view from the principal’s desk · wee waa public school newsletter tuesday 3rd june...

WEE WAA PUBLIC SCHOOL NEWSLETTER WEE WAA PUBLIC SCHOOL NEWSLETTER WEE WAA PUBLIC SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Tuesday 3rd June 2014 Tuesday 3rd June 2014 Tuesday 3rd June 2014—Week 6 Week 6 Week 6 “Respecting the past, valuing the present, aiming for the future” “Respecting the past, valuing the present, aiming for the future” “Respecting the past, valuing the present, aiming for the future” Wee Waa Public School — Phone 6795-4284 Fax 6795-3098 Email - [email protected] View from the Principal’s Desk Term 2 is certainly moving along quickly however most students continue to give 110% every day and this is appre- ciated by their teachers! This week I would like to make a comment about attendance. The average attendance level of students across NSW is 92%. This state average level therefore becomes our school target. What is the attendance level of your child or chil- dren? Many students are above 92% which is fantastic but for some of our students it is as low as 40%. This is simp- ly not good enough. Children won’t learn if they are not at school. Staff will have current attendance data available during the teacher interviews scheduled for week 9. Please take the opportunity to see how your child is going not only in class but also with attendance. It does make a difference! Last Friday we held a catch up Bronze Award Day which was enjoyed by the students who had gained bronze during the first part of this term. Congratulations to all these students. Approximately 140 students have now gained bronze level. At the end of term we will hold another award day for students who have gained bronze or silver so keep col- lecting those awards and please show them to your teacher so they can be recorded. Hardly a week seems to go by without congratulating another sporting achievement. Last week it was the Gold Cup netball team who played so well in Narrabri they have gained a place in the regional finals in Tamworth next term. Well done girls and boys (mixed team) and Ms Farrell plus your team of parents. This week sees our boys soccer team travel to Coonamble on Thursday. A special thank you to Shane Kable, who has been training the boys in prep- aration. Let’s hope some socceroo like magic comes our way. Albert Einstein, eat your heart out! We sent a team of senior students to Narrabri for the annual science challenge last week. As always the behaviour of our students was excellent however this year our students also produced some ex- cellent results in the various science competitions and as a result the school finished runner up. Congratulations Mrs Smith and students. Finally, it is good luck to our Year 2 students taking part in the verse speaking sections of the Narrabri Eisteddfod tomorrow. We look forward to hearing how you went in next week’s newsletter. Regards Peter Carre Cody Raymond Wyatt sends the ball towards the jack during the Bronze Award Activity Afternoon on Friday. Thank you to the members of the Wee Waa Bowling Club who were on hand to give our students some tips and advice on the finer points of Lawn Bowls!

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Page 1: View from the Principal’s Desk · WEE WAA PUBLIC SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Tuesday 3rd June 2014——Week 6Week 6 “Respecting the past, valuing the present, aiming for the future”


“Respecting the past, valuing the present, aiming for the future”“Respecting the past, valuing the present, aiming for the future”“Respecting the past, valuing the present, aiming for the future”

Wee Waa Public School — Phone 6795-4284 Fax 6795-3098 Email - [email protected]

View from the Principal’s Desk

Term 2 is certainly moving along quickly however most students continue to give 110% every day and this is appre-

ciated by their teachers!

This week I would like to make a comment about attendance. The average attendance level of students across NSW is

92%. This state average level therefore becomes our school target. What is the attendance level of your child or chil-

dren? Many students are above 92% which is fantastic but for some of our students it is as low as 40%. This is simp-

ly not good enough. Children won’t learn if they are not at school. Staff will have current attendance data available

during the teacher interviews scheduled for week 9. Please take the opportunity to see how your child is going not

only in class but also with attendance. It does make a difference!

Last Friday we held a catch up Bronze Award Day which was enjoyed by the students who had gained bronze during

the first part of this term. Congratulations to all these students. Approximately 140 students have now gained bronze

level. At the end of term we will hold another award day for students who have gained bronze or silver so keep col-

lecting those awards and please show them to your teacher so they can be recorded.

Hardly a week seems to go by without congratulating another sporting achievement. Last week it was the Gold Cup

netball team who played so well in Narrabri they have gained a place in the regional finals in Tamworth next term.

Well done girls and boys (mixed team) and Ms Farrell plus your team of parents. This week sees our boys soccer

team travel to Coonamble on Thursday. A special thank you to Shane Kable, who has been training the boys in prep-

aration. Let’s hope some socceroo like magic comes our way.

Albert Einstein, eat your heart out! We sent a team of senior students to Narrabri for the annual science challenge last

week. As always the behaviour of our students was excellent however this year our students also produced some ex-

cellent results in the various science competitions and as a result the school finished runner up. Congratulations Mrs

Smith and students. Finally, it is good luck to our Year 2 students taking part in the verse speaking sections of the

Narrabri Eisteddfod tomorrow. We look forward to hearing how you went in next week’s newsletter.

Regards Peter Carrett

Cody Raymond Wyatt sends the ball

towards the jack during the Bronze

Award Activity Afternoon on Friday.

Thank you to the members of the Wee

Waa Bowling Club who were on

hand to give our students some tips

and advice on the finer points of

Lawn Bowls!

Page 2: View from the Principal’s Desk · WEE WAA PUBLIC SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Tuesday 3rd June 2014——Week 6Week 6 “Respecting the past, valuing the present, aiming for the future”

Year Three Jump Rope for Heart Fundraiser

Year Three are organising two fundraising events in order to raise money for the Heart Foundation.

A Colouring In Competition – 50 cents to enter.

Infants will receive a stencil to complete and Primary will receive information to create their own healthy-

poster. Entries close on Friday the 13th June, please hand to Miss Raymond.

All information and stencils will be sent home by Friday this week.

There will be prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd in both Infants and Primary sections, so get creative.

Healthy Fruit Stick Sale – year three will be busy making delicious fruit sticks.

When: Thursday 5th June

Where: In the Quadrangle, near the Primary COLA

Cost: 50 cents for a basic fruit stick

$1 for a deluxe fruit stick

Don’t forget to bring your money along and enjoy a delicious healthy snack!

Year 5 Jump Rope for Heart Fundraiser

To raise money for Jump Rope for Heart Year 5 are having a guessing competition.

We have placed a piece of ribbon inside a jar and it is your job to work out how long it is!

Clue: The ribbon is longer than 1m and shorter than 20m.

Time & Date: Lunch time starting Monday 2nd June until Friday 13th


Where: Under the tree in front of the Year 5 stairs.

Cost: 50c per guess. You can guess as many times as you like!

Prize: The winner will receive a $5 canteen voucher!

Alice Haire, Clifford Toomey, Michael Horne and

Patrick Williamson with their bridge creation at

the Science Challenge held at the Narrabri Cross-

ing Theatre last week.

Our students had a fantastic day and performed

very well, being runners up on the day. Well done

Year 5 & 6.

Page 3: View from the Principal’s Desk · WEE WAA PUBLIC SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Tuesday 3rd June 2014——Week 6Week 6 “Respecting the past, valuing the present, aiming for the future”


An excited bunch of Year 3 and 4 students and 5 adults set off on our excursion to AUSCOTT cotton gin and the

Merleville West shearing shed last Tuesday.

On arrival at the cotton gin PJ gave us heaps of information as we trundled in the bus around the thousands of mod-

ules and bales of cotton. The amount of money that each one is worth made us wish we could collect a few on the

way! After a quick fruit break we all moved into the dusty control room where we could see the machines in ac-

tion; getting the seed out of the cotton and pressing it into bales. We had to be really quiet as the workers needed to

be able to hear the computers they were monitoring. We then moved upstairs for an elevated look at the work in

progress before heading back to the bus.

In Narrabri we had our lunch break before setting off to the shearing shed at Merleville West. Here it was all hands

on deck. Boyd, the rousabout, let us help skirt the wool and some of the boys even had a turn to throw a fleece. We

saw how the wool is pressed into 200kg bales. It was fun watching under the shed as the shorn sheep came down

the shoot. We all boarded the bus to head back to school a bit dirtier but happy after a very busy day.

Anne Cain

Page 4: View from the Principal’s Desk · WEE WAA PUBLIC SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Tuesday 3rd June 2014——Week 6Week 6 “Respecting the past, valuing the present, aiming for the future”

3/6/14 P & C Meeting 5.30pm

4/6/14 Year 2 Eisteddfod Performance

5/6/14 PSSA Soccer—Coonamble

9/6/14 Long Weekend (Queen’s Birthday)

26/6/14 P&C School Disco

27/6/14 Silver Award Activity Day

Last Day of School Term 2

15/7/14 First Day Back—Term 3

Scallywags Speech Pathology Speech Therapy for Children

- Assessment

- Treatment

- Parent training

- Individualised programs

Enquiries & Appointments Conveniently Located in the

Sally Urquhart New England Medicare Local Building

BAppSci (Speech Pathology) MSPA MBA 93-95 Barwon Street

Mobile 0427 001 297 NARRABRI NSW 2390

[email protected]

- No waiting period

- No referral necessary

- Private Health Funds Accepted

- Registered Medicare Provider

- Soon to be approved FaHCSIA Provider


Representation of a character

Veronica had run to her room and hidden under the blankets. Uncle Joe slowly got up and walked over to Veroni-

ca…..he made sure he was very quiet. He closed the door and locked it. He sat down and started whispering in a very

grumpy but low voice. Veronica had never heard this before. “I was once a child like you, but I had magic powers. I

put a curse on myself so I was never happy and I also put a curse on the world” said Uncle Joe. “Everyone in the world

will be happy so I can torture them”. Veronica was horribly scared now. She felt very unsafe.

By Sharna Day

Are you interested in guitar lessons? I’m looking for expressions of in-

terest in regards to guitar lessons. From beginners to advanced.

For more information, phone Chris Smith on 040843643.

Boys PSSA Soccer Team Training

The boys PSSA soccer team plays against

Coonamble this Thursday.

We will have a training session tonight at

6.00pm at Cook Oval. Bring your shin pads,

boots, water bottles and some warm clothing

and be ready to be put through your paces!

Page 5: View from the Principal’s Desk · WEE WAA PUBLIC SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Tuesday 3rd June 2014——Week 6Week 6 “Respecting the past, valuing the present, aiming for the future”

Our school celebrates 30 years as a Public School in 2015 and as such we are hoping to plan a cel-ebration. A date for a planning meeting will be decided at the next P&C Meeting. It is hoped that a specific committee of interested persons can be formed to facilitate the celebrations. Please start thinking of some ideas and look out for further information in coming newsletters. A reminder that our major fundraiser for this year, an Hawaiian themed Trivia Night will be held on Friday 5th September at the Imperial Hotel. Please start planning your teams and set aside this date for a fantastic night out. The canteen has been stocked with winter jackets and jumpers. More orders will be placed for these winter items as the need arises. There are also plenty of white & yellow polos and girls bottle sports skorts.

The next General Meeting of the P&C will be Tuesday 10th June from 5.30pm

in the school staff room. Please come along new members are needed and always welcome!

Netball News Due to it being the Long Weekend there is NO Saturday Narrabri Netball this weekend. Net Set Go and Junior netball will recommence on Saturday 14th June. Netball for Active After School will resume on Monday 16th June for all those interested from Kin-dy to Year 6, after the long weekend. Our School Years 5 & 6 PSSA girls netball team and Mixed Schools Cup Teams have training each Wednesday for the rest of Term 2 from 3.00pm - 4.00pm..

More fun at the Science Day

Page 6: View from the Principal’s Desk · WEE WAA PUBLIC SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Tuesday 3rd June 2014——Week 6Week 6 “Respecting the past, valuing the present, aiming for the future”

Katelyn Apps 1B Improved effort & application

Tiara Croaker 1B Excellent behaviour & effort

Olivia Dewson 1B Trying hard in class

Hailey Collett 1B Improved handwriting

Makayla Hopman 3R Enthusiastically participating on the Year 3/4 Excursion

Lilly Madden 3R Enthusiastically participating on the Year 3/4 Excursion

Braiden Collett 3R Making great connections during literacy lessons

Simone Mitchell 3R Working hard in Maths using formal algorithms

Izaac Tompkins 4R Great work in the Shearing Shed during the 3/4 Excur-


Emma Holmes 4R Excellent behaviour on the 3/4 Excursion

Zack Doring 4R Excellent behaviour on the 3/4 Excursion

Takiera Trindall 4R Excellent behaviour on the 3/4 Excursion

Jacob Hopman 5A Great questions and answers in class

Ashleigh Ross 5A Showing enthusiasm during Healthy Harold

Angus Galagher 5A Showing persistence with Reading in class

Leslie Toomey 5A Trying to ignore distractions and pay attention in class


Assembly is held every Thursday afternoon at 2.30pm in the school hall.

Parents are always welcome to attend!