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Socialist Republic of Vietnam Cộng hòa xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam 1

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Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Cộng hòa xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam


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Table of Content I. Cultural Analysis 003

Executive Summary 003 Brief discussion of the country's relevant history 003 Geographical setting 003 Social institutions 005 Religion and aesthetics 012 Living conditions 013 Language 016 Intangible Aspects of the Culture 017

II. Economic Analysis. 018 Executive summary 018 Population 018 Economic Statistics and activity 021 Developments in Science and Technology 029 Channels of Distribution 031 Media 035

III. Product Market Analysis. 036 Executive summary 036 The Product 037 The Market 038 The Market Entry Plan 041 Pro forma financial statements and budgets 046

IV. Sources of information. 048

Cultural Analysis

I. Executive Summary

Socialist Republic of Vietnam, known as Vietnam, is country well-known for


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Vietnam War. After Vietnamese war, country was left out in the global society, however, once

they reestablish diplomatic ties with western countries, the economy of the nation grew fast.

Even though the nation is Socialist country; Vietnam is one of the safest places to invest in

South East Asia. Vietnamese are diligent and skillful so many Multi National Enterprises

around the world own a manufacturing factory in Vietnam for the comparative advantages.

II. History of Vietnam

Vietnam, like Korean Peninsula, was influenced greatly from China’s dynasties.

During the Imperial Era, French has invaded Vietnam and ruled for 60 years. Also Japan has

made their puppet government for 6 month but as the World War 2 ended, they were split into

Socialist Vietnam and South Vietnam. Vietnam went through war of their own and North

Vietnam, where socialist party was ruling, has dominated Vietnam. However, for economical

reasons, they are becoming friendly to western nations to get invested.

III. Geographical setting of Vietnam

A. Location

Vietnam is located in eastern part of Indochinese Peninsula sharing border with

Cambodia, and Laos. East side of Vietnam is South China Sea. Vietnam’s mainland is an S

shaped and it covers an area of 239,241 square kilometers.i

B. Climate

Climate of Vietnam differs due to the shape of its territory. However, in general

Vietnam enjoys its tropical monsoon climate where humidity is 84% throughout the year.

Northern part of Vietnam is in the temperate climate zone and Southern part is in the tropical

climate zone.

Climate of Northern Vietnam is cool and dry during November to April and hot and

rainy during May to October. Temperature varies between the seasons with a difference of 12


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degrees centigrade in general. The very north part of Vietnam, where there is a border with

China, has all four seasons of spring, summer, fall, and winter.

South Vietnam has a mild temperature with a difference of 3 degrees centigrade

between the seasons. South Vietnam enjoys dry season through November to April and

expects much rain during wet season which usually is May to October.

Central part of Vietnam, where there are various climates due to coastal plains and

highlands, is warmer and more humid than the South during the middle of the year. Also it

gets cooler during the dry season.ii

However, due to the global warming, the climates are changing, it’s becoming more

unpredictable. There are sudden draughts or sudden extreme weather changes in Vietnam

these days. Also, from July to November, it is likely to be typhoons affecting coastal regions.


C. Topography

Vietnam is separated into two different regions of the south and north. “Most of its

population lives on the 20% that is level ground: 40% of its 331,688 square kilometers is

mountainous, and the remaining 40% is hills. Approximately 25% of land is under

cultivation.”iv The Northern region is the mountainous terrain with abundant water resources.

The Red River Delta is the river that is surrounded by the mountainous region of the north

where it is muddy and rocky. Rivers and lakes surround the region. The South is the coastal

lowland where many of Vietnamese people reside. The Mekong Delta is located at the most

southern region of Vietnam. The area is sea level but it is abundant with crops.v

IV. Social Institutions

A. Family

1. The Nuclear Family

Recently Vietnamese families usually contain on average of four people to a family, 4

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two parents and two children. Vietnam’s law on two babies per couple was scrapped in 2003.

As more couples have more than two babies, Vietnam returned to two child policy in year In cities, they tend to live as nuclear family as government encourages them.

However, in country side, as whole extended families form a village, they live in large family.

Even in cities, they support one another despite they live apart..vii

2. The Extended Family

In the past, the extended family played a greater role in Vietnam family structure.

Families would live under the same roof with the oldest having the most say in what goes on.

In the northern part of Vietnam and its other rural areas, there are many extended families still

living together.

3. Dynamics of the Family

a. Parental Roles

Being a country that had focused much on the extended families and its clans, there

were no exact parental rules due to the elder being the authoritarian. As time had gone, there

are parental roles in society. The father and mother must love each other to represent a good

family virtue in front of their children.

b. Marriage and courtship

There was a suggestion on age of when people should marry, “Young people were

advised not to marry before the age of twenty for males and eighteen for females and to have

no more than two children per household.”viii Due to the new laws that were passed on by the

government, males and females have had equal opportunities within the culture.

4. Female/Male Roles

In Vietnam, the law had passed expressing viewpoints on male and female roles in

the society and to become more of an equal. However within a family, the male is still

viewed as the authoritative one. As in many other countries, the male does the work of


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creating money while the wife has the duty of doing household chores and raising their

children, a stay home wife. However, especially in urban area, the role is changing as more

women are starting their career. Divorce was opposed against however after two years of

marriage divorce is possible due to certain circumstances: adultery, cruelty, abandonment, or

a criminal act on the part of a spouse.ix

B. Education

1. The Role of Education in Society

Vietnam in recent years has showed a tremendous growing rate in their economy.

Society has put a greater emphasis on education and its roles in society. Higher learning has

become quite important in the succession of greater viable jobs. “GDP growth increased 8.5%

in 2006, 8.2% in 2007 and 8.5% in 2009.  In 2009, according to the Asia Development Bank

(ADB) in their latest late September, 2009 revision the bank predicted that growth would be

4.7% for all 2009.  Growth in 2010 is projected at 6.5 percent according to the same source.”

xVietnam as any other Asian country put education as a top priority for the future of the


a. Primary Education

Children generally start their education at pre elementary levels starting from the ages

of 18 months to 5 years. At the early age of they are taught the alphabet and mathematics.

After the completion they are admitted to a primary education system, which is considered,

and elementary school. Due to the early start of an education system, children have a high

literary proficiency rate.

b. Secondary Education

After primary education students are admitted into junior high schools where they

learn at a higher level. Along with the learning they have to pass a graduation examination.

Students then are admitted into high school where they start their secondary level of


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education. Students are admitted into different schools determined by their proficiency

examination and are then required to grasp the knowledge of many different subjects:

literature, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, history, geography, citizenship study,

foreign language, technology, information technology, and physical education. With a wide

variety of subjects, they become highly knowledgeable in various areas.

c. Higher Education

With a great emphasis on higher education, university exams are important in every

student’s lives. They take an exam for several hours being tested in a variety of subjects.

With the succession of passing the exams and entering a university, students then have the

option to go to a school of even higher learning often referred to as a doctorate program or a

post graduation education. “A person with a high school diploma may pursue either a 4-6

year academic program for a bachelor’s degree or alternatively a 3-year academic program at

a junior college.  A junior college degree holder may then continue for an additional 1-2 years

to secure a bachelor’s degree.  A student with a bachelor’s degree may pursue and additional

two years to qualify for a master’s degree and 3-4 years more to obtain a doctorate.”xi

Although education is strongly emphasized there still is a lack of PhD’s.

2. Literacy rates

With such stress on education, the literacy rate of Vietnamese people is high except

for the students who live in rural areas and are not offered the amount of education of people

in the city.xii

C. Political System

1. Political Structure

All Vietnamese Political Organizations are under control of Vietnamese Communist

Party. The most distinctive part of Vietnamese political structure is that “there is no

separation of powers between executive, legislative, and judicial branches”.xiii However,


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according to the Constitution, for legislative, National Assembly holds the most power.

2. Political Parties

Vietnam has just one political party, Vietnamese Communist Party. People who

escaped from Vietnam after Vietnam War has created communities and supported

demonstrations against the government, but Vietnamese Communist Party determined this act

as ‘terrorism’. As Vietnam adapted capitalism like China, another communist nation, Vietnam

is trying hard to maintain their only party system. It is actually beneficial to receive FDI for

one party system is stable.xiv

3. Stability of Government

As mentioned earlier, Vietnam is one of the safest places to invest in South East Asia

for the stability of its government. There are some communities against the government

outside Vietnam, but majority of Vietnamese are confident with the government for they

believe the government has defeated foreign power. Ho Chi Minh, father of Vietnamese

Communist Party, is still being loved by the people.

4. Role of Local Government

Vietnam is divided in the 58 provinces and three major cities, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh,

and Haiphong. Like Korea, districts, towns, and villages vote for their People’s Council.

However, every candidate is reviewed by the Vietnamese Communist Party before people get

to vote. Local council protects the constitution, law, and has control over local armed forces.xv

D. Legal System

1. Organization of the judiciary system

The Supreme People’s court, the local people’s courts, the military tribunals, and

other tribunals under the law of Vietnam make up the judicial system of Vietnam. The

National Assembly can open up special tribunals in special cases.xvi

2. Code, common, socialist, or Islamic-law country?


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Vietnam is a Communist country. Its laws are also made by National Assembly,

where most members are in the Vietnamese Communist Party. As the official name of

Vietnam represents, Socialist Republic of Vietnam is socialist, also communist country.

Public norms are mainly influenced by teachings of Confucius, and teachings of Ho Chi

Minh. Laws are based on socialist theory and advanced theory, which developed after

adapting capitalism.

3. Participation in patents, trademarks, and other conventions

Vietnam is fully aware of intellectual property like other countries. There are specialized

attorneys in Vietnam for intellectual property protection in Vietnam, as more Multi National

Enterprise invests in Vietnam.xvii

E. Social Organization

1. Group behavior

Like other Asian countries that were affected by Confucianism, Vietnam has group

oriented behavior. Vietnamese are very family oriented and relaxing when they are not

working. They are very committed to groups they are associated, both family and work-wise.

However, like other communist countries, Vietnamese are committed to their government.

2. Social Classes

For Vietnam is a socialist nation, there should not be any social classes. However, as

the nation adapted capitalism and allow private assets, there exists different economic status.

The government does not mention about these classes as they are communist party, but in the

real world there is different class level. Vietnamese pay different taxes according to the size

of their house or income like Korea, but the government does not want to reveal it for it will

go against the principles of communism.xviii

3. Clubs, other organizations

There are some organizations that Vietnamese love to be a member of. Such


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organizations have ties with the government. However, to make a public organization or a

club, people’s council has to scan the organization in prior. If not the public organization,

they make soccer clubs or clubs of their own interests.

4. Race, ethnicity, and subcultures.

Vietnam is formed by 54 different ethnic groups. The largest one is Viet, which is

87% of all population. Other 53 ethnic groups all together are 8 million. In Vietnam, not only

by ethnic group but also the location of people varies the quality of life they live in. Those

people living in delta areas and mountain areas differ on their income so they tend to move to

lowland cities. Vietnamese government is trying to support those people who are scattered in

mountain areas and minorities by government driven programs such as health care program.

Also officially they are trying to help minorities to keep their tradition.xix

F. Business customs and practices

1. Greetings

As many other Asian countries, an introduction is a formality in Vietnam. A

handshake is used at the beginning and end of each meeting. When the hand is not present, a

simple bow of the head is a gesture of saying hello, and in which then the other person shall

put out their hand for a shake. Along with the handshake a business card is usually given to

each other. In Vietnam, the business card is viewed as an important item and is presented

with two hands. The receiving end shall then take the business card with much interest and

read the card with more than just a mere glance. The first initial meeting should be on the

basis of getting to know each other more than to plunge into business talks.

2. The Role and Development of Relationships

There is a great emphasis in the role and development of relationships in Vietnam.

The initial meeting is important, as it will entail a development of interest. The appearance is

important; the two parties meeting should dress conservatively. An appointment should be


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made much prior the meeting date. Vietnamese people are very punctual and expect others to

do so as well. As in many Asian countries, there is a hierarchy rule; in business meetings, the

most senior should display their presence in the room by entering first.

3. Relationships in Business: Elements of success

In order to succeed in a business between two people in Vietnam, a lot of patience

and interest is required. Relationships are important between those of the Vietnamese. A

person should take interest into the other person’s life by getting to know and taking interest

in their family and affairs. They should never make promises that they can’t keep.

4. Gift-Giving

Gift giving is common in the business world. In Vietnam gifts are usually given at

the end of the meeting and certain gifts are presentable. Something small and that carries the

other party’s company logo is appreciated. Gifts should be something inexpensive, as it can

seem as bribery if something expensive were to be given. Sharp objects such as knives and

scissors should not be given because in the Vietnamese culture, something sharp indicates the

cutting of a tie. Lastly, a gift should not be wrapped in black because the color is associated

to funerals and death.xx

V. Religion and aesthetics

A. Religion and other belief system

1. Orthodox doctrines and structures

Most of Vietnam’s religion is not originated in Vietnam but came from outside their

nation. Even though Confucianism and Daoism were introduced to Vietnam in early stage,

Buddhism was introduced the first and gained more popularity. Buddhist in Vietnam turned

out to be 85%, rated as number one religion. Ever since Communist Party loosens restriction

on religion on 1989, there are growing numbers of Buddhist monks. Roman Catholic and

Protestant together is 8%. However, because Vietnam is Communist country, there are some 11

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regulations stopping missionaries to deliver sermon freely. The constitution mentions about

freedom of religion but those religions that are threat to their system is restricted. Vietnamese

priests, including monks and pastors, are registered in the Communist party, and sermons are

checked by people’s council before given out to the public. As a Communist nation, they

restrict any kind of sermons that are against the government.xxi

2. Relationship with the people

As mentioned earlier, Buddhism is a major religion in Vietnam and like many other

countries, there are new religions based on the Buddhism. For example, Cao Dai and Hoa

Hao is reformed Buddhism, which are gaining popularity in the rural population. When there

was prosecution of religion, many religions were changed in order to avoid pressure from the


Different ethnic groups have their own religion too. For example Cham and other

minorities living in Mekong Delta region believe Islam. Protestant missionaries are focusing

on Highland minorities and achieving some success.xxii

3. Which religions are prominent?

Buddhism is the prominent religion in Vietnam as 85% of Vietnamese are Buddhist.

Christianity, combining Roman Catholic and Protestant is 8% and growing, but most of them

are Roman Catholic as French Empire once ruled Vietnam and the government prosecuted

Protestant as they considered this as religion of United States of America.

4. Membership of each religion

VI. Living conditions

A. Diet and Nutrition

1. Meat and Vegetable Consumption rate

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,

Vietnam’s meat consumption per capita is growing as their economy grows. Vietnam’s meat 12

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consumption per capita in year 2002 was 28.6kg where it was 16.1kg in year 1990.xxiii Also

vegetable and fruit consumptions are rising too as well.xxiv In year 2005, vegetable

consumption of Vietnamese in a year was 83.8kg, fruit consumption was 61kg, and meat

consumption was 34.9kg.xxv

2. Typical Meals

As Vietnam was invaded by many countries throughout the history, their food are

influenced by those countries. Beef was first introduced to Vietnam when Mongolians

invaded Vietnam. 1,000 years of Chinese influence taught Vietnamese to make noodles, stir

frying, deep frying, and also use of chopsticks. French brought baguette, pate, coffee, butter,

and cakes. Americans brought ice cream during the Vietnam War.

Vietnamese main dish is rice and they make noodles out of rice as well. Their main

consumption is rice and they make side dish. Their most famous dish, Pho, is now sold in

many different countries. They developed their meals using ingredients and cooking skill they

acquired throughout their history. Nouc mam is Vietnamese sauce they use in nearly all their

dish, making Vietnamese dish tastier. Its salty fish sauce and that differentiates Vietnamese

dish to that of Chinese dish. They also make sandwiches using pate and baguette, and enjoy

coffee and ice cream as dessert.xxvi

3. Malnutrition rate

Vietnam’s malnutrition rate is reducing annually but compare to neighboring country,

it is still high. Number of underweight children below age 5 was 18.9% last year and the goal

for this year is 18%. However, number of stunted growth is 32.6% which is still high and the

goal is to reduce it to 30% this year.xxvii

4. Foods available

Vietnam is well-known for its production of rice. Farmers can harvest three to four

times a year making them second place in exporting of the rice. Also because of its climate,


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they have plentiful of fruits and vegetables. The government is trying to encourage the

number of stock farmer too. Fishery in Vietnam is abundant as there are 2 major rivers, and

South China Sea right next to the country.

B. Housing

1. Types of House Available

There are house, apartment, shack, cabin, hut, water house, boat house, and tent as

types of house in Vietnam. Some live in traditional house of their races and some dwell in

apartments in the cities. People living in water house or boat house are those who live close

to water or have no option because of money.

2. Do most people own or rent?

House means more than a property in Vietnam. It has been that way and will be that

way. Many people own the house and those who came to city looking for a job rents house,

but try to own a house some day. 25% of Vietnamese live in houses with poor condition

according to Saigon Times Daily and it’s getting harder for them to own a better house as the

prices are skyrocketing. 75% of new houses are made by individual and those people make

houses build more expensive housing for their benefit. Change in policy is required and

Vietnamese government is working to improve people’s quality of life.xxviiixxix

3. Do most people live in one-family dwellings or with other families?

Except for the low income family, most Vietnamese tend to live in one-family

dwellings. In case of bigger houses, the whole family tends to live together.

C. Recreation, sports, and other leisure activities.

1. Types Available and in Demand

The leading sport in Vietnam for centuries was martial arts. Due to previous wars,

martial arts were a common sport to learn. As time has progressed, the leading sport in the

country is now football (soccer). Soccer being a world sport, it has sparked a great interest in


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Vietnam. Along with soccer, many people enjoy the recreational activities such as:

badminton, tennis, ping-pong, volleyball, and chess. Besides sports, Vietnam next best

interest for recreational activities is media and its

2. Percentage of income spent on such activities

There is growth of money spend on leisure activities. According to the report of AC

Nielson and CANCHAM, 40% of Vietnamese living in the city said they are spending more

money of leisure.

D. Social security

Social Security in Vietnam is not quite the same as that of in the US. Social Security

was signed and passed by Prime Minister on February 16th, 1995. Being a new concept in

Vietnam, the growth rate is quite impressive. People are constantly applying for their social

security for its benefits. From 2000 to 2001 there was a growth rate of 27% and the

following years have had great outcomes also. Such growth was due to the minimum wage

rate increasing in the past couple of years. Due to being a new program implemented within

their society, the spending rate is far greater than that of the incoming rate. Although there

has been a great increase in percentage for people singing for the benefits of social security, it

may be a bit longer until it becomes fully successful.xxxi

E. Health care.

“Viet Nam's healthcare system has undergone great changes over the past decades.

Almost non-existent just 10 years ago, Viet Nam's healthcare system now boasts a health

index higher than those of other developing nations with the same per-capita Gross Domestic

Product (GDP).” Vietnam being a fast developing country, it is only possible that they would

implement a healthcare system in their country. The lifespan of people have risen

tremendously from a low 38 in 1945 to 67. A new policy called Doi Moi (new change) also

changed Vietnam’s healthcare perspective. There was a ban on private run hospitals. With


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the new policy changes, after hour practices were open. Doctors can now do after hour

practices as in house calls. Patients themselves find this practice more of a convenience, as

they do not have to attend to hospitals during the daytime when they are busy. In 14 years,

there was an increase of 2 doctors to every 10,000 citizens of Vietnam. They can now

operate on difficult operations such as: kidney transplants, heart surgeries, and conjoined twin


VII. Language

A. Official Languages

Vietnam has one official language, Vietnamese. However, for its diverse ethnic

group, some minorities use Chinese, Khmer, Cham, and other languages, unofficially.

Vietnamese is hard language to learn for foreigners. For every syllable, six different tones can

be used and different tone changes meaning of a word.xxxiii

B. Spoken versus written language

Although Vietnamese is completely different language compare to that of western

countries, they use Roman alphabet and accent marks as their written language. Their writing

system is called quoc ngu, which was created by Roman Catholic missionary in 17th century.

Before quoc ngu, Vietnamese were using chu nom, which was similar to that of Chinese


C. Dialects

Vietnamese has some differences in verbal language according to the regions.

However it is minor difference like Dallas and New York. They can still understand each


VIII. Intangible Aspects of the Culture

A. Time


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Vietnamese are somewhat notorious on not being on time. Especially government

officials are bad on keeping the time. If you call police they arrive after the incident is done.

It is called the Vietnam Time. However, they are getting better as the government is

becoming more pro-business, and people are getting used to capitalism. Now things are

changing faster in Vietnam and they understand the value of time as well.

B. Space

In Vietnam, it is very hard to find people close to each other except for dating, or

riding motorcycle. As the climate of the country is tropical, humidity and the heat keeps

people away from each other. People are warm hearted, but they might not like people close

to one another.

Economic Analysis

I. Executive Summary

Vietnam is a communist nation adapting to capitalism. Ever since Vietnam recovered

its relationship between United States on December 1995, Vietnam’s economy started

boosting. However, Vietnam’s effort to be a wealthy nation goes back to 1976, where they

allowed people to farm in their private land and sell whatever’s left. This movement towards

the free market is called ‘Đổi mới’, slogan for Vietnamese new economy policy since 1986. It

is similar to China’s Deng Xiaoping’s cat theory, as socialist idealism fail to fulfill the need of

people; they receive good things from capitalism to recover economy. Right now, Vietnam is

a member of World Trade Organization and their economy is growing rapidly.

Since 1992, South Korea and Vietnam had an official relationship despite Korea

participating in the Vietnamese war against Vietnam’s current government. However, after

1992, relationship between Korea and Vietnam dramatically improved. Trade scale of Korea


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and Vietnam in the year 2007 was 6 billion USD and is growing annually. Vietnam is a very

attractive place to invest as the nation is still an emerging nation with potential. Trading

between two countries is increasing and the number of Koreans investing in Vietnam is also


II. Population

A. Total

There is no exact number to define the population of Vietnam due to the mountainous

regions in which people reside however; it is estimated to be at 85,100,100 (2007est.)xxxvii

1. Growth Rates

Vietnam considered to be fast rising country, the population growth rate is at 1.23


2. Number of Live Births

The infant mortality rate is at 22.26 deaths per 1000 deaths. For males it is estimated at

22.64 deaths per 1000 and 21.84 deaths per 1000 for females. Through the years the death

rate has steadily been dropping where as it was at 30.83 in 2003.

3. Birthrates

The birthrate of infants is estimated at 19 per 1000 births.

A. Distribution of Population

1. Age

The CIA Factbook distributes the population into three categories: 0-14 years, 15-64

years, and 65 years and above. The 0-14 years group amounts to 25.6 percent (male

11,994,692/female 10,939,088), 15-64 years having the largest amount of 68.8 percent (male

30,746,066/female 30,922,425), and the 65 years and above category to be at an estimate of


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5.5 percent (male 1,903,504/female 3,065,355). This is according to the updated research

done in 2010.

2. Sex

At birth, the ratio of males to females is at 1.115 to 1. As the years pass by the

number of males steadily decline. From birth till the age of 15, the number of males to

females drops to 1.1 to 1. During the years of teens to adults (15-64 years) the ratio drops yet

again to .99 to 1. When Vietnamese in the community become seniors, the male to female

ratio drop significantly to .62 to 1. With the number of males steadily dropping in numbers

compared to females, the current ratio is at .99 males per female, according to CIA Factbook.

3. Geographic areas (urban, suburban, and rural density and concentration)

Vietnam is a country that is split into the north and south in the geographic regions.

4. Migration Rates and Patterns

There is no set pattern to describe how the Vietnamese migrate within their country

however due to the Vietnam War the Vietnamese had to migrate within different sections in

their country. “In the north, intensive US bombing of major industrial cities led to a dispersal

of the population from urban areas, while a government-sponsored program resulted in the

resettlement of nearly 1 million Vietnamese from crowded areas in the Delta to less densely

populated regions in upland areas of the country. In the south, migration was primarily from

the countryside to the cities, as millions of peasants fled their villages to escape the effects of

the war or to seek employment in the affluent cities of Saigon and Da Nang.”xxxix

After the war, the Vietnamese government recalled for a new program, which would

allocate their people within different regions of their country to re establish their economy. It

was an effort to change the communist republic to a socialist republic. People were relocated

to urban areas near the borders of the cities. After the war had concluded, many had


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immigrated to the United States. There were 593,213 registered Vietnamese people in the

United States by 1990.

5. Ethnic Groups

According to various internet sources, there are 54 different ethnic groups within

Vietnam. Of the 54 different ethnic groups, the Kinh partake 86 percent of the whole



III. Economic Statistics and Activity

A. Gross National Product

According to the US department of state Internet site, Vietnam’s GDP is at $84.98

billion (2008). The Real growth rate is at 6.23 percent. As stated previously, being a


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country that is still considered to be one of the fastest growing countries, the GDP will only


B. Personal Income per Capita

2008 is the most recent year for information recorded for Vietnam’s GDP and its

incomes; the per capita income is recorded at $1,024. Although $1,024 may not seem much,

at the current currency exchange rate; 1 USD is converted to 18,731 VND (Vietnamese


C. Average Family Income

An average family makes an income of $32. A trifling fact is that although a family

household has such low income, the families in Vietnam still manage to save an average of

$6, according to Asia Times online.

D. Distribution of Wealth

1. Income Classes

There are many different income classes within Vietnam. There are a variety of

occupations which include farmers that prosper from the cultivation of the countries

resources such as rice. Along with farmers there are private business owners and government

employees. The income varies greatly upon their occupation. Some people need to have

second jobs at night time to support their family.

2. Is the distribution distorted?

The distribution is greatly distorted. There are people who encounter odd jobs such

as those who work in sweatshops compared to those who work in offices. The comparison of

incomes from the different occupation varies greatly.

E. Minerals and Resources

Vietnam has been mining minerals such as coal, phosphate, cement, iron ores,

chromites, gold, tin, and kaolin for a very long time. Recently they are producing oil and


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natural gas. Most mines that are currently mining are placed in the north near the

mountainous regions. Agriculture-wise, their main crop is rice, ranking them number 2

(sometimes number1) in exporting rice. Although they are abundant with natural resources,

they have poor skills in mining, so the country is not enjoying all of it. However, these

abundant resources can be strength to a country’s future.xl

F. Surface Transportation

1. Modes

There are many different types of transportation systems in Vietnam. The many

different methods include: trains, buses, cars, boats, and airplanes. The transportation system

is well connected throughout all of Vietnam. Depending on which destination is desired, all

means of transportation is frequently used and the availability is high. There are seven ports

and harbors throughout Vietnam.

2. Availability

The availability rate of transportations in Vietnam is considered to be high. Flights

as in any other country require an advanced reservation. Trains are used mainly for long

distance trips such from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City, which is an estimated travel length of 36

to 48 hours non-stop. For these long distance trips, compartments with beds to sleep on are

available for rental. Buses are the most frequently used means of transportation in which

there are buses available every 10 minutes. Cars are available for rent and for taxis.

“Vietnam is gifted with more than 17,000 kilometers of navigable waterways.”xli With such a

wide navigable route of water pathways, visits to the rural are frequently used using via boat.

Lastly, on every street corner, there are men on motorcycles, whom offer taxi services. They

are considered to be cheap and reliable, however a there is no flat rate, so a pre rate should be


3. Usage Rates


Page 23: Vietnam Final

Usage rates of transportation vary. Buses are frequently used as it is considered to be

one of the main transportation used.

4. Ports

“There are 7 ports and harbors in Vietnam namely Cam Ranh, Dan and, Hai Phong,

Ho Chi Minh City, Hong Gai, Qui Nhon, Nha Trang.”xlii With 7 different ports available and

17,000 kilometers of navigable waterways we can conclude that boats are frequently used not

only for the sole purpose of tourism or transportation but also business methods. Many

different cargos must harbor at these ports.

G. Communication System

1. Types of communication

There are different types of communication system that Vietnamese use every day.

Vietnam’s main communication systems are telephone, mobile phone, internet, radio, and TV.

As we all know radio and TV are one-sided communications and it is essential when the

government wants to announce something to the public.

2. Availability of these communication types

In the city, it is very easy to make a phone line or buy a cell phone. Internet is also

easy to install for all you have to do is call a commercial Internet service provider.xliii

3. Usage rate

According to the 2004 research, there are 10,124,900 lines of telephones in use and

4.96 million mobile phones in use. Since 1997, when commercial Internet service provider

was allowed, the number of users has been growing. By the year 2009, the number of Internet

users have grown to 20,894,705 and there are five commercial Internet service providers. xlivxlv

H. Working Conditions

1. Employer-employee relations

“Vietnam has in place an extremely progressive national labor law which is designed to


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regulate working conditions. The major challenge is to ensure that the labor law is being

properly and appropriately implemented.”xlvi Although Vietnam tries it’s hardest to implement

its rules and conditions to create a friendly work environment with set rules, it does not

always go according to plan. There still are illegal jobs that circulate around Vietnam. The

relationship between employer and employee varies from what jobs the employees are

employed in. Government jobs and established jobs can create a workplace in which the law

is enforced in however; ungoverned jobs can lead to uncomfortable work areas and cheating

of minimum wage e.g. sweat shops.

2. Employee participation

The employees of Vietnam are engaged into their work whether it is agriculture or

governmental jobs. The unemployment rate had dropped tremendously from the previous


3. Salaries and benefits

Salaries are not that high compared to prospering countries such as the USA. The

average family income is only limited to $32. There are government jobs that give $200 a

month. “At present, the Vietnamese government provides no unemployment benefits.”xlvii

I. Principal Industries

1. What proportion of the GNP does each industry contribute?

It is hard to find information based on GNP for GDP is more commonly used for

objective result. Total GDP of 2009 was 95billion USD. Amount each industry contributes to

GDP is at chart below.

No Industry Amount Percentile

1 Agriculture, Forestry, and Aqua 19.4 billion USD 20.5%

2 Industry and Construction 38.3 billion USD 40.3%

3 Service including finance 37.3 billion USD 39.2%


Page 25: Vietnam Final

TOTAL 95 billion USD 100%

( Appendix 9)

2. Ratio of private to publicly owned industries.

After the change of the law, private and individual entrepreneurs have made up to 95

percent of the enterprises. However, the key industries are still held by state-owned

companies and they still out-profit any other type of companies.xlviiixlixl

J. Foreign Investments

1. Inflow and Outflow of Financial Resources

After Vietnam’s government started pro-business policies, it is attracting FDI into

Vietnam. In year 2009, when many other nations in the world were suffering from the global

economic crisis, Vietnam had 21.48 billion USD of FDI Not only FDI but also as the

16th Consultative Group meeting in December of 2009 decided to assist Vietnam with 8

billion USD, Vietnam’s economy will be stabilized and boost once again.lii

2. Industries: spectrum of new, developing, mature, and decline

Graph below is an outlook of industries that foreign resources are investing on.


Page 26: Vietnam Final


As shown in the graphs, heavy industries and construction industry in year 2008.

K. International Trade Statistics

1. Major exports.

Major exports done by Vietnam are 71.084 billion USD (year 2009). Percentage change

compare to previous year is 14.5% increase.

2. Major imports.

Major imports done by Vietnam are 93.283 billion USD (year 2009). Percentage change

compare to previous year is 16.3% increase.

3. Balance-of-payments situation

As the amount of import is larger than export, balance-of-payment situation is at deficit of

22.199 billion USD (year 2009). Compare to last year, its 26.8% increase.

4. Exchange rates.

Vietnam is using the single exchange rate. They are using USD exchange rate. There are

State bank and commercial bank for exchanging currency. In case of trading they use State

bank rate which is 18,544 VND (31st May, 2010). Vietnam dong is being depreciated against



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L. Trade Restrictions

1. Embargoes

Ever since the Vietnam War, United States had embargo on Vietnamese economy.

However, United States lifted the embargo on Vietnam in 1994, as President Bill Clinton

signed the documents. Soon after, as the United States and Vietnam officially began trading,

Vietnam’s economy started boosting.liv

2. Quotas

As Vietnam joined WTO, there is no quota against Vietnam’s exporting lists.

3. Import taxes, tariffs. Customs duties

As Vietnam joined WTO, Vietnam is at the phase of easing the regulation upon

import taxes, tariffs, customs duties, and licensing. Although Vietnam was very protective

about its growing industries, to fulfill with the commitments of WTO, Vietnam is easing their

hard policies regarding

M. Labor Force

1. Size

The labor force is estimated at 43.87 million workers.

2. Unemployment Rates

In 2010 the unemployment rate dropped significantly to 2.9 percent from a high 4.7

percent in 2009. Within one year the rank of unemployment rate dropped from 58th to 23rd.lvi

N. Inflation Rates

Inflation rate of year 2009 was 6.9%.lvii

1. Historical

Vietnam has not implemented Capitalism until recently so there is not much to talk


2. Modern


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Since Vietnam started trading with the world and United States, the country enjoyed

rapid growth of economy. First the government did not react to this appropriately letting

inflation at its worst level. In year 2008, inflation rate was at its highest (23.115%) within a

decade of time. Vietnamese government is now trying to stabilize the inflation rate but it is

not an easy job, as Vietnam has to catch two birds with one stone. This means Vietnam has to

achieve economic growth and stabilization of inflation rate.lviii

IV. Developments in science and technology.

Although Vietnam has opened its gate towards the world relatively late, they are

experiencing great developments in science and technology. Vietnamese are considered to be

one of the smartest people in the world as they win prizes in mathematic Olympiad now. Also

they are eager to learn about the new things as nearly every internet cafes are packed with

Vietnamese doing something with computer and the internet. There are many universities and

colleges teaching new technologies and sciences. The government is using its budget to teach

science and technology at early age and teaching that to those who live in rural areas.

A. Current technology available

Vietnam’s science and technology is not at the latest, not surprisingly. However, the

government is trying its best to improve it. The government has formed an association called

Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations. Which in year 2009, had a 79

associations at the city and 53 associations at the province. This was formed in year 1983 and

is very active in Vietnam.lix They cooperate with different universities and colleges in

Vietnam to gather the best brains. To do so they organize different Olympiad or different field

of competition to examine creative and scientific mindset of individuals.lx

Vietnam values technology for the government is trying its best to teach the use of

computers from the early age. Internet is easily accessible in Vietnam, if you don’t have


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internet service within your house, there are many internet cafés. Vietnamese are very eager

to learn whatever technology they encounter for they know that these technologies can lead

them to fortune. Although they are latecomers to the world of technology, Vietnam is

improving rapidly as the government, public/private cooperation, and individuals are trying

to implement new technology.

B. Percentage of GNP invested in research and development.

There was no information about GNP for majority of people believe GDP is more

reliable than GNP. Vietnam’s GDP is 95billion USD and 6billion USD is used for

development of the nation (closest to R&D in the government expenses). Which means 6.3%

of GDP is being invested into development sector.lxi

Total including private (11%) and FDI (12%) sector is 37.8billion USD has been

invested into R&D. It makes up 39.8% of the GDP.lxii

C. Technological skills of the labor force and general population.

Vietnam’s labor forces are well-known for their dedication and devotion to work, unlike

other communist nations. Also growing generations, which are going to be next labor force,

are well-educated as Vietnam became member of ASEAN and WTO. To meet the required

standard of those associations, Vietnam enforced education of Vietnamese. Growing

generations are amazingly devoted to technology as schools teach how to use different

programs of computers and how to utilize internet. Although there are restrictions of

commenting on their government and their system, they are free to acquire knowledge

through internet.

Vietnamese are eager to learn new technology and also enjoy expressing themselves using

blog’s. There are about 3million blogs in Vietnam. As they learn and implement new

technologies, Vietnam is experiencing a great turnover. There are young people who are

willing to pay their 3month paycheck for a new gadget. As this generation grows, Vietnam


Page 30: Vietnam Final

will have abundant work force that is tech-friendly.lxiii

V. Channels of distribution (macro analysis).

Vietnam’s WTO commitments have allowed many foreign distributors and retailers to enter

the Vietnamese market. Because of some Joint Venture problems and amendment of

government law on foreign companies owning business in Vietnam, there are more retailers

and distributors starting business in Vietnam owning 100%. Although there is a risk that the

policy might change, the market of 86 million people, and the boosting economy is very

attractive to foreign retailers.lxiv

A. Middlemen

1. Retailers.

Retailing in Vietnam is dominated by locals and traditional retailing by 96%. Although, many

foreign retailers are willing to enter the market as the regulation on foreign company to own a

business in Vietnam is loose. Before this happened, joint venture was the only way to do

business in Vietnam for foreign companies but as they can own 100%, Vietnam is becoming

one of the attractive places for retailers.

a. Number of retailers

There are numerous small retailers that have been dominating the market. However,

Metro Cash and Carry and Lotte Mart have been entering the market. Business Monitor

International claimed that despite the strength of local small retailers, as more multinational

retailers enter the market, there would be great changes in Vietnamese retailing market. lxv

b. Typical size of retail outlets.

Sizes of typical Vietnamese retailers are small. 96% of the retailers are small local

retailers. However, as multinational retailers are getting ready to enter the market, there are

high opportunities for the outlets to become bigger. Currently Vietnam is ranked as 6th in


Page 31: Vietnam Final

Global Retail Development Index, which means there are more chances that the market is

going to get bigger. Retailing business in Vietnam has potential as half the population of

Vietnam is under 30 and Vietnam’s rapid growth in GDP. Young people spend more than old

people and as GDP grows, there is more money to spend. As the government is easing the

regulation and there is growing market, more retail giants are going to enter Vietnam and the

size of retail outlets will get bigger.lxvilxvii

c. Customary markup for various classes of goods.

Vietnamese tend to emphasize on shopping food and groceries. As their wage is small

compare to that of other developing Asian countries, they emphasize on purchasing food and

drink than expensive goods.lxviii However, as Vietnamese have an extended family

organization, sometimes live together or live nearby, they often buy expensive goods as well.

Also as the eldest child and unmarried adult children live with parents, there may be several

working people within one household. Also among the relatives, they lend money to each

other at low interest or no interest, making them easier to purchase goods.

Pricing of goods in Vietnam, is really up to the middlemen. As traditional distribution

channels in Vietnam are fragmented, there are many stages to go through; if the retailers are

100% owned by foreign company or product has been produced domestically. Middlemen

often discount the price of goods for the easier turnovers and there also exist Christmas

Holiday discounts and Lunar New Year discounts.lxix

d. Methods of operation

Traditionally Vietnamese payment was dominated by cash. It was recent when they

moved on to credit card payment as there were more highly paid people. In case of Visa card,

there are more than one million visa cards in the market and 400,000 among 1million cards

are newly joined members. Vietnam’s credit card market is getting bigger but still majority

are paying with cash and some retailers still prefer the dollar over Vietnamese dong when


Page 32: Vietnam Final

foreigner is trying to buy a gourmet.lxx

e. Scale of operation

Despite there are many foreign retailing giants considering entering the market,

96% of retailers are small local retailers. However, as rapid growth of retail sales value,

which was 39billion USD in 2008, and the number of middle class is growing, Vietnam is

becoming more attractive to multinational retailers and when those multinational retailers

come in, they will open mega stores. Right now, there are only few foreign retailers including

Lotte. They are doing well but to compete with competitors that are willing to come in, they

have to do better to use first mover advantages.lxxi

f. Role of chain stores, department stores, and specialty shops.

As economy of Vietnam boosts, it is not hard to find chain retailers or department

stores in Vietnam. Multinational retailers which already entered Vietnam are using their first

mover advantage, opening many stores as possible in different district and regional cities. For

example, Big C, chain store from England, had revenue of 259.5million USD in a year. Many

chain retailers are earning money in Vietnam so there will be more fierce competitions in

Vietnam. Also department stores and specialty shops are opening in great numbers as number

of middle class is growing.lxxii

2. Wholesale middlemen

There are number of different wholesalers in Vietnam. Some are private owned and

some are state owned wholesalers. However, it was rather hard to find information on

wholesalers for they don’t have appropriate websites. However, I found out that there are

different clothing, electronic goods, pottery, shoes, and wine wholesalers that are selling

through internet and also supply to retailers.lxxiiilxxiv

3. Import/export agents.

Importing and exporting in Vietnam is very hard. If a firm wants to import, they receive a


Page 33: Vietnam Final

certificate before operating business, the certificate should mention importing or trading. If

not it is illegal for a firm to do such and to do so should go through appropriate import and

export agents. This website ( has information on the

different agent companies for different categories of goods. However, for firms that need

raw materials from other countries, the government usually allows that firm to import

goods. If not these agents are usually owned by Vietnamese government or Vietnamese

individuals, so go through them.lxxvlxxvi

4. Warehousing

Warehousing in Vietnam is a big problem. Recently some foreign funded companies

have built nice and modern warehouse, most warehouses in Vietnam are considered old

system. They often do not have temperature controlling systems and securities of those

warehouses are always a big issue. They place inventory goods manually and often move

boxes physically not with machines.lxxvii

5. Penetration of urban and rural markets.

As mentioned at 1. Retailer, 96% of Vietnamese retailer is small local retailers. This is

no different in urban and rural markets. Rural areas have these retailers and some villages in

mountainous areas, motorcycles go in and sell products. Big retailers used to do business

only in Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi, where average house hold income triples the income of

whole national, but they are gradually moving into other cities as well.lxxviii

VI. Media

A. Availability of media

The only resources of media available are the television, radio, and newspaper.

Internet is also used as a form of media however it is censored to avoid political



Page 34: Vietnam Final

B. Costs

1. Television

*Unable to locate information regarding the cost of a television.

2. Radio

*Unable to locate information regarding the cost of a radio.

3. Print

*Unable to locate information regarding the cost of a newspaper.

4. Other Media (cinema, outdoor, etc.)

An average movie ticket costs 25,000-30,000 VND. According to an Internet

currency converter it costs about $1.33 to $1.60 USD. In Hanoi, there is a movie theater,

Megastar, considered to be the country’s best. It offer’s projectors, screens, and quality

surround sound from the United States. “When the construction of the complex started, they

planned to charge VND 80,000 a ticket. However, market studies showed that a more

reasonable price was VND 50,000/ticket on Fridays and Weekends. On weekdays, the price is

VND 45,000/ticket. Children pay VND 35,000 and the elderly pay VND 40,000.”lxxix This

theater costs $2.66 on the weekends, $2.40 on the weekdays, $1.86 for the children, and

$2.13 for the elderly. According to the article above, Megastar and its high prices are set for

the movie viewer who has exquisite taste. Along with the prices and expensive equipment,

Megastar tries its best to release its movies on the same date as North America.

C. Agency Assistance

Vietnam has its own set of television channels however they do carry 40 different

international channels. “Since 1991, hotels, restaurants, clubs, government offices and

diplomatic organizations in Vietnam have been permitted under license to install and operate

satellite dishes to bring in foreign programming.”lxxx This comes to show that Vietnam and its

citizen’s part take interest in the life and entertainment of other countries.


Page 35: Vietnam Final

D. Coverage of Various Media

Vietnam does not only cover media and information about its own country. By carrying

information and publications of other countries, they receive worldwide information.

Vietnam however does censor information on the internet to stop propaganda for it is a

socialist republic.

Product and Market Analysis

I. Executive Summary

Franchise industry in Vietnam is at its starting level. Most franchise industry in Vietnam

is fast-food chain. Jollibee, KFC, Lotteria is three biggest fast-food industry that sells

American-style fried chicken. They have the most shops and have most market share.lxxxi

Good news for BBQ chicken is that Vietnam’s franchise has potential to grow bigger as there

is growing number of middle-class. Also BBQ chicken has already opened few shops in

Vietnam’s capital city, Hanoi, and city of economy, Ho Chi Minh. BBQ chicken made MOU

with Vietnam’s government for right to open franchise shops. BBQ headquarter in Korea has

Master Franchise right over Vietnam’s BBQ chicken shops, which can give them loyalty

every month. As BBQ chicken just has right to collect loyalty in Vietnam, in this part, we are

going to focus on strategies to expand more shops in Vietnam.

II. The product.

A. Evaluate the product as an innovation as it is perceived by the intended market.

1. Relative advantage, Compatibility, Complexity, Trialability & Observability.

BBQ chicken prides itself in as the healthier fried chicken compared to its counterpart,

fast food conglomerate, KFC. The Vietnamese consume large amounts of chicken on a

regular basis.


Page 36: Vietnam Final

BBQ is more expensive than KFC. BBQ’s chicken is fried in olive oil while KFC uses

the generic oil used in other fast food restaurants. As in other countries, the services

provided toward the customers are viewed as a great aspect. BBQ chicken being a dine in

restaurant should provide their customers with much care and interest. Korea also being a

country that prides them in customer care should provide necessary training for their new

employees overseas.

The compatibility rate in Vietnam should be relatively high. There are other restaurants

that serve chicken however its main competitor is KFC. Being a country that consumes

much chicken, citizens would like to embark on new journeys to try new restaurants that

provide the food they desire. Chicken is so widely consumed that, at the three fast food

restaurants, Lotteria, Jollibee, and KFC, added chicken and rice plates to their respective


The complexity of BBQ was the alternation of the menu to fit the standards of

Vietnamese. In Korea where it originated, chicken is sold as a whole where families can

share however; in Vietnam it is sold by pieces as an alternate. BBQ chicken is priced a tad

more expensive than it KFC. “Young people say they enjoy eating at the outlets for their

friendly atmosphere, delicious food and reasonable prices.”lxxxii

BBQ chicken is already in Vietnam. The trials it can face is that being a bit more

overpriced, how many people will come to dine in such a restaurant that serves fried chicken

which can be purchases elsewhere. At the moment it is located in the major cities of Ho Chi

Minh City and Hanoi where the costs of living and its standards are higher. From

observation, it can be more successful if celebrities were to endorse the product as it is done

in Korea for Vietnamese enjoy their media and entertainment.

B. Major problems and resistances to product acceptance based on the preceding



Page 37: Vietnam Final

Market research company Nielsen estimates Vietnam’s fast food industry will grow by

40 percent this year to generate VND500 billion (US$28.1 million).lxxxiii With the fast food

industry on the rise and more restaurants opening, it can cause a problem of containing its

customers. With these fast food restaurants holding the niche market, expanding of BBQ

chicken may take some time.

III. The market.

A. Describe the market(s) in which the product is to be sold.

1. Geographical region(s).

BBQ is currently in Hanoi and is planning on an expansion throughout Vietnam.

2. Forms of transportation and communication available in that (those) region(s).

Vietnam has many modes of transportation to offer throughout the country. In the city

of Hanoi, the available transportations are taxi cabs, taxi motorcycles, cars, and buses.

3. Consumer buying habits.

Consumer’s buy food according to their hunger. BBQ chicken is just another

alternative to the typical fast food offered by KFC, Jollibee, Lotteria. The environmental

change relates to the family like restaurant atmosphere that people may enjoy.

4. Distribution of the product.

a. Typical retail outlets.

BBQ chicken is retailed throughout the city of Hanoi. It is located on along the

streets near other businesses as other restaurants are.

b. Product sales by other middlemen.

There is no direct information regarding middlemen of ingredients and retailers for

BBQ chicken. Regarding rice farmers and their middlemen issues are different. “Rice

grown by the farmers currently passes through the hands of traders, processors, 37

Page 38: Vietnam Final

wholesalers/food companies, and retailers before reaching consumers.”lxxxiv The process

is heavily taxed and a long process is taken place due to the delivery of driving through

the rural areas of Vietnam to get to the farmers locations. If the middlemen are to take

much benefit from rice farmers throughout Vietnam, the chicken industry may be facing

similar relations however not as extreme due to no processing is involved.

5. Advertising and promotion.

a. Advertising media usually used to reach your target market(s).

“With music blaring out from loudspeakers and hip looking staff in colorful

uniforms outside distributing fliers, it was obvious what market they were aiming

for.”lxxxv Along with the colorful uniform of the hip looking staff, other forms of

advertisements are available. BBQ chicken is advertised through print, word of mouth,

television commercials, and radio broadcasting.

b. Sales promotions customarily used (sampling, coupons, etc.).

According to the section regarding coupons is not yet

available leading to information that discount coupons or other sources of discount are

not yet available.

6. Pricing strategy.

a. Types of discounts available.

According to the section regarding coupons is not yet

available leading to information that discount coupons or other sources of discount are

not yet available.

B. Compare and contrast your product and the competition's product(s).

1. Competitor's product(s).

a. Brand name.



Page 39: Vietnam Final

b. Core Value Proposition

“To sell food in a fast, friendly environment that appeals to pride conscious, health

minded consumers” (

c. Features.

A long history with success of its products and sales worldwide.

2. Competitor's prices.

Chicken price is similar, differs by spices.

3. Competitor's promotion and advertising methods.

KFC is a worldwide known fast-food chain. They advertise their products through

various methods. Their promotion and advertising methods include television commercials,

color fliers depicting what food they offer, newspaper, movies, and most importantly the

world famous Colonel Sanders revenue many customers.

4. Competitor's distribution channels.

C. Market size.

1. Estimated industry sales for the planning year.

No estimated industry sales for the planning year however, the main competitor is

expected to open more franchise stores across Vietnam.

2. Estimated sales for your company for the planning year.

No estimated sales for BBQ chicken for the planning year. However, “BBQ Chicken

now has 10 restaurants in Hanoi and there will be over 30 in Vietnam by the year’s end and

more than 100 by 2010.”lxxxvi With such an increase of stores by the end of the year, one can

only conclude the success that it is having throughout the country.

D. Government participation in the marketplace.

1. Agencies that can help you.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade allows for franchises to run and operate in Vietnam.


Page 40: Vietnam Final

2. Regulations you must follow.

“The State shall implement a uniform system to control the quality of goods, based on

[the laws of Vietnam]; in cases where international treaties to which the Socialist Republic of

Vietnam is a party contain provisions which differ from the provisions of the Ordinance, the

provisions of such international treaties shall be applied.”lxxxvii

IV. The market entry plan.

BBQ chicken already made MOU for Master Franchising with Vietnamese government.

Which means they are already entered Vietnam market in certain form. Master Franchising

A. Marketing objectives.

1. Target market(s) (specific description of the market).

BBQ Chicken should focus on middle class which has purchasing power. As BBQ chicken

uses the best ingredients for their food, and advertises it, products are expensive. Currently, as

more and more foreign business is entering Vietnam, people willing to pay more money on

one meal. KFC’s main target is middle-class who adores U.S way of life.lxxxviii For BBQ is

Korean chicken company, BBQ chicken has to promote that in Vietnam. As there are growing

number of Vietnamese who adores Korean way of life due to ‘Korea wave’, result of

popularity of Korean soap operas, BBQ chicken has relative advantage to approach

Vietnamese customers. Currently there are approximately 11million people living in two

major cities of Vietnam and the number is rising sharply, which gives BBQ chicken

opportunity to expand in those cities.

2. Expected sales 20—.

BBQ chicken is turning themselves into café style restaurant then just chicken delivery

shops. BBQ chicken is selling variety of different chicken related food to from fried chicken

to chicken burger and chicken breast with fried rice. Sales of franchisees that are operating in 40

Page 41: Vietnam Final

Vietnam differ from 30million Korean Won to 60million Korean won a month.lxxxix Sales of

whole fast-food industry in Vietnam was $28million (USD) and its growing at fast pace of

35~40% annually.xc As sales are growing rapidly, competitors have plans to open more shops.

As BBQ chicken made MOU for Master franchising, they are waiting for more franchisee to

make contract with them, which can slow down expansion in Vietnam market.

3. Profit expectations 20—.

As BBQ chicken is master franchise in Vietnam, it collects loyalty and supplies food in

Vietnam. Profit of BBQ chicken relies on number of franchisees in Vietnam. However, more

people are interested in becoming franchisee of BBQ chicken in different cities of Vietnam so

the future looks bright.xci

4. Market penetration and coverage.

Currently fast-food industry in Vietnam, particularly chicken, is dominated by KFC with

most outlets. It is rather expensive food compare to that of Vietnamese restaurants for locals.

Vietnamese college students spend 15,000VND for their lunch at school cafeteria. However,

piece of chicken in KFC is 22,000VND, which is high price. However, Vietnamese enjoy

eating American-style chicken for their long for American way of living. A piece of chicken

in BBQ chicken is at the same range with KFC. Fried chicken is pretty common in Vietnam

for KFC has been in Vietnam for 13 years, giving advantages like brand recognition.xcii

Although BBQ chicken emphasizes in healthy ingredients, using best olive oil to fry chicken.

BBQ chicken is a new phenomenal to those concerning health and has potential to create

value using Korean stars who are celebrities in Vietnam.

B. Product adaptation or modification

1. Core Value Proposition

BBQ chicken’s core value is to provide healthy food. Although it is considered as fast-

food, BBQ chicken is using healthier ingredients from that of competitors.xciii They are


Page 42: Vietnam Final

differentiating themselves with other competitors by selling healthy fast-food. Also BBQ

chicken is well-known for their aggressive marketing. BBQ chicken has the most outlets in

Korea and that can be advantage in Vietnam.

2. Core component.

As BBQ chicken is already operating in Vietnam, it is time for BBQ chicken to diversify

its menu. BBQ chicken is doing fine with current menu but as Vietnamese consider chicken

as meal rather than snack, BBQ chicken should come up with more ‘meal menus’. Also to

attract those focusing on ‘health’, it will diversify BBQ chicken’s menu if they add salads.

To approach customers who already know that BBQ chicken is a chicken franchise, they

have to appeal that they are not just chicken place but family restaurant. Introducing menus

that already exist in Korea BBQ chicken headquarters would help them greatly to do so.

3. Packaging component.

As BBQ chicken not only serves in the store but also delivers their food, packaging is very

important. In the packaging Vietnam government does not require to put ingredient’s country

of origin but BBQ chicken should do it as they are confident that they are using the best

ingredient. They should write not only that but also telephone number and address of the

outlet and should write in Vietnamese, Korean, and English.

4. Support services component.

Supporting service can be the delivery service, mentioned earlier. Purpose of delivery is

for the comfort of the customer. As Domino or Pizzahut is doing in Korea, BBQ chicken

should deliver on-time. Dominos in Korea once had this policy that if they deliver later than

30 minutes, they will not take the money. Also Pizzahut has system called ‘hot box’ that they

deliver pizza while it’s still hot. BBQ chicken should implement these systems and come up

with similar one. It not only satisfy customer but it promotes the brand just by doing this



Page 43: Vietnam Final

C. Promotion mix.

1. Advertising.

Advertising is important when brand recognition is low. BBQ chicken should support its

franchisees by doing television commercials and posting ads on Vietnamese famous internet

community. Right now, BBQ chicken’s Korean television commercials are using celebrities

that are famous in South East Asiaxciv. If they change the contract a bit, they can use it in

Vietnam as well. Also handing out flyers and magnetic ones can also help advertising BBQ


2. Sales promotions.

BBQ chicken is promoting itself to be café type restaurant that sells chicken based food.

However, it is important that they emphasize in delivery as a method of approaching

Vietnamese customers. Also when they come up with the new product, sampling can be very

effective. When customer orders food that they usually eat, they can give a piece per person

to try it out. They can get the reactions in advance before actually releasing it.

3. Personal selling.

Personal selling can also be defined as relational selling. It is an old method in marketing.

As DHL Korea’s logistic drivers are first person that can make relationship with the

customer, they are trained to be at their best behavior. Likely, BBQ chicken’s delivery man is

the first one to meet customer. Making bonds with customer is always good thing when it

comes down to business. Relationship with customer result-in high return rate. Training

employees and also franchisee would be crucial for BBQ chicken’s success in Vietnam.

D. Channels of distribution (micro analysis).

1. Retailers.

Right now, most fast-food restaurants in Vietnam are in outlets of big retail giants. Of

course they have few independent shops of themselves in famous shopping streets and so, but


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most of the times it’s located inside the mart or stations. However, as BBQ chicken like to

call itself a café type family restaurant, it is located near residential area. It can be also

convenient for deliveries. However, to go as restaurant, BBQ chicken should expand into

down town or areas where offices are. White collars are new middle class in Vietnam. They

are well educated and get paid more than blue collars. They are making more money than

others so it is likely that they are to spend more money on their meals. If they are attracted to

meals that BBQ chicken offers, they will order chicken in their house or go to store nearby.

There is no need for BBQ chicken to enter big marts, but they need to expand into

downtown areas.

2. Warehousing.

a. Type.

BBQ chicken has its own supply chain called Genesis food. They are headquartered in

Korea, and they supply ingredients to all Genesis related outlets, including BBQ chicken.

When they are supplying, they use Genesis Logistics, also company associated with Genesis

Group. It would be easier to understand that they supply ingredients that outlets need so

warehouse is not needed.

E. Price determination.

Currently BBQ chicken is expensive. Prices differ by 1 or 2,000 VND but it is around

22,000 VND.xcv BBQ chicken does not have to use low cost strategy for there are people who

are willing to pay for the quality food. KFC is around that price range as well.

V. Pro forma financial statements and budgets.

A. Marketing budget.

It differs by time and length but 15second TV commercial in Vietnam is $10,000 a

month. Also to post advertisement on local paper costs $20 a month. Assuming that same 44

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commercial that is on air in Korea is used in Vietnam, it will require at least $30,000 for TV

commercial in 3 different channels and $200 to advertise in different papers. Also as BBQ

chicken considers South East Asia market as Asia-Pacific, they can advertise on MTV which

price is unknown as they negotiate privately.

B. Pro forma annual profit and loss statement (first year and fifth year).

As an example of BBQ chicken franchisee whose already in Vietnam, sales was 60million

Korean won a month from the first year. Also as BBQ chicken just collects loyalties, there are

fewer threats to lose money.


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IX. Sources of information.


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xli appendix 13liv appendix 16lxiii market.htm


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market.htmlxxxiv MBC Program ‘잡지왕’ broadcasted in 16th May, 2007xc http://www.vinahanin.comxcii