vet glossary of terms.pdf

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  • 8/14/2019 vet glossary of terms.pdf


    Glossary of TermsAbdomenThe abdomen is that part of the body, lying between the chest and pelvis, containing the digestive organs(i.e. the belly)AbscessLocalized accumulation of pus in a cavity; usually associated with infection. A common outcome of cat fights.AcuteA rapid and often severe onset. (e.g. acute infection)Addison's Diseases a rare, disorder in which the adrenal glands produce insufficient steroid hormones (corticosteroids).Lifelong treatment with steroid replacement therapy is re!uired, with regular follow"up treatment andmonitoring for other health problems.Alimentary

    #ertaining to food or the digestive tract (alimentary canal).AllergenAn allergen is a substance that can cause an allergic reaction. n allergic animals, the immune systemrecognizes allergens as $foreign$ or $dangerous$ and responds accordingly. n non"allergic animals thesesubstances cause no immune response.AlopeciaLoss of hair from the head or body. %air loss, or alopecia, can have a variety of causes, including parasites,hormone imbalance, food allergies and infection. n order to treat your pet&s s'in problem, it is important toidentify the cause.Analgesia

    The relief of pain. An analgesic is something designed to relieve pain.AnaphylaxisAnaphylais refers to a rapidly developing and serious allergic reaction that afects a number of differentareas of the body at one time. evere anaphylactic reactions can be fatal.

    AnaemiaA lower than normal level of red blood cells (also referred to as erythrocytes) carrying oygen to the body.AnaesthesiaAnaesthesia is the total loss of feeling or sensation. t is induced with drugs to allow surgery or procedures tobe performed without causing pain. Anaesthesia may be applied to the whole body, when it is 'nown asgeneral anaesthesia, or to part of the body, when it is 'nown as local anaesthesia.

    AnorexiaLoss of appetite, whatever the cause.AntibioticsA compound or substance that 'ills or slows down the growth of bacteria. Antibiotics are not effective againstviral infections.AntibodyAlso 'nown as an immunoglobulin is a large *"shaped protein to identify and neutralize foreign antigens li'ebacteria and viruses.


    A medication used to treat vomiting and nausea.AntifungalA medication used to treat fungal infections such as ringworm.

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    AntigenA substance that triggers the production of an antibody. The immune system recognizes an antigen as aforeign and potentially harmful invader (e.g. bacteria and viruses).

    AntipruriticA medication to relieve itching.

    AntipyreticA medication to reduce a fever or high temperature.AntitussiveA medication to relieve coughing. +eterinarians often prescribe antitussive medications to pets that sufferfrom conditions that cause severe or intense coughing, such as canine coughAnuspening at the end of an animal&s digestive tract where faeces are epelled.

    Arrhythmia-isruption in the regularity of the heartbeat. They occur when the electrical impulses to the heart that

    co"ordinate heartbeats are not wor'ing properly, ma'ing the heart beat too fastslow or inconsistently.

    Articular#ertaining to a /oint.AscitesThe build"up of additional fluid in the abdomen, otherwise called the peritoneal cavity.

    AspirateTo draw in or out using a suc'ing motion. Aspiration can also mean breathing in a foreign ob/ect (such asinhaling food into the airway).Asymptomatic

    f a patient is a carrier for a disease or infection but is not eperiencing clinical signs.

    AtaxiaA neurological sign that consists of a lac' of motor coordination of muscle movements. t often manifests aswobbliness or unsteadiness in animals.

    Atopys a predisposition toward developing certain allergic reactions. 0ommonly used to describe atopicdermatitis, which results in s'in irritation and inflammation.

    Atrial FibrillationAn irregular heart rhythm associated with disorganized electrical activity in the upper two chambers of theheart (atria). ts name comes from the fibrillating (i.e. !uivering) of the heart muscles of the atria, instead of a

    coordinated contraction. The result of the rapid, irregular beats is ineffective filling of the ventricles, thebottom two chambers of the heart that pump blood out to the body.Atrium1ost commonly refers to a chamber in which blood enters the heart, as opposed to the ventricle, where it ispushed out.

    AtrophyAtrophy is the progressive decrease in the size of an organ or tissue.Attenuated2ea'ened. 3ormally refers to an attenuated vaccine whereby the disease"causing abilities of the vaccinecomponents are wea'ened or attenuated during the manufacturing process to ma'e them safe upon

    administration.AuscultateAuscultation is a method used to listen to the sounds of the body during a physical eamination, usually with

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    a stethoscope.AutoimmuneA medical condition characterized by an overactive immune system which attac's the body, mista'ing normaltissues in the body for harmful substances.Azotaemia

    A medical condition characterized by abnormally high levels of nitrogen"containing compounds, such as ureaand creatinine, commonly as a result of 'idney malfunction or dehydration.

    BacteriumA bacterium is a unicellular microorganism which represents one of the most basic and primitive forms of life.4acteria are everywhere. ome bacteria are capable of causing disease in animals.Benign%armless.Bilateral1eaning two sides.

    BileA greenyellow li!uid formed in the liver. 4ile plays a vital role in the digestion of fats.BiopsyThe removal of a sample of tissue or cells from a living sub/ect to determine the presence or etent of adisease.BitchA female dog.BladderA sac that receives and holds a li!uid until it is ecreted. ften refers to the urinary bladder.

    BloatA medical condition in which the stomach becomes overstretched by ecessive gas. 4loat is a very serioushealth ris' for many deep"chested dogs.

    Blood GlucoseThe amount of glucose (sugar) present in the blood.Bone Marrow4one marrow is a spongy, fatty tissue that houses stem cells, located inside a few large bones. These stemcells transform themselves into white and red blood cells and platelets.BorborygmusThe rumbling noise caused by the movement of gas through the stomach andor intestines.

    BradycardiaAn abnormally slow heart rate.BronchiThe large airways within the lungs.BronchodilatorA substance that dilates the airways in the lungs.

    B!4lood urea nitrogen (453) measures the amount of urea nitrogen, a waste product of protein metabolism, inthe blood. t can be used as an aid to measure 'idney function.

    "aecum#art of the gastrointestinal tract between the small and large intestines. t is a small, coiled organ in dogs.

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    "alcifiedThe build"up of calcium salts in soft tissue, causing it to harden.

    "alculusA concretion of material, usually mineral salts, that forms in an organ of the body. 4ladder or 'idney stonesare an eample of calculus.

    "ancerA class of disease in which a group of cells display uncontrolled growth and invasion that intrudes upon anddestroys ad/acent tissues. 0ancers sometimes spread to other locations in the body. This term is normallyused to describe malignant tumours."andidaThis fungus or yeast can normally be found in areas of the body such as the mouth, the genital and intestinaltracts. t can cause disease in animals."anine#ertaining to dogs."arcinoma

    A subtype of cancer that arises from epithelial cells. 6pithelial cells form the lining of our internal organs,cavities, glands, and s'in.

    "ardiac#ertaining to the heart."ardiomyopathyLiterally means $heart muscle disease$.

    "ardiopulmonaryA term relating to both the heart and lungs.


    7efers to the circulatory system comprising the heart and blood vessels which carries nutrients and oygento the tissues of the body and removes carbon dioide and other wastes.

    "arpusThe animal e!uivalent of our wrist.

    "astration7emoval of the testicles."ataract2hite opacities in the lens of the eye. 0ataracts are one of the most common problems affecting the eyes ofthe dog. There are many different forms and causes of cataract formation. evere cataracts can causeblindness and may be an indicator of underlying diseases li'e diabetes.

    "audalA term meaning toward the tail or the posterior end of the body."erebellumA region of the brain that plays an important role in motor control and co"ordination."erebrumA region of the brain that controls emotional, behavioural and learning functions."hemotherapyTreatment of cancer with drugs. The drugs used are slightly more toic to cancer cells than healthy cells, sothe cancer is treated without causing permanent damage.

    "hronicA disease of slow onset and of long duration. (e.g. chronic osteoarthritis)

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    "irrhosisA chronic disease of the liver whereby healthy tissue is replaced by scar tissue."entral !ervous #ystem $"!#%0onsists of the brain and spinal cord."oagulation

    The process by which the body forms a blood clot (thrombus) that prevents further blood loss from damagedtissues, blood vessels or organs.

    "oagulopathyA defect in the body8s mechanism for ma'ing blood clots."occidia0occidia are microscopic, single celled organisms that infect animal cells. They can cause watery or bloodydiarrhoea in pets."olitisnflammation of the large intestine (colon).

    "olonThe section of the large intestine etending from the caecum to the rectum."olostrum0olostrum is an antibody"rich mil' which is secreted by all female animals during the first few days of anewborn&s life."omaA state of unconsciousness from which an animal cannot be awa'ened.

    "omplete Blood "ountA complete blood count (040), also 'nown as full blood count (940) or blood panel, is a test that givesinformation about the cells in a patient8s blood. t is used to evaluate overall health and detect a wide range

    of disorders, including anaemia and infection."omputerized &omography #can $"& #can%Also called computerized aial tomography (0AT) scan, combines a series of :"ray views ta'en from manydifferent angles to produce cross"sectional images of the bones and soft tissues inside your pet&s body."ongenitalA condition that is present at birth.

    "onunctivaThe tissue lining the inner surface of the eyelids and covering the white of the eyes (sclera).


    nflammation of the con/unctiva."onstipationA condition in which bowel movements occur less often than usual or consist of hard, dry stools that arepainful or difficult to pass."oprophagiaThe eating of faeces. s considered normal behaviour in some species, such as rabbits. %owever, in otherspecies coprophagy can be related to certain diseases or behavioural problems."ore (accine+accines which are strongly recommended, and sometimes even re!uired. 9or eample, parvovirus vaccinein dogs or panleucopenia in cats.

    "orneaThe clear front part of the eye.

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    "orticosteroidAny of the steroid hormones produced by the adrenal gland or their synthetic e!uivalents."ranial#ertaining to the head or in the direction of the head."ulture

    The propagation of microorganisms in a growth media. 5sed to diagnose and guide treatment for infectiousdiseases."ushing)s #yndromeA condition where abnormalities in either the pituitary gland or adrenal glands cause the release of too muchnatural cortisone (corticosteroid).

    "utaneous7elating to, or affecting the s'in."yanosisA bluish colour of the s'in and the mucous membranes due to insufficient oygen in the blood.

    "ystA pathologic space in bone or soft tissue containing fluid or semi"solid material."ystitisnflammation of the urinary bladder."ytology7efers to a branch of pathology that deals with ma'ing diagnoses of diseases based on the eamination ofcells.

    DehydrationThe ecessive loss of body water.

    Dermal#ertaining to the s'in.

    Dermatitisnflammation of the s'in.Diabetes MellitusA disease where the body is unable to absorb sugars (glucose). t is commonly treated with insulin.Diagnostic &estA test to determine the presence or cause of disease.Diarrhoea

    6cessive and fre!uent evacuation of watery faeces, usually indicating gastrointestinal distress or disorder.Digestive #ystemThe organs responsible for the transit and metabolism of food in the body. These organs include salivaryglands, mouth, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, colon, rectum, and anus.Dilated "ardiomyopathyA disorder in which the chambers of the heart are dilated (enlarged). The heart muscle is wea'ened andcannot pump effectively.DisinfectionA cleaning process which destroys most microorganisms, but not highly resistant forms.

    DistemperAn infectious viral disease occurring in dogs. 0linical signs include loss of appetite, a discharge from theeyes and nose, vomiting, fever, lethargy, partial paralysis and sometimes death.

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    DiureticA substance increases the production of urine.

    Domestic AnimalAn animal that is not wild and is 'ept as a pet or to produce food.Dry *ye

    Also 'nown as 'eratocon/unctivitis sicca (0), is a condition that results from the inade!uate production oftears.DuodenumThe first part of the small intestine. The duodenum etends from the stomach to the /e/unum (the second partof the small intestine).Duration of +mmunityLength of time an animal is protected from a disease after vaccination. +accines for some diseases provide along duration of immunity, others only provide immunity for up to a year.

    Dysphagia-ifficulty in swallowing.

    DysplasiaA term used in pathology meaning abnormal development of tissues.

    Dyspnoea-ifficult or laboured breathing; shortness of breath.Dystocia-ifficult birth.

    Dysuria#ainful or difficult urination.

    *ar "analThe narrow tube, between the ear and ear drum, through which sound enters the ear.

    *ar DrumThe thin membrane that separates the middle ear from the eternal ear. Also called the tympanic membrane.*ar Mites1ites that live in the ears of animals. They can /ust barely be seen as a small white dot with the na'ed eye.*"GAn electrocardiogram (60

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    *maciationA wasted condition of the body.*mesis+omiting.*ncephalitis

    nflammation of the brain.*ncephalopathy-isease, damage, or malfunction of the brain.*ndocrine#ertaining to hormones and the glands that ma'e them. These hormones regulate an animal8s growth,physiology and seual development.*ndoscopeA lighted medical instrument used to get eamine organs such as the oesophagus, stomach or airways.*ndotracheal &ube

    A breathing tube placed into the trachea. 0ommonly used during anaesthesia to facilitate delivery of oygenand anaesthetic to the lungs.*nteritisnflammation of the intestine, especially the small intestine

    *nvenomationThe act of in/ecting a poisonous material (venom) by sting, spine or bite.*nzyme6nzymes are proteins that increase the rate of chemical reaction. Almost all processes in a cell needenzymes to occur at significant rates.

    *pidermisThe outer layer of the s'in.

    *pistaxisTechnical name for bleeding from the nose.*rythema7edness of the s'in resulting from dilation of blood vessels caused by irritation or in/ury to the tissue.

    *rythrocyteA red blood cell.Faeces

    4odily waste matter derived from ingested food that is discharged through the anus; also called stool.

    Felinef or relating to cats.FoetusAn unborn animal in the later stages of development showing recognisable features of the mature animal.Fine !eedle AspirateA diagnostic procedure sometimes used to investigate superficial (/ust under the s'in) lumps or masses. nthis techni!ue, a thin, hollow needle is inserted into the mass to etract cells that, after being stained, will beeamined under a microscope.

    F+( $Feline +mmunodeficiency (irus%A virus that specifically infects cats (not people). t is transmitted by cats biting one another, especiallyduring fights. 9+ is the cause of 9eline A- (Ac!uired mmune -eficiency yndrome) = a progressivedeficiency of the immune system that can limit the ability of cats to fight off other infections.

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    -aematuriaThe presence of blood in the urine; often a clinical sign of urinary tract disease.


    -eartwormAlso 'nown as -irofilaria immitis, is a parasite that is spread from host to host via the bites of mos!uitoes.The natural host is the dog but it can also infect cats and ferrets too. The worms mature in the heart and maycause a physical bloc'age as well as thic'ening of the heart and associated blood vessels.

    -epatic7elating to, affecting, or associated with the liver.-epatitisnflammation of the liver.-epatomegalyAbnormal enlargement of the liver.

    -ernia#rotrusion of an organ through a wall of the cavity in which it is normally enclosed.

    -ormoneA chemical released by a cell or a gland in one part of the body that sends out messages that affect cells inother parts of the animal.

    -ostA living animal on or in which a parasite lives.-ybridThe progeny of two animals of different races, breeds, varieties or species.

    -ydrocephalusAn abnormal increase in the amount of cerebrospinal fluid (09) within the cranial cavity. This may causeincreased pressure inside the s'ull and progressive enlargement of the head, brain damage and even death.

    -yperA prefi meaning more than normal.-yperglycaemia%igh levels of glucose in the blood.-yperplasia

    An abnormal increase in the number of cells in a tissue or organ.-ypersensitivityAn allergic condition in which the body overreacts to certain substances, such as a bee sting or medication.

    -ypertension%igh blood pressure.-yperthermia6levated body temperature.-yperthyroidismncreased production of thyroid hormones caused by an overactive thyroid gland. This condition is more

    commonly seen in cats.-ypertrophyAn enlargement of an organ or a tissue as a result of an increase in the size of cells (rather than the number

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    as in hyperplasia).-yperventilateTo breathe ecessively hard and fast causing blood gas disorders.-ypoA prefi meaning less than normal.

    -ypoglycaemiaLow levels of glucose in the blood.-ypoplasiancomplete formation of a structure or organ in the body.

    -ypotensionLow blood pressure.-ypothermiaAn abnormally low body temperature.

    -ypothyroidism-ecreased production of thyroid hormones caused by an underactive thyroid gland. This condition is morecommonly seen in dogs.-ypoxia-eficiency in the amount of oygen delivered to the body tissues.+cterusAlso 'nown as /aundice. t is a yellow discolouration of the s'in, mucous membranes or whites of the eyesdue to ecessive levels of bilirubin in the blood.

    +DDMnsulin"dependent diabetes mellitus is a form of diabetes in which patients have little or no ability to produce

    insulin and are therefore entirely dependent on insulin in/ections.+diopathic-isease arising from an un'nown cause.+leusLac' motility of the gastrointestinal tract.+mmune #ystemThe system that protects the body from foreign substances, cells, and infections.+mmune.Mediated-escribes conditions which result from abnormal activity of the body8s immune system. 9or eample,

    immune mediated haemolytic anaemia (1%A), is a disease in which the body8s immune system destroys thebody8s own red blood cells.

    +mmunityA condition in which the animal8s immune system has been primed and is able to protect the body from adisease"causing agent such as a virus or bacteria.

    +mmunisationThe creation of immunity usually against a particular disease. +accination is a way to produce immunisation.%owever, a vaccinated animal is not always immune. f the body did not respond appropriately to the vaccineor if the vaccine was not administered correctly, immunity may not be stimulated.+mmunodeficiency

    mmunological disorder in which the body8s immune system is inade!uate and resistance to infectiousdiseases is reduced. 0an be caused by viral infections such as feline immunodeficiency virus in cats.+mmunosuppressive

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    #ertaining to a substance that suppresses the immune system.+nactivated (accine+accines which are made by ta'ing the real, disease"causing viruses (or bacteria), 'illing them, and puttingthem into a li!uid base. Also called a 'illed vaccine.+ncontinence

    Loss of control over urination or defaecation.+ncubation /eriodThe period between infection and the appearance of clinical signs of the disease.+nfection#athological state resulting from the invasion of the body by microorganisms, such as bacteria or viruses.+nfestation7efers to the state of being invaded or overrun by parasites.+nflammationA local response to in/ury that is characterised by redness, heat, pain, swelling, and often loss of function.

    +nheritedTending to occur among members of a family.

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    1aundiceAlso called icterus, meaning that a yellow pigment is found in the blood and in the tissues. t is most easilyseen in the gums and the whites of eyes. t can be caused by destruction of red blood cells, liver diseaseand obstruction of the bile duct.1eunumThe second part of the small intestine. The /e/unum etends from the duodenum (first part of the small

    intestine) to the ileum (the final part of the small intestine).1ugular#ertaining to the nec'. The /ugular veins carry deoygenated blood from the head bac' to the heart.

    2eratitiseratitis is inflammation of the cornea (the clear part of the eye). The cornea becomes cloudy, resulting inloss of transparency. All types of 'eratitis must be treated by a veterinarian.2eratoconunctivitis #iccaAlso 'nown as dry eye, is a condition that results from the inade!uate production of tears.2etoacidosis

    A life"threatening condition associated with uncontrolled diabetes.2illed (accineAlso 'nown as inactivated vaccines. +accines which are made by ta'ing the real, disease"causing viruses (orbacteria), 'illing them, and putting them into a li!uid base.,actationThe secretion of mil' from the mammary gland and the period of time that a mother lactates to feed heryoung.

    ,arge +ntestineThe portion of the intestine that connects the small intestine to the anus. The large intestine is made up ofthe caecum, colon and rectum.

    ,arva $plural larvae%A distinct /uvenile form many animals (such as insects or parasites) undergo before metamorphosis intoadults.

    ,arynxAlso 'nown as the voicebo, it is located at the entrance to the trachea (or windpipe). The laryn acts tocontrol the flow of air to the trachea and food and water to the oesophagus.,atentA dormant stage of disease occurring between eposure to a disease"causing agent and the onset of thedisease.

    ,iverA large organ in the front of the abdomen that is responsible for the detoification of blood, the production ofcertain digestive enzymes and bile.,ymph !odesAre small glands composed of white blood cells called lymphocytes. Lymphocytes play a critical role in theimmune system by destroying infectious agents (such as viruses and bacteria) and producing antibodies.

    Malabsorption #yndrome-efined as an animal&s inability to absorb the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients it needs from food.

    Malignant7efers to becoming worse and even resulting in death. 1alignant tumours are cancerous growths which

    epand !uic'ly and can metastasize, or spread to other areas of the body.MalnutritionA condition that results from ta'ing an unbalanced diet in which certain nutrients are lac'ing, in ecess, or in

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    the wrong proportions.

    Mammary#ertaining to the mammary gland or breast tissue.MandibleThe lower /aw.

    MangeAny of several s'in diseases of mammals caused by parasitic mites that burrow into the s'in or hair follicles.t is characterised by s'in lesions, itching and loss of hair.Mast "ell &umour1ast cell tumours are cancerous proliferations of mast cells that can spread throughout the body. Thesetumours are the most fre!uently recognised malignant or potentially malignant tumours of dogs. They maydevelop anywhere on the body surface as well as in internal organs. 1ast cell tumours have varyingappearances ranging from a wart"li'e nodule to an ulcerated mass to a small lump.Masticate1astication or chewing is the process by which food is crushed and ground by teeth.

    Mastitis7efers to swelling, inflammation, and infection of the mammary glands.Maternal AntibodyAntibodies ac!uired by a newborn animal via the placenta or colostrum (antibody"rich mil') of the mother.

    MegacolonA functional disorder that is defined as dilation of the colon or large intestine. This leads to infre!uent anddifficult passage of faeces and constipation.

    Melaena-ar'ening of the faeces by digested blood pigments. Typically the faeces loo' blac' in colour.

    MetacarpusThe long bones in the front foot connecting the toes to the bones of the wrist (carpus).

    MetastasisThe spread of disease from one area of the body to another. 3ormally used in the contet of a canceroustumour spreading via the bloodstream or lymphatic system.MetatarsusThe long bones in the bac' foot connecting the toes to the bones of the an'le (tarsus).

    MicrofilariaThe larval form of some parasitic worms. 9or eample heartworm microfilariae circulate in the bloodstream of

    infected dogs.

    MicroorganismA microscopic, single"celled organism. 1icroorganisms include bacteria, fungi and viruses.Modified ,ive (accineA vaccine that utilises a live, attenuated (wea'ened) bacteria or virus to elicit an immune response.

    Mucolytic1edications capable of brea'ing down or reducing the viscosity of mucus.MucosaThin layer of tissue lining cavities that are eposed to the eternal environment and internal environment

    (such as the mouth, urinary bladder, eyelids). Also 'nown as mucous membranes.Mucous MembranesThin layer of tissue lining cavities that are eposed to the eternal environment and internal environment

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    (such as the mouth, urinary bladder, eyelids). Also 'nown as mucosa.Musculos3eletal#ertaining to the muscles and s'eleton (bones).Myasthenia Graviss a neuromuscular disease in which severe muscle wea'ness is the primary sign. t is caused by an inability

    of certain nerve receptors to function properly.

    MydriasisLarge or dilated pupil size.Myelogram7adiograph ("ray) of the spinal cord ta'en after a radio"opa!ue dye has been in/ected into the space aroundthe spinal cord.

    Myocardium1uscle of the heart.


    To convert a li!uid into a spray for inhalational treatments.!ecropsyAlso 'nown as an autopsy or post"mortem eamination. t refers to the eamination of an animal after death.!ecrosiss the premature death of cells and living biological tissue.!ematodesAlso 'nown as roundworms.!eoplasiaA class of disease in which a group of cells display uncontrolled growth, invasion that intrudes upon and

    destroys ad/acent tissues, and sometimes spreads to other locations in the body. 0an be used to describemalignant or benign tumours.!europathyA condition involving a dysfunction of the nerves.

    !euterAlso 'nown as deseing. t involves the surgical removal of the testes in males or the ovaries and uterus infemales.

    !odule3odules are solid lumps or bumps found on an animal8s s'in.

    !on.#teroidal Anti.+nflammatory Drugs $!#A+Ds%1edications with anti"inflammatory, analgaesic (pain reducing) and anti"pyretic (fever"reducing) effects.3on"steroidal distinguishes 3A-s from other drugs which contain steroids, which are alsoanti"inflammatory.!on.core (accine+accines that should be administered to animals assessed to be at ris' of that disease. 9or eampleleptospirosis and canine cough in dogs or feline leu'aemia and 9+ in cats.!on.pathogenic3ot capable of causing disease.!utraceutical

    A term combining the words DnutritionE and DpharmaceuticalE. t is used to describe a food or part of a foodthat allegedly provides medicinal or health benefits.!utrient

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    Any substance which has nutritious !ualities.!ystagmusA term describe involuntary eye movement. 3ystagmus can be horizontal, vertical or rotary.4bsessive "ompulsiveA behavioural condition in which a pet repeatedly performs an action out of contet.

    4ccult7efers to a structure or process that is hidden or detected indirectly.4cular#ertaining to the eye.4edemaThe medical term for fluid retention in the body, causing swelling to occur in the affected area.

    4esophagusThe part of the intestinal tract between the mouth and stomach.

    4ff ,abel7efers to a drug prescribed to treat a condition for which it has not been approved. ff"label use of a drugmust be determined by the attending veterinarian.4pioidA synthetic narcotic that resembles naturally occurring opium.

    4steomyelitisTerm to describe an infection of the bone or bone marrow.4tic7elating to the ear.

    4totoxic-amaging to the structures of the ear.4vulateThe release of an egg from the ovary of the female4xytocinA hormone that stimulates the uterus to contract during birth and the mammary glands to release mil'./ac3ed "ell (olume $/"(%The volume of blood cells in a sample of blood after it has been centrifuged The #0+, or haematocrit, isepressed as a percentage. 9or eample, normal for dogs is >?"@B and for cats is C"@?B.

    /alatableAcceptable to the taste; readily eaten./alpationThe act of feeling with the hand or fingers. A phase of the physical eamination in which the sense of touch isused to gather information essential for diagnosis.

    /ancreatitisA term that describes inflammation of the pancreas. 0linical signs include vomiting, lethargy and a painfulabdomen./annusAlso 'nown as chronic superficial 'eratitis, it is an inflammatory condition of the cornea in which blood

    vessels grow across the surface./apuleA small solid bump rising from the s'in that is usually less than F centimetre in diameter.

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    /aralysis7efers to loss of motor function due to impairment of muscles or nerves.

    /arasiticideA substance used to destroy parasites.

    /arenterally7efers to the administration of a drug into the body through some way other than the digestive tract, such assubcutaneous or intravenous in/ection./aresis7efers to partial loss of motor function due to impairment of muscles or nerves./arturitionTerm used to describe delivery of a baby or giving birth.

    /assive +mmunitys the transfer of antibodies from one individual to another. t can occur naturally, when maternal antibodiesare transferred to the newborn animal in colostrum, and can also be transferred artificially, such as a plasma

    transfusion./athogenic0ausing disease. 5sually used to describe bacteria which are capable of causing disease.

    /athologist#erson who specialises in the diagnosis of diseases through the eamination of animal tissue and bodyfluids.

    /"( $/ac3ed "ell (olume%The volume of blood cells in a sample of blood after it has been centrifuged. The #0+, or haematocrit, isepressed as a percentage. 9or eample, normal for dogs is >?"@B and for cats is C"@?B.

    /erianal FistulaA painful condition of the s'in surrounding the anus, in which small tracts open up, bleed and get infected.

    /erinealThe region of the body between the genitals and the anus./eritoneumA thin membrane that lines the abdominal and pelvic cavities, and covers most abdominal organs./eritonitisnflammation of the peritoneum./halanges

    The bones that are in the toes./heromone0hemicals released by an animal enabling it to communicate with other members of its own species./hotosensitivity7efers to an increase in the reactivity of the s'in to sunlight. t can cause reddening and blistering of the s'in./icaA pattern of eating non"food materials (such as dirt or roc's)./laceboA dummy medication or treatment.

    /la5ueA biofilm that develops naturally on the teeth. t is formed by colonising bacteria trying to attach itself to thesmooth surface of a tooth.

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    /lateletsAre found in the blood of animals and functions to promote blood clotting. Also 'nown as thrombocytes./olyarthritisThe term means inflammation of more than one /oint. ften used in the contet of infectious orimmune"mediated diseases.

    /olydactyl%aving more than the normal number of toes./olydipsia6cessive thirst and drin'ing./olypAn abnormal growth of tissue pro/ecting from a mucous membrane./olyphagia6cessive appetite and eating.

    /olyuria6cessive production of urine./ostoperativeAfter surgery or an operation./repuceThe fold of s'in that covers the penis./rogesteroneA hormone produced by the ovaries which is responsible for the continuation of pregnancy and a myriad ofother functions.

    /rognosisThe forecasted outcome of a disease process or treatment./rolapsed 0ectum-escribes a medical condition where part of the rectum protrudes through the anus./rotozoansAny of a large group of single"celled organisms that live in water or as parasites. 6amples include

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    /yometraAn accumulation of pus within the uterus.

    6ueenA breeding female cat.

    0adiologyA branch of veterinary science dealing with the medical use of :"rays to diagnose and treat disease.

    0ecumbencyLying down.

    0egurgitation6pelling food from the oesophagus.

    0enal#ertaining to the 'idneys.0enal +nsufficiency

    Also called renal failure, is when the 'idneys no longer function well enough to maintain a normal state ofhealth.

    0espiratory#ertaining to respiration, the echange of oygen and carbon dioide.

    0etinaTerm referring to the light"sensitive layer of tissue at the bac' of the inner eye.0ingworm7efers to a fungal s'in infection.#ebaceous Glands

    1icroscopic gland in the s'in that secrete an oilyway substance.#eparation Anxietys a behavioural condition where dogs, when left alone, ehibit distress and behavioural problems.#epsisA toic state caused by the absorption of pathogenic microorganisms and their products into the bloodstreamor tissues.#epticaemiaA toic state caused by the absorption of pathogenic microorganisms and their products into thebloodstream.

    #erology7efers to blood tests that detect the presence of antibodies against an antigen or microorganism.

    #erumThe clear yellowish fluid obtained upon separating whole blood into its solid and li!uid components after ithas been allowed to clot.

    #heddingA term used to describe the release of organisms (bacteria, protozoa, viruses) into the environment from aninfected animal.

    #3in "ytologyThe microscopic eamination of cells that have been collected from the s'in.

    #3in #crapingA diagnostic test used in almost every s'in condition. The s'in is scraped and the material eamined under amicroscope.

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    #mooth MuscleA special type of muscle responsible for the contractility of hollow organs, such as blood vessels, thegastrointestinal tract, the bladder, or the uterus.

    #pay $ovariohysterectomy%Term referring to the surgical removal of the reproductive organs (ovaries and uterus) of the female animal.

    #phincterA ring of muscle which holds any 'ind of biological opening closed.

    #pleenA large abdominal organ with important roles in regard to red blood cells and the immune system.#tasis7efers to the state in which the normal flow of a body li!uid stops, for eample the flow of intestinal contentsthrough the digestive tract.#tatus *pilepticusA very serious neurological condition in which the brain eperiences a prolonged seizure, or a series of

    prolonged seizures without a full return to consciousness in between.#tenosisAlso 'nown as a stricture, is an abnormal narrowing in a blood vessel or other tubular or structure, such asthe intestine.#truviteAlso 'nown as ammonium magnesium phosphate. truvite can form stones in the urinary bladder.#ubcutaneous5nder the s'in.#ubluxation

    7efers to incomplete or partial dislocation of a /oint.#yncopes the sudden loss of consciousness, or fainting.

    #ynovial 1oints the most movable and widespread type of /oint throughout the body. 6amples include the 'nee, elbowand hip.#ystemic#ertaining to or affecting the whole body rather than localised.&achycardia

    7efers to a faster than normal resting heart rate.&achypnoea7efers to a faster than normal resting respiratory, or breathing, rate.&arsusThe animal e!uivalent of an an'le. t is also 'nown as the hoc'.&artarA build"up of bacteria, saliva, and food on the teeth which becomes mineralised, forming a hard coating andeventually causing gum disease and possibly tooth loss.&emporomandibular 1oint

    The /oint where the lower /aw bone, or the mandible, meets the s'ull.

    &hrombocytopaeniaThe medical term that refers to a low or reduced platelet count.

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    &issues an organised group of cells, not necessarily identical, that together carry out a specific function.

    &itres a measure of concentration. 3ormally refers to the level of antibodies in blood to a particular antigen.

    &opicalTo be applied to eternal body surfaces such as the s'in.&oxaemiaA generic term for the presence of toin in the blood.&racheobronchitis7efers to inflammation of the trachea and bronchi.&umourA tumour is an abnormal growth of body tissue. Tumours can be cancerous (malignant) or non"cancerous(benign).

    lcerA defect of the s'in, cornea or mucous membrane caused by the loss of damaged tissue.ltrasoundA techni!ue used to produce an image of a deep structure within the body by directing ultrasound waves at itand recording the reflections (echoes) from it.

    mbilicusAlso 'nown as the belly button. The umbilicus is where the umbilical cord attaches to the foetus duringpregnancy.rates a salt derived from uric acid. 5rate can form stones in the urinary bladder.

    reas a compound which is essentially the waste produced when the body metabolises protein.rinary +ncontinences the loss of voluntary control of urination.

    rinary 4bstructionA term to describe one of many different conditions that disrupt normal urine flow from the body.rticariaAlso 'nown as hives. 7aised, itchy areas of s'in that are usually a sign of an allergic reaction.

    veitis7efers to inflammation of the middle layer of the eye.(accinationThe administration of a vaccine to stimulate immunity to a disease.(accine FailureA vaccine failure is when an animal develops a disease in spite of being vaccinated against it. There isusually nothing wrong with the vaccine, but for some reason, the animal8s immune system did not ade!uatelyrespond to it.

    (asculitisnflammation of blood vessels.

    (asoconstriction+asoconstriction is the narrowing (constriction) of blood vessels by muscles in their walls.

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    (asodilation+asodilation is the widening (dilation) of blood vessels by the relaation of the muscles in their walls.(ena "avaThe cranial vena cava is the large vein which returns blood to the heart from the head, nec' and both upperlimbs. The caudal vena cava returns blood to the heart from the lower part of the body.

    (entricleThe large, muscular chambers of the heart that pump blood to the body or lungs.

    (estibular #ystems the system comprised of the inner ear, nerves and brain, that provides a sense of balance.(irusA small infectious agent that is unable to replicate outside a living animal cell.

    (olvulusAbnormal twisting of the intestines or stomach. This can be a life threatening condition due to the loss ofblood supply and accumulation of toic gases and fluids in the portion of the obstructed bowel segment.

    7helpingThe act of a dog giving birth.7hite Blood "ellsAre cells of the immune system involved in defending the body against both infectious agents (bacteria,viruses, and fungi) and foreign materials.

    7indow of #usceptibilityA time period in the life of a young animal in which the maternal antibodies are too low to provide protectionagainst a certain disease, but too high to allow a vaccine to wor' and produce immunity.

    8.ray%igh"energy electromagnetic radiation used to ta'e radiographs.

    9oonoticA term used to describe any disease or infection that is naturally transmissible from animals to humans.