vicari brand insights discovery workshop

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Marketing | Branding | Creative | Production


Why & Brand Insights Discovery Workshop!

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MarketingAn overview for:

EntrepreneursStart-UpsSmall Businesses

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Quest to Competitive Advantage

RATIONALE: This will allow you to begin the process which will help you learn how best to advertise/communicate/be competitive within the market. Why

are you in business in the first place?

PURPOSE:Strategic planning to create a marketing program to benefit the

business. Develop a definable direction to market your business.

OBJECTIVE:Understand the dynamics of the changing marketplace for (Product or

Service) and how you can capture a dominant share of the market.

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Websites maximized:

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Websites maximized:– Television & Print Synergy – Your website should not stand alone:

Part of the bigger plan.– You’ve got 6 seconds to impress a new visitor– Landing page is your 15 second pitch.– What are you projecting to your audience?– Conventional navigation vs. unconventional:

In both cases, pay attention.– How does your audience perceive your image?– You don’t have to build it all at once.– There are 200 million websites & counting.– Display your passion for your business.– Before you start the project, make sure someone’s in charge.

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For us:

Marketing = Marketing Communications.

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Main tools of marketing communications:

1)   Traditional Advertising: Print, Broadcast 2)   Collateral: Brochures, Catalogues, Flyers 3)   Traditional Direct: Mailers 4)   Point-of-Sales: In the stores 5)   Exhibitions: Trade Shows, Store Windows 6)   Guerrilla: Nontraditional/Performance   7)   Internet: Websites, Banner Ads, Results Based Ads, Search Engines (SEO), Social Media, Social Engagement, Blogs, Viral, E-Mail 8)   Public Relations 9)   Corporate Identity Systems: Logos – Marks & Logotypes,

Business Cards, Letterhead, Graphic Standards

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Marketing =creating the tools + deploying them. But why?

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Marketing =Awareness

Awareness Sells!

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Understanding marketing:A practical approach.Ask yourself:

What do people think of my company?

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People think of your company What is your brand recognition?:

Positively.Negatively.Or not at all.

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Marketing ≠ sales.

Shaping peoples’ impressions to drive sales.

Marketing =

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Marketing that’s all image fails.

Goal: 3-D picture of your company that gets noticed, standouts & is unique.

Marketing that’s all information fails.

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For entrepreneurs/start-ups:Marketing is not a luxury.

Because if you don’t market yourself. . .

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20 things everyone should understand about marketing:

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(1) Marketing problems are solved by ideas.

- Ideas come first.- Creative follows.- Use briefs.

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Creative Development BriefObjective What do we want to accomplish –

expectations? Who Are You The single most important fact you wish

to communicate important to your customer.

Competition Who are thay, and what are they doing? Target Reach Who is the target audience? Obstacles Marketing problems or issues. Identity 3 primary attributes that represent the

personality (Cause) of the company, product or service. Strengths that appeal to your customers.

Promise Clear statement of what the company promises to accomplish. Your Purpose!

Differential Points of differentiation from competition.

Unique Selling Point The “So What”? The “Why” Imperatives Mandatory messages instructions, tone,

limitations, legal considerations, testing , and time table.

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(2) You must know your USP.

– Unique Selling Proposition. – Answer “So What?”- “Why?”.– Quietest car in the world.– Lucky you if you have one.– You can invent one but only

if it’s plausible, e.g. Signature Programs – “The Combo Loan”.

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(3) Positioning is a true measure of marketing success.

– Positioning = owning a clear niche in the mind. Top-of-Mind.

– Clearer you are about what your company is, the clearer your position can be.

-- Establishes how your perceived in the market.

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(4) Brands are worth a fortune.

– A brand = sum total of all the impressions & experiences associated with a company or product.

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(5) When you answer the phone, you’re creating an ad.

– Everything you do is branding reverberating around everything you do;Least to greatest.

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(6) Your logo is going to say something, but not necessarily what you want it to say.

– Abstract vs. representational.

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(7) Taglines are really hard to do well.

– Most are platitudes.– Be specific to the product &

what customer gets (Answer the “so what”

– Best are well told & memorable.

– Express your cause, and/or USP.

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Melts in your mouth, not in your hands.

When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight.

The ultimate driving machine.

We bring good things to life


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(8) Advertising agencies are not what they used to be.

– Then: 80% of every marketing dollar spent on traditional advertising.

– Now: less than 20%.

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(9) If you do hire an agency, ask to see the real portfolios.

– Even in the major leagues, everyone isn’t a star.

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(10)B2B is the marketing world’s slum.

– B2B marketers beware.– B2B marketers see the


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(11) Talking to yourself is dangerous to your company’s health & boasting is a waste of your money.

– Don’t make assumptions it will lead you away from the solution

– Know your customers.– People don’t care how wonderful

you are.– They care about what’s in it for

them, so what is you business purpose from their POV.

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(12)It costs more to acquire a new customer than it costs to keep an old one happy.

– Old 80/20 rule applies.– Build a program.-- Social engagement

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(13) Sometimes there are good reasons not to talk about your product.

– Differentiate yourself by transcending yourself.

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(14) You can misconstrue exactly what you’re selling.

– Especially when others are selling something similar.

– What you make does not always equal what you sell.

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(15) It can get expensive.

– Main reason: it takes time.– Development & production

time.– Time to work.– Rule of thumb:

2 – 25% of sales.

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(16)It never ends & it’s not easy.

– Introduce.– Inform.– Remind.– Changes.– Trouble.– Many start-ups tempted to

do it themselves…

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(17) If you can’t outspend the competition, you’d better outsmart them.

– Do what they’re not doing.-- Find a point of

differentiation and make it meaningful.

– Make offers. Develop unique signature ideas

– Remember Yamaha.

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(18) Not all results are easy to measure.

– Some have never been easier.

– Some are as hard as ever.

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20 things everyone in this room should understand about marketing:

(19) It pays to study companies that do it beautifully.

– There aren’t many.– Apple, Mini, Ralph Lauren.– Two books:

Jerry Della Femina: From Those Wonderful Folks Who Brought You Pearl Harbor David Ogilvy: Ogilvy On Advertising

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20 things everyone in this room should understand about marketing:

(20) A camel is a horse created by a committee.

– No guts, no glory.– Focus groups can mislead –

there only qualitative a guide.

– Everyone is born with an opinion.

– More art than science.

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(1) Marketing problems are solved by ideas.(2) You must know your USP.(3) Positioning is a true measure of marketing success.(4) Brands are worth a fortune.(5) When you answer the phone, you’re creating an ad.(6) Your logo is going to say something, but not necessarily what you

want it to say.(7) Taglines are really hard to do well.(8) Advertising agencies are not what they used to be.(9) If you do hire an agency, ask to see the real portfolios.(10) B2B is the marketing world’s slum.(11) Talking to yourself is dangerous to your company’s health &

boasting is a waste of your money.(12) It costs more to acquire a new customer than it costs to keep an

old one happy. (12) Sometimes there are good reasons not to talk about your product.(14) You can misconstrue exactly what you’re selling.(15) It can get expensive.(16) It never ends.(17) If you can’t outspend the competition, you’d better

outsmart them.(18) Not all results are easy to measure.(19) It pays to study companies that do it beautifully.(20) A camel is a horse created by a committee.

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So What Does It Mean 2 U?

• Actionable Insights• Opportunity To Be Successful• Opportunity to Standout & Get Noticed• Opportunity To Build Your Business• Raving fans that proselytize for you