veterans news 020116

Veterans News – February 1, 2016 Happy Monday good people. Hope you and yours had a great weekend. For Today: I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition. - Martha Washington The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself. - Benjamin Franklin -------------------------------- --------------------------------- Veterans News --------------------------------- --------------------------------- Just a Few Seats Remaining Folks! VIP Grow is a 3-day, 27-hour comprehensive certification program designed for veteran businesses to increase their ability to win government contracts by establishing best business practices. Classes are instructed by industry experts, government officials, and agency representatives. To date, 546 Veteran-owned businesses nationwide have graduated from the Program! VIP is offered at no cost to participants. Enrollment is open to Veteran- owned businesses nationwide and limited to one executive from each business. Class size is limited to 50 individuals per session. Location of Program is Bolger Center, Potomac, MD. Go here for details and to sign up!! --Spread-the-Word-to-Arm-Vets-to-Win.html?soid=1101128334983&aid=pLELZqanQfc --------------------------------- DOD Contracts Awarded for Monday, February 1, 2016. View/Article/647928/source/GovDelivery --------------------------------- Defense News Early Bird Brief for Monday, February 1, 2016. 74746702797514777266&l=fe8b13707d6c007d7c&s=fe1f13787563037a761273&jb=ffc f14&ju=fe26117376640d7e7c1075&r=0 ------------------------------ VA Media Summary and News Clips for Monday, February 1, 2016. Please see attached pdf. ----------------------------

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Veterans News – February 1, 2016

Happy Monday good people. Hope you and yours had a great weekend. For Today: I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition. - Martha Washington The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself. - Benjamin Franklin -------------------------------- --------------------------------- Veterans News --------------------------------- --------------------------------- Just a Few Seats Remaining Folks! VIP Grow is a 3-day, 27-hour comprehensive certification program designed for veteran businesses to increase their ability to win government contracts by establishing best business practices. Classes are instructed by industry experts, government officials, and agency representatives. To date, 546 Veteran-owned businesses nationwide have graduated from the Program! VIP is offered at no cost to participants. Enrollment is open to Veteran-owned businesses nationwide and limited to one executive from each business. Class size is limited to 50 individuals per session. Location of Program is Bolger Center, Potomac, MD. Go here for details and to sign up!! --------------------------------- DOD Contracts Awarded for Monday, February 1, 2016. --------------------------------- Defense News Early Bird Brief for Monday, February 1, 2016. ------------------------------ VA Media Summary and News Clips for Monday, February 1, 2016. Please see attached pdf. ----------------------------

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VetJobs Veteran Eagle Newsletter for February 2016. Please see attached pdf. Sent in by the President/CEO of VetJobs, and a fellow Veteran, Ted Daywalt, Captain, USNR, (Ret). Thanks Ted! ---------------------------- Reserve Officers Association (ROA) SmartBrief for Monday, February 1, 2016. ---------------------------- POLITICO Morning Defense for Monday, February 1, 2016. A Daily Briefing from Inside Washington’s National Security Apparatus. ------------------------------- Your 5:00 pm Daily ExecutiveBiz Headlines. -------------------------------- Your 12:00 pm Daily ExecutiveBiz Headlines. --------------------------------- Your 6:00 am GovConWire - Top News from Executive Mosaic. ------------------------------- Code of Support Foundation Presents Toast to Our Troops! Wednesday, February 10, 2016, 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM, Women in Military Service for America Memorial - 1 Memorial Ave., Arlington National Cemetery, VA. Come share in the camaraderie, and if you can, please consider sponsoring. ------------------------------------- A Variety of Veterans Related News from a Variety of Sources Stars and Stripes Top charities give larger portion to services than Wounded Warrior Project. What is an extra $75 million to help wounded troops and veterans?

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That is how much more money the Wounded Warrior Project could have spent on direct aid in 2014, if it managed its donations like other top-rated military charities. ABC News (AP): Colorado WWII Paratrooper Dies After Brief Reunion With Wife. A World War II paratrooper from Colorado who was initially denied permission to move into the same nursing home as his wife has passed away after a brief reunion. Elmer Melchi (Mel-KAI), who had cancer, died in a hospice care center in Pueblo on Thursday, a week after June Melchi, who has dementia, was brought to visit him there. He was 92. Stars and Stripes US declares 22 Clinton emails 'top secret' . The Obama administration confirmed for the first time Friday that Hillary Clinton's home server contained closely guarded government secrets, censoring 22 emails that contained material requiring one of the highest levels of classification. The revelation comes three days before Clinton competes in the Iowa presidential caucuses. Yahoo! News (Video): Veterans to Trump: We’re not your Megyn Kelly Shield . A progressive military veterans group accused Donald Trump of using servicemen and servicewomen “as a prop to hide behind” in order to get out of the Republican presidential debate Thursday., a nonprofit with more than 400,000 supporters, said the GOP frontrunner was using veterans as an excuse to evade questions by Fox News pundit and debate moderator Megyn Kelly. CNN Defense Secretary Carter 'very, very angry' about treatment of 10 U.S. sailors in Iran. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said Thursday he was "very, very angry" when he saw footage of 10 U.S. Navy sailors detained by Iranian authorities broadcast by Iranian television news. Stars and Stripes China reorganizing military to close gap with US. China’s armed forces are undergoing a sweeping five-year reorganization aimed at creating central control over the military’s nearly autonomous branches and creating a more lethal fighting force to close the gap with U.S. capabilities, analysts say. Stars and Stripes Pentagon will not discipline Petraeus in sex-and-secrets scandal. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter has decided not to impose any further punishment on David H. Petraeus, the former CIA director and retired Army general who was forced to resign in a sex-and-secrets scandal in 2012. Military Times New 12-week maternity policy for all services means big cut for Navy, Marines. Defense Secretary Ash Carter announced Thursday a new force-wide policy granting women 12 weeks maternity leave, a controversial move that will roll back some services recent efforts to expand that benefit to 18 weeks. Foreign Policy Exclusive: Chief of U.S. Commandos Warns Loose Lips Could Risk American Lives. The general overseeing U.S. special operations forces has written a memo to Defense Secretary Ash Carter demanding the Pentagon stop talking

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about what his elite troops are up to in Iraq or elsewhere, saying the commandos require a veil of secrecy to do their job, Foreign Policy has learned. Army Times Army chief looks to spare some cuts to Alaska-based brigade . An upcoming rotation at the Joint Readiness Training Center in Louisiana could determine the fate of the Army's only airborne brigade combat team in the Pacific theater. Fox News The app that helps regular Marines become Raiders. Marine Corps Raiders are the U.S. military's newest group of elite special operators. They can trace their pedigree to World War II, but the modern units and their headquarters, Marine Special Operations Command, were stood up in 2006. Navy Times Navy detailing system aims to improve fleet manning. In February, the Navy launches a new manning system that will better match sailors to jobs. Air Force Times Air Force chooses 38 for three-year sabbaticals to start families, go back to school. The Air Force has chosen 38 airmen to take up to three years off in the second round of its career intermission program. Stars and Stripes Air Force highlights little-known program that allows airmen to carry guns on base. The Air Force has publicly reiterated a little known policy that allows airmen to carry guns on base, whether they are on duty or not. Stars and Stripes Overseas service members say parenting benefits 'long time coming'. Servicemembers overseas largely welcomed a new Pentagon plan to boost benefits for military parents, many saying the changes were long overdue and some arguing they still fell short of what military families need. Stars and Stripes: Oppose asbestos industry bill. Last month, 211 members of the House voted for a proposal that puts many of our fellow veterans who are ill and likely dying from asbestos-triggered diseases at greater risk of becoming victims of identity theft. The legislation, known as the FACT Act, is the brainchild of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and some of its biggest members of the asbestos manufacturing and utilization industries. VA’s Failure to Demote Executive a ‘Tragic Comedy,’ Lawmaker Says. The chairman of the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs on Friday slammed an administrative judge's ruling that reinstates a Department of Veterans' Affairs official who was demoted for allegedly maneuvering a lower-ranking employee out of a job so that she could fill it. VA Executive’s Demotion Fails for Second Time with Judge’s Ruling. A judge in Chicago has overturned the demotion and reassignment of a Veterans Affairs Department director who was disciplined for abusing her position by taking a job she forced another official to vacate.

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Los Angeles Times: Editorial Finally, VA is on the right path. Nearly five years after a group of homeless veterans sued the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs for allegedly misusing its sprawling property in West L.A., the department has finally approved a draft master plan that will focus the campus more sharply on the people it was intended to serve. Federal Times (Video): VA Secretary McDonald urges: Accentuate the positive. A day after GOP presidential candidates blasted the Department of Veterans Affairs, Secretary Bob McDonald was at Georgetown University to talk about what the agency could use to fix its woes. The secret ingredient: positivity. McDonald said, speaking at a Jan. 29 event on Value Based Leadership at Georgetown University, that the agency had previously lost sight of its values and purpose, two integral pieces needed for success. Annie's Mailbox: Readers can participate in National Salute to Veteran Patients. Dear Annie: Thank you once again for providing me the opportunity to reach out and thank our citizens for the care and support they provide to our veterans. Each year, Americans participate in the National Salute to Veteran Patients by visiting and volunteering at the Department of Veterans Affairs medical facilities and by sending letters of thanks or Valentine's Day cards to those who have protected our nation. Stars and Stripes Veterans' caregivers lose VA stipends, struggle to understand why. For three years, a monthly stipend of $1,275 from the federal Department of Veterans Affairs gave Sarah Jenkins the freedom to care for her husband without having to worry about resuming her career. That let her keep a calm home and respond instantly if her veteran husband experienced one of the mood swings that have characterized his behavior since a group of mortars landed close to him on an Iraqi air field. The Tampa Tribune: Letter of the day: VA too massive for simple solutions. Ronald Schigur’s letter (“Righting the Department of Veterans Affairs,” Your Views, Jan. 24) proposes a solution to the problems veterans experience with the VA. His solution appears to be a simple fix, but there is no simple fix to a cabinet-level department that, despite many initiatives, runs for the most part the same way it has for decades. Killeen Daily Herald: VA: Help available and wait times short for PTSD treatment. As post-traumatic stress disorder continues to make headlines in Central Texas, the Department of Veterans Affairs has an online form for those who think they may have PTSD. The online form includes 17 questions. Military Times: Military’s new fertility benefit will let troops freeze their sperm and eggs. Defense Secretary Ash Carter announced Thursday that the Pentagon will start covering sperm and egg freezing for troops who want to preserve their gametes for future use. In a speech on "Force of the Future" initiatives that addressed changes to maternity and paternity leave as well as improved child care services, Carter said the

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Defense Department will launch the pilot preservation program and promised to explore widening the department's coverage of fertility services. The Wall Street Journal (AP): Gillibrand urges change in VA rules on medical marijuana. U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand wants the Department of Veterans Affairs to allow its doctors to discuss medical marijuana with patients in states where medical marijuana is legal. Gillibrand is holding a news conference at her Manhattan office Sunday to urge a change in the current VA policy. Military Times (Video): Lab-grown testicles give new hope to wounded Vets. “Injuries in our young, wounded warriors have definitely made additional investments possible in the field of regenerative medicine and accelerated development of these technologies,” said Dr. Anthony Atala, director at the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine. Among the projects gaining traction at Wake Forest is an initiative to grow testicles from testicular stem cells taken from injured patients. The Advocate: HHS Rules Trans Woman Entitled to Surgery Under Medicare. [T]he United States Department of Health and Human Services has ruled for the first time that a transgender person is entitled to gender-confirming surgery under Medicare, according to a statement sent to The Advocate by the case’s attorney, Ezra Young. Young represents Charlene Lauderdale, a retired master sergeant in the Air Force, a purple heart recipient, and a trans woman who has waited years to receive the trans-affirming health care from the Veterans Administration… KOSU-FM (NPR-91.7, Audio, Video): Native Veterans in Oklahoma Process trauma Through Culturally Sensitive Care. Soldiers returning from battle face special challenges. Thousands suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and their care can be more involved and long-term. The nation’s VA hospitals, although under recent scrutiny, will care for more than a million of the nation’s soldiers. But, the nation’s Native American veterans face a set of extra challenges after fighting on the front lines. NPR: For-Profit Colleges Seeking Veterans’ GI Bill Dollars Aren’t Always the Best Fit. Recent government sanctions against predatory for-profit colleges that preyed on veterans by using inflated job promises have opened the window on the wider challenges of helping veterans transition from service to higher education. News & Observer: NC Veterans Cemeteries are not in full dress. As the burial rate rises at North Carolina’s state-managed cemeteries for veterans, officials say they’re embarrassed by how bedraggled some have become. And that’s inspiring a push for more spending — although some legislators are looking at alternatives. Bangor Daily News: Report: Maine’s state Veterans agency is ‘dramatically underfunded’. 29 January, A new report released Friday recommends expanding and revamping Maine’s Bureau of Veterans Services to better serve the state’s estimated 140,000 military veterans. It’s been over 15 years since the bureau has received updated policies or targeted funding, and younger veterans — those from the wars in

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Iraq and Afghanistan — are often frustrated as they try to piece together the state and federal benefits available to them as they return to civilian life. Stars and Stripes Charity reclaims service dog after veteran Brandon Garrison’s lie. A Kansas City military charity has reclaimed a service dog it donated to Brandon Garrison, a veteran after he lied about trying to save a fellow soldier’s life in Afghanistan. Stars and Stripes 'American Sniper' statue coming soon to Texas. Members of a foundation building a memorial statue of slain Navy sniper Chris Kyle say they expect to finish the project in time for a May unveiling at the Veteran Affairs clinic off Highway 191. ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- VETERANS EVENTS ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- Jennifer Schaus & Associates – Schedule of Upcoming Events (Procurement related and Veterans Small Business Events) in and around the Washington, DC area. -------------------------------------- Federal Business Council (FBC) 2016 List of Conferences and Events: Lot of events going on and set-up and managed by FBC. Here is the list that takes us through to October 2016. ------------------------------------- Job ZONE Listing of Job Fairs for 2015 through 2016. -------------------------------- SBA, Washington Metropolitan Area District Office Presents - Responding to a Federal Request for Proposal (RFP) 101: How to submit a compliant, persuasive and WINNING Bid. Wednesday, February 3, 2016, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM. U.S. Small Business Administration, 409 3rd St SW, Washington, D.C. 20416. For more information and to sign up for this cost-free event: --------------------------------

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Code of Support Foundation Presents Toast to Our Troops! Wednesday, February 10, 2016, 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM, Women in Military Service for America Memorial - 1 Memorial Ave., Arlington National Cemetery, VA. Come share in the camaraderie, and if you can, consider sponsoring. ------------------------------- Northern California – Bay Area, Disabled Veteran Business Alliance (DVBA) Bay Area Chapter Meeting. February 10, 2016, Marines' Memorial Club & Hotel, 609 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA 94102. Go here to find additional details and to register. -------------------------------- National Veteran Small Business Coalition - DC Metro Dinner Meeting. Wednesday, February 10, 2016 from 3:30 PM to 8:30 PM (EST), Arlington, VA. --------------------------------- SBA Workshop – Pricing for Government Contractors. Thursday, February 11, 2016 from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM, Virginia Housing Development Authority (VHDA), 4224 Cox Road, Glen Allen, Virginia 23060. This event is at NO Cost. Go here to register: --------------------------------- Disabled Veteran Business Alliance (DVBA) – Invitation to DVBA Inland Empire Chapter Meeting. February 17, 2016, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM, Riverside, CA. For details and to register: -------------------------------- NABVETS Buffalo Soldier Banquet 2016 – February 20, 2016, Morgan State University. Please see attached flyer for details. This is a gentle reminder of the Buffalo Soldier Banquet event. Attached is additional information concerning this outstanding event. If you need additional information, please contact fellow

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Veteran Wilbert Forbes by e-mail at [email protected] or call 301-938-6520 (c) or 301-839-4254. You are encouraged to share this announcement with your contacts. -------------------------------- February 23, 2016 -Corporate Gray "Military Friendly" Job Fair, Virginia Beach, VA. You are invited to meet face-to-face with over 40 "military friendly" companies and schools at the Tuesday, February 23rd Corporate Gray "Military Friendly" Job Fair in the Virginia Beach Convention Center. Job fair hours are 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM with a cost-free career transition seminar starting at 8 AM. Participating companies include Lockheed Martin, Eaton, HP, Hewlett-Packard, AECOM, L-3 Unidyne, Navy Exchange, Newport News Shipbuilding, Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Postal Service, Defense Contract Management Agency, CIA, and many more. To see the list of companies registered-to-date and for additional information, visit By pre-registering for this job fair, you will receive the employer directory the weekend before the event. And if you upload your resume, you'll make your credential accessible to the participating companies in advance. To do so, visit and create a free account. Then click the "Job Fairs" link and then the "register" link for the February 23 job fair in Virginia Beach. Good luck! ------------------------------- American Legion 2016 Small Business Workshop, Small Business Roadmap to Success -Tuesday, February 23, 2016, Washington, DC. No Cost. For details and to register: -------------------------------- Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce – National Center for Veteran Institute for Procurement once again announces VIP. March 1 – 3, 2016, and June 21 – 23, 2016. VIP Grow is a 3-day, 27-hour comprehensive certification program designed for veteran businesses to increase their ability to win government contracts by establishing best business practices. Classes are instructed by industry experts, government officials, and agency representatives. To date, 546 Veteran-owned businesses nationwide have graduated from the program. VIP is offered at no cost to participants. Enrollment is open to Veteran-owned businesses nationwide and limited to one executive from each business. Class size is limited to 50 individuals per session. As I understand from a number of Veterans that have attended VIP, this is an OUTSTANDING program. Two sessions are now available but better sign up quick! Go here for more detailed information. -------------------------------- VA OSDBU Announces the NASA/JPL and the City of Pasadena Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business Industry Day. Tuesday, March 1, 2016 7:00

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AM, Pasadena Convention Center, 300 East Green Street, Pasadena, CA 91101. Registration is Free. Go here for details and to register: -------------------------------- Early Bird Registration - Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce (MCCC) GovConNet Procurement Conference. Thursday, May 12, 2016, 7:30am - 3:00pm, The Universities at Shady Grove, 9630 Gudelsky Drive, Rockville, MD 20850. For more information and to register: --------------------------------- Save the Date: VA OSDBU Announces the 2016 National Veterans Small Business Engagement. November 1 – 3, 2016, Minneapolis, MN. -------------------------------- Folks! If you want to be REMOVED from the Vets News Distribution List, just send me an e-mail with the subject line "REMOVE!" Prayers and blessings for you and your loved ones and for our amazing Troops and their loved ones everywhere. Godspeed all....Wayne Wayne M. Gatewood, Jr., USMC (Ret) Founder, President, CEO Quality Support, Inc. Established 1989, VA CVE-Verified SDVOSB AIMS Consolidated Schedule GS-00F-0068M MOBIS - Schedule 874 8201 Corporate Drive, Suite 220 Landover, MD 20785 301-459-3777 - Fax 301-459-6961