veterinary medicine in afghanistan potluck.pdf1993 1993 -- ruins of vet clinic in kabulruins of vet...


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    Dr. Nasrin StanikzaiDr. Nasrin StanikzaiKabul UniversityKabul UniversityKabul UniversityKabul University


    The friendly country of y ythe word


  • Topography of AfghanistanTopography of Afghanistan

  • Afghanistan which translate as Afghanistan which translate as l dl d f Af hf Af hlandland of Afghansof Afghans

    Nationality AfghanNationality AfghanCurrency AfghaniR li iReligion MuslimPopulation 31,056,997 pLanguage Pashtoo and Dari or Farsi Cli tClimate Dry (cold winter and hot


  • Islamic Republic of AfghanistanIslamic Republic of Afghanistan

  • KabulKabulKabulKabul

  • Heart Mosque

  • Shrine of Baba Saab in Kandahar

  • MazarMazar--ii--sharifsharifMazarMazar ii sharifsharif

  • Women national dressWomen national dressWomen national dressWomen national dress

  • Local Dress of Ancient KabulLocal Dress of Ancient KabulLocal Dress of Ancient KabulLocal Dress of Ancient Kabul

  • Local Dress of HeratLocal Dress of HeratLocal Dress of HeratLocal Dress of Herat

  • Local Dress of KandaharLocal Dress of KandaharLocal Dress of KandaharLocal Dress of Kandahar

  • Local Dress of GazniLocal Dress of GazniLocal Dress of GazniLocal Dress of Gazni

  • Local Dress of MangalLocal Dress of MangalLocal Dress of MangalLocal Dress of Mangal

  • Local Dress of HazarajatLocal Dress of HazarajatLocal Dress of HazarajatLocal Dress of Hazarajat

  • Local Dress of BamyanLocal Dress of BamyanLocal Dress of BamyanLocal Dress of Bamyan

  • Local Dress of BadakhshanLocal Dress of BadakhshanLocal Dress of BadakhshanLocal Dress of Badakhshan

  • Kuchi DressKuchi DressKuchi DressKuchi Dress

  • Men National DressMen National DressMen National DressMen National Dress

  • Men National DressMen National DressMen National DressMen National Dress

  • Local Dress of Kabul andLocal Dress of Kabul andMazarMazar--ii--SharifSharif



  • Traditional Afghan Dance(AttanTraditional Afghan Dance(Attan))Traditional Afghan Dance(AttanTraditional Afghan Dance(Attan))

  • Traditional Afghan Traditional Afghan dance(Attan)dance(Attan)

  • Popular Afghan MusicPopular Afghan MusicInstrumentInstrument

    K b dK b dKeyboardKeyboardDrumDrumDrumDrumRobabRobabTumborTumborT lT lTulaTula

  • KeyboardKeyboardKeyboardKeyboard

  • DrumDrumDrumDrum

  • DrumDrumDrumDrum

  • Robab and TulaRobab and TulaRobab and TulaRobab and Tula

  • W H d C ftW H d C ftWomen Hand Craft Women Hand Craft in Afghanistanin Afghanistanin Afghanistanin Afghanistan

  • ExportExportExportExportFresh fruit Precious StoneDry fruitNutW l

    Precious StoneLapis lazuliEmerald (highly)

    WoolKarakol skinSheepskin

    ( g y)Azure


  • Agricuture and Animal Agricuture and Animal productionproduction

    Wheat MeatWheatCerealFruits

    MeatDiaryKarakol skinFruits


    Karakol skinSheepskinWoolVegtable

    Cotton woolWool

  • Bakery of Uzbeki BreadBakery of Uzbeki BreadBakery of Uzbeki BreadBakery of Uzbeki Bread

  • Bakery of Flat BreadBakery of Flat BreadBakery of Flat BreadBakery of Flat Bread

  • Palau is popular dish in AFGPalau is popular dish in AFGPalau is popular dish in AFGPalau is popular dish in AFG

  • Buzkashi is an ancient game playedBuzkashi is an ancient game playedBuzkashi is an ancient game played Buzkashi is an ancient game played using horses in Afghanistanusing horses in Afghanistan

  • BuzkashiBuzkashi

  • History of Veterinary Medicine in History of Veterinary Medicine in Af h iAf h iAfghanistanAfghanistan

    In Afghanistan itIn Afghanistan it has been traditional to use horse as a mode of transportation.

    The horse has b d d ibeen used during war times as wellwell.

  • History of Veterinary Medicine in Afghanistan contd.History of Veterinary Medicine in Afghanistan contd.

    In 1919 because of the war with England, many g , yhorses suffered injuries. At this time Afghanistan did not have veterinarians. Due to a lack of treatment, injured horses died. This resulted in a shortage of horses. The government sent some army students se so e a y s ude sto Turkey for veterinary education.

  • History of Veterinary Medicine in Afghanistan contd.History of Veterinary Medicine in Afghanistan contd.

    In 1961, one of those In 1961, one of those army veterinarians army veterinarians yywent to the went to the President. After President. After discussion, our discussion, our President agreed to President agreed to establish a establish a Veterinary College in Veterinary College in K b l Thi llK b l Thi llKabul. This college Kabul. This college is the primary is the primary veterinary institutionveterinary institutionveterinary institution veterinary institution in Afghanistan.

  • Veterinary College in KabulVeterinary College in KabulI d iI d iIntroductionIntroduction

    Dean’s officeAdministration LibraryyDepartments

    5 Laboratories


    5 large5 small5 small

  • Veterinary College in Kabul Veterinary College in Kabul I d i dI d i d

    Departments (5)Departments (5)Introduction contd.Introduction contd.

    Departments (5)Departments (5)Each department consist of two offices

    Pre clinic DepartmentPre-clinic DepartmentPara-clinic DepartmentCli i l D t tClinical DepartmentAnimal Science DepartmentFood Safety & Technology


  • Curriculum of Veterinary Curriculum of Veterinary C ll i K b lC ll i K b lCollege in KabulCollege in Kabul


    Entrance Entrance ExaminationExamination

  • Curriculum of Veterinary College in Curriculum of Veterinary College in Kabul contdKabul contdKabul contd.Kabul contd.

    Five year programFirst yearFirst year – Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology & Medical TerminologySecond yearSecond year – Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry ,Histology ,Microbiology, y gy gyGenetics & Breeding.Third yearThird year – Animal Nutrition, Parasitology,Third yearThird year Animal Nutrition, Parasitology, Pathology, Bacteriology, Virology, Pathophysiology & Animal HygienePathophysiology & Animal Hygiene

  • Curriculum of Veterinary College in Curriculum of Veterinary College in Kabul contdKabul contd

    Fourth YearFourth Year – Poultry disease,

    Kabul contd.Kabul contd.

    y ,Epidemiology, Pharmacology, Clinical Diagnosis, Food Technology, Internal Medicine, Surgery & Gynecology.Fifth yearFifth year – Epidemiology, Internal

    S GMedicine, Surgery, Gynecology, Food Safety & Food Analysis.I h l f h d dI h l f h d dIn the last year of the study, students In the last year of the study, students give a seminar on a topic of their give a seminar on a topic of their choicechoicechoice.choice.

  • LaboratoriesLaboratories -- 2222Laboratories Laboratories 22 22

    Functional LaboratoriesFunctional Laboratories AnatomyBi h iBiochemistryFood AnalysisNutritionBacteriologyBacteriology

  • Biochemistry LaboratoryBiochemistry Laboratoryy yy y

  • Clinical Training in 4Clinical Training in 4thth & 5& 5ththYear of the Vet CurriculumYear of the Vet CurriculumYear of the Vet CurriculumYear of the Vet Curriculum

  • Clinical ActivitiesClinical Activities

    Large AnimalLarge AnimalSurgeryg yGynecologyInternal MedicineInternal Medicine

    Small AnimalSmall AnimalSSurgeryGeneral Examination

  • Clinical Exam Clinical Exam –– Internal MedicineInternal Medicine

  • Clinical Exam Clinical Exam –– OrthopedicsOrthopedics

  • Clinical Exam Clinical Exam –– Parasitic InfectionParasitic Infection

  • Clinical ExamClinical Exam ––Clinical Exam Clinical Exam ––GynecologyGynecology

  • Small Animal Surgery RoomSmall Animal Surgery Room

  • Employment Agencies in Employment Agencies in AfghanistanAfghanistan

    Ministry of AgricultureMinistry of AgricultureMinistry of AgricultureMinistry of AgricultureVeterinary Department

    Ministry of HealthMinistry of HealthFood Inspection DepartmentFood Inspection Department

    City OfficeCity OfficeRegulate butchery & sale of animal products in the local marketp

    Quarantine Department at the AirportQuarantine Department at the Airport

  • Employment Agencies in Employment Agencies in Afghanistan contdAfghanistan contd

    Ministry of CommerceMinistry of Commerce

    Afghanistan contd.Afghanistan contd.Ministry of CommerceMinistry of Commerce

    Import & export of animal productsUnited Nations United Nations -- Food & Agriculture Food & Agriculture

    OrganizationOrganizationggDutch Committee for AfghanistanDutch Committee for AfghanistanF h C ittF h C ittFrench CommitteeFrench Committee

    Vaccine production & vaccine pcontrol department

  • Employment Agencies in Employment Agencies in Afghanistan contd.Afghanistan contd.

    Poultry Project of ICRCPoultry Project of ICRCOth N ti l V t i P j tOth N ti l V t i P j tOther National Veterinary ProjectsOther National Veterinary Projects

    Cattle, Sheep, Goat, p,Private ClinicsPrivate Clinics

  • Members of Dutch Committee for AFGMembers of Dutch Committee for AFG

  • Paravet Students in Paravet Students in DCA CommitteeDCA CommitteeDCA CommitteeDCA Committee

  • Graduation Ceremony of the Graduation Ceremony of the Paravet ProgramParavet ProgramParavet ProgramParavet Program

  • Effects of war on the Veterinary Effects of war on the Veterinary Services in AfghanistanServices in AfghanistanServices in AfghanistanServices in Afghanistan

    Shortage of VeterinariansShortage of VeterinariansShortage of FundsShortage of Veterinary Drugs and VaccinesShortage of Veterinary Drugs and VaccinesOpen borders – easy spread of diseasesClosure of Clinics in VillagesClosure of Clinics in VillagesClosure of Veterinary SchoolDestruction of Animal Diagnostic Labs &Destruction of Animal Diagnostic Labs & Research Institutes

  • 1993 1993 -- Ruins of Vet Clinic in KabulRuins of Vet Clinic in Kabul

  • 19931993 Ruins of Diagnostic LaboratoriesRuins of Diagnostic Laboratories1993 1993 -- Ruins of Diagnostic LaboratoriesRuins of Diagnostic Laboratoriesand Research Instituteand Research Institute

  • Autoclaving of instruments was not possibleduring war. Gasoline was used to generate power with the help of a generator. Gasolinepower was then used to autoclave instruments.

  • Current Condition of Veterinary Current Condition of Veterinary Medicine in AfghanistanMedicine in AfghanistanMedicine in AfghanistanMedicine in Afghanistan

    Veterinary personnel is already available inVeterinary personnel is already available in different villages of AfghanistanAnimal Health Clinics supported byAnimal Health Clinics – supported by

    governmentA i l H lth Cli i t b DCAAnimal Health Clinics – support by DCAAnimal Health Clinics – PrivateInstitute of Diagnosis and Research in

    Animal Diseases in Kabul

  • 2006 2006 -- Drugs for AnimalsDrugs for Animalsgg

  • 2006 2006 –– Veterinary Campus in KabulVeterinary Campus in Kabul

  • 20052005

  • 20052005

  • Future of Veterinary Medicine in AfghanistanFuture of Veterinary Medicine in Afghanistan

  • President of the Afghan President of the Afghan Veterinary AssociationVeterinary AssociationVeterinary AssociationVeterinary Association

    D S S fD S S fDr. S. SafeDr. S. Safe

  • Quarterly Meeting of Vet Association in AfghanistanQuarterly Meeting of Vet Association in Afghanistan

  • Afghan Veterinarians are Interested Afghan Veterinarians are Interested i B ildi P i t A i l H it li B ildi P i t A i l H it lin Building Private Animal Hospitalin Building Private Animal Hospital

  • Farmers are Interested in Farmers are Interested in Building Poultry FarmsBuilding Poultry FarmsBuilding Poultry FarmsBuilding Poultry Farms

  • Poultry Project Members of DCAPoultry Project Members of DCA

  • Friendly World !Friendly World !Friendly World !Friendly World !