vewsy happenings in near j y towns and … 11/gloversville ny morning...

>, 1935 iUESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1935. THE MORNING HERALD, GLOVERSVILLE AND JOHNSTOWN, N. Y. PAGE NINE VEWSY HAPPENINGS IN NEAR J Y TOWNS AND VILLAGES MEN DINE ' I as Stree' use Case Near LLIPS Financial 28—(Jp)—Tl the general) and commodi here were nu- the prime in- I clung stub- high levels, were credited lewhat more making com- the Supreme e gold clause landed down ly, and while • large, there Is in the low- concessions of quently made ad, industrial were extreme - lor fractional in the longer- Home Owners ies. The turn- tremely small, 1 more, than intrast to the i these bonds eks. sues dropping I ire Alleghany I Iron Ss at 78, Servicers at f and Electin 1 to nearly 2 J »s *f Balti- n and Maine. sourl-Kansas- Central, Otis ' ;, and Stude- d Press aver- I idustrials ana to .46 of ;. 1 Aftnual Supper and Smoker I Held by Kennyetto Department (ROADALBIN-The members of Kcnnyetto Fire company and lumber of invited guests enjoyed Kbioken supper, Saturday eve- lg, in the firehouse. There were people present. Supper was •ved by Truman Cruthers and committee consisting of Dewey irmaii. Clarence Cantleld and jeorge English. At the close of ic supper, talks were given by [ayo| Carl Fraker and Supervisor "ililani Hatzenbiihler, and ^a num- fcr of the firemen, spoke briefly, iter u smoker was enjoyed. Mu- sk was furnished during the din- "•ger and evening by Raymond ipash, violin, and Roger Goode- motv piano. The out of town guests were fire chief, Bruce Ben- *ett, and assistant fire chief, Day derrick, of Mayflefd. LEAGUE STANDINGS t The standings of the Boys' teams in the Middle Mohawk Valley Bas- ketball league to date are as fol- lows : W. L. Pet. 'Canajoharie 6 0 l.OOu Fonda 5 1 .833 Fort Plain S 4 .553 Broadalbin 3 4 .428 ; St Johnsville 2 6 .250 Northville 1 ? .250 Games to be played Friday eve- ning of this week are: Northville at Fultonville. Fonda at Broadal- bin and Canajoharie at St. Johns- ville. Standings of Girls' teams: W. L. Pet. Broadalbin 4 0 1.000 Fort Plain 3 2 .600 Fultonville 2 4 .333 Fonda 1 4 .200 Games to be played this week: Fonda at Broadalbin. English Actress California Bride CLUB PLANS FOR TEA PARTY FRIDAY By George Clark Parliamentary Entertain- ment to Be Held at Fulton- ville Church FULTONVILLE—The annuahm- tertainment, of the Parliamentary School of Fultonville and Fonda will be held in the Fultonville Re- formed church. Friday afternoon at 2:30 in the form of a tea which will be served by the Missionary j society of the church. A program will be given and prominent spaek- ers will be present to address the members. The program committee is composed of Mrs. Harold P. Haig, chairman Mrs. Frank Cud- ney, Mrs. Gordon S. Weeper and Mrs. Darius P. Marlette. Members are privileged to bring guests. TAKEN TO HOSPITAL Ernest Rockwell, who has been confined to his home by illness was taken to the Amsterdam City hospital yesterday. MIDWEEK SERVICE Midweek service will be held at the Reformed church, Thursday evening at 7:30. 'ends Press! ' ase of 15 per in December » reported by I y, according . by Seidman ants. / ers continue ' tive demand .' k and cover t firm. I leather has i :erosene and. ' prices are trade ly 2% week itllled orders eks* current on standard :. 19. AGES iciated Press) n 10 Vt 10 For 17 D.14 DJ» 7 88.00 68.11 4 88.14 68.40 6 84.30 70.02 9 78.79 65.2S 5 88.90 70.4." 9 68.17 60.1 4 84.25 60.: 5 66.30 SO.,' 1 64:59 A-V. 1 102.90 100,-i onds lOU.n \m.h 107. V : JO'.'.: 8 19^-32 n se!77 f i § :AGES rfated Press) 15 Ut 60 Stk 5 D.47 D.61 ! 25.30 38.59 ' 26.77 39.20 ! 25.49 40.40 ! 35.81 48.40 I 40.65 81.82 ' 2416 34.86 50.07 52.28 ! 26.41 23.60 t Years 23.87 16.91 184,28 157.67 61.81 61.81 ITORT 28- (#) - easury Jan. M49.02; ev- B; balance, is receipts S.48. , year (since cpendltures, ing 13,056,- y expendi- liturea, $1,- its, 18,310,- IIKM -(#)—Rav. today a were con 1 bags of wy arH**; refiner. It on Satm sought 27,- flrsf half .78. t> in mo i is followed with fim points net Jncts ami i the new. •re 27^60 7,290 tons, unchanged ited. DP- delay wan n account condition* he metro <*)-Cop. i and fu» 'P»t and A romance that blossomed overseas led a happy couple to the altar in California, when Patricia Crawshay, above, blond English actress, became the bride of John A. Findlay, London representative of an American film company. The ceremony was held at San Juan Capistrano mission. BAPTIST SERVICE Prayer service of the Calvary Baptist church will be held Wed- nesday evening at 7:30. ; SMOKE DAMAGES YAD1SH DWELLING St. Johnsville Firemen Call- ed Out for Fire in Cot ST. JOHNSVILLE — With the temperature standing several de PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Coates and son, Joseph of Amsterdam spent Sunday with Mrs. Coates' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Nietsch. Mrs. William Sager and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wagner spent Sun- day in Johnstown with Mr. and Mrs. George Horning. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Yates and ' family spent Sunday with Mrs. i Yates' parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. F.' Hubbell of Sidney. | Mrs. Elizabeth Chrlstman, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. | Ambrose Snyder returned Sunday ! to her home in Johnstown. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Sigsbee and i I son, Harry of Johnstown spent NORTHVILLE PLANS ROOSEVELT PARTY Birthday D a n c e Will Be Held Tomorrow Night in High School D0LGEVILLE TO PLAY|fl HERKIMER, GLOVE CITY HIGHS THIS WEEKEND "Maybe I can remember where we parked if I can only think which car we were using." NORTHVILLE — The public is invited to attend the President , a return league game with that Roosevelt birthday party to be team. The locals defeated Her- held Wednesday evening in the kimer here earlier in the season, gymnasium of the Central school j Saturday night Gloversville High at 8:30. The party will be spon-1 invades the local high school court DOLGEVILLE - The Dolgeville High school basketball team will have a very active weekend with plenty of opposition. Friday night j" the team journeys to Herkimer for Younger ScOUtS Next Meet- ullim aaaiio .r.^itw. iintVi that ** BROWNIE PICK ing to Be Held in Fonda School Tomorrow sored by the Student Council of the High school and the Demo- cratic club. Mrs. H. C. Denton is chairman of the committee in charge assisted by Miss Beatrice in the only home game scheduled for this week. FONDA—Miss Ruth Thomas, teacher of the First grade in the Fonda High school has organized a branch of Girl Scouts called the SUBPRISE PARTY Mrs. Anna Petrie was tendered i Brownie Pack for girls from the Horton, president of the Student j a surprise birthday party Saturday ] age of 7 to 10 years who are too Council, and Miss Ethel Butler, at the home of iier daughter, Mrs. [young to become regular scouts, faculty adviser. Hewit Shafer's | Gordon Snyder in Newport. The i The next meeting will be Wednes- Music Masters of Schenectady will occasion celebrated her 59th birth- ; day afternoon in the First grade furnish the music, and round and ! day and the two immediate fam-! room of the High school. Eleven square dancing will be enjoyed, j illes were present. ' girls are now enrolled and several | more are expected at the next meet- BOAROS TO MEET EASTERN STARS MEET ing. The regular meeting of the Offi- i A regular meeting of the local cial Board and Sunday School I chapter of the Eastern Stars were , RETURNS HOME Board of the First Methodist j held Monday night at the temple. \ Bernard Dumar wno has been at church will be held tonight at the I The new officers were in charge. I St. Mary's hospital for the past parsonage at 7:30. All members j The new worthy matron. Miss j six weeks suffering from masteld3 of both boards arc requested toi Mary Plowe presided. Following ' and abscesses in his ear returned be present. ' the meeting cards were enjoyed. ! home Sunday. 30 BELOW ATTEND FUNERAL W. C. T. U. MEETING 6 omen ' a . ( ??' istian 1 Tera P e , r - j One of the coldest snaps yet ex- ; Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bellinger ^ w^ °J U Vl " age . "i" I Perienced in this vicinity found its j and family. Mr. ana Mrs. Louis h£?. ^ 6 t? £ w e, ^ n ! e wav int ° wn ° ver «« weekend I winsman and son, Mr. and Mrs. home of Mrs. F. W. Meter. The wnen from various reports the meeting was postponed last week j mer cury hovered around the 30 de- on account of the Study Class at the M E. parsonage. All members are asked to attend, MASONIC CARD PARTY i 0 U V E R WHITMAN IS TO BE HELD TONIGHT COMMITTEE MEETING , Mrs. Bessie Goodemote, chairman of the Ways and Means committee of the Masonic Temple fund i* the months of Jauuary, February and March, has called a meeting of her committee for tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 in the Temple. The members of the coommittee are: R. W. Elizabeth Jones, Emma Pinckney, Grace Hapeman, Anna Benedict, Margaret Vail, Ethel Shaw, Minnie Goodemote, Alma VanVranken, Olga Finch, Charlotte Groff, Ulrica Lofgren, Helen Kelly, Helen Paris, Elizabeth Bemis, May Swears, Ella Wemple, Jessie Wal- lin, Dorothy Crapo, Charlotte Da- vis, Jess Philips, and Ada Rock- well. TO ATTEND FUNERAL The members of the Ladies Aid Society of the Presbyterian church will meet tomororw afternoon at 1:45 to attend in a body the funeral of Mrs. Mary Woolsey. Amsterdam Mr. Adan FULTONVILLE — The card grees below zero, the local firemen , Sunday witn Mrs . Sigsbee's mother, i party to be held thjs-ev€hlng at were called at about 1 Sunday Mrs j ^ ^ R Goody. i the Masonyi_-SPeTnple will begin morning to the home of Fred Yad-1 Mr and Mrs John A dams of projnp«y-"'at 8. The following is ish, Ann street, where a fire imd broken out in a cot on the first floor of the home. The Origin the blaze was undet pillowsjuwi-«»*eT8""on the cot were out of doors by the fire- men, and chemicals used to extin- guish the flames. There was some damage by smoke. spent Sujida#~—wrtrrrTK , e committee in charge: Mrs. John I Robert Stewart, chairman, Mrs. Gordon S. Weeper, Hemr W. Horn- ivirs. rvoss tsecKer oi Johnstown ' ing, Le Roy Bracebridge and Ro- is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Hen- | bert Stewart, ry J. Kin VARIETY SHOWER Twenty-six guests were enter- tained at a variety shower at the home of Mrs. E. D. Crouse, Mon- roe street, Saturday evening, in honor of Miss Leona Brown, who is to become i the bride of Kenneth Failing in the near future. Miss Brown received many gifts. The bride-elect is teacher in the district school at Krings Bush, and has made a large number of friend - since her residence here. She is formerly of Johnstown. Mr. and Mrs. Marks of Glovers- ville were Sunday callers of Mrs. Albert W. Taylor. Miss Mary Keller of Logtown PERSONALS Moses L Harris spent Monday ! in Albany. Mr. and Mrs. William Cramer, was an overnight guest Sunday of I Mrs. Augusta Smith of Tribes Hill her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. j and Miss Sarah Smith of Johns- Ambrose Snyder. | town spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Brooks spent j Mrs. Frank Hall. Bea Mr. and Mrs. Allan Moore and son, Billy of Palatine Bridge were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moore. Mrs. Harry J. Robison and daughters, Helen and Harriet, spent Sunday afternoon in Amster- dam. Miss IsabeUe Hubbs of Esperanct BIRTHDAY PARTY Patricia Anne Lee entertained the pupils of the First Grade last Friday afternoon in honor of her seventh birthday. Games and a grab bag were enjoyed. Hefresh- ments were served including a birthday cake decorated with yel- low candles. PERSONALS Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Lee over the weekend were Mrs. Catherine Reynolds and grand- daughter, Peggy, of Gloversville, John Crowley and Leon Reynolds of Amsterdam and Mrs. Charlotte Locke of Riceville. Mr. and Mrs. Shuler Cole and Clinton Cole of Hagaman were guests, Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Swears. sunday with her daughter, trice, who Is a patient at St. Mary's nospital in Amsterdam. Mrs. Edwin C. Goody spent Monday with Mrs. John Bobilin of Mill Point. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith; son, Robert and Mrs. Sedgewich Quack- enbush and daughters, Jennie and Charlotte 1 spent Sunday with Mr.' is a gwest of Mrs, Moses L. Harris, and Mrs. Scott Smith who reside Cleveland Smith of Tribes Hill Mr. Failing is associated with his j on the Mountain Lake road. ! spent the weekend with his sister, father on a farm in the Krings | Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Teeple and Mrs. Frank Hall. ' Bush section, and is a graduate of son, Donald of Fort Johnson and Louis J. Van Dusen of Ames the local high school in the clasa i Mr. and Mrs,. Arthur Teeple of I spent the weekend with his par- of 1930. | Hoffmans were guests Sunday of ] ents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Van I Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Snyder. | Dusen. BRIDGE CLUB ; Arthur Goody of Tribes Hill was | Mrs. Henry J. Kling spent the The Evening Bridge club will be a Sunday visitor of Mr. and Mrs. ; weekend with her son, Harold Y entertained Friday evening at the ! ^ w m G°°dy. home of Mrs. Harry Huff, West- J ° hn Morford of Gloversville Main street. ' spent the weekend with his par- i ents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Morford. Mrs. Jay V. Ward is spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wilson, who reside on the Schenectady road. Mr. Ward spent the weekend at the Wilson home. Miss Lottie Peeler and Mrs. Ed- ward Fltzpatrick spent Sunday with relatives in Johnstown. CLAIMED BY DEATH WELLS—Oliver Whitman, a life- long resident of the town of Wells passed away Saturday at Marcy State Hospital in Utica where he was taken for treatment January 9. Mr. Whitman was a well known guide and woodsman of the Adi rondacks and also engaged in farming at his home at West Hill. For several years he operated one of the school buses which carried the children of the West Hill eee- tion to the Wells High school. He was a son of the late Wesley Whitman. He is survived by his widow and six children, all of whom reside at home and one brother, Allan Whitman of Speculator. The funeral wil be held Tuesday at 2 P. M. at the Methodist church. Rev. F. W. Worden will officiate and interment made in the family plot of the local cemetery. PERSONALS Mrs. William Erkanbrack and I daughter, Emma of Gloversville | spent the weekend with Mrs. S. A. Fuller. Mrs. Walter Filkins who has | been ill is much improved. gree mark most of the time. Early Sunday morning was the coldest with the temperature somewhat j Volkert Vrooman and warmer Monday. 1 this vicinity and Dr Bertis Meyers and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meyers, Mrs. Irving C. Lathers, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dillenbeck, Mr. and Mrs. family of and Mrs. CENTRAL SCHOOL TO BE DISCUSSED ID. S. Meyers of Kingston and Mr. i and Mrs. Howard Meyers of New | York attended the funeral of Thom- jas A. Sutton at Johnstown Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Travis of F ort pkj n Community Club Hope Falls were in Northville and | p , ^ p ^ M e e t m g GEORGE B. WILEY At the home of Fayette Groff, on the Oppenheim road, in the Crum Creek section of the town of St. Johnsville, Saturday afternoon oc- curred the death of George Byron Wiley, 89. He had been in Ml health for about three years, out was confined to his bed only a week. Mr. Wiley was born in the town of St. Johnsville on August 19, 1845, son of the late Henry and Mary Ann Klock Wiley, He spent his Kling of Fort Hunter. Miss Laura Rossiter of Rockwood was a guest Monday of Mrs. Harry J. Robison. Mrs. Alexander G. Dickinson has returned home after visiting friends in Gloversville. BUSINESS MEN WILL ELECT FEBRUARY 4 ORRA BUYCE, JR. Thfet funeral of Orra Buyce, Jr. was held at the home Sunday P. Mi at 2. Rev. F. W. Worden otiicfated. The bearers were Roy Buyce and George Brown. There were floral tributes from relatives and friends. Those from out of town in attendance were: Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Buyce and daughter, Betty and Mrs. Raymond Buyce of Northville and John Buyce and Allle Buyce of Speculator. Gloversville Saturday. Mrs. P. C. Pickard is ill at her home with an attack of grippe. Miss Edith Mason, Miss Clara Mason and Ernest Mason of the Bunker Hill Road were in North- ville Sunday. Donald Bradt of Edinburg was in this village Sunday. Mrs. Hammet Whitman who has been ill for the past few months is improving. William Guiber of Amsterdam was in Northville Monday. Mrs. Wllilam Earley of Wells visited relatives in Northville and an East Road Sunday. Mrs. John Brownell has returned to her home on Reed street after a several weeks visit at the home of her brother J. E. Lancaster in Montclair. Mrs. Carrie Eastwood has re- turned to her home in Ortskany Falls after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Arnold. Charles Brockano who has been ill at his home near Edinburg for the past several days is still con- fined to his home. Mrs. Edgar Roberts spent Sun- February 11 FORT PLAIN—Following the din- ner-meeting of the Fort Plain Com- munity Club to be held at Hotel Greeley, February 11. a public meet- ing will be held to which the public is invited at which time a central- ized school fo Fort Plain will be discussed. If the sentiment is in favor of the school it is planned to submit the question to the voters at a special election. COLDEST DAY Monday was the coldest day of the present Winter in Fort Plain. Thermometers in the village regis- tered 20 degrees below zero at 7 A. M. At noon the mercury had risen to 10 above zero. Plumbers were busy all day at work in thawing out frozen water pipes. BIRTHDAY PARTY On Saturday evening, Mrs. Charles Brown entertained at her home in Johnstown in honor of her birthday anniversary and that of her brother, Leroy Hall of Ams- terdam. A feature was the large birthday cake. Both received sev- eral gifts. Those who attended were: Mr. and Mrs. Percy Brodt and son, Fred, Mrs. Mable Cass- wel and daughter; Mrs. Ada Oder- kirk, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Machold. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy D. Hall of Amsterdam; Mr. and Mrs. Brown of Johnstown and Orville Hall and Francis D. Hall of Fonda. REPORTS GIVEN At the ReUrmed Sunday school Sunday the superintendent, Mrs. W. T. Van Dusen gave a report of the work of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Spurr in Fulton County in the rural school district. A report of the class of Loyal Daughters was SQ.OUBN IN SOUTH \T'&*£!Z£?^S& County Commissioner of Public | towards tne paraona g e equipment. Welfare and Mrs. Hoffman are ex-1 pected to arrive back at the County Home this week, following a three weeks vacation spent in Florida The Rote of Sharon In the Museum of Biblical Botany boyhood in this Vicinity, and was + SI Tne Hebrew unTfi William Field of Perth was in helm. married to Helen Claus, of Oppen- towrt, Friday evening, to attend the basketball game. John Welch of Gloversville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Peck. Mr. and Mrs. Adolord Vezlna and daughter, Marjorie Joyce, were in Gloversville, Saturday. Miss Dulcle Hatzenbuhler has returned to her school duties In Amsterdam after spending the weekend at her home north of this village. Miss eBUy Hagur was in Ams- terdam the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond King were in Johnstown, Saturday eve- ning, to attend a banquet at Hotel Johnstown given by the bowling club. Robert Manchester and son, Ernest of Amsterdam were in town, the last of the week. Mrs, Albina Donley of North- ampton was entertained, over the weekend, at the home of her brother, Edward Cloutier, Sr„ and family. Orville Pettit and family have moved from the Stever house on West Main street, to Glens Falls where they will make their home in the future. Miss Jennie Cloutier is confined to her home on Saratoga avenue by illness. Earl Coloney was In the Glove City, the last at the week. Mrs, Charles Benedict and Miss lona Cloutier were in Northamp- ton- Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kruger of Hagaman wsre In town, Friday evening, and attended the basket- ball games. MM, Mary Tanner, Miss Daisy Coloney. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coloney, Percy MaoVean. Jr., and Richard Coloney, Jr., were guests, Saturday of Mr and Mrs. Loren Anibal at their home on the Sara- toga road. Edward Cloutier, Sr., and Charles Benedict were In Crescent and Dunspeck .Ferry, Saturday. Mrs. William. Manchester, who .• pastime the Winter with rela- tives In Amsterdam, spent Satur- day wltti Mr. and Mr*. Uoy« Mullf. (tan. Mr, find Mrs. Hugh Hart CANAJOHARIE — One hundred Mr. and Mrs Leon E. Ensign of I j ten members ot Canajoharie Ravena visited friends here Sunday, j BusineBS Men>g Association are ex- 1 pected to attend a meeting of that organization Monday evening, Feb- ruary 4, when new officers are to be chosen and plans for the coming year will be formulated. After their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley went to Buffalo, where Mr. Wiley entered business as a carpenter contractor. Mrs. Wiloy died In Buffalo some years ago. About two years ago Mr. Wiley returned to the secUon where he J had spent his youth, and made his home with Mr. and Mrs. Groff, M#R— Groff being his cousin. He was a member of the Adytum chapter No. I 235, Royal Arch Masons, in Buffalo. \ and of the Lodge of Ancient Land- marks, in Buffalo. Surviving are one son, George B. Wiley, of Buffalo. A prayer ser- vice was conducted Monday noon at j the C. C. Lull funeral parlors on j Bridge street, with Rev. George H. Kling, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran church, officiating. The body will be taken to Tonawanda, for inter- ment in the Elm Lawn cemetery. PLAY PRESENTED Two hundred and ten transients, the population ot the huge camp in Klock park, and nearly 100 guests of Major Charles P. Savary, from the village and from the section of the town in which the camp is lo- cated, witnessed the presentation Saturday evening of one of the fin- est of the shows yet given at the camp by CWA players. The play was "Christopher Bean," one which ( was famous on the Broadway stage many year* ago, and which the late Marie Dressier made more fa- mous on the screen. lem, the flower exhibited as the rose of Sharon is not a rose, but a Tulip, Tollpa roontnna,. a showy, deep red flower with a black cen- ,ter, belonging to the lily family. This plant grows on the flat Plain of Sharon lying nlons the Mediter- ranean mast Length ot i .ophagus The esophagus, or gullet, Is about nine ineries long and extends from the plmrynx to the Rrnmaeh. Figuring prominently in local af- fairs during the past year the or- ganization, in conjunction with the Village Board, obtained revision of local village peddling ordinances and ita constant vigilance has in- sured enforcement of laws against unlicensed canvassers and house-to- house solicitors. The College of Cardinals, senate of the Roman Catholic Church, is ! composed of 70 members when complete. PERSONALS The family of G. R. Babcock who have been ill with scarlet fever are much improved. No new cases have been reported. Mr. and Mrs. Rome Weaver en- tertained the following guests at their home Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Louis Snyder, Misa Edna Weaver and Misses Edna and Marion Nash of Amsterdam and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Seguin of Gloversville. Mrs. Mildred Alexander who un- derwent a major operation at the Nathan Littauer Hospital Satur- day is still in a very critical con- dition: Misses Helene Lawrence and Marguerite Courtney and Miss Helen Dutcher spent the weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lawrence at Plaeco. John Dunham who is employed at Gloversville spent the weekend with his family in town. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Perry and children were In Gloversville Sat- urday. They were accompanied by their uncle, Oliver H. Perry who has been visiting relatives here. Mrs. C. T. Courtney and son ORGANIZES CLUB Chester M. Austin, county Farm °vis7ted"Mr*. and'Mrs!'Frank H j Bu " au ag j nt , a " ended v . and , organ : lzed a 4-H club of the Town of day with her sister, Mrs. John T. |I ney Wilson in Gloversville. I Fayant at Miami Beach, Fort Plain- , .misrh.K-i > Mrs. Wallace Cook of Glovers- !« rs - who are *P™M"S the Winter | « ? * _ « _ » • _ « £ • . 2"L£?*J* iin Florida. BOOKS FOR LIBRARY A number of books have been pre- sented to the Fort Plain Public Library by Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Fayant ville spent Sunday in this village. Miss Mary Rice of Gloversville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dewit Severance. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kuhne of Mayfield visited relatives in North- ville Sunday. Ranger C. H. Ross of Hadley PERSONALS was In Northville Monday. Mrs . Harry Jones of Cobleskill Mr. and Mrs. Granville Weaver j has been visiting her sister, Mrs. and daughter have moved from! Earle Bulger. Gloversville to the Ralph Sweet I apartments. BIRTHS Floyd Arnold who has been ill j Mr. and Mrs. Christian Wahler for the apst several days is still [are the parents of a son born re- Kprakers Saturday Saturday night. Cornelius Lingenfelter who has been, confined to St. Mary's hos- pital, Amsterdam receiving treat- ment for an infected hip injury sustained about two weeks ago on the town of Mohawk highway work returned to his home in this vil- lage Sunday afternoon. confined to his home. L. L Snell of Benson was in Northville Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tange and family of Edinburg were in North- ville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Graves Brownell and family of Houseman street eently. MRS. SARAH R. KNAPP CENSUS ENUMERATOR Raymond Suits has been appoint- ed the local Farm Census enumer- ator of the Town of Mohawk, Blanks for the census may be ob- tained at the Farm Bureau office and filled out by the owner or occupant of the rurm. There are a number of questions to be were in Northville Sunday ^ ^ hO.TrttarMonday morning fol- Misses Beatrice and Ruth Wads- . , , m-... worth of Lakeside Drive were In Northville Sunday. Duane Austin of Mayfield wa- in Northville Sunday. OUR BOARDING HOUSE By AHERN There is one doctor to every too persons in this country. This Is the highest rate of any nation. Sweden, with one doctor far every 2860 persons, has the lowest rate. son, Sydney, were in Mayfield Cen- ter, Saturday, to attend a dinner given at the home of Mrs. Hart's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Griffin, in celebration of their 88th wedding anniversary. Miss Eva Lovelest, who it em- ployed In Gloversville, spent the weekend with her fltMwr, M r< John Loveless, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Foes and sont, John and Fred. Jr. of Ams- terdam Spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Qeorge Lasher Mr. and Mrs. Eeeeher Doty of Fort Edward were Sunday guest* end ' of Mr. and Mrs. Elwln Perkins. PASSES IN HOSPITAL S S T S . ' S i 1 . ,uw tato " Mr ' CANAJOHARIE— M rs. Sarah Roser Knapp, 75, died at the Utica save time for both the farmer and enumerator, who will visit each farm. HAW-vE(b^"D^.TANCy THAT 3LtJ -DUFFEP,COLONEL WAGHOKM, TELLING fAE THAT WY HORSE .S NINE YEARS OLtS-^HrvVAV-l SAY, T-ANCY HlrVS TELLING THAT TO /V\E - AN OLD HORSEMAN,WHO FfR&T A& A "DASHING NOLTTH ,WON W& SILVER Sf>U*S AS, A 6AL.L.ANT TJRASOON »-^_TAW--I GUESSED IE S T E E D TO "BE A TOUR-VEKff OLDjWiTHOUT LOOKING AT HIS "PEDIGREE PAPERS—-WHICH T HATE TO CUT IN ON YOUR TUBA SOUO WITH MY BIRD WHVSTLE, "BUT NOU WERE T3RA&4&IN6 CHIN AROUND HERE, THINKING HE WA£» NINE YEARS OLD, UNTIL I PUT TH N "BEE IN YOUR OC HIVE TO LOOK UP HIS PEDIGREE I were in Gloversville Saturday to meet C. T. Courtney who recently was operated on at the Littauer hospital. After spending the week- end with relatives they returned to their home at Lake Pleasant Mr. Courtney is much improved. Mrs. Thomas Ryan, who has been a patient at the Littauer hospital for the past two weeks is much improved and was able to return home Sunday. William Waite left Sunday for Arietta where he will be employed at Lyman Avery's for the re- mainder of the Winter. George Cole and friend of Albany spent the weekend at the former's camp at Jolie Montagne park on Lake Algonquin. Clifford Barner of Schenectady j Mrs. Charlotte Newkirk fell on spent the weekend with his family , the ice Friday and broke both here. | bones In her left arm. Dr. A. J. William Parker and son of Lake | Muradian reduced the fracture lowing a long illness. Funeral services wiH be held at the home of F. L. Burton in Cana- joharie on Thursday afternoon at 2:30. Rev. Frank Shinier, pastor of the St. Mark's Lutheran church, w4il officiate. Interment will bo in the Prospect Hill cemetery. Mrs. Knapp was born in Cana- joharie on May 11, 1859, the daugh- ter of Adam Roser and Julia Kirch- ner. On October 3, 1883, she was married to the late William A. Knapp, She was a member of the St. Mark's Lutheran church. Her survivors are nieces and nephews. They are: Adam and Prank Cesser of Utica, Mayor Harry V. Bush and Miss Edna Bush of Canajoharie, William Ges MMUfllfl if g John Bowler is confined to his home with a severe attack of grippe. Kenneth Seibe who Is employed at the Walton Silk Mills in Wal- ton spent the weekend with his family here. Mr. and Mrs. Herschell Kilts spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Hoese at Lykers. Mr. 'and Mrs. Harold P. Hatg and daughter, Bernicc were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Hart- man at Fort Plain Sunday. Peter Gerhartz of Palatine spent Monday in Fonda, Earl D. Roof spent Monday in Glen. Mr. and Mrs. William Suits and family have moved from Little ser and Mrs. Daniel Vernon of i Faiu to Hartford, Conn. Mr. Suits Newark, N. J. TRIBES HILL Pleasant spent Sunday in town. Nelson Greenslete of Gloversville She was taken to Amsterdam hos- pital where an Xray revealed the visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. t nature of the injury spent the weekend with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Isiah Suits. Dr. and Mrs. D. S, Meyers of Kingston were callers Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Esel Putnam. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Heron were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Richmyer at Sloansvllle. Mr. and Mrs. Hanabal Tretolla and family of Gloversville were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, William Greenslete Sunday. Mrs. Clifford Barner and Miss Pauline Burgess were in Glovers- ville Saturday. Cardln Kibler of Binghamton spent the weekend at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. HH. L. Buyce and son, Allison and Sylvester Brown were in Speculator Sunday. G. A. Richards and Miss Alleen Schuyler enjoyed the winter sports at Speculator Sunday. \f! mi IY tat utvut. sic, T. a. wc u. im" Flour Cotici -a in U, 5. According to ;<,\«»mmpnt esti mate* Hie annus flour consumption In the Unltiff^Statw Is shout 1«i potiiids for et»ch man, woman ssd chtM, says Psthfiader Marsilne, Ahout 85 pounds of this Is us*d Is the form of bread M2?i loa»Ml and th»> remaining 7S In th* form of eSkM, pastrle*, etc, ft prnitlw* SllSfhthr less th/in four bushels of wheat to W"' " lM « Amount. i... . , • • •-»* Song* are still u*e«l In treating the »!rk by medicine m*n «f the jifHiiM-, , litiliiiiis uf Horidil. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith and Bathomel Thomas, son, Clayton moved to Johnstown -dward Healy ana M>n, Saturday. Well*. Mrs, Ellen Healey and J. F. Hea- Those attending the C. E. Union '-y s Pent Sunday with Mrs. Ed- meeting Sunday evening from the! wa ™> Healey at St. Mary's hospital, Presbyterian Y. P. S. C. E. of this Amsterdam. village, at Amsterdam were: Ralph' Mrs. E P Yost and grandson, E. Bernlng, Walter F. HOltser, Miss! Oavld Hayes of Johnstown spent Dorothea G. Clapp, Miss Marlon A J Sunday In Fsnda, Runkle, Roy Berning. Eldon Miller, Misses Mary Ellen and Genevieve and Rev. g, G, Parent. | Haley were in Johnstown Sunday. A midwinter special service will j Miss Eileen Qlenn ef Amsterdam be held in the Presbyterian church | spent the weekend with Mr. and Wednesday evening, February «, j Mrs. John H. Kearns, 7:30. Rev. J. Elmer Russell, super- Miss Anna Smullens of Albany Intendent of Christian Education spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs of the Synod of New York will he H. P. Christiance. guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Van Dusti Tho local Presbyterian choir en-: 0 f Amsterdam spent the weekend joyed a banquet at Hotel Johns- town Saturday evening. FONDA Mrs. 8. L. Burton ho has been a guest oif her mother. Mrs. W. F Davis has returned home. Mr, and Mrs. Victor Weaver were § vests of rtlstlve* In Northville unday. Miss Emma Collins *prnt Sunday in Johnstowrn with Van Dusen's parents, Mr. and Mr». Edward Van Dusen- Mrs, William Lungenheiher and sons were In Johnstown Sunday. E. Laurence Meade, physical In- structor of the Fonda High srhool is recovering from injuries su»- tained In basketball practice last week. Mrs. Henry Btiser Is visiting her sisttr, Mrs, Patrick Doyle in Roms. James Spencer of Glen was in Fonda Mondnv mi •iPH'»'*<« J •—• Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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1 to nearly 2 J »s *f Balti-n and Maine. sourl-Kansas-Central, Otis ' ;, and Stude-d Press aver- I idustrials ana to .46 of ;.


Aftnual Supper and Smoker I Held by Kennyetto

Department (ROADALBIN-The members of

Kcnnyetto Fire company and lumber of invited guests enjoyed Kbioken supper, Saturday eve-lg, in the firehouse. There were

people present. Supper was •ved by Truman Cruthers and

committee consisting of Dewey irmaii. Clarence Cantleld and

jeorge English. At the close of ic supper, talks were given by [ayo| Carl Fraker and Supervisor "ililani Hatzenbiihler, and a num-

fcr of the firemen, spoke briefly, iter u smoker was enjoyed. Mu­

sk was furnished during the din-"•ger and evening by Raymond ipash, violin, and Roger Goode-motv piano. The out of town guests were fire chief, Bruce Ben-

*et t , and assistant fire chief, Day derrick, of Mayflefd.

LEAGUE STANDINGS t The standings of the Boys' teams in the Middle Mohawk Valley Bas­ketball league to date are as fol­lows :

W. L. Pet. 'Canajoharie 6 0 l.OOu Fonda 5 1 .833 Fort Plain S 4 .553 Broadalbin 3 4 .428

; S t Johnsville 2 6 .250 Northville 1 ? .250

Games to be played Friday eve­ning of this week are: Northville at Fultonville. Fonda at Broadal­bin and Canajoharie at St. Johns­ville.

Standings of Girls' teams: W. L. Pet.

Broadalbin 4 0 1.000 Fort Plain 3 2 .600 Fultonville 2 4 .333 Fonda 1 4 .200

Games to be played this week: Fonda at Broadalbin.

English Actress California Bride


By George Clark

Parliamentary Entertain­ment to Be Held at Fulton­

ville Church

FULTONVILLE—The a n n u a h m -tertainment, of the Parliamentary School of Fultonville and Fonda will be held in the Fultonville Re­formed church. Friday afternoon at 2:30 in the form of a tea which will be served by the Missionary j society of the church. A program will be given and prominent spaek-ers will be present to address the members. The program committee is composed of Mrs. Harold P. Haig, chairman Mrs. Frank Cud-ney, Mrs. Gordon S. Weeper and Mrs. Darius P. Marlette. Members are privileged to bring guests.

TAKEN TO HOSPITAL Ernest Rockwell, who has been

confined to his home by illness was taken to the Amsterdam City hospital yesterday.

MIDWEEK SERVICE Midweek service will be held at

the Reformed church, Thursday evening at 7:30.

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A romance that blossomed overseas led a happy couple to the altar in California, when Patricia Crawshay, above, blond English actress, became the bride of John A. Findlay, London representative of an American film company. The ceremony was held at San

Juan Capistrano mission.

BAPTIST SERVICE Prayer service of the Calvary

Baptist church will be held Wed­nesday evening at 7:30. ;


St. Johnsville Firemen Call­ed Out for Fire in Cot

ST. JOHNSVILLE — With the temperature standing several de

PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Coates and

son, Joseph of Amsterdam spent Sunday with Mrs. Coates' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Nietsch.

Mrs. William Sager and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wagner spent Sun­day in Johnstown with Mr. and Mrs. George Horning.

Mr. and Mrs. Burton Yates and ' family spent Sunday with Mrs. i Yates' parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. F . ' Hubbell of Sidney. |

Mrs. Elizabeth Chrlstman, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. | Ambrose Snyder returned Sunday !

to her home in Johnstown. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Sigsbee and i

I son, Harry of Johnstown spent


Birthday D a n c e Will Be Held Tomorrow Night

in High School


"Maybe I can remember where we parked if I can only think which car we were using."

NORTHVILLE — The public is invited to attend the President , a return league game with that Roosevelt birthday party to be team. The locals defeated Her-held Wednesday evening in the kimer here earlier in the season, gymnasium of the Central school j Saturday night Gloversville High at 8:30. The party will be spon-1 invades the local high school court

DOLGEVILLE - The Dolgeville High school basketball team will have a very active weekend with plenty of opposition. Friday night j" the team journeys to Herkimer for Y o u n g e r ScOUtS N e x t M e e t -

u l l i m a a a i i o .r .^i tw. i i n t V i t h a t **

BROWNIE PICK ing to Be Held in Fonda

School Tomorrow sored by the Student Council of the High school and the Demo­cratic club. Mrs. H. C. Denton is chairman of the committee in charge assisted by Miss Beatrice

in the only home game scheduled for this week.

FONDA—Miss Ruth Thomas, teacher of the First grade in the Fonda High school has organized a branch of Girl Scouts called the SUBPRISE PARTY

Mrs. Anna Petrie was tendered i Brownie Pack for girls from the Horton, president of the Student j a surprise birthday party Saturday ] age of 7 to 10 years who are too Council, and Miss Ethel Butler, at the home of iier daughter, Mrs. [young to become regular scouts, faculty adviser. Hewit Shafer's | Gordon Snyder in Newport. The i The next meeting will be Wednes-Music Masters of Schenectady will occasion celebrated her 59th birth- ; day afternoon in the First grade furnish the music, and round and ! day and the two immediate fam-! room of the High school. Eleven square dancing will be enjoyed, j illes were present. ' girls are now enrolled and several

| more are expected at the next meet-BOAROS TO MEET EASTERN STARS MEET ing.

The regular meeting of the Offi- i A regular meeting of the local cial Board and Sunday School I chapter of the Eastern Stars were , RETURNS HOME Board of the First Methodist j held Monday night at the temple. \ Bernard Dumar wno has been at church will be held tonight at the I The new officers were in charge. I St. Mary's hospital for the past parsonage at 7:30. All members j The new worthy matron. Miss j six weeks suffering from masteld3 of both boards arc requested toi Mary Plowe presided. Following' and abscesses in his ear returned be present. ' the meeting cards were enjoyed. ! home Sunday.


„ J » 6 ™omen'a. ( ? ? ' i s t i a n1 T e r a P e , r - j One of the coldest snaps yet ex- ; Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bellinger

^ w ^ °J U V l " a g e . " i " I Perienced in this vicinity found its j and family. Mr. ana Mrs. Louis h £ ? . ^ 6 t ? £ w e , ^ n ! J £ e w a v i n t ° t ° w n ° v e r « « weekend I winsman and son, Mr. and Mrs. home of Mrs. F. W. Meter. The w n e n f r o m v a r i o u s r e p o r t s the meeting was postponed last week j m e r c u r y hovered around the 30 de-on account of the Study Class at the M E. parsonage. All members are asked to attend,


COMMITTEE MEETING , Mrs. Bessie Goodemote, chairman of the Ways and Means committee of the Masonic Temple fund i* the months of Jauuary, February and March, has called a meeting of her committee for tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 in the Temple. The members of the coommittee are: R. W. Elizabeth Jones, Emma Pinckney, Grace Hapeman, Anna Benedict, Margaret Vail, Ethel Shaw, Minnie Goodemote, Alma VanVranken, Olga Finch, Charlotte Groff, Ulrica Lofgren, Helen Kelly, Helen Paris, Elizabeth Bemis, May Swears, Ella Wemple, Jessie Wal-lin, Dorothy Crapo, Charlotte Da­vis, Jess Philips, and Ada Rock­well.

TO ATTEND FUNERAL The members of the Ladies Aid

Society of the Presbyterian church will meet tomororw afternoon at 1:45 to attend in a body the funeral of Mrs. Mary Woolsey.

Amsterdam Mr. Adan

FULTONVILLE — The c a r d grees below zero, the local firemen , S u n d a y w i t n M r s . Sigsbee's mother, i party to be held thjs-ev€hlng at were called at about 1 Sunday M r s j ^ ^ R Goody. i the Masonyi_-SPeTnple will begin morning to the home of Fred Yad-1 M r a n d M r s J o h n A dams of projnp«y-"'at 8. The following is ish, Ann street, where a fire imd broken out in a cot on the first floor of the home. The Origin the blaze was undet pillowsjuwi-«»*eT8""on the cot were

out of doors by the fire­men, and chemicals used to extin­guish the flames. There was some damage by smoke.

spent Sujida#~—wrtrrrTK,e committee in charge: Mrs. John I Robert Stewart, chairman, Mrs.

Gordon S. Weeper, H e m r W. Horn-ivirs. rvoss tsecKer oi Johnstown ' ing, Le Roy Bracebridge and Ro-

is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Hen- | bert Stewart, ry J. Kin

VARIETY SHOWER Twenty-six guests were enter­

tained at a variety shower at the home of Mrs. E. D. Crouse, Mon­roe street, Saturday evening, in honor of Miss Leona Brown, who is to become i the bride of Kenneth Failing in the near future. Miss Brown received many gifts.

The bride-elect is teacher in the district school at Krings Bush, and has made a large number of friend - since her residence here. She is formerly of Johnstown.

Mr. and Mrs. Marks of Glovers­ville were Sunday callers of Mrs. Albert W. Taylor.

Miss Mary Keller of Logtown

PERSONALS Moses L Harris spent Monday

! in Albany. Mr. and Mrs. William Cramer,

was an overnight guest Sunday of I Mrs. Augusta Smith of Tribes Hill her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. j and Miss Sarah Smith of Johns-Ambrose Snyder. | town spent Sunday with Mr. and

Mrs. Martin E. Brooks spent j Mrs. Frank Hall. Bea Mr. and Mrs. Allan Moore and

son, Billy of Palatine Bridge were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moore.

Mrs. Harry J. Robison and daughters, Helen and Harriet, spent Sunday afternoon in Amster­dam.

Miss IsabeUe Hubbs of Esperanct

BIRTHDAY PARTY Patricia Anne Lee entertained

the pupils of the First Grade last Friday afternoon in honor of her seventh birthday. Games and a grab bag were enjoyed. Hefresh-ments were served including a birthday cake decorated with yel­low candles.

PERSONALS Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood

Lee over the weekend were Mrs. Catherine Reynolds and grand­daughter, Peggy, of Gloversville, John Crowley and Leon Reynolds of Amsterdam and Mrs. Charlotte Locke of Riceville.

Mr. and Mrs. Shuler Cole and Clinton Cole of Hagaman were guests, Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Swears.

sunday with her daughter, trice, who Is a patient at St. Mary's nospital in Amsterdam.

Mrs. Edwin C. Goody spent Monday with Mrs. John Bobilin of Mill Point.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith; son, Robert and Mrs. Sedgewich Quack-enbush and daughters, Jennie and Charlotte1 spent Sunday with Mr.' is a gwest of Mrs, Moses L. Harris, and Mrs. Scott Smith who reside Cleveland Smith of Tribes Hill

Mr. Failing is associated with his j on the Mountain Lake road. ! spent the weekend with his sister, father on a farm in the Krings | Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Teeple and Mrs. Frank Hall. ' Bush section, and is a graduate of son, Donald of Fort Johnson and Louis J. Van Dusen of Ames the local high school in the clasa i Mr. and Mrs,. Arthur Teeple of I spent the weekend with his par-of 1930. | Hoffmans were guests Sunday of ] ents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Van

I Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Snyder. | Dusen. BRIDGE CLUB ; Arthur Goody of Tribes Hill was | Mrs. Henry J. Kling spent the

The Evening Bridge club will be a Sunday visitor of Mr. and Mrs. ; weekend with her son, Harold Y entertained Friday evening at the ! ^ w m G°°dy. home of Mrs. Harry Huff, West- J ° h n Morford of Gloversville Main street. ' spent the weekend with his par-

i ents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Morford. Mrs. Jay V. Ward is spending the

week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wilson, who reside on the Schenectady road. Mr. Ward spent the weekend at the Wilson home.

Miss Lottie Peeler and Mrs. Ed­ward Fltzpatrick spent Sunday with relatives in Johnstown.

CLAIMED BY DEATH WELLS—Oliver Whitman, a life­

long resident of the town of Wells passed away Saturday at Marcy State Hospital in Utica where he was taken for treatment January 9. Mr. Whitman was a well known guide and woodsman of the Adi rondacks and also engaged in farming at his home at West Hill. For several years he operated one of the school buses which carried the children of the West Hill eee-tion to the Wells High school. He was a son of the late Wesley Whitman.

He is survived by his widow and six children, all of whom reside at home and one brother, Allan Whitman of Speculator.

The funeral wil be held Tuesday at 2 P. M. at the Methodist church. Rev. F. W. Worden will officiate and interment made in the family plot of the local cemetery.

PERSONALS Mrs. William Erkanbrack and I

daughter, Emma of Gloversville | spent the weekend with Mrs. S. A. Fuller.

Mrs. Walter Filkins who has | been ill is much improved.

gree mark most of the time. Early Sunday morning was the coldest with the temperature somewhat j Volkert Vrooman and warmer Monday. 1 this vicinity and Dr

Bertis Meyers and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meyers, Mrs. Irving C. Lathers, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dillenbeck, Mr. and Mrs.

family of and Mrs.


ID. S. Meyers of Kingston and Mr. i and Mrs. Howard Meyers of New | York attended the funeral of Thom-jas A. Sutton at Johnstown Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Travis of F o r t p k j n C o m m u n i t y C l u b Hope Falls were in Northville and | p , ^ p ^ M e e t m g

GEORGE B. WILEY At the home of Fayette Groff, on

the Oppenheim road, in the Crum Creek section of the town of St. Johnsville, Saturday afternoon oc­curred the death of George Byron Wiley, 89. He had been in Ml health for about three years, out was confined to his bed only a week.

Mr. Wiley was born in the town of St. Johnsville on August 19, 1845, son of the late Henry and Mary Ann Klock Wiley, He spent his

Kling of Fort Hunter. Miss Laura Rossiter of Rockwood

was a guest Monday of Mrs. Harry J. Robison.

Mrs. Alexander G. Dickinson has returned home after visiting friends in Gloversville.


ORRA BUYCE, JR. Thfet funeral of Orra Buyce, Jr.

was held at the home Sunday P. Mi at 2. Rev. F. W. Worden otiicfated. The bearers were Roy Buyce and George Brown. There were floral tributes from relatives and friends. Those from out of town in attendance were: Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Buyce and daughter, Betty and Mrs. Raymond Buyce of Northville and John Buyce and Allle Buyce of Speculator.

Gloversville Saturday. Mrs. P. C. Pickard is ill at her

home with an attack of grippe. Miss Edith Mason, Miss Clara

Mason and Ernest Mason of the Bunker Hill Road were in North­ville Sunday.

Donald Bradt of Edinburg was in this village Sunday.

Mrs. Hammet Whitman who has been ill for the past few months is improving.

William Guiber of Amsterdam was in Northville Monday.

Mrs. Wllilam Earley of Wells visited relatives in Northville and an East Road Sunday.

Mrs. John Brownell has returned to her home on Reed street after a several weeks visit at the home of her brother J. E. Lancaster in Montclair.

Mrs. Carrie Eastwood has re­turned to her home in Ortskany Falls after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Arnold.

Charles Brockano who has been ill at his home near Edinburg for the past several days is still con­fined to his home.

Mrs. Edgar Roberts spent Sun-

F e b r u a r y 1 1

FORT PLAIN—Following the din­ner-meeting of the Fort Plain Com­munity Club to be held at Hotel Greeley, February 11. a public meet­ing will be held to which the public is invited at which time a central­ized school fo Fort Plain will be discussed. If the sentiment is in favor of the school it is planned to submit the question to the voters at a special election.

COLDEST DAY Monday was the coldest day of

the present Winter in Fort Plain. Thermometers in the village regis­tered 20 degrees below zero at 7 A. M. At noon the mercury had risen to 10 above zero. Plumbers were busy all day at work in thawing out frozen water pipes.

BIRTHDAY PARTY On Saturday evening, Mrs.

Charles Brown entertained at her home in Johnstown in honor of her birthday anniversary and that of her brother, Leroy Hall of Ams­terdam. A feature was the large birthday cake. Both received sev­eral gifts. Those who attended were: Mr. and Mrs. Percy Brodt and son, Fred, Mrs. Mable Cass-wel and daughter; Mrs. Ada Oder-kirk, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Machold. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy D. Hall of Amsterdam; Mr. and Mrs. Brown of Johnstown and Orville Hall and Francis D. Hall of Fonda.

REPORTS GIVEN At the ReUrmed Sunday school

Sunday the superintendent, Mrs. W. T. Van Dusen gave a report of the work of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Spurr in Fulton County in the rural school district. A report of the class of Loyal Daughters was

SQ.OUBN IN SOUTH \T'&*£!Z£?^S& County Commissioner of Public | t o w a r d s t n e p a r a o n a g e equipment.

Welfare and Mrs. Hoffman are ex-1 pected to arrive back at the County Home this week, following a three weeks vacation spent in Florida

The Rote of Sharon In the Museum of Biblical Botany

boyhood in this Vicinity, and was + SI Tne Hebrew unTfi

William Field of Perth was in helm. married to Helen Claus, of Oppen-

towrt, Friday evening, to attend the basketball game.

John Welch of Gloversville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Peck.

Mr. and Mrs. Adolord Vezlna and daughter, Marjorie Joyce, were in Gloversville, Saturday.

Miss Dulcle Hatzenbuhler has returned to her school duties In Amsterdam after spending the weekend at her home north of this village.

Miss eBUy Hagur was in Ams­terdam the last of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond King were in Johnstown, Saturday eve­ning, to attend a banquet at Hotel Johnstown given by the bowling club.

Robert Manchester and son, Ernest of Amsterdam were in town, the last of the week.

Mrs, Albina Donley of North­ampton was entertained, over the weekend, at the home of her brother, Edward Cloutier, Sr„ and family.

Orville Pettit and family have moved from the Stever house on West Main street, to Glens Falls where they will make their home in the future.

Miss Jennie Cloutier is confined to her home on Saratoga avenue by illness.

Earl Coloney was In the Glove City, the last at the week.

Mrs, Charles Benedict and Miss lona Cloutier were in Northamp­ton- Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kruger of Hagaman wsre In town, Friday evening, and attended the basket­ball games.

M M , Mary Tanner, Miss Daisy Coloney. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coloney, Percy MaoVean. Jr., and Richard Coloney, Jr., were guests, Saturday of Mr and Mrs. Loren Anibal at their home on the Sara­toga road.

Edward Cloutier, Sr., and Charles Benedict were In Crescent and Dunspeck .Ferry, Saturday.

Mrs. William. Manchester, who .• pastime the Winter with rela­tives In Amsterdam, spent Satur­day wltti Mr. and Mr*. Uoy« Mullf. (tan.

Mr, find Mrs. Hugh Hart

CANAJOHARIE — One hundred Mr. and Mrs Leon E. Ensign of I j t e n m e m b e r s ot Canajoharie

Ravena visited friends here Sunday, j B u s i n e B S M e n > g Association are ex-1 pected to attend a meeting of that organization Monday evening, Feb­ruary 4, when new officers are to be chosen and plans for the coming year will be formulated.

After their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley went to Buffalo, where Mr. Wiley entered business as a carpenter contractor. Mrs. Wiloy died In Buffalo some years ago.

About two years ago Mr. Wiley returned to the secUon where he J had spent his youth, and made his home with Mr. and Mrs. Groff, M#R— Groff being his cousin. He was a • member of the Adytum chapter No. I 235, Royal Arch Masons, in Buffalo. \ and of the Lodge of Ancient Land­marks, in Buffalo.

Surviving are one son, George B. Wiley, of Buffalo. A prayer ser­vice was conducted Monday noon at j the C. C. Lull funeral parlors on j Bridge street, with Rev. George H. Kling, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran church, officiating. The body will be taken to Tonawanda, for inter­ment in the Elm Lawn cemetery.

PLAY PRESENTED Two hundred and ten transients,

the population ot the huge camp in Klock park, and nearly 100 guests of Major Charles P. Savary, from the village and from the section of the town in which the camp is lo­cated, witnessed the presentation Saturday evening of one of the fin­est of the shows yet given at the camp by CWA players. The play was "Christopher Bean," one which ( was famous on the Broadway stage many year* ago, and which the late Marie Dressier made more fa­mous on the screen.

lem, the flower exhibited as the rose of Sharon is not a rose, but a Tulip, Tollpa roontnna,. a showy, deep red flower with a black cen-,ter, belonging to the lily family. This plant grows on the flat Plain of Sharon lying nlons the Mediter­ranean mast

Length ot i .ophagus The esophagus, or gullet, Is about

nine ineries long and extends from the plmrynx to the Rrnmaeh.

Figuring prominently in local af­fairs during the past year the or­ganization, in conjunction with the Village Board, obtained revision of local village peddling ordinances and ita constant vigilance has in­sured enforcement of laws against unlicensed canvassers and house-to-house solicitors.

The College of Cardinals, senate of the Roman Catholic Church, is

! composed of 70 members when complete.

PERSONALS The family of G. R. Babcock

who have been ill with scarlet fever are much improved. No new cases have been reported.

Mr. and Mrs. Rome Weaver en­tertained the following guests at their home Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Louis Snyder, Misa Edna Weaver and Misses Edna and Marion Nash of Amsterdam and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Seguin of Gloversville.

Mrs. Mildred Alexander who un­derwent a major operation at the Nathan Littauer Hospital Satur­day is still in a very critical con­dition:

Misses Helene Lawrence and Marguerite Courtney and Miss Helen Dutcher spent the weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lawrence at Plaeco.

John Dunham who is employed at Gloversville spent the weekend with his family in town.

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Perry and children were In Gloversville Sat­urday. They were accompanied by their uncle, Oliver H. Perry who has been visiting relatives here.

Mrs. C. T. Courtney and son

ORGANIZES CLUB Chester M. Austin, county Farm

°vis7ted"Mr*. and'Mrs!'Frank H j B u " a u a g j n t , a " e n d e dv . a n d , o r g a n :

lzed a 4-H club of the Town of day with her sister, Mrs. John T. | I n e y

Wilson in Gloversville. I Fayant at Miami Beach, Fort Plain- , .misrh.K-i > Mrs. Wallace Cook of Glovers- !«rs- w h o a r e *P™M"S the Winter | « ? * _ « _ » • _ « £ • . 2"L£?*J* iin Florida.

BOOKS FOR LIBRARY A number of books have been pre­

sented to the Fort Plain Public Library by Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Fayant

ville spent Sunday in this village. Miss Mary Rice of Gloversville

spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dewit Severance.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kuhne of Mayfield visited relatives in North­ville Sunday.

Ranger C. H. Ross of Hadley PERSONALS was In Northville Monday. M r s . H a r r y J o n e s o f Cobleskill

Mr. and Mrs. Granville Weaver j has been visiting her sister, Mrs. and daughter have moved from! Earle Bulger. Gloversville to the Ralph Sweet I apartments. BIRTHS

Floyd Arnold who has been ill j Mr. and Mrs. Christian Wahler for the apst several days is still [are the parents of a son born re-

Kprakers Saturday Saturday night. Cornelius Lingenfelter who has

been, confined to St. Mary's hos­pital, Amsterdam receiving treat­ment for an infected hip injury sustained about two weeks ago on the town of Mohawk highway work returned to his home in this vil­lage Sunday afternoon.

confined to his home. L. L Snell of Benson was in

Northville Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tange and

family of Edinburg were in North­ville Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Graves Brownell and family of Houseman street



CENSUS ENUMERATOR Raymond Suits has been appoint­

ed the local Farm Census enumer­ator of the Town of Mohawk, Blanks for the census may be ob­tained at the Farm Bureau office and filled out by the owner or occupant of the rurm. There are a number of questions to be

were in Northville Sunday ^ ^ hO.TrttarMonday morning fol-Misses Beatrice and Ruth Wads- . , , m - . . .

worth of Lakeside Drive were In Northville Sunday.

Duane Austin of Mayfield wa­in Northville Sunday.


There is one doctor to every too persons in this country. This Is the highest rate of any nation. Sweden, with one doctor far every 2860 persons, has the lowest rate.

son, Sydney, were in Mayfield Cen­ter, Saturday, to attend a dinner given at the home of Mrs. Hart's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil­liam Griffin, in celebration of their 88th wedding anniversary.

Miss Eva Lovelest, who it em­ployed In Gloversville, spent the weekend with her fltMwr, M r< John Loveless,

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Foes and sont, John and Fred. Jr. of Ams­terdam Spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Qeorge Lasher

Mr. and Mrs. Eeeeher Doty of Fort Edward were Sunday guest*

end ' of Mr. and Mrs. Elwln Perkins.

PASSES IN HOSPITAL S S T S . ' S i 1 . , u w tato" Mr' CANAJOHARIE — M rs. Sarah

Roser Knapp, 75, died at the Utica

save time for both the farmer and enumerator, who will visit each farm.








were in Gloversville Saturday to meet C. T. Courtney who recently was operated on at the Littauer hospital. After spending the week­end with relatives they returned to their home at Lake Pleasant Mr. Courtney is much improved.

Mrs. Thomas Ryan, who has been a patient at the Littauer hospital for the past two weeks is much improved and was able to return home Sunday.

William Waite left Sunday for Arietta where he will be employed at Lyman Avery's for the re­mainder of the Winter.

George Cole and friend of Albany spent the weekend at the former's camp at Jolie Montagne park on Lake Algonquin.

Clifford Barner of Schenectady j Mrs. Charlotte Newkirk fell on spent the weekend with his family , the ice Friday and broke both here. | bones In her left arm. Dr. A. J.

William Parker and son of Lake | Muradian reduced the fracture

lowing a long illness. Funeral services wiH be held at

the home of F. L. Burton in Cana­joharie on Thursday afternoon at 2:30. Rev. Frank Shinier, pastor of the St. Mark's Lutheran church, w4il officiate. Interment will bo in the Prospect Hill cemetery.

Mrs. Knapp was born in Cana­joharie on May 11, 1859, the daugh­ter of Adam Roser and Julia Kirch-ner. On October 3, 1883, she was married to the late William A. Knapp, She was a member of the St. Mark's Lutheran church.

Her survivors are nieces and nephews. They are: Adam and Prank Cesser of Utica, Mayor Harry V. Bush and Miss Edna Bush of Canajoharie, William Ges

M M U f l l f l i f g

John Bowler is confined to his home with a severe attack of grippe.

Kenneth Seibe who Is employed at the Walton Silk Mills in Wal­ton spent the weekend with his family here.

Mr. and Mrs. Herschell Kilts spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Hoese at Lykers.

Mr. 'and Mrs. Harold P. Hatg and daughter, Bernicc were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Hart-man at Fort Plain Sunday.

Peter Gerhartz of Palatine spent Monday in Fonda,

Earl D. Roof spent Monday in Glen.

Mr. and Mrs. William Suits and family have moved from Little

ser and Mrs. Daniel Vernon of i Faiu to Hartford, Conn. Mr. Suits Newark, N. J.


Pleasant spent Sunday in town. Nelson Greenslete of Gloversville

She was taken to Amsterdam hos-pital where an Xray revealed the

visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. t nature of the injury

spent the weekend with his par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. Isiah Suits.

Dr. and Mrs. D. S, Meyers of Kingston were callers Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Esel Putnam.

Mr. and Mrs. Lester Heron were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Richmyer at Sloansvllle.

Mr. and Mrs. Hanabal Tretolla and family of Gloversville were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs,

William Greenslete Sunday. Mrs. Clifford Barner and Miss

Pauline Burgess were in Glovers­ville Saturday.

Cardln Kibler of Binghamton spent the weekend at his home here.

Mr. and Mrs. HH. L. Buyce and son, Allison and Sylvester Brown were in Speculator Sunday.

G. A. Richards and Miss Alleen Schuyler enjoyed the winter sports at Speculator Sunday.

\f! mi IY tat utvut. sic, T. a. wc u. i m "

Flour Cotici -a in U, 5. According to ;<,\«»mmpnt esti

mate* Hie annus flour consumption In the Unltiff^Statw Is shout 1«i potiiids for et»ch man, woman ssd chtM, says Psthfiader Marsilne, Ahout 85 pounds of this Is us*d Is the form of bread M2?i loa»Ml and th»> remaining 7S In th* form of eSkM, pastrle*, etc, ft prnitlw* SllSfhthr less th/in four bushels of wheat to W"' " l M « Amount.

i . . . . , • • • - » *

Song* are still u*e«l In treating the »!rk by medicine m*n «f the jifHiiM-, , litiliiiiis uf Horidil.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith and Bathomel Thomas, son, Clayton moved to Johnstown -dward Healy ana M>n, Saturday.

Well*. Mrs, Ellen Healey and J. F. Hea-

Those attending the C. E. Union '-y sPent Sunday with Mrs. Ed-meeting Sunday evening from the! wa™> Healey at St. Mary's hospital, Presbyterian Y. P. S. C. E. of this Amsterdam. village, at Amsterdam were: Ralph' Mrs. E P Yost and grandson, E. Bernlng, Walter F. HOltser, Miss! Oavld Hayes of Johnstown spent Dorothea G. Clapp, Miss Marlon A J Sunday In Fsnda, Runkle, Roy Berning. Eldon Miller, Misses Mary Ellen and Genevieve and Rev. g, G, Parent. | Haley were in Johnstown Sunday.

A midwinter special service will j Miss Eileen Qlenn ef Amsterdam be held in the Presbyterian church | spent the weekend with Mr. and Wednesday evening, February «, j Mrs. John H. Kearns, 7:30. Rev. J. Elmer Russell, super- Miss Anna Smullens of Albany Intendent of Christian Education spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs of the Synod of New York will he H. P. Christiance. guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Van Dusti

Tho local Presbyterian choir en- : 0 f Amsterdam spent the weekend joyed a banquet at Hotel Johns­town Saturday evening.

FONDA Mrs. 8. L. Burton ho has been

a guest oif her mother. Mrs. W. F Davis has returned home.

Mr, and Mrs. Victor Weaver were

§vests of rtlstlve* In Northville unday. Miss Emma Collins *prnt Sunday

in Johnstowrn

with Van Dusen's parents, Mr. and Mr». Edward Van Dusen-

Mrs, William Lungenheiher and sons were In Johnstown Sunday.

E. Laurence Meade, physical In­structor of the Fonda High srhool is recovering from injuries su»-tained In basketball practice last week.

Mrs. Henry Btiser Is visiting her sisttr, Mrs, Patrick Doyle in Roms.

James Spencer of Glen was in Fonda Mondnv

mi • i P H ' » ' * < « J •—•

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