video technology & postmodernism

Video Technology Bryn Bodayle

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Page 1: Video Technology & Postmodernism

Video TechnologyBryn Bodayle

Page 2: Video Technology & Postmodernism Short Video

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1872 - Eadweard Muybridge’s horse photographs

1895 - Louis Lumiere invented portable motion picture camera 1897 - Karl Braun creates cathode-ray tube (CRT)

1972 - First liquid-crystal display produced (LCD)

1963 - JFK assassination experienced via television

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1980 - Michael Naimark’s Displacements installation

2011 - Amon Tobin’s ISAM tour

2001 - Blizzard releases World of Warcraft

2003 - Linden Lab’s release Second Life

1985 - Commodore Amiga shipped with standard GPU

1972 - Pong: earliest popular video game

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1980 - Michael Naimark’s Displacements installation

2011 - Amon Tobin’s ISAM tour

2001 - Blizzard releases World of Warcraft

2003 - Linden Lab’s release Second Life

1985 - Commodore Amiga shipped with standard GPU

1972 - Pong: earliest popular video game

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Video calling: FaceTime, Skype

3D video: holograms, 3DS, 3D TVs, Tupac

Live Events: concerts, sports, conferences

Internet: Livestream, GoToMeeting, Chatroulette

Simulation: surgery instruction, education

More Examples

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Modern | PostmodernDecode | Transcode

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Inherent instability of meaning

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Inherent instability of meaningConstantly Changing

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Jean Baudrillard

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Jean BaudrillardScreened Out

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“Television has been in the news a lot lately. It is supposed to exist to speak to us about the world. And, like any self-respecting medium, it is also supposed to put events first and its own concerns second. But for some time now, it seems either to have lost this respect for itself or to have come to regarditself as the event.”

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Media has become self-referential. The medium is the intermedium.Television is eyeing itself.The masses no longer desire meaning or information.The masses only ask for signs and images.Reality shows, vox-pops, self-commentary.Fixed answers for fixed questions.

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“If television has begun to revolve around its own concerns and to engage endlessly in examining its own convulsions, this is because it is no longer capable of finding a meaning outside itself, of getting beyond itself as a medium,and finding its purpose: to produce the world as information and give meaning to that information. Through using and abusing events with images - to the point of coming under suspicion of conjuring events up out of nothing - television has become virtually disconnected from the world and has begun to turn back in on its own universe like a meaningless signifier, desperately seeking an ethic to replace its failing credibility, a moral status to replace its lack of imagination.”

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Works Cited

Chernus, Ira. "Frederic Jameson's Interpretation of Postmodernism." University of Colorado at Boulder, n.d. Web.

Baudrillard, Jean. Screened out. London: Verso, 2002. Print.

"The Illustrated History of Projection Mapping." Projection Mapping Central. Augmented Engineering, n.d. Web. 06 Apr. 2013.

McLuhan, Marshall, and Lewis H. Lapham. Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man. Cambridge, MA: MIT, 1994. Print.