· web viewin 2013, the oregon education investment board, (now referred to as the chief education...

Request for Application K-12 Biliteracy Pathways Grant 2015-2017 Grant Application Due Date: 3:00 pm on October 16, 2015 Oregon Department of Education Office of Education Equity 255 Capitol Street NE Salem, OR 97310-0203

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Request for ApplicationK-12 Biliteracy Pathways Grant


Grant Application Due Date: 3:00 pm on October 16, 2015

Oregon Department of EducationOffice of Education Equity

255 Capitol Street NESalem, OR 97310-0203

K-12 Biliteracy Pathways Grant for the 2015-2017 biennium

Table of ContentsLegislative Intent.............................................................................................4General Information.........................................................................................7

Purpose.........................................................................................................7Type of grant................................................................................................7Grant Requirements......................................................................................7Eligibility.......................................................................................................9Use of Funds...............................................................................................10Reporting and Deliverables.........................................................................11

Application Process........................................................................................11Application review and scoring...................................................................11Timeline and important dates.....................................................................12Application format and instructions for submission....................................14

Application.....................................................................................................17Application Cover Page...............................................................................17Assurances..................................................................................................19Collaborative Design Team.........................................................................20Narrative Questions....................................................................................21Application Checklist and Scoring Criteria..................................................23District Profile and Budget Worksheet ……………………………………………………under separate cover

Appendix A: Key Dual Language Terms and Models......................................26Appendix B: Sample Report Template...........................................................29

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K-12 Biliteracy Pathways Grant for the 2015-2017 biennium

It is the policy of the State Board of Education and a priority of the Oregon Department of Education that there will be no discrimination or harassment on the grounds of race, color, sex, marital status, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, age or disability in any educational programs, activities, or employment. Persons having questions about equal opportunity and nondiscrimination should contact the Oregon Department of Education, 255 Capitol Street NE, Salem, OR 97310; Telephone (503) 947-5600; Fax (503) 378-5156.

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K-12 Biliteracy Pathways Grant for the 2015-2017 biennium

Legislative Intent

In 2013, the Oregon Education Investment Board, (now referred to as the Chief Education Office) proposed key Strategic Investments to support Oregon’s 40/40/20 Goal. Key to this work was the establishment of a Network of Quality Teaching and Learning. The Network provides funding for a comprehensive system of support for educators that creates a culture of leadership, professionalism, continuous improvement and excellence for teachers and leaders across the P-20 system.

Several Strategic Investments were identified as high-priority, high-leverage initiatives and funded as part of the Network’s activities in 2013 because of their critical role in improving educational outcomes. One such initiative was the expansion of dual language programs, leading to the state’s first Dual Language Grant in 2013. This three-year grant project funded new programs and expanded other existing programs in eight Oregon communities.

In 2015, HB 3499 was passed, focusing state resources and attention directly on improving outcomes for English Learners (ELs). This includes developing a statewide plan of support for districts and schools that serve these students. Because of the substantial research base supporting the effectiveness of dual language programs, this K-12 Biliteracy Pathways Grant was established to fund programs that will assist the state in identifying model EL instructional practices and programs for statewide replication. The following paragraphs summarize this research and provide additional context for the purpose of the 2015 - 2017 K-12 Biliteracy Pathways Grant.

BackgroundAlthough achievement for ELs in Oregon reflects isolated pockets of success and promise in schools and classrooms across the state, the overall achievement of ELs continues to lag behind their peers, as measured by state assessment results, high school graduation rates, and college completion rates. As we transition to Common Core State Standards (CCSS), it is critical to support all students, but particularly English Learners, as they engage with and demonstrate understanding of rigorous course content. ELs are underachieving not because they lack the motivation or the ability to succeed, but because we have not consistently provided the rich learning

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opportunities that they need to develop and demonstrate deep understandings of academic content.

In 2013, the Oregon Department of Education created an Education Equity Unit and the state unveiled an EL Strategic Plan to proactively address opportunity gaps, while creating interventions to close the achievement gap between English Learners and their peers. The eight goals of the EL Strategic Plan are as follows:

Goal #1: Develop tools and resources in order to support implementation, benchmarking and continuous improvement of instructional programs for English Learners

Goal #2: Systemic Approaches to “capacity building” for all stakeholders will occur and will positively impact academic achievement for English Learners.

Goal #3: School Districts engage and involve families and communities as equal partners in order to support and enhance programs designed for English Learners.

Goal #4: Develop a team of expert practitioners and researchers to guide the development, improvement, and accountability for English Learner program models and practices.

Goal #5: Develop a process for replicating exemplar programs across the state.

Goal #6: Create and align assessment systems to support all English Learner Program Models that include the performance of both current and former English Learners.

Goal #7: Oregon provides support to provide all educators the knowledge and skills they need in their positions to better serve English Learners.

Goal #8: The Universal Preschool Program will ensure that English Learners receive a quality early learning experience that provides a powerful foundation for their education.

Since then, the Education Equity Unit has been designing, implementing, and monitoring multiple projects that target the opportunity and achievement gaps for English Learners. One such project launched in 2013 was the state’s first Dual Language Grant. That grant, as well as this one, was deemed a high priority based on the substantial body of research on EL instructional

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approaches that supports native language instruction in general, and, specifically dual language programs.

Research reveals that “when schools provide children quality education in their primary language, they give them two things: knowledge and literacy” (NABE, 2013). In a major study conducted by the U.S. Department of Education in 1991, findings indicated that the more a school supported the development of a child’s native language, the higher the child performed academically in English. The study also indicated that literacy skills such as fluency and comprehension were increased when students encountered two languages. This study is supported by the findings of five meta-analyses, including one conducted by the National Literacy Panel (NLP, 2006): learning to read in the home language promotes reading achievement in the second language. According to Claude Goldenberg (2008), a national research expert on the effectiveness of EL instructional practice, the fact that each study reached essentially the same conclusion is particularly noteworthy.

Moreover, long-term dual language programs that strive to develop biliteracy in both English and the partner language have been found to be particularly effective in improving academic outcomes among English Learners and closing achievement gaps. (For definitions of key terms and different dual language models, see Appendix A.) Longitudinal research findings from one-way and two-way dual language programs demonstrate their effectiveness in increasing math and English Language arts achievement among English Learners, as well positively impacting their performance on high school exit exams (Lindholm-Leary, 2009). Dual language schooling can also transform the experience of teachers, administrators, and parents into an inclusive and supportive school community for all. Research findings of the past 18 years note that a focus on EL outcomes in one-way and two-way dual language programs using 50:50 and 90:10 dual language models, including heritage language programs, is of great value (Collier & Thomas, 2004).

With this research as a foundation for the work in the Educational Equity Unit, ODE offered Dual Language Grants to eight sites beginning in 2013, and, in 2015, Oregon’s State Seal of Biliteracy was offered for the first time to 423 graduating high school students. This new grant builds on the previous Dual Language Grant, the state’s recent adoption of a State Seal of Biliteracy, and the substantial research supporting the effectiveness of dual language programs for all students, but especially for English Learners.

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K-12 Biliteracy Pathways Grant for the 2015-2017 biennium

RFA Questions Contact: Application Status Contact:

Martha I. Martinez, Ph.D. Victoria GarciaEducation Specialist Administrative SpecialistEducation Equity Unit Education Equity UnitOregon Department of Education Oregon Department of Education (503) 947-5778 (503) [email protected]

[email protected]

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K-12 Biliteracy Pathways Grant for the 2015-2017 biennium

General Information

PurposeThe K-12 Biliteracy Pathways Grant of 2015 - 2017 is intended to support Oregon public school districts or charter schools to develop and implement model dual language programs and K-12 biliteracy pathways. This includes improving existing K-12 dual language programs, as well as expanding well-implemented elementary programs into middle and high school. Although there are different types of dual language programs, this grant is intended to support two-way or one-way dual language programs that are designed to serve English Learners but that may also enroll native English speakers. (See Appendix A for definitions of the dual language models this grant is intended to support as well as key dual language terms.) Long-term, well-implemented dual language programs assist students in becoming academically proficient in two languages and are a key component of Oregon’s efforts to foster biliteracy among K-12 students. The K-12 Biliteracy Pathways Grant of 2015 - 2017 will include support from an outside consultant to implement high quality programs that span from elementary to high school, assist students in attaining Oregon’s Seal of Biliteracy, and are aligned with the Guiding Principles of Dual Language Education (Howard, Sugarman, Christian, and Lindholm-Leary, 2007).

Type of grantBased on the availability of state resources, this grant program begins in the fall of 2015 and ends June 30, 2017. Over the course of the grant, the Oregon Department of Education will review progress reports and performance data to determine future and continued funding.

Up to five grant awards of approximately $120,000 will be available in 2015 - 2017. ODE reserves the right to increase or decrease the grant award depending upon available funds, the quality of the applications received, and the proposed budgets of successful grant applicants. Should this possibility arise, ODE will consult with potential grantees prior to issuing a higher or lower grant award.

The first 25% of the grant funds will be available upon receipt of the grant award. The remaining 75% of the grant funds will be allocated upon receipt and approval of key reports of grant activities and outcomes. All grant funds

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must be expended by June 30, 2017 (there are limited cases where exceptions are provided for this as explained later in this document).

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K-12 Biliteracy Pathways Grant for the 2015-2017 biennium

Grant Requirements

1. Grantees will:

a) Establish a collaborative leadership team and process. The team must include teachers, administrators, parents and/or community representatives, and bargaining representatives. Bilingual staff as well as staff who serve students with disabilities and English Learners must also be included.

b) Create multiple opportunities to engage parents and community partners in the planning, implementation and evaluation of the K-12 biliteracy pathway.

c) Collaborate with an ODE provided consultant to develop a design blueprint, including a Master Plan for a K-12 biliteracy pathway, budget and calendar of activities.

d) Use grant funds to provide stipends, release time, substitutes, and needed materials, as well as to cover related travel costs.

e) Provide release time for the administrators and teachers (including union representatives if applicable) participating on the leadership team and for other meetings associated with planning, implementation and evaluation of grant activities.

f) Participate in a community of practice with other K-12 Biliteracy Pathways grantees.

g) Design (or revise) blueprints that are research-based and consistent with the Guiding Principles of Dual Language Education (2007) in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of Dual Language programs.

h) Use student and school district data to document the impact on student achievement and other identified outcomes.

i) Assist with data collection activities associated with the evaluation of the K-12 Biliteracy Pathways Grant by providing data to ODE and to researchers who are working with ODE to evaluate grant activities and outcomes, and by providing access to staff, students, and/or parents for research-related activities (e.g., focus groups or surveys).

j) Participate in scheduled grant meetings and training events. Travel required.

k) Provide presentations of accomplishments and areas of improvement in developing K-12 biliteracy pathways at statewide, regional and/or national professional development events.

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l) Host visits for other interested districts seeking to learn about Dual Language programs and/or K-12 biliteracy pathways.

2. The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) will:

a) Provide grantees access to expert coaching and/or other assistance to support planning, implementation and evaluation of their dual language programs.

b) Facilitate a network of the grantees participating in the K-12 Biliteracy Pathways Grant.

c) Share reflections on successes and challenges related to the Dual Language Grant of 2013 – 2016 and K-12 Biliteracy Pathways Grant 2015 – 2017, as applicable, with state policymakers and grantees at state, regional and national conferences.

d) Assist grantees with conference proposals to present at statewide, regional and/or national events, and co-present with grantees at some of these events when possible.

e) Provide leadership in addressing state obstacles to the implementation of model K-12 biliteracy pathways.

EligibilityThe K-12 Biliteracy Pathways Grant of 2015 - 2017 is a competitive grant. Oregon public school districts, charter schools or Education Service Districts (ESDs) may apply for the grant based on the eligibility criteria listed below. If an ESD applies, they must include a public school district and/or charter school as a co-applicant. Applicants must demonstrate their readiness to: (a) expand an existing well-implemented dual language program that serves at least grades K-5 into middle and high school and/or (b) improve an existing K-12 dual language program into a model K-12 biliteracy pathway.

Staff and Community Support: Grantees must be willing to build and maintain a collaborative leadership team, and continue to build common understanding and consensus throughout the school district and their community for the existing and planned dual language program(s) and K-12 biliteracy pathways. School districts must include parents in the design and evaluation of the K-12 biliteracy pathway.

Student Demographics: Grantees must demonstrate that they have sufficient numbers of English Learners from the partner language group in order to sustain their existing K-12 dual language program or successfully expand their existing elementary (and perhaps middle school) program into a K-12 program in the next 10 years.

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Staff Capacity: Grantees must demonstrate they have sufficient bilingual teaching staff to cover the teaching load of their dual language classes for at least the two years of the grant. They must also demonstrate that they have a detailed plan for ensuring how they will have sufficient bilingual teaching staff to cover these classes in subsequent years.

School District Commitment: Applicants must secure assurances that the district(s) and/or charter school is/are committed to implementation of this K-12 dual language program and that K-12 dual language programming and services provided during the grant period will be maintained at the same level for at least two years after the grant period ends. These assurances must be signed by the following representatives as applicable:

o District or Charter School Board Chairo District Superintendent or Charter School Director/Principalo Teacher’s Exclusive Bargaining Representativeo The Project Director

Grant selection will also take into account the following:

Complete applications: Only applications that meet all guidelines and requirements will be considered. Incomplete applications or those submitted after the deadline will not be considered for funding.

Preference for established, successful K-8 programs. Dual language programs that have been established for at least 7 years, serve grades K-8 or higher, and have a track record of student success will be provided 2 additional points.

Additional consideration given to:o Geographic representation: Based on the pool and quality of

applications received, ensuring geographic diversity will influence award decisions.

o Economically disadvantaged populations: Applications that demonstrate their dual language program(s) serve high percentages of economically disadvantaged students will be provided 5 additional points.

Use of FundsFunds are to be used for planning, implementing and evaluating the dual language programs in the schools participating in this grant project, with a focus on building school and district capacity to sustain the program(s) and

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continue to develop/improve a K-12 biliteracy pathway beyond the grant period. Applications selected under this RFA, will be awarded funding, as approved in the Oregon Department of Education’s (ODE) 2015 - 2017 Legislatively Approved Budget, for eligible expenses incurred through June 30, 2017. Grantees must be able to spend the funds within the grant timeline according to acceptable accounting procedures.

Funds may be used for the following purposes:

Release time during the school year for activities aligned to project goals

Substitute pay for teachers who are participating in project activities Stipends/compensation for certified and classified staff time aligned to

project goals Reimbursements for teachers for testing fees and test preparation

classes associated with required TSPC tests for bilingual certification Other activities associated with securing bilingual teaching staff who

have the academic proficiency in the partner language to teach in the district’s dual language program(s)

Professional development, including distance learning, aligned to project goals

Consultation services aligned to project goals Project evaluation expenses Travel reimbursements for individuals attending meetings,

conferences, or other professional development activities aligned to the project goals

Administrative costs not to exceed 10% of the total proposed budget Curriculum Development Purchasing and/or preparing supplemental materials PLCs in Dual language programs Program evaluation Parent outreach Support for arranging and hosting site visits from other interested


Reporting and DeliverablesPeriodic progress reports are expected of all awardees. We are anticipating legislative requests for information on how grant funds are being utilized. Grantees may also be invited to hearings to deliver in-person testimony to legislators, administrators, and State Board representatives. Any costs related to participation are the responsibility of the grantee.

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ODE staff will work closely with the outside contractor supporting grantees to monitor and gather information on related activities. Report templates and deadlines will be shared with grantees during the grant cycle. Please anticipate requests for quantitative and qualitative data, charts, graphs, Power Point slides news stories, photos, or videos, to enhance our ability to represent the progress of grantee activities. A signed release from parents must be on file at the school district for students included in images released to ODE.

For an example of the type of report that may be required, please see Appendix B. Data will be collected from grant sites at other times over the course of the grant period to assist in the evaluation and reporting of grant activities and outcomes.

Application Process

Application review and scoring Applications will be reviewed and scored by a team of ODE staff and external stakeholders. The review will be based on the criteria referenced in the Eligibility section of this RFA and detailed on the Application Checklist and Scoring Criteria pages. Final recommendations by the review committee will be based on the reviewer scores. The review committee may request supplementary clarification on uses of funds and specific activities related to the application.

Award notification and appealsThe Oregon Department of Education will notify both successful and unsuccessful applicants and, upon request, will provide a summary of comments related to their applications. Applicants will have one week from the date of the notification letter to contest the funding decision through the process identified in the notification letter. Once appeals have been considered, the award decisions made by the Deputy Superintendent are final.

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Timeline and important dates

Completion Dates


August 24, 2015 Release of Request for Information (RFI)

September 9, 2015 Responses to RFI Due

September 18, 2015 Release of Request for Application (RFA)

September 23, 2015 RFA Technical Assistance webinar

October 16, 2015 Applications due to ODE by 3:00 PM PST

October 19-23, 2015 Applications reviewed and scored

October 26-30, 2015 Applicants notified of preliminary awards

1 week after preliminary notification

Final date to appeal decisions (must be received by 12 PM on due date specified in preliminary notification letter)

November 30, 2015 Spending Plan for awards due

October 31, 2016 Full Interim Report Due to support the 2017 upcoming legislative session

June 30, 2017 Last date to expend funds on grant activities

August 1, 2017 Final full report due (for awardees not delivering programs July 1 – September 30, 2017)

August 15, 2017Last date to claim funds (this date may move based on technical updates to the Electronic Grants Management System [EGMS] which occur yearly during this period)

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November 1, 2017

Final full report due for awardees who delivered programs from July 1 – September 301, 2017.

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Funding for Summer Programming July 1, 2017 through September 30, 2017

Applications awarded under this RFA will be funded for eligible expenses incurred through June 30, 2017. Under specific ODE guidelines, awardees may also receive advanced payment for summer activities occurring between July 1, 2017 and September 30, 2017. Awardees will be required to submit an updated application to ODE that outlines anticipated summer expenditures no later than April 1, 2017. The application should be based on activities identified and budgeted for in this RFA and may only use remaining grant funds. No additional funds will be awarded for summer activities.

Any funds not expended by the awardee will need to be returned to ODE with the final report. The following timelines are only applicable to funded programs that are intending on delivering summer activities between July 1, 2017 and September 30, 2017 with the existing funding.

Completion Dates

Summer Related Activities

April 1, 2017 Application to utilize funds for summer programs July 1-September 30 2017

June 30, 2017 Summer activities transitional period

October 31, 2017 Final report for all grant related activities

Application format and instructions for submission Use templates provided for:

o Application Cover Pageo Collaborative Design Teamo Assuranceso District Profileo Budget Worksheet

Respond to Narrative Questions using the following format: o 12-point font, Times New Romano Double spaced

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o 1-inch margins on the sides, top, and bottom of 8½” by 11” paper

o 15 page maximum (for the Narrative only. The Application Cover Page, Collaborative Design Team form, Assurances, District Profile and Budget Worksheet will not be counted toward the 15 page maximum)

o Numbered pages (within footer, bottom right corner “page _ of _) Please assemble your complete application and submit this in the

following order:o Cover Page o Assuranceso District Profileo Collaboration Design Team formo Narrativeo Budget Worksheet

Submit the entire application electronically, including a scanned copy of the signed Assurances page, by 3:00 pm on October 16, 2015. No faxed applications will be accepted. In addition, mail the original signed Assurances page to ODE postmarked by October 16, 2015. Directions for the electronic submission and mailing the Assurances page are below.

Electronic Submission:

The Secure File Transfer system can be found at https://district.ode.state.or.us/apps/xfers/.

Please select [email protected] from the ODE Email list as the recipient. You will receive an automated confirmation message when the file or document has been delivered successfully.

Submit the report as a single PDF or as a single zipped folder of multiple documents. Multiple files must be compressed (zipped) into a single folder for submission.

Name the file using this format: The agency it is being submitted from, underscore, and K-12 Biliteracy Pathways Grant (e.g., Oregon Department of Education_K-12 Biliteracy Pathways Grant)

Contact the ODE helpdesk at 503-947-5715 if you need assistance with the Secure File Transfer Process.

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A hard copy of the original signed Assurances page should be postmarked by October 16, 2015 and mailed to:

Oregon Department of EducationOffice of Learning – Education Equity

255 Capitol Street NESalem, Oregon 97310-0203Attention: Victoria Garcia

Envelopes must be plainly marked: K-12 Biliteracy Pathways Grant Application

Please note, grant applications, both funded and unfunded, may be posted on the ODE website. This will primarily be the Narrative Questions section, so please avoid including sensitive information in this section of your application.

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An electronic version of the entire Grant Application must be received by

3:00 PM on October 16, 2015

The original signed Assurances page must be mailed to ODE and postmarked by

October 16, 2015

K-12 Biliteracy Pathways Grant for the 2015-2017 biennium


Application Cover Page

Please type or print

School District/ Charter School/ESD:_________________________________________________

Superintendent or Charter School Director Name:______________________________________

E-mail: ________________________________________________________________________

Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________________

City:_____________________ State:____________________ Zip:_________________________

Telephone Number: _____________________FAX: ____________________________________

Project Director

Name & Title: __________________________________________________________________

E-mail: ________________________________________________________________________

Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________________

City:____________________ State:______________________ Zip:________________________

Telephone Number: _______________________FAX: _________________________________

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Grant Fiscal Agent

Name & Title: __________________________________________________________________

E-mail: ________________________________________________________________________

Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________________

City: __________________________ State: _______________ Zip: _______________________

Telephone Number:______________________________ FAX:____________________________

Contact Information for Second District/Charter School Applicant (if applicable)

School District/Charter School/ESD: _________________________________________________

Superintendent or Charter School Director Name:______________________________________


Mailing Address:________________________________________________________________

City:__________________________ State:______________________ Zip:__________________

Telephone Number:___________________________ FAX:_______________________________

Primary Grant Contact

Name & Title:___________________________________________________________________

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Mailing Address:________________________________________________________________

City:____________________________ State: __________________ Zip:___________________

Telephone Number:__________________________ FAX:________________________________

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AssurancesEach Participating District, Charter School and ESD identified on the cover page must complete one Statement of Assurances form. Please print or type and duplicate as necessary.Name of Superintendent or Charter School Director:

Name of Teacher’s Bargaining Representative (if applicable for institution):

School District, Charter School or ESD:


City: State: Zip:

Superintendent/Director’s Phone: Superintendent/Director’s Email:

2015-2017 Statement of Assurances The district, school, charter school or ESD assures and certifies compliance with

the regulations, policies, and requirements as they relate to the acceptance and use of state funds for programs included in this application.

The district, school, charter school or ESD agrees to carry out the project as proposed in the application. The Oregon Department of Education must approve any modifications to the application in writing.

Awardees agree to support the development and/or maintenance of their K-12 biliteracy pathway over the long term and will continue to devote adequate resources to sustain the dual language programs created or supported by this grant for at least two years after the grant period ends.

The district, school, charter school or ESD will cooperate with any other participating districts to submit all required reports to the Oregon Department of Education as outlined in the RFA.

Violations of the rules or laws may result in sanctions which may include but are not limited to reduction, revocation, or repayment of the grant award.

The Superintendent/Charter School Director certifies that to the best of his/her knowledge the information in this application is correct, that the filing of this application is duly authorized by the governing body of this organization, or institution, and that the organization or institution will comply with the general statement of assurances.

___________________________________________ ________________Signature of Superintendent or Charter School Director Date

___________________________________________ ________________Signature of Teacher’s Bargaining Representative Date

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By signing the assurances included in this application, awardees agree to cooperate with ODE and the Chief Education Office to collect and report such data to the extent that it is possible. In addition, products and materials created as a result of the K-12 Biliteracy Pathways Grant will be made available for unrestricted use according to the following Creative Commons licensing agreement: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/.

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Collaborative Design Team

List the names, title, and roles of the school district’s collaborative design team for this grant. In addition to district leadership, the design team must include the following representatives from the participating schools: administrators, teachers and other certified staff (including those who serve ELs and students with disabilities, and parents who represent the target language groups of the dual language program(s).

Name Title/Role Representing which participating school

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Narrative Questions

Instructions: In 15 pages or fewer and using the required format detailed in the section titled “Application Format and Instructions for Submission,” answer all of the following questions.

1. Please describe your existing dual language program(s), specifically your long-term one-way and/or two-way immersion program(s). In your description include when the current dual language program(s) that will be participating in the grant activities was/were introduced, how the implementation of this program or these programs has evolved, the partner language(s) offered, and the current grade levels served.

2. What is your vision for a K-12 biliteracy pathway for students in your district(s) and/or charter school? How would this grant support your efforts to realize that vision? Please list the specific outcomes that you expect to achieve in 1 to 2 years that are related to the establishment of a model K-12 biliteracy pathway in the table below (add more rows if needed). In the second column, list the measures you intend to use for each outcome.

Table 1: Project Outcomes

Outcome Measure(s)1.



3. What are your expected student outcomes, including student achievement outcomes, in year 1, year 2, and within the next five years? In the table below, list your expected student outcomes and the measures you intend to use for each. Add additional rows as needed.

Table 2: Student Outcomes

Student Outcomes: Year 1 Measure(s)

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Student Outcomes: Year 2 Measures1.


Student Outcomes: 5 Years Measures1.




4. How have you engaged parents and community partners in the design, implementation and evaluation of dual language programs thus far? How will you engage them in these activities in the future?

5. How have you involved school administrators and teachers in the design and evaluation of dual language programs? How would you characterize the level of support among district leadership, school administrators and teachers in your district(s) and/or charter school for existing and planned dual language programs?

6. How do you plan to staff your dual language classes in the participating schools with teachers with high levels of proficiency in the partner language and with proper certification? Do you have sufficient bilingual teachers to fill your current positions in the participating dual language schools? If you are expanding your program(s) to include additional grades/students, how many new bilingual teachers will you need?

7. How will your district(s) and/or charter school leverage/supplement/reallocate resources (e.g., fiscal, personnel, technology, training, coaching, materials, etc.) to assist in the planning, implementation and evaluation of your K-12 Biliteracy

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Pathways Grant activities over the course of the grant period? How will you leverage/supplement/ reallocate resources to maintain your dual language program(s) in the two years after the grant period ends? How will you ensure these programs have adequate resources to be sustainable for the long-term?

8. What do you anticipate as potential barriers to the development of a model K-12 biliteracy pathway for your district(s) and/or charter school? How do you plan to address those barriers?

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Application Checklist and Scoring Criteria

Use this Checklist to ensure your application is complete. Applications missing any of the Required Components will be considered incomplete and will not be scored.

Required Components

Completed Cover Page

Assurances page has all required signatures

Completed Collaborative Design Team form

Narrative meets format requirements

Completed District Profile

Completed Budget Worksheet

Only complete applications (those with all Required Components above) will be scored on the following elements.

Scoring Criteria (Total points and points for each section TBD)

1. Existing Dual Language Program(s) Existing dual language programs are aligned with RFA intent are clearly

described. History of their introduction and their evolution is well documented. Partner language(s) identified for all programs described. Grade levels currently served are identified for all programs described.

2. Vision and Outcomes for K-12 Biliteracy Pathway Vision and outcomes are clear and match project activities. Outcomes are identified for years 1 and 2 of the grant, and for 5 years from

now (2019-2020). Outcomes are ambitious, but also reasonable and attainable. Plan for measuring outcomes is clear and sensible.

3. Student Outcomes and Student Demographics (from Narrative and District Profile)

Student outcomes, including student achievement outcomes, are clear.

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Student outcomes are identified for years 1 and 2 of the grant, and for 5 years from now (2019-2020).

Student outcomes are ambitious, but also reasonable and attainable. Plan for measuring student outcomes is clear and sensible. Student demographic data included in the District Profile is consistent with

state reported data. Sufficient ELs identified in District Profile to sustain a K-12 Dual Language

program. DL program serves large number of economically disadvantaged students.

4. Parent and Community Engagement (from Narrative and Design Team form) Previous and current efforts to engage parents and community partners are

clear. Efforts have yielded parent involvement from both language groups. Plans for future engagement efforts are clear. Likelihood for meaningful parent engagement of both language groups is

clear based on previous experience and planned activities.

5. District/School Staff Support (from Narrative, Design Team form and Assurances)

Involvement of school administrators and teachers in the design and evaluation of dual language programs is clear.

The level of support for existing and planned dual language programs is indicated and evidence is provided to support the stated level of support.

Support of district leadership and school staff is sufficient to ensure the likely success of the grant project.

6. Bilingual Teaching Capacity (from Narrative and District Profile) Bilingual staffing plan is clear in narrative. Application describes current bilingual teaching capacity and demand, as

well as projected needs for future years. Data on teachers with bilingual endorsements in District Profile is

consistent with narrative description of current and projected supply and demand.

7. Budget Worksheet and Allocation of Resources Each budget item is well described and its relation to the project goals are

clear. Proposed overall budget is reasonable. Budget items are allowable pursuant to RFA guidelines. There is a reasonable plan to leverage, reallocate and/or supplement

existing resources to support project goals.

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There is a reasonable plan to leverage, reallocate and/or supplement existing resources to sustain dual language programs for at least two years after the grant period ends.

8. Anticipated Barriers and Plans for Addressing These Description of barriers is thoughtful. Plans to address these are sensible.

Bonus Points:

Participating dual language program(s) has existed for 7 years or more, serves students in grades K-8 (or higher), and has a successful track record.

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Appendix A: Key Dual Language Terms and Models

The term “dual language” is an umbrella term that can encompass a variety of program models. There are three types of dual language programs that this grant is designed to support: two-way immersion programs, developmental bilingual programs, and heritage language programs. While there is considerable variation in the dual language name used and what that name represents, the research is clear about which dual language programs are most effective: they are long-term bilingual programs that promote bilingualism and biliteracy, are fairly strict in separating the languages of instruction (i.e., using an immersion approach), teach academic content in both languages (as well as language development), and encourage multicultural awareness and competence . For a synopsis of the research base on dual language programs, please see “10 things you should know about current dual language research,” (Lindholm-Leary, 2009, found at http://www.lindholm-leary.com/present&handout/)

For the purpose of this grant, it is important to understand the key terms associated with dual language education in order to understand the specific types of programs the grant is intended to support. Following are definitions of key dual language terms and models which have been adapted from “Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education,” (Howard, Sugarman, Christian and Lindholm-Leary, 2007) and the Center for Applied Linguistics’ “Glossary of Terms Related to Dual Language/TWI in the United States (found at http://www.cal.org/twi/glossary.htm.) The definitions below also indicate which types of dual language programs this grant is intended to support, and which programs the grant is not intended to support.

50/50 model: A dual language program in which English and the partner language are each used for 50% of instruction at all grade levels.

90/10 model: A dual language program in which students are instructed 90% of the time in the partner language and 10% in English in the first year or two, with the amount of English instruction gradually increasing each year until English and the partner language are each used for 50% of instruction (generally by third grade).

Developmental bilingual program: These are dual language programs in which all students are native speakers of the partner language. Other

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names for this model are (one-way) dual language immersion, maintenance bilingual or late-exit bilingual. This grant is intended to support this type of program.

Dual language program: Any program that provides literacy and content instruction to all students through two languages and that promotes bilingualism and biliteracy, grade-level academic achievement, and multicultural competence for all students. This grant is intended to support dual language programs that are primarily designed to serve English Learners. These types of dual language programs are commonly referred to as two-way immersion, developmental bilingual, and heritage language programs.

Heritage language program: These are dual language programs in which students are primarily English speakers with some proficiency in or a cultural connection to the partner language through family, community, or country of origin. Another names for this model is dual language immersion. These may also be labeled one-way or two-way programs depending upon the language backgrounds of the students served. This grant is intended to support this type of program, provided that the program is consistent with the Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education (2007).

K-12 Biliteracy Pathway: An educational program that begins in at least Kindergarten and continues through grade 12 that promotes biliteracy outcomes and provides students who complete this pathway with the skills necessary to earn a State Seal of Biliteracy. For the purposes of this grant, these pathways must include an existing dual language program that (a) already serves students at the elementary school level, (b) also operates at or there are plans for expansion to the middle and high school level, and (c) is primarily designed to serve English Learners.

Partner language: Alternative term for the language other than English that is used for instruction in dual language programs in the United States. Preferred term in dual language, in which both English and the non-English language are “targets” for developing proficiency.

Transitional bilingual program: A program for English learners in which the goal is proficiency in oral and written English. The students’ native language is used for instruction for a limited number of years (1-3 is typical) and is gradually phased out and replaced with all-English instruction. Another

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name for this model is early-exit bilingual program. This grant is not intended to support this type of program.

Two-way immersion program: These are dual language programs in which approximately half of the students are native speakers of the partner language and approximately half of the students are native speakers of English. Other names for this model are two-way bilingual immersion or dual language immersion. This grant is intended to support this type of program.

World language immersion program: A dual language program in which students are primarily native English speakers learning a world language. These programs are also called foreign language immersion programs. This grant is not intended to support this type of program exclusively or as the primary program upon which the applicant’s K-12 Biliteracy Pathway is based.

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Appendix B: Sample Report Template

Legislative Update ReportDue May 19, 2015

Project Name:Fiscal Agent:Person Submitting Report:Project Lead:

I. Project Outcomes

The Technical Assistance reports you received from the consultants included observations and recommendations in four areas: (1) Program Development, Design, and Alignment, (2) Professional Development, (3) Parent Engagement and Community Building, and (4) Evaluation. In the tables below, identify the specific outcome or outcomes in each area, list activities related to the outcomes, and summarize evidence that indicates the impact of those activities. Include any relevant data from the various reports you have received from the consultants and from your own evaluation activities. Include additional rows for outcomes in each area as needed. Please be as specific in your responses as possible. Attach any relevant pictures, tables, graphs, etc. and refer to those in this section. You may also provide links to online project resources. If you were not able to address a recommended action from your Technical Assistance reports, state that in the table and briefly explain the reason you were not able to make progress toward that outcome.

Outcome - Identify the outcome or recommended action as it is stated in your grant application or Technical Assistance reports.

Activities - List specific activities related to the stated outcome. Impact - Summarize the evidence you have about the impact of these

activities. Include any relevant data collected as part of your evaluation plan.

Area 1 – Program Development, Design, and Alignment

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Outcome(s) Activities Impact

Area 2 – Professional DevelopmentOutcome(s) Activities Impact

Area 3 - Parent Engagement and Community BuildingOutcome(s) Activities Impact

Area 4 – EvaluationOutcome(s) Activities Impact

In addition, in your grant proposal you were asked to identify goals and outcomes related to your existing or planned Dual Language program in general and specifically as they related to leveraging/reallocating resources and addressing barriers. In the tables below, report on the outcomes you identified in your grant proposal related to the latter two areas, and any other outcomes you identified in your proposal that you wish to report on that are not related to any of the six areas listed in the tables. Complete the tables below in the same manner as you completed the tables above. Please be as specific in your responses as possible. Attach any relevant pictures, tables, graphs, etc. and refer to those in this section. You may also provide links to online project resources. If you were not able to address an outcome identified in your proposal, state that in the table and briefly explain the reason you were not able to make progress toward that outcome.

Area 5 – Leveraging/Reallocating Resources to Support your Dual Language Program

Outcome(s) Activities Impact

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Area 6 – Addressing BarriersOutcome(s) Activities Impact

Additional outcomes identified in your proposalOutcome(s) Activities Impact

II. Data on Participating Students and Educators (Use the Excel spreadsheet to report these data)

On the DL Grant Data worksheet, please provide the following:

Participating Students in your grant-funded DL program: Total counts and counts by gender, race/ethnicity, special populations, and grade levels. This includes actual counts for 2013-14 and 2014-15, as well as estimates for 2015-16.

Participating Students in Logramos: Total counts and counts by gender, race/ethnicity, special populations, and grade levels. This includes actual counts for the Spring 2015 test administration as well as estimates of students who will take the Logramos assessment in Spring 2016.

Participating Educators: Total counts and counts by gender and race/ethnicity. This includes actual counts of teachers, administrators and other educators that have been involved in K-12 Biliteracy Pathways Grantactivities through June 2015. (Do not include fiscal staff in these counts, only instructional staff, school administrators, and district administrators.)

III. Innovative Practices

Although an entire project may be unique to a specific school or district, specific activities and knowledge gained through the project may be transferrable. Describe activities, processes, or materials that may help other schools and districts implement similar programs. Consider the whole scope of your project including development of partnerships, curriculum, professional development, student support, logistics, evaluation, lesson plans, etc. Attach any relevant documents to this report or provide links to

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materials. These innovations may be shared on the ODE website for others to consider. A one to two paragraph description of each innovation with any supporting documentation is sufficient. Expand the table as needed.

Innovation Description

IV. Partnerships

In the table below identify partners who have worked with you on the development and implementation of the grant project. Briefly describe their contribution (i.e. financial support, advisors, internships, grant development, program development, etc.). Expand the table as needed.

Partner Contribution

During the life of the grant, did the number of partnerships: Increase Remain the same Decrease

Approximately how many planned partner meetings were held during the life of the grant.

None One Two Three Four Five or more

Other than planned partner meetings, what other approaches have you used to communicate effectively with your partners?

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Enter text here

V. Expansion, Improvement and Sustainability

Describe plans to continue expanding and/or improving the project in year 3, (2015-16).

Enter text here

Describe plans to sustain and/or expand this project beyond year 3.

Enter text here

VI. Impact on Closing the Achievement Gap

The Oregon Department of Education supports the principles stated in the Equity Lens. What strategies were used to impact closing the achievement gap by this project? What evidence do you have that would point to the effectiveness of those strategies? Expand the table as needed.

Underserved Population

Strategies Used Evidence of Effectiveness

VII. Professional Development

In an effort to help other organizations implement similar programs, we would like to identify professional development that has been helpful in current projects. Expand the table as needed.

Professional Development/Technical Assistance that was particularly helpful

Topic of Professiona

Provider of Profession

Brief descripti

Impact or

# Teache

# Administra

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l Development (i.e. curriculum development, technical skill improvement, general knowledge about industry practices, etc.)

al Development

on of content

potential impact on the program.

rs tor

VIII. Student engagement

How has this project impacted a higher level of student engagement? Please share any of those observations in the box below. If you are not able to identify specific instances, leave the area blank.

Enter text here

IX. Feedback

We would appreciate any feedback about the grant process from application to final report. This information will help us improve the process for future recipients. We would like to know what was or was not helpful to you as well as suggestions for additional support to grant recipients. Please provide specific examples while identifying the portion of the process to which you are referring, e.g. Technical Assistance, finance, ODE staff engagement, ODE communications, etc.

Enter text here

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Attach the following to this final report:

• Completed DL Grant Data worksheet (Excel spreadsheet)• Additional Evidence (if applicable) Attach any documents

mentioned in your final report. Make sure the document is referenced in this report. If the documents are available online for download, you may provide links in the space below.

• below.

Enter text here

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Submission InformationThis Legislative Update Report is due to the Oregon Department of Education no later than May 19, 2015. Please submit the report as a single document or a single zipped file of multiple documents through the Secure File Transfer system at https://district.ode.state.or.us/apps/xfers/. Please select [email protected] from the ODE Email list as the recipient. You will receive an automated confirmation message when the file or document has been delivered successfully. Please DO NOT send the report by email since delivery cannot be assured due to email attachment restrictions.