJef Corns, in Nrw >>Prk th:i rk * lr ^bile painting a: her boms an Lstrst and win deal wiik the prob- w^ek Antwerp Batarday Her rigrbt arm lems of chftdrea and ro«&g people ' GR « T «7 fanera. a NornnBl TanJt. iv i : ; of »u ^m^r^iM^ '<» ' strnck the coal eistfle sad tne bones of today Th* leetare win star: at Waterproof airtiaht bvrinl box of re- ps <*£:* wST hSFZ: 5 ? S W9 Z ^ : 7 * k * rt r* 1 ^t ^* ^ ^ J U p * itmforted cement—rt tZ -.v x !)••#• r?*. n * r*r^A- to Waterrown, where an X-ray of the I»_. yiA _. J.r"7^l l7It ZZ"£* ° - ^ ^ »*;iry was taken and the fractures * rt l^elm M Coagtlin of this »^> ©n* **** *«* ^ay A?..i J*, st tne boss* of Mrs ^<**<-*d . viUsore on gararday w.u attend the protects it eternally tn I I I f B^ ^ Kgag y —_ <»« tomai ilUe road. I rolden weddfng celebrmtktB of her *- # w 5t S}** t f l l l l i « x ** 1 WJlinm 2L T*r*p*r for the nnst pareeu Mr and Mrs. George W \Z tt \ "^5i S ^ * * •*•* >a«-eloady srr*ra: years dnrsiation represents- Lyon 425 Gror« gtreet. Witertow^ -i** *I T!i?^* tfc ^ i u *** •«* 5 - UT * * ^^ STTmms* Post-Standard Twenty n t a s m of the family w-.U Undertakers Hn« ax4 uw tnesn In Mm a>eret: here, ana acennted a position as hook- be pnntat st a family d u e and a WTO* Yaalt- keener' a tne Muxnhy Brotnen reewntiom wOl foGcrw tn tne after- at Weddinfton and alreadj '•oen and e*emin*v Mr. i-»on^sa IX an & litiea Tne ctrrala- Iranr for tne >>oet-0tandard Mrntr Jr. \SZ of ace II WTTHEIBEE * WHALDI J* T ODAY The Free Press is issued on Fricky for the first time — and in the future will be delivered by carrier boy to your home. Under this new system it will be possible for you to take The Free " rress by paying the carrier boy 3 cents a week. ^GalUm * .£r and have your name put cm our list for deliveries Ito start inext Fridav. ^1? At (gmtumtfitr ¥tti T$ttf& mu- !-. "Jk,-^,

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Page 1: Village Notes and HOTEL IN foiBo'i Classified Personal · 'brother. Robert Aldrich. at Albany hi»tor,c

w* ••• •••• ' ^ ^ ^ ^ * : § ^ ^ T y ^ P ^ ^ ^ ' * ' ; : , . . * ' • & •f : • ' • > - . ^-.> > - • / *

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ W 1 ^

3 ii -.?*••'


Village Notes and Personal Mention


» • •

HOTEL IN foiBo'i Classif ied ~ r t REV. BEACH IS


Manafesnent of tne Lorraine—

WcB Known Here

— * KI.AT TO KKNT-H. C Ro K«T:

L« »> I'- -1W-'v fru lU.ek Islam! and Wall 1 S t * g«>ld b e a d * V a l u e d M:

l i t - » a i t f M r * . K H

Mrs Guy Turnbull is tn the hos-i Earl J. Bartlelt. a Boston che**e William R. Swan, a former re*U 1 I >* l i e


CarillMi J. Fraxier Assigned as Sapply Pastor of Fort Covington

M. £• Cknrcn


pital where hhe is taking treatments. \ buyer, was In Gouverneur early this dent of Gouverneur, and a veteran ' W A X T K I So.tch

t * l The schools of the village reopen­ed Monday following a two weeks' Easter vacation.

week hotel man of wide fame, has recently ^ ^ Mr and Mrs. Arthur T. Johnson' *"*"*»»<* management o M b , L o r * ^ .wu -...„u 4 u»(1JkiB1. raine hotel In Toledo. Ohio, accord-

Ar R F. D

Rev M. P. Heath. pastur of \\w *' rphrrd First Methodist Episcopal chun-h uf

s[!-,^Vfirr*- liouvtTDfur for the pa**t four years

A daughter. Margaret, was born Sunday. April 15. to Mr and Mrs Leo Curtis of this village

returned this wt?ek from Washing ton

George Colbourn is making some ' Improvements on his house in Hailee* boro street.

Mrs, Edwin Bancroft, who has , been ill at her home in Parker, The Ladies Grange club will hold street Is Improved, a pedro party in Grange hall on Fri-

Mrs. Mable Colbourn left one day ^ «"«**> A *"» *«• last week for Canada where she will | Mrs. Ray C Brown of Syracuse

18 visiting at her brother's. Lester which fit him to take place among, was a I °* l n e St>n*erville road. -v * u~* ' -* *•*- '

in Gourerneur on j Mis* Dorothy Fish has been spend-j Ing the past week as the guest of her . , # 1U w # . 4 v. v t

'brother. Robert Aldrich. at Albany h i » t o r , c ol<* hotels in New W k and

Yisit "friends and r e l a t e s . David H. Hood of Fowler

ing to clippings from Toledo news­papers received here

Mr. Swan for some time ha* been residing in Chicago where he man­aged several hotels

The Toledo Daily Times said: , - „•

Connection with leading New York for 2u years is numbered among the experiences of Mr Swan K(.'H , . S A L K

UE:>T 1WYING MEAT MAKKKT in th* N nh ctiuntry, up to date w. evrry wuy I» paying and alSa>» has Hr*t «f r ra>u! i i ~fu reselling;- H K »4ffrn

K»'K ItKNT—5 room apartmt-ru <Vn trally lucAtfd. Call at Free I'rtr**


the foremost hotel managers of T o - | o o o i » S I Z K D H O M E - A l l in pr >e-Ibusiness caller '" ^«»-" -~"»- ~« M ^ . , T ^ - ^ K . ? IT. K K«„ K^^« --v^^^ ledo. I nictita. »ir:tm heat, lares porch, lawn

•"danshter Phii lvs Ann was born ! brother.^ f tober trAldru i7 i rAfbanV. ! b i * t o r i J °W hotels in New York and • it, r H ugrrs ^ ^ ^ A daugmer, r n i u y s Ann. was born ' w a a retained some time ago to write ' — — — —

April 7 to Mr and Mra. Edgar! A rummage sale^^ill be heid at a seriea of articles for the New York t X * ^ a * E V i H ^ " ? £ " = i i V * ; r r # JV*1 v V « ^ . ^ « ^ . n* ^ . „ s u , ™ i Booher of this village. | the Municipal bunding on Saturday I Herald-Tribune on the hotel past of b S r ^ r ^ ^ Jones of C a £ u o v U £ » i * I r y .

| o y the women of St. James church. , that city. Among the inns with which; P*»*t pay if neceaaary. H 0 Kogera

)\r nultoii X V, ,v. > .>- 1. WHH re-asbiKned to that church at the annual conference held in Wa-tertown last week. The assignments were annuunred on Monday

Carlton J. Fr»rier. t>on of Mr and Mrs. George M Frarier. was assign­ed as a supplv pastor to the Fort

rj uill next,

charpe and after completing a years serv­ice is expected to enter a theological seminary to prepare for the Metho­dist ministry

Doug la* Fraxier, another son of Mr. and Mrs. Fraxier. was elected president of the Junior Laymen's as­sociation of the Northern New York conference. He will succeed Robert


\ ' ^-_ ' eu as a »up|)iy pasiur IU lue this week JIST LlsTKD— Block fr-rnVV ublic Covington Metuodist church am

»quarr .\icr huu»«. up iv da% ail tx K n his duties on Sunday v i a „ l a ~f } improve mnit* no rrpairi* uf *i.\ kind ^Jj^ «..i» w w #; . «u««^ hotels Of to n.akr I»r.c« right H. C Lwgrra Ttii/ W. l l i_ ^ J11* fJr_*{ *uPP l.v / '

IHKICIM. :olll< pupa. K e i t h A

1! v. l i p

j Entertaining J Mr.-< J S. Hilts of t h s village en-

ti'rtained ST\ tables of bridge at her home in Rock Island street on Fri­day evening Tho>e present were. Mrs George Hilts. Mrs Fred Jeffers, Mrs H. R Fret-man. Mrs Bert Wal­lace," Mrs. Fred Downey. Mrs. W. E, Baker. Mrs Thomas Phillips. Mrs. T A K Young. Mrs. George E. Olds. Mr> \Y T Clark. Mrs T. U Ormis-ton. Mr>, Clarence I Bockus, Mrs. i Robert Rutherford. Mrs G. E Hut- | ton. Mrs W A Megee. Mrs Frank , Farmer. Mrs Ray Witters. Mrs W. j M. Scott. Mrs. George Parker, Mrs. : Andrew Ells. Mrs. George Burnett. -Mrs Charles Hillls. Mrs. W. T. Priest and Mrs Alice Webster.

Prise? were awarded to Mrs. Wil­liam A. Magee, Mrs. Young and Mrs. George Hilts. Refreshments wer* served.

Hardy-Sttwel U .

Stanley Hilts has resumed his * course at St. Lawrence university Mrs. A A. Link, who has been liv-' h e

l lw a f w

c o ° n e c#

l e d l**T* **TX Z S :* i H Q M E _ M A D E after spending the Easter vacation ing with her grandson. Earl Link 0f; ville. the Continental and the Goth-at his home here. k Hailesboro street, is now working tor a m « t h e l a l l e r o f w h u h w a s erected

George Rathburn of this villagre :

was tendered a birthday party at his ' home on Saturday evening by several i of bis friends and relatives.

Among those present were: Mr rand Mrs. George Shampine of Ant

Mr. and Mr, Arthur Turnbull' « U ^ " ***** °{™ '™*"~~ '" | C o m i n ^ o T o l e d o from ,be man-are moving from Sterling street in-j Miss Margaret Herring, a junior agement of the Graymont of Chicago. to the George Colbourn house in in the college of arts and science. Swan numbers among his places as j

Cornell university, has-been elected host to the travelling public, the Ft according to

always on hand, »0e per quart. 8p«- ed * cial prices on quantities- JSwtf

Armstrong of Rock "island. 111.. tJn^FOR ;«.\LK—Pur*- brrd P#r»^i k!tten Mar-Main Arms. South Bend,, Ind.. | J K % a n ° r n u m . Juhnatow :• R^ad

Hailesboro street. , . , . . . „ . . . . , . -j to Phi Beta Kappa Mr. *nd Mr*. Earl Link and two d r t . c e i T e d h e £

i b . ! l t d j r ; « ? , d 0 f n i n d ? w D ' W r T h . p v ^ i n r r » r , u nf th« Pirat ' the Hotel Warner. Amsterdam. X Y . Easter guests of Mrs. L i n k s sister. The- Evening Circle of the First , . r^r^r»^« K^r..i v ^ - . - ^<,v. o i i» F ^ T u n i ^ H r n Mrs, Stuart West of the Pooler road. Presbyterian church will meet Tues- * n d l h e Cordora hotel. K m ^ C it>. , ° y T o i f c V n " h D

ur. T t- . # x-4 MI <iay evening. April 24. at the home. " . . , . . , t , j IUM BIWAA; Mrs. James Easton of this village Q^ ^ n S W Close Church street ^ e *s a niember of the Hotel ! inventory not heavy

la critically ill at her home in Wil-; * j Greeters of America and conies with son street. She is being attended ty ; Mrs. John W. Bince and daughter, the fundamental trainings of both

of Tupper Lake, have been'cousins and "front

has served during the past year The following assignments in t h e ' w e r p ; Mr. and Mrs. Edwtn Tucker

the Cri ital^Tlac«?*b*4ck *%£%»?* St. Lawrence district were announc- and two children of Antwerp; Mrs. J Grace Davis; Mrs. Irma Sims; three

_j__> Superintendent. E B. Caldwell, sons. Percy, Chester and Jeaae; Mrs. F O R gr i i 'K SALE—Mew bunga'iow Potsdam; Bombay. D. W McVeigh Frank Grimshaw and son. Richard;

bUnrk »f M.t.n ^ ith all Improvements it). Brainardsville. W E Baker; Mr and Mrs, Eugene Clark. Abra-ef «ver>- k:nd Not all snyn*y neees- Brasher Falls. A. E Budd (2>; ham Boyce. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond

- . ' B u c k s Bridge. Norman McClellan Clifton and daughter; Mrs. Bessie s ( sup . ) ; Burke. Allen Kirknes*. Dygert and Elmer Frank.

I ( sup . ) ; Canton. M. D Sill i3>; Mr Rathburn was presented with

sary H r"Kogera.

Chasm Falls. W S Pitteager, I4>; a smoking set by those present and DRY

b^st home tow * in V s s n;adf moneT. Clean stock,


Dr. D M Foss. j Betty, of Tupper Lake, have been'cousins and 'front desk work He A regular meeting of the Ladies' v i 8 i U w L MJ*^ ^v^l* W F™nk : was for a time steward to West Point ?:l*w'n* ° °" *« J ^ s • t r W t | P h o M bin ( 1 ) ; Fine. M. R. F

and Mrs. Mary F. Clohosey. i cadet mess. He plans to build the ll w 4 3 w t g Flackvilie, C. V. Sparling; Fort Cov- home of Mr and Mrs. Glen LaQuier

U^K^DS Chateaugay. M. E. VanOrnum; Col- a purse of money. " '* * ton, E. F. Melton, ( sup. ) ; Conifer,

A. C. Loucks iS): Constable. W E. Mrs. J. H. Berry and daughter. Baker ( 5 ) ; Dekalb Junction, George Winifred, are spending a few days

FOR SAL*5—t'»e<f part* for alt make; pana <sup >; I>epevster. W B in Ctica with friends and relatives. of cars. Also new and second hand x . „^„ /„..£'». r^-T«^„ D C* U«I tires ai.d tubes. MerbU ^tty Auto ^oung (sup l; Edwards. R. E. Bel-

- - - - - - - French (1^; A surprise party was held at the Grange club was held at the home of Mrs. Henry R. Freeman on Tuesday afternoon.

j cadet mess. He pla Mrs. L. M. Smith has returned to I Lorraine's name as a pleasant place NICE COrNTKY HOME/rith city ad

her home in William street after

Mrs. Glen LaQuier who W M e ^ - ^ f t V ^ " ^ M * i n

fined to her home four days last ^ week by sickness is back at work St. Agnes Guild will hold a lunch-at the Swett grocery store. • eon bridge party at Trinity Episco-

Henry Murphy of Brewerton. ^ 8 ! P^/XtoS ^ V i H a g e ° D S a t U F ' a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs q a > »"^rnoon. Karl Link on Saturday of last week. He also visited his sister, Mrs. A. A. Link.

Mr. and Mrs. Glen Holmes, who have been living with her sister, Mrs. Eldy House of Parker street, have

* Mrs. L. M Smith of 7<> William street has returned from Watertown where she attended the Northern New York conference of the Metho­dist Episcopal ehurch.

Mrs. H G. Aldrich is spending the

of residence tor both transient ana j permanent guests, and as a quiet, home-like place to dine, he has an­nounced.

Swan follows B. A. Clark as man­ager. Clark is now associated with the management of the Cordova and Antler hotels.


—more-fl bark—to tfretr- trwn -htytm—in week - ie- WasbiBg^oa -a* a dehrg^te* Prospect street.

Thomas F. Canfield of Chicago, who was called home by the serious illnesg of his father. William Can-field, has returned to Chicago. His father is greatly improved.

to the D. A. R. Congress. Mrs Aid-rich is recent of Gouverneur Morris' chapter.

Carl V Olds of Port Henry has re­turned to his home after spending a few* days as the guest of his parents.



• - " — » • -

Former Resident of Goovemettr Pastes Away in Wilmington—Bo<ry to

Be Brought Here

ington, C. J. Fraxier (sup ) ; Galilee, in West M«in street on April 6th the vantage* 9 acres inside <orp.nation. ' C. H. Bresee ( 3 ) ; Gouvernenr." M. ^cca*ion hein* Mr LaQuier'* 2 Hh S ^ r * i l ^ t ^ r ^*wJi i K rn i5" J S 1 5 ' p B e a c h <*>: Hailesboro and Natur- birthday. While Mr. and Mrs. La-liw * Bhadr barn hen houie i i n d al Dam. Otto Melne ( s u p ) ; Ham- Quier were at the theatre about 17 in rush stat*- cultivation. Not all mond. John MacLachlin t s u p ) ; Her- guests gathered at his home. When money needed _ ° w n 5 r

- t ^ u " I d t a k e mon. L. E. Rose ( 1 ) ; Heuvelton. C. time for them to arrive everything fnry ^ c R o ^ r ! " ( V. Sparling; Hogansburg. Indian was in darkness and upon entering

— Mission, W. O. Hull; Macomb. R. A. the house Mr. LaQuier started for ^V??^V™™*™M *imb*r plat*. Stevens <5>: Madrid. F M. Harvey; . the iffeht but was surrounded by the Mam Street l lwltc

TO TLOSE ESTATE—House. We*t Main Strret. with water, lights, cl set. very lar*:e garden. $1600.00. H. C Ro^eri*.

WANTED—Broken gears and springs, and brake lin ng Auto

"Works 4Swtf



smd the happy amf&cnca that one is looking one** best, is acquired by wear'

- ing this

~ CofsHett?1 ~

Group 2 of the Methodist Episco-'g t*; e e^n d M r s G e o r g e E O I d s - p a r k tVu^DeL. ^Thursday afternoon at 3 pal church of this village will hold a* roast pork supper Saturday evening. Miss Gladys Hilts, daughter of Mr. April 21. beginning at 5. Price 39 and Mrs. J. S. Hilts of this village. cents. ; has returned to Yonkers after spend

Malone, C. E. Woodley ( 2 ) ; Massena. crowd. The evening was spent in F. E. Loan ( 6 ) ; Moira, U. B. Grant playing pedro music also was enjoy-( 3 ) ; Morristown. C. H. Bresee ( 3 ) ; ed. Three tables were played.-First Nicholville. Edwin Claxton; Norfolk, honors for women went to Mrs. Efcrl C V. Haven. ( 5 ) ; North Bangor. H. *-*nk consolation prize to Mrs. Glen A. Thomas ( 3 ) ; North Gouverneur. Holmes. First pri^e for men went

P ? * ronSe reVcr*d*wHh "nf w ^ S i . F. T. Bennets <l>: North Lawrence, to Glen I^Qnier and consolation by Gou>erneur Welding* and Machine J. W. Warren (2>; North Stockholm, prize to Glen Holmes.

Mrs. Belden E Pratt ( 2 ) ; Norwood. Mr. LaQuier was presented with W. F. Clark; Ogdensburg. S. F. John- * birthday cake made by his mother-* ( son ( 3 ) ; Parishville. W. A. Sullivan in-law Mrs. A. Taylor. Those present <S>; Potsdam. R. K. Sheffield (Z); were Mr. aud Mrs. John Youngs.' Mr. Racket River. T A. Flewker isup.); and Mrs. Glen Holmes. Mrs. Guy Rensselaer Falls. L. Heatherington Turnbull and two sons. Weldon and ( 2 ) ; Russell. F. E. Rundell <2>; Junior. Mrs. A. Taylor and daugh-

| St. Regis Farts. E. O. Webster ( 2 ) ; ter. Thelma. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Link - ' Spragneville, Mrs. J. C Culiigan and daughter. Marion, Mr. and Mrs.

lights urd water. ^^^ . Tupper I^ake. J. A. Sypher; Arthur Turnbull and Mr. and Mrs. Waddington. F. W. Johnson ( 2 ) ;

Beardslee'* death occurred at M A S O N A N D C E M E N T WOHK-Kalsc West Potsdam, E. F. Felton <2) ; Belden E.

FIVE MINi'TES WALK fr-m public squar* H-.use with bath. fi«.st-t. fur­nace, liir?.'*, ^araye, pardf •. f?b00.00. H T l i . -Kt -r? .

Word was received her Thursday of the death in Wilming

near good

late! F A R M r->R S A L E — i : s a - -<?i»uvernMjr *»n Gravel r ni dairy. J.:jnuire 92 Howley ?t.

l lwltc of Orange H. Beardslee, aged about - r —

COZY HOME w:tb lights ur.d water. TV years, of that city, a native of this village.

Mr mrM). H R f j g e r s .


Glenn LaQuier. Mr. LaQuier was the recipient of many gifts. The guests left at an early hour wishing Mr. LaQuier a happy birthday.

HER.S is nothing quite so lovely as this c h a r m i n g

WarncrCocsektte*. Beats* tifully fitting with just the right amount of restraint. So moderately priced that it sets a precedent for real value. This — and many other Warner model*. Pricp ,

$l30to$5.00 Let our expert Cone .

tierc select the hgfct '--,

model for you, ~

•' ^^SHBI ' "l^ra r*.v juSBffigff

' "?'%^H • .' ~* ~JB&

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.' N v<






day noon for Madrid, accompanied i T^H xT?*""' by her sister. Mrs. Jolly, of West- «e iena . Main street, where they were the . The Men's club of Trinity Episco-

-guests of their mother over Easter. , pal church held its regular meeting They returned Monday evening. j Wednesday evening. The subject-

G*ne Easton. daughter of Mr. and i f o m e n t hSf ^ Ei*htt>eBih improved general

^social conditions was discussed.

early years of his life. For many "3 A^BES—Just outride inrorporated years he operated a shoe store in the old VanBuren House block. Later he removed to Watertown where he was engaged in the shoe business for a number of years. HJs store there was located on Public Square. Mr.

_ - , _ A 1 j „ i „ A. , i Beardaleo was the son of Mr. and i ^ ^ P i ^ l ^ f ^ ^ L ^ ^ ^ ^ i l M r a / ' F r a a c i i Melvin Beardslee.

Mrs. Carl Easton of Parker street and Betty Colbourn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Georte Colbourn of Park­er street, have just recovered from j this village left Monday for Green j After several years' residence in -flRsasles. , Island near Albany They returned j Watertown the family removed to

Members of the Gouverneur Fire l a t e r i ^ V ^ * , W , t h tW,° n e W t0T^ Wilmingtotf, Del., where they con-Memners or tue u o u v e r n e u / ' V f c a r g M r Curtis is agent for the Ford ! tfnu^d to r^irfp until th«» nrftipnt Department held a card party and -~r h 0 P P - i tinuea to resiae unui tne present,

daace at the Municipal building Fri- j c a r n e r e ' - L ^ M I ' B e a r d s l e e married Olive E. day evening. Music was furnished j. Miss Ethel Carr. daughter of Mr. Rhodes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. by the Five of Hearts orchestra of .and Mrs. F. C. Carr of Gleasoq - Orin Rhodes. Her father operated a Watertown. i street, this village, left Monday for photograph gallery in * Gouverneur

—. .. . m w A , TT Malone where she has accepted a \ for many years. She survives bim. The condition of Mrs. Andrew H | position as nurse in the Alice Hyde' Mr. Beardslee leaves, besides h i s ,

Turnbull. who i ias been seriously ill: Memorial hospital. , widow, one son, Liale R. Beardslee ofT at her home in Howard street, re- ^ ! Cranford. Conn., husband of Mrs.! mains unchanged. She has showed a« Mrs. Emma Turnbull Elliott h a s j F i o r i r j e Walling Beardslee who at 1

Mr and Mr*. £ A. "Remington oi •«» * _ — - t _ ^ . « ~ . t n i 9 village entertained at dinner W A T E R T O W N °» Thursday-evening in honor Jt

plant s u p e r i n - ' ^ 1u

lt e n a ° t Commander and Mrs.

u unrfnn TrP William GrwnmaD a n ^ Mr and Mrs. Cr7amVcomprnV "here fo? several; Qeorge Inglehart. all of Watertown.

v i i j a ^ T i r ^ h W h o o t ^ i l k lp1aKr;;rl? rears. MX MS week for Watertown ; t ^rX~y-g _ i v e n b y near. A-l modern buildlnsrs. elec- where he has accepted a position • A "55t.Il-f^^?*!!!•. !«A \M-T tricsty furnace^water sjr^tem. city w U h t n e C a m p C o a l company as rep- ?*f8- " ^ V Anderson ana Mrs. conveniences. r>rFnktng capn in bmrn, _ t t a a P l f - * j - r - i - \jowr Vnrir »t«f« north Grove Totman at the home of Mrs. 1 double unit roilktn* nskchine. jo resentative in New l o r k state nortn T t , Johnstown street Wednes-i «rocH3 cows, horses, complete line farm of Syracuse. ' °I J L i V . •K2J12J! *VMZ/ K ! I » machinery mostly new Price j e s s Mrs. Bentham will join Mr. BentM- d f y ^ v e i i n * ^ thirteen tables twing than cost of building, •••rythtnjr • . wmtArfnwn wifhln a t»<mr d iv« played. The first honors for the wo-Included. Possession any time. In- **** 1» wawrtown wimin a lew pays, j- Arnold FVIt spection Invited, w a i take eo>d He severed his connection with the f ° e " , w * 8 w°n ** M r s Arnoia re i t , house in city or v i l l a s in the deal. Horton company on Saturday. ^ l n e f I r 8 t Priae for men being won by

H c. Rogers. Gouverneur. N Y. ] w m l a m Foster, plant superintend-! £ ? ? a m ? i t f ^ , ? - w M r p l ^ : . , B _ B.*lLe7

TAILORTNG—Pants and vest making ent of the Horton eompaiTy7at"Rich- I J " a ^ a r d e d the consolation prlie Work done on ladies clothes. Prices r i n e , wilJL succeed Mr. Bentham here, j Refreshments were aerved at the reasonable. Carrie Boscoe, Savings > - f

rM7 \ - A ^ « I « K « •*!«•.• #^.AM,«>n close of the Dlaving. A Loan Bldg.. phone 34-J. Switc > and W. -H. Appleby plant Jforeman | L ,V ,H; U I t u c p i l i n g -

( here, will take the place at Richvtlie

alight improvement within the past arrived in Gouverneur after complet-l l«"*ViL#*vV*Vi**^ « ^ » * y « . *!"u •«. . t

few days, however although sh? re- j Ing a winters operatic tour whirh ' ff^^ w A x T s „ w o R K - ^ e a n l n g m n « n c ^-Hti/»«n« m rarrioH her ir.t^ m a n v c to .nc \ jr^ ^ iU. li.ifc ^uuverneur scnoois. She re- other work. H C Rogers.

G L A D I O L L S — 4 0 bulbs for $1. Large m a d e v a c a n t by Mf. Foster's change, j" ^ r s . Kate Henderson Callahan en-hea^78or"Par iusRciou*,e wa1ermefonD E. C. fiankins, plant foreman at l f T * 1 0 ^ t h l T u e , , f J ? r e T e t t t « ^ ^ e

gloawin; c r i m s o n % t ^ will succeed Mr. Appleby , c , u b a t *** h1 ? m e i ^ W^fk ™""

apneot. etherial shell pink, velvetyj n e r e ^-1 w e r e w o n b ^ Mr*- G « o « e Caswell and garnel. -radiant rose and richest; , j Mrs. Charles S. McCoy. ^

-cream, and pink. 40 44 to 2-lnch bulbs ( t u v i r v a a i r o w I of the above for $100. postpaid. Fred - . KWU.U^N HIUHT "m. , . ** 4 Uw ** • -* * j * L. Aehworth. Qeuveiton, N; T. ' The condition of Vernon Johnson, 1 Mrs. \ P. Abbott e n t e r t a i n e d ^ t

j l w j t p j who recently lost his eye -sight has a luncheon on Thursday in honor of ~ ! improved considerably and it U ex- her daughter-in-law.—MnL—Helen mains critically ilL

A supper will be held Brotherhood of- the First Baptist

_ . . . . ^ „ . __ , »w i « ^ U I / U I C I U C U I B t u v u i s . .rjir i r * ' u m e r w o r n . n . i n o s e r s . . pected that he will be able in a few Probst Abbott of Rochester. Those carried her into many states Mrs.' g i d e d i n p o t ^ m b e f o r e c o m i n g t0 —z———^^—— . : —-1 days to. leave Hepburn hospital, ^t present were:^ITsT Helen Probst Ab-

I Elliott will remain here until June Gouvrrneur. They will accompany ^JllfJv™*^ ^ V / r V £ a p ^ V o b r f which place he has been confined bott. Mrs. F. F. Drury. Mrs. Betty ?I~l~X when she will leave for a six weeks' I church of this village this evening at 8:30, followed by a program of

summer tour. the body to Gouverneur.

property own^d by B*rt E. "Brayton, , i

Richviiie, R. D 2. wishes to redeem since his affliction about two weeks Ford. Mrs. W. B. Stoughton, Mrs | • | them he may call at the Brayt/»n j ago. Mr. Johnson's loss of bis sight Adeline .Anthony Smith. Mrs. E. J. WTord was received here recently! Hobbs—Do you know I haven't h o r n e - l i w i t p j w a s attributed to shock suffered in Peck. Mrs. B. J. Carpenter. Mrs.

speecJie8~~E" W. Ri'ley, president, will of the birth in Chicago on April 9, ( spoken to my wife for over a month? F O R SALB-«ampson trmetor. plows ' an automobile accident near Gouver-j Berta Sprague. Mrs. Louise Haile preaidcT Each member^ is requested of a son. Duniap Cameron. Jr.. to Mr. I ,, I>o b b

1^—1 wouldn t worry over , and cultivator. H. C Rogers. : Deur. I Case t o bring one guest. 'and Mrs. Duniap C. Clark. Mrs. ! t h a l ' o l d man—your turn is bound

A t t f t r M , n A f * w « _ v , ttt>/,! Clark was formerly Miss Bess Mc- t 0 come eventually.

h i s ^ U t e T MUs £ £ £ V a V a ^ o f This! ^ M ^ F K h o ' f th°l. v l n a ^ ^ "** ! ^ u e s t - V o u r dinners are always a yillagje returned to their home here I J J^? # McFalls of this village

Guest i«*» T ^ M ^ «#* - 1 -•—« - , success. Mrs. De Smvthe. How do you last Friday after a six weeks' trip) The Women's Business club held ' select your menus- * 1

~ I h e f etoS?hed ^ S h l i i r S U e A t l i i 2 , l t I i ? « m $ n t h i y meeting a t t h e V e D t u r e j , H o 8 t e « » — ^ e doctor has given me ;

£ ? - r ^ i n 1 ^ ! « ? i ^ 2 « A M S L U ' i n ' T u e s d a T ** noon. General bnsi- a list of things I mustn't eat. and I %£?£AC>I£2« * ' ° F r a n * ??** W E 9 d l r ° 9 8 e d - A *l™ collec-pchoose the dishes from that. Cisco and Chicago. , Uon was taken to * ive to the m i l k ' . ^

Guy W. Dean, well known real- ™ d * P e% l ? c l u r e of the meeting was M r s J f t h _ « m i f t > l "I " Z

dent of this village, last week, caught j T e n * » * Helena Johnston* j V a*J"- j ^ u S ^ , ° ' 2 " ^ ! ! ? a speckled brook trout weighing two! alias Edith Spencer of" Danburg.


GLOBE 9 I £ A M LAUKWIT wllti H. C,

MISS BROWX GETS LICENSE | P A marriage hcense waa issued (

Thursday at the office of Town Clerk 1^ H. C. Rogers to William Young off!!

I pounds and three-quarter ounces, Conn., dean of the state Normll i M r B F ™ * Brown gave a party a t . one of the largest brought in this I school, has been appointed dean r»f n e r home on West Main Ptreet last Antwerp and Miss Jessie Brown of j aeaaon in this section. The fish was ! the summer school at Now Haven Jr l n i ^ t . "~ ' """ ' " ontered in the Gouverneur Rod A I cordinx to w w d received h # r « t h i « i Gun club contest here. w e e k °T Ifcar-oafeats Mr and Mri-1— H - R ' S a b , n o f Watertown was a

A 1 • „ . - - n t^ 1 v • c L 8pencer, 12 Depot street ! htt»ifie«s caller in Gouverneur this : »-n<i Miss Brown the daughter of Al- -A lecture will be given at th« 1 *^poi street. w e e k . ben Brown of this village. , M

Gouverneur Grammar school e n ; ttev. J. Manley Snencer of Pr^nir • • IS I f ^ I u Z ^ ^ t ^ 1 ^ 4 ' h7,?T£\inriU*< ? Y ' w " i n C ^ v e r ^ e u r ^ ^ O o i n H Dain has sold ' h i . < *> A. it . M E f f l S O " • - i / 5 ^ ? ^ ? . 1 . : * ? ? * J ? ? t u [ ? W1U ^ i i * * 1 w e e k • m t i n g his sister. Mrs. ; £0,19

J,*_in W e 8 t Barney street to Frank The regular mee::ng of Gouver

Gouverneur. The date of the wedding was not announced. Mr Young is the son of William Young of A n t w e r p ' £

under the direction of the New York Ora Spencer Fuller. They attendedi ! Goodiaon who takes possession at ! nenr Morns chapter D A . R will be B u t e Civic league. Teachers, moth- • the funeral on Friday at Morristown 0 D c e / ' b e l d o n F r i d a ^ - A p r ; 2 "' a t U l € h o m e

era of pupils and others interested of his uncle. Rev. A. T. Fuller who** ' death occurred there earlv ll^t wHv° ! W r a * d M r « Clen Raven and fam-J Assistant hostess-- ar^ Mrs. Orvte

of Mrs Abbott on East Main street. •

~ s

are invited to attend m — r »i v-%'- '••-%•• A w^* «-* « \ « " -*# ""** wo**""iily of Buffalo are spendinx ths week Murraf holmW, O o r a a f . %*T%* f ^ S ^ ^ ^ » 4 o Birthday fin tHia vil lage mil!* % * * ^

of S i Lawrence county, ar - | club met Wednesday evening, April friends and reUtlrea. Mr** from St. Petersburg. Fla., with 11. at the home of Mrs. Jessie Seak-Mra. Holmes on Saturday. They had er in West Main street. Twelve mem- Ward B. Gorman of Ogdensburg oewi in the south for the past three bers of the club were present Re- WK* ragiatered at the St. Lawrence months. Mr. Holmes went south aft- freshments were served and a most lnn * c r e Wednesday. He formerly I er undergoing a serious operation enjoyable time was spent by those resided in this village, I at Watertown. His condition is now attending f greaUy improved. ,f Miss Florin* Butler of Re id street :

T ^ ^ ~ # ™ « »* *# ~ » . * r *^ d M r * B A Arnold and • a s removed to ths A. Barton Hep-LeAders from 2% i f*** fiareau Mr and Mrs. H H Stark a»d daugh- hum hospital i s Orde%sb*rt this

^ t t ^ l \ f i J - * 1 ! Z 5 ? c L ^ ? u l t 7 ^ ^ j ^ r Ruth, of Massena, were week momln* for treatmenL !

Jas: completed the*r Orat trsJalmg end anests of Mm Frank r ie lds in aehool ir the project of food selec-< feast Main street. Mr Arnold and * n Anna Mason of O W e o a street « o n in relation to digestion. Tws' Mr Stark wer* delegates to the underwent an of>erttion at the A.

^waining schoo-: was held in Ca*toe. \ Methodist conference at Watertown Banon Hepburn fcoepital last week

I and Mrs. Drury Report of the Continental Con­

gress by the regent, Mrs. Ann A l d - j ~ rich. > '


• ^ 5 ? ^ *

Her condition is reported as good.


RADIATORS — $7.85 WSS «U « * — We km* tlhmt


ptdenahnrs Massena and Gonver- ! last *>*mr* April Mr to 14. so thai leadersi v 1 ' not have to travel so far j^JRdwnrd J Kohl*, president of Life *T%e oondHJnn of Robert i» IClanej

%J __ „ * vw. * '•jstemrm, l n e , sf Port Chester, spent Mafc chief ranger sf the Independent i M ^J!4tJiJ****m Sf U l * T t f ' ; t * * ™* « J « the mnnt oT -KsTOrdeT iX rmmtm.-wtxj U i MW IU ****\taft Tuesday for *>ew York n> other. Mrs H H Xoble, Denn<tat his hwtee la West Main street for T * ? ? . * • • * M « d * ^ V* account of stresjc Mr N o b * vssited hTf i n • mm * 11i jsmi rwxr ^ S e T i T ^ r e i a i a r ^ i i F - S r ^ i l " ^ 1 t r * M m i 7 T ork for the noes* anar Aiexaadrla Bay e n U e ; rnaasf^d. ^ f l S ^ J g t i e g f%^>» Wnite there nnfe He expects to spend the «nm- w

S I ! ? ? >>f*>«s t*W spnag meeting of s»er there w t a his family. i Th« pabik Is invited 1* attend the ,Jf* " r * L * » t e t a t k > n of the W. R ' J lecture to be given en Tnesday after-r . ana snas nrrerai fanctioas b^W M r »- C. W. Bupiia of Antwerp. f noon next at the Grammar school jfe be^ornf nrrm. Emma C^mps^r. *f daurhter of Mr and « ^ s Sidney by Mrs Alfreda Howell. Tne lecture Mrrrjeagsqs, national presadrrt of To**** of tnss vine** fell from a is sponsored wy tne Hew York Crrk the RetJef Corns, in Nrw >>Prk th:i r k * l r ^b i le painting a: her boms an L s t r s t and win deal wiik the prob-w^ek Antwerp Batarday Her rigrbt arm lems of chftdrea and ro«&g people ' G R « T « 7 fanera. a NornnBl TanJt.

i v i : ; of » u ^m^r^iM^ '<» ' strnck the coal e i s t f l e sad tne bones of today Th* leetare win star: at Waterproof airtiaht bvrinl box of re­ps <*£:* w S T hSFZ: 5 ? S W9Z ^ : 7 * k * r t r * 1 ^ t * ^ ^ J U p * itmforted cement—rt tZ - .v x !)••#• r?*. n* r*r^A- to Waterrown, where an X-ray of the I»_. yiA _. J . r " 7 ^ l l 7 I t ZZ"£* ° - ^ ^ »*;iry was taken and the fractures * r t l ^ e l m M Coagt l in of this »^> ©n* **** *«* ^ay A?..i J * , s t tne boss* of Mrs ^<**<-*d . viUsore on gararday w.u attend the protects it eternally tn

• I I I • f

B^ ^ K g a g y —_ <»« tomai ilUe road. I rolden weddfng celebrmtktB of her * - # w5t S}** t f l l l l i « x**1 WJlinm 2L T*r*p*r for the nnst p a r e e u Mr and Mrs. George W

\ Z t t \ "^5i S ^ * * •* •* >a«-eloady • srr*ra: years dnrsiation represents- Lyon 425 Gror« gtreet. W i t e r t o w ^ - i * * *I T ! i ? ^ * t f c ^ i u *** • « * 5 - U T * * ^ ^ STTmms* Post-Standard Twenty n t a s m of the family w-.U Undertakers Hn« ax4 u w tnesn I n M m a>eret: here, ana acennted a position as hook- be p n n t a t st a family d u e and a WTO* Yaalt-

keener' a tne Muxnhy B r o t n e n reewntiom wOl foGcrw tn tne after-at Weddinfton and alreadj '•oen and e*emin*v Mr. i-»on^sa IX an & l i t i e a Tne ctrrala- Iranr

for tne >>oet-0tandard Mrntr

Jr. \SZ



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