vfr travel to melbourne year ended december 2011 prepared for destination melbourne april 2012

VFR Travel to Melbourne year ended December 2011 Prepared for Destination Melbourne April 2012

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Page 1: VFR Travel to Melbourne year ended December 2011 Prepared for Destination Melbourne April 2012

VFR Travel to Melbourne

year ended December 2011

Prepared for Destination Melbourne

April 2012

Page 2: VFR Travel to Melbourne year ended December 2011 Prepared for Destination Melbourne April 2012


Section Page

Introduction 3

Key results 4

Total travel 6

Domestic overnight travel 11

International overnight travel 20

Domestic daytrip travel 29

Notes 35

Page 2VFR travel to Melbourne, YE Dec 11

Page 3: VFR Travel to Melbourne year ended December 2011 Prepared for Destination Melbourne April 2012


This report analyses ‘visiting friends and relatives’ (VFR) travellers to Melbourne. The results are compared against non-VFR travel.– Some results are provided by Melbourne’s five sub-regions (i.e. ‘East’, ‘Inner’, ‘North’, ‘South’,

and ‘West’) The travel information for Melbourne is collected and reported by three separate

sectors: Domestic overnight; International overnight; and Domestic daytrips. Consequently, each sector is analysed individually. – For an indication of total VFR travel to Melbourne, the report also provides information about

total travel to the region (i.e. domestic overnight + international overnight + domestic daytrip). The report is based on information from the National Visitor Survey (NVS) and

International Visitor Survey (IVS) - both datasets are managed and published by Tourism Research Australia (TRA).

As overnight visitors to Melbourne may have more than one reason for visiting, the variable ‘all destination purpose of visit' has been used to give the best possible estimate of all VFR travel. This may lead to some minor double counting of visitors. ‘Main purpose of visit’ has been used for domestic daytrips.

The data used is subject to sampling variability. Users are advised to consult the data confidence tables contained in publications relevant to the datasets or otherwise available from TRA before drawing any conclusions or inferences, or taking any action, based on the data.

Page 3VFR travel to Melbourne, YE Dec 11

Page 4: VFR Travel to Melbourne year ended December 2011 Prepared for Destination Melbourne April 2012

Key results (1 of 2)

Total travel to Melbourne in the YE Dec 11 on YE Dec 10 Melbourne received 22.8 million visitors - up by 3.2%. Visitors spent 56.2 million nights in the region - up by 4.3%. In total, visitors spent an estimated $10.2 billion in Melbourne - up by 4.8%. VFR represented 33.5% of visitors and 29.3% of nights in the region – the proportion of

visitors was up by 2.6% pts, while its was down by 0.2% pts for nights.

Domestic overnight VFR travel to Melbourne - YE Dec 11 on YE Dec 10 Melbourne received 2.3 million VFR visitors - up by 8.1%. VFR visitors spent 6.7 million nights in the region - up by 2.4%. In total, VFR visitors spent an estimated $1.2 billion in Melbourne - up by 10.6%. VFR represented 34.2% of visitors and 36.5% of nights in the region – the proportions

of visitors and of nights were up by 0.8% pts and 0.4% pts respectively.

Domestic overnight VFR travel to Melbourne’s sub-regions in the YE Dec 11 The ‘West’ sub-region (63.8%) had the highest proportion of VFR visitors, while ‘North’

(63.2%) had the highest % of VFR nights.

Page 4

Sources: NVS and IVS YE Dec 11, TRA & Modelled visitor expenditure in Australia’s regions YE Dec 10 & YE Dec 11, TRA

VFR travel to Melbourne, YE Dec 11

Page 5: VFR Travel to Melbourne year ended December 2011 Prepared for Destination Melbourne April 2012

Key results (2 of 2)

International VFR travel to Melbourne - YE Dec 11 on YE Dec 10 Melbourne received 465,700 VFR visitors - up by 1.4%. VFR visitors spent 9.7 million nights in the region - up by 4.3%. VFR represented 28.3% of visitors and 25.8% of nights in the region – the proportions

of visitors and of nights were down by 1.4% pts and 0.4% pts respectively.

International VFR travel to Melbourne’s sub-regions in the YE Dec 11 The ‘South’ sub-region had the highest proportion of both VFR visitors (67.3%) and

VFR nights (46.9%).

Domestic daytrip VFR travel to Melbourne - YE Dec 11 on YE Dec 10 Melbourne received 4.9 million VFR visitors - up by 14.5%. In total, VFR visitors spent an estimated $342 million in the region - up by 14.7%. VFR travellers represented 33.7% of all visitors to Melbourne - up by 3.7% pts.

Domestic daytrip VFR travel to Melbourne’s sub-regions in the YE Dec 11 The ‘West’ sub-region (50.2%) had the highest proportion of VFR visitors.

Page 5

Sources: NVS and IVS YE Dec 11, TRA

VFR travel to Melbourne, YE Dec 11

Page 6: VFR Travel to Melbourne year ended December 2011 Prepared for Destination Melbourne April 2012

Total travelTravel by Australian residents and international visitors aged 15 and over.


The results for total travel in this section should be used as an indication only.

Travel information for Melbourne is collected and reported by three separate sectors: Domestic overnight; International overnight; and Domestic daytrips. Consequently, each sector should be analysed individually.

Some double counting may occur as visitors may have had more than one purpose of visit.

The data used is subject to sampling variability. Users are advised to consult the data confidence tables contained in publications relevant to the NVS and IVS or otherwise available from the TRA

before drawing any conclusions or inferences, or taking any action, based on the data.

Page 6VFR travel to Melbourne, YE Dec 11

Page 7: VFR Travel to Melbourne year ended December 2011 Prepared for Destination Melbourne April 2012

Total travel to Melbourne

In the YE Dec 11

• Melbourne received over 22.8 million visitors - up by 3.2% on YE Dec 10.

• Visitors stayed for nearly 56.2 million nights - up by 4.3% on YE Dec 10.

• In total, visitors spent approximately $10.2 billion in Melbourne – up by 4.8% on YE Dec 10.

Page 7

Sources: NVS and IVS YE Dec 11, TRA & Modelled visitor expenditure in Australia’s regions YE Dec 10 & YE Dec 11, TRA

Total travel

Aspect ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % ('000)

Visitors 6,616 29.0% 1,648 7.2% 14,570 63.8% 22,834

Nights 18,418 32.8% 37,748 67.2% 56,166

($ billion) % ($ billion) % ($ billion) % ($ billion)

Expenditure 1 $4.8 46.9% $3.8 37.8% $1.6 15.4% $10.2

Domestic overnight travel International overnight travel Domestic daytrip travel

Travel sector

(1) Modelled visitor expenditure in Australia's regions (domestic overnight expenditure includes airfares and long distance transport costs, and international overnight expenditure excludes travel package costs).

VFR travel to Melbourne, YE Dec 11

Page 8: VFR Travel to Melbourne year ended December 2011 Prepared for Destination Melbourne April 2012

Total VFR travel to Melbourne

In the YE Dec 11

• Melbourne received over 7.6 million VFR visitors - up by 11.7% on YE Dec 10.

• VFR visitors stayed for over 16.4 million nights - up by 3.5% on YE Dec 10.

• In total, VFR visitors spent an estimated $2.8 billion in Melbourne - up by 8.8% on YE Dec 10.

Page 8

Sources: NVS and IVS YE Dec 11, TRA

(1) Based on non-modelled expenditure from the NVS and IVS (domestic overnight expenditure includes airfares and long distance transport costs, and international overnight expenditure excludes travel package costs). International expenditure relates to the WHOLE trip iin Australia by visitors who had spent at least one night in Melbourne.

Total travel

Aspect ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % ('000)

VFR visitors 2,260 29.6% 466 6.1% 4,913 64.3% 7,639

VFR nights 6,720 40.9% 9,729 59.1% 16,449

($ billion) % ($ billion) % ($ billion) % ($ billion)

VFR expenditure 1 $1.2 43.8% $1.2 43.8% $0.3 12.4% $2.8

Domestic overnight travel International overnight travel Domestic daytrip travel

VFR travel sector

VFR travel to Melbourne, YE Dec 11

Page 9: VFR Travel to Melbourne year ended December 2011 Prepared for Destination Melbourne April 2012

Total visitors to Melbourne and sub-regions - by Purpose of visit

In the YE Dec 11

• Over 1/3 (33.5%) of visitors to Melbourne travelled for the purpose of ‘visiting friends and relatives’ (VFR) - up by 2.6% pts on YE Dec 10.

• ‘West’ (53.9%) had the highest proportion of VFR visitors, followed by ‘South’ (51.3%) and ‘East’ (49.3%).

• Compared to YE Dec 10, the proportion of VFR visitors increased in ‘Inner’ (1.2% pts), ‘North’ (3.0% pts), ‘South’ (10.8% pts) and ‘West’ (2.2% pts) while it decreased in ‘East’ (1.4%pts).

Page 9

Sources: NVS and IVS YE Dec 11, TRA



18.2%34.0% 27.8%




51.3%53.9% 33.5%



7.2% 9.3%16.0%

13.2% 11.0%19.5%

7.6% 9.1% 11.9%

East Inner North South West Total


Holiday or leisure Visiting friends and relatives Business Other

Note: Visitors may have more than one purpose for visiting Melbourne or the sub-regions.

VFR travel to Melbourne, YE Dec 11

Page 10: VFR Travel to Melbourne year ended December 2011 Prepared for Destination Melbourne April 2012

Total visitor nights in Melbourne and sub-regions - by Purpose of visit

In the YE Dec 11

• Almost 3/10 (29.3%) of nights in Melbourne were for the purpose of ‘visiting friends and relatives’ (VFR) - down by 0.2% pts on YE Dec 10.

• ‘South’ (51.1%) had the highest proportion of VFR nights, followed by ‘West’ (46.8%) and ‘North’ (38.7%).

• Compared to YE Dec 10, the proportion of VFR nights increased in ‘South’ (3.1% pts) and ‘West’ (1.7% pts) while it decreased in ‘East’ (1.3% pts), ‘Inner’ (0.6% pts) and ‘North’ (2.6% pts).

Page 10

Sources: NVS and IVS YE Dec 11, TRA



11.4% 11.4% 13.9%25.2%



38.7%51.1% 46.8% 29.3%




6.5% 7.7%12.2%



44.1%30.9% 31.5% 33.2%

East Inner North South West Total


Holiday or leisure Visiting friends and relatives Business Other

VFR travel to Melbourne, YE Dec 11

Page 11: VFR Travel to Melbourne year ended December 2011 Prepared for Destination Melbourne April 2012

Domestic overnight travelTravel by Australian residents aged 15 and over.


VFR = travelling for the purpose of visiting friends and relatives.

Some double counting may occur as visitors may have had more than one purpose of visit.

The data used is subject to sampling variability. Users are advised to consult data confidence tables contained in publications relevant to the NVS or otherwise available from the TRA

before drawing any conclusions or inferences, or taking any action, based on the data.

Some graphs may contain results below the data confidence intervals used by Tourism Victoria, i.e. 50,000 for visitors and 500,000 for nights. datainsights recommends that any such estimates should be for internal use only.

Page 11VFR travel to Melbourne, YE Dec 11

Page 12: VFR Travel to Melbourne year ended December 2011 Prepared for Destination Melbourne April 2012

Domestic overnight travel to Melbourne

In the YE Dec 11

• Melbourne received nearly 2.3 million domestic overnight VFR visitors - up by 8.1% on the YE Dec 10, but down by 3.0% on the YE Dec 07.

• The region received nearly 4.4 million non-VFR visitors - up by 4.2% on the YE Dec 10 and by 4.1% on the YE Dec 07.

• VFR visitors spent over 6.7 million nights in Melbourne - up by 2.4% on the YE Dec 10, but down by 11.3% on the YE Dec 07.

• Non-VFR visitors spent almost 11.7 million nights in the region - up by 0.8% on the YE Dec 10 and by 2.7% on the YE Dec 07.

Page 12

Source: NVS YE Dec 11, TRA
















































YE Dec 07 YE Dec 08 YE Dec 09 YE Dec 10 YE Dec 11

('000) VFR visitors Non-VFR visitors VFR nights Non-VFR nights

VFR travel to Melbourne, YE Dec 11

Page 13: VFR Travel to Melbourne year ended December 2011 Prepared for Destination Melbourne April 2012

Average annual growth of domestic overnight VFR travel- by Selected destinations

YE Dec 07 to YE Dec 11

• Over the period, Melbourne experienced an average annual decline of 0.8% in domestic overnight VFR visitors.

• Melbourne had a higher decline than Sydney, but lower than regional Victoria and Australia. Brisbane experienced growth.

• Over the period, Melbourne experienced an average annual decline of 3.0% in domestic VFR nights.

• Melbourne had a higher decline than Sydney, regional Victoria and Australia. Brisbane experienced growth.

Source: NVS YE Dec 11, TRA

Page 13VFR travel to Melbourne, YE Dec 11





0.1% 0.3%














VFR visitors VFR nights

Melbourne Sydney Brisbane Reg Vic Australia

Page 14: VFR Travel to Melbourne year ended December 2011 Prepared for Destination Melbourne April 2012

Origin of domestic overnight visitors to Melbourne

Page 14

Source: NVS YE Dec 11, TRA

In the YE Dec 11

• Over ½ (50.5%) of domestic overnight VFR visitors to Melbourne came from interstate – up 2.1% on YE Dec 10.

• Regional Victoria (44.1%) was the largest individual source market of VFR visitors – up by 20.0% on YE Dec 10. NSW (23.4%) was the 2nd largest source market – up by 5.2% on YE Dec 10.

• Nearly ¾ (72.2%) of non-VFR visitors to Melbourne came from interstate – up by 8.8% on YE Dec 10.

• NSW (34.4%) was the largest individual source market of non-VFR visitors – up by 13.9% on YE Dec 10. Regional Victoria (24.9%) was the 2nd largest – down by 9.1% on YE Dec 10.

Results shown in red are considered statistically unreliable and are for INTERNAL USE ONLY

VFR travel to Melbourne, YE Dec 11

Origin ('000) Market share % change on previous year

('000) Market share % change on previous year

Regional Victoria 996 44.1% 20.0% 1,094 24.9% -9.1%

Melbourne 123 5.4% -13.4% 125 2.9% 34.4%

Intrastate 1,119 49.5% 15.1% 1,219 27.8% -6.0%

New South Wales 529 23.4% 5.2% 1,510 34.4% 13.9%

Queensland 213 9.4% -1.8% 629 14.3% 4.5%

South Australia 166 7.3% 7.1% 395 9.0% -3.9%

Western Australia 79 3.5% 14.5% 269 6.1% 33.8%

Tasmania 83 3.7% -6.7% 217 4.9% -9.6%

Northern Territory 20 0.9% -16.7% 42 1.0% 27.3%

Australia Capital Territory 53 2.3% -11.7% 104 2.4% 8.3%

Interstate 1,142 50.5% 2.1% 3,165 72.2% 8.8%

Total 2,260 8.1% 4,385 4.2%

VFR visitors Non-VFR visitors

Page 15: VFR Travel to Melbourne year ended December 2011 Prepared for Destination Melbourne April 2012

Origin of domestic visitor nights in Melbourne

Page 15

Source: NVS YE Dec 11, TRA

In the YE Dec 11

• Over 2/3 (70.1%) of domestic VFR nights in Melbourne came from interstate – down 0.3% on YE Dec 10.

• NSW (29.1%) was the largest individual source market of VFR nights – up by 3.2% on YE Dec 10. Regional Victoria (27.2%) was the 2nd largest source market – up by 12.5% on YE Dec 10.

• Over 4/5 (80.8%) of non-VFR nights in Melbourne came from interstate – up by 4.8% on YE Dec 10.

• NSW (32.6%) was the largest individual source market of non-VFR nights – up by 4.0% on YE Dec 10. Queensland (18.2%) was the 2nd largest – up by 2.2% on YE Dec 10.

Results shown in red are considered statistically unreliable and are for INTERNAL USE ONLY

VFR travel to Melbourne, YE Dec 11

Origin ('000) Market share % change on previous year

('000) Market share % change on previous year

Regional Victoria 1,831 27.2% 12.5% 1,993 17.0% -17.8%

Melbourne 177 2.6% -14.9% 257 2.2% 56.7%

Intrastate 2,008 29.9% 9.5% 2,250 19.2% -13.1%

New South Wales 1,957 29.1% 3.2% 3,813 32.6% 4.0%

Queensland 1,005 15.0% -10.2% 2,127 18.2% 2.2%

South Australia 662 9.9% -0.5% 1,016 8.7% -15.5%

Western Australia 481 7.2% 18.8% 1,252 10.7% 34.2%

Tasmania 287 4.3% -11.1% 681 5.8% -9.8%

Northern Territory 107 1.6% -13.0% 287 2.5% 90.1%

Australia Capital Territory 213 3.2% 9.8% 271 2.3% 19.9%

Interstate 4,712 70.1% -0.3% 9,448 80.8% 4.8%

Total 6,720 2.4% 11,698 0.8%

VFR nights Non-VFR nights

Page 16: VFR Travel to Melbourne year ended December 2011 Prepared for Destination Melbourne April 2012

Domestic overnight visitors to Melbourne & sub-regions - by Purpose of visit

In the YE Dec 11

• Over 1/3 (34.2%) of domestic overnight visitors to Melbourne travelled for the purpose of ‘visiting friends and relatives’ (VFR) - up by 0.8% pts on YE Dec 10.

• ‘West’ (63.8%) had the highest proportion of domestic overnight VFR visitors, followed by ‘North’ (62.8%) and ‘East’ (62.8%).

• Compared to YE Dec 10, the proportion of VFR visitors increased in ‘North’ (10.3% pts) and ‘West’ (3.7% pts) while it decreased in ‘East’ (2.3% pts), ‘Inner’ (0.5% pts) and ‘South’ (5.5% pts).

Page 16

Source: NVS YE Dec 11, TRA

Note: Visitors may have more than one purpose for visiting Melbourne or the sub-regions.



14.5% 15.6% 15.8%32.7%

62.8% 19.3%62.8% 58.7% 63.8% 34.2%


33.9%16.6% 21.6% 14.8%


5.0% 5.2% 5.9%


5.8% 5.2%

East Inner North South West Total


Holiday or leisure Visiting friends and relatives Business Other

VFR travel to Melbourne, YE Dec 11

Page 17: VFR Travel to Melbourne year ended December 2011 Prepared for Destination Melbourne April 2012

Domestic visitor nights in Melbourne and sub-regions - by Purpose of visit

In the YE Dec 11

• Nearly 2/5 (36.5%) of domestic visitor nights in Melbourne were for the purpose of ‘visiting friends and relatives’ (VFR) - up by 0.4% pts on YE Dec 10.

• ‘North’ (63.2%) had the highest proportion of domestic VFR nights, followed by ‘South’ (63.2%) and ‘West’ (56.7%).

• Compared to YE Dec 10, the proportion of VFR nights increased in ‘Inner’ (1.3% pts) and ‘North’ (10.9% pts) while it decreased in ‘East’ (1.6% pts), ‘South’ (4.0% pts) and ‘West’ (6.9% pts).

Page 17

Source: NVS YE Dec 11, TRA



15.5% 17.9% 16.5%



63.2% 63.2%56.7%




16.3% 22.9%

8.3% 5.7% 8.0%

2.8% 10.6% 6.4%

East Inner North South West Total


Holiday or leisure Visiting friends and relatives Business Other

VFR travel to Melbourne, YE Dec 11

Page 18: VFR Travel to Melbourne year ended December 2011 Prepared for Destination Melbourne April 2012

Domestic overnight VFR visitors to Melbourne- detailed VFR by Sub-region

Page 18

Source: NVS YE Dec 11, TRA

In the YE Dec 11

• Over 2/3 (70.1%) of domestic overnight VFR visitors to Melbourne travelled for the purpose of visiting relatives – down by 2.6% pts on YE Dec 10.

• Three tenths (30.0%) of VFR visitors travelled for visiting friends – up by 2.5% pts on YE Dec 10.

• ‘Inner’ (35.9%) had the highest proportion of visiting friends visitors – up by 2.1% pts on YE Dec 10.

• ‘East’ (78.3%) had the highest proportion of visiting relatives visitors – up by 4.0% pts on YE Dec 10.

VFR travel to Melbourne, YE Dec 11

Sub-region YE Dec 10 YE Dec 11% pts

changeYE Dec 10 YE Dec 11

% pts change

YE Dec 10 YE Dec 11% pts


East 25.5% 21.7% -3.8 74.3% 78.3% 4.0 65.1% 62.8% -2.3

Inner 33.8% 35.9% 2.1 66.2% 64.1% -2.1 19.8% 19.3% -0.5

North 22.0% 32.5% 10.5 78.0% 67.5% -10.5 52.5% 62.8% 10.3

South 22.3% 25.4% 3.1 77.7% 74.6% -3.1 64.2% 58.7% -5.5

West 23.3% 23.5% 0.2 76.7% 76.5% -0.2 60.1% 63.8% 3.7

Total 27.5% 30.0% 2.5 72.7% 70.1% -2.6 33.4% 34.2% 0.8


Visiting friends Visiting relatives Total VFR

Page 19: VFR Travel to Melbourne year ended December 2011 Prepared for Destination Melbourne April 2012

Domestic VFR visitor nights in Melbourne- detailed VFR by Sub-region

Page 19

Source: NVS YE Dec 11, TRA

In the YE Dec 11

• Over ¾ (76.9%) of domestic VFR nights in Melbourne were for the purpose of visiting relatives – down by 1.8% pts on YE Dec 10.

• Nearly ¼ (23.1%) of VFR nights were for visiting friends – up by 1.8% pts on YE Dec 10.

• ‘North’ (28.6%) had the highest proportion of visiting friends nights – up by 14.5% pts on YE Dec 10.

• ‘East’ (85.2%) had the highest proportion of visiting relatives nights – up 8.2% pts on YE Dec 10.

VFR travel to Melbourne, YE Dec 11

Results shown in red are considered statistically unreliable and are for INTERNAL USE ONLY

Sub-region YE Dec 10 YE Dec 11% pts

changeYE Dec 10 YE Dec 11

% pts change

YE Dec 10 YE Dec 11% pts


East 23.0% 14.8% -8.2 77.0% 85.2% 8.2 64.8% 63.2% -1.6

Inner 27.7% 26.7% -1.0 72.3% 73.3% 1.0 21.1% 22.4% 1.3

North 14.1% 28.6% 14.5 85.9% 71.4% -14.5 52.3% 63.2% 10.9

South 15.5% 21.2% 5.7 84.5% 78.8% -5.7 67.2% 63.2% -4.0

West 15.4% 20.1% 4.7 84.6% 79.9% -4.7 63.6% 56.7% -6.9

Total 21.3% 23.1% 1.8 78.7% 76.9% -1.8 36.1% 36.5% 0.4

Total VFRVisiting friends Visiting relatives


Note: change analysis should not be used on statistically unreliable estimates or results.

Page 20: VFR Travel to Melbourne year ended December 2011 Prepared for Destination Melbourne April 2012

International overnight travelTravel by international short-term visitors aged 15 and over.


VFR = travelling for the purpose of visiting friends and relatives.

Some double counting may occur as visitors may have had more than one purpose of visit.

The data used is subject to sampling variability. Users are advised to consult data confidence tables contained in publications relevant to the IVS or otherwise available from the TRA

before drawing any conclusions or inferences, or taking any action, based on the data.

Some results may be below the data confidence intervals used by Tourism Victoria, i.e. 5,000 for visitors and 500,000 for nights. Any such estimates are for INTERNAL USE ONLY.

Page 20VFR travel to Melbourne, YE Dec 11

Page 21: VFR Travel to Melbourne year ended December 2011 Prepared for Destination Melbourne April 2012

International overnight travel to Melbourne

In the YE Dec 11

• Melbourne received 465,700 international overnight VFR visitors - up by 1.4% on the YE Dec 10 and by 32.1% on the YE Dec 07.

• The region received over 1.2 million non-VFR visitors - up by 8.8% on the YE Dec 10 and by 14.9% on the YE Dec 07.

• VFR visitors spent over 9.7 million nights in Melbourne - up by 4.3% on the YE Dec 10 and by 76.2% on the YE Dec 07.

• Non-VFR visitors spent over28.0 million nights in the region - up by 6.4% on the YE Dec 10 and by 29.6% on the YE Dec 07.

Page 21

Source: IVS YE Dec 11, TRA





























89 25,5













YE Dec 07 YE Dec 08 YE Dec 09 YE Dec 10 YE Dec 11

('000) VFR visitors Non-VFR visitors VFR nights Non-VFR nights

VFR travel to Melbourne, YE Dec 11

Page 22: VFR Travel to Melbourne year ended December 2011 Prepared for Destination Melbourne April 2012

Average annual growth of international VFR travel- by Selected destinations

YE Dec 07 to YE Dec 11

• Over the period, Melbourne experienced an average annual growth of 7.2% in international overnight VFR visitors.

• Melbourne had a higher growth than Sydney, Brisbane, regional Victoria and Australia.

• Over the period, Melbourne experienced an average annual growth of 15.2% in international VFR nights.

• Melbourne had a higher growth than Sydney, Brisbane, regional Victoria and Australia.

Source: IVS YE Dec 11, TRA

Page 22



















VFR visitors VFR nights

Melbourne Sydney Brisbane Reg Vic Australia

VFR travel to Melbourne, YE Dec 11

Page 23: VFR Travel to Melbourne year ended December 2011 Prepared for Destination Melbourne April 2012

International overnight VFR visitors to Melbourne- by Origin

Page 23

Source: IVS YE Dec 11, TRA

In the YE Dec 11

• New Zealand (18.6%) was the largest individual source market of international overnight VFR visitors to Melbourne – up by 11.3% on YE Dec 10.

• ‘Japan & other Asia’ (19.9%) was the largest source region of VFR visitors – up by 5.3% on YE Dec 10.

• China (17.9%) was the largest individual source market of non-VFR visitors – up by 32.0% on YE Dec 10.

• ‘Japan & other Asia’ (22.4%) was the largest source region of Non-VFR visitors – up by 12.4% on YE Dec 10.

VFR travel to Melbourne, YE Dec 11

Origin market / region ('000) Market share% change on previous year

('000) Market share% change on previous year

New Zealand 87 18.6% 11.3% 160 13.1% 4.7%

Malaysia 33 7.1% -7.6% 53 4.4% -3.3%

China 47 10.1% 18.8% 218 17.9% 32.0%

India 25 5.4% -2.8% 35 2.9% 12.1%

Japan & other Asia 93 19.9% 5.3% 273 22.4% 12.4%

USA & Canada 32 6.9% -20.4% 121 9.9% 7.9%

United Kingdom 64 13.7% 1.2% 114 9.3% -1.2%

Other Europe 53 11.3% 3.3% 186 15.2% -1.1%

Other Countries 33 7.1% -13.1% 60 4.9% 2.2%

Total 466 1,220

VFR visitors Non-VFR visitors

Page 24: VFR Travel to Melbourne year ended December 2011 Prepared for Destination Melbourne April 2012

International VFR visitor nights in Melbourne- by Origin

Page 24

Source: IVS YE Dec 11, TRA

In the YE Dec 11

• China (21.1%) was the largest individual source market of international VFR visitor nights in Melbourne – down by 11.1% on YE Dec 10.

• ‘Japan & other Asia’ (21.6%) was the largest source region of VFR nights – up by 10.6% on YE Dec 10.

• China (18.4%) was the largest individual source market of non-VFR visitor nights – down by 1.2% on YE Dec 10.

• ‘Japan & other Asia’ (32.7%) was the largest source region of Non-VFR nights – up by 15.5% on YE Dec 10.

VFR travel to Melbourne, YE Dec 11

Origin market / region ('000) Market share% change on previous year

('000) Market share% change on previous year

New Zealand 649 6.7% 6.2% 1,155 4.1% -4.5%

Malaysia 503 5.2% 8.6% 1,721 6.1% -15.3%

China 2,049 21.1% -11.1% 5,161 18.4% -1.2%

India 1,383 14.2% 56.4% 2,516 9.0% 15.9%

Japan & other Asia 2,097 21.6% 10.6% 9,152 32.7% 15.5%

USA & Canada 453 4.7% -12.0% 1,521 5.4% 1.7%

United Kingdom 871 9.0% -17.2% 1,802 6.4% 8.3%

Other Europe 913 9.4% 18.4% 3,052 10.9% 12.1%

Other Countries 811 8.3% -2.9% 1,938 6.9% 1.9%

Total 9,729 28,019

VFR nights Non-VFR nights

Results shown in red are considered statistically unreliable and are for INTERNAL USE ONLY

Note: change analysis should not be used on statistically unreliable estimates or results.

Page 25: VFR Travel to Melbourne year ended December 2011 Prepared for Destination Melbourne April 2012

International visitors to Melbourne and sub-regions - by Purpose of visit

In the YE Dec 11

• Nearly 3/10 (28.3%) of international overnight visitors to Melbourne travelled for the purpose of ‘visiting friends and relatives’ (VFR) – down by 1.4% pts on YE Dec 10.

• ‘South’ (67.3%) had the highest proportion of international overnight VFR visitors, followed by ‘West’ (66.7%) and ‘East’ (54.8%).

• ‘Compared to YE Dec 10, the proportion of VFR visitors increased in ‘South’ (1.9% pts) and ‘West’ (1.5% pts) while it decreased in ‘East’ (3.7% pts), ‘Inner’ (1.9% pts) and ‘North’ (0.7% pts).

Page 25

Source: IVS YE Dec 11, TRA

Note: Visitors may have more than one purpose for visiting Melbourne or the sub-regions.



17.2% 15.0% 17.4%





67.3% 66.7%





8.6% 6.7%16.7%



9.0% 7.0% 6.4%


3.5% 19.6%




East Inner North South West Total


Holiday / pleasure VFR Business Education Other

VFR travel to Melbourne, YE Dec 11

Page 26: VFR Travel to Melbourne year ended December 2011 Prepared for Destination Melbourne April 2012

International visitor nights in Melbourne and sub-regions - by Purpose of visit

In the YE Dec 11

• Over ¼ (25.8%) of international visitor nights in Melbourne were for the purpose of ‘visiting friends and relatives’ (VFR) – down by 0.4% pts on YE Dec 10.

• ‘South’ (46.9%) had the highest proportion of international VFR nights, followed by ‘West’ (42.2%) and ‘North’ (30.5%).

• Compared to YE Dec 10, the proportion of VFR nights increased in ‘South’ (9.5% pts) and ‘West’ (4.8% pts) while it decreased in ‘East’ (2.4% pts), ‘Inner’ (1.8% pts) and ‘North’ (6.1% pts).

Page 26

Source: IVS YE Dec 11, TRA



10.0% 9.1% 12.7%20.9%



30.5%46.9% 42.2% 25.8%








51.1%35.7% 34.3% 37.9%

6.2% 11.3% 5.1% 5.1% 7.0% 8.5%

East Inner North South West Total


Holiday / pleasure VFR Business Education Other

VFR travel to Melbourne, YE Dec 11

Page 27: VFR Travel to Melbourne year ended December 2011 Prepared for Destination Melbourne April 2012

International overnight VFR visitors to Melbourne - detailed VFR by Sub-region

Page 27

Source: IVS YE Dec 11, TRA

In the YE Dec 11

• Nearly 2/3 (63.8%) of international overnight VFR visitors to Melbourne travelled for the purpose of visiting relatives – down by 0.3% pts on YE Dec 10.

• Over 3/10 (30.9%) of VFR visitors were for visiting friends – up by 2.0% pts on YE Dec 10.

• Over 1/5 (6.9%) of VFR visitors were visiting an international relative or friend studying in Australia – down by 1.4% pts on YE Dec 10.

• ‘Inner’ (38.9%) had the highest proportion of visiting friends visitors – up by 4.8% on YE Dec 10.

• ‘West’ (74.5%) had the highest proportion of visiting relatives visitors – up by 8.1% pts on YE Dec 10.

• ‘Inner’ (9.9%) had the highest proportion of visitors who were visiting an international relative or friend studying in Australia – down by 1.9% pts on YE Dec 10.

VFR travel to Melbourne, YE Dec 11

Sub-region YE Dec 10 YE Dec 11% pts

changeYE Dec 10 YE Dec 11

% pts change

YE Dec 10 YE Dec 11% pts

changeYE Dec 10 YE Dec 11

% pts change

East 23.5% 24.0% 0.5 69.7% 69.8% 0.1 8.0% 6.5% -1.5 58.5% 54.8% -3.7

Inner 34.1% 38.9% 4.8 54.6% 51.8% -2.8 11.8% 9.9% -1.9 18.8% 16.9% -1.9

North 24.8% 24.0% -0.8 73.0% 72.6% -0.4 2.7% 3.5% 0.8 44.2% 43.5% -0.7

South 22.2% 29.7% 7.5 75.1% 69.3% -5.8 3.5% 2.1% -1.4 65.4% 67.3% 1.9

West 30.6% 21.8% -8.8 66.4% 74.5% 8.1 3.8% 4.3% 0.5 65.2% 66.7% 1.5

Total 28.9% 30.9% 2.0 64.1% 63.8% -0.3 8.3% 6.9% -1.4 29.7% 28.3% -1.4

Visiting friends Visiting relatives Total VFRVisiting an international student

relative or friend studying in Australia


Results shown in red are considered statistically unreliable and are for INTERNAL USE ONLY

Note: change analysis should not be used on statistically unreliable estimates or results.

Page 28: VFR Travel to Melbourne year ended December 2011 Prepared for Destination Melbourne April 2012

International VFR visitor nights in Melbourne - detailed VFR by Sub-region

Page 28

Source: IVS YE Dec 11, TRA

In the YE Dec 11

• Over 3/4 (76.2%) of international VFR nights in Melbourne were for the purpose of visiting relatives – down by 0.8% pts on YE Dec 10.

• Over 1/8 (14.1%) of VFR nights were for visiting friends – down by 2.0% pts on YE Dec 10.

• Almost 1/10 (9.7%) of VFR nights were for visiting an international relative or friend studying in Australia – up by 2.9% pts on YE Dec 10.

• ‘Inner’ (21.1%) had the highest proportion of visiting friends visitors – up by 1.7% on YE Dec 10.

• ‘West’ (86.9%) had the highest proportion of visiting relatives visitors – up by 6.7% pts on YE Dec 10.

• ‘Inner’ (14.7%) had the highest proportion of visitors who were visiting an international relative or friend studying in Australia.

VFR travel to Melbourne, YE Dec 11

Sub-region YE Dec 10 YE Dec 11% pts

changeYE Dec 10 YE Dec 11

% pts change

YE Dec 10 YE Dec 11% pts

changeYE Dec 10 YE Dec 11

% pts change

East 14.2% 12.7% -1.5 78.5% 73.1% -5.4 7.3% 14.2% 6.9 30.6% 28.2% -2.4

Inner 19.4% 21.1% 1.7 69.9% 64.2% -5.7 10.7% 14.7% 4.0 17.9% 16.1% -1.8

North 13.7% 11.9% -1.8 81.9% 84.2% 2.3 4.5% 3.8% -0.7 36.6% 30.5% -6.1

South 12.4% 11.1% -1.3 83.7% 85.0% 1.3 3.9% 3.9% 0.0 37.4% 46.9% 9.5

West 18.4% 7.3% -11.1 80.2% 86.9% 6.7 1.4% 5.8% 4.4 37.4% 42.2% 4.8

Total 16.1% 14.1% -2.0 77.0% 76.2% -0.8 6.8% 9.7% 2.9 26.2% 25.8% -0.4

Visiting an international student relative or friend studying in Australia


Visiting friends Visiting relatives Total VFR

Results shown in red are considered statistically unreliable and are for INTERNAL USE ONLY

Note: change analysis should not be used on statistically unreliable estimates or results.

Page 29: VFR Travel to Melbourne year ended December 2011 Prepared for Destination Melbourne April 2012

Domestic daytrip travelTravel by Australian residents aged 15 and over.


VFR = travelling for the (main) purpose of visiting friends and relatives.

The data used is subject to sampling variability. Users are advised to consult data confidence tables contained in publications relevant to the NVS or otherwise available from the TRA

before drawing any conclusions or inferences, or taking any action, based on the data.

Some results may be below the data confidence intervals used by Tourism Victoria, i.e. 200,000 for daytrips. Any such estimates are for INTERNAL USE ONLY.

Page 29VFR travel to Melbourne, YE Dec 11

Page 30: VFR Travel to Melbourne year ended December 2011 Prepared for Destination Melbourne April 2012

Domestic daytrip travel to Melbourne

In the YE Dec 11

• Melbourne received over 4.9 million domestic daytrip VFR visitors - up by 14.5% on the YE Dec 10 and by 14.1% on the YE Dec 07.

• The region received nearly 9.7 million non-VFR visitors - down by 3.7% on the YE Dec 10, but up by 21.5% on the YE Dec 07.

Page 30

Source: NVS YE Dec 11, TRA




























YE Dec 07 YE Dec 08 YE Dec 09 YE Dec 10 YE Dec 11

('000) VFR visitors Non-VFR visitors

VFR travel to Melbourne, YE Dec 11

Page 31: VFR Travel to Melbourne year ended December 2011 Prepared for Destination Melbourne April 2012

Average annual growth of domestic daytrip travel- by Selected destinations

YE Dec 07 to YE Dec 11

• Over the period, Melbourne experienced an average annual growth of 3.4% in domestic daytrip VFR visitors.

• Melbourne had a higher growth than Brisbane, regional Victoria and Australia, but lower than Sydney.

Source: NVS YE Dec 11, TRA

Page 31















VFR visitors

Melbourne Sydney Brisbane Reg Vic Australia

VFR travel to Melbourne, YE Dec 11

Page 32: VFR Travel to Melbourne year ended December 2011 Prepared for Destination Melbourne April 2012

Origin of domestic daytrip travel to Melbourne

Page 32

Source: NVS YE Dec 11, TRA

In the YE Dec 11

• Nearly ½ (45.8%) of domestic daytrips VFR visitors to Melbourne came from within the region – up by 25.3% on YE Dec 10.

• The Peninsula (10.1%) was the 2nd largest source market of VFR visitors – down by 7.1% on YE Dec 10.

• Over 1/3 (35.0%) of Non-VFR visitors to Melbourne came from within the region – down by 4.9% on YE Dec 10.

• The Peninsula (13.0%) was the 2nd largest source market Non-VFR visitors – up by 28.1% on YE Dec 10.

VFR travel to Melbourne, YE Dec 11

Origin ('000) Market share% change on previous year

('000) Market share% change on previous year

Melbourne 2,250 45.8% 25.3% 3,382 35.0% -4.9%

Peninsula 498 10.1% -7.1% 1,252 13.0% 28.1%

Geelong 424 8.6% 9.6% 802 8.3% 28.1%

Melbourne East 355 7.2% 22.0% 642 6.6% -14.4%

Bendigo Loddon 227 4.6% 34.3% 538 5.6% 4.7%

Gippsland 190 3.9% -34.5% 615 6.4% -34.6%

Other regional Victoria 830 16.9% 9.2% 2,111 21.9% -8.8%

Regional Victoria 2,524 51.4% 3.7% 5,960 61.7% -2.6%

Total Victoria 4,774 97.2% 12.9% 9,342 96.7% -3.5%

Interstate 139 2.8% 124.2% 314 3.3% -9.2%

Total 4,913 14.5% 9,656 -3.7%

VFR visitors Non-VFR visitors

Results shown in red are considered statistically unreliable and are for INTERNAL USE ONLY

Page 33: VFR Travel to Melbourne year ended December 2011 Prepared for Destination Melbourne April 2012

Domestic daytrip visitors to Melbourne and sub-regions - by Purpose of visit

In the YE Dec 11

• Over 1/3 (33.7%) of domestic daytrip visitors to Melbourne travelled for the purpose of ‘visiting friends and relatives’ (VFR) – up by 3.7% pts on YE Dec 10.

• ‘West’ (50.2%) had the highest proportion of domestic daytrip VFR visitors, followed by ‘South’ (48.6%) and ‘East’ (43.9%).

• Compared to YE Dec 10, the proportion of VFR visitors increased in ‘Inner’ (2.8% pts), ‘North’ (1.1% pts), ‘South’ (15.3% pts) and ‘West’ (1.2% pts) while it decreased in ‘East’ (0.8% pts).

Page 33

Source: NVS YE Dec 11, TRA

Note: Visitors may have more than one purpose for visiting Melbourne or the sub-regions.








48.6%50.2% 33.7%

6.1% 12.3%




15.5% 15.4%22.7%

8.4% 10.0% 15.1%

East Inner North South West Total


Holiday or leisure Visiting friends and relatives Business Other

VFR travel to Melbourne, YE Dec 11

Page 34: VFR Travel to Melbourne year ended December 2011 Prepared for Destination Melbourne April 2012

Domestic daytrip VFR travel to Melbourne- detailed VFR by Sub-region

Page 34

Source: NVS YE Dec 11, TRA

In the YE Dec 11

• Nearly 2/3 (64.1%) of VFR visitors to Melbourne travelled for the purpose of visiting relatives – up by 2.9% pts on YE Dec 10.

• Over 1/3 (35.9%) travelled for the purpose of visiting friends – down by 2.9% pts on YE Dec 10.

• ‘Inner’ (45.3%) had the highest proportion of visiting friends visitors – down by 0.9% pts on YE Dec 10.

• ‘North’ (71.5%) had the highest proportion of visiting relatives visitors – up by 6.5% pts on YE Dec 10.

VFR travel to Melbourne, YE Dec 11

Sub-region YE Dec 10 YE Dec 11% pts

changeYE Dec 10 YE Dec 11

% pts change

YE Dec 10 YE Dec 11% pts


East 41.2% 33.9% -7.3 58.8% 66.1% 7.3 44.7% 43.9% -0.8

Inner 46.2% 45.3% -0.9 53.8% 54.7% 0.9 16.9% 19.7% 2.8

North 35.0% 28.5% -6.5 65.0% 71.5% 6.5 41.5% 42.6% 1.1

South 32.2% 37.7% 5.5 67.8% 62.3% -5.5 33.3% 48.6% 15.3

West 35.1% 29.8% -5.3 64.9% 70.1% 5.2 49.0% 50.2% 1.2

Total 38.8% 35.9% -2.9 61.2% 64.1% 2.9 30.0% 33.7% 3.7


Visiting friends Visiting relatives Total VFR

Page 35: VFR Travel to Melbourne year ended December 2011 Prepared for Destination Melbourne April 2012

Notes etc

VFR travel to Melbourne, YE Dec 11 Page 35

Page 36: VFR Travel to Melbourne year ended December 2011 Prepared for Destination Melbourne April 2012

Notes (1 of 2)

Definitions -– Domestic overnight trip = a trip involving a stay away from home for at least one night (but for no more than 12

months), at a place (in Australia) at least 40km from home.– Domestic overnight visitor = an Australian resident, aged 15 and over, who had taken a domestic overnight

trip.– International overnight visitor = an international resident, aged 15 and over, who visited Australia (for a period

of no more than 12 months) and stayed at least one night in the ‘destination’.– Domestic daytrip = a round trip for a distance of at least 50km, of a duration of at least 4 hours but not

involving a night away from home (same day travel as part of overnight travel is excluded, as is routine travel such as commuting between work/school and home).

– Domestic daytrip visitor = an Australian resident, aged 15 and over, who had taken a domestic daytrip.– VFR = travel for the purpose of visiting friends and relatives.– Non-VFR = travel for all purposes other than VFR (excluding any travel where purpose was not stated).– Sydney = the tourism region ‘Sydney’ (TRA regional classification). – Brisbane = the tourism region ‘Brisbane’ (TRA regional classification). – Regional Victoria = all tourism regions in Victoria other than ‘Melbourne’ (TRA regional classification). – Greater Melbourne = the tourism region ‘Melbourne’ (TRA regional classification).– Melbourne = the tourism region ‘Melbourne’ (TRA regional classification).– Melbourne’s sub-regions = ‘East’, ‘Inner’, ‘North’, ‘South’ and ‘West’.

• ‘East’ = Boroondara (C); Knox (C); Manningham (C); Maroondah (C); Monash (C); and Whitehorse (C). • ‘Inner’ = Melbourne (C); Port Phillip (C); Stonnington (C); and Yarra (C). • ‘North’= Banyule (C); Darebin (C); Hume (C); Moreland (C); and Whittlesea (C). • ‘South’ = Bayside (C); Casey (C); Glen Eira (C); Greater Dandenong (C); and Kingston (C). • ‘West’ = Brimbank (C); Hobsons Bay (C); Maribyrnong (C); Melton (S); Moonee Valley (C); and Wyndham (C).

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Notes (2 of 2)

Data quality, sampling variability and data confidence intervals -– As overnight visitors may have more than one reason for visiting, the variable ‘all destination purpose of visit'

has been used to give the best possible estimate of all VFR travel. This may lead to some minor double counting of visitors.

– The IVS and NVS are sample surveys. The results are subject to sampling variability, and therefore may differ from figures that would have been obtained if a census had been used.

– Any IVS estimates below 5,000 for visitors and 500,000 for nights should be for internal use only.– Any NVS estimates below 50,000 for overnight visitors, 500,000 for nights and 200,000 for daytrips should be

for internal use only.

Disclaimer:– The information in this report is presented in good faith and on the basis that neither datainsights, nor its

agents or employees, are liable (whether by reason of error, omission, negligence, lack of care or otherwise) to any person for any damage or loss whatsoever which has occurred or may occur in relation to that person taking or not taking (as the case may be) action in respect of any statement, information or advice given in the report.

The IVS and NVS are sample surveys. As with all sample surveys, the results are subject to sampling variability, and therefore may differ from figures that would have been obtained if a census had been used. Users of the data are advised to consult data confidence tables contained in publications relevant to each survey or otherwise available from those organisations administrating or managing the surveys before drawing any conclusions or inferences, or taking any action, based on the data.

© Copyright, datainsights and Destination Melbourne, 2012.– This work is copyright. Apart from any use, as permitted under Copyright Act 1968, no part of this work may be

reproduced, without written permission of datainsights or Destination Melbourne.

Page 37VFR travel to Melbourne, YE Dec 11