vestry meeting's. - teesdale mercury...

l-Tessdalo. jyaa from JJ, Haha Tarn. \ : , t le abovo Sji^ g»15, Household leots. •retook, tie. Ik prompt. I sale. rin-Tnesdale. •~14TH, 1916. WOi THp Jte GermuQ •rting opera-. The German le campaign, pops to hoi.] |e rest ot the Jteserves art i n v a s i o n o f Meld, accord- pi Sir John ; of a mine lof a house Jp, and the le casualties. harbour 01 ft, and many [ES. JMDJT.J StUn and J »v mc WteJ lait H i5n f . •sou, ot K'.rkby eeoaer, naving Ihahis attained P«la tj j t h a* % I*. aoagS. O i sg was held, Isaae. 4 ram j. —Oa Saiday fcervieas were •ariaus gather- po evary way ddiae JU I' irisa rowa Hall oa •cm (chilrmtn) (etvailanaa u( tia^ fur Che |te «s was ft to 4 instructed to i to itpitQS M C jmcnittee. pea temporarily i It was decided pag io iaBu a reported feu the Council's JWgoi, sad the fibers expressed Shis' praetioa Hped to inspeo] Kt meeting. i picture hall at I drama, '• Saved il temperance Rood, ' ware the were really are also several 008. ok the form of a ohucch war Jons * is neld in seed ay evening. The duties u( feetcried oat by u, sad A. a Jwe. Ik Chapal ttani- Saturday and was held oa lidsoc y o( Mr J. l addresses wero ot Midiloton ; kfield. Apnbtie Hied.—Mr Gao. sober on Suaday pre was a very PJatberings. ached In the it Monday, by I*.-:, apart. Ike soaaol-rouin, \ in aid ot tha large audietio \ efforts ot uhc sat stziog band 1 two pieces ia i contributed by |B*inbridge, and land M. Johnson toy Walton sang Riompsen and J- ttal pieoes. A as Hooker and our " and " Tbe •wo children's rhich were well aoat JohnsJO Us were Mrs fates Hooker. the Primitive on Wednesday , MoBay.of tbo [also ot Roseria. anie Watson, ot ' ride, who was dressed in silk blossom, and The Rev. .C iter. There lads and well* srwards held at Miss Watson the Primitive . taken a great •atioos ot that ay sohooi and j the, christian py couple lett by rgh, where to* host ot friends ft, as the «rau> Jiway statu° n - ;in Kitchener" lidcUetoo, and, l keen interest- ot the Middle- alved £4, tbe [Quod Tempi*' 0 * two tamlliefl land Mr Will** into. Middleton. ^ great snooes* [played by tb« I game (500 «f> 1 by a larfff lorioui in bJ* a I ot each pl*/«' > breaks ot o*ot LOCAL AND OTHER NOTES. B3Y FATALLY IHAPPtO AT A FALL OF TIMBER. yesterday a meeting ot the committee ot the Greta Bridge Division ot the Soldiers and gators Families' Associati -a was held at # keby - There arc no fewer than tw >-hnndred-and- thlr*/ m * n belonging to the 17th Battalion nnrb^m tight infantry, now i,i 'raini^c at o,-n»rd Castle, who *ti«v u the Wesley an y-tbauist Church in this town. tioot'-nart tbe Hon. Ian 0. Maitland, sun giVlwsonot Waitlarid, commanding effleer «f tha first Sportsman's Battalion, and son-in-law 'j jjr }• J BelMrviog, I.P.. of Rokeby Hall. bag been promoted to a captaincy in the 3rd -^jierun Highlanders. The members ct the parish ehnrch choir nt gurnard C a s t l e (with thoir wivee, in tbe case I juried mec). were entertained to snpper . (be vicarage "n Thursfl" v night, on the kino" imitation of the Rev H. W. H. Bircbam (the 1]tt! ) and Mrs Biroham. There were thirty- ,ij prt sect. o Yesterday, Sir Arthur Convn Doyle insisted 0 the average German has no more undor- jpdiag of chivalry than a cow has ol Jr Reginald P. Dent, eldest son of Mr aod to Dent, ot the R twes Mnseum, Barnnrd (j-tle (formerly of tbe N^rth Eiatern Couusy j^ool Cadet Corps), ia gazetted 11 a saeoad 5jn»nanCT in the9ih Battalim Dnrham Light Ijiintry. Hisbrotber, Mr Wilfred P.Der*,isat •i-serit t r a i n i n g i n t h e 2l9fc S a r v i o Bittaiion, joy»l Fusiliers, Epg-m. The workmen employed at Messrs Summer- m's Hollymoor C illlery, Cjckfleld. have labscribed £5—which is hereby acknowledged ij Mr Fred Nevison, Bank, Barnard Castle— gwirds the fund beiog rais-id for tbe benefit o( Private Dodson. ot the 17th Durham Lfgijit ljlaotry, who accidentally lost his eyesight.' o The announcement of the regimental conoart ul tbe 17 h (Service) Bittslion Darham Light lolaotty, under the patronng» ot Colonel G. N Ctolleild, D.S.O, by the offioers and men, is idvertised in column two of page tour in this day's issue. It is quite enough to say that the jixcare is in aid of the bagie and drum and fife land fund to onsuro a bumper house. The date is Monday next, iu the Viotoria Hall, and Siokets may be bad at t h e " Teesdale Mercury " OfOoe. Dr. Taylor-Smith has left Gainford tor Wimbledon. From sixty ta eighty members of tbe Teesdale Volantesr Training Corps assembled 00 the Demesnes, on Thursday night, under the command of Major 1. W. B. Heslop, and were smartly drilled at rhe intake. The spirit uioatiag these men is beyond all praise. Mr S. R. S. Phillips, one of the assistant mutero at the Nurth Eastern County Sohooi, BIS lost a brotbor in C-ne dev>qt?.ting war. The deceased gontlemarA woo in tbe naval aCajr it Aotwe'p, wis taken prisoner, ao-i interned is Qermany, where he died. Thi Rev. H. M. Dix and kha Rev. W. Apter life arrived at Gainford. Lieutenants R. J. Bunting and SR. E.Phillips, 1 jl the North Eastern County Sohooi Cadet I Corps, have spent the Eaeter holidays in [ drilling men for the army, and since then have I pat on their swords f - farther military work. I The Board of Eiuoat: ;'i will not scinction those I patriotic g-iatlemen j liuiog the foroes, in vi ew ot the urgent aoed of the scholastic training j otthe coming race of Englishmen. ! M: ? . ... Young, of Blyth (the magistrate ' who idmonished the military absentees), is tbo «sly brother o t M r J. T. Youog, of Greenwich Bow, Birnard Castle. o Kiss Alexandra Morgan has left Gainford o The Zetland foxhounds will meet on Tharediy at Stainton village; and on Saturday »t D&lton, each day at 12 o'clock.' o It is urjdersr.ocd that tho sappers, i-i their ne» ordnance survey, are spelling Catherston sith the final " e "—Cotherstone—aud that I the North-Eastera Railway Company have restored the missing letter, which had been Moted, on their station sign-bw.i at this tillage. o Mrs George Barnsley and Mrs Gough have "rived at Gainford. Unce-Corporal George Graham Waine,of the Uth Durhams, who is stationed at High Wycombe (younger son of ilt Watson Waine, ol Barnard Castle), has been on a short visit to •is parents in this town. There was a meeting of the Governors ot "owes Grammar School on Saturday after note. Lieutenant McLellan, of tbe Highland [ Infantry,attecded service at the pariah church, | wnard Castle, on Sunday. Captain M . M . Nevile, late ot Baroard Castle * nd . Riobmond, whose selection for active "Mice bas already been reported iu the Tecidale Mercury," was oa Thursday Qzetted as aide-de-camp on the Personal i J™. He oommenoed his career under t^e '«f B-ig>dier-General Wilson, C.B, of Cliffs •»!}, oear Darlington, aod bas served in five ^Siffleuts. He was mentioned in Lord ^itcheoer's despatches for the Boer War, and ??* * 0 °s good work as a remount ufiicer during *e present war. He is one of fonr brothers folding the King's Commissior, as does also ?* brother-in-law. Tho captain's younger g ">tr, w h o i s also oonnected with the Green vj?'° 8 ' D n 8 D e o a given a csptainoy last jj -'liter less than eight years' servioe. He ?* »eon doing duty with the 3rd Special jf*f've Battalion on the Tees defences, and JJ™. the 10th (Servioe) Battalion in ^okin-jhamshire. T , o »D« W o l '- { , n e n engaged io restoration J r& ions at the Tees viaduct ceased work on ^*tay during tha prevalence of a high Scene .Near the Barnard Castle Gasworks. On Monday -.ftnrntMiri. '."s t h e police oourr, itarnard Castle, Mr Coroner J. T. Proud i <ndactod an inquiry relative to the death of v 'toy, named William Bradley, eleven years of i ga, who resided with bis parents in Bridgogate. - d who was accidentally killed in the little <>tutaMon skirting the gaa-house bauk, on 'i-ursriay night last, by being pinned by the '-'ink of a fallen tree which had been cut ' vti, and which, it is conjectured, had moved a fHW yards in the ^tciivlty. The jury sworn wore Messrs John Robson (foreman), T. Maloolm, Malcolm Burn, T. Brownless. T.Peat, (V Wall, T. Warwick, F. Kennedy, C. Plimmer, W. Stobart, C. Raise (Bcidgegate), and John Beacpsjrk. William Henry Brndlay, labourer, 29, B-idgegate, father of tho dec^sed, the boy left him at a quarter-pjst aixon Tbnrsday r i -ht, having asked permission to go on- and play, and witness expected his son bask at eight o'elook, the usual time, but he never returned. Tne UPX* time ho s*>w the lad he was f »8t underneath a tree, si the bottom of the gas-houso bank. When h<- was g >o out he eras dead. Joseph Winter Nixan, gamek<?pp3r, M«rwood cottage—olcta to the scone of the accident- said be saw tba deceased at tbe place i;>di<utod at about half-pant, six or a qu-irter-tti-Bavoo l*st Thursday night. St>me treas had been fe;': ; d, and tbo lad v.\:« in the middle of them, sloae. Witness tbonghy ue was perfectly safe. He was gathering sticks into a little bag, and witness never ap.ka to him. John Simpson, blacksmith, 5, Baliol-street, sMd he found the deceased at naif-past night o'clock on Friday morning, as ho wasreturninf; to the gasworks, after breakfast'. The lad looked as though he had been deaa Boms time. He ran for assistance, and r.:ie p >lioa weirjS iuformed. Tho body was cold. The opinion bo formed was that the tree had shitted, and the lad was pinned bstweon two trass, his body lying backwards. James Henry Willaa, St^indiop, -.sjistir.N forester to Lord Barnard, who helped to extricate the body, said be left the tree perfectly safe at four o'clock on Thursday af iercoon. The deceased w lying across tbo branches of the othor trees, and a tree, which bad moved a few yn.rdt, possibly on the braucbes, was asross him. The boy bad apparently been caugbt by hit stocking in the branohes. There was no indication ot a struggle, and be appeared to have been crushed and killed at once. The tree which held him was tho smallest tree which they had felled. With a little assistance the lad could have been got out the night before. Witness thought he had probably euffocated. By the Coroner: He could not have been placed there by foul means. Sergt. Carr said he had examined the body, and there was discolouration in the region ol the viscera, but no bone was broken. The jury **•• once found a verdict Acoidental death." of War Needlework : Greta Bridge Division (South). Sandbags are much needed for the front, and are baing made 33 inches by 14 inches, when finished. Ta-.y aro Sewn strongly with string. Mrs Bsll-Irving is supplying patterns t o !>ny worker. Socks are still needed, Parcels were sent last wee!c to officer oommandiag the depot at Wrexham, tat tbe Royal Waists Fusiliers now prisoners ia Germany. Each man is to reoeive a parcul. Fgglestone School Fund. The following amt-unts have been generously contributed to rriia wefik's list for ttte benefit ot tne B.ttg »-i refugees a-. Middletou io Teesdaln:-ldrs L Marshall, £1; Mrs •» and Mrs M Bainbridgo,3i eaoh ; airs W. Emmersoa 3d ; MUs Ermine Adamsuu, 6 1 ; Mrs W R Walker, Is; Mr John Bncbridge, 31; Mrs ffawcetr, (il; Harold, Freda, and John Sttnley Bainbriuge, :M <?•.• • ; Laviuia L'idge, 2i ; Breads "iud Irene Lcdtie, Id asch ; Mabel Lowfl, Hi ; Easiiaoe S.-Me, 2u; George Kettle wei), li ; Eva Icetr.a, 3i ; :l ..• aoe.G'adye.» -d Mabul Ioeton, Id eaoh ; Claude and Willie Coattt3, Id eaoh; Jack ad Frances Alliason, Id e.tsh ; Robert and Bertie H or tot, li each; Alfred Kidd, til; John Stanley and AiLed, Jonathan Kidd, Id eaoh ; Wilfred Kidd, l i ; '• Peggy " 8tepbensor>, 3d ; Jofca Maddison, Id ; George Liddlo, 21 ; Percy Ingham, 3d ; J&mes Stephonson, is ; Doris and Madge W:«tk«r, 21 each ; Mary Crtulthard, 2d ; John La^so, I d ; William Nichjlson, 2d ; Laura Dt-lkin, 2d Mary Moore, 3d; total, £1 9s 61. The sum of £1 0) 6d *8 been forwarded. Barnard Castle Ladies' Association and the War. To tho Edii 'ir of tho " Tecsdaie Mercury." DI:AII SIR,—At a mooting held on April lUin the following articles wore forwarded by the Bernard Ladies' Association tos war relief: -To the British Red Cross—3 pairs of bed socks; to the Dowager Marchioness of Londonderry for the " Faithful Durhams " at the front— lu shirts, 21 baits, and 22 pairs of mittens; to the Armoury, bishop Auckland, for our own 6th Battalion Durham Light Infantry—52 pairs of socks, 40 pairs of mittens, helmets, and 62 muillors. A farther sum of £12 was voted ao the meeting to be spent chiefly on wool for sock knittiug in the uear future. Socks are always in great request for our good soldiers, and add most considerably bo their well-being and comfort.—Yours faithfully, SARAH E. BIRCH AM, Chairman of the Ladles' Association The Vicarage, April 12cb, 1915. . THE TBKSDALR MERCURY—WEDNESDAY, AP^TL 14,1915 Social at Boldron. r i ^ i,a '8 Clough, of the 17th Battalion Durham , h g n t . Infantry, stationed at Barnard Castle, ^ l a a very able local preacher in the Frid °° Dneo tinn> received a telegram on til,"*? morning that bis brother had bsen el. i o Sherburn Colliery. A pathetic 8n t in the incident is that the deceased S. r. n U * n e , d aloof from enlistment, and his Pnrsnlts b M 1 ) 9 0 0 8 s o r i f l o e d ^ Industrial loJS' Ernest Witpenny, of 8tockton, . ot the grand jury at Durham Easter retai H^ter of the Teesdale Uniou Workhouse l laHk J *• a » « * J " " i on Wednesday, that •» had absoooded from the bouse on two bet^ and had been found sleeping tf-dnSf 0 0 "oldiers at the barracks, at two Wdier m o r n l n K- The bey wanted to be feMaSlf: w «*-ok, of the Second Battalion »t ffwJ*' In'autry, who la now stationed ^ndnetM"."'."^ ' e o «*"»d hi* Distinguished ^nonot Medal last week. On Thursday last a sooiai was bold in the above place, presided over by Mr J. Peverley The followiag programme was well rendered —Piacof'u-towloa and duets b:- Miss A.Furnass, Miss L. Kyle, and Master J. Farnass; songs by Mrs Furnass, MissesS. Tallentlre, A.Shepoerd. A. Furnass, J- Mitchell, V. Raine, and L. Kyle Mr R. Tallentire, and Master J. Furnass ; and reading and reoitations by Mrs Taylor, Miss V. Healop, and Master T. Grady. Refreshments were handed ronQti, alter widen games were, and a l t o g e t h e r ••<. moae enjoyable evening was spent. Tho proceeds were handed over to the Red Cross Fund. Mr William Nixon, gamekeeper, who knows every boundary fenoe on the estate, has resided thirty-tour years at Lartington. Mr and Mrs George Gore have returned tc Gainford. o The Zetland foxhounds met at Barnard Castle ou Saturday. In the number present were the Master (Mr H. Straker), the Misses Straker, Mrs H. Roddam, Mr W. H. Ralston, Mr George Gore, Lieut. A. T. B. Heslop, Captain French, Mr G. Byers, Mrs J. J, Bell-Irving, Dr. T. G. D. Adams, the Rer. W. Apter, Mrs George Gore, Mr R. Edleston, Miss C. Manby and Miss H. Manby. Two foxes were found. o "Shakespeare belongs to Germany,"says the Hun," for the English have shown tnsmselves unworthy of him." Vestry Meeting's. ST. MARY'S, ROKEBY. Trse- •xnsr-ry meeting if this p.xrish wat' fe«..1d n E»st.-r Monday. In tho achr?n'-:w>m, at hilt* rtast six o'clock aod resulted in tb« following ppointmanrs being aaade. after lb* aadit of ccounts :—Churchwardens : Mr J. 3. Beil- Irving and Mr Alfred Nicholson ; sidesmen : -St Bowlzer and Mr Moss. The vestry maeticg was open-id and closed with prayer by the Hector. WHORLTON. Ab a meeting of Whorlton pariah vjstry on Monday, April 5th, in the school-room, tie accounts for the year were presented, showing baiauce of £16 15s. 31. Including last year's balance of £17 7s. IQ\£., the tot*lrooeipts were shown to be £85 (in. l j d . , of which amount £13 14». 9d. was erivon to outside offertories, £4 9J. Id. to the Vic.-r's Easter off-rinsr, aod he r«m*i«i?.«r ahsn?*'»vl by church oxp^nses (£50 7s. Oi J.)—Tco Vlea* nominated Mr John E .mnndsna as hit-: w.\rt?en tm the .V" 1 ??, arii t h e v ; ; s t r y r*r-eleo**»d Mi? J-<bu fi..-wman ss paris'a warden. — Tbero wss cansiderable iscussion upon the quest'.';i of the appoint- ment ot a new ii;r in tha plsce cf Mr R. J Walktr, who has resigned the post, ROMALDKIKK, e v«st?y ma tti.ig was held in tHe school- >om on Tuesday, the 6t.h list. There was oiy a ntnsll r-.tjiontiapce. Tho Reotx" (kh«j R»v, Qiibori Ban!) presided.-Mr W, Walton Dent- waa nominated Rsotor'a Wardan, aud Mr Rov Helmer w*a eleetad ofioplfi'3 "">rd»3 lor Rimaldkii'k. Mr William D«Q(3 wn «wl«ntea church warden for Oothersivine ; Mr V/iisr-n H--,ii;h for Lafticgton ; aad M r Thomas Say.eir, New House, was chosen for Hisnderthwaite. Mr Kenn*><h Hutchii 'on sod M r R. R*fro v^cro ppointed sideemen for Romaldklrk ; »•,>;! Mr Wm. Heslop »id Mr H. Nottlr.gham fori St. Cathb:'rt's.Oi'uh«rH!!one.--ThM Rector remarked »i the visitation ol the 6lergy, and for the dmisainn rf the cba -ehwardrMt -t wnuld be held at Richm^d, on Svvurda;, 15tb May, WINSTON. The vestry meet-in*" was held i.i iue panah* oom, on Eastar Tuesday. The Rac^a? presided and there wos-e also rreaenfc Mevers W. Brittain and S. Walton (c'nu-tshwaTrJeiif*!, Geo Hodgson (sidesman), E. Hirdy (urgania'.->, A . Walker (postaast'ir), and C. E. Hardy.—The Statement of receipts and expenditure showed ti-.floit of £2 17s. H a . Tne collections in huroa showed aa Increase over tbe previous year of £6 12). 51, bu> outside calls, imhiding war funds havin« recoived tite itr.utuaiiy is,rgo amount of over £20, the incoma o! £59 9s. 51. was not quite rquai to che expenditure.—Tho Chairman referred to the ot popula- tion consequent upon tha closing ot the colliery, the figures ot the present year (Marah 31st) indicating a smaller population thaa for very many years.—Mr Wm. Biittaiu was nominated by the Rector, aud M r T . Walton, Primrose, was unanimously re-elected by tbe pariahiouers for churchwardens, Messrs G. (I. Hodgsua r,nd J. B. Wnlker sidesmen, F. carth-Bavdon reoresertstive the Rurideoai'»l Conterencs, and M r E . Hardy auditor. ST. GILES, BOWES. Ths Vicar (the Rsv. H. Strakss-) presided ovar a smssll race";iog, on Tuesday ovisiiing «3n. —The church expenses' account showod a defi- cit ct £9 16s. 51, bnt this was explained to ppertaia entirely to the ra-opsning of the sou'ih porch and t™ isathz/ay to the cemetery. The offsrtorttd alti-gethar were lowar then usual, probably owing in p-*rt to the war, but " ad more th«n met the ordinary year's expenses, including the new item nf £1 10s., he parish qu->4» to the Board'of FiKsoee. R^*;ret was expMsssd tKa!s ?, morn generous had noo heon to tiie appeal for sabsciiptioss Vowa-^s the south porett, which i s u - l i v e r s a : l r a ; '.?'. to be •» ? o - y great itfijjruvsmont io all and especially wborj iu.-.•j.'s-.'.'j ara cj;:dncted.— Phe maa* voio* ut f. -.Qk.- wero pass ad to the church cfQesrs for their work during the year, And tbo following anpoin^meniis wire maii'j for 1915-1916: Wardens—Mt-tws Ltsugstsffj ain<t Lowes; sidesmen—Moors Bell, R. Bousfieid, I, B. ant, Wm. Donald, T. Qitbert Dugdaln, Wm. Hillery, J naso. , J. Plows, J. Sayer, arid J. Tbompsi i>, BARNINGNAM. A vestry meeticg w^s htiii ;u i.he vest) y on Thursday ev?tiing, The Rector (C.*,nou 4v«oc*sr G.'agh) preoi'i-s.— The church aceOuoSS wero presented by the cburch- wacdoas, 1 hore .'sad boon tor Shu ptat f.wolve years :. grain*! iaaresaj in the nntEh.-sr of eains y,l »>.<•• Io 1904 there were 5,255 ; in the p.<st year 6,410—an iccreaao cf 1,155—and in tiiat iini-. :-h;> amoant cootribated bad incre&sod from £52 2s. 7a. to £6S 7s. lid.-an increase cf £16 5*. 41. There was a deficit of about £6 for the year ending March 31st, 1915, after clearing off tba adveiso balance of nearly £3, with which th* year b«-g •,«, but there had been a or.s.d - *ibi«. W.U- a-, tl in the amount contributed as special donatiocs. Fourteen special eolieotions t jr vsrious objeote were made, amounting to £19 9s. 2d. Niue ot these collections, toiialling £11 18s. 4d, had been for the war funds. Tne churchwardens' accounts for Barningham can always be compared with other years, as the oustom was introduced 23 years ago of making the parish church financial year end ou M a r c h 31s& instead of Easter, thus securing eaoh year the same number of months.—Tbe Rector agnin nominated Mr J.G. Nichalscn, and the meeting re-elected Messrs W. Juhuscn scd W. F. Thomas as churchwardens, and Messrs "', Psarson, R. Lowes, G. Brass, and Ed. Brown as sidesmen.—The church is insured for £5,000. The registers date from 1581. The communion plate (one cciilioe aa-sl 1671): the terrier, ohurchwardens' bocks for 200 years, the offor- ry books, giving the number of coins and the amounts collected eaoh Sunday for 26 years, parchment book containing a record ot all events connected with the ohurch, gifts, ato,; preacher's • • ok, and other documents, and the large valuable safe ia which tbey are deposited,wero inspected with muoh interest. ST. MARY'S, STAINDR0P. The annustl vestry meeting was held in the sohool-roum at. Tuesday sen,, the Vioar (Rev. E. Philipps) presiding. — The Lord Barnard p/esented the churchwardens' aooount for uhe past year, which showed that the income included offertories tor church expenses, £92 8s. ll^d.; special expenses, £12 6s. 6jd.; Lord Barnard's subscription, £50 ; church box, £1 0s. Bid.; interest, £1 4s.; and total receipts, £187 0s. OJd. Payments: Hsuting and lighting, £83 lis. I d . ; maintecaric?, £20 Us. 21.; organ and choir, £52 2s. 8d,; bell -ringing. £16 4s.; insurance, £6 ; soeciai offertories-, £42 6s. 6d.; and sundries, £14 18s. 4d.; total, £235 16«. 0j. —The present balance iu haad is £75 13s. lOd. The churchwardens were all re-eteeted »j follows: The Lord Barnard tor Langleydala and Shotton, Mr V. Hodg'ou for Ra&y and Keverstone, and Mr A. Grice for Staincirop. The following sidesmen were chosen: Messis J. Brown, A . L . Brown, G. Copeland, J. Dicken- son, T. Dent, J. K. Johnson, T. F. McQueen, J. Matthews, T. Ksc , T. Richaxdson, G. A. Walker, and W. Walker. Messsa T . W, Appiegartn a .-d T. F. Krankton wore appointed auditors. Mesurs A. Grioe and T. Race were elected as repretientatives for the Rurldecaual Conferenca. — The Vicar expressed bis deep gratitude to all tho ohuroh-wcrkers, and to i.ord Barnard for the keeping of the church acconnts.—Lord Baruki'd, upe iking on church finance, and referring to the Board for Chnrch finance, expressed tbe hope for a revivifying interest atu-.-ng tho laity, pointing out that •hureh life extended beyond tbe partisulai- parisk te wfaith we belonged, to the diosese aed even Wyoad to the poorer parishes which were ef necessity pre Tided in grewieg centres. QAIMHMH) At tbe vestry rreetiu-i. which wns ht-'d at Gainford on Mcnd^y sen., tho Vicar, who pr«sided. ."g".in norasnir-"' <4" his wardosi Mr J. P. Oh-ti-ge. M r G. H. Richardsna was e'ectcc' chnrohwar<1nn for Pierosbridgo in th« p1sc«-. of Mr J. IT. Stephen'':", who is retiring after h-IdJr-sr pfiice for five j«sars Mr Buddy W»P acipnza;ed chu!'chw*rdisn tr.t f l e a d l s i n , ».n<*. M r G. E. Taylor for Summerbouaea. Mr R. H. Edleston was rtgain asked to represent G-.inford at the Rnride-canal Cooferenoe. Tbe accounts of the Gainford Church showed an rnklav for chnrch expensan and charities of £162 0». 2d,, of which £14 On. 2d. was for His Royal Highness tho Prince ot Wales' Fund, and £4 17s. 2d. for the Red Cross Sooidty. Tbe d* licit of tba previous vear was reduced by £C 0s. 5d. The. CoHectir-ns a>- the Pierc-sbridga Church amoucted to £32 4^. 5d., of which £7 'it. 9d. --aa given to societies outside the parish. ECCLESTONE. T'se Easter vrstry' menting w>.s b*id on Wftdoeatfay last, "-.p Kev, P<«mm«nt Ji>bnSotl (vicar) i«t t h e ch-.jr. - U*, Matthew Rai-.e (warden) snhmii'ed tbf» &|fasiciai s-' >>rrcect, «hich showed the receipts f ' j bo £4(i 2s. 2 d , aud, aft"? foil ar.cnnnts ^> iro p •i'l. tbt-re remained a taiance in hand ot £4 18s. 2d. From Special pr-/i)™cHor.s and offertories f t the e-t'Iv vrv 'o .aH, £17 7* lid. hid befn given to v .fioas diocesan t.x.i. other sppsals aad societies.—Tha Vicar drew rile attention of those present to tba fact that tbe accommoda- H'»> in the chn*obyard was r,;<fc na r im : ^ed, Rid that it might '."i advisable to economise spao* by tho pirishipners -.rrangirF to? tho resticg- piaces of t!'.oir d*a? ones to bo cu5 t-> in increased depth, to allow ol two burials instead of one.—Captain W. R. Clau-in Uutcbinso-v., who is serving hi? Kine arid ccuniry at tho front, ws? re-elected Vicar's warde-.'. Mr Matthew R*ir.e consented to bi<s re-appolnt- maot for another jetr as ps.op'e's ward«e. - Tho thanks ol the meeticg wera tendered to ihvi Tsi T^r.t Cimmitueo fo' *bei? annual viocat!on to the general expends' fu^d cf fcho parwh church. PARISH OF KIRK8Y RAVENSWORTH. The annual vestry meeting wis held on Easts?? Tuesday.—The accounts presented by tne churchwardens showed * sati.fNOtory balance to thpi? credit.—The Vic?r (she Rev. L. Drnketord-Lewis), after tjianktog the wardens fix thei? Zbalons ae?Tices daring the past year, proceeded to the electiou of offioers for the ensuing years. The result cf the voting r*ns t;s re-appoint nil four wardens without i'•:icge, viz : Mossrs W. 3);evenS'>u, for Rave'iBworth -ud Whashton ; J J.-hu«" •:: to? Kiikby Hill and Daltou ; A. Shipped, for Newsham and New Forest; and J. Powell, for Gaylos, Mr J. Johns >n WM rhosec treasurer for the parish for the Ripon Diucssan Fu:.d. 1,500 Eggs for the Wounded Soldiers in Hospitals. Barninghtm '8 Magnificent Effort, A very interesting servico w»s held on Suaday a!larcoo-> last, to give i epfici^l opportunity for offerings to be made ct m<w- Isid eggs. I t was at fi e. thought th-- n weekly contribntio'* of about fifty eggs might be sent from the parish, bnt the Rec-or, C.vnoi'' E. Spenosr G'^ugh, decided t-; ms-re one *pp.~»l for a large quantity, aod, if thought desis-iibie, another similar appeal could b? m-da luet- on in the yoa?. The result, as will be seen, tally justified this decision. Notice cf tbe service ii>jd bean given a fortnight previously, and there was A ;<*»•; e congregation. During the singing of the fin-*, hymn (Bishop Boyd Carpenter's) toe Sutiday ".chotfl children, ha->ded by the ReOtoc aud the teachers, walked up the aisle, bringir-g eggs in all kir.ds of baskets, bags, boxes, etcetera. Th? receiving them i t the ehiuo&l serosa, ha.-den them to tho churchwards™ and Sldosmeu. The general cocgregation then fcllosved with iheir offerings, which were received iu the name way. The large qarsoeity preseniod quite •* rf-.3!. i-kable sight in the church. Opportunity Wsj also given for those wuo were uuable to give eggs w contributo money for •he purchase i of some. Altogether, including what the iaoney offerings won'.:! buy, over Fifteejs Hundred Eggs (1,518;—cquai "to a oontribut^un of 50 eg^s every wook for eight cionths!—tati - to ba psckerl f^r London, and they prosontcid every appearance of having baeu 3!>refuliy selected, as all were unusually large. The parish of Barniugham consists only of ab^ut 400 inhabitants sosttnred over a lavgo moorland ares, hut representatives from *be d(start parts oi iik—Seargill and Hope—cam* Lerwi'.y laden with hundreds of eggs to the service, Every house, it is believed, ,sent offe?.-ings. Several war hymns were sung, and special prayers offered. Tbe Rector gave an addrss?, taking a text from a short lesson he had read : "If he shall ask an egg, will he offer bim a scorpion?" He also read visiter (anonymous), which contained a contribution in «.•-,• fum "a soldier who h»s hsppy memmies of Barningham ohurch and schools," *&d ho wi8hod to help the egg fund. Some of the smaller children presented a touching signt as they carried to the Rector ;.n egg in each band. The national "trth^m was sung with devotional spirit ani enthusiasm at tho end of the servico. . NORTH-EASTERN CYCLISTS' MEET. Langleydaie School. Five scholars attending the ab •«.. school have made a house-to-bonao collection for f t:h« benefi'i of tho Russian Poles. The held teacher sincerely thanks the subscribers for their contributions, large or small, and hopes that the next collection, which is for the Serbians, will ba l&rgor -iron the present. Tho nn try Side bsu bo:«m divided iuto 5 cu-wie-.., aod the following are the contributors:— («) Miss A M Wilson, Is ; Jessie Wilson, I s ; M r Jno. Wilson, 2s 6d; Mr W Beadie, 2s 6d ; M r A Koster, Is; Mr Jno. Hall, Is ; Miss L Hal), 6d ; Mr R Hall, 6 1 ; Mrs W Wdtsoo, Is ; Mr Jno. Port*?, Is ; Miss A Heslop, Is ; Mr Jon. Porscr, Is; M l A. BoMosoo, 1«; Mr K Nixou, 2s; M* F Hail, 6:1; total, 17s Od. (b) Mr Jos. Wilson. Is; Mr Kellett, I s ; M s G Bell, Is; M r s I Tailentiro, Is ; Mrs Metcaife, Is ; Mrs Bay, 3d ; Mrs Featberstoue, 2-'; Mrs Richardson, Is ; Mrs Walker Wilson, Is; total, 7s 5d. (c) Mr Willie. Walton, Is ; Mr W Parkin, Is ; Mrs Dunn, Is ; Mrs Fsvetl, Is; total, 4s. (d) Mrs O Littiefair, 6d ; Mrs Hutchinson, 3d ; Miss Heslop, 2a 6d ; Mr Geo. Tallentire, 6d ; Mrs Bayle«. 6a ; Mr J Bel), Is; *lr I Preston, Is ; Mrs JBJ. Bet.dle, 2a; Mrs J TaUantire, 6d; Mrs Lee, 3d ; Mrs Porter, 3d ; Mr W H Berry, 2s 6d ; M r Wilt. Walton, Is: total, 12s 9d. (e) Mr J 8 Metc*lte, Is ; Miss Robson, 6d ; Mrs J Robson, 6d; Mrs Thompson, 6d ; Mr J Bentham, 6s. Total, £2 4s 8d. Notice to the Pnblic of Barnard Castle and Neighbouring District.—Messrs Parkin and Company, Monumental Masons, have had landed in their yard, in Crnok-lano, a consign ment ol Marble Cntk>, Combeioros, and Cresses ot various siza» sod a«eig<isfrora Italy, and are in a position to show to tneir customers the actual sizes and workmanship. Prices will be tonnd most ru<-<3imable. They thank their patrocs for past favours.-Note the situation ot our yard—Crook-lane, opposite Territorial Hall, Barnard Castle. Now that the Lambing season is here Farmers will bo able to obtain a good, fresh stock of Swoet Nitre, Laudanum, Veterinary Hooc-eapathius, and Lambing Oils and Teats, at lowest prices, from G. Clarksou Marker, Cfceiaie. (opposite Galgate entrance tu Auctiob Mart), Barnard Castle. A Recruiting Crrnivrl to bs H at WhitguntirJe, of rhe the i part d ibc Ti-e '.hirtT-.-.iebtb >••: on ,1 niwatit.g N -rth-E^sty. •>.. Cvolisls' Meet w»e|bold Viotoria and Comei H-lel, Kefrtuu Mont.a.v cigiit, Mr B. B. J -llac. t..- p occupying the chair.—Tho treasurfl-'. showed a balance i-i bacd af £5 9P. 0 North-Eaetern Railway Company, it a .o.f.Ted, declined to run ob< *p exnursiots to Mi Castle on Whit-Monday Msjor J. W. B. Heslop, commanding *he Tw*ida!e Volunteer Training Corps; Mr Harry Walker, obairrysn of tbe local Urban Disiric; Council; and Mr Councilior John Wis^mv 1 , vice-cbairman o* tho local Parliamentary Recruiting Committee, attended as a deputation from Barnard CacSe. The President Invlte.-l suggestions for cr'.i^b'f.ting tho r.-iauicg Whitsuntide, and Mr W*lkpr, on iw>bp.lf of this town, gsvs tliO ifeet a cr.-iisl iitvit-^'oo. to e mo to Barnard Oastle sgsin.—Mr Wiseman, ?•« soppcw-ti'.ig Mr Walkerrem;..rks, said i'; wrs i b*iouj to most pe-'plo t'.iHt it yrssl'nnd.isirsb o to hold a creiva! in a similar form to taa events of previous years, owing to the crisis through which thu ration was passing, acd, whilst they wrre snxfous not to do anything thit would bri-g me-! away fnuo vbeir da'ies in or-duciog oio-ii.iont. of war, tne deputation tn^af, t it wnld be vo.\v desirable if tbe North-EaHWrn Cyolisrd would come to Baen^rr! Castle and ass'Sfc she Parlfftmeotary'Committee by h .Idirg demi Jietra'tiof, and enc'- -.v^uring bo ralah fu ,on for the TtesdMe Volunteer Training Corps.— Mej:-.r Heslop apht-ld this sontirof-nt, and pointsd out tbe oi recruiting. Whilst Barnard Castle itself bid dona well, siif. he, the agricultural districts had not come forward as one would hive wished, and he thought that a recruiting meeting »t the wecV: end would bsi productive cf vary good results. v-Mt Woods moved thsc the Meet be bdid a' Bjrc»-d Otstb, this y :. ard he supported by Mr Stefbensor, Ike sporting editor cf the ' Newcastl^ JourcaV* who suggested the advisability of h«viug military sports cr an athletic tournament.— This B»«fcgrr.••:'(?.upcu, and the details were left for the Barnard C:.otle committee to manage Tbo President and the whoH band of loyal aad patriotic ifBeials are goic*; to act again this, and it is p'o»sicg to remember that Mr John Morrsy, who left this town -- short time ago, spokn most favourably of the project initiated by tho gentlomuu i-otn Barnard C»sti«j. MiLiTAHY iiiQma AT LOW FELL A local Bridegroom. A wedding of local Interest ie*ae s- .'oiij.izod at 8t. Helen's Churoh, Low Fr-ll, oti Monday, the contraoH 3 parties being Corporj.l S. R. U»ll (Is 1 . Liaii U.n Battalion rue Durham Light Icf-ntry), third sua uf Mrs Hall, Galgate, Barnard C°etlo, an-? Miss Mabel C'-ATton, only dsugater of Mr ;«od Mrs Robert Cisytoa, of liockarbie Honsc, LJW Fell, The bride looked charming rircasoi i n a ^rey custuma *nd bisonit. **>*i trimmed with violets and corn 'reads, 11 d carried & shower bouqua;. fchn gift ol tbe bridegroom. Tho bridaemaid was \iis« A. Hall of the bridegroom; a:;dsbe was fttusfrd ir, a nr-uvo c:s.ame, Wit.' u:. io match,-nd oarrfed a bouqtset ot narcissi, the git.-, of her bioth ». PtivaU J. 8. Harper abiy fulfilled tho duties of »-'•':• man. A guard of hti.ioar, wit a croesled bayonets, ia charge of Lieuter;'.,:t ,: . li, Nicaoiso;:, awaited r.n? bridal pair, and i'ae hfippy couple walked under ti, :s K'itteiif..'' ."-vch of steel. A iargo crowd assembled to witnass this pretty sight. In view of the, that Corporal S. R. Bsll 11 ibonl So go aesfve service, the honeymoon is postpou';. umii after the Allies have retorted'ran 'i.rii-i. A reception was heidat Lockcrbis Hus^whor? maoy frian isatPem 'aled to wish tbo naw:<r-wadded couple pr spericy and happiness. The'presents were numerous and ooesly, and specie! mention should b« made of a marbla cl"ck end bronzes- a present trom tbe platoon in whioh the bridegroom is beiu io mncn esteem. Barnard Castle and District Rifle Slub. The final 8 age ia the Young eup Oompatition vae reel a i.t; Moaday BSL. waen Mr W. Ri-Js- dale aghia proved tbe winner. Tho number ct entries this year has been vury good, aad the shooting excallent, aUhoaga practice for memberf! this season 30 far bsi boea liar tt:d to ovar>ings. The results leave- Uate b desinr). Wo oocgrstul,*;o i l r W. Ri./6-.tiie on bis eyieadid shouciug, and also on the fact that, tbia beicg .'-.a third year i n BBCoessjoB in wbioh he bas .won tho oup, it uaw becomes his . property. liis final score w .a a possible (100). While cocgratuiatiog she winner, must coi fjrget the ward of encour»gfc»iai.r, uua to M r B. Jackson far tha splendid t-H r t he made to wrasl the cup from iis!3 former, H^ h»s proved huosslf worthy of honour. L'hongh a juoiol nnd a new member bo h»s m?d.- gfaat h-adway in miaiature shooting, and b u pnlled .if more than o:.e ptiz.-., incluuing tho junioi cup. He kept the lead in the Youag cup ca.-upatitisn uatil the tho fiual ataga. Wo feel uuea i».aii he will se-au beoome a shot af whom wa shall ail be proud. The c'nb has, ^'ais setson, obtained third place in the.. Teesdale league, »ad hope next oas-..-». with the of '.he new members, so head the itsra.-, The iadus' seetioa is istpfoviag, aad ite trust »6 i! soon h*v« % compe.titiua for ladies only. The club is cow without.•- cup for oompetltioE, and mual *eiy upon the geuercsity ef tin se pet roc a wb-.i have n.reaciy done 1*0 muc'-t tve the club, which can da wiih mare mambers, tho suascriptious bei>-ig:—Gent)e<n-.-a, 5/-; ladies, 4/-; juniors, 2/6, Peraocs del ire of jjiniag ehaulu spply to at-y bf thooommiitoo, or th« hooorary sociesnry, ilr i'. 8. Li.tie. Belgian Refugees and the Frenoh Language. To the Bditoi of the •• I . i ]Idercurf SIK, hi A; I agiia ties i^s - your spac J (.a behalf af i,he Belgiau refugees, this tlrn to bring before tha uatiee of youe - -,v the desire of two of tne refugees a*. Catherscone to holp tha Calherstona comaittae by giving French le«<iuns? They do aa.. propese a' present to form a class, but would ba prepared to give lessons to puptia ia Bernard C&stle at their own homes. I shall be ,:)*d to answer suy enquiries ss to terms or credentials.— Yours faithfully, J. INGRAM DAWSON. Barnard Castle, 13th April, 1915. Large, tregh stocks of Homoeopathic Medicines for Cattle, Poet Rot Lotion and Ointment., B.?.aar Cure, Sboep Dips of all makes far, Gresfe, Machiaa Oil, ate., at R. W tiaiae's, Chemist, li^i •.•'..- Oastio. Zemaliao 8k!j Oictmont is tbe Ointmenr vlth alOycare'-naa-faiiue reputation. 1/1J pet jar, Ir m MMOI.'S Drug Stares, the ZesMtme Dep6% ii',rna .-d Casile. Best Ki.-aUae er C-iokinf; Cial, 17s. par Si —W. Huctrm York, 2fi, Horse Merkefc, Barna/ 4 Castle. Photographers visiting Barnard Castle will find at ReJoo's, the Chemist, an exaart willirf to give advice, also frosh stocks of Plates Papers, aud ether phatcp'raphio materials—R, W. Raina, Chemist, Barnard Castle. l?or Hard Wear wa offer the WeUingtan Cover at 8/-, and an loner Tube of Stout Red Rubber at 4/6.—Teesdale Cycle Depot SUCCESSFUL COKCfHT AT LAKTIMGT0*. tnsttMl OT.r*ij> n-aeeW far tb • Belgian retugses) Mi'few at ;he i.n:Uagtoi; Institute rhuraday Iwst It was a "ery marked •• H . '-MI av-ry p-iai 1 f v i ; w . Taeraceipts D .ted to tha ha.rii aie of £4. Mr i >h» S-Ki-.H. J."., li\t »rd C> ,-il.-, ae^sided, and ' ged tec duties af cnaiimai^ in his usual effit ' i *aan»:e?. Tbe aoncert opened with a-*'*-* rior-s ••a fiaao hy aiiss M 'Hie Smith, tit - mjiiipolatioa of the key-b <arc left nothing : - '-• • -jessred. Sonut Cnaries btaitb, who is an.v al'VSB yoats «*l agn, gave two deiigbtful as - tl were very mash appreciated. Hi' brasher scants have every reason to be pi ud of him. ttifes Praea, of Antwerp, one of tS 1 . ^igian refugees, recited in Frenon far the i> cf fit »f tan Beigi.Nns. She, taa, may well be proud af ber elocutionary talent, aad should c ...' .ia to cuiiivate ir. Her father, Mr Praet, aisa delighted the audience with a csinio sjng ia French, entitled, " Tha captain* jacket," Mr G. W. Richardson, of Barnard Castle, upheld ".a usual dUUa^uished .-eputatian ae a hum ar- ist, and was very much enj >yed. Mr A. Lyons, :ram Malton, architect ut the new ohurch at Larl .goon, also gavo same humorous selections tuat -.-vtre highly applauded. Miss Russell rendered a violin solo with marked ability. PI ..forte duets weco given by the Misses Smith, aad by Miseem Statrh and Jackson in mietarty style. Miss Eva Smitn, who is home oa ho'id'.ys turn i r- C :..veot ol Mercy, Ban-Ietland, c.*naiA .'.0 Htghhuid fling aad soar, dance with a charming gracj aud exaeileoue chat speaks el-quently bath for ber fc-aicirg aod talaat. au.ituer very distin- gaiahed fe*:u m at tbe concert was the p'c&aace of the 1st Barnard C is tie Cimpany of Girl Guider -.-ita their captaia, Miss M, A. Smith. They sang tha national antnems, four ot khem huldiug *. flag on wbioh the name of King A'bnr;, r .a b;avs bi'jf.- af the Belgians, sua bneribed, a.i to %cit»a his photo was ailaohed. Tnurwiy happened ta be King Albert's birthday. Other items included songs by Ata Beerowdale, Hist Lyons, Miss Manby, ur John Smith (chairmau;, Mr Louis Smith, and ta" Wilfr. d Smith, all ct wham acquitted thamsaives with distincii oredit, ana were loudly applauded. Miss Mollis Vimilib, Miss M. A. Soii't, MIPS Suddes, and'Miss Lyons y .yod the acsompauimeats on tbe piano. —Father O'Leary proposal a vote ot thanks to the Caairmau aud cha Mr Smith suitably respaLdsii. Tea and Concert at Winston. The annual taa ard cjucort was held on Friaay last. The a ay was doe, and there was a oapital attendance, fables were provided by Mrs Hughes, tba R?otnry ; Mrs T. Walton, Primrose F«rm; and An R. W. Simpsou, Cbu-ch Farm. Subscriptions were announced ItOSB tire Caau*e3s Brow:>iow, 21s.; Mrs Stctntoo, 10s.; Uis 1'homps in, 2ls.; and Mrs Beadoa, 10s. Kt the caacr-tc la the eveaiag tho Reotor taasidad, aud the school-roam was crowded tu the a jar. An excellent programme had bee.i ar-angad by Mr E. Hardy, and a must •c ,-eatbie eocia' event and treat it proved. I'Le fallowkg ar:i«'es coutributad to the elira's narmauy :—Insrumaataiists— piano, Mia". Hardy ; inMidalin, Mr* if »nnie, Sander- laad; vioiio, M»srer O. l"s r,.i.,, Darlington; v..'0'.i.sts, Rav. C Hiltan Hucu.i .sao, Wyclifie R toiory ; Mr Pl-.ce, G.tnfca ; Mi»s Pattiason, jiias E. Pattiosori, and Miss Walker; the juniar ohoic girls, hi sic CUR:-, Gladys aad Mary Sawurbj, Etamr> uauxb, Anuie E^glustau, hud lna Diokinsoi:. Two very amusiag caj-e'Sju:-.-, —^te wnii rutderaa, namely: "Taa o atraals " (by psrmiesiaa of ULaasrs Aoel Haywwd aad sws- i>iati.oheaK*r), oy Muses it.rt'y aaa Etattror Galilee; and "Darutby's vies >ry f " by -Jiua-s A . a n i E Pastiasaa. Miss Hardy aooaut^anisd t h n W h m t , a n d a mast exiiirr^tiog even .g was broasjfel to • oioso w.tb the usual v . oa af Jj...e.a aud the n aatfc6m. Funeral of the late Mrs J. T. Young, of Barnard Castle. "hedeath co.k ulace >a last ot Mrs Yv.uag, wife nf ait J. f. Vauug, j-'weiler, of .•"i^euwioh UOUSJ, u ^r.cL -pi-,-,. , Barnard C .title. Vbe de -CcAsed Hay * » « very well kcowa ar i cigaiy respected Tha funeral tcok place on M i d . ; wttptaooa, as Mary's Parish Churab. Pesiststy, Barcara Castia, r.t/iides every tokea nf tc.e deepest raepeci. Pisviaus ia tbe iateim-ut a short sarvice was e.uducted at Greenwiob Housa by the Rsv. J. Pf-aro-.e ile-. g- : (>uperiuteadea. Weeleyan jiiaisterj aaa tba Kev. F. G. Gatehouse, who iao ctliciatea ht ahe gravecidc. Blinds were Ui '.'./a as ta.i mournful procession taik ite way to khs pssoa o( sepulchre. Xbe raseription on the brea>'.ylat. ef tua o.r'.i , wil.'ch was ot fumed ask, wi„u b.-aas m.unticgs, was as follows:— --ijoio Young, died April 9th, 1D15, t?;'id 66 yei.-s." Tho grave was b-aati.ully l .uod witae.aigrceoo. i'be piiucipal moaraeis ;re:—Mr J. T. Yaaug (<riduwer); - rs C. Cocuraue, Wast Derby, <:• u Liverpool (•-'augbteri; Mr and M.« a. J. Y ^uag, Barnard Qaatta , 1 * aad daa*dkaOf-iti-iaw); »i Lain A. ae<i M i s L i t a a , G. ^torth, Maweastie (*an-in- la-v aad daagu.eij ; lai Mr add Mrs b. K. Young, Biytb fjfeBBtwMSriasi and sister -ia- )iw). Tho genaral meuru -rs iac'.udea the Reve. J. W. Eoeatt, T. L-K- 1, *i,a Spencer Wnde, uiessrs ii. J. Dixou, J It, C. B. alartia. J.t»., Wm. Hutoaicsjc, J P., O. 8. Scott, Wi Hadgsuu, Geo White, J. G. J i*haa> e, J. clarksoo, J. Lyuo, Staif,; , J. w> Haetar, K. Arruwsmith, J. G. Barru, J. T. Pearson, T. Dtai (Bawes .Uusnum), J. G. Jaoksuc, R. B. Gent, J. E. Dent, f. Baiabtidge, J. R. Arrowsoaitb, E. abasa, P. Hunter, P. o. Li .tie, H. £. Raiue, and Miss Drummanu, Barnard Castief; and ambers. The foliawing gectiemeu acted as b->* •(•• *:—Messrs J. G. Burn, J. Guy, Hodgson Xbompson, G. Craig, hljuat Winpanuy, and G. C. Haiker. Lively 11 oral tiibntcs were sent, namely:—" From ber laving hacbaad and children 5 '; ''With love ana sorrow," from Winifred aad Sejmour ; "With loving bympatby," lr„m all pit Melaaa House; " With la: auii Mrs M. J. Dixone deepest sympathy," Woudleigh, Paryn* a C-si.e; " With deepest sympathy," tram Mr A . i a d a and fami.y, aieapham; "With deepas^ eympatby," from Mr and Mia U.»-b SS P. VrJaad, Gaigate, Baraard Cas-la; 'With deepest sympathy," tram Mr and Mis Atkinson; and M r T . G . Uaiuetr, Biiaaingiiam, Mr Janatban Brown, at the Bank, Barnard Castile, was tho uaueitakar, aad tea heane aad mourning coaches were supplied ftam the King's Head am. IMOTjit- MAttjABEt, A » 0 DfcATMS. 0*ath8. YOL'Nr..—Oa April 9ah, at Greenwich House, Barnard Cistte, Annie, the beloved wife ot James T. Yauug, aged 66 y oars.—Interred at St. Mary's Parish C a r ah Cemetery, Barnard Castle, on Maaday, April 12th. HESLOP. - A t 195, Eastboa.-ue-avenue, Gates- Lesd, Mary Hannah (Polly), beloved wife of 'ynomas Heelep, et te<red into rest April 6th, 1915. " Peace, perfect peace." hi Memoriam. PARKINSON. In loving ar.d Effeatioaateremem- eicuee of Annie, the beioveii wife of George Parkinson, who died at 21, Ballol-street, Barnard Castle, oa At-ri! 12tb, 1913.—Ever remembered by ber hnebacd and family, L'R'ii n.wiT. In ! ving memory of Jane Urqahart,who died April lltb, 1914,-Motber, we have missed you.

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Page 1: Vestry Meeting's. - Teesdale Mercury d who was accidentally killed in the little tutaMon skirting

l -Tessdalo.

jyaa f rom JJ, H a h a T a r n . \ : , t

l e abovo S j i ^


Household leots . •retook, t i e . Ik p r o m p t .

I s a l e . r in-Tnesdale .

•~14TH, 1916.


Jte GermuQ • r t i n g o p e r a - . T h e G e r m a n l e c a m p a i g n , pops t o h o i . ] |e rest o t t h e

Jteserves a r t • i n v a s i o n o f Meld, a c c o r d -p i S i r J o h n

; of a m i n e l o f a h o u s e

Jp , a n d t h e le c a s u a l t i e s . • harbour 01

ft, a n d m a n y

[ES. J M D J T . J StUn a n d J »v mc WteJ l a i t H i 5 n f .

• s o u , ot K ' . rkby eeoaer, nav ing

I h a h i s a t t a ined P « l a tj j t h a* %

I*. aoagS. O i sg was he ld ,

I s a a e . 4 ram j . — O a S a i d a y fcervieas were • a r i a u s ga ther -

po eva ry way

ddiae J U I ' i r i s a rowa H a l l oa

•cm ( c h i l r m t n ) ( e t v a i l a n a a u( t i a ^ fur Che

| t e « s was ft t o 4 i n s t r u c t e d to i to i t p i t Q S M C jmcni t tee . —

p e a t empora r i l y i I t was dec ided p a g io iaBu a

• r e p o r t e d feu the Counci l ' s

JWgoi , s a d the fibers expressed

Shis' p rae t ioa Hped t o i n speo] Kt mee t ing .

i p i c t u r e h a l l at I drama, '• Saved

i l temperance Rood,' ware the

were rea l ly are also severa l 008.

ok the form of a ohucch war Jons

* i s n e l d i n seed ay even ing .

The du t ies u( feetcried o a t by

u, sad A . a J w e .

Ik Chapal t t an i -Sa turday and was h e l d oa

lidsoc y o( M r J . l addresses wero

ot M i d i l o t o n ; kfield. A p n b t i e Hied.—Mr Gao. sober on Suaday pre was a v e r y PJatberings.

ached I n the i t Monday, by

I * . - : , apart.

Ike soaaol-rouin, \ in a i d o t tha

large audiet io \ efforts o t uhc

sat s tz iog band 1 t w o pieces ia

i c o n t r i b u t e d by | B * i n b r i d g e , and l and M. Johnson toy Wa l ton sang Riompsen a n d J-ttal pieoes. A

as Hooker and our " and " Tbe •wo ch i ld ren ' s

rhich were w e l l aoat JohnsJO

U s were M r s fates Hooker .

the Primit ive on Wednesday , MoBay.of tbo

[also ot Roseria . anie Watson, ot ' ride, who was dressed in s i lk

blossom, and The Rev . . C i ter. The re

lads and well* srwards held a t

Miss Watson the Primitive

. taken a great •atioos ot t h a t ay sohooi and

j the, christ ian py couple lett by

rgh, where to* host ot friends ft, as the «rau> J iway statu° n-; in K i t c h e n e r " lidcUetoo, and,

l keen interest-

• ot the Middle-alved £ 4 , tbe

[Quod Tempi* ' 0 * two tamlliefl

l a n d M r W i l l * * into. Middleton.

^ great snooes* [p layed by tb« I game (500 «f> 1 by a larfff lorioui in bJ* a

I ot each p l * / « ' > breaks ot o*ot

L O C A L A N D O T H E R N O T E S .


yesterday a mee t ing ot the commit tee ot the Greta Bridge Div i s ion ot the Soldiers and gators Famil ies ' Associat i -a was he ld a t

# k e b y -There arc no f ewer than t w >-hnndred-and-

thlr*/ m * n be longing t o the 17th Bat ta l ion nnrb^m t i g h t i n f a n t r y , now i , i ' r a i n i ^ c a t o,-n»rd Castle, who *ti«v u the Wesley an y-tbauist Church i n t h i s t o w n .

t ioot ' -nart tbe Hon. Ian 0 . M a i t l a n d , sun giVlwsonot Wai t l a r id , commanding effleer « f tha first Sportsman's Ba t t a l ion , and son-in-law ' j j j r }• J B e l M r v i o g , I .P . . of Rokeby H a l l . b a g been promoted t o a capta incy i n the 3rd -^jierun Highlanders .

The members c t the parish ehnrch choi r n t gurnard Castle ( w i t h t h o i r wivee, i n tbe case

I j u r i e d mec). we re en te r t a ined t o snpper . (be vicarage "n Thursf l" v n i g h t , on the kino"

imitation of the Rev H . W. H . Bircbam ( the 1 ] t t ! ) and M r s Bi roham. There were t h i r t y -,ij prt sect.

o Yesterday, S i r A r t h u r Convn Doyle insis ted

0 the average German has no more undor-jpdiag of c h i v a l r y than a cow has o l

Jr Reginald P. Den t , eldest son of M r aod to Dent, o t the R twes Mnseum, Barnnrd (j-tle ( formerly of tbe N ^ r t h E i a t e r n Couusy j^ool Cadet Corps), ia gazet ted 11 a saeoad 5jn»nanCT i n t h e 9 i h B a t t a l i m Dnrham L i g h t Ijiintry. H i s b r o t b e r , M r W i l f r e d P . D e r * , i s a t •i-serit t r a i n i n g i n the 2l9fc S a r v i o B i t t a i i o n , joy»l Fus i l ie rs , Epg-m.

The workmen employed a t Messrs Summer-m's Hol lymoor C i l l l e r y , C jck f l e ld . have labscribed £5—which is hereby acknowledged ij Mr F red Nevison, Bank, Barnard Castle— gwirds the fund beiog rais-id for tbe benefit o( Private Dodson. ot the 17th Durham Lfgijit ljlaotry, who accidenta l ly lost his eyes igh t . '

o The announcement of the r eg imen ta l conoar t

ul tbe 17 h (Service) B i t t s l i o n Darham L i g h t lolaotty, under the patronng» ot Colonel G. N Ctolleild, D.S.O, by the offioers and men, is idvertised i n column t w o of page tour i n t h i s day's issue. I t is q u i t e enough to say t h a t the jixcare is i n a id of the bagie and d r u m and fife land fund t o onsuro a bumper house. The date is Monday nex t , i u the V i o t o r i a Ha l l , and Siokets may be bad a t t h e " Teesdale M e r c u r y " OfOoe.

Dr. Taylor-Smith has le f t Gainford to r Wimbledon.

From s i x t y ta e i g h t y members of tbe Teesdale Volan tes r T r a i n i n g Corps assembled 00 the Demesnes, on Thursday n i g h t , under the command of Ma jo r 1. W. B . Heslop, and were smartly d r i l l e d at rhe i n t ake . The s p i r i t uioat iag these men i s beyond a l l praise.

Mr S. R . S. Ph i l l ip s , one of the assistant mutero a t t h e N u r t h Eastern County Sohooi, BIS lost a b ro tbor i n C-ne dev>qt?.ting war . The deceased gontlemarA woo i n tbe naval aCajr i t Aotwe'p, w i s taken prisoner, ao-i i n t e r n e d is Qermany, where he d ied .

Thi Rev. H . M . D i x and kha Rev. W. A p t e r l i fe arr ived a t Gainford .

Lieutenants R . J . B u n t i n g and S R . E .Ph i l l ips , 1 j l the N o r t h Eastern County Sohooi Cadet I Corps, have spent the Eaeter holidays i n [ drilling men for the army, and since then have I pat on t h e i r swords f - f a r t he r m i l i t a r y w o r k . I The Board of E iuoa t : ; ' i w i l l not scinction those I patriotic g-iatlemen j l i u i o g the foroes, i n v i ew

ot the urgent aoed of the scholastic t r a i n i n g j otthe coming race of Engl ishmen.

! M: ?. ... Young , of B l y t h ( the magis t ra te ' who idmonished the m i l i t a r y absentees), is t b o «sly brother ot M r J. T. Youog , of Greenwich Bow, Birnard Castle.

o Kiss Alexandra Morgan has l e f t Gainford

o The Zetland foxhounds w i l l meet on

Tharediy at S ta in ton v i l l a g e ; and on Saturday »t D&lton, each day a t 12 o ' c lock . '

o I t is urjdersr.ocd tha t tho sappers, i - i t h e i r

ne» ordnance survey, are spe l l i ng Catherston sith the final " e "—Cotherstone—aud t h a t

I the North-Eastera R a i l w a y Company have restored the missing l e t t e r , w h i c h had been Moted, on the i r s t a t ion s i g n - b w . i a t t h i s tillage.

o Mrs George Barnsley and M r s Gough have

"rived at Gainford.

Unce-Corporal George Graham Waine,of the Uth Durhams, who is s ta t ioned a t H i g h Wycombe (younger son of ilt Watson Waine, ol Barnard Castle), has been on a shor t v i s i t to •is parents i n t h i s t o w n .

There was a meet ing o f the Governors ot "owes Grammar School on Saturday after note .

Lieutenant M c L e l l a n , of tbe High land [ Infantry,attecded service a t the pariah chu rch , | wna rd Castle, on Sunday.

Captain M . M . Nevi le , l a te ot Baroard Castle * n d . Riobmond, whose se lect ion for ac t ive "Mice bas already been repor ted i u the

Tecidale M e r c u r y , " was oa Thursday Qzetted as aide-de-camp on the Personal

i J™. He oommenoed his career under t^e '«f B-ig>dier-General Wi l son , C . B , of Cliffs •»!}, oear Dar l ing ton , aod bas served i n five ^Siffleuts. He was mentioned i n L o r d ^itcheoer's despatches for the Boer War, and ??* * 0 °s good w o r k as a remount ufiicer d u r i n g *e present war. He is one of fonr brothers folding the K ing ' s Commissior, as does also ?* brother-in-law. Tho captain 's younger g ">tr, who is also oonnected w i t h the Green v j ? ' ° 8 ' D n 8 D e o a g iven a cspta inoy last jj - ' l i t e r less than e igh t years ' servioe. He ?* »eon do ing d u t y w i t h the 3 rd Special jf*f've Bat ta l ion on the Tees defences, and JJ™. the 10th (Servioe) Ba t t a l ion i n ^okin-jhamshire.

T , o »D« • W o l ' - { , n e n engaged i o res tora t ion J r& ions a t the Tees v i aduc t ceased work on ^ * t a y d u r i n g tha prevalence of a h igh

Scene .Near the Barnard Castle Gasworks.

On Monday - . f t n r n t M i r i . '."s the pol ice oourr , i tarnard Castle, M r Coroner J. T . Proud

i <ndactod an i n q u i r y r e l a t i ve t o the dea th of v 'toy, named W i l l i a m Bradley , e leven years of i ga, who resided w i t h b is parents i n Br idgogate . - d who was acc identa l ly k i l l e d i n the l i t t l e <>tutaMon s k i r t i n g the gaa-house bauk, on 'i-ursriay n i g h t las t , by be ing p inned by the

' - ' i n k of a fa l len t ree w h i c h had been cu t • ' v t i , and w h i c h , i t is conjectured, had moved

a f H W yards in the ^ t c i i v l t y . The j u r y sworn wore Messrs John Robson (foreman), T. Maloo lm, M a l c o l m B u r n , T . Brownless. T.Peat , (V W a l l , T . W a r w i c k , F . Kennedy, C. Pl immer, W. Stobart , C. Raise (Bcidgegate), and John Beacpsjrk.

W i l l i a m Henry Brndlay , labourer, 29, B-idgegate, father of tho d e c ^ s e d , the boy l e f t h i m at a q u a r t e r - p j s t a i x o n Tbnrsday r i -ht, hav ing asked permission t o go on- and play, and witness expected his son bask at e i g h t o'elook, the usual t ime , b u t he never r e tu rned . Tne UPX* t ime ho s*>w the lad he was f»8t underneath a t ree , s i the bo t tom of the gas-houso bank. When h<- was g >o ou t he eras dead.

Joseph W i n t e r Nixan , gamek<?pp3r, M « r w o o d cot tage—olcta t o the scone of the a c c i d e n t -said be saw tba deceased a t tbe place i;>di<utod at about half-pant, s ix or a qu-irter-tti-Bavoo l*st Thursday n i g h t . St>me treas had been fe; ' : ; d, and tbo lad v.\:« i n the midd le of them, sloae. Witness tbonghy ue was per fec t ly safe. He was ga the r ing s t i cks i n to a l i t t l e bag, and witness never ap .ka t o h im.

John Simpson, b lacksmi th , 5, Bal iol-s t reet , sMd he found the deceased a t naif-past n i g h t o'clock on F r i d a y morning , as ho w a s r e t u r n i n f ; t o the gasworks, af ter breakfast'. The lad looked as t hough he had been deaa Boms t ime. He ran for assistance, and r.:ie p >lioa weirjS iuformed. Tho body was cold . The opinion bo formed was t h a t the t ree had sh i t t ed , and the l ad was p inned bs tweon t w o trass, his body l y i n g backwards .

James Henry W i l l a a , S t ^ i n d i o p , - . s j i s t i r . N forester t o L o r d Barnard, who helped to e x t r i c a t e the body, said be l e f t the t ree per fec t ly safe a t four o 'clock on Thursday af i e rcoon . The deceased w l y i n g across tbo branches of the othor trees, and a t ree , w h i c h bad moved a few yn.rdt, possibly on the braucbes, was asross h im. The boy bad apparent ly been caugbt b y h i t s tock ing i n the branohes. There was no i n d i c a t i o n ot a s t ruggle , and be appeared to have been crushed and k i l l e d a t once. The t r ee w h i c h held h i m was tho smallest t ree wh ich t h e y had fe l led . W i t h a l i t t l e assistance the l ad could have been go t out the n i g h t before. Witness t hough t he had probably euffocated.

By the Coroner : He cou ld not have been placed there b y fou l means.

Sergt . Carr said he had examined the body, and there was discolourat ion i n the reg ion o l the viscera, bu t no bone was broken .

The j u r y **•• once found a v e r d i c t Acoiden ta l death."


War Needlework : Greta Bridge Division (South).

Sandbags are much needed for the f ront , and are ba ing made 33 inches by 14 inches, when finished. Ta-.y aro Sewn s t rong ly w i t h s t r i n g . M r s B s l l - I r v i n g is s u p p l y i n g pa t te rns to !>ny worker . Socks are s t i l l needed, Parcels were sent las t wee!c t o officer oommandiag the depot at Wrexham, tat t be Roya l Waists Fus i l i e r s now prisoners i a Germany. Each man is to reoeive a parcul .

Fgglestone School Fund.

The f o l l o w i n g amt-unts have been generously c o n t r i b u t e d to rriia wefik's l i s t for ttte benefit ot tne B.ttg »-i refugees a-. M i d d l e t o u i o T e e s d a l n : - l d r s L Marsha l l , £ 1 ; M r s •» and M r s M B a i n b r i d g o , 3 i eaoh ; a i rs W. Emmersoa 3d ; M U s Ermine Adamsuu, 6 1 ; M r s W R Walker , I s ; M r John B n c b r i d g e , 3 1 ; M r s ffawcetr, ( i l ; Harold , Freda, and John S t tn l ey Bainbr iuge, :M <?•.• • ; L a v i u i a L ' idge, 2 i ; Breads "iud I rene Lcdtie , I d asch ; Mabel Lowfl , Hi ; Easiiaoe S.-Me, 2 u ; George K e t t l e wei ) , l i ; Eva Icetr.a, 3 i ; : l ..• aoe .G'adye.» -d Mabul Ioe ton , I d eaoh ; Claude and W i l l i e Coattt3, I d eaoh; Jack a d Frances A l l i a son , I d e.tsh ; Rober t and Ber t i e H or t o t , l i e ach ; A l f r ed K i d d , til; John Stanley and AiLed , Jonathan K i d d , I d eaoh ; W i l f r e d K i d d , l i ; '• Peggy " 8tepbensor>, 3d ; Jofca Maddison, I d ; George L i d d l o , 2 1 ; Percy Ingham, 3d ; J&mes Stephonson, i s ; Doris and Madge W:«tk«r, 2 1 each ; M a r y Crtul thard, 2d ; John La^so, I d ; W i l l i a m N i c h j l s o n , 2d ; Laura Dt - lk in , 2d M a r y Moore , 3 d ; t o t a l , £1 9s 6 1 . The sum of £1 0) 6d *8 been forwarded.

Barnard Castle Ladies' Association and the War.

To tho E d i i ' i r of tho " Tecsdaie M e r c u r y . " D I : A I I S I R , — A t a moot ing held on A p r i l l U i n

the f o l l o w i n g a r t i c les wore forwarded by the Bernard Ladies ' Associat ion tos war r e l i e f : -To the B r i t i s h Red Cross—3 pairs of bed socks ; t o the Dowager Marchioness of Londonder ry for the " F a i t h f u l Durhams " a t the front— l u shi r ts , 21 bai ts , and 22 pai rs of m i t t e n s ; t o the A r m o u r y , bishop Auckland , for our o w n 6 th Ba t t a l ion Durham L i g h t Infant ry—52 pairs of socks, 40 pairs of mi t tens ,

helmets, and 62 muillors. A f a r the r sum of £12 was vo ted ao the meet ing to be spent chiefly on wool for sock k n i t t i u g i n the uear fu ture . Socks are always i n grea t request for our good soldiers, and add most considerably bo t h e i r wel l -be ing and comfor t .—Yours f a i t h f u l l y ,

S A R A H E . B I R C H A M , Chairman of the Ladles ' Association

The Vicarage, A p r i l 12cb, 1915. .


Social at Boldron.

r i ^ i , a ' 8 Clough, of the 17th Ba t ta l ion Durham , h

g n t . Infantry, s ta t ioned a t Barnard Castle, ^ l a a ve ry able local preacher i n the Frid ° ° D n e o t i n n > received a te legram on til,"*? morning t h a t bis b ro the r had bsen el. i o Sherburn Co l l i e ry . A pa the t ic * ° 8 n t i n the inc iden t is t ha t the deceased

S . r . n U * n e , d aloof from enl is tment , and his Pnrsnlts b M 1 ) 9 0 0 8 s o r i f l o e d ^ I n d u s t r i a l

loJS' Ernest W i t p e n n y , of 8 t o c k t o n , . ot the grand j u r y a t Durham Easter

retai H ^ t e r of the Teesdale Uniou Workhouse l laHk J * • a » « * J " " i on Wednesday, t h a t

• » had absoooded f rom the bouse on t w o bet^ and had been found sleeping tf-dnSf0 0 "oldiers a t the barracks, a t t w o • Wdier m o r n l n K - The bey wanted t o be

feMaSlf: w « * - o k , of t h e Second Battal ion »t ffwJ*' I n ' a u t r y , who la now stat ioned ^ n d n e t M " . " ' . " ^ ' e o « * " » d h i * Dis t inguished ^nonot Medal last week.

On Thursday last a sooiai was bold i n the above place, presided over by M r J . Pever ley The f o l l o w i a g programme was w e l l rendered —Piacof 'u- towloa and duets b:- Miss A.Furnass, Miss L . K y l e , and Mas te r J . Farnass ; songs by M r s Furnass, MissesS. T a l l e n t l r e , A.Shepoerd. A . Furnass, J- M i t c h e l l , V . Raine, and L . K y l e M r R. T a l l e n t i r e , and Mas te r J . Furnass ; and reading and reoi ta t ions by M r s Tay lor , M i s s V . Healop, and Mas te r T . Grady. Refreshments were handed ronQti, a l t e r widen games were i n d u l g e d . i o , and al together ••<. moae enjoyable evening was spent. Tho proceeds were handed over t o the Red Cross Fund .

M r W i l l i a m Nixon , gamekeeper, who knows every boundary fenoe on the estate, has res ided t h i r t y - t o u r years a t L a r t i n g t o n .

M r and M r s George Gore have re tu rned tc Gainford.

o The Ze t land foxhounds met a t Barnard

Castle ou Saturday. I n the number present were the Mas te r ( M r H . St raker) , t he Misses Straker , M r s H . Roddam, M r W. H . Rals ton, M r George Gore, L i e u t . A. T . B. Heslop, Captain French, M r G. Byers , M r s J . J, B e l l - I r v i n g , Dr . T . G. D. Adams, the Rer . W. A p t e r , M r s George Gore, M r R. Edleston, Miss C. Manby and M i s s H . Manby . T w o foxes were found.

o "Shakespeare belongs to Germany,"says the

H u n , " for the Engl i sh have shown tnsmselves u n w o r t h y of h i m . "

Vestry Meeting's. ST. MARY'S, ROKEBY.

Trse- •xnsr-ry meet ing if t h i s p.xrish wat' fe«..1d n E»st.-r Monday. In tho achr?n'-:w>m, a t h i l t *

rtast s i x o'clock aod resu l ted i n t b « f o l l o w i n g ppointmanrs being aaade. af ter l b * a a d i t of ccounts :—Churchwardens : M r J . 3. B e i l -

I r v i n g and M r A l f r e d Nicholson ; sidesmen : -St Bowlzer and M r Moss. The ves t ry mae t i cg was open-id and closed w i t h p rayer by the Hector .

WHORLTON. Ab a meet ing of W h o r l t o n par iah v j s t r y on

Monday, A p r i l 5 th , in t he school-room, t i e accounts for the year were presented, showing

baiauce of £ 1 6 15s. 3 1 . I n c l u d i n g last year ' s balance of £17 7s. IQ\£., the t o t * l r o o e i p t s were shown to be £85 (in. l j d . , of wh ich amount £13 14». 9d. was erivon to outside offertories, £4 9J. I d . t o the Vic . - r ' s Easter off-rinsr, aod he r«m*i«i?.«r ahsn?*'»vl by church oxp^nses

(£50 7s. Oi J.)—Tco Vlea* nominated M r John E .mnndsna as hit-: w.\rt?en tm the .V" 1??, a r i i the v ; ; s t ry r*r-eleo**»d Mi? J-<bu fi..-wman ss paris'a warden . — Tbero wss cansiderable

iscussion upon t he quest ' . ' ; i of the appoint­ment ot a new i i ; r i n tha plsce cf M r R. J W a l k t r , who has resigned the post,

ROMALDKIKK, e v«s t?y ma t t i . i g was he ld i n tHe school-

>om on Tuesday, the 6t.h l i s t . There was o iy a ntnsll r-.tjiontiapce. Tho Reotx" (kh«j R»v,

Q i i b o r i Ban!) p r e s i d e d . - M r W, Walton Dent- waa nominated Rsotor 'a Wardan, aud M r Rov Helmer w*a eleetad ofioplfi'3 " " > r d » 3 lo r R i m a l d k i i ' k . M r W i l l i a m D«Q(3 wn«wl«ntea church warden for Oothersivine ; M r V/iisr-n H--,ii;h for Laft icgton ; aad M r Thomas Say.eir, New House, was chosen for Hisnder thwai te . M r Kenn*><h H u t c h i i 'on s o d M r R. R*f ro v^cro ppointed sideemen for R o m a l d k l r k ; »•,>;! M r

Wm. Heslop » i d M r H . Not t l r .gham f o r i St . Cathb:'rt's.Oi'uh«rH!!one.--ThM Rector remarked

» i the v i s i t a t i o n o l the 6 lergy , and for the dmisainn r f the cba-ehwardrMt-t wnu ld be

held a t R i c h m ^ d , on Svvurda; , 15tb M a y ,

WINSTON. The ves t ry meet-in*" was held i . i i ue panah*

oom, on Eastar Tuesday. The Rac^a? presided and there wos-e also rreaenfc Mevers W. B r i t t a i n and S. Wal ton (c'nu-tshwaTrJeiif*!, Geo Hodgson (sidesman), E. H i r d y (urgania'.->, A . Walker (pos taas t ' i r ) , and C. E . Hardy.—The Statement of rece ip ts and expendi ture showed

ti- . f loi t of £2 17s. H a . Tne col lec t ions i n huroa showed aa Increase over tbe previous

year of £6 12). 5 1 , bu> outs ide calls , i m h i d i n g war funds havin« recoived t i te i t r .u tua i iy is,rgo amount of over £20, the incoma o! £59 9s. 5 1 . was no t qu i t e r q u a i t o che expendi ture .—Tho Chairman re fer red to the ot popula­t i o n consequent upon t h a c los ing ot t h e co l l i e ry , the figures ot the present year (Marah 31st) i n d i c a t i n g a smaller popula t ion thaa for v e r y many years .—Mr W m . B i i t t a i u was nominated by the Rector , aud M r T . Wal ton , Primrose, was unanimously re-elected by tbe pariahiouers for churchwardens , Messrs G. ( I . Hodgsua r,nd J . B . Wnlker sidesmen, F .

carth-Bavdon r eo re se r t s t i ve the Rurideoai'»l Conterencs, and M r E . Hardy aud i to r .

ST. GILES, BOWES. Ths V i c a r ( the Rsv. H . Strakss-) presided

ovar a smssll race";iog, on Tuesday ovisiiing «3n. —The church expenses' account showod a defi­c i t c t £9 16s. 5 1 , bnt th i s was explained t o

pper ta ia e n t i r e l y to the ra-opsning of the sou'ih porch and t™ isathz/ay to the cemetery. The of fs r tor t td a l t i -gethar were lowar then usual, p robably owing i n p-*rt t o the war , bu t " ad more th«n met the ord inary year 's expenses, i n c l u d i n g the new i t e m nf £1 10s.,

he parish qu->4» to the B o a r d ' o f FiKsoee. R^*;ret was e x p M s s s d tKa!s ?, morn generous had noo heon to t i ie appeal for sabsc i ip t ioss Vowa-^s the south porett, w h i c h is u - l i v e r s a : l r a ; ' . ? ' . to be •» ?o-y g rea t i tf i j j ruvsmont io a l l and especially wborj iu.-.•j.'s-.'.'j ara cj ; :dncted.— Phe maa* vo io* ut f . -.Qk.- wero pass ad to the church cfQesrs for t h e i r work d u r i n g the year, And tbo following anpoin^meniis w i r e maii ' j for 1915-1916: — Wardens—Mt-tws Ltsugstsffj ain<t L o w e s ; s idesmen—Moors Be l l , R. Bousfieid, I , B.

ant, Wm. Donald, T . Q i tbe r t Dugdaln, Wm. H i l l e r y , J naso. , J. Plows, J. Sayer, arid J . Tbompsi i>,

BARNINGNAM. A vestry meet icg w^s h t i i i ;u i.he vest )y on

Thursday ev?t i ing, The Rector (C.*,nou 4v«oc*sr G.'agh) preoi ' i -s .— The church aceOuoSS wero presented by the cburch-wacdoas, 1 hore .'sad boon tor Shu p t a t f.wolve years :. g r a i n * ! iaaresa j i n the nntEh.-sr of eains y,l »>.<•• I o 1904 there were 5,255 ; i n the p.<st year 6,410—an iccreaao c f 1,155—and i n t i i a t i i n i - . :-h;> amoant coo t r i ba t ed bad incre&sod from £52 2s. 7a. to £6S 7s. l i d . - a n increase cf £16 5*. 4 1 . There was a def ic i t of about £6 for the year ending M a r c h 31st, 1915, after c lear ing off tba adveiso balance of nearly £3, w i t h w h i c h t h * year b«-g •,«, bu t there had been a o r . s . d - *ibi«. W.U- a-, tl i n the amount con t r ibu t ed as special donatiocs. Four teen special eolieotions t j r vsr ious objeote were made, amount ing t o £19 9s. 2d. Niue ot these collect ions, to i ia l l ing £11 18s. 4 d , had been for the war funds. Tne churchwardens ' accounts for Barningham can a lways be compared w i t h other years, as the oustom was in t roduced 23 years ago of making the par ish church financial year end ou M a r c h 31s& instead of Easter, thus secur ing eaoh year the same number of months.—Tbe Rector agnin nominated M r J .G . Nichalscn, and the meet ing re-elected Messrs W. Juhuscn scd W . F . Thomas as churchwardens, and Messrs "', Psarson, R. Lowes, G. Brass, and Ed . Brown as sidesmen.—The church is insured for £5,000. The regis ters date from 1581. The communion pla te (one cc i i l ioe a a - s l 1671): the t e r r i e r , ohurchwardens ' bocks for 200 years, the offor-

r y books, g i v i n g the number of coins and the amounts col lec ted eaoh Sunday for 26 years,

parchment book con ta in ing a r ecord ot a l l events connected w i t h the ohurch, g i f t s , a t o , ; preacher's • • ok, and other documents, and the large valuable safe i a w h i c h tbey are deposited,wero inspected w i t h muoh in teres t .

ST. MARY'S, STAINDR0P. The annustl ves t ry meet ing was held i n the

sohool-roum at. Tuesday sen,, the V ioa r (Rev.

E . Phi l ipps) pres id ing . — The L o r d Barnard p/esented the churchwardens ' aooount for uhe past year, w h i c h showed t h a t the income inc luded offertories to r church expenses, £92 8s. l l ^ d . ; special expenses, £12 6s. 6 j d . ; L o r d Barnard's subscr ip t ion , £50 ; church box, £1 0s. B i d . ; in teres t , £1 4s.; and t o t a l receipts , £187 0s. OJd. Payments : Hsu t ing and l i g h t i n g , £83 l i s . I d . ; maintecaric?, £20 U s . 2 1 . ; organ and choir , £52 2s. 8 d , ; bel l - r inging. £16 4s. ; insurance, £6 ; soeciai offertories-, £42 6s. 6 d . ; and sundries, £14 18s. 4d. ; t o t a l , £235 16«. 0 j . —The present balance i u haad is £75 13s. lOd. The churchwardens were a l l re-eteeted » j f o l l o w s : The L o r d Barnard tor Langleydala and Shot ton, M r V . Hodg 'ou for Ra&y and Keverstone, and M r A . Grice for Staincirop. The fo l lowing sidesmen were chosen: Messis J. B r o w n , A . L . B r o w n , G. Copeland, J . Dicken­son, T . Dent , J . K . Johnson, T . F . McQueen, J. Mat thews , T . Ksc , T . Richaxdson, G. A. Walker , and W. Walker . Messsa T . W, Appiegar tn a .-d T. F . Krank ton wore appointed audi tors . Mesurs A . Grioe and T . Race were elected as repretientatives for the Rur ldecaual Conferenca. — The V i c a r expressed bis deep g ra t i t ude t o a l l t ho ohuroh-wcrkers , and t o i .o rd Barnard for the keeping of the church acconnts.—Lord Baruki 'd, upe i k i n g on church finance, and r e f e r r i ng to the Board for Chnrch f inance , expressed tbe hope for a r e v i v i f y i n g in teres t atu-.-ng tho l a i t y , p o i n t i n g out tha t •hu reh l i f e extended beyond tbe part isulai-parisk te wfai th we belonged, to the diosese aed even W y o a d to the poorer parishes w h i c h were ef necessity pre T i d e d i n grewieg centres.

QAIMHMH) At tbe ves t ry r reet iu- i . w h i c h wns ht- 'd a t

Gainford o n M c n d ^ y sen., t ho V i c a r , who pr«sided. ."g".in norasnir-"' <4" h is wardosi M r J. P. Oh-ti-ge. M r G. H . Richardsna was e'ectcc' chnrohwar<1nn for P ierosbr idgo in th« p1sc«-. of M r J. IT. Stephen ' ' :" , who is r e t i r i n g after h-IdJr-sr pfiice for five j«sars M r Buddy W » P acipnza;ed chu!'chw*rdisn tr.t f leadlsin, ».n<*. M r G. E. Tay lo r for Summerbouaea. M r R . H. Edleston was rtgain asked to represent G-.inford a t the Rnride-canal Cooferenoe. Tbe accounts of the Gainford Church showed an rnk lav for chnrch expensan and char i t i es of £162 0». 2d,, of w h i c h £14 On. 2d. was for His Roya l Highness tho Pr ince ot Wales ' Fund , and £4 17s. 2d. for the Red Cross Sooidty. Tbe d* l i c i t of tba previous vear was reduced by £C 0s. 5d. The. CoHectir-ns a>- the P ie rc - sb r idga Church amoucted to £32 4^. 5d., of wh ich £7 'it. 9d. --aa g iven to societies outside the par i sh .

ECCLESTONE. T'se Easter v r s t r y ' ment ing w>.s b * i d on

Wftdoeatfay last , "-.p Kev, P<«mm«nt Ji>bnSotl (v icar ) i«t the ch-.jr. - U*, M a t t h e w Rai-.e (warden) s n h m i i ' e d tbf» &|fasiciai s-' >>rrcect, « h i c h showed t h e rece ip ts f ' j bo £4(i 2s. 2 d , aud, aft"? foil ar.cnnnts >̂ i r o p • i ' l . tbt-re remained a ta iance i n hand ot £4 18s. 2d. F rom Special pr-/i)™cHor.s and offertories f t the e-t 'Iv v r v ' o . a H , £17 7 * l i d . h i d be fn g iven t o v .fioas diocesan t.x.i. o ther sppsals aad societies.—Tha V i c a r d r e w r i l e a t t e n t i o n of those present to tba fact t ha t tbe accommoda-H'»> i n the chn*obyard was r,;<fc na r im : ^ed , R i d t h a t i t m igh t ' . " i advisable to economise spao* by tho p i r i s h i p n e r s - . r rang i rF to? tho r e s t i c g -piaces of t!'.oir d*a? ones to bo cu5 t-> in increased dep th , t o a l l o w o l t w o bur ia l s instead of one.—Captain W. R . Clau-in Uutcbinso-v., who is se rv ing hi? K i n e arid c c u n i r y a t t ho f ron t , ws? re-elected Vica r ' s warde-.'. M r M a t t h e w R*ir.e consented t o bi<s re-appolnt-maot for another j e t r as ps.op'e's ward«e. -Tho thanks o l the mee t i cg wera tendered to ihvi T s i T^r . t Cimmitueo f o ' *bei? annual viocat!on to the general e x p e n d s ' f u^d cf fcho p a r w h church .

PARISH OF KIRK8Y RAVENSWORTH. The annual ves t ry meet ing w i s he ld on

Easts?? Tuesday.—The accounts presented by tne churchwardens showed * s a t i . f N O t o r y balance t o thpi? credi t .—The V i c ? r (she Rev. L . Drnke tord-Lewis ) , after t j i ank tog the wardens f i x thei? Zbalons ae?Tices daring the past year, proceeded to the e lec t iou of offioers for t h e ensuing years. The r e su l t c f the v o t i n g r*ns t;s re-appoint n i l four wardens w i t h o u t i '•: i cge , v i z : Mossrs W. 3);evenS'>u, for Rave ' iBwor th -ud Whashton ; J J.-hu«" •:: to? K i i k b y H i l l and Dal tou ; A . Shipped, f o r Newsham and New F o r e s t ; and J. Powel l , for Gaylos, M r J. Johns >n W M rhosec t reasurer for the parish for the Ripon Diucssan Fu: .d.

1,500 Eggs for the Wounded Soldiers in Hospitals.

Barn ingh tm ' 8 Magni f icen t Effort, A v e r y i n t e r e s t i ng servico w»s held on

Suaday a!larcoo-> last , to g ive i epfici^l o p p o r t u n i t y for offerings t o be made c t m<w-I s i d eggs. I t was a t fi e. t hough t t h - - n weekly con t r ibn t io '* of about fifty eggs migh t be sent f rom the par ish, bn t the Rec-or, C.vnoi'' E. Spenosr G'^ugh, decided t-; ms-re one *pp.~»l for a large quan t i t y , aod, i f t hough t desis-iibie, another s imi la r appeal cou ld b? m-da luet- on i n the yoa?. The resul t , as w i l l be seen, t a l l y jus t i f ied th i s decision. Not ice cf tbe service ii>jd bean g iven a fortnight previously , and there was A ;<*»•; e congregat ion. D u r i n g the s ing ing of the fin-*, hymn (Bishop Boyd Carpenter 's) toe Sutiday ".chotfl ch i ld ren , ha->ded by the ReOtoc aud the teachers, wa lked up the aisle, b r ing i r -g eggs in a l l kir .ds of baskets, bags, boxes, e tcetera . Th? r e c e i v i n g them i t t he eh iuo&l serosa, ha.-den them to tho churchwards™ and Sldosmeu. The general cocgregat ion then fcllosved w i t h i h e i r offerings, wh ich were received i u the name way. The large qarsoeity preseniod q u i t e •* rf-.3!. i-kable s igh t i n the church . O p p o r t u n i t y Wsj also g iven for those wuo were uuable to g i v e eggs w con t r ibu to money for •he purchase i of some. Al toge the r , i n c l u d i n g wha t the iaoney offerings won'.:! buy, over

Fifteejs Hundred Eggs (1,518;—cquai "to a oontr ibut^un of 50 eg^s every wook for e igh t c ion ths !—ta t i - t o ba psckerl f^r London, and they prosontcid every appearance of having baeu 3!>refuliy selected, as a l l were unusual ly large. The parish of Barniugham consists only of ab^ut 400 inhabi tan ts sost tnred over a lavgo moorland ares, hut representat ives from *be d ( s t a r t par t s oi i ik—Searg i l l and Hope—cam* Lerwi'.y laden w i t h hundreds of eggs to the service, Eve ry house, i t i s bel ieved, ,sent offe?.-ings. Several war hymns were sung, and special prayers offered. Tbe Rector gave an addrss?, t a k i n g a t e x t from a shor t lesson he had read : " I f he sha l l ask an egg, w i l l he offer b im a s c o r p i o n ? " He also read v i s i t e r (anonymous), wh ich contained a c o n t r i b u t i o n i n « . • - , • f u m " a soldier who h»s hsppy memmies of Barn ingham ohurch and schools," *&d ho w i 8 h o d t o help the egg fund. Some of the smaller c h i l d r e n presented a touching s ign t as they ca r r i ed to the Rector ;.n egg i n each band. The nat ional " t r th^m was sung w i t h devot ional s p i r i t a n i enthusiasm at t h o end of the servico. .


Langleydaie School.

Five scholars a t t end ing the ab • « . . school have made a house-to-bonao co l l ec t ion for ft:h« benefi'i of tho Russian Poles. The h e l d teacher s incerely thanks the subscribers for t h e i r con t r ibu t ions , la rge or smal l , and hopes t h a t the nex t co l lec t ion , w h i c h i s for the Serbians, w i l l ba l&rgor -iron the present . Tho

nn t r y Side bsu bo:«m d i v i d e d iu to 5 cu-wie-. . , aod the fo l lowing are the con t r ibu to r s :— («) Miss A M Wilson , Is ; Jessie Wilson, I s ; M r Jno. Wi l son , 2s 6 d ; M r W Beadie, 2s 6d ; M r A Koster, I s ; M r Jno. Ha l l , I s ; M i s s L Hal) , 6d ; M r R H a l l , 6 1 ; M r s W Wdtsoo, I s ; M r Jno. Port*?, I s ; Miss A Heslop, I s ; M r Jon. Porscr, I s ; M l A. BoMosoo, 1« ; M r K Nixou , 2s ; M * F H a i l , 6:1; t o t a l , 17s Od. (b) M r Jos. Wilson. I s ; M r K e l l e t t , I s ; M s G Be l l , I s ; M r s I T a i l e n t i r o , I s ; M r s Metca i fe , I s ; M r s Bay, 3d ; M r s Featberstoue, 2- ' ; M r s Richardson, I s ; M r s Walker Wi lson , I s ; t o t a l , 7s 5d. (c) M r Wil l ie . Wa l ton , I s ; M r W Park in , I s ; M r s Dunn, I s ; M r s Fsve t l , I s ; t o t a l , 4s. (d) M r s O L i t t i e f a i r , 6d ; M r s Hutchinson, 3d ; Mi s s Heslop, 2a 6d ; M r Geo. Ta l l en t i r e , 6d ; M r s Bayle«. 6a ; M r J Bel), I s ; * l r I Preston, I s ; M r s J B J . Bet.dle, 2a; M r s J TaUant i re , 6 d ; M r s Lee, 3d ; M r s Porter , 3d ; M r W H B e r r y , 2s 6d ; M r W i l t . Wal ton , I s : t o t a l , 12s 9d. (e) M r J 8 Metc* l te , I s ; Miss Robson, 6d ; M r s J Robson, 6 d ; M r s Thompson, 6d ; M r J Bentham, 6s. T o t a l , £ 2 4s 8d.

Not ice t o the Pnbl ic of Barnard Castle and Neighbour ing Dis t r ic t .—Messrs Pa rk in and Company, Monumenta l Masons, have had landed i n t he i r ya rd , in Crnok-lano, a consign ment o l Marb le Cntk>, Combeioros, and Cresses ot various siza» sod a«eig<isfrora I t a l y , and are i n a pos i t ion to show to t n e i r customers the ac tual sizes and workmanship. Prices w i l l be tonnd most ru<-<3imable. They thank t h e i r patrocs for past f a v o u r s . - N o t e the s i tua t ion ot our yard—Crook-lane, opposite T e r r i t o r i a l H a l l , Barnard Castle.

Now tha t the Lambing season is here Farmers w i l l bo able t o ob ta in a good, fresh s tock of Swoet N i t r e , Laudanum, V e t e r i n a r y Hooc-eapathius, and Lambing Oils and Teats, a t lowest prices, f rom G. Clarksou Marker, Cfceiaie. (opposite Galgate entrance t u Auc t iob M a r t ) , Barnard Castle.

A Recru i t ing C r r n i v r l to bs H a t WhitguntirJe,

of rhe the

i part d i b c

Ti-e ' .hirtT-.-.iebtb >••: on ,1 niwatit.g N -rth-E^sty.•>.. Cvo l i s l s ' Mee t w»e|bold V i o t o r i a and Comei H - l e l , Kefrtuu Mont.a.v c i g i i t , M r B . B . J-llac. t . . - p occupying the chair .—Tho t reasur f l - ' . showed a balance i - i bacd af £5 9P. 0 North-Eaetern R a i l w a y Company, i t a . o . f . T e d , decl ined t o r u n ob< *p exnurs io t s t o Mi Castle on W h i t - M o n d a y M s j o r J . W. B. Heslop, commanding *he Tw*ida!e Volunteer T r a i n i n g Corps ; Mr H a r r y Walker , obairrysn of tbe local Urban D i s i r i c ; C o u n c i l ; and M r Counci l ior John W i s ^ m v 1 , vice-cbairman o* tho local Par l iamentary R e c r u i t i n g Commit tee , a t tended as a deputa t ion from Barnard CacSe.

The President Invlte.-l suggestions for cr ' . i^b ' f . t ing tho r.-iauicg Whi t sun t ide , and M r W*lkpr , on iw>bp.lf of t h i s t o w n , gsvs tliO i f e e t a c r . - i i s l i i tv i t -^ 'oo . to e mo to Barnard Oastle sgs in .—Mr Wiseman, ?•« soppcw-ti'.ig M r W a l k e r r e m ; . . r k s , said i ' ; w r s i b * i o u j t o most pe-'plo t'.iHt it y rss l 'nnd . i s i r sb o to h o l d a c r e i v a ! i n a s imi l a r form to t aa events of previous years, o w i n g t o the c r i s i s th rough which thu r a t i o n was passing, acd, w h i l s t t hey w r r e snxfous not to do a n y t h i n g t h i t would b r i - g me-! away fnuo vbeir da ' i e s i n o r - d u c i o g oio-i i . iont . of war , tne depu ta t ion tn^af, t i t w n l d be vo.\v desirable i f tbe North-EaHWrn Cyolisrd would come to Baen^rr! Castle and ass'Sfc she Parlfftmeotary Recrui t . io- 'Commit tee by h . I d i r g demi Jietra 'tiof, and enc'- - .v^ur ing bo ralah fu ,on for the T t e s d M e Volun tee r T r a i n i n g Corps.— Mej:-.r Heslop apht-ld th i s sontirof-nt, and po in t sd ou t tbe impurtar .co oi r e c r u i t i n g . W h i l s t Barnard Castle i t s e l f bid dona w e l l , s i i f . he, the a g r i c u l t u r a l d i s t r i c t s had not come f o r w a r d as one wou ld h i v e wished, and he thought t h a t a r e c r u i t i n g meet ing » t the wecV: end wou ld bsi p r o d u c t i v e c f vary good resul t s .v-Mt Woods moved thsc the Mee t be bdid a ' B j r c» -d O t s t b , t h i s y :. a r d he supported by M r Stefbensor , Ike s p o r t i n g ed i to r cf the ' Newcas t l^ JourcaV* who suggested the adv i sab i l i t y of h«viug m i l i t a r y sports c r an a th l e t i c tournament.— Th i s B » « fcgrr.••:'(?. upcu , and the de ta i l s were le f t for the Barnard C:.otle commit tee to manage — Tbo President and the w h o H band of loya l aad p a t r i o t i c ifBeials are goic*; to ac t again t h i s, and i t is p ' o » s i c g to remember t h a t M r John M o r r s y , who le f t t h i s t o w n --shor t t i m e ago, spokn most favourably of the project i n i t i a t e d by tho gent lomuu i-otn Barnard C»sti«j.


A local Bridegroom. A wedding of local In te res t ie*ae s- . ' o i i j . i zod

a t 8 t . Helen's Churoh, L o w Fr - l l , oti Monday, the cont raoH 3 part ies be ing Corporj . l S. R. U»ll ( Is 1 . Liaii U.n Bat ta l ion rue Durham L i g h t I c f - n t r y ) , t h i r d sua uf M r s H a l l , Galgate, Barnard C°etlo, an-? Miss Mabe l C ' -ATton, on ly dsugater of M r ;«od M r s Rober t C isy toa , of l iockarb ie Honsc, L J W F e l l , The b r ide looked charming rircasoi i n a ^rey custuma *nd bisonit. **>*i t r i m m e d w i t h v io le t s and corn 'reads, 11 d ca r r i ed & shower bouqua;. fchn g i f t o l tbe bridegroom. Tho bridaemaid was \ i i s« A. Hall of the br idegroom; a:;dsbe was fttusfrd ir, a nr-uvo c:s .ame, W i t . ' u:. i o m a t c h , - n d oarrfed a bouqtset ot narcissi , the git.-, of her b i o t h ». P t i v a U J. 8. Harper ab iy fu l f i l l ed tho dut ies of »-'•':• man. A gua rd of hti.ioar, w i t a croesled bayonets, i a charge of L i e u t e r ; ' . , : t , : . l i , Nicaoiso;:, awai ted r.n? b r i d a l pair, and i'ae hfippy couple wa lked under t i , :s K ' i t t e i i f . . ' ' ."-vch of s teel . A iargo c rowd assembled to witnass th i s p r e t t y s igh t . I n v i e w of the, t h a t Corporal S. R . B s l l 11 ibonl So go aesfve service, the honeymoon is postpou';. u m i i after the A l l i e s have r e t o r t e d ' r a n ' i . r i i - i . A recept ion was h e i d a t L o c k c r b i s H u s ^ w h o r ? maoy frian i s a t P e m ' a l e d to wish tbo naw:<r-wadded couple pr spericy and happiness. The 'presents were numerous and ooesly, and specie! mention should b« made of a marbla c l " c k end bronzes- a present t rom tbe platoon i n whioh the br idegroom is beiu io mncn esteem.

Barnard Castle and District Rifle Slub.

The final 8 age ia the Y o u n g eup Oompati t ion vae reel a i.t; Moaday B S L . waen M r W. Ri-Js-

dale aghia proved tbe winner . Tho number ct entr ies th i s year has been vury good, aad the shooting excal lent , aUhoaga prac t ice for memberf! th i s season 30 far b s i boea liar tt :d to ovar>ings. The results leave- U a t e b de s in r ) . Wo oocgrstul,*;o i l r W. Ri./6-.tiie on bis eyieadid shouciug, and also on the fact t ha t , tbia be icg .'-.a t h i r d year i n BBCoessjoB i n wb ioh he bas .won tho oup, i t uaw becomes his . p roper ty . l i i s final score w .a a possible (100). W h i l e cocg ra tu i a t iog she winner , must c o i f j r g e t the w a r d of encour»gfc»iai.r, uua to M r B. Jackson far t ha splendid t-H r t he made to w r a s l the cup from iis!3 former, H ^ h»s proved huosslf w o r t h y of honour. L'hongh a j u o i o l nnd a new member bo h»s m?d.- gfaa t h-adway i n mia i a tu re shooting, and b u p n l l e d . i f more than o:.e ptiz.-., i n c l u u i n g tho j u n i o i cup. He kep t the lead i n the Youag cup ca.-upatitisn u a t i l the tho fiual ataga. Wo feel uuea i».aii he w i l l se-au beoome a shot af whom wa sha l l a i l be proud . The c 'nb has, ^'ais setson, obta ined t h i r d place i n the.. Teesdale league, »ad hope n e x t oas-..-». w i t h the : . id of '.he new members, so

head the i t s ra . - , The i a d u s ' seetioa is i s tp fov iag , aad i t e t r u s t » 6 i ! soon h*v« % compe.titiua for ladies only . The c l u b is cow without.•- cup for oompetl t ioE, and mual *eiy upon the geuercs i ty ef tin se friei .as pet roc a wb-.i have n.reaciy done 1*0 muc'-t tve the c lub, which can da w i i h mare mambers, tho suascr ipt ious bei>-ig:—Gent)e<n-.-a, 5/- ; ladies, 4 / - ; juniors , 2/6, Peraocs del i re J « of j j i n i a g ehaulu spply to at-y bf t h o o o m m i i t o o , or th« hooorary sociesnry, i l r i ' . 8. L i . t i e .

Belgian Refugees and the Frenoh Language.

To the B d i t o i of the •• I . i ] I d e r c u r f S I K , — hi A; I a g i i a t i es i^s - your spac J (.a

behalf af i,he Belgiau refugees, th i s t lrn t o b r i n g before tha uatiee of youe - -,v the desire of t w o of tne refugees a*. Catherscone to holp tha Calherstona c o m a i t t a e by g i v i n g French le«<iuns? They do aa.. propese a' present to form a class, but would ba prepared to g ive lessons to puptia ia Bernard C&stle at t he i r o w n homes. I shal l be ,:)*d to answer suy enquir ies ss t o terms or credentials.— Yours f a i t h fu l l y , J . I N G R A M D A W S O N .

Barnard Castle, 13th A p r i l , 1915.

Large , t regh stocks of Homoeopathic Medicines for Cat t le , Poet R o t L o t i o n and Ointment., B.?.aar Cure, Sboep Dips of a l l makes f a r , Gresfe, Machiaa O i l , ate., a t R. W tiaiae's, Chemist, l i ^ i •.•'..- Oastio.

Zemaliao 8 k ! j O ic tmon t is tbe Oin tmenr v l t h a lOyca re ' - naa - f a i i ue r epu ta t ion . 1/1J pet j a r , I r m M M O I . ' S Drug Stares, the ZesMtme Dep6% ii ' ,rna . -d Casile.

Best Ki.-aUae er C-iokinf; C i a l , 17s. par Si —W. Huc t rm Y o r k , 2fi, Horse Merkefc, Barna/ 4 Castle.

Photographers v i s i t i n g Barnard Castle w i l l find a t ReJoo's, the Chemist, an exaar t w i l l i r f to g ive advice, also frosh stocks of Plates Papers, aud e ther phatcp'raphio materials—R, W. Raina, Chemist, Barnard Castle.

l?or Hard Wear wa offer the WeUingtan Cover a t 8/-, and an lone r Tube of Stout Red Rubber at 4/6.—Teesdale Cycle D e p o t


LAKTIMGT0*. tnst tMl O T . r * i j > n-aeeW far t b • Belgian

retugses) M i ' f e w a t ;he i . n :Uag to i ; I n s t i t u t e rhuraday Iwst I t was a " e r y marked

•• H . ' - M I a v - r y p - i a i 1 f v i ;w. Tae race ip t s • D .ted to tha h a . r i i aie of £4. M r

i >h» S-Ki-.H. J."., li\t »rd C> , - i l . - , ae^sided, and ' ged tec dut ies af cnaiimai^ i n his usual

effit ' i *aan»:e?. Tbe aoncert opened w i t h a-*'*-* rior-s ••a f i a ao hy aiiss M 'Hie Smi th , t i t - m j i i i p o l a t i o a of the key-b <arc le f t no th ing : - '-• • -jessred. Sonut Cnaries b ta i tb , who i s an.v al'VSB yoats «*l agn, gave t w o d e i i g b t f u l

as - t l were very mash apprecia ted. H i ' brasher scants have every reason to be p i ud of h i m . ttifes Praea, of A n t w e r p , one of tS 1 . ^igian refugees, r e c i t e d i n Frenon far the i> c f fit » f t a n Beigi.Nns. She, taa, may w e l l be proud af ber e locut ionary t a len t , aad should c . . . ' .ia to c u i i i v a t e i r . Her father , M r Praet , aisa de l igh ted the audience w i t h a csinio s j n g ia French, e n t i t l e d , " Tha c a p t a i n * jacke t , " M r G. W. Richardson, of Barnard Castle, upheld ".a usual dUUa^uished .-eputatian ae a hum ar-is t , and was very much enj >yed. M r A. Lyons , :ram M a l t o n , a rch i t ec t ut the new ohurch a t Lar l . g o o n , also gavo same humorous selections tuat -.-vtre h igh ly applauded. M i s s Russell rendered a v i o l i n solo w i t h marked a b i l i t y . PI . .forte duets weco g i v e n by the Misses Smi th , aad by Miseem Statrh and Jackson i n m i e t a r t y s ty le . M i s s Eva Smi tn , who i s home oa ho ' id ' .ys t u r n i r- C :..veot ol M e r c y , Ban-Ietland, c.*naiA . ' .0 Htghhu id fling aad soar, dance w i t h a cha rming g r a c j aud exaeileoue chat speaks e l -quen t ly ba th for ber fc-aicirg aod ta laa t . au . i tue r ve ry d i s t i n -gaiahed fe*:u m at tbe concer t was the p'c&aace of the 1st Barnard C i s t i e C i m p a n y o f G i r l Guider -.-ita t h e i r captaia , Miss M , A . Smi th . They sang tha na t iona l antnems, four ot khem hu ld iug *. flag on wbioh the name of K i n g A ' b n r ; , r . a b ;avs bi'jf.- af the Belgians, sua bne r ibed , a . i to %cit»a his photo was a i l aohed . T n u r w i y happened ta be K i n g Albe r t ' s b i r t hday . Other i tems inc luded songs by Ata Beerowdale, Hist Lyons , Miss Manby , u r John Smi th (chairmau;, M r Louis Smi th , and ta" W i l f r . d Smi th , a l l c t wham a c q u i t t e d thamsaives w i t h d i s t inc i i o red i t , ana were loudly applauded. Mis s M o l l i s V imi l i b , Miss M . A . S o i i ' t , M I P S Suddes, a n d ' M i s s Lyons y .yod the acsompauimeats on tbe piano. —Father O'Leary p roposa l a vo te ot thanks to the Caairmau aud cha — M r S m i t h

sui tably r e s p a L d s i i .

Tea and Concert at Winston.

The annual taa a r d c j u c o r t was he ld on F r i aay last . The a ay was doe, and there was a oapi ta l at tendance, fables were p rov ided by M r s Hughes, tba R?otnry ; M r s T . Wal ton, Primrose F « r m ; and An R. W. Simpsou, Cbu-ch Farm. Subscr ipt ions were announced ItOSB tire Caau*e3s Brow:>iow, 21s.; M r s Stctntoo, 10s.; U i s 1'homps in, 2 l s . ; and M r s Beadoa, 10s. Kt the caacr-tc l a the eveaiag tho Reotor taasidad, aud the school-roam was c rowded t u the a j a r . A n exce l len t programme had bee.i ar-angad by M r E . Hardy , and a must •c ,-eatbie eocia' event and t r ea t i t proved. I 'Le f a l l o w k g ar : i« 'es c o u t r i b u t a d t o the e l i r a ' s narmauy :—Insrumaataiists— piano, Mia". Hardy ; i n M i d a l i n , M r * if »nnie, Sander-l a a d ; v i o i i o , M»srer O. l"s r , . i . , , D a r l i n g t o n ; v..'0'.i.sts, Rav. C H i l t a n H u c u . i .sao, Wycl i f ie R to iory ; M r Pl-.ce, G . t n f c a ; Mi»s Pat t iason, j i i a s E. Patt iosori , and Miss W a l k e r ; the jun ia r ohoic g i r l s , hi sic C U R : - , Gladys aad M a r y S a w u r b j , Etamr> uauxb, Anu ie E^glus tau , hud l n a Diokinso i : . T w o very amusiag caj-e'Sju:-.-, —^te w n i i ru tderaa , n a m e l y : "Taa o atraals " (by psrmiesiaa of ULaasrs A o e l H a y w w d aad sws- i>iati.oheaK*r), oy M u s e s i t . r t ' y aaa Etat t ror G a l i l e e ; and " D a r u t b y ' s vies >ry f " by -Jiua-s A . a n i E Pastiasaa. Miss Hardy aooaut^anisd t h n W h m t , and a mast e x i i i r r ^ t i o g e v e n .g was broasjfel to • oioso w . t b the usual v . oa af Jj...e.a aud the n aatfc6m.

Funeral of the late Mrs J. T. Young, of Barnard Castle.

" h e d e a t h co.k ulace >a last ot M r s Yv.uag, wi fe nf ait J . f . Vauug, j - ' w e i l e r , of .•"i^euwioh U O U S J , u ^ r . c L - p i - , - , . , Barnard C .title. Vbe de-CcAsed H a y * » « very w e l l k cowa ar i c iga iy respected Tha funeral tcok place on M i d . ; wttptaooa, as Mary ' s Parish Churab. Pes is t s ty , Barcara Castia, r.t/iides every tokea nf tc.e deepest raepeci . P i sv iaus i a tbe i a t e i m - u t a shor t sarvice was e .uduc ted a t Greenwiob Housa by the Rsv . J . Pf-aro-.e ile-. g- : (>uperiuteadea. Weeleyan j i i a i s t e r j aaa tba K e v . F . G. Gatehouse, who

iao ctliciatea h t ahe gravecidc. Bl inds were Ui '.'./a as ta. i mournfu l procession t a i k i t e way to khs pssoa o( sepulchre. Xbe raser ip t ion on the brea>' .ylat . ef tua o.r'.i , wil. 'ch w a s ot fumed ask, wi„u b.-aas m . u n t i c g s , was as fo l lows :— - - i j o i o Young , d i ed A p r i l 9 th , 1D15, t?;'id 66 yei.-s." Tho grave was b - a a t i . u l l y l.uod w i t a e . a i g r c e o o . i'be p i i u c i p a l moaraeis

; r e : — M r J . T. Yaaug (<r iduwer) ; - rs C. Cocuraue, Wast Derby , <:• u L i v e r p o o l (•- 'augbteri; M r and M.« a. J . Y ^ u a g , Barnard Qaatta , 1 * aad daa*dkaOf-iti-iaw); »i Lain A . ae<i M i s L i t a a , G. ^ to r th , Maweastie (*an-in-la-v aad daagu .e i j ; l a i M r add M r s b . K . Young , B i y t b fjfeBBtwMSriasi and s i s t e r - ia -) i w ) . Tho genaral m e u r u - r s iac'.udea t h e Reve. J . W. Eoeatt , T . L - K - 1, *i,a Spencer Wnde, u i e s s r s i i . J . D i x o u , J I t , C. B. a l a r t i a . J.t»., Wm. H u t o a i c s j c , J P., O. 8. Scot t , W i Hadgsuu, Geo Whi te , J . G. J i*haa> e, J . c l a r k s o o , J . L y u o , Staif,; , J . w> Haetar , K . A r r u w s m i t h , J. G. B a r r u , J . T . Pearson, T . Dtai (Bawes .Uusnum), J . G. Jaoksuc, R. B. Gent , J . E . Dent, f . Ba iab t idge , J . R . A r r o w s o a i t b , E .

abasa, P. Hunter , P. o. L i . t ie , H . £ . Ra iue , and Miss Drummanu, Barnard Castief; and ambers. The fo l i awing gect iemeu acted as b->* •(•• *:—Messrs J . G. Burn , J . Guy, Hodgson Xbompson, G. Craig , h l j u a t Winpanuy, and G. C. Ha ike r . L i v e l y 11 oral t i i b n t c s were sent, namely :—" From ber l a v i n g hacbaad and c h i l d r e n 5 ' ; ' ' W i t h love ana sor row," from Win i f r ed aad Sejmour ; " W i t h l o v i n g b y m p a t b y , " l r„m a l l pit Melaaa House ; " W i t h l a : aui i M r s M . J . D i x o n e deepest sympathy," Woudleigh, Paryn* a C - s i . e ; " W i t h deepest sympathy ," t ram M r A . i a d a and fami .y , a ieapham; " W i t h deepas^ eympatby," f rom Mr a n d M i a U.»-b SS P. VrJaad, Gaigate, Baraard Cas-la; ' W i t h deepest sympathy ," t r am M r a n d M i s A t k i n s o n ; and M r T . G. Uaiuetr , Biiaaingiiam, M r Janatban Brown , at the Bank, Barnard Castile, was tho uauei takar , aad tea heane aad mourn ing coaches were suppl ied f tam the K ing ' s Head am.

IMOTjit- MAttjABEt, A » 0 DfcATMS.

0*ath8. YOL'Nr..—Oa A p r i l 9ah, a t Greenwich House,

Barnard C i s t t e , Annie , the beloved wi f e ot James T . Yauug, aged 66 y oars .—Interred a t St. Mary ' s Parish C a r ah Cemetery, Barnard Castle, on Maaday, A p r i l 12th.

HESLOP. - A t 195, Eastboa.-ue-avenue, Gates-Lesd, M a r y Hannah (Pol ly) , beloved wi fe of 'ynomas Heelep, et te<red i n to rest A p r i l 6 t h , 1915. " Peace, perfect peace."

h i Memoriam. P A R K I N S O N . — In l o v i n g ar.d Effeatioaateremem-

eicuee of Annie , the beioveii wife of George Parkinson, who d i e d a t 21, Bal lo l -s t ree t , Barnard Castle, oa A t - r i ! 12tb, 1913.—Ever remembered by ber hnebacd and family ,

L'R'ii n.wiT. In ! v i n g memory of Jane Urqahar t ,who died A p r i l l l t b , 1914,-Motber , we have missed you .