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Easy Way: Key 4 Deepen Your Connection

So this call is to help you deepen your connection to your higher power by connecting to your intuition, and I want to start with a quote and it’s by Dr. Michelle Casto. The time is now for transformation. It is a new era and we are poised with the opportunity to bring in new consciousness and co-create a new reality. Why, because light within each of us has been turned on and it is our job to turn that light on brighter and brighter until all false forms dissolve in the light of our truth. I want to honor you by saying that in making a decision in making this kind of investment in the work that we are doing, there is clearly a part of you that knows it is time for transformation in your life, and transformation isn’t a casual thing it is not a change, It is not just a simple changing of a little thing. You are like the crystals of the butterfly. You literally engaged in a process of transformation which is growing from being which is a pupa and turning into a butterfly and I want you to know that something within you called you and said there is something available to you in this conversation it wasn’t just accidental. Because you had to make a choice and you made an investment not of me of money but of your time and you show up for the course and it is important to recognize that whenever we step out and say am going to do something new I am connecting to really make a change. There is a part of us that goes immediately into resistance and says and finds all kinds of reasons and all kinds of excuses for us, why? We are not going to do what we have set out to do. Because we have a part of us that is so organized to survive and it wants to keep us safe and it wants to keep us in the old way of doing things because it is familiar and it is safe. And something within you said no, am tired of the same old same old.

I’m tired of being in this status quo and am willing to be uncomfortable, am willing to try something new and different. Am willing to stretch in order for something to change in my life, something radical to change in my life so that I can find a new way of doing things that is easier and allows me to be more in the flow and that thing that called you out and called you forth it is your intuition and that is what we are going to talk about today.

But I am just going to invite us all to begin to just connect with each other in consciousness. And for all those who are coming late to the call and those who are going to listen to it, we are connecting with you in consciousness because we recognize that we are all one. We are made by the same creative power, same divine intelligence, it is in each and every one of us and it connects to us it is not governed by time or place. It is simply through the act of our conscious that we become literally connected.And so let’s take a deep breath, breathing in calm and ease and then as you let the breath out letting any tension, any anxiety, any stress, all of the cares of the day and take in another deep breath breathing in calm and slowly breath out any tension, anything that you want to let go of at this moment and take in another deep breath and as you breath out say ah, and just let everything go. Let’s all take a deep breath together and as you release say ah, and just let everything go and just allow your breath to go back to its normal rhythm and then just slowly come back fully engaged in the room.


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Easy Way: Key 4 Deepen Your Connection

And I wanted to start with that little process it really reminds us that within a minute, in a simple minute we can centre and connect with our self and just get present. And being present, being in the now is critical in activating our intuition. So let’s talk about the truth of intuition, what it is, what to hear about it, how to hear it and what gets in the way. So what is an intuition? A scientist defined intuition as the process of reaching accurate conclusions based on inadequate information. The word intuition comes from the Latin intueri meaning within. Intuition is something we see, we hear and we feel within. It is an internal language that allows us to have insight, the seeing from within and understanding from within our very souls.

I want to tell you a story about Jim, I don’t think I told the story on the inter call. But this was an example of intuition leading and guiding and we were very lucky and grateful. Not lucky but just grateful that he had the practice of listening to his intuition. And we, one night we were asleep and about 3am Jim woke up and jumped out of bed and I thought to myself, where the heck is he going and he was away for about 5 minutes or whatever and he came back and I said where were you and he said oh I just knew I had to go and call my broker and I said you called the broker at 3am in the morning and he said yes I left a message for him that he had to call me and I said why and he said that I just woke up and knew that I had to sell our stock. This was some stock that he had received as part of a company he had worked for a couple of years and the stock was doing really well. It was a new company it was in the internet, internet world. So the stock was going up and up and up and it just seemed liked why would you sell it? But he said that he had just got this message and I was like fine. In the morning he got a call from his broker at 6am and the broker was like. Why did you leave this message saying you wanted to sell the stock and Jim said I want to sell it and the stock broker said that you are crazy. It’s doing amazingly well and Jim said no you got to sell it, I want to sell everything and the stock broker argued with him and said why don’t you hold some and just sell off some if you need the money and Jim said no I don’t need the money I just need, I know it needs to go.

Well the next day the stock kept going up and we looked at each other he said that was the message I got. The following day the stock went down 30 points because the market suddenly started to tank and there was a real fall in the market and then it continued and then it went down and down and down it was the beginning of the economic crash and we found ourselves. If he hadn’t followed that intuitive communication we would have lost $ 250,000 but because he listened to his intuition we were able to make that amount of money. Our intuition is a language that speaks to us from our soul and it’s like carrying a walkman in your pocket which is forever giving you the news and information but you have to turn it on, you have to listen to the station and it is just like the radio station that sends signals to the walkman. The station that is broadcasting into our intuition is our higher power it’s our soul, our divine consciousness and it sticks to us offering us insights into our everyday problems and suggest potential solutions through the language of the intuition. But we have to listen to it.


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Easy Way: Key 4 Deepen Your Connection

Now a lot of people think of the intuition as something very special and they tend to think that some people have intuition and they have a special gift and a special insight but the fact is the matter is the intuition is common to everybody. Everybody has it, it’s not a magic power it’s available to all of us providing we are willing to tune in and listen to what’s being broadcast on the walkman and the information it gives us is very practical and it can improve and truly enrich our lives. How many times have you said that I should have done so and so or I had a feeling that something was going to happen or I should have trusted my instincts I should have trusted my gut. I know I have found myself in situations in my life where I had a feeling of someone or a situation. I had a feeling that I shouldn’t go to something or that I should and I didn’t listen.

I was doing a speech, a presentation about a week ago and one of the subjects I was talking about was the teacher who was to go into space i wonder if you remember that. She was called Crystal Marcellus and she was sent into, she was chosen by NASA out of thousands of people, teachers, to go, to be the first ordinary citizen to go into space and before the space shuttle went up, her parents were sitting in a VIP suite at the shuttle area watching the whole procedure and her mother wrote in a book that she wrote recently that her husband was very very anxious and they happened, he hadn’t been like that at all before and there had been an aborted trial of the shuttle and they had to postpone it and then they did it again but he was very antsy and he turned around to her and he said, “I want to get her of the shuttle, I just have a feeling” and she said that she had a feeling that she hadn’t admitted as well. There was just this sinking feeling in both of them and she turned around to him and she said we can’t do anything, how on earth could we say anything or do anything and Crystal wouldn’t listen to us anyway. And after the shuttle disaster of course there was awareness oh my goodness that was our intuition telling us but we ignored it.

How many times have you found yourselves in a situation where you did not follow your intuition because intuition involves us making decisions and we don’t have the adequate facts? We don’t have proof that this is clearly a good idea. Often the communication isn’t logical or common sense and yet when we follow that intuition what we discover is that it is exactly what we needed to do it is the exact information that we had to do. Even famous scientists like Albert Einstein said the intellect has little to do on the road to discovery that comes alight in consciousness. Call it intuition or what you will and the solution comes to you and you don’t know how or why. He said that the only real valuable thing is the intuition, so a man of science as brilliant as he was relied and acknowledged on the importance of intuition in their work. So what are the characteristics of the intuition?

A sudden flash of insight, maybe it is something visual or auditory. Something we hear or we see or it could be a dream, such as Jim’s stock broker dream. We also have dreams that are warnings. There is a story about a woman called Tricia Campbell, that her story was told in Oprah magazine and Tricia was happily married, she had kids. Her life was fabulous, and one day she had a dream and in her dream she found herself standing with 4,5 people at a fence and they were just simulating and signaling and trying to tell her something which she couldn’t understand what they were saying. And a


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Easy Way: Key 4 Deepen Your Connection

couple of nights after she had the same dream but now there were more people standing there talking to her and she still could not understand what they were doing but she was guessing that they were, it was something important because they were just speculating and really trying to tell her something. And then about a week later she had the same dream this time there were a lot of people there and began to get scared she didn’t want to have this demon. She told he husband she just felt that something was wrong and so she said she needed to go to the doctor and he said well go ahead and make an appointment. She went, she called, she made an appointment to go to the doctors and the doctor said well you know you came in for tests before there’s absolutely nothing wrong with you. She insisted so they gave her some blood tests, they checked her out. He said there’s nothing wrong with you, you’re fully fine. Relax, don’t worry. She goes back home, a couple of nights later she has another dream. This time there are a hundred people and they are just so anxious and just speculating wherein she just can’t understand anything that they are saying and now she is getting frantic.So she waits a couple of days she has yet another dream but this time there are only 4 or 5 people there and she, and they’re still talking to her but the desperation and they way they are communicating really frightens her and she starts crying and she gets down on her knees and she sobs and she says I can’t understand what you are saying, tell me what it is. And this time she hears a voice and the voice speaks in English and just says 2 words, and it tells her to go deeper. She doesn’t understand it, so the next day, first thing in the morning she calls the doctor and she says “where is there in the body, where is the deepest part of the body where informational, whatever is stored”.

He said, “Well, I don’t know I guess the colon.” And she said I want a colonoscopy and he’s like, you don’t need a colonoscopy. There’s no history of colon cancer in your family. The insurance won’t pay for it and she’s like I don’t care. I want a colonoscopy and I want it right away. So they make an appointment for her to have a colonoscopy. Well, with a colonoscopy you could be awake through the procedure. So she insisted on being awake, so sure enough thing the camera went down it was filming through her colon and the doctor found, and she saw it a huge mass in her colon, this black mass and they put her to sleep and they went in and they took it out and they told her that this mass was so big and that if they had not done the colonoscopy and gone in and it had been left for a couple of months she probably wouldn’t have survived. She followed her intuition and it gave her the information she needed to save her life.So dreams, intuitive flashes, insights, those are all ways in which the intuition talks to us. Have you ever has that experience when somebody says something to you or something happens you feel a shiver of recognition on your spine. That is a sign of your intuition talking you. Have you ever had the sense of knowing something already, something happens to you and you are like I know that, that’s your intuition talking to you. Have you ever had a sense of déjà vu, you go into a place and or you have an experience and you’re like I had this before. That’s your intuition talking to you. Have you ever had a snap shot or of something in the future, an event and you feel like you see something that’s your intuition. Whenever you have, one of the biggest ways in which our intuition talks to us is through our body. Have you ever had a bad feeling like Crystal Marcellus or you had a feeling in your gut about something or you find yourself feeling tight in your chest it could be you need somebody and you just, you just got a


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Easy Way: Key 4 Deepen Your Connection

feeling in your body, there’s something about them that makes your body uncomfortable and after that they are charming, they are lovely and you forget about it. So many times when I am coaching women in particular and they’re talking about a relationship and a relationship that has gone wrong. They will tell you at the beginning of the relationship they had a sense that something wasn’t right and then they let the events in the relationship override. The first hit and so often out intuition, the first hit at something is the real information that out intuition wants to let us know and so often we will stop and not pay attention to it. Because and we don’t pay attention to it because it does not fit in with what logic, reason that our analytical mind says.

When to use our intuition or our divine guidance to help us go through our lives, that really is the easy way. Because it helps you develop your creativity, it helps you to manifest, it allows you to be in the flow of spirit and in your life and it is constantly giving you information on clues that will allow you to live your life with greater ease. And a lot of the time we put a lot of energy into trying to figure things out, worrying about them, being stressed out and if we are willing to allow our intuition to guide us. Life can become so much easier and our bodies as I said really have a language of intuition. They speak to us in all kinds of ways, through our dreams, through our visions, through voices, through body sensations, through our emotions and finally through disease. A lot of us literally go through life with a volume turned to low or our intuition transmitter.

We learn to ignore it most of the time; we are so out of touch with it that even when it comes we don’t recognize it. The effect is there are a lot of people who don’t believe that they have intuition and maybe they don’t believe in intuition at all. Am guessing that most of you believe in intuition but you might have doubts about your intuition or whether you can trust it and whether you can really guide it or you may think the people who may have are gifted or highly spiritual in some way and you don’t trust the intuition that is communicating to you all the time.

It is important to realize that we have to accept an act on our intuition. What I also know it needs a leap of faith. It required that we suspend our rational minds that we have spent so much of our lives relying on. We live in a culture and educational system that puts great value on the rational logical mind less pain that often discredits the right thing which is our created none linear side of the mind and that’s where our intuition lives. And a lot of us don’t get in touch with their intuitional mind until our bodies breakdown through disease and sickness. I was someone who had been completely raised to value intellect over everything else. Everything was about developing the mind, developing our intelligence and my father and my education had really no interest or reliance on the intuition at all. And so it took me a long time to recognize that there was this voice talking to me all the time that I completely discounted and it wasn’t until my body broke down that I began to realize that my body was always talking to me and it is a key way that my intuition talks to me. And I began to learn to listen. Everyone of us has our own different and unique way of our intuition talking to us. So we all have it but it is important to learn how your intuition talks to you and pay attention. When we get sick its often a signal to look for imbalance in our life and are called to re-evaluate


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Easy Way: Key 4 Deepen Your Connection

where we are and where we are going and the mind, body and emotions correspond to certain physical symptoms.

So for any of you with health issues it is important to know that there is a language of disease. If you have ever read Louis Hay heal your body heal your life. It is a powerful resource in helping you identify the different physical systems you have and what emotions and thoughts correspond to them and to begin to really do the work to release those beliefs and allow those emotions to move through you and work on releasing them because it is a huge part of the way your intuition communicates to you. If we don’t recognize and express our emotions, we don’t move them out to move ourselves forward then the emotions will do the moving for us and express through our bodies as disease.

Now you know that I talked about a god positioning system a GPS that guides us in life while we also an IPS an in curative positioning system that’s always talking to us. Oprah had this to say about the intuition. She said that if you’re only going to buy one issue of O magazine, the one you should buy is the one of intuition.

Learning to trust your instincts, using your intuitive sense for what’s best for you is paramount for any lasting success. I have drafted the still small voice of intuition my entire life and the only time I have made mistakes is when I didn’t listen. So Oprah has done pretty well for herself by listening to her intuition. So it might be an idea for all of us to learn to listen to our intuition in the same way. So how can you develop your own intuition and allow yourself to really experience this new and easier way of living. Your intuition is like a muscle, the more you use it the more you develop it. So the first thing I will say is to pay attention to your feelings. As I said, the very first feeling you have about something or someone. Is generally the right one and a lot of the times, we overwrite that by our reason on logic, coming in and telling us no, no, no that this person is fine. Look at them, they are a doctor, they are so smart, they must know what they are doing even when you intuitively may feel, I do not trust this guy. I don’t think he really knows what’s right about me. And then Logic and reason will say, ”Well, he’s a doctor. He knows better than you, etcetera.”

One way to know our intuition is by noticing what our inner wisdom is and is not. A lot of the time, just because of the way we’re brought up, we’re told to rely on the verbal and logical side of our brain. Real wisdom is so different from what's drilled into us by most authority figures that we tend to go functionally blind to it. But even if you can't recognize your own wisdom, you can notice what it isn't. The social voices in our heads, of our parents, social conditioning, and the voices of reason and logic are what we’ve been told all of our lives to listen to, that have told us things that we now believe. So while the voice of social conditioning manifests itself as a stream of thoughts in the head, our intuition often appears as emotions or physical sensations in our body. And the emotional centers of the brain, along with the elaborate bundle of nerves in your belly (the so-called gut brain), have been evolving far longer than language. And that system that is far more tuned in to helping you navigate your way through life. So if you're in a situation where you’re asking yourself, is this choice wise or not, don't search


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Easy Way: Key 4 Deepen Your Connection

your mind for a rational argument, which is what we are trained to do. Place your attention on each option. Ring to mind, ok I can go this way. I can decide to take this job, for example. And then feel its effect on your body and emotions. Imagine yourself starting that job. Think about walking there, how the offices are. How the first day would be, and the next day. Notice in your body how it makes you feel. That will let you know whether there’s something wrong for you or not. The wrong choice will make you feel constriction and tightness. The wise choice leads to feelings of liberation, even exhilaration. But often, we listen to the voice of reason like, oh you should do this job. You will be safe. You can be guaranteed you won’t lose it because it’s a government job, or whatever. And maybe it is. But maybe it can also be a job where you’re going to be miserable. Where you can’t wait for 5 o’clock. Or you can’t use your talents. So feel your decisions’ effect on your body and emotions.

The other thing is, your inner voice of social conditioning, reason and logic, doesn't just speak in words, it often yells at you. "Do it my way!""Do not screw this up!" But your intuition tends to be quiet. It tends to whisper. It’s very calm. It’s not afraid. Whereas the other voices in our heads is scared. It’s very afraid, and it makes us afraid. A lot of times, we also hear voices that were put into our heads by adults. From infancy we're trained by adults who can force us to do what they want. We hear these inner voice that tells us, "You're crazy to want that!" the voice shouts as you try to grow or enjoy life. "You don't deserve it!" "You'll fail!" And yet there’s a part of you saying, “You know, you may e happier doing this.””Why don’t you try this.” And that voice of reason is just badgering you. Constantly telling you, “No, don’t do this.””You’ll get into trouble.” But your inner voice knocks gently. And it is much stronger than fear. Fear forces itself upon you. So when you find yourself with these thoughts that are scaring, frightening you, you don’t have any choices, and life is scary. Ask yourself, “Is this really the kind of energy you want to be listening to? If it isn’t, just tell that voice "You're wrong,. I do deserve to listen to this.” Maybe it will fight you, but if you just allow yourself to listen to your feelings and connect to your intuition, it will speak to you and it will tell you what to do.

I want us all to do an exercise. I want you all to think of a challenging circumstance in your life right now. Maybe you have a difficult decision you are facing. Something that's been keeping you up at night. It’s been on your mind. What I want you to do is just to start out, and breathe. When we are anxious, stressed, afraid, we are disconnected from our intuition, our Spirit, creativity, our sense of power, and most of all our inner voice that guides us, our sense of power, ourselves. And then we panic and we go into fight or flight. We hold our breath in. The first thing to do is to remember to breathe. So just breathe in three times. Breathe in through the nose. Breathe out through the mouth. Breathe in through the nose. And as you breathe out through the mouth, let the breath out with sound. Ah. Release all the energy. Do it three times. Breathe in. Breathe out. Ah. Now you breathe in, says I AM. And as you breathe out, say, calm. Breathing in, I AM.. Breathing out, calm. And do that, and say that out loud a couple of times. I AM, calm. Now, just let your breathing relax, and place your hand on your heart. Close your eyes, and just allow yourself to tune in. And say out loud, “My Spirit or my inner guidance says.” And listen. Really listen, and hear the guidance. And


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Easy Way: Key 4 Deepen Your Connection

whatever the first thoughts that come to mind, just write them. Don’t discount them. Just write down whatever it is. And this is something you can do when you’re facing a challenge, or making a decision. Just allow yourself to center, connect with your breath.

Release the fight or flight symptoms by connecting to the breath, allowing yourself to get calm. Placing your hand on your heart. Closing your eyes. Connecting. Listening. And then say, “My inner guidance or my spirit says.” And listen. Really listen. And hear the guidance. And the more you do this, you will find that you will hear. And you will get information. Or you will get a feeling. A thought flashing in your mind. Whatever it is, write it down. Note it. Because your fears are not real. They’re controlling you. And if you hide them, they get worse. But when you bring them out in the light, they subside. And when you allow yourself to listen to your intuition, it will make you to be responding and making new choices. Fear takes your power away. So this is a process that allows you to release your fear, and connect to your inner guide. It heals and grounds you, and puts you in connection with what is true and authentic.

Now, your intuition is really your GPS or IPS. If you rely on it and it will navigate you. It’s as if were flying a lot of the time in our lives. You know when you’re in a plane and you’re going through turbulence, and the plane is going up and down. When you’re in that experience, you can’t see the calm and beauty above the clouds, and that it is so easy for the plane to move. Then the plane changes altitude. You are above the storm. And then everything is calm. The storm is below you, and you’re absolutely calm, and the plane feels so smooth and still. Well, your intuition is what really allows you to change your altitude and move to that place of calm where you just know you’re taken care of. And you know that there’s guidance and information coming to you all the time. And the more you tune into it, the more you will see that it shows up. One of the practices of tapping into your intuition is before you go to bed, ask for guidance for whatever problem, decision or something you need help with. Ask for information in your dreams, or a thought or insight to come to you. When you ask for guidance, it will come.

Now, I’ve talked about listening to our bodies. It’s important to understand that often our bodies speak to us faster than our mind. The intuition literally gets physical. Of course we know when your heart is pounding, you're drenched in sweat, and your stomach is tying itself in knots. That is probably telling you something’s up. In extreme circumstances, we hear and feel our bodies talking to us. That’s our intuition. But even if the shift is subtle, your intuition may still be trying to deliver a message to you. There was a scientist in the UK, who conducted a study in which he measured how accurately the people could count their heartbeats during timed intervals. Then he asked them to play a game, turning over cards from four different decks and winning or losing money based on the cards they drew. What they didn't know was that the decks were rigged. Two had more high-value cards, and two were stacked with losers. As they played, a sensor recorded changes in their heartbeats. After just a few rounds, the monitor showed a dip in players' heart rates whenever they went near certain decks. The body, not the mind, became aware of the difference in the decks first. So our bodies are communicating oftentimes way ahead of the mind. And another study found that when people meditate, the part of the brain that is connected to the body's signals and


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Easy Way: Key 4 Deepen Your Connection

sensory processing was more developed, the more they meditated. So when you meditate, you get more in tuned with your intuition.

Another thing is that they found all of us have double track vision. We can see through our eyes and also through our intuition, through our bodies sensing and feeling things. Blind people, if you ask them to walk through somewhere where there’s an obstacle, they can sense the obstacle even though they can’t see because they use that intuitive sense. But because we're so dependent on our eyes, we're not used to trusting our intuitive vision. But in fact, it’s constantly processing information.

Another study found that when we are distracted we take in more new information than when we are focused. Our intuitive brain processes information when we’re not paying attention. Take the afternoon off. Do something you enjoy, something that really makes you feel good. Go for a walk in nature. Instead of spending countless hours trying to solve problems and being miserable, by switching gears and placing our attention on something else, the solution actually comes. That is not simply me saying it. Science has actually shown that is how the brain actually works. All the hours you spend focusing and trying to find a solution is actually a waste of time. Letting go and allowing yourself do something else and allowing your intuition to go to work is another part of The Easy Way.

Sleep. This is one of the best ways in which we can tap into our intuition. When we’re asleep in the REM stage of sleep, your brain connects to ideas that you don’t have access to when you’re awake. That part of the sleep cycle is great for problem solving and decision making because your brain is putting pieces together and trying out new alternatives. And in that sleep cycle you have insights that wouldn't occur to you when you're awake. The other thing about that state of sleep is it also activates the emotion area of the brain, so that the things that are most important to you on a gut level are prioritized. Again there are tests that have been done at the Harvard Medical School, where people who slept had a dream about a problem. And the dream guided them to a solution. Our dreams basically help us to get unstuck, because in our logical one-track mind we’re very focused on one or two ways of doing things. But when we’re asleep, we allow ourselves to explore and see solutions that aren't apparent to our logical, conscious minds.

So one of things I recommend you do when you’re having a difficult decision to make or a problem, instead of trying to worry and stress yourself over it, relax. Have a bath. Light a candle. Get yourself in a good frame of mind, and go to sleep. And before you sleep, ask your intuition, your inner guidance for help and for guidance. Ask for insight in the morning. And it’s amazing, when you wake up an idea will pop in your head. You’ll wake up, and you’ll suddenly see something you’ve never seen before.

With modern technology and the pace of life, most of the time people are on the go. They are on the computer. We are listening to a lot of white noise in our lives. There’s no time for the mind to be quiet to listen to anything. And then when we have a problem, we go into this hyper-active mode, and let our minds go to work. It’s really


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important to have some quiet time in your day to listen to that voice. If you’re someone who finds it hard to meditate, doing what we do on these calls for a minute, juts allows you to get still. And allows you to connect with yourself, to connect with where you are in the moment with how you’re feeling. If you do that, and you extend, you will begin to see that you hear and you listen, and you begin to tune in. And you can build it up to 15 minutes a day where you sit and you’re just focusing on your breathing.

The other thing about tapping into your intuition is live and enjoy the day and the moment. That is why we have the Gratitude Practice and the journal. Because a gratitude practice gets you in the present and be in the moment, in the now. Instead of focusing on what you don’t have, your problems or the things that are worrying you. When you ask yourself, what do I have to be grateful for right now, you come to the moment. You will see your present moments have many things worth enjoying. When you do this practice in the morning, and at night, you begin to anchor this consciousness of being in the present, being grateful, and being available to your intuition. When you’re confused and don’t know what to do, it might be because you're not supposed to make a move.

As human beings, when in life we are faced with indecision and confusion, it’s amazing how people force themselves to make a decision. You don't walk down stairs blindfolded, you don't drive a car blindfolded, so why would you want to make decisions when you can't see what you're doing? Give yourself some time. Connect to your intuition. Listen to your inner guidance. Ask for clarity. Allow yourself to get clear. If you ask for it, you will get answers. The thing with confusion is it can be a kind of intuition: your body's way of saying, don't do anything right now, go with the flow and allow the answer to come. The most important thing is just to trust your intuition. Trust in your gut. Trust that the first feeling you feel about something is accurate. Because that very first feeling is usually the right one.

So why don’t we hear our intuition? People ask me, “How do I know it’ my intuition?” “How come I don’t have this special gift of intuition?” I’m going to tell you the biggest reason you don’t hear your intuition is because you don’t really want to. You don’t really want to hear what it’s telling you. Our intuition is a way of your brain allowing you to hear things you don’t want to hear. It gives you access to thoughts that aren’t usually in your external environment. Often our intuition lets us know things that we don’t usually want to see or act upon but which is essential to our well-being. Just like I did not want to hear my intuition telling me to stop work. I did not want to stop my business and hear that everything will work out fine without me. I did hear that my intuition was telling me to rest and take care of my health. A lot of the times, we shut it off. Your intuition may be telling you, don’t take that job. Wait. There’s something else. You don’t want to hear that because it’s out of your comfort zone. When we say we don’[t hear out intuition, a lot of the times we don’t like what it’s telling us. And ignoring what our intuition is trying to tell us is like ignoring a rattle in a car. You can drive faster, but the rattle is still there. And one day it will blow up. It really will.


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So what are the practices that increase the intuition? Meditation is one. A lot of people find meditation challenging. I certainly did when I first started. But what I want you to do is open your idea about meditation. You don’t need to sit still all the time and say, Ohm. Some of us like doing that, and have practiced it for years, and it’s a very natural place to be. But there are many ways you can meditate, because meditation is really just being in the present moment. Being conscious and aware. Noticing your thoughts. And you can do that just by walking. You can do a walking meditation and just observe everything about the process of walking. Sometimes just eating and sitting in silence and being mindful, really noticing the whole process of eating. That can be a meditation. Sitting and relaxing. Just allowing yourself to be. Noticing everything around you one by one. Daydreaming, giving yourself permission to do nothing. That’s a wonderful way to connect to your intuition. And sleeping. Sleeping is a great way to connect to your intuition. So you can meditate in a lot of ways. For some it is difficult to sit still. You can meditate just by sitting in your bath tub. Relax and just chill. That for you can be a great way of connecting to yourself.

Prayer is a great way of connecting to our higher power and our guidance. And I will talk about prayer in a minute, which is one of the ways. And that tends to be one of the ways people think they can increase their intuition with, but another way is just by doing things you love. When you are doing things you really love, you are in the present moment. Your mind isn’t wandering and having many conversations, because you’re absorbed in what you do. Maybe you love music, singing, or sewing. I love to sew. That is very meditative to me. Maybe you love dancing, gardening, cooking. Whatever keeps you in the present moment, that is a form of meditation. Practicing gratitude is another great thing to do. It gets you present to what you have and what’s working in your life, into the NOW, rather than what you don’t have and what you lack. And then finally, practicing self-Love. When you really take care of yourself. When you really pay attention to the messages your body is sending to you. The instincts that you have, it is a way of saying, I am important. It’s a way of valuing yourself. It’s saying, the things I feel and need are important. It’s important to pay attention to them.

Brian Weiss says, “Come from the heart, the true heart, not the head. When in doubt, choose the heart. This does not mean to deny your own experiences and that which you have empirically learned through the years. It means to trust yourself to integrate intuition and experience. There is a balance, a harmony to be nurtured, between the head and the heart. When the intuition rings clear and true, loving impulses are favored.”

So listen to the heart, not just the head. Most of us are trained to listen to the head. When you listen to your heart, you connect to your intuition. And then finally, acknowledge miracles in your life. Truly, we have miracles happening in our life. Frankly, a miracle could be just that you woke up in the morning. That is a miracle. A miracle could be that you saw a magnificent sunset. There’s something miraculous about nature. A miracle could be something that’s been stuck in your life shifts and changes. Practice noticing, seeing, acknowledging small miracles in your life. It’s a way for cultivating those seeds, and for bringing in the big miracles in your life, because


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you’re cultivating a practice of gratitude and appreciation. Remember, wherever we place our attention is what increases and grows in our life.

Let’s talk about prayer. Alan Cohen has great quote. He said, “God is a frequency, stay tuned” And he said, “Turn the whole situation over to the light, act with faith, watch for signs, and you will not be disappointed.” A lot of the times people are uncomfortable with prayer because they had a previous experience or a religious practice and tied to an official religion. And that there is a specific way they have to pray that they may have learned growing up that makes them uncomfortable. But the fact of the matter is, many of us recognize that we are spiritual. We’re not part of an organized religion or bound by a dogma. We may be part of a religion that we love, but what we are recognizing is that there is a higher power in our lives. There is the divine in our lives, and we value that connection. And we want to experience it throughout our lives. We don’t want to depend on an intermediary, we want to experience the divinein our everyday lives. We want to feel the connection. And cultivating our intuition is the easiest and most direct way. You don’t need anyone to do it for you. When you observe these simple practices, you will tune in and connect to it. And the more you listen and are guided by it, the more you will find it is always talking to you. And it has fun with you. So remember that it’s available.

Prayer is a great way to connect, to be supported, to get guidance, and to help you be calm. A lot of the time people think prayer is something very special and hard to do, but the truth of the matter is, a prayer from the heart, a prayer that says just where you really are and what you need, is a great prayer. Every thought is a prayer. When you are complaining, it’s a prayer. Worry is a prayer. Negative emotions, fear, doubt, worry, anxiety, lack, limitation, negative beliefs. All of those come from a sense of separation. That you are apart from your Higher Power that creates, and sustains and maintains you. And that you can’t have what you want. If you believe that you are connected. If you believe you are taken care of. If you believe all your needs would be met, those worries and anxieties would melt away. Every single thought is a prayer. So what are you thinking about? Are you worrying, complaining? You are sending a prayer when you do that. Meditation is listening to God, prayer is talking to God. Prayer is letting go of the belief you are alone. The ego wants to tell you, you have to do it all by yourselves. Our culture has made a god of self-reliance. But when we pray to our higher power or the god of our higher understanding, we are actually admitting that we can’t do it all by ourselves and that we need help. That’s a great thing. It opens us up for something more than we can see and imagine from our limited perspective. We are requesting to be allowed to see through God’s eyes and God’s mind, through that higher power. And we are willing to allow that to happen. Prayer is also an act of co-creation. A lot of the time for people, prayer is let go and let God, which is wonderful and we do that. But it is wonderful to know it is a co-creative act. You have co-creative power. It’s like you call in to the Talk Show Host or that higher power and say what you want. Tell your angels. Tell your guides. Ask for what you want and what you need, and don’t limit the way you think it ought to be. And that is why we say, this or something better. Or we say the prayer, we let go and we let God. We let this higher power that can see from a much broader perspective than we can, to make the decisions and give


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us what is best for our highest good. So you will find when I pray, I always include, asking for this or something better. And asking for our best and highest good. And for the best and highest good of everybody in the situation.

Prayer is always answered. I know you think some prayers are not. Burt prayer is always answered, and not in the way you think it ought to be. But it is always in the way that truly serves us. There’s a song by Garth Brooks called, Unanswered Prayers. Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers. Remember when you're talking to the man upstairs. That just because he may not answer doesn't mean he don't careSome of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers. The song was about how he prayed in high school to have this girl become his wife. And he met that girl 20 years later with his wife, who is fabulous, and he was like, Oh my gosh. This was the girl I was upset at God for not giving to me. I’m so glad it was not answered. Otherwise he would have not had his amazing wife. So I invite you to look in your life and see prayers that you didn’t get, but as you look now, you did get an answer. It just wasn’t the one you thought would be the answer.

What I want to say about prayer is, go to prayer before you go to stress, worry, violence and anger. We are addicted to struggle. We simply don’t believe life can be easy. When you start to observe your thoughts, you will begin to see what your natural thoughts are. How often you worry and complain. How attached you are to your point of view. How focused you are on the problem. How much you have of a victim consciousness and things other people are doing to you. Let go of all of that. Do that in prayer. Ask for help. Ask for support. Let go of struggle. Because often, our struggle in life is trying to maintain something which isn’t working or insisting to have it a certain way. Generally the mind is just giving us two options. You can either have this or you can have that. When we pray, all sorts of possibilities and things become available that we never could have imagined. When we rely on our intuition, we begin to see possibilities that our mind ruled out. So prayer is a recognition of a power outside of yourself that is there to support you. When you pray, it is not saying, take over me and I’m not taking any responsibility. We are saying: This is as far as I can go. This is what I can see from my limited perspective. Help me to see through your eyes and recognize possibilities I have never seen. Help me see the doors as they open. Prayer is an act of faith. Faith that there is an answer; there is a solution; and there is a way out. And it isn’t your job to figure it out. It is not the work of the mind. Prayer is the work of the heart. Ask yourself, where do I have faith in. Do I have faith in my problem, or do I have faith in my intuition, in my God, in my source. It is not how can I figure it out, make it happen, manipulate the situation. It is trusting that an answer will be provided, and that a solution will be found that will be perfect for me and for everyone involved.

There is a beautiful quote that I would say to myself every time I would take a risk. And it is this. “Faith is knowing one of two things will happen. There will be something solid to stand on. Or you will be taught how to fly.” Now that doesn’t mean you don’t act. It is important you do. But faith is knowing that you can act, and you are supported. You ask for guidance, you ask what the next step is. Then you think, act and live as if your prayer was already answered. Let the answer be more real than the


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problem. There’s another wonderful saying which is, “Let me take my small problems to my great big God, to my higher power. To this great big universe or source.” Stop focusing on your problems and making them look really big. Start recognizing there is a power and presence in your life that is way bigger than any problem you have. And that is what you want to rely on. And that is what prayer can do for you.

So pray. Don’t worry if it’s a beautiful prayer or not. Just speak from the heart, whatever it is. Just talk from the heart. Talks as if you’re talking to someone who loves you, cares for you, who has your best at heart. And be real. Sometimes you’re angry, upset, or you don’t understand. Speak from where you are. Speak from your heart. And when you find it hard to pray, because you’re so caught up in a problem, then just ask for help. Ask for support. Ask for someone to pray for you. That’s what a spiritual counselor or a spiritual coach like me does. I pray for people. I pray with them. I help them see other perspectives. So let others pray for you if you can’t pray for yourself. And pray for others, because the more you pray for them, the more you know that truth for yourself.

So prayer is powerful. And there is really no right or wrong way to pray. But there are ways that can make it really powerful. And the most important thing is to speak from your heart. Gandhi said that prayer from the heart can achieve what nothing else in the world can.

So those are some of the tools that are available to you to connect with your intuition. But the final thing I would say that I really want you to get is that worry is a form of prayer. And it is the form most people practice. And it is so important to let that go. Because really, one of the simple things to understand is that when we think, we create. And all of our thoughts create exactly what we’re thinking. So when we want to change our lives, we have to change our thoughts. So focusing on worry, focusing on what you don’t have, focusing on lack, focusing on limitation is only inviting more of that in your life. And you guys are committed to living life so that it’s easier and more grateful. When you’re grateful you begin to experience more and more miracles in your life. And you do that when you tap into your intuition, and allow your higher power to guide you.



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