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  • 7/25/2019 Viator Web 67 En




    June, 2015

    The Year of Consecrated Life invites us not only to recognize Gods continuing

    attentiveness toward his people, as attested through precious testimonies provided

    by the great witnesses of the history of our faith, but especially Gods constant

    presence. The Gospel story of the Good Shepherd reminds us of that presence: I

    am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me, as the Father

    knows me and as I know the Father; and I give my life for my sheep(John 10:14-

    15). God loves us; God loves us and knows us; and so God acts through love for us

    and with us!

    The knowledge of which we are speaking is that which comes forth from a relationship

    of attachment and of profound love. Without that, any kind of alliance would be

    merely strategic; the alliance concluded in Gods name by Jesus is fundamentally

    one of love. The biblical meaning of knowledge is very rich and indicates that peo-ple can know only through encounters: there is an experiential dimension that

    characterizes knowledge. Associated therefore with the fact of knowing is knowledge,

    of course, but also encounter, appreciation, choice, recognition, and creative ac-

    tion. All of us understand that, biblically speaking, knowing also refers to sexual

    relationships. Let us retain the logic of the knowledge of God for his sheep, incarnated

    in Jesus, and that of his People toward their God and let us try to situate the reality

    of the consecrated life in the movement of a God who speaks through his People

    because he knows them, challenges them through love, and confirms them in their

    creative action. So, situated in that perspective, what can the Year of Consecrated

    Life inspire in us?

    A God Who Speaks through His People

    Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, knows his sheep. He loves them, knows them, and

    assembles them so that they can bear witness to the reason for their being together.

    The Church, the People of God, cultivates genuine communion in Jesus Christ in

    Message from the Superior General

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    order to become the increasingly incarnated voice of the One who, on the cross, lifted

    up humanity to a renewed alliance with its God. The one and only reason: love!

    The Church needs to strengthen its deep conviction that God speaks through his People.

    All of us, by virtue of our baptism and no matter what ministry we offer in the Church,must cultivate the attitudes of being attentive and listening to the God whose word is

    incarnate, true, active, and incisive, a word that draws us toward the boundaries of our

    spiritual well-being and that sends us forth to those places where our spiritual well-

    being speaks most clearly: to those who are not loved by our world and to those who are

    trapped in our systems.

    A God Who Challenges through Love

    IWe must repeat it unequivocally: God never ceases to call people to follow Him precisely

    because it is a question of love. And love is thus constituted. Come and follow me

    comes from a fundamental movement generated through Trinitarian love. All biblicalcalls bear witness to that fact.

    The God who calls through love asks for the allegiance of human persons in all of the

    dimensions that define them: their personality, their history, their sensitivity, their

    solidarity with the best and the worst aspects of their world, their intelligence, their

    judgment, and their immense capacity for relationships. The faith of the human being is

    thus woven. It is therefore a question of a come andfollow methat frees a person

    from being encumbered by useless things (Luke 10:4). Freeing oneself so that the essential

    becomes an irresistible passion: to be the bearer, in Jesus Christ, of the reality of ones

    world. To be challenged by and to act through love!

    We must repeat it unequivocally: God never ceases to call. It is of free and availablepeople that God asks a definite commitment in the name of the values of his Good

    News. Are they better than others? No! But they are chosen to be disciples in a different


    A God Who Confirms His People in Their Creative Action

    Why is there a Year of Consecrated Life? In order to celebrate the glorious history and

    to pursue it in creative faithfulness, as Saint John Paul II challenged us to do in his post-

    synodal exhortation, Vita Consecrata(No. 110). Look to the future,he implored us,

    where the Spirit is sending us in order to do great things with you.

    Pope Francis has launched a number of vibrant appeals to not enclose God in safe places:Examine the horizons of your life and of the present moment in vigilant watchfulness.

    The person who keeps vigil is already living in the presence of the person whom he/she

    awaits. To keep watch is to permit the universe of the other person to have a place in

    ones own universe. And so opens up a new space for life, for relationships, for creation.

    Keeping vigil in faith means breaking the bonds of solitude.1 Apostolic Letter to all consecrated men and women on the occasion of the Year of Consecrated Life.

    Pope Francis, 2014.

    Viator Web, No. 67 - p. 2

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    Speaking specifically to young people but we can believe that this challenge is addressed

    to all of us in our desire to maintain the youthfulness of heart that is specific to those

    who follow Christ Pope Francis presents a real challenge to us:

    This year you will be participants in a dialogue with the generation that stands

    before you. In fraternal communion, you will be able to enrich yourselves through

    their experience and their wisdom; and, at the same time, you will be able to once

    again propose to that generation the ideal that it experienced at the beginning, to

    offer the strength and the vigor of your enthusiasm, as well as to work out together

    new ways of living the Gospel and new responses that are more and more adapted

    to the need to bear witness to and to announce the Gospel.

    What does all of that mean? That some people are right and that others are wrong? No!

    Dialogue, which is required by the Gospel in order to recognize a God who speaks to his

    People, who calls those persons through love, and who confirms them in their creative

    action, guides them towards inevitable crossroads. And it is there that a fundamental

    question awaits us: Do we love ourselves enough to let ourselves be transformed by the

    love that alone dissipates the desire to be winners and frees us from the trap of losers

    in order to make place for truth alone, Gods gift offered by his Spirit in action?

    Thank you to all of those who collaborated in this edition of VIATOR WEB and spoke to

    us about our challenging world of the consecrated life.

    Alain Ambeault, C.S.V.

    Viator Web, No. 67 - p. 3


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    A Ministry of Accompaniment

    In 1865, three Canadian Viatorians immigrated to Bourbonnais Grove in Kankakee Countyto minister to and with French-speaking Canadian immigrants. Today, 150 years later,

    Viatorians in the Arlington Heights/Chicago region (and beyond) have continued this

    Michael Gosch, C.S.V.

    on behalf of all Viatoriansinvolved in this ministry

    ministry by accompanying immigrants, both detained and

    released from U.S. federal authorities, by partnering with the

    Interfaith Committee for Detained Immigrants.

    Embracing both the Viatorian Charterby devoting themselves

    to proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ, especially among

    the young and the abandoned in todays world, and to working

    in favor of peace and social justice, well over 35 Viatorians

    have become involved in a ministry that expands beyond ourtraditional roles in innovative, unique, and distinctive ways

    (Viatorian Vision Statement of the Province of Chicago).

    Viatorians in the region, both lay and consecrated, have

    welcomed immigrants, many of whom have fled persecution in

    their countries of origin, as their brothers and sisters. They

    bear witness to the dignity of those seeking security in the

    United States by

    establishing relationships based on mutual trust and respect;

    assisting with food, clothing, hygiene products, and transportation upon their

    release from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security; praying on buses with those about to be deported;

    offering pastoral care to children and adults detained in four detention centers;

    providing emotional and spiritual support to those living at the Marie Joseph

    Houses of Hospitality, which are in large part financially supported by the


    teaching language classes and directing informational sessions on immigration

    policy through the Pastoral Migratoria Programat St. Viator parish;

    offering short-term and long-term hospitality at four Viatorian residences;

    donating clothing, furniture, household items, and funds;

    lobbying members of Congress at the state and federal level for immigrationreform;

    praying for the needs of immigrants at daily prayer and Mass;

    monitoring legal proceedings in Chicago Immigration Court;

    providing driving lessons;

    filling out income tax forms.

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    The anti-immigrant sentiment that is so prevalent in todays society, both at home and

    abroad, adds to the insecurity and fear that many immigrants feel upon their arrival.

    Ensuring that they feel accepted is key to this ministry

    For many years, professed Viatorians have ministered in schools, parishes, hospitals,

    retreat centers, and the Armed Services. Today, qualified and gifted laity has assumed

    many of these roles, including many Viatorian associates. Thus, as consecrated

    Viatorians, we must ask how we can become more attentive to those beckoning from

    the margins of society. While many individual Viatorians in the Province have put

    themselves at the service of the marginalized over the years, we must ask how we can

    continue to build on this legacy of service.

    Pope Francis writes forcefully when he states: I prefer a Church that is bruised, hurting,

    and dirty because it has been out on the streets, rather than a Church that is unhealthy

    from being confined and from clinging to its own security (Evangelii Gaudium). In arecent interview, he encourages the Church to be a church that finds new roads, that is

    able to step outside itself (America, September 30, 2013).

    Through our accompaniment with immigrants, both lay and consecrated Viatorians have

    taken Pope Francis message to heart. Their stories of migration and their reasons for

    leaving family and home are nothing short of humbling experiences that motivate and

    nourish us to continue to move out of our comfort zone and to find God in those accounted

    of little importance in our world.

    Viator Web, No. 67 - p. 5

    A rejected immigrant waves to his family through a window!

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    Viator Web, No. 67 - p. 6

    Animating the Spiritual Life

    The Barrentasun Etxea (House of the Interior Life) Viatorian Community came into

    existence during the 2003-2004 year with the task of animating the spirituality of the

    Viatorian Community of Spain. Today that community is composed of two religious and

    four secular Viatorians, plus one other person who, without having any juridical

    relationship with the community, lives and works with and assumes all of the activities

    of the community. Several persons who are interested in our project also have unofficial

    ties with the community.

    . What is and what do we

    understand by spirituality?

    Spirituality is not a part of life, but

    the entire life of each person, that

    which is deepest and most

    intimate in each person, that

    which unites the person to the

    universal force of LIFE (which we

    call God) that affects all of ones

    sensations, sentiments, and

    thoughts and that impels a person

    to work in favor of goodness and

    love in whatever situation that


    We are convinced that speaking today about spirituality-interiority is necessary so as to

    remain true to oneself when faced with superficiality and dispersion, since interiority

    has much to do with personal recognition and with the discovery of ones most intimate

    being. People today need a new experience of interiority, need to begin with recollection

    and silence and continue moving forward until such time as they attain a deep life ofinteriority.

    The interior person is the one who overcomes superficiality and arrives at the deepest

    part of himself or herself. For that reason, educating for interiority has much to do with

    educating for silence, admiration, freedom. Educating for interiority means educating

    in order to learn TO BE.

    The consecrated life at the service of the world.What are the needs of our world? The Barrentasun

    Etxea community of Vitoria (Spain) directs he

    house of the interior life. In light of their

    explanation of their misssion, let us dicover the

    needs to which they are responding.

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    Viator Web, No. 67 - p. 7

    Based upon these convictions, we aspire to make our house into a Viatorian community

    where spirituality-interiority is the moving force behind and the goal of our journey, in

    which is lived, is deepened, and is celebrated faith in Jesus in a way that is open,

    simple, welcoming, service-oriented, joyful, attractive, creative, alive, and hope-filled.

    We want our community to be a house of the interior life, a place where the Word of

    God is shared and where it is possible to have an experience of the fact that He shares

    our individual and group lives. It is for this reason that:

    In our community, we invite in and welcome all those persons who wish to have an

    experience of sharing faith, spirituality, community, mission, and formation with us,

    for a definite or indefinite period of time, without regard to the persons civil, religious,

    or social status, age, or other circumstances. The one and only norm is the individuals

    intention to grow as a person.

    We wish to help one another, and to help others as well, to have a more intense

    experience of the divine in the ecumenical sense, making it possible for those who

    are being accompanied to become aware of their own identity. Guided by a God who loves us, having confidence in his Providence, we attempt to

    build on rock by living in freedom of love, service, availability, welcome, and mutual

    demands among ourselves, looking always towards the good of our brother or sister,

    respecting the personal rhythms, styles, and situations of each person. And all the

    while knowing that pardon and reconciliation, the premises of love, must provide

    daily nourishment.

    Our objective is to live as a mission in all circumstances, and according to the state

    of life that each one is called upon to live, with a burning and disinterested zeal,

    as Father Querbes wished. We feel that the lives of lay people are also lives

    consecrated to God, through their baptismal consecration, even though they do not

    profess public or solemn vows.

    We wish to show the world why we are hopeful by being, with our style of life, those

    who promote peace and joyfulness.

    We feel that our mission is to promote, facilitate, animate, orient, and accompany

    people on the road to the interior life that all of us have to follow. In that way, we

    hope to help people to experience God in every circumstance and breath of our


    We know and we accept the fact that our option for this community will presuppose

    that we are constantly in an attitude of on-going conversion, formation, risk-taking,

    and service. But we are convinced that this is the path along which God wants us to

    travel and we have no doubt that his love will be with us always.

    We have decided that, each day, we will be more austere and simple in our personal

    and community lives, in order to be brothers and sisters who are closer to the most

    disadvantaged people around us. We want to be aware of the difficulties and

    discriminations that people suffer because of their gender, race, color, and political

    or religious ideas. We support their complaints and demands and collaborate in

    doing what we can to alleviate the difficulties of people who are suffering.

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    Viator Web, No. 67 - p. 8

    Over the course of these past twelve years, we have prepared and conducted two one-

    week annual retreats for the Viatorian Community and some forty or so other retreats

    or meditation sessions. Our retreats are directed both to Viatorians and to other persons

    or groups. During this last year, we slightly changed the style and the frequency of

    those meditative prayer sessions, responding to the needs and the requests that came

    to us. We try to sponsor one such session each month. Rather than prioritizing reflection

    and discussion, we opt more for quiet, silence, interiority, admiration, astonishment,

    adoration, and thanksgiving.

    In addition to the retreats that we direct, some eighty people come through this house

    twice a week (for three hours) to assist with sessions that, employing oriental techniques,

    lead people toward reflection, self-knowledge, and interiorization. Three times per year,

    we organize meditation sessions, lasting three or four hours, that are available to all

    those persons who wish to participate. We are accompanying a group of persons who

    come together each week in our house to meditate. A free psychological counseling

    service is available to those who are in need of such.The people who come to us are asking us to listen to them, not in order to give them

    advice, but rather to provide orientations based upon the experiences of our own lives.

    They approach us so that we can accompany them as they advance in their interior


    For this reason, spirituality, for us, means making room for God in our lives and translating

    that in our human relations. All of that requires that we be very attentive to discovering

    how our brothers and sisters are living, what is happening in their lives, how we can

    help them, and what we can learn from them. Living based upon our interior lives makes

    it possible for us, as Thomas Merton used to say, to be aware of the love that, in spite

    of real differences and emotional frictions, brings us together. Superficial things arenothing; what is real is what is found deep within ourselves. We are creatures of love.

    Oh God, we are one with you. You have made us one with you. You have taught us that,

    if we remain open to one another, you dwell within us. Help us to maintain that openness

    and to strive to attain it with all our heart. Help us to understand that, if there is rejection,

    there can be no mutual understanding. Love has conquered. Love is victorious. Amen1

    1 Prayer with which Thomas Merton closed the First Spiritual Encounter of Eastern and Western Monksin Calcutta in 1968

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    Viator Web, No. 67 - p. 9

    Daring to live life in total communion!

    Living in the footsteps of Father LouisQuerbes is, for each and every one of us,

    a constant call to live as educators at the

    service of life. Our common mission

    leads us, wherever we may be, to defend

    peoples rights and freedoms in order to

    restore to each person his or her full

    dignity as a son or daughter of God.

    We respond to that challenge in all

    simplicity by being constantly present to

    the young and the impoverished, inefforts to bring greater happiness to

    people, in actions marked by the values

    of tenderness and justice that are alive

    within us. For some time now, we have

    recognized that, in order to succeed in

    living together, it is necessary not only

    to support one another, but also to love

    one another and to recognize ourselves

    in what we are and in what beautiful,good, and marvelous contributions we make to building up a happy community.

    Our loving communion, inspired by the communion lived by the first Christians (Acts

    2:42-47), manifests itself through a sustained relationship with the creating Father, the

    liberating Son, and the sanctifying Spirit. That faith in a Trinitarian God motivates our

    ideal of living together. Our community thus develops bonds between and among its

    members and the entire network of

    people who are journeying with one or

    another of us. Our community tries to

    be feast and hope, joy and a searching

    for the better, simplicity of life and

    sharing of what we have and are. It is

    good, then, to celebrate life in thebreaking of the bread and in pardon, but

    also in the sharing of a meal, a festive

    evening, a picnic day in a word, celebra-

    ting what life has reserved for us of what

    is beautiful and what is difficult to live

    in full confidence that Christ is present.

    Who are we?

    The community of Viatorians of the Sacred Heart

    Residence (Canada) is composed of twenty-eight

    persons: twenty-one Viatorians and seven other

    members in a process of community and spiritual

    life. We are involved in three schools, two hospitals,a center for senior citizens, two parishes, different

    grass-roots organizations, the Service of Preparation

    for Life (youths), Camps of the Future, scientific

    research, prison ministry, and food services. Besides

    meeting three times a month on Tuesday evening,

    we also have other activities together.

    Our residence is also a place that extends a

    welcome to various persons (Viatorians and others)

    who gather for meetings, formation and updating

    sessions, moments of peace and quiet or, very

    simply, moments for living in communion.

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    Viator Web, No. 67 - p. 10

    Our faith in Christ, enlivened by a hope for eternity, is nourished through the re-reading

    of the Word and leads us towards all of those who are accounted of little or no importance

    in our world today those children, those women, and those men who await a taste of

    Matthews Gospel (25). Yes, our heart was on fire when it came into contact with the

    little ones, those loved by God, for, like the disciples of Emmaus, we recognized therein

    our Lord, who waves to us on our daily travels. Our action tries to be a delicate presence

    to those persons having difficulty, feeling rejected, excluded, diminished. But it is also

    an action that is committed and dedicated to demanding living conditions that are human

    and socially acceptable for

    everyone. All members are

    deeply involved in those places

    where they live and work.

    Several times each year, as a

    community, we welcome persons

    who are alone and in need to

    share in a meal. We are also

    present to serve at the Camps

    of the Future (at Lake Ouimet)

    and we support the activities of

    the Service of Preparation for

    Life. Through those two orga-nizations, we are also in contact

    with many people, including

    Viatorians, in those countries

    where the Service of Preparation

    for Life is present: Haiti, Peru, Madagascar, and Africa (Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast,

    Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Togo).

    the freshness of Gospel values,

    of the values of respect, freedom,

    and mercy. Blessed, says the

    Evangelist Saint Matthew. Joy,

    affirms the new translation of the

    Bible. Yes, that joy of the

    Beatitudes nourishes our way of

    being and of living. Our witness

    of life becomes an unconditional

    welcome, a journey with ordinary

    people, a struggle for life.

    That joy of the Beatitudes iscolored by our commitment to

    serve the poor, those men and

    women recognized in Saint

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    Viator Web, No. 67 - p. 11

    As a result of what we have just said in complete truth, we believe that our community

    experience bears witness to our willingness to live our mission and the Viatorian

    Community. To go even further, we owe it to ourselves to keep our windows and our

    doors open to the wind of the Spirit, to the cry of the little ones, to the clamor of our


    We owe it to ourselves to believe deeply that the future of the Gospel takes place

    through the creation of community places wherein all women and men participate in

    maintaining and developing a truly loving communion. It then becomes no longer a

    question of associates or of religious, of brothers or of priests, but of loving women and

    men, committed Christians, persons who invest the best of themselves in the journey

    towards a land that reflects the Gospel of peace, joy, and tenderness desired by the

    Father, announced by the Son, vitalized by the Spirit. It is there that many women and

    men who are excluded from communion, who have lost hope in life, who have been

    impoverished by our political and economic systems will find reasons to hope, to believe,

    and to love.

    Our baptism, the foundation of our unity, is also the guarantee of our desire to live

    uprightly and to dare to be joyful. With patience and tolerance, in a quest for peace, we

    continue to cultivate communion in the ordinary circumstances of our daily lives. See

    how they love one another! That is the urgent challenge for our times!

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    Viator Web, No. 67 - p. 12

    How does the reality of our world challenge

    the consecrated life today?

    Our Reality:

    The house of formation of the Province of Chile, which serves as the present location of

    the C.L.A.C. novitiate, is found in the town of Puente Alto, which, with its 800,000

    inhabitants, has the largest population of all the towns in Chile. We are situated in a

    zone that, some years back, was dedicated to farming. Today, such rural areas are being

    replaced by condominiums for middle-class families, the majority of which are younger.

    Puente Alto Community

    First Row: Erick Gaona, Eduardo Milln, Toms Villalobos.

    Second Row: Jorge Arancibia, Gabriela Ibarra, Vctor Arnguiz, Gloria

    Arriagada, Ivn Azolas

    Our original plot is one of the

    few remaining in our sector.

    Over the course of recent years,

    the Chilean Church has suffered

    scandals because of certain

    bishops and priests, some of

    whom are well known. This si-

    tuation, besides giving rise to

    questions and criticisms about

    the way in which a small number

    of members of the hierarchyproceeded in facing this

    problem, has also produced a

    lack of confidence in the Church,

    which, as an institution, has lost

    a great deal of credibility. The

    charism, the goodness, the

    simplicity, and the transparency

    of Pope Francis are helping to

    overcome those difficulties.

    In Chile, just as in other parts of the world, corporate directors, political parties, and

    those who are leaders have lost much credibility.

    Insofar as our community dimensin is concerned, we are very much aware that we are

    part of aformationcommunity. We believe that the best service that we can render to

    the Congregation, to the Church, and to society is to acquire a solid integral formation

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    Viator Web, No. 67 - p. 13

    that will promote communion with the Lord and that will help us to encounter those for

    whom our mission is intended.

    A Needy Word is waiting for us

    In this social and ecclesial setting, we Viatorians strive to live out our vocation with joy

    and to be credible witnesses to Jesus of Nazareth.

    We must be experts in the art of looking for signs of God in the realities of our world and

    of finding in those signs the challenges being addressed to us by the Lord of history. It

    is there that we find life!

    Before writing these lines, we spent time reflecting as a community. On the occasion of

    our vocation week, we asked the adults and young people who attend Mass in our

    chapel to tell us how they see us and what they expect of us. There were many similiar

    responses. They ask of us:

    Openness, closeness, and an ability to listen.They want us to accompany different

    pastoral and community groups and to help them in their reflections. They need

    us to listen to their problems. They want us to learn to look at things with the heart

    of God, which will make us more human. They ask that we be open, welcoming,

    and communicative and that we become familiar with the reality of people who

    need a friendly hand. They tell us in many different ways, some of which are

    rather direct, that they not only want us to be seen in church, but also to come

    closer to the community, to their homes. They want us to get out of our particular

    environment and to draw closer to those whom we have alienated and those who

    feel excluded from the Church.

    Faithfulness, coherency, and transparency.People want us to do what we have

    promised, to be faithful to our vows, and to give them good example by living out

    Gospel values. They ask that we be authentic and that we always promote the

    truth. People want us to be credible!

    Humility and simplicity.We are no different from the rest of the brothers and

    sisters who make up the Church. People want us to dedcate ourselves to serving

    the community in a humble and total way.And people remind us that, like Jesus,

    we must have a preference for the very poor and must continue being committed

    to the most disadvantaged.

    Accompaniment in the path of faith.Very much along the lines of our mission,

    people ask us to accompany everyone children, young people, and adults in

    their lives of faith and to help them to get to know Jesus in order to love him more

    and to follow him more closely. People want us to teach them how to read the

    Word and how to pray. People ask that we guidetheir children along the right

    path.People need to have us continue educating them in their faith so that they

    can better serve God and their neighbor. People also desire that we help them to

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    Viator Web, No. 67 - p. 14

    form communities where Gospel values are lived out and eventually shared by

    them with those around them.

    In order to respond adequately to those requirements, we need to live deeply rootedinJesusand to have a solid formation. The Aparecida document goes into specifics by

    saying that, in order to be good missionary disciples,we must:

    give absolute primacy to God and his Kingdom, be attentive to the Word of the

    Master, and participate with devotion in the Eucharist (219);

    live in profound intimacy with Jesus, who has called us, and become experts in

    communion (218);

    attain a high degree of pastoral charity and live out the radicalness of the Gospel

    in our apostolic mission (360).

    All of that is a demanding, but exciting, task. In order to accomplish it, we are counting

    on the strength of the Holy Spirit. With the Holy Spirit, all things are posible!

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    Begin with needs

    Go forth to other places.Fear.

    Build a new ones life and the life of ones family.

    We must fo beyond our compfort zones and dare to find God in other places!

    Consecratedmen and women, conviced of Gods roaming presence.

    The depth of your well.

    Beings with interior lives, whose homes must remain open,

    since they need others to meet and to speak with God.We desire that spirituality-interiority be the means to - -and the

    end of - our common journey..

    Consecrated men and women, persons who know

    where Gods heaven is for everyone.

    The Gospel. Jesus and people.

    Community, Gospel men and women who are orientatedtoward the world.

    A Gospel that creates community bonds that proclaim Gods project foreveryone: Hope is born!

    Consecrated, persons whom faith brings together

    in the name of beauty, goodness, and truth.

    Openness, closeness, capacity for listening.

    Faithfulness, coherency, and transparency.

    Humility and simplicity.Accompanying them in their journey of faith.

    Consecrated, people who believe thateverything is possible with the Spirit.

    Viator Web, No. 67 - p. 15