victorian essential learning standards overview

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  • 8/14/2019 Victorian Essential Learning Standards Overview


  • 8/14/2019 Victorian Essential Learning Standards Overview



  • 8/14/2019 Victorian Essential Learning Standards Overview


  • 8/14/2019 Victorian Essential Learning Standards Overview


    ForewordAll young Victorians need a high quality education that equip

    range o knowledge, skills and personal qualities to conden

    lie in a complex, inormation-rich and constantly changing w

    In releasing the Blueprint or Government Schools in Novem

    or Education and Training, Lynne Kosky MP, asked the Victo

    Assessment Authority (VCAA) to develop a new ramework o

    Victorian schools that would both reinorce standards and pr

    school level.

    The Victorian Essential Learning Standards, the VCAAs respons

    provides the ramework or schools to deliver teaching and lesupport students to develop capacities to condently manag

    relationships with others, make sense o the world in which t

    participate in that world.

    The Standards are based on the best practice in Victorian scho

    international research and widespread consultation with scho

    proessional associations and community groups. They repres

    collaborative achievement by all sectors o the Victorian educa

    During the consultation phase in 2004 the VCAA received ov

    which strongly endorsed the proposed direction or curriculu

    continued throughout the development process, with hundr

    academics and other educators involved as writers or critical

    drat papers as members o reerence groups. The VCAA also

    Department o Education and Trainings Oce o Learning an

    Education Commission o Victoria and the independent secto

    the Standards.

    The VCAA Board particularly acknowledges the commitment

    reorm by its P10 Curriculum and Assessment Committee a

    Working Party.

  • 8/14/2019 Victorian Essential Learning Standards Overview


  • 8/14/2019 Victorian Essential Learning Standards Overview


    Victorian Essent


    IntroductionThe Victorian Essential Learning Standardsprovide a new

    organising the curriculum in schools. They give parent

    condence that rigorous standards have been set or s

    Victoria. At the same time they recognise the responsib

    and teachers to devise the best programs or their stud


    The Standards identiy what is important or students tstages o their schooling, set standards or those achiev

    clear basis or reporting to parents and or planning pr

    This curriculum approach directly addresses:

    the economic and social changes associated with th

    global, knowledge-based world and their implicatio

    the growing evidence base about how people learn

    teaching that works.

    Schools have a key role to play in developing skilled, f

    creative young people. To date, however, we have bee

    curriculum to the broad demands that society places o

    has led to pressure to include ever more content witho

    priorities. Our curriculum has not provided sucient s

    ways to the notion o developing learners who can appbeyond the classroom to new and dierent situations.

    Essential learning

  • 8/14/2019 Victorian Essential Learning Standards Overview


    Victorian Essential Learning Standards: Overview

    Second, the Standards clariy the core elements o eac

    students need to acquire i they are to succeed in urth


    The traditional discipline strand is balanced in the Stan

    broader interdisciplinary capacities (the domains o Co

    Creativity and Technology, Inormation and CommuniThinking Processes), and linked to physical, personal a

    (the domains o Health and Physical Education, Interpe

    Personal Learning and Civics and Citizenship), with all

    equally necessary. Together, the three strands provide

    develop deep understanding an ability to take their l

    new and dierent circumstances.

    Priorities at different stagesThe Standards have been developed in response to the

    evidence on how people learn and the developmental

    young people experience at school. This research reco

    learning is a continuum rom Prep through to Year 10,

    students develop at dierent rates, they broadly progr

    o learning rom:

    Prep to Year 4 (laying the oundations), where the c

    developing the undamental knowledge, skills and b

    and numeracy and basic physical and social capacit

    uture learning; to

    Years 5 to 8 (building breadth and depth), where st

    the oundations, their literacy and numeracy becomand important discipline-based and interdisciplinary

    progressively introduced; to

    Years 9 and 10 (developing pathways), which const

    post-compulsory years and where students begin to

  • 8/14/2019 Victorian Essential Learning Standards Overview


    Victorian Essent

    O particular importance as ar as the Standards are co

    which students progress rom being novice to more ex

    move through school. Research suggests the developm

    eatures and meaningul patterns o inormation; acqu

    knowledge that is organised in ways which refect a de

    the subject matter; applying the knowledge in ways ap

    rather than merely exercising ones memory; retrieving

    knowledge with a degree o automaticity; and approac

    fexible ways.

    That is why the Interdisciplinary and Physical, Personal

    strands are intertwined with the commonly accepted c

    (disciplines) which are central to any curriculum rame

    not replace the core disciplines. The disciplines are rela

    in a new and integrated manner.

    By combining all three strands in a common ramewor

    implementation by schools, the Essential Learning Stan

    comprehensive curriculum response to the challenges

    knowledge economy, consistent with research ndings

    At Levels 1 and 2 the ocus is largely on oundational li

    skills and the development o physical, personal and so

    It is not until Level 3 that students are expected to ach

    disciplines such as Science and the Humanities. At Lev

    appropriate that students be supported and expected

    o knowledge and skills in each o the three interrelate

    the Standards.

    At Level 6 the Standards are designed to enable schooprograms which include: each o the ve broad discipl

    on developing the ull range o interdisciplinary and ph

    social knowledge, skills and behaviours; and the capac

    pursue pathway-related studies which meet their need

    programs available in Years 11 and 12

  • 8/14/2019 Victorian Essential Learning Standards Overview


    Victorian Essential Learning Standards: Overview

    Building the futureThe Victorian Essential Learning Standardspropose that

    develop a set o knowledge, skills and behaviours whic

    or success in a world which is complex, rapidly chang

    and communications technology, demanding high-ord

    understanding and increasingly global in its outlook an

    in that world, all students need to develop the capacit

    manage themselves as individuals and in relation to

    understand the world in which they live; and

    act eectively in that world.

    Students will need to create a uture which:

    Is sustainable developing an understanding o the in

    social, economic and environmental systems and how

    Is innovative developing the skills to solve new prob

    dierent approaches to create unique solutions.

    Builds strong communities by building common pu

    and by promoting mutual responsibility and trust in a


    Each o these purposes is embedded within the three c

    Victorian Essential Learning Standards, and incorporated

    For example, environmental sustainability will not only

    range o interdisciplinary domains but will also be emb

    discipline areas as Science, Geography and Economics

    develop students' physical, personal and social capacit

    building is likely to be a core component o the Civics

    Interpersonal Development domains.

  • 8/14/2019 Victorian Essential Learning Standards Overview


    Victorian Essent

    Pursuit of excellence seeking to accomplish someth

    admirable individually and collectively, and perorming

    Engagement and effort acknowledging that studen

    actor in achievement and that i students work hard a


    Respect for evidence seeking understanding and tru

    inquiry and the application o evidence to test and que

    Openness of mind being willing to consider a range

    consider dierent ways in which evidence is perceived


    Using the StandardsIn many ways this approach is not new. Many schools

    valuable work in building students knowledge, skills a

    areas identied in the Standards. For example, many s

    to build good social and interpersonal skills in their stu

    promote a thinking-oriented curriculum and much o w

    strands is already part o the Curriculum and Standard

    which the existing school curriculum is based.

    What is new, however, is that Victoria now has a set o

    that all three strands, and their domains, are addressed

    teaching programs and in their assessment and report

    The Standards have not been designed as an organisat

    to develop timetables or school structures. They are dewhole school curriculum planning. School teams will d

    essential learning standards. For some this may be thro

    ocused on a particular standard and or others it will b

    o work which address a number o standards at the sa

    i th St d d ll ill b th d l

  • 8/14/2019 Victorian Essential Learning Standards Overview


    Victorian Essential Learning Standards: Overview

    Years Prep to 4 Years 5 to 8Laying the foundations Building breadth and depth De

    across the stages o learning


    Three interwoven purposesTo equip students with capacities to:

    manage themselves and their relations with ounderstand the world andact effectively in that world

    to prepare them or success in education, work a

    This is achieved through the three core, interrelated strands o

    Physical, Personal and Social LearningKnowledge, skills and behaviours in

    Health and Physical Education; Personal Le

    Development; Civics and Citizenship

    Discipline-based LearningKnowledge, skills and behaviours in

    The Arts; English and Languages Other Th

    Humanities; Mathematics; Science

    Interdisciplinary LearningKnowledge, skills and behaviours in

    Communication; Design, Creativity and Te

    and Communications Technology; Thinkin

  • 8/14/2019 Victorian Essential Learning Standards Overview


    Victorian Essent

    StructureWithin each strand o learning, the essential knowledg

    are organised into domainswith urther divisions into d

    are written or each dimension. The relationship betwe

    and dimensions is shown in Table 1.

    Strand Domain Dimension

    Physical, Personaland Social Learning

    Health and Physical Education Movement and physical activHealth knowledge and prom

    Interpersonal Development Building social relationships

    Working in teams

    Personal Learning The individual learner

    Managing personal learning

    Civics and Citizenship Civic knowledge and underst

    Community engagement



    The Arts Creating and making

    Exploring and responding

    English Reading


    Speaking and listening

    Languages Other Than English Communicating in a languag

    Intercultural knowledge and

    Economics Economic knowledge and unEconomic reasoning and inte

    The Humanities Geography Geographical knowledge and

    Geospatial skills

    History Historical knowledge and un

    Historical reasoning and inte

    Mathematics Number


    Measurement, chance and d


    Working mathematically

    Science Science knowledge and unde

    Science at work

  • 8/14/2019 Victorian Essential Learning Standards Overview


    Victorian Essential Learning Standards: Overview

    The domains in each o the three strands comprise two

    Learning ocus statements; and


    Learning focus statements

    Learning ocus statements are provided at each level o

    outline the learning that students need to ocus on i t

    the domain and achieve the standards at the levels wh

    main, they suggest appropriate learning experiences ra

    syllabus or prescribing specic teaching methods. Teac

    these statements to develop relevant teaching and lea

    In some disciplinary domains however, such as Historycontent is specied to ensure coverage o subject matt

    urther learning in the domain and/or part o what the

    young people to learn (or example the study o Austra

    such issues as the history o indigenous peoples and th

    settlement and Federation in Australia).

    StandardsStandards dene what students should know and be a

    levels o schooling and are written or one or more dim

    domain. They are, in eect, outcomesagainst which st

    be assessed and reported on and provide valuable ino

    progress which can orm the basis o urther teaching

    By clearly speciying the standards appropriate at eachequivalent to Prep and Years 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10, the Sta

    picture o the sequence o development a student sho

    in the three strands. The standards enable teachers, pa

    only to determine the knowledge and skills a student c

    but also what that student needs to know and be able

  • 8/14/2019 Victorian Essential Learning Standards Overview


    Victorian Essent

    Relationship between the learning focus stastandards

    Learning ocus statements are provided or each doma

    are broadly associated with two years o learning and t

    speciy the knowledge and skills students should be aim

    the end o those two year periods, where it is essentialappropriate or standards to apply. For example, stude

    economics knowledge and skills in the early years o sc

    to spend within their means, but it is not developmen

    speciy standards until Level 4 when more sophisticate

    concepts and capacities are involved.

    While Table 2 below outlines a general expectation o

    achieve the various standards, students will develop at

    students in Year 5, or example, may still be working to

    standards at Level 3 while others need to be introduce

    skills covered by the learning ocus statement at Level


    Year 1Year 2

    Year 3

    Year 4

    Year 5

    Year 6


    Year 8

    Year 9

    Year 10

  • 8/14/2019 Victorian Essential Learning Standards Overview


    Victorian Essential Learning Standards: Overview

    Table 3 provides a summary o the levels in each doma

    standards against which student achievement will be a

    Standards are introduced where they are central to ut

    and where research suggests they are developmentally

    Levels with standards for assessment and reportinLevel 1 Level 2 Level 3 Lev



    SocialLearning Health and Physical Education * *

    Interpersonal Development

    Personal Learning

    Civics and Citizenship




    The Arts * *


    The Humanities




    Languages Other Than English






    Design, Creativity and Technology


    Thinking Processes

  • 8/14/2019 Victorian Essential Learning Standards Overview


    Victorian Essent

    This does not suggest that students should not or cann

    concepts rom particular domains beore standards ap

    or Geography in the early years (Levels 1 and 2) where

    standards or assessment and reporting. The purpose o

    statements at these levels is to give advice about learn

    assist students to work towards the achievement o the

    when they apply.

    Using the Economics example provided on page 9, the

    rom Level 4 means there is no ormal requirement or

    and report on Economics until the end o Year 6. How

    ocus statements at Levels 1 to 3 provide advice about

    experiencesor schools including basic ideas about Eco

    For example, at Level 2 Students begin to understand

    used to make products which meet local peoples needs a

    in other places introduces a concept o economics in

    appropriate way, without requiring a particular standa


    In Languages Other Than English (LOTE) standards are

    assessment and reporting at Level 4. While it is clear th

    benet rom the study o another language when they

    the early years, it is acknowledged that some schools c

    eect o their resources by introducing LOTE programs

    with appropriate time allocations. In recognition o the

    language learning, the LOTE domain includes progress

    provide a typical sequence o second language develo

    4. Regardless o the level at which the study o a LOTE

    will need to develop the knowledge and skills describe

    measures beore they attempt the learning associated standards. These progression measures also assist thos

    LOTE programs prior to Years 5 and 6 to assess and re

    student achievement.

  • 8/14/2019 Victorian Essential Learning Standards Overview


    Victorian Essential Learning Standards: Overview

    The English as a Second Language Companion to the Vic

    Standardswas published in December 2005 and provi

    assessing student achievement and developing eectiv

    the many students in Victorian schools who are learnin


    In the domains other than English, ESL learners usuallytheir understanding using English. It is thereore impor

    o progress in these domains are made in the context o

    development as a learner o English. The ESL Compani

    such development.

    For more inormation on the ESL Companion to the VEL

    Students with disabilitiesThe Standards are designed or all Victorian students. T

    school curriculum planning document or the develop

    programs or students with disabilities. These program

    at the school level in conjunction with program suppoprograms should be tailored to individual circumstance

    achievement will be decided at the local level. All such

    should be designed within the curriculum described in


    The Victorian Essential Learning Standards Students wi

    provide a ramework or teachers to develop programs

    disabilities that are consistent with the VELS by linking structure o the VELS to individual program developme

    students with special needs.

    For more inormation on the Guidelines visit:

  • 8/14/2019 Victorian Essential Learning Standards Overview


    Victorian Essent

    A major dierence between the documents is that the

    no longer the main organising eature or the curriculu

    personal and social along with interdisciplinary learnin

    explicit, in acknowledgment o the work that schools a

    they place, on developing these areas.

    The Victorian Essential Learning Standardsreplace the CEducation and the Catholic Education Commission o V

    schools about reporting against the VELS.

    National BenchmarksNational Literacy Benchmarks are used or reporting ac

    aspects o literacy reading, writing and spelling at Y

    National Numeracy Benchmarks are used or reporting

    aspects o numeracy Number sense, Spatial sense

    data sense at each o Years 3, 5 and .

    For purposes o comparison and ease o reporting, the

    numeracy benchmarks have been embedded in the St

    and Mathematics domains. However, these benchmararticulate nationally agreed minimum acceptable stand

    are set at a challenginglevel. This means, or example,

    is an expectation that students in Year will be workin

    the standards at Level 5, the National Benchmarks or

    Level 4.

    Implementing the StandardsFundamental to the Essential Learning Standards is the

    the three strands to develop deep understanding in lea

    transerred to new and dierent circumstances.

  • 8/14/2019 Victorian Essential Learning Standards Overview


    Victorian Essential Learning Standards: Overview

    Schools may opt to use an integrated approach wh

    disciplines and other relevant domains are combine

    through key questions or themes. A number o scho

    constructing curriculum programs around such hig

    investigation o the human genome project and its

    draw on a number o disciplines (English, Science, H

    range o physical, personal and social and interdiscirole o the school as a whole is to ensure ull covera

    appropriate to the level involved.

    Schools may, choose to incorporate the interdiscipl

    personal and social strands o the Standards into ex

    subjects and broaden their ocus in this way. For ex

    dierent subjects within an existing curriculum can

    the extent to which other domains are addressed aand learning programs (or example, Thinking Proc

    Learning, etc. within English, or History, etc.) and t

    extend this so the ull range o relevant standards c

    leadership o the principal, the school as a whole w

    appropriate coverage o the Standards across the re

    levels, and that areas o shortall are addressed.

    Schools may seek to combine all three strands in thprojects that students are to complete. Students in

    particular can benet rom extended projects which

    and apply knowledge and skills across many, interre

    example, students may participate in a comprehens

    based project involving signicant investigation and

    interviewing, report writing and presentation o res

    each example listed above, the school must ensure

    experiences throughout the year will enable them tstandards which apply to the level in which they are

    There is, however, no single approach. Schools have re

    control over, the educational program they develop to

    achieve the standards

  • 8/14/2019 Victorian Essential Learning Standards Overview


    Victorian Essent

    AssessmentThe VCAA and Department o Education and Training

    o assessment principles2 which have been published o

    Learning Standardsand Student Learning websites. Ap

    the structure o the Essential Learning Standards will re


    Assessment should refect the integrated nature o the

    Standards. Rather than treating every standard as disc

    integrated approach to assessing perormance. This no

    ecient approach to student assessment that avoids u

    o assessment tasks and subsequent reports, but also m

    students actually learn.

    The ollowing example helps illustrate the point.

    A common assignment in many secondary humanities

    to write a letter to a public ocial about an issue o co

    and/or the class. More specically, the student might b

    Write a letter to a public ocial about an issu

    Make sure that your letter clearly states your o

    provides well thought-out reasons or your vi

    Use the common conventions o ormal letter

    The same assignment could, however, be structured so

    task in its own right, where the student is required to:

    Select a public issue o concern to you.

    Read about this issue rom a minimum o ou

    support your viewpoint and two o which op

    Then identiy a public ocial who has some d

    authority in relation to this issue and write a l

    which: clearly states your position; provides e

    survey data, reports, etc.) to support your vie

  • 8/14/2019 Victorian Essential Learning Standards Overview


  • 8/14/2019 Victorian Essential Learning Standards Overview


    End Notes

    1 Bransford, John D, Brown, Ann L and Cocking, Rodney R (eds) Brain, Mind, Experience and School, National Academy Press, W

    2 Victorian Essential Learning Standards website:

    Blueprint for Government Schools website:

    The development of the Victorian Essential Learning Standards iGovernments education reform agenda. The Department of EduGovernment with policy and planning advice for the delivery of

    For more information on the Blueprint for Government Schools

    Education initiatives visit:


    Department of

    Victorian Curriculum and Assessment

    Victorian Essential Learning Standards

    Validation of the Victorian Essential LStandards

  • 8/14/2019 Victorian Essential Learning Standards Overview
