video storyboard2

Name of Video: Improving Classroom Teaching Description of this scene: Start/Introduction: Ever wonder how to keep students engaged? Screen 1 of 19 Actual text: How to Keep students engaged? Color/Type/Size of Font: White/Calibri(Body) 18 Background: Students Thinking om/photos/cecilia carneiro/2972694 210/ Narration: Have you Ever wondered how To keep students Engaged? Audio: Keep Going Instrumental www.freeplaymusic. com Screen size: 4:3 (Sketch screen here noting color, place, size of graphics if any) Transition to next clip: Pan down Animation: None Audience Interaction: Asking audience a question.

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Post on 16-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Video storyboard2

Name of Video: Improving Classroom Teaching

Description of this scene: Start/Introduction: Ever wonder how to keep students engaged?

Screen 1 of 19

Actual text: How to Keep students engaged?

Color/Type/Size of Font: White/Calibri(Body) 18

Background: Students Thinking

Narration: Have you

Ever wondered how To keep students Engaged?

Audio: Keep Going Instrumental www.freeplaymusic. com

Screen size: 4:3

(Sketch screen here noting color, place, size of

graphics if any)

Transition to next clip: Pan down Animation: None Audience Interaction: Asking audience a question.

Page 2: Video storyboard2

Name of Video: Improving Classroom Teaching

Description of this scene: Objectives and Outcomes

Screen 2 of 19

Background: Black

Color/Type/Size of Font: White/Calibri/18&12

Actual text: Objective s And Outcomes Create awareness to Educators of technology Tools that can be Implemented to enhance Student learning Incorporate interactive Whiteboards, slides in Presentations, discussion Boards, and web 2.0tools

Narration: I am here To show you how to Enhance student Learning by incorpor- ating interactive Whiteboards, slides in Presentations, Discussion boards and Web 2.0 tools in your lessons Audio:Keep Going Instrumental www.freeplaymusic. com

Objectives and Outcomes

Create awareness to educators of technology tools that can be

implemented to enhance student learning

Incorporate interactive whiteboards, slides in presentations, discussion

boards, and Web 2.0 tools

Transition to next clip: Pan down Animation: None Audience Interaction: None

Page 3: Video storyboard2

Name of Video: Improving Classroom Teaching

Description of this scene: Targeting the Audience

Screen 3 of 19

Background: Black

Color/Type/Size of Font: White/Calibri/28 CAPS

Actual text: ALL GRADE LEVELS!!!

Narration: These Tools can be used for Educators of all Grade levels and in college

Audio:Keep Going Instrumental www.freeplaymusic. com


Transition to next clip: Pan down Animation: None Audience Interaction: None

Page 4: Video storyboard2

Name of Video: Improving Classroom Teaching

Description of this scene: What is a Whiteboard?

Screen 4 of 19

Background: Online video available at:

Color/Type/Size of Font: White/Calibri/18

Actual text: What is a Whiteboard?

Narration: The first Thing as an educator That you could use to Enhance student Learning is a Whiteboard .What is A Whiteboard? A Whiteboard is a Wipeable board with A white surface used For teaching and Presentations.

Audio:Keep Going Instrumental www.freeplaymusic. com

Transition to next clip: Pan down Animation: Play video Audience Interaction: Asking audience a question

Page 5: Video storyboard2

Benefits of Using a


Enthusiasm for Learning Learning Styles

Increase Productivity

Name of Video: Improving Classroom Teaching

Description of this scene: Benefits of the Whiteboard

Background: Purple and green

Color/Type/Size of Font: White/Calibri/18

Actual text: Benefits of Using a Whiteboard Enthusiasm for Learning Learning Styles Increase Productivity

Screen 5 of 19

Narration: The benefits Of using a whiteboard Is that it raises the Level of student Engagement which Promotes enthusiasm For learning. It Supports many learning Styles including those That are hearing and Visually impaired. Educators can change Text and images, view Websites as a group, Write notes and much More which increases Productivity.

Audio:Keep Going Instrumental www.freeplaymusic. com

Transition to next clip: Pan down Animation: None Audience Interaction: None

Page 6: Video storyboard2

Background: Prezi online video

Name of Video: Improving Classroom Teaching

Description of this scene: What is Prezi?

Color/Type/Size of Font: No Original Font/Just Font from the prezi presentation

Actual text: No original Text/Just text from the Prezi presenatation

Narration: The next Tool that can be used Is a prezi presenation. You may be wondering What is Prezi? It is a web-based Presentation Application that uses A single canvas instead Of regular slides. You Can group text, images, And videos on the Canvas and group them Together in frames. As you can see, it Creates a cinematic Journey using frames And paths.

Audio:Keep Going Instrumental www.freeplaymusic. com

Screen 6 of 19

Transition to next clip: Pan down Animation: Play video Audience Interaction: Asking audience a question

Page 7: Video storyboard2


Benefits of Using Prezi

Uses frames/paths to create a cinematic journey

Collaborate in real-time Import PP slides, videos,

images, etc.

Name of Video: Improving Classroom Teaching

Description of this scene: Benefits of Prezi Screen 7 of 19

Background: Purple and green

Color/Type/Size of Font: White/Calibri/18

Actual text: Benefits of Prezi Uses frames/paths to Create a cinematic Journey Collaborate in real-time Import PP sllides,videos, Images, etc.

Narration: Prezi has Many features such as The usage of paths and Frames to create a Movie type Presentation which is Very engaging for Learners. Using prezi Allows for users to Collaborate in real time Across the room and Even across the world. As a bonus, it allows You to import PP slides, Video, and images to Create an entertaining Presentation.

Audio:Keep Going Instrumental www.freeplaymusic. com

Transition to next clip: Pan down Animation: None Audience Interaction: None

Page 8: Video storyboard2

Name of Video: Improving Classroom Teaching

Description of this scene: What are Discussion Boards?

Screen 8 of 19

Background: Discussion board picture:

Color/Type/Size of Font: Black/Calibri/18

Actual text: What are Discussion boards?

Narration: What are Discussion boards? It Enables participants To read and post Messages to each Other. Instructors May use this tool to To conduct online Discussion of course Material.

Audio: Keep Going Instrumental www.freeplaymusic. com

Transition to next clip: Pan down Animation: None Audience Interaction: Asking audience a question

Page 9: Video storyboard2

Name of Video: Improving Classroom Teaching

Description of this scene: Benefits of Discussion Boards

Screen 9 of 19

Background: Black background

Color/Type/Size of Font: White/Calibri/18

Actual text: Benefits of Discussion Boards 1. Utilize Critical Skills

Benefits of Discussion Boards 1. Utilize Critical Thinking Skills

Narration: The benefits Of using a discussion Board is that it allows Participants to utilize Critical thinking skills. It Forces the participants To read other Perspectives and even Consider a response.

Audio: Keep Going Instrumental www.freeplaymusic. com

Transition to next clip: Pan down Animation: None Audience Interaction: None

Page 10: Video storyboard2

Name of Video: Improving Classroom Teaching

Description of this scene: Benefits of Discussion Boards

Screen 10 of 19

Background: Black background

Color/Type/Size of Font: White/Calibri/18

Actual text: Benefits of Discussion Boards 2. Achieve Greater Cognitive and Exploratory Learning

Benefits of Discussion Boards

2. Achieve Greater Cognitive and Exploratory Learning

Narration: Another Benefit of Discussion Boards is that students Achieve greater Cognitive and Exploratory learning. It Is an active method of Learning and gives Students an enhanced Sense of empowerment Which can lead to Someone that is more Interested and motivated

Audio: Keep Going Instrumental www.freeplaymusic. com

Transition to next clip: Pan down Animation: None Audience Interaction: None

Page 11: Video storyboard2

Name of Video: Improving Classroom Teaching

Description of this scene: Benefits of Discussion Boards

Screen 11 of 19

Background: Black background

Color/Type/Size of Font: White/Calibri/18

Actual text: Benefits of Discussion Boards 3. Participate more Regulatory than face- To-face instruction

Narration: The last Benefit of utilizing Discussion boards is That it offers individuals A tool to actively Participate in the class Without feeling anxiety They may feel with Face-to-face instruction Online discussion Boards provide classes For conversations to Take place more fluidly Than in a lecture hall Of 100 students.

Audio: Keep Going Instrumental www.freeplaymusic. com

Benefits of Discussion Boards 3. Participate More Regulatory Than Face-to-Face Instruction

Transition to next clip: Pan down Animation: None Audience Interaction: None

Page 12: Video storyboard2

Name of Video: Improving Classroom Teaching

Description of this scene: Web 2.0 Tools to Enhance Student Learning

Screen 12 of 19

Background: Online picture of wikispaces, Kidblog, and jing:

Color/Type/Size of Font: Black/Calibri/18

Actual text: What are Web 2.0 tools?

Narration: What are

Web 2.0 tools? They are Social media that Focuses on the ability For people to Collaborate and share Information. It has Highly accessible and Scalable publishing

Techniques. Here you

Have wikispaces, Kidblog, and Jing just to Name a few.

Audio: Keep Going Instrumental www.freeplaymusic. com

Transition to next clip: Pan down Animation: Flip pictures of the wiki, kidblog, and jing Audience Interaction: Asking audience a question

Page 13: Video storyboard2

Name of Video: Improving Classroom Teaching

Description of this scene: Web 2.0 Tools to Enhance Student Learning -Wiki Screen 13 of 19

Background: Purple and Green

Color/Type/Size of Font: White/Calibri/18

Actual text: Wiki Freely create and make Changes to web page Content, post classroom Assignments, view Others’ work

Narration: A wiki is a Server software that Allows users to freely Create and make Changes to web page Content. Many online Classes use wikispaces To post classroom Assingments, and it Allows users to view Others’ work. It is also Very efficient and well organized

Audio: Keep Going Instrumental www.freeplaymusic. com

Wiki Freely create and make changes to web page content Post classroom assignments View others’ work

Transition to next clip: Pan down Animation: None Audience Interaction: None

Page 14: Video storyboard2

Name of Video: Improving Classroom Teaching

Description of this scene: Web 2.0 Tools to Enhance Student Learning -Kidblog

Screen 14 of 19

Background: Purple and Green

Color/Type/Size of Font: White/Calibri/18

Actual text: Kidblog Publish posts and Participate in academic Discussions, practice Writing skills, create an E-portfolio, reflect on Learning, formatively Assess writing

Narration: Next, is Kidblog. It is designed For K-12 teachers that Wishes to provide Students with an Individual blog. It Allows students to Publish posts and Participate in academic Discussions. Users can Also practice writing Skills, create an E-portfolio, reflect on Learning, and

Formatively assess Writing. Teachers have Complete control over The blogs.

Audio: Keep Going Instrumental www.freeplaymusic. com

Kidblog Publish posts and participate in academic discussions Practice writing skills Create an e-portfolio Reflect on Learning Formatively assess writing

Transition to next clip: Pan down Animation: None Audience Interaction: None

Page 15: Video storyboard2

Name of Video: Improving Classroom Teaching

Description of this scene: Web 2.0 Tools to Enhance Student Learning -Jing

Screen 15of 19

Jing Share images Make animations or videos Add text or draw items

Background: Purple and Green

Color/Type/Size of Font: White/Calibri/18

Actual text: Jing Share images, make Animations or videos, Add text or draw items

Narration: Lastly, is Jing which is a Computer software Program that can be Used to share images With others on the Internet and make Animations or videos That show others a Series of steps for Instructing others. Users can add text or Draw items to provide Labels or captions.

Audio:Keep Going Instrumental www.freeplaymusic. com

Transition to next clip: Pan down Animation: None Audience Interaction: Jing

Page 16: Video storyboard2

Name of Video: Improving Classroom Teaching

Description of this scene: Summary of enhancement tools

Screen 16 of 19

Background: online picture of technology:

Color/Type/Size of Font: None

Actual text: None

Narration: Using these Tools in the classroom Can make a change in Students’ learning Abilities. Incorporating Interactive whiteboards, Prezi presentations, Discussion boards, and Other web 2.0 tools can Increase engagement Levels in students and I hope you have learned Something new from This PSA. Audio: Keep Going Instrumental www.freeplaymusic. com

Transition to next clip: Pan down Animation: None Audience Interaction: None

Page 17: Video storyboard2


Name of Video: Improving Classroom Teaching

Description of this scene: Thanks Screen 17 of 19

Background: Black background

Color/Type/Size of Font: White/Calibri/18 CAPS

Actual text: Thanks!!!

Narration: Thanks!!!

Audio: Keep Going Instrumental www.freeplaymusic. com

Transition to next clip: Pan down Animation: None Audience Interaction: None

Page 18: Video storyboard2

Name of Video: Improving Classroom Teaching

Description of this scene: Credits Screen 18 of 19

Background: Black background

Color/Type/Size of Font: White and Blue/Calibri/ 18&12

Actual text: Credits

Narration: None

Audio: Keep Going Instrumental www.freeplaymusic. com


Transition to next clip: Pan down Animation: Credits go up the screen Audience Interaction: None

Page 19: Video storyboard2

Name of Video: Improving Classroom Teaching

Description of this scene: Credits Screen 19 of 19

Background: Black background

Color/Type/Size of Font: Blue/Calibri/12

Actual text: Credits

Narration: None

Audio: Keep Going Instrumental www.freeplaymusic. com

Transition to next clip: None Animation: Credits go up the screen Audience Interaction: None