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'Silver Cord' Replaces. · ...... ·The: SpeG-tatbr C: .. V _o_J._5_ 1 ________ M _cP_ h _e_rs_o_n. __ C_o_ll_e.::;g_o,'--M-c_ P_h_ e_ rs _o _n -',-K _n_nsas_ .;.. ' _N_o_ v_e _m_ be_ r _S_,'-- 19_6_6 _ _____ "--N_o ._ 9 ond ""'jor dnim4Uc proouctioo felt we could not do 'Cocsar' or the season. Loren D. Reyhcr. Justlec," soid Prof. Reyhcr. Work E o h t 1 nssislant professor In English "Two llllllc parts and four fc· Is Pul>lisl1ed ' . . ur op · ean re e ·. s r.a and thcnl er, h:lo announced. male roles will bC CDst al try· New- .,:Youls for "The Silver outs," Prof. Rcyhcr iold. The · For Frederick Con!" b:we been al41cd for Mon- Pl4l' "i ll be In the · 1· F • s •, NOV, 7, nt in round , Dec. 8-10, in a three-night Copies of ' 'A Prayer of Dedl· Q 1rst· Ill er1es run. • cation," n sacrcd choral worlc "The Silver Cord" Is a PS)'· by R. Frederick, p ro- Wildlife Fihn To SJiow Owles T. Uotchlda ol Home- sttnd. Fla., will P,_qt ''Teton Trails," lhc SttOnd movie in o s e ri"e s ol Audubon Wildlife t; ilms. drama conccmlng the l essor, or voice and director. o! di Fl· , effect n domineering mother hns cn,oral orgnnlzntlons, have re- ronro prcscnls the llrst program on her sons, Prof. Rcyhcr ex· been rcccll•ed !rom tho In the Series nt pllllncd. . "Howard"s pllly rn.nks publisher. 1 : 3 p.m ., Nov. /;, In Brown Audi· nlong ,.,lb Eugene O'Neill in · According to Prof. Fredencl:, : toriurn deoUng with socinl mores ol tile "A Prnyer or· Dedlcatioo" · Is 20th century," he continued. "based UPon 'the text ol St. The Europenn nccl4lmed or - . · .: Francis, a very familiar text... chcstra ·Is tnllklng n GO<lty de- Thc work Is a rranged for chorus bul tour ol tho Uni ted States. and orgon; orchestra) acc0mp. This 1 7-mcn;bor ensemble, com- animcnt arrnngcments are also posed ol. stnngs, woodwinds and a•·nilllble. horns, uses neither conduclor The film will be prcsenlcd al . the McPherson J unior • High Auditorium NO\'. 8 al 8 p.m. WPAWeek Holds Hrints The Teton Range which lifts "Bochelor's l!olidny" will top abruptly from the , valley to a , the week' of "Women Pny All" height or over 7,00tncct, border- activities, S:llunlay, Nov. s, ac- ing llolc, Wyo., pro· cording to Womcn"s Cou)icil The fir$! pcrlonnruice or tile nor piano. . work wns t wo ycars·ago at the The memberl ""' "dlslbip- A Rn u o I Conference of lhc lsbed by tbelr e.prtalrity ud Church of tho Bt"Clhr en a t Lin· ·••Perl> sense ot style," wrolc a coin, Neb. A McPherson Col· rcvlewcr of " Corriere OPENING CULTURAL ' 8EIUES-1be Mlchdusdo Ora.. tra di Flttme wW opa Ille McPbenon Cllltaral Serlca Sand i,., NoY. I, when Uae7 present a coaced 1l 3 p.m. In Brown, Audllorlam, lcgc--communlty orchl'.?Stra nc· ra" . ol M1la.n.. vidcs the backdrop for t his lilm spokesmen. ' produced nnd nurrnted by llotch· llighUghllng the " llolldoy'" ty trust fund which provides money for philanthropic pur- pose.1 la this tral Coll ege lllm, "Missouri Northwest," to bo presenled March 2. 1ba llnnl $600 will be used !or publicity for lhe total kiss. . \\ill be an bour·long hunt. rrom 7:30 10 8:30 p.m. 'companied tho choir to pcrf onn . n1e orchestr n perlonns from ·a socrcd chornl servi ce which · o repertoire which ranges ! rom iocluded "A Prayer of Dedicn· works or great Italian comPosers tion." to compositions ol Hondel, Bnch, !jouthcm Music Publishing Haydn, Mozart. Mendelssohn, Company, cw Yori<, which pub- Tchaikovsky and . Dvorak. lished tho work, hns both nTiiis program Is one ol three tiohal and lntcr naLional .promo- underwritten by tho Mc Pherson L ional outlcl$. County FoundnUon, o commual· The fOGDdalloa, ._,.U.C senson serlts. Color Spectacle 'Quo . '.f o Be Sh owU" Prlies will vary lrom a lar ge pinn nt •'piu.n Royal and !rec -Ddmlssion to the 9 p.m . movie Saturday at Drown Audllorlum, for !irst prize: and !rec admis- sion to lhc mo•i e for SttOnd. Free snooker for ono hour hcods loalghl"s liSt ol activities, from 7:30 to 10:40. 14 Schools Sponsor Student Teachers wtlb Mcl'lltt.oa. College CU!i. Fr ee ndmlasloo to those p,,,: ural Suleo, 11e111uy Collttle grams underwritten by tho Coaceri ud Leclure SerlH ud founda tion la Included with tho Cealral ColJeco A- WUd purchase of o Ucl:· Ille Ftlml , bu pn>ridocl sz.soo, cl for the Bethany, lhc McPber- lo alldtnrrlle - procram r.- roo or tile Central Rrles. eadl am... · la addllloa lo Ibo NOY. "Quo Yodis," 14kco from )he no•·cJ by Henryk SicnkiO\<iC'l. will be shown In Brown Audi· torium, Snturdny, Nov. s, al 9 p.m. , SNEA 1 To Hold In one ol the .most lavish ·and cxpcnsh·c spectacks cm made Month ly Meet ing occording to MGM, Robert Tay- · ' . lor 'M Marcus Vlnltius, · an aris- Slud<'flt Notional Education tocrafic Roman Logion com· Association will bold ii$ rcgμla r ma<]ller. fa lls In love with a morlnlly mcct lng next bcauUlul Chrislirin girl, Lygin dny, No•. 9, In Mohler 212 nt <Debora Kerr), and drops into 7 p.m." Thc cmpha{is will bo on disfa vor. supervising teach.,... Four local teachers, lnclUdlng The dawn of Christianity Mrs. Blllnche Fcldcamp. Wash· shines through .the dark mad-· ington School. Glenn Pyle, Parle' ncss and violent collapse ol n !\Choo!. Mrs. Donna rtlch. Mc. dcmcntcd emperor surrounded Pherson Junior High School. and by 'n cleverly cynlcnl secretary Roy Unruh. McPherson llli;Ji or state ,nnd a cruel, . sensual . s c h a 0 I, will discussion Cll nsort. · groups, .,,_ Sets Theater Pac 'e J I Student teaching got unqcrwny Ibis week for 41 students- In fourteen sdlOOJi in the McPher- son are;1. Alter ob511rvlng in their actual "classroom siluntlon Tues· da)' since school started, tho student tcnchcrs a rc now t nk· ing over t bc role ol. thc Lene.her. Student teac:b<rs "must sj>end al least ODO day a t' lbe IUUlUal !\STA mee(ln'sa bclaJ ' lldd to- doJ' and lomom>W. Tbese ..,..._ lap are loc:•led la Giuilto Clly, Hays, llul<:blnson, LaWftllee, Panons. Salina, Topcka aad Wlchtla. Nov. 22 dato selected for the annual Apprccia· lion Dinner. This dinner honors all the supen1"sing teachers un· dci whom the student teachers M .l -t hove workcil. ex1ca,1 ftl" . The program will ' ce nt er 0 D • } · nround discussions nbout prob- ISP ay !ems confronted In student I F • d hi , teaching. n i l'Jen S p' Teacher &iortagc is tbC wor$1 · In )"cars. Nearly 50 per cent of An exhibit or Mexican woter- the first scmes ic r graduates colors by 0 Adclc Godchaux. which ha•-c already signed contracts is being' clrcuhlll><I on nalionnl to begin leaching In January. tour by Old Bergen Arl Guild According to tho National" Ed· ol Bayonne. N. J .. \\ ill be on ucators Assoclnllon Research Di· displny in Friendship Hall dur- vision. the estlmnled minimum ing the first three weeks or number of ocw teachers occdcd No»cmbc:r. , to stall elc" menlnry schools in on A11r ll 7. · 1967. in These pre inspired IOOG is 232,50().JG.1.500 and 132,· 000 in high schools. " Dr. Melhorn Is on the FoudnUon board, and It Is through his clforls that the foundation has mode the grant of $2, liOO," snld Pnul Wllioncr. ouoclnte director or development. Tho foundation has allowed $1,200 for lhc orchestra program. "John Brown's Body," lo be presented by lhe Knlcldoscopo Ployors Feb. 9, as pa rt or the Bethany College ICrlcs, receives $600 from this fund. An addition· al $t00 Is provided for lhc Ceo- Student Directory Publi shed, Distri buted The student Dhttlory bu boc:a published ud dlstni · bulcd lo lliudcDla and faculty. Tbls Is • pl"O)ttl carried oat by Slud<11t CouacII. The dlrttlorles """' put lllto all student malu>oxes on campu. a nd a rc available la tbc motion Ofrtc:e for those who live Orf -campus,· Names. oddnsses. both bom• a nd campus. and cl.uaUka Uoa are !Isled of all 1pec:lal and lull·tlme llludenta this ac:n1<1ter. sram. Ibo O.U.Se ocrleo wui prtRDt Da'Fld plalllst, Feb. 118; Ibo A ......... choir, Marci. 1%: and BeutU Cerf, publilbu-1111"*1Jt, April 17. Season tlc:kcu for the Cullllllll Series wlU be n•·ailllble in Room IOI, Mohler HoU, unW Nov. S. Adult tlckcu nro S7 each: stu· dent Ucket3 arc SS encb. Single program ndmlsslon !or Nov. 6 Is $2.50 cnch !or adults or stdents and $1. 75 for children under 12. Collec• series la· dados procnu111 by ColJ1s J adi· - '""1d tran tu, Od. 1%: Frau Fc711dcn, mbn., Oct. 19: Valery Toni., Rusalan writer, Nov. 11; Mualc•I Arla Quintet. Marcb 3: ud Robert Conant, borpalcbordlsl, April UL Films to be presented In tho Central Colk- go Series Include "Teton Trolb," Nov. 8; " Wild Rivers or North America," Fl'!>. 2: and "Coler6do Through tho Scnsons," April 17. Audubon Serles. season tickets arc $4, single ndull: $7.50, fu rn· Uy; and $3, student. Concert nod Lttturc Serles scnson ticket$ arc Iii !or either student or adull. The well-loved loiry l a I c ",Aladdin and his Wondcrlul I.amp" will be presented today in Drown .Auditorium al 4 p.m. The production will be the first ol a series o[ t hree chil· drtri"s plllys lo be spc mSOfed by lhc Chapter of the AMoclnUon of 111y Women. Both will be presented Drown Audiloriu·m at 4 r un. a bstract 1>nlntings which a rc the results or mony \!isits to Me.'OICO "The productions will be or and Centro! Americ;a. special interest to children and clcm<'fltary cducation majors,"' She copturcs the tropic heat cd S:lr.ah M g t\k through colo'l the pulse ol stat . ay "!·17.· ...,.. through ri?petition ol soclote prolcssoy and u, . shape, and the anciint culture Joum.ljlism. '. ,• . or Mayon and Aztec people Act'il;g will by o cast through C onti a nd _ comPositlon. Im p orted · Curi os Compose · McY f Fa ir . . The first sceno or "Aladdin 1111d his Wonderful Lnmp"' opens on a stttct in Pel:lng. Chinn, "WbCD :i m)·sterious nuagician intro- 'duccs ' blmsel! to Aladdin ns his uncle. I The action cdnlinucs in a cave wllh a vnriely or mngfc· wrought the Genie or tho ,Lnmp. Thrqugh the magic lllrni>. Alud· .din llnnlly wins :is· hh bride the Princess, only dnu$htcr . or tl!e l::mpcror of Chinn. ' • . Produced by t he National Cbll· drcn's Alsoclatlon ol New York nnd 1Dnllns, t wo o lhct plays will , 'be pr0scnled, "'Under the 'Lllllcs"' on Februiry 1967. and lhe !'riquols Capth·e" or prof essional DC- The nrtlst declares thnt she The .McPherson Collcfte y bas llWl1 otber anlque u d unusual tors. is more concerned \\ith the post, been' doing business " ilh eight ' "-raUve ll ems , :;ca.on tickets for the three present nnd luturc thaq she Is imPorl c;ompanles durtn: the · "Some ol the items ,.;u be plays arc St.SO. Children may with dimensions ol Jcngtb, wi'!l!! , past few l\"CCl<s In order Lo get on dlspllly in the sbo\\'(OSCS In season tickets !or nnd depth. between $7·9, 000 worth of goods Friendship Hall lhc week before L hcmsCJVCS and other members All or tho 1:; paintings nrc !or !or this year's International the Fnir." statcd Lundquist ,. or U ieif families !rom rcprcscn· 00 Fnir. to be held In Friendship ' tntlvcs In lllcir schools through sale nt prices ranging rrom $t llnll Nov. 25-20, according Mone1 rrom tbe Fair . be . Nov. I. 1 fo $285. . Nea.1 Lundquist, Jr, Denver, uted IA rhwK:laJ MCY .., . Mrs. J . !Jack Mclhom , chair- A returning exhibit, bcc nusc chalrrnan of tho Fair. UvtUH, belp!Dg e. 18 - = of ticket sales, may be of populllr request, or orlaJnnl . The ... ..,. prlce rueor _... ol ._, - conlDcted for Ud<eu. 11cl:cts Jnpencse wood blocks " ill tbe arUd<s to be oold IA lbe leadonblp CGal.- Y" betp. also • be a vallllblc from be dlspbyc;d during lhe · month approxlmaldJ 10 _..,, will tac lo for !be Fluluma members of the MOW. , of [<ovember. ' · $1-s:I. Articles wblda \rill be sold camp, McPherson. ,College Slud<'flls , ",-hie woru reason;blb IAclade i-etrr· f-. Jel,. Student$ OD the ln!A!mlrll<?nal obtain lickels fQ>m l\Its. In ri sc d 11 . r r snlcr." ter 0 - ;.. 1 ,_ Africa, T-. Fnlr CommlUee nrc Noni Lund· Homer !lr:unk· 201, or an . :nh ':t, 1 l::..,n ;.. l1alllo( allk - quisl. J"lory, Jr. Mias Mildred Sit!k, pro !¢ssor 1 0.r, Ort. ' • ' : eoCloa · .c.rv .. troin and McPbcraon, cbalrmnn: home ccoooihi?, Jlnmly 216.. , 7""' . · , . . ·•· Pal Hayes, aoph, Genesco:' sCc· rotary: Corolyn Pier a tt, s r, Emmetsburg, Iowa, booth cbalr- man. Ed Lloyd, aoph, Lancaster. Po., nulatonl booth cbalrmnn; SUsnn Frederick, roph, McPher- son, publicity chairman: .and Roger Nettleton, Jr. HolmesvlUo, Neb., nssistnnt publici ty · cbair- 'menbcrs MCY will spend lime In the . boOibs, lclling articl es. "Wo wnnl everyone to u ve pe901, yeas and sbelleLI ," ,said LundqulJt. '

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Page 1: ViewScan Premium PDF · 'Silver Cord' R e p laces . · - .~~!~:;~:=n ..... ·The: SpeG-tatbr ~i :11tlleres:.~·~~~

'Silver Cord' Replaces . ·

- .~~!~:;~:=.n ...... ·The: SpeG-tatbr ~i :11tlleres:.~·~~~ C: ~t .. ~ou~ =i:ve~:~: V_o_J._5_1 ________ M_cP_h_e_rs_o_n. __ C_o_ll_e.::;g_o,'--M-c_P_h_e_rs_o_n-',-K_n_nsas_.;..' _N_o_v_e_m_be_r_S_,'--19_6_6 _ _____ "--N_o._9 ond ""'jor dnim4Uc proouctioo felt we could not do 'Cocsar' or the season. Loren D. Reyhcr. Justlec," soid Prof. Reyhcr. ~oral Work E o h t 1

nssislant professor In English "Two llllllc parts and four fc· Is Pul>lisl1ed ' . . u r op·ean re e·. s r .a and thcnler, h:lo announced. male roles will bC CDst al try·

New- .,:Youls for "The Silver outs," Prof. Rcyhcr iold. The · For Frederick Con!" b:we been al41cd for Mon- Pl4l' " i ll be P~lcd In the · 1· F • • s • ~, NOV, 7, nt 7:~ p~. in round ,Dec. 8-10, in a three-night Copies of ' 'A Prayer of Dedl· Q 1rst· Ill er1es

run. • cation," n sacrcd choral worlc ~ "The Silver Cord" Is a PS)'· by ~nnld • R. Frederick, pro-

Wildlife Fihn To SJiow T~tons

Owles T. Uotchlda ol Home­sttnd. Fla., will P,_qt ''Teton Trails," lhc SttOnd movie in o s e ri"e s ol Audubon Wildlife t;ilms.

~holo~ic.11 drama conccmlng the lessor, or voice a nd director. o! .~Orchestra Michc)~ngclo di Fl· , effect n domineering mother hns cn,oral orgnnlzntlons, have re- ronro prcscnls the llrst program

on her sons, Prof. Rcyhcr ex· ccn~ been rcccll•ed !rom tho In the ~·Cullurnl Series nt pllllncd . . "Howard"s pllly rn.nks publisher. 1 : 3 p.m ., Nov. /;, In Brown Audi· nlong ,.,lb Eugene O'Neill in · According to Prof. Fredencl:, : toriurn deoUng with socinl mores ol tile " A Prnyer or· Dedlcatioo" · Is • 20th century," he continued. "based UPon 'the text ol St. The Europenn nccl4lmed or-

. · .: Francis, a very familiar text... chcstra ·Is tnllklng n GO<lty de­Thc work Is a rranged for chorus bul tour ol tho United States. and orgon; orchestra) acc0mp. This 17-mcn;bor ensemble, com­animcnt arrnngcments are also posed ol. stnngs, woodwinds a nd a•·nilllble. horns, uses neither conduclor

The film will be prcsenlcd al . the McPherson J unior • High ~I Auditorium NO\'. 8 al 8 p.m.

WPAWeek Holds Hrints

The Teton Range which lifts "Bochelor's l!olidny" will top abruptly from the , valley to a , the week' of "Women Pny All" height or over 7,00tncct, border- activities, S:llunlay, Nov. s, ac­ing Juc~son llolc, Wyo., pro· cording to Womcn"s Cou)icil

The fir$! pcrlonnruice or tile nor piano. . work wns two ycars·ago at the The memberl •""' "dlslbip­A Rn u o I Conference of lhc lsbed by tbelr e.prtalrity ud Church of tho Bt"Clhren a t Lin· ·••Perl> sense ot style," wrolc a coin, Neb. A McPherson Col· rcvlewcr of " Corriere ~lla ~

OPENING CULTURAL' 8EIUES-1be Mlchdusdo Ora.. tra di Flttme wW opa Ille McPbenon CoUe~e Cllltaral Serlca Sandi,., NoY. I , when Uae7 present a coaced 1l 3 p.m. In Brown, Audllorlam,

lcgc--communlty orchl'.?Stra nc· ra" .ol M1la.n.. • vidcs the backdrop for this lilm spokesmen. ' produced nnd nurrnted by llotch· llighUghllng the "llolldoy'"

ty trust fund which provides money for philanthropic pur­

pose.1 la this ~ty.

tral College lllm, "Missouri Northwest," to bo presenled March 2. 1ba llnnl $600 will be used !or publicity for lhe total kiss. . \\ill be an bour·long seav~cr

hunt. rrom 7:30 10 8:30 p.m.

'companied tho choir to pcrfonn . n1e orchestrn perlonns from ·a socrcd chornl service which · o repertoire which ranges !rom iocluded "A Prayer of Dedicn· works or great Italian comPosers tion." to compositions ol Hondel, Bnch,

!jouthcm Music Publishing Haydn, Mozart. Mendelssohn, Company, cw Yori<, which pub- Tchaikovsky and . Dvorak. lished tho work, hns both no· Tiiis program Is one ol three tiohal and lntcrnaLional .promo- underwritten by tho McPherson Lional outlcl$. County FoundnUon, o commual·

The fOGDdalloa, ._,.U.C senson serlts.

Color Spectacle 'Quo v~idis' . '.fo Be ShowU"

Prlies will vary lrom a large pinn nt •'piu.n Royal and !rec

-Ddmlssion to the 9 p.m . movie Saturday at Drown Audllorlum, for !irst prize: and !rec admis­sion to lhc mo•i e for SttOnd.

Free snooker for ono hour hcods loalghl"s liSt ol activities, from 7:30 to 10:40.

14 Schools Sponsor Student Teachers

wtlb Mcl'lltt.oa. College CU!i. Free ndmlasloo to those p,,,: ural Suleo, 11e111uy Collttle •grams underwritten by tho Coaceri ud Leclure SerlH ud foundation la Included with tho Cealral ColJeco A- WUd purchase of o I~ sca~n Ucl:· Ille Ftlml, bu pn>ridocl sz.soo, cl for the Bethany, lhc McPber­lo alldtnrrlle - procram r.- roo or tile Central Rrles. eadl am... · la addllloa lo Ibo NOY. I~

"Quo Yodis," 14kco from )he no•·cJ by Henryk SicnkiO\<iC'l. will be shown In Brown Audi· torium, Snturdny, Nov. s, al 9 p.m. , SNEA


To Hold In one ol the .most lavish ·and

cxpcnsh·c spectacks cm made Monthly Meeting occording to MGM, Robert Tay- · • ' . lor 'M Marcus Vlnltius, ·an aris- Slud<'flt Notional Education tocrafic Roman Logion com· Association will bold ii$ rcgµla r ma<]ller. fa lls In love with a morlnlly mcctlng next Wed~cs· bcauUlul Chrislirin girl, Lygin dny, No••. 9, In Mohler 212 nt <Debora Kerr), a nd drops into 7 p.m."Thc cmpha{is will bo on disfavor. supervising teach.,...

Four local teachers, lnclUdlng The dawn of Christianity Mrs. Blllnche Fcldcamp. Wash·

shines through .the dark mad-· ington School. Glenn Pyle, Parle' ncss and violent collapse ol n !\Choo!. Mrs. Donna rtlch. Mc. dcmcntcd emperor surrounded Pherson Junior High School. and by 'n cleverly cynlcnl secretary Roy Unruh. McPherson llli;Ji or state ,nnd a cruel, . sensual . s c h a 0 I, will ,lea~ discussion Cllnsort. · groups, .,,_

~·Aladdin'· Sets Theater Pac'e



Student teaching got unqcrwny Ibis week for 41 students- In fourteen sdlOOJi in the McPher­son are;1.

Alter ob511rvlng in their actual "classroom siluntlon cv~ry Tues· da)' since school started, tho student tcnchcrs arc now tnk· ing over tbc role ol. thc Lene.her.

Student teac:b<rs "must sj>end

al least ODO day at' lbe IUUlUal !\STA mee(ln'sa bclaJ 'lldd to­doJ' and lomom>W. Tbese ..,..._ lap are loc:•led la Giuilto Clly, Hays, llul<:blnson, LaWftllee, Panons. Salina, Topcka aad Wlchtla.

Nov. 22 l~ll(l dato selected for the annual ~<:,her Apprccia· lion Dinner. This dinner honors all the supen1"sing teachers un· dci whom the student teachers

M • .l - t hove workcil. ex1ca,1 ftl" . The program will ' ce nt er

0 D • } · nround discussions nbout prob-1~ . ISP ay !ems confronted In student

I F • d hi , teaching. n i l'Jen S p' Teacher &iortagc is tbC wor$1 · In )"cars. Nearly 50 per cent of

An exhibit or Mexican woter- the first scmesicr graduates colors by


Adclc Godchaux. which ha•-c already signed contracts is being' clrcuhlll><I on nalionnl to begin leaching In January. tour by Old Bergen Arl Guild According to tho National" Ed· ol Bayonne. N. J .. \\ill be on ucators Assoclnllon Research Di· displny in Friendship Hall dur- vision. the estlmnled minimum ing the first three weeks or number of ocw teachers occdcd No»cmbc:r. , to stall elc"menlnry schools in

on A11rll 7. · 1967. in These pre Mcxic~n inspired

IOOG is 232,50().JG.1.500 and 132,· 000 in high schools.

" Dr. Melhorn Is on the Foun· dnUon board, and It Is through his clforls that the foundation has mode the grant of $2,liOO," snld Pnul Wllioncr. ouoclnte director or development. Tho foundation has allowed $1,200 for lhc orchestra program.

"John Brown's Body," lo be presented by lhe Knlcldoscopo Ployors Feb. 9, as part or the Bethany College ICrlcs, receives $600 from this fund. An addition· al $t00 Is provided for lhc Ceo-

Studen t Directory Published, Distributed

The I~ student Dhttlory bu boc:a published ud dlstni· bulcd lo lliudcDla and faculty. Tbls Is • pl"O)ttl carried oat by Slud<11t CouacII.

The dlrttlorles """' put lllto all student malu>oxes on campu. and a rc available la tbc Info~ motion Ofrtc:e for those who live Orf-campus,·

Names. oddnsses. both bom• a nd campus. and cl.uaUkaUoa a re !Isled of all 1pec:lal and lull·tlme llludenta this ac:n1<1ter .

sram. Ibo Mc~. O.U.Se ocrleo wui prtRDt Da'Fld ~. plalllst, Feb. 118; Ibo A ......... choir, Marci. 1%: and BeutU Cerf, publilbu-1111"*1Jt, April 17.

Season tlc:kcu for the Cullllllll Series wlU be n•·ailllble in Room IOI, Mohler HoU, unW Nov. S. Adult tlckcu nro S7 each: stu· dent Ucket3 arc SS encb. Single progra m ndmlsslon !or Nov. 6 Is $2.50 cnch !or adults or stu· dents and $1.75 for children under 12. Collec• series la· dados procnu111 by ColJ1s J adi· - '""1d tran tu, Od. 1%: Frau Fc711dcn, mbn., Oct. 19: Valery Toni., Rusalan writer, Nov. 11; Mualc•I Arla Quintet. Marcb 3: ud Robert Conant, borpalcbordlsl, April UL

Films to be presented In tho Central Colk-go Series Include "Teton Trolb," Nov. 8; " Wild Rivers or North America," Fl'!>. 2: a nd "Coler6do Through tho Scnsons," April 17.

Audubon Serles . season tickets arc $4, single ndull: $7.50, fu rn· Uy; and $3, student. Concert nod Lttturc Serles scnson t icket$ arc Iii !or either student or adull.

The well-loved loiry l a I c ",Aladdin and his Wondcrlul I.amp" will be presented today in Drown .Auditorium a l 4 p.m.

The production will be the first ol a series o[ three chil· drtri"s plllys lo be spcmSOfed by lhc 711cPhc~n Chapter of the ~mcrican AMoclnUon of ~'yfih,.cr-111y Women.

Both will be presented Drown Audiloriu·m at 4 run. a bstract 1>nlntings which a rc the

results or mony \!isits to Me.'OICO "The productions will be or and Centro! Americ;a.

special interest to children and clcm<'fltary cducation majors,"' She copturcs the tropic heat

cd S:lr.ah M g t\k through colo'l the pulse ol ~he stat • . ay "!·17.· ...,.. coun•~ through ri?petition ol soclote prolcssoy .Ena~h and u, .

shape, and the anciint culture Joum.ljlism. '. ,• . or Mayon and Aztec people

Act'il;g will ~done by o cast through Conti a nd _ comPositlon.

Imported ·Curios Compose ·McY f n'f~rnationaf Fair . .

The first sceno or "Aladdin 1111d his Wonderful Lnmp"' opens on a stttct in Pel:lng. Chinn, "WbCD :i m)·sterious nuagician intro­

'duccs ' blmsel! to Aladdin ns his uncle. I

The action cdnlinucs in a cave wllh a vnriely or mngfc· wrought b~ the Genie or tho ,Lnmp. Thrqugh the magic lllrni>. Alud·

. din llnnlly wins :is· hh bride the Princess, only dnu$htcr .or tl!e l::mpcror of Chinn. ' •

• . Produced by the National Cbll· drcn's Alsoclatlon ol New York nnd 1Dnllns, two olhct plays will

, 'be pr0scnled, "'Under the 'Lllllcs"' on Februiry 3~ 1967. and

• "~, lhe !'riquols Capth·e"

or professional )"Oung~"ndull DC- The nrtlst declares thnt she The .McPherson Collcfte y bas llWl1 otber anlque u d unusual tors. is more concerned \\ith the post, been ' doing business " ilh eight ' "-raUve llems,

:;ca.on tickets for the three present nnd luturc thaq she Is imPorl c;ompanles durtn: the · "Some ol the items ,.;u be plays arc St.SO. Children may with dimensions ol Jcngtb, wi'!l!! , past few l\"CCl<s In order Lo get on dlspllly in the sbo\\'(OSCS In ~rcbasc season tickets !or nnd depth. between $7·9,000 worth of goods Friendship Hall lhc week before LhcmsCJVCS and other members All or tho 1:; paintings nrc !or !or this year's International the Fnir." statcd Lundquist,. or Uieif families !rom rcprcscn·

00 Fnir. to be held In Friendship '

tntlvcs In lllcir schools through sale nt prices ranging rrom $t llnll Nov. 25-20, according to~. Mone1 rrom tbe Fair . ':'I~ be. Nov. I. 1 fo $285. . Nea.1 Lundquist, Jr, Denver, uted IA rhwK:laJ MCY • ..,.

Mrs. J . !Jack Mclhom , chair- A returning exhibit, bccnusc chalrrnan of tho Fair. UvtUH, belp!Dg wl~-~- e.18

-= of ticket sales, may be of populllr request, or orlaJnnl . The ... ..,. prlce rue• or _... ol ._, -conlDcted for Ud<eu. 11cl:cts J npencse wood blocks "ill ~!so tbe arUd<s to be oold IA lbe leadonblp CGal.- Y" betp. wl~ also • be a vallllblc from be dlspbyc;d during lhe · month approxlmaldJ 10 _..,, will ~ tac lo ~ for !be Fluluma members of the MOW. , of [<ovember. ' · $1-s:I. Articles wblda \rill be sold camp,

McPherson . , College Slud<'flls , ",-hie woru 0~ reason;blb • IAclade i-etrr· f-. ~ Jel,. Student$ OD the ln!A!mlrll<?nal m~y obtain lickels fQ>m l\Its. In ri sc d 11 . r r snlcr." ter 0 - ;.. 1,_ Africa, T-. Fnlr CommlUee nrc Noni Lund· Homer !lr:unk· _ Moble~ 201, or ~j1 an .:nh ':t,1l::..,n ;.. ;tick ~'""" l1alllo( allk - quisl. cbalnnan:'G~ry J"lory, Jr. Mias Mildred Sit!k, pro!¢ssor1 0.r, ~L/i: ~.!i:ftiot Ort.' • ' : eoCloa ·.c.rv .. troin ~ and McPbcraon, a5ils~I cbalrmnn: home ccoooihi?, Jlnmly 216.. ~' , 7""' ~- . · , . .


Pal Hayes, aoph, Genesco: ' sCc· rotary: Corolyn Pieratt, s r, Emmetsburg, Iowa, booth cbalr­man.

Ed Lloyd, aoph, Lancaster. Po., nulatonl booth cbalrmnn; SUsnn Frederick, roph, McPher­son, publicity chairman: .and Roger Nettleton, Jr. HolmesvlUo, Neb., nssistnnt publicity · cbair-

~r 'menbcrs .:r~ MCY will spend lime In the .boOibs, lclling articles.

"Wo wnnl everyone to u ve ~ pe901, yeas• and sbelleLI," ,said LundqulJt. • '

Page 2: ViewScan Premium PDF · 'Silver Cord' R e p laces . · - .~~!~:;~:=n ..... ·The: SpeG-tatbr ~i :11tlleres:.~·~~~

' The Specta tor, Nov. 8 ! 1966, Page ~

StudelltS Answer Grid Queries Attitude s~~Is Soliltlon . ·~ L()ve o/~ Game Spurs Team;. Foi~ · Foothall Dilen;ima '/J/T.. p · S d ·. E~OR'SNOTE- "An•••~ <Otnoelition 15 nlit the ans..:e~ Pride Jr1ust " nve tl,l ~nts

wholntlllll• aumller of roplltt lo to M11ck'1 losing streak. It 15; . · Ille l~·o arlkltt .., football ud merely the =list's Way ol EdilDr· • FoolbllU dtmAodl lrolaln8, pa· been~ • they sow him do th~

Spe.c C.alls For· ~ditrir This Week ~na !"" .oow bcini

recclvccj !or the position d camlXIS edjlor on The Ss>ect4tor for tli• ~ ~rncster or this ycor, 'ccqrdinB to George Jonci. stulknt Council treasurer 01111 chalnnllll Q.f the i19atd. Of PIJb­licotiOllS. 1<boot iplrtt, whkh ._F lo handling. the • . Last· week· this palJt'T printed Uencc ond "''- lrom o player ~ ne could. lllld they respec

tile Oct. t7 Spectator. ti!' •tt<S- .Tiit .tum memben 11>.-tJ .two vecy dbtorted cc~pts ol on lhe lint twn. Tiiey do qot bis tUort. Final .cjeaO\ine for !IPPlicotioiu •U•ltd. stltttloa ol onlJ' • l•w .,.. .. 1 lo plq • naatd col)'c• the l1ICllDing ol sports. · One ploy, bccouso they cnJoy 1141ure . School spirit comes !rom the 15 Nov. ~· Le!!ers ol "l'Plia-• r<l'm<tilall•c • rlk lH. due to -· Tllclr pola&lal II -· piece ol tbouiht h111d o very bocDuse by the end ol lhe itor encournacmcnt ol o proud ond Uons, oddreaed lo tjle Board Ii 111<k' ol. •!>Ott· • lw l.o ~-~ PM' 1:;n- sUcbt piece at !ball was center- · the ~ wW have practked In respectful student ::.od)' and a PublicoUons, should contain 1 Editor: • But bow • .U: """' ~ to tel around the Idea that losing roln cold wlodl and mow. group ol men who Jove to be · resume' ol expcrl~ ood rta-Droppini! coolettncc lootb311 be enlbusiasti~ when they att the • ' ' · tested on· 11 football field. sons for applylnl. frequently tokl it 15 not wbelher a football game means com · There 15 only one ttaJOll' ktt . tel we. win or lose, but. hM<. ·,..e ptete • emotional destru<:t!Cn . ol for .playlD& t1ie pme. Thal one Vldol')' cauot be adlleY

Rall_y Squad play the caine? team and a school: tbettfore. ~ li 'for lhe love ol the wUlloel Mill. . u Is dlfficult ~lo say u the ,.., sbould not support a sport sport: • : And- ~ lonl. AS thett IS a

A . • problem 1JOs ID the Auilude ol like football '!be lo\'C for . the sport stl'fl\S te11m WI~ ele\ ~. meo on the ppreCJate the teem or ID the atUlude ol 1k - ·wrtttt ldl from Ifie pure excitement o1 fi~ pla.ying .!bell' beam out,

al the coaches Wblcbrver It may i., a ·--was .-P 1'1)'1118 IL It comes In n pnic' win or lose, ii shows me that Fan Loy ty ~.the meo11ted 1o be fired · 1o.- ......... -- ~ scrlmm&I• ,.,~. pl•YU 11 .1s. thestudcntbodywbo_1acks up, not condoqtd for lho!r mi.. 1a um ~ '\Wit. u 11111- ds that apttlat chMcc 10 throw spint U ,.-e arc ool_ "~11ing lo

Editor: takes. • like um, lie m.,. "'°' make II ! block or rnAte a t1cltlc that support them in their woril:. \\'e ch<crleadtts oppn>tjate AD dae' credli. llneftr, mat ftf'J' lu la - ~11,.. cal- will clve him an opportunity to Dllvld 'Coppock.

'!be campus tdltor Is respoo. . sible for assiCDlna stories ~ week. and conucting ttpOrttn, for one temester.

He then moves to mn03iio& tditor, and Biler one ycor•s SU· vice with '!be Spectator edit«· ial stall. assumes the positicm d edijor-in-cbief.

the spirit displayed by lhe group be il•ea t.o lbe BalWlp' .m. tare. 1 ploy ln the next Jllmt. "

1 ol loyal l!U?POrtCf'I who ~tltodtd llud1aC performuce aplali .. ! .. ~_.""'~.~lo ,n!>'pl,; Or It 19 lbe 'llirtll tbat •player li4 · s k the ()ttawo game last Saturday. Ollawa. ()ar ieam'S ability WU .......,~ w,_, ttttlVH wbea be mUH a lack• umor pa~ s Although 11o-e were defeated In -t la lbe WoY n ~ foolball. )Uybc . ~ "'.'C '":in le btlllad lbe UDe of ocrlmma(e, • I ' . ""°"' on the. field, we gained eal-plqtd lilli Bni-. understand why it IS "° unpo • blocks a klck or maaagcs lo n mornl victory, both on the ln• lllSt week's ·Speclalor, Jane ant. . 'd nm tbe extra '1an1 meau . I II Id d I ,..,. · · - -•- NewtOll proposed coed tnucb First, they, do not act .pa1 • ..- oco· rto C'h I R •t e •n n " "' -~. football . games. 'Ibis Is banlly any bigb wa,.,. for lbcir d r•rts tbe dill.,....,., btl --- ' Olill ·eel .a I Tltrougliout 11\e £1U)le, thl5 8 competitiVO e'nougb gllme to SO they mWll ool 00 playing fOr ud - ocortai. imllll aroup ol •Mel'berson boos- Interest 200 lb. men. 11 would money. Also, they do not ploy Or the thrill thnl comes when tort out-yelled nn Ottawa crowd be comparable to Cassius Clay in 11 because 11 Is an easy sport 0 ployor feels like there Is o nuin)' Umcs Jtj llw. in a ballet dllnce. to J!lay. ) l<bool lhnl II proud of him

Mny, wo l\Jk • wh,y the sc:h!><>l Mr. Kal.scr suggested intra- ~

Melhorn Lea'ds Brethi·en At Mission 12 Retreat

spirit nl '!ltcPhersoh Collcae con mural fciotball to boost sd!iio1 be tenned lndclng when • a roup Spirit. I Mk you to witness the or pcrhnps thirty .boosters who number 'ot spectators' who attend trnvcled t80 miles to wntch their slmllarly handled .Vents now. teom pl~· boll, co'nslstently Q\!l·. Granted, the recent glrb' fool' ' yelled on Ottnwo home crowd ol ball game was n sucoess, but nboul 500 pcnons! let us not run a good thina into •· • We t.honk the persons who the ground. ·It was designed as Dr. J . Jock Melhorn, president . be letlltd . in ms )lgbt. iU went to Ottnwn for U1elr sup(>Orl, a yearly novelty rather than 8 ol the ,College, was one or the ~Uau we tte0Clllze botb •

· nnd we lnvlle lhc remolnlng Mc· weekly event. leaders or the Oct. 28-30 retrenl corp6raie ud lodMdual tt1pon· PhcrCon students lo join Lhem . We can have ._ good uthlclic o( the MisSion 12 ' project or albUJty .for cre•Un4: maJn.­nt U1c next gnnie. ruUng 115 • wcU as 0 reputable the Bttthren, al Rock Springs ~ more wbol...- alll·

. · Connie Dole, Unda Smllh. acodcmlc standing. one need, Ranch, Junction City. . ,..., . lowad pollllcs." • J ody Dully, l.yndn Deavers, , not be socrlllced for'the sake "6-·'. Ia a serle. ol lhtte weekends, He coD.luded: 'We hnve nn l?rlsClllll 'Zigler. A·Tcnnt Cheer- . the other. . .• Mlslloa 1% ...U lo cncounce 'obllgnUon. as proctlelng Christ· tc>ders. Dec•Northcy ·-lodlriduals lo bttome more- d · Ions 10 work for lmprovcmcnl

ltt!IY< 1o lbtlr m1o1s1ry lo 1be ol democratic poUolcs lllld prnc­. w'or!ct. \ Uccs, even thouah we meet op­. lndividuols ..fn>m the entire position nnd endure surrcrings

{" Kansos District portioipalc in 0 IMicnusc of Ot!' Involvement." Mal~ Vnice Stuns ,•program which hegrui with ." Scc-

T 1 h 11 l' 1 . ~·!:mio:s w1:~-:~y ~~ i:;o~ Macalendar 1 e~ep one Ga ·te~s .. . ;~~~N~:'.iv: ~'~~~~ Tbandq.' Nov.'a . , I • Od.·2i-29. 196'i, Tbclller, "Aloddln and Ills Won-

Onc ol the most storlliog student_ woril:ers. , t Tbc program 15 planned to dcrful I.amp.'' Bro,.•n Auditor-' 'OIC'<S on c:impus this semester In additioo t.o woril:ing about' help persons disco\'cr tbcir mis- ium. 3 p.m. : Is lhe mole \'oice 11Ut comes IS hours o week, Dennis Is car- sion in daily tile. It nUcmpts• FrtP,, r:io•. 4-F.B. Bethel, O\'Cr the tekphone nncs ·os com?:". · ~'Ing 19.semester ~rs: Ar)long to ~ip adults mo'l' adequately here. 7:30 p.m. us operator. his hobbies are pla)'Ull: the bass for lay ministry and to in\'Ol\'C D•ncc follOwing g11mc. Student

This 1·01ce· Is Slnl11ing btt•use' guitar In the compus~banl!. gi>ll: a larger 'percentoge ol church Unipn. .. ooc gencroUy txptds a teJe:.r electronics. flying,· basketball members in \liitness in the world. Saturday, No,·. ~Movie, "Quo phone operator lo l>jl a lemok. and waler skiing. As prinolj,at SJ¥?nkcr al West· Vadis," Drown Aud,itorlum, 9 p. but Dennis Con~·ell. Jr. Porker, Dennis, on industrial nrls and side Baptist Church in Wichita Ind., Is pro••ing this gcncraliL>· psychology major, tr<inslerred to on Oct. Zl,. Dr. Melhorn dil<Us­lion to be n lnllllcy. ' McPherson College second se- scd ''nje Chrisllon as a Ci{izcn."

Dennis works nt the switch· mcster last year from Illinois -,.. Cbrllllaa ...,poes1. beanl e\'cry noon nnd Thursdny Wcslyan University. He is a lile- bWUtt ol ,_ cltlut..hlp, he

... nnd Sundny ~\•cnins:s lo relit\'~ time member of Tau Kappa sta&ed, 0~ lJ lbec Lord lD all Shnron Hlslicl, swllchboord .ope- Epsilon. social fraternity. li!e and our ttlatioDShlps muit rntor, Eileen Bulkr. ir. 1E~ll>ra .

m. • ~. Nov. '-Culluro.l Ser· ica, "Michelangelo Orchestra,' ' Dro"''I\ \ Auditorium, 3 p.m. .- TaH<IAJ'. No '. 8-Chnpcl.

TbUnday, Nov. IO-COnvocn . lions, Student Counoll In charge.


"Bau b1 cs, Bangles and Bombs" burst 'into brightness In Drown Auditorium lost · Fri· dey evening. Humor nickered ond flllJ'cd throughQUl the reclt· nl : limericks and Ogden Nash poetry riaabed momentarily nod were .gone.

Under lbe dJttd.lon of Loren o. Reyher; ust..i..nt proleuor o1 E1111llab aad lbealtt, lbe -~, cbotr excelltd lo lbe

brllbl -- .. ballads and llgbl podl')': or the solo15ts, Dole Neal, sr,

Panora, Iowa, .wos oulSIOnding in "Noob" and lion Cassldcnte, sr. Denver. was notei.A"Orthy in "Gunga;-Dln.''

A thciltrlcii11y errcclivc toblcnu ol the beginning or the second portion of the program dis­solved.., into vivacious t:horec> grophy, crenting a 1m·s atzn<>. sphett for ''Tho Wall Street Bal· let."

Rhythm, ttcllalloo and move­mtal lbta combined lo draw a tbou~pro•·oklng • comparison btl~-eea lbe ma~rlallsm ol lhat society ud"our owa.

Although authors ,.·ere not in· dlcnted on the printed program, •'The Woll street Ballet" is an· other contribution from Prof. Rcyher's prolllic pen.

Auditnce reaction was ex· · pressed by Dr. Doris CAppock, prolcssor or physical education !or women, in. her stntcmcnl: ••This was an cxccllcnl produc­tion of un art form rarely seen·

!own. and. Glcnnicc Frodcr. Jr . •

o,·:··•r.CA10 .. wh• • re lhc olh• r : Stnde;nt .P:ow:er N.eeds .. Qnalitv. 111. rory C lass F..nt s ·. • I · r ·, •. ( · · r , J . G1·m;inc Kunsus Footl · • :c'. . J.• · . .f · ~'. "' ' Bnri>Cetwd burlnlo was the Studenta today deman(Jj..moreJpower than ever here serves to illustrnle th'nt many collegians are mdln dish ror the l\nnsns HJ&- in d e termining college and univers ity po licy. simply n ot" qualified to r end er 11il-i1Y1Pht.ant and tory clnss Thurscl'l9 night, Oct. They lobby for more "say" in matters ,~hich final judgments in controvers ial o r c rucial matl;j!rs. Tl. . clnss ":ns held at tho were once res ervEld for administrative action. They home or Dr. Raymond F1ory, professor or history and political ask for'-'and get-.a voic.e in academic affairs . And sciancc. · · lhey . . req uire n place in the determ.inant.s of student

.iiurrnto mcnl ten over from d·isciplirle. . . ' • • n celcbrntlon nl Canton, wns •

· rurnlshOO by George Jones, That atudeota may be totally unprepared to step sf. Cnnton, •nnd other mcm. • out of their r'Oles' as ~tudents andlinto a role ?f quasi-

'Members of tlu; .. Student C::ouncil, for example, are. elected-to repreacnt the interests Df the student bpdy at large. But how many Stuco members keep that trust in mind when they vote? How m imy tak e time to rese{lrch t~o fac~ In an issue hef.ore voling. •

on McPherson campus." She. added, "More· students should support the ~Uve cilorts of their peers. 0

The speech choir has been ,.. qucsU!d to pr~l lbi5 progr11m nt McPherson Hi&b School .and Is moklng plans for this per· !orm11nce.

'Ayokos Plan To Teach

Two of McPherson College's Nigerian students are l\lr. ond Mrs. Johll Ayotr.o, who came here this semester from M•r· shalltown, . Iowa, where Ayoko wos a student ol Community College.

Ayoko, a sophomore, Is study· ing agricullutt and his 1'il•. Bess, Is t.akin.g shorthand. Both hope to be teachers when t"'1 return to Nigeria alter comple­ting their studies here.

"I lilte the school, especially the tutors. They 11tt good." stoled Ayoko, but he expressed dislilte of the cOld weather ill this country.

Mr. and Mrs. A)·oko's fi, .. eblldre~ boys, age 3: on II ycors old boy. and girls ag• li\'c and eighl-ha\'e remained In Nigeria witb their grandpar· cots.

Ayoko's favorite sport is hunt· ing. Mrs. Ayoko enjoys ltoilting ond Ibey shnrc an interest io gardening.

• The SpectatOI' \ 'ol. 51. Nov . .,.3. ,~•. No. I .

Omdal •b&dcnt poblkaUoo ol M~ PbenoQ ColltS'f. JlcPbc.non. J[aN& .. Sl4CO. pubU.bed. a& 1100 E. Euclid bf

~)~:;:.~ ~D:l-~. (=~ :!."t!:. ~rf·a~:.J.!1.: Qampua oUko-6&.udent. Unloo bateo maL '" , 1 •

lhmbc:r ol ~ Coll~~ .to pr..., ' . tt~g~ IRI*\'~ 1r: u.s.A.­o~ 1vbtcrlPUoo ta U.S.A­

~~~oUon~ tor · tuif.U.. 1tlli­dn ts a1:11 iacluded LD • t&UUoD.

F41tort&i s'8ir . EdJLor-la-chld' _ _ IJMa Corti

~nqia~~~= hers ol the cl:w chiJ>P!'d In wl!h admlnistratbr, hiur apparently never b een considered bilked bcnns. homC·modC lee rd "tf . f tfl d t.," d cream', retlshcs, potato chips . ,a va 1 en ~ism o · l\ s tu en 111-power tren •

--~---a..n,lt-B"'" The tffnd tow,.rd 'more voice tor student Inter. ~ llU(r ·

~ts lq a welcome one., But the trust adminiatrative !:·~~ ,....z= oUiclnls ar~ showink in students by extending the r...i .. ---- - r ....

'Privileges (>~cvaluat!on and 8!Jggestion must be ac- -·~ ... !'~ .... cqmp,al)led pY gn assurance • . on tlje stud,ents' part ~'a- ~ ' · -°""'~ ·

o.nd. drinks. • At McPber~ CoUele, as !lt institutions. over Alter the " OU)henllck Kllnsos' lhe._i:ountry, students have· demanded more 'power

" dinner.: • tho regular class scs- , and have received at least some concessions. slon wos held •! the Flory ~ t • . · • . dcnco. · . -. ,.But ...,w.:o1 the poli,cy de£e~ned by atudenta .tiwlt tli?f ~e· rerrpy lor the reljPOlllli~iJitjl; ldk • ~ '!- ~~ ;

.. ) . ~· . ·.' ... ..~ . . .._ . ..

Page 3: ViewScan Premium PDF · 'Silver Cord' R e p laces . · - .~~!~:;~:=n ..... ·The: SpeG-tatbr ~i :11tlleres:.~·~~~

The Spectator, NOT, 3, 196~, Page 3

Gridder~ ~Will Wor.thing Wms Awa1·d . . ... . For Pass Receiving Bulldogs .. ~old

Ottawa Down pmo was, "We playfCI a (Ood ~th much ~am dlort. With 1 couple Of breaks we could have beaten them." ~~-"!I.~~~~ .. · · 1

the Jkthcl College Threshers, ' s m 1 t b lodlcaled f.bat ib· • flidlY, l'iO\' •. 4, 7:30 p.m. at the ,n.rnbus. hue hro (ood ,,,,.:.

Collcj;c slndium. ~ quartertu1c:b la ~ Bethel, with an C>-7 1eason, la and P....,: also, GutriD(, boU.

currently in last. plaeo or the bock, Is tbclr •l't<d lo Ibo out.

J(ansns Collegiate Athletic Con· aide ·arvwid the ••ds

In reprd to tcmom>w's game with &tbeJ assorted,

I ''We will win. SO o loC ol fans should ... It."

The Ottawa Unlverslly Brova held olI an. iAsplrecj Mcfbuaon

College lltjJdor 1um to win their bomecomlng gnme IU

stoled, "The" boys played' real good \>all. bard !11<1 dttermlned. We were In scorfnl territory lhtte times ond would have won. 'u the breolca had gone our Wl"J."

lcm>CC. Bet.beJ hu ~n deleot- . • ' cd by · Baku, Otl4wa, Friends, ' The Thrtshcra wtll be U$1ng

. Sterling. C of E nnd KWU. Beth- power plays to either side 1<ilh

el hos not won a gari1c slnce lhe an ~nbalnn.OO single Wing lor­!9&1 scnson. , 11U1Uon. '.'1"Y also .will u~ 0

~loc b tied 1.. ..v..,u, Place T formation In · whicl!- Friesen ..ith 1''lt1J la Ille KCAC with a and Penner throw lo eod, IJtisb. m:on1 ·°' lwo wtu aad nn ct... 1 berger. I tab. Tb< 'ridorttt '!ett over Their delense · COn$isls of n

1(1\'IJ aad Soulbwellem, while 5-2, with ~ mon~tcr 'm11t1, who 1os1ni IO c ~ E, Frte11dl, Beth· nlwll)'s lollows lhe hollbatk when ;,,,. ; Paker aad OU..wa. • he goes in motion. · •

a.Kit Smith slated. "Bethtl The Bulldop mentor assert. will bo o. ll>Ugh tum to defeat ed, "Bethel b going to hove o b<?<llUse lhey. have lhclr bocks rough lirric because we do no.t to tho wnll. They oro looking nlwoys run !he boll in lhc dlrce­lor their' lifst upset of the sen- Uon of OU!' man lo motion."


Criticism-of Football

Shows Student Co~cel'n Br GE1''E .CZAPlINBKI dents do criticize the !com is

. • SIJpPort or tho assertion tbat Fttedom or expresslo'! 1s lo student.s do care bow the scbool

a 'newspaper whol o punchline · i., represented on the gridiron. is to o Joke. Without It, an ns- . . · semblance of wonlB Is only o Yet .1t 15 n str"l'ge student ililul attempt to develop ., body tbal can celebrille an upsel

P · . O\'er a conference leader and argument or prove • pollll. then ~ Wttlt later, turn lhtlr

. Them has been much speculo- cheers ·into sickly boos. We

. hon recently a.s. to why our-loot· should evaluoto' our lusty. sup.

blJIJ learn hos lost Its lost -~~er- ' port in "times ol delel\I OS well al bollgnmcs.. The cnticJSm . . U I I l

Toi!' Wortll.lac

For his excolk?nt J>31S re<civ­lng, end Tom Wortbi1Jg, sr, Wa­mego; has been named ployu or lbe week bl' his teammates for llis porformSmie in the Mo­Pberaon-Oltawa gnme Friday, Oct. 29. ..

Worthing graduated from Wa­mego High Sc!)ooL Ho .Jetten>d three years ih lrod< and base­ball, aod 1,.... years in football ond cross counuy. He wu also president of bis junlor and sen­ior class and 0 member or Stu­dent Council. .

Besia.. piAyiog football Ibis year, Tom ls the presldau of Biltingu Hall, presideot o( M Cluli ~ mpn?Senl'!Live-9t·lorge lor.lhe StudeJlt.Councll.

Tom's comment ol last 11'00lt's

Co~ntry Club Hosts Harriers

seems to be based upon two 05 in mes 0, v c ory. ·

remlsea The coaching at McPherson n,. hlcl'ticraoo_Collqe bar·

P -Tha't :McPbe.- hos al.-a,. hos . been a bot topic oJ cfucus. ricrs will tr:l\'el to lhe Elks

been a· loser and doesn't have slon O\'er the coif cc l:tble In re- . Coontry Club, Nov. 4, at • 4:30

"'hat 11 lakes, bolb oa the field cent weekho s. , _ ·u . p.m .. whero Ibey will run agolnst

and 1a u.e slaads 1o pl"Oduoe ' We ' '9 mo.., en eisms the KansrulWcsleyan to:im !hot

iADu This ...,d.. lacldenl· about certain techniques, both defeated them last w<ek. Also

~; b\ · -~ bT ' Ibo .,,,. In lhis column and during round· ·~ triangular meet l<ill be

bl~ ..::ie1 Uiat Ibo ma1a pur. table discussions. B~ !hem b a ~from Tabor College.

s ro 11 lo win • o disUoct dllfomnce between First pince in lhe Oct. 2ll

::;: ::i C:::-.~ ~. ' "culling" lhc conch. and eulUng lriangulor meet ot _.Snllno w~nt -'!'hot McPherson College the mnn. . lo KWU 1<1tb 2S points. Sterling

' . We au think of different l:tc- College took secood with 4e and

needs. better ~~i· state- tics we might apply differently, McPherson took thin! Wub <19.

Ut 1


• irst riod und dillerent p" ' "" ll•IKflt Bungay, from KWU, finished

ment nnd its hose. In the c!:i1e e piny. But once n· .person 'gets first with o time or 17:34 min­

or 1~1.9;'.5· M;P~~"':'nuie Kn~· pnsl tactics ond begins on char· utes. McPheJ!'On runners who

wos Co~ mo~hl~ie °eontcrencc. octer. he is tmndlng 6n thin kc. plnced in the ~ ten were Wll)'nc

sa~ases •!:... clwltt«I bf local Coa~ Sm11b b u fine • •Port Hco:tett, soph, Oatley, 7th'. Oa\·e Ille "aAI as we hon enr bowo. He b Srrulh... Cr. AlcQme, 8th, and

bu.:.~"':!: r~ blagc~ always 1\illlD( lo shall lbc Giber Dave Shepherd, (r, Ft. Scott, m . r . • COAcb's . 11.u,.d either In victory 9th.

Fresh Ju A Flower In Just One Hour

""Ith the o~poo!Uoo. SuCCHS, un; or. lllore lmporlaal, In dclu~ .-----------, lonunately, breeds lnatratloo. This week's picks are--Io the patt several yean. our 8<lhel at )lcP~ • • Wett

lums hove liol been up lo P•~ scece Victoryyyy!! McPherson, >nd ·everyone bu . hlJ ,... B lhcl

6 · 'f' explain thb to-Called lncom:. ~f-l'l~nds 11' Bak•r. .• The Wild·

petency. . But, the very Incl !hot , stu-

When The Time Comes To Select Your Diamond

, ·~

Current Rate Paid Now on


.;' ~ J&'l,LSRf ·

~savid1a o ~

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1. ~ 'fr

SuPPLlFS From Th~ Widp Selection ' , .

At•~ . ,· '· ..,.1ir .. .. ,., 'i--" ... '";' I . .' .; . , ' I

.' ~y~~~!~·~ . :: ~ •. , .·· ~- .<

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One llOft

'/061/TID/l/DG. ... llO~ l!I DR_\'~

116 East Euclid . C!1 l~!JUJ·O

·SPaw THEATRE Mdobenon

Nov, 3-5·

"l;.t. 1lol>in ~;usoe, U.S.t.f ,"


"Ru!J ;App1l~ R.Pn"

According to lhc staUstles, Worthing caught · eight passes for 1 total of 89 yardl. Ue was used sparingly a.s defensive ond.

J' olleyball

OcL 29. ~

The Bulldogs, ~cl)ed bl Std Smith, crune close to ndnlng Ottawa's bornccornlnc. Smith

.fte 11.o1161p' ...... -dnracamelallle _ _.

- ~Bal WJtcM --elCll& ,_ - ...... Tom Worilllag, Roa Wucl'1 at.

\Viriners of Tournament

·To Get ~r~veling Trophy

..,_ tar II!- ea&ra ,..._ c-Jled • .

Aller a ICOreleas first quarter, !be Braves climued a 65 yard drive to icore the first toucb­do1"JI of lho game on an end sweep by flanker Mlddk?ton. The exlra point faOed.

A tro,·ellng trophy, which is on c!iiplay In the Student Unloe showcase, will· be given to lhe wionlne tcom of tho lntramurol yolleyball tournament, whlch b 14 bo held taler lhl1 year.

Attached to • lhe plaque will

be o small plate with !be nome ol the dorm ond floor thol wins the tournomc.nt. The trophy will be bcld !or one yeor.

DtuiaJ Ille 1l'tdt ot Oct. ZS. zt, llllnl lloor MeWtr Bat! look

0"1"· lint place • la Ille p~ townamon1 race, 1<Mc1<1ar nm Ooor MeUl<r llall lalo 1tc!'D4 J>Nillo!i, .

Standings as of Oct. 29 are as follows:

M·Mdaler Ball, F-Falaaaloct Bat!, B-BIUID(er BID, A·AnoW Uatl, C-College Courts, and 1111111· ben-fioors.

11-3 va F-3, M-2 VI M·I: 7 p.m., A·t vs C, B-2 VI M-3, and F·I

""'• b~ Tuesday, Nov. 15 - 8:15 p. m., M·2 VI B·3, A·I vs 'F-3; 7 p.m., B-2 vs i1-1, F-1 VI c, and M-3 bas a bye.

'I'bunday, Nov. 17 - 1:15 p. m., A·I va' llJ-)2, B-2 vs 11-3: 7 p.m .. P.I VS F-3. M4! va 11-1, and c bu a bye.

101 Visit Arnold Arnold Hall C>pGDed Ill dooi:a

last SUndD.y allemoon to 101

friends. and sueata Jn their an· nual open houao. Arnold wu docorated with mllo s t a I t a, ~. JllllDllklos, a ~" bAle, Ivy, bedgebalts and mlllkolor-ed leaves. \

With approxlmllely ,,, --is lefl In the Oral baU ld<Pbenon llaged a· drive Which ended on Ottawa's lll·lncb line because • the Bulldop ran out ol downs.

...... Bray .. - la Ille llllnl ..- ,,... qoariaUck -

- lo .... Scbeafitt. he -pobit ,.. .. pod.

With !be one touc:bdowb pass Bannoa threw, be WU one short Of the NAIA tteonl of 3' toueb­doWD Plllstl.

Ot!4111a'1 bomecoml118 vlc\OIY pve them a record of Ill wins and 1 deleat Tbey are cunutly tied for flrat place in the Kansas Collellale AthlelJc Conference with Southwestern and College ol Emporia.

Team W•

l\l-3 ------- 12 111-1 ---- ---- 12

Tom era&o Jr, _Laverne, Calif.: IA* Stan Bucher, fr. Leba.lwm, Pa.: M~ with a reoord of

two victories and five ddents are tied with Kansoo Wesloyon... University for seventh place In the KCAC. ~:! ======-.:=:.: :! .

B-3 ......

c 1

B·2 ------------- 4 111·2 ------ · · - 3

I Ron Kent, Ir, Saddle Brook, N. 3. J.: Alan Lavollce, fr, Newark, 3 Del: and CA!vln MoUUt, Ir, 3 Woshington, were In cbargo of 11 !be leslivlUes. 7 A pumptla vue centend with w fall colored mumo wu at. lhe 11 roCreShmcnt1t4blc. Oder. dough·

F-1 .----·--- 1 II nut holes, brownleo, cookies, candy and po.--n were aorved throusbout tho aftenioao.


BREAK The schedule lor next week is

Mondll)', No\'. 14- 6:15 p.m ..

·· ~..=:...-----·-­··~~'¥.GO

~ ' . .


Bader Cleaners




Paula Sissel Dotzour Holl

or Tom Coot

MeWcr Holl


112 E. Kanaas /

I .


Kanaas Ave, & U.S. 81 By-Pua




,_l'.e~pl'e~ •TATE BAl'ifK . ·· ·r.~Jl.IQH

Page 4: ViewScan Premium PDF · 'Silver Cord' R e p laces . · - .~~!~:;~:=n ..... ·The: SpeG-tatbr ~i :11tlleres:.~·~~~


:i:iie Spectator~ Nov. 3, 1966, Pap 4 . . ·W AA Coeds Go·

McPherson Participates In Americanism Week

I ••

T~ R<!preionljni the Mel'hers0ii' 1porll wblcll llMI - ll'lt­

CollellC Womea'• Athletlc As- Jeia lake parl la dllrtag lbe

Carlol Crabb, mayor of Mc- are requesll!d lo 1>11r1lclp0tc in Pherson, baa proclaimed Nov. the Nov. 11 Remembrance Ce~ &-11 •. "I ,Am Proud to Bo An mony by bowing for one minute American Week." AcUvlUes for silent ~~4Yt;r al II o.m.

· the week are planned by a 4s- Otper~actJvlUes of tho """"k . Include fnalallnUon of a nn~p01<

soclaUoo Ol l'1e onnu4I Kansas -meJnber American <;Itlzens • on downtown · MnlD> Sllwl with Week Commlllee, bended by dally Dag raising and lo•"t!rina Bob Elckbulb. ceremooles, dlatribullon or Am-· Alhletlc and ~ for Col· • 'R<!glna Flllmott, aopli., CUsb­

...., Womtn /nee!Jni'were lwo ing. Okla., ii In charge Or or· colloae -. Dr. Doris Cop- ganiud oullnp .sucb as hikes poet, proleaor ol peyslcal ed- nDc! bll<e rides. Mary Hill, 'ir., ucailon. accompanied .,,..,. Chicopee, Mass,, ii In charge men. • <ff the lndl•idual actlvllles, . or

. Paul Wagoner, :wodole ell- erlcnnJlap and book.lets on Ila; etlquetle, song lest. and ..,..;.i

rector ol deftlopmonl, and Lar· store window dlsp~.

'Ibe Collese WM represenln- actlv!Ues which are do6e oulaide lives were JADC~ Rhinehart, sr.. ol the club such as" ptaYlng JilyoklYn. Iowa 8nd Lela Wed· tennis or taldn8 ~- . die, Jr" Bloom. Jlarb Westray, Jr .. Lalteb!f:$1, · ':FnlE FIOHTINO-Ptre entalfed a111Fd..VOre4 oae ol lbe

Tlalo i.. Ibo faorlb 1.., Mo- N.J ., Is In ctuu:ae of tennis main balldlop Ocl.' H, •I Sao Ore Coulnlcllon Co., loc~ted

Pllot;Woa bill .,_ rtpreteDlecl a1 and Janel Smith; aopb., 4-ons, . e111. of McPbenoo Collere umpu oo N.'Baer 81. Dam are uie _,_, wlllcb WU beld is 1n chars• of aoflball and foot' did ool exleod Piii Sao Ore bomlclarlea. • (Pbolo 117 Keo al- Rock 8'rlllP oear J...uoia 'llPll. , • Vao Blarlciim>. · : a~''IMI .,ar. . ' _L<Uen, plao, - b1-rs or -----------''----=--------

'Ibe theme ol the cocltftflce ~<;I& are awarcled lo lbooe was "Recreation A Go-Go." }llf!IDkfl wbo lla•e partldpaled Basketball; 'Formal • 'Ibe womtill atleoded a •wk· · la ......_ -1 ...U ...t shop, busbieu meeting and a ba.., Ncdnd llMI reqodred pm.

dance and · a1ao altended dJs. be!°" of polaC.. CUSlloDI which deall with "WSY.S Many ol the WA'A . members to Improve octJvlUes on your took ·part In · the !Int nnoual corrlpus." · • • Powder-Pull lootb411 game, OcL

... . ~ .

Highlig_ht N()perriber

ry W. MareeDua. dlttclor of publicity and promoUon, reprt· sent McPheriori College on the comm!Uee, which baa represen· lalives from 34 organlznUons, Bcbools and bulinesses.

Addresses by Maj, General Joe Nickell, ndjutonl general of Kansas on Nov. 9 and Judge

· Sam Sturm on Nov. 11 blgbUgbt the week's octJviUes.

M407 orgaolznUoas plan spe­

cial programs during the week .. All members or the community

·:wo also · bod some lrce 6. · . Umo," staled Dr. Coppock, and In, lhls game ~ploy's Shape. Reverse week: ·n winter for- tend unlll" Nov, 5: with coeds T • 1 •

added .that "'° did some horse- lies .nipped tho SqwiUy Bodies ma! and the !Int games_ In the ~ .. their tuni al nsking the .a....ack of Support back riding during lhls Ume 14-12 on two touchdowns and n · S d Ch • 'Ibe three Women spent two snlety. . basketball . s c D s 0 n mark the men. for dates and paying for . uspen s Olr days 8t the. conlireoce with~ • The. WM Is also In cbafge or · month of November on the M<· . the ~·s fun. • raentallvts from otber. coll~es sclllng coocessloDI a~ the borne . Pherson College campus. . ~r ol the Clulpel Cboir,

. sudl u Wldllta SU.le UnlVer· football games. · Women Pay All week will ex· .The Mlcbelangtlo di Firenze Dr. Doris Coppock, stated that sity, Kansas Stati."'Knnsas Uni- , ordlestra, roaklng their first ap. the choir would be dlsconUnued versity, Wµbburn University, pearances In the United Slates lhls somestcr because of lnade· Sterling couec• anc1 others. Easterling Wins· Vote this rap. Sunday wm present quate partkipaUO• by the stu·

The WM Is a ~u.c or· • • the lnilial program In the 19f>6. dent body. ganll4lion open lo all girls 10ler· • . · 67 Cultural Serl .

OS::1 !. ·:::·promo•e greater As ACCK. President es.

Dr. Coppock Indicated tbol SU·

dllions would bo conduclod dur­ing the pnH!nrollment or the second semester beginning 'Jon. 16, 1967, and for all those Inter­ested to keep Ibo 3:30 clnss period . open on Monday and Wednesday.

pbyalcnl elllelency, lellowshlp, The McPhenon College band scholal'lhlp ond sportsmanshlp.' Dr. V. R. Easterling, v!ce ~urces 1.' nreas such ns lac- will perform for tho first 1tlme

Tweolr rimeo IDctu~ lbe pn;sldenl for opcrnUons al Wien- . ully recruitment, ·research pro- ·.this year F r Id a y, Nov. 11. lalllaled ud imlawaled women, Ila Stale Unlvo~ly, has · ~...,n · 1octs, purcbMfng or some equip. ni,.tiksgiving Recess precedes lake part la .recrellloo Id ap elcclod prcsldenl of the ~ m0nl nod tho 11ulrlng of guest ' the Winter Fomu1l Nov 25 as br Ibo wAA. T1lere ire tl>vr lated Colleges ol Ceotral Kon- spealms nnd nrtlsts · · •

sas, nnd will take office on Jon. · wel! as · the lntcmatlooal Falr, 1. spoosored by the McPherson ·

· The six Protestant lour.year Sportscope College· Y Nov. ZS.26. A,dministration Changes Policy On Gracte Cards

C<H>ducoUonal liberal arts col· .leg"t are KnnsnsrWesleyan Uni· <C-Un_, ,.,.. r ... n.~> In recital Nov. 27 will be Rob-versu.>. Bethany College, Mc· cols are tough and getting~ E.clwardl at 3 p.m. Marking Pherson College, Tabor College, tougher. Bul .we see a lcl down 'the beginning of basketball sea· Bethel College and Sterling Col· a g a i n s I powerful Friends. son is the thrco day McPherson

For the rlrrt tlriie in the bis- loge. ' ' • Friends, :w, Baker 12. : lnvitaUonnl, Nov. 2B-30. to?' ol MePhonon °!Hege, stU· ' ACCK wrui formed May 4, dent. grndes will be malled only 196G, when nll '4)f the college to the parents ol lresllmnn stu· presidents, lncludfng Dr. J . Jack dents. PnivlOUJly, •grildes'' wero · Melhorn, McPherson Co 11 ego mailed to nll parents. pr<sfdent, signed the Articles of

Dean • Reynolds, registrar, lncorpornUoo. · 5laled, "'Ibc policy concerning • '!1lC organization, which wiO g r a d e distribution has · been have its headquarters• in Mo­changod by jhe n'.dminist<aUon. Pherson. '-as lormed for tho for the)• lcll:that-;u,01sophomores ' purpose "of developing areas and the ufli>ci,elnssmen were or co-opc;rallon and general pol· mnlure enou;ih to necept this icy that will servo to strengthen added ""'ponslbillty." the 'nfspCc:tl\'o colleges and sup.

Any studont who desires lo plcment Uiolr tndl\'idual pro-

Oltawa al Bellwi,y •• • Upset? In ndd!Uon lo s~lnl actM· No: but " closo •One, Ottawa Ues, loolball and movies round 13, Bclhany o. . . .

KWUatCo( l!··· ColE has brains and Brown-1>ennis. C of ~ 40, Kansas Wesleyan, ' 19.

Scllllbweslenl al Slerllog •• • The Warriors nrc getting n bit henpecked. South• :estern, 3i, Ste.rling O.

out November acUvlUes.

see whal his grndcs nre should grbms." . contact' his adviser. ) College ofliclnls hope to ~I , ~s.

-~ G

-:~ Sladenl Linen Renlal


r·· .J .•••

:.. Weit To A&W I "Block South

' Z07 N • .Mala


• 1 • / • ... ~ I I

"She Ma:r Not Be Return to Eden ••• (

Follow The Bulldogs In The



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Enrollment On Agenda For Students

Students .wishing to pre-enroll for second semester al Mcl'btt. son College may do so ~..._ Nov. 1./ and Dee. 2.

" We hope our method or pre. enrolling wlll mako enrollment much ' taster than It was in !he !all," said E. Deno Reynolds registrar. "A prc-onrcllcd stu'. dent wlll onl.Y nocd lo 1111 out · schedule cord No. 2 nl onroi~ menl Umc."

In - order lo pre-enroll, each student first co'nsultl his lncutty advisor about bis schedule. then proceeds to lbe rcalstror's ol· fice to pick up class cords. Aller signing crass cards. the stuclcnl leaves his Pl!ckCl In tho rcgi.r lrar's office, eomplctlng his pr<­eorollmenL


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