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VICIOUS VIKINGS By Ametrine class

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Page 1: VICIOUS VIKINGS By Ametrine class€¦ · Ametrine class . Vikings Defence and weaponry Viking blacksmiths are experts at making iron helmets ,shields and more Vikings were brave



Page 2: VICIOUS VIKINGS By Ametrine class€¦ · Ametrine class . Vikings Defence and weaponry Viking blacksmiths are experts at making iron helmets ,shields and more Vikings were brave

Vikings Defence and weaponry

Viking blacksmiths are experts at making iron helmets ,shields and more Vikings were brave warriors and fierce fighters famous for their lightning raids along the coast of Europe The Vikings fought using long swords and axe

Metal and chain helmets protected the wealthiest warriors

Where ever the Vikings went they spread panic and fear

Viking prime targets were churches and monasteries with rich pickings of gold and treasure Armour and weapons were not just for protection and attack. Because their expense they showed off the owners wealth and power.

The forests and swamps of Scandinavia provided Viking smiths every thing they needed to make useful tools and weapons

Vikings used axes heavy weapons took 2 hands to swing in battle as well as spears. Viking warriors carried long knives

Vikings made steel, by adding carbon (from charcoal) to iron. Steel swords were sharp and strong.

Page 3: VICIOUS VIKINGS By Ametrine class€¦ · Ametrine class . Vikings Defence and weaponry Viking blacksmiths are experts at making iron helmets ,shields and more Vikings were brave

Viking’s Toys

Kingy Bats

Kingy Bats are when you play in a circle you have a piece of wood that is in a circle shape you have a ball then bat it to each other with the wood . Kingy Bats are one of the favourite games that the Vikings play. Even grown ups play it!

By Zoe , Scarlett.a and Ben.


Dolls are homemade by children’s parents they are made out of wood. They are like are dolls now day but hey are not made out of plastic and they don’t have clothes. Dolls are popular with children in the Viking age.

Bat Ball Horse doll

Page 4: VICIOUS VIKINGS By Ametrine class€¦ · Ametrine class . Vikings Defence and weaponry Viking blacksmiths are experts at making iron helmets ,shields and more Vikings were brave

Children of the Vikings

Viking children work with there parents even very small children worked but the did, managed a little bit of play time . Children help there parents when able to. Children played the same games as there parents like ,board games like chest and other board Games . They like to play wrestling and other mock from there parents . Parents help there children do there history when they could. Fathers pick there daughter husband if the daughter like it or not! In the winter they played board games to get over with the winter . By the age of 15 or 16 they are adults . Girl and boy Vikings took there parents and grandparents name ! Some times they took there parents names. battles . They attach bones to there boots and made ice skates to go on frozen ponds. Babies were given little thorn's charm to protect them from evil spirits and sickness. Viking children did not go to school, they learned from they parents . They learned (Viking history) .

By Katie and Tegan!

Page 5: VICIOUS VIKINGS By Ametrine class€¦ · Ametrine class . Vikings Defence and weaponry Viking blacksmiths are experts at making iron helmets ,shields and more Vikings were brave


VEG Leeks ,Onions , Parsnips and Carrots. Nuts: Hazelnuts and Walnuts. Berries: Gooseberries , Blackberries and Blueberries. Herbs: Fennel , Common , Sorrel , Wild Garlic and Parsley. Leaves : Nettles and Spinach.

FACT BOX Around 12,000 puffins were killed

each year. Puffins were roasted and seagulls were made into stew.

PANCAKE First , make sure you wash your hands. Second , wash the apple then cut the core out then chop the apple till as little as you want. Then mix all the ingredients together except the butter and the honey together gently. Get a grown up to help you with the next step. Next melt the butter in a frying pan. Make sure you cook with a steady sizzle for around 2 minutes on each side.


Finally pour the drizzly honey over the pancake { Take care with it is very hot.}

Ingredients 35g white flour,30g whole meal flour,1/4 tea spoon salt, 175ml milk, small eating apple,1/2 teaspoon butter for each pancake, and runny honey to drizzle on the pancakes.


Page 6: VICIOUS VIKINGS By Ametrine class€¦ · Ametrine class . Vikings Defence and weaponry Viking blacksmiths are experts at making iron helmets ,shields and more Vikings were brave

Most Vikings lived on farms . The Vikings lived in long rectangle shaped houses called longhouses . The walls were made out of big vertical timber, and the space between the timbers then were filled

with sticks and clay or sometimes stone. The roof was made of straw or reeds. They had one room and a cooker in the middle.

Random facts

Vikings all wore the same basic colourful clothes.

The jobs for the men were farmers, builders or metal workers.

When the men went to fight the women ran to homes.

By Ty + Scarlet . C

Fun Fact

They had ironing boards and they

ironed with a glass ball!!!

Did you know

They made comes out of


About there house

Page 7: VICIOUS VIKINGS By Ametrine class€¦ · Ametrine class . Vikings Defence and weaponry Viking blacksmiths are experts at making iron helmets ,shields and more Vikings were brave


Wooden board about 3ft as a shield. 10cm long double edged is used in the war. A dagger is 5cm long. A bow

is 50cm long and arrow is 35cm long and are some times used in the war. A axe is 40 cm long. Spear the

stick of it is 20cm and the spear is 10.

Katana is 50cm long and they use them for viking wars . Vikings use helmets for defence so they don’t get shot in the head.

Page 8: VICIOUS VIKINGS By Ametrine class€¦ · Ametrine class . Vikings Defence and weaponry Viking blacksmiths are experts at making iron helmets ,shields and more Vikings were brave

Where are Vikings from

By Bobby and Niamh.

The weather in Scandinavia in most parts, is mostly sunny and snowy. They still rowed their boats, in the really cold weather.

Page 9: VICIOUS VIKINGS By Ametrine class€¦ · Ametrine class . Vikings Defence and weaponry Viking blacksmiths are experts at making iron helmets ,shields and more Vikings were brave

Where did Vikings raid and why?

, AD800 Vikings raid on England increase. The Vikings are successful raiders and explorers

mostly because of their longboats. These are the fastest boats afloat and give the Vikings a great advantage over their enemies. Vikings

rule the seas.

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If a woman is wearing a key on her clothing she is very special because she has the key to open the family box.

All Viking women spent part of the day spinning wool or flax . Everyday clothes were cut from plain wool . Fur trimmings added a touch of style . Cloth was stretched over a smooth board and rubbed with a glass ball.

Page 11: VICIOUS VIKINGS By Ametrine class€¦ · Ametrine class . Vikings Defence and weaponry Viking blacksmiths are experts at making iron helmets ,shields and more Vikings were brave

GunthRum was the founder of Danelaw

What they wore Robes Iron armor Iron banded armor Leather armor Fur armor

Fur clothes Leather clothes

Bear pelts Wolf pelts Cuirasses

Fun facts Cheifs ruled the land and Kings were in charge of the cheifs. They normally lived in longhouses if they didn’t have much money.

Did you know? The kings were called Jarls.

Page 12: VICIOUS VIKINGS By Ametrine class€¦ · Ametrine class . Vikings Defence and weaponry Viking blacksmiths are experts at making iron helmets ,shields and more Vikings were brave

the houses they lived in were called long houses!

The long houses usually have farms. Everybody

helped to grow the food for the family only.

Grandparents, parents , uncles and aunts all lived

in a one room house.

Chloe and Charlotte presents…..

The women and men didn’t spend a lot of time together. The parents became adults at 15 to 16 years old! A girls father usually chooses her husband. The parents had a job sick or healthy.

Viking mirror of DOOM!!!!!!!!

Page 13: VICIOUS VIKINGS By Ametrine class€¦ · Ametrine class . Vikings Defence and weaponry Viking blacksmiths are experts at making iron helmets ,shields and more Vikings were brave

Transportation General Facts

Viking ships were marine vessels of particular designs used. When they

travelled the Black sea, they had to leave

their ships on the shore and then travel by camel. The ships

played their part in the Viking society. A

warship had 17 rows on each side. The oars were 18ft (5.50m).On a Viking ship it was cold,

wet and uncomfortable. The

Vikings were truly the best sailors in Europe.

They travelled some of the most dangerous seas. On board the ship they had to eat

cold fish and drink cold water.

Did you know Viking longboats could travel in shallow water.

Fact box

The first country the Vikings

invaded was the United Kingdom.

Dylan and Ellie

Ship building The Vikings made the finest ships. They were all made with over lapsed planks of wood, they were held together by iron rivets.

Page 14: VICIOUS VIKINGS By Ametrine class€¦ · Ametrine class . Vikings Defence and weaponry Viking blacksmiths are experts at making iron helmets ,shields and more Vikings were brave

What Weapons did They Use?

The Vikings fought with swords, axes, spears and bows and arrows. The Axes are the most common Viking

weapon. Most of their weapons they used, were made out of

iron. They loved their sword and called them names such as Leg Breaker. Sometimes they decorated their hilt (a handle) with copper and silver patterns and to make it feel better when holding it.

by James and Josh!

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