videolu Çözümleri İzlemek İçin t tÜrkİye genelİ vİdeo … · 2016-01-01 · tÜrkİye...

TÜRKİYE GENELİ VİDEO ÇÖZÜMLÜ YDS DENEMESİ - 1 1 Videolu Çözümleri İzlemek İçin Tıklayın. 1. - 6. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerler uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. 1. More than 300.000 youngsters, many of them female refugees, are ---- serving as child soldiers around the world. A) internally B) formerly C) currently D) ultimately E) justly 2. Some of the borrowed funds were ---- spent on unnecessary facilities, including such luxuries as golf courses and star hotels. A) lavishly B) meanly C) accurately D) incidentally E) anxiously 3. A study ---- on the effects of grapefruit on cancer patients showed that it helped in treating cancer to a certain extent. A) observed B) conducted C) planned D) offered E) preferred 4. Meditation is primarily concerned with stopping ---- and making our mind clearer and more lucid. A) interventions B) calamities C) addictions D) distractions E) attractions 5. The Country Music Association ---- an award each year to a male artist based on individual musical performance on records or in person. A) gives out B) brings out C) fills out D) gets across E) bursts into 6. The UN Security Council will have to ---- Israel’s operations in Palestine soon since the member states of Council have issued a press statement including critics against Israel military operations in Gaza. A) put up with B) parted with C) make up for D) stand up to E) go down with

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Page 1: Videolu Çözümleri İzlemek İçin T TÜRKİYE GENELİ VİDEO … · 2016-01-01 · TÜRKİYE GENELİ VİDEO ÇÖZÜMLÜ YDS DENEMESİ - 1 3 Videolu Çözümleri İzlemek İçin



Videolu Çözümleri İzlemek İçin Tıklayın.

1. - 6. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerler uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

1. More than 300.000 youngsters, many of them female refugees, are ---- serving as child soldiers around the world.

A) internally B) formerly C) currently D) ultimately E) justly

2. Some of the borrowed funds were ---- spent on unnecessary facilities, including such luxuries as golf courses and star hotels. A) lavishly B) meanly C) accurately D) incidentally E) anxiously

3. A study ---- on the effects of grapefruit on cancer patients showed that it helped in treating cancer to a certain extent. A) observed B) conducted C) planned D) offered E) preferred

4. Meditation is primarily concerned with stopping ---- and making our mind clearer and more lucid.

A) interventions

B) calamities

C) addictions

D) distractions

E) attractions

5. The Country Music Association ---- an award each year to a male artist based on individual musical performance on records or in person. A) gives out B) brings out C) fills out D) gets across E) bursts into

6. The UN Security Council will have to ---- Israel’s operations in Palestine soon since the member states of Council have issued a press statement including critics against Israel military operations in Gaza.

A) put up with B) parted with C) make up for D) stand up to E) go down with

Page 2: Videolu Çözümleri İzlemek İçin T TÜRKİYE GENELİ VİDEO … · 2016-01-01 · TÜRKİYE GENELİ VİDEO ÇÖZÜMLÜ YDS DENEMESİ - 1 3 Videolu Çözümleri İzlemek İçin



Videolu Çözümleri İzlemek İçin Tıklayın.

7. - 16. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

7. Most historians of English literature ---- the beginning of the Romantic Period as 1798 in which Wordsworth ---- English poetry by publishing Lyrical Ballads.

A) mark / changed B) marked / had changed C) are marking /could change D) had marked / was changing E) may mark / must have changed

8. In October 1994, Israel and Jordan ---- a peace treaty that formally ended the state of war that ---- between the countries since 1948.

A) would sign / has existed B) might have signed / existed C) signed / had existed D) could sign / would exist E) had signed/ existed

9. ---- the closest ancestors of present day humans, Neanderthals are known ---- in Europe and Western Asia approximately 30,000 years ago.

A) To have been / living B) Being / to have lived C) Having been / living D) To be / having lived E) Being / to be living

10. Although I had some excuses ---- my being late for work this morning, the boss didn’t listen ---- me.

A) for / to B) with / in C) as / for D) from / with E) during / by

11. Hundreds of dinosaurs lived ---- the Mesozoic Era, but only a handful ---- them are instantly recognizable.

A) between / in B) during / of C) around / from D) into / within E) over / at

12. It was 75 years ago ---- a British King and Queen visited Washington for the first time in Great Britain history.

A) in which B) which C) why D) that E) what

Page 3: Videolu Çözümleri İzlemek İçin T TÜRKİYE GENELİ VİDEO … · 2016-01-01 · TÜRKİYE GENELİ VİDEO ÇÖZÜMLÜ YDS DENEMESİ - 1 3 Videolu Çözümleri İzlemek İçin



Videolu Çözümleri İzlemek İçin Tıklayın.

13. Contrary to common belief, in the 1970s and 1980s, most of the radical social and political movements were ---- Marxist ---- nationalist; their ideologies were based on religion and local affairs.

A) hardly / when B) both / and C) such / as D) neither / nor E) when / then

14. Many of the world's biggest cities began as important trading centers on sea coasts and riverbanks. ----, the majority of the world's people live in large cities that border major water transportation routes.

A) Although B) Because C) However D) In contrast E) Thus

15. There are many statistical functions in Excel. ----, there are other functions that are not specified as statistical functions that are helpful in some statistical analyses.

A) On the contrary B) Even if C) Because D) Moreover E) As a result

16. ---- prosecutor gets new evidences about the case of bribery, he is ready to explain how cartel has conducted many state officers.

A) In case B) Now that C) Lest D) Even though E) Whereas

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Videolu Çözümleri İzlemek İçin Tıklayın.

17. - 21. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

The historic and ancient city of Soli Pompeiopolis is 11 kilometers to the southwest of Mersin. This is also a spot that (17) ---- by visitors. This ancient city hosted not only pirate colonies, but also Alexander the Great, the Seleucid Empire and the Ottomans. With the permission of Roman Emperor Julius Caesar, Commander Pompey (18) ---- a great military campaign against the pirates. Pompey was able to eliminate all of the pirate shelters along the Mersin coastline, but he also declared Soli the “city of pirates who have been forgiven,” after treating pirates who asked for (19) ---- with kindness. At the time, this city was known then as Pompeiopolis. Of the 200 giant columns that (20) ---- to be here in that era, only 40 are to be found in modern times. Soli was an important and functioning port town during the Byzantine Empire (21) ---- much of the city was destroyed in the famous Great Antakya Earthquake of 528 A.D.

17. A) mustn't be missed B) can't have been missed C) will be able to miss D) should have missed E) should not be missed

18. A) carried out B) threw off C) back down D) break out E) pass out

19. A) curse B) amnesty C) imprecation D) iniquity E) virulence

20. A) had been taught B) is taught C) should have taught D) was taught E) may have been taught

21. A) due to B) if C) but D) so that E) whereas

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Videolu Çözümleri İzlemek İçin Tıklayın.

22. - 26. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

(22) ---- twenty years in South Africa helping to fight discrimination, Gandhi decided in July 1914 (23) ---- it was time to return to India. On his way home, he stopped over in England. World War I broke out very shortly after his arrival and Gandhi decided to stay and form another ambulance corps of Indians to help the British. (24) ----, the British climate adversely affected Gandhi’s health and he left for India in January 1915. Gandhi's struggles and triumphs in South Africa (25) ---- widely reported in the international press, so by the time he reached home he was (26) ---- just a national ---- an international hero. Although he was eager to begin reforms in India, a friend advised him to wait a year and spend the time travelling around to fully acquaint himself with the people and their problems

22. A) Being spent B) Spent C) To have spent D) Having spent E) Having been spent

23. A) which B) to which C) when D) that E) what

24. A) although B) however C) therefore D) lest E) furthermore

25. A) would be B) might have been C) had been D) should have been E) was to be

26. A) neither / nor B) either / or C) such / that D) as / as E) not / but

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Videolu Çözümleri İzlemek İçin Tıklayın.

27. 36. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

27. Turkish Military Powers have long wanted to perform a military exercise along the Iraq border ----.

A) because the leader of terrorists has explained that they want to make a deal

B) but spokesman of Pentagon declared that it may have not solved terrorism

C) even if it is likely to cause a conflict between the USA and Turkey

D) although some non-governmental organizations don't know if it is the only solution of terrorism

E) so what is the point of the government will be the determinative

28. ---- was such an interesting situation that only a very few people had probably ever been confronted.

A) Why the Panda in Texas Zoo doesn't let its keeper touch its wife

B) Where runners were running so as to get the big prize of a million dollars

C) What the pop star ordered before taking the stage in Istanbul

D) Whether the man's parrot talked like a human being

E) That cows stood on the way in the city center for two hours

29. ---- had Mustafa Kemal Atatürk not declared the republican regime as the new government system of the new Turkish state.

A) The supporters would try to remain the sovereignty longer than they planned

B) Some built up opposition block against Atatürk and his friends

C) There might have been a regime conflict between the layers of society

D) France and Greece armies couldn't have invaded some districts of Anatolia

E) We can't elect deputies representing us at Turkish National Assembly

30. Unless they promise to use some of the money to improve career prospects for young scientists, ----.

A) the issue under discussion has been dropped

B) there were a number of things we had to take into account

C) no one else thought of opposing the scheme

D) the money left over from donations could be included

E) we feel we cannot give our support to the campaign

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Videolu Çözümleri İzlemek İçin Tıklayın.

31. ----, in other words people are born into their social standing and will remain in it their whole lives.

A) The social stratification is the system in which people can do little or nothing to change their social standing

B) Meritocracy is a system of social stratification in which personal effort determines social standing

C) Social stratification systems determine social position based on factors like income and education

D) Caste systems promote beliefs in fate, destiny, and the will of a higher power, rather than promoting individual freedom as a value

E) A class consists of a set of people who share similar status with regard to factors like wealth, and education

32. Ancient Greeks identified four forms of love with the terms of kinship, friendship, romantic desire, and divine love ----.

A) whereas divine love differs from the natural love of man with which he was endowed when created

B) unlike today’s common definition of love as an emotion of a strong attraction and personal attachment

C) even so people can love material objects, animals, or activities in their lives

D) since there used to be many Ancient Gods such as Zeus, Aphrodite, and Poseidon at the time of Greeks

E) while many other cultures used multiple words to express some of the different concepts

33. ----, they all share some similarities in daily life style.

A) However Bedouin communities frequently have high poverty and unemployment rates

B) Although Bedouins' ancestors have lived in the deserts for thousands of years

C) Seeing that there has been conflict between the Bedouin society and more modernized societies

D) Whereas many different tribes of Bedouin having separate backgrounds exist all around the world

E) Even if government restrictions slowly force Bedouins to integrate into modern society

34. ---- however, Greenpeace works to establish territory for the animals so that they can have a safe place in the wild.

A) Many wildlife organizations use only famous and photogenic animals like pandas to promote their cause

B) Creating protected territories for animals might have infringed on plans to use land for farming or housing

C) Wildlife conservation is a practice in which people attempt to protect endangered plant and animal species, along with their habitats

D) There are many independent nonprofit organizations that promote various conservation causes

E) Recreation forms like camping in the wilderness and hunting make it difficult to set aside land specifically for the use of animals

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Videolu Çözümleri İzlemek İçin Tıklayın.

35. According to scientific estimates, most of the islands in Pacific Ocean will be severely flooded within the next 15-20 years ----.

A) however States in Pacific Ocean Conference had been looking for and political enterprise in the United Nations

B) thus the hope of keeping the tiny nation as one community after the flood is highly unlikely

C) unless Kyoto Protocol against global warming is agreed in the United Nations as fast as possible

D) whereas these islands are likely to be the first states in the world submerged by rising water levels

E) when the political system argues about the best way to face the rising sea level

36. With urbanization and demographic change, many original forms of folk dance have been lost, ----.

A) so many traditionalist groups had attempted to rediscover and preserve them

B) nevertheless some societies have established institutions at which traditional dances are learnt

C) but the distinction between dance forms dates back to the 15th century including ballroom dances

D) since few of them have been adopted to changing world and factors transforming them

E) although all forms of folk dance have been developed within a traditional community

37. - 42. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi, İngilizce cümleye anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.

37. Devletin anayasal bir düzene kavuşmasını amaçlayan gizli bir dernek olarak kurulan örgüt; anayasanın kabul edilip II. Meşrutiyet’in ilan edilmesinden sonra İttihat ve Terakki Fırkası halini almıştır.

A) Founded as a secret association intending the state to attain democratic regime, the organization became Committee of Union and Progress after the acceptance of the constitution and the announcement of II. Constitutional Monarchy.

B) Committee of Union and Progress was founded as a secret association intending state to attain democratic regime just after the acceptance of the constitution and the announcement of II. Constitutional Monarchy.

C) Having been established as a secret organization so as to establish democratic regime, it became Committee of Union and Progress after accepting the announcement of II. Constitutional Monarchy.

D) Committee of Union and Progress which was founded as a secret association intending state to attain democratic regime was the secret organization and got this title when the acceptance of the constitution and II. Constitutional Monarchy.

E) Acceptance of the constitution and the announcement of II. Constitutional Monarchy was organization's milestone, because it became Committee of Union and Progress intending state to attain democratic regime then.

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Videolu Çözümleri İzlemek İçin Tıklayın.

38. Evanjelist sözcüğü en basit anlamıyla Hristiyanlık bildirisini vaaz eden, yayan kişi anlamına gelirken Evanjelik sözcüğü ise daha çok Protestan Kilisesi'nin muhafazakâr kesimini nitelemek için kullanılır.

A) While Evangelist simply means the person preaching and spreading the Christian proclamation, the word of Evangelic is rather used to describe conservative part of Protestant Church.

B) In the simplest meaning Evangelist refers the one preaching and spreading the Christian proclamation while the word of Evangelic is used to describe conservative part of Protestant Church.

C) People use the word of Evangelist to describe the one preaching and spreading the Christian proclamation although Evangelic is used to describe conservative part of Protestant Church.

D) Evangelist is known as a person preaching and spreading the Christian proclamation whereas conservative part of Protestant Church is rather known as Evangelic.

E) Whereas, in the simplest meaning, Evangelist means the person preaching and spreading the Christian proclamation, the word of Evangelic is rather used to describe conservative part of Protestant Church.

39. Vikan inanışındaki Tanrı ve Tanrıça, evrenin tamamlayıcı kutupları olarak görülmelerinden dolayı sıkça Taoizm’de bulunan Yin ve Yang ile kıyaslanmıştır.

A) Besides being complementary polarities of the universe, the God and Goddess of Wiccans have been frequently compared to Yin and Yang in Taoism.

B) Because the God and Goddess in Wiccan belief are seen as complementary polarities of the universe, they have been constantly compared to Yin and Yang found in Taoism.

C) That the God and Goddess are seen as complementary polarities of the universe is the reason why they have been constantly compared to Ying and Yang found in Taoism.

D) Due to being complementary polarities of the universe, the God and Goddess of Wiccan belief have been compared to Ying and Yang in Taoism.

E) If you search the similarities of Wicca and Taoism, the functions of the God and Goddess are same in terms of being complementary polarities of the universe.

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Videolu Çözümleri İzlemek İçin Tıklayın.

40. Izmir, which hosts many different values, has not only been a center trade but also a meeting point of culture and entertainment.

A) İzmir ticaretin ve kültürle eğlencenin buluşma noktasıdır çünkü dünyanın farklı yerlerinden farklı değerleri barındırmaktadır.

B) Sadece ticaretin merkezi kalmayarak kültür ve eğlencenin de buluşma noktası olan İzmir, çok farklı değerleri barındırmaktadır.

C) Birçok farklı değeri barındıran İzmir; sadece ticaretin merkezi değil, aynı zamanda kültür ve eğlencenin de buluşma noktası olmuştur.

D) Pek çok farklı değeri barındırmanın sonucu olarak; İzmir sadece ticaretin değil; kültür ve eğlencenin de buluşma noktası olmuştur.

E) Ticaret merkezi olmanın yanında kültür ve eğlencenin buluşma noktası olarak da bilinen İzmir, pek çok farklı değere ev sahipliği yapmaktadır.

41. Pluto, in a similar way to other members of the Kuiper belt, is composed of rock and ice; but it is small in comparison with other planets in this belt.

A) Plüton, diğer Kuiper kuşağı üyelerine benzer biçimde taş ve buzdan oluşmaktadır; ancak bu kuşaktaki gezegenlere nispeten küçüktür.

B) Diğer Kuiper kuşağı üyeleri gibi, Plüton da ağırlıklı olarak taş ve buzdan oluşmaktadır, ama bu kuşaktaki gezegenlerden daha ufaktır.

C) Taş ve buzdan oluşan ve bu yönüyle Kuiper kuşağı üyelerine benzerlik gösteren Plüton nispeten daha ufaktır.

D) Ağırlıklı olarak kaya ve buzun oluşturduğu Plüton, içinde bulunduğu Kuiper kuşağı gezegenlerine nispeten daha ufaktır.

E) Kuiper Kuşağında yer alan ve nispeten küçük bir gezegen olan Plüton diğer gezegenler gibi kaya ve buzdan oluşmaktadır.

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Videolu Çözümleri İzlemek İçin Tıklayın.

42. Recently effectuated mortgage law in the USA has indirectly caused deepening of the economic crisis existing in Europe.

A) ABD’de yürürlüğe giren mortgage kanunu, Avrupa’da var olan derin ekonomik krizi dolaylı olarak etkiledi.

B) Avrupa’daki var olan krizin derinleşmesinin sebebi ABD’de yeni yürürlüğe giren mortgage kanunudur.

C) Yeni yürürlüğe giren ABD’deki mortgage kanunu, Avrupa’nın var olan krizi daha derinden hissetmesine neden oldu.

D) ABD'de yeni yürürlüğe giren mortgage kanunu, dolaylı olarak Avrupa'da var olan ekonomik krizin derinleşmesine sebep oldu.

E) Yürürlüğe yeni giren ABD’deki mortgage kanunu Avrupa’daki ekonomik krizin derinleşmesine neden oldu.

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Videolu Çözümleri İzlemek İçin Tıklayın.

43. - 46. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Over the past 50 years, humans have changed ecosystems more rapidly and extensively than in any comparable period of time in human history, largely to meet rapidly growing demands for food, fresh water, timber, and fuel. This has resulted in a substantial and largely irreversible loss in the diversity of life on Earth. The changes that have been made to ecosystems have contributed to substantial net gains in human well-being and economic development, but these gains have been achieved at growing costs in the form of the degradation of ecosystem, increased risks of nonlinear changes, and the exacerbation of poverty for some groups of people. These problems, unless addressed, will substantially diminish the benefits that future generations obtain from ecosystems. The degradation of ecosystem could grow significantly worse during the first half of this century and is a barrier to achieving the Millennium Development Goals. The challenge of reversing the degradation of ecosystems while meeting increasing demands of humans can be partially met under some scenarios that the international organizations have considered, but these involve significant changes in policies, institutions, and practices that are not currently under way. 43. We can gather from the passage that

largely irrecoverable loss in the diversity of life on Earth ----.

A) will be aided by annihilating unfair distribution of income which remains on the agenda of international organizations

B) exists due to the desire of wealthy parts of the world for living better under any condition

C) is the main outcome of humans placing financial income before nature itself

D) forces international organizations to focus on how to decelerate the degradation of ecosystem rather than how to stop it

E) precludes the studies searching the possibility of restoring the ecosystem without ignoring needs of humans

44. It can be inferred from the passage that ----.

A) fifty-year-time might be very short when nature begins to reset itself

B) Nature will be so mean to next generations whether necessary solution ways are searched

C) low income all around the world is mainly result of the degradation of ecosystems

D) inverting the negative changes in ecosystems needs broad-based changes in nearly every area of life

E) the earth was forced to change very fast as happened in different ways many times before

45. It is inferred from the passage that ----.

A) human interest in ecosystems revealed for the need of basic sources, but then its financial gains became prominent

B) humans aren’t the only suspect of all negative changes in ecosystems

C) people are opposed to legal regulations for the fear of interruption of financial gain from nature

D) Ambition of people who use nature for their financial gain rather than supply their basic needs have become irreversible

E) The Earth has witnessed the biggest financial growth since 1960s which can't be compared to previous ones

46. The passage mainly deals with ----. A) the contrast between millennium

development goals and expectations during the first half of this century

B) reasons of changes in ecosystems and offers for solutions to recover the ecosystem

C) Millennium Development Goals and how to achieve them during the second half of this century

D) humans’ nature perception and their negative effects on ecosystems.

E) problem questioning the reasons of the degradation of ecosystems and reversing negative effects

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Videolu Çözümleri İzlemek İçin Tıklayın.

47. - 50. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Ebola, which was first appeared in 1976 near the Ebola River in Congo, is a severe, often fatal illness, with a death rate of up to 90%. Ebola outbreak, which arose in February, is the first documented one in West Africa. However, this outbreak was not entirely unexpected as the region shares an ecological system known to be associated with Ebola virus outbreaks. Ebola viruses are highly transmissible by direct contact with infected blood, secretions, tissues, organs or other bodily fluids of dead or living infected persons and animals; however, airborne transmission has not been documented. Exposure to the virus can be controlled through the use of protective measures in clinics and hospitals, at community gatherings, or at home. Since there is no specific drug against Ebola, the best treatment is intensive supportive treatment provided in the hospital by health workers using strict infection control procedures. Typical signs and symptoms of infection, which are observed within next two days following the infection, are intense weakness, muscle pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. Men who have recovered from the illness can still spread the virus to their partner through their sperm for up to 7 weeks after recovery.

47. According to the passage, Ebola virus ----.

A) isn’t so threatening, because a person is infected only in case of touching infected patient’s skin

B) may infect people who share the same environment via either direct contact or airborne

C) forces people in Western Africa to stay away from public gathering and transportation

D) is a serious disease which has been documented in other parts of Africa

E) is direct threat even for people who don’t stay in contaminated areas

48. We can understand from the passage that ----.

A) Western Africa has some similarities with other areas contaminated by Ebola virus before

B) Large-scale studies of treatment and quarantine against Ebola outbreak are ongoing.

C) For now, people are struggling to keep the epidemic under control rather than entirely eliminate it

D) the Ebola virus loses its fatal effect on infected persons just after the strict treatment procedures

E) The countries on the west coast of Africa are lack of scientific competences against the Ebola breakout

49. It can be inferred from the passage that signs and symptoms of infection ----.

A) are very similar to other seasonal illnesses this is why people are get late to consult a doctor

B) might not be so obvious as soon as the victim picks up the virus

C) may show many different physical indications which emerge disparately in every individual

D) must be deeply observed in different areas so as to determine the exact borders of breakout

E) show that the course of disease differs in animals and humans

50. The main concern of the passage is to ----. A) attract attention to Ebola breakout on the

western coast of Africa B) emphasize the conditions under which

Ebola disease emerges and becomes an epidemic

C) clarify the readers about course of the disease and protection ways against Ebola virus

D) explain the disease of Ebola with the examples from breakout on the western coast of Africa

E) summarize the details of Ebola virus about which doesn’t have a specific cure

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Videolu Çözümleri İzlemek İçin Tıklayın.

51. - 54. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Geopolitical developments in Central Asia and the Caucasus which are landlocked, has made Turkey one of the active players in the world energy trade. Turkey has become an important north-south oil transit route. Analysis of Ankara’s abilities shows that energy concerns rather than a reassessment of its Western ties motivate its outreach to Russia and Iran. The Russian Federation, while enjoying huge reserves of oil and gas, keeps trying to play a major role in energy market at regional and global levels. The Iranian oil and gas reserves are being considered as a remarkable source for securing energy of the world, thanks to the ongoing boycotts of western countries. There is consensus on the existence of adequate oil and gas reserve of Central Asia and the Caucasus to meet needs near future. The presence of the United States in the Middle East, particularly in Iraq and Afghanistan, has escalated the importance of Central Asia and the Caucasus in ensuring energy supply in this strategic region. With the end of domination of Euro-Atlanticism in Russian foreign policy and with spread of Eurasianism approach in its foreign policy, Iran is perceived as a useful partner for Russians, especially in the ‘Near Abroad”. From mid of 1990s their relations constantly expanded, although there were some challenges too. Iran’s role in Civil war in Tajikistan and its constructive role in Chechnya War, made it clear for Russians that Tehran-Moscow ties will strengthen.

51. It can be understand from the passage that Turkey ----.

A) is stuck among the regional energy powers in the Caucasus

B) sees its relation with regional powers as a balance against western countries

C) has become an important destination of countries searching secure marketing route for their energy sources

D) will enhance its strategic partnership with Russia as a result of Eurasianism approach

E) has to check its political based relation with Iran because of the USA existence in the Middle East

52. It is pointed out in passage that ----.

A) the USA wants to dominate all the major part of the world energy reserves

B) Iran made moves which coincide with benefits of Russian foreign policy in the region

C) Caucasus will be opened to world energy markets via pipelines crossing Turkey from east to west

D) Russia hosts enough oil and gas separately which world population may need near future

E) Iraq and Afghanistan are both political satellite of the USA to control Russian Eurasianism policy

53. We can infer from the passage that ----.

A) Turkey can’t take advantage of regional developments as much as expected

B) regardless of boycotts carried out, Iranian gas and oil have a big request in international energy markets

C) Russia spent all its effort on development of energy strategies against the USA and the EU partnership

D) Close partnership of Russia and Iran is the unexpected outcome of the U.S. policy of isolating both of the states in international arena

E) energy concern is the major factor shaping Turkey’s regional relations especially with Russia and Iran

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Videolu Çözümleri İzlemek İçin Tıklayın.

54. It is stated in the passage that Eurasianism approach ----.

A) began to shape Russian post-cold war foreign policy which focuses on more regional affairs

B) bases on having the control of reserve areas of gas and oil exist in Eurasia

C) is seen as a threat for energy domination strategies of the USA

D) required Russia a partner like Iran until gaining its power back

E) is being carried out against middle east policy of the USA

55. - 58. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Linguists have developed a variety of different theories about language, each having a different emphasis. Since the advent of generative grammar in the 1950s, many linguists have been primarily concerned with developing theories that are competence-based. Noam Chomsky is the principal proponent of competence-based theories of language. Chomsky developed his theory of language during a period when Behaviorist psychology dominated thinking about language. Because behaviorists viewed language as a product of linguistic imitation experience, they believed that children entered life with a blank slate, and learned language only after being exposed to it. Chomsky countered that this view had to be wrong because children were able to produce linguistic structures that they could not possibly have encountered through everyday experience. Chomsky therefore concluded that all human beings were born with an innate capacity for language, and that it was therefore more important to study what languages had in common rather than how they differed. To reflect this emphasis, he postulated the notion of universal grammar: the idea that every individual, regardless of the language they ultimately spoke, had within their linguistic competence a language acquisition device containing a set of universal principles.

55. According to the passage Universal Grammar ----.

A) implies that similar region languages have a common structural basis and the set of rules

B) was revealed by Chomsky who has tried to explain source of language in an imitative way

C) can also be discussed in Behaviorist view since it explains language acquisition by the way of experience

D) proposes that people eventually develop a language no matter what language it is

E) explains language learning a process in which individuals listen to and repeat adult speech regularly

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Videolu Çözümleri İzlemek İçin Tıklayın.

56. It is clearly stated in the passage that the Behaviorist Language view ----.

A) makes external input obligatory so as to individual could construct language

B) has never been a superior language learning model, because of the theoretical changes

C) doesn’t entirely reject individuals’ innate capacity for language learning

D) was reshaped after 1950s in which linguistics met the term of generative grammar

E) focuses on the language production rather than the process of language learning

57. We can understand form the passage that ----.

A) Generative grammar is the beginning of many language learning theories on the same views

B) Behaviorist view remained incapable of explaining the learning of the structures that have never been heard

C) Chomsky’s language learning view ignores social interaction and imitation process more than Behaviorism does

D) there was limited knowledge about language learning process of human

E) because competence-based theories completed their development in 50s, they could light the way of next views

58. The passage mainly deals with ----.

A) Behaviorist psychology which affected main theories of language learning at that time

B) Definition of Universal Grammar and its effect on different language learning methods

C) common contrast points between effects of external input and innate capacity on language learning

D) Chomsky and his views on how languages are learnt

E) alteration in language learning theories in the last 60 years

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Videolu Çözümleri İzlemek İçin Tıklayın.

59. - 62. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Territorially enlarged, the USSR, Soviet Russia, came out of the war with an aura of prestige from having fought Hitler’s Germany. Although in 1945 the Communist world was limited to the Soviet Union, it rapidly spread to Central and Eastern Europe, forming a protective buffer zone for the USSR. Communist propaganda was greatly helped by the presence of the Soviet army in the countries that it had liberated in Central and Eastern Europe. The leaders of non-Communist parties were progressively removed: they were either discredited, intimidated or subjected to show trials leading to their imprisonment or even execution. Three years was enough for the USSR to establish people’s democracies ruled by Communist parties. Poland, Hungary, Romania and Czechoslovakia were more or less brutally forced into the Soviet embrace. Nevertheless, the refusal in 1948 of the Yugoslav Communists to follow the line decreed by the Cominform, which was opened in different cities in eastern Europe as an office, aim of which was to close ranks around Moscow and to ensure that European Communists were in line with Soviet policies, showed that the USSR had some difficulty keeping control of all its satellite countries. The division of Berlin is another matter of Soviet Russia expansion in Europe. Berlin was divided by western powers and Soviet Russia and became one of the main theatres of confrontation between East and West. The division of Europe into two blocs was confirmed. The city became a symbol of freedom for the West.

59. It is obvious in the passage that the Soviet Union ----.

A) had advanced its political relations with eastern states before its Communist dominance in Europe

B) expected communism to be approved in all Europe states

C) used military power as direct force in neighbor states to approve communism as a major regime

D) hosted many politicians who believed that all relations with communist regime states were in a way they had expected

E) used its military power against Nazi Germany effectively over other eastern zone states

60. We can understand from the passage that ----.

A) western powers and Soviet Russia divided berlin according to the political plans decided before

B) soviet Russia could expand neither its radius of action nor its communist orbit after World War 2

C) communist regimes generally don’t allow opposition among the people under rule to be free

D) people living in Berlin were deprive of deciding their own future liberally

E) it is possible to say that soviet Russia successfully had an effect on all area under its influence

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Videolu Çözümleri İzlemek İçin Tıklayın.

61. It can be said about the Communist World of 1945 ----.

A) believed that western military attacks were still possible to happen

B) included also some central eastern states such as Poland, Hungary, Romania, and Czechoslovakia

C) stepped forward to improve its relations with western powers with which they fought against Nazis

D) was tolerated to persons who didn’t support communism

E) didn’t expected so sharp division between west and communism that would happen in next 5 years

62. It can be said about the Communist World of 1945 ----.

A) was the final step of Soviet Russia’s expanded security zone dream

B) became a deep conflict in Yugoslavia when the Cominform of USSR was rejected

C) was a precursor of next wars between communist Russia and capitalist west

D) saw every way acceptible to enlarge its sphere of influence in the Central and Eastern Europe

E) caused to narrowing of communism effect in Europe contrary to previous expectations of communist leaders years

63. - 67. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz.

63. Shopkeeper: ─ We can’t refund the price of your mobile phone, sir; but we can send it to the producer and wait for its repair or change.

Customer: ─ But, before I bought it, I had been told that it was guaranteed under any condition!

Shopkeeper: ─ ----.

Customer: ─ So why didn’t you explain all the details of guarantee conditions?

A) I’m sorry to explain that, but user errors are not matter of guarantee, sir

B) Guarantee for devices doesn’t include pay-back, it means only free repair and change

C) It might be. We have recently taken over this shop, so it's not our concern. Please, call the producer

D) Do you know that you have to prove that it wasn’t your own mistake?

E) You were to read guarantee conditions carefully when you bought the device

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64. Teacher: ─ That your son’s irresponsible behaviors in the class disturb not only me but also his friends, especially his deskmates. By the way, nobody wants to share the same desk with him.

Parent: ─ But he is so quiet and hardworking at home. You are talking to me as if my son evolved during school time.

Teacher: ─ ----.

Parent: ─ I know the difference, but I have become so confused about the situation.

A) I don’t know how effective school atmosphere, but it is obvious that he has a changeable character

B) It is not your fault you can have a professional help from a pediatrician or psychologist

C) I have chosen to use the term of irresponsible; neither lazy nor noisy

D) That he can’t spend time with his father or you may cause this problem

E) Transferring him to another school in which he will be able make a new beginning can make a differentness

65. Hostess: ─ Sir, You are sitting on the wrong car. May I ask you to move the third car which is second class department?

Passenger: ─ ----.

Hostess: ─ I am sorry, because all seats have been booked after Bristol, I will have to remove you in there even if you do it.

Passenger: ─ You are not tolerated to the mistakes, reason of which are not passengers!

A) My ticket was to be the first class. It is not my fault. May I pay the price class difference?

B) Most of the seats are empty, so why can’t I stay here? Why aren’t you tolerated?

C) It must be a mistake. I don’t leave my seat. Please check my ticket again.

D) May I upgrade my ticket for my final destination, Bristol?

E) I know but somebody was smoking on there, so I had to sit here.

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66. Mr. Blackwood: ─ If you were able to explain your reason to apply this job what would you say?

Applicant: ─ To be honest; the first thing attracting me in the advertisement was the high salary which is much higher than I'm earning now.

Mr. Blackwood: ─ ----.

Applicant: ─ Salary is a significant criteria. On the other hand, your social opportunities for workers are very good as well.

A) How do you know you will earn more than you do now?

B) But you will have to work a lot to earn the salary written in the ads. Are you physically ready for this job?

C) Money should be less important than the pleasure you get at work. Don’t you believe that?

D) What made you apply this position in addition to high statue?

E) Is income placed on the top while you are applying for a job?

67. Mark: Betty, I don’t know how to say, but I have experienced unfortunate events in the last five days and these events have helped me explore myself.

Betty: - What do you mean exactly?

Mark: - ----.

Betty: - And you explain it when we have

arranged everything for our ceremony wedding. It is next Friday! God damn you!

A) I am sorry, but my best man won’t be able attend the ceremony.

B) I feel as if I weren’t enough mature to get a responsibility of being a family.

C) I forgot arranging our honeymoon hotel in Maldives

D) We will have to stay with my mom for a while; actually, until we pay all the loan installments

E) I think your mom doesn’t like me so much, and she has been trying to deter you from wedding.

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Videolu Çözümleri İzlemek İçin Tıklayın.

68. - 71. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın cümleyi bulunuz.

68. A career at the higher levels of academia is preceded by a long, rigorous path that puts particular demands on women who wish to have a family.

A) All women want to have a family, but their desire of getting a career at high levels of academia is a propellant power they need.

B) Higher academic career means a long and harsh way that has special requests from women who have a family life.

C) There are particular demands on women asking for a family life on the path to reach a career at the higher academic levels.

D) Since the way to a career at the superior levels of academia is long and difficult, women wanting family life give up earlier than others.

E) Long and harsh path to have a career at the higher levels of academia requires definite sacrifice from women who want to have a family.

69. Because of the huge costs involved in building and operating today’s luxury ships, cruise lines want their ships to sail with as few empty cabins as possible.

A) Despite the high costs of building and running the modern ships, cruise companies don't let their ships sail without operating full capacity.

B) Enormous expenses related to construction and operation today's modern ships are the factors cause cruise lines intend to sail the ships with as many passengers as possible.

C) Construction and running expenses of comfortable ships are so high that cruise companies sail their ships only with full cabins.

D) If there weren't such costs caused by building and running of modern ships, cruise companies would be more flexible about capacity necessities.

E) Not only the building but operating costs of luxury ships affect passenger policy of many cruise companies.

70. In ancient times, that a volcano was known as the home of god of fire seemed reasonable, because few people saw more than one smoking mountain in their lives.

A) People had no chance to see many volcanoes, so when they saw one they supposed that it was the house of god of fire.

B) Ancient civilizations had different believes and naming volcanoes as the home of god of fire was one of them.

C) Since that people saw only one smoking volcano through their life, it is understandable for people to name volcano as the house of god of fire.

D) The fact why ancient people saw smoking volcano as the home of god of fire was rational due to limited chance to see more volcanoes in their lives.

E) Smoking volcanoes were thought as the house of god fire, yet it was so reasonable that many had never seen another volcano in their lives.

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Videolu Çözümleri İzlemek İçin Tıklayın.

71. People who suffer multiple concussions are at a significant risk for a degenerative brain disorder that causes a variety of dangerous mental and emotional problems to arise months or even years.

A) Degenerative brain disease is very risky because it may cause different and long term mental and sentimental problems.

B) A person with a multiple concussion most likely suffers from long term mental and sensational difficulties which are outcomes of degenerated brain.

C) Multiple concussions may cause some long term brain disorders in people who have mental and psychological diseases.

D) Whether long term mental and psychological difficulties are the results of degenerative brain disorders depends on the people if they suffer from multiple concussions.

E) Suffering from multiple concussions cause some degenerative mental disorders including long term cognitive and psychological troubles.

72. - 75. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

72. It is known that there are also some cases in which Ebola virus disease is contracted by handling infected animals or carcasses. ----. So it is necessity to deter people from being together in public areas so as to prevent infection and limit or stop the breakout.

A) If people stay together, it may increase the number of death cases related to Ebola.

B) Many animals are killed because they live in the contaminated area

C) Public areas are the places where virus infects others even via breathing

D) People should be warn not to touch carcasses they find in terrain

E) However; in Africa, most of the disease has spread through human-to-human transmission.

73. ----. While a few such as Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine have struggled to democratize, they face antidemocratic elements within their borders. But some European institutions in the region support activists in their struggle to strengthen basic human and political rights.

A) Most countries in Eurasia rank at or near the bottom of ratings for civil liberties and political rights.

B) Any political side can’t deny the strong oppression of Russia over its neighbor states.

C) Eurasia includes many different states and different perceptions in each state.

D) Human rights and political freedom have been matter of international ratings for a long time.

E) Social and political developments have been always blocked in some Eurasia states due to the civil wars.

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74. All religious systems want to come to grips with the unseen, the essence of existence and of life. They want to bridge the visible world with that which is unseen and unknown. ----. Hence, there really is no comprehensive definition of religion on which all scholars agree.

A) Yet the term religion can mean many different things, depending upon the context.

B) These indefinite subjects generally mean same in many religious works.

C) People try to rationalize the things they can’t make sense on their mind via religions.

D) That the things are mysterious related to our existence always attract people.

E) Scholars tend to explain these secrets in a way people can easily understand.

75. At different stages in your life you have different daily nutrient requirements. These depend on your age, whether you are male or female and how active you are. For instance, a doctor needs 2000 calories while a builder needs 4500 calories per day. ----.

A) In this way, you decide how to follow a healthy diet.

B) So individuals who suffer from over-weight should follow very strict diet plan

C) These needs should be checked very carefully every two weeks.

D) It means; if you have very restless daily life, then you should get more calories than a man having desk job.

E) There are many tests that measure calorie needs per day and offer a suggestion for your meals.

76. - 80. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

76. (I) Probiotics are mixtures that include special nutritive items that help boost the levels of helpful bacteria in the intestines. (II) The most important probiotics are, according to doctors, lactobacillus and bifid bacterium. (III) There are many products available in pharmacies that include probiotics. (IV) You can also get probiotics straight from certain foods. (V) Naturally fermented yogurts and kefir include helpful bacteria. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

77. (I) Interest in Mars, the fourth planet from the Sun, began long before people were able to send spacecraft to the Red Planet. (II) Even early astronomers were able to see Mars’ brightness and position changes in the sky. (III) With the invention of powerful telescopes, scientists were able to see the surface of Mars for the first time. (IV) Today, we can send robotic missions to Mars to study its surface. (V) Mars missions will launch about every two years, to gain a better understanding of Mars’ geologic history and search for evidence of past or present life. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

78. (I) After World War II, in the France; many cities lay in ruin, and their infrastructures needed years of reconstruction. (II) But government concentrated on providing landline telephones and services first. (III) Because, there was a great demand on learning local affairs at the first hand. (IV) Despite all efforts, private phony companies didn't become volunteer, nor other European companies. (V) Then France army and government established their own company, Alcatel, to constitute the communication web.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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79. (I) Drying foods is one of the oldest methods of preservation known to man. (II) It preserves food by removing moisture to a point where growth of microorganisms cannot be supported. (III) Since this method is very primitive, it requires little outlay of special equipment and expense. (IV) It can be done outdoors or indoors in an oven or specially built dehydrator. (V) The quality is not improved by drying and drying does not preserve nutrients, so it is important to begin with foods at the peak of their quality.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

80. (I) Human communication does not always need a sender and a receiver. (II) Communication should be considered together with the context it takes place. (III) Context in which the communication takes place is constituted of linguistic context, which is the linguistic input in communication. (IV) For instance, "push" on a door means "push the door, and not pull" while "push" on an electronic device means "push the button to switch on" (V) We do not need to see or hear "the door" or "the button" as the physical context communicates the meaning.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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